~OV. 12 .' .. , , , ' , ~ t 'I • . !J -.; ,; i I neW SIX passenger ~~ : I,J "i··_ .j ~ ; , , J" ' VAUXHALL ' ' "'i H01S , (, .. eI I : is an ideal car for, THE DAILY NEWS .~~ , ' Ii Newfound'anders a .. 00••• ---- , ! .. Vol. ..6.5. ------No..... 263 ------.. ------~------.------~-----ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1958 (Price 7 (enb) Charles Hutton &,Sons

'i i ' ' 'I I " May Quit • • , ' "

, Trade Area e ec Ion DC ear ro osa s , "

• !' ','i~. 'I',ii' r". f ! i ',t 1'1 )' , Result In A European Economic War " " • ·oi 00;\-:\1', -BritRin Sunday night W8I re­ "iell' \0 ql: t I; -nRtion talks on the Europun T;~ni /\:(1 FT,II Dvrr difference. with Franc•. ~i1:1"::",'[I:1fl\t i~ txp~cted before Wednet­ ause US enSlon FTA "c",'::;lt:ons Rre due to resume in Paril, , ~ ,'I :::r ,,11:,<, with Britain Bnd France at ,:' ,," '" 'I', the w~y for an economic war II'el': I' F:II "i' ( into two riVAl trade bioci. '\. I Ill' ------' ...• Inl' Russia Opposes tlip Icrm~ proposffi hy Britain, . ~ . : l11l \ 11 " !lilt ,aid France ~till 1V0uld work \\ l'~1 for i1 solution. I' ': .I11i1 Brilaill'~ reaclion, as expressed " .. ". in' I he ~o\"crnmrnt source Sunday .. "' ,.. , i1i~ht. was: Control System ",' II "If S01:~lel1e's slatement rcprt­ '1 .. ;1 ,,' "rill, official French polley, Ill! 'we GENEVA-AP-A br~akdown of the East·West " '];(' IllII,t aSSUnle it docs, there would ',' ,,,111, -,cem 10 be little point In our con- negotiations of nuckar test suspension cleArly became 1IIIIling 10 tnke part In the Parl~ 8 possibility Sunday in view of rejection by each side 111"1\\ Iw~otiations on the I r present of proposals put forward by the other. The United 1:'''11-,1 basis," States rejected a Soviet plan on the ground the RU!­ .' ,11 SO C07\JME~T :,111,11 Tile foreign office would ma~e ~ians sought to extract a promise to end tests with­ ·~~:lj.. no formal commant on the report, out giving guarantees on a control system. I' i :','l1l'i1 Britain's chief [,eCotiator at Lhe The SOl'ie: Union turned down, ------1-, It, Paris lalks. Paymaster General counter·proposal adl'ancctl, by· The s t a I e deparlment an. , " ,1",1[1· [{eginald ~!audllng, IR in London a ,: ,," .. i,:ill~' conferring with Prime Minister the United Stat~s,Thc AIII"I'~Cdn, nounced in Washington the UniLed plan., brought In With BntlSh' States rejected theplan whic:l ~o­ , ,'" < III ~!ncmil1an and his colleagues. backing. urged Ihe three powers I I'let Dele~atc Semyon Tsarapkin The common market II a 10rt to accept a double commnme,nt submitled ill the form of a jraft - 10 of customs union. Its memben to endtests, and to, e,;tabltsh tne treaLy on Ihe first day of the hare agreed gradually to scale necessary Jnlernalional macilln- GencI'a Lalks. , 'r ,el ,'" " :r:,';c dOlln uno within 10 to 15 years to eryto pollcc such a han, Th \\' l' -', --- ,- ". ,- ;:I,n abolish all tariffs. customs and All three delcgates said thcy, ,e" as IlngtOl~ announcem'~nt o:her trade resLrictions between were slill cad\' 10 ontinue thcir ! said: Tile maIO I~tenl of Lhc 50- paeh olher, efforts to I:'ork- out ~n agrl)l!mcnl. : \'IeL draft Ireaty, IS to conclude ;\[ the same time Ihe fiix 11'111 , !lut pros peds for ,~uch an a~re!,- i an, a~rermrl1t brln~ :cadled ,.on :;;.'0·", ,11'11:1 ,1111 set up a common external :arm. ment appeared dim mer ,han' a control s,stem nece_salY 10 ~r ::T~':: 1I"'1',>cr n;t·, pll1~ cerlain imp 0 r t Quotas, ! whcn the talks .slarled Ocl. .It. i lfY the ~aper ,plcd~e. In effect,tnc 1)1 -"~I (,f F:llopr. against outside nations. The aim : CO:-lTRO! S"STE'r . SOViet l mon IS a"klng tile . , , ," , SI lb' " Umt~c'" \' [11'IIEIl • is 10 prolecl their own IndUltries Ob\,lously. agreement can olll~' i a es 10 uy a pig In a po.,c. :: \ ~ 10l'.:\J :0; ~r"In~ quick: against outside compeUtlOII. he reached now If the Russians' The nuclear talks resume .0- . , GreCI RED CH1NA-Red Chinese artillerymen prepare shells at an undisclosed Jlost In Red China. Accordini: to :::\"lteu to :c,- ,'T \ \lcre 1\11 this worries exporting coun· obligaLe themsel\'es to work \','ith day. I",:d~\" by, g:"" l~r;:(' la" Irics olltslde the common market, the official 'caption r,eceived from. Communist source, "The entire nation of the People's Chinese Republic is the two Western powers in setting A second east-west conferencc­ i,r: :lts , .. ,\I n i< I PI': like Britain, Sweden. Norway, prepared for the fight against the Chiang Kai-Shek clique, The liberation of Formosa, the Pescadores, up B world·girdling control sys- the l()-nation technical meeting on , Denmark and oLhers. They realize tem. Unde~ such a system all SUrprise attack problems- also m0'""d \'," I!d hp; they ~tRnd to be squoezed out 01 Quemoy Ind Matsu .nd the final unification of the homdand become the holy obligation of 650,000,000 three countries 1V0uld have to ac- wi1\ resume today. This confer- CTRA ~ ,.~~h ',,, H,\ on a traditional merket. people."-(UP.I Photo). cept ,foreign·manned observation ence Is deadlocked on the scope :iE E d ------~~~~;~~~===:~~~~==~~;~~~~onthcir~i~,s=~ofthea~a.L.DmaWilgres!I n ~a~OU!~ .... , •. -Fui.!th~~-Blockade I Suggests Changes ~~~g,'~.:;,"::~:":.;:. '""'~ ~:':~:~,;:r~~;:'·g·li"" ., Breakdown B"'e"·r·'ll·n 'Un''l'l·k' el'y'i Tax Laws I Experts Seek study l\I01.0 1\1:\(; 1 Luxembourg, Income p ~!m - IlIten~he When their agrt&ment becomel Spr.-ngh-.II's roblems 'trf IInorr WRy i operatil'e It will mark Ille oelln. BERLIN (API-WllIy Brandt, I'esling any more of their money ------!AlP Ihe YC:1r,ohl' nlng of trade dl5crimlnation in th mayor of West Berlin, laid Sun- In it. By TOM WILLIAMS Iccountin, meiliod,5 ",'ert rea~on-I TORO~TO (CP' -.4. Toronto i arpn't the only way Ie make a ~),1e np~oli~linn! eyes of the othfr 11 nations. Iday he does not believe the Com· The current threat sRain.t the Can~~lan PrclN staff Wrlt~r ablt In case~ of dispute. He laid i llusines clinic of rrtired ~nior Iil'ing," h o~::lol\n '01- i ' • , munlstl Ire ,oln, to blockade his these rxpert~ would be Ol'tler', ,s ,t k ' , city \\'a~ unleashed last ~!onda)' i WIrI:-IIPEG (CP~ - A radical 1'1' d t J d t' t e;,eClltl"cS wan s to La e a teRm The c!tnlC wa~ formed ()I1ly R :ri""~on la,t Inqulrle~ among officials of Mel'· city now. in Moscow by SOl'iet Premicr change m Canada J j~come tax qt lIa I tlhe 0 II Igde Bccounllng ma t· III experts to disaster - Itricken short time a~o to offer advice to bn r:An for the ~ral n8t1on~ concernrd with the In a radio addre.,! to fellow Khrushchel'. He said the Rl15sian, law that woul~ permit business ers an WOli • regu ar cour - ' I' I d h f ' i talk, on a frei! trade lone IhO\'pd Weat Berliners, Brandt laid: "J . d SJll"lll~ III to stll y w at type 0 small hUslnesses that need help, are going to give up their occupa. men to determine deductible eX­ lllHge,.~ .' , d in:lltslr)" 1I"01lld help put the town All Ihe rptired senior eXe<:uLil'cs ON' in uniniPr.: there hR~ been conllderable mil- do not bellere we stand on thc tion rights in East Berlin And IIII'll "en,CI by any accountlnR method e sal" COllrt "e<:ISlons Dase 't f t in ' , tl ~m ~~hlr~~)',' IInder.ltanding~ on both .Ides. thre.hold 01 a dramatic develop· on law and prcccdcnt are nnl a,- I on I s PC aga '_ , ' Ion the dlmc are ~u~ce~~/1 :n .. n Lhem ol'er to Ille Ea!t Gp.rman the)' tho.ught reasonable was 8Ug­ I), hi T t ' ,I. Thomas. K. "N. M, MOrr!- 11'110 wanl to do ~omet1l1ng WIlli Th~ F'rent'h thought they had men!. I do not beller! that Ihc way,~ reasona e, axpa.\'el's go i : ' Communiat regime. He laid lile' ~c,tctl ~~illl'day by an economic [th I tl ",nn alld A R. Tl1rner. ".110 ooer, Ihelr retirement. manr Ihrir ohJection~ to Ille Iree American tranlport plane~ Nhicil II Ie ae Iua I wor d 0 e all' ra IeI': I B d r D' t ~ " , are Il"nding by will he I'e to be IYwe51ern Allies ~hould rlo the Iexpert, , than juslice. : air lie ~al' ~ Iree OLI ,enlce. ,\Ir. Thoma~ said: "s",calk~ Irade 70ne clrar And II'fre no~ini lI.!ed." same in West .Berl'n. Prof; \~', G, ,Leonard of the His stand was atta('kcnby Pr,'r. Plan. ~'" Ihe, want to lInderta~r ~hosl tOll'ns are all too p~el'alell: Queen s l.'nll'ersl\y school of COill· , fnr Rriti~h rounler·J1ropo~81!. The F. E, LaBrie of the tnil'crsitv of the ~tud~' :lS foon as posllblp anr! ! in many rRrts of Canada lnd If "" .. , ;:n'.Nn, Ihrilish they hed 1m. Brandt laid he luspects the The « . year - old mayor re- merce. Kingston, ant., said the 'Ol'TIlr:R:\ 1i101I~ht Toronto law school on grounds it : 11111 try to ral~e $6,000 to pay a We can sllccl'€d in a whole 01,­ ~n.,· , pressed the Frcneh sufficiently to Russian. and the East Germans minded his listeners that thc federal rcrcnue cirparlment no'~ I are campaigning to get the W~st- wa~ unlried, The prescn~ system, ' tealll of e.\pclts" " ,'parllal solution of th~ Spnngh:\' Western Allies-France, Brilain, tells businessmen what account­ ! 1 -';', COl cr /I:, ro IIf,1 Mme concessions 'rom ern Allies OUt of West Berlin for while perhaps not the ~st on~-: Mr. Thomas sBln up to no~ I problem it will establi.!h tech­ 'OCIC~llnn ~~~~~Ie and the united States-have once ing methods Illey may use, bas· I. i"' miles. /erV'; , II',,(h: bp" two main relSOM: sible, worked quite well in orac.' all the money that ha.1 ~~n ,IU - niques and forms of research that again made delcaratioM Illat they Ing d~l.slo!13 on the letter of tile tice. scr}bed has ~~en len: !elief 01 ,the may be used in other communi, , lit,' "~D Op aimed I It Also WAS clear til at ttle 1, They want to stop the stream do not intend to abandon the city Income Tax Act.Thl! system stricken fnmllies. It I! now hme tie, faced with the threat of 5lar I :-,' .': I French gorernment has been led Of anU·Communlst refugeelJslng t~,. "lt~r, to tht Communists. often pro ,. e d unreasonable In Mr. Fairbanks said he person· for the next step." vation and miser)',' 'r,a':,,, ",Ittle' to adopt the view that lOme de- West Berlin U I gateway to Ihe dealing with Individual circum· ally WBS "not B bit In fa\'or" of "All we want is our expenses , '.::·:';'i ',\"it~1 ~ree of discrimination Ig91Mt West. ~ Communists want to BUILDING TILT!! etances. ~':1 century. the proposed change. He said it and money to pay for the hal! Coal mining is Springhill's malll ... 11 ~,,':o,,' be- Britain' and the other 10 lIationl ltop the ~ream, Brandtseld, by Prof. Leonard made ',the pro· MONTREAL (CPI-A parLially· would have an exlremely compli- dozen people we take with us to industry and wi:h the closin~ "I 0;,"", 'c~ for outside th~ Common Market It an 'makln, would - be refugees fear posal during a closed· panel se~­ eating effcct because there would Sprin;:hil\." Ilh;' la'i of Ihp frl\lr completed offlce building In ~ub· ('ul1~berl~11I1 : C~iI'!":ion esscntlal condition for the luceell that Wellt Berlill wlllloo,n become slon of the Canadian Tax Founda· be numberless dis put e s .,vcr OTHER WAYS '1111OeS mll.t of the tO'.l'n ~ labnr 1\(; \1:',\ ~nd even for the survival or the Communllt terrItory and there- urball vme St. Pierre Is to be tlon's annual conlerence bere. II torn down and rebUilt be<:ause 01 whether methods were reasonable He sairl: "We do not heli~lr fOlc" h",1 heen tbrn"')1 nut of , 1:1.1: an,' 1m i Common Market community. fore not I saCe destination, D The thre - day conference, ,t­ or not. Sprin~hil1 i~ lilli.llrd , , . "Inc\ work, , 'Olilr' il" re.1,I", 2. The CommUIIlsls want to I list which developed during tended by. some 400 lawyers, ,,/ r,tl; I,,(..till~ 01 I NEW PATRIARCH sbatter the llabllity of West Ber- construction, the architects dis· chartered accountants and other ~I~ial lO:nm:tlee, lin'. tret economy, flacal eXperts, ended Saturday. , :, 'c,' i:I".1nean' DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - An CAPITALIBT ISLAND closed Friday. The six - storey E. B. FaIrbanks, Montreal law­ Tr.e rc':nll\:"('~ is, a~ehblshop from Lebanon Friday WeJt Berlin, a capitalist Island building, Intended " In oWce yer and chairman of the ~anel. Actor Tyrone Power m~ ac"o Weones., lias flected patriarch or Antioch 110 mlletl wide East Germany, for the Canadlan Car Company revieWed Its proc~dings after the : and the entire East. It !Jone or has two major Inuu.atrles - ilie L d h session ended. ~ 1:'- n • i ' 'the oldest, most sacred leal.. or manufacture ot electrical "oods t., II atIBc ed to Inother par· -~ 01 .. 1.1 plan I~ the Eastern Orthodox C h u r c h. d cluJ D tlally-completed building which II Under Prof. Leonard's proposal Ilr!'('mPlIl on .1 :ree' Archbishop Theodoseo~ Abu Rlel. an the iDlni and man~fac- to hOllse the oHiees of the pBrpnt Movie Set rmbrat n, ,,;1 1j . ture ot lemale r.shlon.!!. 'Qie .a.JIh· a special board of aecountln~ Dies· On w'r I' ' , leh of Lebanese Tripoli will rtllll 1- Induitry ror example brln". Dominion Sttel and Coal Compo authorities would be established , ..·t"L r· rl' ,r:n.rMe "'0 r • a- iJn act:'(,~~ r;:Il:t Lr!lobti:;irla, 1:1 IM:II o,r~rment as Theodoseos IV, strvlni al Iplr III mon than 1200,000,000 evp.ry any. to determine whether Individual MADRID, Spain 'CP '-Tyrone Iduplicate of Ihat of his 3clor Power stricken Saturday by a, father. Frederick Tyrone POWrl'. the role of Solo m 0 n, Power J. 1. illial leader of the church III the year from Western Europe and ------e heart 'attack at the height of a I who died on a Holly\\'ood mnic 'I~ , I'll IIi) P·i I.~le set for a du?l:" \tar>..: r'" rnite~ States LaUn Amerlea 81. other parll or the world. : ": '.: 'Co, 1",11 George Sander~, nen duelling ~cene on a movie ~et" set in 1931. . ' ., 'Lin lies , ' . Any Communist threat against }c. ~',,,o.", It_<., na, Lebanon, Jraq and ,oITt of the city immediately causes busi­ died an hour later. He '\-'as ti, : Power walli here for the rllmllH~·1 ','".·,:·1 \',lc,·i:' \·ctl'ran. _____,'Mhr,_nrl, ' an, l' TIII 'k ey. II_min tblnk, twlc. about III· Prime Minister Power', dealh was a tragic: of Snlomon and Sheba with Ital- Miss L()L1obri~ida was tied 10 a to ______' ______,'ta:;~ and bcing ",toncd" by Lhc e : popnlJce when POlI'er entered' :and be,;an what Ihe script laid Author, JO urn a I S t , lI'as to be "a duel 10 Ihe deJth' rt Pope Will. Call Visiting Lahore , I with Sandcrs. playing the role of ' ·'Solomon's elder hrother. By ALAN DONNELLY program Icheduled this lIee~. I I Durin& the filming, Powp:' • t B f X Canadian Prell lItaff Writer A spokesman I8ld he was not Samuel Ad am S D es complained of a pain in his lCo' nSIS LAHORE, We.st Pakistan (·~P) ill b~t tIlet It was lelt ad\'isable , I arm a;lo abdomen, The pain had ory e ore mas The ,plelldor of the Mongul em· that he rest aILer a wei!k of BEAUFOnT. SoC, 'AP I-Sam· of hl~ othpr works, ',. Ibern rccurrin~ for sevcral days, CiTY IAPI_RpIIOI'tS' perors 400 yea r s ago was travel that began last Monday In uel Hopkins Adams, allthor and ,Ada~s ~came a formloaule He suddenly broke off the Be· mV ' chllrch's first Negro cardinal to cordinl tothla Ipeculatlon, prob· glimpsed by PrIme Minister Dle!- West Germany: JOUrnalist, died early Sunday at figure In l ournalism .early In the, tion Iit R ci~arcl and said: XXIIIatlean \l'il! c1r<'leleall a represent wh a t th a ""ur",.-" -" h... I)'WObl uld'-lIIclude MliI', DomeD' en baker slghts~lng in this an· Dlefenbaker. who is ~taying at his winter home here after a loog cen.tur),. lIis ·Collier s . magazine "I\e got to stop, I don·t leel series of health articles was well." FINIS by Christmas called Jt.I "blossomlni b II C k leo Tardlnl, Vatican pro - secret· elent centre 01 Moslem religion the dIstrict governor's residence. illness. He was 87. flower" or increuinl Cathollc!Jm II')' or ltate,lIld Most Rev. Gle- and culture. used his time to work on Lhree He had come to Beaufort act. 1 largely responsible for the U.S, Then he walked to his dressing 0( ~nd Jgmg In Africa." vannl Bat t II t I Montini. arch- On a quiet Sunday like a cool approaching speeches-one Mon- from Wide Waters, his home on pure f_ood and drug law, room, The company nurse was College, ~~~na~so He mtllhl be Msgr. JDleph Xl- blahop of MlllII. Botb of them summer morDlni In Canada, the day at Ille Punjab University the shores o[ Owasco Lake nesr MAN\, POSTS called, Ten minu~ later prod- and It f 11 wamuka, SO-year~ld archbishop ,uked pel'mJulon of Pope Piu.a to prime minister's party drove to convocation and two In ~ew Auburn, N.Y. From 1891-1900 Adams. was 8 ueer Ted Richmond took' Power IICantic~ T~trength, of Maska, Uiandl, wbo WAJ COIl' retuJe red blta at tile \ut con- the doublt-walled Lahore lort DeIhl where he arrives late Tues- Adams was born Jan. 26, 1871, reporter and spe<:lal wnter for to hospital In Miss Lollobrigida's New York Sun. He was managmg !be cardi~a1a ele~tvetro- secrated bishop by the late Pope IUtory, , and .tood on Ille balcony where day for a live· day Indian visit. In Dunkirk. N.Y. He began his editor of McClure's Syndicate c_a_r_. ______FINANCED PIUI XU In St. Peter'. Buutea Magr.Glovanni Urbani, whom Shah Jallan, builder or the Taj SEEK REACTOR clll"cer as Hamilton College cor- 'Catholic Ch~ur~~enISs In 1939. Pope John XXIll lIamed now MaIIal, held court, ,Saturday the Pakistani pres I· respondent for the New York Tri- during 1900 and 1901. During 1901-1902 he was advertising man­ The rBllkl or United Btatea car. p&trlarcll Of Venice oaly I week Dlefenbaker, with his wife and dent, Ayub Khan, In talks with bune when he WBS 16. ager of McClure, Phillips and By dlnal. W ere reduced by the 110, alld Molt Rer. AIroMo Cu· brother Elmer, iszed in wonder the Canadlan leader. said his He was the son of MynD the en deaths ot Samuel Car diD, al taldo, arcbb!Jbop rJ, Naplu, oli.Io at Shlsb Mahal-palace of mlr- country Will! aeeklng a atomic re- Adams, a Congregation~l minis- Company Publishers, and was a Weather dOWn t ,lied Strlteh. archbishop or Chicago, art reiarded 1m000i probable rors-In the fort and led IMUII- search reactor under Canadian ter, and Hesler Rose HopkiM. He McClure's magazine staff memo ber from 1903 to 1905. neilh~ 1\'0, I on May 27, and Edward Cardlllal 1I0millees. talll loats and antelopes In the aid throug'h the Colombo Plan. left the severe r.Iassiclsm of ris In 1898, Adams married !!:iiza- Cloudy wiLh sunny per· Wilh 23 ~ has ~ooney, archblJho~ or Detroit,' The pl'tlHllt makeup of the col· fountain-studded park. Obtervel'l doubted, however, environment to liVe in New YJrk beth, R. Noyes. This marriage 1,'8:15. Cold. High 36 . . d the Phll'i .. 000 On Oct. 25, OIIly I rew houri be- 1a._ lIIclud. two membel'l each He wu then driven to the that luch a project could be City's tenderloin and report the MITED riner hale ~Incs fore the opening or the conclave rrom the United Stilet and Cln· nearby BldJhahl Mosque, 18ld to started before the completion ~f gaudy events of the time. ended in divorce. In 1915, he and actress June Peyton Van Norman TEMPERATURES ~LL 8.()16 1 d,urch, 3d a, whieh chllae An1elo Glu.aeppe ada. be the world'. teCOn~ largest. the IIlallt Wariak power·lrrlga-· A profound love of his craft was I Cardinal RoncalU u the lIew P'aUgue and what wu reported tlonproject.1n northern,-Pakistan. among the most marked qualities were 'married. The first ],!rs. 4') Adams died last),ear. His sel.'Onct . ;ronto " .. ',' 42 !;>eCUlalia I pope. 'fta alse ,of tilt Collele,ol Car· U I 11I.ht headache kept Dlefen· Canada already Is building. a reo of Adams. 40 )N BRINGS wife died in 1946. lontreal .. '... 34' \ Iff n.w" ;,ere i If the Pope nomlnlt.. tllilt dlnail WII Itt at 70, by Pope bakerlrom viewlnll an exeitln. actor In India, ,Ilpulating'that it Mollon plctures were made Ioncton ...... 20 38 His health failed In later years I' , ~IU nanl ope. I non· ltall.M lor the .med col- SlxtUi V nearly four' centurleJ Punjab trI)lal dlllci at night. should be made available to other from 1~ or his no"cls, They m· .{alilax .. ,',.. 34 ,l~ Illd !tltn rlnc I lege,it seems likely that at IUlt 110, III reclllt y.ar. there wu The tourlni prime minister .160 Asian Com'monwealth countrie!. eluded Flaming Youth, a best and walking became an ~ffort, o TOPSAIL 'oi even with a cruLch. He was fur­ ,)ydney ",.... 37 39 1:12'il'~n PI~hll two, will be. (rom, the United .peeulatlOll thlt Plul XII willh! p.~ed up an afternoon sightsee- However, India . Pakist"~ re!a· seller of the time, which was SI. John', .. " :ri 39 .... 1Ti11h1 be h I Stalu;. wlr,_ It. Jb did DOt, llut Pope In. tour, to Ill' famous Shalimar tiOM have been at low ,ebb for written under the pseudonym Lher incapaciLaLed when he sur· 1 lered a coronary atUck: in lags. h ___I!I!!!~"I!!! __alI t, The _IItW JtaiWI wctJaall,, r.. ,~, ~, ' lardelll 10 !'Nt befor. I ri,oroUi year. over the Kuhmi,r dilpute. ,Werner P'abian, II were leveral 2 THE DAILY N£~, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, NOVEM&eR

