Hascombe Parish Council
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MEETING MINUTES of Alfold Parish Council held on Thursday 6th December in The Green Room, Alfold Village Hall, Alfold at 7.30pm Present: Dr J Masding (Chairman); Mr N Budd; Mr C Copus; Mrs P Mayne; Mrs B Weddell (Clerk); Three members of the public were in attendance. Apologies: Apologies had been received from Mrs B Ames, Mr K Deanus and Mr N Pidgeon. 12/135 Declarations of Interest ACTION Mr Copus declared a personal interest in the Sports Council. 12/136 Draft Precept on Waverley Borough Council for the year ending 31.3.14 including consideration of grant allocations. The Clerk circulated projected year-end figures for the current year and draft budgets for the year ending 31.3.14. The Clerk explained that it would not be possible to agree the final budget until Waverley are able to advise the effect that changes to Council Tax relief will have on the Council Tax Base and Band D equivalents, on 21st January. It is also not known whether parish councils will be capped to 2% increase without holding a referendum. The Clerk had carried over £1000 from the current year allocated for pond repairs and allocated a further £4000 in the budget for replanting the pond. This expenditure was agreed in principle. The Chairman requested that the £1500 allocated for traffic safety measures be carried forward into next year’s budget. She reported that the Cranleigh and Eastern Villages Task Group had recommended a feasibility study into the possibility of a pavement along the Dunsfold Road be carried out next year. This would be determined by the Local Committee on 14th December. If the feasibility study finds that a pavement would be possible, it would be advantageous if the parish council could contribute towards the funding. This was agreed. The Clerk advised that BJ Landscapes (now Johnstone Grounds and Gardens Ltd) was willing to continue with grounds maintenance next year and would not increase its prices. After careful consideration of the grant applications, it was agreed that the request from the PCC for £500 towards churchyard maintenance and the Parish Magazine for £275 to help with distribution to all households four times a year, be recommended for approval at the January meeting. The Sports Council had requested £750 for the Bonfire, an increase of £500 on the previous year. It was agreed that the parish council would need to see the accounts and needed to know how the Sports Council planned to raise the remaining funds. It was agreed that in principle £300 would be recommended for approval at the January meeting. The Sports Council had requested three further grants and it was agreed they ACTION would need to complete the Grant Application forms before these could be fully considered. They had requested a sum towards the cost of emptying the dog waste bins and providing bags for disposal. It was agreed in principle to recommend a contribution of £200 at the January meeting. They had requested £2000 towards refurbishment costs and it was agreed this could not be considered without the completed forms. Finally, they had requested £400 towards the cost of hardcore to improve paths and it was agreed this was not a project the parish council would fund. 12/137 Planning After full consideration of the following applications, Alfold Parish Council decided to comment as follows: WA/2012/1901 Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 192 for erection of an outbuilding following demolition of existing outbuilding. Old Lock House, Knightons Lane, Dunsfold. It was agreed the Parish Council does not have the expertise to judge this application and will trust Waverley to give the correct legal advice. WA/2012/1868/9 Erection of extensions and alterations (variation of WA/2011/1753). Tickners Heath Cottage, Dunsfold Road, Alfold. No objection WA/2012/1811 Erection of entrance gates. Tudor Cottage, Loxwood Road, Alfold. Letter of comment appended WA/2012/1805 Erection of extensions. Clappers House, Loxwood Road, Alfold Letter of comment appended WA/2012/1857 Use of part of perimeter track and runway for driving experience days. Dunsfold Park. The members present objected to this application. It was felt that whilst the Parish Council supports business activity on the site, the need to generate income should be balanced against the loss of amenity for residents. An additional 12 days’ track activity, which would likely be held on weekends during the summer months, would be unacceptable, the noise of motor activity all day long being alien in a rural environment. It was also felt that the roads around the aerodrome can’t cope with the extra traffic, particularly at Alfold Crossways, made worse by the fact that the activities are inadequately signposted. It was agreed that the Chairman would draft a letter for approval via email (appended to these minutes). Chairman 12/138 Accounts for Payment. Payments were approved and receipts were noted. The attached Order for Payments was signed by the Chairman, one Councillor and the Clerk. 