
NET PRESS BXJIf THE VV^^THER AVERAGE DAILY CJIRCCTLATION Forecast bT 0,.B . Weather Bureaut for'the Month'of July, 1929 > ew Haven ^1: -Conn. State Libi-ary— Comp, ' i - ,l V .,” ' .■ - Showefrs toi^ght. Saturday partly 5 , 3 0 1 \ Mcmbera of the Audit Bureau of cloudy. Moderate temperature. Circulations

V VOL. XLIL, NO. 252. (Classified Advertising on t^age 14) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN;, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS’ ■ .— — ------4------«>- t VOTE OWEN D. YOUNG 1 IN EVERY HUNDRED DEATH, PERIL “ BEST BUSINESS »IAN.’ S N O P E N M A Y This Royal Pair Are Wedded GRAF IS MORE IN BOSTON A SMITH NAME NEWTOWN^ Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 9 — Tbie Pope May Perform the Ceremony Boston, Aug. 9.— There are. By vote of 200 prominent busi­ ^ — i 4,440 Smiths listed in the ness executives studying at Har­ LEAVE HAGUE FOLLOW BLAST THAN HALF WAY j city directory out today. The TRACT AS SITE vard University Business Sullivans are second with 3,- School, representing 27 states [ 900, the Kellys and Kelleys and three foreign countries, AT ANY T I E i third and the O’Briens fourth. ON O IH A N K E R Owen D. Young, former Bos­ 9 TO HOME PORT O F N E ^ S Y L U M ton lawyer, who formulated the There are 413,655 names list­ ed. latest German reparations 4 ------( \ agreemeent, stood today as One KHIed, 7 Badly Injured “ the greatest business man in Rumored MacDonald Is Ex­ Reported in Fog Area But Mile HOI Farms to Be Takes America.’’ Young received 52 votes. Henry Ford was second pected to Rush to Holland by Explosion at Bayonne; with 42, Secretary of Treasury Expected to Get to Fried- HOOVER TO SPEND for Six Mfllion Dollar Ho& Andrew W. Mellon, third with Standard Oil Co/s Tanks 16, President Hoover fourth, to Save Young Plan Con­ erichshafen Tomorrow with 10, and J. P. Morgan and BIRTHDAY IN CAMP pital to Be Erected by tbi George F. Baker were tied at Endangered. fifth with four votes each. ference. Afternoon. State. -< « > i W in Be 55 Tomorrow and London, Aug. 9.— Philip Snow­ Favored by good weather, the Bayonne, N. J., Aug. 9.— One Graf Zeppelin had completed more Redding, Aug. 9— Connecticut’s man was killed and seven others SURVEY DISCLOSES den, British chancellor of the ex­ than half of her transrAtlantic Lindberghs Will Help Him new hospital for^ insane is to be seriously injured in a series of ex­ chequer, who outlined Britain’s journey from Lakehurst, N. J., to located in the Mile Hill district of plosions which occurred aboard demands at the Hague conference, Germany, this afternoon. Newtown, a site originally examin­ thus precipitating a deadlock, has Based on the latest position of Celebrate the Event, the Standard Oil Tanker William $15 0,00 0 LOSS HERE the air liner, wirelessed to land by ed by the special commission that E. Rockefeller at Pier 6, here to­ prepared to return to London im­ Commander Hugo Eckener, it was will build the institution, was once day. mediately unless the deman^ are estimated this afternoon that the Washington, Aug. 9— President rejected for lack of water supply, The explosions were followed by satisfied, according to a Central Graf had travelled more than 2,400 fire in the forward hold of the ves­ Hoover will leave Washington this and finally selected. The choice Manchester Farmers Hard! News dispatch from the Hague this miles- since ^ her departure from sel. A dozen tugs took hola of the Lakehurst "at midnight Wednes­ afternoon, bent on giving himself a state commission, under Samuel A. afternoon. ship and pulled it out and away day night. This was an average of little birthday present, in the form statecommission, under Samuel A. from the oil tanks and vessels in Eddy, of North Canaan, challrman, Hit; Banks WiH Go the| more than 62 land miles an hour. of a week-end of seclusion and rest the river. NO DEADLOCK LOOSENING The Zeppelin is expected to met at Ridgewold Inn, Redding The dead man, John Ward, was from the duties of office. Tomor­ Ridge, and voted unanimously to The Hague, Aug. 9.-^Attempts reach Friedrlchshafen tomorrow a watchman for the E. H. Waldron Limit to Help Them. The newest royal romance in Europe looms in the reported engage­ afternoon or early evening, unless row, the chief executive will be 55 take the Mile Hill site. Shipping Protective Association. His to break the deadlock in the ment of Crown Prince Humbert of Italy, right, to Princess Marie Jose, held up by headwinds or mechani­ years old and he plans to celebrate Options At Once body was fouftd floating in the left, daughter of King Albert of Belgium. Rumors that Pope Pius XI cal trouble. It is anticipated that the day in the quiet of his 164- Once the vote was passed. Chair­ Hague conference failed today. acre Virginia camp on the upper water and it is believed to have Although emphasizing the point Philip Snowden, British chan­ will officiate at their wedding also are current in Rome. Crown Prince the ship’s progress will be slowed man Eddy ordered the sub-commit­ been blown from the ship into the Humbert, who is 24, and the Belgian prinifess, 22, met when the latter down after she gets over continen­ reaches of the Rapidan river. tee in charge of sites to secure op­ that it is next to Impossible to ac­ cellor of the exchequer, who preci­ Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lind­ water by the first blast curately estimate the loss to Man­ pitated the tie-up by his “ ultima­ was studying in Italy. tal Europe due to the cross winds tions at once. The site consists of that invariably prevail north and bergh head the list of guests who 700 acres and will cost the state Burned, Bones Broken. chester tobacco growers from the tum speech” made yesterday, when will help Mr. Hoover observe his The injured all suffered burns recent hall storm, Harold C. Al- he declared the British delegation west of the Alps. about $300,000. On this site will 1,600 Miles First Day natal day. coming from New York be erected a group of buildings and some broken bones. They were vord, head of the survey being con­ would stand firm in their demands, by plane today and going with the taken by tug and ambulance to ducted here, said today that $150,- remained adamant today. Following a course far south of estimated to cost almost $6,000,- Scotland Yard Stumped the regular European shipping President to the Virginia camp. 000. the Staten Island hospital 'where 000 was probably a conservative M. Franequi, of Belgium, one of They are due to reach Bolling field first aid was administered. figure. There are approximately the experts who helped draw up lanes and aided by favorable fol­ Mile Hill lies east of the main lowing winds, the Zeppelin main­ at noon, from whence a White road between Bridgeport and Newr The force of the blast was felt in 100 farmers in Manchester who the Young plan, took the lead in | By Poisoning Of Three House car will take them to a downtown New York skyscrapers, raise tobacco. The majority grow trying to bretk the deadlock. He j tained an average speed of 69 miles town, toward Botsford. The site an hour on her first day out. luncheon preceding departure for to be assembled consists of many windows were shattered along the only a small crop. The storm conferred with other delegates to the Rapidan. New Brighton, Staten Island, water­ totally destroyed practically all of the Hague conference most of the Shortly after midnight,, almost separate parcels of small farm hold­ 24 hottrs since leaving Lakehurst, So far as could be learned, no ings, all of which, it is expected, front and sent hundreds of per­ the crops here, there being a few night. special arrangements have been sons living on the north shore of Government Official and 2 N. J., at 12:40 a. m. (Eastern Day­ will be assembled without great dif­ exceptions in Lyflallville. This in­ Following a long consultation ~ TARIFF BATTLE light Time) yesterday, o'n her flight made to celebrate Mr. Hoover’s ficulty under the authority given the island to their telephones in a formation has been revealed though with German minister of finance birthday. In the,words of his sec­ panic. an official survey of the situation to Friedrichshafen, Germany, the the special commission by the Gen­ Hilfording, the two called upon Women Relatives, Dead retary, George Akerson, “ the eral Assembly of 1929. Tugs and the New York City which was completed late today. Snowden to try to persuade him first mile-post in her world flight, the Zeppelin sent out a wireless Hoovers aren’t long on birthdays fireboat Zophar Mills were called to Practically all of the tobacco to make concessions. POSTPONED BY and such.” Mrs. Hoover and her message giving her position as lati­ the scene by the screaming of the growers here are willingly filling Great Britain demands revision Within Year, Known to son Allan, however, have been at tanker’s siren. They loosed its out the questionnaires being hand­ of the Young plan. France, Bel­ tude 41 degrees, 20 minutes north, longitude 45 degrees, 5 minutes camp all week, along with Mrs. moorings and nosed it out into the ed them by the four men doing the gium and Italy want the Young Be Arsenic Victims. Herbert Hoover, Jr. TONG MURDERERS Kill Van Kull, finally beaching it canvassing, Louis C. Bunce, Wil­ plan to go into effect the first of 2-PARTY PACT west. At this position she was about The President planned to start on the St. George flats. Thousands liam H. Cowles, Edward D. Lynch-, next month in the form in which immediately after lunch, making of office bound ferry riders 1,600 miles due east of New York Jr., and Harry H. Cowles. Only a it was drafted by the experts in London, Aug. 9.— The best; the trip as usual by motor. His CHOSEN BY LOT watched the fireboats fight the very few refuse as the majority and 800 miles northwest of the> Paris last spring. brains of Scotland Yard, the I Azores. At her present rate of party include the Lindberghs; blaze. The explosion occurred realize that it is for their own good. The Rhineland evacuation ques­ Senate Won't Tackle Actual Herbert, Jr.; Secretary of Agricul­ shortly after 7 a. m. Bank to Help world’s greatest police organiza-j speed she should pass near or over tion has been pushed into the the Azores at about noon today. ture and Mrs. Hyde; Surgeon-Gen­ The fire was started, according Mr. Alvord said that the Man­ background by the dispute over tion, are engaged today in at- j eral and Mrs. Hugh S. Gumming to members of the crew, by oil Debate Till September 3; Whether or not Dr. Hugo Ecken­ chester Trust Company would _,do the reparations issue. tempting, to solve the most baffling j an-l Hugh S. Gumming, Jr.; Wil­ Boston Killers Picked by flowing from a leak in one of the all Within its power to lend assist­ er, commander of the air liner, Great Britain threatens to re­ and cunning triple-mur.der mys-; would head over the Azores was liam Allen White, the Kansas edi­ tanks, permitted the oil to get to ance to the stricken farmers. “ We open the whole reparation ques­ tor; Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Mil- the boilers. Members of the crew will give every bit of legitimate tery of modern times in Great Brit-1 Borah Sees Sliding problematical, entirely depending Luck at Banquet, Chinese tion making another conference on weather conditions. bapk, o.f New York; Mark Su41i- were ordered to the pumps just be­ help possible and be as lenient as necessary; ain. , [ vah: Walter Newton, '6 f the White fore the explosion occurred in an If he continued along the parallel advisable, but of course we can’t . Snowden has a double threat This crime, as mystifying as aqy ' Scales'Fated. House secretariat, and Commander Tell Hub Prosecutor. ■<» effort to keep it away. gamble with farmers who do not of latitude given in the midnight hanging over the conference. He ever .tackled by Sherlock Holmes.! message from the Graf’s radio oper­ Joel Ti Bjoone, White House phy­ have any equity. - It is not <^ur declares that Britain may not only sician. money and we naturally must have removed three members of the ator, the Zeppelin would not fly ! Boston, Aug. 9.— ^Lots weinj repudiate the Young plan, but may Washington, Aug. 9.— The tariff over these mid-ocean islands but The party is expected to return security,” Mr. Alvord declared. same family within a year. They Monday morning. drawn at a secret tong banquet at­ revise upward the war debt agree­ war in the Senate, over th,e amount would pass about 150 miles to the I CANNON ANSWERS What ever financial aid, if any, ments with allied powers owing are supposed to have been arsenic tended by eight Chinese to deiuda can be given the farmers, is not yet of Republican protection to be giv­ north of them. money to England. victims. They, are: j Encountering Fog the two men who were to kill a > 1 known. The Federal government Delegates from the continental en American industry and agricul­ will decide this. No other organ­ Edmund Creighton Duff, former I Along the then present course of member of the opposing tong mark­ TINKHAM’ S QUERY powers are hopeful that a com­ British High Commissioner to Ni­ ture, we will open September 3, the Graf, there was an area of fog HEATH SURRENDERS ed for death. ization has proper funds for such plete collapse of the conference a situation. Many of the farmers geria, who died at his home in .instead of August , 19. with probable drifting squalls, ac­ According to District Attorney can be averted. But it is pointed Croydon, just outside of London, Republican members of the Sen­ cording to Dr. James H. Kimball, William A. Foley today, three Chi­ regard the devastation in Connecti­ out that, if such a crisis comes to cut similar to the Mississippi and on April 28, 1928. ate finance committee will com­ meteorologist of the New York TO DETROIT POLICE nese under arrest as susplcioui Says He Got Money for Anti- Vermont fioods. pass, the Dawes plan would still Miss.Vera Sjdney, aged 40, sis­ plete their new schedules of tariff Weather Bureau. persons confessed to him that they Farmers, however, will be given remain in force to control Ger­ ter-in-law of Duff, who died at her duties by August 19, but the Sen­ Should the squalls prove too vio­ had been present at the secret tong lent, or if he were unable to, fly advice whether or not to grow a many’s reparation course. home on February 14, 1929; and, ate, returning from its summer meeting and gave details of It. Smith Drive on His Own crop next year. Yn some cases, The situation remained un­ Mrs.''Violet Einelia Sidney, aged vacation on that day, will take above or below the fog banks, it Following receipt of the informa­ changed here throughout the who I three-day recesses until September was probable that Dr. Eckener Held for Death of Special tion, this being one of the few crops have been grown inefficiently 69, mother-in-law' of Duff, would take a northeasterly course or on unsuitable land with the re­ morning and in the afternoon it died the first of March last. I when debate will be started on times on record that a Chinaman Personal Credit. was reported that the British the new bill. This has been arrang­ which would bring him nearer the volunteered to talk against his own sult tliat the harvester has made Blamed Ptomaines shipping lanes, or a southeasterly Dry Agent Sandlands; little or no profit, being lucky to showed no signs of relenting. Duff’s death''was attributed to ed by a gentleman’s agreement be­ people, police arrested Lem Poy a( The conference, which was de­ course which would take him over, an accessory. break even. ptomaine or* food "poisoning. Miss tween leaders of the two major or south of, the Azores. Washington, Aug. 9.— Another signed to solve the remaining Sidney’s to “ natural"causes” and parties. Writ for Wife Denied. Police charged that Lem Vas thd problems growing out of the great Dr. Eckener, in choosing hia “ brains” of.the group that engin­ round was fought today in the Mrs. Sidney’s ailment was diagnos­ The new rates, adopted by the course yesterday, indicated that he Epistolary warfare between Bishop war, was thrown into consterna­ ed as “ stomach trouble.” Senate Republicans, will be made eered the slaying of Yee Wah, one tion. Glowing references to peace, would change his ship’s direction Detroit, Aug., 9,— John M. Heath, of two Chinese slain on Monday James Cannon, Jr., and Rep, George KILLS GRAVEDIGGER Some time elapsed before sus­ public in entirety on Aug. 19, when whenever he thought he could find Holden TiWcham (R) of Massa­ amity and tranquility which fea­ picion arose, but gossip concern­ the schedules are handed over to ?7, sought In connection with the night, Yee Sing, of New York, ha4 tured the opening session have better going by doing so. He death of Special Prohibition Agent been Indicted for the murder and chusetts, over the financing of the ing the similarity of circumstances the Democrats. Then, while the started out with tbe intention of anti-Smith campaign in the South been overshadowed by the dissen­ fiually led to an official Inquiry. Ex- Democrats prepare attacks upon the Richard Sandlands, was taken, into held without bail. IN CEMETERY RIOT sions over reparation apportion­ following the “ Great Circle” route, The district attorney said that last fall. huma,tion of the bodies revealed Republican schedules and the Sen­ but sdon veered to a more souther­ custody by federal authorities to- Tinkham has called upon Attor­ ments. arsenical poisoning,' but there is ate is recessed over three-day d^y. He returned voluntarily from the information concerning the May Ck>llapse Soon ly course to avoid fog banks off “ death banquet” was received tfOM ney-General Mitchell to investigate not the slightest clue to the mur­ periods, the Republican members of Newfoundland. Chicago, where he had been In hid­ and prosecute the Methodist Board Failure of the Belgian and Ger­ the finance committee will com­ ing, and was arrested by special three Chinese brothers who .we^ derer. The coroner has cleared Messages received here from taken into custody as material wlt^ of Temperance and Social Service, man delegates to break the dead­ the other ‘ members o f , the family. plete the administrative features of treasury agents as he stepped off a Strikebreaker Held for lock in the H9,gue conference led to those aboard , the airship Indicated nesses during a raid in GhinatoWo^ of which Bishop Cannon is chair­ An inquest held on Tuesday re­ the bill. that the 22 passfengers were enjoy­ train. man, because of failure to report fears this evening that the confer­ sulted in the' verdict that death Fast Week’s Work. He iyaa taken at once to the U. ence may collapse within the next ing the de-luxe service, smooth campaign expenditures as required Shooting Picket at En­ was due to arsenic administered In order to maintain‘ this sched­ riding and speed of the air liner S. district . attorney’s office for by law from organizations engaged 36 hours unless concessions are ule, the Senate Republicans must questioning. Meantime Federal HYLAN QUITS RACE, . made. by unknown persons. immensely. in political activity. Dr. Binning, the family physi­ reach a decision on the highly con­ Judge Edward J. Mqlnet had dls- In his latest statement. Bishop trance to Calvary. Snowden, who precipitated the troversial sugar schedule and draft rqlssed a writ of habeas corpus for deadlock, refused to modify Brit­ cian, testified that a small bottle of SUPPORTS TAMMANY Cannon stated today that he per­ arsenic had been'found in a medi­ a series of duties on wool and HUGE NEEDLE TRADES Heath’s wife, Maxine. 29; sonally had handled the financing ain’s demand for revision of the woolen manufactures, books.and Sandlands was drowned just a Young plan to gain for Britain a cine cabinet in'Mrs. Sidney’s home, in the most practical way. This New York, Aug. 9.— A clash be­ but this gave the detectives a scant papers and a long list of sundries, week ago after he had Imarded Quick Change of Front of N e^ way, he explained, was to advance larger share of Germany’s repara­ including some leather goods, boots Heath’s small motor cruiserqin the tween striking gravediggers and tion annuities. basis to-work upon. STRIKE THREATENED York’s Former Mayor 'Bit^ money to the anti-Smith committee strikebreakers at the gates of Cal­ It was ascertained' that the -ar­ and shoes, with in the next week. Detroit river to take charge of it from his own personal furfds, later vary cemetery, in Queens, ended in After that, the Republicans will for an alleged violation of naviga­ La Guardia’s Chances. GERMANS SARCASTIC. senic was administered to the being reimbursed as contributions a killing today. three victims separately when they have two'weeks in which to agree Embroiderers, Hemstitchers tion rules. ■ 0 “ the cause” came in. Berlin, Aug. 9.— German news­ upon administrative features, in­ Heath’s wife, Maxine, who was New York, Aug. 9-—'Within twen­ Stanley Zasadzdinski, 40, a strik­ papers , commented today in the were suffering from some slight Go Out Today, Others to Plenty of Credit. er, was shot and killed when a cluding a decision on the method of also on the boat at the time, as­ ty-four hours after his organization most sarcastic terms upon Allied illness. I Follow in Short Time. leaders had declared he would re­ Replying to Tinkham’s question strike-breaker fired into a crowd of In the sister-in-law’s case there .computing valuations of imported serts that Sandlands refused to as to where he got *the' money “ sacrifice wails” in The Hague goods. show his credentials and tha.t her main in the Mayoralty race to the the picketing workers. conference. They declared that was reason to believe the poison New York, Aug.' 9.— An imme­ which he advanced. Bishop’s state­ Police have arrested Philip Nun- This subject alone has aroused husband, fearing robbery, scuffled finish, John F. Hylan, independent ment said Tinkham would find “ Germany, who has to pay the was in soup she was accustomed diate strike of 7,000 workers in the Democratic candidate, suddenly de­ ziato, 32. Brooklyn, who is alleged to taking. Mrs. Sidney is believed much controversy between three with him. Both men fell overboard, "that Bishop Cannon had sufficient whole bill, is the only one that is groups, supporting foreign valua­ embroidery and hemstitching she says, but Heath managed to parted for Saratoga Springs yester­ to have shot the striker. not whining.” to have had the arsenic adminis­ trades here today will open a series credit to borrow personally $25,000 The strikers contend that they tions, United States valuations, and swim back to the boat. day. leaving behind an announce­ in the state-wide prohibition fight The . Lokalanzeiger asks what tered in a medicine. There is a of strikes in the women’s garment ment of the withdrawal of his can-H receive but $25 a week and ask an theory that Duff received the poi­ American valuaLioijs. in 1914; that he managed to fur­ sacrifices countries like Portugal The sugar controversy mean­ industry throughout the United didacy. Increase ih pay and better working made that entered the war “ merely son ill beer and whiskey. States and Canada, according to nish $60,000 toward the financing conditions. A sympathy strike by while reached a sort of stalemate. While Mr. Hylan’s departure of the Richmond Virginian; and to steal German ships.” Suspect Maniac’s Work Jacob Halpern, vice-president of NEW POWER CONCERN from the scene of battle was not a union cliauffeurs employed in Even the usually Pacifist Press Following an earlier inquiry the | the International Ladies Garment furthermore Tinkham can get a list funeral processions is said to be (Continued on Page 3.) complete surprise, a whole-hearted of Virginia banks with which pointed out that Italy, Japan and coroner summed up the mystery j Workers Union. indorsement of Tammany Hall - by Bishop Cannon has done business imminent. Rumania declared war “ because by saying: I Depision to call the strike was ENTERS NEW ENGLAND him was an unexpected political for years and find out from them they were offered a bigger price to “ The absence of adequate mo­ made by the General Executive Jack-in-the-box. The one man sus­ do so.” tive is not conclusive proof that at GIRL “ COMPLAINANT whether they think Bishop Cannon Board of the International Garment Corporation 'With Prominent pected of knowing in advance what would have any difficulty in ■ ar­ BUSS CARMEN’S ASHES person' did not commit a crime, j Workers’ Union now In session was going to happen was John F< ranging a credit of 10, 15 or 20 WILLIAMSTOWN COMMENT. You cannot dive into the mind of | IN KANGAROO COURT here. Boston Names Organized by Curry, the^ new leader of the 'Wig­ thousand dollars for a period of six TO GO TO NATIVE TOWN Williamstown, Mass., Aug, 9.— a human being. There are people, | It is the result of requests of Pittsburgh’s Koppers Co. wam. That suspicion extehded to months.” Commenting today at the Institute apparently sane, who have been i ------leaders to call 13 Strikes in vari­ the point of somewhat convincing “ Bishop Cannon handled the fi­ of Politics on the British attitude known to take a devilish delight in ' Boston, Aug. 9.— The unidehti- ous cities to protest the sweatshop Boston, Aug. 9.— Formation of a reports that Mr. Curry himself was nances of the anti-Smith Demo­ Remains of Poet to Be Moved at The Hague conference , Prof. killing others' witjiout any mo- j fied woman present at the “ kan- conditions in the needle trades. new force in the power and light responsible for Mr. Hylan’s precipi­ Jacob Viner, of the University of tive.” garoo court” at Camp Devens had Three strikes were approved im­ field in New England, to be known tated dash back to the arms of his crats in what he thought to be the from New Canaan to Fred­ most practical way,” continued his Chicago, declared that the most sig­ This gave some basis for the preferred the “ charge?” against fhe mediately. The embroiderers and as the Eastern Gas and Fuel Asso­ political mother. statement. “ He did not hesitate to ericton, New Brunswick. nificant part of the attitude of nebulous theory' that some one “ accused,” according to testimony hemstitchers are to go out today; ciates, and organized by the Kop­ Representative Fiorello H. La use his own money and credit to Philip Snowden, British chancellor close to the family is a maniac and on record today. the dressmakers; numbering 45,- pers Company of Pittsburgh, be­ Guardia, the Republican-Fusion accomplish his purpose and his con­ New Canaan, Aug. 9.— The ashes of the exchequer, was that it indi­ that this person was responsible Master Sergeant McLaughlin de­ 000, to strike Debember 1 and a came known through papers on file Mayoralty designee, was the major fidence was amply regarded, for of Bliss Carmen, poet, will be taken cated a break on the part of Great for the three deaths. clared that \^hile the mysterious general strike of 1,800 cloakmak- today at the State House. The sufferer from the Hylan flop to not only were his loans repaid, but to Fredricton, New Brunswick, a Britain with the policy of following Scotland Yard sleuths are fol- Miss X ” was present she stayed ers is to be called soon. Koppers Company operates Gas, Tammany. He said he was not dis­ Virginia and all but six Southern week hence and interredin a ceme­ France and shov/ed that Britain In­ lowing this tjieory along with! only a short time. The testimony fuel, and ore properties in various couraged and conceded to Mr. Hy? States, Massachusetts and Rhode tery there in the course of a Cana­ tended to embark upon a policy of others, but.,without tangible re-1 was made during the second ses- TAKEN FOR A RIDF. states. Ian the privilege of doing what he Island repudiated the wet, Tam­ dian national memorial service, ac­ her own. sujlt. So fir no'arrests have been ■ sion of the courtmartial of Captain Two Boston men,* Charles A. pleased with such strength as: h4 many candidate, Alfred E. Smith, cording to announcement here to­ The speaker maintained that made. Samuel Murray, former comniander New York, Aug.’ 9.— The body of Coolidge, Jr., and Paul C. Cabot, possessed. . \ for which doubtless many of Mr. day. there was real, though hWden, con­ ; of the 26th Tank Corps, Massachu- a man who police believe was ar^ among the trustees of the Mr. La Guardia refused to dis­ Tinkham’s wet Roman Catholic Mrs. Mary Perry King, executrix nection in the Young pian between TO QUIZ BROKER setts National Guard, charged with “ taken for a ride” was found at the proposed concern, which according cuss Mr. Hylan’s statement theit Boston constituency voted, al­ of Carmen's estate, will take the German reparations and allied debt 1 beat , three enlisted men. Conway street entrance to .Ever­ to the papers voluntarily filed, is had the Republicans placed hizn. at though claiming to be Republi­ ashes to his native town in New payments in the first place was de­ Chicago, Aug.‘ 9.— J. ,B Green- According to McLaughlin, the green cemetery, Brooklyn, 'today. to have its headquarters In this the head of the Fusion ticket. Ma­ cans.” Brunswick with the services set for termined largely by the amounts field, head of the brokerage firm charges against the “ accused” at He< had been shot several times in city. jor La Guardia would have been August 20. No funeral services are due from various Allies to the bearing his name, surrendered him­ the burlesque court were ‘stealing the back of the head. He was about In addition, to Including the willing to accept a designatioiL* as to be held there, officials having United “ tates. Furthermore, he self tO ;the state’s attorney here to­ grapefruit” and “ atfeosting a "young 26, 5 feet 8 inches in height, usual investment trust .-purpo^s, candidate for president of the TREASURY BALANCE decided that the services held here said, Germany gets a pledge of two- day for questipnlng a-, to the woman in Ayer.” weighed 130 pounds and wore a the declaration provides the ▼as- Board of^lermen. It was deducl- after the cremation of the poet’s thirds benefit of any debt reductloc whereabouts'of $760,000 worth of The next session of the court- brown mixture" suit. ' tees with ‘power to operate In gas, ble, however, that there had been Washington, Aug. 9.— Treasury body early in th f summer were suf­ undMivered trustee Standard Oil martial will be held at the State Later he wasttdentified as Alberl coke, oil. tar, chemicals, iron, steel no such understanding on Mr. balance Aug. 7: $138,436,337.81. ficient. (Contlnae on Page 2 ) stocks. ' •• • . - ' ' House' Monday night, ■ Lieberau, 30, of Brooklyn. and other metals. Guardia’s part. ■i ; .v:;'.,iw: t, - j-'.tiiy-


