(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2019/053732 A2 2 March 201 9 (2 1.03.201 9 ) W P O PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: G01V 99/00 (2009.01) G99Z 99/00 (2006.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/IN20 17/000 136 (22) International Filing Date: 04 December 2017 (04. 12.2017) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 20174103235 1 13 September 2017 (13.09.2017) IN (72) Inventor; and (71) Applicant: A., Thirumurugan [IN/IN]; 27, South Street, ThittakudifPO), Pattukkottai(TK), Thanjavur(DT), Tamil Nadu 614901 (IN). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available) : AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW,KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available) : AR PO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).

Declarations under Rule 4.17: — of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) Published: — with declaration under Article 17(2) (a); without abstract; title not checked by the International Searching Authority


1. DESCRIPTION 1.1 Lord Shiva Playing Game on My Dear Child: Lord Ganesha Wins the Mango: "Ganesha said that Lord Shiva and Parvati Were his parents and were his Whole World. He had asked Lord Shiva and Parvati to stand together and had circled them one time and had taken the mango." Universe=Mixing of Maha Pancha Bootha and Navagraha. Lord Murugan Wins the 6th sense: Fig: 1 (OM=Oo Tamil letter) is split up into 1st circle are represented by lord parvathi(Outer Circle=Rim section of the tire tube=Ending Point is 360°), 2nd circle are represented by lord shiva (Inner Circle=Center of Axle=Starting Point is 0°), upper part of o are represented on Peak point of Galaxy or Sexual (Lord Arthanareshwarar, Size 1:1.618) and lower part of om are represented on ignition (Lord Ganesh=Parthibha Bharamanu=Elephant Trunk=any shape). Fig: 2 we can be able to change only Lower Part of om in any Shape similar into Elephant Trunk.

2. SUMMARY OF INVENTION 2.1 OM: Refer Lord Murugan wins the 6 h sense.

2.2 Lord Muruga & Munivar Idumba Law : (Infinite Load Generation) Idumba Munivar carrying on his above shoulder two hills using Lord Shiva Law. Hills are Dropping on the land, Immediately lord Muruga(Om,Palani Temple) is sitting on Peak Point of hills. After Idumban munivar can't be able to lift the hills. Fig: 3 Hills are replace with Sand Bag(HilIs=infinite load), Lord Shiva Leg are Represent on Biller (Hint: Rows &Columns) Lord Shiva(FrictionIess Movement) are Represent on Steel Rod and Lord Shiva shoulder are Represent lifting on Hills. OM shape of 1st circle(Lord Parvathi) are attached into Steel rod and 2 d circle(Lord Shiva) are attached into sitting on Equivalent weight of Lord Murugan(Input Load), OM shape of 2nd Circle are attached into steel rod and 1st Circle are attached into Output Load.

2.3 Lord Thachchinamoorthy Human finger concept: Nearer to Moon Light, Similar into finger concept are Represented on l Star=Thump Finger=Lord Shiva, 2nd Star=Fore Finger=Aanma(lord Ganesh=Parthibha Bharamanu, Sense: 1s to 6th), 3rd Star = Middle finger^Aanavam, 4th Star=Ring Finger=Kanman, 5 h Star=Small Finger=Maya. Sense from 1st to 6th having Own Individual Frequency (lord Ganesh=Parthibha Bharamanu) all are directly connected into STARS(2 to 5th), After these star are internally connected into 1st Star.

2.4 Born Baby: The Peak Point of sexual time, The Pure Parthibha Bharamanu(only From Male) are first enter into Uterus. The Peak Point of sexual time, 5 cells are represented on Maha Pancha Bootha(Male) and 1 cell are represented on Sun(Female). Totally 6 Cells are enter into Uterus, Growing on Uterus up to 10 month, End result is MALE child. Land= Human Body, water= Blood, Fire= Human body heat, Air=Bharamanu=Vice versa of oxigen to carbon dioxide, Sky= Eyes, Ears.Nose and Tung, 6 h sense=Adaptation. The Peak Point of sexual time, 5 cells are represented on Maha Pancha Bootha(Female) and 1 cell are represented on Moon(Male). Totally 6 Cells are enter into Uterus, Growing on Uterus up to 10 month, End result is FEMALE child. Without Sun or Moon cells, End result is Thiruthangaigal (Mixed). We can easily identify Pure Virginity, After Marriage, First time doing Peak Point of Sexual both Male & Female suffering for Blood Bleeding. Each Born Baby, Around 7200hrs living on inside Uterus, Without Maha Pancha Bootha, Sun and Moon using Lord Shiva Law. Without Proper Breathing, we can't be able to live in this world.

