Neutral Citation No. DEE8396 2011 No. 133303 IN
Neutral Citation No. Ref: DEE8396 Delivered: (subject to editorial corrections) 2011 No. 133303 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN NORTHERN IRELAND _________ CHANCERY DIVISION (BANKRUPTCY) _________ AND IN THE MATTER OF THE INSOLVENCY (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1989 BETWEEN: IRISH BANK RESOLUTION CORPORATION LIMITED Applicant; -and- JOHN IGNATIUS QUINN ALSO KNOWN AS SEAN QUINN Respondent. ________ DEENY J The proceedings [1] On 10 November 2011 the respondent John Ignatius Quinn, commonly known as Sean Quinn, filed a Debtor’s Bankruptcy Petition in the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland requesting that a bankruptcy order be made against him pursuant to the provisions of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (“the Order”). [2] This petition was heard by the Master in Bankruptcy on 11 November 2011. She accepted the submission of Mr John Gordon, solicitor, of Messrs Napier and Sons, that, despite his habitual residence in the Republic of Ireland, the centre of his main interests pursuant to EC Regulation 1346/2000 was in Northern Ireland and he was therefore entitled to bring such a petition here. [3] Paragraph 1 of the petition reads as follows: 1 “Although I am not now resident in Northern Ireland, my centre of main interest, being the place where I conduct the administration of my interest, is located within the United Kingdom, at Gortmullen, Derrylin, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, BT92 9AU, which is the registered office and place of business of the companies in the Sean Quinn group of which I have been a director and from where I have performed my duties and conducted my business affairs.
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