■ * -* <5>- Piffsbargh Women Adopt All Habits NIGHT CLUB HOSTS r e dM n t b o o s t OBITUARY - Local Stocks N . Y . Of Men Except Smoking O f Stogies HITS THE AMATEURS (Fur^iislied by PuliHtin & Co.) Allied Cbem...... 304 Pittsburgh.— WoDien have en-< “ Don’t let anybody tell you that Centi^ How, Hanfordt Cunn. Amer Can ...... 157% jjj I women haven't the nerve to be mar- OliATHS tered the stock market frenzy J P. M. Stocks. Am Foreign Power...... 1 3 9 % . i ket operators,” was Mi's. Werner’s ■ Bid Asked Am Tel and Tel ...... 2 ’70% this city, cutting their hair ' advice. “ They’ve got just as much James F. Daley. Many Dabblers Wiped Out Anaconda ...... 116% Hank Stocks. 'fashion, some of them, scalping as the men. They know when to James^F. Daley, aged 66, of 41 Atchison ...... 264. iliiUkers Trust Co . . 325 — points like veterans and generally take their profits and when to hold Pine street, Forestville, Conn., In Break of Stocks from Beth Steel ...... 119% conducting themselves as their on for a few extra points. They’ve passed away Thursday morning at City Ban It and Trust 500 — Chrysler ...... 70% male prototypes, 'except thaC none learned quickly. the home of E. E. Scranton, 307 : Cap Nat B&l' ______475 500 Col Graph 60% ;Cunn Klvtr ...... 425 — have been seen smoking a Pitts­ “ You’ll find the women in the' Spruce street. South Manchester, 5 to 15 Points. Erie ...... 80% First Bund 4b Mtg'. . 46 — burgh stogy. same stocks that the smart oper­ following a lingering illness. ! Gen Elec ...... 370% Several brokers offices have out­ ators are playing, and they play on He is survived by two daughters, ; Htfd-Conn Trust Co . 690 — Gold Dust 58'% margin, too. That day is gone Mrs. Clifton J. Lamb of Meriden , ! First Nat Htfd . . . . . 260 280 Goodyear ...... V...... 107% - fitted boards for feminine custom­ New York, Aug. 9, The butcher, ! Title 40 50 ers. Nor do they lack courage to when women didn’t know the dif­ and Mrs. Frank H, Anderson of Montgomery Ward ...... 108 South Manchester; two sons, Sarle baker and candlesstick maker w ho! Morria Plan“ ■ Bank“ ■ ■ 230 ride the market for a raise or sell ference between a bearish or bull­ have been playing house in the Nat Cash R e g ...... ,117. short in hopes of a decline, accord­ ish market.” E. Daley and Joseph B. Daley of New Brit T r ...... 190 210 N Y Central ...... 227% W’ethersfield, eight grandchildren, stock market today received one of Phoenix St B4£T___ §25 ing to Mrs. Marie M. Werner, man The new departments have pros- those jolts. The parachuting down­ N Y N H and Htfd ...... 115 ag*er of the new women’s depart- ' pered, according to officers of the I two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Rockwell Park si. B an k ...... 1300 Packard ...... *... .130 % of Bolton and Mrs, James H. Quinn i ward of the market for an average Riverside Trust . . . . 700 ment in onei Pittsburgh brokers’ of- i brokerage houses, and are mcreas- drop of ten points among the head­ Penn RR _____ 90% flce ing their scope daily. I of South Manchester. 1 West Htfd Trust . . . 475 Radio Corp 30 I Funeral services will be held; liners wiped out thousands of the Bonds. Recent army Of new financiers. Sears Roebuck ...... 153% ' Saturday afternoon at two o’clock j Htfd & Conn. West . 95 U S Steel ...... ’ .214% at Watkins Brothers, 11 Oak street, j The/break was mainly due to the East Cunn Pow 5s . 100 103 ask to examine his marriage certi­ general advance in the rediscount West Elec ...... :521 ficate. The state baa not proved South Manchester; two sons, Earle j Conn -L P 7 s ...... I 116 U 8 at the Center cemetery in East! rate anticipated from the raising of Conn' L P 61,6s____ 105 108 1 JACK MCGURN'S this couple is not married. There­ the rate, from five to . six per cenj, Colt's Firearms .... 32 fore I am forced to discharge them. Hartford. Rev. Robert A. Colpittsi Conn L 1' 4 1/6 8 . . . 98 100 of the South Methodist church will i by the Federal Reserve'Bank in the Brid Hyd 6s ____ .. 102 105 Eagle Lock ...... 50 The state, taken aback, immedi­ New York district. Fafnir Bearings .... lOO ately launched the thesis that Jack officiate. insurance Slocks. WEDDING BELLS —Photo By Elite, j The relationship of the rediscount Aetna Casualty- . . . .1975 Fuller Brush A . . .. 17 and Louise were married. Hugh .McCaull Lionel J. Kennedy | rate to the movement of stocks was do, Class A A .... 05 “ Why now, do you contend they do, (510 par) . . . 205 215 Frank L. Finney’s Crystal Lake Night Club is open for diners and j bit. vague, if not pure Greek, to Aetna,Insurance ... 755 770 Hart & Cooley .... — are married when a few minutes FUNERALS Hartman Tob Isi pf — PUZZLE COURTS ago you were so anxious to prove dancers each night except Mondays and many local, people are patroniz- speculator ^ amateur out-of-town Aetna L i f e ...... 1355 1375 do, (510 par) ... 138 142 do. cum ...... 20 they were not?” asked the judge. Mrs. Abbie L. Daley ing It. Hugh McCaull, formerly of Club Worthy Hills and an experi­ A prominent banker furthered Inter Silver ...... 155 Not So Dumb Automobile ...... 555 575 The funeral of Mrs. Abbie L. enced restaurateur, is 4n charge of service and Lionel J. Kennedy’s the education of the writer, with a do, (510, par) . . . 57 61 do, pfd ...... 110 Chicago.— ^The state couldn’t “ Well,” the state’s attorney said. Daley of 66 Summer street was school boy ex;planation of the mat­ Landers, Frary & Clk 66 “ Since you rule that they are mar­ orchestra furnishes the music. Conn. G eneral...... 2225 2275 make up Its mind. Was “ Machine held this afternoon at the home. ter. All member banks ip the Fed­ Hartford Fire ...... 1025 1045 Manrilng & Bow A . 16 ried and have not been living as Rev. A. C. Anderson of the Naza- eral Reserve System Borrow their do, Class B ...... 10 , Gun” Jack McGurn married to common law man and wi^e, the Htfd Steam Boiler . . 780 800 rene church in Hartford, officiated. money from the Central Bank. The Ujpcoln Nat Life . . . 120 New Brit Mch. pfd . . 100 pretty Louise Rolfe or was it just state agrees they are married.” The bearers were Frank Lewis of MISS COLEMAN. LOCAL re-discount raise, means that they do. com ...... 40■ “ Am tYdischarged, judge?” piped WEST WILL GET National ($10 par) . 90 92 something else again? Boston, Samuel Lewis of Tolland, i. will have to pay six per cent In­ Phoenix ...... 1060 1080 Nils Bern Pond .... 50 And because the state couldn’t up “ Dapper Jack.” Oliver Neff of Rockville, three j stead of five per cent for these ad­ do, pfd ...... 100 “ Yes, officially,” said Judge Bor­ GIRL, W EDS IN N. Y . Travelers ...... I860 1880 make up its mind. Jack and Louise nephews, and Edward Clechowski, i vances. “ This will mean that money do, rts ...... 248 252 North & Judd...... 24 are now roving the streets a free relli. Charles Lutz and Ernest Lutz from CLEARING HOUSE to be used for stock market pur­ Peck, Stow and Wil . — “ Well, then, I defy the state to Public Utility Stocks. man and woman in one of the most Rockville. Robert Gordon sang ' { New York, Aug. 9.— Miss Cather- poses will be that much harder to Conn Elec S v e ...... 140 Russell Mfg Co . . . 150 unusual cases ever presented to a prove that I am married,” said two selections, “ Lead Kindly | get,” he said. Scovllle Mfg Co .... 63 Jack with an air of. smug satisfac­ I ine L. Coleman, 32, of 303 West do, rts ...... 11 . Chicago court. Light’ and “ Face to Face.” Burial | End Ave., this city, the daughter of The banker, however, pointed Conn L P 8% ...... 119 Seth Thom Co. com . 38 McGurn, which isn’t his real tion. was in the Grove Hill cemetery in ; FOR PROBLEMS out that the effect on the market do, pfd ...... 25 “ Why is that?” said Judge Bor­ Thomas and Cathei’ine Splllane Conn L P 7% ...... 119 name at all— he’s Italian but once Rockville. I Coleman, of Manchester, Conn., was largely psychological as the Conn L P 5% % pf . 98 Smyth Mfg Co. pfd. 103 was a fighter and adopted the name relli curiously. banks , generally speaking, had Stand Screw ...... 160 “ If Louise isn’t my wife, then where she -n-as born, and Alden E. Conn L P 6% % pf. 110 of McGurn— ^was an excellent ma- Denver.— A “ dearing house” for Bailey, 30, a salesman of the same plenty of money available for Conn P So (par 25)- 136 Stanley Works, com. 63 ’ chine gunner during the World she can testify in my behalf when HUCKLEBERRIES SCARCE information on subjects vital to the loans. fay lor & Fenn y.,. . 135 I’m tried for the Moran murders,” address, obtained a license to wed do, pfd ...... 310 1 War. Since then, the state charges progress aud delevolpment of the here today. The couple announced Col. Leonard P. Ayres, vice presi­ Hart El Lt (par 25) 139 Torrington ...... 73 Jack has been donating his talents said Jack, and strolled from the Underwood ...... 142 west will be opened in Salt Lake they would be married in this city dent of the Cleveland 'Trust Co., be­ do, vtc ...... 132 . to “ Scarface Al” Capone, who ad- courtroom. BECAUSE OF DRY SPELL lieves there will he no serious re­ Union Mfg C o ...... 18 Out in the corridors of the court. City when the governors and other today. Mr. Bailey was born in Ne\y do, rts W*. 1...... 17 . mlttedly caters to the “ wants” of sults from, the increase in -the- New Greenwich W & G ., 94 U S Envelope, pfd 13 5 Jack turned to his admirers. public officials of the so-called pub­ Haven, Conn., the son of Gaorge 22.5 ■ Chicago when he isn’t in jail. lic land states gather on Aug. 2 6 and Alice Bailey. _ Mr. Bailey and York discount rate. Htfd Gas c (par 25) 97 do, e n n i...... Charged "With Murder “ Not so dumb,.am I?” Practically No Supply; Import­ “ This was a- belted action that do, pfd (par 25),. 63 Veeder-Root 45% And they agreed he wasn’t. and 27 next. his first wife Mrs.’ Mitzel A. Bailey Seven members of George “ Bugs” ed Fruit Brings 35 Cents were divorced in New London, was expected somf time, ago,” he Htfd Gas Rls W I. 8 Whitlock Coll Pipe States expected to be represent­ X—Ex-di vlrteud. .. Moran's gang were killed here St. Quart at Local Stores. ed are California, Washington, Conn., May 4, 1926. ^ said. “ It bears out, the policy of the S N E T C o ...... 200. • "Valentine’s Day. McGurn, among XX- Ex-rlghls. Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Federal Reserve System to keep the IVIamil'acUiring Stor '4 " Saturday Evening, PHONE ROCKVILLE 897-3 FOR RESERVATIONS ** A /< August 10 S WILLIAMS , MUSICBY Also • JOHNSON BLOCK 711 MAIN STREET Summer sports— and some are not, of course. For what you see here Is really a winter sport adapted to A Grand Prize Fox Trot LIONEL KENNEDY’S ORCHESTRA the summer months. River skiing Is a popular new pastime in Moscow. Russia. The skis are baby boots and the skiers propel themselves over the water in th e same manner as if they were on winter snows. AdmiMiiw, 50 eients. I t ''‘■•V'.'vS! ‘ - IT- I C, i.

Manchester evening herald, south manchesgxr,.conn,. fRiday, august 9, laaT- PACE THREE

HAWAIIAN OPEN Mr. and Mrs. Cfi'afles^'l^lBh, A. H : 1 FIRST BROKER’S ORDER NO MORE RIFLES p o u c e commissioners IN NOVEMBER ! TO COMPLETE tflURGH 72 YEARS OLD, APPUES Fish and Miss Ethel Fish of Mam - i FROM ZEP IS SENT. GILEAD Chester were at Mr. and Mrs. ^ K Honolulu, T. H.— Some of Posts’s Wednesday afternoon, * PREPARING REPORTS ADDITION BY JULY 1 Rortland, Me.,. Aug. 9.— The FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE As this is Farm and Home Weel the leading professional golfers ' Graf Zeppelin sped ceaword. The FOR DRY AGENTS in the United States will com­ Representatives Foote and Por­ at the Connecticut Agrlculturai radio flashed. shoreward a mes­ ter attended the. special session of College, many local families bay< The police commission at Its pete here for the Hawaiian sage to Tuckert'on, N. J. It was Thomas Harrison, of the Open Golf purse of 86,000 to 1 Manchesteri' Construction Com-', the Legislature held at the Capitol motored to Storrs for a day. Amon| meeting last night took up matters relayed by land wire here. Al­ North End, to Marry Mrs. Tuesday., that they will be Included in the b'e played at the Walalae pany Wins Contract With ' them are Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ellh fred Godfrey, a passenge;r, high Margaret Adams, / Hospital Walter Brown, son of Mr. and and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mertoi Doran Forbids Their Use in annual report for the year, which course here November 15, 16 Low Bid of $114,755. above the - Atlantic, was buying 1 Worker. Mrs. Frank Brown of South lan- W. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Q closes on .August 15. There was no and 17, a block of stock through a local j ^chester Is spending this week at action taken as far as present mat­ Transportation to and from It Is expecteij that the new Sun-1 Daniel Way. Robert Foote attend j- company— the first transaQtion ’ ■Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lyman’s. ed the Dalrymed's Banquei Settled Country; Will Pro­ ters were concerned, but with the the mainland will be furnish­ day school building, an addition to j (. of its kind on record. ! I An application for a marriage ed them and they will be license was filed at the town clerk’s Mrs. Clara Hanme.* spent Tues- Wednesday evening and will re > advent of the buses on the Man­ the Center Congregational church.' A ------I 'day in Hartford and Wethersfield. chester Green and Crosstown line guests of a Hawaiian hotel will be ready for use about the ! office this morning by Thomas Har- main at Storrs a few days. tect Sleuths However. during their stay. I rison, of Woqdbridge street, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owen spent Rev. J. W. Deeter returned to hli they decided to take up with the first of next July. The Manchester ; Monday at Storrs and attended the Selectmen, through Chief Samuel Bill Melhorn of New York Construction Company which wa.s Mrs. Margaret, Adams, a maid at home Tuesday evening after b^lni annual poultry banquet in the absent two months. G. Gordon and with Manager N. J. won last year’s tournament awarded the contract yesterday TOLUND ' the Manchester Memorial hospital. '■evening. Washington, Aug. 9.—Two im­ Scott of the Connecticut Company and this year Tommy Armour, afternoon estimates it will com -: ! Harrison Is 72 years of age and Mrs. William Lull and thi Mr. and Mrs. Louis Twining of Misses Carrie and Nellie Lull ol portant moves were taken today by the question of the parking of the A1 Espinosa, Cyril Walker, plete the work In about 200 work- j . Edward Wochomurka, Jr., -Leon \ Mrs. Adams Is 56. Both have been Prohibition Commissioner James i I ! married previously. Hartford spent Monday afternoon South Manchester were recent visi­ buses at the terminus of each line. Horton Smith, Willie Hunter ing days. , . ^ . Clough and James Meacham have with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Post. M. Doran, the first to reduce kill­ A survey has been made of the and more than 15 others will The Construction Company’s! tors at Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ly­ returned from a two weeks’ camp­ • The “ Gay Gilead Girls” furnish­ man’s. ings by prohibition agents, and the different stopping places for the try to wrest his laurels from winning bid y^as 8114,755 which' ing at Woodstock camp. second to adop't a more aggressive ed the literary program at the Mrs. C. R. Perry, Laurence Perrj bus at present add this will be sub­ him. was 81.700 less than that of Gus-; , Mrs. William Hungerford and ^ SNOOK CROSS-EXAMINED Grange Tuesday evening, which attitude for the protection ol fed­ mitted In the request for changes and their guest Barbara Fish, sped tave Schreiber & Sons of Manches-j daughter Ruth of Auburni N. Y., was followed by games, songs and Thursday in Hartford. eral operatives. in parking laws that will be sent ter who were second. The highest] and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hunger- a dog rest. Doran will soon issue a warning to both the selectmen and the Con­ I ON b a t t l e TESTIMONY Mr. and Mrs. F. Elton Post- wer< bidder asked nearly 8135,000.1 ford of Hadlyme, Conn., were M*r. and Mrs. Robert' Owen at­ vistors in Hartford Thursday. to all dry administrators that ex­ necticut Company. They are anxious ABOUT TOWN Work will b e , started Monday 1 guests Wednesday at the home of cept in Isolated mountain districts to get this underway at once that I ______tended the meeting and banquet of Mr. and Mrs. William Ryder oi morning. The present Sunday j William Agard and daughter. Columbus, O., Aug. 9.—.Today’s the Federal Poultry Association in Redding are guests at Mr. and Mrs or wild, little populated fiat coun­ It might be Included in their re­ I Miss Edythe Schultze, stenogra- school building will be demolished ‘ try, the rlfie must be abandoned as William Whitehouse and Mrs.' session of the Snook murder trial Springfield, Mass., Wednesday. Arnold C. Foote’s. port. ‘ pher at the Chamber of Commerce, and whatever material is salvaged John Matthewson of Warrenvllle i was devoted until late this after­ The drought is seriously affect­ a wjapon of enforcement and pis­ Another question that was con­ j left this afternoon on 'the boat for will be placed on sale. i tols used e.\cluslvely. were recent guests of Mr. and noon to the cross-examination of ing the dairy business, pasturelands sidered by the board last night was ! New York. She will spend the The new structure will be two Mrs. Winifred Young. j Dr. James H. Snook, former college are bare and the corn crop is wilt­ As a result of the killing of the proper markin ; by the state I week-end with friends in Bergen- stories high with a basement and j Governor Roosevelt says he ii Richard A Sandlands, a dry agent Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abbott of j professor, on his testimony as to ing and sun-parched, ‘ at the low not a candidate for President of curves and grades on state I field. New Jersey. will be 126 feet long by 45 feet' the killing of Theora Hlx, co-ed attached to the customs service at road in or leading into Manchester, New Jersey, Mrs. Goulder of the price paid the farmer for milk with That’s the first intimation we’v-i wide with a connecting llnR to the' State of Washington and Mrs. Hen­ sweetheart of the professor. the high cost of grain, the problem Detroit, Doran declared the treas­ which are now found to be in a bad I George Rix, secretary of the, church proper 45 feet by 53 feet. had, anyway, that the Democrat! ury would take additional precau­ ry Newhall of West Newton, Mass., • Rrosecutor Chester compelled of milk at a profit is a question. might nominate again. condition, they learned. In this re­ ' Chamber of Commerce is on a two I The exterior will be brick with Snook to give minute demonstra­ tions In the future to protect its spect they ask that special atten­ were recent guests at the Steele I weeks vacation. ! limestone and granite trim and House. tions of the struggle which the de­ operatives. No agent will be asked tion be given to the intersection of hollow tile backing. The roof will I to lay down his life or take chances streets. Mrs. Samuel Simpson is a guest fendant said he had with the girl Manchester people who go on the be slate with copper lined gut­ of her son W. Sumner Simpson in his car and which resulted in in operating against border smug­ excursions to New York held every ters. glers, who were characterized as and family in New York. the killing. Chester posed as the Sunday will now find it easier to Located in the basement in ad­ desperate characters. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge McNight victim. arrive on time in Hartford to catch dition to the boiler and cold stor­ and niece who have been guests As to the elimination of rifies, $9,740,000 FOR the train at 7:40 o’clock in the Doran said. age rooms will be the parish hall, of Miss Edmee Pratat have return­ morning as the Connecticut Com­ lobby, kitchen apd serving rooms. Bedding Specials From “ There appears to be no neces­ pany trolley leaving here at 6:45 ed to their home in East Sandwich, sity of prohibition agents carrying HOME FOR U. S. On the first floor will be the two Mass. o’clock will be pushed through main entrances to the building, HEBRON rifies when working in settled com­ with few stops so as to make the Miss Mary Agnes Pratt of Wind­ munities. The rifle is essentially ladles’ parlor, general purpose sor is a guest of her grandmother SUPREME’ eOURT connection at the Hartford depot. room, beginners’ and women’s rest The Czecho-Slovaklans of the an offensive weapon and the prohi­ Mrs. Charles H. Daniels. town and vicinity held a service at Our August Sale bition service does not bear arms room and toilets, also the pastor’s Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skalnik Rev. R. A. Colpltts will address study and lobby entrance to the St. Peter’s Episcopal church Sun­ for offensive purposes. In these Washington.— After long consid­ the Manchester Klwanis club at its and son John of Stafford were communities pistols must be used church. day afternoon. A native pastor, eration, the supreme court building meeting on Monday. The subject guests Tuesday of their parents the Rev. John Mittal of Stafford BEAUTYREST INNER SPRING exclusively, since agents are armed commission headed by Chlew Jus­ On the second floor will be lo­ Mr. and Mrs. John Skalnik of will be of his own choosing. Charles cated the primary, junior. Inter­ Springs, had charge and addressed for purposes of defense of their tice William Howard Taft has Huber will furnish the attendance Skungamug. own lives. recommended the housing of the mediate and six-class rooms, lob­ the people in their own language. MATTRESSES prize. Miss Rose Skalnik Venock has Wallace Lord and his son Stan­ “ However, in mountain country nation’s highest law tribunal in a by, future organ apace and choir returned to her home in New York or on the little-settled plains room. The plans call for wrecking ley were recent guests of l^r. new building to be erected at a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holden City after a two weeks’ visit with Lord’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Regular $39.30 ...... $ 2 9 . 5 0 where long range defense of an cost of 89,740,000. all buildings on the property north her parents Mr. and Mrs. John agent’s life may be necessary, ri­ and Attorney William Shea return­ of the church proper in order to M. Lord. On their return to their Since Congress has already pro­ ed last night from an automobile Skalnik. fles will be permitted. Frequently vided a site, it is expected that make room for the addition. A home in Bainbridge, N. Y., they Special $25 trip into Canada. Raymond Smith who was oper­ accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence in mountain moonshine raids offi­ plana for the new building will be large telephone and eleertic light ated on recently for rupture in the cers are sniped at over ranges of pole will also have to be removed. Hamilton of Hartford, and' Miss Layerfelt carried forward rapidly, and for Theodore Anderson leaves tomor­ Rockville City hospital is report­ Irma Lord, who motored to Mr. 300 yards or more. The same the first time since the nation was The new boiler will be ready for ed improving. probably would be true of the open row for Maine where he will spend use Nov. 1. Lord’s home and are remaining for formed the legislative, executive the next week fishing. He will be Mrs. Herman Bachofen was giv­ a visit of a few days. MATTRESS plains.” and judicial branches of the gov­ en a complete birthday surprise in Doran’s statement relative to accompanied by his family and his Mrs. Clarence E. Porter has re­ ernment will be physically separat­ brother-in-law of Hartford. hohor of her 60th birthday at the rifles followed the killing of Tom ed. covered from a recent attack of HOLD OWNERS FOR HWE summer home here of her son tonsllitls which has kept her from Chandler, of Poteet, Texas, by The erection of a separate build­ Walter Bachofen and Mrs. Bach­ Charles Stevens, a federal dry During the rush at the sale being her duties in the post office for ing for the supreme court and I conducted by Joseph Chlzius at 243 ofen Sunday last. After all the several days. 1 8 -5 0 agent. The report in this case held abandonment of the court's present IN BOWERY THEATER $ j North Main street, one of the plate guests had arrived and assembled the shooting accidental, Stevens, ac­ offices in the capltol building has Electric lights have been put into cording to witnesses, having fallen, i glass windows was broken. in the living room, Mr. Bachofen shape in St. Peter’s church for eve­ long been advocated by Chief Jus­ arrived with his mother. When ning services to be held by the resulting in the discharge of his tice Taft. Four Men and Boy Arrested One All Cotton Felt Mattress, $9.95 rifle and the death of Chandler. It Ernest Roy of the Depot Square she found she w’as surrounded by visiting Church Army. While the Lack of Space Garage was in New York on busi­ When 3,000 Wax Tapers her family and relatives, many of church has had electricity for the was pointed out that the discharge He has not only complained of of a rifle in a settled community ness early in the week and Tuesday Are Found in Structure. whom she had not seen for some past months it was not fully wired lack of space for the court and the had an opportunity to view the time she was filled with delight for evening services until at pres­ might endanger the lives of others habit of Congress in taking office Four Beautiful Sun Porch Sets To Go than the person fired upon. The Graf Zeppelin, while it was in the New York, Aug. 9.— Four men and surprise. A bountiful dinner ent. space away from it, but has main­ hangar. At that time the air craft and a boy were arrested last night was served with a large birthday Miss Helen Gilbert is the guest range of a pistol, being short, made tained that since the constitution At Half Price. that weapon appear safer for de­ was getting ready to reload with as the result of Chief Fire Marshal cake and sixty choice roses in the this week for a few days of Miss sets up the legislative, executive gasoline and gas for its start late! Thomas P. Brophy’s investigation center of the table. The table dec­ Catherine Woolley in New York fensive purposes. and judicial branches of the gov­ Doran declared that no prohibi­ Wednesday night. of the fire which early yesterday orations were beautiful, place City. She left by boat from Middle- ernment as separate and equal, the wrecked Miner’s Bowery tl^eater. town, Tuesday evening. tion agent was armed with a court should have its own building. cards and favors were placed at machine gun or automatic rifle. No. 165 Bowery, the cradle of each plate. Forty were present to Miss Clarissa Pendleton and The proposed new building, al­ TARIFF B A m E burlesque, and menaced tenements enjoy this joyous occasion. A fam­ Miss Susan Pendleton were guests BENSON FURNITURE CO. ready modelled by an architect in the rear of the structure. ily group picture was taken to add on Tuesday of Miss Daisy White and FOUR DIE OF SMOKE would face the capital, seat of the The prisoners are Anthony Fer­ to the pleasant memories of the her mother. “The Home of Good Bedding” legislative machinery of the gov­ rari, sixty-one, of the Hotel Bre- Mr. and Mrs. George Kibbe, for­ ernment, with a park intervening. POSTPONED BY PACT day. voort, and Frank Ferranti, forty- Mrs. George Curtis of New York merly of Somers, have bought the Cor. Main Street and Brainard Place So. Manchester The model calls for a temple of seven, of No. 3508 Canal avenue. Francis H. Raymond property on IN ST. ALBANS FIRE justice in the approved architecture City is a guest of her sister Mrs. (Continued from Dage 1) Coney Island, owners of the theater Harvey B. Clough and family of the Amston road, in Hebron village. of old Greece, with great marble and adjoining loft buiWing at No. They have moved to the place and columns, and a marble and stone Stafford road. r^Iother Saves Thiee But Fath­ with Senator Reed Smoot (R) of 169 Bowery; Joseph Svedlo, thirty- Mrs. Mary Harmon and son of expect to make their permanent exterior. Utah, author of a “ sliding scale,” five, superintendent of the build­ home there. Mr. and Mrs. Kibbe er and Trio of Children Are Provides More Room Waterbury, Conn., is a guest of 4853482353532353234848235353...... 'iiiniiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiilififm awaiting the computation of a new ings; Leon Ferranti, fifteen, son of Mrs. Eugene Rudolph. for many years were engaged in •‘■e a Suffocated. The proposed new building pro­ scale by tariff experts. His new Ferranti, and James Matricardi, hotel work. vides a court room 6^ per cent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter scale will apply the sliding rates, twenty-five, night watchman of the and Judge Edwin S. Agard are The first evangelistic service un­ St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 9.— Four larger than the one now used, 80 cents to 82.40 per hundred buildings. der the auspices of the visiting persons, three of them small chil­ spending the week-end at Charles­ which Is declared highly unsatis­ pounds on Cuban imports, to raw Ferrari, Ferranti and Sevedio Church Army was held at the Epis­ dren, were suffocated today, and factory. The present courtroom at ton Beach, R. I., the guests of rel­ sugar, iustead of upon refined were charged with arson. The oth­ atives. copal church, Tuesday evenlnjg. The more than a dozen families were one time was the Senate chamber sugar as in his first scale, Smoot ers were held as material witnesses. attendance was good and the pro­ forced into the street, when fire of the capitol. Emery Clough Is recovering said he did not know when he The blaze partly destroyed the the­ from an attack of Intestinal grip. gram was carried out enthusias­ broke out in a two-story wooden The new courtroom, however, would ask the committee Republi­ ater and the upper floor of the loft Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waldo have tically. An urgent invitation is ex­ tenement building on Lake street would accommodate but 300 peo­ cans to pass upon his substitute building. tended to'those of all denomina­ here. ple.' proposition. moved from Skungamug to South Mr. Brophy said the arrests were Willington where he Is employed tions to ■ attend these • mission Otis Longway, 47, a textile oper­ Nine suites would be provided Senator Borah (R) of Idaho, based on' discovery of 3,000 or more services which are being held each ative, and his three small children for the nine justices of the court, who is studying the potential ef­ with the Gardner Hall, Jr., Co. Final Reductions and August waxed tapers strung across the up­ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Schaefer of evening through this week ar^d on were dead when found by firemen. most of whom now maintain their fects of a bounty for sugar produc­ per floors of the loft building and Sunday evening. The army team His wife, Mrs. Margaret Longway, offices in their homes because of ers plus a tariff on sugar for rev­ New York City but who are sum­ that gasoline and oil-soaked news­ mering in Tolland, celebrated are making a house to house can­ s awakened by smoke and flames, lack of space in the capitol. The enue only, predicted the defeat in papers had been stuffed in holes in vass about the town to aid in their led three other children to safety their 15th anniversary here on X building would include a kitchen, in the Senate of all sliding scales. the wooden stairways of the loft work. X X S downstairs. Sunday with 50 invited guests at­ which lunches of the justices would Borah indicated he thought the building. Mrs. Elizabeth Dorrance and her CLEARANCE \S The fire was confined to the be prepared, a robing room, con­ Senate would preserve the existing tending. Mrs. William Lutz made Longway apartment on the second a beautiful wedding cake, which niece. Miss Ellen Jones are keep­ ference rooms. Clerk’s rooms and a rate, 81-76 per hundred pounds on ing house for Mrs. Dorrance's floor of the building. The second vast library space. • Cuban imports, unless some better graced the center of the table. Mr. of All Summer Merchandise floor was given over to residences, BARNYARD GOLF IN and Mrs. Schaefer received many daughter, Mrs. James Morrell, In The building plans call for a law plan than any yet suggested is Farmington, during the latter’s ab­ while stores occupied the ground library to house 80,000 to 100,000 brought forward when the Senate gifts. A delightful social gathering floor. was held, including games and sence from home. volumes. 'At the present time there debates sugar duties. He even in­ ESSEX ON SUNDAY Dr. and Mrs. William B. Hills of are about 50,000 books in the dicated he was not certain a bounty sports. The annual Sunday school pic­ New York made a visit on Mon­ court’s library. would be approved by the Senate. day at the home of Dr. Hill’s sis­ SILK DRESSES WILD POLICE CHIEF The ex' .nsion of the Senate’s re­ Essex, Aug. ,9.— Essex, which nic of the Federated church will ter, Mrs. Helen White, while on SUGGEST GAS REMEDY cess was announced by Senator dates from 1820, when it was be held at Lake George, Wales, their way to Marlborough, New \ s founded as a parish of Old Say- Wednesday, August 14. It is hoped SHOT DEAD BY A COP London.— England, too, is com­ James E. Watson (R) of Ind., the Hampshire, on a motor trip. They vS plaining about the escaping car­ majority floor leader. He said the brook, is to have barnyard golf on a good number will go and enjoy expect to be gone on their vacation bon-monoxide gas from its busses agreement had ben reached to post­ Sunday afternoon^ Town officials £he day’s outing. about a month. $3.98 $6.98 $8.98 have given A. E. Lord, the horse­ Terrorized Roadhouse Patrons, and automobiles and several sug­ pone debate on the bill until Sept. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Phillips of gestions have been offered to rem­ shoe pitching magnate of the vil­ $1 Aimed Gun at Trooper, Who 3 in the belief that it would hasten Riverside, California, and East Marvelous Values edy It. The most practical method final enactment of the measure. lage, permission to pit his team HOLLYWOOD ACTORS Hartford, Conp., also Mr. and Mrs. Fired First. of eliminating this gas evil sug­ The intervening fortnight, he e.x- against all-comers on any Sunday J. C. Wilkinson and daughter. Miss Plenty of Large Sizes afternoon he pleases, starting Au­ \S gested so far is to extend the ex- plained, would give the Democrats HED FOR ASSAULT Agnes Wilkinson of Hartford were ^ s Chicago, Aug. 9.— Chief of Po­ hause to the top of the car, ex­ time to prepare their stand on the gust 11. Eventually, it is expected, Sunday guests at the country home Tub Dresses of Fast Color Prints, $1.79 lice Theodore Schutte, 45, of Elm­ pelling the gas above the heads of bill and thus permit a start on de­ the village will have Sunday base­ of Mrs. Clara Brown arid her wood Park, was shot and illed to­ ball but so far barnyard golf is the pedestrians. The gas is lighter than bate as soon as the Senate meets Beating of Goddard, One Time daughter, Mrs. Daisy Humphreys, Sizes 16 to 42. day as he waved a revolver and air and would not settle. September 3. only sport permitted on that day, of Hartford. Mrs. Humphreys mo­ terrorized a room full of patrons in excepting automobile riding and Pugilist, Result of Equity tored from Hartford Wednesday San Souci roadhouse in Morton Another Refueling Record boating on the river. Row, It is Hinted. evening, bringing with her as her Grove, near here. County Highway guest for the night. Miss Evelyn L. Final Reductions On Policeman Fred Bryant shot Hollywood, Calif., Aug. 9.— Kingsley, of Hartford. Mrs. Schutte, he said, after the chief had After a street brawl in front of a Humphreys expects to spend her aimed his revolver at Bryant and MARLBOROUGH .fllrii, studio, Harvey G. Parry, 27, two weeks’ vacation at her place X threatened to fire. land George E. Wilson, 3 5, actors, here, beginning August 10. C o a t s Wiliam Lescum, proprietor of the Janice Mae Mack, infant daugh­ were held in jail hfre today charg­ Dr. Eugene Chase motored out resort, sa'd Schutte was a frequent ter ot Mr. and Mrs. George Mack Fine Broadcloths in Navy, Beige and Black, ideal ■ J .,Jf» ed with beating Francis Goddard, from his vacation home in Middle- visitor and «ften entered the place has been receiving treatment at the screen player and former heavy- town on Wednesday, calling op for Fall wear. As low as intoxicated and boisterous. Lescum Middlesex hospital, Middletown. ■\ eight boxing champion of Eng­ friends here and making some ex­ corroborated Bryant’s story and as­ .Mr. and' Mrs. J. F. Weir and land. plorations about the town. serted that before Schi’ tte was shot family were callers in Salem the Goddard had been attacked as he The meeting of the local League and the best for -he had fired a bullet in the floor first of the week. went to aid a friend, Harry Dean, of Women Voters was postponed I $10 00 $ 2 5 . 0 0 1 and frightened 25 customers, about fA Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Lord known in pictures as Harry Deck, from Wednesday, Aug. 7, to a week half of them women. and son Robert called on friends la who was set upon by four men in from date. Schutte was head of the Elm­ East Haddarn Sunday. an apparent attempt to kidnap him. The prolonged drought is being wood Park police force for about Miss Fanny A. Biish has return­ Goddard was removed to a hospi- felt more and more by dairy farm­ five years. He was married and the ed to her home after- visiting Tal where he was reported in a seri­ ers here. Some of them have al­ father of five children. friends and relatives in Stopington, ous condition from internal in- ready found that ., their pastures Smartly Styled Maine and in-Boston, Mass. !jiirles. . are giving out and have had to be­ Quite a number from here at­ Later Parry and Wilson were gin feeding hay to their stock. The UXORICIDE HANGED; HIS tended the church and Sunday arrested on suspicion of being two water supply in some places is also Autumn school picnic which was held ai of the assailants. a problem, as brooks are drying up Hurd Park, Middle Haddam on Dean said the fight was the out­ and springs running low. CHILD IGNORES HIM Tuesday. growth of a controversy between Professor Charles H. Burnside of The selectmen held their month­ :the Actors’ Equity Association, Columbia University, Mrs. Burnside ly business meeting on Monday eve­ HATS Baltimore, Md., Aug. 9— John from .which he resigned - a month and Miss Marion Burnside were vis­ Creates Marsh, 52-year-old Carroll ning. ago, apd film producers. itors this week at the home of Mr. County farmer, shortly after mid­ Mr. and Mrs. El Allen Bllsh and and Mrs. Mark H. W. Hills. Attractivdy Priced night today paid the penalty on the .children Dorothy and Eleanor arid gallows at the Maryland State Miss Harriett Cooley and Mr. and PU6UC RECORDS SEIZE 10,000 OP ALE ) (• Penitentiary for killing his young Mrs, John C. Vergason spent wife April 9 last after a heavy Wednesday at Lake Congamond- New York, Aug. 9— Ten thousand Srinking bout last April. Marsh Quite a number from here at­ The following public documents bottles ot ale were seized today by $ 2 . 9 8 thased his wife, 28 years old, with tended the carnival in East Hamp­ were filed at the office of the town customs Inspectors in the Mott fc shotgun and as she entered a ton on Satutday and the fireworks clerk this morning: Haven yards of the-'^Neyf York, New barn, seeking safety, he fired and on Monday evening. Warranteed Deed Haven and Hartford railroad. . It Soft Felts These boys thought they were getting off on a new tack when they Mrs. Mahala .West of Hartford la Robert J. Smith to Norman had come down from Canada, con­ « Hlled her Instantly. decided to bceak all motorcycle endurance records. And they were. Two children were left mother­ a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Draper, house and lot, on Tanner signed to a local “ grain dealer,” as Smart Soleils For their neighbors at Carle Place, Long Island, kept awake by the Hall. street. hay, and had crossed the border at less, and the oldest, Pauline, 10, noise of their engine, sprinkled tacks along their route. But the refused to have anything to do with Roy B. Pettinglll has sold his ' Marriage License St. Albans, Vt. After the seizure motorcyclists endured even that, ,and here you see Max Heller, pre­ farm to a party from lyme. An’ application for a marriage a mournful procession set cut from ier father. Yesterday when asked paring to refuel on the run, taking a can of gasoline from his team­ if she wanted to see him, she re- Miss Catherine Rankl is at the license was made by Thomas Harri­ the custom house, a caravan of mate, Ben Krlnsky. The record run finally ended In a collision with Middlesex hospital recovering from son and Mrs. Margaret Adams, boUi trucks which carried the ale to the lused. ap automobile. an operation for hppbndlcltls. of this town. barge office. 'niiiiiiiiiiiliiiniHiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiimfiiimiiiiiiiiiituHii

