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It is in answer to the constant demands from regular readers of "Three Meals a Day" that this book has been assembled. May I hope that it will become something more than just a cook-book? I should like it to be my daily representative in your home. Let it be your personal kitchen friend and guide. Indexed and handy for reference you will find new ideas in meal planning and household management together with a review of "Three Meals a Day for 1934." Next year we shall give you another Three Meals a Day" review for 1935. Various advertisers have assisted materially in making this book possible and, when shopping, remember them! Their products I most sincerely and heartily commend to you. Francis Bacon once said, "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few chewed and digested." I hope you will consider this book among "some few." Your friend of the kitchen, // THREE MEALS A DAY

Jessie Read

ESSIE READ'S interesting and instructive articles

on culinary problems are a few of the many

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"Toronto^s Most Interesting Newspaper yy THREE MEALS A DAY


Watermelon Fizz Cocktail Cranberry Juice Cocktail 4 cups cranberries (1 quart). 3 cups watermelon balls or cubes. 4 cups water. cup fruit . V4 % cup granulated sugar. 3 tablespoons lemon juice. 1 pint dry ginger ale. Cook cranberries and water until skins pop open (about 5 minutes). Prepare balls by scooping out of Squeeze through a cheesecloth. Bring watermelon and removing seeds. juice to boil and add sugar. Boil 2 min- Sprinkle with fruit sugar and lemon utes. Chill well. Serve in punch glasses, juice. Cover and chill in refrigerator. filling the glasses half full of cranberry When ready to serve, arrange in sherbet juice and the other half of ginger ale glasses and place on table. Just before or soda water. Add the ginger ale just guests arrive, pour ice-cold ginger ale before serving. into each glass. Serves six. • Mushroom and Ham Canape Vz cup fried mushrooms, diced. Maraschino Honey Dew Cocktail Vz cup minced ham. Vz tablespoon . 2 cups honey dew melon balls. Vz tablespoon . 1 cup banana cubes. Va cup milk. x teaspoon Worcester . yz cup fruit sugar. k 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon maraschino cherry juice. Prepare mushrooms and ham. Melt % teaspoon salt. butter in small saucepan. Add flour and stir until smooth. Add milk and season- Combine all ingredients. Chill in re- ings. Stir and cook until thick. frigerator. Pile in sherbet glasses and Add ham and mushrooms. Spread this mixture on top with maraschino cherry. If banana circles of bread which have been toasted is disliked by anyone, substitute pine- on one side and buttered on the other. apple cubes. Serves six. Serve hot. • Sardine Canapes Cantelonpe Pineapple Cocktail Trim crusts from bread cut in 1/3- 2 cups canteloupe balls. inch slices. Spread with butter, then 1 cup diced pineapple. with pineapple cheese spread. % cup fruit sugar. Have half the slices covered with this 1 tablespoon lemon juice. same spread, colored a pale green. Cut Vz cup orange juice. these slices in oblongs, lay a sardine on Vs teaspoon salt. each oblong, and arrange alternating Combine all ingredients and chill green and white oblongs on the tray. thoroughly in refrigerator. Pile in sher- bet glasses andserve very cold. Garnish Potato Chip Appetizer with emerelettes. Spread large potato chips with a Any of these cocktails may be too mixture of equal parts cream cheese and sweet or too sour to suit your own tastes. anchovy paste. Garnish with a dash of If too sour, add more sugar; if too sweet, paprika. Arrange on plate and garnish add lemon juice. with parsley. .


Cherry Almond Fizz Apple Crack Cocktail

1 pint sweet apple cider. 1 cup cherry juice (from preserved I ale. fruit). pint ginger xk teaspoon almond extract. Combine two ingredients just before 2 tablespoons lemon juice. serving. Have them both icy cold. Serve ginger ale. 1 pint dry with little broiled on tooth- Sugar, if desired. picks. Combine cherry juice, almond ex- • tract, lemon juice and sugar if neces- sary. Add ginger ale just before serving. Lime and Orange Morning Set-up Serve in cocktail glasses with cheese Juice of 2 oranges. wafers, pretzel sticks, potato chips or Juice of 1 lime. canapes. Vz teaspoon fruit sugar. Combine all ingredients. Chill well. Serve ice cold. Add more sugar if de- sired. Serves 1 to 2, according to size of glasses. Pear and Lime Fruit Cocktail • 2 cups diced canned pears. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Prune Teasers Vz cup pear syrup. Stuff a cooked pitted prune with a 1 cup lime jelly cubes. stuffed olive. Roll up in pastry rec- Maraschino cherries. tangles. Combine pears and lemon juice. Chill Bake at 425 deg. F. for 12 to 15 min- well. Color pear syrup red. Just before utes. Serve warm with tomato or fruit serving, combine all ingredients and juice cocktail. pile in sherbet glasses. Top with mara- • schino cherries. Sardine Crisp Snacks To make the lime jelly cubes, we simply prepare a lime jelly in the usual Spread salted soda wafers with cream way. Pour it into a shallow pan. Allow cheese. Arrange two or three sardines it to set, then cut into cubes. on each wafer. Sprinkle with bits of cream cheese or grated cheese. Place in hot oven for 2-3 minutes. Serve hot. Delicious with tomato juice as an appetizer. Pineapple Orange Teaser • 1 cup pineapple juice. Cocktail Vz cup orange juice. Canned Tomato Juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice. II quarts tomatoes. 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. 1 bunch celery. Wee pinch salt. 3 onions. 1 pint carbonated water. 1 green pepper (large) Combine the first five ingredients. 14 cup granulated sugar. Allow to chill well for 2 hours. Just iy2 tablespoons salt. before serving mix well and add the % teaspoon pepper. carbonated water. Serve with a cherry Simmer together in closely covered Strain, on a tooth pick in the bottom of the container for about 30 minutes. seive. Reheat to cocktail glass. Small canapes of cream pressing well through cheese and shrimp would be good with boiling and boil uncovered for 5 min- sterilized jars or this. utes. Seal in hot bottles.

Appetizer Bacon and Peanut Butter Bits Bacon and Prune 6 strips side bacon. slices Spread V2-inch bread with but- 12 small prunes (cooked). ter. Remove crusts. 12 y2 -inch cubes canned pineapple. Spread on soft peanut butter. Cut bacon strips in half. Pit the Cut into fingers and place a small prunes and place the piece of pineapple piece of bacon on each finger. in the prune. Wrap % bacon slice Place fingers on buttered baking around each prune, fasten with a tooth- sheet. pick. Broil in hot oven until bacon is Bake in hot oven at 400 deg. F. until done. Serve hot. These are eaten with bacon is crisp. the fingers. THREE MEALS A DAY SOUPS

Down East Fish Chowder Jellied Vegetable Soup

3 slices side bacon, diced. 2 cups consomime. 1 onion, diced. 1 cup water. 1 lb. haddock. Vz cup diced celery. IVz cups raw potatoes, diced. Vz cup grated carrot. 2 cups boiling water. 2 tablespoons green pepper. 1 cup scalded 'milk. 1 tablespoon diced green onion. Vz teaspoon salt. Seasoning to taste. Dash of cayenne. Vz tablespoon lemon juice. % teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon gelatine. 1 sprig thyme. 2 tablespoons cold water. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 tablespoon ibutter. Combine consomme and water. Heat to boiling, add vegetables and boil 3 Fry bacon and onion for 2-3 minutes. minutes. Season. Add lemon juice and Add fish, potatoes and water. Simmer, then gelatine which has been soaked in covered, for 1 hour. Add milk, slowly, cold water. Chill. Serve in bouillon then seasoning. Blend butter and flour cups garnished with parsley or water together. Add to chowder. Cook until cress. thick. Serves 6.

Vegetable Chowder

1 ham bone. Spiced Tomato Puree 1 cup chopped onion. 1 iNo. 3 can tomato juice. 1 cup chopped carrots. 1 cup water. Vz teaspoon salt. 1 can consomme. Vs teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon stick cinnamon. Cook covered for Vz hour in suffici- x ent water to cover, then add k teaspoon whole cloves. 1 bay leaf. 1 cup green peas. Salt and pepper to season. 1 cup diced potatoes.

all ingredients, Add more water if necessary. Sim- Combine cover and mer for at least 20 minutes. Add 2 cups simmer for 7 minutes. Strain. Serve cream sauce. Combine well and serve hot (serves 6). with toast strips or crackers.

Jellied Tomato Bouillon 2 cups tomato juice. Corn Chowder 1 cup consomme. 1 slice onion. Va lb. side bacon, chopped. 1 water. cup 2 tablespoons flour. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. 1 onion, sliced. Seasoning to taste. 3 cups diced cooked potatoes. 1 tablespoon gelatine. 2 cups water, drained from potatoes. 2 tablespoons cold water. 1 cup canned corn. 3 cups scalded milk. Simmer tomato juice, consomme, Salt and pepper to season. onion and water in covered container 1 cup chopped celery. for 10 minutes. Remove onion. Reheat to boiling. Season. Add lemon juice Saute gently bacon and onion. Add then gelatine which has been soaked in flour and other ingredients. Season and cold water. Chill. Serve in bouillon cups heat to boiling. Add celery. Cook 2-Z garnished with parsley. minutes. Serve with crackers.

Nestle's Evaporated Milk is Good in Soups THREE MEALS A DAY MEAT

Creole Hash Baked Virginia Ham butter (or dripping). 4 tablespoons Purchase par-cooked boned ham. W-pe 4 raw potatoes, diced. % cup green pepper, diced. off and place on rack in roaster. Add 1 72 % cup diced onion. cups boiling water. Cover closely. Bake \Vz cups tomatoes. in oven at 300 deg. F., allowing 15 min- 2 cups diced cold beef (or other utes for each pound. Half an hour before meat). complete time is up, remove from the 1% teaspoons salt. oven and peel off rind. Rub dry mustard teaspoon pepper. Vs well into hot, fatty surface. Then using Vz teaspoon Worcester sauce. a mixture of 1/3 fine dry bread crumbs Melt butter, add all vegetables. Cover and 2/3 brown sugar, pack all over fatty and cook until tender. Add meat. Cook 5 surface 1/3 inch thick. Stick whole minutes longer. Serve on platter, gar- cloves into surface about one inch apart. nished with toast points and parsley. Return to oven having the temperature increased to 425 deg. F. and cook until lightly browned all over. To slice cold, Potted Steak With Peas allow to cool in cool room, then place in 2 lbs. round steak. refrigerator over night. 6 medium-sized onions. 1 cup diced carrot and turnip. 1 cup tomato juice. 2 cups canned peas. 1 teaspoon salt. Vs teaspoon pepper. Cut meat into pieces for serving. Pound flour into meat with edge of plate. Savory Baked Ham Brown well in hot frying pan. Place in 1 slice ham, 2 inches thick. casserole. Cover with onions cut in half. 8 whole cloves. Add carrots and turnip. Pour tomato V2 teaspoon mustard. juice and water drained from peas into V2 cup maple syrup. the frying pan. Bring to boil, add season- ings and pour over the meat. Cover and Trim rind from ham. Stick cloves into bake at 325 deg. F. for 2 hours. Half an fat and place ham in baking dish, rub hour before serving, add peas. Serve hot mustard into ham and pour on syrup. with boiled rice. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 1 hour, basting frequently. Serves 4-6. Cover during cooking if it appears to be drying out. Smothered Pan-broil sausages until well browned. Place in casserole or baking dish. Cover with thick slices of apple. Sprinkle lightly with brown sugar and cover. Bake at 375 deg. F. until apples Picnic Loaf are tender — about 25-30 minutes. 1 pound uncooked ham minced. Pork chops are quite delightful fin- 1 pound uncooked veal minced. ished in the same way as the smothered 1 can tomato soup. sausage and sometimes as a very nice V2 teaspoon dry mustard. change crushed pineapple can be poured y3 cup dry bread crumbs. over the sausage or pork chops. V2 cup cooked macaroni. V\ cup diced celery. i/4 teaspoon salt. Sage Brush Turkeys 1 teaspoon condiment sauce. 12 slices of bacon. Combine all ingredients, mixing to- x l h. cups soft dressing. gether with V2 of the soup. Mould into Place a spoonful of dressing on bacon loaf shape. Place in bake pan and put strip. Roll and fasten with toothpick. remaining soup over. Bake 60 minutes Broil or bake, turning frequently. at 375 deg. F. THREE MEALS A DAY

Beef Olives Roast Veal

1 pound round steak Vz inch thick. Select veal roast of size and cut de- 1V2 cups soft dressing. sired. Wipe off with damp cloth. Sprinkle 2 onions sliced. well with paprika. Place on meat rack cup flour. % in roasting pan and sear in very hot Cut meat into strips about \ xk inches oven at 500 deg. F. until well browned by 3 inches. Place a little dressing on (about V2 hour) using or bacon to each strip. Roll up and tie. Roll meat in supply fat. Cover, reduce heat to 375 M> cup flour and brown in hot fat. Push deg. F. and continue to cook allowing to one side of pan and add onions and 20 minutes for each pound of meat and rest of flour. Brown, add 1 cup boiling 20 minutes extra. Add water or sweet water. Season, cover and simmer \ xk pickle vinegar if desired. Turn the roast hours. To serve, remove strings from several times during the cooking. Serve beef olives, arrange a bed of boiled on platter garnished with parsley and noodles and place meat on top, and radish roses — or if broiled tomatoes pour over gravy. Add more water if are being used, place them around the gravy is too thick. meat.

Lamb Saute with Vegetables

J Beefsteak Pockets 2 /2 lbs. lamb, cut in pieces. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 lbs. round steak (IV2 inch thick). Paprika. 1 lb. sausage meat. 3 slices side bacon, diced. 1 cup soft bread crumbs. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons water. Vs teaspoon pepper. 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion. Wz cups tomato juice. 3A teaspoon mace (if desired). Vz cup diced onion. 2 cups tomato juice. Vz cup diced celery. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup green beans, shredded. Cut steak in 3-inch squares. Slit a Roll lamb in flour. Sprinkle heavily pocket in each. Stuff slits with combined with paprika and add to bacon which sausage meat, crumbs, water, onion and has been rendered in the pan. Brown mace. Secure edges with toothpicks. lamb well. Add seasonings and tomato Sear meat well, add tomato juice and juice. Cover and simmer for 3A hour. salt and cover closely. Bake at 325 deg. Add vegetables and simmer again for V2 F. for 1V2 hours. Thicken liquid around hour. More vegetables may be added meat to serve with meat. but it is more likely you will want to add more tomato juice. This is delicious served on a mound of boiled rice or noodles. Will serve 6. Chile Con Carne Vz lb. minced steak. Spring 2 tablespoons butter. Lamb Stew % cup diced raw potato. 2V2 lbs. lamb. % cup sliced onion. IV2 quarts water. % cup diced pimiento. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 cups tomato juice. % teaspoon pepper. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 dozen green onions. Few grains cayenne. 1 dozen small carrots. teaspoon Ya curry powder. Rub lamb with flour. Have ready stew 1 tablespoon Worcester sauce. pan with sizzling hot fat. Sear lamb all % teaspoon paprika. over until quite brown. Add boiling 1 cup kidney beans (canned). water. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and Combine meat and butter in frying simmer gently for iy2 hours. Add car- pan. Sear until brown. Stir in all the rots, then ten minutes later add onions. other ingredients except beans. Cover Cook 15 minutes longer. Lift meat on to and simmer 20-30 minutes or until all hot platter. Thicken liquid with flour ingredients are tender. Add beans. Heat and water mixed to paste and add more 5 minutes longer uncovered. Thicken seasoning if desired. Small new potatoes with flour if necessary. Serve on cooked could be added also if pot is large rice or noodles. enough to hold them. Will serve 6. THREE MEALS A DAY

A Pot Roast Baked Short Ribs

The tougher cut from the shoulder, 5 lbs. short ribs. round and sometimes the rump, requires 2 tablespoons fat. the long, slow moist cooking. 2 cups boiling water. 6 medium sized potatoes. the meat. take a mallet of Wipe Now 2 large onions. some kind and pound as much flour as 4 carrots. it will absorb into all the open cut 2 teaspoons salt. surfaces. Sprinkle with paprika and % teaspoon pepper. pepper. Now sear it until it is very- brown all over. Place on meat rack to Wipe meat. Spread with fat and prevent sticking to the bottom during sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika. the long cooking and add any of the Sear in oven at 500 degrees F. until following: very brown. Pour on boiling water. Cover, reduce heat to 325 degrees F. (1) 1 cup water. Cook for 1 hour, then add whole pota- (2) 1 cup tomato juice. toes, sliced onions and halved carrots. (3) cup water;" V2 cup vinegar from % Bake l%-2 hours longer. Serve on sweet pickles. platter, surrounded with vegetables and (4) 1 can vegetable soup diluted garnished with parsley. Serves 6. slightly. Diced vegetables of any kind may be added during the last hour of the cook- ing as well as % teaspoon salt. Simmer very gently on top of stove, covered closely, allowing 30 minutes for each Lamb en Casserole pound. If baked in oven it can be used with the whole meal and done at 250- 3 cups cold cooked lamb, diced. 300 degree Fahrenheit. 1 tablespoon fat. 1 cup cooked carrots, diced. The brown gravy of a pot roast is 1 cup cooked potato balls. always good and sometimes noodles or 8 small onions, cooked. spaghetti are cooked and placed around Left-over gravy. the roast and the gravy poured over Melt fat, add lamb and brown in fat. them. Pimento strips or green pepper Add gravy and cooked vegetables. If too rings make an attractive garnish with thick, add hot water. small parsley for a pot roast. A amount of curry powder will enhance the flavor. Cover and place in casserole and bake at 400 degrees F. for 20-25 minutes. Meat Pie

2 pounds raw beef. 1 large onion. % cup diced turnip. 1 cup diced carrots. % cup diced celery. Bronx Casserole IV2 teaspoons salt. % cup diced onion. Vs teaspoon pepper. 2 tablespoons fat. iVi cups tomato juice. 1 pound Hamburg steak (or left-over Wipe meat, trim off any excess fat. meat minced). Cut into iy2 -inch cubes. Roll meat in 1 cup tomatoes. 1 can (2 Golden Bantam corn. flour. Render trimmed fat in frying cups) 1 egg. pan. Add meat and onion. Sprinkle Seasonings. with paprika and cook until brown. Creamy mashed potatoes. Add tomato juice and extra water to cool. Cover and simmer slowly for 1 Cook onion in butter for 2 minutes. hour. Add vegetables and more water Add meat. Sprinkle with paprika. Fry if necessary. Cook, covered, until until brown. Arrange % of meat in tender (about 40 minutes). Add season- casserole. Sprinkle with salt and ings. Thicken with flour and water. pepper, then a layer of corn and tomato. Put in casserole or baking dish and Continue until dish is full, sprinkling cover with round (made from each layer lightly with salt and pepper. tea- dough). Bake at 425 degrees Cover with mashed potatoes. Dot with F. until biscuits are cooked and brown butter. Bake at 400 degrees F. until (about 25 mins.). Serves 6-8. potato has browned. Serves 6. —


Bacon until breast is brown. Pour 1 cup hot water to which has been added 2 table- 1 pound flour. % pound chopped suet. spoons butter. Reduce the heat to 350 1 onion, grated. deg. F. and if an open roaster is used, 1 teaspoon sage. baste turkey at 20 minute intervals, and 1 teaspoon savoury. salt and pepper. Make a dough of flour and suet, roll If, however, a covered roaster is used, out to half-inch thickness. Put slices of cover the turkey at this stage, sprinkling bacon on dough. Sprinkle with onion, it with salt and pepper. sage and savoury. Roll up like roll, tie Allow 30 minuies per pound and in cloth. Boil IV2 hours. about 30 minutes extra over and above —This recipe is Old Country recipe Note an the time allowed for searing. sent in at the request of a reader by another reader. To Serve Place on a warm platter and garnish with parsley and a cranberry chain. This cranberry chain is made by string- Poultry Section ing cranberries on a coarse thread as you would beads. It looks ever so attractive and is rather unusual. Roast Turkey Purchase turkey already drawn. Be sure to examine inside well to ascertain Roast Goose if all entrails have been removed. Wash well inside and out. Wipe dry. Clean the. bird, removing all entrails Prepare desired stuffing. Fill the or any parts that have been left in if cavity at the neck with some stuffing. cleaned at the butchers. Draw the skin down smoothly over the Using a small scrubbing brush, scrub back. Now fill the large body cavity the outside and inside well with salt leaving enough room for the expansion and water. of the stuffing. Sew up the opening Rinse several times in cold water. with coarse thread and a darning needle. Place on a rack in a large roaster. (Use a darning needle so there is no Pour boiling water into roaster to about danger of it getting lost during the sew- one inch depth. Place on tight cover ing process). Truss the bird. of roaster. To Truss Put goose in oven at 350 degrees F. for one hour. Press the wings in closely to the sides Remove from oven. Pour off water and run a metal skewer through the and fat which will have come out of fleshy part just under the wings. goose. Next press the thighs in close and run Dry goose off inside and out with a metal skewer through the fleshy part paper serviettes. of the thighs and just under the joint Place stuffing in goose. of the leg. Sew up incision and truss the bird. Now take string and stretch it over (See turkey suggestions). the breast bone, winding it around the Place on rack in roaster. ends of the skewer that is under the wings. Leave uncovered and sear at 500 deg. F. until browned. Cross the strings and bring them over Pour off fat and add one cup boiling the breast-bone and down under and water in which there is one tablespoon around the ends of the skewers under lemon juice. the thighs. Bring the two ends up and Leave pan uncovered. Reduce heat tie snugly. In this way the string never to 350 deg. F. and cook, allowing 25 goes under the bird and to remove it all minutes per pound. Add salt and one has to do is pull the skewers and pepper. away comes the string also. No hunting Baste every 20 minutes with liquid around for the scissors! in pan, pouring off any excess fat as it To Roast the Turkey forms. Rub the skin of the turkey all over Serve garnished with parsley and with melted butter or bacon fat. Place pineapple rings which have been placed breast side up on a rack in a large around the goose in the pan for about roaster. Sear in hot oven, 500 deg. F, 10 minutes. 10 THREE MEALS A DAY

Boiled Chicken Chicken, Tetrazzini

Clean and cut chicken in half. Plunge 5 lbs. stewing chicken. cups uncooked spaghetti. into boiling water. Bring to boil again. Wz 1 onion. heat to keep water at a simmer. Lower 2 No. 2 cans tomatoes (4 cups). gently, allowing 30 Allow to simmer Vz lb. mushrooms. minutes for each pound and 30 minutes 1 cup rich milk. extra. Add salt when chicken is half 2 cups grated cheese. cooked. IV2 tablespoons Worcester sauce. 1 teaspoon salt. At the same time add: Cook chicken in boiling salted water Vz onion, sliced. % lemon, sliced. until tender. Remove from bones in neat 2 stalks celery. pieces, not too small. 2 bay leaves. 1 clove. Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water with onion until just tender, but not off liquid and allow chicken to Drain soft. Drain and blanch the spaghetti, pot pie, cool. Use as desired for chicken removing and discarding the onion. Add chicken or chicken salad, creamed the strained tomatoes and cook until "what have you." juice is absorbed. Now add the mush- Of course, you may serve the chicken rooms, which have been sauteed in but- hot with dumplings if you so desire, and ter. Combine chicken and spaghetti mix- just a word about these. These packaged ture. Add Worcester sauce, salt, -biscuit mixtures make the grandest and 1 cup of the grated cheese. Mix light dumplings — much quicker and lightly and turn into casserole. Cover much better — in the majority of cases with remaining cheese and bake at 375 than you could make them yourself. deg. F. until cheese is brown and bubbly on top. Serves 6 delicious servings to There is sure to be some soup stock 6 delighted people. left that you can turn into delicious creamed chicken soup — and after you have picked all the meat from the bones put the skin and bones back into the saucepan. Add more water, cover and allow to simmer for another hour. This gives you a very nice soup stock also for Fried Chicken, Southern Style combining with tomato juice to make a tomato bouillon. Purchase two 3-pound young chick- ens. Have butcher draw, clean and cut up chickens, wash and dry chickens very thoroughly. Prepare a seasoned flour — 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon salt, % Chicken Turnovers teaspoon paprika, Vs teaspoon pepper. Dip the pieces of chicken into the flour, 3 cups cooked chicken, diced. coating them all over very thoroughly. Vz lb. mushrooms, sliced. 2 tablespoons butter. Melt bacon fat in frying pan. When 1 tablespoon flour. hot (have fat inch deep), add % teaspoon salt. quite Vs Pastry. chicken and brown well on both sides. Add about V4 cup hot water. Cover, re- Prepare chicken. Saute mushrooms in duce heat and allow to cook for 30-40 butter for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with flour minutes or until tender. This may be and mix with chicken. Cool slightly. finished in the oven at 375 deg. F. and Roll pastry out to about xk inch thick- if your frying pan is small use your ness and cut into 5 -inch squares. Place large roaster. the chicken on dough and fold over diagonally to make 3-cornered turn- To make gravy — Add 2 tablespoons overs. Bake at 400 deg. F. for 15-20 flour to put in pan. Stir in briskly. Blend minutes and serve with tomato sauce in 1% cups milk. Heat to boiling. Cook or chicken gravy. Buttered peas, carrots until thick. Season to taste. Strain into and candied sweet potatoes would be gravy dish and serve hot with chicken. attractive served with this. Serves 6. THREE MEALS A DAY II

Baked Chicken in Milk Baked Stuffed Squabs with Bacon Have chicken cut into pieces for Wipe the squabs inside and out with serving, wash and wipe dry. Roll in damp cloth. Pack the stuffing into the seasoned flour (see fried chicken). Saute squab. Brush squab over with bacon in hot fat until well browned. Place in fat or butter. Sprinkle with paprika. buttered casserole. Combine the follow- Place in hot oven at 450 deg. F. Sear ing ingredients and pour over chicken: uncovered until brown. Reduce heat to 375 deg. F. and bake for 40 to 50 min- cups milk, scalded. 1V2 utes, basting constantly with fat in pan. teaspoon salt. Vz During last five minutes place bacon V2 teaspoon Worcester sauce. strips 2 tablespoons butter. over squabs and continue to cook until bacon is done. Serve garnished Cover closely. Bake at 350 deg. F. for with parsley and bacon strips. 1% hours. N.B.—Have enough milk to cover the chicken, so you may need more than the lVfe cups. Broiled Squab

Have squabs split down the backbone and laid flat. Wipe off inside and out Baked Virginia Chicken with a damp cloth. Brush with melted butter or bacon fat and sprinkle with pieces for serving. Have chicken cut in lemon juice and paprika. Place in refrig- portion in a very thin slice Wrap each erator and chill for one hour. of uncooked smoked ham. Tie well or secure with toothpicks or small skewers. Grease the broiler racks and lay the Stick four cloves in each roll and then squabs on rack, skin side down. Run place in a greased baking dish. Sprinkle under broiler which has been pre-heated lightly with 1 tablespoon flour mixed for at least 10 minutes. Sear quickly with 4 tablespoons brown sugar. Add V2 on one side, turn to other side until cup hot water to which 2 tablespoons brown. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. butter have been added. Bake at 400 Reduce the heat and continue to cook deg. F. for 45 minutes, basting every 10 until tender, about twenty minutes. minutes. Serve garnished with small Keep basting constantly with butter or glazed carrots and parsley. bacon fat. Serve at once.


Jellied Chicken or Veal Jellied Neapolitan Loaf

1 chicken (about 4 pounds) or 2% cups tomato juice. 4 libs, shank veal. 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce. % tablespoon salt. 2 teaspoons lemon juice. 2 cups reduced stock. Salt to season. % tablespoon gelatine. 2 tablespoons gelatine. x 1 tablespoon cold water. k cup cold water. 2 tablespoons chopped parsley. 2 cups cooked potatoes. Dress and clean chicken well. Break % cup diced celery. 1 tablespoon chopped onion. up into pieces and place in saucepan. 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper. Cover with boiling water. Simmer Salt and pepper. slowly until tender. Add salt when half Mayonnaise to moisten. cooked. Cook until very tender. Remove chicken from stock. Cool and pick from Wz cups diced meat or fish. bones. Dice chicken, and parsley. Mean- while, reduce the stock by boiling to 2 Combine seasonings with tomato cups. Add gelatine which has been juice, heat to boiling, add lemon juice. soaked in cold water. Pour this over Meanwhile, soak gelatine in cold water, diced meat which has been arranged in then add to boiling tomato juice. Take mould, either one large mould or from a deep, narrow loaf tin, rinse in cold 10-12 individual moulds. Be sure the water, and place piece of wax paper in jelly mixture is cooled before adding it bottom, cut to fit exactly. Cover bottom to the chicken if you have arranged a with about 2/3 of tomato mixture. Allow jellied garnish in the bottom. to set. Arrange on this the potato salad, then the layer of the meat or fish which has been marinated in French dressing. Cover with remaining partially set tomato aspic. Chill thoroughly. Unmould on platter and garnish with cups of Moulded in Mint Jelly Lamb lettuce in which are a group of aspara- gus tips banded with pimiento strips. 2 tablespoons gelatine. ys cup cold water. 2 cups boiling water. Vz cup vinegar. Jellied Tongue % cup sugar. 1 teaspoon salt. Soak pickled beef tongue in cold 1 cup chopped mint leaves. water for 2-4 hours depending on pickle Green coloring. % cup diced pimiento. used in preparing tongue. Place in kettle 3 cups cold diced lamb. of cold water and bring slowly to the boil. Remove scum from the top. Reduce Soak gelatine in cold water. Combine water, sugar, vinegar, salt and mint to a simmer and cook, allowing 30 min- leaves in a covered saucepan. Heat to utes per pound from the time it has boiling and boil 2-3 minutes. Strain out come to the boil. Remove from the water the mint leaves. Reheat to boiling and and peel off the skin. Remove bones and add gelatine. Add enough green coloring fatty pieces from the large end of the to make an attractive color. Allow to partially set. Add diced meat and tongue. Meanwhile boil down the stock pimiento. Pour into mould. Unmould and to about W2. cups. Curl tongue around serve on a foundation of lettuce. Garnish into circle and press down into a bowl with sliced tomatoes. which seems just a little too small. Press

NOTE.—To unmould any jellied mixture it down well. Pour on stock. Cover with is easiest to hold a wet hot cloth around the saucer and place a heavy weight on top outside of the mould in order to loosen it. Chill thoroughly This is safer than holding it in hot water, of saucer. before as we are apt to leave it there too long. serving. THREE MEALS A DAY 13


home- CANNED fish and fresh fish are both available to practically every fish at least once a maker, and it is the wise little lady who tries to use elements we do week, because fish supplies us with certain necessary not find in meat. Iodine is one of these food elements. are away from Those of us who dwell in the central provinces where we necessary food element. the salt air of the ocean are starved for this very and can purchase Of course, modern manufacture gives us iodized salt— we very appe- keip_the dried sea weed—but since this last suggestion is not fish. need iodine, you tizing to eat, I rather think you would prefer We is commonly called, know, as a prevention against enlarged thyroid—or as it goitre.

Gratin Boiled Halibut With Cheese and Haddock au

Olive Sauce 2 lbs. haddock fillets. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. 2 lbs. halibut. 3 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons butter. tablespoons flour. 3 tablespoons flour. 3 % teaspoon salt. 1% cups milk. teaspoon paprika. Vs V2 teaspoon salt. V\ teaspoon mustard. i/ teaspoon paprika. 1% cups milk. 8 teaspoon Worcester sauce. 1 cup grated cheese. 1 3 tablespoons chopped stuffed olives. 1 tablespoon grated onion.

