International Committee of the Red Cross

Objekttyp: Index

Zeitschrift: Annual report / International Committee of the Red Cross

Band (Jahr): - (1957)

PDF erstellt am: 26.09.2021

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS

ilfimfers :

Honorary President : MAX HUBER, Doctor of Laws, former President of the Permanent Court of International Justice. LEOPOLD BOISSIER, Doctor of Laws, Honorary Professor at the University of , former Secretary-General to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, President (1946) L JACQUES CHENEVIÈRE, Hon. Doctor of Literature (1919). LUCIE ODIER, former Director of the District Service, Geneva Branch of the Swiss Red Cross (1930). CARL J. BURCKHARDT, Doctor of Philosophy, former Swiss Minister to (1933). MARTIN BODMER, Hon. Doctor of Philosophy, Vice-President (1940). ERNEST GLOOR, Doctor of Medicine (1945). PAUL CARRY, Doctor of Laws, Professor at the University of Geneva (1946). PAUL RUEGGER, former Swiss Minister to Italy and the United Kingdom, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (1948). HENRI GUISAN, General, former Commander-in-Chief of the Swiss Army (1948). ALFREDO VANNOTTI, Doctor of Medicine, Professor at the Lausanne University (1949). RODOLFO OLGIATI, former Director of the Don Suisse (1949). MARGUERITE VAN BERCHEM, former Head of Section, Central Prisoners of War Agency (1951). FRÉDÉRIC SIORDET, Lawyer, Counsellor of the ICRC from 1943 to 1951, Vice-President (1951). , Doctor of Medicine, Delegate of the ICRC from 1935 to 1946 (1952). GUILLAUME BORDIER, Certificated Engineer E.P.F., M.B.A. Harvard, Banker (1955).

ROGER GALLOPIN, Doctor of Laws, Executive Director. JEAN S. PICTET,'Doctor of Laws, Director for General Affairs. EDOUARD DE BONDELI, Assistant Director, Financial and Administrative Services. CLAUDE PILLOUD, Assistant-Director, Legal Department. The International Committee of the Red Cross holds a plenary session every month in order to take decisions of a general nature and to define its policy. The Presidential Council in 1957 was composed of Mr. L. Boissier, Mr. M. Bodmer, Mr. F. Siordet, Mr. J. Chenevière, Dr. E. Gloor and Mr. R. Olgiati. The Directorate deals with the work of the ICRC and the administration of its various departments.

* The figures in brackets represent the dates of nomination of the members of the International Committee.