2.5 History of Tamil Language: All letters learn from STARs(Rotation) using Lord Shiva Law.

Rising of Full Moon: Live Letter= 12 (Bright stars), Alive Letter=18(Dim stars). Rising of Full Dark Moon: Mixed Letter=2 16(Mixed stars) and Weapons letter=l. Proof: 1 The First Guru of Tamil Language are Lord Shiva and Agathiyar. Proof:2 Vaikasi Vesakam(ah), Thai Pusam(vu), Maha Shivarathiri(Oo) and Panguni Udhiram(m) above letter learn from l star (Lord Shiva). Total Stars=27, Tamil Letter 30=26+(l=4)=27. Proof:3 (vu-Without sound) letter learn from vellarukku flower, (om=Oo) letter learn from Peepal leap and (ah) letter learn from moonjuru. Proof:4 The Pronunciation of Tamil Letter it will activate both left Brain, Right Brain and Right Middle Brain using Lord Shiva Law. Proof:5 The Innovation of Traditional medicine are invented by Lord Murugan, Agathiyar Munivar and Bogar Munivar. Proof:6 Lord Muruga, Briefly Explaining the meaning of OM(Tamil) into Lord shiva, Agathiyar Munivar and Arunagiri Nather. Proof:7 Periyapuranam, Thirumurai:12, Songs: 18000+, Teacher:27(including lord shiva), starting word is thodu and ending word is ullagalem. Tho.m=ith+0+m=om. Proof:8 Thirupuzghal(27 stars), naal en seyyum, .venaithan en seyyum, ennai naadi vandha goal en seyyum, kodum kuttru en seyyum, kumaresan eru thalun^silambum, sathangaiyum, thandaiyum, sanmugamum, thol(panniru thol), kadambamum ennaku munmu thontridumay. Proof:9 Peepal Tree(Lord Shiva), Peepal Tree Viluthu(Lord Ganesh) and Neem Tree (Lord Parvathy) using Lord Shiva Law.

2.6 Tamil Month: Tamil Month is Starting from Siththirai to Panguni. Lord Shiva(Star) is Looking into Lord 1 Parvathi(Siththirai, Tamil people can't be accepted new born baby). Lord Parvathi is Praying into Lord Shiva(Aadi, Tamil people can't be accepted New Marriage). Each month is split up into Sankatahara sathurthi, Rising of Full Moon jand Rising of Dark Moon. Tamil Land is split up into Cholan(Lord Shiva-Pragadeeshwarar Temple), Cheran(Lord Ganapathi- uchchipillayar Temple) and Pandiyan(Lord Parvathi-Madurai Meenakshi).

2.7 VINAYAGAR SATHURTHY: Vinayagar Sathurthi is Representation on Peak Point of OM(Tamil). The size of the Om is 1:1.618. Sankatahara Sathurthi(Siththirai) to Vinayagar Sathurthi(Aavani) to Sankatahara Sathurthi(Panguni) .

2.8 MAHASHTVARATH1RY: Mahashivarathiry is Representation on Seven Graka( without Sun and Moon) Nearer to One Particular Star(Lord Shiva).

2.9 Ammi mithithu Arunthathi Parthu(Blessingjon Marriage) learn from stars: Lord Ganesha Wins the Mango: One star is symmetry (Stable) and second star is rotate (Circle) around of it (Ammi mithithu). Lord illurugan Wins the 6 h sense: One star is Innovator and second sta is follower (Arunthathi Parthu). 2.10 PreHistoic Backgound of Indian Culture: D.H.Goda, Indian Britan Army, 1858. He have Founded it, Most of the Important Painting in India, Particularly in Tamilnadu are founded in Mailarpadi(More than 2,50,000 years old), Keelvalai Near Villupuam, Karkiyur. Robert Brooze Fruit, 1863. He have Founded it, Cutting edge of Stone using Achichulliyan Method (Initial Stage of Half Human, Monkey Human, More Than Lacks of Years old Tradition) are founded in Aadhinampakkam, Near Chennai.

2.11 Number: 108: Tamil month is starting From Sitthirai(Lord Shiva) to Aadi(Lord Parvathi) 18, Total days are 108. Female Menses Period arelS days.

