Equations of State for Matter March 1–6, 2010, Elbrus, Russia

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Equations of State for Matter March 1–6, 2010, Elbrus, Russia Institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS Kabardino-Balkarian State University XXV International Conference on Equations of State for Matter March 1–6, 2010, Elbrus, Russia Book of Abstracts Moscow & Chernogolovka & Nalchik, 2010 The book consists of the abstracts of oral and poster contributions to the XXV International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (March 1–6, 2010, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia). The reports are devoted to the modern investigations in the field of physics of extreme states of matter. The following questions are covered: equations of state and constitutive equations for matter under extreme conditions; shock waves and detonation physics; experimental methods of diagnostics of ul- trafast processes; interaction of intense laser, x-ray and microwave radia- tion, powerful ion and electron beams with matter; techniques of intense energy fluxes generation; low-temperature plasma physics; issues of physics and power engineering, technology projects. The conference is held under financial support of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No. 10- 02-06043). Edited by academician Fortov V.E., Karamurzov B.S., Temrokov A.I., Ef- remov V.P., Khishchenko K.V., Sultanov V.G., Levashov P.R., Kanel G.I., Iosilevski I.L., Milyavskiy V.V., Mintsev V.B., Petrov O.F., Savintsev A.P., Shpatakovskaya G.V. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. EQUATIONS OF STATE FOR MATTER Di Cicco A. Matter under extreme conditions probed with a free- electron-laser: TIMEX project . 17 Minicucci M., Di Cicco A. X-ray diffraction under high pressure and temperature using a novel laboratory setup . 17 Holzapfel W.B. Problems in shock wave reduced isotherms . 18 Degtyareva V.F. Electronic origin of the incommensurate modu- lation in the structure of phosphorus IV . 18 Ovchinnikov S.G., Lyubutin I.S., Gavriliuk A.G., Struzhkin V.V. Spin crossover and insulator-metal transitions under high pressure . 19 Vorob’ev V.S., Novikov V.G. Unusual properties of liquid hydro- gen at megabar pressure . 20 Lomonosov I.V. Wide-range EOS models . 21 Khishchenko K.V. Multiphase equations of state for metals under high energy density conditions . 22 Iosilevskiy I.L. Global cold curve. New representation for zero- temperature isotherm . 23 Blaschke D.B. Cluster expansion for a strongly coupled multicom- ponent quark plasma . 24 Levashov P.R., Filinov V.S., Bonitz M., Ivanov Y.B., Skokov V.V., Fortov V.E. Equation of state of strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma: path integral Monte Carlo simulations . 24 Lyakhov K.A., Mishustin I.N. Baryon stopping at RHIC and LHC energies . 25 Aksenov A.G., Chechetkin V.M. The physical model of the gravi- tational collapse of the iron-oxygen stellar core, the neutrino luminosity, and Supernova . 26 Jalmukhambetov A.U., Tarasevich Yu.Yu. The scaling transforma- tion and phenomenological equation of stellar material distri- bution . 27 Novikov V.G., Koshelev K.N., Solomyannaya A.D. Radiative un- resolved spectra atomic model . 28 Shpatakovskaya G.V. About field-emission from quantum system 29 Shemyakin O.P., Levashov P.R., Khishchenko K.V. Ionization de- gree in Thomas–Fermi and DFT models . 30 3 Sin’ko G.V., Levashov P.R., Smirnov N.A., Khishchenko K.V. Heat capacity and thermal pressure of electrons in Al and W crystals . 30 Minakov D.V., Levashov P.R., Khishchenko K.V. First-principle calculations of shock Hugoniot of aluminum near melting curve 31 Molodets A.M. Free energy and melting curve of sodium at high pressure . 31 Shakhray D.V., Golyshev A.A., Avdonin V.V., Kim V.V., Molo- dets A.M., Fortov V.E. Pressure induced metal-semiconduc- tor transition in shocked molten sodium . 32 Reout I.I., Bertyaev B.I. Equations of state of crystal system and calculation of intrinsic pressure in metals with body- centered cubic lattice and face-centered cubic lattice . 32 Shumikhin A.S., Khomkin A.L. Dissociation of molecules in shock- compressed fluid . 33 Starikov S.V. Electronic temperature-dependent potentials for atomistic simulation . 34 Zhilyaev P.A., Stegailov V.V. Study of electronic structure and conductivity of liquid metallic sodium under high pressure and temperature . 35 Pisarev V.V., Norman G.E. Crystallization of aluminum melt. Molecular dynamics study . 35 Mochalov I.A., Sultanov V.G. Computational modeling of cylin- drical liner collapsing dynamic (iron, cuprum, tantalum, alu- minium) . 36 Fortova S.V. Influence of macroparameters on the initial stage of vortex cascades formation . 37 Yagafarov O.F., Gromnitskaya E.L., Lyapin A.G., Brazhkin V.V. Equations of state of molecular fullerites C60 and C70 .... 38 Tikhomirova G.V., Volkova Y.Y., Babushkin A.N. Conductivity of carbon materials (fullerite, graphite and single-wall carbon nanotubes) at pressures 20–50 GPa . 