of pre.sentteachll'll who may pos· fere with the ~ractice now follow· acquire the neceJsary profeJlion· tee consisting of three memo and Labrador, II!d .. slbly have the necessary training, ed at the Universlty with respect al quall~catioll!. bera of the Supervisory .taff WHEREAS there . or, If note, through specific ;rain· to a foreign language. RESOLVED that I committee of the Department of Education. tunlties eXistin, lng, of a minimum of ten teachers RESOLVED that teacher ed'J' r'"lJresentlna: Memorial Univll" three membtn of the tea~hlng Idvantag~ of .. By skilled In group games for child· cation be kept within the Univer· s:t,., the Newfoundland Teachers' profelSion, and the Director of lies presenll,' Resolutions·.. . Adopted ren and the full UB'e of playground slty. Assoclatlon, and the Department COrrespondence Tuition to In·' the International space, and that It be the ~ole RESOLVED that at the carlip.st of Education be set up to con· vestlgale III upecta of the De- .ociation in the work of these teachers to travel possible mement two years of sider the Implementation of reo partment'. Correspondence ler· building formerl . [rom place to place and from preparation at the University be· solutlonl respectinll Improve- vice with a view to recom· orphanage. ' settlement to' settlement and yond matriculation 'be required ment~ In tea c h. r education mendini to tbe Minister of Edu· BE IT RESOL~ Conference On Education train both teachers and children of all entering the teaching pro- pas~ed by this Conference, and cation 'tepe whlcb they feel Regional High 'lo , In group playing. !~sion. to recommend other possible .bouId be taken to remedy any tlonal Training F,Uowing Ire the Resolutions i CURRICUL_UM not be 100 heavy In Grade Xl, RESOLVED that a different RESOLVED that some form of Improvement.. with particular weakneuet In the whole .et.up. tablished at 51. ::adopted at last \\'eck's Can· i RESOLVED that the Minister b\lt spread more In proportion In pattern o[ courses Icurricula) be in-sen'icc (taining for teachers empllasia on the Intellectual RESOLVED that, In view of RESOLVED thl' ::fmnce,on Education. of EdUcation; through .the Dc· Grades Ig. X and Xl. established in the high SCllDOI whose grade is less than Grade challenge of the subject matler. the hlgb cost of heating and ence recommend t; .: I'UBLIC EXAMINATIOSS pal'tment, jealously guard the RESOLVED that thlsttettetlee programm~ leading to School \ II be instituted tmmedlately. THE EMERGENCE OF IIgbtlng In orthern Labrador, that regional '1lESOLVED that If and when curriculum against encroachment RESOLVED that this Confer- Leaving, Matriculation and Hon.1 RESOLVED that a degree Dro· REGIONAL AND CENTRAL the Conferene. IIIpport the Scbool Board I Grade XII ('ourse has been by pressure Groups attempting to ence recommend to the Advisory ours Matriculation c·ertificates. grammc. in which the academic HIGH SCHOOLS policy of higher maintenance from time to lilll! . I .. adopted. the s),stem of Puollc usc our schools in fields wnich. Committee on Education thal and that the distinction between and professional aspects are of· RESOLVED thal this Confer· Ifant! to IUcb .cbooh than the foundland, in ord I !!«amlnatlons be extended to in· II howe\"er excellent In themselves, they request the Sub·Commlttee Matriculation and Honours Mat. fered in varying proportions over enCe r e com m ell d to all the &:nnll made UI otber lebools me~bers might m~ elUde Grade Xli. . b~long rather to the scope of the on Curriculum that they ~ive rlculatlon be based on the crlOice the period of preparation, be set authorities concerned that the I th i I d f N wf d g d ,~ RESOLVED that no chan~e be, cll'le and moral virtues and thc consi~eration to grouping. ~rade& of subjects as well as on marks. up for prospective principals and priDcipl. of cf!lltraUzation be ~nd. I I an 0 e oun· g:~~:r I~:i~~:r Ind made in tlte prrscnt S)'stt't11 or I trainlllg of the will rather than VII, \ 1Il ann IX as a Unit ,n the obtaincd. ! teachers who plan to work 3t the carefully maintained. GENERAL RESOLUTIONS tive to their Public Examinations other than to thRt of cducation, strICtly 50'1 propo~ed ~~w CUrriculum. RESOLV~D that there should I primary and elemcntary school RESOLVED that in main:ain· RESOLVED tbat thi.! Con. dutie.~ anrl the introduction of (;,Jdr XII. callcn. with which this COllier· RESOL\ ED that every c[f~rt, be separate' groups of scholar-: lel·el. Ing the principle of centralization I RES RESOLVED that all public ex· ence is concerned. be made to. i~hl'o~~~he t~acrmg Iships for the ~Iatriculation ar.d I RESOLVED that a degree pro- care be taken not to interfere ~:~~ml:n~n:h! nu:e~e t~n ;~o~ cial G~ILe~;~e~;..It , aminatiolls be let and marked in BESOIXED that the proposed of sClcnce Itl' e g sc ~o. the Honour.~ Matriculation cert!· gramme, in which the academic with already existing goad schools teed with the erection of the give it ~actil~ " Newfoundland, cllrriculum fQr Primary and Ele· RESOLVED that streaming be ficatcs. andpl'o[essional aspects are of[er- In whatever area. they miy RESOLVED that for thc settln::: m~ntnry Grades be sl!t 'IP as introduced, perhaps from the ADULT EDUCATION ed in "urylng proportions over the exist. ."1_ new Unlveralty buildlngl witb o~ration tn Ih! and marking of examination spcenily as possible by exper· Grade VIII level, to enable each RESOLVED that this Conisr. period of preparation, be set up RESOLVED that boardilli facll· th~~~~~S~i~~atd~~~. Confer. ;~~~:ror~;\·IOdation Ii papers in ~e\\'foundland a ocr· Icnced, ql'allfled people who child to follow his own oent, ence recogniZes that adequale [or prospective principals and ities should be providell in ~on' manent Board be set up. I kr,oll' wha:' is needed [or our rather than all chasing a common library services in all parl~ of specialist teachers who plan to junction with the Regional ~nd ence commend~ the policy of (a) to nlakp RESOLVED that this rerman· :\'ew[ollndland children. academic ideal, to avoid the .the Province of Newfoundland work at the high school level. Central HiJ:h Schools to affQrd the .ettlng up o! the Advisory sive study of tnt Board Include representatives \ The Conference recommeuded I frustration of children (and par· are an essential factor in en. RESOLVED that anew cerU. equal opportunities for children Committee on Education, recog· cial library from the Department o[ Educat· \ thnt this Resolution be forward· i ents) who giVe up at Grade IX. couraglng the spread of Adult !lcate, Grade V, be added to 'he in particularly Isolated districts. nizes Its lims and the sub· 'lid to public .lI!n, the Memorial University of ed to the Adl'!sory Committee on RESOLVED that this Conrer· Education, and that every pos. present list of four teaching cerll- RESOLVED that the operation 5tantial progress made towards I for prol'incial and ~wfoundland and the :\'ewfound- E:lucatlott which Is nol\' engsged ence recommend that th.e Govern· sible support be given to the [lcates. of joint school servic~ on lIar. thelr fulfilment, Ind recom. 1developmpnt: land Teachers' Association. In dra\l'ln~ up a curriculum. ment be requested to take .Iteps Newfoundland ?ubllc Libraries RESOLVED that there should itr .cale In the .maller com. mends that the. ~urtherance of I (b! to stUdy the RESOLVED that both th~ pre- RESOLVED that the teaching to Implement It" proposed vocat· Board to enable It to establlsh be an increase In practice teacn· munltles be studIed with I "iew It.! work be faclhtated by the nlnml partrri . par at ion and the marking of each I of Oral French be IntrodSced lonal education programme, lIbraries In the many commun. Ing during training, and that of Implementing every possible. proYi~ion of ~dequate help, sec· IG.ov~rnmfM of examination be the responRibllit), I whereever possible. In Grade Ill. RESOLVED that Grade XI Illes which are stili without direct there should be demonstration economy in the expenditure of r~tBrlal, statistical, and In the vltlclal Irhrary ()f the same committee of the' nrc: IT FURTHER RESOLVED pupllJ be required to pass Alge- library service. lessons at the Unlverelty, with educational funds. fleid of curriculum develop· I and Board. : that a copy of this Resolution be bra and Geometry 8eparat~ly, RESOLVED that this Conrer. clasm taught by the Univenlty RESOLVED thlt thlJ Confer. men!. (c) to draw up I RESOLVED that this Confer· • I'· "I the hands of all school with separate, full.subject credits, ence recommend that an 9ssess. stafr. ence ,upport the requlI!t of the RESOLVED that this Confer. Federal aSSislanc! ence go on record as recommend·. principals, and that it be else· and that, for this purpose, ment be made of the prcRent RESOLVED ttlat the Pupll· AlI!ociatlon 01 Amalgamated ence reeommend to the GOI·ern. stud!e~ demon.trlt! Ing to the Division of Public Ex·1 "."-".' l';rcltlRted by the Depart· Trigonometry be considered U value and potential of the Adult Teacher Grant be reconsidered School Boarda thlt the G1lvern. ment that the Curriculum Di. aid 15 neces;ar, to amlnatlons that every effort be ment of Education where It.. ob- part of, the Geometry course.. Education movement In Our out. to deal more equitably with. the ment provide an Education reo vi5ion administrative slaU be I Quate tibrar,· \!n'oQ mada to hal'e the result., of thc· j- .. , t"~" he ad\'anced. RES 0 L V E D that the cur· ports. and any nec~sary action case of the single student·teach· location Irant to provIde add it· expanded to include at leait In' Canadian!. Public Examinations marle al'nll·1 RESOLVED that lome can· rlculum of Grade XII be 1r9wn arising from such study be taken. ers living at home: lingle, board· ional classrooms made necllSllary Asaiatant DlrH!tor and a fieid RESOL \TD Ibt able at as early a date as pos.: ~iderablc attention be given to up t~rough the cO-ilperaUo,n of RESOLVED that Regional High Ing student.teachers: and married bytht influx o! PfOpl. Into cen· worker, plus particular .ubject ence SUpport the lible. Ithe present French Course so the Newfoundland Teachers As· and Central High Sch()()1 Boards student.teacher5 with or without trallzed locatIons area specialists. and that ade. visory COllnril In . DIVERSIFICATIOS OF that the .tllree·year course would soclaUon, the Department of make I survey of the needs o[ children. EQUALIZATION OF quate facilities be provided to casting Corporation. EducatIon, and the University. their areas and, If feasible and RESOLVED that the Depart· EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY accommodate the Division Ind !orts to introduct RESOLVED that Memorial Unl· possible, plan adult education ment of Education be requested RESOLVED that Grade XII ill! expanding pr~lmme. telecasts 01 practiCJj I'Crslty be asked to recognize work with the assistance of the to make provision for qualified scholarshipR be 00' ror'ino·1 tl" RESOLVED that this Con. clasaroom. Grade XII courses for the pur· Director of Adult Education as Guidance Counsellorl on I re- allocatiOlI to 'pec!f1c flelda of ferenee recommend to the po~e of credit towards a Bachel· an extension programme. gional ba.lis. and be it further Istudy. Government that immediate. RESOL \'En Iha: or'R Degree. subject to any modi· RESOLVED that such adequate resolved that a course In Guld· RESOLVED thlt I minimum consi.deration be gil'en to ar.: enee recomnlprd A,SHTRAY Iications the University might financiai 5upport commen~urate Iance be compulsory for aU future grade of "S p~r cent be Ntab· rall,l!lng a Conference with the partment. of deem necessary to brine ~uch' with the quallficatlons. n~ds. dc. High School teachers. Iished ror the award In, or schollr· sPfcific purpose of di5CU~!inl! the posslbllrtr of With each purchase of set Custom cour5~ lrp to standards required mand~' and responsibilities In. RESOLVED that the Depart· ship.l. problems related to the mental .• short ,mrs 0( Suburbanites ot by the University,. voll'ed be l:iI'en R~ to enable the ment of Edllcation give consiMr· RESOLVED that an expanded Iy retarded and hAndicapped calta nr or~.r to RESOLVED thaet thl~ ('onf~r. Dil'i.lion of Adult Education to ation to ~ettlng up annual Work· programme of bursarIPs'be In· f children. u;e of Ihe nI'dl,m BAIRD MOTORS LTD, enC.e recommend that Grade. XII I secure the senices of _ shop.~ for PTlnclpal~ on a regional I traduced to be awarded to stud· i . t) local or be Introduced. an~ th~t a definite I la) the necessary personnel to basi~ to accomodate: - ents who are finanCially needy: RESOLVED that: datre be sete for tts Introdllctton. develop the 4.H ~Io\"ement: i la) Principals of Regional High, and who have reac~ed a mini·: la) for retard~tI ehrldren. MERRYMEETING ROAD DIAL 80378 RESO~VED that t~e Depart. (bl a Quali/ipd Adult Edllcation . Schools: mum fixed scholastiC .tandard.: the classroom. Untt for ,,.hlch ment gll'e ,conSideration to the person to assist in organiZing and: Ib) P r inc I pall ot reeder RESOLVED that. no stud:nt be teachers be paid I maximum of obtaining. either from the ranks settinll up Adult Education Cen.1 sch()()ls: a war d e d a dlsproporttOnatf 10 children; ence recomnlpnd ~~~~~~~~======:;..;;;;==;.:;..------trl)'; in urban sections and night I Ict Principals of .11·g rid e amount of aid in t~e form o[ (b) for .Io.w learners .. the: ernment of schools in rural communities and, sch()()ls. scholarships, bursaries. or re- clauroom umt be I maximum appointment of a to giVe on·the·spot training to i RESOLVED that consideration muneratlon from indeoturea. of 20 pupiIB. I mission to fnqu:N part·time teachers. be gil'cn to the establishment In RESOLVED that thIJ Confer· RESOLVED that I Public Re· I existing stale of Resolved that- urban centres of a pre·Unlverslt~· eDce go on record Il.! recommend· laUonl programme be Instltut' l this Prol'inrf, led (a) The Memorial University course of Grade XII or Senior iog to the Director of Scholar· ed by the Department of Edu·'. commend~tion' of NeWfoundland be requested to Associate standard for prospect· ships and B~saries that Ilte cIUon - [or example, radio its future nr,'am",,,, Institute 8 distinct course in the ive teachers, the same to be 88· namell of all winners of .cholar- broadcsslI dMlgned to reach velopment at .U I philosophy, methods, and tech· sociated with the University; to- ShlPI and bursarlu be Innounced the general public and Infonn nlques of Adult Education, with gether with ~upervised residential not later than Monday of the last them of educational matters SMITH OS special reference to night schools, quarters In which the Btudents wcek of August.. (sucb as ule of textbooks, cur· OTTAWA I CP' _ and that this course be tied in would be encouraged to mature RESOLVED that, beelun of riculum, Home and School All· fairs Minister Smil with Its pre sen t I y existing su£nclently, and to develop ~ailll! the ImpllcaUOI1I Inhmnt in the .ociation5, parent·teacher rela. the special Canaiw BY Education Faculty In such a way of mental discipline and of study, tenninology, the. te:;m "Confeder· tionllhip, probiems Indprogress to the Dec. I i that it be an optional or elective RESOLVED that the Depart· ation Scholarships, a. applied In edu~atJon) and arouse In the olfo Lopez ~lat('11s Ii_ course for teachers with maturity ment of Education consider the to two·and three.~()()m schools, general public an awarenMS of of Mexico. it 113; .·'. tt.: 'd' and· experience and the other advisability' .of a grant to Iny be ch~n~,ed to Confederation and entbusiasm for education. day. The ~Ie,ico I(f"~ "~t<~~.,,:t;'~ ""';\~ B, , necessary quallncatlons to make teacher holdmg at least one de- BUr.13nes . RESOLVED that this Confer. I folio Wi a rj,i~ to good Adult Education material: gree and .eekln, I furthar de- RESOLVED that the patteI'll or enee recommended that the, Smith. who i' Ib) Until such time 8.! the Vn!· gree. Electoral Dlstnct Icholarshljls Government of Newfoundland, rive at Rio d~ I'mity is equipped to give this RESOLVED that this Con fer- and ~lmllar Iwardl be cloaely open negotiations with the Gov.' night and leare ,or course In Adult Education. the ence approl'e the utablilhmtnt examtned by a competent ~roup ernment of Canada in an ~n.· ico. Division of Adilit Education lake or a laboratory Ichool for !.lie In drawn from the Newfound~~n~ deavour to have that GOlwn .. Maa, aot.bla .1ructar .. cbro •• bolll N ....·loundtnd b". be •• I responsibilit~· for gil'in~ a ~um· the tea~her·tralning programme. Tea~hers' Assocl~tlon, the un!· i ment accept responsibility for· Be labri,ored lad .nloX! I TE .... CHER F.DUCATIOS given a prol'lsional certHlcate group be forwarded to the ~11n· \ lies ol,Northern Nell'foundland: dioll5 WOIll~11 iL;t; 1'088 .NGIN.,RINO WORKS LIM IT. D : RESOLVED that no non·mat·. that wnuld give fuller recognition I~ter o.f Education for the con· I . ric III ants be accepled for teacher' to their acanemic qUallfiCalions.!Srderatt.on and. action of the Cao.: "MHIIlIT, N,I, • SUIS/D/ARY or DOMINION III/DGE COMPANY UMlTR 'training at the l'nil'ersity. This I and thai thel' be allowed. during Inet. With a VICW to remmg the: I Rf!olulion is not meant to inler·. a period of fOllr or fil" years. to pre.sent pattern on I loander'j more realistic ba~is. t\tt RESOLVED th.t, beCIUSt of r _bo ...... -...... -_ .., , '" _____ .__ ~ ____ • ______. ______.__ _ the difficulty In obtaining Grade ~" TIRE ASHTRAY .. : r~~~~~~~~~~~~::'~~':-~'~;·~·'~~·::-;),.::r-:.'0 IX, Iven throueb corr~pondence . In aole-charge scboolJ, ways and With lach purchase of leI Custom means be provided 10 that bur­ ~arleJ may be aranted to promis· Suburbonitlu ot '~ in, stu dena In Grade VIII ;D M· able them to start hiah It~ool VELVET HORN SERVICE STA .~ worle in larger Ichools. RESOLVED that tlV Confer· HOLYROOD. .;.'~ ence requHt the Mililter of There's Something Special about Education to Ippoint a eommlt· ~17,. du MAURIER • HELD OVE Its exc1u!iv9 -1It.il!eut; Filter Tip is the mOllt effective filter yet dev~loped , .• a filter that guarantees extra filtered mildne8ll. extra smoking plea.sure.

du MAURIER'B twin-foil packs preserve freehnll88 to the very 188t cigarette - its distinctive package is flat, compact and convenient. .

du MAURIER'S cigarettee are firmly packed for finer. longer-lasting smoking plaasure. (This Week Only) ALL DRAPERY FABRICS, READY DRAPES, CURTAINS (NYLON, D.e PLA~TIC), YARD PLASTIC, VEN 7fe-- tiW! t5~ .... iI- zO BLINDS, DRAPERY· HARDWARE.'

, du ·MAURIER 'WATER ST. & A Really Milder High Gracie Virginia Cigarette ... y(j~h:the.E~'LU~·IVE ~f1(@gi.:, FILTER TIP ; . '5, NEWFOUNDLAND The Dai ly News MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1951

,. _ I ) ~ i I, . - :.. .tI.,

, ta es oca ees ore annln :' i " . I.

f : I l' Study, . I Open 18 Seal , Said Necessary building is in its In· tiona were paned and dllcuned twloundland and at lenath. Campaign Today In~ carefully nurl.ured." St. John'a Reallors rHOIII· \t1rdl. spoken b) oJhn lion tbll lomeone In tbe apo HIS HONOUR. the Lieutenant Governor. the Hon. smith cxeeutl\ e proprlale Government depart. Campbell L. Macpherson. will officially open the 1958 01' Ihe National ment abollid cbeck to lee If ri \'Soclallo n, set tbe cUfference In our loll and Christmas Seal Campaign at a meeting of volunteer B~,!d./ Ihe flr>t New· ",eather condition. are 10 \'lIt workers in 'the Newfoundland Hotel this evening at f~ u;in~ Conference II! to alop tbe aeltlng up of 8.15, The proceedings will be broadcast through all , ~m. "~ builders., lub·dh'llloru, WII paned, This IUlnQm ond paint· ! rtlolutlon arole out of the local redia stations And will be televised by CJON. The In m~k~ I r /1 Ihe :\rII'found.; problem 01 Ihe non·avallabllity guest speaker will be the Minister of Health. Hon. : Ilrl~' of txillin i'o ~i;eU'; Iheir mu·: 01 Bub.dlvlslonl on unlervlceci Dr. James McGrath. Attending also will be Hi, Ihrar)" ~en-icell , "nil pre.en rc· land cauled by Ihe \'Irtual ban Worship, Mayor H. G. R. Mews, and Mrs. Mews. public librari!!' on Individual leplie tanks be· .. ' "l\lnci~1 ~nd ' rid ~l1lilh sOlid,· cause of local loll Ind weather the Pre~ident and Directors of the Nfld. Tuberculosis I 'I I 'pm~nl: d h,' .1 di,tinctil'e : conditions. Association and their wives. During the evening. to !Iudy the , ~ 101 of prelim in· AlIa passcd 11'81 Ihe St. there will be • musicale under the direction of Mr. ,I pari ,•• '1 Jill". · .. i' necrtcd here." John's Home Builders Anocia· 'Ilment o( . durln~ this tion resolution that conslruc· Ignatiu! Rumboldt. ,i library hOU;i"~ ronlHence, tion of further subsidized rental co-oprrallon between housing projects from public SCENE at the Newfoundland Hotel Saturd8Y morning as delegates gathered for the one-day conference on 10 draw up III~ companle~ and con· fundi In Newfoundland, be can· Killed In I . I Housing.-(Daily News Photo). '.1 a!Sl!tance tbr nrrd for (ree en· fined to cases that can be' Oil Truck ~< demon~lrate IODllng and the nrres· proven to be genuinely . needy Accident At • nt'i:es~al')' to tiling ! hroader "lew ones. Ditches, Driver library srrl·le. I nr" communi. Olher relolutionl .ubmltted iJn5. Sir Robert Watson-Watt \~ illo"!, ! by the Home Bulldert Anocla· Gander Airport '1lI.YED that Safe r,rk, .. lect"rr~ ill I· tion were pasled 81 followl: Is ,::rpon Ihe I . A report from Gander wt tniw,lI.' 01 I'icw that In .the Interests of the, i .GRA!-.'D BANK-An Impel'l3l night ~t;t.ttd that Albert lCanr I ('ouncl! in 1 rOI 'lIr'l Il1ill Illc AI·, pro~pectll'C home owners, the I : 011 truck .operatrd from the .ta· i of Ihat place died In Hospital 1~ Corporalion , "IW h,'C lil~grd: local. building Industry and Ihe I Inventor Of Rad ar Comments On ,tlOn here a~~ dmen by Boyd late Sunday as the result of In 10 introdll~e !'fll of l·'Il~da ill, puhlte At lRrge, thc ~Iunlcipal Lucas recell cd eorulderable jurics lustained' when hi wa, J 1\ S o( pra~1 iUI .. pro;r,II'" " !tudy I Council InitiAte And work out I d~mage when It woent Cl'ff the hit by a car. . room. I .. ,nh' Arr:cm,de IRnd del'elopmcnt program tolO Th H Of Th F I Hlgb'Nay betwecn here and The victim 'll'U ""'alkin, to '-'iO}.\·ED th!1 1l\iJ ::·hc ;"id, Ihat 1l';~·mAke smleed lots al'allable In: n· e ouse e uture Fortune shortly belore 6 p.m·l work at 5.30 p.m. when he 1'0';:, , N \\1' hein~ . mAde the quantities of (11 1,000 orer . re~omm~r.d Ihll Saturday and ol'erturned. The Ihit by I car dril'cn by N. L. · Opp"rt"!\:lle~ In the the next two ycan and (2) 3~0· heavy truck went out of conlrol Fowler also of Gander. He """t of toucaliOD ,100 annually, ol'er the subse· SI R '0 t W t W ll' .. . >'''''Ibilit~· or ·d lor replacement Is quent 1~ yeart. That the 10')", r a cr a, son· a , In· VISitor. . .. I Sir Robert. here quote~ fro"!,, I clared And visiled Signal Hill on the wet pal'ement turned Iwas thrown into a ditch and . :Il Sattonal Plumbing Code b' be held In the CLB Armourics, not "whcre we are in the i The hig problem the world. Sir Brian'sald lie el were ,Inn III t!lllrge'l I'ing it wet or damp onr long , Lopez M ;Q~!;~b unlt~s. WI~: ~ay h~d ~btained m~ g ~ \!cx;co. il was 1.lt eC ~ ~ enk I ~doPled by Ihe provincial IOye on Saturday, November 2~l\d'I' space age." On housing, he IVRl i hR! to face Is population, he' It tile Gosling Llbran. He: Two st. John's men woere ehllr · l·period mftkes It duU and IUltrr· ne ~leAico . ~ O~IT II roo ci ernment wllhout delay' nd Is~ Thl. annual evcnt, started by more familiar u he was "born' declared and loon tilere would urged all his Ii!tene!'! to read I cd with hrellklnJ( and tntering. I~s. 'fil;a~a' a ; and the Conference reco'm~en~ed the Nfld. SPCA. promises to on a heap of sawdust" and his be ~tanding room only. Science, the book II It outlined the. -~~~~-.-~----- n,' s a visit ta 4 . H let It ~n t to the mnnlclpal Ind proylnclal be even more .ucccssful Ihan Ito)'1 were put!y and screw he laid, must find better utiliza· battle o! Britain and the part: S II d Ioul'ing ~nl~' w:s gonmmentl tbat, untIl outaide ever this year al th~ SI. John's nails. He said he wa! a son and ali on of food pro.duction. ''l'm radar had. player in helping; rna \V00 Party Ih t . . d contncton are required t t Kennel Club haa jomed forces grandson of what they called In not !ure the polltlmnl know save Brltall1. !!I ~ ·~d~ were e· liP bUllneu and I wes 0 Ie with the SPCA. Scotland "wrights" (craftsmen). how hard they have to drive The invention o{ radar uld m· Ut ng In Ihis qulred by IOC~ Ycont I: reo The Pet Show, which I! open He traced land development the lcientista to prevent the Sir Brian, tame It the 'right A . IIltnded that lallry then .ame local con:::c:o~ to exhibitors of all types of through Industrial activit), and age of starvalion." moment. It gave tired air crew!) r·rIVe· IaIlow (or the I\'er. should be given lOme preferen. dogs, open I In the morning of how hard It was now to get Sir Robert digressed for I of the gallant R.A.F. I little' At P. A. B. In lIal advantage price1lllle h the 22nd., next Saturday at 11 sulflclent urban land for build· moment on .pace Rge more time to rest and warned ~ewfound. ~tructures, Premier Smallwood and party to Terra Nova and from Iller. hOUle! are b~dll lenders 011 publJc 'II'Orll araTi .~r. a.m. with clalSes for children's ing. It was Impo!siblB to find especially on Jupiter an.d other them of approaching pnemy who left here on Friday morn· on thP. going wa! euier. titizenl .hould be ed. e pet pooches of any breed. The sewered land tor house! 80 planets, He wRrned agalll~t too planes and where to find ·them. ing arril'ed Rt Port Aux Ba3' FLIES TO OTTAWA lilt It Is • wile The electrical Ind judging In this (jrst lection of badly needed. much dependence on "artifiel.l (Continued on page 17) ques at 1 p.m. yesterdar thus The Premier WIIS to h • .,. mllll more monel' In pOled that the pro ~strr I pro· the show will be based on fiuch There i~ he said, the a~socl· ~rtl~try" and urged architect , \ nc a gov· QuallticaHons as "the dog with alion 'of the network of cnm· ami huilder to cooperate In l>einl' the fi~1 to motor all the taken the "William Cuson" en war lrom SI ..Tohn·~ to tht WeI' routp. to ottawa {or • Llben1 I!oe hi th t b Ild (Continu!d on page 17) the longest tail." "the dog munication! - ro~ct~, electricity making the modern hom8 R Two Hit-Run tl'l'n TerminRl I'I"Ithont the atd Party ConfeT1!nce but the thip lilt g au· •. with the shortelt tall" "the and water ~nn Ih~ distribution machin~ for livin~ btlt not a of a Ferry. I'I'llS unable t(I ~nter the Port pride largest dog," "the .'mallest InWArd and outward. "All my machine Kee'p out the wet cn~or~ :~! WIlliam Hopkins ~hop, AccompRnied ~ Highway! ~cause of high wind! . . "proper) dOI/," "the dog that will do tlte own hfe has been sp~nt on one ann let In the sun. kept out the ,HTRAY Accidents Mini~t!'!' Pt1WI'r and representa' TM Preml!'!' then retJJfned to . l mD,t trickl.' and so on. of Ite draft and let air. Sound Hr-:n ,. .1 D' S dd I a~pect commun~cation~," i~ fr~sh Two hit and run acddents tires CI'f the Prm and RAdio. Stephenville owner. he Joined I olin :-;~'II 1<11 \ Ice· leS u en y The evening. !cetion, set aside added. He beg~n hiS chequercd was .~n.lncrcasmg problem {rom were reported over the week· the Premier lead a fleet of plan. for Ottawa. of Ult Custom ,\110:' Ion. Housc, . for the judging CI'f pedigree carcer in phYSICS. then weather I the lnslde and out, he declared. end. Kevin GibbOn! 0{ 189 four nell' Land·Roven. 'IOUR HIGHWAY 1011 1I I' i .c d I GRAND BANK _ WIlliam dogs, begins at 3 p.m. Dogs ex· reportlng and finally rodio and i Sir Robert returned to the itel at :,t I Campbell Ave. h~d hi~ 19~ On arrival at Clarenville the lAst nl1lht Highways MlnL!tPr .: ,.0 H&ct In "lth "Nobby" Hopkins, chief engl. hlblted In this !cclion will be communicalions. Hcre he re- earl)' days o( radar experi. Studebaker parked In front of party headed up country and Power and the oth!'!' member~ Illi I c str~.lSCd, neer of the S.S. Bar Hal'en died judged In six. groups, sporting called that SI. John's Is still ments and of his visits to the 102 Pieuant SI. and reported out around c10de Sound to 0{ the party T1!turned to Corner boJ~J anc~ of [ree !uddenly aboard the ship Sat. dogs, sporting dogs (hounds), the traditional terminal In com· Pentagon in Washington can· it wa! sideswiped by an auto CharJottctcmn where they left Brook Ind thl. morning they thl I lng, and took urda)' evening whilst the Iteam. working dogs. terrieN, toy dogs municetions. cerning wider use of the Inven· )OD. that didn't !top. There was $60 the highway Ind proceeded 1 will be joined by Works Min· bl a~~'nthat he had .er was enroute from SI. Law. and non'sporting dogs. Judging Sir Robert said, "I am against tion for the joint armed Allied damage to the leC! front door. along a freshly bUlldozed trail' ister Chalker and leaVe for an i~ Ihl ;. floul'l5hlng rance to here. Dr. John Burke of entrants In this pedigree sec- th~ space age-formally op· forces. He said I uniform was William Hillier of 520 Empire to the Terra Nova Park. The Inspedion 01. the North West I "Ian. of the Cottage HOipltal here tlon o! the yhow will be based posed to it. It h Just possible not made to make people uni· Ave. had hi! car, number 5346, elght·mlle Itret.ch "81 rough Peninsula HlghwlY II fir IS frum, industry examined the body. He Is sur. on the procedure followed by Ihat I brought on the spuce agc form. but the Land·Rovel'l, true to Bellburn •. bm.s present. vlved b)' his widow It SL shO'Ws sponsored by authorized b)' ten years or so because of Concerning his visit to SI. driven by his Ion Harold .Ide· !Wiped hy I red stake body their name, ploughed through They are .xpected to return J .. Ryan. on be. John'l and a IOn and a daugh. kennel clubr. Thus ultlmatel), a my conduct In the war." If John's, he said he had to find truck on Merrymeeting Road on the mud and rough terrain and to St. John'. on Wedneada), ,architects; Albert ter. winner wlll be chOien in ea~h radar hod not been inl'entcd 80me excuse for getting here Saturday, finally brought the party .afely night. . I IndUstry; J, I 'fhe body was taken over group. These winners will In and used against the enemy and to this centre ot communi· paint Industry; R.', the highway Sunda)' for Inler. tum compete for the "Best In the air war were lost "we might cations, The {Irst cable, and the c~ers. Pat ~Iartin, I ment at ,St. John'I... Hopklnl, Show" award. now be speaking lome kind of telephonlc·cable. "I satisfied · ).;1 Horwood, lum.\ who was 111 his early Ilxties was Entry forms arB needed only pidgin German, he said, myself In good order," he de- I .. d dealers; N. S. well known and respected alona for the second purebred section of Labour; the louth cout and wu for of the Pet Show, These forms F L d Th CHRISTMAS GIFT INSPIRATIONS! DI~~n\ of .\!onlrea~; I m~ny yem an enilneer on the have to be In the hands of of· ormer on on eatre I~~ 't ending Instl·1 cOA~tal ~teAmer "Glencoe" and flclals of thp. Kennel Cluh or In '11C BOllrne,!IAtrrl)' on the "Bar Hal'en", HefiPCA Dr P.O. Box H·I~2 by C M ~ h~!IIII~ contr~e· 1\'.115 II kpen sportsman Ind In November lBth, and an entry ompany anager Returns ~11 I hl~ ~rrller yur~ WII I well fee CI'f $1 ia chargcd in this I SLIPPER SOCKS ~( Ih~,~ hrieh s I knolln loccer player with the cue to defray urebred Inl· . :mPorlilnt resolu.' Guard! football team arr n" m u p ry I A former member of the Lon· Rnd Mmgold Charlesworth that . . a ~e en . . don Theatre Company will be! of Juliet. Bill Glol'er plays the ~N JACGUARD PATTERNED KNITIED back on a St. John's !tage this! part of Capulel. Both piaYI Ire WOOL WITH SOFT SOLES. month. Bill Glol'er, well known I directed by Tony \'an Bridge. lor his many appearances duro Created In 19~4 by Tom Pat· ~it 2-6 ...... 65c, ing the London Theatre Com· I terson, founder o( Canada'l pan)"'s final season here, Is now: Stratford Festival. and the bril· Fit 7-12 ...... 85c. l member of Canada', famous liant actor director Douglas Women's sixes .... ~ ...... _...... 97c. touring company, The Canadian Campbell, the Canadian Play· Players. He will appear in both ers has toured over eighty plays which the widely acclaim· tilousand miles, and played he­ ed Stratford players wlll per· fore over three hundred thou .. form in SI. Patrick's auditorium and people in Canada and the on November 2BtiI, and 29th United States. Beginning as , and on December 1st. small group of Stratford actors, Under the aponsorshlp ot the It has developed Into a repre­ WOOL GLOVES Kiwanis Club, the Canadian ~entoli\'e company drawing II.! PIR)'er~ . will prcsent Geor~e I members from ~II parts of Can· INFANT'S, BOYS' GIRLS' 'N' WOMEN'S ilernarn Shaw's famcd comedy, ada. In the big~est theatres of 1'.I'~mallon -the play upon the continent, in the smallest PLAINS 'N' FANCIES IN, which the current Broadway of school auditoriums. CanadiRn hit ~I)· Fair Lady Is hased,. Players has bcen acclRimed by YOUR CHOICE ...... 49c. VE ry~malion, schedulcd (nr per· critics and audiences "Ii~e. \ . formance on FridRY, NOI·. 28th This )'car Romeo and Juliet, ~RE. and Monday, Dec. 1st, will lea· and P)'gmalion, Join the list of lure Mervyn Blake as Colonel grcat cla,sical work! which. Pickcring" Alan Nunn as Doo· Canadian Playcrs have brought' little, and Paddy Croft as LilA, to life across North America.' Bill Glover will play the part The St, John's Kiwanis Club of Higgins. Is Indeed proue! 10 be able tn . , HOUSING . . .', .' . ..'.' ..' . / 'I'he Canadlon Players 11'111· bring this fl(lllolis touring CUIII lI'dar' BANQUET~Slr Robert Watton'·Watt (center), Inventor of present Romeo and Juliet at a pany to SI. John's, ,l&lho ," ,'" matinee and again at an even· Tickets arc now on sale at ~ HOItI Wn It the Housinl.Banqu~t which. WIS h~ld at the Newfound· ing pcr[ormancc on Saturday. I Charles Hulton and Sons, and on Saturday. Mayor H. G. R. Mewl is shown at left. Nov. 29th. In Ihis John Horton. at O'Mara's Drug Store on hall .J

(Tura Nova Photo Service.) will pial' the part of Romeo llin's CrOS5. ~. ;

:~ .... · , ______.THF. !"lAILY ST. JOH~l'S, NFLD. MONDAY NOVEMSER

... , , , , THE DAILY NEWS Inflati Dn threatens ruinatiDn.l Easy to Hit but It Won't Go Far Newfoundland'. Only Morning Paper · ., The DAILY NEWS II a morrun~ paper establlahed In 1894, and publlsh· ed at the N~wl buildln., 8M-8~9 Duck· worth Street, 51 John'l, Newfoundland. Shrinking dollar by Roblnlon &. Company, Llmlted,

