South Dakota State University Farmhouse Fraternity Cookbook
6outb llakota 6tate ltnibtr�ttp jfarmT!,ou�t jfrattrnttp · Cookbook � '( (_� 'i..J _Q___:-., ,�,..,.,\ s .s k, � \ 9� �3S'-\'2_'3,'-\-0 , - ----- ·-· ,r,f.• , ...'- 11iln� i. I I n1: - I •I I , ·•·i"l', h �,,! If there is one thingthat the men of FannHouse can agreeon it is thatthey likeFOOD! However, they do express differences of opinion on their favorite food items. In aneffort to compile a collection of recipes which are"FarmH ouse favorites", the idea for this recipe book began. It is our hope that this cook book will makem eal planning easier at FannHouseand at your house. Thank you for your support. Deb DeBates, Housemother 1991 � Present Paul H Hoffer, Alumni Relations Chairman 1994 FannHouseFraternity@ TheObject 'The object of our Fr.uemity is 10 promocc 800d fellowship, 10 enco..... studiousness. and to inspire its memben in scelcin1 the best in their chosen lines of study u well u in life. Propess shall mark our every step: the spirit of con1eniality shall reip at all times; and every member shall be honest witb himselfas widl his brc,Chen. Men elected to ourmembenbip are considered to be of aood moral cbancter, to be hiah in scholarship. to have the capacity for imecinl ud mati.. frieDds. ud ID pve promise of service IO their fellowmea 111dto lbeworld. To beMd becomesuch may• timesrequR a sacrifice of li11111. pleasureMd comfona. The abovestatement is theessence ofFann HomeFraternity. Fromthe first Fanni-louseClub meeting on February8, I 965,that was attendedby 12 men. to the mostrecently held chapter meeting that 49 attend.F annHouseMembers have prided themselveson canying out the Object's words.
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