1 hard-cooked egg, chopped. of cook- Place halibut in large sheet Vz cup grated cheese. ery parchment. Sprinkle with salt and 1/2 cup bread crumbs. lemon juice. Tie up loosely. Plunge into Cut fillets into pieces for serving. boiling water. Allow to cook for 35 min- Place in casserole, sprinkle with lemon utes. Meanwhile, melt butter and add juice. Make a cream sauce from the flour, salt, paprika and mustard. Blend butter, flour, seasonings, milk and onion all together, add milk and stir constantly juice. Add chopped egg and pour over until thick. Add grated cheese, then the fillets. Cover with crumbs and grated stuffed olives. Place fish on platter and cheese mixed together. Cover and bake pour sauce over all. Garnish with hot at 375 deg. F. for 30 minutes. Remove green peas and strips of pimiento. cover and continue to cook until the The next recipe is a baked fish combi- crumbs are browned. nation and once more the odour does not go through the hcuze. 14 THREE MEALS A DAY

Fillets Santa Barbara Style Mackerel

1 can mackerel fillets. 6 fillets of fish. 6 cooked potatoes, diced. 3 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons flour. Salt and pepper. teaspoon salt. % Paprika. 1 cup boiling water. 2 tablespoons vinegar. Combine diced mackerel and potatoes. 1 tablespoon chopped onion. Add to melted fat in frying pan. Sprinkle xk cup chopped pimiento. with salt and pepper. Stir in pan until Buttered crumbs. well blended. Cover and allow to brown on bottom. To serve, fold over as an Melt butter, add flour and salt. When omelet and serve very hot. blended add water, onion and vinegar. • Cook until thick. Add pimiento. Pour over fish arranged in well-greased Rice Mould with Salmon and baking dish. Bake at 325 degrees F. for Olive Sauce 45 minutes after covering with buttered 3 cups cooked rice. crumbs. 1 cup milk. 2 eggs. Dash cayenne pepper. Vs teaspoon pepper. Combine rice with milk and well- Baked Salmon and Potatoes beaten eggs. Add seasoning. Season. an Gratin Turn into well-greased ring mold and bake at 350 degrees F. until firm (about 2 cups canned salmon. 35 minutes). Turn out on to hot platter 1 cup mashed potatoes. and fill centre with: 3 tablespoons melted butter. 2 cups medium cream sauce. 3 tablespoons milk. 1V2 cups flaked canned salmon. 1 egg. Vz cup chopped olives. Salt and pepper. Vz teaspoon Worcester sauce. Onion juice (if desired). Combine all ingredients. Heat before Vz cup grated cheese. serving. Combine salmon, potatoes, butter, • milk, salt and pepper. Beat all together Old-fashioned Oyster Stew thoroughly with a fork. Add the well- 2 cups scalded milk. beaten egg. Pack lightly into well-but- 2 tablespoons butter. tered casserole. Brush over with melted Vs teaspoon pepper. butter and sprinkle with grated cheese. Vz teaspoon salt. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 35 minutes. Va cup fine cracker crumbs. Vz pint oysters and juice. Paprika. Add butter, pepper, salt and cracker crumbs to milk. When quite hot, add the Mackerel Pie oysters and cook only until the edges curl — about 3 to 5 minutes. Serve at 3 tablespoons butter. once; sprinkle with paprika. Serves 4. 3 tablespoons flour. Always remember that the raw oyster Vz teaspoon salt. is of the simplest things to digest. Va teaspoon pepper. one Wz cups milk. With this in mind, we try to cook the 1 can mackerel fillets. oyster only long enough to heat it 1 cup green peas. through. An over-cooked oyster becomes 1 cup diced cooked carrots. hard to digest and tough. Wz cups fluffed mashed potatoes. • Make a cream sauce of first five Pigs in Blankets ingredients. Remove mackerel from 12 thin slices side bacon. can, trim off skin and break up in pieces. 12 oysters. Arrange alternate layers of fish, peas, 4 slices toast. carrots and cream sauce until dish is Wrap each oyster in a strip of bacon filled and ingredients all used Pile the and secure firmly with a toothpick. potatoes on top, brush with melted Brown quickly in hot frying-pan, or butter and sprinkle with paprika. Bake broil under hot flame, and put three pigs at 400 degrees F. until browned and on each slice of hot toast. Garnish with heated through. (About 25 minutes.) parsley. THREE MEALS A DAY 15

SAUCES STUFFING for Meat, Fish and Vegetables for Meat and Fish

Cream Sauce Dressing for Roast Veal 2 tablespoons butter. cups soft bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons flour. 2V2 teaspoon salt. 14 teaspoon salt. Vz Vs teaspoon pepper. Vs teaspoon pepper. Vz teaspoon poultry dressing. Vs teaspoon paprika. V4 cup chopped blanched almonds. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickle. Melt butter, blend in flour, salt, pep- 3 tablespoons soft butter. per and paprika. Let cook together over fairly low heat for about half minute. Combine all ingredients blending the Add milk all at once and stir until butter in with a fork. Pack into cavi- smooth. Cook until thick. ties in veal roast. Variation: For Cheese Sauce: Add V2 cup grated cheese. V4 teaspoon mustard. Apple and Sage Stuffing

Caper Sauce 6 cups soft stale bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons flour. Wz cups diced apple. 4 tablespoons butter. Vz cup diced onion. V4 teaspoon salt. 3 .tablespoons soft butter. Dash cayenne pepper. Wz teaspoons salt. Dash of paprika. Vz teaspoon pepper. 1 cup boiling water. 1 teaspoon sage (more if desired). V4 cup chopped capers. Melt butter, blend in flour and sea- Combine all ingredients and add to onings, add water and cook until thick. the goose. Add capers. Pour over fish. • o Maitre d'Hotel Butter Sausage Forcemeat Stuffing V4 cup soft butter. Vz lb. sausage meat. Vz teaspoon salt. Wz cups dry bread crumbs. Vs teaspoon pepper. Salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 3 tablespoons lemon juice. teaspoon sage. Cream butter and other ingredients, V4 2 teaspoons chopped onion. and beat in lemon juice. Chill. Form 2 tablespoons beaten egg. into small balls or cut into squares, and place on hot fish steaks. Brown sausage meat slowly in pan. • Do not allow to burn or dry out. Re- Cucumber Sauce move from heat, add bread crumbs and other ingredients. well. into Vz cup whipping cream. Mix Pack V4 teaspoon salt. birds. Will stuff about four squabs. Dash of paprika. 2 tablespoons vinegar. % cup finely diced cucumber. Whip cream. Add salt and paprika and gradually the vinegar. Add cucum- Celery and Nut Stuffing ber chopped and well drained. Serve (for a 10 lb. Turkey) with fish or fish salads. 6 cups soft bread crumbs. 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning. Sauce for New Potatoes 1 tablespoon chopped onion. 1 cup chopped celery. Vz cup melted butter. Wz teaspoons salt. Juice of 2 lemons. V4 teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon grated onion. Vz cup soft butter. 1 teaspoon chopped capers. Vz cup toasted blanched almonds. Salt and pepper. Pour over fresh- boiled hot potatoes. Combine all ingredients, blending to- Reheat and serve at once. Enough for gether with the finger tips. Pack lightly 6-8 large potatoes. into turkey. 16 THREE MEALS A DAY GENERAL RULES FOR COOKING Greeru V egetabi

GREEN beans, green peas, asparagus, Asparagus and broccoli come in for broccoli, spinach, and cabbage are all slightly different treatment. There are among the green vegetables you are using regular asparagus pots which can be pur- now to some extent. So let's start off right chased; but if the budget does not allow for by cooking them so as to serve them as this, use the top part of the double boiler, attractively as possible with regard to and allow the asparagus or broccoli to stand color and flavor. upright in the boiling salted water to cook. Boiling vegetables is the most used Leave uncovered, of course, and allow 20 method, or, I should have said, the most minutes. abused method of cooking them. If vege- To prepare asparagus, cut off the woody tables are boiled properly and not "cooked ends—I usually snap it off, it will natur- to death," as many people do, we should ally break where the woody part starts. not lose any great amount of mineral ash No one will eat this woody part, and you or vitamin content. can cook it later in the asparagus water Green peas are shelled and covered with drained from the asparagus, then use the boiling water. Bring quickly to the boil. water next day, as part of the liquid for Add salt. Boil uncovered 10 to 15 minutes. delicious asparagus cream soup. Drain. Add pepper and butter and shake To prepare broccoli, trim off the large so that butter covers all the peas. Two or leaves, cut off about one inch of the stem. three fresh mint leaves may be boiled with Both of these are delicious served just the peas when they are to be served with with butter, but are simply scrumptious lamb. served with Hollandaise sauce. Green beans or butter beans are nipped Broccoli is one of our newer vegetables, at each end, then cut into desired shapes. and has a flavor something similar to cauli- I prefer to cut the bean lengthwise in half, flower. Do try it if you haven't done so—it then into two or three pieces or into half- is lovely. inch pieces rather than just breaking them. Spinach—Without sand, if you please! Cover with boiling water. Bring to boil. Really, there is no excuse for sand in Add salt. Boil uncovered for 20 minutes. spinach! To begin with, it comes from the Drain. Add pepper and butter and shake fruit stores now so clean, and when so that butter melts over beans. washed in the sink, not a container, all the sand goes down the drain instead of settling to the bottom of the pot. Shake BEFORE I take the next method, there are two or three questions in your the spinach as free as possible of water, mind right now: trim off the roots and press into a large kettle. Add no water. Sprinkle with salt. (1) Why do we cook the green vege- tables uncovered? Cover and place over medium heat to Because it allows the oxygen from the create steam. Remove cover and allow to air to circulate through the water and keep cook uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes. them green without adding coloring or Drain, chop, add butter and pepper. Serve baking soda. Baking soda destroys certain sprinkled with grated cheese or hard- vitamins when cooked with vegetables, so cooked eggs. A little lemon juice or vine- flavor. we try not to use it. gar improves the (2) How much salt should be added? Cabbage—poor thing—has a most de- I suggest one teaspoon to each pint of lightful green color, but somehow in many water, and then it is not necessary to add cases when it is cooked, it looks quite salt when they are eaten. Raw salt to any anaemic, even acquiring a sallow beige great extent on the table should be guarded look sometimes. against. We prepare cabbage by- shredding or (3) Do we ever add any sugar? cutting it into fine shreds. Cover with Yes; some people add it to all vegetables. boiling water. Add salt and cook uncov- I find it particularly good added to carrots, ered for not more than seven minutes. turnips and old potatoes (to overcome the Drain, add pepper and butter. Serve at earthy taste). Corn syrup is now being once, and if you've never served it before again! used considerably and is also very good. this way, you will THREE MEALS A DAY 17

Scotch Baked Potatoes Baked Stuffed Potatoes (Serves 4-6) (Serves 6)

6 medium potatoes (raw). 6 large potatoes. 1 egg (beaten). IVz cups minced cooked meat. Milk to cover (IVz to 2 cups). 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper. IVz tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons chopped onion. Vz cup grated cheese. 1 tablespoon fat. Slice potatoes. Arrange in casserole. 1 tablespoon flour. Sprinkle well with salt and pepper. Dot Seasonings. with butter. Pour on the combined milk Va cup water (or gravy). and egg. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake 40- 2 tablespoons chili sauce. teaspoon baking powder. 45 minutes at 375 deg. F. covered for V2 first 20 minutes. Wash and scrub potatoes. Bake at 450 degrees F. until soft (about one hour). Hungarian Potatoes Cover during the last 20 minutes of (Serves 6-8) cooking to soften skins. Meanwhile com- 10 medium potatoes, peeled and thinly bine meat, green pepper and onion with sliced. the butter and flour blended together in 3 tablespoons butter. the frying pan. Saute for two minutes. 1 cup raw tomatoes, sliced. Add chili sauce, seasonings and water. cup raw onions, sliced. % Cook two minutes longer. Remove from 1 teaspoon paprika. fire. When potatoes are done, cut a circle 1 cup meat stock. broad side of potato. Scoop out Simmer butter and onion together. from into with a fork. Do not brown. Add potatoes and toma- potato bowl and mash Add extra butter, milk, salt and pepper, toes. Season with salt and pepper. Add beat until creamy. Add baking powder. the stock. Cook gently until potatoes are Pile of mixture, which has tender (35-45 minutes). Serve sprinkled on top meat with parsley. been placed in potato shells. Leave potato surface rough. Brush with melted Hashed Brown Potatoes butter or sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in oven at 400 degrees F. until (Serves 4-6) heated through and browned, about 20 large 6 potatoes. minutes. 3 tablespoons butter. N.B.—These may be prepared in the morn- y3 cup milk. Salt and pepper. ing and placed in the oven to reheat after being kept in the refrigerator till dinner time. Cook potatoes until done in boiling Broiled bacon or tomato sauce may be used as salted water. Chop finely (do not mash). an addition. Cool slightly. Melt butter in large frying • pan. Mix milk with potatoes and season- The next recipe earned its name because ings. Turn into frying pan and pack well this dish is perfect with cold meat. around the edges, leaving a smooth sur- face. Place pan on low flame so that the potatoes heat through and a crust Cold Meat Potatoes gradually forms on the bottom. Increase (Serves 6) heat to brown. Fold as an omelet and 8 medium potatoes, cooked. x turn on to hot platter. Allow 25-30 min- l /2 cups medium cream sauce. utes for best results. 2 bunches spring onions, cooked. • 1 hard cooked egg, chopped. Potatoes Hongroise Dice potatoes. Arrange in casserole in alternate layers with the sauce to which 3 cups diced potatoes. the onions and egg have been added. y3 cup butter. 2 tablespoons flour. Cover with cheese crumbs and brown in Salt and pepper. hot oven. 1 cup milk. • 1 egg yolk. Carrot Smash Melt butter, add potatoes and salt and 3 cups cooked finely chopped carrots. pepper. Cover and simmer until potatoes IV2 tablespoons butter. are tender, stirring often. Remove cover, 1 tablespoon flour. push potatoes to one side of pan, blend % cup rich milk. flour into fat, add milk gradually, and Salt and pepper. when thick add egg yolk. Stir through Add butter to hot carrots. Stir in flour the potatoes. Serve at once sprinkled and seasonings. Add milk and cook until with chopped parsley. thick. 18 THREE MEALS A DAY

Glazed Carrots Spinach and Eggs au Gratin

1 dozen whole small carrots. 1 measure spinach. 2 tablespoons butter. 4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced. Vz cup brown sugar. 1 cup celery, diced. Vz cup water in which carrots were IVz cups cheese sauce. cooked. 1% cups buttered crumbs.

Cook carrots 15 minutes in boiling Wash and cook spinach. Arrange half salted water. Drain. Heat together butter, of spinach in buttered casserole then a brown sugar and water. Pour over car- layer of hard-cooked eggs and a layer rots in shallow pan. Place in oven at of celery. Cover with half of sauce and 375 deg. F. and keep turning until syrup repeat until ingredients are used. Cover is all used up. with buttered crumbs. Sprinkle with paprika. Place in hot oven at 400 deg. F. until lightly browned. Creamed Cabbage, New Style 4 tablespoons butter. 6 cups finely shredded cabbage. Spinach Balls % teaspoon salt. y* teaspoon mustard. Vz cup raw spinach, finely chopped. Vz tablespoon sugar. V2 cup fine dry bread crumbs. cup milk. Vz Salt, pepper and paprika. Melt butter in frying pan (or other 1 egg white. heavy saucepan). Add cabbage and salt Combine all ingredients, mix well. and saute slowly for 12 minutes, leav- Chill mixture, then roll into small balls. ing it covered for 5 minutes. Add other Add to hot soup about 5 minutes before ingredients. Mix well together. Allow to serving, dropping them in lightly. cook 3 to 5 minutes. Serve hot to 6 people. The recipe above is the "exception which proves the rule." We have sug- gested leaving the cabbage uncovered Savory Spinach and cooking it in a large amount of 1 measure spinach. water for general purposes. In this 1 medium onion, chopped. recipe we cover it for part of the cook- 3 strips bacon, chopped. ing and add no water. Try it and I'm Salt and pepper. sure you will enjoy it. Wash and cook spinach. Meanwhile, combine bacon and onion and cook to- gether 2 to 3 minutes. Add to cooked Stuffed Cabbage Leaves spinach and serve at once. Garnish with 6 large cabbage leaves. sliced lemons if desired. 1 cup minced cooked meat. 1 cup cooked rice. 1 tablespoon minced onion. Vz tablespoon catsup. 1 egg. Spinach With Bacon % teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce. 2 lbs. spinach. % cup seasoned tomato juice. 1 teaspoon salt. V2 teaspoon pepper. Peel cabbage leaves off the outside of 2 tablespoons chopped onion. a fairly large head of cabbage. Put on to Vz cup cooked chopped bacon. boil in salted water. Cook ten minutes. 1 tablespoon bacon fat. Drain and place a mound of the other 2 tablespoons vinegar. ingredients except tomato juice, mixed Vz cup bread crumbs. together, on the cabbage leaf. Roll up 2 eggs. and hold together with a toothpick. Cook spinach and chop finely. Add all Place in casserole and pour on the other ingredients to the spinach. Pack tomato juice and dot with butter. Cook into buttered casserole. Cover with but- for 20 minutes at 375 deg. F. Serve hot tered crumbs and oven-poach (bake in on platter with tomato sauce around pan of water) until firm (about 40 min- rolls and garnish with parsley. utes), at 375 deg. F. THREE MEALS A DAY 19

Brussels Sprouts Salsify Prepare sprouts. Cover with cold Wash and peel, cut into one-inch water and add teaspoon salt. Leave to slices. Plunge into boiling salted water stand two hours. Drain. Plunge into to cover. Cook for 25 minutes. Drain. large amount of boiling salted water. Serve chopped with salt, pepper and Cook for 15-20 minutes according to plenty of butter, or serve in large pieces size of sprouts. Drain. Sprinkle with salt with cream sauce. and pepper and butter and allow to melt As a matter of fact, since we are on over the vegetable. Serve hot. the subject of vegetables, a few sugges- The Jerusalem artichoke is the one tions for serving the old stand-by, pars- which resembles a potato. This vegetable nips, might not go amiss. My first sug- has quite a distinctive flavor. These are gestion is really a splendid idea for popular to some extent but are not used using up some mashed parsnips left as widely as they really deserve because from a previous meal. they are not expensive.

Jerusalem Artichokes Parsnip Patties Prepare the vegetable by peeling and 2 cups mashed parsnip. dropping immediately into acidulated 1 tablespoon flour. 1 water (1 tablespoon vinegar to quart 1 egg or 2 egg-yolks. water). To cook, cover with boiling Seasonings to taste. water. Add salt. Cook until tender, about Combine all ingredients. Form into 30 minutes. Drain. Serve with cream six round, flat patties. Dip in flour. Saute sauce. • in butter. Serve hot. Parsnips With Tomato Sauce 4 medium parsnips. \Vz cups tomato juice. Vz cup diced celery. Beets, Russian Style 1 bay leaf. 8 medium-sized cooked beets. Vz onion, sliced. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 whole cloves. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 teaspoon salt. y3 cup cider vinegar. Vs teaspoon pepper. Vz cup water. Wash, peel and dice the parsnips. Par- 1 teaspoon salt. cup sour cream. cook in boiling salted water for 15 min- Vz utes. Drain. Combine other ingredients, Mince or finely chop the beets. Melt simmer covered for 15 minutes. Strain. butter, blend in flour, then add vinegar, Add parsnips and simmer covered for water and salt. Cook until thick. Add 10 minutes. Serve hot. beets. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add • cream. Reheat. Serves 6-8. Stuffed Vegetable Marrow N.B.—If cream is very sour, use only Vi cup vinegar. 1 vegetable marrow. 1 pound minced steak. 1 cup cooked rice. Vz cup dry bread crumbs. V3 cup meat stock or tomato juice. Corn Fritters 1 egg. 1 cup canned corn. xk cup chopped almonds. 1 cup flour. V\ teaspoon pepper. % teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon salt. Dash of pepper. Vz teaspoon celery salt. 1V2 teaspoons baking powder. Cut a wide wedge-shaped piece Vz tablespoon melted butter. lengthwise from the marrow. Scoop out 1 egg. the seeds. Sprinkle the interior lightly Sift dry ingredients and add to corn. with salt. Invert and allow to stand half Add butter and beaten egg. Beat all to- an hour. Meanwhile, combine together gether and fry in spoonfuls on a hot, all the other ingredients and pack into well-greased griddle, or drop into hot the cavity in the marrow. Place in a fat 375 deg. F., or hot enough to brown buttered baking pan. Bake at 400 deg. F. a cube of bread in 60 seconds. Drain on for 1V4 hours. Serve hot with tomato unglazed paper and serve at once. Makes sauce. nine fritters. 20 THREE MEALS A DAY

Corn Saute Glazed Squash 3 cups uncooked corn cut from the Cut squash into 2-inch squares. Peel. cob. Parboil for 15 minutes in boiling salted Vz cup diced green pepper. water. Drain and place in baking dish. pimiemto. V\ cup diced Arrange on top of each square. Va cup butter. 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Vz teaspoon sugar. teaspoon butter. Salt and pepper. Vz Around the squash pour cup Combine all ingredients in covered V2 boiling in which is dissolved 2 saucepan. Simmer over slow heat for 10 water tablespoons brown sugar. Bake at 400 minutes. Uncover. Cook 2 minutes degrees F. basting with syrup every five longer. Serve hot. minutes. Bake until tender about 30 minutes. Corn and Tomato Saute IV2 cups sliced tomatoes. % cup diced onion. Squash Puff 2 tablespoons butter. 3 cups mashed squash, seasoned. Salt and pepper. 1 cup bread crumbs. 2 cups cooked corn cut from cob. Vz teaspoon baking powder. Add tomatoes and onions to butter in 2 egg whites. a saucepan. Cover and simmer 5 min- V4 teaspoon salt. utes. Remove cover, add corn. Reheat Brown sugar. and serve at once. Melted butter. Combine squash, bread crumbs and baking powder. Fold in the egg whites Corn and Celery au Gratin stiffly beaten with the salt. Turn into buttered casserole. Brush over with 2 cups cooked corn cut from cob. melted butter and sprinkle with brown 1 cup diced raw celery. 2 tablespoons diced green pepper. sugar. Oven-poach for 40 minutes at 1 cup cheese sauce. 375 degrees F. Serve at once, so puff V4 cup blanched browned almonds, will not "fall." shredded. For those of you who enjoy frying Add corn, celery and green peppers in deep fat, you may drop small to cheese sauce. Heat to boiling and sim- amounts of the above mixture in mer 2 minutes. Add almonds. Turn into crumbs, then fry in fat. Another sug- buttered casserole and cover with but- gestion is to parboil squash until almost in tered crumbs. Place under broiler to tender, then cut in strips and dip brown crumbs. Serve at once. flour, eggs and crumbs and fry in deep fat.

Boiled Squash Fried Tomatoes with Bacon Cut squash in pieces. Peel and re- Fry required number of slices of move seeds and stringy parts. Place in bacon. Slice firm, ripe (not too ripe) saucepan. Barely cover with boiling tomatoes in V2-inch slices. Dip in flour water. Add salt. Cover and cook until on both sides. Sprinkle with salt and tender (about 30 minutes, according to pepper. Fry until brown on both sides size of pieces). Drain. Set back on heat in bacon fat. Serve hot with bacon. and allow surplus moisture to dry out. Mash. Add butter and a little brown sugar. Reheat and serve hot. Tomato Succotash xk cup chopped onion. Baked Squash 3 cups ripe tomatoes, chopped. Vz teaspoon salt. Place whole or half squash on pan in V4 teaspoon pepper. oven at 375 degrees F. Bake for 1 hour 2 cups raw string beans. for half squash and IV2 hours for 2 cups fresh raw corn cut from cob. medium large squash. Remove seeds 2 tablespoons butter. after baking. Scoop out of shell into Combine all ingredients. Cover and saucepan. Add butter, salt and pepper, simmer for 10 minutes. Remove cover and brown sugar. Mash together and and simmer another five minutes or reheat before serving. until beans are tender. Serves six. THREE MEALS A DAY 21

Fried Green Tomatoes No. 1 Onions Stuffed with Baked Beans 6 large onions. Wipe tomatoes, do not peel. Cut in 1Y4 cups canned baked beans. inch slices. Sprinkle with salt. 1/3 V4 teaspoon Worcester sauce. Allow to stand 1 hour. Dip slices in Salt and pepper. flour and saute in hot fat until tender Vi cup dry bread crumbs. (about 8 minutes). Serve on platter Vz cup cheese crumbs. around meat. Parboil onions in boiling salted water • for 20 minutes. Remove centres and chop well. Combine with beans, Wor- Fried Green Tomatoes No. 2 cester sauce and seasoning. Pile into Prepare as in No. 1. Dip slices in onions. Cover with cheese crumbs. flour, then in egg, then in dry bread Bake in buttered pan at 375 degrees for crumbs. Fry in deep fat at 360 degrees, 15 minutes. Served with sausage these or when it will brown a cube of bread prove quite an attractive luncheon dish. in 90 seconds. Serve hot on platter around meat or as a luncheon dish with broiled bacon. Harvard Beets • 6 medium sized beets cooked. V\ cup granulated sugar. Tomatoes au Gratin 1 teaspoon cornstarch. V\ teaspoon salt. 4 cups sliced tomatoes. Vi cup vinegar (diluted slightly). 1 tablespoon chopped onion. 1 tablespoon butter. 3 tablespoons butter. 3 cups soft bread crumbs. Dice beets. Combine sugar, corn- % teaspoon salt. starch, salt and vinegar. Boil together 1 teaspoon sugar. 5 minutes. Add beets and reheat. Add 1 cup grated cheese. butter just before serving. Paprika. • Peel and slice tomatoes. Brown Sauteed Beets onion in butter, crumbs and fry add Scour required number of beets with until brown. careful to Be not burn the vegetable brush. Grate on medium crumbs. Make a thin layer on bottom grater without, peeling. For each 6 of dish, put in layer tomatoes, sprinkle beets place xk cup butter and 2 table- with sugar and salt, then cheese, then spoons water in heavy saucepan or layer of crumbs and so on till dish is frying pan. Add grated beets. Sprinkle filled, having crumbs on top. Bake at with salt. Cover closely and allow to 375 degrees F. for 30 minutes. Serves simmer for 15-20 minutes. 4-6. There is no beet odor with this • method and they are utterly delicious. Stuffed Egg Plant • 1 large egg plant. Fried Egg Plant No. 2 3 tablespoons butter. Prepare egg plant by slicing, peeling 1 tablespoon minced onion. and soaking in salt water for V2 hour. 1 cup soft stale bread crumbs. 1 egg, slightly beaten. Cut slices in half. Drain. Dip in flour, Salt and pepper. beaten egg and fine bread crumbs. Fry in fat at degrees F. until golden Cut egg plant in half. Scoop out deep 360 brown. centre. Cover pulp with boiling salted • water and boil 10 minutes. Chop finely. Fry bacon until crisp, add onion and Oriental Egg Plant saute 2 minutes. Chop bacon and add 1 large sweet green pepper. 1 large egg plant. with all the other ingredients to the 3 tablespoons butter. egg plant pulp. Pile into scooped out 4 ripe tomatoes. shells, sprinkle with buttered crumbs 1 teaspoon salt. and at bake 400 degrees F. for 10-15 V2 teaspoon paprika. minutes. Prepare egg plant by peeling and cut- ting into small cubes. Soak in salt water for hour. Melt butter, add Fried V2 Egg Plant No. 1 green pepper cut into strips and egg Prepare egg plant by slicing, peeling plant rolled in flour. Saute until and soaking in salt water for V2 hour. brown. Now add the peeled and sliced Drain. Dip in flour and saute in hot fat tomatoes and seasonings. Cook 10 until brown and tender. minutes. Serve hot. 1

Mrs. H. M. Aitken says

1 If you have not used

'CROWN BRAND' in your cooking—you have certain-

ly missed a big treat .

Mrs. Aitken is considered one of Canada's leading authorities on the preparation of food.

Recently, Mrs. Aitken, in conjunction with her Radio Broadcasts over CFRB every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10.30 A.M., has been engaged in a series EDWARDS^ of experiments which prove conclusively the value of EDWARDSBURG "CROWN in the of BRAND" CORN SYRUP baking IPOMI delicious, light that simply melt in CORKsftUP the mouth and delight everyone with their marvellous flavour. These recipes will be mailed you upon request. Give your family a new, fresh treat in the form of a made with that favourite of all corn syrups, EDWARDSBURG "CROWN BRAND."


The Quality Products of The Canada Starch Co., Limited include dwardsburg "Crown Brand" Corn Syrup "LILY WHITE" CORN SYRUP BENSON'S CORN STARCH MAZOLA—Salad and Cooking Oil THREE MEALS A DAY 23 CONFECTIONS

Mexican Cream 2 cups brown sugar. 1 cup corn syrup. Yz cup maple syrup. 1 cup white sugar. xk cup top milk. Yi cup butter. teaspoon cream of tartar. Va Combine ingredients and stir it until 1 tablespoon butter. it boils over low heat. Boil until it 1 teaspoon vanilla. forms a hard ball (250 deg. F.) in cold 1 cup chopped nuts. water. Pour into buttered pan and when together all ingredients except Mix almost cold, mark into squares. vanilla and nuts. Stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Cook until mix- ture will form a firm ball in cold water or 240 deg. F. Cool to luke-warm. My Own Fudge Add vanilla and nuts, and beat until 2 cups granulated sugar. creamy. Drop in small mounds on wax 1 tablespoon corn syrup. 1 cup rich milk. paper or buttered surface or put into *4 cup cocoa. pan and cut into squares. 2 tablespoons butter. 10 marshmallows, finely cut. Yz teaspoon vanilla. Taffy Apples Mix cocoa, sugar and milk in a sauce- pan. Bring to boil, stirring constantly 2 cups granulated sugar. until sugar is dissolved. Boil slowly 1 cup boiling water. over moderate flame, without stirring, 1 tablespoon corn syrup. until it forms a firm ball in cold water Put sugar, water and corn syrup or to 240 degrees F. Remove from fire, in saucepan. Stir until sugar dissolves. add marshmallows, cool to luke-warm Boil until it forms a hard lump in cold and beat until creamy. Turn into water. Remove from fire and place over greased dish. Mark in squares and chill. hot water. Place whole red apples on wooden skewers (get them at meat store) and dip apples into the syrup. Place on wax paper to cool. Popcorn Witches I suggest boiling this mixture in the % cup brown sugar. top of the double boiler for convenience. % cup granulated sugar. Ya cup light corn syrup. 1 tablespoon butter. y3 cup water. Christmas Puffs Ya teaspoon salt. 3 quarts popcorn. \Yz cups granulated sugar. 2 tablespoons corn syrup. Combine all the ingredients. Vs cup water. Stir over low heat until sugar is Va teaspoon salt. dissolved. Cook, without stirring, to 242 Y\ cup canned cherries, well drained. deg. F. or until it forms a firm ball in Y\ cup shredded cocoanut. cold water. Y\ cup chopped Brazil nuts. Put popcorn through the coarse teaspoon Yi almond flavoring. mincer, add syrup to popcorn, mixing 1 egg white, stiffly beaten. it well through the mixture. Mix sugar, syrup, water and salt. Place over hot water so it does not Bring to boiling point, stirring until harden. sugar is dissolved. After about five Mould popcorn into any shape you minutes' boiling add the cherries and wish. Make some short fat witches and cook until it forms a hard ball in cold some tall, thin ones. water (265 degrees F.) Pour slowly Use small lollypops for the arms. over the stiffly beaten egg white, beat- Use a marshmallow, on which a face ing it all the time. Add remaining has been painted with melted chocolate, ingredients and beat until mixture will for the head, sticking it on with a tooth hold its shape. Drop on to waxed paper pick. This recipe will make you about in spoonfuls and decorate, if you wish, 12 or 15 witches, depending on the size with bits of cherries. you make them. 24 THREE MEALS A DAY SUPPER DISHES

Mushrooms Stuffed With Vegetable Chop Suey

Crabmeat 1 cup spaghetti. 6 large mushrooms. 1 large onion, chopped. 4 tablespoons butter. 2 cups sliced tomatoes. 2Vz tablespoons flour. V2 cup diced celery. 1 cup milk. % cup diced carrots, fresh cooked or Salt and pepper to taste. left-overs. 1 salt. V2 teaspoon Worcester sauce. teaspoon 1 cup cra'bmeat, flaked. Vs teaspoon pepper. Vz cup cheese crumbs. V4 cup grated cheese. 1 buttered Saute mushroom caps in 2 tablespoons cup bread crumbs. of butter, shred mushroom stems and Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water cook in fat also. Using the other 2 table- until tender. Drain and rinse under cold spoons of butter, melt and then blend in water. Combine the other ingredients, flour and milk and seasonings and cook add spaghetti. Place in a buttered bak- until thick. Add crabmeat and mush- ing dish and sprinkle with buttered room stems. Pile this mixture into the crumbs and grated cheese. Bake 30 min- mushroom caps and cover with cheese utes at 350 deg. F. Serve hot. Green crumbs. Brown in very hot oven 450 deg. pepper may be added if desired. Serves F. Serve as an entree or as luncheon 4-6. dish with an accompanying green • vegetable. Serves 6. Eggs in The cheese crumbs are merely equal Cabbage and Tomato quantities of dry bread crumbs and Sauce grated cheese. • 4 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon minced onion. Mushrooms, Peas and Almonds 4 tablespoons flour. 2 cups tomato juice. en Patty Vi teaspoon sugar. V4 to V2 teaspoon salt. yz cup butter. 2 cups diced mushrooms. % teaspoon pepper. 4 tablespoons flour. V2 teaspoon Worcester sauce. 3 cups V% teaspoon paprika. shredded cabbage, cup finely pepper. % teaspoon salt. V4 chopped green Pepper to taste. 3 hard-cookedi eggs, sliced. 2 cups milk. Melt butter and saute onion for 2 to 3 1 cup fresh green peas, cooked. minutes. Blend in flour, then tomato % cup shredded almonds, browned. juice and seasoning as for a cream sauce. Melt butter, add mushrooms and saute Meanwhile cook the cabbage in boiling for about three minutes. Add flour, salted water for five minutes. Drain and paprika, salt and pepper. Blend in milk, arrange alternately with sauce and other until cook thick. Add peas and almonds. ingredients in a casserole. Cover with Serve in patty shells or tea biscuit rings. buttered crumbs. Reheat and brown Garnish with pimiento strips and crumbs at 400 deg. F. Serves 6. parsley. Serves 4-6. • • Shrimps and Mushroom Babok Stew 1 cup canned mushroom soup. Va pound back bacon, chopped. 1 cup green peas. 2 medium-sized; onions sliced. 1 cup canned shrimps. 1 can golden bantam corn. 1 cup grated cheese. 6 eggs. Combine soup, green peas and Salt and pepper to taste. shrimps. Turn into individual ramekins Fry bacon, add onions and cook well. or a large casserole. Cover with grated Add corn and reheat. Drop in eggs, stir- cheese. Place in oven at 350 degrees F., ring them in quickly, add seasonings. and leave until cheese is melted and Cook until eggs are set, and serve at slightly browned. Serves 4-6 (depend- once. Serves 6. ing on the appetites). Serve on toast Green pepper or pimiento may be slices. added to the above. THREE MEALS A DAY 25

Cheese Fondu Turkey en Casserole 2 cups stale bread cubes. 2V2 cups cooked rice. 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese. 2 tablespoons pimiento. 2 eggs. y3 cup chopped onion. 2 tablespoons butter, melted. 2 tablespoons chopped pickle. 2 cups milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 can tomato soup. Few grains cayenne. V4 cup milk. Arrange bread and grated cheese in 2 tablespoons butter. Cold turkey. casserole, having bread on top. buttered Grated cheese. Beat eggs, add other ingredients. Pour over bread. Let stand 20 minutes. Place Combine rice, pimiento, onion and dish in pan of hot water and bake at pickle. Add salt. Spread about two- of in of casserole. 375 degrees F. for 35-40 minutes. thirds mixture bottom • Cover with slices of turkey or large pieces of turkey. Cover with rest of rice. Macaroni Mousse Combine tomato soup and milk and 3 cups cooked macaroni. pour over this. Dot with butter. Bake, 1V4 cups scalded milk. covered, for 20 minutes at 400 degrees 1 soft bread crumbs. cup F. Sprinkle with grated cheese and cup melted butter. V4 bake, uncovered, for 15 minutes longer. 1 pimiento, chopped. Serves six. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. 1 tablespoon chopped onion. 1M> cups grated cheese. l /z teaspoon salt. Chicken and Celery Souffle Va teaspoon pepper. 1 cup finely chopped celery. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. 1 cup boiling water. 2 eggs, lightly beaten. Vz cup milk. Place macaroni in casserole. Com- 1 teaspoon salt. bine all other ingredients and pour over 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce. the macaroni. Oven-poach at 350 deg. Few grains pepper. F. for about 50 minutes or until set like y3 cup minute tapioca. 3 egg yolks, beaten. a . Serve with tomato or mush- 1% cups minced chicken (or turkey). room sauce. • 3 egg whites. Combine first nine ingredients and Chicken in Tomato cook in double boiler until tapioca is 4 tablespoons butter. clear and mixture is thickened (about cup chopped green pepper. Vz 15 minutes). Cool, add egg yolks and 1 tablespoon chopped onion. chicken. Fold in stiffly beaten egg 5 tablespoons flour. into 1 cup chicken stock. whites and pour a buttered casser- IV2 cups tomato juice. ole. Oven poach (set in dish of water) 1 teaspoon salt. at 375 degrees F. for 60 minutes. Serve 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce. with cranberry sauce and garnish with 2 cups diced chicken. parsley. 1 cup diced celery. Melt butter, add green pepper and onion. Cook together for 2 minutes. Escalloped Lamb, Dixie Style Blend in flour. Add liquids and season- ings. Cook until thickened. Add chick- 2 cups cold lamb, diced. 1 No. 2 can Golden Bantam corn. en; just before serving add celery. IV2 cups medium cream sauce. Serve at once in hot patty shells. Vk cup diced pimiento or green pepper. Garnish with watercress. Serves eight. Vz teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. • 1 teaspoon grated onion. Baked Beans en Casserole Combine all ingredients and turn into

1 No. 2 can baked beans (2 cups). buttered casserole. Cover with V2 cup 1 tablespoon molasses. cracker crumbs, V2 cup grated cheese. 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Bake at 400 deg. F. until crumbs are Vz teaspoon mustard. browned. 4 slices lean bacon, chopped. If, however, there are cold slices left Combine all ingredients and place in and you want to serve hot meat, dip the casserole. Lay strips of bacon over top. slices in beaten egg, then in crumbs and Place in oven and bake at 400 deg. F. fry in hot fat. Serve with hot gravy or until bacon is cooked. Serves 4. tomato sauce. ACME FARMERS FULLY RIPENED CANADIAN CHEDDAR CHEESE

Would you like to know where you can buy genuine old

Canadian Cheddar Cheese that is -fully ripened mellow and smooth with just enough tang to make your mouth water?