12/139 Items for business or inclusion on a future agenda Boundary Commission 2013 Review proposed that the Ward of Alfold, Ellens Green and Cranleigh Rural, along with the whole of Cranleigh, be moved to Mole Valley, to be renamed the Mid Surrey Constituency. The Chairman had submitted a question to the Waverley Executive Committee meeting asking for Waverley’s support for Alfold to be moved back with Dunsfold to the South West Surrey Constituency. It was agreed the Chairman would draft a Chairman response to the Boundary Commission consultation, which is appended to these minutes. 12/140 Next Meeting 22nd November 7.30pm Alfold Village Hall There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:05 14 December 2012 Mrs J Dawes Planning Department Waverley Borough Council The Burys Godalming GU7 1HR Dear Mrs Dawes RE: WA/2012/1811 Erection of entrance gates. Tudor Cottage, Loxwood Road, Alfold Alfold Parish Council has considered this application and has no objection, having taken into account the proposed materials which will be in keeping with the area. Yours sincerely Beverley Weddell Clerk to Alfold Parish Council Chairman: Dr Jenny Masding. Tel: 01403 822486. Fax: 823949. Email:[email protected] White Lea West, Guildford Road, Rudgwick RH12 3BG Clerk: Mrs Beverley Weddell. Tel: 01483 200314. Email: [email protected] Lock House Lodge, Knightons Lane, Dunsfold GU8 4NU 14 December 2012 Ms Kathryn Laughton Planning Department Waverley Borough Council The Burys Godalming GU7 1HR Dear Ms Laughton RE: WA/2012/1805 Erection of extensions. Clappers House, Loxwood Road, Alfold Having considered this application, Alfold Parish Council appreciates that there will be an improvement in the appearance of the rear of the house, but does have concerns about the size and scale of the proposed extension. Yours sincerely Beverley Weddell Clerk to Alfold Parish Council Chairman: Dr Jenny Masding. Tel: 01403 822486. Fax: 823949. Email:[email protected] White Lea West, Guildford Road, Rudgwick RH12 3BG Clerk: Mrs Beverley Weddell. Tel: 01483 200314. Email: [email protected] Lock House Lodge, Knightons Lane, Dunsfold GU8 4NU DP Letter to go here Schedule of receipts and order for payments for December 2012 To be approved under Agenda item 6 at the Parish Council meeting on 6.12.12 RECEIPTS Payer: Detail: Amount: £ Total £ 0.00 PAYMENTS Payee: Detail: Amount: B Weddell December salary £ 516.97 Mr & Mrs Covey War memorial planting £ 15.46 P Mayne Travel expenses £ 42.00 Total £ 574.43 EXPENDITURE TO BE RATIFIED – paid since last Parish Council Meeting: Payee: Detail: Amount: Dark Group Alfold.org domain name £ 30.00 Total £ 30.00 Total receipts £0.00 Total expenditure £604.43 Signed by Chairman: ……………………………………………………. Date: ………………………….. Signed by Councillor: ……………………………………………………. Date: ………………………….. Signed by Clerk/RFO: ……………………………………………………. Date: ………………………….. 10 December 2012 Via Consultation Portal The Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-78 Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG Dear Sirs, Boundary Commission Consultation 2013 Review Alfold Parish Council is writing to object strongly to the proposal by the Boundary Commission to transfer Alfold parish to the constituency of Mole Valley to be renamed Mid Surrey. Alfold is a small village with only 440 households. We are situated west of Cranleigh, very remote from Mole Valley and even Guildford, our present constituency. Alfold previously operated in a close working relationship with the adjoining village of Dunsfold, which is in the South West Surrey constituency, where we have natural links of community interest being geographically close, similar in size and socio economically. We shared one borough councillor and our residents felt fairly represented. Alfold Parish Council specifically requests on behalf of the people of the Alfold Ward, to be returned to the South West Surrey constituency. In further support of this request, we would point out that:- Geographically we are the only ward being proposed for transfer to Mole Valley west of the A281, which forms a natural boundary line. The Alfold Ward has previously been used as a ‘balancing act’ in the numbers game. It was transferred from Guildford to South West Surrey constituency in 1983 and linked with Dunsfold – a first class move which worked superbly. Then before the last general election we were transferred back to the Guildford constituency. Some years previously we were moved away from Dunsfold for the purposes of representation at borough level with the most unsatisfactory ward splitting of one Borough Councillor into three unequal parts leaving the Alfold Ward virtually un-franchised. Continued/….. Chairman: Dr Jenny Masding. Tel: 01403 822486. Fax: 823949. Email:[email protected] White Lea West, Guildford Road, Rudgwick RH12 3BG Clerk: Mrs Beverley Weddell. Tel: 01483 200314. Email:[email protected] Lock House Lodge, Knightons Lane, Dunsfold GU8 4NU …/ Both socio-economically and in other ways, we have a community of interests with the surrounding rural villages retained in South West Surrey including Farnham and villages and Haslemere.