Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Cyber Victim Notification Process
REDACTED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice OVERSIGHT * INTEGRITY * GUIDANCE Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Cyber Victim Notification Process REDACTED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE The full version of this report contains information that the Department considered to be classified and therefore could not be publicly released, To create this public version of the report, the Office of the Inspector General redacted (blacked out) portions of the full report. REDACTED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ,,,,~,,,.,,,_, ,,l.~ ·· '\.\ (U) Executive Summary \. ~ .... , ~---_,,,,.,,,,~ -~':"""~ . ,'/ '. - ~- -.. - - . (U) Objective (U) Audit Results (U) The objectiveof this audit was to evaruata the (U) Rellabllltyof CyberGuardian Data - We found Federal Bureau of Invastrgatlon's (FBI) processu and thatthe data In Cyber Guardian was unreliable due to practices fornotifying and engaging with victims of typographtcal errors, a lack of loglc controls that would cyber Intrusions. Speclftcally, we examined the FBI's prevent Input errors, and Incomplete Inclusion of victim adherence to Executive Order13636, Improvingcrttlcal notlflcatlons from restricted access cases. Infrastructure Cybersecurlty, and the FBICyber Dlvlston (U) Notifying Vlc:tlmsof theirRights under the AG Policy Guida 0853PG as well as other related polldes. Guidelines - We found that not all victims were (U) Results in Brief Informed of their rights as required by the AG Guldellnes.• This occurred because: (1) the AG (U) TheFBI established Cyber Guardian for tracking the Guidelines are outdated since they do not consider the production, dissemination, and disposition of cyber needs of victims of cybercrlme; (2) there Is no widely vlctlm notifications which can help victims mitigate the accepted definition of what constitutes a victim of damage caused by cyber Intrusions and Ina-ease the cybercrlme; and (3) there Is currently no process for potential for Intelligence collectlon by theFBI.
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