This cheese is made up in small heads that are sealed to retain their natural moisture and flavour. Just telephone Acme Farmers Dairy Limited, Midway 3541, and as nice a piece of cheese as you ever tasted will be delivered to your home. Packed in pound and half-pound cartons.



Baked Eggs With Cheese Scrambled Eggs, Tomato and Cheese 1 cup cheese, in small cubes. 1 cup soft bread crumbs. 6 eggs. 4 eggs. 3A cup thick tomato pulp. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons butter.

% teaspoon mustard. Vz cup grated cheese. Vz teaspoon salt. Vz teaspoon salt.

Vs teaspoon pepper. Vs teaspoon pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce.

Put cheese and crumbs in buttered Beat eggs slightly, add tomato and casserole. Beat eggs slightly, add milk butter with seasonings. Heat, stirring and seasonings. Pour over cheese and constantly, and when beginning to crumbs. Dot with butter. Oven-poach at thicken, stir in grated cheese. Serve on 375 degrees F. for 30-35 minutes. Serve toast when thick, being careful not to in casserole sprinkled with paprika and overcook and make mixture watery. chopped parsley. THREE MEALS A DAY 27

Cheese Bean Roast Crab Delight in Patty Shells 2 tablespoons butter. 1 can kidney beans (about 2 cups). 2 tablespoons green pepper. Vz pound cheese. 4 tablespoons flour. y3 cup chopped onion. Vz teaspoon mustard. 1 tablespoon butter. Va teaspoon salt. 2 eggs, well beaten. Vz teaspoon Worcester sauce. Vz teaspoon salt. Dash of cayenne pepper. Vs teaspoon pepper. 1 cup thick tomato juice. % cup buttered crumbs. 1 cup grated cheese. 1 egg, slightly beaten. Drain beans and put through a fine % cup milk. mincer with the cheese, saute onion and 1 can crab meat (about 1 cup). butter together. Add with other ingredi- Saute green pepper in butter for 5 ents to the cheese and beans. Pack into minutes. Blend in flour. Add season- buttered baking dish and cover with ings, tomatoes, cheese. Add some of hot buttered crumbs. Bake at 350 deg. F. for mixture to the slightly beaten egg, 1 hour. Serve with tomato sauce. return to saucepan and cook for a few minutes. Add to heated milk. • Chilaly

1 tablespoon butter. Sardine Rarebit 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper. 1V2 tablespoons chopped onion. 2 tablespoons butter. V2 cup tomatoes. 1 grated cheese. 1 tablespoon flour. Vz cup 2 eggs. V\ teaspoon salt. Salt and cayenne. 1 cup rich milk. IY2 teaspoons mustard. 2 tablespoons milk. V\ teaspoon paprika. Cook onion and pepper in butter for 1 cup grated cheese. three minutes, stirring constantly, add Sardines. tomatoes and cook for five minutes. Toast. Add grated cheese, salt and cayenne. Cook over hot water until cheese is Make a cream sauce with butter, melted, then add milk and eggs slightly flour, salt and milk. Add other ingredi- beaten. Serve hot on toast. ents. Place sardines on toast, and heat under the broiler. Place on a plate and • pour on the cheese sauce. Serve garn- Macaroni and Cheese ished with parsley. 3 cups cooked macaroni. 4 tablespoons butter. 4 tablespoons flour. Vz teaspoon salt. Vs teaspoon white pepper. Dash of cayenne pepper. Vs teaspoon mustard. Spinach Mould With Creamed 2 cups milk. Fish 1V2 cups grated cheese (or more). Melt butter, blend in flour and 3 tablespoons butter. seasonings. Stir in milk and cook until 3 tablespoons flour. thick. Add grated cheese. Arrange 1 cup milk. macaroni and sauce in alternate layers Salt, pepper and paprika. 2 cups cooked chopped spinach. in the casserole. Cover with dry bread 3 egg yolks. or cracker crumbs. 3 egg whites. • Macaroni, Melt butter, blend in flour and seas- Ham and Almonds 2 cups cooked macaroni. onings. Add milk. Stir and cook until Wz cups cubed cooked ham. thick. Add egg yolks and spinach. Cool Vz cup blanched browned almonds. slightly and fold in the stiffly beaten 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento. egg whites. Turn into greased ring 2 cups cream sauce. mould. Set mould in pan of water and Arrange ingredients alternately in bake 55 minutes at 375 degrees F. Un- layers in casserole having sauce on top. mould on hot platter and fill centre Cover with buttered crumbs. Brown at with creamed salmon, lobster, or 400 deg. F. until heated through. Serve shrimp. Garnish with parsley. with green peas or beans. Simpson's Home Lovers Club and Homemakers Plans

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THE budgeting of the housekeeping MEATS expenses is a problem for many Expensive Cuts More Economical many women, and to my way of Beef Rump roast thinking each individual woman has her Prime rib roasts Round steak There are many Porterhouse roasts Chuck steaks or pot own individual problem. Fillets (filet mignon) roasts set and fast rules for budgeting, but how T Bone steaks Brisket can a set rule say that a woman must Porterhouse steak Short ribs Wing or club steak Shank—for potted meats so much on meat every week spend only Pork Corned beef and so much on milk, when her husband Loin roast insists on certain cuts of meat all the time Loin chops Rolled boned shoulder Sausage and will not touch milk ? Tenderloin Hams Boned shoulder to deal So had I the time I should try Whole ham Cottage roll with each one of your problems individu- Sliced boned ham Pickled pork ally, but since that is impossible, as you Veal Rolled shoulder Veal chops realize, I going to handle this little Breast for stews can am Veal cutlet discussion in a way which I rather think Shank for potted meats Filet of veal (leg boned) Shoulder chops will not only help you, but will interest Lamb you into checking up on where the "leaks" Loin Rolled boned shoulder have been on your planning. Loin chops Shoulder chops Leg (expensive to buy, Breast for stews The three divisions in a meal, namely, but practically solid the meat, the vegetables and the , meat) call for the biggest outlay of expenses. So Now this is not an absolutely complete often I have heard a woman say, "At the list. There are other cuts such as the first of the week we live well, but toward crown roast of lamb that are more unusual the end of the week—it's just too bad." but the list will serve our purpose. Now, this can be balanced by a little care- ful planning. The above-mentioned situ- THE VEGETABLES ation only happens when the menu is Expensive Inexpensive planned from day to day, whereas, if the Canned vegetables Parsnip Brussels sprouts Turnip this is not menu is planned a week ahead, Fresh green peas Carrots the case. Green and butter beans Cabbage (variable) Cauliflower (variable) see, are certain meat courses You there New beets Beets (old) that cost quite a bit. This cost can be Celery Squash balanced by serving an inexpensive des- Broccoli Potatoes Spinach (variable) sert and inexpensive vegetables with it. Onions On the other hand other meat courses are Here again is an incomplete list and I quite inexpensive and can be served with feel I must explain why I have listed the more expensive vegetables and, if de- canned vegetables under "expensive" even sired, a more costly . though I do think the canners give us re- Breakfast, as we all know, is pretty markable products for very little. It is simply this, that low all as the cost much a standard, but this meal also can and of canned vegetables is, we still cannot be watched closely as to balance of ex- purchase a can of vegetables for 5c that pense. Some fruits are more expensive, will serve a family of six as we can a these should be served with the less and cabbage, a turnip or a squash. You see my cereal, such as , expensive cooked point? I am strongly in favor of canned farina, etc. However, the very popular goods from a health standpoint, because in packaged cereal may be used with the less most cases the canner preserves more of expensive fruits such as strained apple the natural food elements than does the juice, tomato juice, prune juice, stewed homemaker when she cooks them. figs or prunes. Now the desserts: The luncheon menu in many Toronto Expensive Inexpensive homes is nondescript due to the fact that Ice Cornstarch desserts Sponges Cereal desserts the dinner is served in the evening and, Whips (such as rice, tapioca* unless there are school children coming Cakes

Pastries Jellies i in, many women merely have a cup of tea Canned fruit (factory) Apple desserts or glass of milk with a sandwich. (variable) Fresh fruit (variable) Canned fruit Now, first I am going to give a list of (home-made) the more expensive meat cuts with a con- Once more our list cannot be taken ex- trasting list of the inexpensive ones. actly since the recipe governs the cost. Vegetables and desserts we shall also deal on any dessert increases with in the same way. the cost at once. 30 THREE MEALS A DAY SALADS

APPLE a day keeps the doctor away" was the old version of the ANmodern "a salad a day keeps the doctor away." Some little time ago there was a craze for a certain diet that was recommended by a certain doctor. Like many other diets that become popular for a time this particular diet had many foolish ideas, but it also had one outstanding fine point. It recommended a salad of raw vegetables every day. The funny part of it is local doctors and dietitians had recom- mended the same thing for people many times, but it was considered silly. However, because a doctor some hundred miles away, whom the great majority had never seen, recommended a raw salad, it became a fad. Nevertheless, whoever recommended it, the idea is good and we should act on it, winter and summer. You know, people consider salads a summer food, and because they are so crispy and spicy they are enjoyable in the summer, but we do need them in the winter just as much, particularly in winters such as we have had, when the sun was a minus quantity for days. The use of the vitalizer or hydrator or vegetable crisper in your refrig- erator is what goes to MAKE salad. With the advent of the automatic refrigerator came salad popularity in the home because it then became possible to serve salads as crisp as anything you had ever dreamed of. You use your gas or electric stove to make your hot foods hot, and in the same way I do suggest you use your gas or electric refrigerator to make your cold foods cold—and a salad is a cold food and should be served on salad greens crisped in the vitalizer of your refrigerator.

California Fruit Salad Banana and Apple Salad

1 cup orange sections, drained. 1 cup diced apple. 1 cup canned pineapple cubes. 1 cup diced celery. 1 cup Malaga grapes, seeded and 1 cup thickly sliced banana. halved. Vs teaspoon salt. % lb. marshmallows, cut in pieces. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. xk lb. broken pecans. % cup chopped walnuts. % cup salad dressing. Cooked salad dressing. 1 cup 32 per cent cream, whipped. Prepare all ingredients, having fruit Combine apple, celery and banana well drained. Combine fruit and marsh- with the dressing, salt and lemon juice. nuts. Serve on mallows. Allow to stand % hour. Fold in Just before serving add combined whipped cream and salad lettuce, garnish with watercress and 4-6. dressing. Add nuts. Allow to stand 3 mint jelly. Serves hours before serving and if desirable leave overnight. Garnish with water- cress and rubyettes. Serves 6-8. Carrot and Cabbage Salad

2 cups shredded cabbage. Russian Fruit and Cabbage Salad 2 cups grated carrots. 4 cups shredded cabbage. % cup toasted almonds. 3 halves canned pears, diced. Vz cup diced apple. 3 slices canned pineapple, diced. Salt and pepper. to moisten. Va cup shredded blanched almonds. Mayonnaise Va teaspoon salt. Toss all ingredients together. Pile into % cup Russian dressing. salad bowl lined with lettuce. Garnish Combine all ingredients, tossing to- with ripe olives. Serves 6-8. gether lightly with 2 forks. Serve on crisp lettuce, garnish with watercress. Serves 8. THREE MEALS A DAY 31

Italian Salad Carrot and Apple Salad 2 cups diced apple. 2 cups cooked macaroni. 2 cups shredded carrot. cup cooked peas. Vz cup salted peanuts. blanched browned almonds. Vz V4 cup Mayonnaise. cup diced pimiento. V4 Seasonings. % cup mayonnaise or French dressing. Combine ingredients lightly with a with Combine ingredients, marinate with fork. Pile on lettuce and garnish balls rolled in nuts. Serves 4. dressing. Chill. Serve on lettuce. cheese This salad served with a custard or a Serves 6. junket to children would give them quite a substantial luncheon, along with bread, butter and milk or cocoa.

White Beauty Salad Pyramid Salad 1 head lettuce. 4 cups shredded cabbage. 2 medium tomatoes. 1 cup shredded cocoanut. 6 slices cucumber. 1 cup crushed drained pineapple. 6 radishes. % cup blanched browned almonds. % cup whipped cream dressing. Slice lettuce into 6 slices and arrange on salad plates. Pour French dressing Combine all ingredients, using a fork over lettuce. Peel tomatoes and slice into to mix together. Arrange on lettuce and garnish with green mint jelly. Serves 6 slices, arrange one slice on each slice 6-8 generously. of lettuce. Next place on cucumber slices and then top with a radish. (Make a radish rose if you can). Instead of the head lettuce you may use leaf lettuce shredded finely. Serves 6. Red and White Salad •

1 cup diced cooked beets. Frisco Salad IVz cups shredded cabbage. Vz cup flaked tuna fish. cup diced apple. % 2 cups cooked string beans. 1 teaspoon horseradish (if desired). 2 tablespoons green onion, finely Seasonings. chopped. Cooked salad dressing. V2 teaspoon salt.

Combine ingredients, season to taste. . 2 hard-cooked eggs. Chill if possible for at least a few min- Vz cup chopped dill pickle. utes. Place on cupped lettuce leaves and 1 cup shredded cabbage. Mayonnaise or French dressing. if for luncheon main course, garnish with sliced hard-cooked eggs or devilled Combine all ingredients, having the eggs. Serves 4-6. beans cut in neat pieces. Serve on let- tuce garnished with pickled black wal- nuts and watercress. Serves 6.

This last salad is splendid for a porch supper at the cottage or a garden supper Cabbage Luncheon Salad when the lilacs or roses are in bloom. 3 cups shredded cabbage. 1 cup diced celery. Vz cup diced crisply cooked bacon. Fish Salad, Australian Style 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickle. 1 cup flaked salmon or tuna fish. Seasonings (onion juice, Worcester . % cup diced celery. sauce, salt and pepper). Vz cup seedless raisins. Mayonnaise to moisten. xk cup diced sweet pickles. Combine ingredients. Chill. Serve 2 tablespoons chopped pecans. garnished with sliced tomatoes or % teaspoon condiment sauce. radishes. Serves 4-6. Mayonnaise to combine. Blend together all the ingredients. NOTE: Always cut the cabbage for your Chill very thoroughly. Arrange on let- salad well ahead of time. Place it in a con- tuce leaves. Garnish with watercress tainer of salt and water and any of those little things that should not be there will float and sections of hard-cooked or stuffed right out. Moreover when placed in a cool egg. place this crisps the cabbage, making it more N. B.—It is desirable to "plump" the raisins attractive for the salad. for a salad. 32 THREE MEALS A DAY

Philadelphia Relish Stuffed Tomato Salad, No. 1

1V4 cups chopped green pepper. 6 whole tomatoes. IV4 cups chopped pimiento. 1 cup chicken, tenderloin, veal, crab- 3 cups shredded cabbage. meat, shrimp or lobster. Vz cup chopped green onion. % cup diced celery. 2 lk cups diced celery. V4 cup chopped nuts. 1 tablespoon salt. 2 tablespoons green pepper. 1 teaspoon celery seed. Vi cup mayonnaise. V4 cup brown sugar. Seasonings. % cup French dressing. Remove skins from tomatoes. From Combine all ingredients. Chill and the stem end remove with a spoon half serve in bowl lined with lettuce. Garnish of the centre of tomato. Sprinkle with with green pepper and pimiento strips. salt. Invert on a plate and allow to stand. Toss other ingredients lightly together with a fork. Pile into cavity in tomato and arrange on lettuce leaves. Garnish A Bowl of Sunshine with watercress and sliced cucumbers.

2 cups shredded cabbage. 2 cups shredded carrot. % cup crushed pineapple. % cup blanched browned almonds. French dressing or mayonnaise. Stuffed Tomato Salad, No. 2 Combine all ingredients lightly to- 6 whole tomatoes. gether. Season to taste. Serve in well cup diced ham. chilled bowl lined with lettuce. V2 V2 cup cooked macaroni, diced. V2 cup diced celery. Vi cup shredded carrot. V4 cup mayonnaise. Chef's Salad Seasonings. Prepare as in salad No. 1. Toss other 1 head lettuce. ingredients together with a fork. Pile in 1 cucumber, peeled and diced. 2 tomatoes, peeled and diced. tomato and arrange on lettuce leaves. 1 bunch radishes, sliced. Garnish with green pepper strips and 1 bunch green onions, chopped. watercress. 1 green pepper, shredded. Tomatoes, in fact, may be stuffed with French dressing. any attractive vegetable, meat or fish Shred lettuce by cutting the head in salad combination. An unusual way to half and shredding it across with a large serve both tomatoes and eggs is to hard- knife. Prepare other ingredients and cook the eggs, shell and prepare them combine all together with French dress- as for devilled or stuffed eggs, then in- ing, well seasoned. Serve well chilled. sert a whole egg into the tomato, which N.B.—The tomatoes and cucumbers may be has been almost completely hollowed diced then salted slightly to draw out the out. Turn upside down on the lettuce surplus water. Drain well before adding to and it makes quite a surprise package the other ingredients. for the partaker.

Devilled Eggs Hard cook the number of eggs re- quired. Plunge into cold water. Remove Cottage Cheese Salad Mould

shells, cut eggs in half, remove yolks, Vz pound cottage cheese. mash and season and mix with dressing. 1/4 cup chopped chives or green Add any of the following combinations: onions. 1 teaspoon paprika. (1) Minced ham and pickles. Cream or mayonnaise. (2) Chopped bacon and nuts. Combine all ingredients, adding (3) Celery and mashed sardines. enough cream or mayonnaise to soften. (4) Finely chopped pimiento and Pack into small mould. Chill for several green pepper. hours. Serve on lettuce surrounded with (5) Finely chopped olives and nuts. vegetables. THREE MEALS A DAY 33

Salmagundi Salad Poinsettia Salad 6 slices pineapple. potatoes, diced. 1 cup boiled 6 small cheese balls. diced cooked ham. 2 cups 3 olives cut in halves. pimiento. V2 cup diced Strips of pimiento. peas. % cup green Head lettuce. y2 cup diced celery. Separate the head lettuce in leaves y4 cup diced gherkin. small salad plate, prefer- V2 cup mayonnaise. and place on ably a glass plate. Now, place the slice Toss all ingredients together with two of pineapple on this. Fill the centre forks. Arrange on lettuce in a large with the cheese ball and place half an bowl. Garnish with devilled eggs and olive on each cheese ball. Cut pimiento parsley. into long diamond-shaped strips and place these on top of the pineapple (5 to each serving), having the points touch- ing the olive in the centre. This will Crab and Grapefruit Salad give the effect of a poinsettia. 6 servings.

1 cup grapefruit sections* diced. 1 cup crabmeat. Style % cup diced celery. Potato Salad, Christmas yz cup toasted sliced almonds. 2 cups cold cooked diced potatoes. y3 cup French dressing. 1 cup crisp shredded cabbage. Yz cup chopped celery. Prepare grapefruit by removing sec- xk cup chopped green pepper. tions from membrane. Combine ingred- Yi cup chopped pimiento. ients by tossing together lightly with !/4 cup shredded toasted almonds. two forks. Serve on crisp lettuce garn- 2 teaspoons lemon juice. Mayonnaise. ished with watercress and pickled black Seasonings (salt, pepper, Worcester Shrimps be substituted walnuts. may sauce, onion juice). for the crabmeat if you wish. Combine all ingredients. Chill well before serving.

Salad Hamper Moulded Celery and Pimiento 2 cups diced ham, tongue or veal. 2 tablespoons gelatine. 1 cup diced celery. y2 cup cold water. 2 hard cooked eggs, chopped. 1% cups boiling water. 1 cup canned lima beans. ys cup sugar. Yi cup gherkins, chopped. Ya cup lemon juice. French dressing, if desired. 1 tablespoon vinegar. Mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. 1 tablespoon horseradish. IYa cups diced celery. Mix all ingredients. Marinate with y3 cup diced pimiento. French dressing. Moisten well with Ys teaspoon salt. mayonnaise. Serve with lettuce—or for Soak gelatine in cold water. Add the lunch box pack into wax cups lined boiling water, sugar, lemon juice and with lettuce. vinegar. Allow to cool. Add horse- radish. When partially set add salt, celery and pimiento. Turn in to moist- ened moulds. Chill. Serve on lettuce, garnished with watercress. Cabbage and Grape Salad

4 cups shredded cabbage. 1 cup Malaga grapes. You'll Enjoy the V\ cup shredded blanched almonds. Cooked salad dressing, or Bridge Problems Whipped cream dressing. By Wm. E. McKenney Salt and pepper.

Combine all ingredients. Toss together EVERT DAT W with a fork. Serve on lettuce, garnished with watercress and a cottage cheese THE EVENING TELEGRAM ball rolled in paprika. —


O A-LAUo — Using Jueaj Lettuce

LEAF lettuce cannot take the place of head lettuce, but it does have a ,very definite place of its own. There are some salads where it is much easier to use the leaf lettuce, and it is those salads we have here.

The flat limpness of leaf lettuce after the curly crispness of head lettuce is what makes the leaf lettuce objectionable to use—and yet we do not have to serve it in the same way as we would head lettuce. The hydrator or vitalizer or vegetable crisper of your refrigerator is ideal to turn the limpness of the lettuce into a real crispness. However, if you have no refrigerator, set the stem parts down in icy-cold water and place it in as cool a place as possible.

The green leaf lettuce can be made attractive, and at the same time we are serving lettuce much more healthful, as far as the vitamin content is concerned, than the pale, almost white, head lettuce we sometimes get. However, I can't resist saying—and due credit to our Ontario agriculturists that some of the head lettuce we have had recently is a delight. It has such a tender, curly leaf and is all that can be desired for crispness. Now, then, our salads that allow for arrangement on leaf lettuce:

Lettuce Cheese Rolls Tomato and Cheese Salad

1 bar white cream cheese. Mix one package of cream cheese with % cup chopped nuts. 2 tablespoons seedless raisins. enough mayonnaise to cream it well. Mayonnaise to moisten. Form into cylinder shape, rolling it in Leaf lettuce. wax paper. Chill well. Peel tomatoes and Strips of pimiento. cut in 1/3 -inch slices. Slice cheese into add Cream cheese with mayonnaise, Vs-inch slices and arrange alternate salt if desired; nuts raisins. add and slices of cheese and tomato on leaf of jelly Spread on lettuce leaf. Roll up like lettuce. roll. Place on salad plate and lay strips of pimiento over each roll. Serve well chilled. Garnish with watercress.

Water Lily Salad Bedtime Salad 6 hard cooked eggs. Arrange leaf of lettuce on salad plate, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise. and a slice of canned pineapple on top. 1 tablespoon chopped pimiento.

• Salt and pepper. Cut banana in half crosswise and trim down cut end so it rests firmly in hole Remove shells from eggs. Cut in of pineapple. Place a cherry or bit of halves lengthwise. Remove yolks, cut pimiento at top to represent flame and egg whites in half again to make you have a salad resembling very much quarters. Mash yolks and other ingredi- a candle in a holder. A bit of salad ents. Place four quarters of egg white dressing trickled down side of banana on lettuce leaf with the tips just touch- gives the appearance of the drip of wax ing. Place a mound of egg yolk mixture and a strip of green pepper curved in at in centre and arrange the egg white to the pineapple circle will give a handle, curve up around the centre to form although this can be omitted. petals as of a water lily. .


Jellied Ham Rolls Fruit Ginger Ale Salad 6 thin slices cooked ham. 1 package lemon jelly powder. boiling 1 small bar white cream cheese. % cup water. *4 cup horseradish or other relish 1*4 cups dry ginger ale. Salt and paprika. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. y3 cup seedless raisins. *4 1 package lemon jelly powder. cup diced celery. 1% cups boiling water. V2 cup diced pineapple. Va cup cider vinegar. y8 cup preserved ginger, finely % teaspoon salt. chopped. Dash of cayenne pepper. V2 cup diced apple. Cream together cheese and horse- Dissolve gelatine in boiling water. radish. Add salt and paprika. Spread on Chill slightly. Add lemon juice and slices of ham. Roll up tightly. Arrange ginger ale. When partially set, add fruit. rolls in long loaf pan. Meanwhile dis- Turn into moistened mould. Serve gar- solve jelly powder in boiling water to nished with stuffed celery on lettuce. which vinegar, salt and cayenne have Use whipped cream dressing as an been added. Chill and pour over ham accompaniment. Makes 6-8 moulds. rolls. When set, unmould on a large platter with cups of lettuce in which an attractive salad has been arranged. Mint Jelly Serves 6. V4 cup vinegar. 1 cup boiling water. teaspoon salt. Jellied Cranberry Ring Vz y3 cup granulated sugar. 1 tablespoon gelatine. 2 tablespoons gelatine. cup cold water. % cup cold water. V4 V2 teaspoon mint flavoring. 2 cups strained cranberry juice. Green coloring. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. V% teaspoon salt. Combine vinegar, boiling water, salt 1 cup chopped celery. and sugar. Heat to boiling. Add to gela- tine which has been soaked in cold Soak gelatine in cold water. Add water. Add mint flavoring and coloring. boiling cranberry juice, then lemon Pour into moistened fancy mould and juice and salt. Allow to chill and par- chill. tially set. Add celery. Turn into a ring Very often, I shred a carrot or chop mould rinsed out with cold water. Chill. celery and add it to this. The color effect When set turn out on a large platter is very good, particularly with the covered with lettuce. Fill centre with carrot. turkey salad. Garnish with water- cress. Serves 6 to 8. Jellied Beet Mould

x Moulded Cole Slaw l /2 tablespoons gelatine. cold water. 2 cups shredded cabbage. y* cup 1 cup boiling water. Vs cup chopped green pepper. cup cold vinegar (from off the 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento. % beets) 1 teaspoon grated onion. V4 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon gelatine. 2 teaspoons sugar. y* cup cold water. 1 cup diced beets. Mj cup cooked salad dressing. V2 cup diced celery. % cup boiling water. % teaspoon salt (omit if dressing is Soak gelatine in cold water. Add boil- salty). ing water. Stir until gelatine is dis- Prepare vegetables. Soak gelatine in solved. Add vinegar, salt and sugar. cold water. Add boiling water. Cool, add Chill and allow to set partially. Add dressing and salt. When partially set, beets and celery. Pour into moistened add other ingredients. Turn into mois- moulds. Chill. Unmould on lettuce leaves tened moulds. Chill. Unmould and serve and garnish with watercress. Makes 6 on bed of watercress. Makes 6 moulds. moulds. : —


French Dressing Mayonnaise

% cup salad oil. 1 egg yolk. y3 cup vinegar or lemon juice. 1 teaspoon fruit sugar. Vz teaspoon salt. Vz teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon fruit sugar. Vz teaspoon mustard. Vz teaspoon Worcester sauce. Vs teaspoon paprika. Va teaspoon paprika. Va teaspoon tabasco sauce or Vz teaspoon Worcester sauce. in Combine all ingredients and place V\ cup lemon juice or vinegar. a gem jar. Cover and shake up vigor- 1 cup salad oil. ously. Shake each time before using. Grated onion juice is an attractive addi- Mix dry ingredients. Add to egg yolk tion and, of course, if you use pickle in a bowl. Beat well. Add a few drops vinegar you may not need to add the oil. Beat—add few drops vinegar salt and sugar. This will depend on the beat. Once mixture starts to thicken seasoning in the vinegar. the vinegar and oil can be added in large quantities alternately. Variations Should the mixture separate, start over by beating the curdled mixture (1) Add Va cup tomato catsup into another egg yolk. Have all ingredi- (2) Add Vz cup grated Roquefort ents quite cold. cheese. (3) Add 1 egg yolk V% teaspoon mustard Mayonnaise Variations Va teaspoon curry powder

(4) Add 2 tablespoons condiment (1) To 1 cup mayonnaise add sauce. Vz cup diced pickled beets. Vz cup diced celery, and serve on lettuce, water cress or endive.

(2) To 1 cup mayonnaise add Freak French Dressing 2 tablespoons lemon juice. 2 hard cooked eggs, diced. 1 1 can tomato soup. tablespoon chopped green pepper. Vz cup malt vinegar. % teaspoon curry powder. Vz cup salad oil. Vz teaspoon grated onion. 1 tablespoon condiment sauce. \Vz teaspoon grated onion. 1 teaspoon salt. Vz teaspoon mustard. Vs teaspoon paprika.

Combine all together and shake well Cooked Salad Dressing in covered jar. Chill. Makes one pint

of dressing. 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 2 teaspoons mustard. 1 teaspoon salt. Va cup sugar. Dash of cayenne. Russian Dressing 2 eggs. Vz cup diluted vinegar. 1 Va cups milk. Vz cup mayonnaise. 1 tablespoon butter. Vz cup chili sauce. 2 tablespoons chopped olives. Blend dry ingredients with some of 2 tablespoons chopped celery. yinegar. beaten eggs. in 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper. Add Cook 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento. double boiler, adding Slowly vinegar and milk alternately. Stir constantly Serve over the head lettuce, 6-8 until mixture thickens. Add butter. servings. Chill. THREE MEALS A DAY 37 DESSERTS

Strawberry Fritters Lime Pineapple Whip

Dip whole strawberries in a sweet 1 package lime jelly powder. 1 boiling water. fritter batter and drop into deep fat at cup Vz cup pineapple juice. 360 deg. F M or hot enough to brown a Vz cup cold water. cube of bread in 60 seconds. Serve with 1 cup crushed' pineapple, well lemon sauce, whipped cream or drained. sprinkled with fruit or icing sugar. 2 egg whites, beaten stiffly. Vz cup broken pecans or filberts.

Dissolve jelly powder in boiling water, Strawberry Crunch add cold water and pineapple juice. When partially set, beat well with egg yz cup butter. beater, add egg whites well beaten and Vz cup brown sugar. beat in well. Fold in pineapple and Vz cuip flour. nuts. Chill. Serve topped with whipped 1 quart box strawberries. cream. Serves 6-8. Combine butter, brown sugar and flour by working together with a spoon or the tips of the fingers. Hull berries and arrange in bottom of 8 x 8 pan. Cocoanut Maple Tapioca Cover with flour mixture, crumbling it over the surface of berries Bake at 375 % cup minute tapioca. deg. F. for 30 minutes or until brown. Vz cup maple syrup. % teaspoon salt. 2 cups milk. 1 egg yolk. % teaspoon vanilla.

Strawberry Vfe cup shredded cocoanut. 1 ^gg white stiffly beaten. Y4 cup butter. y3 cup sugar. Combine tapioca, syrup, salt and 1 egg. milk. Cook until tapioca is clear. Add cup milk. Vz beaten egg yolk. Cook two minutes 1% cups flour. longer. Add vanilla and cocoanut. Fold 2V2 teaspoons baking powder. % teaspoon salt. in egg white. Pile in sherbet glasses and 1 cup strawberries, halved. top with whipped cream. 2 tablespoons sugar.

Cream butter. Add sugar and cream well. Add well-beaten egg. Sift dry ingredients and add to first mixture Tapioca Fluff alternately with the milk. Meanwhile cover bottom of 8 x 8 pan (which 3 tablespoons minute tapioca. has been buttered) with the berries y3 cup sugar. sprinkled with sugar. Pour on the batter. Vs teaspoon salt. 1 egg yolk. Bake at 375 deg. F. for 30 minutes. Serve 2 cups milk. with lemon sauce. 1 egg white, stiffly beaten. Vz teaspoon flavoring.

Combine minute tapioca, sugar (I like Krispie Cream to use brown sugar), salt, egg yolk and milk. Cook in double boiler for ten to 4 cups rice krispies. twelve minutes, stirring frequently. Vz cup liquid honey, or maple syrup. 1 cup 32% cream, whipped. Remove from heat and fold gradually into stiffly-beaten egg-white. Add Combine all ingredients. Pile in sher- flavoring and chill. Pile into sherbet bet glasses. Garnish with red cherries glasses and garnish with whipped cream and serve as soon as possible. Serves 8. and browned cocoanut. Serves 4-6. 38 THREE MEALS A DAY

Pecan Rice Butterscotch Currant Sauce rice. % cup Vz cup black or red currant jelly. milk. 2 cups scalded 1 egg white. salt. Vz teaspoon Vs teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon syrup. 1 cup brown sugar. Melt jelly over hot water. Add egg 3 tablespoons butter. white and salt and beat with Dover 1 egg. beater until stiff. Cool. 2 tablespoons chopped pecans. Cook rice until tender in milk, to which salt has been added. Add caramel syrup. Combine sugar, butter and egg Plum Compote With Rice and add to rice. Continue to cook until thick in double boiler. Add nuts. Chill 2 cups cooked rice. 2 egg whites. and serve with whipped cream. Serves 6. 4 tablespoons fruit sugar. It may be served warm with plain Vz cup blanched chopped almonds. cream, but is rather rich this way. % teaspoon almondi flavoring. 1 can preserved plums.

Beat egg whites until stiff, adding Peach Rice Fluff sugar gradually. Fold in rice, almonds and flavoring. Meanwhile, place a spoon- 2 cups cooked rice. ful of plums in each sherbet glass, then 1 cup diced peaches (canned). in of rice Vz cup blanched browned almonds. put a mound mixture and pour 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. more plums over the top. Serves 6. Vz cup 32 per cent cream, whipped. Combine all ingredients, mixing lightly with a fork. Chill. Pile into sherbet glasses. Garnish with slices of Maple Pudding peach. N.B.—Fresh peaches may be used 4-6 slices of stale bread, y3 inch when in season, also fresh or canned thick. pineapple. Serves 6. 1 cup maple syrup. 2 eggs beaten. % teaspoon salt. 1% cups milk. Of course, when cooking the rice for a dessert such as the Peach Rice Fluff, it is Butter bread and cut into strips. Heat boiled in fapidly boiling salted water in a syrup. Dip bread into syrup, and arrange large uncovered container. Use about 6 times in baking dish, placing second layer as much water as rice and it will not be neces- running in opposite direction. Combine sary to add any water during the cooking. eggs, remaining syrup, salt and milk to When the rice is cooked, pour it into strainer a make a custard. Pour over bread. Oven- and wash with hot or cold water, depend- off poach at 350 deg. F. for forty minutes ing on whether the rice is to be used hot or — or until set. cold. This keeps it from sticking together.