M.£:MBER OF THE CANADIAN PRIlSS The Canadian Pre.!1 II exclusively cause of alarlll ~. en titled to tne use for republlcltlon of ;Jl news despatches In tbls paper credit. By ROBERT MOON fits suffer, They paid in their money ed to it or 10 the ASloclaled Prw or when It was worth perhaps twice IS Reuters and abo the local newa pub- (Ottiwi . Staff Correspondent of The lished therein, ' Leader,Polt, Regina, Sask.) much as it is today. They thought they wcre providing for their future or their History Is filled witb example! of dependents' future. They weren't Prices I .. YEARI.\' SUBSCRIPTION RATE~ All Press ~pr\'lce and feature artlcleJ I Canada , .. , ..... 512.00 per annum In this paper ;ort copyrighted And tbelr unchecked Inflation and its disastrous went up in the meantime and the pur­ United Klngciom alld rrprcductlon 19 prohibited, resul(!-(ieltructlon of the people's sa" cllasing dollar dropped. They suffer. all forclgn countries 514.00 pcr annum Ing!, disruption of' their ii,ps and the Salers II'ho deposited their money In Member Audit Bureall wl'ecklng of national economic system~. Ihe bank heeded a childhood injunction Authorlzert n~ lecond cins.s mall, Post Offic·, Department, Ottawa. 01 ClrculaUolli. Empires have fallen because of It. that the lJank was a good place to leave Lenin advised his Communist follow· their money and that savings were a er! that Inflation was one of their chief good thing to have. They were. But MONDAY, NOVEMBER• 17, 1958 weapons for the world revolution they prices rose and the dollar dropped In hoped to bring about. Lenin said the vallie. The savers no longer can buy as · ' best way to destroy capito listie countries much with the dollar they saved as they , was to demolish the purchasing power could when they put it In the bank. They Christmas Seals of their currencies, suffer. Once again it is Christmas Seal . sllch strides could have been made Lord Keynes, the most influential Inlestors who purchased government time-the little gummed stamp in detecting lind cursing the· dis· economist of our time, said in the latler bonds thought their lnvestment was which is helping lick tuberculosis ease. we have visited. patients at stages of the First World War'that: about the safest they could make. It In Ne\\-!ollndland, 'rhe Newfound· the Sanitorium on various occas· ".1111 belligerent governments prac· was inflation changed all that. The In· tised from necessity or incompetence vestors who bought government bonds land Tuberculosis Assoriaticn has ions in the pi\st fifteen years and what a Bolshevist might have done from suffer. been pro\'idmg the public with have seen them come out and reo design. Even noll', when the war is Those who are on salaries and wages Christmas Seah since 1~J·t rind i" sume their places in the commer· 01 el·. mo.;t of them continue Dut of abo suffer. These salaries and wages those fourteen ,"ears tlH' mope,\' cial life of tht' community. Some weakness the~e ~Rme malpractices." may be rising. but they are not rising Ke)·nc5 made his statement ill 1019. equa"~' from firm to firm and from \\'3\' !'<'I1C 10- collected in rhis , has .' hRd to take it a little easier than Lenin made his in the same era, Both occur~tion to occupation. Tho~e workers ward the un':!rr.ing battle (1gainst others for a while. Those harder are a~ true toda)' as when they werc may be better of! in inflationary times the scourge. While great ,tl'ide~ hit b~' the dio-:er,se hal'e been gh'en uttered, than those who are on fixed incomes, Toda.I'. LPnin would not hale han to hut thcre will be certain Inequalities h~we bern made through 1h C .<15- aid through the NTA's rehabili­ eOllduct hIS ;ceret infiatillnar,' war tation section. This provides teach· c;lIlsed by inflation, sista11ce prOVided from the Cl:ris\· from behind the Iron Curtain. He has In the enn, el'eryone suffen. 'Edson In mas Seal fund in ccmbattil1E! the ing handicralts, etc. many miliions of unconscious allies in And if the government cannot sell disease, the last battle has still to The Newfoundland Tuberculosis the Western World to aid and abet him its bonds to the people because th' Washington be waged, Association not only pro\'ides the by demanding and supporting policies people have grown wary of placing Christmas Seals for which from the which fan the inflationary fires, their monc)' whcre It will not ,maintain SEE GLOBAL CONFEREi\CE AS The floating clinic "(,hris!mas Canadiens are among them. The its value, a very serious situation de­ 'LIMITED WORLD GOVERS,\fEi\T' S~al" is mnint.'·ned b? the New­ public is asked a contribution of a tragedy ~ that CanDdians noll' ,eem 10 I'elops in carrying on the nation's af­ BI PETER EDSO:l We have all heard the fOllndh1lld TubNCl11r.S:', }\~<;oci. rlollar or more per sheet, but main. accept inflation as certain, ~lany try to fairs. WASHI!\GTOr-;, (:lEA)-The Ameri· ship which was wash cd a,iI:.!', because its anchor 11'.5 too tain year·round interest in its cru· safeguard themselves, or "Hedge", :';el'ertheless, it I~ within the power can.British.Ru~sian conference on ~us­ alion and this ship of mercy ~ails the waves were rollir., biil sade. In cooperation with the De­ against inflation by buying stock~ anrl of gOlernment, through its hanctlin~ of pension of nuclcar weapons tests. which all around thl' province and i',:, houses and tangible "things". Even such the national debt, and the supply of opened in Geneva. Switzerland, Ocl. 31 needed to be held ,ccurely ~ m~dic~l staff take tholl~nnds of partment of Health every effort is 5afc~uards will not prevent eventual mone)'. to speed up or slow down the and the conference en safeguards it was tossed ahout a~d chest X·ra~·s. The Association also made to detect tuberculosis as early monel' and financial chaos. If Ihis trend insidious dlseose of inflation. In a SllC' again>! surprise .lIack. convening Ihere wrecked because the ;,nchor n!'sists in counselling, training and as possible thus making it a cer­ continues, lhe value of the dollar Inev­ ceeding article, particular attention will ;>;01', 10. are only two of the nearly 300 cd bottom. The anchor rO~1f1 in findin':! jobs for fOlmer luber­ tainty of quick recovery for the Itably will collapsc. be pai dto the national debt and the such internationat powwows in which feet too short. But Inflation and the dollar's con· gOI·ernment's money policy. Sincc the the united Sutes will take part this ~Ian:.. a life ha, heen culG~is patients. patient. The more intense the case· tinued shrinkage needn't be crrtain, gOl'ernment con pia,' a key role in year. A nell' one opens clery working cause the rope by II hleh It!! Rf'hab~litatiun is n rostl,1' ~snect finding progrllm, the lower the in­ They can and should be s:opped. and day, on the average. hetping halt the inflation in this field, their spiritual anchor in I: the buying powcr of the dollar main· it is obl'iously one in which public Onll" one in ten is considered a m~jor of the l':llnonign ng:'inst tnber· fection rate will become, This is crisis WJS too shorl. Tr.n .1 tained. opnion should encollrage the govern· confe;ence. But all i1re considered im­ culo~'i, ,1Ild ritiz('n~ ran feel (1.';' why on other occasions in the ~'ear of people who neler thiu . Until it is, these who live on fixed ment to take action. portant in promoting peaceful relations until they get into troub:e, mrecl that the dollars the~' pro\,ide the NT A conducts Its free chest Incomes suffer becausc prices go up and bEtween nations, Ant! Ihe fact that this Our government wil! re~uire public never pray until they hm 1\':1 in exchan-;e for Cl1ristmns Seals X·ra~' their dollar won't buy as much as international conference business has service, an insurance policy unrlerstanrling, pressure and support if request to make. formerl),. it is to act effectively. It wil! need more than tripled since 1946 5hol',S hull' will be wiSpl\, soc"t and ))l"f1\'ide for the public each year. We all people hall! that religion \I Pensioner,1 suffer hecause their pcn· the nations arc progres>ing toward posislell1ce of incnlclI(lblc bencfit to like to recei ve 6 clean bill of health moderation in the demands from the get us ready to dic. Em lions wcre established when the dollar people for policics which add fresh fuel limitcd world government by specialized th"'e reC]uirho; such aid. but even ln R year sometimes the criminals turned to rcligio: was worth morc and bought more. When ·to inflationary fires, and an awarencss international con~resses. shadow of the gallows feli L~st year 814 pel'sons were ad­ insidious disease creeps ln and at­ It! purchasing power declined, they that pre~erlation of the buying power Biggest and most expensil'e session mitted to Sanitoria for treatmf'nt tacks. This Rttack would not be could buy less, They suffer. of the dollar is the major problem which this year was the second conference on Those who receive Hfe insurance bene- peaceful uses of atomic energy at fnr tuberculosis, J[lO of them for known if the X-ray services were faces Canada and Canadians today. cedure is that when we Geneva. The U.S. sent 300 of its top of religion most, we find to of the first timf'. Most this number not available. scientists ~here, Atomic Energy Com· that what we call our were fOllnd to hewe traces of tuber­ The Christml1s Seal is our guide mission spent four million dollars to not reach down into the culosis through the free chest X­ shull' off American developments in this Our dostrine of prayer iJ to good health. It points the way Others Are Saying -) rays pro\'id0r1 by the Newfound· field. short to hold us. EmUll for 11 more healthY, community and PREPOSTEROUS! CO:\!ll'iG UP 101 APRIL is the Inter· never reflected on the h:ld Tuberculosis As~oci[\tion. The . financial arr;.ngements arc sWsfactory, in order to maintain this important Regina Leader·Post then stcps to purchase it should be taken national Telecommunications linion God, we find that II e !It! U X·ra~' sen'icc i, free and province­ and essential service we must buy A proposal by the president of Can­ as soon as possible. meeting in Los Angele" It will haye secllrity only when rli,,!ter wide. in frctory, office IlOd school. delegations from the Iron Curtain coun­ saults us. Here is .nolc!r Christmas Seals. We owe it to our ada that the Canadian automobile indus· Tuberculosis in tetms or both tr)' shouid seck protection from the in· tries It met last in WarS;Jw. rope too short. neighbour and ourselves to assist Ci;'i1 Adation Organization's generat roadl made by booming sales of EurG­ TOUGH E:-IGLISllMA;-" death, and ;;!I'luilding will be for conferences. It physLc:al power of !be that the first phase of aid in the yet have enough representation in United States. But III management dapple gray and skewbald, and value of Ihould be Canadian, for It Is Ina tailed wIlL have one big room to accommo­ is the moral authority 01 community st&ges will. start soon. the Federal Civil service in Ottawa, cast Is £ 100. lilt on Canadian loll and lJ employed to date over 300 delegate.s, several smaller vividly doe~ he lyrnbO .True, it will tnke some time to Im- but thos~ who are there are striv­ defend Canada a! well u the U.S. It The A.A, hRs also isslled each horse rooms and a hlg auditorium seating SOO science of sn outraged · plement and the scheme will not ing for greate:' co-operation for the mlaht be possible to pay for the IYS' with a Great Britain plate which will for ceremonial selsions, with simul· back at its tormentors, be fully operative until next year. benefit of the tenth provine., tem over a period of· year&. If the hand from the saddle, taneous translation facilities. men In the Kremlin whO EWS ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1958 IS DAilY N , •

M Far BAY ROBERTS ~_III"IIl'f... ·llllfM'IIIII·II:I ...... __.1IQ!tl1iR ... ri .. w ••r...,i4hMAA H reM .e' ;"ne't· .',,". • FEW -iiVYU_ • -

Council Notes 1'1 ir Knight J. R. Skinner 1 ·1. BAY ROBERTS-At a recent I" meeting of the Town Council, i' I Visits Here • IUiiesUon from Mrs. S, R. I T' :'iOI'. 10-On J. R. Skinner to place on Sir Purchase that a group of I ! 'ROBER .:,; 11',1', Knicht Snow an honorary memo C.G.!.T. members attend a coun­ ;: I ~1I', ; i 1.'1 , ~,JI;, "\-Plman nnd 1 bershlp collar of the G.B.C. of cil meeting for the purpose of I; : ,e: lf ,1", • nf Lill' of Newfoundland. R,W. Sir Knlllht undertakln& the worklnll of , 1 he lfer -" • 'R D,P, :'io, ,~58, Isaac Dawe, Grand Registrar of municipal 1I0vernment, WRS ac­ AVINGS :1 ! !: ,', I 'I', • room \\'Ilh ~ the G,B,C, of NeWfoundland, cepted, They Ire to attend the , I ' :' ";f ,1,.''Ir 1\1I1.:hIS from I a Iso a dd resse d th e gat hering, meetlnll to be held on Nov. j ,,:."

C,,' '1 Trini\) south, and R,W. Sir. Knight John Nor- 17th. , , ! ,. Cr.. B I 1,1\ l,'nI sp)oiarll', J)'. ma . n The rOld committee reuested " ' C~:t)'1 roil1t~ Port Following this R,W, Sir that Smith Street be repaired for the HOME : I ': . ['IJrs c', Bcach. i KnIght S. E, Mercer, on behalf and dralnl cleaned 8. the widen· ~ I ) .. , '" -nrl \l'lii!UOlirne of Lily of the Valley, presented Ing of thll Itreet would not I l I : , BrI·~.c' of llIcclin~ the the ~I.W. Grand Master of the take place until next year, They il'" :;~~;h\ .1 R. Skinner. G.B.C. of British America with also requelted that a light be r' of \he r.rand a souvenir. a moose statue, Installed in the outride area of I :. !')l':!I'ti'~ 113'\/ , , h 11'81 . . 1 'I . .' w of British ArneI' T e preceptory then closed Mission Lane, It decided to 1 : I \ r~w " accI'nlpanicd on lI'ith the singing of the hymn InveaUKate the cost 01 a light· r I I:: Sir Kn;ghl .-\1- "Blest Be The Tie That Binda". ing sy.tem throullh RuneU'1 ·: , ':\11', , I , ' , b, r.ranrl :i,,!cr of. the i Grand Master offered prayer. Lane, , I.: ! .• ' Chl,II" of :'iew· I S. DAWE, Registrar. Mr. Rlchardl, representing I ~ , New Home Comforts. I· 1 the Dept. o( HighwaY' attend· On , HII' Sir Knight ed this meeting to .etUe the In our Home Furnishings Deportment will be found many values that shauld com· ~ Gran n RI'.imar of, C II F Th BI' SC '~f :icII[ol\nrlland:: 0 ee t'Ion or e In. cost of re·seallng the paved mand your immediate \ attention. You will want them for your own ... and 'Jin"h\ Rollm J. I road. The COlt WII fifty dollara , ~('I (;~;nn '1.l'IH of the . BAY ROBERTS, Nov. 10- over the estimated amount. for Christmas Gift·Giving ... when you see the handsome Chenille Spreads, the J,1 -, \~lI'f"l1l1nl.1n(1 and' The annual collection for the A commlttee consisting of well filled Satin covered Reversible Quilts, the soft, cosy Cotton Blankets, the lovely !, Ii ~ ;IHI' of \h~ G.B,C. I Canadian National Institute for the mayor, deputy mayor and Lace Cloths, and many others. Como in and look them over at your eorliest . r,_i,lin:l: RW. Sir: the Blind for 19~B, was held re­ town clerk 11'11 appointed to II IS I '1';'n LeDrr\'.' Grond cent1~· and realized the .um of meet with the department 0(' "SUNNYSPUN convenience, as In some cases quantity limited. i"i~1 •• • ~ , , \he G,B.C. of :'ie\\,· S~29.90. flclals to dllcuSi a town plan, BLANKETS t, H1\', Sir Knight The collection was under the The .ervlce! of a Krader from \c:m,n, DrplIl), Grand direction of Mrs, L. T. Stick the Dept, of Highways WII ob­ $4.95 ea. Cotton Blankets , ! Ihe C,r,11:ri Oran~c and Mis! ~Iargaret Dawson, al' tained over the week·end, to t, \r'.l!onndlond: Sir slstants were ~Irl. Allan Dawe, pu t by.roadl In Ihap. for the Rayon Blend in choice of Closely woven, well napped Cotton colors. Satin bound ends. 1. Eo"orary Cole)"s Point; Mrs, Walter Car· winter monthl, ,t 'I,~ I Size 66 x 8Q, Blankets, in White with Striped Borders 11,llcr of the G,O.L. avan. Country Road; Mra, EI In Pink and Blue, and neatly whipped .~mHir": R.I\', Sir abeth Sparkes, Sheanton. Hmy Ru;\cll. Pa!t Collections Bay RobertI-Mrs. ends. Well known "Kingcot" and d :h' (;.B.C, of, V, C Sparkes, ~Irl, William Personals "Queen co!" qualities. '~d; R II'. ,;r Kni~h! • Crosbie, $22.2~; Mr.. larenci Size' 54 x 80 price per pair $5.25. , "I~"!~ l;"nn Lecturer French, ~Irs, Gus Badcock, 'GEl of :iclllollnrliand: S8,~O: Miss ~!argaret Dawson, BAY ROBERTS-Min Bar­ Size 60 x 90 price per pair $5,50 and \. lini,hl Ilrin;lon, ~Iiss JeRI! Delaney, $4UO; Mu. bara Meade of the Amalga· $5:95. mated School atal( lpent the i;':!,: 01 :he r"Il;C of Graham S, Mercer, Miss Paul 90 l~1: H \\" ~'r Knl~ht Elms. SIOO,~O: Mrs. James Dale, week end at her home in St. Size 70 x price per pair $6.50. llcvrc. Grann l.eclurer ~frs, Jack Kearley, S9l,00; Mn, John'., PLAID COTTON BLANKETS 31' of \C"'ilillurll:lnrt: IRa), BradtJury. Mrs, George Soft, well napped Blankets in Pink and Kr,::ht L~lhbrirlge As· French, $27,05; ~Irs, Laura Some fifty members of "H" REVERSIBLE Blue. ,II of :'~r (;B,C. of Walsh, ~Irs. Warren Bradbury, Company C,L,B. In command of : .• , ' , ~lr Kni.ht John S36,~O; ~Irs. Wilbur Sparkes, Capt. John Noseworthy, Q,C" COMFORTERS Size 70 x 90 price per pair $5.95. . H"nmry ~rrmbcr Mrs, Lewis Sparkes, $31.7~, assisted by Lleuts. Gordon "DUCHESS" BLANKETS 51 of :ir'.ljolindlanrl ounlr)' Road-~I!1drecl Rus·· Snow; R. D. Pepper, and 2nd. SI: I\nl:'11 ~"mllcl· lell. Jean Parsons, S44.4~. Lieut. H, French motored to $7.95 Rayon blend Satin bound Blankets by G:l,d l',,~~~:::terman of Colr)"s Point-Virginia Dawe, St. John's on Sunday to attend Double·bed ,ize. well [ill· "Kingcot" in plain shades of Red, Green, " of \r,,estowed upoD • Popular fine White Nylon Net Curtains. &In! Mtonl) Ordtr )ou'/l grl-iU lUI extra cost-lI11 Dress up your Living Room for Christmas writer. Borll • Price per pair $.3.50 Il!utlopc aPld II mailing folder ill raJ CAristmM co/cun, with smart looking Chesterfield Covers of wlnninll the Fibre Glaze Curtains in two widths. le Soviet pre" ruiIA ~~ich to ltnd Jour gift 11M ,,"lDIlal "utingl, from our new arrivals. Made from • Prices per pair $3.65, $3.95 and $5.90. I'lliflcatlon aDd rYou Cln ule ROJIII Bad MC1llJ Orrkn to lend gifu fine quality Chintz in pretty Floral de­ Dacron Curtains, nicely self Embossed. y and venolll II ~ ClIh to friends or relativet in Canada, the U.S., •• signs an ground shades of Wine, Green, ; reaction tt\ert ,;::t Brittin or The Weat Indtet-aDd ~I BalLi Prices per pair $5.50 and $5.75. Grey and Toast. lling, superfl~ ifb 10 Itnd money else"here in the world. • For 3 piece Suites per set ...... $33.00 e strong. At d f gen bambi JII IHI ROYAL' IANI O. CANADA For 2·piece Suites per set ...... $24.00 istic mislUeJ. .. Chesterfield Covers each ...... $15.00 ",,111_'. of m!ibt1 oG' • Chairs Covers each ." ...... "" .. $ 9.00 I in~t thelll II I_ Daybed Covers each ...... $ 4.75 )mpletely help tnliJ. -- , Studio Couch Covers each ... "".$1 0.25 ,ower of the ~ ...... ral authorit1bOll" ST. JOHN'S BRANCH (266 WATER ST.)""KEITH A. CLARKE, Manager • ! " ,ps he IJ1II TER 'M r an outraJed EN and LeMARCHANT BRANCH.""" .... "".A. MOORE, anagtr \; \ ormenlOn. ~BIolI.JD BRANCH .... " .... ~ ...... " ...... M. F. CHANNING, Manager I~ Kre!llliA "hel AVENUE IRANCH ...... D. G. JOHNSTON, Manager I' THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 . ' • , . I' " ! ~ Personal ¥FORTHE LADIES * ---~ ...... ~~----- Chit-Chat • -," Contest. Winner \ PERSONAL ITEMS ARE PRINTED FREE. Daily News Baby PHONE OR MAIL THEM TO: "SOClAL COLUMN, DAILY NEWS". TF.LEPHONE: 2177. ICAASBIGNMENT FROM .HALIFAX"':W. Chi' mCI1, (. W. Cleveland,- C. F. Coupland. W. CUrrie, W. Dur· kin, Capt. J. I. Gordon. Sat. B. Palt ••• The College EntraDCe ~ufure .. : 10 the D. luaes, Mrs. llaaca, ~lIu D. 17 (jom, Du:ie&r POwer '1\ •." form ed 00 Nov. "I) COlt a!:out 10 R. laaaes E. Jappy, Hon. R. B. 1 ' , is COJI Job, J. Holllday, J. Joiner, p, 1900. Pwage of ill examl \h.;n ~Ower required for er.trar.ce by 71 col- ret~h p,rity about Drlmer, A. Keenan B. R. Lynch, be ;0 per cent chuPl! ' J. Moore, Mrs. B. E. Lyneb, leges and universities leday. power by 1970. Mill I. M. Morton, Mn. L. Newcombe, C. O'Dell, J. Mowat, S. Pmk)', B. Welch, Mn. A, Whlteway, J. Willon, J. Smith. The C.,y Under Your Sign I " PATIENTS AT ~~,;5,j:~" !t,'r,~h ~~:~~,A;.,:t i,'.! it ~~a"~ };;!~'~ 2~I,::. OJ, SUNSHINE CAMP _ill be btH ia I~e lonr f~. I:'IO"~Jr1 }'O"J;m r~l 01 TAURUS (Apia 20 I. M.y 20). SCORPIO (0:+. lIl. The followlnll 1a a lis! of pa· Rt~:aill your pail( ill • lit'JJ!le" ",~a '\""1 ft~! ('}1 r.! r·~~ p..Jt tlenta At the Sunshine Camp Ui'U 10\1 by ".!TPf;H. A It:' I~o:. r.~~rt... tfmrT J"I.',.., r,o::!d ..rt)(~ who are. reported well and GEMINI (M'12t I. J,,, 41) S.AGITT/.RI,US IN",l! la.r.er 1Hl.n,iGl:s zr.~nl[r1~~ l~,~:f In or- \ :u,r l,Lb\l~t:cl lit .. Ii~ happy. The Iht II lubmltted .~t IIClll.Ic:h. ac.d a ,cod c.a'~ c! r.tiICa. i:n I=CUI',I.~=:;\ h t.c. hOsl'. through the counelY of thl ~~~~~!'~!":;.\~~i~~ t,~~:2t~l"t;' ~~:~.I~~R~')~!'~y;:Z II , Junior Red Cron. 'OC1t'tIM.bo ~a ,in J'O"J lhe (.;.ttL p.e: ·... ,1 Ibi:"l" ):N I bt;.n Lillian March, Grand Fal1l: lEO (Juty 22 to AU9. 21\ AQ~ARtUS IJ". 21 It Ru4 nC'1ll'I~lf.tr Ir\itlt • .:.n~ colwnn.1 A','C1d, DSI~::!~: ):'\ ['If J(":I , Lindy Carpenter, Eddy O'Keefe, (:rr IlJrfl1l NBt. 1,,1 I'i'ficr. bIn 1r.:[l~W ,~:1 l1 Dorh Hillier BlshC)jl'. Falll: Ivy VIRGO (Au;. n I. Sapt. 121 PISCES 1F',b. 20 t• Ltmitatiocl wnia IlaH fUlrieltd rrOf' Dculop:.n l~tl. or Iry Blanchard, Mclven: Darrell rtll La. lbI put ml1 be LUtrd. aooc:. aoI.,.lr., .. pc::h:t:n t.hu . Luscombe, June Berit, Frazer I Edison, Shirley ,Uplhall, Bot­ : woor! Dal'ld Rice,: Wlndlor; Mar· Mlu Luc)' Heffernan who II Jorie Goodyear,: Carmlnvllle: IJI\1Iloyed In the St. John'l Re- Virginia Wat'erman, GamOO: If you use an eyebrow pencil I For nalur~\ bea:ry aarvaUonl Office of Trana·Can· FellI( Martin, ; St. Vlncenll: -and everyone shouid. (or ~ome i should be IleaI'ifr . Ida Air Llnel, haa been .elect· James Ruth, Bar of Islandl, occassions at least-don·t stop· nose than the p.r, , ed for IIlliTlment In T.C.A.'a SI. Jamel Antle, ~urln: PeiIY wi:h a single line, Stroke the Pettnburl Office during the Drake Shirley unt,. Corner full length of the eyebrow with For rainlc." r!'I,~i a steact~' hand, Sit in front of the iJ ro II',' 1"lliI r,,'. winter truon. She will lcnvc Brook: Beryl Fo I, Norm Arm: "our mirror and rest your ~Ibow I ar.rl plllck frnlll t1! ahC)l't]y for Florida Rnd return Naomi Pltlm~~' Drovervllle, !lelt April :10. Mis~ HeffprnHn i Sop't Arm; Joy ennett, Sprini' . on the tahir, not the tor, II • !laill" IIf Pelly Harbour. I dale; Carol A n N05eworlhy, __ i Pouch Con; ward Faher, Pasteurized, Homogenized, Recon I.M.S. SEW .. OUSDI.A:'ID We~tcrn Bay; \tiru~on Earle, lASSESGER UST Bay Roberl~. TO LIVEnpOOL-~lr!, Dori! --- I., Bord, MM'. ~!. K. Brinton. C. , IN CITY HOSPITAL..'i H. Brown, ~l". Adelaide Xose· This list il !ubmltled Ihro\lsh "Ql'tb)', T. W. Serjeant, )lr!'1 the courtesy 01 thl Canadian MILK Serjeant, B. Serjeant. ~li5S B. Red Crosl Society . , .!Ul.ant, Mltr. A. Serjeant, H.• At Geneul: Here Is Fraser Noel, 140 Park Avmue, Mount Pearl, who W8! chosen by tile Judges 15 the In ~illan, Mill S. Slade. I Vaier Waterman, Port Bland· pri'~e-winner 2Sc Qt. FROM BOSTON - R. Filz· I ford, Mariaret Saunden, Alex· the DAILY NEWS Baby Contest which closed someti me ago. ----!---'--- patrick, Mn. E. Marks, Sgt. T. ander Bay, Walter Dunford, ______r----" -' Moor., Mrs. Moore, ~li55 B. Trepasaey; feelinl fine. Albert nl )leore, MrI. M. O'Reily, 1.1.151 S. Baker, Recontre ,ELlt; lmprov· der, lIonaviltl; Doinll well. Mn. ISLAND DAIRIES L Willi. ' Ini greatly. ~. William Lan· Cusil Blackmore, Gin d • r; Duff-Frecker :;Weddi~g rutlni fairly com!ortabl •. Mn. l . TELEPHONE 92148 Mlrla Brake, Gll1lama, Sprinll' dale: expectinl to ,10 home Ihortly. Misa Elizabeth Crewe, Summervilie: eondltlon un· ehanlled. Mr. Uriel Power, Bona· A,SHTRAY v\Jta; Doinl very well; Wayne Hunt, Bonaviata; Under ob!!r· With each p~rchase of let CUltom vallon, condition the um •. SuburbanltM' at IIIIl1WrlUIII: Alnes, MeDon all, Piceairl, McKINLAY MOTORS LTD, Hermlta,e Bay; AUIIUJtul Mel· bourne, Burieo; Georill New· JlC)rtl, Garnilh, Fellln, rin •. Mn. Frank Harridan, Point Roae: Condition the Saml. U.C. OIU'BANAGE MEETING Members of the United Chlll'th Orphan aile Aid Ire re· minded of the mullnll on to­ Don't over reach yourself, night Monday November 17th. It Bole p.m, Don't moke hasty decisiOn! money. SURPRISE PAITY On Monday, November 3rd. I Give yourself time to think by lurpriae birthday party was savings account in the tendered to Mn. W. Benlon, the former Mabel Churchill of Portugal Cove. Mra. Benlon wal pretented, with • coffee table, THE NEWFOUN etc., along with I birthday cake .. LADIES'.. MOCCASIN .. by the Women'! Alodatlon of the United Church C1! which SUPPERS she ,.,.11 I life lonll member and SAVINGS BANK president lor ma ny yean. Mu. Benlon WI.!! afl'eeahly lurpril' ~ pays 3 % Interel!. Suedine or Calf leather ed and wilhel to thank the mlny frlendl for the dellahtful uppers with light Dr dark rifh. Your money available when yoU

fur trim. Red, yellow, A moilturlline emullion that helps to brinK back precious, green, blue, pink. yount mOIsture to the deep ti.· lue~ of ),ollr skin i5 now on lh~ mal'kd, lt help5 to stem !lakl' ness, dryness uno linea and turn them into beallty.