3 ADVANTAGE EFFECTS OF INVENTION 3.1 Representation of Glope: Universe is split up into Maha Pancha Bootha (Lord Shiva) and Navagraha( Lord Parvathi) using Lord Shiva law. Empty Space on Edge of Wrist to Thump Finger=2 graha, Empty Space on Edge of Wrist to Small Finger=2 graha, Empty Space on Middle of each Finger=4 graha, Middle point of Palm=l graha(Sun). Front side of the palm: Day Time, Sun Rays(Palm) are split up into Maha Pancha Bootha and Sense from 1st to 6th . Back Side of the palm: Knight Time, Moon Light(Nail) and Sky Stars(Holes of each Hair) are split up into Maha Pancha Bootha and Sense from 1st to 6th .

Lord Shiva Law is need for International Recognizance and Pattern. Amazing Innovation in the World, In The Form of 100% Free Mechanical Energy and Zero Pollution.


Refer 2.1, 2.2, 5.6 & 5.1 1.


5.1 ALL MOVING VEHICLE : All Automobiles Industry: All Moving Vehicle (Bicycles, Train, Space, Water and Land: One Rotation, Infinite Distance, Unimaginable Speed) Rim section are replace with OM shape of rim using Lord Shiva Law. Center of axle to fix o to add one more load, equivalent weight of Lord Murugan. Aerospace Industry: Gross Weight are Greater than Engine Power, it can be able to run entire control system.

Marine Industry: Net Weight are Greater than Engine Power, it. can be able to run entire control system.

5.2 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM: Common People can be able to travel anywhere in the world with free of cost. Entire world Population is 740crores can be able to travel in single vehicle (land and above sea water) using Lord Shiva Law(single Load), Simultaneously airless, elevation less, Frictionless and Load less it means unimaginable Speed (Less Investment, speed is up to max5000km/hr). Entire world (No.of Rows & column), 370crores people up (Lord Shiva) and 370crores people down (Lord Parvathi), it means load is zero. Lord Ganapathi are always directly connected into Lord Shiva, The same Direction of Ball movement In forward direction Means speed. Natural Levitation using Vibration Spring, One end is connected into Ground and another end is connected into the Track. Single or Two lane Tracks are represented by closed loop system. Each Movement is Running using Stainless steel Balls, we can generate speed using each wheel on OM shape and Lord Muruga& Lord Idumba Law simultaneously apply Brake system.

5.3 ELECTRICITY: Free mechanical energy (Refer Lord Muruga& Munivar Idumba Law) are converted into electrical energy in the form of Generator, Simultaneously Induction GAS are also eliminated.

5.4 GANGA-CAUVERY RIVER: The Fresh Water is Storage or traveling from Ganga to Cauvery via Inside Sea. The Sea Water and Fresh Water are separated by Aluminum foil Paper, Plastic Paper or Water Proof Fabric, Durability is less than 5 years using Lord Shiva Law. Each Water storage is pumping (Refer 5.11 Lift system) on starting or ending point of Rivers. Total Estimation is Below 25000 Crores (Maintenance cost is 5000cr/5yrs). Completion of Project is very few Years. 5.5 NATURAL RAINFALLS AND REDUCE TEMPERATURE IN INDIA: The Pumping & Splitting on Sea Water, air and Mixing on the above sky air using Lord Shiva Law. Method: 1 Continuously Generate Air using Lord Muruga & Lord Idumba Law(Mechanical to Air energy) and Mixing on Sea water are splitting on the above sky air(Radius=50m) using Lord Shiva Law. Method:2 The Size and Shape of Propeller is OM, Both Horizontal and Vertical Position(30° to 45°). The Propeller system is similar into jet engine, Fixed In vertical position. The Propeller layer size is (Below sea Water, ex.10) l :1.618(Above sea Water=air, ex 16). The entire system is running by Refer Lord Muruga& Lord Idumba Law.