Rice Mould With Currant Sauce Date Crumble Tart y3 cup rice. 2 egg whites. 1% cups hot milk. % cup fruit sugar. Vz teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon flour. Va cup granulated sugar. Vz teaspoon baking powder. Vz tablespoon gelatine. teaspoon vanilla. 2 tablespoons cold water. Vz * 1 tablespoon milk. Vz teaspoon vanilla." 2 cups dates and nuts chopped. Vs teaspoon almond flavoring. Boil rice in large amount of boiling Beat egg whites, add sugar gradually water for ten minutes. Drain. Add to beating it in at first and folding it in as hot milk. Cook in double boiler until it becomes stiff. Add sifted dry ingredi- rice is tender (about 1 hour). Add salt ents, dates, nuts, milk and vanilla. and sugar. Soak gelatine in cold water Spread into 2 buttered pans. and dissolve in hot rice. Add flavoring. Bake at 250 deg. F. for 35 minutes. Cool, Turn into moistened moulds. Chill. removing from pan. Arrange on serving Serve unmoulded with currant sauce. plate with whipped cream between lay- Makes 6 moulds. ers and on top. :


Blancmange Lemon Tapioca Fluff cup minute tapioca. 2 cups scalded milk. Ya cup sugar. 3 tablespoons cornstarch. Yz teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons sugar. Ya 3 cups milk. Ys teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons lemon rind, grated. * Ya cup cold milk. 1 egg yolk, beaten slightly. Yz teaspoon vanilla. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt. Add 1 egg white, stiffly beaten. cold milk and stir until smooth. Mix tapioca, sugar, salt, milk, lemon Add slowly to scalded milk in double rind and egg yolk. Cook over hot water boiler. until thick and tapioca is transparent. Stir cornstarch until thick. Add lemon juice. Add gradually, beat- Cover and cook 15 minutes. ing it in well, to the egg white. Chill Add vanilla. slightly and pile into sherbets or fruit Pour into sherbet glasses. Garnish nappies. Garnish with orange sections with preserved fruit and whipped cream. and whipped cream. Variations Apple Cheese Cake CHOCOLATE CORNSTARCH PUDDING. 3 tablespoons butter. % cup brown sugar. To main recipe add: 3 apples, sliced. 3 tablespoons cocoa. Yz cup seedless raisins. 4 tablespoons sugar to the dry in- % cup grated Cheddar cheese. gredients and Ya cup butter. cup milk to the milk already in % 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. the recipe. 3 /a cup brown sugar. COCOANUT CORNSTARCH 2 eggs, well beaten. SOUFFLE. Yz cup milk. cups flour. Add: lYz % teaspoon salt. cup shredded cocoanut and beat % 2Yz teaspoons baking powder. in Yz teaspoon vanilla. 1 egg white, stiffly beaten. Melt first amount of butter in frying CARAMEL NUT PUDDING. pan, add sugar, then apples arranged Add: neatly and raisins. Sprinkle with cheese. 3 tablespoons caramel syrup. Now with second group of ingredients: % cup chopped nuts. Cream butter, add gradually and cream well. Add eggs, then sifted dry ingredients alternately, with milk and flavoring. Beat one minute, pour over mixture in frying pan, mounding the mixture up fairly well in the centre. Come-And-Get-It Bake at 375 deg. F. for 35 minutes. Serve

1 cup flour. warm with whipped cream. Serves 8 1 tablespoon sugar. people. Ya teaspoon salt. • 2 teaspoons baking powder. Caramel Syrup 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1 egg, well beaten, add enough milk 1 cup boiling water. to make Ya cup liquid. Put sugar in. frying pan. Place on a Sift dry ingredients, cut in butter, add slow heat on the stove. Stir until sugar liquid and drop mixture in small spoon- is melted. fuls into boiling apple sauce prepared Allow to bubble and cook until it be- as follows: comes a golden brown. 2 cups thin apple sauce. Remove from the fire, add the cup of Ya teaspoon cinnamon. water. This will splutter and splatter, Yz cup granulated sugar. but will soon settle down. Cover and cook rapidly for 15 min- Return to the stove and stir until the utes, or less, according to size of dump- melted sugar and water are blended. ling. Serve warm with the extra sauce Cook for about five minutes or until and maple syrup. slightly thickened. 40 THREE MEALS A DAY

North Pole Cake Steamed Suet Fruit Pudding

% cup butter. 1% cups flour. 1 1 cup fruit sugar. teaspoon cinnamon. 3 egg yolks. Vs teaspoon nutmeg. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Vz teaspoon baking soda. 3 egg whites. Vz teaspoon salt. % pound vanilla wafers, rolled into Vz cup granulated sugar. crumbs. Vz cup finely chopped suet. lA cup light molasses or corn syrup. Cream butter, add sugar and egg Vz cup sour milk. yolks well beaten, then add vanilla. Vz cup raisins and nuts. 2 tablespoons peel. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Place mixed 1 tablespoon candied cherries. 1/3 of vanilla wafer crumbs in the loaf lined with bottom of a narrow pan Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add waxed paper. Add half of other mix- suet, then molasses or syrup and sour ture, then 1/3 of wafer crumbs, re- milk, lastly add the fruit which has maining half of mixture and remaining been dredged with a small amount of wafer crumbs. Allow to stand 24 hours. the flour. Mix well. Turn into indi- Serve with strawberry sauce made vidual buttered moulds. Cover, steam from the frozen strawberries you can 3 hours. Serve with butterscotch or obtain from some of the dairies. hard sauce. Serves six.


1 package cherry jelly powder. 1 cup grated raw carrot. 1 cup boiling water. 1 cup grated raw potato. cup granulated sugar. % 1 cup soft-bread crumbs. Vs teaspoon salt. 1 cup seedless raisins. 1 cup fruit juice. 1 cup currants. cup chopped nuts. % 1 cup brown sugar. cup candied red and green pine- Vz % cup finely chopped suet (not quite apple. y4 lb.). l cherries. A cup halved 2 tablespoons sour milk. Vz cup seedless raisins. Vz teaspoon baking soda. Vz cup chopped figs. Vz cup flour. cup chopped dates. Vz 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Combine water and sugar. Bring to Vs teaspoon nutmeg. boil pour over jelly powder. Stir a and Vz teaspoon allspice. until dissolved. Add salt and fruit juice. Chill and allow to partially set. Stir in Mix ingredients in order given. Turn the other ingredients. Pour into moist- into well-buttered moulds. Cover with ened fancy mould. Serve garnished wax or parchment paper or cloth, cover with whipped cream and cherries. and steam. Individual moulds \ xk N. B.—The fruit juices may be orange and hours, large moulds 3 hours. lemon juice or the canned pineapple juice would be quite delicious used in this. This can be made a week to 10 days ahead and stored in a cool place. Steam to re-heat. Marshmallow Loaf

Vz cup 16% cream (quarter pint). Vz pound marshmallows. Vz cup chopped nuts. The JUNIOR COOK Vz cup graham wafers. Vz cup chopped dates. By Jessie Read Cut marshmallows (using moistened scissors). Add cream. Roll out graham Another Exclusive Feature In crackers and add with the dates and nuts to the cream mixture. Form into a roll or pack into a long, narrow loaf tin, lined with waxed paper. Serve gar- THE EVENING TELEGRAM nished with whipped cream and cherries. THREE MEALS A DAY 41

Creamy Rice South Wind Fluff

V\ cup uncooked rice. 2 egg whites. V2 teaspoon salt. Vi teaspoon salt. V4 cup sugar. 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. V2 cup 32% cream, whipped. 3 cups milk. 1 cup sweetened applesauce. V2 teaspoon vanilla. Beat egg whites with salt until stiff, Boil rice in water for 10 minutes. add sugar and beat in well. Fold this Drain. Add other ingredients. Pour into into the apple sauce and cream, which buttered baking dish. Bake for 3 hours have been blended together, like in sher- at 275 degrees F. stirring often during bet. Serve with custard sauce and gar- first hour. nish with cherries. Raisins may be added during the last • V2 hour if desired. This is a particu- Raspberry Roll larly delicious recipe and can be baked 2 cups flour. along with baked potatoes and a meat, 3V2 teaspoons baking powder. such as a meat loaf, for dinner, giving V2 tablespoon sugar. you a whole meal in the oven. Va teaspoon salt. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 egg. Milk. Blueberry Happy Boys Sift dry ingredients, chop butter into 2 cups blueberries. them very finely. Beat egg and pour % cup granulated sugar. into measuring cup, add enough to make % cup water. V2 cup. Add to flour mixture, blend 2 cups flour. into soft dough. Roll out to 1/3 inch 1 tablespoon sugar. thickness. Cover this surface with: Va teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup raspberries mixed with 1% 3 tablespoons shortening. tablespoons fruit sugar. % cup milk. Roll up like jelly roll, cut into inch Combine blueberries, sugar and slices. Place slices close together on water. Bring to the boil and boil 3 buttered baking sheet. Bake at 400 minutes. Meanwhile mix and sift dry degrees F. for 18-20 minutes. Serve ingredients. Cut in the shortening, add with lemon or butterscotch sauce. milk to make a soft dough. Drop by spoonfuls into stewing blueberries as you would dumplings. Cover and cook Raspberry for 10 minutes. Serve warm with blue- lVz cups red raspberries. berries poured over the top. ys cup fruit sugar. Pinch of salt. 1 tablespoon gelatine. 2 tablespoons cold water. Blueberry Sponge 1 cup 32% cream. 1 tablespoon gelatine. Press berries through sieve to remove 2 tablespoons cold water. seeds. Add sugar and salt. Soak gela- l x/4 cups blueberry juice. tine in cold water and dissolve over hot (unsweetened) water. Stir into fruit juice and allow % cup sugar. mixture to partially set. Fold in whip- 1 tablespoon orange juice. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. ped cream. Pour into large dessert dish Vs teaspoon salt. or sherbet glasses lined with lady 2 egg whites. fingers or strips of . Gar- Soak gelatine in cold water. Combine nish with cream and whole berries. sugar and blueberry juice. Heat slowly • to boiling. Add gelatine fruit juices Jellied Rhubarb and Filberts and salt. Allow to partially set. Beat 1 package lemon jelly powder. egg whites until stiff, then beat into the 1 cup boiling water. jelly x mixture. Chill until set. Put in \ k cups sweetened rhubarb sauce. sherbet glasses with custard sauce and V\ cup shredded filberts. whipped cream. Dissolve jelly powder in boiling Note.—Prepare the blueberry juice water. Add cold rhubarb sauce and by cooking 2 cups blueberries and 1 cup allow to set partially. Add filberts. water until berries are soft, then press Chill in individual moulds. Serve un- through the sieve. moulded, topped with whipped cream. 42 THREE MEALS A DAY

Plain Junket Pineapple Snow 1 junket . 1 V2 tablespoons gelatine. 1 cold water. tablespoon V\ cup cold water. tablespoon sugar. % 1 cup shredded fresh pineapple. 1 pint of milk. Vi cup granulated sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. % cup boiling water. Crush tablet, dissolve in cold water, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. add sugar to milk, heat over hot water 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten. to lukewarm. Remove from heat, stir Soak gelatine in cold water. Combine in tablet and flavoring. Pour into pineapple, sugar and boiling water and sherbet glasses. Let stand at room bring to boil for 2 minutes. Add lemon temperature for 20 minutes or until set. juice. Cool and to • allow partially set. Beat in egg white. Allow to set. Pile Fruit Junket in sherbet, alternating "snow" and Place one tablespoon of crushed pine- custard sauce. Garnish with cocoanut apple, preserved raspberries, straw- faintly tinted green. berries or cherries in bottom of sherbet NOTE—Please do not ignore the point in glass, then pour on junket mixture, the recipe of bringing the pineapple to a full cutting the vanilla quantity in half. boil. Fresh pineapple contains a destroying * enzyme which— will kill the jellying powers Caramel Junket of gelatine so don't forget to do it or you'll have soup instead of a jelly. Omit y± cup milk from plain junket. Add V4 cup thick caramel syrup. Con- tinue as—in plain junket. Raisin Maple Blanc Mange NOTE Do not "jiggle" the junket while it V2 cup seedless raisins. is setting. Also, the junket will not set if the IV4 cups boiling water. milk is beyond lukewarm. 1 cup brown sugar. • 2 tablespoons corn starch. Layered V2 cup cold water. V4 teaspoon salt. 1 cup sugar. Vz teaspoon maple flavoring. 2V2 tablespoons flour. V2 cup broken nut meats. Va teaspoon salt. 1 egg white, stiffly beaten. 2 egg yolks. % tablespoon grated lemon rind. Simmer raisins in boiling water for \ xh cups water. 10 minutes. Combine sugar, corn 24 vanilla wafers. starch, salt and cold water. Add to 4 bananas, sliced. boiling mixture and cook until thick 2 tablespoons lemon juice. and clear, stirring constantly. Continue Combine sugar, flour, salt, yolks, egg to cook over hot water for 10 minutes. lemon rind and water. Cook until Add flavoring and nuts, cool slightly. thick. Cool. Line bowl with vanilla Fold in stiffly beaten egg white; chill. wafers then bananas. Sprinkle with Serve topped with whipped cream and lemon juice. Cover with custard mix- chopped nuts. Serves six. ture. Repeat layers. Chill 2-3 hours. • Garnish with whipped cream and col- ored almonds. Orange Charlotte • 2 tablespoons gelatine. Banana Butterscotch Pudding V2 cup cold water. cup boiling water. 4 tablespoons butter. V2 1 cup sugar. 3V2 tablespoons cornstarch. 3 tablespoons lemon juice. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup orange juice and pulp. 2*4 cups milk. 2 egg whites. 1 egg. Vs teaspoon salt. V2 teaspoon salt. V2 cup 32% cream, whipped. 1% tablespoons caramel syrup. 1 cup sliced bananas. Soak gelatine in cold water. Dissolve Combine butter, cornstarch and sugar. sugar in boiling water. Add soaked Stir together over medium heat until gelatine to boiling liquid. Cool, and well blended. Add milk, salt and cara- add lemon juice, orange juice and pulp. mel syrup and cook until thick, about Chill until partially set. Beat until 10 minutes. Add some of hot mixture to foamy, then beat in the stiffly beaten egg yolk, return to saucepan. Cook 2-3 egg white and salt. Fold in whipped minutes. Fold in well-beaten egg white. cream. Chill well. Pile in sherbet Add bananas. Serve topped with whip- glasses. Garnish with sections of orange ped cream. and pale green cocoanut. THREE MEALS A DAY 43

Plum Pudding

1 cup milk. 1% cups brown sugar. % cup fruit sugar. 1% cups finely chopped beef suet 1 tablespoon flour. (% lb.). 1 egg yolk. 5 eggs. 1 teaspoon gelatine. 2% cups stale (but not dry) bread 1 tablespoon cold water. crumbs. \Yz cups 32 per cent cream. 2V4 cups flour. 1 teaspoon vanilla. y2 lb. currants. Pinch of salt. 1 lb. seeded raisins. 1 cup dates. Scald milk, mix sugar and flour with Vz cup chopped citron peel. a little cold milk, add to scalded milk. V2 cup chopped candied cherries. Cook well. Pour over beaten egg yolk. 1 blanched almonds. cup Return to heat and cook for two nutmeg grated. Yz minutes. Add gelatine which has been Vi teaspoon salt. in 2 tablespoons wine. soaked cold water. Chill. Fold in whipped cream, add salt and vanilla. Combine brown sugar and suet. Add Pour into trays of refrigerator and unbeaten eggs and beat well. Combine freeze, stirring every 30 minutes until nearly firm. fruit, crumbs and flour with nutmeg and salt. Add to other ingredients. Add Variations: wine. (1) Add about half cup chopped pre- served fruit. Pineapple is particularly Scald a 30-inch square of heavy fac- good. tory cotton. Spread out and dredge with (2) Add half cup chopped walnuts heavy coating of flour. Place pudding and half teaspoon maple flavoring. in centre of well-floured cotton. Tie (3) Add half to three-quarters cup firmly, but leaving room for expansion crushed peanut brittle. inside the cloth.

Have pot half-filled with rapidly boil- ing water. Place a wire meat rack or Coffee Marlow pie tin turned upside down in bottom 25 marshmallows (quartered) of pot. Plunge pudding into this water, 1 cup hot coffee. 1 cup 32% cream, whipped. adding more boiling water to cover, if Yz cup blanched, browned almonds. necessary. Cover and allow to boil for Vs teaspoon salt. five hours, adding more boiling water Add marshmallows to hot coffee and as is necessary. Keep the water boiling keep over hot water until dissolved. Chill until slightly thickened. Add at all times and turn the pudding over cream, almonds and salt. Pour into once or twice during the cooking pro- freezing tray and freeze 3 to 4 hours. cess.

To store—Remove pudding from boil- ing water. Wring out surplus bits of Strawberry Marlow water from ends of cloth. Place pud- 25 marshmallows (quartered). ding on a platter it will dry. where 1 cup hot milk. Now, attach a piece of strong cord % cup crushed strawberries. 3 tablespoons fruit sugar. around where the pudding is tied and 1 cup 32% cream. hang the pudding in a dry, cool place. Ys teaspoon salt. Be sure it is dry before putting it away, Add marshmallows to hot milk and and also be sure the storage place is keep over hot water until marshmallows dry, so no mildew will take place. are dissolved. Add berries which have been standing covered with the fruit To reheat—Plunge into boiling water sugar. Chill and allow to stand until and boil for one hour. Remove from slightly thickened. Add the cream which cloth. Place in hot oven for about 20 has been whipped. Turn into freezing minutes to dry off the surface. Serve tray and freeze 3 to 4 hours. Makes hot. Wa pints. 44 THREE MEALS A DAY CUSTARDS

Tips on Soft Custards

'T~A HE soft custard is used over fruits or jellies and is a bad offender where from over-cooking and the X curdling is concerned. The curdling comes way to guard against this best is to cook it only until it coats a silver spoon. I tell the I usually break all rules and stir it with a silver spoon so that can very instant that it is done. When it is done I lift the pan immediately from the heat and set it down into a container of cold water so that I check the cooking as quickly as possible. Should a curdling begin to appear, the smooth. Dover beater is brought into quick action and we beat the mixture Another preventive against the curdling of a soft custard is the addition of a small amount of cornstarch. To me, this seems to give a smoother custard and the possibility of curdling is at a minimum. Soft Custard Fresh Strawberry Trifle x \ h. cups cake crumbs. 1 cup scalded milk. IY2 cups chopped fresh strawberries. 2 egg yolks. 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. 3 tablespoon sugar. y Y* cup blanched/ browned almonds, y8 teaspoon salt. chopped. Yz teaspoon cornstarch. 1 cup soft custard. Yi cup cold milk. Arrange cake crumbs in pudding dish. Heat milk. Beat yolks slightly. Add Cover with berries, which have been sugar, salt, cornstarch and milk. Add sprinkled with sugar and allowed to some of hot milk to this mixture, then stand 2-3 hours. Sprinkle on almonds return to hot milk and cook slowly until and pour on cold custard. Allow to stand thick. Cool quickly. Use over fruit, or in refrigerator for 2-3 hours to chill jellies, or over cooked rice to make a thoroughly. Serve with whipped cream rice custard. and garnished with berries.

Tips on Ba\ed Custards

FIRM custard or baked custard is much like its cousin the soft custard in make-up and with this we have to guard against the same tendency to over-cook or to cook too quickly. For this we use a method that is called oven-poaching. To oven-poach you place the dish containing the custard into a pan of hot water before placing it in the oven. The test for a cooked firm custard is really the reverse of a soft custard. Moisten a silver or stainless steel knife, insert it into the middle of the custard and it should come out clean. A watery or bubbly-looking custard is an over-cooked one, so let's guard against it. Baked Custard Baked Custard Variations 3 cuips milk, scalded. Vs cup granulate FOR CARAMEL CUSTARD Yi teaspoon salt. 3 eggs. Add ¥4 cup caramel syrup. Yi teaspoon vanilla, or Y4 teaspoon vanilla. Few gratings of nutmeg. Scald milk. Beat eggs slightly and add FOR GRAPENUT CUSTARD sugar and salt. Add scalded milk and grapenuts. flavoring. Strain into custard cups. Add % cup Oven-poach at 350 degrees F. until firm — individuals will take 40 minutes, one FOR COCOANUT CUSTARD large custard 60 minutes. Add Y2 cup shredded cocoanut. THREE MEALS A DAY 45 DESSERT

Chocolate Sauce for Ice Cream Butterscotch Pudding Sauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 1V2 tablespoons cornstarch. 1 square chocolate. 1 cup brown sugar. lk cup granulated sugar. IV2 tablespoons butter. IV2 cups water. Vs teaspoon salt. Vz teaspoon salt. IV4 cups boiling water. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Vz teaspoon vanilla. Melt chocolate, add cornstarch and Combine cornstarch, sugar, salt and sugar, which have been thoroughly butter. Place over direct heat and stir mixed. Add water. Heat to boiling and together until sugar and butter melt boil five minutes. Remove from heat, and blend together. Allow to brown add salt and vanilla. Pour into jar and slightly. Add water. Cook until thick. keep cool in refrigerator. A little Add vanilla. Serve hot. peppermint flavoring may be added if • desired. • Hard Sauce

Butterscotch Sauce for Ice Cream Vs cup butter. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup icing sugar. 1 cup brown sugar. V2 teaspoon vanilla. 1 tablespoon corn syrup. 1 tablespoon hot water. Y2 cup boiling water. Cream butter until very soft. Add Stir the butter, sugar and syrup to- sugar and cream well together. Add gether in a small frying pan over a slow vanilla slowly, and then the water very flame for 3-5 minutes, or until melted gradually, so it will not curdle. Pile and slightly browned. Add the boiling tightly in serving dish or form into water and stir until smooth. Cook until rosettes on waxed paper and chill before desired thickness. To serve hot, reheat putting around the pudding. over hot water. • Variation — 1 tablespoon cooking sherry may be substituted for the van- Brandy Sauce illa and the water. IV2 tablespoons butter. IV2 tablespoons cornstarch. • 1 cup brown sugar. Lemon Pudding Sauce Vb teaspoon salt. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup boiling water. 3 tablespoons cornstarch. cup brandy. % 2 cups boiling water. Combine butter, cornstarch, salt and 4 tablespoons lemon juice. sugar in a saucepan. Put over direct 4 tablespoons butter. heat to melt butter and sugar. Blend A little nutmeg. together well and allow to cook together A pinch of salt. for a couple of minutes. Add boiling Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt with water. Cook until thick. Remove from the boiling water. Cook until thick and heat. For serving, reheat and add the clear, then cook gently for ten minutes brandy. Serves 6. longer, stirring frequently. Add lemon • juice and nutmeg. The grated lemon Fig Sauce rind may also be used. Serve hot on Va lb. figs, diced. puddings. Will give 8-10 servings. 2 cups water. • 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 2 tablespoons sugar. Quick Caramel Sauce V4 teaspoon salt. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind. 1 cup evaporated milk. IV2 tablespoons lemon juice. V\ teaspoon vanilla. 1 tablespoon butter. Measure sugar into frying pan. Melt Simmer figs in water until swelled. slowly and allow to caramelize. Add Combine cornstarch, sugar and salt with milk. Stir until all lumps are dissolved. a very little cold water. Add to fig Cook until thick (about 5 minutes). Add mixture and simmer for about 10 min- vanilla. If too thick add more milk. utes. Remove from stove, add lemon Serve warm. juice and butter. Serve hot. Will give six servings. "Use Nestle''s Eva barated Milk" m? w "wnm MHH |fV I" ^

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A V^/Aivl^ and tips tor making it!

• TUST a plain white —but from it we can make all sorts of J lovely desserts, little cakes and so forth. First of all, of course, it must be a good cake! Use butter as the short- ening—it has so much better flavor. You wouldn't, for instance, spread any- other shortening on bread to eat, would you? Of course not! Well, the butter flavor comes through in a cake and marks it as home-made. Granulated—very fine granulated—sugar is used because it keeps a cake moist longer. The eggs are beaten until very fluffy—not separated. A good standard pastry flour and baking powder are used and the milk and dry ingredients are mixed alternately into the egg, butter, sugar mixture. Do not beat this mixture vigorously, merely enough to make a smooth mixture. Turn it into a buttered pan. Smooth it out well to the edges. Then just before it goes into the oven DROP it on a flat surface to break up any large bubbles you may have incorporated. Yes, the word is "DROP." Raise the pan four or five inches from the table and give it a real honest-to-goodness drop with a bang! Do it a couple of times! A heat controlled oven, such as we find on both the modern gas and electric ranges, is such an advantage when baking a delicate cake. There is no need to worry then about too hot or too cold an oven. Do not keep "peeking" at your cake. Give it a chance to cook. Test it with a cake-tester, not a broom or whisk straw. Plunge the tester into the centre of the cake and if it comes out clean the cake is done. Now the recipe: White Butter Cake with lemon cheese or lemon filling. Sprinkle top with icing sugar. y3 cup butter. 1 cup fine granulated sugar. (5) Bake cake in slightly larger pan. 2 eggs. Cool. Cut in rounds or squares of about 1 teaspoon flavoring. three inches in diameter. Place a scoop Vi teaspoon salt. or slice of ice cream on this. Cover with 2% teaspoons baking powder. chocolate or butterscotch sauce to make 1% cups pastry flour. what are called ice cream canapes. Vz cup milk. Ice one-half of the cake with Cream butter, add sugar gradually (6) chocolate frosting and the other half and cream well. Add well beaten eggs with orange, mocha, lemon or any other and flavoring. Beat well. Add alter- desired frosting and you have a choice nately the milk and dry ingredients to offer without the trouble of two cakes. sifted together. Bake in buttered 8x8 pan in a moderate oven 350 degrees (7) When "cooking for two" cut the Fahrenheit for 40-45 minutes or in two cake in half and ice it as desired. Use layers at 375 deg. F. for 25 minutes. half of the other half to make an attrac- N.B. — Sift flour always once before tive for dessert that night, measuring! utilizing canned or fresh fruits in combi- nation. Place the other piece in covered T^ID ever anything for *S you do "just container and it can be used any time fun"? Sure you did! So now let's within the next few days for trifle or "just for fun" enumerate the various for cutting into small squares, and things we can do with this one recipe: icing with a butter icing to make little (1) Add grated rind of one orange iced cakes or for steaming to serve with and V2 cup blanched chopped almonds a hot sauce as a cottage pudding. to make an almond orange cake. Omit (8) Bake in large tins or large other flavoring. paper cups. Cool. Scoop out the centre (2) Add M> cup shredded cocoanut, and fill with the following mixture: use lemon extract as flavoring and have Vz cup whipping cream. a cocoanut cake. V\ cup toasted browned almonds. cup strawberry jam. Add teaspoons V4 (3) 1% cinnamon, V\ 3 marshmallows, cut very finely. teaspoon cloves, teaspoon Vt nutmeg, Whip the cream until stiff and add V2 cup seedless raisins, and we have a other ingredients. Sprinkle the top of raisin . each cake with colored cocoanut or (4) Split the plain cake in half. Fill almonds. 48 THREE MEALS A DAY CAKES

Chocolate Sour Cream Cake Spice Cake Vz cup butter. 2 eggs. 2 cups brown sugar. 1 cup fine granulated sugar. 2 eggs. 1 cup thick, sour cream. % cup scur milk. Vz teaspoon vanilla. flour. x 2% cups /z cup cocoa. 2 teaspoons baking powder. x \ /z cups pastry flour. Vz teaspoon b-kmg ^ u„. Vi teaspoon salt. teaspoon ground cloves. Wz teaspoons baking powder. Va V* teaspoon ground cinnamon. Vz teaspoon baking soda. Va teaspoon ground nutmeg. Beat eggs until very light, add sugar Va teaspoon salt. gradually, beating it in very thor- Cream butter weii and add sugar oughly. Add cream and vanilla. Beat gradually (if lumpy sift out the lumps). well. Using a spoon beat in the sifted Add well-beaten eggs. Beat well. Mix dry ingredients. Bake in buttered layer and sift all dry ingredients and add cake pan at 375 deg. F. for 18-20 min- alternately with the milk. Bake in two utes. Fill with lemon filling and ice with 9-inch layer pans at 375 deg. F. for 25 chocolate or seven-minute frosting. minutes or in a loaf pan 9x9 for 50 NOTE.—Do not attempt to make this cake minutes at 350 deg. F. Ice with seven- have rich sour cream, as there is unless you minute frosting to which you may add no butter in it. m chopped candied ginger. NOTE.—If the sour milk is very thick, 1 cup Chocolate Whipped Cream Cake should be used. Bake any favorite sponge cake in an pan. Arrange on an attrac- Downy White Cake cup butter. tive serving plate and ice with the fol- Vz 1 cup fine granulated sugar. lowing mixture: 2 cups sifted flour. % pint 32% cream. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 2 tablespoons cocoa. Vs teaspoon salt. Va teaspoon vanilla. 2/3 cup milk. Vz cup fine sugar. Vz teaspoon vanilla. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. 3 egg whites. Allow to stand in refrigerator for one Cream butter very well. Add sugar hour or more. Now beat until stiff and gradually and cream in very thoroughly. spread on cake. Sprinkle with browned Sift flour, baking powder and salt to cocoanut if desired. together at least 3 times. Add • creamed mixture alternately with the Peach Sponge Roll milk, beating lightly each time until smooth. Add vanilla. F61d in stiffly 3 eggs. beaten egg whites. Bake in 8 x 8 pan 1 cup fruit sugar. at 350 degrees F. for 45-50 minutes. 1 cup flour. • 1 teaspoon baking powder. Vs teaspoon salt. Va teaspoon almond extract. Vz cup butter. 3 tablespoons hot water. 1 cup fine granulated sugar. 2 cups finely chopped peaches, 2 eggs, well beaten. sweetened. 1 cup mashed bananas. cup sour milk. Beat egg yolks until foamy. Add half Va 1 teaspoon baking soda. of sugar and beat well. Add boiling 2 cups flour. water, remaining sugar and flavoring. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Fold in dry ingredients which have been Va teaspoon salt. sifted* together. Beat egg whites until 1 teaspoon vanilla. stiff and fold into first mixture. Bake in Cream butter. Add sugar gradually ungreased jelly cake pan (about 10x15) Then eggs. Add bananas and vanilla. at 350 deg. F. for 25 minutes. Turn out Beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients onto a damp towel, spread with peaches alternately with milk in which soda has and roll while hot. Serve in slices topped been dissolved. Bake at 350 degrees F, with whipped cream. for 45 minutes in 8 x 8 pan. THREE MEALS A DAY 49

Chocolate Layer Cake Cup Cakes Yz cup butter. Yz cup butter. cup brown sugar. 2 cups brown sugar. yz 2 eggs well beaten. 2 eggs. cup molasses. 2 cups pastry flour. Vz Vz cup milk. Vz cup cocoa. Ya teaspoon baking soda. 1 teaspoon baking soda. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Yz teaspoon salt. Yz teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1 teaspoon ginger. 1 cup milk. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Cream butter very thoroughly, add Yz teaspoon cloves. sugar and cream well. Add well-beaten 1% cups flour. eggs and vanilla. Sift in dry ingredi- Cream butter, blend in sugar. Add ents (sifted together) alternately with eggs and beat well. Combine molasses the milk. Turn into 3 buttered round and milk, and add alternately with 7-inch layer cake pans. Bake at 350 sifted dry ingredients. Fill buttered degrees F. for 25 minutes or bake in muffin tins two-thirds full. Bake in 9x9 pan at 350 degrees F. for 50 oven at 375 degrees F. for 20-25 minutes. minutes. • California Prune Cake

Ya cup butter. Hot Water Gingerbread 1 cup very fine granulated sugar. Ya cup butter. 2 eggs. % cup brown sugar. IV2 cups stewed and chopped prunes. 1 egg. 2 cups flour. % cup molasses. 1 teaspoon soda. HYa cups flour. V2 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Yz teaspoon salt. Ya teaspoon cloves. 1 teaspoon ginger. Ya teaspoon allspice. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Yz cup sweet milk. Yz teaspoon nutmeg. teaspoon baking soda. Cream butter and sugar well. Add % Yz cup boiling water. well beaten eggs. Add prunes. Sift together all the dry ingredients and Cream butter, add sugar and cream add alternately with the milk. Beat well together. Add the beaten egg and sift lightly only until mixture is combined. molasses. Beat well. Mix and Bake in 8 x 8 loaf pan at 350 degrees F. together the dry ingredients and add (moderate oven) for 45 to 50 minutes. to the first mixture. Beat in the boiling N.B.—Have prunes well drained. water. Pour into buttered pan and bake in a moderate oven at 325 degrees F. for 55 minutes. Orange Sunshine Cake

5 egg yolks. 7 egg whites. Honey Date Cake Yz teaspoon cream of tartar. 1 cup dates. Vs teaspoon salt. 1 boiling 1*4 cups fruit sugar. cup water. Yz cup honey. 1 cup flour. cup brown sugar. Ya teaspoon lemon juice. Yz butter. 2 teaspoons orange juice. y3 cup Grated rind of one small orange. 1 egg. 3 cups flour. Sift flour several times. Sift sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Beat whites until foamy, add cream of Ya teaspoon baking soda. tartar and salt and beat until stiff but 1 cup chopped nuts. not dry. Beat in sifted sugar then fold Cook dates and water for 3 minutes. in well beaten egg yolks. Cut and fold Remove from fire. Add honey and in flour, fruit juices and rind. Turn into brown sugar. Cream butter, add beaten an ungreased cake pan (large size), egg, then date mixture. Add sifted dry bake in slow oven, 300 F. for 1 hour. ingredients and nuts. Bake in a but- Invert and allow to "hang" in pan until tered pan at 350 degrees F. for 50 cold. This may be iced or served minutes. This cake will keep almost sprinkled with icing sugar. indefinitely. 50 THREE MEALS A DAY

Christmas Cake Light MY FAVORITE \Vz cups butter. 2 cups fruit sugar. 2M> lbs. seeded raisins. 6 eggs. 2^ lbs. currants. \Vz cups bleached Sultana raisins. 1 lb. candied cherries. 1 cup shredded candied pineapple. % lb. figs. Va cup chopped citron peel. Vz lb. candied pineapple. 1 cup chopped red cherries. V4 lb. each of orange, lemon and 1 cup shredded blanched almonds. citron peel. 4 cups flour. 1 lb. blanched almonds. Vz teaspoon salt.

1 lb. butter (2 cups). ' 1 teaspoon baking powder.