39 Istomin A.I., Tikhomirova G.V. Studies of electrical properties of graphite and graphite–zirconium oxide mixtures under pres- sure up to 45 GPa . 40 Trefilova A.N., Babushkin A.N. Electrical properties of nanocrys- talline ZrO2 at high pressure . 41 Kheifets O.L., Melnikova N.V., Shakirov E.F., Babushkin A.N., Pinigina K.S. Peculiarity of pressure and temperature depen- dences the ion-conductor sulphide of silver electrical properties 42 4 Melnikova N.V., Kheifets O.L., Babushkin A.N., Tebenkov A.V., Sokhareva N.S. Baric impedance spectroscopy of multi-com- ponent ionic semiconductors . 43 Kheifets O.L., Melnikova N.V., Filippov A.L., Pinigina K.S., Sok- hareva N.S., Babushkin A.N. Electroresistance of materials from system Cu-Ag-Ge-As-Se at temperatures 78–400 K and pressure up to 42 GPa . 44 Melnikova N.V., Kadyrova N.I., Ustinova I.S., Zaynulin Yu.G., Babushkin A.N. Electrical properties of the new high pressure perovskite-like phase CaCoCu2V4O12 .............. 45 Oreshkin V.I., Chaikovsky S.A., Labetskaya N.A., Ivanov Yu.F., Khishchenko K.V., Levashov P.R., Kuskova N.I., Rud A.D. Phase transformation of matter at extreme energy conditions 46 Basharin A.Yu., Dozhdikov V.S., Sobina O.A., Turchaninov M.A., Fokin L.R. The overcooled liquid carbon and the metastable diamond coexistence line: experimental background and ther- modynamic calculations . 47 Sobina O.A., Averin A.A., Basharin A.Yu., Lysenko I.Yu., Spit- syn B.V., Turchaninov M.A. Vapor–liquid–solid mechanism of the carbon vapor condensation on the graphite and dia- mond . 48 Cherevko A.G. The surface tension estimation of the ionic melts near a curve of coexistence . 48 Gavasheli Yu.O., Gavasheli D.Sh., Karpenko S.V., Savintsev A.P. Modeling of interatomic interaction . 49 Rusin S.P. Titanium optical properties during the growth of oxide film: computer modeling . 50 Knyazev D.V., Senchenko V.N., Sheindlin M.A., Vervikishko P.S. Direct measurements of temperature fields during subsecond laser heating of refractory substances . 51 Kostanovskiy A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E., Zeodinov M.G. Normal spectral emissivity (at 650 nm) of refractory metals at the melting by a thin plate method . 53 Lankin A.V., Norman G.E., Stegailov V.V. Atomistic simulation of the interaction of electrolyte with graphite nanostructures in advanced supercapacitors . 53 Smirnov G.S., Stegailov V.V. Molecular dynamics simulation of methane hydrate . 54 Kondaurov V.I., Konyukhov A.V. Model of the incomplete phase transitions of gas hydrates in porous media . 55 5 Izvekov O.Ya., Kondaurov V.I. Skeleton behavior due to gas-hy- drates dissociation . 56 Ustjuzhanin E.E., Vorob’ev V.S., Shishakov V.V., Abdulagatov I.M., Frenkel M.M. Analysis of modern models for descrip- tion of the density on the liquid–gas coexistence curve . 57 Ustjuzhanin E.E., Shishakov V.V., Abdulagatov I.M., Frenkel M.M., Rykov V.V. Scaling models of the saturation pressure in a wide temperature region . 58 CHAPTER 2. SHOCK WAVES. DETONATION. COMBUSTION Funtikov A.I. Solidification of molten metals and liquids induced by waves of shock, quasi-isentropic and isentropic compression 60 Kanel G.I., Savinykh A.S., Razorenov S.V. Shock propagation and strength properties of sapphire . 61 Bezruchko G.S., Kanel G.I., Razorenov S.V., Savinykh A.S., Mil- yavskiy V.V. Polymorphic transformation of graphite at dif- ferent structure to the diamond-like phase under shock com- pression . 61 Emelyanov A.N., Nikolaev D.N., Pyalling A.A., Ternovoi V.Ya. Two-phase boundary determination by isentropic expansion of shock-compressed porous samples . 62 Golyshev A.A., Shakhray D.V., Savinykh A.S., Molodets A.M. Manganin gauge under megabar shock pressures . 63 Shakhray D.V., Molodets A.M. The electric response of the shock- compressed magnesium hydride MgH2 .............. 63 Avdonin V.V., Shilov G.V., Volodina V.A., Zhukov A.N., Shulga Yu.M., Molodets A.M. Stability of crystal structure of fullerenes under shock wave compression . 64 Belyatinskaya I.V., Milyavskiy V.V., Feldman V.I., Borodina T.I., Belyakov A.A. To the difference of rock-forming min- erals transformations in the course of planar stepwice and converging spherical shock compression . 65 Skripnyak E.G., Skripnyak V.V., Pasko E.G., Skripnyak V.A. Dy- namics of fracture of ceramics with porous structure at shock wave loading . 66 Skripnyak E.G., Skripnyak V.A., Korobenkov M.V., Skripnyak V.V. Damage of nanocomposites under pulse loading . 67 Naimark O.B. Structural-scaling transitions and long range con- stitutive models for shocked material . 68 6 Uvarov S.V., Davydova M.M., Leontiev V.A., Chudinov V.V., Lyapunova E.A., Naimark O.B. Multiscale kinetics of evo- lution of mesodefects, staging and statistical regularities of failure under intensive loading . 69 Bayandin Yu.V., Uvarov S.V., Lyapunova E.A., Naimark O.B.
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