• Thl IIIlmlre of Suunnp' long'llw'~d blou!eI, The 1I0wff hrld~groom. 1I'0r@ I gown of I rOle laef, na\')' !ccessorlee, A, Marie. dlullhter of Dr, and Mrs, girl, too. carried I bouqllet of G, A, F'recker, 25 Forest Road, Frenched bronze and gold silver fox !tole, and a conage ' to Dr. Francis Patrick DuU, Ion chrysanthemuml with crotan of white rosel. I The reception lI'as held at thc ' hear.these C1! Mr. andMI1. M. F. Duff, 12 leal'! •. Office"' Mell, Buckmaster's: Gower Street, took place Oct. Mr. Art Sullivan acted II best Field. I 11 at 9.30 a.m. in St. Joseph's man, and the ush!n were Dr, Church, Hoylestown. John King, Mr. Gerry Horan, Later, the bride and groom DAYTIME FEATURES The bride, who Wal given Mr. Ron Whelan and Mr. Ricb· left on their honeymoon in the away by her father, was In a ard Frecker. Laurentian., Montreal and New floor.length gown of white allk York, the bride travellinll In a Monday through Friday organu, fitted to below the MI1. Frecker, the bride's fitted beige tweed IUlt, with. waist, having long Ileevel, mother, wore a beige ,heatb, juniper tan acce!soriea, a beige scalloped neckline, and the faahloned with an empire waist, fur Jacket and white orchid cor, *' Trans·Canada Matinee-helps an3 bodice In!et with lace. She brown accessories, I mink atole sage. hints for to·day's homemaksrs carried a cascade of white and a corsage of yellow sweet· Dr. ~nd ~!rs. Dul! will reside I rO!es centered by ft white heart rosel. orchid, with green foilage. Mrs. Duff, mother in Europe niter Dec. 13. ,Misl Eileen Nicol, as maid of '* Live music and drama. honor, and :~lis! H~iena Freck­ er, Miss Sheila McGrath, MilS Marie Duff and Mrs. Frances ,* Informative discussion and quiZ Barnable, aa bridesmaids, wore programs. cocktail·length dresses of rayon taffeta, fitted, and with a deep V in the back. They, were in Ihadel of iold,_ Ivacado green, With each purchase of set Custom putel 'Il'een,' beige and rust, , Suburbanites at' Ind carried bouquets of French· , ed bronze and 'gold chrysanthe· REG : BROWN'S SERVICE, STATION, ~ lAD HOM. A CAlTON mUlTI. with crotan leaVe!. • Canadian Broadoosting Corporation '-:- OI1WO TOlAY. The flower lIirl, , M I a ! ~-, DLAl 3435' ., Christine Forbes, and the ring· be,arer, Paul FreCKer" wore brown· velvet' luitJ witb beiie 7 ._------y NE~~,ST. JOHN'S, NFLD" MONDAY, NOV_E_M_BE_R_'_7_, _19_~_8 ______------_. 1LJl- rr,~pl'rrc:1\ .Iuhe Cl.:h. I CllnISnL\S SEAI.S 'OTL\II',\ tCP! - ,fohn ,'.Ia;n· ~.ot-\\'C'~I('fM Jamtmrrc 4.r"'-ticnuul I'ro\'lncial ~e,:n, 11~.(j\~-~l;J\~·h ~r EHI,la · OTTAWA ICPI-Call~ua's ilil' w~rill~. 43·year·uld exp:rl on 'in:'-~ I I •. b-Srorl~ I.,t. ~;;,-~~~ I U~SI" •. 4.'0-~('\\' In ,1 'Unul_. , Ilual Chrl,tmas seal sale gets U~" (\tl,triJl relations. WJS namerl .. ... -:r.:-•••••••••• CJON 04,ll-H:JnL'h !';ul!-. 1~.n--.'L;~lr Club. '1.1~portICU'.7.1~1(1"'. t.O()-:'It.u\ill ~ll:\rr, - R d- 7.33-Wotuf,.lt [)1'''\or1. ,1.l.i.>-U:sndJ f1nrl~' " tier way IIlonday to r~isc ,Ilr,es I' Friday as labor atlache to tile SiBsnXt SO,'t:SlIIt;R i~\h. !"QO-:\CWl 11'1 :1 "1!nUlt. '.;' ~ Mlhur Godfrr), 7.~1"'. l,~\"-The CouPle ~'e It Door. · for tuberculoSIS prevention. II. boy Canadian Embassy in Brus5cls 10. a.1&-NI.... ~. '.Ol-'fnc Ccrry \\'~~.i:II1~ Sho'lf. .. I,U-Re'" Koury. a I.3~Blt 0/ IJII 0." I.JIJ-Thp Uub 1.1:\10'\1 ~ho\'. 6.0rl-Ncw, In D ~'Jn'Jle and Wultl .... · pitching snowballs at a snowman \ thc second such at CanaJia~ ~.~porII caJllIdor, I.J~NOd ~"'" In~ W•• lb" 6,U'.:-Wbll'. C))(l\(ln 1. ro-:-.:ew. is this year's design for the four· posts Abroad. He now Is chief 0[' ,.oo-/dornlDl Ootl. 1.U-HeAdllnl Newl ,lId "'lOtblr. 15 o:"-lJallctin Bailfd. 2.1~Sport. P .,eo 7.OQ-!\Ud. NtWI aod Sport •• e.1C-~·a\l[lnal Newi. l.O;}-FII,'CI Stc.r lhtlner. color stamp with a double·barred the labor·management division of '.I~"117 I.d !o'" 3.JG-Ray HeDthutDn Show. '.l~M."'III' U.I'. 1.O$-LoeII Wlithtr. •. 1~Sporl" cross, international symbol J[ thc the labor department's ~nom IO.oo-N...... ,.~'l'lI. Bob ~Iwtl Show. ".?~Newi. ".OO-S~W!. IO.M-M.ml.. D.t •• 7.30 -Round lb, World Newl Inil b.~c-P.m. '!hul". .a.l~Featun PDII. crusade against tuberculosis, in ics and research branch and ill Wealber 7,0l)-.Newl In I Minute. 4.Y..-World rri Spor'll, : "i lM~-N-Wh.tl'. Cookln· 7.l1l-:;."'. '.OO-.~Od. N ...... n~ Wulbtr. ,IIl.no-N!w, 'e • Mlnutl . l.O~Spotll.ht dian labor attache i! at Washing­ 12._B",II.'.14. aOGr. •• 1$--'ihlppl ....par\. 8,Ol-TIlI' Belt from thl ",nt. !.3Il-Chccktn' In. I (j,OO-~ew., .....erelll CIDIda Pard, 12.1~"k.bOl J ...borM, 1.2~Klddlu <:Gr .... 6.31;)-~cw. I.lJ • Minute. I ' . au ton. J, I:.-Kln~rr,"r~'. 0/ Iht Air I.l~:;rld. S.WI, W.. lh .. . I.JI-Th. arBt rro'" Ibl 1'1.11. 8.DO-Spcm Today. ___.... _-- Ul>-N,w ...d Tnu C.. ld. W.II ... l2.3~N ...... 8.00-Du.D,. nom .. 8bcl'l' Q.OO-New~ la I Minute. 8.1~~I ..lm ol ",.1.<17 ,i. , I 12.~Jl&mbUq wltII IIoOIf'6oo M~Mornl •• MOI'T~ 00 .... nc!. t.SO-CauoDb.U Miss Doreen Noseworthy. t I:JO-MuIIC'II. '.OI)-(l"'1'11 Provlnclal II .... · 9,OI.-\Vhlt'. coo~ln·. 8.:lO-Wb.t'. my Llnl l2.U-Fllhrr","'. rCl'«&l~ 10.0~ullll P1a7h, ••• 'j, lO-1.ull New' I.JI)-N OWl· U.OO-Unll H visltlng Miss Beatrice GOYI a1 f I ).l3-Fllhene. Broadcalt '.U-!'rodlI11 Fllh... g,U-UoSCO NfW •. 11:0D-Nattaalt ~'IWI 1,U-lIamhlinl wltb ~ 9.25-DuJfY'1 Ta .... nn l1,U--Lllf! 9ha'll'-"Bllrk Cal": 8tarrlal , i . ,: I~W'm.n In lIlY H..... IO._Now. 1lI • Minuto. 1(..no-N(I~'1 In I MIDutL 9.JO-Indlclm!nt Barit Kulorl aDd !hl_ LalUI Spaniard's Bay. ti oo-lnlerrnlno, :a.oo-T.. ..d JlU IO.OI-Mortlrt'. Ulmer. IO,OI-The Falcon U!r-Scrapbook ILU-NOWI. 1 d~PrO""DI Pr.'I ...... _Doll... .. Parod .. lo.l~No [.aVI lor LIn~I, ~ It.OO-Newl ID • Mlnllt •. IO:DO-}'i.al E<\III .. •. lll-Su~Plr Gunt· IO,3~N " .. III • Mlau!&. I 1I.01-Sporu. to.l5-Sew \'orktn u~-aranu~ Mlrll, SI,p. OUI I.U-N.... ';';..l-Wrltln&1ra. lO.3~Whlt'. Coo'k.ln' I \1.1G-HoulI:part7. lO.lG-One NI.ht Stlnd :,oo-~ewl aDd Wflthr. lo.l~Wh.·. Ih.1 8In,in,. t 1l.OO-Newl 111 • M1l!'C:Ita. 11.00-~lu.lc 'TI!l M.dn!.ht. U~-N ..... ~: l:i-Hov\n, Reporter 1._Weot.",&lr.· 11.00-NIWI III • Min·,t •. I 12.0l-!::I,jIJlfpul)l 12:DO-;;lnr orl In~ NIUo.al ~'Ih~m ;:~B~lIn. 11.ol-JDbn 1'\Jrneu Famll)!, I l'2.JJ.-Newl 'R nil !"I rlup. U()-Top. Tod.y I~PP" ..,...Id•. I t.3G-Hor.()\\r V""r p.t1nu. 1:2.:'1 'i-I1OUIft'lIIlrl.\I. ~~ - 7.1:.-(0).11 Bullltin. 1.00-1(",". 1l.U-Swlfl'. Mone), "tlln /.OO-~CWI In I Mlnul •. ~, 1)_RllO/hld. 1.M-Bullet1Jl Boud. tnl-Slln orr. CJON·CJOX TV J':jll-HoUI of 51, .·nnrll l.l~porU' ..I. P.~I. TIRE ASHTRAY 1:.!.OO-NI"" In • ~I!l.ulr. ~ Ul-l.eb,1 Ol~. '.~i'>-SuP1'tr Rt .... ~ •. Sinl' '1l.01-T",,·, I,d C<>u.try Sh .... ~tOS D.I '1:. SOVE:l11I1!1l 171h. ~1,r..\-~_llonal t',.,rm Forum '.3I>-Th.1 '11.1,111l1li 110'7. ! t~.lG-~ew. lJl • ~llnute VOUS ~1,~~~iI\lollal r .. rm rorum S,I.,", '.U-SII,U, t.3O-0ur ;\11 .. Brook. With each purchase of set Custom 7.O<\-Th' Inrid. ~lcl'7. 12.31-70wn und Counlry Shnw, I l.DO-Sur.tr1 !oIrhol Time :!I.I"'-"iummrr r""lIow 1.0()-LoeaJ .,nd I\OtI00;11 nraL111~" Sp,... ___._ ...... ------3.1S-~I.llntr-"1 Proml., II PI''': 1.Q.l-Wutrrc JIDlbCIrtf. t,Ol-TO'\o\'n aDd C()untry Show. ., , liI:~,n-Prnjfd "II rartClll. I :o.fOS().\Y, lith, Tbrlln .. ;\llltbrll nd Suburbanites at I ~ ,30-COC !\ DtioT111 :\ (,'41, ~ 1"1'1" Round, '.30-Crt'lm of 1l1. cr',. I,O~W('''lhtr ~()'·E~mf:R ~1.rrIDI Chutrf )Iorril up "net T... 111. '.4~N'"'' ~,1" -~e\.lo". 6,OO-SUl1dldl lO:oo-Mu.ic lron'l 11'1. Snow. G,l~:-';(,\\!I aod \\'l'lI.lhrr ".»--lla"d,. Doody n I~ ('1H-,i.'In~f' no .... 11. In ~r -F..\'erltld.. Mtdll.tlc",. \.J~-Editorlll Commtl1t. 1.00--:'111" Irom Tomouo" PENNEY'S SERVICE STATION, '9 1.4()-Sporf1. 7,00-~('\~" \led Wulhrr 5. U-.\dvt'ft!ure. or U~rI. Cbirh 10.4~SporIK"l. l.U-MI Bawu'. ~Dtt'book. ~.oo-Urr~kf8ll Club lO.~~''''iII and Torha)! Wulhtr. ~.:m-H!!rl Park, Blndllan~ 1.30-Ulddrn Pilri 2.00-N.... ill I Wnu II. I.oo-nlnth TOPSAtL ROAD VOCM 1I.M-Club ~" Z.OI-Whlt'. Coolll1'. 900-1t Happrn!d Lut !\Iaht Fir',. 9 jj.-~·f'W~ ar.d \\'t-ilther '.]Q-'Sr1fJ Cu.IC'lh "t 12.00-S,w,. %.(\.,1-1'1'1. f'tory Jill' ArmU .... '7,OO-Coarld Sirel n'lllu 0' I IO,Oo-Cor,('p Tlmp ~lUsnu, son:)IBEII ilia,· 2.1:'-,",. 8 •• n.11 Atrllr. I 1100-TUr" Baok Thl Clock. ',30-Cr'llncb ud' Du II.M-Club He. 2.3~!I.hn ... ..OG-Tb. :.tUlloulr. I.1&-On1 he Air. n,~~p('llnt nf 1.IW. l.~()-N.w. UI a M..i1!.llte. .1 J.ln-~rw., l.oo-ct .. ttI ..... I,U-Srllldll' Club " j'

:·"t·'·a , , !.''-:,'" nl beau!I' I, ~ '.' J Iiealier' . flip f'~r. • ~, .' ,.,:

t! J

,~ " 'f.' '. - ·.l AIR· COOLED TRUE· : . ... ~,. ~. " The CONTOUR . ' BRAKES gIve ~ :-":'!I yoo up to 27% I .:. more brake :""', t. lining area, . :." 'I . -,J 'I . LTD. rich~ ...... ~: .I!·


NEW ECONOMY GAINS. RlD:~\ Th. counlry', top·p.rformin~ GYRO·LEVEL rich 6.cylinder .ngine, the Pontic, conqu." dive, .way and ., \ IMPROVED TURBO· bounce whil. yoo enjoy·"·' Strato.Slx, no .... boa,ts big new CROSS-COUNTRY CARGO GLIDE" I, redeligned and the comfort of coil spring' ":\'... . i advance, in galoline economy SPACE meeni no mar. luggag. through Improved corburetion ,.inforced to make It th. on ell four wh ••I,. A tru. YOUi iuggling. You con Itore a whole vo,'o· and a new advance·curve dil' ,moothe.t, mo.t rugged, luxury cer ride In the 10 .... tion'~ luggage In Ponlia~' •• normoo. Irouble.fr.e and ea.y·to· price field. tributor. You g.t more pawer flunk-up to levenC\Jbic feet larger and ,ave more maney, too. op~rate Qutomcti~ transmls~i on -and ,till have room lor tho.e e.tral . of them all. And no .... Turbo­ YO'J pick up along the way, Special glide offers yoo even bell.r ·world of CO\leringl en the floor protect your downhill braking wilh ill e" luggage from ",alene. arod lCuffs. cl'live buill·inGrode Retarde r. I "~ ielf, ,~.' cisions 11tiac '. '

BODY BY FISHER , . A • QUALITY, Pontiac', new " , GENERAL MOTORS , I ~UND "SoO!1d Barrier" Body by ~ VALUE AERO-FRAME CHASSIS Fi,her hal been mode even f I vvonders! .: I p,ovidel loe lolid ba,kbooe stron~er and- quieter, .tm. , for (1 lower, roomier Ponticc ', BANK I . I with new rcod·hugging iii ~. . I Intere!!, ., I I i I i' I ., . , t ,t I; I '.-I ~ • c I'. , I: ,·1 i I

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!se Never Were So Many Advanced Engineering 'deal Wrapped Up 'n Such A Beautiful Package. " Six great series, 26 dazzling new models, , , allv.~th Pontiac's twin-grille glamollT, ncw.lol'l' silhouette and the most smartly sculptured rear deck you've ever seen, ~o wonder people i'1 FridaY going place~ are going Pontiac in a big, big way! See your local Pontiac dealer right away. -helps and :;emakers All the wonders In and quiZ you've waited for: .. ,."""

MOTORS~ LIMITED. . I" TERRA NOVA ST,. JOHN!5 ~ THE i EWFOUNDlAND HOTEL I THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY NOV a " CARBONEAR-~outh Shore m;~~~!;::,~~~~"v" ~";:'~\:;:";'''' , Long., Pond '. I Upper Gullies A ~!relch of road whirh ha; ('I'I;p~\)~I::jCa;~;llt~, • W I P II'" I ' heen In for ITlllch CritiCISm in p,lIl1llng th~ , es ey owe aDvernor 'Th ' f" I f 'I E"· P:lst ) ears by the residents o{ therl', __ e man~ Ilenl so" r, U • 'I " I d' , ' :'olr. (;1 Newsy Briefs C.E.W.A. Kiwanis Elect · The circdgillg of Lond Pond, warrl Hoherls 11'111 be glad to' Sea \O,IC am In .I~n Iond I' to Ilulk I'~I?\ I CARBONEAR - A daughter l Off 1 I' Of New Hamps hIre ~Ianllcls, I~ due to begin agalll knol> that he has rctul'n('u home al p~c, cnt hrrn rc I ~lIterl, t!lIl~ Ill" 11" h wu born to Mr. and Mrs. ROy rs __ ' very soon. Alread, some of the from hospital. Although not alOI Ing cro,sln~ t le ,C ~.H, r"~"'~lt' lo~'t ", Clarke at the Rtd Crou Has· t Ice ., equipment is tied up at Ihe completelv recol'ered hc IS feel. lalllla). ThIS no doubt IS good. . ,Ir 'r,d Mee Ing . CARBOll'EAR. 01', W-When. , . . ' .' -, nells and a ~ood sight to tho,c Sqlllrr~" pltal on Wednesday last. We CARBONEAR-The meplhers CARBONEAR, Nov, 10-The' your reporter visited relatives pIer a,I>altlng ot?~r macluner> Ing much better. , peopl<' II ho lI\'e In th" s(,ttle' ~Ir' 1\',111, r I', extend coniratulatlons. of the C,E,W,A, Conception Bay annual meeting of the Carbon- In New Hampshire, U,S,A. • to STrIve, ,Repamna, of the The many (rlends o[ ~Irs, ment because the old road that ("II d,J~' Ih,< ,,' Mr, and Mra. Samuel Rumson DIstrlct Branch met In SI. ear Kiwanis Club took plaee on month or 50 ago, she saw just: b~e5twork IS als~ gOing ahead George, Roberts I\lll be glad leads through, ThiS road ran (;lIlIlr, ~h" 'Ia. and Mr .. Jealle Herald, who James' Hall al Carbonear on Thursday last, with the Presl. about everywhere she looked wIth ~ir. Mat . Greensla~e as to knOll she has returned home on the norlh ,idc of the rail· .\Ir and llr\ J were here for the c;entenary Tuesday el'enlng, November the dent J. Stratford Pike, In the pOliteN call1ng for votes for foreman, Work IS also gOing on from hospital "nd feeling much \lay probable with the Ilaters' il) ,. annlvenary of Mrs, Georie fourth, for the purpose of hold. chair, Reports were presented Wesley Powell, The name struck excavating the land for the better. I" of Conception Bnv, Of course \ l'oIllli~ 'oIr ,., Rumson, returned to their home Ing their annual meeting ando all agreed the past year her and upon making enquir bUIlding of a shed to house talc Mr. Geor ~e Hames, return, I' I' \\'l'b'lor I I " I' iD the U,S,A. on Sunday. The delegates who slll~ed the had been successful , Th~ elcc. ies was told Ihat he !~' th~ fromPdt the talc 'tmines h' at tLond A ed ' to k work ' t' aftert hspending (. • two IllSprop 111'asr IIan IIrmg ae I'Jt 1IltagclC rplln to manyscull' '111(1 ,',"II ,~. ." ,I,',,~~r,~,. I _ register consisted of four memo tion of officers was conducted grandson of a former Carbonear on 0 awal s Ipmen.' ~ce s la~n IOn"a :)~e .eorgc Ilhl'n Ille" could p;lrk Ihelr I: Mu, S. Ruuell left' during h bers from each of the follOW - by Bob Nutbeem and re-sulted man"t now deeeased Willl'om schooner'I R loadC G of l'coal "FaSSIgned t IS \11th LlI'R. piC'k' II p, on 111'I 111'ac h an[ I ca,t - - emplo~cd 1'0011 th e week ! or St. J 0 hintern 8 were with' I Ina Primary Branches: Burnt In JIm Moore being elected Powell, When returns started to 0 •• r. I 0d d reeth ey, thl,ox II' rap,k \I'EDD/"r.- ". A""/I'I:'RS"" ",.~' "1'IL'S r" Ih'I eapin'I f'lum tiCI 11;llers In·' ):1\(.11 \ \1 : _.' e w seend th W 'Head, Salmon Cove, Port de President, Bob Nutbeem, Vice· come in I anxiously awaited WAS un OJ e ere s ee, 10 I, I 'k f II',' , 'I' 'rl ' ahher dauahtersUI P 11" of the lar"er boats that I ' I I Ie ),Il \I ,III t. III'" 11 III lU'II' ,1 ". ; . I Grave. Bay Roberts, Coley's President, George Ha , Secre· news of Wesley, but It was not··~Ianv "., Congratll allOns and If''1 P"",I'1I1 road I' h"11 COlllpl['I['d _. __ . Point, Spaniard',; Bay, ,East and I \ary, and G, H. Soper, Treasu· until we receil'ed the "Timp" harhour at Lon~ Pond dun~g Ilishes are xll'ndrtl to \Ir, :lIld 1\111 run 1':::.<11,,1 10 Ih" r"il· '0\.. II ,',11\ I 1~/ \\ IthOll' .1 : 11'( , • f ,r~ Walter Hawker I\ho has becn West Island Cove Tilton Har.\ rer These with the I P P will for Nov 10th that we I>ere the summer hale now been "rs Fdll'ard Hoill'll' 111)[, rl'lc· I I I I (1(01::':''.' r:" ,I, I_ I' on an extended visit here left bor Grace South a~d St Paul's be 'the ex'ecuti,'e for 'the' com.; assured hc had been elected docked and secured for the win" br"icI\ their 49the I~eddln" ,no "1"1\ Oil 11f'1 '''III, 'II (' Ih,lo 'lit h' f 11' ' , ' S It'll ,,' ,'f'I"lnatlll~ t I<' (TO"III~ 01 III<' ,,'IPll0-'(' I f I' 'f, :' on a ur ay 0' s IS am 1 Carbonear Ba J de Verde and ing )'ear ' Joe Noel was In' Governor of that State replsc·, Icr. ome sporllng era stl re'l niver'al'\' :\'oH'mlll'r Th"lr I '\J '" S t d t '~!B ' v I'" ,. ' th h b It ' .... " ~rd ,10,1 lid), tall) I'Ollit I1fl dflllht ',\.1.., ~ I rHo (1 1.:; . a I SI • Georie s, .'. , , Grate's Cove ,~..char- of entertainment and he Ing retInng Governor Lane main In efit ar our. ap·d man".' frlenrls III,h Ihelll man\''. III II ',1I1,I'II(,I'''!!''I I I 0 f lile _ I ApproxImately three hundred showed a film entitled "Sea Dwinell, Governor Powell was I pears now rom tIe, ~ pe an more years of happillr's I)('ople Ilf ['.el Co\'e and In· Frazer Morian Is recuperat· sisters came along to attend Life.. " The Club will be bus)' ele~ted on a Republiean lichl.: amount of work bemg dOlle diall COI'C, , . PI. \ \ HI: iDg at the home of Mr. and the meeting and glvc their loyal durIng the next few weeks col· which shows that he is a I'e~y around thiS (me haroour. It Con~ralillaliol1! are e~l('nd· \ ,\Vlll \'1:1\ n Mrs. Don Parsons, following an . support, The meeting was lecting toys, etc. for under. popular man, I am sure th'at all WIll he a busy plaee come next ed to )Ir, allrl )11". Dllke \\'ood· II.S"\' SF,\L ('UIT l'EliY t'nulll-:j h'l- I -" A( "I' 1\ or: • ,',t>,"'i operation at,. the Grace Hos·: called to order by the Worthy I prll'lleged children at ChriM' who remember ,his Grandpar. summer, man who celebraled Iheir ~~lId "lillmit Ii) ·.II~(':-, . , pital. . Presl'dent of the District: mas and the co·opcration of the ents and indeed those of us who blI'edrling 0 I TIanni\,pr,a:') ' f'on ~n\'l'm·I Till' 1II,'1Il11rt'S of Ihl' 1I01l1l' I~m' :{J 11'1:~,l In ,~ IJ, lniil::f'j' \ .. \\ II . H t h d th Branch, Sister ~!ar"iuet.. Shep. I public 11 asked, don't will wish GOI'ernor Powell Kil" t rr d',11'\ . t IClrth Illany nenl sI' r\- alld Sl'1lOol :\',Ol'i;,!iull, ~[':d ;i~dl~. " .. II I' h" [or tho' (I I Co\,t'. art' U"I',\' 'lcli\'p ill thrir II rc... Ii lie . II [I:J!:~':': :ur. I IS ayor ,a . c I pard who "reeled the'sisters A successful term (or term~) in, e Igrews en tng 0 em el'NY )(''\ btl:;:!. d',;ll\p,:,:: '.; mls f or tunc" t a brca k hIS ankle.. from the Primary branches and the Governor's chair, We hear: ..s ,S elr II lire l',p· in p~nnc) s ~arage recent!)" thanked the members of the PERSONAL that he plan~ to visit our tOll'n ' pine", hid to h:l\[' II:nrr and ,rll'a~r Theh ' Injured 11mb was sett and f I James' 'Branch for Iheir warm ne\t Summer and i[ so II'C ' phI'~Ir, and and lamll\'Mr;" Arlhurformell' 'Iur·oC .'.'11', R.-lllI1,,' .".Cillt I'Clllrn"rl,rOOIl1S to ('omplrlt'd 1)['lore In II liltPI'th"il' s('ls,(';1001 ill, t ,IS now recol'cr1n~ sa II ae· 'welcome. The secretary Sister should give him a good reccp·. ' ." I',ork on 1l['11 Island "ftf'!' \1 I 10rll)', h~lr~, ~a)'tor. we taret sOhr' .. ,I. French of Colel"s PI. read CARBONEAR-~!r~, GeorRc lion, I Duffs, Holyrood, hal'e taken up spcndin~ 1110 Ileeks I'"calion, ' re:1C ,I' III fl.' I of thl' int('rior ry to ear, IS a pallen a t c i Ihe minutes of the' last annual! Forward \\'as a visitor to the : residence here. " Ilork ha.s 1)('1'11 eOl1lpl['led lI'ilh Grace Hospital and shc too, has meeting, whieh on motion was' Capital during the week.. ' . at his homr, RFalph is employed .'OIliP oll,idl' work yri to b(' our I'cry best WIshes. adopted, Sister L)'dia Bennett I __ Congralulal1o.ns are extended. and Mr", and, lI'ith t:,T,E,C. don[', SpI'aiiing 10 some nwm· t tl C t BAil S 'f ~!:.I f I ~llkpf D ~Iolr,.If II I hers of lhe ~\ecuti,'e IhcI' ""' '_I--, ,,' of Bay Roberts gave the Treas- Mr •. Frank ~Ioore and daugh, a Ie oncep IOn ay, tar· ami Y ormer you s, 0 y., ~Ir, Ron Seal! relurnecl to Ihl'~' arl' quile sure that all Ihi', The ~1.V. CurlIng s~lled on urer's report which was .lso I ter Lorraine, of SI. John's,' Hockey Team on defeating the rood, h~l'e, mo\'ed Into their Saturday with a general cargo! recell'ed. apent the \I'eek.end here as' Bell Island team by a 13·3 score. ' new home' here in Kelligrell's,'l d lIorkspendin~ on 11\'0Bell wook,1 Islol1rl "ac',ltl'on aflpr ,"t 11'01'1hap thi, 1\('1/ donI'. Reports were read from the and Mrs. George E, Soper, as Lake, N,\~.T. is due home on, original setalers. The settle·' summer IS slill a patl~nt at Ihe The "Dashwood" arrived In branches, 11 was very iratlfy· did one of her friends, ~nss Tuesday to spend the winter rs, The settlement Itself was' hospital. port on Monday morning. with Ing to learn that every branch Janie Hiscock, both nurses·in· with his family, very small and the population, COLLECT/.\·C 7.\' AID or eoal for The Rorke Fish and gal'e a report of progress and t~alnlng at the Grace Hospital. amo,u~ted to. a dozen or more, C, of E, ORPII/\,\:AGE ~~ Coal Co., Ltd, ' reward for Industry, Some aia. Mr. Sandy Rumson, who was families: . LIke ,many of our, \Iiss )Iargarete SCali "nd ters have moved to .nother James Green and a friend, unable to attend the party glv· small fIshIng \'Illages around: ~Iiss Vera Bishop was this 1I'0rk ~~ ~IRE A,SHTRAY branch, others hal'e taken their Cyril Blsbop, spent the week· en in honour of his mother's our Island It was somewhat ISO': making .1 hOllse to houle col· places, To those who have as- end here as the guests of his one hundredth birthday, held lated WIth great distances [rom i leclion in aid of the C. o[ E, Wilh each purcha~e of set CUllor: soclated with us in the past parents, Mr, and Mrs, James on Wednesday last, I'isited his seho.ol and churches. when Ihe Orphanoge, Suburbanite~ at Poppy Day and are now enJoylni well Green, The young men are I mother on Saturday and ex- sen'lces of a doctor were rt- merited retirement we lend students at the Memorial Uni· tended his belated birthday Quired untold hardships would ----~- ROYAL GARAGE LTO, CARBONEAR, NOI'. It}- areetings and happy memories, versity College, I congratulations, Mother and have to be gone through to· of the rc,i[kl1ls Ilitll f:ollliil lic, EI'er since the first World War you arc not forgotten and your : soh enjoyed a nice chit chat secure the necessary services al K('lli~re\\'s hJI'l' ello"<'11 'it tor the Saturday nearest to N0V'llabon hal'e brought forth good Mr. and Mrs. Ha.old Newell and will be looking forward to and with the,e disadvantage" Iheir Ililure hOlllt' :lIld IIC juju CARNEL STREET 11th. ha~ bee,1 .obsen'ed here frull, and son Frank, of Cupids, spent next year when, we hope, he the youngrr generation [elt it thrir m:lII,I' friend.' in \\i,hi,,~ ill! a day for the sale of the; Those who h8\'e Joined the the week·end here as guests of! will be able to come right on was time to mOI'p to same cen·, thrm ,'1'1'1'\' SUCCl'SS ill IllI'ir sur- little flower of Remembrance. Church Triumphant we offer ~r. and Mrs, Graham Nel>ell. I time tralilrrl ar~a, Th~ greater part' roundin~s.· :-lathing el~c 11'85 ever allowed the ancient prayer: Grant them I .----_.-- ~,; to conflict with it but un" 0 Lord eternal peace And may Mr. and ~Irs, .Jaek Anderson rtunately this was not '0 this· Pcrpetual Lliht shine upon. of St. John's spent the \l'eek· fo .. . them ' d . h '! Aid Year consequcntll' the proceeds, . • en \l'lt .' rs, ,~!, Ear r, an ~a)"not be up to-those of other' We were vcry fortunale to. ~!r, and ~!rs, Harold Paddock \'ears. Whoel'cr is to blame! hal'e as, ~ur gues~s so many of I'isited Mrs, Mildred Earle, What does it liteari:!.. . / ' .. for hal'ing the Cadets sell: the spmtual dIrectors: The brooms bulbs and mops on Sat., Rural Dean, ReI'. H, ~1. Batten' Mrs, John Pike of Grilnd urda\' last should see to it that' Iras asked to take over, while, Falls I'isited ~ir, and ~!n. G. It nel'er happens agaill. . SIster Sheppard and ~er .. offi· ; E. ,Hedges over the week end, I to be rated? ./ "" "' ""_. ' . •~')o..i Other organizations have all! cers graCiously relll1qUlshed whIle ~!rl. William Pcnnr~' of ~: the vear '~r collcctini or sell-1 theIr post. '. : the same 10ll'n l'isited ~frs, ing 'but the Canadian Legion Rcl'" B~tten explaIned that 85 Eleazer Gillespie. haB set a~ide just two da)'!, the Ihe DIstrICt ~ranch has grown, " Saturday nearest to July 1st: to such a~ txte~t ~m,ce it was ,CI!Horn Pennr! ,~rTl\'rrl from: Not long ILgo men and women with coron;try and the one nearest to Nov. formed ol~,r thlrt~ ~cars a~o, Corncr Brook f l'lday e\'~nln~; arlery disease, luberculosis or diabetes were 11th" surely wc owe it to war and embraelng pnmar.I' brane~-: to spend lhe II'rek·enrl wilh his i unable to obtain life insuran(;e, Today il is dead and their lil'ins comrades ~s fro,m, B~rnt Head to Grate s i parents Councillor and ~Ir!, possible for many of these pcople to be acceptcd to ~ee that these da)'~ are kept CoYe It IS Impossible for the of'i Fred Penney, a1il'e for their Bakes and for flcers to do their duty in visit· in a special premium classification. Technically no other rea!ons. Ing and encoural:lng the branch· ---- speak.ing they are said to be "rated" policyholders. , es, Iherefore it was thought was listened to attentil'ely a~ We are unable to iil'c the re'l feasible to have two branches, each gentlemAn ga"e his meso For many years Manufacturers Life has con­ Bull ()( the Poppy Sales, as not After due consideration It sage of eneouragement and tributed leadership in this spcciallicJd, Today lie all of the town Wl!ll canvBssed. \lias decided that the bran~hes thanks for the "work of wom'l are well knowjl for our progressive outlook and Whether this was due In part from Burnt Head to Spaniard', en in the churches," whieh I or whole to the fact that Cadet! Bay Parish become Branch No, began when "Dorcas made gar·: for the favour'able premium rates being offered, were making the same round, 1 while from Island COl'e to ments and gave alms." as the youni salesladlu I can. Grate's Cove Branch No, 2, But The I'lsitlng clergy were Rev. Actually 90% of the people applying for R, F, Macleod E. Randell U·l'rC.'('llldllrr not sa)' but It could very eas. sisters wlll rejoice to know "we' Canon Face)" Rev, G. Maid· Rrp,t:JClrt/l:i rt Manufacturers Life policies today are accepted S I, lOIIS'S Uy haVe discouraged them and are not divided," and will meet ment, Rev. L, Butler, B.A" Rcv, ST. JOI/:O;'S kept them from going to some annually at some given place E, Wlllis, Rev, W, D. Mercer, at regular rates, Another 8~fo are offered Td: 63n homes, We bope to hal'e the during the Ot:tave of All Saints ReI'. L, Ludlow, ReI'. E, B. insurance at the lowest possible cost considering result of the Sales for next Day, when we wlll once again I CheesemAn. ReI', H. ~[ Batten their particular physical condition, while week and we hope that as a reo join heart and voice In praiJe R.D" Rev, W, H. B, Gi'll. ' only 1112% are declined, Whatever your ~u1t of further ~elling the pro. and thanks:;iling, I ReI', BAtten closed the meet· ceed! will reach last ycar's The election of officers then ling wIth the usual form of needs, you can be sure Qf progrcs,ilc lifl!­ total. took place, Sister M, Sheppard prayer and benediction. Sister insurance service when you call the , electcd Worthy President of I Beatrice Forward presided At The AIr Cadets r~port thaI Bran.ch No, 1. Sister~!. GUI i the piano, The sisters of St, Man from Manufacturers, ~,ale~ of brooms and mops were I PreSIdent of Branch No, n, : James' were quickly on the en ;ood Indced and that oC The badJ:cs o[ office was I aiel'! and I'frl' soon Ihe IIsll.l bulbs iood and as a result the then pinned on by the Presl·, cu~ of te., . ~andwiche5 '~nrt See the Man proceeds \\'111 equal thOle of la~t dents, I cookies was sen·ed. It WilS a ~ car. The brooms and mops The Re,'. chilil'man then call·: friendly meeting And si~ters Irom Manufacturers

\\'e~e man),lfactured by the I: en on the spiritual director!. to i left lI'ilh the hope of leeing C.N.I.B, adrlrrss thr. A~spmhl)', whIch p.ach othrr a~ain nexl )'CAr. I

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I Ii ... !;n:.;rq " :,' (',t~, "J II ,:,d<, :\~ 382 : :-. ~ or~· ! ' .. '" 1,1l'~~·;1bhi~. ;,,:Illr 11_, hrrn : :,,'" hilif a :,:d ~ r"hbil. discovered in Newfoundland last year Th. Chriltlmll Seal Educational Pro- Newfoundlandlrt w.r. lav.d gramme il helping Newfoundlander. to b.cault lomeonl living or ~iscard their old fearl about TB and to TRAY with th.m had the dillal. • realize that good health habit., and f ',ft Cultom in Chri.tmal Stal IponlOr.d periodic chllt X·ray. will protect them ~I at This IS "no time to relax GE LTD, again.t the distGH.