5.6 SPACE INDUSTRY(using Lord Shiva Law - to 0 to + ):

Method : 1 Using AIR

Refer: 5.1 1, The Filling on air, inside of the Impulse Car Tube or Plastic Cover are extended up to 36000km (Geostationary orbit) or 57000km(Mars Gate) or 96000km(Beyond Mars). Outer layer of the tube are Spiral Rolling on nylon Threat. Refer Lift system is suitable for lifting the satellite using Carbon Fiber Rope or Nylon rope or Ordinary Rope (Unimaginable Speed is up to 5000km/h). Lift system is split up into Ground level to 51 km and Ground level to beyond Mars gate. Heavy weight is lifted up to 512km, after this weight will be shifted into ground level to Mars gate. Method:2 Using WATER The Highest elevation points of hills In India, Particularly slope of the hills around 45° to 90°. The Same Depth of Opposite Degree to drill the Bore well to fix stainless Steel nano Tubes, Molted with Plastic Pipes or Plastic Cover are extended up to 36000km (Geostationary orbit) or 57000km(Mars Gate) or 96000km(Beyond Mars). Remove all air from inner of the Nano Tubes. Now, now fill water On Inside of the Nano Tubes. Refer Lift system is suitable for Lifting the satellite Technology. Hint: Two Snake Climbing on the above sky using Carbon Fiber Rope or Nylon rope. Method:3 Using Air and Smoke.

5.7 ATOMIC BOMB: Japan, Hiroshima, 6th August 1945, first atomic bomb dropped into the land. Single Neutron (tiny, Lord Ganesh=Parthibha Bharamanu) are started sustainable chain Reaction, 0.6gram of mass are constantly converted into Massive 12.5kilo tons of energy using Lord Shiva Law. 5.8 DEFENCE INDUSTRY (using Lord Shiva Law -oe to 0 to +«): Refer Space industry: We can ready to destroyed (Using Bullet &Atomic bomb) any country, anywhere in the World, vice versa.

5.9 INDIVIDUAL HOUSE : All kind of trees are split up into Inner part, outer part, any one part is more stronger than other and plain Trees (using Lord Shiva Law). The Outer Part tree is strong means suitable for Pillar and Beam section. The Inner Part tree is strong means suitable for interior Tech-ration. All kind of Medicinal Plantation is floating on outer part of the house. Each new bom baby having own LIVE Individual house up to Nine or Ninety Nine floor with free of cost.

5.10 EDUCATION SYSTEM fusing Lord Shiva Law -oe to 0 to +oe): Lord Shiva Law (Lord Ganesha Wins the Mango). Lord Shiva Law (Lord Murugan Wins the 6 h sense).

5.11 LIFT : Method: 1 Fig: 4 Assume load W(Lord Shiva) is empty water tank, load X(Lord Ganesh) is quantity of water available on inside tank, Y is Spindle roller(Lord Shiva-Ganesh), Z( Lord Parvthi) is load. The peak Point (or) Bottom of the Hills to fix the One Spindle Roller using Lord Shiva Law. W=Z. X=Number of Spiral rolls on the Spindle Roller. Total Weight of WX(ex. 105kg) is Greater than Z(ex.l5kg), it Means Seven times Spiral Rolling on the Nylon or Carbon fiber Ropes. Method: 2 Fig: 5 Similar into Two snake Climbing on the above sky. Two snakes are replace with closed loop Ropes (Nylon or Carbon fiber). Above every certain distance to fix Frictionless Movement. Hint: Quantity of Water is replace With Human, Satellites, Guns, Weapons, Atomic bombs and infinite Load.

5.12 DIGITAL WORLD: All Digital Technology is Split-up into Hardware, Software and Binary digits (0 and 1) using Lord Shiva Law. All Digital Technology are come under into Single Roof similar into Individual Independent satellite System. Refer Space industry: We can ready to fix any satellite, anywhere in the World.

5.13 FERTILIZER: All Human Drainage (India) is converted into Agriculture Fertilizer system. All Human Drainage=125crore*250grn*365days=1.825Metric Tonnes per year. All Human Hair fall= 2.5kilo tonne per year.

5.14 BOILING ON RICE: 50% of rice boiling on traditional method and remaining 50% of rice boiling (without Fire) using lord Shiva Law.

5.15 FEVER: Husband or wife, Anyone suffering for fever, another person curring using lord Shiva Law.

5.16 BOREWELLfPumping on water): Impaler are directly Attached into delivery Pipes and Rotate around of it Using Lord Muruga & Munivar Idumba Law. Cutting edge of forward Spiral roll shape on Inner delivery Pipes.

5.17 HOME APPLIANCES: Home appliances are split up into Engine & Electrical Motor are replace with Lord Muruga & Munivar Idumba Law and Electrical Energy are Replace with Generator.