1 lb. fine granulated sugar (2% cups). 1 tablespoon orange juice. 12 eggs. Vi cup brandy or y4 cup cider vinegar Cream butter well, add sugar gradu- and V4 cup grape or cherry juice. ally and cream very thoroughly. Add l /z teaspoon salt. unbeaten eggs, one at a time. Beat well 3% cups flour. after each addition. Dredge fruit and nuts with part of the flour. Sift salt and Prepare fruit by washing and chop- baking powder with remaining flour and ping finely the peel, figs and pineapple. add to creamed mixture. Add nuts, fruit Split the blanched almonds in half. Mix and orange juice. Bake in a deep, square, % cup of the flour into the fruit to 9" x 9" fruit cake pan, well lined with dredge it. Cream the butter and sugar, buttered heavy paper. Bake at 300 deg. add one egg at a time, and beat in thor- F. for two hours, approximately. The oughly, continuing until all the eggs are time depends greatly on the depth of added. Sift remaining flour and salt, the cake. adding it alternately with the liquid. Now add the fruit and nuts. Have pans lined with heavy paper, well greased with butter. This makes 3 cakes ap- proximately 5" x 5" and 7" x 7" and Balmoral Cake 9" 9", regular Christmas cake pans. x the IY2 cups butter. * 5" 5", Bake at 275 deg. F. 2V4 hrs. for x 2 cups fruit sugar. 2 % hrs. for 7" x 7", 3V4 hrs. for 9" x 9". 6 eggs. When the cake is done, turn it on to a 2 cups sultana raisins. cake rack. Allow to cool. Remove pan 2 ounces'preserved) ginger (chopped;. but do not remove paper. The paper 1 cup blanched almond® (shredded). 1 teaspoon baking powder. helps to keep it moist while it is stand- % teaspoon salt. ing. After the cake is cool, place it in a 4 cups flour. closely covered crock and put an apple or an orange into the crock with it. Cream butter well, add sugar gradu- ally and cream well together. Add un- beaten eggs, one at a time and beat in well. Dredge fruit and nuts with part of flour. Sift remaining dry ingredients Fruit together and add to creamed mixture. Lastly fruit in 1 cup butter. add and nuts. Bake large 1 cup fruit sugar. square or round pan (8x8x4 inches) 3 eggs. lined with buttered paper in an oven 2V4 cups flour. at 325 deg. F. for 1%-1% hours. teaspoon salt. Vz NOTE.—This cake keeps very well and is rind of 1 lemon. Grated splendid to have on hand for the "emergency 1 cup Sultana raisins. occasion." % cup currants. Vz cup finely cut mixed peel.

Cream butter, add sugar gradually, then eggs, one at a time. Beat in well. Mix fruit cakes with your hands. Yes, Dredge fruit with some of the flour and it's quite sanitary, at least it should be. add lemon rind, sifted flour and salt, Scrub them up well. The mixture is so then the fruit. Bake in a 6" x 6" deep, much easier with your hands. Moreover, square pan lined with buttered heavy the cake is baked at 275 deg. F. and we 3 paper. Bake at 300 deg. F. for l /4 hours sterilize at 212 deg. F. so it should be all approximately. right, shouldn't it? THREE MEALS A DAY 5! FRUITS

Baked Apples Ginger Sauce

Wipe and core apples. Place in 2 tablespoons butter. greased pan. Fill centres with brown 1 tablespoon cornstarch. sugar, mixed with cinnamon, if desired. V& teaspoon salt. Dot with butter. Pour about % inch of 2 tablespoons ginger syrup. 1 cup syrup from pears. water into pan and bake at 375 degrees Va cup chopped preserved ginger. F. until tender. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Variation 1 —Pack centre with chop- ped dates and nuts. Dot with butter. Melt butter, blend in cornstarch and Baste with sugar syrup. salt. Add syrups and chopped ginger. Cook until mixture thickens. Add lemon Variation 2—Pack centre with saus- juice. age meat. Pare down about 1 inch from top. Partially bake, then pack top with sugar and baste lightly until tender and glazed. • Grapefruit With Cranberries

Glazed Apples 1V2 cups grapefruit sections. 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. 6 medium -si zed apples. cup chopped fresh cranberries. 1V2 cups granulated sugar. Vz 2y2 cups water. Combine all ingredients. Allow to Wipe and core apples. Pare about one stand and serve cold. This may be inch down from stem end. Make a made the night before and kept ready syrup of sugar and water in a shallow for breakfast. baking pan. Place apples in syrup, Canned grapefruit may also be used pared surface down. Cook about 5 min- and in this case the sugar is omitted. utes, simmering gently. Turn other side up and cook until tender but not broken. Place pan under broiler flame and baste apples with syrup in pan until well Grapefruit in Juice glazed. Orange 2 cups grapefruit sections. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Date Fruit Cup 1 cup orange juice. 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. 12 dates, chopped. 3 oranges, sectioned. Combine all ingredients and place in 1 cup halved grapes, seeded. refrigerator to chill. 3 slices pineapple, diced. V3 cup grape juice. Sugar to taste. 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

Combine all ingredients. Chill well in Cranberry Sauce refrigerator and serve in sherbets. The 1 quart (1 pound) cranberries (4 amount of sugar used will depend on cups). the sweetness of the grape juice. 2 cups water. 2 cups granulated sugar. Pears Au Gratin Combine sugar and water and boil together for 5 minutes. Add cranber- 6 halves canned pears (1 2 can). No. ries and boil without stirring for 5 min- 1 cup cornflake crumbs. utes until all the skins pop open. Re- 2 tablespoons butter. move from fire (after about 5 minutes). Roll pears in cornflake crumbs. Place Turn into serving dish and leave undis- in pie plate and dot with butter. Bake turbed until cool. Should you desire a in hot oven 400 degrees F. until crumbs stiffer mixture, then use only 1 cup of are browned. Serve with ginger sauce. water. 52 THREE MEALS A DAY

l^ake Xrostings and Jtillmgs

Maraschino Frosting Orange Frosting

3 tablespoons butter. Vi cup butter. 1 % cups icing sugar. 2 cups icing sugar. 2 tablespoons chopped maraschino 1 egg yolk, slightly beaten. cherries. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Maraschino juice or cream. 1 tablespoon orange juice. 1 teaspoon grated orange rind. Cream butter and sugar well to- Orange coloring, if desired. gether, add chopped cherries and enough Cream butter, add sugar and cream in cream or fruit juice to make desired well. other ingredients and beat consistency. Beat very thoroughly with Add with a fork until very light, spread on a fork. Spread on cake. cake, attractive sprinkled with choco- late shot.

Apple Filling Lady Baltimore Frosting 2 medium apples, pared and grated. 1 cup fine granulated sugar. % cup sugar. 1 cup boiling water. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. y8 teaspoon cream of tartar. Grated rind of 1 lemon. 3 egg whites. 2 egg yolks or 1 egg. 1 cup chopped walnuts. 1 cup seedless raisins. Combine apple, sugar, lemon juice 3 figs, chopped. and rind. Simmer together, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Add beaten egg (adding Boil sugar and water with cream of hot mixture to egg first) and cook 5 tartar until it spins a thread or to 252 minutes longer or until thick. Cool and deg. F. Pour over stiffly beaten egg spread between layers. whites and continue beating until stiff. Then add the chopped nuts and fruit. Pile between and on top of the cake. Butter Icing N.B.—Candied ginger may be added if desired. 3 tablespoons butter. IV2 cups icing sugar. About IY2 tablespoons milk. Va teaspoon flavoring.

Have butter soft, and then mix it well to "cream" it with your fork. Sift in A stand-by frosting for many people icing sugar and mix in gradually. Add who have trouble in making boiled frost- cold milk, a little at a time, until it is ings "stand up in peaks" is the seven- consistency to spread. Add flavoring. minute frosting. It rarely fails. Beat with the fork for a while until fluffy. Spread on cold cake. Sprinkle 7-minute Frosting with cocoanut or chopped nuts.

1 egg white. 1 cup brown sugar. 2 tablespoons hot water. Date Filling Vz teaspoon vanilla. 1 pound pitted dates. Place egg white, brown sugar and Water to cover. Vt. cup brown sugar. water in upper part of double boiler. 1% tablespoons lemon juice. Using a Dover beater, beat mixture over hot water for 7 minutes. Cool slightly Place dates in saucepan. Add water to by allowing icing to stand over cold cover and brown sugar. Simmer until water for 5 minutes before spreading soft, stirring often. Add lemon juice. on cake. Cool before using. THREE MEALS A DAY 53

Lemon Cheese Almond Paste

y2 cup butter. 1 lb. almonds, blanched. Vz cup sugar. Juice and grated rind of 3 lemons. 1 lb. icing sugar, approximately. Yolks of 3 eggs. 2 eggs, beaten. Place butter, sugar and lemon rind 1 teaspoon almond extract. in upper part of double boiler. Cook 1 teaspoon rose water extract. until butter is melted and sugar dis- solved. Combine egg yolks and lemon Put almonds through the very finest juice. Add quickly to hot mixture, stir- mincer at least twice, using freshly ring in constantly. Cook until thick- flav- ened slightly. Chill well before using. blanched almonds. Add eggs and This recipe may seem too thin when orings. Mix well. Add enough icing you take it from the stove, but on chill- sugar to make a stiff mixture. Turn ing the butter firms up and it becomes on to a board sprinkled with icing sugar thicker. and knead until soft and smooth.

To place the paste on the cake, place Ornamental Frosting the paste on a bake board and roll it 1 egg white. out to desired thickness anywhere IV4 cups icing sugar. — 1 teaspoon lemon juice. from 1/3 inch to 1 inch. Cut it into the Beat egg slightly, add icing sugar and approximate size of cake. Meanwhile, beat in thoroughly until smooth. Add rub the cake all over the top with egg lemon juice. Beat well. Spread on top white. Press the almond paste on to of almond paste on Christmas cake. this the egg white acts as a glue to N. B. — Add the sugar gradually as the — amount of sugar is governed greatly by the hold the paste to the cake. Trim off the size of the egg. edges neatly. Cover with a white frost- To obtain a smooth surface dip the spatula ing. Do not put either paste or icing or knife in warm water. Shake off any sur- plus water and run the flat surface of the on the sides. Decorate the tops, if de- knife gently over the icing from one side sired, with silver holly leaves and red straight over to the other. berries.

Mock Almond Paste

1 medium sweet potato. x h. lb. icing sugar. This recipe is slightly out of place but xk teaspoon almond flavoring. we did want you to have it and put it V\ teaspoon rose extract. here at the last minute. Bake the potato until soft. Scrape J.M.R. out of skin. Mash well and cool slightly. Work in the icing sugar (more may be needed). Add extract and work all well Custard Pie together until smooth. Do not have it too firm since as it cools it becomes 3 cups milk. firmer. 3 eggs. % cup sugar. Va teaspoon salt.

Lemon Frosting 1 teaspoon vanilla. 3 tablespoons butter. Few gratings nutmeg. l 1/^ cups icing sugar. Few grains salt. pie 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Line plate with pastry. Chill for V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind. one hour. Beat eggs slightly, add Milk to make consistency to spread. vanilla, sugar, salt and nutmeg. Then Cream butter and sugar together, add milk. Stir well. Pour into chilled pastry. other ingredients and beat with a fork Bake at 450 degrees for 10 until very fluffy. Spread on cake and minutes, sprinkle with chopped, blanched al- then reduce to 325 degrees for 25 monds. minutes. clean accurate MODERN

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SPONGE cake is a very delicate mixture and must be handled as such. A Here are a few things to watch: One, level measurements again!

Two, use a pastry or a cake flour and sift it once before measuring and several times afterwards. A sponge cake depends on the air incorporated into the mixture as the majority of its leavening agent, hence we try to incorporate air in every way possible. Three, use a spatula—which is a blunt-edged flexible knife—for cutting and folding in the egg white. A spoon will flatten the egg white and have a tendency to make the cake heavy. Four, be sure to separate the eggs very carefully so that absolutely no egg yolk gets into the egg white. Even the very smallest bit of egg yolk will prevent the egg white from beating to a real stiffness and this is very necessary. Five, do not overmix the sponge cake—again this gives a heavy cake. Six, never attempt to remove the sponge cake from the pan until it is cold, and never use a buttered pan. Seven, use a slow oven—giving the air in the cake a chance to expand slowly and give your cake real height.

Prize Sponge Cake Three-egg Sponge Cake

5 egg yolks. 3 eggs. 5 tablespoons cold water. Vz cup fruit sugar. 1 cup fruit sugar. flour. 1 cup pastry flour. Vi cup

1 teaspoon lemon extract. :r. Vz teaspoon cream of tartar. 1 vanilla. teaspoon Vz teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar. Va teaspoon almond flavoring. 5 egg whites. Va teaspoon vanilla flavoring. Combine egg yolks, water and sugar. Beat with double dover egg beater for Separate eggs. Beat yolks until quite ten minutes, or with electric beater at thick second speed for 5 minutes. Add flour, and creamy. Add sugar and beat sifted several times, and flavoring. Beat very thoroughly. Meanwhile sift to- again well with the beater until well gether flour, cream of tartar and salt. combined. Beat egg whites until foamy, Add to egg-yolk mixture and beat in add cream of tartar and beat until stiff again. Fold in egg whites which have and dry. Fold this into first mixture using a spatula. Bake in unbuttered tube been stiffly beaten, add flavorings. Turn pan at 300 deg. F. for 70 minutes. Invert intoungreased 8x8 pan and bake at on cake rack and let hang in pan until 300 deg. F. for 45-50 minutes. Allow cold. Use largest size tube pan or bake to "hang" (upside down) in pan until in individual muffin tins or paper cups at 325 deg. F. 25-30 minutes. cold.

NOTE.—What a sponge cake this is! The NOTE. —This is a delicious small sponge method is quite unusual and because it breaks some of the sponge cake rules maybe that is cake to use for shortcakes, ice cream sand- the reason it is so good. wiches and other cake desserts. 56 THREE MEALS A DAY SMALL CAKES

Baked Fudge Squares Lemon Cocoanut Drops

y3 cup butter. Va cup butter. % cup granulated sugar. 1/3 cup granulated sugar. Vz cup cocoa. 1 egg. 2 eggs, well beaten. 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind. % cup flour. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Vz teaspoon baking powder. 1 cup cocoanut. V% teaspoon salt. 1 cup flour. Y2 cup broken nuts. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 teaspoon vanilla. v8 teaspoon salt. Place butter, sugar and cocoa in Cream butter, add sugar, and cream double boiler. Stir together until butter well. Add egg and beat together thor- is melted. Remove from heat and add oughly. Add lemon juice and rind. Add eggs. Mix in sifted dry ingredients and cocoanut along with sifted dry ingredi- nuts, and vanilla. Turn into buttered 8 ents. Drop on lightly buttered baking x 8 pan. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 35 min- sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes at 375 deg. F. utes. Remove from oven, cool, and cut Top with cherry or nut if desired, or into squares. Yields dozen. 2% sprinkle with extra cocoanut before baking. Cornflake Caramel 2 egg whites. Few grains salt. Magic Fruit Cake % cup brown sugar. 2 tablespoons caramel syrup. 1 can (iy3 cups) condensed milk. % teaspoon vanilla. 1 cup broken nuts. 2 cups cornflakes. 2 cups chopped dates. V2 cup chopped cherries. % lb. shredded cocoanut. x Vz cup shredded cocoanut. k teaspoon baking powder. % teaspoon lemon extract. Beat egg whites with salt. Beat in sugar gradually. Add caramel syrup and Combine all ingredients thoroughly. vanilla. Add other ingredients. Drop, in Pack into buttered (8x4x4) loaf pan. spoonfuls, on buttered baking sheet. Bake at 375 deg. F. for 25-30 minutes, Bake at 300 degrees F. until brown, or until browned nicely. Remove from about 15-18 minutes. Yields about 3 pan and cool. Cut in fingers when ready dozen. for use. "Use Nestle's Sweetened Condensed Milk Cherry and Almond Cookies % cup butter. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 egg. 2V2 cups sifted flour. Scotch Fancies V2 teaspoon baking soda. 1 tablespoon soft butter. V4 teaspoon salt. 1 cup sugar. % teaspoon almond extract. 2 eggs, well beaten. % cup candied cherries, chapped. Vz teaspoon vanilla. Vz cup blanched almonds, chopped. 1% cups quick oats. Cream butter and sugar well together. 3A cup shredded cocoanut. Add egg and beat well. Add flavoring, % cup salted peanuts. then flour, soda, salt, fruit and nuts. Mix Cream butter and sugar together. Add thoroughly. Press into ice box cookie eggs and beat very thoroughly. Add moulds or form into a cylindrical roll vanilla and all the other ingredients. and wrap in wax paper. Chill for at least Mix well. Drop in spoonfuls on buttered two hours or for several days if desired. baking sheet and bake in moderate oven Cut off in thin slices. Bake at 375 deg. F. 375 deg. F. for about 18 minutes. for 8-10 minutes. Yields about eight dozen cookies. "Use Quick Quaker Oats" THREE MEALS A DAY 57

Honey and Orange Drops Mary's Wafers Vz cup honey. 1 cup butter. Yz cup butter. % cup granulated sugar. 1 egg. 1 egg. 2 cups flour. 1 cup flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups quick oats. 2 teaspoons grated orange rind. 1 teaspoon baking soda. Va teaspoon salt. Yz teaspoon cream of tartar. Cream honey and butter together Cream butter and sugar. Add the egg and mix in the other ingredients. Chill well. Add egg and beat thoroughly. Add in the refrigerator. Roll out thin and cut other ingredients. Chill in refrigerator. at 375 degrees Drop on unbuttered sheet in small into desired shapes. Bake 5-7 minutes. about 8 dozen spoonfuls. Place an almond half on F. for Makes cookies. each cookie. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 7-10 minutes. Makes 3-4 dozen. This mixture can be wrapped in wax paper, stored in the refrigerator and rolled out as desired. Filbert Jumbles "Use Quick Quaker Oats" 2 egg whites. Vs teaspoon salt. % cup fruit sugar. Ya teaspoon flavoring. Date and Burnt Almond % cup finely ground cracker crumbs. Macaroons % cup finely chopped filberts. 2 egg whites. % teaspoon salt. Beat egg whites and salt until stiff. Yz cup fruit sugar. Beat in fruit sugar and fold in other 1 cup chopped dates. ingredients. Bake on lightly greased V2 cup whole almonds, browned. baking sheet at 325 degrees F. for 7-10 2 cups cocoanut. minutes. Yields about lYz dozen. Vz teaspoon vanilla. The choice of flavoring is left to your Add salt to egg whites and beat until own taste, almond or lemon extract are stiff. Beat in sugar gradually until all very good. is added. Fold in other ingredients. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 12-15 minutes on lightly greased pan. About 36 macaroons. Caramel Filbert Macaroons The almonds in this recipe are left 2 egg whites. whole and not blanched, just put in a Ys teaspoon salt. hot oven until they crackle. Yz cup brown sugar. 3 tablespoons caramel syrup. 1 cup filberts, browned. 2 cups shredded cocoanut. Crispie Cookies % cup chopped dates. 2 cups brown sugar. Add salt to egg whites and beat until V2 cup honey or corn syrup. stiff. Beat in the sugar gradually. Add y3 cup butter. caramel syrup and other ingredients. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Bake on lightly buttered sheet at 300 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind. degrees F. for 12-15 minutes. Chopped 1 egg. 2 tablespoons milk. cherries can also be added to these. 4V2 cups pastry flour. About 3 dozen macaroons. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Ya teaspoon cloves. Ya teaspoon nutmeg. Mrs. Gray's Dainties Ya teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon baking soda. % cup broken walnuts. % cup chopped dates. Mix the sugar and honey or corn 2Yz tablespoons flour. syrup. Heat over a low flame until sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder. is melted; do not boil. Add butter, lemon V2 cup brown sugar. juice and rind. Cool. Combine with milk 1 egg, unbeaten. and beaten egg. Add sifted dry ingredi- Combine ingredients in order given. ents. Chill slightly. Form into cylindrical Beat up quickly. Turn into buttered tin rolls. Let stand over night in refriger- about 5x8 inches. Bake 25 minutes at ator. Cut in thin slices. Bake on a lightly 350 degrees F. Sprinkle with sugar. Cut buttered baking sheet at 375 deg. F. for into bars. Makes 16-20 bars. 10 minutes. Makes 7-8 dozen cookies. ! ! ! ™

Wh/oiv ttiv saying,. Jn Oatmeal, nature provides

<>*> our grca tective food

• • . its precious VITAMIN B combats Nervousness Constipation Poor appetite

the growth value of milk is largely Vitamin G. ALSO! We now find that milk builds growth better with And Vitamin G can perform its Oatmeal, because of its vitamin B, than with other cereals ! task only when eaten with a food Ieading specialists on children's Now a second amazing discovery that contains vitamin B so richly — supplied in Quaker Oats j diet say : Nature has stored not only vita- "Vitamin B is our great protec- min B in the oat grain. But Don't take breakfast lightly ! tive food, because it combats essential, life-giving minerals like Give your family the amazing nervousness, constipation, poor iron, phosphorous and lime that benefits of Quaker Oats. Here in appetite." And, they say oatmeal is replenish rich, red blood. Combat Nature's great protective food is a a fine source of this precious vita- anemia. Make heat and energy most delicious satisfying break- min B ! Nature has stored more for the day's work. fast! Order Quaker Oats today. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — of it in 1£ worth of delicious And now, say doctors, milk eaten f- — FREE — Amazing Booklet on Child Feeding oatmeal than in three cakes of with oatmeal builds growth better The Quaker Oats Co., Peterborough, Ont. fresh yeast than with other cereals. Because Please send me free a copy of Dr. Bundesen's 32-page book, "Foods for LOVELY ENGLISH CHINA. If you like beautiful china—and what the Growing Child," with 54 helpful woman doesn't—buy the Quaker Oats paikage marked CHINAWARE— illustra- tions, and many charts showing value, every one contains a piece of china: in a new blue and white scenic pattern. uses and preparation of foods to build healthy children. (f% Quick ^ Name

A ddress Quaker Oats City .Prov..

FOR BEST RESULTS use Quick Quaker Oats in the rolled oat recipes recommended by Miss

Jessie Read in this Book. THREE MEALS A DAY 59

Cream Puffs Oatmeal Date

1 cup boiling water. 2V2 cups flour. Vz cup butter. 2V2 cups quick oats. 1 cup bread flour. 1 cup butter. Vs teaspoon salt. 1 cup brown sugar. 3 large eggs. 1 teaspoon baking soda. Vz teaspoon salt. Have water at full boil in the sauce- pan and add the butter. When melted, Combine all dry ingredients. Blend in add the flour all at once. Stir rapidly butter with tips of fingers. Pat M> of this until the mixture forms into a ball and mixture into buttered pan (8 x 12). leaves the sides of the pan. Chill very Cover with cooled date filling. Sprinkle thoroughly. Then add unbeaten eggs one remaining crumbs on top and pat down at a time, beating them in vigorously. lightly with finger tips. Bake at 350 deg. Place in mounds on buttered baking F. until lightly browned (about 40 min- sheet. Use 1 rounded tablespoon of mix- utes). Cool and cut in fingers or squares. ture for large puffs and 1 teaspoon for Note—See date filling listed in index. smaller ones. Bake at 450 deg. F. for about 10 minutes or until "puffed," then "Use Quick Quaker Oats" reduce to 350 deg. F. for 20-25 minutes. (Make lV2 -2 dozen).

Be sure the oven is hot for the puffs to go into and if they "flop" when they Oatmeal Raisin Cookies come out it is because they are under- 1 cup butter. baked. Leave room when you place Wz cups fine granulated sugar. them on the pan for expansion. They 2 eggs, well beaten. will keep in a covered container for a 2 cups pastry flour. week or more. s 1 teaspoon baking soda. V4 teaspoon salt. Variations for Cream Puffs 1 cup quick oats. V2 cup nuts. (1) Filled with whipped cream. ly^'-cttp seedless raisins. (2) Filled with cream custard. Cream butter, add sugar gradually (3) Filled with ice cream and served and cream very well together. Add eggs. with a sauce. Beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients, (4) Filled with a chicken or similar rolled oats and fruit. Drop on to a but- salad filling. In this case they are made tered baking sheet. Bake at 375 deg. F. in minute size and are called "Bouchees" for 10 minutes. Makes 4 dozen cookies. which is the French for "little mouthfuls." (5) Filled with creamed chicken or lob- "Use Quick Quaker Oats" ster and served hot. Again these are in the tiny size and are eaten from the fingers. Peanut Cookies

14 cup butter. Peanut Butter Cookies % cup brown sugar. 1 egg. x /z cup peanut butter. IV4 cups flour. Vz cup shortening. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Vz cup brown sugar. Vz teaspoon salt. Vz cup white sugar. 1 cup chopped peanuts. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. 1 % cups flour. 1 teaspoon baking soda. Cream the butter very well. Add sugar gradually. Add beaten egg. Add Cream peanut butter and shortening. sifted dry ingredients (that is, the flour, - Add brown and white sugar and cream salt and baking powder). Add peanuts well. Add unbeaten egg. Beat all to- and lemon juice. Mix well together. gether thoroughly. Mix in the flour and baking soda. Drop on lightly greased Drop from a teaspoon on a very baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees F. lightly greased baking sheet about one for about eight minutes according to inch apart. Bake at 325 degrees F. for

size. . 12-15 minutes. :

Tells Me My is Simply Wonderful

And Here is How I Make It"

says the cook at the residence of Mrs. J. A. McAvity, SaintJohn, N.B., member ofone of the Maritimes' first families and grand-daughter of the late Hon. William F. Todd, former lieutenant-governor ofNew Brunswick.

"\^OU will notice, of course, " adds Kate Barfitt, X "that I use Nestle's Evaporated Milk in both the cake itself and in the icing. I do this because I know that Nestle's makes them definitely better, smoother, richer. As a matter of fact, I use Nestle's Evaporated Milk a great deal not only in making cakes but also for many other things such as soups, sauces, cream dishes, puddings, frozen desserts and so forth."

Let Nestle's help you in the preparation of the many above-mentioned types of dishes. It will give them added flavour, greater smoothness, more richness.

Nestle's is simply the purest of cow's milk with more than half the water removed, and with abso- lutely nothing added! All grocers have it and it is

Pice^DeaL^o try NESTLE'sMIL^ it now. STERILIZED . . . EVAPORATED Whs. g. m. onj^vify formerly Miss Marjorie Mills, Saint John, N.B., and one of the most popular members of the Maritimes' younger set. * Layer Cake with Chocolate Icing

y2 cup butter 1 */2 cups sugar Icing 3 eggs 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 squares chocolate 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup Nestle's Evaporated Milk Nestle's Evaporated Milk % cup 1 teaspoon vanilla Serves Eight Persons Enough for a Three-layer Cake Cream the butter and sugar, add the yolks of the eggs and beat until light. Cook the Nestle's Evaporated Milk Add flour sifted with the baking and chocolate together until smooth, powder; also the Nestle's Evaporated stirring constantly. Add the, sugar Milk, and flavouring; beat until light. and cook until the mixture thickens. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the Take from the fire and when cool add eggs, and bake in three layers. Put the vanilla and spread between the > together with the icing shown at right layers and on top of the cake.

$1 500-co )N CASH AWARDS • CONTEST OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF CANADA ONLY 1st prize $250.00 2nd prize $150.00 3rd prize $75.00 4th and 5th prizes $25.00 each 195 weekly prizes of $5 each (15 each week for 13 weeks.) This contest is for recipes containing MILK as one of the ingredients. The milk used may be of any type; ordinary or evaporated. Each entry must be accompanied by a label from a can of Nestle's Milk and must include your grocer's name and address Recipes will be judged on the basis of simplicity, palatability and food value. You may submit as many different recipes as desired and win any number of $5.00 prizes so long as each recipe is accompanied by a Nestle's Milk label. Enter each week's contest if you wish! Final contest closes May 11, 1935, and the five major prizes will then be awarded. Judges will be Miss Margaret Currie, Household Editor, Montreal Daily Star; Miss I. K. Pattinson, Director of Domestic Science, Central Technical School, Toronto ; and Miss Lottie Duncan, Director of Home Economics, University of Manitoba. Decisions of the judges will be final. Recipe* will not be returned. Members of the Nesde's organization and their families are not eligible. Send entries to CONTEST EDITOR, NESTLE'S MILK PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED, METROPOLITAN BLDG., TORONTO. rprr to every contestant, a copy of "Favourite Recipes of Canadian Women" ... •"" containing original recipes for delicious new dishes. THREE MEALS A DAY 61

Cocoanut Chews Date and Nut Crunchies

1 can (one and one-third) condensed iy3 cups (1 can) condensed milk. milk. y2 lb. graham crackers, 2Vfe cups shredded cocoanut. (rolled into fine crumbs). Vz teaspoon vanilla. \Vz cups chopped dates. Vs teaspoon salt. 1 cup chopped nuts. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Combine all ingredients together in a bowl. Mix well together. Drop on a Blend all ingredients thoroughly. buttered baking sheet. Bake at 375 deg. Drop on to buttered baking sheet in F. for 10 minutes. Remove from the pan small spoonfuls. Bake at 375 degrees F. while hot. for 15 minutes. Makes about 3 dozen

9 "Use Nestle s Sweetened cookies. Condensed Milk "Use Nestle's Sweetened Variations for Cocoanut Chews Condensed Milk

(1) Add V2 cup well drained crushed pineapple. Be sure all the juice is drained out.

Or (2) Add 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind and V2 teaspoon lemon juice. Butterscotch Squares

3 tablespoons butter. V2 cup fine granulated sugar. Yolks of 2 eggs. 3 tablespoons milk. Orange Cornflake Chews 1 cup flour. % teaspoon baking powder. Vz cup condensed milk. Pinch of salt. 1 teaspoon grated orange rind. 2 egg whites. 1 teaspoon orange juice. IV2 cups brown sugar. \Vz cups slightly crushed cornflakes. 1 cup chopped walnuts. Vz cup cocoanut. V% teaspoon salt. Cream butter and sugar well together,

Combine all ingredients. Let stand and beat in egg yolks. Sift dry ingredi- three minutes. Drop in spoonfuls on ents. Add alternately with the milk. lightly buttered sheet. Top each chew Spread in 7 x 7 inch buttered pan. Cover with a pecan or walnut and bake on with made by beating the egg lightly buttered pan at 350 deg. F. for about 12 minutes. Remove from pan white until stiff, then beating in the while hot. Cool before putting away. sugar. Fold in nuts. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool and cut "Use Nestle's Sweetened in squares. Make these about 1 to 2 Condensed Milk days ahead of time.

Orange Marmalade Cocoanut Strips 1 cup butter. V\ cup fruit sugar. Cut day-old bread in %-inch slices. 2 tablespoons orange marmalade. Remove crusts, then cut into strips 2Vz cups flour. V4 teaspoon salt. about 2 inches long. Spread all sides, covering well, with condensed milk. Work butter and sugar well together. Now roll these in dry shredded cocoa- Add marmalade, then flour and salt. Work well together. Chill slightly. nut and toast in a very hot oven, 450 Form into roll. Cut into slices V4 inch degrees F. Serve almost cold. Resembles thick and bake at 325 degrees F. angel cake when eaten. — KELLOGG'S CEREALS LEAD THE WORLD TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS

4&$y? CORN FLAKES The marvellous flavor of Kellogg's—the original Corn Flakes—has never been successfully copied. Kellogg's Corn Flakes—the world's favorite breakfast—is served to 12,000,000 persons each day. Always crisp and oven-fresh in the heat sealed inner Wax-tite Bag, an exclusive Kellogg feature.

Ittiyfl ALL- BRAN AUrBRAM Kellogg's All-Bran protects the health of your family against common consti- pation. It provides "bulk" and vitamin "B" to aid elimination. It also supplies iron for the blood. Kellogg's All-Bran contains nothing but pure bran and a small percentage of flavoring. It is much more efficient than part bran products.

* PEP BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes are for active people. For youngsters who are always on the go. For grown-ups who use and need energy. PEP Bran Flakes contain the full nourishment of the wheat. The protein. The Vitamin "B." Mildly laxative. Digests easily. Delicious with milk or cream. Fresh sliced fruit or honey adds wonderful variety.

W&S RICE KRISPIES Rice Krispies have flavor no other rice cereal has. Nourishing and easy to digest, they are ideal for children's supper or bedtime snack. Children love to hear Rice Krispies crackle in milk or cream. Mother Goose Stories as told by Kellogg's Singing Lady appear on every package of Rice Krispies.


You get all the wheat nourishment in Kellogg's Whole Wheat Flakes. Never before was whole wheat so tasty and delicious. The big package is outstanding value. It is certainly economical. Almost a meal in a bowlful. Ready to serve with milk or cream.

%&9& WHEAT KRISPIES Surprise! A new wheat cereal utterly different from any you have ever tasted. WHEAT Kellogg's Wheat Krispies owe their crackling crispness to a new discovery KRISPJIS

BLENDING. Just enough rice blended with the whole wheat to give it a new : X PILICIOUt jCO«ll»tNATIOH »» goodness. Enjoy Wheat Krispies for breakfast—noon lunch—or late supper. WMltT.nl met They stay crisp and delicious in milk or cream—right down to the last spoonful.


You can't help liking Kaffee-Hag Coffee. It is coffee without the bitter caffeine. Coffee with all its natural flavor and a new mellowness. Taste it

and see! Switch your brand to Kellogg's Kaffee Hag Coffee. . . .the delicious new 97% caffeine-free coffee. Use it for three weeks. Observe your own nerves, digestion, sleep. See how much better you feel!




l^ornllake l^ooker7

CCORNFLAKE cookery is one of the modern cookery tricks that is so > interesting. You know for years we have gone along serving the same things and not realizing that we were gradually getting into a nice old rut. However, thanks to the very clever home economists with various commer- cial companies we have been shaken out of our lethargy. The clever sugges- tions and quick tricks they give us are very much worth while and it is really too bad if you have not tried some of them—and so—we have some suggestions for cornflakes—something that means more than cereal at breakfast.

We are going to have a pastry made with cornflakes and it will call for cornflake crumbs. There are two ways you can make these. First you can measure the cornflakes into a paper bag, fasten it loosely at the top with an elastic, then roll the bag with the rolling pin very thoroughly—result! crumbs, yes—but in the bag ready to be poured into the cup for measuring rather than all over the place as they are when rolled on a board. Secondly, if a paper bag is not available place the cornflakes in a tea towel, fold it over then into four secure folds then twist the towel several times, unfold the towel and again we behold—crumbs! Easy, isn't it? Fish cutlets and veal cutlets are delicious when dipped into egg and then into cornflake crumbs. As a change try dipping them into canned tomato soup and then into crumbled cornflakes. This makes an unusual and very attractive meat dish. As a matter of fact wherever you use biscuit crumbs or dry bread crumbs you can quite readily substitute cornflake crumbs. For instance, when making a casserole, if you have no bread crumbs, how easy it is to stir some melted butter into cornflakes and sprinkle them over the top.

Sometimes, just when you have the salad ready to put on the table, son or daughter may bring in an extra friend for lunch, a few cornflakes added just before serving will add bulk and it is quite delicious. It also happens that you may have planned a dinner to include mashed potatoes only to remember that you had them the night before. Very well. Just lift out spoonfuls of the fluffy potato and drop it into a dish of cornflakes, roll it around and then place on a buttered baking sheet. Brown in a hot oven 400 degrees F. for 10 minutes.