... . • ;• . \


judges of the high courts and moat vided In the student body, such a the^ government no obstaelea are ment witness in a .liquor Editor, Judge in California Clash of the professors in the greater meeting would serve only to make placed in their way. But when he had. driven an autOmdbiie.lKIlv atttooiObUef .j JAPAN SENDING GERMAN ROYALISTS universities, are all convinced mon­ things worse. students, who come from republi* drinking two glassef o f b e ^ archists. The great German newspaper, can families, want to make counter a fifty cent-glass ot whiskey !(% the Berliner Tageblatt, sarpastical- demonstrations in favor of the, r ^ lowing a raid made by him and an­ Their loyalty' goes first and al­ public, the good old monarchist' other investigator. STUDENT GROUP ways to the old Kaiser crew and, ly observes that this decision is REMAIN POWERFUL rather strange. It recalls that not “Verboten” comes into full play. When Capt. Parker’s ruling was in many instances, never to the called, to the attention of. Malor government which now rules by long ago the Nationalist students in this unirerslty, without going to ilenry I. Goodnough, director of TO STUDY HERE the will of the mass of the people prohlbiUon enforcement tn> Mew of the Reich. the trouble to ask permission, held BOSTON DRY ACENtS Old State Church of Prussia a meeting on the campus at which Bngiahd he,declared that *‘a prohi­ Tokyo.— Plans for sending a A striking example of this feel­ they demonstrated against the bition agent out for buys or sales number of Japanese students to the ing has just been made manifest Treaty of ■Versailles. Being Na­ TO HAVE CHADFFEDRS In line of duty never goee nlone United States for study undar the Is Convinced Monarchis- in Germany. Some of the independ­ tionalists, they, of course, took a and that the man wlio operates the Bancroft Memorial Fund have been ent students in a big university automobile, when one la osed« does asked the permission of the insti­ slam at the government. ___ Boston—-Prohibition enforcement materializing nnd the committee in Not only did the governing au­ that )oJ> and noine. mother/’ charge is about to name two young tic; Colleges Are, Too. tution’s governing body for an as­ agents who drink in line of duty sembly on the campus. Some stu­ thorities of the university fall to and then operate an automobile, Japanese who will leave In time to see that this might cause feeling ^ LIBEL SIltT. ' begin their work this fall, it is an­ dents at a Socialist high school will have their driving license re­ wanted to hold a meeting in honor among the republlt»n students, but voked, according to Captain George "Peggy eonfeeaed at Che party nounced. By IMILTON BRONXER one of the faculty'went out of his The fund was created by the London— One of the things of the German constitution— the A. Parker, registrar of motor last night that she waa eiifbteen." charter of the republic—and were way to attend the meeting and vehicles for Massachusetts. “Then I feel soity for the editor brother and sister of the late Ed­ aganst which the young Ger­ ostentatiously shake the hand of gar A. Bancroft, American Ambas­ man republic has constantly to to be addressed by a teacher in the The statement was made in con­ of the ‘Morning Sne^'." struggle is the fact that many of school. the speakof of the day. nection with the alleged ai^mlssion “How’s that sador to Japan, who died while in The lesson of the incident seems of Marcus; F. Jacobson, of Cam'' the field of duty here. the preachers of the Lutheran The desired permission was “The papmr said Fehgy’e . Gilrty- Church—the old state church of sharply refused on the ground that to ba that when the young sprigs bridge, a 'Watch and Ward Agent year-old twin brother'was visiting Mr. Bancroft came to Japan at a ber."—Tit-Bits. time when feeling against the Unit- Prussia—as well as most of the as opinion was now bitterly di­ of the Junker class want to attack and investigator who was a govern­ ?d States was rather high because at the recent passage of the im­ migration act. He soon became con­ vinced that the only way relations between the two countries could be improved was to establish a strong personal bond between their respective peoples. Because it was not feasible to have many American students come to Japan he thought that Japanese young men should go to the United Slates. His death cut short his plans along this line but his rela- ■ tives joined in making the fund possible because they knew it was according to his wishes. Japanese who go to America un­ This editor and judge have clashed. H. A. Baggerly, former sports der the Bancroft Fund will be en­ writer and now editor of the Los Gatos (Calif.) Mail-News, faces crim­ couraged by entering small Ameri- inal libel charges as a result of articles he wrote criticizing Judge Percy • can colleges where they will be the O’Connor (shown in the inset) of San Jose, following O’Connor’s dis­ only Japanese. missal of a wealthy society girl who had been arrested on charges of The first of these students, who reckless driving, into.vication, and liquor possession. ; will leave this summer, may go to •ivnox College, at Galesburg, Illi- creased to $150,COC in a few years. volve” by agreeing that the stu­ Kois, because that was Ambassa- Because of this it will be possible dents shall return the funds which • dor Bancroft’s alma mater. to have quite a large number of they use after a period of 20 years The Bancroft Fund now amounts students in America at the same or so is also expected to be put .^tjo about $100,000 'and will be in- time. A plan to have the fund "re­ into effect. It ■* AT MARLOW’S I ./

be Ruth Buy Here! Save Money! Mason 1-2 pt jars ...... 72c Jelly Tumblers ...... 55c dozen Mason pint jars ...... 75c Mason and Ideal Jar Covers 25c-30c doz. knocks out t/iot knock Mason quai t jars ...... 87c Good Luck Jar Rubbers, 3 for ...... 25c Mason 2 quart j a r s ...... $1.23 Parowax ...... 10c box Ideal 1-2 pint j a r s ...... 85c Aluminum Funnels...... 10c to 39c Ideal pint j a r s ...... 89c Canning Racks (holds 8 jars) ...... 39c WITH Ideal quart j a r s ...... $1.05 Preserving Kettles...... 59c to $3.98 Ideal 2 quart j a r s ...... $1.49 Aluminum Ladles...... 10c ALL THE POPULAR BRANDS OF MALT AND HOPS AT LOWEST PRICES TYDOL ETHYL Bottles, all sizes, with and without tops. Caps ...... 20c gross Gallon J u g s...... 25c Cappers...... 10c to $1.98 Siphon T ubing...... 5c ft. Corks, all sizes. Hydrometers ...... 25c Wooden Faucets, all sizes. Porcelain and Lightning Tops.. 25c dozen ZEno GASOLI NE FINAL SALE ON BATHING SUITS NOW ON. COME TO M A R L O W ’C **There are lots of noises I like, Fd be dumb The Babe knocks the well-known ‘E T H Y L pump, and stop these de­ kwM, f o r v a l u e s f if I didn t like to hear the fans shouting, I like pill out to the far corner of the lot, structive, dangerous motor knocks and tho fans go wild. the crack of the ball when it connects with the —instantly. TYDOL ETHYL in the tank means money in your podeet. bat, I like the sizzle of a steak in a frying- But when the Babe’s motor starts this knocking business, then the Babe It costs but 3c more per gallon,, imd pan, But the one noise I dont like is the knock i goes wild. saves your car from the pound# in my motor. That drives me wild. Not only pound, pound of the sledg^haminer Has Your Dessert But not for long ... because he knocks in the cylinders;, 1 does it take all the pleasure out of motoring, knocked out that knock in his motor but it costs a fortune in repair bills. Since with more ease than he knocks out Knock out the knocks before they knock out the motor. Problem I*ve been using the new TYDOL ETHYL / a homer on the diamond... knocked haven t heard a single knock,** it out to the far comers of nowhere / . . . with TYDOL ETHYL. This super-fuel is a combination oi Hi-test Make a Ten-Gallon Test Got The Best Of You? ' i 3 o M /'7 ^ z C ^ T Y D O L with its power, liveliness, Even if it were e gemble you wouldn’t be instant starting, and E T H Y L , with Tried all your favorite home made desserts and taking much of a chance . . . when only its anti-knock feature. All the dash 30c is at stake. But it’s an absidute ?80ie find that the family is tiring of them? ' Turn to KKOCK RATING OF 6 of one . . . all the quiet of the other Jhing,” a “set-up”—that TYDOL ETHYL w ill PROMINENT PREMIUM Manchester Dairy Ice Cream for the solution. It ... together. And its knock rating is stop the knocks. Pay 3c more a gallon and GASOLINES make this ten-gallon test and fixul out the ZERO! Absolute ZERO! is always in favor with the whole family. These 3 cent premium gasolines were tested answer for yourself. on the Midgley (Bouncing Pin) Indicator Stop at the nearest TYDOL TIDE WATER OIL SALES CORPORATION, according to an established standard acale S*<*0*> ' • Hartford. Conn. TA over a period of 6 months, from Nov., 1928, 0 Hartford 8-2184. to May, 1929, with the following results: YOUR TYDOL DEALER NOW OFFERS YOU j- The Manchester Dairy ■asttwcHesTtu eoiin MINIMUM MAXIMUM a v b r a g b KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK RATING RATING RATING 1. T h e BSLtne H u te s t' TYDOL (green) . , , Hi-test t y d o l will continue to be the Fuel A • e e * 6 . . . . 1 0 . . . . 9 leader of non-premium gasolines—unchanged in quality or price. Ice Cream Company Fuel B « e * • 5 . . e • 1 3 e • . . 8 ■*^DA«0r Fuel C • e • • 0 . . • • 5 • • DIAL 5250 . . 2 H 2. The new TYDOL ETHYL (red)... a de luxe, super fuel with a zero knock rating, Fuel D • • • • 3 . . c e 7 » 0 . . 6 K i Always Obtainable at Your Neighborhood Fuel E • • e e 3 . . • • S e e . . 4 X at only 3o more a gallon. Store or Favorite Soda Fountain f t ’ TYDOL ETHYL 0 . . . . 0 . . . . 0 3. VEEDOL M otor O il. .. Made 100% from Pennsylvania and odier .panflao has# crudes . . . the choice of famous aviators. 6 S ' • ; . - . /


cruising convention for the mutual clause, which the president himself ing our loot to charitable organiza­ In K. of C. Meet suppression of the slave trade. had a conspiclous part in arrang­ BOBBED BANDITS GIVE tions. We are doing these rash ing, the delicate point of “right of acts for the fun of It and not be­ As to the northeast territory in search’’ v/as avoided and each na­ cause we’re hard up. dispute, embracing 12,000 square tion bound itself to do its full duty ALL LOOT TO CHARFTY “Hoping that In the future par­ CONDITION OF miles, seven-twelfths were set off by-keeping a sufficient squadron ents will allow their girls more ex­ to the United States; Great Britain citement. For ^ every man shall bear his on the African coast for suppres­ Indianapolis.— Two local bobbed­ own hardens.—Galatians 'dtS. taking the residue and obtaining sion of the slave trade. “Two Bobbed-Hair Bandits. the highlands she desired which haired bandits rob for the thrill “B. and T.” STATE ROADS TREATY WITH ENGLAND. frowji upon the Canadian Gibral­ alone and give their loot to charity, Chief Worley was somewhat mys­ We are too prone to find fault;' tar, and a clear'through circuitous tified, for there has been only one let us look for some of the perfec­ NEEDLE STRIKE VOTED. according to a letter they sent to tions.— Schiller. Eighty seven years ago today, route between Quebec and Halifax. Police Chief Claude M. Worley. holdup reported by a bobbed-hair FRIDAY, AUG 0 on Aug. 9, 1842, the famous Web­ The United States government The missive said: bandit in months. He believes New York, Aug. 8— A general some of the victims have failed to Road conditions and detours in ster, Ashburton treaty with Eng­ was permitted to carry tiinhir down “We crave some excitement and the State of Connecticut made strike In the dress-making industry therefore we choose crime as a tell the police they were robbed. HE KNOWS ENOUGH land was signed in Washington. the St. John’s river, and though necessary by *'ighway construction. being bound to pay Maine and Mas- involving 45,000 workers, was means to make whoopee. Repairs and Oiling announced by The chief features of this pact, sachuetts $300,0.00 for the strip of authorized today by the general “So far we have been sheltered Empfoyer: Well, madam,; ! think the Connecticut State Highway De­ negotiated by Daniel Webster and land relinquished to England, executive bojrd of the Internation­ in good homes and have led drab, THE ANSWER. your son will be suitable for the partment, as of August 7th, 1929 Lord Ashburton, were settlement gained in return Rouse’s Point on al Ladies’ Garment Union to take uneventful lives, but have now de­ position In my office^—of course,'! are as follows: of the boundary between Great Lake Champlain, of which it would effect December 1, unless the man­ cided to do things. Here is the answer to the Letter presume he is quite honest? Route No. 1 Britain and the United States on have been deprived by ap exact ufacturers meet their demands for “We staged several holdups and Golf puzzle on the comic page: Mother; Oh, scrupulously honest, Milford-Post road, shoulders be­ the northeast, extending westward survey. higher wages and better working since young girls have such tor­ FILAI, FILL, SILL, SELL, though, naturally he knoiys that ing oiled. beyond the Great Lakes, and a By the cruising convention conditions. menting consciences, we are donat­ SEAL, SEAR, STAR...... ' “business is business. .Tit-Bns.r Stonlngton-Westerly and Groton road, shoulders being oiled for three miles. Route No. 2 9 Shopping Hours All Day Wednesday! North Haven-Hartford »Pike, Bhoulders being oiled for 6 miles. 9 to 6 P.M. Merlden-Hartford Pike, shoul­ ders being oiled for .one mile. Wallingford, Hartford Pike, We Encourage Shopping Tomorrow shoulders being oiled for 2 miles. Route No. 8 With These Danbury-New’town road, concrete pavement completed, shoulders and railing uncompleted. Route No. 4 Salisbury-Great Barrington road AUGUST SALE Is under construction. Short detour around bridge near Mass. line. No alternate route. Route No. 5 When Knights of Columbus meet FEATURES Enfleld-Sprlngfleld road, shoul­ In annual convention August 20-22, ders being oiled for 4 miles. inclusive, at Milwaukee, these three Route No. 8 men will figure prominently. Rob­ Wlnchester-Rowley street bridge, ert Wittlg, above,'of Milwaukee, is Wlnsted, is under construction. general chairman of tlie conven­ Short detour. tion. Below, left, is Martin H. Car- Route 10 mody, of Grand Rapid.s, Mich, su­ Bloomfield. Granby road Is under preme knight, who will preside; construction, but open to trufllc. and, right. Bishop Paul Peter Sayhrook - Hartford, Saybrook Rhode, of Green Buy, who will be road, shoulders being oiled for 1 celebrant at pontifical High* Mass mile. on the opening day. Haddam- Hfd. Saybrook road, Bhoulders being oiled for 2 miles. Willingtou road is under construc­ Mlddletown-llfd. Saybrook road, tion. Traffic can pass. shoulders being oiled for 5 miles. Route No. 12 Barkhamsted. Pleasant Valley A section of the Norwlch-Putnam road is under construction. No al­ road is being reconstructed just ternate route. south of Central Village. Grading Beacon Fulls, Pine Bridge is un­ is being done. Trafllc can pass. der construction. Will be opened in Norwich-Norwich, New London about a week. road, shoulders being oiled for 1 Bethany-Carrington Hill, shoul­ mile. ders under cbnstructlon. No delay. Living Room and Bedroom in One! Montvllle, Norwich, New London Bolton-Boltou street is under road, shoulders being oiled for 4 construction, but open to traffic. 3-PIECE BED-DAVENPORT SUITES miles. Bristol, Terryvlllo Ave., road un­ No matter what type of home you have, Grlswold-Norwlch and Worces­ der construction, shoulders incom­ ter road, shoulders being oiled for be it a small apartment or a large home, plete. No alternate route. there ia always a time when you can use 2 miles. Brooklyn-Pomfret. An improve­ Route No. 17 a spare bedroom to good advantage! ment is being made on the Pom- With this suite you have a living room West Hartford, Avon-Albany fret-Brooklyu road, and delay to $129 Ave., is under construction, but in the daytime and a comfortable bed­ motorists may l)e expected where room at night! And just think! It is open to trafllle. There Is a live min­ grading operations are being car­ yours for only $129! All three pieces, $1.50 WEEKLY ute delay due to the construction ried on. too! The Bed Davenport, the Club Chair of a bridge over the Farmington Cheshire and Meriden, road un­ and the Wing Chair! river. der construction. Slight delay to Footstools Colchester, Norwich, Colchester steam shovel. Choice of mnnj’ pretty1 V V * road is being oiled tor 3 miles. Canton Center- Collinsville road coverings. Sturdi­ Route No. 102 is under construction. Montvllle, Hartfotd-New Lon­ ly made! Darien, West Ave., shoulders be­ Special $1 don road, shoulders are being oiled ing oiled. for 2 miles. East Haddam-Town street is un­ Route No. 104 der construction for one mile. No Portland, Glastonbury road, delay to traffic. shoulders being oiled for 3 miles. Durham-Wallingtord road is un­ Route No. 100 der construction, No delay to Mansfi^tl,* Phoenx^'llle road is traffic. . ^ • under colrtstfuctlon.' The '^hdulders East Windsor, Watertown road is of this road are being built at this under construction. time. East Windsor-Scantlc road is un­ Route No. 110 der construction. Open to traffic. Wlndsor-Windsor Avenue, shoul­ Ellington, Sadi's Hill road is un­ ders are being oiled for 1 mile. derconstruction. Open to traffic. Route No. 112 Glastonbury-Addison road is un­ Durham, Guilford road Is under der construction, open to traffic. construction -for 2 miles. Short de­ Klllingworth-Chester road, grad­ 8-l)ay Dutch tour at north end. Traffic for points ing, for 1-2 n lie. No delay. between Guilford and Clinton ad­ Lakeside-Washington road is un­ Kitchen Clocks vised to use route 10 and 106 via der construction. Hlgganum. Choice of pink, blue, SPECIAL! 3-Piece Jacquard Suites Lisbon, Newent-Canterbury road yellow and green!^ ^ M » A Limit - J i t 44 > W ■ Ro^te No. I l l is under construction. Open to Portland, Portland, East Hamp­ one to a Why Sacrifice Your Comfort When Prices Are So In Combination With Velour traffic. custo­ ton road, shoulders being oiled for Ledyard-Quakertown road is un­ $ 1.95 This value is the unusual sale offer that so 4 miles. mer. Low for New Furniture? many people are talking about! High-grade der construction for 2 miles north Jacquard coverings are used, combined with East Hampton-East Hampton, of Ledyard-Groton town line. Open Portland road, shoulders being oil­ harmonizing velour on the backs and sides! to traffic. 3-PIECE SUITE IN WOOL MOHAIR The suite consists of the Divan, the Wing ed for 3 miles. Litchfield-Milton road is under Route No. -128 Chair and the Club Chair! See it tomorrow, $1.00 WEEKLY New Milford, Danbury, New Mil­ construction. Short detour around Take pride in your liome by ‘klressing” it up with a brand do not delay! bridge. ford road, shoulders being oiled for Monroe-Stevenson road, shovel new Living Room Suite! It will pay you many returns in hap­ 5 miles. piness and comfort! A small down payment delivers your suite Route No. 134 grading and macadam under con­ Cornwall Project, bridge under struction. No detours. immediately! The divan of this suite has the three reversible $118 construction on new location. No Morris, East Morris-Thomaston cushions! The Wing Chair and Club Chair are deep and rest­ road is under construction. Short detours. ful! The covering is of high-grade wool mohair! Buy now! $1.50 WEEKLY New Milford, New Milford-Kent delays at shovel cuts. Short detour road, shoulders being oiled for 10 around bridges. No alternate route. New Hartford-Brakhamsted ro'ad. miles. Route No. 130 bridge under construction. Road Drop-Leaf New Fairfield, Sherntan road, closed during high water. No alter­ macadam completed, shoulders- and nate route. Tables railing uncompleted. New ,Milford-Merryall road, Route No. 148 steam shovel grading and macadam Unfinished, ready East Haddam-Moodus road, grad­ construction under w'ay. No de­ your own paint,11 L. f V ing for one mile. One way traffic. tours. very Route No. 150 Oxford-Quakers Farms road, special 3.95 Lyme. Hamburg road, shoulders waterbound macadam under con­ value. $ being oiled for 3 miles. ’ struction. No delay to traffic. Somers-Hall Hill road is under, Route No. 152 -tt' New Preston- Warren Center construction, but open to traffic. road, construction work just start­ Sprague on the baltic. North 3 Pieces of This Lovely Suite ed. No delay to traffic. Franklin road, a new bridge is be­ ing built over Beaver Brook. Route No. 153 Ves, we mean just what we say! You can buy Salem, Norwich, Hadlyme road Motorists are warned to use ex­ treme care in passing over this the Bed. Dresser and Chest of Drawers of this is being oiled for 3 miles. lovely suite for only $65! You can picture Route No. 154 work. what this suite looks like from the Illustra­ Washington, Woodbury road, Sterling, the Sterling-Ekonk Hill tion but you will be surprised at its quality macadam reconstruction under road is under construction. Maca­ and loveliness when you see it! You will ex­ way. No detour. dam-surfacing is being laid.'Travel claim that it is the best value you have seen Route No. 158 can pass. for a long time! All four pieces shown for $1.00 WEEKLY Voluntown and North Stonington, Newtown-Redding road, bitumi­ Day Bed only $95. nous macadam completed. Shoul­ Pendleton Hill road is under con­ der and railing uncompleted. struction. Grading operations are Opens to a full size Route No. 108 in progress, vehicles can pas.: thru, bed. Complete with Jonathan Trumbull road is un­ although delay and rough going mattress der construction from route No. 3 will be encountered. to the end of Improved road north Washington Bee Brook coad. ma­ $ 15.50 of Columbia Green and from the cadam nearly completed. Bridge end of Improved road south of uncompleted. Columbia Green to the end of im­ Weston-Bull Punk Hill road, proved road at Lebanon. Power steam shovel grading and macadam shovels are at work on an excava­ construction under way. No de­ tion. Surface is being laid. Travel­ tours. ers are warndd to use extreme care West Hartland road 'is under In passing through. construction. Andover- Completed section of Windham Center. North Wind­ Wouldn’t You Be Much Happier With A Beautiful Jonathan Trumbull road is being ham road is being constructed. oiled. Open to traffic. New Bedroom Suite? P l i t e Route No. 182 Windsor Locks Suffield-East Brookfield-Obtuse road, sub- street is under construction, but grading work and macadam con­ open to traffic. There is 15 minutes 3 PIECES OF THIS DISTINCTIVE SUITE struction under way. No detours. delay due to bridge construction on Occasional 8-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE Route No. 802 the south end of East street'. •I Woodbridge, Racebrook road, This value Is sure to startle you because of Darien, Mansfield Ave.. shold- Chairs This new bedroom suite will be a source of delightful com­ If: ders are being oiled. j bridge is under repairs. No delay. fort and happiness to you and your whole family! It is design­ the e.xceptionally low price! But it Is true! Route No. 813 Wilton-Hurlburt street, steam The popular scoop- The complete suite of eight pieces, the exten­ South Windsor, Wapplng road, shovel grading, no detours. seat chair in cbolce of ed in a distinctive manner with overlays of veneer that are sion Table, Buffet, Host Chair and five side shoulders are being oiled for 2 colors. durably and artistically applied! The three pieces consist of $118 Chairs is priced at only $ 9 8 . You can cer­ miles. Special the charming Bed, the large Dresser and your choice of the tainly buy it with full assurance that you are Route No. 887 QUTCK THINKING at only $9.95 handsome Chifforobe or the French Vanity! If you desire all getting a value that you are veiry seldom of­ $1.50 WEBEI^Y $1.50 WEEKLY fered! All 10 pieces for only $ 1 4 5 . A Milford, §hore road, shoulders four pieces, the price is only $157. are being oiled. Magistrate: So you broke into Route No. 846 the tobacconist’s shop just to get a Middletown, Newfield road is be­ ten-cent cigar? Then what were ing oiled for 1 mile. you doing at the safe? HARTFORD H ER R tP'S -The Homf of Home Outfits-Con Main and Morgan Sis. No Route Numbers Prisoner: I was putting In the >• - Ashford, a section of Westford- teu cents.-*—Tit-Bits. MANUUBfVrER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESl'ER. aiN N ., FRroAY, AUGUST 9, 1929. PAGE SIX Made the Others Look CHRISTIAN CHURCH DAILY RADIO PROGRAM LUTHER SESSIONS Sick 3D9.S—W JR, DETROIT—750. Leading DX Statiors GROWING IN JAPAN Friday, August 9. S:30 7:30—W.IZ programs (1 hr.) 0:00 9:00—Harmony piano twins. (D ST ) (ST ) . Quiet life among the peasants on the 405.2— WSB, ATLANTA—740. TO BE IN MERIDEN 10:30 9:"o—WJZ recording artists. ateppes of Russia will be pictured in 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1060. 9:00 8:00—WJZ programs (2 hrs.) song and music over WOR and the 7:00 6:00—.Serenaders; harmonizers. 12:00 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians Tokyo.—Japanese Christians of 12:45 11:45-Kimo Kalohl’s ensemble. Columbia network at 10:30 Monday 7:45 6:45-Musical program. registered church membership in 8:00 7:00—W EAF programs (3 hrs.) 293.9—KYW. CHICAGO-1020. night Together with the strange exotic 8:00 7:00—WJZ programs hrs.) Japan now number 154,521, an music of Russian folk-song, handed 422.3—W O R. N E W A R K —710. 10:30 9:30—WEAF comic skit District Convention Opens r 6:30 5:30—t)oncert ensemttle. 11:15 10:15—D ance m usic to 3:00. increase of 5,237, over last year, down from years gone by, will be a 7:00 6:00—Orchestra; artists. 389.4—W BBM , CHICAGO—770. according to an investigation made special arrangement by Salama of 8:00 7:00—Native Hawaiian music. 8:00 7:00—Apollo male quartet. There on Saturday, Aug. recently by the National Christian New "S o n g o f the Volga Boatmen" and the 8:30 7:30—XlollicUers male quartet. 8:30 7:30—Dance: travel hour. 9:00 S:00—True story dramatization. 10:00 9:00—Black Forest tavern. Council. It Is reported that actual "Kamarlnsky Dance." "The Red Sara­ 10:00 9:00—Excerpts from "Tales of 10:30 9:30—Lewis dance orchestra, number of church members Is far fan" and "Mlscha Under’ the Cherry H o ffm an .” 254.1— W JJD , CHICAGO—1180. 31—Runs to Labor Day. Tree,” Mme. Valentinova’s solos, are 10:30 9:30—Russian peasant music. 7:00 6:00—Symphony orchestra: talk. greater thkn this. 11:05 10:05—Two dance orchestras. 9:00 8:00—Mooseheart children’s hr. The Presbyterian church leads in strong contrast to the “Three 302.8—W BZ, NEW EN G LAN D —990. 416.4— W GN, CHICAGO—720, Huntsmen” and "Oh, Winter, Win­ 6:30 5:30—Dinner dance music. the list with 40,866 members. The Millinery 9:30 8:30—Dance band, harmony. . ter," two songs by the male quartet 7:30 6:30—WJZ programs (3',3 hrs.) 10:30 9:30—.Music: Hungry Five. The Manchester Luther League Methodist church is the next larg­ Peter Biljo and his balalaika orches­ 454.3_WEAF, n e w YORK—660. 11:20 10:20—Tw o dan ce o rc h e stra s. i expects to send a large delegation est denomination with 32,783 tra will also be heard in old Russian 6:00 5:00—Talk by Thornton Fisher. 12:00 11:00—Dream ship; dance music. members. The members of Con­ aira The first act of "Blossom 6:10 5:10—Mezzo-soprano; twins. 344,6—W LS. CHICAGO—870. of members to the annual conven­ gregational church total 27,837 Time,” a musical comedy in three acts, 7:00 e;00—Comic Metropolitan skits. 9:00 8:00—Favorites of Cohan. m w ill be sung by Muriel Wilson, so­ 7:30 6;30—Dark Town Wanderers, 0:30 8:30—WEAF hand concert. tion of the Hartford District Luth- and the Episcopal church has 22,- prano, and Colin O’More, tenor, over Fred Van Eps, banjoist. 10:00 0:00—O rch estra, c la rin e t soloist. er Leagues which opens In Meri­ 235 members. The other Protest­ WJZ and allied broadcasters at 9:30. 8:00 7:00—Orchestra with Leo O’­ 11:00 lo;(i0—Skellodlans feature hour. At 11 this same group of stations will Rourke. tenor. 11:3(1 111:30—Show boat broadcast. den on Saturday, August 31 and ant churches. 19 in number, have present the Slumber hour in which will 9:00 8:00—Drama of underworld. _ 447.5— WMAQ. CHICAGO—670. concludes Labor Day afternoon members ranging from 100 to 4,- be heard a musical melange inter­ 9:30 y:30—schradertown band prog. 8:00 7:00—WOK programs (2 hrs.) with an athletic meet. 217. preting the moods of magic, folk lore 10:00 ;i:(in_.Mclodics of summer. 10:00 9:00—I’laza tiand concert. and legend. The program is directed 10:30 9:30—The Family goes abroad. 11:00 10:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians Practice for the track meet, in 11:10 10:10—-\rtists: piano recital. Favored by Ludwig Laurier. 11:00 10:0U—’Two dance orcliestras. which there is much rivalry, is be­ I 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 12:00 11:00—Dance orcliestra. ing held Monday of every week at Once upon a time there was a 4'00 3:00—I’acific Little Symphony. 288.3— W FA A , D A LLA S—1040. man with a heavy beard, who 8:00' 7:00—Studio exercises. the "West Side playgrounds at 7 Wave lengths In meters on left of 6:00 ,(;;no-Rtillow’s d.ince music. didn’t clai_i to be a cousin of the station title, kilocycles on the right. 7:00 6:00—The salon mixed singers. 12:00 11:00—Roy and his boys. o’clock so that Manchester may Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 7:30 6:30—Dixie Circus program, Un­ 361.2— KOA, D E N V E R —830. former czar. 11:30 10:30—Denver Municipal liund. put a winning team on the field. Well, Well! She certainly is and Eastern Standard. Black face cle Bob Sherwood, clown. Both boys and girls compete In well! In fact, she’s the healthiest type indicates best features. 8:00 7 :00—Contralto crooner, orch. 1:00 12:00—Concert: stage coaches. Fashions 8:30 7:30—Male quartet .sports talk 2:00 1:00—Broadway melodies. this contest. girl in all North Carolina. And by Qraham McNamee. 374.8—W B A P, FO RT W O R T H —800. On Saturday registration of del­ nothing was ailing’ the judges, Leading East Stations. 9:00 iifOO—Comod.Ni-harmony team. 10:30 9 :30—O rch estral concert. 9:30 8:30—Theater memories 0 f 11:00 10:00—Show boat: organist. egates and others are to be made either, when they


