Addendum III—The Return
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AODENIDUMI --------------- Addendum III The Return Gear Technology's bimonthly aberration - gear trivia, humor, weirdness and oddments for the edification and amusement of our readers. Contributions are welcome. Gears on fil'm He)'; I've Been Looking 'Of OneoHhose • PUZZLE .• PUZZLE. PUULE • PUZZLE •. It's Friday night at the video store, The Missouri State Highway and a The supply room at Wacky ~ H ~ and as usual, all the new releases are Transportation Department is trying to i Widgets Gearrnoror Company ;; checked out. You can't decide between give away the Mark Twain Memorial contains two shelves, Shelf A has III "I Killer Teenage Cheerleaders from Bridge across the Mississippi River at ... C half spur gears and half helical H Outer Space and a documentary on the Hannibal, MO, No, they're not kidding. H i= gears, Shelf B has two-thirds spur I; mating rituals of the hippopotamus. The cost [0 repair the bridge, which is : gears and one-third helical. Gear Technology is here to help. listed on the National Register of His- ! H !Every g·earmotor made by H The Addendum page is proud to pre- toric Places, is greater than the cost to H Wa.cky Widgets turns out slightly ;;; sent a list of films for gear lovers. All build a new one, so the state must try to i ~ different (that's why they're of these films feature the industry's find an alternative use for the structure ! Wacky). Their production method H own star, the late Luella Gear. before it can tear it down, e H Born in 1900 in New York, Gear More than 100 proposals were sub- Do ls to blindfold the foreman, spin Iii made her broadway debut in 1917. Best mitted before the March 17 deadline. If ...III him around 100 times and send him known for her acid wit, she went on 10 any of the proposals is accepted, the into the supply room to select the roles in motion pictures, appearing in state will dismantle the bridge, but the i= gears for their gearmotor. Whate ...• The Perfect Marriage (1946) with new owner will be responsible for haul- :I er he comes out with is combined Loretta Young and David Niven; Jig- ing it away and reassembling it. into a Single product. saH' (I949), starring Marlene Dietrich. look Ollt, 'Cooperstown! ~ For the I'atest Wacky Widgets Henry Fonda and Burgess Meredith; Given the current disenchantment : design, the foreman Is allowed to ! and Phffft! (1954) with Judy Holliday with the game, tourists may be looking H H H choose only one gear from each HI :I r- and lack Lemmon. for someplace to visit besides the Base- Do shelf. What is the probability that 1111 BUI our favorite Luella Gear movie ball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. =. he will emerge from the supply ~' has 10 be Carefree (1938), starring Fred We'd like to recommend the lesser- lOll room with one helical and one spur ~! Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Gear plays known, but just as important. Machine ~ the role of Aunt Cora in this musical Tool Hall of Fame at the American Pre- gear? Two spur gears? What is the 1ft WI comedy about a psychiatrist (Astaire) cision Museum in Windsor, VI. ... probability he will throw up before ! 1'011 and his patient (Rogers). Recently, the Hall elected four he picks any1 Answers next issue, ,..N =i ... !JIll If nene of these films is available at new members. George 0 .. Gridley • 11%'Zftd •.nZ2I1d • nZZIW • n%ZIW • your video store, some of them may (1869-1956) held more than 60 patents Munchkins Pan II occasionally be featured on cable TV. for his early machine tool des igns: Last issue we brought you Gearing Hut ifthat doesn't work out, you could WiUiam L. Bryant (1875-1931) was in- for Munchkins, This time it's the always go for the hippo flick. strumental in the development of early world's smallest motorized car. Built .-----------------------. ginding machines; by the Japanese company Nipponden- Francis J. Trecker so, the Micro-Car was displayed at the 0909-1987) over- recent Society of Automotive Engi- saw the develop- neers convention in Detroit, ment of the Mil- The car, certified by the Guinnes« waukee-Marie, the Book of World Records asthe world's first true machining smallest, is a 1/1000th scale model 'Of center; and John 1. the 1936 Toyota Model. AA-about the Parsons (1913-) size of a grain of rice. The Micro-Car was one of the first consists of 24 parts,including wheels, pioneers of numeri- axle. spa,re tire, headlights and steel cally controlled bumpers. The car is powered by a mag- machine tools .. netic motor that can run at 600 rpm. 0 ,48 GEAR TECHNOLOGY.