Corn Flake Pastry Honey Date Bars

Va cup melted butter. 3 eggs. 1 1 cup cornflake crumbs. cup honey. 1 teaspoon baking powder. V4 cup brown sugar. 1 cup flour, or Ya teaspoon cinnamon (if desired). Vz cup flour and Vz cup all bran. Va teaspoon salt. melted butter to cornflake Add 1 lb. chopped dates. crumbs. Add sugar and cinnamon. Mix 1 cup whole walnuts. teaspoon vanilla. well and press firmly into a 9-inch pie V2 tin covering the bottom and sides. Chill Beat eggs well. Mix with honey. Add well. Fill with any desired filling of dry ingredients, dates and nuts. Spread to inch thick in buttered pan. Bake fresh fruit or custard cream. Top with V4 V2 in moderate oven, 350 deg. F., for 30 a meringue or whipped cream. minutes in a buttered 8x8 pan. Cut in bars and roll in fruit sugar, or this may be left uncut and wrapped in wax paper and put away in the bread box. Dorothy Dix—the confidante of the world who sits at the confessional window of life.

JlVJLY DESK has become a confessional at which men and women open

their hearts and tell me the secrets they would not tell their nearest and dearest.

"I have sat in prison cells and listened to the heart stories of murder- esses, and have sat in luxurious drawing rooms while the guest of

millionaires' wives. I have seen women in moments of triumph and in

hours of despair; and there is no joy or sorrow that tears the human heart

I do not know.

"All of this has given me a knowledge and an understanding of human nature that no young girl or woman who has led just a home life could have." DOROTHY DIX.

Dorothy Dix Column is a Daily Feature in The Evening Telegram

"Toronto's Most Interesting Newspaper yy THREE MEALS A DAY 65

icreneral IVules for ± AolivY

WITH some people pastry is just an every-day occurrence. They follow no particular rules, but turn out excellent results. If you will pardon personal references, I have a mother who does just that! but she knows the "feel" of her pastry from years of making it. On the other hand, there is the other person who follows every rule religiously and it turns out a terrible (or would it be too cruel to say an unbreakable?) product. I think the trouble here is—they are too careful and overwork their pastry. The crumb method is the general method and, to my way of thinking, is the most practical. The flaky method, of course, gives you a wonderful product, but is certainly more fussy. The hot water pastry breaks just about every pastry rule there is, but is a life-saver for those who have tried for years to make good pastry and have not succeeded. It rarely fails. There are, however, certain rules that every good pastry maker follows in order to get those requisites of good pastry. Crispness, tenderness, flavor and color are the requisites I speak of. Some of you follow all the rules quite unconsciously—but you wouldn't admit it, would you? A pastry flour is preferable for pastry, just as bread flour is preferable for bread, cream puffs, popovers and some other recipes. Of course, a bread flour can be used, and, as a matter of fact, is used, in many cases for pastry, but if you use it, I suggest that you use two tablespoons less flour per cup than you would of pastry flour. Sift the flour before measuring and use level measurement. Now, with regard to the shortening, this is a matter more or less of personal taste, as far as the white shortening is concerned. Lard or vegetable shortening can be used for half of the shortening but in my opinion—the other half must be butter. There is no doubt in my mind that some butter in a pastry gives an infinitely better product from both a flavor and appear- ance standpoint than does all lard. However, I do not enjoy a pastry, either, that is made from all butter. Half and half are ideal. To make a "short" pastry, cut the fat into the finest possible crumb. For the "flaky" pastry, a coarse crumb is desirable.

Pastry Pastry Crumb Method Flaky Method 3 cups pastry flour. 3 cups pastry flour. Vz teaspoon salt. Vz teaspoon salt. v2 cup butter. Vz cup shortening. Vz cup shortening. Vz cup butter. Vz cup cold water (approximately). Vz cup cold water. Sift flour and salt. Cut in all the shortening. Make a well in centre. Add Sift flour and salt. Cut in lard. Make water and work in, using a cutting a well in the centre, add water and work motion with a knife. Lift out dough on in, using a cutting motion with a knife. to a lightly floured board and press into on to lightly floured board and shape with the fingers. Do not knead. Turn Chill. Using enough for one crust at a work into shape with fingers. Do not time, roll from centre outward. Bake in knead. Roll out to 1/3 inch thickness. hot oven at 450 degrees F. Cover one-half with the butter, cut in • thin slices. Fold other half over and Hot Water Pastry press edges together. Fold over, pocket- z k cup shortening. book fashion. Roll out again. Fold over V2 cup boiling water. Chill thoroughly. Using 1 teaspoon salt. in same manner. 3 cups flour. enough for one crust at a time roll from Cream the shortening slightly. Stir in centre outward. Bake in hot oven at 450 the boiling water. Cool slightly. the Add deg. F. flour and salt, mixing it in with a quick cutting motion. Do not stir. Chill and Note — These recipes make 3 single roll out as in recipes for other pastry. crusts. 66 THREE MEALS A DAY PIES

Blueberry Meringue Pie Praline Peach Pie 1V2 teaspoons gelatine. 3 blueberries. cups V4 cup cold water. sugar. % cup lVz cups scalded milk. 3A cup hot water. y3 cup sugar. cornstarch. 2Vz tablespoons 2 eggs, separated. 1 tablespoon cold water. y* teaspoon salt. y* teaspoon salt. % cup blanched browned almonds. Yolks of 2 eggs. IV2 cups diced sweetened peaches. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. % teaspoon almond' extract. 1 teaspoon orange juice. Lemon or vanilla wafers. Bring blueberries, water and sugar to Soak gelatine in cold water. Combine a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Strain the scalded milk with the beaten egg out berries, add cornstarch and salt yolks, sugar and salt and cook over mixed with cold water. Cook until thick boiling water until it coats a silver and clear. Remove from fire, add the egg spoon. Add gelatine, stir until dissolved. yolks, return to the stove and cook for Chill until partially set. Beat in the 2 minutes. Add the blueberries which stiffly beaten egg whites, add the al- were strained out and the fruit juices. monds, flavoring and well-drained Pour into baked pie shell. Cover with a peaches. Turn into pie plate lined with meringue made from the egg whites and wafers. Chill over night in refrigerator. 3 tablespoons fruit sugar. Bake at 300 Cover with whipped cream. Garnish deg. F. 15-20 minutes to brown mer- with cherries or peach slices. Serves 6-8. ingue. Butterscotch Peach Pie 6 large peaches. Deep Apple Pie, Canadian Style y& teaspoon cinnamon (if desired). cup butter. 6 large apples. y3 Vz cup flour. Vz cup seedless raisins. V2 cup brown sugar. Grated rind of 1 lemon. Pastry. 1 cup brown sugar. 2 tablespoons butter. Line pie tin with pastry. Cover with % teaspoon nutmeg. diced peaches. Meanwhile, cream to- Pastry. gether the butter, flour and sugar. Scat- ter this mixture over top of peaches. Peel and core apples. Slice ar- and Bake at 425 deg. F. for 35-40 minutes. range in baking dish, sprinkle each layer Serve warm with cream. Serves six. with raisins, lemon rind, brown sugar and nutmeg. Dot with butter. Cover with flaky pastry. Bake at 425 deg. F. Pumpkin Pie for 35-40 minutes. Will serve 6. 2 cups cooked pumpkin. 2 eggs. % cup granulated sugar. % teaspoon ginger. Graham Cracker Cherry Pie V2 teaspoon cinnamon. 1% cups milk. 2 cups rolled Graham crackers. y% teaspoon salt. ys cup melted butter. Be sure pumpkin is well mashed and 2V2 cups pitted cherries. lumps. Beat eggs until frothy, % cup granulated sugar. without 3 tablespoons flour. add sugar and beat in well using Dover beater. Add pumpkin and seasonings, Mix crumbs and butter together well. add milk. Pour into a deep 8 -inch pie Press crumbs into pie plate, using about plate lined with pastry. Bake in hot % of the mixture. Chill. Combine flour, oven at 450 degrees F. for 10 minutes, sugar and cherries and turn into lined to set the crust and prevent pie from pie plate. Cover with remaining crumbs. soaking. Reduce heat to 375 degrees F. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 40 minutes. Serve until filling is set. Total time, 45-50 hot or cold. minutes. Serves 6. THREE MEALS A DAY 67

Boston Cream Pie Mincemeat, No. 1 Cake 1 lb. lean minced beef, cooked. 1 cup liquid from meat. lb. minced beef suet. 3 eggs. % 1 package seeded raisins. Vs teaspoon salt. 3 cups brown sugar. 1 cup fruit sugar. 2 cups currants. y% cup boiling water. 1 tablespoon ground mace. 1% cups flour. 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon. Vz teaspoon vanilla or almond extract. 1 tablespoon ground cloves. Separate the eggs. Beat the yolks 2V2 pints chopped apple. 1 cup chopped citron peel. and add Vz of sugar and beat again. Add Juice and minced rind 1 lemon. water, flavoring and then flour and bak- V2 teaspoon salt. salt to ing powder sifted together. Add V4 cup cherry juice. the egg whites and beat until stiff. Add Vi cup vinegar. remaining sugar and beat in well. Fold Combine all ingredients. Pack in into first mixture and bake in square or sterilized jars and seal or into round 8-inch pan at 325 degrees F. for pack a stone crock. 50 minutes. Invert on cake rack. Cool. Keep closely covered. Remove from pan. Split in half and spread with cream filling. Mincemeat, No. 2

Cream Filling 1 lb. minced beef suet. 2 lbs. seeded raisins. % cup granulated sugar. 2 lbs. currants. 6 pints chopped apples. 2V2 tablespoons cornstarch. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon. Va teaspoon salt. 1 cloves. IV4 cups hot milk. tablespoon ground 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg. 1 egg yolk. I lb. brown sugar. 1 teaspoon butter. 6 ounces mixed chopped peel. Vi teaspoon vanilla or almond. Minced rind and juice of 1 lemon. Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt. Add Minced rind and juice of 1 orange. 1 cup finely chopped blanched hot milk and return to stove to cook almonds. until thick, about 10 minutes. Add some 1 teaspoon almond flavoring. of mixture to beaten egg yolk, combine % teaspoon salt. and return to stove again for 5 minutes. 2 cups apple cider. Add butter and flavoring. Chill slightly before putting in cake. Combine all ingredients. Pack into sterilized jars and seal, or into a stone crock and cover closely. Let stand at To Finish Cake least 10 days before using.

Ice with 1 cup whipped cream or sift icing sugar over the top. Will give 6-8 Green Tomato Mincemeat large servings. 1 peck green tomatoes. 4 lbs. granulated sugar. 2 lbs. seedless raisins. 1 lb. currants. 1% cups beef suet. Cherry Cream Pie Chop green tomatoes finely. Scald 1 baked pie shell. with boiling water twice and allow 1 cup 32% cream whipped. the water to become cold each time. 1V2 tablespoons fruit sugar. Drain well. Combine with other in- 1% cups stewed black cherries. gredients and cook together for about 2 tablespoons cornstarch. 1 hour. Allow to cool, then add 1 cup cider vinegar. Whip cream and add sugar. Heat 14 cup lemon juice. cherries to which has been added the 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon. cornstarch. Boil until thick and clear. 1 teaspoon ground cloves. Chill. Pour V2 of cherry mixture into 1 teaspoon ground allspice. pie shell. Cover with whipping cream, 1V2 teaspoons ground nutmeg. then put cherry mixture on top again. Bottle, packing well, into hot steril- Chill well before serving. ized jars. Seal and store in cool place. 68 THREE MEALS A DAY

Strawberry Chiffon Pie Deep Cherry and Rhubarb Pie

1 baked' pie shell. 2 cups pitted cherries. 1 cup halved strawberries. 2 cups diced rhubarb. 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. 1 tablespoon flour.

Vfe tablespoon gelatine. 1 cup fine granulated sugar. 2 tablespoons cold water. V2 tablespoon butter. 4 egg yolks. Pastry. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Vi cup granulated sugar. Combine the two fruits. Mix the flour 4 egg whites. and sugar. Arrange the two mixtures 3 tablespoons fruit sugar. alternately in the baking dish. Dot with pieces of butter. Place on pastry which Combine berries with the 2 table- has been rolled to fit pan. Trim and spoons of fruit sugar. Let stand. Soak decorate as desired. Bake at 500 deg. F. gelatine in cold water. Cook yolks, lemon for 10 minutes. Reduce to 350 deg. F. to juice and sugar in double boiler for 3 complete the cooking. Serve warm with minutes. Add gelatine and stir until cream. dissolved. Cool. Make a meringue of egg whites and sugar. Fold cooked mixture and berries into meringue. Pour into baked crust, mounding it up well. Chill. Serve with whipped cream. Garnish with berries. Lemon Meringue Pie

3 tablespoons flour. 3 tablespoons cornstarch. Double Crust Strawberry Pie 1 cup sugar. Few grains salt. Line pie plate with pastry. Sprinkle 1V2 cups boiling water. 2 egg yolks. lightly with V2 tablespoon flour. Fill 1 tablespoon butter. with berries using 3-4 cups according to x /4 cup lemon juice. depth of pan. Sprinkle on to 1 cup of % Grated rind of 1 lemon. fine granulated sugar. Wet around the edge of pie and trim off surplus pastry Mix dry ingredients, add boiling leaving V2 inch over eo^ge. Place on top water. Stir while cooking until there is crust in which air holes have been cut. no taste of raw starch, about 10 minutes. Trim even with lower crust then press Add some of hot mixture to egg yolks the two edges together and fold in to- and return to stove and cook 2 to 3 min- ward centre of pie. Crinkle the edge in utes longer. Remove from heat, add but- any desired manner. Place in hot oven ter, lemon juice and rind as mixture 450 deg. F. for 10-15 minutes or until cools. Pour into baked shell, cover with beginning to brown, then reduce tem- meringue. Bake at 300 deg. F. until perature to 350 deg. F. to complete the meringue is browned. cooking. Serve warm or cold with In the above recipe the flour and corn- whipped or plain cream. starch combination make a smooth fill- ing of a very delicate consistency.

Magic Lemon Pie

1 can condensed milk (1% cups). Pineapple Cheese Pie 2 egg yolks. Dice pineapple finely. Add sugar and V2 cup leimon juice. allow to stand for an hour or more. Grated rind of 2 lemons. Drain and turn into deep pie plate lined Few grains of salt. with pastry. Sprinkle on an extra V2 Combine all ingredients very thor- cup sugar in which Mz tablespoon flour oughly. Pour into baked pie shell. Cover has been mixed. Roll out top crust, with meringue. Brown in oven at 300 sprinkle with V2 cup grated cheese and deg. F. Chill. Sliced strawberries may place on pie with cheese side next to be added to the filling. the pineapple. Seal edges together. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 10 minutes N.B.—Be sure to purchase sweetened con- or until brown, then densed milk, not the evaporated. reduce tempera- ture to 350 degrees F. to complete the "Use Nestles Sweetened Condensed Milk" cocking—about 20 minutes. THREE MEALS A DAY 69

Chocolate Almond Fluff Pie Pineapple Cream Filling 2 cups scalded milk. 3 tablespoons cocoa. 3 tablespoons cornstarch. tablespoons cornstarch. 3 % cup granulated sugar. 1 cup granulated sugar. y± teaspoon salt. teaspoon salt. y* cup cold milk. cups boiling water. V\ 1V2 2 egg yolks, lightly beaten. V2 teaspoon butter. 1 cup fresh pineapple, well drained. 1 egg white. % teaspoon vanilla. Combine cornstarch, sugar and salt almonds, with cold milk. to scalded y2 cup blanched browned Add milk and chopped. cook until thick and no taste of raw starch (about 10 minutes). Add some Combine dry ingredients. Stir in of hot mixture to egg yolks and return boiling water gradually. Bring to boil to double boiler to cook for another 3 stirring constantly and cook until clear minutes. Pour half into graham cracker and transparent, about 10 minutes. crust, then the pineapple and then the Add butter and vanilla. Then fold in rest of the filling. Top with meringue, lightly the stiffly beaten egg white and using the 2 egg whites. Chill well almonds. Pour into baked pie shell the before serving. chill. Serve mounded with whipped and Note—Use the cornflake Crust with this cream and sprinkled with more chopped recipe as a variation. browned almonds. • Butterscotch Pie 4 tablespoons butter. Ice Cream Pie % cup flour. 1% cups brown sugar. shell. 1 baked pie Vs teaspoon salt. 1 pint any flavor ice cream. 1% cups milk. fresh or 1 cup any well-drained 2 egg yolks. fruit. canned y* teaspoon vanilla. 3 egg whites. Combine butter, flour and sugar 1/3 cup fruit sugar. together in a saucepan. Stir over heat 2 tablespoons cocoanut. until blended together and slightly Place pie shell on serving plate. caramelized. Add milk and cook in top Spread fruit over bottom of crust. of double boiler until thick and there fruit, Arrange ice cream on top of is no trace of raw starch (about 15 working quickly so it will not melt. minutes). Pour some of hot mixture on Meanwhile have a meringue made from beaten egg yolks. Return to double egg whites and fruit sugar. Spread this boiler and cook 2 minutes longer. Add over ice cream, making sure it is all vanilla. Pour into baked pie shell. covered. Sprinkle with cocoanut. Run Cover with a meringue made from the under hot flame in the broiler or top 2 egg whites and 3 tablespoons fruit element and brown quickly. Serve at sugar. Brown at 300 degrees F. for 15 once! minutes. Whipped cream may be used in place of the meringue and then sprinkled with chopped nuts. Grape Tart Pie • Cranberry and Pineapple^ Tart 2 quarts blue grapes. x 2 /z cups cranberries. 1 large apple. 1 cup well-drained crushed pineapple. % cup granulated sugar. cup pineapple juice. 2 tablespoons flour. V2 1 cup granulated sugar. IV2 tablespoons butter. 1% tablespoons flour. Skin grapes. Cook pulp for five % teaspoon salt. minutes. Strain out seeds. Combine 1 teaspoon lemon juice. pulp and skins, add very finely chopped Mix cranberries, pineapple and juice. apple. Sprinkle an unbaked 8-inch pie Bring to boil. Boil two minutes, cov- shell with W2 teaspoons of the flour. ered. Mix sugar, flour and salt. Add to Combine remaining flour with sugar. fruit mixture. Cook until thick. Cool Pour fruit mixture into shell. Sprinkle and add lemon juice. Place in pie plate with sugar and flour mixture. Dot with lined with pastry. Lay on strips of butter. Cover with strips of pastry. pastry, criss-cross style. Bake in hot Bake at 450 degrees F. for 10 minutes. oven at 450 degrees F. for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 375 degrees F. to com- Reduce to 350 degrees F. and bake 20-25 plete the cooking. minutes. Serve with cream if desired. 70 THREE MEALS A DAY

Sour Cream Tarts Dolly Varden Tarts IVz cups sour cream. 3 tablespoons butter. sugar. 1 cup fine granulated V2 cup fine granulated sugar. 2Vz tablespoons flour. 1 egg. 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten. lk teaspoon flavoring. x k cup seedless raisins. Vs teaspoon salt. Vz cup chopped nuts. IVa teaspoons baking powder. Va teaspoon vanilla. % cup flour. V8 teaspoon salt. Va cup milk. Heat cream and sugar together over Pastry. Jam. hot water until sugar is dissolved. Com- bine flour and egg yolks with V4 cup Cream butter, add sugar gradually, sour cream mixture slightly cooled. cream well together. Add well- beaten Add to cream on stove and cook until egg and flavoring. Beat well. Add thick. Add nuts and raisins, vanilla and alternately the milk and dry ingredi- salt. Pour into baked pie or tart shells. ents, adding the baking powder with Top with meringue and bake at 300 the last amount of flour. degrees F. until lightly browned. Meanwhile line tart tins with pastry and place a layer of your favorite jam in the bottom, then a layer of cake mixture to make the tart tins almost Brown Sugar Tart V2 full. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 to 1 egg, well beaten. 30 minutes, according to size. Will 1 cup brown sugar. make one dozen large tarts. Few grains salt. Vs teaspoon vanilla. Add brown sugar, salt and vanilla to beaten egg. Beat until fluffy and turn in tart tins lined with pastry. Bake Tarts at 425 deg. F. for 12-18 minutes. Add Cheese nuts if desired. 1 cup cottage cheese. Va teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons cream. Va teaspoon nutmeg. Butter Tarts Grated rind of half lemon. 2 eggs. butter. % cup Vz cup sugar. 1 sugar. cup brown Va cup currants. 2 eggs. 1 cup currants. Blend together, using a fork, cheese, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. salt, cream, nutmeg and lemon rind. Cream butter and sugar together very Beat eggs and sugar. Combine two mix- thoroughly. Add eggs well beaten, tures and add currants. Fill unbaked then currants and lemon juice. Line tart shells two-thirds full. Bake in oven patty tins with paste, fill % full with at 425 degrees F. for 20 minutes or until mixture. Bake at 425 deg. F. for 12-18 delicately browned. minutes. 12-18 tarts Makes according This is quite delicious and you can to size. use it as a whole pie filling as well if you want to serve it that way.

Date Surprises Pitted dates. Diced pineapple. Grated cheese. Cheese Wheels Pastry. Roll pie crust into a thin rectangular Stuff dates with pineapple and roll in sheet. Cover with a layer of grated grated cheese. Meanwhile roll out cheese. Pat in well. Roll up like a jelly pastry and divide into rectangles 3 roll. Slice roll into V2 inch slices. Place inches by 2 inches. Place a date on each on baking sheet, cut side down. Sprinkle rectangle. Roll up and pinch edge with paprika. Bake at 425 degrees F. together. Brush over with egg wash if for 15 minutes, or until brown. Cool desired. Bake at 425 deg. F. for 12-15 and sprinkle with salt. Delicious as a minutes. garnish for a fruit salad. THREE MEALS A DAY 71 BEVERAGES Choke Cherry Wine "400" Wash 20 pounds cherries and pack 1 cup cocoa. 1 cup sugar. into a large earthenware crock. Add 6 1 cup water. water. cool enough quarts boiling When Va teaspoon salt. to handle, crush cherries with the 1 tablespoon butter. hands, squeezing them well. Allow to 1 teaspoon vanilla. stand three days. Strain out juice. Add V8 teaspoon cinnamon. 12 pounds granulated sugar. Let remain 2 eggs. in jar one week longer. Remove scum, Mix cocoa, sugar, salt and water. Boil strain again. Let stand until done 2 minutes, combine with beaten egg fermenting, then bottle and cork well. yolks and butter. Cool. Add vanilla and Tie a piece of cheesecloth over the fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bottle fruit while it is standing to protect from and use 1-2 tablespoons to a glass of dust and insects. cold or hot milk. Store in refrigerator. • Elderberry Wine Frosted Chocolate 3 gallons elderberries. 2 tablespoons . 1V2 gallons water. Va cup milk. Boil together for 20 minutes and 2 tablespoons ice cream. strain through a fine sieve. Va cup charged water. Measure this liquid into a boiler and Put syrup, milk and ice cream into add 1 pound granulated sugar for each cold glass. Add charged water and stir quart of liquid. Add the rind of four well. Makes one serving. lemons. Place on the heat and heat to NOTE.—Ginger ale will do jor the charged boiling. Turn into a keg. Add one cake water in the recipe. yeast and, if desired, Vz tablespoon gin- ger root. Allow to ferment for six to Jiffy Grape Juice eight weeks. Strain and bottle. 1 Vz cups blue grapes. • Vz cup granulated sugar. Beet Wine Place grapes and sugar in a sterilized quart jar. Fill up with water. Seal and Scrub beets thoroughly. Do not peel. let stand six weeks before using. Strain Put through food chopper. For each when ready to use. quart add 2 quarts water. Cook these until quite soft and mushy. Strain and Rhubarb Punch cool. For each 6-quart basket of beets 1 quart diced rhubarb. add: 1 quart water. 5 lbs. granulated sugar, melted. 2 cups sugar. 3 medium oranges, sliced. Vz cup orange juice. 1 lemon, sliced. Va cup lemon juice. 1 cake yeast. 1 quart soda water. Leave in crock and allow to ferment. Combine rhubarb, When fermentation is completed strain water and sugar. until and bottle. Stew tender. Strain through very C fine sieve. Chill. Add fruit juice and chill thoroughly. Ginger Grape Fizz Add soda water and crushed ice just before serving. Yield 1 cup sugar. about 2V2 quarts. 2 cups water. • 1 cup orange juice. Orange and Lemon Basic Va cup lemon juice. Punch J l /2 cups sugar. 1 pint grape juice. 2 quarts water. 2 pint bottles ginger ale. 1 cup leimon) juice. Make syrup of sugar and water. Com- 2 cups orange juice. bine with orange, lemon and grape Boil sugar and water for 5 minutes. juices. Chill. When ready to serve add Cool, add fruit juices. To this you may the ginger ale and ice cakes or crushed add ginger ale, grape juice, soda water ice. Serve at once into chilled punch and then dilute with ice water before or cocktail glasses. serving. EATON'S

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2 tablespoons flour. 2 cups diced cooked liver. lbs. liver, diced. % 2 cups diced cooked carrots. cup sliced onion. % 1 cup canned green peas. 4 slices side bacon, chopped. 1 cup diced cooked celery. cups cooked spaghetti. 1V2 3 cups left-over gravy. Vz cup chopped green pepper. 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce. IV2 cups tomato juice. Seasonings. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 onions, sliced. Scald liver. Drain. Roll in flour. Add 2 tablespoons bacon fat. Tea biscuit mixture. Lo bacon and onion which have been sauteed together. for 2 to 3 Saute min- Combine liver, carrots, celery and utes. Add other ingredients. Turn into gravy. Add Worcester sauce and seas- casserole. Bake, covered, at 350 degrees F. for 45 to 60 minutes. 6 servings. onings. Heat to boiling. Brown the Our next recipe calls for cooked liver. sliced onion in the fat and add with the This can be left-over liver or liver that peas to the other ingredients. Turn into has been simmered in boiling water for a casserole and cover with small tea about 10 minutes. If you have any left- biscuits. Bake in hot oven 425 degrees over beef gravy it is ideal in this recipe or an artificial gravy using a meat F. until biscuits are browned—about 25 extract or gravy powder can be used. minutes. Serves 8.

Equipment That Ma\es Housekeeping Easier

LARGE EQUIPMENT 1 large sieve set skewers 1 small sieve daisy dish scraper 1 roaster 1 sink strainer set tongs 1 steamer with pot and lid 1 wooden chopping board 6" spatula 1 large preserving kettle 1 bread board broad spatula 1 double boiler 1 bread 4 saucepans with covers box pair kitchen scissors 1 flour tin 3 covered baking dishes double dover egg beater 2 sugar tins potato masher 1 waffle iron 1 coffee tin potato ricer 1 frying pan 1 tea tin set graters 1 tea kettle 1 cornstarch tin puree pusher 1 dish pan tins for spices 3 pie plates cake decorator set butter dish vegetable brush 1 pastry board 1 set glass mixing bowls bottle brush 1 rolling pin 1 pyrex casserole cutter 1 stocking for rolling pin round 1 set custard cups doughnut cutter 1 dough blender 1 coffee percolator fancy cutters 1 flour sifter 1 set scales can opener 1 set large muffin tins bottle opener 1 set gem pans EQUIPMENT meat chopper 1 jelly cake pan SMALL egg slicer 1 angel cake pan 4 wooden spoons deep fat thermometer 1 medium loaf pan 1 pastry brush cake tester 2 paring knives 1 set layer cake pans scoop 2 square cake pans 2 case knives melon scoop 1 bread knife 1 set fruit cake pans ladle 1 fruit knife 2 cake racks small funnel 1 grapefruit knife 2 baking sheets egg turner 1 meat slicing knife 1 large ring mould 8 tea towels 1 measuring cup 1 2 dish cloths 6 small ring moulds 2 sets measuring spoons holders 1 set of fancy moulds 2 kitchen tablespoons 2 pot 1 popcorn basket 2 kitchen teaspoons 1 set ice box cookie moulds 1 deep frying basket 2 kitchen forks 1 apple corer 74 THREE MEALS A DAY HOT BREADS

Cheese-filled Rolls Queen of

1 tablespoon butter. 1 egg. y3 cup granulated sugar. V\ cup salt. 1 egg. Vi teaspoon paprika. Vz cup milk. 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce. 1% cups flour. 1V2 cups grated cheese. 2V2 teaspoons baking powder. V\ teaspoon salt. Combine all ingredients. Spread mix- ture into the opening of Parkerhouse Cream butter and sugar, add egg and 5-8 rolls. Bake at 350 deg. F. for about beat well. Combine dry ingredients and parsley to serve. minutes. Garnish with add alternately with the milk. Bake in moderately hot oven 400 deg. F. 20-25 minutes. Makes 8-12 muffins. Bran Muffins

1% cups flour. 1% cups bran. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 teaspoon baking soda. Vz teaspoon salt. Cheese Muffins y3 cup brown sugar. Vz cup chopped dates or raisins. 2 cups flour. 1 egg. 3 teaspoons baking powder. *4 cup molasses. V2 teaspoon salt. 1 cup sour milk. Vz cup grated cheese. 2 tablespoons melted butter. 2 tablespoons melted butter. 1 egg well beaten. Sift all dry ingredients except bran 1 cup milk. into bowl; add bran and fruit; add beaten egg to milk and molasses. Mix Mix and sift flour, salt and baking quickly into dry ingredients; add cool powder. Add cheese. Combine milk and melted butter. Bake in buttered tins at egg and add dry ingredients, then add 400 deg. F. for 25 minutes. melted butter. Bake in buttered muffin tins in a moderately hot oven at 400 deg. F. for 20-25 minutes. Makes 9-12 Butterscotch Pecan Muffins muffins.

2 cups flour. 3V2 teaspoons baking powder. *4 teaspoon salt. 2V2 tablespoons butter. 1 egg. Jam Bran Muffins Vz cup milk (approximately). 2 Vz cup brown sugar. tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons soft butter. Va cup granulated sugar. xk cup broken pecans. 1 egg, well beaten. 1 cup sour milk. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Cut in 1 cup all-bran. first amount of butter. Add milk and 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder. egg to make a soft dough. Knead very Vz teaspoon baking soda. slightly. Roll out to inch thickness, % Vz teaspoon salt. spread with soft butter and sprinkle with Jam. brown sugar and pecans. Roll up jelly roll fashion. Cut into inch slices. Place Cream butter, add sugar and cream each slice in greased muffin tin in bot- well. Add egg and sour milk, then bran. tom of which there is one teaspoon Allow to stand five minutes. Add sifted brown sugar and y4 teaspoon butter, dry ingredients. Fill buttered muffin tins also one whole pecan if desired. Bake 2/3 full. Put one teaspoon of jam on top at 400 deg. F. for 20-25 minutes. Serve of each. Bake at 400 deg. F. for 20-25 hot. minutes. Serve hot. THREE MEALS A DAY 75

Honey Bran Muffins Gingerbread Waffles cup flour. V2 % cup butter. 2 cups bran. sugar. 1 cup whole wheat flour. V2 cup brown % teaspoon salt. V2 cup molasses. % teaspoon baking soda. IV2 teaspoons baking soda. 2 teaspoons baking powder. xk cup sour milk. 1 egg, well beaten. % cup liquid honey. 1 egg. IV2 cups sour milk. 2 cups sifted flour. butter. 3 tablespoons melted 1 teaspoon ginger. % cup raisins, or dates. V2 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add V2 teaspoon salt. honey and sour milk to well-beaten eggs. Add to dry ingredients. Add Bring butter and molasses to boiling fruit, which has been mixed with 2 tablespoons of the dry ingredients. point on stove but do not boil. Add Lastly, add the melted butter which has brown sugar, then soda. Combine beaten been cooled. Turn into buttered muffin egg and milk. Combine with first mix- tins and bake at 375 degrees F. for ture then add to sifted dry ingredients. 20-25 minutes. Yields 1-1 V2 dozen muf- until smooth. fins, according to size of tin. Beat Bake on waffle iron about 5-7 minutes. Serve hot with whipped cream or lemon sauce.

N.B.—Allow about cup batter for a round French Sandwich V2 Ham 1 section waffle—2 tablespoons to each section. 8 slices stale bread. 4 slices cooked ham. Mixed mustard. 1 egg. V4 teaspoon salt. 1 cup milk. Butter. Make a sandwich of ham, bread, but- ATTENTION ter and mustard. Beat egg slightly, add salt and milk. Grease a hot frying pan MOTHERS! well with butter. Dip sandwiches in milk solution on both sides. Place in hot pan and brown. Put a dot of butter on upper side before turning to brown. Serve at once. Make Sure Your Children Join Waffles The CROWN-BRAND 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. SPORTS CLUB xk teaspoon salt. 1Y4 cups milk. directed by 2 eggs, well beaten. 2 tablespoons melted butter. HARRY "RED" FOSTER Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk combined with the eggs. Mix only until smooth. Add melted butter which has been cooled. Bake about 5 minutes Their Membership Button or to desired "brownness." Serve with soft butter and maple syrup. will help keep them on the Variation: "Royal Road to Health" V2 cup chopped pecans added to the above mixture is delicious. 76 THREE MEALS A DAY YEAST BREADS

Refrigerator Rolls Whole Wheat Bread

2 cakes compressed yeast. 1 yeast cake. 1 cup milk—scalded and cooled to Vi cup lukewarm water. lukewarm. % cup boiling water. V4 granulated sugar. % cup milk. Va teaspoon baking soda. 1 teaspoon salt. V2 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons honey. xh cup shortening. 1 tablespoon shortening. 1 egg. iy3 pounds whole wheat flour. 4 cups bread flour. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. Crumble yeast into a bowl. Add milk Combine boiling water and milk. Add slowly and stir to dissolve yeast. Add yeast and other ingredients in order sugar, soda, salt, beaten egg and flour. given. Mix well, adding the flour last. Mix until smooth. Add cooled, melted If dough seems soft, add more flour. shortening (or butter) and blend in well. Knead well and shape into loaf. Place Turn dough out on to floured board, loaf in one large or two medium greased knead quickly into smooth dough and pans. Grease well over top of dough and divide into two amounts, each in a set in a warm place and allow to rise greased bowl. until double in size. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 20 minutes then increase tempera- The dough to be reserved for use later ture to 400 deg. F. to complete the bak- on should be greased on top and cov- ing. Large loaf takes one hour. Use pan ered very closely with wax paper. When approximately 12 x 3 x 3. ready to use in the next few days, re- move wax paper and continue as fol- lows: Cover with a towel. Set to rise over a pan of hot water (adding water to it to keep it hot, but not boiling). Let Another recipe slightly out of place dough double in bulk. Knead down but too delicious you to miss. slightly on a floured board. Form into for biscuits or rolls and put into greased muffin pans, or onto a buttered baking Grape Sponge sheet. Brush over with melted butter.