10,800,000. Today 20,000,000 tons Seek Eternal Youth by Fasting are sailing under the British flag, PRODUCING POTASH WAR WIDOWS OF BRITANNIA STILL and America Is well behind with a total of only 12,000,000 tons.” MENUS The Express then goes on to tell IN MOHAVE DESERT LEADS SHIPPING how during the war Britain lost FRANCE ASKING For Good Health 9,031,828 tons of shipping, eighty- six per cent of which was sent to New York.— A ten-year struggle the bottom of the sea by German between science and nature at FOR SUFFRAGE LONDON CLAIMS submarines, and adds: Searles Lake, California has pro­ A Week’s Supply "In nine years Great Britain has duced a new Industry in America Recommended By built 2,300,000 tons more than — potash. The useful salts, London.— Despite all the talk America and official census last .Paris.— The feminine vote may I Dr. Frank B. McCoy amounting to 400 tons are being about America’s greatness, Britan­ year showed that Britain owned 1 ,- produced in the recovery of the steal into France in widow’s weeds. nia still rules the waves. 242 vessels under five years of age, ' Mohave Desert alkalis. War w'idows are making the Under the blaring headlines, while America possessed only 101 THE FAST W AY TO HEALTH. Professor G. Ross Robertson of most serious efforts to obtain the “ America Beaten In Shipping vessels coming under the same To Identify categor;y. the University of California de­ vote. They sacrificed ttfeir men Race,” the Dally Express Is the lat­ scribes the new American industry Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for est to Inform the world that not “ Another striking feature in the for their country in war time, they the week beginning Sunday, Aug­ discrepancy between the merchant in “ Industrial and Engipeering Gamine AsphAn. only has Great Britain the greatest Chemistry.” ust 11th: fleets of the two nations is that h e increasing nse of Bayer claim. And they demand the vote navy in the world, but also the “ For years amateurs have stew­ Sunday greatest mercantile marine. three million tons of the world total Aspirin every year is proof in return. Breakfast— Coddled egg, whole­ ed and evaporated the bitter .wa­ T This journal tends to give the Im­ of 4,700,000 tons of shipping out of that it has no ill effects.. It is the “ We have been left the heads of wheat muffins, stewed figs, Lunch- commission is under the United ters of Searles Lake,” Prof. Rob­ pression that during the post-war ertson declares. “ In quest of al­ accepted antidote for pain. It our families,” they say, “ with all Avocado salad, carrot loaf, lettuce. years America and Britain have en­ States flag.” the responsibility and work that kali salts they crystallized, filter­ always helps; it never harms. Quick Dinner— Broiled chicken, aspar­ gaged in a competitive construction Ambitious Program. ed, dissblved and analyzed. Usual­ relief when you’ve a headache, or entails. And yet have not the right agus, salad of chopped raw cabbage, race, and that the latest statistics In conclusion the Express out­ to protect or even represent our celery and beets, ice cream. on world tonnage show Britannia lines an ambitious program on the ly they got nowhere.” cold; or are suffering from neu­ selves bv the smallest voice in our Monday has won. part of British shipping concerns to Science today produces potash ralgia or neuritis. Bheuniatic pains government.” Breakfast— French omelet, small Rules in Commerce. increase their services. This pro­ on the basis of thermostats and yield, too, if you’ll only give these Among the workers In their be piece of broiled ham, Melba toast, "The British Merchant Navy, gram includes the operation by the salt-phase diagrams. It is now a tablets a chance. But you want half is General Malleterre, presi­ applesauce. battered during the war almost to Canadian National Steamships of a matter of manipulating ' phases, genuine Aspirin, so look for the dent of the National .A.ssociation Lunch— Grapes or berries as de- a derelict fleet, once more rules the service between London and Quebec components, temperatures, pres­ Bayer Cross on every tablet. The for the Widows of Military Men, sures, and concentrations and ! sired. waves of commerce, and the story whereby it will be possible for a box always bears the name Bayer who declares it the basest ingrati­ I Dinner— Leg of mutton, baked “ when the whistle blows” the sci­ of how it has regained its suprem­ passenger to cross to Quebec, take and the word genuine printed inred. tude for the country to refuse squash, McCoy salad. (Lettuce, to­ acy forms one of the greatest chap­ the train to Chicago or any other entist “ counts 240 tons of potas­ them a voice in the government to matoes and cucumbebs) pineapple ters in the history of the seas,” western city in the United States sium chloride, 130 tons of borax which they have given their men gelatin. Abstinence from food tends to eternal youth and truth— that’s the proudly proclaims the Express, and reach it as quickly as could be and 10 tons of boric acid.” and Madame Marguerite Frederic Tuesday theory of these Chicagoans who started out to fast in the mountains of which proceeds to tell how it all done by the speediest vessel on the The Importance of htis new in­ Masson, president of the Socieiy Breakfast— Cottage cheese, fresh Colorado. Dissension disrupted their ranks, however, and now one happened. North Atlantic route. dustry is pointed out by Prof. for the Mutual Assistance of War ! peaches. party is under the leadership’ of Dr. George Huntley Aron, and the other “ In 1919,” the jpurpal continues, This service will be inaugurated Robertson when he says that Widows declares in the same vein Lunch— Combination salad of under Rev. Herman Arndt, Presbyterian minister. Left to right are “ the world’s shipping tonnage to­ by a 40,000. ton ship, the Empress “ America need fear no longer a that all women who carry alone the cooked string beans. Shredded car- W. R. Benson, Peter Zankus, Edward Quartullo. Dr. Aron, Mrs. Elizabeth talled 51,000,000, out of which of Britain, which is now under con­ war blockade against German and responsibility of civil life must be ^rots and beets in gelatin, glass of English potash,” who are the prin­ Aspirin Is tbs’ tn d e mark c t BsTcr Manufaetst* Klebe, Mrs. Zella Evers, Rev. Arndt and Mrs. lilary Stephan. British claimed 16,500,000 tons struction and nearing completion at of Monoaceticacidester of Balicylicadd given the right to vote. j sweet milk. and America, her nearest rival. the Clyde shipping yards, Scotland. cipal producers of that substance. The Countess de Galard, presi­ I Dinner— Roast beef, zucchini, dent of the A. D. F. Red Cross is green peas, celery and ripe olives, another who is vigorously working throw the rice into a colander and the use of potatoes because Ihey prune whip. do not combine well with tomatoes. for the vote. Wednesday . rinseAlil&C inlU. cold water. wa.t.d» This X iiio washes VT«.oi*V/0 ^ Among active leaders in the Breakfast— Eggs and tomatoes away the sticky liquid, and separ-1 Butter and cream may oe used with woman’s suffrage movement from on Melba toast. ates the grains of rice. There w ill! the soup other fields are the Countess de La Lunch— Cooked okra, baked egg be about two cupfuls of the Cancer Rochefoucauld, who has delivered plant, cucumbers. cooked rice, to which add one cup­ Question; S. F. writes:— “ I am ful of cooked mashed spinach. Mix a number of striking speeches on Dinner— Fish loaf, spinach, but­ to begin working in a family where A jew of the large N ew the subject; Madame G. Leygues. tered beets, sala4 of sliced toma­ together thoroughly, put into a one of the members has cancer. I England users of Atlantic president of the National League toes with chopped parsley, no des­ casserole, and bake for fifteen or against tenements. Mademoiselle sert. twenty minutes tightly covered. Re­ am to do no washing, only ironing. Gasoline: Lozachmeur, administrative secre­ Thursday move cover and place under broiler I have heard that cancer is con­ C. W. Blakeslee & Soni (New tary of the Paper Syndicate ana Breakfast— Poached eggs, toast­ flame until slightly crisped on top. tagious, and I am doubtful whether Haven)— Brock-Hall Dairy Co. Allied Interests; Madame Henriet- ed shredded wheat biscuit, stewed Serve each portion with a lump of it is wise for me to become em­ butter. ployed here.” (New Haven)— The City Coal te Coulmy, secretary of the Con­ raisins. Co. (Hartford)— City Truck federated Clothing Syndicate, Lunch— Apples and pecan nuts. I Answer:— The exact cause of Co. (Worcester)— H. L. Handy q u e s t io n s a n d ANSWERS Madame Marguerite Prevost, sec­ Dinner— Roast pork, cooked 'cancer is unknown, but doctors Co. (Springfield) — Hartford retary of the Syndicate of Secre­ greens, mashed turnips. Salad of are practically all of the opinion Despatch & Warehouse Co.—• The Breath-holding Habit taries and Stenographers at the chopped raw spinach and celery, that it is not contagious, and I do Hathaway Baking Co. (Spring- Bourse, the Wall Street of Pans; apricot whip. Question: Mrs. G. H. writes: — not believe there will be ar^ dan­ field)— Interstate Trucking Co. Marshal- Lyautey, a well known Friday “ My baby holds her breath until ger in your taking over the'house­ (New Bedford)— Bill Kneeland public figure; Madame Kemp-Ber- Breakfast — Toasted breakfast she is black in the face at times, work in the family you write about. Motor Exp., Inc. (Pawtucket) thelot, president of a works’ so­ food with cream (no sugar) ripe and nothing we can do seems to get There is not much danger of a per­ — D. Mashkin (Hartford) ciety; and Madame G. Diichene, figs. her out of this habit. Will you tell son contracting cancel*, if he lives — Henry C. McDuff Est. (Paw­ vice-president of the International Lunch— Cooked string beans. me something to do?” upon the correct diet and uses tucket)— New England Bakery Women’s League for Peace and ♦Spinach and rice en casserole. I Answer:— Babies often learn to enough exercises (to maintain good (Pawtucket) — N. E. Transpor­ Liberty. , „ Dinner—dinner__ ciuncu Broiled fish,' white hold their breath this way just to health. tation Co. (Providence)— The Madame Dunchene demands the spinach, cooked tomatoes, salad of | frighten their mothers and to at- John P. Nielsen & Sons Co. vote as a question of justice. Peace raw asparagus tips eaten as celery, tract attention. However, it is pos- (Ha,rtford)— OIney k Payne is impossible without justice, she Jello or Jell-well (no cream). | sible there may be something Bros., Inc. (Pawtucket)— Sagal A BARE SUGGESTION declares, and until woman gets her Saturday i wrong with the child,and 1 would Lou Products Co. (New Haven) due part in government, there will Breakfast— Crisp waffle, 2 or 3 suggest that you take her to a baby — Sargent k Co. (New Haven) be no more peace. slices of well cooked bacon, baked specialist. If you find there is noth­ Flapper: And next week I’m off — United Dairy System, Inc. (Springfield)— E. P. Winward During the last war, Madame apple ing wrong, pay no attention to this to Paris to get my clothes. k Sons (Fall River). Duchene says, it was only the Lunch— Ice cream, with one kind: habit, for she will always begin to Grandmother: Yes, yes, I won­ women who showed _ themselves of fresh fruit, except bananas. breathe again before there is any dered where you'd left them.— free of national prejudices and Dinner— Salisbury steak, mush­ danger. Tit-Bits. capable of a view embracing all rooms en casserole, baked ground Soup humanity. beets, salad of diced celery, cook­ Question: G. H. asks:— Can po­ ing string beans and parsley and tatoes or carrots or asparagus re­ MY, HOW CORRECT Wanderlustful cats are to be of­ peach whip. place spinach in your celery, toma­ fered an asylum from the summer ♦Spinach and rice en casserole: to and spinach soup? Do butter and He: Why does a stork stand on cream make a good mixture with sun and famine this season. Measure a half cupfull of rice and one leg? A societv called the Monde Fel;ii, wash thofoughly. Let soak in the this soup?” She: I don’t know. or the Catty World, is opening last Wwater a ie r for lUl ana u houru u u i or ------more.— Answer:— Carrots or asparagus clinics in every section of Paris in drain, and cook until tender in could be used to replace the spinash He: Why. if he lifted it, he’d I f you which food, shade, and any neces­ about a quart of boiling water. Then in this soup, but I do not advise fall down— Pele Mele, Paris. 1! sary medical care will be extended to feline free-lancers. This hospitality is especially of­ NEEDED fered to home loving cats whose owners have forsaken them during the summer holidays. Such ag­ grieved household pets may 'meow No Other American Car Lasts As Long As REO — Not One ! for board and lodging at these clin­ ics at any time and be assured of good care, sympathetic surround-^ ings, heat, electricity, and hot and cold running water. No dogs will be allowed in hark­ ing distance of this feline haven, and will be severely snubbed if not scratched if they make persistent GEORGE H alf attempting at entry.

Is “ Romona.” the waltz that per­ vades the radio, cafe concerts and shop girls noon hours .American or French? M. V. J. I.anderoln. composer, says that he wrote the identical melody in 1908. “ Tiens, I said. Can it be pos­ sible that the minuet from my ""MillioJ symphony in B Minor has baconie popular? How did anyone ever dis­ •; f cover it. “ I went to the orchestra leader and said: Thanks for playing my piece. He replied: So you are the composer of Ramona, welt, well, 10 COOPER STREET SOUTH MANCHESTER GALLONS of enchanted to meet you.’* “ MAGPIE MODELS PUT GASOLINE OTHERS IN THE SHADE

Paris.— Black and white magpie As a keen-minded individual motor­ models are putting other colors and . . . You’d think twice before placing your orders, combinations on the shade thi» ist you are probably just as deeply summer, in spite cf special efforts wouldn’t you? You’d investigate— the same as other interested in getting the best gasoline of the dressmaker to popularize the your money can buy, as the purchas­ new capucine shades ranging from large users of gasoline do. You’d insist on knowing jialest corn through lime, lemon, ing agents of large truck, bus and daffodil, buttercup and deep other commercial-car fleet operators. how much value your gasoline money is going to buy ' if' ■orange, with pale yellowish-green As one of the largest and most on the side. Chic French women say they- — not only in the power and mileage it is able to deliver, responsible refining organizations in feel better in black because they but in all the other respects in which gasoline has to the world, The Atlantic Refining know they look better. This sea­ Company makes the unqualified as­ son they have constructed to jazz It up with white or palest pink. Noth­ A Familiar REO Speed Wagon Model do with efficiency and economy in the operation of sertion that today’s new-type Atlan­ ing is smarter than a frock of black tic Gasoline is the brawniest, smooth­ and white printed crepe de chine motor-cars. est', snappiest alf-round motor fuel or chiffon when worn with a coat on the market. of plain black silk crepe. A charm­ Proof of performance— unmistakable evidence of ing one seen at Baktelle’ recently Fast Heavy Duty Trucks It is extra-powered. It is smooth- had a white background with a de­ high all-round efficiency—not simply claims—would acting. Yet with these much-sought sign of fine black lines, the skirt Make many trips and much profit for their owners. arranged in points piped on the finally govern your choice. On such a basis that choice modern qualities, Atlantic is amaz­ seams with a narrow line of black Whether your comipercial transportation problem ingly easy starting and quick on and with a deep cuff and triangu­ is one of light loads or heavy, of long trips or short, would be the new-type, extra-powered A tlantic pick-up. . lar bit of white hanging from the a REO Speed Wagon will prove the solution. We outer edge. It is so clean-burning that carbon­ don’t ask you to belieye what we say—we only ask G a s o l i n e — just as it is the choice of practically every Another frock of printed white cleaning and valve-grinding expense crepe de chine is made with an In­ the opportunity to show you the REO Speed Wagon, teresting skirt in diagonal lines, what it is doing for others and to learn from the lips large user who insists on getting the facts. is practically a dead issue. with ties low at the front. An of REO Speed Wagon owners about the kind of original magpie ensemble comes Automotive Service we give...... with a touch of yellow In It, the skirt cut in two diagonal tiers which fall In a loose jacket at the back of the bodice which carries Brown keeps your REO always on the road < ?X T R A out the same diagonal effect. (fXTRA- Evening gowns also come in the popular magpie combination, one of ^ O S T taffeta with tulle, with a quaint ?*OWERED shirred bodice and full skirt of the lulle and a wide band of the taf­ REO — Sales and Service — REO GASOUNE feta and applique of taffeta motifs which is mqst original and distinc­ tive.

r ■' ^ ‘V V.-


cans who will vote for Mr, Pol- cal admiration for anything and lard’s opponent, Mr. Brown. everything “hl8” and the big crim­ Apparently there Isn’t much Ho inal gets his' share of It. For ex­ Cimtbis S»raU) go on. Still, the total vote ol the ample, they have just moved Scar- face A1 Capone from one Philadel­ PUBiaSHBD BT THE “regular” primary may Indicate fiSRAU) PRINTING COMPANY, INC. something. Before the primary was phia prison to another for the The MI&SUMMER RANGE CLUB ^ 18 BlRsell Street , South Manchester. Connt held some Virginia forecaster, we reason that such swarms of per­ THOMAS FERGUSON don’t remember who but as we re­ sons came to see him that they By RODNEY BUTCHER. General Manager call It was some one of conse­ constituted a nuisance. For some Washington.—A few foreign na­ Founded October 1, 1881 quence, laid down the idea that If reason the other jail is less subject brings a new range to your kitchen to this particular kind of pest. tions may be planning reprisals in • Published Every Evening ^Except the “regulars” polled upward of ca^e they are affected by the next I Sundays and Holidays. Entered at the 150,000 votes In the primary elec­ This sort of thing Isn’t charac­ Post Office at South Manchester, tariff law, but there will be some j Conn.» as Second Class Mall Matter. tion It would be a good Indication teristic of America as a whole. It surprise around here: in case any on easy Terms SUBSCRIPTION RATES: that they would win In the final is characteristic of elements intro­ such reprisals are carried out. Vir-i One Year, by m all ...... 86.00 duced into our population too rap­ tually ail of them try so hard to Per Month, by mall ...... * .60 election in the fall. -.-..pellvered, one year ...... 89*00 But they don’t appear to have idly for complete assimilation in impress this government as to how Single copies ...... 8 .03 nice and important they are that polled upward of 160,000 votes. the length of time that would any such course would be a revers­ SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ The total seems, in fact to have have been needed to assimilate al of policy. SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser, fallen somewhat, though not very them If they had come more grad­ rhe besi evidence of the anxiety Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York, N, of other governments to stand in T., and 612 North Michlgfan Ave., seriously, below the 150,000 mark ually. Elements, at that, that con­ p o t l e s s Chicago, Ills. with Uncle Sam, who Is so impor­ , efficient Which would seem to indicate, tribute valuable qualities to the tant himself and who has so much ranges . . scienti­ The Herald Is on sale dally at all to persons who know nothing at composite Amerioan character, but money, Is to be seen in the caliber Schultz and Hoatllng news stands In Sfically designed and New York City. first hand about the practical in­ which also have, when they come of diplomats who are sent to Wash­ sides of Virginia politics, but who to us, certain characteristics that ington and the continual process constructed . . are offered Leased Wire Service client of In­ of building bigger and better em­ ternational News Service. have to guess ks best they can, we would be better without. An bassies and legations. Most of them to club members during the Full service client of N E A Service, that Bishop Cannon’s grip on the excitable mass-mindedness is one send their very best men to repre­ Inc. ^lid-Summer Range Club party has not been loosened to any of them. An inherited antagonism sent them here and often they on club terms. Every home Member, Audit Bureau of Circula­ such extent as to give promise of to constituted authority—which house these men in mansions whose tions. size and expense is well out of pro­ that needs a new range a walkover for the “regulars.” In has Its roots in sufficient causes— portion to their national wealth. The Herald Printing Company, Inc., fact it looks like a fairly close is another. An individualism aris­ They Kate Very High. should take advantage of assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors appearing In thing. ing from lack of protection by any Socially, at least, Washington re­ the Club benefits. Only a advertlsments In the Manchester real system of justice is another. sponds cordially to these obvious small sum—$3 or $5—is Evening Herald. overtures. Perhaps Washi igtou s.>- August Clearance A VAST EXPERIENCE We have the utmost faith that ciety, based so much as it is on the needed for a first payment. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9. 1929 There was burled in Muskogee, in the course of time the assimila­ official rank of federal jobholders, $2, $3 or $5 (depending on Okla., this week a woman 90 years tion will become complete—now is ■ easily dazzled.-' At any rate, of refrigerators HOW COME, ISSUE? that we have stopped the over­ whereas diplomats in other capitals This Clark-Jewel range in the range selected) is all old, Mrs. G. B. Hester. She had koip comparatively to themselves, Many models have again We can’t for the life of us see lived in Oklahoma, or what is now whelming tide of immigration. But are most often surrounded by their black enamel with white you need to pay weekly. how a political Issue can be manu­ Oklahoma, since 1853, except that while-it is slowly going on the ef­ 07/n countrymen and frequently porcelain doors, drip pans Still Club members receive been deduced for the final Au­ factured by Connecticut Demo­ for the four years of the Civil War fects of these foreign influences abide in second-rate quarters, in and splashers, and porcelain the CASH PRICES. Join gust Clearance. Large models crats out of tests of the constitu­ are not confined to .the newcomers Washington they are virtually the lined oven and broiler, is can be equipped "with electric she was a nurse behind the Con­ first social layer. Social activity the club today. refrigeration at any time. tionality of the validating action federate lines, serving the hospl- themselves but, by contagion, have appears to revolve around them. only $53.50. taken by the Legislature on the I tals and rest stations. She was more or less bedeviled the ethics The mere rank of an attache casts 1500 helatedly__slgned laws. The hern in Tennessee and went to the and moral poise of some of the so much glamour in this town that 25 lb. Leonard Top leer -mth statement of James J. Walsh of the teach I older elements in our population. it is no wonder so many bus boys ?3 Down - ?2 Weekly white enartieled interior and then Indian Territory to and waiters of foreign descent have Democratic State Central Com­ among the Chocktaw and Chicka­ We ate in a state of flux. Be­ posed as such in the heart-break­ wire shelf. mittee that his party would seek saw ^ndians, when only 14 years cause the factor of sanity and a ing campaigns. Regular $14.00...... $ ^ . 7 3 Supreme Court decision on the val­ old. decent respect for law and order is The social functions which at­ idity of the six validating acts the major factor it will, eventual­ tract the most attention here are Crawford Ranges Clark-J ewel Ranges In 1853 the Indian Territory was generally diplomatic. The Chilean V 50 lb. Leonard Top leer with looks like a rather grandeloquent about as remote to Tennessee as ly become the wholly dominant ambassador’s dinner, at which Mrs. white enameled interior and 2 gesture and nothing more. Kamchatka Is from Manchester to­ one in the mixture. Meantime we Gann was placed in the seat she Our stock of New England- Clark-Jewel gas ranges offer wire shelves. In the first place every Demo- day—and as impossible a place to are getting some queer effects. wanted, and the British ambassa­ made Crawford Ranges com­ a wide selettion of popular Reg. $22.00 ...... dor’s dinner, where Mrs. Gann prises gas, coal and combina- ciat in the House of Representa­ live In. The white man, in that didn’t take a drink, have had more priced nwdels, including ranges tives and all but one in the Senate tion-coal-and-gas ranges. In­ with the famous Lorain Oven- 100 lb. Three Door IiGonard ccuntry^nd that day, was as much publicity than any other dinners cluded are plain blacks and were reported as voting in favor a stranger as an Eskimo Is today within the year. Heat Control and insulated With white enameled interior of the healing legislation—certain­ in New York. When the Tennessee Hardly anyone will question that black, gray and blue porcelain ovens. Black, gray, white and and 4 shelves. , > Washington now has the highest enamel finishes. There’s a green-gray are the popular fin­ ly they didn’t vote against it. Also girl made the long and hazardous Going Places grade diplomatic colony in the Reg. $37.50 ...... $ it Is entirely unnecessary for the Crawford to meet your need at ishes stocked. Terms $2 to $3 trip to that principality of red AND world. Howard of Britain is round­ terms' varying from $2 to $5 Democratic party to assue the re­ men it was like going into an­ ing out a brilliant career of foreign weekly. 50 lb. Three Door Leonard sponsibility of obtaining a decision service, Claudel of France was weekly. other world, enormously remote Seeing Things world-famous before he came here, with 3 shelves and white enam­ from the Supreme Court as such a from civilization. Davila -was one of the ablest men eled interior. ih O n f n decision would he very certain to Yet during her life—and not in Chile, Prince De Llgne of Bel­ Reg. $45.00 ...... $ J (.DU ho sought by some litigant in the only during her life but during her San Francisco.—Few spots sug­ gium is the top of his country’s very near future In the natural maturity—Mrs. Hester saw this gest romance and glamour quite s) diplomatic heap, Tellez of Mexico RANGE CLUB BENEHTS strongly as San Francisco’s water­ is perhaps the ablest of his nation­ 75 lb. Leonard Steel-Klad course of events. Even^ow a New savage wilderness become a popu­ ality except for Plutarco Calles, Britain casp is headeTlor the Su­ front. X K .-.f 1. Small Down Payment (metal exterior) finished in lous commonwealth dedicated to To be sure, the waterfront of Nicaragua’s Sacasa was her consti­ white enamel inside and out. preme Court in which the validity the same activities as the other Frank Norris and Jack London is tutional president and Central 2. Easy Weekly Payments of the re-established automobile gone . . . and forever When America s most distinguished sur­ Regular ih /I C* Slates of the Union. She has seen geon, and similar nice things might “guest law” is attacked as one of “Three-hingered Jack’s” dlsappearj 3. Cash Price $57.00 ...... the minute beginnings of the mis­ ed from the Meigg’s wharf belt and be said about many other heads of the 1500 subjects of healing. sionary’s shack grow into splendid when Darby Laydon’s turned into a missions. Nobody can he absolutley sure, cities, skyscrapers displace the cigaret and gum emporium in Steu- The more important diplomats have large allowances tor enter­ of course, that the healing of the tepees and the honk of the motor art street, the change began. Steam beer, which could be tainment—another indication of questioned laws will be regarded car and the roar of the plane dis­ found nowhere else in the nation, the world’s anxiety to please. The by the Supreme Court as com­ place the twang of the Indian survived for a time. As did a few British ambassador, one hears, ha.s WATKINS BROTHERS, Inf* plete. If not, perhaps some other hunter’s bow. picturesque, tumbledown bars built $80,000 a year for entertainment purposes. way will have to be found of ac­ It is extremely doubtful if there upon piers, with the bay waters 5 4 S o u t h MANCHfcsifcR splashing below against the pilp. And mo-re and moro money is complishing the vltaUy necessary was, in all the United States, a But concrete wharves came in, clip- being poured into new buildings. remedy—and it.may prove to be a single Individual whose experi­ per~ships appeared less frequently In the last three or four years, a tedious and expensive way. On the ences with the metamorphosis of through the Golden Gate and the dozen diplomats representing smaller nations have moved out of I'other hand the court may entirely old sugar-barkentines running the West covered so utter a change down to Hawaii took on auxiliary dark old houses or hotel rooms into approve of the course of the Legls In the picture as this old lady who engines. The war dealt the final handsome quarters infinitely su­ lature. has just passed away. The rest of blow au,d shipping changed its en­ perior. And those of larger nations have In several instances moved Whichever way It goes we fall to us. read of these things and try to tire tune. from what_.appeared satisfactory find where it gives the Democrats realize them. She lived them. Still and all, the pungent odor quarters to any outsider Into spleh- a handle. If the healing is declar of copra, in from the south seas, drous palaces. The British will move early next bassy, with another block behind BOOSTER PECKS OUT EYE ed good they certainly can take no SURPRISING SNOWDEN still clings' to the docks. And there OF KANSAS CITY BABE is the fragrance of spices from the year into what is regarded as per­ on Fifteenth street for their chan­ credit to themselves because the I t is difficult to understand the haps the finest embassy building in cery. It may be even finer and more HEAUHdXET ADVICE Orient, of coffee from South Amer­ Kansas City, Kas.—A small boy minority merely added to the size attitude of the British chancellor ica and sandalwood and raw to- the world, on a site containing imposing than the British embassy. ^ D r FronH of the exchequer, Phllfp Snowden, More than a score of nations now here niay lose the sight of his'left of the vote and made it practical­ 1)& Iw ably as bid as the practice ol strongly starchy foods should be House and Senate. There’s nothing complete blackness. Down below AFTER HAV1M6 ' TIBEP BEING A BEEN UP those habits which have produced used for some time, and no foodi^ policy, should deem it politic to the lights blink and the gray ‘'WIDOW'‘-SO SHE in it for Mr. Walsh. BEEM UP THE VET i f OLD catarrhal disorders. It is not . like- containing large amounts of sugar, stand forth in stubborn defiance streams of f