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upport The Prov'ince-Wide, Year-Round TB Preventive PrQgramm~'

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Newf~undland ~ T llberculosis Association • '..J, .' , .... I', ., '.' ',"

: ,." , I • , . ' \ . ., ~

" I 10 THE, DAllY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NFLD" MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 I,~, ,I 7, mandel'S are asked to give,tjJis Ifor the Brigad . some litUe consideration so that sary. e s Iwe m~y 5ee j~st what can be I These dances dOlle In thiS directIOn, have no\\' heen . t~1 Church Lads Brigade Celebrates 66th Speciai g~ests at the p.arty 1 best dance, h:l~r'[!i were Rev, Canon A, B. S. Stlrl· I Colony an,! ail . ~ la ing, Battalion Chaplain; Rev. I number of rat )! Canon T, E. Loder, C.F., I Ladies :111<1 Ih rO~I. Episcopal Commissary; Rev. R.·. work hml IDe 'r.1 R. Babb, Rev. M. Genge, B.A .• ! cess of thpir Z'lIJ L.Th.,; Rev. J. D. Ford. B.A .• ' numlm of prilc/'ct Anniversary With Gigantic Party In Armoury L.Th .. Rev. C. J. Abraham. BA, receil"e for . and ~!r. Eric G. Pomeroy. Presi· further tnllulc .. dent of the CLB Old Comrades. ity of this "ffil" rJ .' , wh 'lIS t A . E . H emmens repre·;' attel1dillg all.'" r.,I 'r1: <-' ¥ ¥ ¥, sent cd the Colonel. ',sponsored hI Ih ~ Ladies helping on the tahles • well assured' oi e, E,:! came from the C.L.B. Ladies evcnin~., of II,,, ~.. e ~ . c • tl' ~uxillary,. the C.L.B. B?nd Lad· :\1 tl,,· d",:c;. :, I' , Jr. Private Carl Stubbs, H.Q.l.T.C. Cuts Anniversary Cake les Auxlilary, The Cathedral P'IZCS ~"lfJrl' 'lI'j ,,':\ I ... wlln't ·xa"tly like Chris!· and that h just what happened. ment', h" . I "ratl'oll behind a SEW A, SI. Thomas' St ..'Iar· the fUrll,t'r "I"jr ' 1\ ~ , I . . a uomlila OPe . I t' G 'Id Pit' H b ..' "~,~ mu, II It didn't come on a ARMOURY· PREPARED The lads. having been scaled., screen. and the antics o[ the gare ~ Ul '. e) ar our conccln,,!. '1111 Ih!r! mldnliht clear, but, Insplle of Tables -and trunel had to dnd all in readiness. Captain' Doctor (?) who did the opera·: and t ox.trap. e."l[len~c " I;,r"~ r.. tbe- not too iood weatber, IPO be obtained and laid out, the Rabbltts explainea what it. was lion was most amusin~ and: Th~ I\at·onal _~n~hel1\. p!a y. flc~r'. "lid \.1 I),~: pr6ilmately.MO, more 6r len, reqllblto amount of il'ocerlel all about and thcn rcad " cable brought forth much laughter. ,cd b) the l3attal.lon Barlf~. CI1~' i ,1(ll. 111 .add,,',,,, :~ lacfs BIt down In the Armoury etc" 'had to be figured Ollt and from Colonel Stirling. the C.O" Both the College Company. cd a most cnJo)ab1r. elellln~. mrmiJcl'. ;,.I!:: :. an -T1\elday November 11th, to, procurred, water had to be beat· who was in Toronto on business and SI. Thomas' ,J.T.C, gave in· the re I" I.' <11 of what we hope will forlll. ,11,,1 Iii, ",,:"! celebrate the Brlgade'a 66th. an- ed, the ArmourY'lIghted, lablel and who missed the whole a[.1 dividual Choral scleetions and be the lore·runner of many to the \l'h"I,· '(l',,,' I:· " .. nlv~rnry with I mammolh An· marked, lads distributed, and 10 fair, his wire read "Greetings' these were quite good, and. in' COlllC. To ~1I who helpe~ lIe ean d~nce. 111 CI'," nlverllry. Party, .pearheaded b)' It went. On the night before, tv .111 ranks. b~st wishes for a ~ddition to this, two members but ~ay wcll pia) cd, ~.ou sure. Ilonl "lid II,,· II''''J .. n the Olflcer~ Mesa,'and presided after most of the details had wonderful anniversary party." o[ "c Co. gave a guitar duct: [hdt thlght, The Good flhghth~nd; SOClatt,'dl'·lllll I: f.ale ol'er by their President, Captain been Ironed out and plana : BIRTIIDA Y CAKE Ilocal Presley's, no doubt), I pu t e 5,lOW over In t e Igh·! SOil 0 Ie 1':'",,·1 ,,: J, V. Rabbitt., . well laid, the W 6 N,C,O.'. I The Rev. Can?1l A. B. S. Corp Is. Reid and Tulk, and. est degree, : forts. The Idea waa brought forth Mesa decorated the Armoury Stlr\Jng. Battahon Chaplaill. their numbers werc greatly ~n.1 OFFICFRS C \RIl P\RTY l'OH1Tr In ihe Me" and the. Execlltive with Flaga and made It look like wa; th~n ~sked to give the joyed. Then therc wa' a fllle' , ., '.' ,,:\:: WII' liven power 10 form'a com- I celebration, they alao laid Ollt BieSSlng, wh:eh was sung bl' little recitation [rom a J.T.C. On ,\IOlld.!) NOlembcr IOth'l [h? l L" , " mittee 10 formulate planl lor tbe illblel accordlna to the plan all ranks, thell Junior Pril'at~: Ind from Mount Pearl which the ~(flcers ~Ie's of the Church : ~,al l IlIP '.' .'! i"

the party. This Committee went laid down and also laid out the Corl Siubbs, of Head~uarters i was also' much enjoyed. Lads Brigade hcld . their an· 1 Church Pi" .. ,!,. ",I. . rlaht to work, and consisted of necessary seating, On the morn- J.T.l'. came forward. and armed! The Broadcast cookin~ scene: nllal An,nl\'ersary Cardy Party lads on Su·~ .' .\ .' . ail Company commandel'l and a Ing of the bli day, the officel'l with. a large knife. cut tile huge I in the kitchen put on by the' In the Cat~edra1. Pmsh . lIali. i and. eX~"I,rl '. i:,I, couple of olher officers who lurned out In numbera and cav· Anlllver3ary Cake. so kindly Army Cadet Corps was quite a Jud .. coming as It docs In the r,lnks ,,I II '1'1 •. , were Ihollaht necenary, The I ered the tablel and decorated donal.ed to the Brigade (or tile pleaser. II seems that some ad. ,~nl1ll'er;ary celebr:ltlOlls: \\"~s do SO In "b,' r:(·'r:.! Committee worked hard and lhem, and, In company with . , oe:aslOn b)' ~!ammy's; to whom I'crtising agency was hroad. ;~~~rI ptronlZCrl there hClng a on thiS n., '''' " loni In aettinll aU the various members of the W" N,C.O.'. ".. ,~~ we extend our rleepest thanks casting the way. to make and, 1.dL . Rc\'. ~!r T,,! r.'" Items lined up thaI would go Meas, diltrlbuted the neeellary o~.'.III.I'" (or their fine gesture. Pte. hake a cake, and this housewife' The O[flcers ;'I[e,s, cxecutlvc ' ' .. , to havlnlll aood party for the cups, platH etc" on each of • ", St)Jbbs cut tllC cake aqd all (Army Cadet Corps Lieut).iust.controlled the aflalr, .\lIIICh,,~~~~~~~Pj,I,\.r ,,,·.r·! ladl, for this was the Iargc3t 01 the tablel, lIot ciltern. of water rank; sang "Happy Birthdnl' happened to tune in on the. as usu~1 featured an excellent . f I' . '.supper served bv tl L d' I usc, I 11" It, kind ever hel d , an d, It WII rea d y on th e 10VUt f or h ea tl nil C,L.B,". and it was sure some hroadcast, and the way he can· ...... ,.le ales. These 111111' . the fint, with the el'ceptlon of for the ladid, and lIenerally aot I'olume. coeled the I'arious ingredients AuxIIIJr) of. the Brigade. who, ed the 50th anniversary and the everything ready for the bill The Chairman then told the was most amusing, however. \0 on thiS occasion were under !he! . villi of the Brliade Se-cretary event. Without the co'operatlon lads of the great work pul in by the amusement of all present. leadership of jl.rs, A. T. \\al·, The ("n",· In 19~2. thlt haa been held In of all theae offlcen and W 6 the ladies in gelling the fine! illspitc of what had seemed to ters who was aCIIll~ for the Pre· I'ersary Po:' twenty or more yean. N,C.O.'. In getting everytblng In array of eats rcady for them i be a vcry unpalatable concoc. ,~dcnt ~[rs: P. B. Hendell. who. II'hen all It 11 felt" that It was a pity readiness the Party wOllldn't and asked them to express their! lion. the cake. when finished lias unaloldabt) absent due to \1',,, elljo, 1',; that the annual Innlverllry just be, however, the blggelt -~ appreciation to the ladics for: and baked turned out ~uite 111I~ess. : FLOBE.\"!" party .hollid have been drop- detail of all wun't .ven toueh- I this fine g2sturc. and you never! good. howcl'cr no one olfcrctl: II' h:. usual good game of cards I ped, Ind It WII thought that ed by the CommIttee .t aU. 'heard such a heartv three' to trv thc cullinan' art as de.: as c.JJo)cd b) all prescnt and'

it was now time for its being In thi~ I refer to tha gillantlc checrs ever given as those lads II p:cted bl" this particular house. the whole affair wns I"oterl a I Itarted laain with the hope that task of III\>plylnl uti for thl. ' . I gave to the ladies on this oe.· lI'ife ' I' fine success. At the end of the' Ever~ It lIlillht come to be an annual multitude and thil la where !'Jr, Private Carl Stubbl 01 Headquarttn Junior Tralnl~g Corps; cas ion i AFB Compan\' h1d an in. I el'cnlllg's pia),. the winners were. event. The Committee, Indeed the Ladies came In and with,· cultln. the 66th AnnIversary rake of the Ohurch Lids Brigade I Following the di n tilt' 't 'f tl h \ d' declared, and ~Icss President' , , I t -' h Id I tb A T d' I ncr. 1(1 £Ires tn~ 1 em 0 1(" liS )all let J \' R bb' . .' Shou!~ Be III the officer. and N,C,O.'. Ollt their help, no affair can be. a I panY e n e, rmoury on ues ay, November 11th, lads wcre each sCl'I'ed lI'ith a hcin~ caught ill a statc not ap. .' . a ltts. III call1n~ pitched In to eee that no atone a luccen, Tbey worked hard I Head table, showlna ,ueats, at the 66th Annh'ereary celebra dixie cup, the .'"CI')' generous! exa~lll' hoMring on sohricly, cach \\'Jililer forward, expressed ST. TIIII":" n­ wu left unturned to lee that and long gettlni together Ill: tloa party of the Cburch LldJ' Brigade, Also Iten Is th~ large donation of the Old Comradcs. i and ~'hat the housewife did to tile a pprcClll 110 II o[ the ~Iess Eler)" teac::,·, .,.:; . the multiplicity of details that WIB necmary for the tuk I' Annlverllry cake, and this finc gesture was Icr)" , him \\'a5 better ima~incd than t~ the frlcnds a~d supporters and hal"" ,.: ... ~:r" which, of ne-ceasity, mUlt 110 of handling luch a number of , much appreciated bl' all ranks.' rle.'cribcd. It looked lil;e a II ho hal e br: en contlllllaJiy inok· .sa)·; :'Ir'. I',. I\·lth luch an aIlair. concerning lads. and the job that they did! Now t~e bill question 01 what would provide the entertain· I Dinncr being firiis~cd. the: :lfa~gie and Ji~gs act withflut I.n: Ihese Larrl Partics "~ur' lacelllwu. II it did, clOie on to 700 lads WBI little .hort of gigantic, and/ to do With lueh I large, num, men! on their own. and that's' entertainment starteil. first flying dishes or rolling pin.: ce. s'., .. '. . hcre. and all rankl, would an be the ladl showed their appucla- ber of lad I came up, and It WI! just what happened. and I will there was selections bl' the howcl'er Sergts. Wilkins anr! Prill ~Inners on till; OCCilSIOl1 Ironed out to .pen SUCCESS, tion In no un~ertlin manner, de-cided Ihat the Companies tell )'OU about that in a mo· Battalion Band. al~d ;el'eral "~Iutt' Parsons reaily put on a' we~e a, foll~~ls;- ... , 1ll~11~;: flr;,;~":' numbers sail' the band bein" fine act and brought forth loud I J uetlon 40 ,-~II's E. ~!crcer. conducted by a member of Ih~ applausc. . and :\fr. W'. R. ~uel. with Ihe :.Irs. C"llli" <..: b ob t or three hr!li'l .r.T.C. and this brought much! All in ;dl it wa.\ a reall,': CO I~'. gOIll:: 0 .\11'.1. .\Iar)' a teacher. appl"use from the gathering .. wonderful show. milde uP. iI.1 it' o~md s and ~Ir. Alh~rt RCld. also it was fine to see :'lajor i was. of tJlent from the lads! ~I n ge-~[rs, E. \\. Best and: Twellty y,;" I:' Stan Saunders SWinging the themsetvcs, for, after ali, it was,' ~. J. ~Ierccr, WIth the booblcs scholarship, ;'" baton once anain as he led thn I' rcalll' their partl' and the\"' sure I gOing to ~!rs. T. A. Cook and t:nil'crsitl' 0: II', .'. • c. . • • ~Ir G Ph II" . band in one number, Then the 1entered into it with gusto and I- ~h-5' I rps, r : tll'O year'. \',:;·;;:I~.: one and only Bob ~lacLeod con. realiy put it ol"er with a bang .. ,.' , A. T.. " alters very. elor of ar:s ti<:lC. dueted a period o( sing.song JUST THE TIlING : kindly and graCIOusly pres.ent·1 ; .'. and one would think that the Now that such a fine begin· I ed the prrzes to the \'aflous. ~ut she .'3~1 • rafters might dislodge almost' ning has hrrn made, it is hoped' winners and congratulated them: for a th,rd .' ,·.Ie ~ . .'nil. . back home 111.'···.' any minute such was the that an effort Will be made to I I tl h·II·""' .c.'.:'. I'olu f th t k't' h . I - ' lrC€ C 1(11.,- ..• ,,1 THROUGH ICE. MUD OR SNOW , me rom e par y. I 'rep r gOlllg cac yenr. as. 10, B'TT ' . 'I '. '. ,. .' E"'TERT'I""IE"T" . ... "" " sue h an orgalliza . t'Ion as th'"e. T ,\1.10:0; . BA:o;n D" ,\:O;CE . 14 and ,JUd!.l. . I The vaflcty entertainmcnt. Brigade, an annual party would I, AUX~~' B,attah,on Banr!. Ladles I "I alway, 'r;,." ., made up of acts from the Com· seem to be just the thing.: h' lar) ha\e done It agalll, m,' mind liI;r' I '" panics then took place. and Whilst on the subject of eele· :'e~~: ran of! yet anothcr of their I to' studying" .,!:e

l ,• I, ." ...... 't.I'~. I . .. " . , • .d..... "

Rev. C, J, Abr~hHm. R.;\ .. Rev, R, R B"bb. ~Iajor R. :'ioel, Rev,C~non A. B, S Stirling. Cap\. J. Y_ Rabbltl~. nrl Loder, (:.F,. ~laJor'\, E, Jlrmmells, Re\', E, II, Kellrlall.l~ ,\., L.TI~

Wherever you drive, you can d~pend· on ....

,r" '. !: •. ,.' .': 4 '.J ""I, . .~ .... "... ~'~"'_A : ~ I, WINTER ...." '." I, - ' "TOWN. & COU NTRV'· ! TIRES with' Triple-Action Traction

"reltlrle D~ offering this unique· pledge or perfonnance have .18el'l ''Town' Country" t\rel in action. They k/WIIJ that exclusive Fireltone Triple-Action Traction will pull yoo through the deep Iino'Wi ~nd mud that bog down ordinary tiree. They know you'll be ..fer, too, from skidding and slithering on icy and slushy reeds, . Yei, y.Oil'n let traction whe~ you heed it, and yo~'lIenjoy quietI hum·free driving on dry pav('m~nt, . . I In the coun~ and the city,lIBre w)nter driving begins with traction • , • the SIIre, lure \;laction or Firestone "Town I: Country" tires, ,. .'. , . lie .... J: ~ " .... t .... '... oI.,. ~ I Gvara~~ J'd.'nd ... traction • .. - o· General Kelie In the C,L,B, Armoury aa some 650 lads sal don to sup~r ce\ebratinll lIIe 66th Ann[verury of 1M .." .~ v's We'lther NOTICE You'll find it almost impossible to liQUet ~nd cooler. :. I, Clc orer that I pmon iJ hard of hearing when he ;i' i ' .. ",,"en you is wearing the slim, new hearing giwel by , lair 'Ilea th er Maleo, .Then face HallUing heari'lg glwea ., • , \ . :. i The. Daily News have al! the appearancea of regular glwes, . ,ith CE AGENCIES yet allow you ,to 'enjoy the best in hearin,. ;, If ~ IN.iURAN R. lIMI' fD MAICO HEARING SERVICE 0110"7 51. lew:" Dlnl c, t THE DAilY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD" MONDAY; NOVEMBER 17, 1958 P. 0, BOI 4U 8t. ,John' .. _ u: ,i I ' , ,

: ' : I .~ ~ , , he Peter Townsend Story ! ; I' I . , (n'h C1f A series of t S instalments Ind Townsend dined with friends. The Plrty broke up But, even If the Princen and Townsend had taketl I' I~ t~\f ~ t:\.. t • .., · ". \lilr~;li'(\ Hnd Peter Townsend.) at twelve-thirty. Tht next Ifternoon Townsend again the decision which 10 many had prayed for, there WB! in ,'j PrlflL'~~ • went to Clarence House, Again Margaret and Townsend their decision a condition which filltd the family with \1 S)' :\OR~IAK BARRYMAINE Ipent the afternoon discussing their situation, And again apprehension. The Prince.. !ruisted on issuing a com­ ~ I I i" ,I,. there was no final decision, But the Princess was un­ munique which would make It clear to all the world that I, ,·),t__ I,,. ! \ I l1,tnI Illenl 15) doubtedly beginning to waver. she loved Group Captain Townsend Ind that ahe would I l ' THE DECISION always love him, Furthlr~ Ihe insiated thlt ahe Ind Town­ Ii Wednesday, October 25, was the day of de­ ., '11'IH'11 TOlI'mend spent ninety minutes send ~pould Ipend on. mort wrek-rnd in a friend's house 'I'cr.~'· iI .• ' . r 1 cision, There was no chance that Parliament before they parttd. r .'"" ,', . 1',,,,, "t Clarence House. Pr~sumably , Pr:rht~;-' {. . would make the Princess' lot easier by amending ,I. t I .<1 pomd between her and her sIster j, .,.. "'1 1\.1,~ , the Royal Marriages Act as to eliminate the nec­ The latter proposal was agreed to and it was ."., I . I' i, 111\' belief that Townsend now I~n-:r,' ,1\\. . . . essity of a choice, The a1eer.natives before the fmther agre~d that the ideal family for them to ,,' J. ',', :ii'Qut the wisdom of thelr contem- , :'3\'( lnhl, . • Princess-and, of course, Townsend-had become Itay with Ihould be Lord Rupert Nevill and hi! I " 11,11\ he the right to ask the Prmcess, wife-friends of both the royal family and Town­ ( .1 hard and clear, The hour had come for a pain­ i " \(l ~i\'e it all up and become In ful choice, lend-at Uclcfield In Ilulltx. But the blttle over the ltatement' by tha Princes. ...., 111<':< nr~Ulllcnt. That morn- Just before six o'clock in the ~vening-twenty min­ T~.(iC\\(~\"\ l"I was not over and WII to continu. for mllny daY', Th, utes after the PrinccSl arrived home from a visit to Sell­ .-(· f,h., .. \1.".',. t:" PrinClSS could not have her followini afternoon, Thursday, Princal Margaret drove ford, followcd by the Queen Mother - Townsend called ,.ca,.;(;-' "11' \, • ",',' '\ 10(1. hAd been brought homt to ,Lambeth Palaci to _ ttl. Arthbiahop at Canterbury, -..".....,.,-... • WI $ ; - - .- , again at Clare net House, When ht went to this meet­ PETER TOWNSEND ! ,\'th :~,( f(,:,'c ,,( n thunderbolt. When she Dr. Fish.r_ ) •• ______\Ir. TOI'f''',I1/ · .' . T"'" '_-lI'hil'l, lip 10 then hRd main- ini he must have been convinced that their marriage W.I I~ ( I ' . , , . .'r It if ""!On! not I worKable proposition, Tht PrinceBl W8I, lurely, lind WI. alone with his thoughts in the nat ,.t LOWft­ ''1'•. ' whlrh



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OUR BOARD'NG HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE _UNITED CHURCH: -"----'---"-~-.. ~~~~~ Peter Townsend ,0 1'H" giG BARN OWL FLE\~ 'fH& coop, DID ,IF, ~ 1 . ,( Continued from Page II) , MUST Be GE'\"1'tNG 50F=i IN Tf1E: ~A"D 10 DfWP M.Y GUAR'O AND LET HIM ruT DI.JE",- A KID Tt'Ht"l1"l'-n . I' HO:~E-AND HE'LL FIND iH'AI ill!:; been strengthened by the unfailing Oi= A KENTUCKY RAn\6L'N 15 NOT AS devotion of Group Captain Townsend." t;!-IORI AS 1-\[;':; COUNTING ON.' tactfully explained tha t it would be belt!: word "devotion" were omitted. Margaret School At Brownsdale toes in. It is even said that she thr~at~ . On Friday nlgbt, November happiness of others. Newfoundland Conference of H, .an imprlnlve ceremony RESPONSE: We dedicate this the United Church of Canada. back on her decision and marry Town~ \ook place at .Brownsd3le, school. . After a brief address hy Mr. the communique was issued exactly as !he I, , Il'rlnlty BlY when the Edwin J. LEADER: That our youth Tucker the following speakers Pratt Central Hlih School was may be Inspired by the noble were introdnced: Group Captain had drafted it. The Palaet' o!flclally opened. Jil'es of thOle who served their The Honourable W. Rowe, F: to her wishe.!l. i The ceremony W8I under the God and country in years ione ~lIni8ter of Education who oC, ~halrmanlhlp ~ Mr, James n. by; and that they may be moved ficially declared the new Sl:hooi I lI'ucker M.P. to perlorm the ume quality of opened, Mrs. William House, Sunday ~vening was the last fV(lling tli,t t.:. i Following the recitation of ser\'ice In their time. r~presentlng Senator Pratt, Mr. and Peter Townsend were to spend alone, Stt the Prayer of Invocation by the 'RESPONSE: We dedicate this Charles Roberti, United Church piano to him and aiain they talked. I ' Reverend Doctor A. S. Bull and school. Superintendent of Education, tile Scripture Read ins by the LEADER: That they may and the Honourable S, J. Hef· of the royal family said that the PrinctSs ma~ ~verend Doctor H. M. Dawe, learn new knowledie ~ the I Certon, representlni Premier to Townsend which explains so much of .1ISe keyl of the new Ichool wer~ world In which they live, and Smaliwood. pened since. The Princess said she was toa Kandld over to the Reverend C. thus appreciate Its beauty and The benediction was given by with him ever to marry anyone tlse. And Jj; Mereer by Mr. James O'Dds· boundleis opportunitietl. the Rel'ercnd R. C. ~fercer. eoll. Thl. wu followed by the RESPONSE: We dedicate this SCHOOL BOARD , she was insistmt that her statement to be