Again place over hot water or in warm . 1 tablespoon gelatine. place to rise double in bulk. Bake at 2 tablespoons cold water. 400 deg. F. 15-20 minutes, until nicely 1 cup boiling grape juice. granulated sugar. browned. It will take 15 minutes to V2 cup 1 tablespoon lemon juice. mix this recipe and about 2V2 hours to Vs teaspoon salt. produce finished product. Yields to IY2 1 egg white. rolls. 2 dozen V2 cup shredded cocoanut.

Soak gelatine in cold water. Mean- while prepare grape juice by cooking 4 cups grapes and V± cup water to a mush and straining. Measure 1 cup of Beauty Hints juice. Add sugar to juice and reheat to boiling. Add gelatine. Stir until dis- By LOIS LEEDS solved. Cool and when partially set, beat in the stiffly beaten egg white and cocoanut. Pile into sherbets or mold in Appear Daily in fancy mold. Serve with custard or whipped cream. THE For an attractive and easy pie use the above filling in a vanilla wafer crust. EVENING TELEGRAM Top it with whipped cream and sprinkle with toasted or tinted cocoanut and nothing could be nicer. THREE MEALS A DAY 77 MORE SMALL CAKES Cheese Shortbread Almond Shortbread 1 butter. Va cup butter. cup V4 cup shortening. V3 cup fruit sugar. Y4 cup yellow cream cheese (4 oz. 2 cups flour. bar). V\ teaspoon salt. 2V4 cups flour. 1 cup unblanched almonds, put % teaspoon salt. through the mincer. Cream butter, shortening and cheese Cream butter. Add sugar and cream together. Blend in the flour and salt. well. Dredge almonds with flour. Work well together and form into a Work flour, salt and nuts into butter compact dough. Form into a roll or and sugar. Knead until a compact dough place in cookie moulds and chill in the is formed. Shape into a roll and chill refrigerator. Cut into V4 inch slices. for 2 hours at least—or overnight. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 10 minutes. Slice and bake at 350 degrees F. for 10 minutes. Variation: • Roll mixture out to Va inch thickness. Orange Shortbread Cut into 2-inch squares. In centre of 1 cup butter. each square place 1 teaspoon jam. Fold ys cup fruit sugar. four corners into centre. Bake on bak- 2 cups flour. ing sheet at 375 degrees F. for 12 min- V\ teaspoon salt. utes. 2 tablespoons grated orange rind. • 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind. Shortbread Cream butter well. Add sugar and cream well together. Work flour, salt, 1 cup 'butter. orange and lemon rinds into creamed y3 cup fruit sugar. 3 cups flour. mixture. Knead into smooth shape. Form into a roll and chill for 2 hours at Cream the butter very well. Add least or overnight. Slice and bake for sugar gradually and cream well. Add — 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees F. most of the flour and work into creamed Note—Any these shortbread recipes can mixture very thoroughly. Place re- of be made up, formed into a roll, then placed maining flour on bread board. Add in the refrigerator, wrapped in wax paper and flour into dough and knead remaining baked up fresh as you want them. dough. Form dough into smooth shape. # Roll out to V4-inch thickness and cut Hermits into shapes with fancy cutters or form 1/3 cup butter. into a cylindrical roll and chill. Cut into 1 cup brown sugar. V4-inch slices. Garnish with bits of 2 eggs. cherry, peel or angelica. Bake on un- 1V4 cups flour. buttered baking sheet at 350 degrees F. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. for about 20 minutes or until very V2 teaspoon salt. lightly browned. V2 cup rolled oats. 1 cup chopped dates. V2 cup chopped nuts. Almond Short Fingers V2 teaspoon baking soda.

1 cup butter. 1% tablespoons boiling water. Vz teaspoon vanilla. yz cup fruit sugar. 2 cups flour. Cream butter, and sugar, then un- Cream butter very thoroughly. Add beaten egg. Beat all well together. Mix sugar gradually. Add flour and mix in and sift flour, cinnamon and salt. Add- well. Spread into 8" x 8" pan. Cover with to creamed mixture along with all the sliced blanched almonds or Brazils. other ingredients, having the soda dis- Press well into the top. Bake at 350 solved in boiling water. Drop on lightly degrees F. for about 35 minutes or until buttered baking sheet and bake in a firm, but not too brown. Cut into moderate oven at 350 deg. F. for about fingers. 10 minutes. Makes about 5 dozen her- • mits. Make these about a week ahead Coeoanut Shortbread of time, or the batter may be kept in a covered sealer in the refrigerator and Prepare same as almond short baked as you need it. fingers, but cover with coeoanut instead of nuts. Continue to bake in same way. "Use Quick Quaker Oats" 78 THREE MEALS A DAY QUICK BREADS

THE term "quick breads" we usually mean breads made without BYyeast but using leavening in the form of baking powder or baking soda. Regardless of this definition, however, I want, and I'm sure you do, too, a bread that can be made up quickly, with little effort. Our recipes are going to be of that type. Date breads and other breads of similar type are served, as a general rule, sliced and buttered. Sandwiches, using the date bread and a spread of cheese and pineapple, or cheese and nuts, are unusual, and do break the monotony of serving just plain sliced date bread.

However, it is splendid to have in the bread box should the much-talked about unexpected guests "drop in." This unexpected guest always rather amuses me—because it always seems to me that people somehow have an uncanny knack of knowing when the larder is empty—and decide to drop in then. So the best thing to do is have the larder—or in other words, the bread box—always filled.

Shillelaghs Date and Nut Bread 2 eggs. 1 cup chopped dates. cup milk. % % cup hot water. 2 cups flour. Vz teaspoon baking soda. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 egg. teaspoon salt. % 2 tablespoons butter. % cup coarsely grated old cheese. % cup brown sugar. 3 tablespoons butter (melted). IV2 cups flour. Vz teaspoon paprika. 1 teaspoon baking powder. Beat eggs and reserve 2 tablespoons. % teaspoon salt. Add milk to eggs. Sift dry ingredients % cup broken walnuts. together. Add cheese then eggs and milk. Add soda and boiling water to Add melted butter. Turn into buttered chopped dates, cool to lukewarm. Add pan 9" x 9". Spread reserved egg on top. sugar, butter and beaten eggs. Add Sprinkle with paprika. Bake at 400 de- sifted dry ingredients and nuts. Turn grees F. for 20 minutes. Cut in small into 1 large loaf pan or 2 small loaf pans. squares. Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 • minutes for large loaf and 35 minutes This next bread is the most attractive look- for small loaves. ing bread I have ever seen—and the "looks aren't just skin deep" because it is good to eat. Danish Coffee Bread 2 cups bread flour. 3% teaspoons baking powder. Bran Bread Vi teaspoon salt. 2 cups flour. Va cup milk. 1 teaspoon salt. x cup granulated sugar. k 3 teaspoons baking powder. 3 cup butter. V V2 cup brown sugar. 2 eggs. 1% cups bran or bran flakes. Va cup sultana raisins. 1 cup raisins or dates. Mix and sift flour, baking powder and % cup broken nuts. salt. Blend in butter and raisins. Com- 1 egg. bine sugar, eggs and milk. Add gradually 2 tablespoons butter, melted. to dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Roll IV4 cups sweet milk. to fit an 8-inch layer cake pan. Brush top Sift together flour, salt and baking with milk or egg-white slightly beaten. powder. Add bran and brown sugar, Sprinkle over this a mixture of 1 table- then fruit and nuts. Stir in beaten egg spoon granulated sugar, y4 cup chopped and milk. Mix lightly and add melted blanched almonds, 3 tablespoons butter. Turn into greased 8x5 loaf pan chopped citron peel. Bake at 400 degrees and bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for Fahrenheit for 20-30 minutes. 1 hour. THREE MEALS A DAY 79

Bran Corn Bread With Bacon Top eggs, well beaten. 2 2 cups flour. 1 tablespoon melted1 butter. Vz teaspoon salt. 2 sour milk. cups 2 eggs, well beaten. \z cup all-bran. 1 cup milk. 2 cups cornimeal. y^ cup bread flour. Combine flour and salt. Add gradu- 1 teaspoon salt. ally, beating all the time the milk and 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 teaspoon baking soda. egg mixed together. Using the Dover 1 tablespoon sugar. beater beat this mixture for about 3-5 Ya pound bacon, chopped. minutes. Meanwhile put 1 tablespoon Combine beaten eggs, butter and milk. Add all-bran and cornmeal. Let beef dripping from roasting pan into stand 2 minutes. Meanwhile, sift to- individual muffin tins. Heat to sizzling gether remaining dry ingredients and in oven and pour in mixture. Have pans add to first mixture. Pour into buttered about half full. Bake at 450 deg. F. until pan (9 x 12) and sprinkle bacon over puddings "puff," about ten minutes, then top. Bake in hot oven at 425 deg. F. for about 25 minutes, then slip under broiler reduce to 350 deg. F. for 20 minutes. to brown crust and crisp bacon.

Coffee Cake Bran Toad in the Hole 1 cup pastry flour. Vz teaspoon salt. IV2 cups flour. V4 teaspoon baking soda. Vz teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Vz teaspoon baking powder. 2 cups bran or bran flakes. 1 cup milk. % cup seeded raisins. 2 eggs, well beaten. 1 egg. 1 lb. sausage. % cup sweet milk. y3 cup light molasses. Combine flour, salt, baking powder 3 tablespoons melted butter. and milk. Beat well. Add well-beaten Sift flour, together salt, soda and eggs. Again beat mixture well. Have 1 baking powder. Add to bran and raisins. tablespoon hot bacon or beef fat in hot Beat egg well, add milk and molasses. Combine two mixtures and add melted muffin tins or pyrex ramekins. Place 2 butter. Place in buttered pan (8 x 8). sausages, cut in half, in each tin. Pour Sprinkle top with the following ingredi- batter over these and bake in a hot oven ents blended together: at 475 deg. F. for 10 minutes, reduce 2 tablespoons flour. heat to 350 deg. F. for 20 minutes to 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 3 tablespoons sugar. complete baking. 3 tablespoons soft butter.

Johnny Cake 1 cup cornimeal. Visit TORONTO SHOPS 1 cup flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. with Vz teaspoon baking soda. Vz teaspoon salt. 2V2 tablespoons sugar. The SHOPPER 1 egg. 1% cups sour milk. 2V2 tablespoons of butter. A Daily Feature in Mix and sift dry ingredients. Beat egg, add milk and add to dry ingredi- THE ents with as little mixing as possible. Add melted butter. Turn into a shallow greased pan. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 35 Evening Telegram minutes. Cut into squares and serve with maple syrup. 80 THREE MEALS A DAY TEA BISCUITS-

an d ± ips tor making th em

THIS recipe is based on using pastry flour, not bread flour. Some people prefer to use the bread flour, and you can—but in this particular recipe we suggest pastry flour. The shortening can be all butter or all lard or half and half. Butter gives flavor and color and lard gives brightness and tenderness. I, personally, use half of each. The milk is given V2 cup approximately. This is due to the variation of moisture content of . As a general rule I find it necessary to add.1% tablespoons extra. Too much moisture means a sticky mass to which extra flour has to be added, hence a hard biscuit. Too little moisture gives us a crumbly dry biscuit.

Things to watch are the tendency to overwork the dough; handle it gently, working quickly. The best tea biscuit makers boast of how quickly they can prepare them for the oven. Do not add too much moisture. Do not economize on the amount of shortening suggested.

Make a depression in the centre of the flour mixture and add all the liquid at once, then with sure deliberate strokes cut it into the flour. Do not stir. When turned on to the board we mould it into a smooth shape by lightly flopping it over, using the palm of the hand. This is done only enough to give a smooth surface. Then we roll or pat the mixture to a good % inch thickness. For a small amount you can often just pat it out with your hand. Cut into desired shapes and place close to each other on baking sheet. A hot oven is necessary.

Tea Biscuits Now Some Variations: 2 cups pastry flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. (1) Sour Milk Biscuit teaspoon Y4 teaspoon salt. —Add V\ 3 tablespoons shortening. baking soda to the sour milk and leave (approximately). V2 cup milk out V2 teaspoon baking powder. Sift dry ingredients. Cut in shorten- (2). Currant Add 1 tablespoon ing. Add milk. Turn on to lightly floured — board. Knead gently into shape. Roll or sugar, V4 cup currants, 1 egg, and omit pat out to desired thickness. Cut into V2 teaspoon baking powder. rounds. Place on lightly greased baking Beat the egg and pour into a measuring sheet, and bake at 425 degrees F. for cup, then add enough milk to make the 12-15 minutes. approximate V2 cup.

(3) Cheese Biscuits—Omit 2 table- Tea Biscuits With Sardine Filling spoons shortening and add V2 cup grated cheese. Make small tea biscuits. Bake to a delicious brown. While still hot, split (4) Cheese Pinwheels—Roll out to V2 and fill with the following mixture: — inch thickness. Sprinkle with grated cup mashed sardines. Vz cheese. Roll up like a jelly roll, cut into 1 tablespoon chopped celery. inch slices, and bake on a baking sheet. 1 teaspoon chopped capers. 1 tablespoon cream. Salt, pepper. (5) Marmalade Pinwheels—Roll out as Lemon juice. for cheese pinwheels, only use % cup Serve hot, garnished with parsley. orange marmalade. THREE MEALS A DAY 81 ABOUT SANDWICHES

NOW, the very first thing I want to tell you about making fancy sand- wiches is, that if you have no patience and no imagination, do not try to make them. You will simply drive yourself almost crazy and every- one near you will feel about the same. However, they are so delicious and so attractive that it is the dream of every home-maker to be able to make them. For the fancy rolled sandwiches there are a few things to remember:

1. The bread must be fresh. cheese, use cheese which has been col- 2. The filling must be soft enough to ored green, or use half of the cheese spread smoothly. green and half of it pink and put the pink on the white bread and the green 3. The bread must be cut quite thin on the brown bread, or vice versa. Many and do not trim the crusts off too closely. variations can be worked out this way to 4. They must be chilled well before make them work out with the color serving. scheme of your afternoon tea table. Now, our first fancy sandwich will be what I call the "double pinwheel," because it is made with white and brown bread, and is very effective. I shall try The plain ribbon sandwich is one I to give the method as clearly as possible. think everyone knows how to make. Just the slices of brown and white bread piled alternately like a layer cake with a filling in between each slice. You can Double Pinwheel Sandwich make them either three or four deckers and they are quite attractive when the 1. Have one sandwich loaf of white bread and one of brown bread in corres- alternating layers are of different colors ponding size. of cheese. Now, from these ribbon sand- wiches we make a most interesting little 2. Using a sharp knife, preferably a sandwich, which some call the Mosaic serrated-edged knife, cut slices of the sandwich. However, I like it better by bread lengthwise off the loaves. the simpler name of 3. Place these in a dampened towel so they do not dry out. 4. Trim the crusts evenly off the Checkerboard Sandwiches slices. 1. Prepare ribbon sandwiches using 5. Spread a white slice with butter, four slices of bread and the colored then with colored cheese spread. cheeses or plain yellow cream cheese. 6. Place a brown slice on top. Butter Press these well together. and spread with cheese. 2. Now slice these down into half- 7. Now take sweet gherkins and dry inch slices. them well and place along one end of the bread. 3. Take three slices and spread with butter and cheese, and pile up again as 8. Holding the edges well together, if for ribbon sandwiches, making sure roll bread firmly around the gherkins to have the brown slice over the white jelly-roll fashion. Roll quickly, and if it so as to give a checkerboard appearance. starts to crack, keep on rolling without hesitation, pressing the crack into place. 4. Wrap in wax paper and chill well.

9. Wrap in wax paper and chill in the 5. Cut in half-inch slices to serve. refrigerator. Result — Exclamations from your 10. Cut into one-third-inch slices. guests, "But, my dear, you didn't do Now these can be varied by instead these yourself." You tell me if I am of using all white or yellow cream wrong. 82 THREE MEALS A DAY

Date and Peanut Butter Orange Toast Sandwiches 2 tablespoons butter. Vz cup icing sugar. x cup quartered dates. k Grated rind of small orange. % cup peanut butter. Vz teaspoon orange juice. 2 tablespoons cream or milk. Brown bread. Beat all ingredients well together. Butter. Spread on very hot toast. Cut in fingers. Beat the milk or cream into the pea- nut butter. Add dates. Mix well and spread between thin slices of bread. Cinnamon Toast 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons fruit sugar. Vz to 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Sandwich Royal Vi teaspoon lemon juice. Spanish onion, sliced thin. Combine all ingredients and beat Orange, sliced thin. well. Spread on hot toast. If desired Bologna, sliced thin. sprinkle with chopped nuts or cocoa- Cut bread in V^inch slices and spread nut and run under the broiler for a few with butter. On one slice place onion,- seconds only. then bologna and then orange. Top with another slice of bread. Cut in half. Trim crust if desired. Toasted Cheese Rolls 1 tablespoon butter. 2 teaspoons cornstarch. Vz cup grated cheese. Ham and Pepper Relish Sandwich Vz cup top milk. teaspoon salt. 1 cup minced ham. V\ 2 tablespoons pepper relish. Vi teaspoon dry mustard. Mayonnaise or salad dressing. Combine all ingredients. Cook in Combine and use with white bread. double boiler until thick. Spread on rather thin slices of bread. Remove crusts. Roll up into small rolls. Secure with a toothpick. Brown under broiler. Cabbage and Nut Sandwich

1 cup finely shredded cabbage or carrot. Cheese Mallows Va cup chopped almonds or pecans. Spread round salted soda wafers with teaspoon lemon juice. Vz softened yellow cream cheese. Top each Mayonnaise or salad dressing. with a half marshmallow and place Combine ingredients. Delicious with under broiler until marshmallow whole wheat bread. browns. Serve hot.

Tomato Sandwich Variations Toasted Pecan Marmalade Rolls (1) Sprinkle lightly with onion juice Cut bread in thin slices. Trim off or chopped olives. crusts. Spread well with soft butter, then with thick marmalade. Sprinkle (2) Spread one side of bread with cream cheese softened with mayonnaise. with chopped pecans. Roll up either straight or cornerwise and fasten with Sprinkle with chopped nut. (3) toothpick. Toast under hot broiler and serve at once. • Beet and Cheese Filling Cheese Logs Vz cup grated raw beets. Vz teaspoon vinegar. Cut stale bread into long thick strips 3 Vi teaspoon salt. about 3 inches by % inch by A inch. Vi cup cottage cheese. Beat an egg slightly and add Vs tea- 2 tablespoons chopped nuis. spoon salt and V2 teaspoon Worcester Mayonnaise to moisten. Combine sauce. Dip bread into this then roll into beets, salt and vinegar. Let stand 10 grated cheese. Place on buttered bak- minutes. Drain. Add cheese and a little ing sheet and sprinkle with paprika. mayonnaise. Use for open or double Brown in hot oven at 400 degrees F. sandwiches, until puffy. THREE MEALS A DAY 83

Peanut Butter and Bacon Filling Toasted Luncheon Sandwich 1 cup peanut butter. 12 slices bread. 1 tablespoon cream or dressing. 1 bar yellow cream cheese. 3 slices crisply cooked bacon, chopped. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons pimiento. Combine all ingredients. Is particu- Mayonnaise. larly good with brown bread. 12 slices bacon. Cut bread in y2-inch slices, combine cheese, butter and pimiento with may- Sandwich Spread onnaise. Spread on bread and make into 6 1 cup butter. sandwiches. On each sandwich 3 eggs, lightly beaten. lay bacon cut to fit sandwich. Place on y3 cup granulated sugar. buttered baking sheet in hot oven at 1 tablespoon mustard. 400 degrees F. for 15 minutes or until 1 teaspoon salt. bacon is cooked. % cup vinegar. 1 5-ounce package yellow cream cheese. % cup chopped pimiento. Egg and Almond Spread Vz cup chopped pickle. 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped. % cup chopped green pepper. 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento. Mix and cook together, butter, eggs, 2 tablespoons chopped blanched sugar, mustard and salt over hot water almonds. Seasonings. for 5 minutes. Stir regularly. Add the Mayonnaise to moisten. other ingredients. Reheat thoroughly and pour into a sterilized jar. Makes about 1 pint. Store in the refrigerator and it will keep indefinitely to spread Toasted Open Sandwiches on bread or crackers. 1. Toast bread on one side. Butter other side, spread with chili sauce. Mound with baked beans, then two slices Banana Sandwiches of bacon, snipped along the edges so it won't curl. Place under broiling Sliced bananas. flame. Broil until bacon is crisp. Serve Lemon juice. hot. Mayonnaise. Head lettuce. 2. Toast bread on one side. . other side. Cover untoasted side with Brown bread. sliced tomatoes; sprinkle with grated Slice bananas lengthwise. Arrange on cheese, and top with 2 slices of bacon. buttered bread, sprinkle with lemon Broil and serve hot. juice (and chopped nuts if desired), now some shredded lettuce, salt, mayon- naise and top with slice of bread. Trim Minced Ham and Gherkin Spread crusts and garnish with watercress. 2 cups minced ham. % cup chopped gherkins. 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper. Tongue and Jelly Sandwich Va teaspoon dry mustard. Mayonnaise to moisten. Sliced tongue. Home-made mustard. Combine all ingredients. Add a little Red currant jelly. grated onion if desired. Spread one slice of buttered bread with mustard and another slice with red currant jelly. Place thin slice of tongue between. Trim crusts. Cut in halves. STYLE HINTS Cheese Relish Spread By SALLY STILES 1 small bar white cream cheese. An Exclusive Fashion Feature in 1 tablespoon chopped pickle. 1 tablespoon chopped green peppers. 2 tablespoons chopped celery. THE EVENING TELEGRAM Salt. Mayonnaise to moisten. OMEN are leading broader lives, thanks to the improvement in gas appliances. Taking a leading place among these, the gas range offers the home-maker hours of leisure missed by her predecessor of even ten years ago.

AN INSULATED OVEN tells her, in effect, to get out of the kitchen and leave all the worry of cooking to gas, automatically and accurately controlled.

A touch of the hand brings THE SAFETY SLIDE BROILER within easy reach.

A ROOMY SERVICE DRAWER is at her hand containing the cooking helps- mere men would call them tools—needed in her daily preparation of meals. AND THE BEAUTY OF SUCH A RANGE AS THE MISS CANADA (Buffet Model)

—shining full-enamel—tells her, that but a wipe of a damp cloth is needed to restore it to perfect condition.

A CONVENIENT LIGHTER indicates that she does not even have to reach for a match for the top burners. THE CONSUMERS 7 GAS COMPANY

732 Danforth Ave., 55 Adelaide St.E., 2532 Yonge St. THREE MEALS A DAY 85 OVEN CANNING

the preservation of fruit there is pricked with a fork to keep the skins from FORno more simple method than that of bursting in cooking. in "Oven Canning." The oven is right Pears are peeled, cut in half, then cored, to used and does the kitchen waiting be and dropped in acidulated water, that is, of away, as a result, with that drudgery water to which a little lemon juice or filling a boiler full of water and having to vinegar has been added. This prevents empty it again later. discoloration.

With oven-canning there is no steam in Peaches are prepared by blanching to the kitchen, no hot jars to handle from remove skins and pitted if desired. These boiling water. The top of the stove is left also may be dropped into acidulated water. clear for meal preparation, sterilization of Gooseberries should be washed and the the jars and making of jams from fruit stems and blossom ends removed. not perfect enough for canning. Oven Canning possesses added virtues of simplicity, easily obtained cleanliness General Method and controlled temperature. This last is particularly important as sterilization is Test jars for leakage and wash in hot only possible when a temperature above water. boiling is maintained for a sufficient length of time. Sterilize jars, glass and screw tops by placing them in kettle covering with cold A heat controlled oven has proved to be water and heating gradually to boiling. one of the most efficient as well as the Boil 20 minutes. most practical methods of accomplishing this result for its accurate temperature Select firm fresh fruit as uniform in size control insures the killing of all micro- as possible. Wash in cold water. Blanch if organisms and the destruction of these is necessary by placing a small amount of the secret of all perfect canning. the fruit in a wire basket or cheese cloth bag and immerse in boiling water for the The fruit must be perfect, over-ripe required length of time, then cold dip. fruit being set aside to be used for jams or Place fruit in sterilized jars. Fill with conserves. The jars must be perfect and boiling syrup to within one-half inch of the rubbers new. Reserve jars that are top. Put on new rubbers which have been chipped for pickles or jams. Old rubbers dipped in boiling water, then the glass and have lost their elasticity and this makes screw tops. Screw down tightly and then them unsafe to use again for sealing pur- loosen back one turn to allow for ex- poses. Both jars and rubbers must be pansion. sterilized before using.

Place about 1 Vz, inches apart on the rack Under no circumstances must the fruit in an oven at 275 °F. for the required be opened for addition of extra syrup after length of time. (See time table). removing from the oven. This breaks the sterilization and will cause the product to Allow to cool in the oven, remove and spoil. This last point is very important. screw the tops down tightly. Invert jars. Store in a clean, well-aired, dry, cool place—50 to 60°F. Preparation of Fruits

For raspberries, if the fruit is dusty, Syrups for Oven Canning use a large kettle of water, dropping one Very Thin Syrup— 1 cup sugar to 2 cups box in at a time, just allowing them to water, boil 5 mins. float about, then lift them out carefully with your hands into the sterilized jars, Thin Syrup— 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water, shaking off as much water as possible. boil 5 mins. Handle carefully as fruit is soft. Medium Syrup— IV2 cups sugar to 1 cup Blueberries are merely picked over, water, boil 5 mins. washed and packed into sterilized jars. Heavy Syrup—2 cups sugar to 1 cup Cherries may be pitted, or if you prefer water, boil 5 mins. merely stemmed, and these are washed Note.—For small fruits allow about 1 cup before pit you or stem them. syrup for each jar. For large fruits allow Plums are washed and stemmed then about 3A cup syrup for each jar. 86 THREE MEALS A DAY

Chart for Oven Canning

Time Fruit Syrup Temp. Pt. Jars Qt. Jars Blueberries very thin syrup 275 °F. 25 mins. 45 mins.

( Strawberries " " j Blackberries medium syrup 275 °F. 25 45 Raspberries ) [Gooseberries Thimbleberries medium syrup 275 °F. 30 " 55 " Sweet Cherries medium syrup 275 °F. 30 " 55 " Sour Cherries heavy syrup 275 °F. 30 " 55 " Pineapple thin syrup 275°F. 35 " 60 "

j Peaches, Pears, 35 " 60 " } Sweet Plums medium syrup 275°F. Sour Plums heavy syrup 275 °F. 35 " 60 "

)ven Canned Strawberries Oven Canned Beets (Special Method) For each- quart use: 10 or 12 whole young beets (small). Wash and hull 3 pint boxes of straw- 1 pound to a quart, if sliced. berries. Cook them in a syrup of 3 cups 1 teaspoon salt. sugar to 2 cups water for 7 minutes. Allow Boiling water. to stand in syrup over night. Pack into hot Wash the beets thoroughly. Put in a sterilized jars on which new sterilized boil for 15 rubbers have been adjusted. Fill with pan of boiling water and syrup to within half inch of top. Adjust minutes. Dip in cold water to make the glass and screw top loosely. Process in beets easier to handle. Remove the oven at 275 °F. for 25 minutes. Allow to skins. Leave whole, or slice and pack cool in oven. Complete the seal on re- into hot sterilized jars on which steril- moval. Store in a dark, dry, cool place. ized new rubbers have been adjusted. Add the salt and boiling water to fill the N. B. This special method keeps the — jar to within one-half inch of the top. berries from fading and shrivelling. Screw down tightly, then loosen one turn to allow for expansion. Place in oven at 275 deg. F. for 2% hours. At the period, remove them from Oven Canned Carrots end of this the oven and complete the seal. Invert, For each quart use: and cool as rapidly as possible to pre- serve the colour. Store in a cool dry 1 lb. carrots. place. 1 teaspoon salt. 1V2 cups boiling water. Oven Canned Tomatoes Wash young and tender carrots. Select firm tomatoes of medium or Scrape if desired. It is not necessary to small size. Wash. Using wire basket or scrape the very young carrots although cheesecloth bag, immerse in boiling some people prefer to have the outside water one to three minutes or until skins skin removed before canning. The car- will slip off easily. Plunge at once into rots may be cut lengthwise into quarters, cold water. Pack carefully in hot steril- sliced, or packed whole. If desired cut, ized jars. Add 1 teaspoon salt and 1 they should be cut before they are put teaspoon sugar for each quart jar. Fill in the pan of water on the top of the jars with boiling water or boiling stove to boil for 5 minutes. Pack the strained tomato juice to within % inch carrots loosely in the hot sterilized jars of top. Run sterilized spatula or knife on which new sterilized rubbers have down side of jar several times to allow been adjusted. Add the salt and boiling air bubbles to escape. Place new steril- water to within one-half inch of the ized rubber in position and screw top on top. Place in oven at 275 deg. F. for 2V2 tightly, then loosen back one turn. Put hours. At the end of this period remove on rack in oven having jars about 1V2 from the oven, complete the seal, invert inches apart. Process at 275 deg. F. for jars. Cool as rapidly as possible to pre- 35 minutes for pint jars and 45 minutes serve the colour. Label and store in a for quart jars. When cool, remove from dry, cool place. oven and complete seal. Invert jars.

1 Chart . . . Courtesy Consumers Gas Company THREE MEALS A DAY 87 JAMSJELLIES.CONSERVES

Ripe Pear Jam Pear Conserve

4 cups chopped pears. ZVz cups minced ripe pears. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. XA cup finely minced lemon. IVz cups fine granulated sugar. Va cup minced preserved ginger and 1 bottle liquid pectin. syrup. 7 cups fine granulated sugar. Prepare fruit by peeling, removing 1 bottle liquid pectin. cores and mincing very finely. Measure fruit and sugar into large kettle. Stir Measure accurately and combine the well to dissolve sugar. Bring to full fruits and sugar. Stir together until rolling boil. Boil hard for one minute. sugar is well mixed and begins to dis- Remove from fire and stir in liquid pec- solve. Place on fire and bring to full tin. Stir and skim alternately for five rolling boil. Stir constantly while com- minutes to prevent floating fruit. Pour at ing to the boil. Boil hard for one minute. once into hot sterile jars. Cover with Remove from heat and stir in pectin. wax paper till cool. Cover with hot Allow to stand for five minutes, stirring melted paraffin. Seal and store in fruit and skimming alternately to prevent cellar. fruit from floating. Pour quickly into sterilized jars. Cool — cover with hot paraffin. Makes 8 8-ounce glasses. Ginger Pear Slices

4 pounds pears (9 cups). 4 pounds sugar (9 cups). % cup water. Harlequin Conserve Juice and grated rind of 2 lemons. 2 ounces preserved ginger. 12 peaches chopped. 5 slices canned pineapple, cubed. pears. Peel, cores, Select firm remove Vz pound white grapes, halved. cut in quarters and slice thinly. Add 5 red plums, chopped. water and sugar. Add grated rind and Vz large orange, thinly sliced. lemon juice. Simmer until pears change Va pound blanched almonds, shredded. color to a pinky shade. Add ginger, very Fine granulated sugar. finely chopped. Cook 10 minutes longer. Prepare fruits, removing seeds and Bottle and seal. pits. Combine together and measure. Add % cup sugar for each cup fruit. Boil 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Add Favorite Conserve nuts. Cook for another 10-15 minutes. Bottle and when cold seal with hot 1 minced pears. cup paraffin. Yields 8 8-ounce glasses. 1 cup minced peaches. 1 cup crushed, well drained pineapple. V4 cup chopped maraschino cherries. 1 cup sultana raisins. 1 cup shredded blanched almonds. Tomato Marmalade 2 tablespoons lemon juice. 5 cups fine granulated sugar. 3 pounds firm tomatoes. Vz cup liquid pectin. .3 lemons, juice and rind. x 2 /4 pounds fine granulated sugar. Prepare fruits, measure accurately Wz cups chopped nuts. and add sugar. Add nuts. Stir well to- gether. Bring to full rolling boil over Skin and chop tomatoes. Squeeze hot fire. Stir constantly before and while lemons and put rinds through mincer. boiling. Boil hard for one minute. Re- Mix tomatoes, sugar and lemon rind move from heat and stir in pectin. Stir together and allow to simmer gently to and skim alternately for five minutes to desired consistency, (about 35 minutes). prevent floating fruit. Pour into steril- Stir frequently so it does not burn. When ized jars and cool before sealing with almost cooked, add chopped nuts and hot paraffin. Makes 6 to 7 8-ounce lemon juice. Pour into hot sterilized glasses. glasses. When cold, seal with hot paraffin. 88 THREE MEALS A DAY

Pineapple and Orange Plain Peach Jam

Marmalade 4 cups crushed peaches. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. 3 oranges. 7% cups fine granulated sugar. 1 lemon. 1 bottle liquid pectin. 2 cups pineapple. 5 cups water. Peel peaches and cut very finely. 3 cups sugar. Measure into large kettle. Add lemon Slice oranges and lemon in very thin juice. Measure and add sugar. Stir con- slices. Shred pineapple. Add water and stantly while bringing to a full rolling allow to stand over night. Cook for IV2- boil. Boil hard 1 minute. Remove kettle 2 hours slowly. Add sugar. Cook to re- from fire, add pectin. Stir and skim al- quired consistency very slowly. Pour ternately for 5 minutes. Bottle and seal into sterilized jars. with hot paraffin when cool.

Gooseberry and Cherry Conserve Fresh Pineapple Jam

2 cups ripe gooseberries. 4 cups (2 lbs.) chopped fruit. 2 cups pitted red cherries. 7 cups (3 lbs.) granulated sugar. 7 cups fine granulated sugar. 1 bottle liquid pectin. Vz bottle (V2 cup) liquid pectin. 1 cup shredded almonds. Use only fully ripened fruit. Put pine- apple through fine food chopper. Meas- fruit through mincer. Measure Put ure fruit and juice into kettle. Add combine with sugar. Mix well, bring and sugar, and stir to dissolve sugar. Bring to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly. to boil over hot fire, stirring constantly. Add nuts. Boil hard 1 minute. Remove Boil hard 1 minute. Remove from fire from fire, stir in pectin. Skim and stir and stir in liquid pectin. Skim. Stir 1 minute. Bottle quickly. When cold, for occasionally for 3 minutes to prevent with hot paraffin. cover the fruit from floating. Pour into steril- ized jars. Cool and seal with hot par- affin. Requires two medium pineapples. Makes 10-11 eight-ounce glasses.