A Dame Fashion Hasn Anything Up 7( s m W E Jt ^ ELEA/JOU' EA-RLY © 1929 *Qy /'lE.A Service Irvc. Her Sleeve These Summer Days -ki That women are still women ^and looking at. tke stalwart •mash­ and • not people is demonstrat­ er, couldn’t believe it, so Virginia TfflS HAS HAPPENED rows” had proved the sustained hit Rita, and learned also that Molly Bare-Arm Mode Brings Intricate Cut and “Dressmaker’^ Looks of t'ke season. He seemed willing was returning on the Conte Grande. ed by all the to-do and hurrah- showed him. boys made over the few , women And here’s the other sld&pf thp MOLLY BURNHAM, in the to take a chance on almost any­ He greeted her In characteristic to Frocks. thing Molly might write. fashion. who sailed westward in the Graf picture. Ellen Tomlinson of Lan­ midst of a turbulent career, goes Zeppelin. No one thought of of­ caster, Pa., went under the name alone to Italy. Her adventures “ But don’t turn sweety-pie on “ Woman, what you been doing to me,” tip warned. “ The public has yourself? You look like hell.” fering some yellow , lucre to some of Bob Gochenauer, 28, and for are numy and exciting. From man to tell his experiences, for over ten years bad posed as a Naples, shh travels to Rome, and you tagged as a girl who knows “ That’s the way I feel,” she to.ld^ her crime. You can’t pull any love- him. “ Wasn’t it dreadful about the plain reason that he was a man, singing tenor in the church then to Venice. man. But several of the passen­ choir, and being quite romantic Later she goes to Florence, and among-the-dalsies stuff on them . . Rita!” How about a nice, juicy murder?” “Tough,” he sympathized. “ Awful gers of the female persuasion had with the ladies. The church choir buys her sweetheart, JACK nice assignments to write of their WELLS, a fascinating ring from tough. ■ What’s this I hear about dismissed its first tenor when the. you taking the kid?” thrill at taking the trip. deception was discovered. an old silver smith on Ponte Molly had torn up his letter Women won’t be really people Vecchio. Returning, happily, to “ I promised Rita,” she explained. Impatiently. She did not want “ I saw her. Awful cute kid. You till this sort of thing has stopped. I BRAVE MAN the pension where she is staying, to be tagged as a girl who knew Thomas A. Edison is a brave she receives a cable. Tearing it didn’t agree to take on the rest of j her crime. Better love among-the- the family, did you?” WHY, GLORIA! I man. Think of all the hopeful open rather fearfully, Molly falls Here’s a gasper. None less daisies than a “ nice juicy murder!” Molly smiled faintly. I letters he will receive from the \ at the feet of SIGNORINA BEN- than Gloria Swanson advising par­ VENUTI, mistress of the nension. “ Bob?” she asked. “ Poor Bob! mothers and fathers and aunts Now, crushed with grief by Rita’s How is he. Red?” ents not to let their children at­ , and uncles and cousins and brothr For the first time in her life, she death, confronted with the prospect “ Bearing up,” drawled Red. tend movies! She says that the ers and sisters and grandmothers has fainted. of a long and unbearably lonely “ Bearing up pretty well, I should movies contain too much sex for and grandfathers of boys who are NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY voyage, she decided to devote the say. He’s got a frowsy little dame Immature minds. suspected of having some scien­ to- keep him company.” The seeming paradox of an ac­ tific talent! CHAPTER XXVII entire trip to the task of writing another play. For some time she “ Red!” tress knocking her own trade to And nothing Is so fraught with Servants came running when had revolved in her mind the dra­ “ Sure thing,” he insisted. “ She’s —y" the tune of much money is ex­ peril as any sort of child con­ Signorlna Benvenuti called. Sig- matic possibilities of a tragedy of taking care of the kid. That’s the plained by the fact that the ac­ test. Parents will never believe norina chafed Molly’s cold hands, young love— the sympathetic study stall.” tress is also a mother, has always that their child isn’t the best. and pressed brandy between her of a modern thrill-seeker. “ Why, that’s outrageous!” , been considered a very good moth­ lips. And, when she could not be Life had furnished all the char­ “ It’s rotten,” he affirmed. er, too, to her little daughter. REYNOLDS’ CASE revived, they carried her to a divan acters. The tragedy had taken place The big boat docked before Red When professions clash, the ma­ Richard J. Reynolds, heir to the In the living room; and the con­ while Molly was in college. In real finished with his story. He had se­ ternal one generally comes out on tobacco millions, is serving five cierge went on his bicycle for a life, the inglorious hero had been cured courtesy of the port for top. months in a London prison on a doctor. murdered. Molly, and the bother of customs conviction of manslaughter after Then Signorlna Benvenuti re­ For the purposes of a play, she was expedited. FUNNY TALES his auto killed a^otorcycllst. trieved the cable that had fluttered would have him commit suicide— They were standing together, Speaking of girls will be girls It is interesting to note that the from Molly’s stiff Angers. in a sacrifice to honor and chivalry. waiting for an inspector to affix his and boys will be boys, or goina heir is an American one. It would “ RITA DEAD.” it read. “ IN­ But, until the last moment, the seals to her luggage, when Molly back to the old assumption that be interesting to know how the SISTED DURING CONSCIOUS­ audience must believe him mur­ saw Bob outside the gate. She had each sex is always traditionally case would have been disposed of NESS THAT YOU BE NOTIFIED its own sex, here’s blond Virginia dered. Even the defendants, and complained a moment before of I it he had been a rich English heir, IMMEDIATELY. BOB.” his sweetheart, must believe him feeling faint, and Red’s arm was i Mercereau who showed a Chicago just as it would be Interesting to Tears came to the Italian lady’s murdered. about her shoulders. judge just how she felled with note how the same case would eyes. Her sympathetic Latin na­ The plot should revolve about “ Look!” she exclaimed. “ There’s her hefty right and left a masher hav,e been disposed of in America. ture responded readily to the grief the love of mother and daughter— Bob now. Lordy, Red, I don’t know who tried to pick her up in the Jn other words, in which nation of any living thing, and for the each ready ,to give her life, to save what to say to him!” street. is there most ant to be one Jus­ little American girl traveling alone “ Oh, just act natural,” he ad­ He’d complained that she did tice for the rich and another for the other— each believing the other New is the spiral panel of hand-hemstitching which decorates a white crepe “ dressmaker” frock' The she wept sincerely. guilty of murder. vised. “ The poor sap’s got trouble it; the judge, looking at the girl the poor? Molly stirred, and her eyelids enough. That other thing will belt is attached and the panel becomes pleats below the hips. The little beige sleeveless blouse of a mus­ A freshman in college had fallen tard colored jersey suit has hand-sewn banding making a yoke and a belt. Mustard socks are .worn with fluttered. in love with a man whom her par­ straighten itself out.” “ I have great sorrow for you, “ Bob!” she called. beige sport shoes and a beige felt hat turns up in front. A white crepe de chine hand-made frodk empha­ ents considered unworthy. Learn­ sizes its natural waistline by horizontal bandings around the hips and a jaunty white, orange and brown Signorlna,” murmured the mistress ing of the romance, her father had He came toward them, looking of the pension. “ I have read your gone to the boy. back over his shoulder, in a per­ suede belt at normal waistline. message, and weep my grief.” There was a stormy session, dur­ plexed sort of fashion. He wore a Molly stared with unseeing eyes. ing which the youth declared that mourning band on the sleeve of his The concierge had returned with the girl was pursuing him, that she gray suit, and a black tie. HEALTH J the doctor. And the murmur of had thrown herself at his head, He took her hand In both of his. MUSICIANS CLOTHES anxious voices penetrated her con­ and that whatever happened w ": And she saw that there were tears YOUR sciousness. She raised. herself on in his mild blue eyes. Despite the This is the last of six articles by.* achieving success in love, qr Ip her own fault. ^------_ '^ar/o fie'*/ rKt TO PLEASE AUDIENCE Dr. .Morris Flshbein, America's money matters, or in r^ligion. Oui her elbow. Everything wgs clear The next day the mother of the frowsy lady — despite whatever he CHILDREN now. She remembered the cable, might have done— she felt over­ foremost WTiter on health subjects, simple minds like to have soma girl bought a revolver. Two days telling how the reducing diets now and realized she had fainted. later the boy’s body was found. He whelmingly sorry for him. ^ Oliue I^ h erts Barfm By ALICE LANGELlER single substance or object to .which “ My best friend is dead,” she had “ It’s strange,” he stammered. so popular look in the eyes of medi­ we may pin our hopes and faiths gone to a grove, presumably cal science. and aspirations. said, "and I must go home immedi­ to keep a tryst with the girl. There '■‘Very strange. Jack was here a ©1C128 bq NEA Serv'icc-Inc Baris — If clothes sometimes In the case of the 18-day or Hol­ ately, to take Care of her baby. I. was a bullet through his head, and, moment ago. He seems to have dis­ make a man, they also go a long hope I didn’t frighten you. It was appeared.” People are going to a lot of By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN. lywood diet that thing Is grape­ beside his body, was the revolver way toward making a musician, ac­ a dreadful shock.” purchased by the girl’s mother. (To Be Continued) trouble and expense this sum­ fruit. But really there Is nothing Signorlna nodded understand- cording to Margaret Shotwell, Editor Journal of the American magical about a grapefruit. It con­ Both parents were subsequently mer to rel'leve the “ little moth­ Medical Association and of Hygela, Ingly. ^ arrested, and tried for murder. American “ cigarette princess” tains vitamins B and C In consider­ ers” of some of their burdens and the Health Magazine. able amounts, but not much of tha “ To be sure.” she murmured. A There was a tremendous furore, from Oklahoma, who has recently dreadful shock. I shed tears my­ INCLUDE CHARM IN responsibility and giving them a Here Is a diet that contains other vitamins; it has one part ol with the press screaming for con­ chance to play. self.” viction. brought some startling Ideas to about 1016 calories and which pro­ protein to five of carbohydrate; it Every social society is concen­ 1 the French Riviera where she has vides all of the Important ingredi­ She wiped her eyes, Molly’s sympathies were with the has less than one-tenth of one pet “The bambino?” she asked. “ You YOUR BEAUTY MAKE-UP trating on this particular branch been playing. ents necessary to sustain life in cent, of sodium chloride or common parents. She saw them as two of work during the summer “ Every pianist should appeal to ■will be mama to the little bam­ wretched creatures, with hearts health. On this diet a person will salt; its reaction in the body is months, for it is during this time the eyes of his hearers,” says Miss lose from two to three pounds per bino?” broken and minds craze^, con­ By MABEL DUKE. alkaline: one half grapefruit pro­ “ I promised my friend, ex­ that the vast army of little girl Shotwell, “ and half the battle can week, perhaps more, if he keeps up vides from 50 to loO calories; it demned to witness the inevitable baby-minders is recruited. be won by putting on sympathetic his ordinary work. Good authori­ claimed Molly, "that if she died, I disgrace and misery of their cher­ Charm is the pot of gold at the runs a little better than do oranges. would take her little girl. She was Mothers have to work—r some­ color' effects and costumes tha^ go ties do not believe it is safe to lose As may be seen, there is nothing ished child. end of the rainbow. It is the times outside the home, as well as ill then. But I never realized the But the press saw only two un­ best with the period and theme. weight more rapidly. magical about its virtues. One la elusive will-o’-the-wisp which wo­ in it. Big families, small incomes, “ I wanted to reach some of those BREAKFAST, s end was so near. She did not seern relenting, misunderstanding par­ reminded of the chemist whose very sick. I never dreamed . . • men, in their search for beauty, too much to do! So it devolves people who say 'I don’t care for One half grapefruit. wife burst into tears. He looked at ents, determined' to sacrifice love’s on the oldest girl, sometimes not music,' for they very often are the Molly’s voice broke. young dream on the altar of their are trying to obtain, believes Cor- One tablespoon cream. her calmly. “ Your tears may move “ Sometimes it Is better,” consoled much older than a baby herself, very ones who really do. I succeed­ One egg. some people,” he said, “ but to ms selfish ambition for their child. inne_ Griffith. to look after the llttlest one. the older woman, “ when death Two^ fiends with ho conception of And, when once the physical at­ ed by carrying out thi sidea of a One slice bread. they are merely NaCl and H20.” comes quickly. God knows best. So now we have all. sorts of special frock for every composition, One medium serving puffed rice, the idyll of romance. tributes of beauty— including fair nurseries and kindergartens or May He have mercy on her soul. Molly knew better. The man was complexion, sparkling eyes, glossy to illustrate the composer’s idea or similar cereal. Molly nodded through her tears. play-homes that take care, not and my own feelings.” One slice thin toast and one an utterly unmoral person. And the hair and the rest— are acquired,- only of the babies, but their small “ Yes. Rita wouldn’t have wanted girl a susceptible and willing crea­ it is well to give a thought to the At her recent concert at Biarritz, small square butter. Absolute to suffer and be ill. I knew that. contribute to. nurses as well. the American pianist wore a LUNCHEON OR DINNER. ture. She could quite understand other things which A Commendable Work “ She was content, maybe, to die, how the agonized mother had been charm. charming white gown on flo'sjjng One cup plain broth. CLEARANCE when she knew you would be mama I think that heaven will hold lines for a Chopin sonata; for some One broiled trout or other fish. tormented beyond reason. “ Many. beautiful women lack special surprise for those women to the little bambino,” declared It was, of course, a sensational modern music a golden-brown vel­ Three heaping tablespoons spin­ Signorlna. “ And now if you will that elusive quality, while many who are giving their time through vet with brilliantly colored ach. Any Hat in the Store case. Eventually the mother was women of great personal mag­ the hot months to this work. This have a glass of my wine ...” committed to an asylum, and the plumes: another In silver, jose silk Three heaping tablespoons new She profered & goblet of purple netism could not be rated as great comparatively small regiment of peas. father to prison, convicted of and white plumes for Liszt and liquid. The sun,'*slantir,g through beauties,” explains Miss^Griffitfa. women who devote their energy another in brilliant changeable Salad containing one tomato and “knowledge .before and after the “ But even though her fjatures are to the alleviation of all sorts of the shutters, filled it with light, so crime.” lame for modern dance music. two leaves lettuce with vinegar or that it was amethyst and ruby, like irregular, the woman of charm is suffering among the poor deserve The change, she said, offered so lemon. the sweet grapes from which it pleasant to look upon for she has the highest tribute. much relaxation that she did not One half cantaloupe or grape­ mastered the qualities of perfect came. Molly decided to Introduce her But to go back to the little feel in the least tired after playing fruit. “ It will reyive you,” she said. play with a courtroom scene. mothers— they are not always In- 628x,_ two long hours. One glass skim milk. and The courtroom action in “ The diginous to the very poor. We find “I felt in the right mood for I One cup clear tea or coffee. Molly drank It gratefully. Death of Delphine Darrows” had them everywhere among classes was certain I appealed to my audi­ SUPPER. “ I feel better already,” she de­ been an outstanding success. It of people who should know better. SMULATES TUCK-IN ence,” declared Miss Shotwell Three slices white meat of chick­ clared. “ I’m sorry I was weak and might be well to pattern a bit on Before I go on record as say­ A printed silk crepe' in red and .“ The only, difficulty, perhaps, will en. Billy. I must have frightened you. that. ing that o'lder children should white tones that simulates tuck-in, be that the wardrobe may become Three slices of egg plant. not help with the younger ones, $ 1.59 Do you know, Signorlna, when She could open with the joint closes at side with button-trim enormous as one’s programs grow Three heaping tablespoons cream there is a boat for the States?” trial of the parents. And, in the let me remark that it is with my that Paris decrees so smart at the in variety and travelling from city squash. Signorlna did not know, but soon witness box, she would place the entire consent that older sisters moment. Kilted plaits of skirt at to city may become a real nuis­ Four stalks celery hearts. the consierge was busy with sailing girl, grieving for the death of her do help out their mothers with either side add flare and youthful ance.” One cup clear tea. Including WHITE FELTS lists and steamship tracts. The sweetheart, ready to give testimony the little ones— FOR A PART OF aspect. Style 'No. 628 that boasts I One glass skim milk. Values to $5.95 EACH d IY! That’s all right, per- Conte Grande was sailing against her mother. of snug hips can be had in sizes One banana. Naples on Thursday. He would ar­ fgctly. 16, 18, 20 years, ^6, 38, 40 and 42 LEE ANCESTRAL HOME There is, by the way, another A suave prosecuting 'attorney PASSES PROM FAMILY range Immediately for reservation. would ask his damning questions But not for hours on end. That Inches bust. It makes a lovely appeal In the Hollywood or 18-day NELLEG’S Did Signorlna wish to send a cable? Is decidedly wrong. Little girls golf costume in wool jersey in diet that might be mentioned. For quietly. Suddenly the girl would Richmond— Stratford, the ances­ Manchester’s Millinery Molly dictated a message of -sym­ shatter the breathless quiet of the should not be saddled with the almond green, grey or suntan- years human beings have sought pathy to Bob. It was good to have care of a baby morning, noon and tral home of the Lees, built by Headquarters courtroom. beige. Orchid checked tweed with some magical potion, or pill, or State Theater Building someone do her thinking for her. night. , collar of matching faille silk crepe Thomas Lee two centuries ago, has powder, or charm, or lotion, to ac­ Thumping her chest with her passed from the Lee family to Bob’s answer was delivered the clenched fists, she would cry, “ I They are not physically fit lor is sportive. "Wine-red canton crepe, complish what they desired in next day — the day of Rita s fu­ it to begin with. And besides they black crepe satin with eggshell private ownership who will hold It did it! I. I. I.!” in trust for the American people. neral. Whatever Rita desired, he And then — the dramatic scene have a right to some free time to collar in silk.crepe, fern-green silk said, should be done. Molly was play. crepe with eggshell, printed cotton The first payment of $40,000 was formed itself in Molly’s mind— the made by Mrs.. Charles D. Lanier of very kind. He would meet her in mother, in the prisoner’s cage, They’re Overworked voile, georgette crepe in char­ New York and they should talk I’ve seen little girls of fami­ treuse shade, purple crepe Eliza­ Greenwich, Conn., for the Robert wbuld rise to her feet. And she E. Lee memorial foundation. things over. Thank God, he added, would turn to the jury, and implore lies “ comfortably fixed” caring beth, and navy blue crepe de little Rita was too young for griev­ them; for heavy babies week In s-nd chine with white crepe collar with week out. and doina: as hard if ing. “ Don’t believe her! It’s not the i- blue buttons with white rims are CONNECTICUT JURIES CUT Jack cabled too. Bob had told not harder work than that ruled truth. She’s lying. It was I, her outstandingly, chic for mid-season AVERAGE CLAIM AWARDS him that Molly knew of Rita’s mother!” out against children In our child- wear. Pattern price 15 cents in death, and that she had offered to That, Molly decided, was as good labor laws. stamps or coin (coin U preferred.) Bridgeport, Cohn. -^Connecticut take the baby. He sent his sym­ as anything in. Delphine Darrows. I have in luind •on-e- mot-her who Wrap coin carefully. pathy, and commended her for her juries are cutting down on their The curtain would come down on turned the baby over to her little -We suggest that when you send awards, to judge from records of generosity. But there was not a the mother’s denial. That would nine-year-old girl because she her­ for this piattern, you enclose ten word of love, nor hope expressed self was “ overworked and contin­ the Fairfield county superior court get the play off on a note of mys­ cents additional for a copy of our for the first half of 1929. In that he might see her in New York. tery. The following acts would have ually tired.” but I noticed that large Fashion Magazine. When Molly read it. she A-acticallv I eighty-five cases juries awarded a great possibilities. She was sure she picked out the thinp she total of $98,084 where in 83 cases Sale decided to glv.e the Borgia ring to of that. Greater even than “ The wanted to do herself, and taking a year ago awarded $148,475. The Red Flynn. Death of Delphine Darrows.” care of the baby wasn’t one of Alanchester Herald amounts asked this year were far Red had been wonderful about them. One day the little girl let Molly worked every day, and half Pattern Service greater than those asked In the writing. Molly fancied that, be­ the nights. It w4s only by keep­ Corrine Griffith. the carriage turn over and the tween the lines, she could read a previous year though the awards Of All Dresses ing terrifically busy, that she could baby fell out. He lay * 628 t^)taled $50,000 less. great many loving expressions. But forget the haunting tragedy of grooming and has made the most life and death for weeks. That the letters themselves were chatty As oor' patterns are mailed Rita’s death. Only by becoming of her good features. noor child was too unhappy to eat. from New York City please al­ Our Regular $9.95 and gossipy. She should com­ Ingredients of Charm. Of course she got the blame— at physically and mentally exhausted, low five days. HlREEtonVEMINVrB mercialize her fame, he advised. could she sleep at all. Utterly “ The next thought for charm is home. But the neighbors knew DRESSES QtC Maybe she could do some short the development of the ‘soul,’ we to FORIY THEATRES weary, she would throw herself better. , , j , j Price 15 Cents are now only ^ stories. She was still the child across her bed at two or three might say, for lack of a better Unless It cannot be helped I do ,^ANDALLSHOPS> wonder of Broadway. The Ingenue word. The charming woman Is not 'approve of the all-day. all­ o’clock In the morning. At day­ Name . PORCH prodigy. The red-haired baby-girl light, the deck hands, when they interested in everything and every­ summer “ little mother.” Decid­ 7 who could call the tricks any old came to swab the decks, would body. She has vitality an^ a edly not. DRESSES day. waken her. Then she would get to pleasant disposition. Reading the Size . . . DRESSES “ They’re eating out of your hand work again. To keep her mind ac­ newspapers, the latest books and —the dear public,” ■wrote Red, “ but GAS TRAP FOR SPARROWS Address in a group tive. she drank a great quantity of keeping up with current events Regularly $1.95 they’re fickle as a flock of women. makes her a good conversational­ IS DEATH FOR INVENTOR. worth $6.95, Keep ’em, while you got ’em— and ■When the Conte Grande reached ist and her .interest in and under­ ride ’em for a flock of suckers. standing of*people give her a mag- Kansas City.— A trap designed to N ow O nly, New York, the new play was fin­ kill sparrows by means of monoxide Can’t you dish up another order ished. And Molly was an utter ‘netism that draws everyone to Send yoar order to the “ Pat­ TIMES SQUARE Special 89c — 2 fo r $1.69 of Crime, with a little Sex on the wreck. She had lost 10 pounds in her. She is willing to listen to the gas recently took the life of its In­ tern Dept,, Manchester Evening. NEW YORK CITY Bide? And give it to ’em hot, dear. as many days, and looked 10 years other person talk as well as ex­ ventor. ^ - Herald, So. Manchester, Conn.” Large Size Dresses Hot an^ medium raw. And make press her own ideas. Gus Ihrlg, 77 year old inventor of $3.95 of Crepe, Voile and Light-O-Day older. But the play, neatly typed, the “ bird killing device,” went to 'em love it!,” lay in her traveling case. The “ Kindliness and cheerfulness, materials. Values Reading a letter from Red was would send it, by messenger, from sweetness, ^raclousness. These his garage to see how many spar­ CONNECTICUT GETS MORE ynlbotft« (ike talking to him. He had good are the qualities by which a rows were ■victims of his 3 ^ & 3 o S k k t to $5.95 ...... the pier to Mr. Durbin. He could FOR CORPORATION TAXES KJOHNSMapUM Ideas too. His Insistence upon get In touch with her later, in Bos­ charming woman 'endears herself When he failed to return his wife found his body In the garage. P n si4 a t holding the public, when she had ton. I to others. And the motivating fac­ Hartford, Conn. — Connecticut them. Now was the time, she knew, tor of those is thoughtfulness.” corporations will pay the state $2,- to keep her place in the sun. She 887,492 in taxes on their business had a reputation, and , she must Red, exercising the privileges of COLD RETORT. the press, boarded . the steamer this summer, the tax being the The Sm art Shopi keep it. Before very long she greatest since 1916 when it with the doctors at quarantine. He EXIT ANOTHER SUITOR. Flirt in snappy sport roadster to svould be forgotten. And. after that, amounted tO' $3,630,151< Total net “ Always Something New** ^ she would have to start all over had heard, in the peculiar fashion girl on corner; Come along! of newspaper men, of Rita’s death, He; I’d die a thousand deaths for She: going north? earnings last year were $141,798,- State Theater Building, South Manchestt|r igain, 107.93, also the largest since 1916 Mr. Durbin had written, urging and had called on Bob, to 'express you. He: Yes. his sympathy. From Bob he learned She: Oh, I assure you, one would She: Then give my regards to the when Oonneoticut ■was grinding out '.hat she begin work on another munitions tor Enrooe* »lay. “ The Death of Delphine Dar- of Molly’s promise to care for little suit me perfectly.— Answers. Eskimos.— Pathfinder. *< ?1