Act of dedication which lI'al led school. Members at the Brownsdale thrDllgh Tavenner. He'lwed at I morrow shOUld make this abundantly clear, by Mr. Eugene Flight, the prin· LEADER: That, In the pro·, School Board are: Reverend C. Reaser, hi, Jaw slack, hiI eye, . . cipal of the new school and was cess of learning, our youth may J. Mer<:er, Chairman, Carman I TOWN I threatening to bulge from their There IS no reason to believe that II follows: discover the principles of char- Button, Secretary - Treasurer, ~ I scx:kets. Rosser took the deed accepted such a promise. It would not h.!~ LEADER: For the education acter and lelf·dlsclpllne; so Samuel Pynn, Lloyd Harrl.,' I from his slack hands, put it in fair of him to ask her to remain Unmd1TiI\l' and the training of our you th In that when they go forth In to Eugene Button, Jam~ Driscoll, TAMER his pocket and begin to gather the way o[ good and usefui life. liCe, they may be Inspired to Joshua Goodwin, George Austin, I" FRANK CiRUllI up the money on the table. AI 8S proof of this, he Idt England for 1'.':0 RESPONSE: We dedicate this become the kind of persons God George Sparkes, C I are nee ~ k NIA~" he turned lway, Hodder fol- doing 50, he gave her complete frerd ol1'.·: ~ tenDol. them 10 be. Sparkes and William Button. ell"",'''''' ...... me~nt THE STORY: Word haa "That's all you got?" sneered lowed him. not be accused of interfering in her life in I LEADER: That our children RESPONSE: We dedicate thls SCHOOL STAFF spread through Great Plains Tavenner. Hodder signaled to one ~ the may be tr~lned and Inspired to school., The staff of the school II .. that the famous Marshall It's more than you had when bartenders. "Two beers." The Princess agreed that in to taKe their places In their com· LEADER: For the 'Iumm·on· follows: Eugene Flight B.Se., ord~r Tom ROller has Dol hung you quit the gam, the last The beel"l were .et 'down for opinion it was better that he go awe' munity, and to ,serve God und Ing of our youth to serviceable Principal; Fred S. B~t B.A., up hh guns, and has come time we playel! poker ... ," Rosser and Hodder. The latter I . .}. their fellow men. living, for the depending of our Ed., Vlce·Prlncipal; G e 0 r g e to the frontier town. Tom's "I've got more now. I'll eut picked up his glass and nluted not alter her feelings toward hIm, nor Would RESPONSE: We dedicate this awareness of world brother· Stanford and Allsn Thorne. million I. twofold, Be has you high card for that." Rosser. "To a quiet town." intention not to marry anyone else. tchoo!' I hood, and for the furthering of The Archlted was Mr. T. A, been hired by the ralIroad Rosser took out the deed to Rosser nodded Ind quaffed LEADER: That here In com· a spirit of goodwill among all Lench and the Builder, Mr. to tame the town, Ind he Section 88. He handel! It to Hod· lome of his beer. Hodder set On Monday morning the Prinml mon work and play our youth people. J~metl Driscoll. I~k. personal vengeanee der. "How much '11iij )'ou lend down his glass and frowned. to La!ldon and shortly afterward may learn to respect one an· RESPONSE: We, the people ------for the death of h1I neet· me on this?" 'Grrat Plains is less than six 'other, and to become tolerant ~ thil community, sensible of heart. Hodder looked curiously at month~ old and three people too. The hour was now growing late. 'of those whose views arc dif- the sacrrtice of our fathen, and I~ vm Rosser, then took the deed. His have Ilready been killed in it." outsid~ world the situation was nearinK.: rerent but who are all a part aware of the place that true Two-Parts • • • eyes widenel! as he ilanced It: llocider shook his head. "The ed, th~ point of crisil. There was an air of A \II! one great family of God. education mUlt play In the A POKER game, with fil'e i It. Then he folded the dcx:u·1 town's getting wilder day by RESPONSE: W. dedicate this shaping of I beller world, and Perfect players, wal going on in the· ment and handed It back to Rot. day 'lnd the rBllroad ha,n't that the decision would be known in a I!i;' ~hoo!. as • pledge of contlnued ser· PleO!Ure Palace. Rosser atopped ser. e\'en reached u~." I Few. however. doubted the outcome: LEADER: That there rna), be vice to God and man, do now PRINTED PA1 tERN, at the bar. "Mr. Hodder here?" "\\'hBte~er you aay." R~ser let his half·finished would marry her airman. the fullest de\'elopment of the dedicate this building. The bart!nder pointed to the Rosser turned back to Guy glall of beer on the bar Ind :\lOweu and possibilities of body The prayer of dedicatlon wa, poker game. "That's Charlie I Tavenner. "Put up '1,000." said, "I've got ,orne thingl to Shortly after teatime the Princm iSllitl' 'Ind mind, and the dedication of then read by The Reverend A. I the., powen to the welfare and N. HoI met, President ~ the there, fellow with the !an~ I Tavenner laid Bulkily, "1' take care of ..." He nodded, ment of !imple dignity and sincerit,· and ' ve lit " i haven't got a thousand." to Hodder Ind turning. left the: J' 1.1l Ro,\,er walked to the poker i 'Then how about three hun. 18100n. I able candor. Sh~ had lurrendered th, lon - game. He WBJ within two steps Idred? Isn't that the Imount yoU . Hodder looke~ after him wor· I because of her religiou~ faith and h~! r:i. It when he came to an abrupt _beat the St. Paul hotel out of?" I nedl),. Slm AkinS move~ over I monwealth. This W8I her statement; hall. One of the pla),el"l was I Tavenner bared hll tHth. He to Hodder. "I heard It 5ald that Guy Tavenner! counted out money, leaving a I R05~er lost hIS nerve. after "1 would like it to \>( known thl: ASHTRAY Even u he It I)JlPed , Ta\·en· small sheaf of billl Ind lome' what he did in KansBs," . ner'l eyes met his. "I know silver in front of him. The rest Hodder turned on Akin!. decided not to marry ~roup Captain With each purchaSi af Iltt CUltom you," Tavenner uid. "I ne\'er he shoved out onto the lable. "What did he do in Kansill?" I have been aware that, subject to my Suburbanites at forget a face." "There', your three hundred. "Killed hi. woman." my right! of succession, it might have "St. Paul," lWuer uid even· When we get through t'1Itting, • • • Iy. I win or l06e, I'm gOing to pin lI.OSSER entered the Moun-I ble for me to cont1act a civil marnBlt DODGE SALES & SERVICE, "Yah,' Tavenner cut in I )'our ears back for you." tlin Hotel Ind headed for the! mindful of the Church's teachings that \Val I quickly. - Savagely, he riffled the ardJ stairs. There I woman It 'marriage is indissoluabl~, and com rio\:! HARBOUR GRACE. Hodder, the man with the and slammed the deck down on the desk, talking to the man­ fancy vest, threw ou, ." -, the table. Rosser reached out ager. Rosser', eyet flicked to duty to the Commonwealth, 1 have 'Whoa, Tal'enner, holo eve.)·, and shoved the pack to Hodder. her II he pasled. He went three put the~e considerations before othm. thing! You want to fight, wait "Your shuffle, Mr. Hodder," steps beyond, then ,topped. He reached this decision entirely alone. and until after th& game." He 'mil- • • • turned Just as Susan Tavenner NEW ~~~WN DOZER ed up at· Rosser. "Or maybe HODDER gave the cards a came away from the desk. 10 I have been IItrengthened by the you'd rather fight it out with quick Ihuffle and put them "Mn. Tavennerl" Ro~er el- port and devotion of Group Captain acea and full houses?" down'on the table. Rosser lean. claimeJ. 1 am deeply grateful for the concern 01 "I really c~~r over to lee ed over, cut the cards and turn. She recognized him, but ahe who have constantly prayed for my yoo, Mr. Hodder." ed up his cut. A ten. Tavenner aaid, "I don't believe ... ," "Then •-it down." drew a deep brenth and made lOSt. Paul." , I (Signed) Ronser pulled out a ehalr and a cut. He kicked back his chair. Her e)'es clouded. Her mouth "Monday, October 31, 1955." leated himself at the table. He "Do you want it in bere or out- apened to lay something, then brought out his entire"' '. '-. side?" she ehangel! her mind, nodded Princess Margaret had r~scued the royal sOllrces, a crumpled $10 bill, "What's your eard~" coolly and walked toward the a difficult situation. two gold half eagles allu ~ >..... i ~AII right, that. oot of !be door. I J •• , .. ht)'Otl .,ocI f.,cfTlehl.o ".d_d­ orow.I"D. Hu.;y bulldo." bkldl ,,~, ~ dollar. way!" Tavenner sot liP Ind In St. Paul he had seen her in (From "The Peter Townsend Story" by showed the seven of .pades. what must have. been one the ti~' ~ld, •• lIfOlll f,.,. opor.,o,·, ,OGI. ot Barrymaine.) Cholel 0110 01 100 H' CASIoTUlATlAC Printed Pattern 453&: Woo The would.be banker, Hod.: malt .embarrasslng moments of CfGwltr, wUh torqu.·co" .... rler drl .... , men's Sizes !!Ii, 3lI, 40. 42, 44, 46, der, laid quietly, 'Befon ),011: her hfe. He had been prelent Published by Petu Dnv:es, Limlt/d, _.,,,.relo".o "'.. lIatle 1n"I/,.IIII ... .a,- Size 36 takes 5 yarda 3g-lnch. start, Tavenner, take I look at I ~en the hotel manager had i (Released by McClure Nel\'spaprr ,....,;",•• 1.8. w.l .. Ie< It" cortal •• Prinled directions on each pat- that deed land." I cl'lcteo her. after her husband I -" (I. ~ ,. -~r..c :tern. part. Easier',accurate. Ta\'enner, a puuled look on', had de

ACROSS DOWN I Mother 1 Wa,lI'. A new idea .in smoking... _ Hubbard', %Re.ian cupboard wu I-around I rosy lin Mlltrw 4 Finllhed Mary's ,arden S Estep • S~-, e Number refreshes your taste MarJOl'ie 08. 7 Mt.lay Salem n "~trald lilt" S Rutd.nlJ of 13 Century plant Latvia :5 Dry 14 -. la, Ie • BLrd. 26 Amuscrr"r.l 15I101t UlII!UV' 10 OperaUe 1010 28 Jewish ",,';t! 17 Tllne 11 Caution 30 High care, IS WiuI' IS Blackboard 31 A- ch,:d 33 Spanish 1901d·tlm., 20 ~~trld~'~' g.nllem.n ~1 Dou'ola - 22 Wuh IIlhlly 35 Greater you! 24- and 23Sun 40 Kind or ~, 24 Powet!eIJ tortoise 43 Repository 21 Morai wrel'l'! "".,..__ r-. 29 Thailand nAsanded 34 Show 36 Stuaml 37PetlI UPlrldl" 30 Pleees out, 41 Compua point ...... Mf-~~-+--:"""'1'1 62 Spanlhe - ....""""., IJld "POll till e!Iild. "Wu.. .. IIIlerpret 'mOIIII1 40'-Dillamore ...-+--+--4--1. SJ-Blba &4 S4anJr0v, nMlll , &e-de .Janeiro, Brull -. I "Atcp • &e What 1Im~1. , &mOIl WlDItd. I=~~ I 11Ottuaw.

; TIRE ASHTRAY • menthol fresh Refreshing! Yes, the smoke of B Salem is 81 refreshing to your taste u • dew. With ICIch purchale of set Curto' Iparkled Spring morning is to you! Now get the rich tobaoco tute you love, with­ . Svburbanltes a new surpriMl Boftn~! and euy comfort. Through Salem'. pure-while modern •. rich tobacco taste filter .BOW8 the fre.hest taste in cigarette., You lake. pufL •• it's Springtime! TERMINAL SfRVICE STATIO~ • most modem filter Smoke refreshed ... Smoke Salem PORTUGAL COVE ROAD -~ , NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, '9~B

SE COLL.~rsE ! CALLAS TO lING I" luper leins, Todd en,aged opens tomorrow at the Capilol SPECIAL ADDI and the buliet.rldde!l hillJ of is ROV TII'O chilo half I hundred lnternaticlnally. Theatre, with Jane Powell and ATl'RACl'ION Albania, , ' ul ~,- I ' P , t C ,Rr !' wtre kill cd i LONDON (Reutera) - The aramoun famed personalities to appear ' Howard Keel, co·starred and Vln Jobmon Martine Carol ---___ ',i' I wo!l1jn ns lIerc m· I Royal Opera House angounced apt·t' 01 in what he styles "cameo" roles, :-:·ith Jeff Richards, Russ Tam· In "Action 'Of Ihe Tiber" I ;, . , a nOll.lC Wednesday that p rim a dona I ~r!'~en I N PI' In sequences laid In some 25 Now Play,'ng blyn and Tommy Rall heading a Action the mysterious blondc BIE" BIG CH~NKS ; , dal'~ of rain Marla Callas will slni In London OW. "aytng I I d h Id F upp tl g t! 20 ' , I ' ' . "FAIT Sa.l~, (CP)-A "'a, by I~o I Sicih·. Vio· early next year. She was oltered ______oea es aroun t e wor , our s or n cas 0 prlnClpa 5 I stowawav In the escape speen hi be" . .': 'ag~ 11) leading personalities acen recruited fro m Hollywood boat A ·1"0 ' Th I d c nc mg used to striP ~\'er· ' Ctf1:ra nDII'I~IIS in a contract alter New York', Met· ~Ic~ion Of t h roug h out are David Niven, Broadway, lIg. ht opera and the'I' his human c I n.cargo e insmugg a desperate er an bburden I from a coal., seam 65 'eel . . o~~ 10 :hree ropo\ltan Opera fired h'er for ,n 1/INi the - Cantinflas, famed Mexican co· ballet stage, race with death in a mountain I e ow grou:ld h~re IS belIeved the In:lusion of 01 113. , coming season. , , AROUND THE WORLD median, the late Robert Newton "SEVEN BRIDES FOR The new picture, unfolding 1 wilderness Action' M.G.M has argest of Its ktnbd. in Canada. II I , I leh read: "I IN 80 DAYS d Shl I 'I I All SEVEN BROTHERS," I h d t I'll d t f' " gonges out :J5·cu Ic·yard mouth, 1 Unlled ArUslI-Mlchael Todd an r ey 1I acLa ne. are Wlnl JA~.' E "OWELL aug ,an . une- I e a ory 0 a filmed it 011 location in Athens f II ; " failing supllOtt' excellent. As for the "cameo" ., r family of brothers ",ho carry off I s, I , Mammoth Ellravallanu folk, all of whom are seen In HOWARD KEEL the prettiest girls of an Oregon I :JWnsend." " brief flashes, they get Into the town in the 1850'; to make them I , i , uld be better ~ For close to ,three hours, spirit of the merry doings with "Seven Brides for Seven their brides, brings to the 1 Michael TOdd,'S,howman ,parEK' appropriate gusto,' and all arc / Brothers," M·G·M's second big screen a' new concept In the de· I , Margaret due ,I I cellence t~es' his audience on'l effective, CinemaScope musical in color velopment of I film musical, in , , he threatened I r a Jumbo ,~xlr~vl\iaoza'EKPedl·1 The plot, on which the .erles ' . which plot, songs and dances I , r \. T ownsendto tion around the world, Bnd the of Incidents is strung, deals with I with her husband, and her In. dovetail 'as integral paru of a ~ , I a,tly as she and myriad of. slghtl, sensations, a bet made by an English I cluslon In the party for the reo musical entity, I ,. lavish settings, thousand,~ of I gentleman, Niven. He leU out mainder of the Journey, The ICreen play, written by: ..._~ , " ,.,INDL, '''TIl : j The Palace people and breathtaking loca· round the world with his man I The rest of the Itinerary In. Albert Hackelt, Frances Good· I ______, I tlons, photographed In most In· servant, Cantinflas, after wager· cludes political rallies In San ricb and DorotbyKlngaley, Is, ------...... , I I I PLAYING stances in authentic locales, ing members of his London club i FrancIsco, Indian fighting 00 based on Stephen Vincent NO W PLA YING I ) 1: make the sum total a pretty that he can circle the globe in /' the train ride across the western Benel's story, "hTe Sobbin' W00 awesome·but richly entertaining· 80 da)'s flat. As this in 1872, plains, a slow steamer across men" (I modernized and hu· " . "'1,. .,' 'I'i~ ·t experience, that represents quite a feat, The the Atlantic which runs out of morous conception of Plut.uch's, ---.----. - I • l Il [, Tcchnlcally superb, with all stake Is £ 20,000, , fuel and which Nivcn has 10 buy fable of the abduction of the : " , i the clarity and beauty of Todd, I t-.:il'en and win outright and stoke with furnish. Sabine women by th, ancien I t •• •• ••• ••• •••••••••• Cantlnn~s • ••••• e •••• • •••• t I . IA? Ind Techmcolor, replete, their b~t, but not belore they ings and other appurtenances, Romans). : ·I·dalsy iilUSICAllft' • oI(l/~. Ii With 1 trenchantly IlUmorous have undergone SOme e~haust·' the arrival in England, and after The sonss. by Johnny Mercer : • I , , I screen play by S, J, Perelman ing trials by water, fire, assort·' some final twists and turns that and Gene de Paul, Include • : : I 'bued on the Jules Verne cd InternatIonal villains, a I make the winning of the wager i "Gain' Courtin'," "When YOU'fl' : L.:;;!~~~~~~;:" nove I, musi c by Victo r beautiful Indian Princcss, ~Iiss !Icmporaril)' doubtful, a success. in Love," "Bless Yore Beauti, : Young d 1r ected by Michael ~lacLaine, nnd B suspicious de·! fui conclusion, ful Hide," "Sobbin Women", • -JANE POWELL HOWARD All?erSOn, snd Associate produ· tectll'e, Newton, who thinks I On hnnd for recognition every "June Bride;" "Wonderful, Won, : ...... t ••••• : ...... ; cer I chores handled by William 1I:iven has robbed the Bank of: few minutes by the delighted derfui Day;' "Spring, Spnng, I I 'I 'l:~\'e that Cameron Menzje,~, the sum total England. Delayed bv an al'a'l audience arc such as Frank Sin. Spring" and "Lament." , would not haVe shapes up as' a mightily .mbi· l::nche that ~eal5 a railroad tun· atrR (a piano player); Marlene Stanley Donen, who has been, Special Added Attraction R:n unmdrried, tious tour de force, nel in France, Ihe pair buy a I Dictrich (mistress of a Barbary assOCiated With Gene Kelly on Words of commendation Ire balloon ann fly soulh, Blown all I coast dil'c), Ronald Coleman sel'eral of the latter'1 hi!' riel for two yeal\ due Lionel Lindon, director of course to Spain, they persuade I (an Indian railroad official) and musicals, direded, with Jack SUSPENSE, ADVENTURE AND INTRIGUfl 'tr freedom: he WITH DAVID NIVEN­ photography, and Kevin ~Ic' a rich !hcik to lend them his: Charles BOI'er Noel Coward Joe ("Kiss Me Kate") Cummings Clary, foreign location dtrer.tor; yacht in return lor Cantinflas" II Brown ·Vi~tor McLagen' and! prodUcing, The picture's chore, 'YAN JDIINSON' MARTINE CAROL •H[RSfRT lOM n h~r life in any ROBERT NEWTON­ and also Miles White for his appearance as matador in a: Edmund Lowe, Charles Coburn, io.graphy was crea ted by ~Iichael SHIRLEY MACLAI.NE handsome costuming and Paul bull ring, At jlarscilles, Ihey! John Carradinp, Sir John Giel., K:dd, currently represented on Godkin for some sharp choreo· board a steamer for IndiJ, ell" gud, etc; etc, All are showcased I Bro~dll'ay by the Cole Porter, AND A CAST OF THOUSANDS I sraph)" Despite Its 178 minute! countering at SUCl the iUspi.! against exciting locales, some of: mUSical, "Can,Can," , n, nor Would it running time, the plot moves cinus ilctectll'e, II'ho henccforth : them richly enhanced by James!1 Th w Cin S 0 mu . ' , 1st. rapidly, with a succession of becomes their nemcsis. : Sullivan's fine art direction, and, ic I e nr~s Janem~ c, ~~. fr St I A./so-UP.TO·THE·MINUTE NEWS a Also-UP· TO· THE·MINUTE NEWS breathtaking. inlercst·holding Their adl'entul'cs in India I all fit their "cameo" bits like I t :lI~\1 . e e "t... ell s T 1 ~ , Princess drove incidents bursting on the I'iewcr consist of such hairbrained in· i .Iol'es, Especiall~ fine are Miss II a , 'I'; 'H SlnCd K ma o~tn I EVENING 'PERFORMANCE DAILY Il'ke {' k b 'd t ' I d' , ' 'h ,.,.. GIr , owar ee l comes 0 TIMES OF SHOWS lreerac crs, one y one. CI Cll S as rescuing an n Ian i Dletm ,Beatrice Lillie (riotous h' II' role f a h' I cor '''I'ard Townsend A d t th" h t ' , f f I f' " ., IS ne r m IS a so s " STARTING AT 7,30. n 0 cap 15 ric en ertaln' pl'IllCeSS r?m B unera .. Ire!

~--- ru, d th~ rOYl1 Barber 'ELECTRICAL FRUIT STORES HARDWARE STORES MATCHES REAL lSTATE STOVES APPLIANCES THE CENTRAL BARBO EHplRE FRUIT ST(,RES HAmm & HISCOCK LTD BRYMAY SAFETY For the Freshest Fruit ill ~OTICE SHOP. We are now operat· GESERAL HARD~ARE ~fATCHES R, W, IiAJlNE8 "~,d Story" Ini lix chairs. You can be Town call Yor Aprral~al~ of Real Jl:mte lint nt BAINE JOHNS'fON EMPIRE FRUIT STOll!': Distributors for Sunbeam Distributed by and Auctions in privati IN IIfOCK ACCESSORIES mured of the liut poulbl. Electrical Appliances. FHAPl1t Me NAMARA LTD. COMPANY, LTD, 144 Pairtck SImi, DIal 2R52 hom~. II()!ITON JlREEZ~ 10 stock lervlc~ p!LOI the Ie lit polo Qu~en st. Dill 5W, 44 it.,. Alellc, Department Duckworth St., Dial ~911 Sporting Goods and Sporu DIAL gom OIL BURNER! DL\L 1<114] lible \\'Iitin;, 24 New Gower m ... 'hter lit. Dill 11M ! Laeallonl: wear tor all occaions, JORN D. O'DRISCOLL Stre~t, opp, Adelaide M~ DIM. S016 lmmedlate DeliVef7 ~OUR FRIGIDAIRE ------MEAT MARKETS No, 1 Bideford Place A DIAL 1t'711 Th:~ was thp tor,. DEALER FIRE IN5URANCE HEA!ING JIM uHIELDS ~:I'r 18 monthl cI SERVICE STATIONS HEAP & PAfI'INERS ~r. P'RE!!roVATER ed CROSBIE co., LTD, PENNYm.LL ROAD Nnd, ::ONFEClIONERY . :NFLD,) LTl:', Agents for D. C. BrsHo~ TRASA FOUNDRl LID. Armlt\h 127 NEW GOWER IT, DIAL un f ..u.~IER·S SERVICE ------Wli'in. Materials, Wire and UNDERWRITER! AI .. "ATER Il'. Worls REID'S CONFECl'IONERY CablH, Motor~, Stertm. DIAL 3317 Cemplete up·to-dat., STATION LLOYDS, Clmplete Plum bini 8IId Meat M81'ket TOPSAIL ROAD Manufleturen III 38 CllarettH, Fruit, lee Cream LImP" Switches, Llsht.in3 LOW RATES Bambrick Heslin, Servl~ • WASHING • GREASING MAID OF' AVALON ar-l Drlnb Fixturel, etc, DIAL ~031 TIRE REP AIR8 Street Good PIANOS and ORGANS and W. GIn 8em~. ~.uEHOUSE PRINCES n, ------ERNESl CLOU:;,ON, DIALSli18 REGAL RANGES Dial 7191·2 Rawln SUetC, DIal ItOM DIAl, 5085 FISH STORES LIMITED DIAL W • '7311 McCLARY AUTOMATIC A, L. COLLIS MARSHALL MOTORS C~NTP.ACTORS ELECTRICAL SERVICE cni' FISH SHOP WARM AIR CONDITIONING Plano and Organ Showroom: rISK,TIREIi :' sa PRESCOTT lIT. Z10 WATER ST. tOPSAIL ROAD GlI8rantCl!d against CUll, JONES ELECI'RIC DIAL rue DIAl, 4183 Dial 9·2161 or 9·2162 BlolI'out~, Bruisel, ------HAHU;"'l: SNOW !lervice, Quality, Variety UDder Inflation, Call TOBACCOS & SON, LTD, .. PRESCO'M' !!T. raclory: Water St., Hr, Grace DIAL 8m HEATING P.O. Box 358 MAltSBALL M01'ORS ladlllirial Eleetrlelul 8peclallrts In Motm, FURNITURE MdvERS Water SI. Dial 800fI 77 BamlIlolI litreea. GEORGE ~eratOrB, Steam Irons and C, A. HUBLEY, LTD. PHOTOG~PHY 'VASHINGTON O~ me RH. ' un all Househo1t1 Appllanm, HOUSEHOLD ~I:OVERS PLUMBING and HEATING _-.._~~~,~~~ __ SHEPPARD'S SERVICE & SHfPPERS LTD, CONTRACTORS GARLANJ'S STUDIO STATION Dlltributed br CUNTRACIORS TORBAY ROAD ;Dry ELEL'TRICAL ~E!VICE Rep, Gurral Electric '7t PLEA.!IANT lIT. TIRE REPtlRlNO 'RANK PackIng, Crating, Shipping 6 Amusement For an ,our PAINTING. RmEOUT'1I ELECnnCAI. sa Klnl. Road DIal !til' DIAL !t51 "ASIUNG IJcNAMARA Agenls for North Am~rlcH R .Jowish servlee 47 ROOFING. IDd CImINEY , SERVICE WPddlng Photos. pornal .. MTTERY CRARGIN" LTD ,~ High cards REPAIRS. ElectrIcal ContrlCtor Van Lil1e~, HEARING AIDS GREASING Dill 1141'" T. C, HIBBS, Manaler and Commercial Photoiflpby DIAL tl89 1 A - child At reallOnable ratu. .OR Water Slreet, :J 5panish Rei, 11455: Offlce 90061·2 PRONE lautH. II, John'.. NnrroDndllll~, BELTONE 11K' 'lING CAMERA SrlOl' g.ntl.mln Phone s"U GLASSES ;~ r.rtaler LEDREW'S E"l"'ESS LTD 17 LONr.'S Btu. SEkVICES ,0 Kind of fl. 1M DIlUItWOIlTB rr; BELTONE DIAL 161!L TA).ICABS IJ R."".ltory LoCI' Ind 10DI dlllane!' mot In,. SERVICE DRUG STORES ENGINES P~CkJ.n1'1 cutin. IDd IhlppiDl. ' HEARING Ncw[o\1ndlaoo vie'll'l artlJtlc· M.mbfTl 01 C,W,A, ,od M,M,T,A GLASSES '\II)' mounted III d fr Il!IIId. • OIL rUllNAc:I A,ent. lor UnIted Van IIDU. • aEFaIOIlJUTI)" I. and •. BARBOUR LTD, II. II, LdIIEW, MANAr.);1 CALL See our !electlon • WAfiRl:ftl CONNORS' DRUG STORE Ortl~. UHi. ,,,-,,hila .. IMIt • B,"'OF.R A·I T.Ul LMfBERT'1i COUGB 8Y1UJP Dlstrlb\ltor~ 01: S, W. SHOR1 ------NORMAN DICK r,rD, CAL "lit An, Kelvin, Mllflne Dlesell DIAL 1118 II'At'~a lit, Ctll b, obtained at PAPER PRODUCTS DIAL JUO ' me Kelvin Rlcardo ·Gal Er.Jlnca GIFT SHOPS CONNORS DRUG, nORI SERViCE FOR Iulywhpre. Any place, au WATER Full Line, of Spare, Partl, HOME INDUSTRIES THE LA WRENI.,E n.' LARA~Y'S PIA~OS A~D CRCAN! MY ,time. DIAL uti ' 471 • m.,WATER IT. . REMEMBRANCE mop NFLD, CO., In. Tun.lnl ud R!palr4~ •. U HOUR SERVICE . DIAL W,1 wumh BIRTHDAY, New LocatJDII; Our !biTt,. ,.earl' Hpt!r1eZlee Gills, Games. TOYI, .. Nrl. eompettnt 1~n1c:lnJ· Certainly a handma~e artiele DRYCLEANINO Noveltiel. Cout'S. CardJ HI • !U DUCKWORTH In, E, R. ROGERS EXCAVATING for an occasloDJ from NONIA If only the Btl! Paper and Paper ProductJ 11 YrF.. rl."e Il. 'DIAL tEeS will do: WHOLESALE ONLY 'Ph,". "5' DOWNS DRY· EXCbVATJN"(' AND DAIL 6288 . 7638 , I CLEANING LTD. HOME CONTRACTORS SNACK BARS ' ACE AND SUPER TA.Xl , '. GRADING GROCERS FOR THE MOST EFFlCEN'I ~vrrbIJ st. John'. with II.. ., 'iq,Ir,II,.1II .:. KIN, RADIO·TV REPAIRS Qnllon. Cra~. Tra~, HOME ,IMPROVEMENts SERVICE IN TOWN CALL rut, Efficient Bervk& cruII.4 Ito..., Rold On ..1 ..u ..... ED'S LUNCH ACE . or SUPED TAXI 11-00 pt, loB,' , ' B. WALSH NO DOWN P.\YMXNT 13'10 ~. aAMILTON Aft. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTI GRF.AT EASTERN OIL DIAL lI1I·tn,IXOAUTIlID BEST IN LEADING WELL Cool\ED FOODS DIAL 5531 ' l17li ('p, LTD" 'fROCERY LINES. • B!Drm S.ohoo .ed 000111 CO?aANI, LIT DIAL ... Ph. JUHltl ' • Add th,t olr. room .. FREE DELIVERY You Choice' of what you nee.d • Modol'1lll. 70.' kltcbUi REPAIRS TO RADIOS, T,V, - W,lor " . W". ,IL J,b.'.. , OletIC\ COURTEOUS SERVICE DIAL 81S(1 W. II, PAIISONS LTII, AND ALL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICIANS, . , 183 WATER ST. WEST Lon, 'on4 Ilo,d 0101 !III!!1 APPLIANCES, FLORISTS DIAL 3001 ,10 3005 SOFT DRINKS USED CARS \.i'HURCHILL'S JEWELLERS ~,DIESEL AND WEST END TEJ.EVISION ELECl'8ICAL ENG: HOW!:E OF FLOWERS SUPERM,.RKET - 8etY1n1l 'St. John'. PORTUGAl COVE , THOMPSON m'.l:ELLERY T,V,·Radla-Car Radio Repalr~ ".lLIED AGENCIES ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD at Hour Servlee for Repairl frotn '1 loeatJolII: You C8ll buy your ifocerlp! 303 WATER ST~ 10~ WATER STREET FRESHIE FOR A ~ YOu CAN 10 ,Moton. GenlJrltm, IIId m a.u'-4TQN, AVENUE just a, cheap as In St. John'r Whe!l iII!lecUng a Diamond CALL 8885 WItlI Fret TrlcolOllJ' FluIIIJ&. DEPEND ON CALL CALL lIcullhold Appllanea. 'DLWIOOU and hive them d\!ll vp.red to Rlnw see our prlvat. Diamond At NIght. Day, Hollda,y or sm UlELAIDE MOT1JRB LID. .o;WATE'a 81'. _ ,our door without charlie. l3ootb. Sunday for Fast Service 8Ild ALLIED AGENClES DIAL 1111 m New Gower .. DIAL lOa SHTRAY '. DIAL 1Ut, " ,WI ~ve D'p.S. Stampl DIAL 4511 Guaranteed work ea1l TmA. lcnites VICE STATIO~ DesignedF or Our Readers' .Convenience )AD . , .~. ' ,~ , ,1.,, THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, At Grand Falls Bell Island High School Hockey : 1. Faulkners Spark 7-4 Win Will Enter· All Thr~e ICurtis Drop Crusader~ , ., For Visiting CeeBees Squad· ~.!~!~iw~?'I~ I.. m~! "pW~I"!:~.!~.~~" 7-3. For In all three division! of All· and seven centres with left With the "Flying Faulkners" Falla and he had 2' atopa over of, tha third to 10 out front Newfoundland hockey this sea· and right wingers to 110 with First Vi( acorlng six of their seven gonls I the route while 11'0 Ilvln, a ~2, Alex from Lindy at 2,37, 80n, Island hockey coach Joe the centers, . the Conception Bay CeeBees fine dllplay. Giorgi from Alex and Lindy Byrne said yesterday afternoon defeated' the Grand Falll And· Conception Bay went out at 3.14 and Alex from Lindy that he will have teams in I The Island team will trnvel Newhook, Manston, Coombs And nice tally it 1.~ COB 7-4 It the Papertown on front 2·1 In the fiut period .t ,U~ accounted for th~ Senior A, Senior B and Junior, , to Grand Falls for exhibition Saturday night. The three with Grand Falls ,ettinll the three talliel. Tom Blackmore Byrne said that with the re- i games with the Andcos on Fri· · B Of G 1 frame on I 1010 Fllulkner brothera figured In only goal In the lecond period got number three for Grand turn of several of his veteran! day and Saturday nights of this Bvrne Fire race oa s hook tallied (rolll • 4.31 to make it ~, I : the leventh marker tallied by to have It 2·2 1I0ing Into the Falls at UB with Walt Davis hockey player! there will be: week. Byrne plans to leave I I ' , , . . . h 'd countered himl!U Brian Wakelln. third frame. The CeeBeea 1I0t and Cec Thomas letting him plenty of talent on the Island squarl on the' Island besides Curtis fIred four final frame I brlHlant stops In eae peno.! at 9 10 t h' o The game drew 2902 paying fil'e In the third while holding I up Ind Sam Gregory from to man three squ"ds. Such ex· ~he te.m he l'Iill take with him. goals to defeat Holy Cross 7-31 He came up with 48.saves duro i last 'HOI' C Ole II lana to the official opening of the Andcol to • brace, Blackmore .t 12,5. got the perienced players as Hubert The Junior Canadiens, who in High School Hockey at, the ing the game, Charlie Polloc.k' i 11.22 wdh E~OSI the Grand Fall! St"dium and The encounter saw the tYlO Papertown team close It 5-4. Power, Bill Power, Cyril Power, will tour the province this Stadium on Saturday night. between the ~Ipes for Curtis, I ing una 't the), got their moncy's worth, linesmen and one referee Iya- Georia from Lindy at 16.21 and Gerald Connors will per· weck. are slated to perform on The win for Curti! gives them also worked well, Pollock had. game b\IS ~d .10 I u IS the two squads put on a fine! tern used for the first time In gave. the CeeBees a e·' edge form this season and this plus the Island next Sunday and a ,econd place tic with the 21 stops 10 his credit. ! Manslon at lel\ dlaplay of fast rough hOCkCY'j Grand Faili. It worked well/ and Alex unassisted at 19.~21 the many younger ,hockeyists should the Bell Island squad Crusade"rs. St. Pat's, SI. ~Iich· Eric Coombs, got th~ only I test end 7.3 .30 George Faulkner plJycd sixty with referee Leo Rose call1ng had the game flnlah H. In the ! on the Island should leave at Grand Falls have any diff!· ael's and Macpherson are alii score of the first penod at I Curtis" t' . mlnutel of hockey on defence I 20 penalties. Grand Falll were I final frame Conception Bay Byrne with good teams. There cult I' in returning home in in first place with a single i 8.16 to put Curtis out Iront.: at 301' ot~1 III .11.) for the winners, ~ nabbeLi for 12 of the total. oUt.!hot Grand Falls lZ-ll. is also a possibility that Byrne lime for the contest a full win, Curtis and Holy Cross have: Coombs fired the goal on a I too 'm' . 1e lh:rd : ' . Alex fired three gORIs and 1 Bill r'rewer and George Butt Tbe CeeBees left Grand Falla himself wll! play with the I' leam will be on the Island and both won and lost a game with I nice unassisted play.. Ho!y I ShnPlc"rnlO( ~~n at picked up the same number of I were linesmen 'for the iame. late la!t nlgbt Ind are expect· Senior A entry, ready for the visiting Can· Model, St, Teresa's and Sal· Cross had three penalties In I oll a\ 3 ~ 1 c " 1151111 to pace the CceBees Lindy Faulkner from Alex ed home today. Off hand Byrne satd that he: adiens. vation Army College in the cel· the first with EI! Shapter gel.: and Frank [or with Lindy baring a seore and • and Jim Kennedy at O,3~ of the lar with a loss In their only ting called for tnpPlng at 3.56. : him at 457 (0 , , five usl.ll. George had two: opening period bad the Cee- C lin N Ippe.arance for the !eason., John Hutchmgs went off at i tis out>hol Bot mllrkcra to his credit. Brian; Dees out front 1,0 and Wakelln or g ews ErIC Coombs was top pOint· 4.52 for boarding and Frank I the last Ctlo/ Wakelln got a ~oal with Jim i combined with Lindy Ind Alex • getter for Curtis as he came Densmore got the gRle at 16.16 Referc: T' N.H.L. Roundup 1 Kennedy picking up an assist. I at 2,2~ to give the visitors a The St. John I Curling Club up with • brace of goals and for slashing, Curtis OUlsho~ the, Ted With:; CrT)" Cec Thomas and Tom Blrock·· 2'{) advantage. Terry Jelleau I WII oIllelally opened on Sat· (SATURDAY) Howe made It 2·1 early in the the same number of as:ists. Crusaders 1UO In the first. I (:iXEV more both I:0t a tally and an set Reg Ryan up at 9.30 for the urday nlgbt with William Til, CHICAGO (CP1-0Id Reliaole. cecond per i a d. ~lclnt)Te in'l Gordon ~IDnston had a. Pair .of Holy Cross deadlocked the I Cl:RTIS _ Fl assist for Grand Falls with Reg Grand Falls marker to have It ler, club president, and Mu. Maurice !Rocket! Richard fired cre~sed the lead to 3·1 at the markers and one assist W1lh! encounter at 0.55 of the second 1 Gordon ,~IQ~;IPD Ryan and Sam Gregory ac. 2.1 The hometownen outlhot M. Glannou, prelldent of the the first goal and set up another five·minute mark with a waist· Bruce Newhook, getting two, ?erlod With Peler Byrne scar· Bruce Newhook' , . counting for the other scores. the CeeBees 11,9 In the flnt. ladlel branch, taking part. Mr. hera Saturday tr lead Montreal high drive. goals, Kev Colllns had the Ing on a pass from Pat Hearn. ,I ham John R ' Walt Davis and Terry Jelseau The only goal of the mlddle Tiller threw the first Itone and Canadlens to a 3·1 I'lctory over ;,Iarcel Pronovost put Mickoski other tally. Peter Byrne got, Bruce Newhook countered on, son.' Bishop, drew an 8!.lst each. stan1.8 came at 18.18 when Cec Mrs. Glannou held thl broom. Chicago Black Hawks, In the clear at the Leaf blueline two goals with Ed Shapter, a pass from E,tlC COD~bs at, Butler. Tom The slar of the CeeBees Thomal countered 'unaulated Followln, the opening a The victory Msured the Ilab's with a short pass at 6:14 o[ the tallying the other for Holy 10.05 to have Curtis take a 2.11 Coombs Kel tum was Murry ~!athleson be- to have Grand Falls deadlock movie of lilt year'l MacDon· 01 retaining their first place lila· third period and the 3O-year·o!d Cross, Pat Hearn Ind John' advantage, Gordon :I!anston, ~larlin ' 1 WII tween the pipes for the I'lsl· the encounter at 2.2. Tha And, aid Brier at Victoria, B.C., tlonal hockey league lead. centre made no mistake. Hutchings both drew 8n as· I' gal his lirst goal at 13.56 un.:· HOL ~ tors. He had 34 sal'c; 10 his I COl played over the Conception shown together with I film on Chicago jumped Into an ~arly .isL assisted to Curtis move IOta a I. C credit and made sel'eral bril· Bay squad in the second II the "Art of Curling" by Ken lead In a wild, penalty·spattered I (SUNDAY) It WBI 1-0 for Curtis after 3·1 edge, Byrne was ba~k for I nlS. John Hutchl 1I1nt Itop. In each period. The they held a 12-3 Ihooting Id. Walll, The openlni WII well first period. . Ed Litzenberger I the first and 3·2 going into the, Holy Cross at 14.23 to get more, Ed four Grand Falls scores had I'anlage. Ittended. scored at 4'53 on a Hawk