5.18 INDUSTRY SECTION: Industry section are split up into Engine & Electrical Motor are replace with Lord Murugan& Munivar Idumba Law, and Electrical Energy are Replace with Generator. Claims:

1 Fig: 1 (OM=Oo Tamil letter) is split up into 1st circle are represented by lord parvathi(Outer Circle=Rim section of the tire tube=Ending Point is 360°), 2nd circle are represented by lord shiva (Inner Circle=Center of Axle=Starting Point is 0°), upper part of om are represented on Peak point of Galaxy or Sexual (Lord Arthanareshwarar, Size 1:1.618) and lower part of om are represented on ignition (Lord Ganesh=Parthibha Bharamanu=Elephant Trunk=any shape). Fig: 2 we can be able to change only Lower Part of om in any Shape similar into Elephant Trunk.

2 Idumba Munivar carrying on his above shoulder two hills using Lord Shiva Law. Hills are Dropping on the land, Immediately lord Muruga(Om,Palani Temple) is sitting on Peak Point of hills. After Idumban munivar can't be able to lift the hills. Fig: 3 Hills are replace with Sand Bag(Hills=infinite load), Lord Shiva Leg are Represent on Biller (Hint: Rows &Columns), Lord Shiva(Frictionless Movement) are Represent on Steel Rod and Lord Shiva shoulder are Represent lifting on Hills. OM shape of 1st circle(Lord Parvathi) are attached into Steel rod and 2nd circle(Lord Shiva) are attached into sitting on Equivalent weight of Lord Murugan(Input Load), OM shape of 2nd Circle are attached into steel rod and 1st Circle are attached into Output Load.

3 All Moving Vehicle (Bicycles, Train, Space, Water and Land: One Rotation, Infinite Distance, Unimaginable Speed) Rim section are replace with OM shape of rim using Lord Shiva Law. Common Center of axle to fix om to add one more load, equivalent weight of Lord Murugan. Aerospace Industry: Gross Weight are Greater than Engine Power, it can be able to run entire control system. Marine Industry: Net Weight are Greater than Engine Power, it can be able to run entire control system.

4 Entire world Population is 740crores can be able to travel in single vehicle (land and above sea water) using Lord Shiva Law(single Load), Simultaneously airless, elevation less, Frictionless and Load less it means unimaginable Speed (Less Investment, speed is up to max5000km/hr). Entire world (No.of Rows & column), 370crores people up (Lord Shiva) and 370crores people down (Lord Parvathi), it means load is zero. Lord Ganapathi is always directly connected into Lord Shiva, The same Direction of Ball movement in forward direction Means speed. Natural Levitation using Vibration Spring, One end is connected into Ground and another end is connected into the Track. Single or Two lane Tracks are represented by closed loop system. Each Movement is running using Stainless steel Balls, we can generate speed using each wheel on OM shape and Lord Muruga& Lord Idumba Law simultaneously apply Brake system.

5 Engine & Electrical Motor are Replace with Lord Muruga & Munivar Idumba Law and Electrical Energy are Replace with Generator. Simultaneously Induction GAS is also eliminated.

6 The Fresh Water is Storage or Travelling on Inside Sea. The Sea Water and Fresh Water are separated by Aluminum foil Paper, Plastic Paper or Water Proof Fabric, Durability is less than 5 years using Lord Shiva Law. Each Water storage is pumping (Refer 5 .1 Lift system) on starting or ending point of Rivers.

7 The Pumping & Splitting on Sea Water, air and Mixing on the above sky air using Lord Shiva Law. Method: 1 Continuously Generate Air using Lord Muruga & Lord Idumba Law(Mechanical to Air energy) and Mixing on Sea water are splitting on the above sky air(Radius=50m) using Lord Shiva Law. (Or) Method:2 The Size and Shape of Propeller is OM, Both Horizontal and Vertical Position(30° to 45°). The Propeller system is similar into jet engine, Fixed In vertical position. The Propeller layer size is (Below sea Water, ex.10) l :1.618(Above sea Water=air, ex 16). The entire system is running by Refer Lord Muruga& Lord Idumba Law.

8 Method: 2 Fig: 5 Similar into Two snake Climbing on the above sky. Two snakes are replace with closed loop Ropes(Nylon or Carbon fiber). Above every certain distance to fix Frictionless Movement. Hint: Quantity of Water are replace With Human, Satellites, Guns, Weapons, Atomic bombs and infinite Load (or) Method: 1 Fig: 4 Assume load W(Lord Shiva) is empty water tank, load X(Lord Ganesh) is quantity of water available on inside tank, Y is Spindle roller(Lord Shiva-Ganesh), Z( Lord Parvthi) is load. The peak Point(or) Bottom of the Hills to fix the One Spindle Roller using Lord Shiva Law. W=Z. ii. X=N umber of Spiral rolls on the Spindle Roller. Total Weight of WX(ex. 105kg) is Greater than Z(ex.l5kg), it Means Y=Seven times Spiral Rolling on the Nylon or Carbon fiber Ropes.

