Manteaud' 6coliire 7 nlnglz Schoolcoat

Trace: *Back (dos), Ugg{( capuchon),and m4rtinqaleat the fold of doublefabric *Ffoqt (devant),sleeves (manche), sleeve b@ds ( de manche),pqpkets (poche) and pocketbands (revers de la poche)on doublefabric *Collar (col) on singlsfabric Trace the samepattem pieces on your (tracethe pafterna tiny larger thenthe fabric pieces)

Cut out at the very edgeof the patterns. (add someextra alloweanceif you choosenot to makea lining)

A.ssembling: bqck and frpn! closeslroulderseams a/b collar: lining on the collar or turn under 3 sides(not the )and sitch down Press.You can topstitchon the machineif you prefere the collar at the neckline ( right side of the collar on back side body) Let correspondo/o Put besideasyouhave to add the hood before Hoqd:. Stitch the lining on your fabric, turn and press.Topstitch if you want Or stitch the hem (! Hem on the right side of the fabric as you needto tum over a part of the hood) Gatherthe hood (fronces)and adjustto the neckline.Let correspondp/p Pin and stitch the 3 layers:body, collar and hood.Clip whereneeded. Press the collar so the seillls disappear Slepves;Stitch the lining to the sleevebands . Pressand topstitch if you like Or makea hem (lagain on right side of the fabric) Adjust the sleevesto the length of you sleeveband. Pin (back sidesof fabric together!)Stitch Adjust thg sleevesto the mrnboles.Pin. Stitch-Fress and clip Closeall sidesearns Pogkstl $titch the lining of the pocketI pocketband or turn underthe seamsand stirch. Topstitchif you like.Stitch pocketand pocketbandto the coat topstitchingon the machineor fairly invisible by hand Martingalq titch the lining or turn underthe seams.Topstitch if desired.Secure the martingaleto the back of the coat by somestiches (under the ) Turn underthe centerfront sidesof your coat . press.Put lining in or stitch the seams Stitch the bottomhem

The 2 frontpiecesof the coat crossone upon the other and closeby little loops and hooks(or usepress buttons) Two tows of buttonsaf,e on the outsidefor decorationonly. Two more on the martingale