blm bealen all the way. ~!un The CeeBeea fired three OPENING BONSPIEL play while iIontreal's Dick ~Ioore 1 Bat~gate's !;cond • ~riod ~oa: frame sa~ Curtis getting four I J01,1n Hutchings drew the as· I, Densmore. T~m Pond WII In goal for Grand ioals In the openlnll mlnutel Draw!Of' Tuudau, Nov. 18th. was sitting In the penally box, b;oke a 1·1 tie and gale the Ne\\ goals while Holy Cross got Sist on thiS goal. There were I Cormack, p"t -6.S0 P.M,­ Pierre Pilote and Ted Lindsay set lork Rang.en ~ 2-l victory nver one to have it ~nd 7-3. I no penalties called in this ~ H,olden, ShamUI Flnt named ,kip. the play up. the ,Ieag~e leadl.ng Montreal Ca· Charlie EnniS played 8, frame with Curtis holding a I \\ ells. H. Angel, P. Templeton, 1:, The Hawk! pressed throughout nadlens m I flght·fllled, ~r~wl· great game In goal for Holy I 20·3 shooting edge. I SHOTS 0.1 Rockwell, S, Cannon. outshoollng the winners, but RI· mg NatIOnal ~ockey League Cross. He was slow on one: Curlis moved into a 6·2 le"a ,pollock ...... 10 W, West, W, Petten, H, Kelly chard's goal midway in Ihe first game S~nday night. It w~s the Curtis tally but made several' in the Ihird, MansIon fired a I Ennis ...... , 11 ~\\t.t.TIRE ASHTRAY J, Coyle. period on I drop pass from his Rangers fourth straight V1ctory r. Hue. J. Burien, G. Bur· brother Henri evened the ,core., a hlgh (or thiS sea.ron. B· F F tb II MI· nor With each purchase of set Custom lieS!, J. Slattery. HABp TAKE LEAD I Bathgate's goal came at 16:06 Ig our 00 a W. WllIOn, M, McArthur, J. Claude Provost converted pas. of the peri?d on a' pasa tt:om I . Suburbanites at C. PlrlOnl, L. Bownn,. H;s from Phil GOl'ette and Andre Larry Popem and Dean Prentice, ~ t D·f· t For ThIS W C. Rockwell, R. P. Godden, Pronovost to put Canadlen& ahead The play began after a faeecH T·1ger · Ca s e ea ' MUNN MOTORS LTD. I. Johnaton, K. O'RI,an, at 8:48 In the second period, Pro- to the nght of the Montreal ,et, FOR WEE!' ~'or, J. NorriJ, J, JOlephlon, C. novost started the play. rolling Bathgate lashed a backhand shot MONDAY- BENNETT AVENUE XenltUe, G, Tapper. when he stole the puck from r:hi· that glanced o:f ~ontreal goahe R hR· d 35 7 C, Field, H. A. H. Thom .. , G. MleD6nlld, cago defenceman Dollard st. I..au, Jacque .• Plante ~ right elbow and I eI~S .'Janes, A, Wh!!!I!, C. Godden, R. L. Smythe, rent In the Chicago end. over hiS right shoulder, oug I son. I. A. Goude,., C, Hlndrllan, Canadlens wrapped thing! up B,oth tedms ~cored In Ute f1,r!t WEDNESDA y- C. I. Marner, D. Jackson. In the opening minutes of Ihe period, when New York erupllng . I Ed Piem E

~. Coeon ...... "..... 1 ~. MODablll ...... 18 B. Phllpo& ...... '" 12 A. Sbapter " ..... "...... 11 L. MeGnth ...... 4 B. Flllpatrtck ...... I 8. Malone ...... ,...... 9 lWIIO~nl(aL B. Maholl ...... ". 15 trouble.lr" heating I ~. MUOD .. "" .. " ...... " 6 ca.llron tan hOlJlln; ~mb\n.d with lI ..t blast B. Tricco "" ...... " .•. ".. 7 q~lt apllallon. 1. Lane "...... "... 10 , balal\(ld fan ;!VII nolselut aIr dellvlryl B, Wlleott ...... " ...... It

~ lIS! COJpllng .1Im1na'" vibratlan. C. CoDJIGn .... N ... ",.... I "'erill::.' for .Gay "rvldng ••• shl.!dle! aaa"" I. Chafe ...... N...... Ii C. Wal.h ....•.. ".:...... I IC"" nlll l!IO

BOOK BID NETS TROUBLE HERE , , BEDROOM SETS By OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Service Take a look at the South hand only, What Is your opening bid? II you are a textbook player you will open one spade, All the'bookl say to open the ~~~~~~~------.. -- higher ranking of two fil'e-card l' , suits, If you are a winning player you will open one club. This Is CAPTAIN EASY modern expert practice. I In the' Asbury Park reginnals thOle South players who opened Olle apade all reached various game contracts and al\ went Idown one or more tricb de-' pending on what ~e contract I and defense wal, When South opened one club the bidding usually went exactly as shown in the box. North would get a chance to show his Wit heart lult at the one level and AR "" finest featur.s you look for In FROM hlB diamond luit at the two beclroom furniture ••• ample draw.r level while South would be able to rebid his spade suit and still T 1pCK" superb design, .turdy construe· 109 be at I mere two !pades. tIon, big, cI.ar mirrors, truly the finish· S .00 Int touch of elegance In a happy NORTH 12 'comalnatlon of comfort an~ utility. I .U Visit our showrooms now and make .AJH3 I • KQJ53 your mO_L I ce of fl ne be d room f urnlureI 'TERMS AVAilABLE .7 from an outstanding quality ..Iectlon. I WEST EAST I .83 • Q J 10 9 "K Q 10 9 • 52 I .874 .• ..A 1092 Coli Spring MaHrllll. 39"~48"-54" Wlclth. $22.50 up t .KJ98 .'1143 ' I SOUTH (D) i: .AK852 Hi.Ri.er Springs .. o. ,,"1' ".", ••• _ •• •.... III ...... tllI.' .. " .. II •• , ••••• , .$16.50 I' , I '74 I, .6 ... A Q 1052

II' Both vuln~rable I 10.111 Wut North !ut I'. 1. Pm l' Pa!l1 1. pft3I 2. Pftl~ 2. PUI Pa~ Pau SPARKLING Opel1lnl Iwl-. K STYLISH • ___ .a_· _.____ • , Korth would know that South fRECKLES AND HIS FRl£NDS ! held five sJllIdcs and at lesst ! five club! and that 10 red card~ Chrome , oppoeite at lust 10 black would ,- ; s~ll trouble. H~ would pasa I and 5()uth would struggle away I with his two·spade contract. Kitchen & I It would not be too much of • struggle . .No defen~ will beat Itwo spades if 5()uth plays the I hand correctly. Dinette 'CARD Sense Q-The bidding has been: Ellt South West North Sets 1. Double 2. 2. Come in and look over the Pallll ? gay and washable plastics, You, South, bold: check the solid comfort of .A 2 ,A 4 .'" Q 10653 ""QJ6 What do you do? 'OOTS AND HER BUDDIES the chairs and you, too, will A-BI~ thrt~ no,trump. Thll decide that your hom. de­ hind looks much better for nine trlcis at no· trump than 11 tricks aerves it . • . your kitchen at diamonds and a slam will not FROM nMds the brightening.up, the make unless partner can bid labour and space.saving a«aln. TODA V'S QUESTIOS conv.nlence that is yours with The bidding is {he same IS in modern chrome. We feel the question just answered. You, .ur. that your cholte is 5()uth, hold: $54·50 .AJ8S,AK74 UQ32.~ among the many fine sets What do you do? now on display at the Great (Answer Tomorro,,) TERMS AVAILABLE Eastern Oil It!owrooms, TO GET RUSSIAN CAVIAR TORO:-iTO I CP) - The Ontario I lands and {oresta depal'tment aa)', it may send an official to RU.!5ia to bring back caviar, spawn of the sturgeon, for use in Ontario fi!h hatcheries. RUMian sturgeon are repOrted to UI'C Luxurious longer and grow larger than their Piece .:---:-, 3 -- - Canadian counterparts, the de. ~ ..: _ . 1...,:-" ' I HOW DO 'JOJ LIKE THAT?' partment said Wednesday. THIS IS rKrER£~. m5 ':, l A MAN F'RQ't\ MAR'5 PROMBLY ecIENTJ5Ta.AI/1i5 'tHAT 6E1~ ~ '''' LOOKS JU5r A'5 NORMAL ' SAUNTERED OFF ~OOTER SPACE OON'T, ., A5;tOO.' 5DEAN LAKE. ant, (CP) - Joe LOOIGWEIRDATALL ... Chesterfield Suites Lecuyer IIkea hunting, but this Urne he was not prepared, Le­ cuyer had no gun When two big moose met him on the road In this Algoma district area and tIMa nunlered Into the bu!h. , Louisiana Wftl nlmed In 1682 by La Salle alter Louis XVI of . , I ~'rance. I , I' Xilimanjlro, Africa'. highest mountain, rise. 19,34{) feet above lea level. PRI:iClllA'S POP I, The Fall ond Winter leason, with Christmas and New Year', festivities • • •. the month. ahead will b. th. bu,iest loclal ~r)od of the year in most hom... Families Indoors durin; the long winter ..... nings appr.ciat. comfort, whether III TV, or homework, .ntertalnlng or taking It ea!y.' Why nol treat your home to the finest in' furniture. Her. il furniture of dis­ tinction thai will gl'le many yearl of FROM comfort 'and service, choose from colours galor In luxuriou. fabrics .•• '$164.50 all with comfortable, spring fil1eC1 ,WELCOME WAGON cushions and superb design that will HOSTESS .: TERMS AVAILABLE be In' good talte for years to come. Will Knock ot YouLr Door I with Gifts and Greetings from Frfendly Business Nei\jhbours and Your Civic and Social Welfare Leaders ) .(j . The Great Easte rn " On the occasion' of: , The :Blrih ,of a SabYI COMPANY LIMITED New Comer to the City. 1 ' PHONE: --.---.. "------..;.~--.;-...;.;...;-.--...1 2503, " 93498, ,or ,90943. I. 17 D~~V NeWS, S'T. JOHN'S, NFlD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19S8

Dce. ~, clue st. John's Dec. e, II TO,n: s "I SUR\'ErOR' RETIRES SPEECH CLINIC FOR THE sailing Dc~. 0, STEAMSHIP . ;'d ~ .. " Can~d~ \I ill , " . ,CP' - • Irdcul' OITA\\A (CPl-\\. H. Miller, Bedford !l lea\'ing Halifax ) .' i SPEECH HANDICAPPED . lI"orth 01 ~, il; 10 ,who literally helped put large ar· Dec. G, ,due SI. John's Dec, 11, 1 salling Dec. 13. • :1 t ' ~ f!I!: STEAMSlIIP8 LtD. '. announc~urma' Mr. Miller, 67 today, is Interna· PUBLIC SPEAKING. 15, salling Dec. 17. 8.S. Ahern Trader loading at l ~UI1tric5 art Illnonr: tlonally known II a Burveyer and ELOCUTION.' CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. ;:". ' ,I,i, Montreel Nov. 19th. for Bal· ,,. ,.t . Wlon, India:, TiMI. had been director of Ihe depart· DRAMATICS. wood, St, John's and Bay Bulls. ·Novaport, in port, leavin~ , phlllpplnL. d ~Ia. ment's survey. and mapping l J '. '. .TELEPHONE .. 7724. A steamer loading at Montrcal N~V. 14th. ,: J' I'it: :-;aOl an, branch .Ine. 1950. Nov, 17th.!20th. for St. John's" Gulfp~rt, left Montreal, due E. FREDERICK DAVIES, Botwood and Wabana. S;. John a Nov. 17th., leaving 1 • A,T.e.L. (Speedl). M.V. Ardglen loading .t N~V. 19th. ! , odIUm Hamilton Nov. 19th., Toronto Novaport leaving ,Montreal ,:' i, !, ;. I, I' 'ANTED Nov. 20th. for St. John's. Nov. 19. due St. John 8 ov. 23, 'j . 1 t, , r'. '. M.V. Zebruln loading at ~ront. sailing Nov. 26 (via Bay Rob· " , ,. real Nov. 20th for St. John's. er~s). . ! : ! CHARWOMAN M.V. Perth loading at Toronto Gulport leaVIng Montreal Nov. 22nd., Hamilton Nov. 23rd, Nov. ~6, duo SI. John's Nov. I bly woman living in neighborhood our for St. John's. 30, ~alllng Dec. 3 . M V Ah T d I dl ·-Refrlgeratlon. 1 I\ • ,.hIIU1 , Harbour View Avenue, Torpay Road, .. ern ra er oa ng SAGUENAY SHIPPING lTD 1 In Montreal Rbout Nov 29·Dec. .' ..'" I I ApplYI 3rd for St J h " S.S. Sunprmc! saIling Monl· l ,! ., . 0 n s. rcal ~ov. 10th., arriving 51. I " "I J EHOLD MOVERS & SHIPPERS, LTD., NFLD. CANAJ)A 8TEA~ISHIPS John's Nov. 23rd. ,1,1 ,"~tI ",II '.·1: , Belle hIe 11, in port, leal'ing S.S. Sundial sailing ~!ontreal 1.\1 :! , , . VIEW AVENUE TORBAY ROAD Nol'. 14th. :->01'. 27th., arril'ing 51. John's , \ : . ' Bedford II, leal'ing Halifax Dec. lsI. I CARL WINSOR, Nov. 14th., arrive 51. John's GULF ASD NORTHERN !i INSUR.ANCE NOI'. 17th., leaving Nov. 18th. I SIIIPPING CO. LTD. I, I' I 19' "ATEIl ST. DIAL IOU Belle Isle II, leaying Halifax ~I.V. Ferglls arriving 51. " . i - Nov. 18th., arrive SI. John's John's Nov. 17th. i : NOI'. 201h., leaving Nol'. 22nd. FURNESS WARREN LI!'I'E TIRE ASHTRAY I GREAT EASTERN . Bedford II, leaving Halifax Nova Scotia leaving Boston E. J. UMPHREY, left, Vice·President and Dirrctor of Sales of General OIL & IMPORT Nov. 22nd., arrl\'e SI. John's Noy. 21 and Halifax Nov. 25, Motor3 of Canada, reccives a scroll of tribute from Emile Dubois of' , , With each purchase of lit Custom Nov. 24th" leaving Nov. 20th. due SI. John's No\'. 27. Sailing , ' Suburbanites at CO., 'LTD. Belle Isle II leaving Hali[ax again same day for Liverpool. fIamilton, one of 600 GM dealers from coast to coast who gathered in " Radio, Television Wuhera, Nov. 26, due St. John's Nov. 28, Newfoundland leaYing Liver· Toronto to honor Mr. Umphrey"s 38 years of service. John F. Gordon, TILLEY'S SERVICE STATION Rtfrlgeratora. Deep Freuert. .alllng Nov. 211. pool oN\'. 26, due SI. John's President of General 'Motors Corporation, R. S. McLuughlin, Chairman Eleetric Ringen. Bedford II leaving Halifax D~c.~. It'nl'in~ for Halifax and af the Board of GM of Canada. and E. H. Walker, President of GM Floor Polbberl, I Dec. 1, due st. John's Dec. 3, "c' ", 1 ;:';'. 3. •. Dec. KELLIGREWS. "IJ~ H~lif ~ Gramophones I ul1lng Dee. ~. . ~ and Boston Dec. 8, Leaving I of Canada, joined the dealers in honoring Mr. Umphrey, 57·year·old Publlc Addreas System., Belle Isle II leal1ng Halifax' Co."._" ~".'. :J ,:IU IL;Lr~x Dec. native of Manitoba, who in 17 years as GM Director of Sales. has had Tape Recorders. ' 13, uue St. JOI'i1'S Dec. 15. Sall· • hand in the sale of nearly 2,000,000 cars and trucks. DPAIIIS AND SERVICI I ing again same day for Liver·

II LINES • I DIAL SOOl lo Ian LAN D I pool.Nova Scotia leal'ing Liver,. . - . WATER ST. SURVEYS •pool Dcc. 12 due SI. John's I the counlr)'slde must be re', S L I He said, "Before you go any·' i Dec. 18, Le~ving for Halifax I conside.red. What is bei~g built, tates oca :where, you'\'c gol to know' ; and Boston Dec. 19, due Halifax: now 11'111 b,? obsolete Ill" £Jlty I. . where ~'ou're goin~, and a plnn· ~ I Dec. 21, and Boston Dec. ~4.! years and what ft slum WIlli (ContInued from page 3) nell pro~ram of huilrllng Is' • WHITE : Lca~'ing Boston Dec. 27 and: result. lie advocated construe·' ernmcnt sllOUld enact le~isla· i necessary here." H~ lI'as ~I\r· I Halifax Dec. 31, due 5t. John's: tlOn M a male pcrmanent. nat· I tion to provine for the rdorc("[ prlsell, hc salll, that local builrl· PRINTS · Jan. 2. Sailing again same dav. me like old·l\orld btnldlngs. l\\el\l r,f the C;ll1:lliian Elrdrical ers did not cmploy architecls to for Liverpool. . ! l!'0us('s were sprcadlng like bel"I Code througll " ,,"stem of clct'· I vlan houslll~ nl'ea~ for them., Newfoundland leaving Li\'er. rlCs In a bcrry patch. He slIg· i trical illSpcction ;\ tile lime ot and :lIso fell Ihat a system of, MARITIME Gerry Halley pool Dec. 31, due 51. John's gested larger Units !Ike mclons, I origin"1 installalion and <1\ re· IInficr.~rnlillfi ,\irin~ ,hould he Jan. 6. Leaving for Halifax and compared to bernes, with I~rg.e gul:ll' intcrnls IiJrrcalt£'r. 'I'lli, IIsprl ill Ihi, nrovincc, "c,pccial. Surveys Ltd. Basion Jan. 7. due Halifax Jan. : grecn ~pace" and clectnc rSlon of a resolutioll from ler." ~~~~~~~~~~~; ing again same day for Li\' r.' Bmn declared, they are so Ihe pail\t industry. Ihat ,pccl. '; AIRWAYS ..: i pool. e I small. It is now time to look fications for p

P:~;~'~rl rnl~.:cmplatinj! pamge 10 Europe I ...... $85.00 onl! way' J, OlH"e bflokin!(S well In advance. AGENCY ES BY' BOAC KL" PAN: I AIRII'AIl11~~('L'D :. IT, •. • ... • ,.1.. Dry CI ea n"In g HAUFAX ., ... ,."" ...... $49.00 one way Airli A\S, SCA!'JDlNAVIAN. T.W.A. and 1 'I n~. I t'onsult u : ," F I regarding your travel problems. I Nnd. 'Phone Sanitone Service Gets \ Also daily' VISCOUNT and TOURIST '., , . URNESS TRAV&L OFFICE • Bot.1 308Z Out ALL the Dirt Yet ,ervice ta TORONTO, SYDNEY, MONC­ HOTEL , 'PHONE un \ COltl No More Than 'I TON, STEPHENVILLE. :-;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;__ ==______;;;;;,;;;------~~~~~~~~.J Ordinary Dry Clean· , ins Ask about TCA's FAMILY FARES and 1 FLY-NOW-PAY-LA TER plans for travel FURNESS RED CROSS LINE CHILDRENS' MOCCASIN in Canada and the U.S. SLIPPERS Sailing to St. John'. and Cornlr Brook, Nfld. For reservations call TCA at 7121, New­ 'pert. OQII PeuDlntiOD GOD •. !et· foundland Hotel, or see your Travel .·ROM: New York Salnt lohn, -N.B. Rallfl:! St.John'., Nnd Itr Prollll.uloDIIf. Complml, Suedine construction with '" ...... Nov. 11th Nov. 8th Nov. 11th . Nov. 111th odo,lu., Colon lad palmn .... Agent. In Gander, phone 884.. Ifored \0 on,illll briUlIUICC. C.II dark fur trim, Red or ' "F ~PLOR~R Dec. 11th Dec, 11th Dee. 11~ Dee. 171b Dowl • \O"~11 AVALON" will 1101 "~II at Corner Brault this voyage. I I call at Newfoundland Outports u Inducement oHen. Blue. ~. .@ TRANS.CANADA AIR LlNU' 55, WITHY & COMPANY, LIMITED "(6gusins Sizqs 6 to 10 $1.00 \s WATER STREET E.\ST, ST. JOHN'S, NEWfOUNDLAND. \ JII\.D. L t wITiD Sizes 11 l . N Y k NY U\UNIlU If. rr. ... N B rw or, ., 'IIIC)If1 1:1'51:. Oh!i, . . Montreal, P.Q. I ;.)/. ;; ~ ______~------~----I.P------,

, I' 18 THE DAIL V NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, , , . ,~ : ~ :

, . " ' RUTCHEN'S . GR()CQY I UNITED . . MEAT MARKET, UNDERWRITERS. W. SN . "~'F'OR"'"':SALE 63 WIlliam Sireel Temple Bldg" O~ck""o!1h !It WANTED IMMEDI·ATELY J -' I ," ' '.' 'f' ~ WEST END ..' Dial 7450 ind 606% Dial ~0370·775F . 160r'M~li~RY ROAD ST, JOHN'S WEST --Sf. Joi,n'5 W-est-- SERVIC! I ' ; YOUNG MAN 29 PIERCE . . . good residential area)' CROSBIE & CO., LTD ~hree·· .to~ey ·.h~~';·:·i~~~ H. R. CLARKE WITH BOOKKEEPING EXPERIENCE Cool: $1.00 PI! . : ~eor~ho'ol,'aiid:'ch~c:hel, etc., containing­ Topsail Ro" Woolwortb Bl~2. Water SI . bogs for $2.75; ~ Dial ~2!95 Dial 5031 ':

JOHN D. O'DRISCOLL INSURANCE AGENTS i ~f. John's North WATER STREET ST. JOHN'S DIAL 90312 REAL ESTATE AGENT AND BROKERS AYLWARD'S nov 14.17 S8 t, mon d, ef PHAR~Act -_.-_ .. ------.. ------.- ~,. John's tast Cor. iIIonchy &. Empire An To Stay . Dial 90070 - STAN FOWLER DUNN'S FOR RENT '4 Queen'. Rd. \\tt . P.O. BOI 63 Dial b~S1 PHAR~AC1 BARNES ROAD Cor. Mayor anti Ground floor Apartment situate 158A Patrick · Situated ill the Hcart 01 tlll JOR BROTHERS Merrymeetint Rd. DIAL 7388 Street, consisting of two bedrooms, large living­ ~ TIRE ASHTRAY k LTD. wet, Comfortlbl. Atmltt' co W~tcr Street room, kitchen, bathroom and basement. .*•.••• _. rr.. BINDON'S PHARMACY For RC5crntions !nd In' With ecIch purchase of. set Custom Dial 28~8, 412. [ormatioD Suburbanites at Cor. Booaventure ad This Apartment is furnace heated, furnished :. MEEHAN & CO. Empire A,"e, , J, T. SWYERS CO., LTD. T.A. Bldg, Duckviortb SI .. DIAL 5921 and has hardwood floors throughout. Dial 6336 DIal 70t6,70.7 '. MRS. JOHN FACEY BONAVISTA. KENNEDY'S For further particulars apply: · Ruldftnt Manqertll REG. T, MORGAN DRUG STORr;, ~-; mS1.tf I Templr Bldg, Durkworth St I !04 Duckworth SI. Dial 80370·7"56 ,'.! DIal 2381 .i PARKDALE THE· ROYAL TRUST CO. : , PR'\R~ACY, P.O. BOX 208Q 'PHONE 5196 Elizabeth Ave. novl4.1 i.21 ~ STAN CONDON Dial 91120 ::.~ MURPHY'S ST. JOHN'S KENNEL CLUB-S.P.C.A. DRUG STORE, .. Commercial Section 119 ~lIIitllry ROld ; Under th~ sup ,", Dill 6H6 DOG SHOW i registered i I WE offer For Sale, the following list : informotion wril, t.: THQ;\lPSON'S ~ of Commercial Properties! Breed olg Dog ...... Sex ...... SeC'tl c pnAR~IAC1, , Chez Leon DRUG BUSINESS-With entire stock-Also 45 Quldl Vldl ROld Age ...... Name ...... i 95 Bentinck 51. · .' Apartment. Excellent location-No, Phone Owner'5 Nome ...... , ...... Jelephone .... ,.... . ! Sydney, N.S. FLEMING'S , Address ...... calls. PHARMAC'f. i 'PHONE 8205 !6~ Pennywell Rllad Entronce Fee S1.00 enclosed (No stomps please) KEW GOWER STREET - Another big price Registered und!l, Dial 92931 This form 5hould be completed and mailed to slash. Right in the good business section Schools Regulcn~ . of the street. Price S16,000. Apartment with ''1. John's West Show Secretory; P.O. Box H-152 not later than no\'1,tf it. November 18th, 1958. ------._------, FRESHWA TER ROAD-Commercial building. JOHN J. FEEHA~ , Real bargain. Around St. John's