9 . Method: 1 Using AIR Refer: 5.11 The Filling on air, inside of the Impulse Car Tube or Plastic Cover are extended up to 36000km(Geostationary orbit) or 57000km(Mars Gate) o 96000km(Beyond Mars). Outer layer of the tube are Spiral Rolling on nylon Threat. Refer Lift system is suitable for lifting the satellite using Carbon Fiber Rope or Nylon rope or Ordinary Rope (Unimaginable Speed is up to 5000km/h). Lift system is split up into Ground level to 512km and Ground level to beyond Mars gate. Heavy weight is lifted up to 512km, after this weight will be shifted into ground level to Mars gate (or) Method:2 Using WATER, The Highest elevation points of hills In India, Particularly slope of the hills around 45° to 90°. The Same Depth of Opposite Degree to drill the Bore well to fix stainless Steel nano Tubes, Moulted with Plastic Pipes or Plastic Cover are extended up to 36000km (Geostationary orbit) or 57000km(Mars Gate) or 96000km(Beyond Mars). Remove all air from inner of the Nano Tubes. Now, To fill water On Inside of the Nano Tubes. Refer Lift system is suitable for Lifting the satellite Technology.

10 Impaler are directly Attached into delivery Pipes and Rotate around of it Using Lord Muruga & Munivar Idumba Law. Cutting edge of forward Spiral roll shape on Inner delivery Pipes.


Applicant's or agent's file reference Date of mailing (day/month/year) IMPORTANT DEC LA RATION NIL 21-02-2018

International application No. International filing date (day/month/year) (Earliest) Priority Date (day/month/year) PCT/IN2017/000136 04-12-2017 13-09-2017 International Patent Classification (IPC) or both national classification and IPC

G O1V99/0 0 , G 99Z 99/0 0 Version=2018 .01 Applicant Α · THIRUMURUGAN,

This international Searching Authority hereby declares, according to Article 17(2)(a), that no international search report will be established on the international application for the reasons indicated below i . ¾ The subject matter of the international application relates to: scientific theories mathematical theories plant varieties animal varieties essentially biological processes for the production of plants a d animals, other tha microbiological processes and the products of such processes f. schemes, rules or methods of doing business

g - schemes, rales or methods of performing purely mental acts h. schemes, rules or methods of playing games i. methods for treatment of the human body by surgery or therapy

J - methods for treatment of the animal body by surgery or therapy k. diagnostic methods practised on the human or animal body

1. mere presentations of information m. computer programs for which this International Searching Authority is not equipped to search prior art The failure of the following parts of the international application to comply with prescribed requirements prevents a meaningful search from being carried out: the description the claims the drawings A meaningful search could not be carried out without the sequence listing; the applicant did not, within the prescribed time limit: furnish a sequence listing in the form of an Annex C/ST.25 text file, and such listing was not available to the International Searching Authority in a form and manner acceptable to it; or the sequence listing furnished did not comply with the standard provided for in Annex C of the Administrative Instructions. furnish a sequence listing on paper or in the form of an image file complying with the standard provided for in Annex C of the Administrative Instructions, and such listing was not available to the International Searching Authority in a form and manner acceptable io it; or the sequence listing furnished did not comply with the standard provided for in Annex C of the Administrative Instructions pay the required late furnishing fee for the furnishing of a sequence listing in response to an invitation under Rule 13.¾r.l(a) or (b).

4. Further comments Please See extra sheet

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer Indian Patent Office Plot No. 32, Sector 14, Dwarka,New Delhi- Rahul Kumar Jaiswal 110075 Facsimile No. Telephone No. + 1-1125300200 Form PCT/IS A/203 (January 20 ) The subject-matter of claims includes many theories which have no any scientific background. The description sets forth only a task and/or an assumption, or simply expresses a wish and/or a result, providing no technical means that a person skilled in the art can implement. Since the complete specification has no any scientific background, therefore, the search could not be carried out.

Form PCT/ISA/203 (extra sheet 1 ) (July 2009)