. .1 . PAGffl !TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRpAY, AUGUST 9, 1929. Championship Swimming Meet At Globe Tomorrow Brennan’ s Timely Hitting LOCAL GOLF TEAM mm ENTRY UST IN YEARS A l DOWD WINNER Green And Rockville FINISH^ SECOND TENDS TO ASSURE BIG SUCCESS OVER EDDIE MOOR Play F6r $100 Side Bet r Echoes of yesteryear come with-Athis series should be unusually ex­ Earns Bon Ami Tie Game Middletown Is Winner In (Siveciav to The Herald) in range at the announcement of a citing, especially cpnsidering the The annual town championship An instance which bears outj Bridgeport, Aug. 9.— Al Dowd, “ blfod and - thunder” baseball purse at stake. Hundred dollar swimming meet at Globe Hollow j common sense of Busch’s plan: promising Manchester feather- series between Mani,hestef and bills certainly don t grow on ! weight, scored a clean-cut four- State Match; Ross Tops pond tomorrow afternoon promises' is seen in the case of Stella Arson. Rockville in which a side-bet of huckleberry bushes here and Rock­ to be the biggest success in recent I round decision over Eddie Moor, $100 is at stake. ville is probably as fruitless. Locals Take Early Lead But H EW in HITS HARD years. At least, the entry list is This girl is only 15 years old which j former New Hampshire state Manchester will be represented The first gamg of the series will Reid. the largest and the program has j in past years would not have en- ] bo.xer but now of this city. In one in the “ best out of five” series by be played over at the. West Side, more than thirty events. The : titled her to compete in the senior: of the preliminary bouts to the Manager Sam Prentice’s Colts from field Sunday afternoon. The sec­ Rockville Almost Gets AS HUDSONS WIN first will be staged promptly at i division. However, her superiority | O’Brien-Lown scrap at the Eastern ------I The Manchester Country Club the Green. The Windy City tribe ond will be in Rockville, probably 2:30. Weather permitting, the i in the junior class is beyond a 1 League baseball park here last will be known as the All-Rockville on the following Sabbath. The Hudsons defeated the Pi-1 golf team finished second in the thread of denial and were she to night before a large crowd. Victory in Last Inning. crowd may 'run as high as two nine. It will be a stren.gthened The Green piayers are asked rates 14 to 4 in a senior league state team match at Farmington thousand, possibly more. I compete in that class, many of those | There wasn’t a murmur of pro- playground game last night at the yesterday afternoon, being topped team which deadlocked with the to report at the Center .at Much keener competition is ex­ ! now entered .would not race, their | test when Rleferee Palmer of Wat- Bon Ami last night. , West Side playgrounds. Sammy by Middletown which was led by pected this year than ever before cause being admittedly hopeless. As erbury raised the Silk City boy’s 12:30 tomorrow for the Taftville The Bon Ami and All-Rockville Considering the long standing trip. Hewitt with four out of five led “ Bud” Geoghegan with J. W. Park­ due to the somewhat novel arrange- ! a result of the ability classification j right hand in token of .victory at rivalrv between the two towns. oaseball teams battled to a 4-4 tie the attack. Holland also had his er, W. P. Spears, R. F. Jones, A. R. ment by which the boys and girls | system, she will be in the senior ( the close of the bout. However, at Hickey’s Grove last evening in batting eye with him. Kearns al­ Wright and Andrew Pierson. are classified. Lifeguard Frank C. ' division, which, in case she should j the bout was far from one-sided. a close and exciting battle that was lowed only four hits. Middletown had 13 points against Busch says the majority of the | win, would make her triumph all ^ The firs^ two rounds were fairly called on account of darkness by The Aces and Cardinals meet | nine for Manchester, eight for Staf- races would develop into a one-' the more praiseworthy. i even with Dowd taking the last “ Our big money saving sale Umpire Bill Brennan at the com­ this evening and Monday night the ford and two for Southington. Man­ sided farce if age was considered The attendance at Globe Hollow | two and showing the better boxing pletion of the seventh inning. Ramblers and Atlas will clash. chester’s chances were crippled above all other qualifications. In­ this summer has been unusually i skill and also possessing the stiffen of Suits and Florsheiui Shoes is The soap makers took a two run Tuesday night will come the big when Johnny Lamenzo, sixth man stead, Busch is assigning the en­ high and with the result that inter-j punch. A left jab in Moor’s face the event you want to come lead in the second, Kelley drawing game between the playground A ll-igf the local team, took French trants by ability first, age second, est in swimming has increased in j was a constant hinderance to Moor. to,” says Glenney. a pass, Plitt doubling and Boggini Stars and Company G. Manager leave because of a previous engage­ size third. general. This fact is proved by ------singling. Rockville knotted the Charlie Culotta will announce his ment which left Manchester with­ All of those who are competing the unusually large entrance field, ^ T\/^KT9'TI r\T7J A XT' The-y ' re b r o t h e r s count in its half of the third but lineup tomorrow. Last night’s box out a substitute and resulted in especially for the junior classes.; UkJly I UlLLiA I are known by Busch and have been 0N£'5 R»ch A nd t h e the Bon Ami forged ahead in the score follows: forfeiting a poin’. to Middletown. assigned to their proper classes. A One class has been arranged for; - ^ ^ same stanza when Keeney walked, Hudsons (14) Stafford did likewise, so Middle­ list of the entrants for the vari­ boys and girls who have learned to I lU fApi'lJpQ OTHER IS w il l in g To stole second and came home on one AB. R. H. PO. A. E. town’s earned margin was only two ous events was published in The swim this season and their efforts, 4 .1 A of “ Hook” Brennan’s three singles. Falkoske, If ..4 points. Herald last night. Any others will probably attract fully as much ; Things looked bad for the locals O’Leary, 2b . . . 5 John P. Cheney Jr., won one wishing to compete will be given a interest as the older classes. Com-; The pairings for the first round M in the seventh, there being no Hewitt, ss .... 5 match and lost two; John Hyde brief, yet thorough tryout by Musch petition for the junior class will be matches in the men’s and women’s 'S 'i further scoring until that point. Holland, 3b . . . 5 won three, lost none; Charlie at the pond before the races and over a 25-yard course with double town championship tennis singles Rockville put over two more runs Wilkinson, lb .4 Hutzfeldt won two, lost one: J. P. placed in the proper class. the distance for the seniors. matches will be made a few min­ taking the lead 4 to 3 but the Metcalf, cf . . . . 5 Cheney Sr., won two, tied one and utes after the entry list closes at 7 Allen-Rand combine tied the score C. Gustafson, r f. 4 Earl Ballsieper won one and lost o’clock this evening and anyone when Keeney was safe on an error Maloney, c .... 5 two. Manchester missed Ben entered in either tournament will m by the visiting short stop and scor­ Kearns, p .... 5 Cheney, Ted Hanson and Doug be able to learn his or her first ed on Brennan’s third hit of the Kerr, I f , ...... 2 Rurgessor. They might have re­ United States Is Picked opponent by telephoning the sports evening. versed the result. department fifteen minutes after \ 1} The Bon Ami will not play again 44 14.18 18 Frank D. Ross of Wampanoag the entry list closes. they both Buy until a week from tomorrow when Pirates (4)"^ nosed out Ken Reid state golf The reason for this is so that Their clotres at another Y league game is schedul­ MeVey, ss .___ 3 0 0 champion on his own course to win players may attempt to arrange ed. Mooney, cf . To Win Back Net Trophy tho one day Individual honors with matches for tomorrow and Sunday. Last night’s summary; Sherman, 2b an aggregate of 154. one stroke bet­ Due to the present congestion on GLENNEY'S Rockville (4) Tierney, lb ter thaa Reid could make. Several the courts, it is important that A S. Gustafson, Mrs. Watson in another and Miss AB R H PO Manchester golfers took part. The Cross and Mrs. Michell in a third. some of the matches be played im­ A.. Dogawich,3b1 4 1 0 3 2 Larson, cf . mediately. And for that reason, 2 scores follow- Two Helens Will Bear Brunt In the doubles. Miss Jacobs and Lehrmitt, lb . .3 1 5 0 Dickson, rf . Frank D. Ross, Wam­ anyone entered in either tourna­ 2 2 Hampton, c Mrs. Hazel H. Wightman, donor of Burke, 2b . . . .4 0 0 panoag ...... 78 76 154 the cup, will play Mrs. B. C. Coveil ment may learn how he or she is B. Dogawich.ss 4 0 2 2 1 Shubert, 3b W. K. Reid, Farming- of Offense In Wightman paired in the first round without 0 and Mrs. D. C. Shepherd-Barron. Pelton, cf . . . . 4 0 0 0 ton ...... 75 80 155 The Americans, therefore, are waiting until the complete pairings 1 2 0 25 4 4 18 3 6 Francis, rf . . .'3 0 Sam Smart, Middle- staking their all on a t'v^o-girl are announced tomorrow noon. Ramsbottom, li: 3 0 0 0 0 Pirates ...... 002 002 0— 4 78 156 Cup Play Starting Today. Players are requested to waste no 1 town ...... 78 team for Miss Cross and Mrs. Wight­ May, p ...... 2 0 0 0 Hudsons ...... 521-222 x—14 C. Clare, Race Brook 8 5 72 157 time getting in touch with each 2 1 7 0 Two base hits, Kearns, C. Gustaf­ man hardly will be prominent, AND t h e o n e WHO'S Kulick, c . . . .2 A. C. Sweester, Shuttle the former because she has yet to other and arranging their matches son, Wilkinson; three base hit, Hol­ New York, Aug. 9.— Queen because a men’s’ doubles and mixed G o t t h e d o o GtH is 6 Meadow ...... 77 81 158 reach her best, the latter because Totals ...... 29 4 6 21 land; home run, Hewitt; struck out Helen the first, nee Wills, recent­ doubles will be started as soon gs NO HORE POPU2-AR by Kearns 6, by Gustafson 2; base B. Resnick, Race she did so long since. Incidentally, Bon Ami (4) Brook ...... 85 79 164 the singles tourneys have been AB R H PO A on balls off Kearns 2; off Gustaf­ ly received at the court of St, it is an all-California team, for it t h a n h is b r o t h e r C. S. Henderson, Se­ was as Hazel Hotchkiss, of ^ the given sufficient head start to in­ Hunt, ss . . . . . 3 0 0 2 1 son 4. Umpires, Foley and Dowd. James, will hold a levee of her own sure completion. Nine teams have 2 0 2 2 quin ...... 79 85 164 coast, that Mrs. Wightman firffi Keeney, 2b . . .2 C. I. Brady, Meadow- today and tomorrow on a portion , already entered the men’s doubles .4 0 3 2 0 knew fame as the winner of four Brennan, cf . brook ...... 83 81 164 of the domain over which she rules. national championships in singles. and two are in the mixed. Names Godek, p ...• 4 0 0 1 1 CUBS TAKE LEAD should be sent in at once to the 0 C. F. Christensen, Forest Hills-on-the-Boulevard, pre­ Furthermore, it is a very sound Kelly, c ...... 3 1 0 6 sports editor as these, tournaments .3 1 1 1 1 Goodwin Park .... 87 77'164 liminary to t’ae official opening of American team and probably will \/AMERICA^ Plitt. 3b ----- G. Halbwack, Stafford 81 84 165 will probably be underway in an­ Thompson, rf . 2 0 0 0 0 BEATING SENATORS her “ court” at the national cham­ have to be. 1 J. P. Cheney, Jr., pionship singles, starting August For the British have mustered other week. They will be started IS't h E Boggini, lb . . .3 0 1 5 as soon as there are sufficient en­ 2 0 0 2 0 Manchester ...... 78 87 .165 19. The present occasion will be quite an outfit, in spite of the fact LAND OP Brainard, If . The Cubs went into the junior tries and the singles have gotten Kebert, rf . . . 1 0 1 0 0 Dow Ahern, Williman- the Wightman Cup matches and that the two Helens of America met The FREe playground baseball league leader- tic ...... 85 81 166 the queen and her consort will re­ in the final round of the Wimble­ underway, so send in names without delay. and Thc 27 4 6 21 6 .ship yesterday morning with a 6 to H. M. Ridabock, ceive a number of Queen Mary’s don championship this year. Miss T ota ls...... 2 victory over the Senators. Errors Present indications are that VYELL- dressed Rockville . . . . 002 000 2 Wood way ...... 8 4 83 167 subjects with very monarchial firm­ Nuthall is supposed to be vastly 021 000 1 played an important part in de­ C. K. Beatty, Stafford 87 80 167 ness. Sh., means to tolerate no* fa­ superior to the young miss who there will be an even 32 players in Bon Ami . . . ciding the issue. Each team made the men’s singles and 16 in the Two base hit: Plitt: stolen bases: C. K. Doming, New miliarities with her position, for fought her way into the champion­ Many men have taken ad- three hits but the losers accounted Haven ...... 8 3 84 167 she must preserve her prestige or ship finals with Queen Helen he.-e women’s. If so, this will be exactly Keeney, Brennan 2, Boggini, Ku- the same number which competed lick; struck out by Godek 6 by May for all three misplays. N. L. Wright, Middle- America is beaten. several years ago. She has discard­ .antage of these special League Standing. last year when Ty Holland and 7; base on balls ofi Godek 2 off town ...... 83 85 168 The queen will engage, with a ed her underhand service and now values. Better plan to get Won Lost W. Sprague, Jr. Race splendid display of energy/ in two is recognized as the best woman Ruth Behrend won the high hon­ May 4. Umpires: Brennan and ors. Both are defending their Copeland. Cubs ...... 3 1 Brook ...... 84 84 168- singles and a doubles match before player in all England; yet Mrs., your share. Yankees ...... 2 2 F. G. Patience. Wam­ the affair is ended. So will the Michell beat her at Wimbledon this iitles. New entries received last Red Sox ...... 2 2 panoag ...... 8 4 84 168 Crown Princess Helen, nee Jacobs, year in straight sets, ro it must be night w’ere Sherwood Bissell. Her­ Drop in at 789 Main St. Senators ...... 1 3 F. S. Williams, Brook- and between them, America hopes assumed that Mrs. Michell is no­ man Yules, Albert deNevill, Donald lawn ...... 86 84 169 to regain possession of the cup body’s chump. Neither is Mrs. Jesanis, Margaret Boyle, Stella and take home an armful of How They Stand Cubs (6) H. D. Lockwood, High­ which went to England last year at Watson She, in fact, is the only Lincoln and .Gladys Wilkinson. This bargains. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. land ■...... 84 85 169 Wimbledon. Queen Helen should Englishwoman rated in the first makes a total of 30 in the men’s 2 1 3 0 0 and'13 in the women’s. YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Rossi, lb .... .3 W. P. Spear, Middle- win her pair of singles engage­ ten of world ranking, being ac­ A. Raguskus,3b .2 1 1 3 0 0 town ...... 81 88 169 ments with customary aplomb. corded No. 5 position, which defi­ .3 1 0 0 2 0 Eastern League Ford, 2b .... H. M. Burwell, Mid­ Crown Princess Heien ;ught to ac­ nitely establishes her status. Mahoney, p . . . . 2 1 1 2 2 0 Bridgeport 5. Hartford 2. O dletown ...... 91 79 170 count for at least one victory in the Queen Helen hasn’t lost a set in Vennart, c . . . . o 0 0 10 0 0 Graham Reid, Farm-- singles, thus making it necessary three years and, of course, figures Providence 3, Albany 0. J. May. If . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 Springfield 9, New Haven 8 ( 11) o ington ...... 79 92 171 for America to pull out one of two to romp against anybody on the Russell, rf . . . 0 0 0 0 0 H. E. Sage, Hartford doubles matches scheduled to take English team. The rest of it is not (Others not scheduled). .3 0 0 1 0 0 American League Sargent, cf . . . G. C...... 8 9 83 171 over the trophy again. The series so assured. The other Helen lost to A. Brimly, ss . . O 1 0 2 0 0 New York 6, Philadelphia 4. A. R. Wright, Middle- stands three all in victories at the Miss Nuthall in their “ kid” match town . . . .■...... 83 '89 172 moment. ‘ here the last time the English Buy That Suit Now! Chicago 5, St. Louis 4 (11) (1st) 24 6 3 21 4 0 E. C. Tredennick, Shedule of today’s matches fol­ lish team came over and conceiv­ Chicago 6, St. Louis 2 (2d.) Senators 2) Washington 3, Boston 2. ( Highland ...... 87 86 173 lows: ably might do so again this after­ Rantenberg, p .4 0 1 3 0 0 C. F. Hutzfeld ,Man- 3:30 p. m.— Helen Wills, the noon. However, if Miss Nuthall has And By Doing So You Save Real Money Detroit 9, Cleveland 6. Smith, ss . . . . . 3 0 0 3 1 1 National League ch ester ...... 85 88 173 queen, vs. Mrs. Michael Watson. ■ improved. Miss Jacobs has done Antonio, If . . . .3 0 0 0 0 0 M. B. Alfred, Farm­ 4:30 p. m.— Helen Jacobs, the more than this. She very definitely Pittsburgh 5, St. Louis 1. Tomilson, c . . .3 0 2 7 0 1 (Others not scheduled) ington ...... 89 85 174 crown princess, vs. Miss Betty Nu- has arrived, and, if she doesn’t win Gordon, ss . . . .3 0 0 0 1 Allton Green, Ply­ thall. at least once in the singles, then Grouped in Three Lots Coles, cf . . . . .3 0 0 1 0 'S THE STANDINGS mouth Meadow . . . 87 88 175 5:30 p. m.— Miss Wills and Miss form isn’t worth ten cents on the Lloyd, 2b .. .. .2 0 0 0 1 1 J. W. Parker, Middle- Edith Cross vs. Mrs. Watson and dollar. 0 0 4 0 0 Malornel, lb . .1 town ...... 90 85 175 Mrs. L. R. C. Michell. America in brief, enjoys th,e tac­ Eastern League Hicklng, rf . . . .1 2 0 0 0 0 SUITS W. L. PC. R. D, Warner, Ply JThe final matches tomorrow will tical advantage and should gain the .9 5 pair the No. 1 players of both odd victory in the series. But it Albany ...... 70 41 .631 / 18 3 3 mouth Meadow . , . 89 88 177 23 2 3 K. W. Deckerd, High­ teams. Miss Wills and MisS Nuthall, will be closer than a gymnast’s uni­ which formerly sold up Bridgeport .... .71 42 .628 Senators 000 010 1—2 land ••■••••••••, 87 90 177 in one singles; Miss Jacobs and form. Providence .... . 64 46 .583 Cubs ...... 002 040 X— 6 to $35.00, now selling at Pittsfield ...... 52 55 .486 Two base hit, Tomilson; struck F. P. Swan, Farming- New Haven . . . •.48 61 .440 out, by Mahoney 10; by Ranten- ton ...... 85 94 179 J. Caulkins, Farming- D. Soccoli, Goodwin Springfield .... .48 63 .432 berg 7; base on balls, off Mahoney A. Pierson, Middle- ton ...... 97 87 184 Park ...... 93 105 193 Hartford ...... 47 64 .423 1; off Rantenberg 3. Umpire Hed- town ...... 94 85 179 E. Ballsieper, Man­ M. J. Morrisey, Farm­ n Allentow n...... 40 68 .370 lund. R. Peck, Meadow- chester ...... 96 100 186 ington ...... 104 97 201 SUITS' American League brook ...... 9 4 85 179 R. H. Pinney, Staf­ D. H. Cannon, West W. L. PC. W. McKone, Good­ ford ...... 97 91 183 Hartford ...... 105 97 202 c . Philadelphia .. . .77 30 .720 GREEN FLASHES BEAT win Park ...... 90 90 180 C. M. French, Race W. S. Lines, Williman- which regularly sold from New Y o r k ...... 64 38 .628 ington ...... 89 93 182 Brook ...... 90 99 189 •/tic ...... 104 101 205 $39.50 to $42.50, now sell­ Cleveland ...... 50 .624 J. R. LeVigne, Water- W. W. Dolliver, Weth­ H. O. Converse, Se­ 5t. L o u is...... 55 50 .524 GREEN GIRLS. 27-15 town ...... 92 92 184 ersfield ...... 94 99 193 quin ...... I l l 106 217 ing at ...... Detroit ...... 51 54 .486 Washington . . . .42 60 .412 Chicago ...... 42 63 .400 The Green Flashes, a newly Boston ...... 31 72 .301 organized junior baseball team at National League Manchester Green won its opening W. L. PC. game night before last at tt^e school FASHION PARK SUITS Chicago...... 67 32 .677 playgrounds when it t o ^ the Pitsburgh ...... 61 39 .610 Green girls Into camp by the im­ SATURDA Y- l a s t d a y o f formerly marked to sell New Y o r k ...... 59 47 .557 pressive score of 27 to 15. Mar­ St. L o u is...... 53 52 .505 garet Welles hit best for the losers from $47.50 to $49.50, re­ Brooklyn ...... 44 59 .427 with Hastings and Truman Cowles duced for this sale to .... Cincinnati...... 43 59 , .422 featuring the work of the Flashes. Boston ...... 43 61 .413 The winners will practice next Philadelphia . . . .40 61 .396 Tuesday. Green Flashes (27)' ' Many of the suits in these three groups have two AB R H PC A E pairs of trousers. GAMES TODAY Neil, lb ------4 3 2 10 0 0 HULTMAN’S MID­ T. Cowles, 3b. 3 5 3 4 2 0 Eastern L ea^e Cook, c ...... 4 4 2 2 2 0 Hartford at Bridgeport (2). Hasting, p . . . 5 1 3 2 2 0 New Haven at Springfield. D. Cowles, ss . 4 3 2 0 1 0 Albany at Allentown, Bantly, 3b . . . 3 4 2 0 1 2 Providence at Pittsfield (2). Buckly, If . . . 3 2 2 0 0 0 American Lea^e SEASON SALE FLORSHEIM 'Vfev Clark, cf . . . 3 2 2 0 0 1 St. I/ouiB at Chicago. A. Cowles, rf 2 3 0 0 0 0 (Others not scheduled). National Lea^e Totals r . ...- 81 27 18 18 8 3 Cincinnati at New York. Oreen Girls (15)' SHOES Chicago at Philadelphia. Mohr, I f ___ 5 2 0 0 1 1 St, Louis at Pittsburgh. Foster, 2b ....4 1 1 2 0 0 FURTHER REDUCTIONS ON August Sale Prices (Others not scheduled). Boyle, ss .. .. 4 1 1 2 2 1 Mar. -Wells, lb 4 2 3 1 2 1 0 CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS Dzladus, p . . . 5 3 1 1 2 0 Last Night FigKis Beer, 3b ..., 4 8 1 1 1 0 Asplnwall, c , 422000 FOR MEN AND BOYS $8.85 and, $6-35 Palmer, rf,..3 1 0 6 0 0 At Newark— ^Artie De Cham- Mir. Welles, cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 plulne. New York, drew with Harry BOSTONIANS AND O-mER GOOD. MAKES ...... $4.95 Mosco, Newark, in eight rounds. Totals ...... 37 15 9 18 ‘ 7 2 At New York— ^A1 Ridgeway, Flashes ...... 518 436— 27 Union City, won decision over Al G irls ...... 083 203— 15 “ Rube” Goldberg, New York, In ten Two base hits: T. Cowles, P. rounds. Cowles, Hatstlngs, Miriam Welles, At New York— Eddie Downling Beer; struck out by Hastings 9, by ARTHUR HULTMAN won decision over Fred Monte in GLENNEY’S ■/ Dzladus 6; base on balls off Hast­ ten rounds. ings 5, Dzladus 14; Umpire Picaut. J r •


\ be heard at Sandy Beach twice next Kathryn Crawford Meets Mother SANDY BEACH DANCES week playing for the Mardi Gras 200 YACHTS SAIL i o n WRITES ABOUT Carnival Wednesday evening and ANDOVER AMERICAN After 12 Years in a' grand battle of music for a purse of ?250 on Saturday evening OF NEW HAVEN BACKCOURT PLAYING Miss Anna Lindholm was elected At Philadelphia:— tically everybody that enjoys danc­ the- 17 th. Arrangements for'this YANKS , ATHLETICS 4 ing to perfect music by an orches­ grand battle have been pending for by the local Grange to attend the New York By GEORGE LOTT, JR. tra that has made a name for itself several weeks, but are now com­ lecturer’s conference In Amherst, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. and stands out with well earned New Haven, Aug. 9 — A Ign Byrd, cf . . . . 2 3 3 0 0 plete and will bring -together the .. .4 The only leading player in the Mass. Miss Lindholm will leave more than 200 yachts, the piok^l Lary, 3 b ... .. 4 0 0 0 3 0 distinction. two splendid orchestras of twenty- world that pla5’s almost entirely in Monday with Mrs. Maxwell Hutch­ Combs. X ... .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Such Is the reputation of John four pieces in a battle royal each the country’s pleasure craft,’ saifej Robertson, 3b ... .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 the backcourts is Rene Lacoste. inson, who is delegate from the The attractions scneduled for band having deposited a stake to out of the harbor here today, lay­ Gehrig-, lb .. .. 2 1 1 13 0 0 The fact that he is the only star Bolton Grange, and will go In Mrs. 1 *2 0 0 Sandy Beach Ballroom tomorrow be contested for in four hours of Ruth. If ___ . . 4 1 that uses these tactics with a large ; Hutchinson’s car. ing a course for Greenport, Long Lazzeri. 2b . .. 3 0 1 4 3 0 evening and on Wednesday the continuous dancing. Meusel, rf .. .. 4 0 0 1 0 0 degree of success proves that it A’e- 14th are so meriterous that prac- Island. The occasion of the fleej’i 'Ibires a certain amount of geu’us Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phelps motor-, Bengough, c .. 1 0 0 1 0 0 L. Sullivan, the young law student ed to Colchester Wednesday after­ gathering here was the start.o^lki Dickev, c .. .. 3 1 0 3 0 0 to play this way that the ordinory musician and director who brings Koenig, ss . .. 4 0 2 0 5 1 player does not possess. noon. New York Yacht club’s annual Pennock. p ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 his Arcadia ballroom band of New Miss Annie Mathewson and Miss Moore, p ... . . 2 0 0 0 2 0 Th% baseline game requires dead- York to San'dy Beach tomorrow cruise, which tfiis year was assign­ Francis Frederick spent a few days accuracy and a very cool head. It ed to New Haven rather than Gldi evening. j this week with Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ 33 8 27 13 1 is a very difficult matter to restrain These eleven college bred musi- | Philadelphia from hurrying your strokes when ert Cobb, of Columbia. Cove, across the sound. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. cians have well earned and de- i The yachts lay for the night oi Dykes. 2b .. 9 1 1 0 9 0 3 on see your opponent coming into serve the reputation they now en­ The local Christian Endeavor 9 a line from a point near the Yal< Cronin, 2b .. 0 0 3 1 0 the net and you realize that you joy and their appearance tomor­ society will attend the old home 0 0 0 0 0 boathouse on the Qulnniplac rivej Burns, z ...... 0 have a very small area to put the row evening will mark the first ap­ “ I don’t like wonderful persons, day meeting of the North Coventry French, zz . ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ball in. The baseliner is constant­ society, Sunday evening. to the ancient lighthouse thai Haas, cf ...... 5 1 1 3 0 0 pearance of this distinguished I like snails: but I will name one serves as an adornment to th« Cochrane, c . . . 4 1 2 4 1 0 ly facing this problem, as very few band in eastern Connecticut. of my snails Paderewski.”— King John Yeomans and Thomas Bing­ City’s one shore-side park. Simmons, If 0 2 3 0 0 players of this day play from the Sandy Beach Ballroom is not of­ ham have started to build their Foxx. lb ... 9 1 1 11 0 1 backcourt. fering *his splendid attraction as a Michael, the boy king of Rumania. houses. Mr. Yeomans’ house will For hours their owners and Miller, rf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Lacoste and Tilden ^ Hale, 3b ___ . . . r* 0 1 0 1 0 regular Saturday evening feature, be- on the Main street and Mr. guests converged upon the city, th< Boley, ss ...... 4 0 1 3 2 0 One reason that Lacoste will beat but will also supplement the extra “ We should always . . . be Bingham’s home will be on the air roaring with planes, the road< Walberg, p . . . 1 0 0 0 0 A Tilden the majority of matches is fine program with a grand prize open-minded toward the new lot purchased from Ward Talbot leading to the yacht club humming Quinn, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 that he is steadier than Tilden from fox-trot fqr which the winner will truth.”— Selden Peabody Delany. on Long Hill. with machines, and railroad tralni (The North'American Review.) bringing many. The attraction o! 35 4 9 27 10 1 the backcourt and that Tilden is be awarded a purse of gold Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and —G not a good enough net player to the yachts was not alone for thos< Ka-w York . 123 000 000 1 Wednesday evening, August children of East Hartford were Philadelplii.a ...... 012 010 000-—4 successfully assail the net. After “ There Is one sure way to be­ who were to go upon the cruise ' 14th will prove a big night at guests of Mrs. Wilson’s father, Runs hatted in: Ruth 2, Lazzeri, the first time that Lacoste defeated come a leader— make something Thousands of citizens and summei Koenis', Boley. Foxx. Haas; two base Sandy Beach as many plan to at­ Sherman Bishop, Sunday. hits, Byrd, Ruth, Dykes, K 40 4 10 x32 12 2 facturers insist on calling "first-quality” what are ac­ Chicago ...... 100 020 lOQ. 01— 5 Special For Saturday tually their "second-line” tires—and suggesting that their St. Louis ...... 030 010 000 00— 4 Runs batted in: Melillo, Schang, prices are lower than Ward’s by comparing them with O’Rourke, Cissell 2, Reynolds 2; home runs, Cissell; three base hits, Blue; the prices of Ward’s ^rst-quality lines! two base hits, Metzler 2, Blue Cissell, Gray. 6 Gallon Crocks, regular $1.20 ...... 85c (Second Game) This sort of "tangled talk” should be straightened out- Chicago ...... 420 000 OOx—G AU such comparisons should in reality be made only St. LkjuIs ...... 001 001 000— 2 With Handles, regular $1.45 ...... $1.10 between leading makers’ second lines and the WARD- At Boston:— NATIONALS 3, RED SOX 2 VEAR. When they are. Ward’s prices will always be Washington 10 Gallon Crocks, regular $2.25...... $1.95 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. found to be lower. Judge, lb ...... 5 1 12 0 Rice, rf ...... 5 0 0 In buying your tires, therefore, don’t be misled by off­ Goslin, If ...... 4 With Handles, regular $2.50...... $2.20 Myer, 2b ...... 4 hand "claims” of any kind. Insist on getting the FACTS. West, cf ...... 3 Tate, c ...... 4 Do not be induced to pay first-quality prices for second- Cronin, ss ...... 4 Hayes. 3b ...... 4 quality tires. Do not be satisfied by less than a definite, Brown, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Marberry, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 specific guarantee, backed by the manufacturer, for 10,000' i^ e s of service. Do this, and you will reach but one con­ 34 3 9 27 15 1 Boston Springfield clusion: that WARDWEAR prices save you MORE, and AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Rhyne, ss ...... 4 WARDWEAR quality is guaranteed to serve you BETTER, Scarritt, If ...... 4 W iiliams, 2b ...... 1 than any other tires in their class! Ruffing-, zz ...... 1 Rothrock, zzz ...... 0 Barrett, rf ...... 4 Brand Malt Visit your nearest Ward Retail Store ... examine these Regan, 3b ...... 4 Todt. lb ...... 3 splendid-valne tires for yourself. Tremendous sales vol­ Berry, c ...... 3 has won the approval of the peo­ ume, and distribution to the car-owner direct, explain Gerber. 2b ...... 1 Heving, z ...... 1 why we can give yon such remarkable guaranteed per­ Reeves, 2b ...... 0 M. Gaston, p ...... 3 ple all over New England for its formance at such unusually low prices.