Peach Conserve

3% cups crushed ripe peaches. Vz cup minced orange. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Plum Conserve 7% cups fine granulated sugar. 1 cup shredded blanched almonds. 3 cups chopped plums. 1 bottle liquid pectin. 3A cup seedless raisins. V\ cup minced orange. Peel peaches, chop very finely and Vz cup water. measure carefully. Add minced orange IVz cups granulated sugar. and lemon juice. Measure sugar and stir Vz cup chopped nuts. in well. Bring to a full rolling boil over Vz bottle (Vz cup) liquid pectin. hottest fire. Stir constantly before and Prepare plums by pitting, chopping while boiling. Add nuts, boil hard for well and pack into measuring cup. 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in Measure all fruit and water into large pectin. Allow to stand for 5 minutes kettle. Stir until it comes to boil. Cover before bottling, stirring and skimming and simmer slowly for 15 minutes. Add alternately. This will prevent floating sugar, mix well, bring to full boil un- fruit. Bottle into hot sterilized jars. covered, stirring constantly. Boil hard Cover with a clean towel or wax paper one minute. Remove from heat, stir in and allow to cool. Pour on hot paraffin, pectin. Skim and pour at once. Cover cover and store. with wax paper and allow to cool. Then N.B.—2 tablespoonfuls finely chopped can- pour hot paraffin on to fruit. Cover and died ginger may be added. seal. Store in a dry, dark, cool place. THREE MEALS A DAY 89

Quince Jelly Citron Preserve

(With Pectin) 4 lbs. citron (1 medium-sized). 3 lbs. granulated sugar (7 cups). 4^ cups quince juice. 2 ounces ginger root. IVz cups granulated sugar. 2 lemons, thinly sliced. x Vz bottle liquid pectin. l /2 cups hot water.

Prepare juice by removing cores, Peel and remove pithy parts from blossom and stem ends from quinces. the citron. Cut into V2-inch cubes. Do not peel. Mince finely and add 4V2 Combine sugar and citron. Leave to cups water. Simmer, covered, for 15 stand overnight, stirring occasionally. minutes. Place in jelly bag and allow Simmer, next day, until almost trans- to drip (over night). parent (about 2 hours). Add ginger root which has been bruised and tied in Measure juice and sugar into large a bag. Add slices of lemon and water kettle. Mix together well. Bring to and continue to cook until fruit is trans- boil over hot fire, add liquid pectin AT parent. Remove ginger root. Bottle and ONCE, stirring constantly. Again bring seal while hot into hot, well-sterilized to full rolling boil and boil hard for % jars. minute. Remove from heat, skim and pour at once. Cover, when cool, with hot paraffin. Makes about eight 8- ounce glasses. Crab-Apple Jelly (With Pectin)

5 cups juice from apples. 7% cups sugar. bottle liquid pectin. Crab-Apple Jelly Vi To obtain juice, wash and remove (Without Pectin) stem and blossom end from about 5 lbs. Wash apples, remove stems and blos- crab-apples. Cut apples in pieces. Do soms. Cut into pieces. Add water to not peel or remove cores. Add 4 cups cover. Cook until fruit is soft and water. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. mushy. Press through a strainer, then Mash down well and simmer, covered pour juice into flannel jelly bag. Allow for 5 minutes longer. Press through to drip for several hours (overnight if coarse sieve, then place in jelly bag and possible). Measure juice and allow % allow to drip (over night). cup sugar for each cup of juice. Heat Measure sugar and juice into large juice to boiling and boil gently for 15 kettle. Mix well. Bring to a full rolling minutes. Add sugar. Boil 5 minutes boil and add liquid pectin at once, longer or until jelly drops from a cold stirring it in well. Then bring to a full spoon in a sheet. Pour into hot steril- rolling boil again and boil hard for % glasses. When cool, seal with hot minute. Remove from heat, pour paraffin. quickly, Seal, when cool, with hot paraffin, Makes about nine 8-ounce glasses.

Rhubarb Conserve Heavenly Jam 4 quarts rhubarb. 6 cups sugar. 1 6-quart basket grapes. 1 cup seeded raisins, chopped. \Vz cups seedless raisins. 2 oranges. % cup orange juice. 1 lemon. 1 tablespoon grated orange rind. 1 cup walnuts, chopped. 9 cups granulated sugar.

Cut rhubarb in V2-inch pieces. Remove skins from the grapes. Cook Squeeze lemon and oranges and cut pulp until soft enough to press through rind in very fine strips. Place rhubarb, a sieve. Add skins and other ingredi- sugar, raisins and fruit rinds in kettle ents to strained pulp. Boil until thick, and simmer slowly until thick, about 45 stirring frequently (about 25 minutes). minutes. Add orange and lemon juices Pour into sterilized glasses and when and walnuts. Cook 2 minutes longer. cool seal with hot paraffin. Yields 6-7 Pour into sterilized jars and seal. 8-ounce jars. 90 THREE MEALS A DAY PICKLES AND RELISHES

Nine-day Pickles Mustard Chow-chow 4 quarts cucumbers or gherkins, 1 large head cabbage. 3 pints cider vinegar. 12 green tomatoes. 2 green peppers. 1 ounce celery seed. 10 ripe cucumbers. 1 ounce stick cinnamon. 12 onions. 1 ounce whole allspice. Wash cucumbers in warm water. Cut Prepare vegetables. Remove seeds if too large. Cover with strong brine from the cucumbers. Put through food chopper. Add 1 cup salt. Let stand over (% cup salt to 1 quart water). Leave to stand 3 days. Pour off water. Add night. Drain well. Add 1 quart cider fresh cold water. Change daily for 3 vinegar. Boil for 20 minutes. Make a sauce of: days. Drain and simmer 1-1 V2 hours in x cup mustard. a very weak vinegar ( k cup vinegar to V3 3A cup water), to which has been added 2 tablespoons curry powder. 1 tablespoon tumeric. 1 teaspoon powdered alum. Drain, put 6 cups brown sugar. into large crock. Prepare a cucumbers 2 cups flour. syrup of vinegar and sugar (use % cup 1 quart cold cider vinegar. vinegar to XA cup water for dilution) Add to other mixture. Bring to boil and spices. Boil for five minutes, then and boil for 15 minutes. Bottle and seal. pour over the gherkins. Drain this syrup Will make 6-8 large jars. from the gherkins each day ior three consecutive days. Heat to boiling, and bottle while hot on the third day. These Minced Pineapple Relish pickles may be kept in crocks if they 2 cups chopped pineapple. are in a cool place and covered. % cup chopped green pepper. • 1 cup raisins. V2 cup water. Pickled Beets No. 1 2 cups brown sugar. Boil small beets for 45 minutes in 1 teaspoon salt. salted water. Drain and plunge into cold 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. .1 teaspoon allspice berries. water. Remove skins. Pack beets into Vz teaspoon whole cloves. well-sterilized jars. To each pint jar add: Tie cloves and allspice in bag. Com- Small piece stick cinnamon. 2 cloves. bine liquids, cinnamon, sugar and salt. 1 tablespoon sugar. Add spice bag. Bring all to boil. Boil 2 Va teaspoon salt. minutes. Remove spice bag. Add other Pour on boiling vinegar to cover, ingredients. Simmer 5 minutes. Bottle and seal. Will yield 2 pints. Is delicious diluting it with water if very strong. Seal tightly. with cold meat. NOTE.—If possible, obtain all small beets • and pickle them whole if you can. In any Sweet Gherkins case, if you have to cut them, cut them into Wash 6 quarts small gherkins in warm halves and quarters, rather than into slices. water. Place in a crock and cover with • a brine of the proportions V2 cup salt to 1 quart water. Leave to stand 24 hours. Pickled Beets No. 2 Drain and cover with syrup of: Boil beets in salted water until tender 3 quarts white pickling vinegar. (45 mins.). Plunge into cold water. 6 cups granulated sugar. Remove skins. Pack beets into sterilized 5 tablespoons whole mixed spices jars and pour over the following, which (tied in bag). has been boiled for five minutes: Boil this for five minutes before pour- 2 quarts vinegar. ing on the gherkins. Leave stand for 24 Wz cups water. hours. Drain off syrup. Add 2 cups more 2 cups brown sugar. sugar. Bring to boil, pour over gherkins. V2 teaspoon salt. Leave to stand closely covered for seven V4 cup mixed whole spice (tied in days, then bottle in sterilized jars. bag). N.B.—One teaspoon powdered alum may be Seal tightly. added to the brine. THREE MEALS A DAY 91

Mustard Beans Cherry Olives

1 peck butter or green beans. Wash large sweet cherries and leave 3 pints cider vinegar. stems and pits intact. Place in pint jars sugar. 2V2 pounds brown well sterilized. Add 1V2 teaspoons salt 1 cup mustard. and fill up with white pickling vinegar. 1 cup flour. Seal at once. 2 tablespoons tumeric. 2 tablespoons celery seed. 1 teaspoon salt. Wash and string beans and cut into desired pieces. Cook in boiling salted Watermelon Pickle water for 15 minutes. Drain. Combine 4 lbs. watermelon rind. other ingredients. Bring to boil, stirring 2 lbs. light brown sugar. constantly. When thickened pour over 1 pint cider vinegar, beans and bring to boil again. Cook 5 2 tablespoons whole cinnamon. minutes. Bottle and seal. 1 tablespoon whole cloves. Wi tablespoons whole allspice. 1 tablespoon whole ginger. Whole Mustard Pickles Pare watermelon rind. Cut in thick strips or cubes. Boil V2 ounce alum in % 1 quart silver onions. gallon water. Pour over rind and let 3 quarts small gherkins. stand in warm place for about 1 V2 hours. 1 cauliflower. Drain. Chill in cold water. Make a syrup Vz teaspoon powdered alum. of vinegar, sugar spices tied in 2V2 cups granulated sugar. and % cup flour. cheesecloth bag. When boiling, add rind. 2 tablespoons tumeric. Cook 40 rhinutes or until transparent. 2 tablespoons celery seed. Place in sterilized jars and seal. Makes V2 cup mustard. about 5 pints. 1 quart cider vinegar. Prepare vegetables by peeling on- ions, cutting cauliflower and gherkins Tomato Catsup in desired sizes. Put in brine (V2 cup V2 bushel ripe tomatoes. salt to 1 quart water) to soak overnight y3 cup salt. and to this add the alum. Next morning 6 large onions. prepare a sauce from the other ingredi- 1 large bunch celery. ents combined together and cooked 1 small hot red pepper. until thick. Add vegetables and sim- 1 small piece root ginger. mer for 15 minutes. Bottle and seal 1 tablespoon whole cloves. tightly. Makes 4 quarts. 1 tablespoon whole allspice. 3 tablespoons stick cinnamon. 4 cups brown sugar. 2V2 cups vinegar. Mustard Cucumber Slices Wash and cut tomatoes, sprinkle with 1 dozen green cucumbers. salt and allow to stand 2-3 hours. Drain lbs. small 3 onions. off excess water. Add onions, peeled and Peel and slice onions and cucumbers sliced, chopped celery (use tops) and red pepper. Add spices tied in bag, sugar as for table use. Place in brine of V2 cup salt to 1 quart water. Allow to stand and vinegar. Bring to boil, reduce heat several hours. Drain and rinse in cold and simmer slowly for 1 hour. Remove water. Meanwhile, prepare the follow- from fire. Strain—pressing well through ing: sieve. Return to heat and simmer 2-2 V2 1V2 quarts vinegar. hours longer or until desired thickness. 1 cup flour. Bottle and seal. 1 teaspoon mustard. N.B. — Remove spice bag when desired 2 cups brown sugar. spiciness is obtained. x l /2 teaspoons celery seed. 1 teaspoon white pepper. NOTE — To overcome long cooking 1 teaspoon turmeric. end a tendency to wateriness both in teaspoon salt. V2 chili sauce and in catsup, cut up the Mix dry ingredients and add vinegar. tomatoes and sprinkle them with the salt Bring to a boil and add drained vege- allowed in the recipe. Leave them to tables. Boil all together for 5 minutes. stand several hours. Drain off the excess Bottle and seal. water and proceed with your recipe. 92 THREE MEALS A DAY

Fruit Chili Sauce Corn Relish 12 ears corn. 25 ripe tomatoes. 1 small cabbage. 5 peaches. 4 medium sized onions. 5 pears. 2 tablespoons salt. 5 apples. 2 sweet red peppers. 5 onions. 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 sweet red pepper, diced. y3 cup flour. 1 sweet green pepper, diced. 1 tablespoon mustard. Vz cup whole spices. 1 tablespoon tumeric. taiblespoons salt. \Vz 6 cups cider vinegar. 3 cups granulated sugar. Chop cabbage, onions and peppers 1% pints cider vinegar. very finely. Sprinkle with salt and let Peel all the fruits, tomatoes and stand over night. Boil corn for 10 onions. Cut up tomatoes and chop fruit minutes. Cut kernels from cob. Com- rather finely. Mix well together. Add bine vegetables and add vinegar. Bring other ingredients having the spices tied to boiling point, add sugar and flour in a cheesecloth bag. Cook for 1V2-2 mixed with a little of the vinegar. Boil hours or until thick. Yields 6-8 pints. until mixture thickens, stirring very thoroughly. Bottle and seal. Spiced Grapes 6 quarts Concord grapes. Tomato Chili Sauce 3 large apples. Red 1 pint cider vinegar. 5 cups brown sugar. 16 large ripe tomatoes. teaspoon salt. 2 large onions. Vz 1 teaspoon cloves. 4 sweet green peppers. 1 teaspoon allspice. 2 bunches celery. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 2 tablespoons salt. 2 cups brown sugar. Skin grapes. Place pulp in saucepan. 4 tablespoons whole spices. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain, 1 cup cider vinegar. combine with skins and apple which has been peeled and very finely chop- Wash and peel tomatoes. Remove ped. Add other ingredients. Cook seeds and tongues from peppers. Cut uncovered, stirring frequently, until tomatoes. Dice onions, green peppers and thick about 35 minutes. Pour into ster- celery. Place together in large preserv- ilized jars and seal. ing kettle. Add salt, then sugar and • vinegar. Add spices tied in a cheesecloth Pickled Onions bag. Cook slowly, uncovered, for 2 Peel silver onions with stainless steel hours. knife. Prepare a boiling hot brine in the proportion of Vz cup salt to 1 quart water and pour over the onions. Leave for 24 hours. Do this for two days, Pickled Green Tomatoes reheating the brine each time. After the third day, drain and cover with 3 dozen small whole green tomatoes. fresh cold water. Leave to stand 24 2 pounds brown sugar. hours. Drain, pack into sterilized jars 2 sticks cinnamon. and to each pint jar add pints diluted vinegar. Wz 2 teaspoons granulated sugar. Whole cloves. 3 chili peppers. 2 to 3 pieces bruised root ginger. Cook tomatoes for 15 minutes in Cold vinegar to fill jar. Cover and strong salt brine cup salt to 1 ( % quart seal. water). Make a syrup of sugar, vinegar and cinnamon. Stick a whole clove in Dill Pickles each tomato. Put tomatoes in syrup and 1 tablespoon dill in bottom of bring to a boil. Cook slowly until syrup Put small cucumbers and fill into thickens, about 15 minutes. Bottle and jar, wash seal. quart jars. Add 1 tablespoon salt. Note—You will have a much nicer product 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. if you take a little extra time to remove the Hot vinegar to fill jar. skins from the tomatoes after cooking in the Now place 1 teaspoon mixed spice on salt water. top and seal. THREE MEALS A DAY 93 EGGS

Shirred Eggs in Bacon Scrambled Egg and Tomatoes 6 eggs. 2 tablespoons butter. 6 slices bacon. x cup chopped onion. Butter. k cups tomatoes, chopped in large Salt and pepper. \Vz pieces. Line 6 muffin tins with strips of Vz teaspoon salt. bacon. Drop an egg in centre; sprinkle Vs teaspoon pepper. with salt and pepper. Dot each egg with 1 teaspoon sugar. butter. Bake in oven at 375 degrees F. 4 eggs, beaten. until the white is firm (for about 20 Saute onion and butter in pan for 2-3 minutes). Serves six. minutes. Add tomatoes and seasonings. Cook for 2-3 minutes, add beaten egg. Stir together over a slow heat until Scrambled Eggs Christmas Style mixture is set. Serve on hot toast. 6 eggs. Serves four. Vz teaspoon salt. Vs teaspoon milk. 6 tablespoon milk. 4 slices bacon, chopped. Cuban Eggs % cup chopped pimiento. 6 slices toast. % lb. sausage meat. 2 onions. Beat eggs slightly. Add salt, pepper teaspoons chopped cup catsup. and milk. Cook bacon slightly in sauce- % 6 eggs lightly beaten. pan, add pimiento, then the egg mix- % teaspoon salt. ture. Cook, stirring frequently, until Vs teaspoon pepper. thick. Pile on toast and garnish with parsley. Fry meat and onion for 5 minutes. Add catsup, eggs and seasonings. Cook until eggs are thick and pile on toast. Birmingham Eggs Serves six. 6 slices bread. 6 eggs. Salt and pepper. Poached Egg Suggestions Cut bread in %-inch slices. From centre cut out circle with -inch 2V2 ( 1 ) . Serve on toast and pour over cutter. Place bread slice in hot frying tomato or cheese sauce. pan in which there is butter. Drop an Pour thickened canned green peas egg in circle and cook on one side until (2) toast and place poached egg on top. brown. Place a piece of butter on top over of egg. Turn over and cook on other (3) Serve in nest of spinach with side. Serve garnished with parsley. cheese sauce.

Creamy Scrambled Eggs Egg and Onion Casserole 6 eggs, lightly beaten. Vz teaspoon salt. 3 hard cooked eggs, chopped. Vs teaspocn pepper. 3 medium onions, sliced. % cup milk. 2 tablespoons diced pimiento. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 cups cream sauce. 1 cup cheese crumbs. Combine all ingredients, placing but- ter at bottom of saucepan. Stir together Prepare eggs. Cook onions for 10 over very slow heat in double boiler minutes in boiling, salted water. Com- until just coagulated. Serve at once bine onions, pimiento and cream sauce. with broiled sausage or bacon. Sliced Arrange eggs and cream sauce mixture tomatoes also make a nice garnish. alternately in casserole. Cover with Minced ham, chopped green pepper or cheese crumbs. Place in oven at 375 pimiento could be added before cooking. degrees for 30 minutes. Serves six. . .. .


BEVERAGES Chocolate Whipped Cream. 48 CANNING, OVEN 85-86 "400" 71 Christmas, Dai k 50 General Method 85 Beet Wine 71 Christmas, Light 50 Fruits 86 Choke Cherry Wine 71 Downy White 48 Beets 86 Elderberry Wine 71 Fruit Pound 50 Carrots 86

49 '. Frosted Chocolate 71 Gingerbread Cup Tomatoes 8tt Ginger Grape Juice 71 Gingerbread Hot Water ... 49 Strawberries 86 49 Jiffy Grape Juice 71 Honey Date Syrups 85 Orange and Lemon Basic Spice Cake 48 Punch 71 White 47 Rhubarb Punch 71 CARAMEL SYRUr : -rrr-3&-

BREADS, HOT CORNFLAKE COOKERY . 63 Bran Muffins 74 Orange Sunshine 49 Butterscotch Pecan 74 Peach Sponge 49 CONFECTIONS 23 Cheese Muffins 74 Prize Sponge 55 Cheese Filled Rolls 75 Three Egg Sponge 55 Gingerbread Waftles 75 DESSERTS Honey Bran Muffins 75 Apple Cheese Cake 39 Jam Bran Muffins 74 39 Queen of Muffins 74 CAKES, FILLINGS AND Banana Butterscotch 42 Tea Biscuits 80 FROSTINGS Blueberry Happy Boys .... 41 Waffles 75 Blueberry Sponge 41 Almond Paste 53 Carrot Pudding 40 Almond, Mock, Paste 53 Cocoanut Maple Tapioca . 37 iTirrinn aniflir » Apple Filling 52 Come-and-get-it 39 Butter Icing 52 Coffee Marlow 43 Bran 79 Date Filling 52 Bran 79 Creamy Rice 41 Lady Baltimore Frosting . 52 Bread 79 Custards 44 Bran Corn Lemon Cheese -53 Coffee 78 Date Crumble Tart . 38 Danish Cake Lemon Frosting 53 Date and Nut Bread 78 Grape Sponge 76 Maraschino Frosting ...... 52 Ice Cream 43 Johnny Cake 79 Orange Frosting 52 Jellied . 40 Shillelaghs 78 Christmas Pudding Ornamental Frosting 53 Jellied Rhubarb Filberts 41 Toad in the Hole 79 & Seven Minute Frosting .... 52 Junket 42 Yorkshire Pudding 79 Krispie Cream '. 37 Layered Banana 42 BREADS, YEAST Lemon Tapioca Fluff 39 Lime Pineapple Whip 37 Refrigerator Rolls CAKES, SMALL 76 Maple Pudding 38 Whole Wheat Bread 76 Baked Fudge Squares 56 Marshmallow Loaf 40 Butterscotch Squares ...... 61 North Pole Cake 40 COCKTAILS, APPETIZERS, Caramel Filbert Macaroons 57 Orange Charlotte 42 HORS D'OEUVRES Cherry Almond Cookies ... 56 Peach Rice Fluff 38 Cocoanut Chews 61 Apple Crack Cocktail 4 Pecan Rice Butterscotch . 38 Cocoanut Strips : . . 61 Pineapple Snow 42 Bacon and Peanut Butter Cornflake Caramel Maca- . . 38 Bits 4 Plum Compote with Rice roons 56 Plum Pudding 43 Bacon and Prune Appetizer 4 Cream Puffs 59 Canteloupe Pineapple Cock- Raisin Maple 42 Crispie Cookies 57 Raspberry Charlotte 41 tail 3 Date and' Burnt Almond Raspberry Roll 41 Cherry Almond Fizz 4 Macaroons' 57 Rice Mould 38 Cranberry Juice Cocktail . . 3 Date and Nut Crunchies. ... <>< 41 Lime and Orange Morning South Wind Fluff " Hermits . 77 Steamed Suet Fruit 40 Set-up 4 Honey and Orange Drops . 57 Strawberry Cottage 37 Maraschino Honey Dew Honey Date Bars 63 Strawberry Crunch 37 Cocktail 3 Leonon Cocoanut Drops ... 56 Strawberry Fritters 37 Mushroom and Ham Canape 3 Magic Fruit Cake 56 Strawberry Marlow 43 Pear Fruit and Lime Cock- Mary's Wafers 57 Strawberry Trifle 44 tail 4 Mrs. Gray's Dainties 57 Tapioca Fluff 37 Pineapple Orange Teaser . 4 Oatmeal Date Shortbread . 59 Potato Chip Appetizer .... 3 Oatmeal Raisin Cookies ... 59 Prune Teasers 4 DESSERT SAUCES Orange Cornflake Chews . 61 Sardine Canapes 3 Peanut Butter Cookies .... 59 Brandy 45 Sardine Crisp Snacks 4 Peanut Cookies 59 Butterscotch Ice Cream ... 45

Watermelon Fizz . - Cocktail 3 Scotch Fancies 56 Butterscotch Pudding 45 Shortbreads 77 Chocolate Ice Cream 45 CAKES, BUTTER Shortbread, Almond 71 Currant 38 Balmoral 50 Shortbread, Cocoanut 71 Fig 45 Banana 48 Shortbread, Cheese 71 Ginger 51 California Prune 49 Shortbread, Orange Marm- Hard 45 Chocolate Layer 49 alade 61 Lemon 45 Chocolate Sour Cream .... 48 Almond Short Fingers 71 Quick Caramel 45 THREE MEALS A DAY 95

EGGS JfcllJlUB, MULLDMV POULTRY Baked with Cheese 26 Jellied Chicken or Veal ... 12 Chicken, Boiled 10 Birmingham 93 Jellied Neapolitan Loaf 12 Chicken, Baked in Milk 11 Cuban 93 Jeliied Tongue !... 12 Chicken, Fried, Southern... 10 Egg and Onion Casserole . . 93 Moulded Lamb in Mint Jelly 12 Chicken, Tetrazzini 10 Poached Egg Suggestions. . . 93 Chicken Turnovers 10 Scrambled, with Tomatoes 93 MEAT AND FISH, SAUCES FOR Chicken, Baked Virginia... 11 Scrambled, Tomato and Caper Sauce 15 Goose, Roast 9 • Cheese 26 Cream Sauce 15 Squabs, Baked Stuffed 11 Scrambled, Christmas Style 93 Cheese Sauce 15 Squabs, Broiled 11 Scrambled, Creamy 93 Cucumber Sauce 15 Turkey, Roast 9 Shirred in Bacon 93 Maitre d'hote Butter 15 Sauce for New Potatoes ... 15 SANDWICHES MEAT AND FISH, STUFFINGS Checkerboard 81 FOR Double Pinwheel 81 FISH French Ham 75 Apple and Sage Stuffing ... 15 Baked Salmon and Potatoes Toasted Open 83 Celery and Nut Stuffing 15 au gratin 14 Toasted Luncheon 83 Dressing for Roast Veal ... 15 Boiled Halibut with Cheese Sandwich Royal 82 Sausage Forcemeat Stuffing 15 and Olive Sauce 13 iF Fillets, Santa Barbara Style 14 SANDWICH FILLINGS Haddock au gratin 13. Cornflake t 63 Mackerel Pie 14 , Banana 83 . Crumb Method 65 14 Beet and Cheese 82 Mackerel Scrapple Flaky Method 65 Olive Cabbage and Nut 82 Rice Mold, Salmon & Hot Water Method 65 Sauce 14 Cheese Relish 83 PIES Date and Peanut Butter 82 and 83 FRUITS Apple, Deep, Canadian 66 Egg Almond Blueberry Meringue 66 Ham and Gherkin 83 Apples, Baked 51 Ham and Pepper Relish .... 82 Apples, Glazed 51 Boston Cream 66 . 83 Butterscotch 69 Peanut Butter and Bacon. Cranberry Sauce 51 * Variations 82 Butterscotch Peach 66 Tomato Date Fruit Cup "..:.. 51 Tongue and Jelly 83 • Cherry Cream . 67 Grapefruit with Cranberries 51 Sandwich Spread 83 Grapefruit in Orange 5* Cherry & Rhubarb, Deep . 68 .*. Pears au gratin 51 Cherry, Graham Cracker . 66 Chocolate Almond Fluff ... 69 SALADS JAMS, JELLIES, CONSERVES Cranberry & Pineapple 69 A Bowl of Sunshine 32 Custard >*. . . 53 Banana and Apple 30 Preserve 89 Citron Grape Tart 69 Cabbage Luncheon 31 Jelly 89 Crab-apple Ice Cream 69 Cabbage and Grapefruit .... 33 Conserve 81 Favorite Lemon Meringue 68 Cabbage and Grape 33 Ginger Pear Slices. '87 Lemon, Magic • 68 California Fruit 30 Gooseberry & Cherry Con- Mincemeat, Carrot and Apple 31 88 serve With Meat 67 Carrot and Cabbage 30 Conserve ... 87 Harlequin Without Meat 67 Chefs 32 89 Heavenly Jam Green Tomato 67 Cottage Cheese Mould 32 Peach-Conserve 88 Pineapple Cheese 68 Crabmeat and Grapefruit. . . 33 88 Peach Jam Pineapple Cream 68 Devilled Eggs 32 87 Pear Conserve Praline Peach 66 Frisco 31 87 Pear Jam Pumpkin 66 Fish, Australian Style 31 Pineapple Jam 88 Strawberry Hamper 33 Mar- 68 Pineapple and Orange Strawberry Chiffon 68 Italian 31 malade 88 Moulded Celery and Small, and Tarts Plum Conserve 88 PASTRIES, Pimiento 33 Quince Jelly 89 Brown Sugar Tarts 70 Philadelphia Relish 32 Rhubarb Conserve 89 Butter Tarts 70 Poinsettia 33 Tomato Marmalade 87 Cheese Tarts 70 Potato, Christmas Style 33 Cheese Wheels 70 Pyramid 31

MEAT Dale Surprises • J Red and White 31 Dolly 70 Bacon Pudding 9 Varden Tarts Russian Fruit and Cabbage 30 Sour Tarts 70 Baked Short Ribs 8 C-eam Salamugundi 33 32 Baked Virginia Ham ...... 6 PICKLES AND RELISHES Stuffed Tomato ' White Beauty 31 Bronx Casserole 8 '. Beans, Mustard . 91 Beef Olives 7 Beets, Pickled 90 Beefsteak Pockets 7 Catsup, Tomato 91 SALADS, USING LEAF Chile Con Carne 7 Cherry, Olives 91 LETTUCE Creole Hash 6 .a 34 Chili Sauce, Red Tomato. . . 92 Bedtime Lamb en Casserole 8 Chili Sauce, Fruit 92 Lettuce Cheese Rolls 34 Lamb Saute with Vegetables 7 Corn Relish 92 Tomato and Cheese 34 Lamb, Spring Stew 7 Dill Pickles 92 Water Lily 34 Liver en Casserole 73 Minced Pineapple Relish ... 90 Pie Liver 73 Mustard Cucumber Slices . . 91 SALADS, JELLIED Meat Pie 8 Mustard Pickles, Whole.... 91 Fruit Ginger Ale 35 Picnic Loaf 6 Mustard Chow Chow 90 Jellied Cranberry 35 Pot Roast 8 Nine-Day Pickles 90 Jellied Ham Rolls 35 Potted Steak with Peas .... 6 Pickled Green Tomatoes. ... 92 Jellied Beet Mould 35 Sage Brush Turkeys 6 Pickled Onions 92 Mint 35 Savory Baked Ham 6 Spiced Grapes 92 Moulded Cole Slaw 35 Smothered Sausage 6 Sweet Gherkins 90 Veal Roast 7 Watermelon Pickle 91 SALAD DRESSINGS 36 96 THREE MEALS A DAY

SOUPS Sardine Rarebit 27 Corn Fritters 19 Shrimps and Mushroom ... 24 Corn and Tomato Saute 20 Corn Chowder 5 Spinach Mould with Cream- Corn Saute 20 Down East Fish Chowder . . 5 ed Fish 27 Egg Plant, Fried 21 Jellied Tomato Bouillon . . 5 Turkey en Casserole 25 Egg Plant, Oriental 21 Jellied Vegetable Soup .... 5 Vegetable Chop Suey 24 Egg Plant, Stuffed 21 Puree 5 Spiced Tomato Onions, Stuffed with Baked Vegetable Chowder 5 Beans 21 TOASTS Parsnip Patties 19 Parsnips with Tomato Sauce 19 SUPPER DISHES Cinnamon Toast 82 Cheese Logs 82 Potatoes, Baked Stuffed 17 Bakok Stew 24 Cheese Mallows 82 Potatoes, Cold Meat 17 Potatoes, Hashed Brown ... 17 Baked Beans en Casserole . . 25 Cheese Rolls, Toasted 82 Cabbage & Eggs in Tomato Orange Toast 82 Potatoes, Hongroise 17 Potatoes, Hungarian 17 Sauce 24 Pecan Marmalade Rolls ... 82 Cheese Bean Roast 27 Potatoes, Scotch Baked . . 17 Cheese Fondu 25 Salsify 19 Chicken and Celery Souffle 25 VEGETABLES Spinach, Balls 18 Chicken in Tomato 25 Spinach, With Bacon 18 iChilaly 27 General rules 16 Spinach and Eggs au Gratin 18 Crab Delight in Patty Shells 27 Artichokes, Jerusalem 19 Spinach, Savory 18 Escalloped Lamb, Dixie " Beets, Harvard 21 Squash, Baked 20 Style 25 Beets, Sauteed 21 Squash, Boiled 20 Macaroni and Cheese 27 Beets, Russian 19 Squash, Glazed 20 Macaroni Ham and Almonds 27 Brussels Sprouts 19 Squash, Puff 20 Macaroni Mousse 25 Cabbage, Creamed 18 Tomatoes, Ripe Fried 20 Mushrooms, Peas and Al- Cabbage Leaves, Stuffed ... 18 Tomatoes, Green Fried .... 21 monds en Patty 24 Carrots, Glazed 18 Tomatoes au Gratin 21 Mushrooms stuffed with Carrots, Smash 17 Tomato Succotash 20

Crabmeat 24 Corn and Celery au gratin . 20 Vegetable Marrow, Stuffed. 19

CROSS-INDEX to assist in menu planning FOR A SPECIAL BREAKFAST NOTE : This is not a complete index — merely one Lime and Orange Morning

Setup ; 4 Jam Bran Muffins 74 to which you can refer for suggestions Waffles 75 Bran Corn Bread 79 for special occasions.—J.M.R. Eggs, Shirred in Bacon 93 Scrambled Eggs, Creamy or Christmas Style 93 FOR A SPECIAL TEA PARTY FOR A SPECIAL BRIDGE PARTY FOR SPECIAL A LUNCHEON Tea Biscuits 80 Cheese Muffins 74 Pear and Lime Fruit Cocktail 4 Date and Nut Bread 78 Shillelaghs 78 Wate'rmelon Fizz Cocktail .... 3 Fruit Pound Cake 50 Downy White Cake 48 Danish Coffee Cake 78 Date and Burnt Almond with Refrigerator Rolls 76 Macaroons 57 Lady Baltimore Frosting 52 Coffee Ma rlow 43 Orange Cornflake Chews 61 Any of Small Cakes 56-61 North Pole Cake 40 Shortbreads 71 Marshmallow Loaf 40 Peach Rice Fluff 38 Baked Fudge Squares 56 Frisco Salad 31 Raspberry Charlotte 41 Cheese Wheels 70 California Fruit Salad 30 Jellied Ham Rolls 35 Date Surprises 70 Crabmeat , and Grapefruit Chicken and Celery Souffle.. 25 Double Pinwheel Sandwich ... 81 Salad : 33 Chicken Turnovers 10 Checkerboard Sandwiches .... 81 Chicken in Tomato 25 Sandwich Fillings 82-83 Crab Delight in Patty Shells.. 27 FOR SPECIAL •s A DINNER Cheese Logs 82 Cherry Almond Fizz 4 Cheese Mallows 82 Bacon'tand FOR A CHILDREN'S PARTY Prune Appetizers . . 4 Maraschino Honrey Dew FOR A SPECIAL BUFFET SUPPER "400" 71 Cocktail 3 Jellied Neapolitan Loaf 12 Orange and Lemon Basic Punch 71 Spiced Tomato Puree 5 Jellied Tongue 12 Prize Sponge Cake 55 Baked Virginia Ham 6 Moulded Lamb in Mint 12 Ice Cream 43 Baked Virginia Chicken II Potato Salad, Christmas Style 33 Crispie Cookies 57 Fried Chicken, Southern Style. . 10 Carrot and Cabbage 30 Mary's Wafers 57

^Harvard Beets 21 Chef's Salad 32 Cocoanut Chews , 61 Glazed Carrots 18 Praline Peach Pie 66 Jellied Chicken 12 Pineapple Snow 42 Chocolate Whipped Cream Date and Peanut Butter Sand- Orange Charlotte 42 Cake 48 wich 82 Strawberry Chiffon Pie 68 Jellied Christmas Pudding ... 40 Banana Sandwich 83 Chocolate Almond Fluff .... 69 Cheese Filled Rolls 75 Popcorn Witches 23