29 2 6 27 11 1 Washington ...... OOl Oil 000— 3 most satisfying flavor and high Boston ...... 110 000 000—2 We carry all sizes o f tires and tubes to fit all cars Runs batted in; Judge, Rice, Cron­ -a t proportionate savings. in, Williams, Regan; two base hits standard of quality. A constant Scarritt; three base hits, Scarritt: home runs, Regan. growing demand for this popular brand malt. Used in homes that NATIONAL want the best. 2 9 X 4 4 0 free ■ •■-/O At Pittsburgh:— PIRATES 5, CARDS 1 Balloon Pittsburgh AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Bartell, 2b ...... 4 1\ 0 2^2 lb. c a n ...... 85c Sugar Spacers ...... 50c L. Waner, c f ...... 4 0 0 P. Waner, lb ...... 4 1 1 11 0 Traynor, 3b ...... 4 1 " " sto re s Brickell, r f ...... 3 0 Comorosky, If ...... 2 1 3 lb. can ...... — $1.05 Capping Machines...... 85c Hemsley, c ...... 3 0 Clarke, ss ...... 3 0 Brame, p ...... 3 0 FIRST Q UAUTT SU PER SERV ICE Syphons ...... 75c Seedless Raisins___ 10c lb. STANDAROV 30 5 6 27 G 1 St. Louis • RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE AB. R. H. PO. A. E. WARDWEAR Douthit, cf .. .. 4 0 1 4 0 0 Crown C a p s ...... 20c gross Imp. Sour Cherries.. 35c lb. ^ Guaranteed for Guaranteed fo r Guaranteed fo r High, 3b ___ Frisch, 2b .. . Bottomley, lb 16,000 ADlos 30,000 Miles Hafey, If .. . lOyOOO Miles Roettger, rf . Gelbert, ss .. MR. KLOTZER, Manager. 30x3)^ 4-^Iy S 4 3 9 30x5.00 4-pIy$ 7.05 30x3Vi 4-plv $5>OS 31x5.25 4-ply 818.15 30x3}& 6-idy 0 0.85 31x535 O^ily 8X8.95 Wilson, c ... 1 0 1 1 D.S.O. 31x5.00 “ 7.X5 29x4.40 4-ply 5.79 .30x150 ** 10.59 29x4.40 W y 9>9S 30x530 ** 1030 Alexander, p 0 0 0 2 32x4 8 A ^piy 7.eo 33x6.00 “ 1935 Orsatti, X .... 29x4.40 ^ 4.M 31x5.25 ** 8.55 30x4.50 ^ 0.59 33x6.00 6-ply 18.85 80x4.50 ^ 1135 Haid, p ...... 0 0 30x4.50 ** f.5 9 32x6.00 •* 10.70 29x4.75 “ 7.98 32x6.50 ** 15.85 29x4.75 ** 1835 32x630 “ 8130 33x6.00 ** 10.95 30x5.00 8wl9 32x6.75 “ 17A5 30x5.00 ** 1435 S2xfi.75S9ly 0835 1 29 1 3 24 10 2 29x4.75 ** 6.S9 Pittsburgh ...... 000 410 OOx—5 St. Louis ...... 001 000 000— 1 Runs batted in; Douthit. Traynor. Hemsley, Bartell; two base hits, • w - Douthit. P. Waner; three base hits, lioettger, Bottomley; home run, Bar­ OPERATING STORES .ALL OVER WNBV ENGLAND MOIVTGOMERY WARD & € 0 . tell. 824-828 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 3306 SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. The bulbs of some daffodils ex­ 1071 Main Street, South Manchester hibited at the Horticultural Hall, Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 12 Noon. Thursday and Saturday, 9 A. M. to^ P. BI. Lohdon, are valued at from $100 to {ISO each, I VAGB' iiiAJ?i6wJBJSmK~EVENlNG BnERAXD, SOUTH MANGHESTEI^'CONN^ FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1929. MOVIEPLAYERS Where Seven Died When Oil Barge Exploded LAKE m, HOTEL NEAR NOW BEGIN TO WINSI^D BURNS DOWN -1 Finer FooHs Big Pump at Highland Lake LEARN ACTING Useless, So'Hiawatha Lodge Is Destroyed by Fire. Lower Prices Hollywood, Cal.— Film players Winsted, Aug. 9.— Fire starting are at least learning how to act, from an overheated stove pipe near Day after day the A & P fulfill^ its promise according to Betty Compson, who the dining room today completely to bring you finer foods at lower prices . . ; lays the emancipation on the talk­ destroyed the thirty-room Hiawatha ESTABUSHEO ies. Lodge, the only hotel at Highland 1859 thaVs why the A & P sells more food to “ For the first time in history of Lake. Upward of twenty guests motion pictures,’’ the blonde star saved all their possessions as fir^ more families thap does any other grocer in declares, “ picture players are find­ men from Winsted held the fiames WHERE e c o n o m y RULES'*]] | New England. IPs always safe 'to buy dt ing out what acting means. For within the partitions for an hour the first time they are dropping or more. The loss Is estimated at A&P,,, savings and quafity. their own personalities and getting upward of $15,000, with partial in­ into the character of the role they surance. are supposed to play. Winsted firemen, summoned by “ In the regime of the silent pic­ ^ ' telephone, found Highland Lake so ture, the star maintained the same low that the great motor pump STAPLES personality, her natural • one. In could not be put into service, anfi every picture she made. Never did fought the fiames with chemicals she change her own character. It ^ e wreckage In the foreground is all that remained of an oil barge on the Ohio river near Kosmosdale until the supply was exhausted. POUND PRINT was not altogether her fault. She Then the flames broke through and OR LB reported to work at the studio at explosion which killed seven men. One of the bodies was thrown .upon the derrick at right' by the blast. ’ sul. raged until the frame building was Butter CUT FROM TUB nine o’clock. At ten o’clock she entirely wrecked. Woods near the walked in front of the camera and hotel caught fire but a forest con­ was told to do this and that, and flagration was averted after a look so and so. nile Court, F. of A. will leave at POUNDS 8:45 a. m. Sunday morning by bus seen a liberated prisoner ask to be fight. A cottage- near the hotel was Sugar “ She had no idea of the charac­ locked up again? I would rather saved. ter she was playing, and little idea for Savin Rock. There will be about COCKTAILS BEST escape. No more politics for me. 25 who will,attend. Hiawatha Lodge was owned by SUGAR CURED of what the story was ah/out. Natu­ I will remain aloof from all par­ Mrs. Margaret Sjelde, of New rally, her own character dominat­ To Attend Insurance Convention ties.” NO RIND LB Harry C. Dowding, agent of the York, and her daughter, Margaret. Bacon ed in all her roles. She had no W AY TO SUICIDE NO WASTE chance to be creative in her work. Glen Falls Indemnity Company of Glen Falls. N. Y., has received The expert testimony of an em­ SPECIALLY “ Now, however, with weeks of inent Paris physician that not all Vaccination was discovered In rehearsal before shooting, the word from the company that owing 1796 by Jenner. SELECTD DOZ to the fine amount of business PROFESSOR SAYS people die with their eyes open, player must get a full conception won an acquittal for M. Charles EGGS of the story, study her character, which he has procured since start­ ing out in April, would be entitled Jeziorski, on trial for wife murder. and, in the reading of lines during Jeziorski had surprised his wife S U N N Y B R O O K E G G S doz 4 S c rehearsals, get the spirit of her to be a guest of the company at Paris— Pistols, shot-guns, knives the 2nd Annual Convention of with infidelity, and he killed her role. She has to think bits of busi­ and gas are all antiquated methods in her bedroom. Agents at Glen Falls, September 5, FULL WEIGHT LARGE ness to do as she reads her lines of committing suicide. According At the trial, the husband denied STANDARD and she tries to think what the 6, and 7. The contest was for a LOAF period of from January 1 to July. to Professor Guillaln, of the Uni­ that he had premediated the mur­ Bread 20 OZ LOAF story character would do under All expenses will be paid by the versity of Paris, the modern des­ der. He also denied that he had the circumstances. company for the trip etc. lb pondent drinks himself to death killed hed while she was peacefully “ If the talkies have done noth­ with cocktails. asleep. A violent quarrel preceded ing else, they have made us stop Notes Mr. and Mrs. William Thuemmler Andre de Fouquieres, Paris’ ar­ the murder, he maintained, and he playing ourselves and begin to try and daughter of Wat«rbury are biter of fashion and authority on killed his wife in a fit of passion. and act the roles we are assigned,” spending a few days with Mr^ and What’s Being Done In Society, The presiding judge emphasized the actress concluded. that Madame Jeziorski had been Mrs. Lewis Kellner of Grand street. does not agree with the Professor. MEATS found with her eyes closed, indi­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hunt of “ All chic apartments of today,” Varick Frizzell, Yale graduate says de Fouquieres, “ have an ‘Am­ cating that she was asleep, ‘ilt has A & P Meat Markets save you both time and money and guarantee the Webster street is spending a vaca­ quality of every item you buy. and explorer, is assembling a crew tion at Grove Beach. erican Bar.’ That is only another been proved,” countered the police of camera men and actors for the of the hundreds of customs the physician. Dr. Paul, “ that not all Mrs. Francis Maxwell is spend people dies with their eyes open. filming of his picture, “ Viking of ing a few days at Eastern Point. Yankees have brought over to us. GENUINE 1929 SPRING LAMB the Ice Fields,” which, he declares, The private bar at home was .A.bout eighteen percent die with Short Cut Legs lb. 37c Fancy Roulettes lb* 35c is to be a record of scenes and brought on by prohibition— and al­ their eyes closed.” sounds of the frozen, north. though we haven’t prohibition in Since the testimony of the police Meaty Rib Chops lb. 49c Rosemond Pinchot, daughter of RED ARMY TROOPS France we certainly did fall heir physician bore out Jeziorski’s story, former Governor Pinchot of Penn­ to the parlor bar. the jury acquitted him. FANCY BEEF FROM HEAVY STEERS sylvania, may be cast in the lead­ WILL BE LINGUISTS “ But even so the germ ‘Ameri- ing role, Frizzell said. canobarocoque’ contained in the BRO.\DCASTING PHOTOS Boneless Oven Roasts lb. 43c Best Steer Rib Roast Ib. 35c-45c The undertaking is being fi­ cocktail is, in my opinion, far from NEW JAPANESE PLAN Face Rump Roast lb. 47c Best Top Round Steak lb. 59c nanced in part by the government Moscow.— Red army soldiers are deadly.” of Newfoundland and one of the urged to study foreign languages The Great / rbiter believes that i Tokyo — Experts of the Japan Best Porterhouse Steak * lb. 73c seal fishing concerns of St. John's, in a special decree of the Revolu­ Professor Guillain is merely trying | Broadcasting Society are studying N. B., according to the producer. tionary Military Council, signed by to "scare” the younger set into ' the process of photo radio with a T h e best that PORK OF SELECTED QUALITY Frizzell was with expeditions into Assistant Commissar of War Un- moderation. view to broadcasting photos and Newfoundland and Labrador in schlicht. “ I certainly do not believe in ex­ pictures at an early date. Rib Roast Pork lb. 28c End Pork Chops lb. 28c li;26 and 1927. If the . plan of the Council suc­ cess— not only as to cocktails— but More practicable and less expen­ money can buy Smoked Shoulders, mild cure ceeds the majority of the troopers in everything else, and I am sure sive than television, the photo ra­ Fresh Pork Shoulders lb. 22c On the last trip he photograph­ lb. 20c ed “ The Great Arctic Seal Hunt.” will be able to write and speak at that the Professor means excess dio, is expected to win great popu­ when he speaks of death in the Fancy Stockinette Shoulders He plans to leave St. John's with I least one language in addition to larity among radio fans. A photo BM-136 lb. 23c his new company on March 5. | their native Russia. As a special cocktail glass.” radio receiving set may be obtained 1930, on one of the regular sealing! inducement to the men, the Coun­ “ If you have a little bar in your for about $30 on the market, ac­ FRESH KILLED LARGE FOWL ...... lb. 42c ships of the North. cil created the rank of “ military in­ home,” says de Fou.rquieres, '“ re­ cording to experts. terpreter,” divided into three solve right now not to open the bar Reports to Metro-Goldwyn-May- grades. An interpreter of the first except between the hours of 12.30 RO.\D DISPUTE SETTLED er offices here from Nairobi, Brit­ grade must have complete mastery and 1.00 o'clock at noon and from FOR TABLE ROCK DAM ish- East Africa, state that W. S. of a language. An interpreter of 7.30 ’till 8.00 in the evening. HOLLYWOOD the second grade must’ be able to “ The young of today are. I’ll ad­ Springfield, Mo. — A maximum Dyke and his “ Trader Horn” com­ mit, inclined to take too many cock­ FRUITS translate Russian into a foreign sum of $380,000 will be spent by pany have left the last outpost of tails before meals— but that again MARHET civilization in that section of the language and one of the third the Empire District Electric com­ Choice Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at all A & P Food Stores. grade must be able to translate a I think is a gift from America and pany for the relocation of roads Dark Continent and plunged- into will in time wear off. 381 East Center Street unmapped jungles, with their foreign language into Russia. and bridges, according to a con­ Corner Parker Street Ranking interpreters will receive “ With age comes moderation,” tract signed here recently which huge caravan of equipment, play­ concluded de Fouquieres with a Phone 4233 ers and workers. additions of 25 rubles ($13) a settled the differences between smile. “ I myself am over fifty.” Stone county and the company ovr;r Red Ripe Tomatoes 3 lbs. Nearly a hundred trucks and month to their pay. Second grade interpreters will get 15 rubles more construction of the $35,000,000 Native Potatoes autpmobiles are in the company, President Doumergue is reported Table Rock dam. carrying players, camp and camera and third grade 10 rubles. The Georgia Peaches Council said it considers the ability to have thrown a bucket of icy wa­ 55c Peck basket 4?C equipment, a complete laboratory ter on the , first attempt to boom J.VP.VN DENIES MINORS and sound recording plant. Native to speak foreign languages an in­ valuable asset in time of war. him for a second term. RIDES IN AIRPLANES Native Fowl, $1.34 each “safari” cut roads before them in­ The popularity of France’s ami­ Ripe Juicy Pears doz. 39e to the jungles as they move into We’re getting kind of lonesome able chief executive was epitomized Tokyo — The Ministry of Com­ Legs Spring Lamb, 38c-42c lb. the wilderness, filming as they go. by Deputy Auguste Sabatier who munications has decided that The costume department out at for a picture of Charley Curtis. Lean Fresh Shoulders .. 23c lb. York State Lettuce 2 heads 19e Managers of the race tracks seem referred to him as “ our beloved minors will not be allowed to ride Warner Brothers was surprised president” during a parliamentary in passenger airplanes in this Best Sliced B a co n ...... 35c lb. Ihef pther day to learn that around to he overlooking some splendid publicity opportunities. debate. country unless they have a state­ Lean Lamb Roasts, boned and Malaga Grapes lb. 18c '83.;,’no lady appeared in public This term of affection, recorded ment signed by a parent or guard­ rolled ...... 35c lb. R'itiout one or two petticoats. in the Official Journal, has never ian giving them specific permission Shoulder Beef, ground.. 35c lb. thousand of the old-fashioned before been bestowed on a presi­ to do so. Air insurance will also Telephone Peas 2 lbs. ga^ents had to be made for a COLLAR, BAG dent of France in legislature. be inaugurated shortly, it is re­ Rockville Frankfurts ... 32c lb. Irc^ier day picture and issued to A N D GLOVES While lobbies were filled with ported. extras, -who were provided with gossip over the first blast for a Extra Special! panted instructions as to their use — ALL N E W second term President Doumergue Henry Ford had his 66th birth­ Native Tomatoes...... 15c lb. and =:the method of wearing them. was credited with the following day the other day without much declaration in a political weekly: flourish. But then a man can’t e.x- Medium Potatoes .... 40c peck “ Am I going to run again? pect much notice until he’s around Pie A p p le s...... 3 lbs. for 25c Watch me closely. Have you ever 90. Fresh Berry P ies ...... 35c GROCERIES

b u n u t e j e l l y li BOTTLES 25*

Students Have Bad Luck Again SULTANA JAM X JARS A short time ago the colored students who arrived here earlier SHREDDED WHEAT X l O e in the season had the misfortune SMITirS GROCERY of having the truck in which they Tel. 5114 2 North School Street TeL 5114 PINK SALMON were riding over turned, badly X 35* damaging it. Now they have suf­ fered another loss by losing the PURE PRESERVES OZ JAK 21 « roof which sheltered them on the WEEK-END SPECIALS lUax Lavitt tobacco plantation also PEANUT RUTTER all their savings and personal be­ longings. The fire started before 8 Meat Department 6RAPENUTS n tc o’clock yesterday morning while the men were at work about the IONA PEACHES N0 2KCAN 17* farm and wasn’t noticed until too Roast P ork...... 32c lb. Legs Lamb...... late. The Ellington volunteer fire department responded to a call but FOSS* VANILLA BOTTLE 31* owing to the headway the fire had made, were unable to salvage any­ Pot Roast 35c !b. Rib Roast Beef 30c40c !b. thing in the building and only by mere luck were able to save other nearby buildings. Clothing and HamEnds . . .20c 25clb. money which the boys, students of Corned Beef . . .18c-35c lb. r southern college, had earned to Orange Pekoe Tea lb. pkg. 25c pay., for tuition this coming year was lost. It is understood that the Lamb Stew . . .20c-25c lb. Roast V eal.... 35c-40clb. India Ceylon Tea V2 lb. pkg. 25c loss was estimated at about $1500 and the building, owned by Max Mixed Tea y2lb.pkg. ^ Lavitt, was not insured. It was known as “ The Beehive” . The loss Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables Our Own Tea 1/2 lb. pkg. 19c to'.the boys is greatly felt as the tinos was approaching for them to Formosa Tea V2 lb. pkg. 23c begfei their 1000 mile return trip Sugar...... 10 lbs. 55c Grape Juice, pints. . .23c back to the Southland. Japan Tea Carnival Next Week V2 lb. pkg. 23c The Rockville Fife and Drum Corps will hold their annual carni­ Star Water . . . 2 bottles 25c val next week at Burke’s lot on la r d...... 15c lb. Eagle Condensed Milk -cian 18 c Windsor avenue. Coleman Bros, show will furnish the attractions. Kirkman’s Soap Powder 2 pkgs. 13c The money will be used for sending Evaporated Milk, 3 cans 29c the corps to Field Days in this state Chipso..... large pkg. 21c ; Eirkman’s Soap Chips 2 pkgs. 19c and Massachusetts and to establish the possibility of having a Fife and Brillo Drum Corps Field Day here each Cantaloupes, 3 pkgs, 25c year. Tomatoes...... 3 lbs. 25c Gillette Razor Blades Chosen^ Chairman of G. O. P. 3p^s.;$1.0O Parley B. Leonard, for . many Thin discs of precious wood 10c, 13c, 15c each yeitfs one of the Republican lead- mounted on gold make up the orig­ erSsof the county, was chosen chair­ inal collar shown above. It’s by man of the Republican Town com­ Jean Patou . . . .A smart set of Lima Beans.... 2qts.25c THE mittee of the town of Vernon at the gloves and bag for summer wear is Waldorf Toflet Paper, mlifcetlng of the town committee, offered by Alexandrine. Both adSng upon the resignation of Leb- gloves and bag are in soft suede in s : ATLANTIC; & PACIFIC beh9 F. Bissell. a delicate shade of pinkish mauve Bananas...... 3 lbs. 25c Oil^big of Juvenile Ck>nrt' Sunday I and are trimmed with'fancy, leather 4ro0s2.5c TEA CO. j ^OTrt Hearts'^of' Oaki' the' /uve-1 in a'ma:tching“8hade. - .a I WB


The Best Places to Shop MARKErr PAGE The Best Stores Advertiset^ *^ »««»"iilllitli««KitKKCT^ Groh, 2b ...... 2 0 1 4 1 1 NOT HEAVEN? Woodman, x ...... 0 0 0- 0 0 0 HARTFORD GAME Cannon, p ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 “ What she -wants,’’ said the doc­ Norton, c ...... 4 0 0 1 0 1 tor, “ is a warm climate." Wingfield, p, 2b . 4 0 0 3 6 0 Leading Batters TWO STORES-OAK AND MAIN-PARK AND MAIN STREETS At Hartford!— 'The son-in-law suggested Monte Carlo, and then more torrid V BEARS B. SENATORS 2 33 2 8 27 17 3 • Bridgeport Bridgeport ...... 210 Oil 000— 5 climes, but the doctor persisted in AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hartford ...... *...... 000 100 100—2 National League declaring for something hotter. . r — Emmerich, cf ...... 4 0 0 4 0 0 Runs batted in: Kimmick, Jordan, The son-in-law went away, and Harshall, ss ...... 3 2 1 2 4 0 Marshall, Sheridan, Schinkel, Roser, G. AB. R. H. PC. Veltman, 3b ...... 4 2 l i 3 0 AVatson: two base hits, Corrella, Jor­ Herman, Bkln .. 99 390 76 IGl .413 returned with an axe. Schlnkel, If ...... 2 0 1 4 0 0 dan. O’Doui, Phila. . .102 413 96 1C7 .380 “You hit her, doctor,” he said. HALES SELF-SERVE Kimmick, rf ...... 5 0 2 1 0 0 Terry, N. Y. ..106 432 72 1G3 .377 “ I can’t.” — Tit-Bits. Jordan, lb ...... 2 0 2 13 0 0 Hornsby. Chi. . .T03 400 102 145 .3G3 Sheridan, 2 b ...... 3 0 1 1 4 0 Hendrick. Bkln. 77 277 52 100 .361 Grube, c ...... 3 1 0 0 0 1 Leader a year ago today, Hornsby, KEEPS THEM AWAY. Taber, p ...... 5 0 1 1 1 0 H om e Runs Boston. .383. "Are you worried with beggars at your house?” 31 5 9 27 12 1 American League Hartford Foxx. Phila...... 108 382 94 143 .387 “ No, we have a notice on the c ERY Corrella, 3b ...... 5 1 1 2 2 1 American League Simmons, Phila. 104 432 86 160 .378 gate: ‘ Woodchoppers will find con­ I IT BAYS TO W AIT ON VO U liaELr Martineck, l b ...... 5 0 1 8 1 0 Ruth, Yankees ...... 28 Manush, St. L. ...108 436 69 132 .372 stant employment here’ and It "Watson, If ...... 2 0 1 2 1 0 Gehrig, Yankees ...... 26 Lazzeri, N. Y. ...102 387 67 140 .362 Hohman, cf ...... 3 1 2 4 0 0 Leader a year ago today, Goslln, works like a charm.”— Nagels Lus- Briscoe, ss- ...... 3 0 1 0 5 0 Foxx, Athletics ...... 2 6 Washington, .392. tige Welt, Berlin. Roser, rf ...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 Simmons, Athletics...... 24 It’s SO simple that children can shop the “Self-Serve Way’’ CLOREINGE'Sl^D ELIO AnrES®EIN r K-F More and more mothers are sending their children to the Self-Serves to do “The store that holds faith with the people’' their food buying. Youngsters just love to roam around the Self-Serve and leis­ Kibbe’s Quality Corner Main and Maple Streets Telephone 8258 David Harum’s urely select the needed groceries . . . for at the Self-Serve Stores there are no F. Kelley, Prop. clerks to confuse them . . . or to hurry them along. All items are neatly dis­ Fancy Vegetables played and priced. And when they once get familiar with the items in each Coffee In purchasing your foodstuffs already section—they will only be too eager to do mother’s shopping. cooked and prepared to serve you sav^ in Sweet many ways—but there is a saving, too, Roasted and Packed in Hartford that is worth a great deal to many women For Table and Cooking Use Wrinkled Peas f by and that is labor involved in doing their 3)oinino Finest American Granulated Sugar A lower price you may own cooking. True, they can do it well— This sugar is packed in sanitary cloth bags which keep dust never see on these high but if it takes it out of one’s health it Cane Sugar and dirt out of the sugar— so much easier and healthier than buy­ quality Fancy, York State ing it by tbe bulk. Peas— so stock up now ! granulated means a pretty high cost in the long run. 10 Pound suQjr David Hamm— growers The E. S. Kibbe Co. I Wimin conwrw b a g ...... and packers of the finest f * i r ^ i 54c A large assortment of Home Cooked Foods with spe­ vegetables only. Sold ex­ cials changing daily. clusively at Hale’s Self- Large assortment of Otto Stahl’s Smoked and Cooked V Serves. Roasters of Fine Coffees Meals and Our Own Baked Ham and Roast Chicken. Meadow Gold Creamery Butter...... 2 lbs. 93c; lb. 47c ('The sweet, uniform quality you enjoy.) Since 1878 Imported and Domestic Delicacies. I No. 2 “Star” and “Puritan” Sugar Cured H am ...... lb. 34c can .... Store Open Every Evening Until 9 o’clock Pure L ard...... — ...... 2 lbs. 27c (Sanitary pound cartons.) 2 No. 1 cans ... Grape N u ts...... 2 pkgs. 29c (Our rapid turnover assures you of fresh cereals.) Hershey’s Breakfast Cocoa...... 2 cans 25c CO. “Sweet Peggy” Pure Fruit Juice...... pint 29c e c o n o m y 'I' (A refreshing drink— you’ll love it! Lemon, orange, raspberry and grape fla­ vors. Each bottle makes 8 pints.) Fresh

W^HERE^ CONNECTICUT BU^SJTS GROCERIES For Tasty Salads and Desserts Try— Fruits and Sunbeam’s Fancy Fruits for Salads Fancy Ripe TOMATOES Vegetables LandO'Lakes BUTTER 47c A delicious combination' of peaches, apricots, pineapple and l-Pound Roll ...... 3 pounds 25c cherrie.s. Excellent for salads or mixed with Jello for desserts. ______The Butter Th.nt’s All Sweet Cream. Finest Ripe California PEARS |pRun>*s^ No. 2«/2 O Q ^ Large Jumbo O O Fancy Selected Potatoes 57c c a n ...... O ^ C Canteloupes___ 3 for 13-Pound Peck ...... Dozen 39c 600 Pounds Native 1 Q ^ Large Pink Meat Fancy ONIONS Cigarettes...... carton $1.09 Tomatoes...... 3 lbs.. 1. ^ C CANTALOUPES 5 fior 29c 4 Pounds 19c (’The freshest stock of Camels, Luckies, Old Golds and Chesterfields.) Sound, hard and ripe. Hire’s Extract...... bottle 21c (Boot beer, and ginger ale. Each bottle makes 40 pints.) California ASPARAGUS TIPS 2 tins 3Sc Bartlett Pears . .quart 25c Delicious when creamed for that vegetarian dinner. Palmolive Soap...... 3 bars 19c Heaping quarts. Favorite Genuine Dill Pickles...... quart 23c Native Celery, IQ/* LIMA BEANS PRESERVES MACKEREL Brillo...... large pkg. 19c bunch ...... r a / C Fancy California « Large, well bleached celery. Quality Fresh Size 2 Fancy Pure 1 lb. taU can Famous Ohio Blue Tip'Matches ...... 6 boxes 22c 2 cans SSc 16 oz. jar 25c 2 cans 25c Peaches, For that nildmoming or early after­ A welcome change from the usual 2 quarts...... 25 c A. wholesome and api>etlzing vegetable. noon bite. Friday luncheon. 4 quarts 45c Mothers ! Don’t Bake Bread—TRY Clear frait—free from worms.

Fancy Sweet Mixed P & G SOAP GOLD DUST Hale’s Milk Bread 1,500 Pounds Golden Q 1 ^ PICKLES Ripe Bananas .. 3 lbs. ± C This delicious, wholesome bread is made especially for 10 bars 59c large pkg. 23c the Self-Serves. Nothing but the purest and best ingre­ “ No mystery about it! It’s simijfj a quart jar 35c Two can work quicker than one. dients are put into the making of this bread which Is Fancy California better soap.” Indispensable on that picnic or outing. “ Let the twins do your work.” made under highly sanitary conditiobs. Delicious for sandwiches and toast. Grapefruit .... .3 for 25c ' , HALE'S r PILLSBURY BRAN Kellogg’s b a iK B R E A D 20 Ounce package ...... 17c RICE KRISPIES, package 12c Loaf ----- 8c Fresh Supply Native Golden Bantam 35c CHERRIES, size 2 can Fancy Com ...... dozen Fancy Sour Pitted ...... 29c GRAPEFRUIT, size 2 c a n ...... 25c BEANS, Fancy, Cut Stringless, Jacob’s Large Heads Size 2 Can ...... MUSHROOMS, can ...... 35c Health Market Specials 17c Lettuce .... 9c SALMON, 1-2 lb. can Prudence Fancy Columbia R iver...... 29c CORNED BEEF HASH, c a n ...... 27c Tender, Small * ^ Tender, Milk Fed SALTESEA SOUPS A.I. SAUCE Pea or Vegetable, C an ...... Bottle ...... 27c 14c Legs of Lamb ^ 35^ Broilers 48^ ROYAL GELATIN JUNKET, Assorted Flavors, Assorted Flavors, 3 pkgs...... 25c 2 pkgs...... 25c SmaU, Tender Loin Lean, Fresh GINGER ALE, Gra-Rock Dry, MOXIE, Contents, Contents, 2 large bottles...... 29c Bottle ___ ; ...... 18c Lamb Chops ^ 4 5^ Pork Shoulders ^ 22^ IT P A Y S FANCY ' WE OFFER Lean, Tender Fresh, Native ECONOMY I TO WAI T ON FRUITS and SELECTED Pot Roast 2 9 y Calves Liver 70^ BACON . / y o u r s e l f W HITE EGGS Fresh i is of finest quality and is strictly sugar VEGETABLES Tender, Milk Fed From scientically fed hens containing cured. It Is slicevl expertly under the You can rest assured that all Fruits and nio.st sanitary cqndillons— ar.d offered at priceless vitamins and tissue-building ma­ Vegetables purchased in our stores are terial. Fowl ft 40?? Pigs Liver' ^ 12^ \ strictly fresh and of highest quality ob­ They are a necessity to every diet and 3 9® lb . tainable AND that, they are offered at low­ rich in Vitamin D. Two Stores — Oak and Main — Park an d Main Streets m m B S E B B B s m est possible prices. For sale at all our Stores. FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HEKARU, SUtrm MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1929. THECL^SSIFIED SECTION BIJV^WD SELL H ERE:

Want Ad ^nformatiOD LOSr AND FOUND REPAIRING 23 Typist Queens to LOST BY CHILD •-between Bissell MATTRESSES, box springs, pil­ REDISCOUNT RATE HOSE CO. NO 2 . M. F. D . Manchester street and Textile siore, pocket- lows and cushions made over Compete Evening Herald book containing sum of money. equal to new. 1 day service. Phone ON OUTING SUNDAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE­ Finder please return to Herald 6448 Manchester Upholstering Co. GOES UP TO 6 Pv C. Office. 331 Center street. Established MENTS since 1922. Hose Co. No. 2 of the Manches­ Count six aversKS words to a line. ter Rire Department wlH hold Initials, numbers and abbreviations ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 ! LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED, their annual outing at Cla,rk’s each count as a word and conoBOund words as two words. Minimum cost Is chimneys cleaned and repaired, LOST N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank Grove, Coventry Lake, Sunday, Aug. price of three lines. FOR RENT— Water cylinder lawn ; key tiuing, safes opened, saw tiling 11. Members will leave the fire­ • • » roller $1.00 for 24 hours. Joseph | and grinding. Work called for. house at 9:30 Sunday morning. A Line rates per day for transient McLean, 15 Church street. Tel. j Harold Clemsun, 108 North Elm Acts to Curb Speculation ads. AND program of athletic events will'be Effective March 17, 18'.i7 6553. i street. Telephone 3648. held at Clark’s Grove followed by Cash Charge dinner at 3 o'clock at the Brighajn 6 Consecutive Days 7 cts !> cts by Sharp Advance. Tavern in Mansfeld. 3'Consecutlve Days .. 9 cts 11 ots AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 COURSES AND CLASSES 27 | i Day ...... 1 ll ots 1* cts FOUND All orders for Irregular Insertions Washington, Aug. 9.— The re­ will be charged at the one*tlme rale. 1928 NASH 4.Pass. Advance Coupe. | SPECIAL DAY and evening sum- ! discount rate of the Federal Re­ Special rates for long term every 1926 Studebaker Commander Se- j mer classes now open in barber- | Being anxious to return that day advertising given upon request. serve Bank of New York was in­ The M^.ckley dan. ing. Low rate of tuition. Inquire article you found to its own­ creased from 5 to 6 per cent, ef­ Ads ordered for three or six days Vaughn’s Barber School, 14 Mar­ Chevrolet Co., Inc, and stopped before the third or fifth 1924 Chevrolet Truck, cheap. 1 er, you’ll look for his ad in fective today, the Federal Reserve day will be charged only for the ac­ CONKEY AUTO CO. i ket street, Hartford. Board announced late yesterday. tual number of times the ad appear­ our want -ads. Generous USED CARS WITH 20 E. Center. Studebaker Dealer | The statement followed meet­ V ed. charging at the rate earned, but rewards often compensate AN OKAY THAT COUNTS no allowances or refunds can be made 1927 Buick Sedan. ings of two days’ duration attend­ OR six time ads stopped after the HELP WANTED— i finders for their honesty ed by the governors of the regional fifth day. 1926 Willys-Knight Sedan. FEMALE 3 5 1 1 CHEVROLET No "till forhlds": display lines not 1925 Willys-Knight Sedan. ' and consideration. banks in the Federal Reserve Sys­ tem and, it was believed, presaged COACH sold. 1926 Ford Roadster. WANTED— Young girl to assist The Herald will not be responsible a change in rediscount rates in Reconditioned, and Re-Du- for more than one Incorrect insertion When Better Used Cars are Sold with house work, must have ex­ coed. .A splendid buy in a' fiye- of eny advertisement ordered for We’ll Sell Them. other districts, although members perience. Apply 156 Bissell St. of the board declined to discuss passenger sedan. “ With An more than one time. COLE MOTOR SALES LOOK IN THE O. K. That Counts,” The Inadvertent omission of incor­ 91 Center St. Tel. 827 5 WANTED — EXPERIENCED typ- this passibility. rect publication of advertising will be The board’s formal announce­ rectified only by cancellation of the ists, single girls. Apply Cheney CLASSIFIED 1 O O Q PONTIAC charge made for the service rendered. 1925 NASH COACH. Bros. Employment office. ment read: • • • 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN. The Federal Reserve Board an­ COUPE All advertisements must conform 1927 ESSEX COACH. OR nounces that the Federal Reserve Original Paint. Shock Absorb­ In style, copy and typography with HELP WANTED—MALE 36 regulations enforced by the puhllsh- 1927 WHIPPET 6 COACH. Bank of New York has established ers, Spare Tire, Buui(>ers, Etc. ers and they reserve the right to 1925 ESSEX COACH. CALL 5121 a rediscount rate of 6 per cent on Priced right. “ With An O. K. edit, revise or reject any copy con­ 1924 NASH SEDAN. DISTRIBUTOR for 100 store route all classes of paper of all maturi­ That Counts.” sidered objectionable. this county. Experience unneces­ ties, effective Aug. 9, 1929. CIXJSINO FI URS— Classified ads 1925 FORD COUPE. 1926 OVERLAND COACH. sary. No selling, distribute and WHEN YOU WANT ‘ tPeculiar Conditions” RE9 V/i TON to be published same day must be re­ collect. Should net $70 weekly. ceived by 12 o'clock neon. Saturdavs 1923 STUDEBAKER TOURING. The board’s action wac not made 1 9 2 7 EXPRESS 1') ;30 a. m. MADDEN BROS. Write Peris Mfg. Co., Florin, Pa. TO RUN AN AD public until 3 o’clock, when the Closed Cab. Repainted. TELEPHONE YOUR WANT 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 New York Stock Exchange had ,The best u.sed trnck buy in ADS. closed. The only statement con­ our stock. “ With An O. K. That 1927 MARMON COUPE. WANTED— Automobile mechanic. Counts.” Ads are acceptad over the telephone Apply Gibson’s Garage. cerning the meetings was made at at the CHARGE RATE given above 192’' OLDSMOBILE COACH. the same time by Governor Roy A. as a convience to advertisers. but 1925 CHEVROLET SEDAN. CHEVROLET the CASH KATES will be accepted as Young, who said: FUIJ- PAYMEN’l If paid at the busi­ 1926 CHEVROLET LANDAU. AKTICI,ES FOR SAI.E 45 “ The Federal Reserve Board 1 9 2 9 “6-CLINDER” ness office on or before the seventh 1927 DODGH COUPE. and the governors of the Federal COACH day following the first Insertion ol 1926 DODGE SEDAN. FOR SALE — Heywood-Wakefield Reserve Banks have been in con­ Equipiied with Love-Joy Hy­ each ad. otherwise the CHARGE A number of other good used baby carriage, slightly used, good These two Canadian typing RATE will he collected. No responsl- ference for two days and have con­ draulic Shock Absorbers, Spare C3.rs condition, bargain for cash. Tel. sidered the resources of the Fed­ champions will seek world typing billly for errors in telephoned ads titles at Toronto on Sept. 28 when Tire, Lock, Hani|»ers, Etc. “ With will be assumed and their accuracy CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. 6903 evenings. WANTED— ROOMS— APARIMENTS— FLATS— eral Reserve System might best An O. K. That Counts,” cannot be guaranteed. Center ani' Trotter Sts. \ BOARD 62 TENEMENTS 63 be conserved and made available the international typing contest is INDEX OF CLASSIFICA­ Tel. 6495 or 8063 to meet Autumn requirements. held. Above is Louise Marchese, FORD TUDOR of Vancouver, Canadian champion. TIONS ! GARDEN—LAWN- FOR RENT— Large comfortable FOR RENT— 5 room tenement “ The problem has presented dif­ 1 9 2 6 SEDAN Births ...... A 1927 ESSEX COUPE DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Below is Irma Wright, of Toronto, 1928 ESSEX COUPE rooms for gentlemen, centrally with garage. Inquire 34 Spruce ficulties because of certain peculiar who last year won the world's ama­ rne.\pensive transportation for Engagements ...... B located. Dial 3041 or call 31 street. conditions. A mutually satisfactory Marriages ...... C BETTS GARAGE FOR SALE— 1 Chester white hour teur title at Sacramento, Calif. a long time, for someone. “ With Deaths ...... D Hudson-Essex Dealer— 129 Spruce Laurel street. plan has been developed.” An O. K. That Counts.” Card of Thanks ...... E pig, 1 year old. Call Rosedale FOR RENT— 6 room tenement 456 Mr. Young declined to extend In Memorlam ...... F 25-2. FOR RENT— Roo'm single or dou­ Main street, near Lincoln school, his statement into an explanation Lost and Found ...... 1 ble for gentlemen, with breakfast. A-1 condition. Rent $35. Apply OLDEST INN CLOSES Announcements ...... 2 BUSINESS SEKVICES FOR SALE— Sweet corn, meat rab­ of what was meant by the “ certain The Mackley Personals ...... 8 Address Box E, care Herald. Benson of Benson Furniture Co. peculiar conditions” to which he OFFERED 13 bits, breeding Does, buck and London.— The Chandos Arms Antomnblles young stock. , Mr. Underhiil, 46 referred. Chevrolet Co., Tnc. Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 FOR RENT— Room for light FOR RENT— 3 room furnished The board, simultaneously ■with Hotel, Edgeware, erected in Eng­ Automobiles for Exchange...... 6 THE KING OF THEM all The Na­ . Foley street. . . housekeeping. Address Box P, in apartment, 206 Center street. Call land during the eleventh century, 527 Main St. Tel. 6874 Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6 care of Herald, 5246. its announcement of the rise in Auto Repairing— Painting ...... '7 tional Air Power Water System. FOR SALE— Gladiolas 50c a doz. rate, had made public a statement has been closed. It is said to be Water fresh from the well. The Auto Schools ...... 7-A Over 80 varieties of better kind. showing a further heavy increase the oldest tavern in Englahd. At the Au'os—Ship bv Truck ...... 8 Demming deep and shallow well FOR RENT— 4 room tenement, all Clark’s Glad Garden, 425 Middle in iqans to brokers through the time of its closing, it was in fair Autos— Kilt Hire ...... D automatic electric pumps. Service APARTMENTS— FLATS— improvements. Inquire 105 Spruce condition. This tavern is not with­ Oarages—Service—Storg^e ...... lu Turnpike, Man. Green. Ph''ne. street. Call 4980. New York bank, the rise being Motorcycles— Bicycle ...... 11 on all kinds of pumps, motors, 5339. TENEMENTS 63 $60,000,000 in the past week, out competition as to being the old­ Wanted Autos — Motorcycles .... 12 generators, light plants. Renew 5 WALNUT STREET— Near Che- bringing the total of such loans to est in England. The Bell Inn, at ltiiKini‘KK iin<* l*r


OlMX BY NU sonicc. INC. i^IANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOimi MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1929. PAGE FIFTE^^ |FlAPPER''FANOT^SAYS:'' SENSE and NONSENSE SKIPFY By Percy L. Oosby r r r r Expensive Experiments. A man rocked a boaf to see if it would tip. It did. A laborer stepped on a nail to see if it would go through his shoe. It did. A man looked into a gun to se^ if it was loaded. It was. A woman looked into a patent medicine Ijooklet to see if she was sick. She was. A helper smelled escaping gas and lig})ted a match to find the leak. He found it. A man allowed his life insurance to lapse, paying no attention to the t protest of his wife. He died.

WILLIE. Willie with a hatchet dull Split wide open father’s skull; Ma said, wiping up the stains “ W illie’s got his fatl^r’s brains.’ A i Percy L. Crosby, Great Britain rifht* reaerred. i Country Grocer: “ What would ^ Features Syndicate, Inc I you suggest as material for a hot ' "dog stand.” Clever Friend: “ A rustic aiiair of A lot of funny things turn up in dogwood covered with bark!” OUR BOARDING HOUSE life, including pug noses. The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Fox Helen— I had a rotten time play­ By Gene Ahem ing strip poker last night. Barbara— No luck, eh?” Helen— Not a bit; I w’on every THE 3K iPPE:F^ WoUlwP UIKE To L.AY HI^ HANP5 oH THE WAd, --VO Li c e r t a i n LV KAV/E time. V iH o 'B PEEN ^TldKiN(i up THo^E Ai-,oN Fashion experts tell us that styles trqiAT Door !» 1 L M go in tides. Some of the girls must ^ REMEMBER , HE AlsiP LEAV/E F be looking for high wmter. gerf VoOR btvitHer iM A ; W’e may be wrong but it is our OOT OF that Hu r r V'* : opinion that the fuller the balloon : trousers are the emptier the head. With T'H’" Police 1 ------oU A Poker j The secret of iiappiness is not ! getting what you want but in not RAIP ? i wanting w^hat you can’t get. C2?— > A statue has been erected to a cow at Seattle, Washington. Nearer 4. home, many a statue has been erected to an ass. Q

This year’s mosquitoes are big- ger and bitter.

5 T A R If the billboards completely hide Wfl the landscape, you are approaching THE RULES. a center of culture. 'h 1— The idea of Letter Golf is to Pity one couldn’t know he has I change one word to another and do enough before he has too much. it in par, a given number of strokes. Thus to change COW to H E N ,' in After looking in vain for his lots three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, I on the Florida coast, the popular HEN. song-writer composed a new ditty 2— You change only one lettercalled, “ All I Want Is a Fish's—Eye at a time. View of ,,My New Prospective 3— You must have a completeHome.” word, of common usage, for each # ■ jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ The world's meanest man— he tions don't count. .was deaf and never told his barber. a WBLcsiME eues-r. 4— The order of letters cannot be •q FCji Mi. V, »• FAT. a ' q - changed. (CFonttirs Fox, 1929 Unless you have confidence In i f i humanity you are a suspicious “ Does she approve of colors in i character. the kitchen?” j VVASHlN(iTON TUBBS II Home, Sweet Home By Crane “ I should say she did! Her cook i Good weather in which you do is as black as coal.” * your Christmas shopping. A look WHO’5 HECbI MOU BUj TRAMP.' o50Vl I AlMT r a t s '. TOU'RE ALVIAVS BUT THIS IS VIOT EVESl V


Bee.U.«.MT.«r|r. J9 V Qisia Bv aawwec. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS WhaCs That, Freckles? By;Blosse£

UOMJ Dio I UMOkM 7WAT RiDiki'A Ho r s e !! k" 60E5S X VNILL-- ^ vjibOLO YPOCARETD VJEOA ViJAS SO GOOO AT (?EE! X (2AM’T l e t I2l£?e ANY POA^Y?? HE'S A c e You Uao a IAorsE were TURov^lMi’ A LARIAT*?? yv 3EW LE SOEE VOO X'O SW.o\W WER SOME ■/AANBE Y o u A W g ir l g et •• vnELL'-TJAERE'S O/viE j f "TWe BEST op CAA-i-NMHAT RlDlf^' TWAT SWE’O COULD 6ET UER. LAMB 'TUIMS X CAf-i ‘ane a IS \T? AiEMEP. FO RS^T DAO 7D LET SWovw HER V You r id e OA-iE -( (JP ON)'..’ :/ ( --VJWY DOKiT Y ou ASWt WIaaI^ r _ * i , u-

K-fl) /T/, \ ft';j’ '■ ' Y X V. m, y / A REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. ) C1929 BY NCA SERVICE. INC. L f \ . (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) He’ll Have To BySmaU Before the Tinymites could day and Carpy shortly yelled, SALESMAN SAM / ^peak the littl» train brake “ Huiray! 7,'e’ve landed in a town ceased to squeak and they were and they liave raised the big tent r . all surprised to find their car was high. Let's all gel dre.ssecl and TH’ PfsPER. SHYs 'VfMR Tb- \'D UKe Ta have a A .TessiP.— ©ViT VldULD ^ P i W IND W R IT m C r standing still. Then Scouty shout­ hurry out and find what it is all IN'? - IT W AS-UP T o TH' pew wo(^os W(Tw Your J ^ n T I L L . W W S S O S H AiS WlftD ed, “ Just thank me. I ’ve saved about. Pd like to nave a “H M s o u x x 's w te e cam& in’. © O S S - HCRS? imur lives, as you can s(jo. The breakfast of some coifee and some brake I turned saved all of us pie.” Yes. MRS. from tumbling down the hill.” At breakfast 'bout an hour was CrUXA.Le^\ - “ You’re right,” cried Coppy. spent and then they reached the m m s , “ You are brave. 1 knew you’d big main tent. The circus boss 3^. , 'V< OPF\ce.l *' dfeoTY find a way to save us all from sad put them to work. They had to 6UZZUEM destruction. Three grand cheers do their share. All of a sudden VICKK for Scouty boy!” !'or miles around Scouty cried, “ I ’ll bet that the folks could hear the Tinies} Clowny’s trying to liidc. He al­ very loudly cheer. Tlie fact llfaii ways (lodges work and 1 can't see they were safe and' sound tilled a ll! !iim anywhere.” the bunch with cheer. Before tliey Iiad a chance to The main train then swung into search an object came forth, with sight. Their car was hooked back a lurch, from under the dressing on all right and off they slowly tent. Then Coppy quickly said, started tovi^ard the next town “ Oh, lock! It’s Clowny, full of where they’d show. Soon night fun. Just see the crazy stunt he’s Walk time came. The moon rose high done.” The Tinies looked and IM and Clowny whispered, with a saw ho had a dog face on his sigh, “ Thank goodness, we can head. sleep now. Say, I wonder where ' ✓ we’ll go.” (Cu|)|iy does noiiic Iiigh Jump- The bunch arose at break of ing in the next story.). SisEsa 'yfj


Letters have been received from A letter received by The Herald several of the local people who are today from Rev. Marvin S. Stock­ ABOUT TOWN spending the summer in Ireland, ing conveys the news that he and telling of pleasant visits they have, Mrs. Stocking arrived safely at their THIS STORE. CLOSES WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS • The annual picnic of Zion Luth­ had with the Rev. David Kelly, rec­ destination, Topeka, Kansas, Tues­ eran Sunday School will be held at tor of the Episcopal church in day afternoon. Their daughter, Elizabeth Park tomorrow. Bus Donegal, who is now spending his Mrs. L. Theron French and her hus­ leaves church at 9 a. m. The Misses vacation on the continent. A few band came to Columbia, Missouri Free Parking gpace Margaret Erdin and Erna Hess years ago he was curate at St. to meet them. Rev. Mr. Stocking have charge of games. Mary’s Episcopal church, on a says they had a most interesting leave of absence from his home trip. In re^ar of store. Entrances at • JL Manchester people who are in­ church, and while in Manchester terested in the nature and conserva­ made many warm friends. Mrs. Joseph McGrath and fam­ Oak and Maple Streets. .D E P A R T M E N T STORE ’ SO. MAMCHESTEk.CONN. tion exhibit which the Litchfield ily and Mrs. Thomas Fox of Brook­ Garden club is now conducting for lyn, N. Y., are visiting their sis­ a week at the Ce>ier school in that The Mooseheart Legion will hold ters, Mrs. Frank Rawson and Mrs. town, are reminded that it will close its annual outing at Jarvis Grove James Campbell of Main street. on Sunday. August 25. They have on the 13th, and is now open every ilay including Sunday from 2 to (i engaged the grove and the dance Herbert Mitchell and Irving Shop at Manchester’s Leaciing Store Tomorrow! Open Until 9 p. m. The Litchfield County pavilion for the day and in addi­ Keeney are in charge of the bene­ Forestry association will have an tion to the dinner that will be fit whist arid dance which will be important exhibit and there are served a committee has been named given this evening at the City to arrange for a day’s entertain­ more than 35 additional exhibits of View dance hall. Six prizes will be in educational nature. ment program. given and refreshments served. Dancing will follow. The First Showing of

The Center Flute band will leave •s 22 by bus tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock sharp to attend the annual convention and field day of the Connecticut Fifers’ and Drummers’ Travel Prints association at Torrington. This band has been a member of the as­ sociation since 1908 and always Shopping (SmiM | looks forward to this event. It has brought back a number of cups and for Fall Wear ■ prizes at previous meets and hopes to be so favored tomorrow. Store Open All Day Saturday | ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Potter of I Lilley street have returned home I after a vacation of ten days at Bay ' View, Maine. $ 16-75 Felt and Straw Hats wom en’s and misses’ Patrolman Arthur P. Seymour motored up to Leominster, Mass, Travel Prints in tweed effects will be very Reduced To yesterday and returned today with smart for fall and winter wear. A few ad­ Mrs. Seymour and their son Her­ bert who have been spending their vanced models are now being shown in our vacation at Lake Sunapee and with Apparel Department — modestly priced at relatives at Leominster. Yesterday $16.75. $ 1-95 was Herbert’s birthday and a party FASHION-RIGHT was given in hjs honor by a cousin of Mr. Seymour. (Sketched left). A tailored dress of (5 jUro and $4.95 Grades) printed silk in the popular “ travel Mrs. Charles Buckley and daugh­ print’’ In brown and white. Brown We have reduced our regular $3.95 and $4.95 hats to ter Charlotte of Ridgewood, N. J., bands trim the bottom of the pleated this price for quick clearance. The assortment includes are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. skirt and the ends of the jabot. A straws, felts, hairs, and braids in cloches, large brims, Charles J. Strickland of Main street. smart dress for fall and winter. and medium brims in black, tan, navy, natural, rose, blue FURRED OOTH $16.75. and green. Large and small head sizes. Surely you can Rev. E. T. French, pastor of the use one or two for late vacation trips. i Nazarene church who has been. spending his vacation with his Millinery— Main Floor ! parents at Wadhams, N. Y., is ex- HaJe’s Apparel Dept.— Main Floor, rear. i pected home this evening.

Miss Arline Wilkie, daughter of COATS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkie of 160 Oak Grove street, received a pleas­ ant surprise last evening when about 15 of her friends called to Women’s assist her in celebrating her birth­ * Domestics at midsummer sale prices day. The usual merry pastimes were indulged in and a buffet lunch served. Miss Wilkie was generously remembered with gifts. She Is to Rayon Underwear “West Point” return in September for her senior year at the New Britain Normal Turkish Towels $48.00 $58.00 $78.00 school. Bloomers, Panties, Shorts and Vests Large size Turkish towels with attractive colored borders in blue, The Silk City Flute Band will green, rose, pink and orchid. Ex­ take part in the competitiona at tra large size, absorbent Turkish $98.00 $128.00 Torrington tomorrow in connection towels. Special, with the Connecticut Fifers and Drummers Association meeting. 59c The members are requested to meet = An unusually smart collection of new Cloth Coats, = at the Lincoln school at 7:30 'C each o’clock tomorrow morning. The Empire Pillow Cases S Paris .inspired models, luxuriously furred collars and S trip will be made by bus. Good quality pillow cases in two popular sizes, 42x36 and 45x36 i cuffs, excellently tailored in the season’s wanted mate- = Elbert M. Shelton and wife have inches. Special, each. sold a building lot on Brookfield i rials as basket weaves, trilba, silver king,norma and 5 street to Alice F. Helm of T. D. A special purchase of fine quality 29c Humming Bird Faulkner and Company. The rayon undergarments that smart E broadcloth. Sports Coats of imported mixtures. Llama S transfer was made by Bert E. Judd, moderns are wearing ’neath light local real estate agent. summer frocks and that they are Linen Lunch Cloths i cloth and Camel’s hair. 5 packing in vacation bags. Choice of Pure linen lunch cloths with gay Silk Chiffon Hose Three local men are employed as bloomers, panties, shorts and vests colored borders in blue, gold, green watchmen and direction men on in the favored shades: and,rose. 50 inches square. Easily- s (1929 Fashions in Fur Coats at Sale Prices) | the new state road job between laundered. Manchester and Bolton. Charles In Smart Skin Shades A. Sweet is at work nights on the ' 95c i Coats bought now will be stored in our dry cold i job and David McCann and Paul Clune are employed days. i storage vault without additional cost until November i White Rosebud “MaHex” Bath Mats i first. i A girls’ trio composed of Miss The well known “ Martex” bath pair Olive Smith, Miss Martha Kissman Peach Flesh mats in good looking patterns in and Miss Rosanna McGill will as­ blue, rose, gold, green and black. sist with the musical program at i * Subject to mis-weaves. Special, Sheer . . . pure silk . . . chiffon stockings: pure silk the North Methodist church Sun­ = Second Floor. 5 from tip-to-toe. Narrow square heels. A stocking that ~ s day morning. Their selections will Rayon Underwear— Main Floor, right ?1.95 is noted for its lorig wearing qualities. Ihexpeusive Include Handel’s Largo and the Londonderry air. stockings for sports, business and general wear. The nimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin best-looking skin shades including: Nude, mauve taupe, Pure Linen light beige, flesh, teatime, pawnee, porcelain, naturelle, Miss Margaret Cadman of the shell gray, nut brown as well as white. Midland apartments will spend the Dish Towels remainder of the month at Canaan. Pure linen dish towels with col­ Hosiery— Main Floor “Sun-Back” Bathing Suits ored borders in blue, gold, rose and George H. VIetch of 24 Church green. Extra good quality towels. moNi street Is going to the Surf Hotel, Hemmed ready to use. Each, Block Island tomorrow, for a week’s vacation. The following Keep Youngsters 39c Plain and Printed week he will spend at Astoria, L. I., the guest of. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and Healthy GOOD THINGS TO CAT Patton. Organdy Scarfs and Miss Loretta Olds of Church Vanity Sets' Silk Triangle Scarfs COME IN OR D IAL 4151 street was surprised yesterday af­ Fashioned from fine colored ternoon on the occasion of her ari(i dotted Swiss with wide organdy Our Vegetable Dept. Small Juicy California eleventh birthday by about a dozen borders in matching colors. Blue, Special! Oranges, 27c dozen; 2 of her little girl friends. They maize, orchid, gold, and rose. Each Selected Signal Brand HOXEY passed the time playing games and Youngsters will be piece, D E W MELONS— we guarantee dozen 53c. enjoying a variety of good things brown and healthy if them— 29c and 89c each. to eat. Loretta was remembered they wear these sun- ? 1 .0 0 These oranges are small, but with many pretty gifts. suits. Choice of strap Ripe Bananas, 10c lb. .just full of juice and cost you or net tops with red, • 3 lbs. 25c, less per cup of juice than any The supply of ice in Manchester blue or orange wool Novelty Wash Cloths other size on the market now. bas just about reached the limit for trunks. 2 to 6 years. California Pears, 6 for 25c. Creamery Butter, 1 lb. rolls, this year. . Already the Stark­ Novelty Turkish wash cloths In We are selling these triangle scarfs to sports Small California Grapefruit 49c. weather supply in the north end is Sweaters to Match, a choice of pleasing color combina­ girls to wear around their heads to keep stray locks tions. Each, in; they are also very popular for motorists. Plain 10c each, 3 for 25c down so low that he is carting Ice $1.49 Star Water, 15c; 2 for 25c. in from Hartford and keeping back lOc and stunning prints in light ^ s te l shades. Peaches Lemons what small amount he has in his Yellow Corn Baby Shop— Armour’s or Pet Brand ice house to take care of local Main Floor, rear Triangle Scarfs— Main Floor, left aisle Idnia Beans trade. At the Hollbrook house in Domestics— Main Floor Beets — Carrots Evaporated Milk, lOc can; 10 cans 98c. Bolton, L. T. Wood has 2,000 tons Ripe Tomatoes and there is only one section left . Iceberg Lettuce Ken L Ration, 7 cans 99c. in the Globe Hollow ice "house that ■ Celery contains' about the same amount. Large Stuffing Peppers Sliced Bacon (lean, good This' supply will last until about October 1, with the present kind of THE grade— rind off), 39c lb. weather, but should there be a sud­ MEAT DEPARTMENT Very good foi meat loaf or den hot spell It will of course go SUNDAY DINNER Dial 4151 much faster. meat balls, you will find GLADIOLUS WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. Tender LITTLE BROILERS A fine assortment of the best varieties of this beautiful I Fowl for Fricassee Freshly Ground PINE­ at the flower. The next ftve weeks is the best time to choose your Roasting Chickens HURST BEEF at 30c lb. How are YOUR locks? Can bulbs for ne.\t year’s planting. burglars bother you? Play safe, Visitors are always welcome. Funeral Directors We have some mighty see Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street— good economical cuts of Here is another introductory Adv. CUT FLOWERS 50c PER DOZEN ESTABLISHED 54 YEARS ' special on the famous SIN­ H O m SffiRIDAN Shank Ends of Sinclair CLAIR BONED HAMS in cans Slicing Hams at from 19c (we sold about 15 cans of these CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. to 29c lb. bams last Saturday)— 10% off Turkey, Duck or Chicken W oodland Gardens Scotch Ham — Daisy Hams the regular price on any can of NOTICE! Robert K. Anderson Sinclair Ham— we have them with all the fixings $1 Tel. 5756 286 Woodland St. Phones: Office 5171 ' PINEHURST ROUND The Nelson Cleaning Company in the 2 to 3 lb. and the 7 to 9 Funeral Director Residence 7494 is now located at 258 East Middle STEAK GROUND lb. average. Put one of these Turnpike, Dial 8895. Expert clean­ Baked Ham Oervelat hams On the shelf for emer­ ing, dyeing and pressing. W e spe­ Boiled Ham Salami gency use, or take it to the cot­ cialize in ladies’ wear. Ham Loaf Tongue Loaf tage with you. REGISTRARS MEET session the list, which must be ter and as only two of these names The Meat Department asked printed this year, will contain over have been received by the regis­ 2,000 new names. At4he time that trars the others have until 19 Hev. James E. Greer, assistant ns to mention in partlcnlar: Phone Service Until 9:00 UNTIL 10 TONIGHT Veal Chops and Cntlets new voters ware ma4e last year the o’clock tonight to do so. pastor of tiie South Methodist SHOE itEPAIRIXa Tonight— Store closes at 6:00 HOSE CO. NO. 2 reiglstrars gave the new voters an church, will occupy the pulpit of Boneless Veal Boasts P. M. Dial 4151 tonight, if it Manchester Fire Dept. ■The registrars of voters will be opportunity to register for party Mrs. James Stevenson, wife of his father-in-law. Rev. M. S. Stock­ Ladies’ Flexible Soles and Shoulders of Lamb, boned and is convenient, and you would caucuses. About 2,000 took the Robber Heels a Sfieclalty. rolled, cut any; size yon wish. In session at the town clerk’s office the local automobile salesman, who ing at the North Methodist church like your order on the special Annual Outing until 10 o’clock tonight' to'receive time to register then and their fell down stairs about four weeks Legs of Lamb ]jamb Chops early Saturday delivery. Sunday morning. R will be a Joint SAM njl.YES \ SUNDAY, AUG. 11 names of those who wish: to regis­ names will go on the caucus list ago is showing improvement service of the congregations of 701 Alain St., So. Manchester ter for the caucuses. While only for the first time this year. There She sustained a broken leg at the both Njjrth End Protestant Leave Firehouse 9:80 A. M. two sent In their names'at the Tast were about 650“that'djd not regis­ time. chnrcbas. ■ ■ i