" " SERVICE STATION-Just built last year. Thil '90 Water SI. TEACHERS WANTED '. is a fast growing bu~iltes5. Investigate itl Dial 3531 possibilities right away. 8 COOKSTOWN ROAD. ONLY ,~5Boo.00 . Applications are invited for the Anglican Regional I T.V. REPAIR$ COMJ\1ERCIAL BUILDING LOT FOR UASE REAL BARGAIN. High School staff from teachers of the following subjectsl IN THE CITY-Situat~ on Anderson A,·So CITY A~TENS.~ SERVICE, Size ~15 x 150'. Teiel'ision Antenna, In· English, Chemistry, Household Science and HIGHER LEVELS COMilIERCIAL AREA­ stalled. P~rts lold, Phonl Two Storey Dwelling with separate Shop. 92i61 or 90173. Commercial. Duties to begin September, 1959, mrln ,t( NEW GOWER ST.-Commercial site M,900.00. BEAUTY PARLOURS All communications should be addressed to the Secretory, Board of Directors C. of E. Schoob, TEMPERANCE ST.-Large Building. Freehold St. John's Central land. 5t .. Michael's School, St. John's, Newfoundland. SUPERMARKET AND SNACK BAR-Jl1st off AMBASSADOR Rf:AUn' PARLOUR LeMarchant Road. Being ~old B~ I going 246 Water Street FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE conCern. Terrific "alue. One of the best 'Jial 3089 w buys of the year. Call us right away for i w WE GIVE St. John'J North .~ further details. MAM'ZELLc'S I'- TWO COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS - One BEAUTY PARLOUR ~ GOLD STAR STAMPS building 30 x 85; other 22 x 50. ElIlIIbeth Ave. Dial 90199 w ~------, ~ Public TWO LARGE STORES IN THE CITY FOR .W ~ I NU.VOGUE SALE-Drop into the Office for further BEAUTY PARLOUR 1 ~ Oakley's Service Station I'- . Pl~~~~~~ n~'~, ;~/ infonnatlon. Rowan St. Dial 910S5 FRESHWATER ROAD w . Ihe 1011011 ill~ DUCKWORTH STREET-We offer the lease .~ ~ w. ~ Yr~I" .< HI::! St. John's East . IX L ______, IX 3 ItJ'" L."I.~· rights along with all stock and equipment in . I'- I'- ~ \\""1,,,, I.l".1 a Snack Bar. This business .opportunity GERTRUDE'S I FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE ! AnIIllJI. 111;1' r* can be yours for just $5,000, or the nearest . -T, ,- -.....' 7 tARCH PLACE HOUSE OF 8EAL'TY 'applit'ation 'u liI1.: offer. 2 ApI. Bungalow. Ideal location, See it this .: Quecol" Ild. UDS : Ilwnt Supt'n ."I'~. " : Terult't"s !!,;I~ ~~ . ! mGHER LEVELS-Hollse and Shop. Only •• '., )'j'.~ witek-end. MARGUERITE'S Rarn~ ~((. , ~,I ,0 I. $10,000, REAUTY PAR1.0UR \Inrl~rsignt'd nlJ::'" BIG SPECIAL-We have an excellent Build­ 4 Pmcott St.. ~ Dial 6391 Frida\', :"01 "~Llbt\: . I . The' highr< 0: ,:' I ing in the center of the busy portion of BUILDING SUPPLIES I not necl"s~an::' ill', . . , Water St. No 'phone cal1~ please, I.. r.. I·Rl. , SNACK BAR AND RESTAURANT-Co.rner IT, JOHN'S CENTRAL Dppllt~ "ini,l,r I Freshwater and Cookstown Roads. IEPAIIS I '. I· . W. BURTON & SON I ' CABOT ST,-Warehouse, Going at a Bargain 'ILeAIIZ' •• M LeMARRCAJ','T RD. ,ireston, Price. just $3,500.00, . Dill 6929 Re!. Elfi67F WAREHOUSE and OFflCES off Duckworth ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL IIIII . St. RecEtJ tly renovated, , . ELECTRICAL '. ANOTHER GOOD I!l.TV£STME!I.'T-We have Nfld. Armature Works Ltd. a large Erick Buildin,s: For Sale' in the bu!i. CONTRACTORS BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 7191 - 7192 ness section of the City. This propertyha! three Shops, - ST. JOHN'S NORTH J. V. DAWE Pasteurized, Homogenized, Reconstituted FOR RENT-Dry Goods Store in the Two-Way 115 Hoyle. Au. Stores on Golf Avenue. Great place to do No fire wben we wire. business. See us now. DIal 90901 Apl"lie~"on' w , . the po.st~ of LARGE BUILDING-Near new Post Office. GROCERS (RETAIL) MILK at the Kurm' " pltal for ~Irntal Freehold. Furnace heated. $15';000.00. Just Dilleases. Salar)' "' off Water Street. ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL 2Sc "Qt. $198.00 per annUm 68 PLEASANT STREET, $1700.00 DOWN. $1980·100·2200 W. ABBOTT LAND-l large block of land at. Waterford PRI~E-$.5200.00. $396.00 is Bridge Road and Water Street. 2 blocks at !~ Llvingrtone M. maintenancr, Dial '953 ISLAND DAIRIES LTD. in. Uniform! the Waterlord Valley. Topsail Road-Large eighteen working bock. Also at-Pennywell Road, Oxen Pond NORMAN DOWNEY TELEPHONE 92148 leave with full pI!, Road, Blackmarsh Road, Goulds :allad, Tor. '6 New Gower 8t. hour week. 75 NEW GO'WER ST.· House and Shop-$l~OO Dial 57%7 Duties will . bay Road, Portugal Cove Road, Cherry Lane, down. Real bargain. MORECOMBE'S supervision of Manuels. EAGAN BUILDING - Wonderful furnace GROCERY, staff under Ihl %0 Calver st. \'i!ion of the heated property with elevator and many DIal 3728 . ~~t TIRE ASHTRAY B B.m. to 4 p.1ll other modern conveniences. Coli us right to 12 p.m. ,11111;, away, \ BULGER'S With each purchase of set Custom Applicalio ll ' ""b CONFF.CTIONER'l' . I BIG PRICE SLASH-12:1 Bond Street-House Suburbanites at 3~ to a~1:' t'\ "'Klnt'J Bridge toad ~houltl be f"p' ann Shop. Was $'6:500, now it has been cut Dial 6926 FISHERMAN'S UNION TRADING at~lv tu IIil' to just, $5,500, This area isbad\y in need CITY AND SUBURBAN for·M."tal 3nd . GARAGE, · rases, Wattl'rord of a, confedionery 'store. Don't let this one GARBAGE COLLECTION 1 • St. John's. I . slip through .)~o.ur h~.nds. . w. Clean Gardens. Buemenu 1 PORT UNION . · LEOSARII ~ I ' • ur Two Commerical Picl!;·upt. j i Depuly ~IIDl! DIJlL 9321~ . nov1~,17 ,- ~ ,

. \.".. I D~~~.:;;~S_T._JOH_ N'S, NFlD.,.MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1958 19

i', . i" , ~ 'EST END j ': ,I i SERVICE ,i , , ; 29 PIERCE 1 ;i lol: $1.00 per KINSMEN " I i ~ l' for 52.7S; 4 J 8 beg I for Boys Club i' !"ll!1 Ileve oilS gal. . I : ' , de livery dial , !. ewspaper BINGO 1955 DODGE SEDAN , ., $550,00 SERIES I • TO·DA v's NUMBERS 1955 FORD' SEDAN Velvet Horn $825,00 I N G 0 Club 16 36 ~ 62 TO·DAY 17 39 49 64 21 40 50 71 CLUB OPEN '. THE ROYAL GARAGE LIMITED 28 32 53 74 , am. to 11 p,m. 29 43 54 66 • 'PHONE 2094·5·6 CAR lOT 92196 27 59 ' 61 FOOD Ar ITS BEST 58 70 FUR ALL YOUR PAIsTlNG, J 20 extenor or interior~ or 19 56 73 Sparking our pricel are reasonable. Phone 6784L, 'Crystll P.llc. "I know 10m. klltlnl Ilm.II" ag26,1m .. REQUIRED GOULDS ROAD • PLASTIC MODEL OPEN 2 p.m, DAILY· TO 1tEt1'T-Tlfo furnllhed w~" Walhlng For Immediate Employment Ip Kin - rOOllll, bedsltting room and PLANES AND MODEL Help Klddles Cat.rlng to weddlngl, kitchenette with .un of WAl.L w~8JIDjU - WaU, prlvat. parties & dane., bathrllom In private home. ,elean~d by olew 1!I.~h1n •. SHIPS For further information 'Phone 6481. RpsullJ peneet; lUes Billing Machine Operator All new model~ now in "I contactl nov17,lB palnt.":"'New Method Rug Ind Wall Cleanelli Fresh· ~tock. Orders sent prompt· The Curtis Academy MRS, AMY RYAN, 22A BEAUTY LAND, 129 Queen', Reply by letter, stating experience and water Road, Thone O~033. Iy allover Newfoundland. Golf Ave. DIAL 90024 Ro.d week·end speclal­ and School Associltion $lMO cold WI"! $10.00; NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN' Send 15c, stamps or coin qualifications to S12,~O cold wave $8.00; ERS. Rugs and Carpet made ::ler th~ 5Up will hold it~ fall for new 1959 ~atalogue in I $10.00 permanent wave to look Uk- new. Von full colour ~\tered inltructor, BAZAAR $11:00. ($15.00 cold wavi Schrader pro<:. add, ~.an BOX 165 c/o This Paper. o'mation writ. '8.00, momlnll only). 01.1 - to life of rug .. Cleaned ill Write ~u. Open evenings. home or It our plant. 'p~ leon Beauty during the afternoon and ev.nlng SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22- STADIUM 'Phone 91033. New Method MAO'S LIMITED, nol'17.\8 , Bentinck St. CHIMNEY CLEANING-With HUll Clelllen, Fnshwater 17 ROWAN STREET, dney, N.S. hlilowing stolls will b. featured! M.n's variety, modern equlpmel,1. We Road. ST. JOHN'S. . work, Pantry, Staff's variety, 00111, Wool, Junior Hockey vacuum . clean ehlrr.ney., ltoV.!l furnacu, funnelling WE REWIND AND REPAm E,x.pupils, 8 p.m. and air duct. etc. All • 'ork all types of Electric Motors, WANTED 'giltered under tni children: Fishpond, grab bags, and llUaranteed, Dial G. Dni" Generators and Starlers. Also ~ooll Regulation lervice. Refershments will be IIrv.d Holy Croll VI. M07 Repairs to Washing Machlnes, '.! 'f Ranlettel, Vacuum Cleane!'l. INSURANCE CLERK the ofternoon and .v.nlng, A mUllcal­ Felldians. THE ClNTUL IAUEI ttc.-Gra)' Motora ExchsDgl mop-We atl now oparst· Service. (M W. t • r 8trMt will be prelented at B.30 p,m, Com. Balcony ...... , .. ,1Sc. (Male) end help us h.lp our children, It will b. a Ing elJllt ehain. YV\ ean be West, 'Pt!OIle S830 . General ..und 01. tilt belt polilbl. opportunity to buy Chrlltmal Olfta., . ..mOl ,lUI the lellt pot­ FOP. 8ALZ-CoUeetiDII of rare Must be experienced handling insurance admlilion .. SOc. IIblt ·wa1t1J1l1. U NI" Go .. British and French colonials; .. St. opp. Ade1elde Motera ,110 very rar.Newfoundland Be records and insurance routine, handlin~ Hock.y Practice: Ltd. . Au,.31,tf ltamp,. IlllIpecUon onl)' by .p- claims and selling insurance etc. St. John's Truckers' 6.1S.;.Guardl. I'olntmenl-Jol1ll D, Snow. Modern CAIJI .AID for: CoJalca, Phone 6808. jly2~,lm ~!!!!!~~~~~~~ Pocket Boou, G u I tar I, -Apply - ~ Radios, Sewing Machines, ,".ANTED TV 8U1: Comles, Live A,ssociation GUJIJ, Skatea and Boou, m.gaunel, podtrt bookl. AT HOME Men'l Clotba, Boota, SbOIl, . lIultan, radlDl, I I W I I , 'f will hold a Itc.-John D. 5D01l. II New machine. blnoeulan. "eata. - Electrically ! Crosbie & Co., Ltd.' GoWIl' SI. &epll,1m er Ilull'; 1U1lJ, skates aDd , Mrs, ~ober1 J, McGrath, boota, men'. clothes .nd ~=-I MEETING "lNVUr IN Itl-:!IT." Bl", foolwear.-JolIII D. Snow, 8 will b. at hom. Tu.sday, comfortAbly, We fPeelallD New GoWIl' SL jlyZ,1m UGIIf "PO". I in the L,S.P.U. Hall on • IB ftPa11'lni lJId teeOndltloll' Co ...... """l*1 WANTED Nov.mb.r 18th, from l1l.I all typt, 8prlnll aDd ALTERATIONS - Panta pegg Ihttnuu GUlnnteeel , ed, and cliffed, .l"o Iulta Cheap Reliable Electricity I! IUfSDAY, November 18th, •• 30 p.m. 1 3.30 to 5,30 p,m, . at hr .ltered. Called for and In the following area or similar localities, work. Mattre"'l for back i delivered. Arthur R. L. In and Around St. John's Howley Avenue Ext" Raleigh Sereet, BUlinell: Election of oHleerl. retld.ne., 350 WfJI.r ,St. lilmlllb • apeclalty. 'Ph!tll. 84411 • 1341,' 8tedard Pearee. Dial 3228, M I O'Ne1l Avenue, four bedrooms, or with led41:1l COGSpaD}', Ltd., Goodrldae St., St. John' .. F10wlr HIll. f.b20,\f. oct17,lmlh Newfoundland three bedrooms, second or .pace for ARTMENT . FOR RENT Services second kitchen. T,.:)dp,~ art- inriltd HOLY NAME SOCIETY .' .·,i·,J'e. a~ i~ aM Onl 7 room HOUSE on PASSENGER NOTICES JOHN i C. HAML YN Of' ~\d1m\ing· TO RENT YI1I11C1ms Street, IIlnt $60 CONNECT10N GREEN BAY ~ \,[,~,.lil1~ Rami per MOnth, CARD PARTY SERVICE 3 HJI1\ 1.;lIllh; Real Estate, unfurnished hea~ed, ..If-contained, Train "The Caribou" leaving ; \\'['Iher I.amb! Appty. ST. ~OMPH'S SCHOOl AUDITORIUM St. John', 1,30 p.m. Monday. 'PHONE 7351 OR 2339·H. ~1,:ll"l. III~Y Of bedrooms, dining room, living' room, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, November 17th., will make con· and shower. Rent $150.0.0. BOX 120 1,30 p,m, nection at Lewlsporte with M.V. Nonla for the Gffen Bay -The Student Christian Movement Apply clo Dally N.w .. ~TY·PIVES-CASH PRIZES Service. of 39 AMHERST HEIGHTS. $30, $20, $1 0 CONNECTION SOUTH COAST TlCKETS $1,00 DOOR PRIZE $.5 , SERVICE Memorial University IIDY11,1T . Train "The Caribou" leaving will present 51. John'. l.30 p.m. Thursday, Novemher 20th., will' make It Their Annual Variety Concert . WANTED IMMEDIATELY connection at Port aux Bas· . NOVEMBER 19th and 20th at 8.30 ques with S.S. Baccalieu for the CARD PARTY' South Coast Service. in the rienced Stenographer Auditorium of the University CONNECTION ST, JOHN'S knowledge of general oKlee routine. L. s. ·P.i'U~· HALL LEWIS PORTE SERVICE Adminion: .$1.00 Reserved. 75c. Regular : Train "The Caribou" le~ying Tickets obtainable from Grace Hiscock 9OB03·F.1 Apply in writing VICTORIA STREET SI. John's 1.30 p.m. Thursday, Clyd Rase 91560·H; Florence Martin .4609·HI November 20th., will make con· T()'NIGHT, MONDAY, Nov.mb.r 17th, 8,30 .p,m, nection at Lewisporle with M.V. Mamie Bishop 4279·l, Tickets will also be sold at RNESS WITHY CO., LTD. Bonavlsta :or regular ports 51.. the c:klor, TI+REf MAIN PRiZeS John's·Lewisporte Service . AssisU WATER STREET EAST. NOTICE .'Itall bring yolirown cards, no\'.l7,31 Par your coal and oil COMf ONE, CC;>ME ALL 'FPEIGHT ACC~PTANCES M,tro ns d.llv.rl... Dial 91342 or .. FREIGHT souTH LABRADOR' , riud, Homogenized. Reconltitutttl 91D.U-Coal. dllllv.r.d in SERVICE EXCLUDING $l,QO bags and all In 5 ------.,--+------­ . NORTH WEST RIVEIl " ", 1 ;allan cansl Cllso birch Freight for' porta South TO RENT Labrador Service excluding , , JUl)kl, Call Valley Coal Norih Weet RiveT will be Ie· The top flat of Ash's Building 103 Long/l ~ :, t, I Clnd . 011 Servlc., 313 eepteel at' the Dock Coutal MILK Hill, containing four rooml with use of Pr.snwat.r Road.. Shed today, Monday,1I a.m. IT, A l\ r",v'D ta 5 p.m. for forwarding via oetlT,tf W .ft..L , .1 h. bath room. Suitable for General oKie ..~ 25c Qt. . ,. S.S. Kyle. nU!IGHT SOUTH COA8T Heat supplied. ISLAND DAIRIES' LTD.·' SERVICE C·,QO· K Frelallt II accepted dally It TELEPHONE 6515 the Railway' Freight She.d for TELEPHONE 92148 regular porta South COlit Ser· 'JIOR DEVON HOUSE, REP CROSS HOSTEL vice but In order to guarantee movement by thi! trip of the: . On. Experienced 8.S. Burgeo freight mUlt be I at the Railway Frelgh~ Shed 1 9 S .. In Initltutlonal Cooking Preferred not later then ~ p.m. Tuelday, ~~TIRE ASHTRAY November 18th . TIRE ASHTRAY AU,S T r N N Tw.n~.fI~. ye~'~ of age or over 00 .With each purchase of set C"stom Wttn tdch purchall ~ ~t C~'IO~ .$500. .Por Appolmm.nt Contact Suburbanites at· Suburl)anlt.. at MATtON WHELAN'S GARAGE, DIJ IMPORT MOTORS, -Baird Motors Ltd. b CKWORTH STREET .' • . DiAl 4847 . Y . MiRRYMEnlNG ROAD TiLEPHONING 61.1 1 DIAL 10371·' lov15,17,lD .' , THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, N.FLD·,.~~~'.~~Y~M.B~]7 < , . , , , .. " . ~ ". Gra~dmothe.. 's· I . ~'. , ., ", , :. , llave.now~How ". D!!!!i!!!--:: ',I'

" , J G'randmolhers are the v~ry . ' IN_,STOCK • best packen of Chrl.stmaa sur· is " priae boxe, for cbUaren., , They .. 'f;''' know that warm 'selUllble cloth· NEW ARRIVALS Ini II fun 10, wear liellBlble cloth· ·N .'':~PEA BEANS Bags 1~ • gay colour and I!n[s~ with un· , usual button.. They that ' '. knOw attle bOYlof almOit any lie like THE GReY SEAS UNDER 'model CUI, &I1d that llttle Ilrts ,Th, 'pic story of, PEA BlANS ' . Pkgl. 24-1',' Uke pretty h~lr rlbbolUl and pur· - ses and doll'l clothing.. the Salvage Tug • Thla month, ·Mrs. K. S. Rogers' "Foundation Frank- ·'SPLIT PEAS ~ - Bags l00's 01 Charlottetown, P.E.I.. Is using lin" Farley Mowat $6.00 ~' her sk!1i II an expert packer of I, FIVE' POINT APPLES • children's surprises to prepare 8 MUTINY' I ; , , Christmas parcel for her foster Frank Ti/s/ey ...... $3.00 SPLIT PEAS , '.i Pkgs.24-1's I child, Kum Jal. In the Home lor HORNBLOWER IN I Disabled Children In Seoul, ' ~'- : korea. ' THE WEST INDIES " GREEN PEAS r, Bags· 1'00.5 , I· Kum Jal. who lost both her C. S. Forestar ...... $3,00 CANADIAN CHEESE .' ... '" parenlJ 1n the Korean War, has 0 G CANADA . Ibeen pr~vided with food. shel. Y UN I ter Warm ciothlni and the best BOOK WEEK GREEN 'PEAS Pkgs. 2~1's ; educatioDal andvocat!onal .r ain· is from Nov. 15th i Ing po!lSlble by Mrs. Rogers at We have a wide selectian I the Cost of $60. per year unrler NO. 1 ONIONS SHELLE~ WALNUTS I the Foster Parent Scheme span· of boks for children of all : sored by the Unitarian Service ages. "Manchurian" Light Halves ~ Committee wllh headqUarters at \~ I 78 Sparks Street, Ottawa. , Through letters and tho~6htful surprise elfts from her Canadian SEE OUR LARGE AS· P. E. I: POTATOES foster mother, Kum Jal has SORTMENT OF PAPER- corne to know some of the loys 01 a happy and secure childhood BACKS:-College Out- line Series, Viking WROOPER TRIBE GROWS . Portable Library, Pan T&M WINTER LIMITED WASHINGTON (API - Mrival of 32 whooping cranes at Aran· Books, Penguins, Harper's GEORGE NEAL LIMITED sas National Wildlife Refuge in Torch'light, St. Martin's "GENERAl MERCHANT > ST. JOHN'S " ITexas makes the known world Classics, Popular Mech­ 'PHONES: 2264 - 4440 - \l'hooper population number 38. This Is the highest number ,ince anics Handbooks, Anchor record keeping began \1'0 year:! B-:loks, Vintage, living ago. And there is still the pos· Archie Rell Island slblllty that three adult birds Age, Meridian, Ever- The offer was a direct r~,., mOlllhs Ill,,, which migrated norlh last spring green, H. & S, Yellow- IJnitarian ponse to a recenl L:SC apv"~l: If you 11~1", ,,::j, ~ will ahow up at Aransas, 'Iakcets, Anvil Books etc. for ends of 11'001 to he made Into i your home :11;,: ~o;' Kiwanis Doings ~ ______. Servl·CeS knitted 'shirts for Arab refu~eel plans.!or, fl'<,"t ,.'e~,' BIRTHS - babies and long·sleel'ed. high· the t:SC. ,H ':w" ' BELL Family rellrinn, or:, packed necked pullol'crs fOr Korean en'l, tawa, 1'hc-" '." 'i,: ',c ,t ISLAND-The Kiwanis BARRO~'-Born at St. eTar!','s dren whn spend thc wintcr' icnt an d JnIllH':I",~ '" " D'Ie ks & C0 Lt,··d With amazing surprises" , ___~ __. ____, ___ _ Club held Its first luncheon, Merey Hospital, November 1~, .,. Last year s tn, umildered I I~ ______• meeting In the new Legion Me· I to Thmoas and Marjorie n(ee I ""he B k II babies hal'e become arliculJle' morlal Club, Wednesday even·: Flynn) BaITon, a son. DD se ers children. Boisterous youngsters I Ing with Prcsident, B, w. Tuck· I '.. I 'are transformed into soft.spoken er In the chair, , HOLLE'IT-Born Nol'. lolh" ~t ~pin 4425 or 200B or 3191 '. teen.agm on the I'erge of matu.

'The sing song was led' by the Grace Hosp.ltal 10 Manly n \\,EDDI~G : ritl'. Dinner tables are 'ligh. , " Harold Goslne in the absence Inee ~loores), Wife o[ Dr. D. A, ____~_, i ligilled wilh the be.st results of of Brian Murphy who is pres· Hollett, a son. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Grace of I a whole year's eXperimenls wilh I ently at Afnllr\or,' att~nding' a LEARIE-!-Born Sunday {o ~lr. Golf, Club Road, BridgetOWn. I food.' , Civil Defence Convention. and Mn, James Learle (nee Barhados, B, W. 1., announce Ihe I To mark the recent occa~ion! I Congratulations were extend· Rose Noseworthy) at the Grace marmge of their d a II g h t e r of Ihelr reunIOn. .a Hazelcliffe, i i cd to the officers and members Maternity Hospital, a brother I Lucille .10 Dr. Roberto ~ribe of, Saskatchewan [amlly put contn.; Canadian Legion lor their fine for Billie:' Colombia. South America. on, butlOns together and scnt a ~ene. I building which is a credtl to any , NOl'ember 81h. 19.'i8. wilh ~uptial ,rOilS cheque to Ihe [Jnilanan' community. The Kiwanis have Mass at St. Kel'in's Roman' Serl'ke Committee. jR Sparks been meeting here since 19~7, ARIAM Catholic ChIJfl-h. Monlreal. P. Q. Street, Ottawa. I and were gratelully thankful: IN MEMv Dr. and Mrs. Uribe will take up, The money will be used to iced for the opportunity, Every sue· i residence at 3915'\ Lacombe I clothe and provide medical ~are i cesl was wished the ClUb, GREENE Boulel'ard, Montreal. '[or necdy and destitute KJrean : A letter wal read from the orphans who hal'e ,lost bOlh I Safety Council stating that In lo~lng memory of ., DEATHS horne and families through war. Newfoundlanll Safe Driving dear -husband and,fatber, SEARS-P d 1 iI' Old.fashioned darning, with III b ...... d D 1 .,THOMA·S. J. GREENE" . asse. peace u y solid cro~s WOl'en slitching wiii, Week w e o .... erve ce. - whD departed thil life, a\lia~ Sunday, No~ember 16'1 dOllble the life of any slocking I 7th, November 17, 1957, Wlll!am Sears, age 81 year6 of I or swealer, The president was p\,eased to May he rut In peace. Patrick Street. Leaving to I Recently 8 Toronto, Ontario welcome two new members Don nlourn 3 sons, 4 daughters, 2: lI'om;!n u,ed her darning skiii to Templeman and Mike Stoyles. -IllIerted by his wife and slep·sons, ? step.d,aughters, also: raise $2.00 for the Unitarian Ser. Put Lt. Governor, Dr, Wal· daughter Blandte. one broth~r, Mlc:.lael Sean of \'ic~' LGr.ltllittec. , QUALITY HEARING ter Templeman Inducted Menu, BrooklY,n N.Y. Funfral Tuesda?', ''I'm sorry I have so little to Templeman and Stoyles and at 9 0 clock from l~O Cashin ," I':role in a letter to p!'efented them with their KI Avenue to SI. Patrick'. Clturch, USC headquarters. 76 Sparks I '. wanll pins . . TV (tel) ". U"awa, I lor oo'y . . REPAIRS RYAN - Passed peacefully Ibr cuntribution Ilii! buy eighl ' $50 .,:': ~ .", In welcoming the new memo away on Saturday, November woollen shirts to cOI'cr the .laked i bers President Tucker pointed l~, Albert Ryan, age 67 years,' il3cks and chests of babies in lne, out the benefit the KIWlInls . Leoylng to mourn their sad loss, ! Kodai mountains of Soulh Indi;!, ' tc"~ TIRE ASHTRAY Club baa been to the. corn· I REASONABLE RATES wife two daughtm, Phyllis: 1IIIcre chilling lemperatures: munlty ore Instance being the i GUARANTEED WORK (~Irs. Walter Bennett). St.! nel'er rise abol'e ,i~ degrees in original herd ol four cows a' " . , 3 John'~, ~!ary D!r.I, ~!arcus' the warmest monlh~, Can YOlt pay more? .. Yes.' Can yOll finr1 iH11: gift to the people of Bell Is· 'P H 0 N E 7 '3 1 Ash) of Toronto; two sons, The ~pinning wheel i" no Ion. Model fIJi' land from the late President 01. '. Albert and Harold Rt home, ger a tOllI o! induslry by an open ity? ... No! for 1I1udel. .. feallll'e 1:1,,:: \ , Dosco, Lionel A. Forsyth, EI . ,three brothers. one sister and cottage door. It has becume 8 vou won't find a belter hearing aid 111:' 11 ZcrJ~ , WABANA' MOTOR' SUPPLY, hal'l IncreRied and the quality ectronlc si~ grandchildren. runeral treasured bl'lt idle antique I\ith ~nywhere. You owe it lo your hearing 10 :11\ . of milk il very much improved., d will take place today, ~!onday. a plac~ ~f honour in traditional "- " ... SELL ISLAND, I b Centre Lt. at 2.30 p.m. from hi~ latr resi· lil'in~ rooms. • IO·Day M.n~y.Back Gua,anlll. I·Ye", Wo',,"! There will be an Inter·c u de nee, 141 Forest Road to thc' On a re~cnl occa,ion, offici;!I, : • 5-Year Afte,-Purcha.e Prolecllon rl,. meetinK of Bell hland and Har'90 CAMPBEll AVE. Anglican cemeler)'. 'ilt tnitarian Serl-ice Commitlee' liour ,Grace .t that town next A"ter hours 'PHONE 6"'011 PE~STON-Passed awav Af .• IleaOQIIRrtcrs tholl~ltt wistfully FREE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE ~======-= ___ ~T~u:e:!d:I::..j':.-. ______""-'-_======ter a ~hort Ulncs.' on SU;lnay, I or pionccr spinning ria)'s, when -----...:------November 16, at Sl, Catharines, I Ihey were offered a large qllan. , COME IN OR CALL TODA Yl Ontario, Elizabeth Penston age i Iity of wool straight from the 82 years iormerly of Squires i sheep'5 hack. Avenue 5t. John's. Leaving to ' ------

Lillie)mourn, Torontoone sister and (Mrs. A nllmher Janet ,'Gett·lng Up N"lghts " .-' oC relatives and friends. Inter· " . .t· ment at NIagara Falls. , for flulck comlorUnr help IOf' Bac:ucne ' BROWN - Passed peacefully Rhtumatlc Paha, (jelling Up NllhU. "trOD' cloudy W1n •• lrritaUnI putUeJ, away ,after a long illness on Ltl PillM, Icd 10011 of tDUIY due lo Kid. • . "'I Sunday afternoon Kovember nry and Bladder troublu. try CYSTEX. STEERS LTD. 80021 l\ ater ~1. " Quick. eomplfUl ntlafac:t1on or mora'), 111, Henry Charles Brown, age back. Over 900 mUllan CYSTEX Ilble" FURNITURE - APPLIANCE STORE 81 yean. Leaving, a devoted und prove IIlel,.. lUett.. , Don't wHer [lnolhl!f day without ukln. your drul' wife and daughter Pearl and I rill for CYSTEX. dear aiater (Mrs. Rebecca March) of Brownsdale, T.B. FUneral will take place tom or· row, Tuesday at 2,30 p.m. by motor hearse from his late res I· ' dence, 374 Hamilton Avenue BEST WHOLESALE PRICE~ Extension to the General Pro· telllant clmetery for Interment. HOPKINS-Died suddenly on I board S,S. Bar Haven at Grand I Bank, Chief Engineer, William: ON ALL BUILDING SU Hopkins in his 58th year. Leav· I PPll~~ ing to mourn besides his lovin/: : wife Ida, one 50n Raymond,! at Hamilton, Onlario and one I WE SPECIALIZE IN daughter Lorraine (Mrs.' James PLYWOODS Laithe) of 51. John's; two I slster~ Mrs. G., T. Gordon and I ,B,C. DOORS Mrs. Lawrence Kane and one I EXTERIOR SHeATHING brother Gerald, ali of East I Lynn: MaS/!. U,S.A. Funeral, WALLBOARDS and PLASTERBOARD from his late residence ~g Mayor Avenue at 2.30 p,m. HARDBOARD Wednesday' to the Anglican IMPORTED WOOD MOULDINGS cemetery, '" . OAK FLOORING ASPHALT SHINGLES . , " . LADIES' ' ASBESTOS BOARD' and SIDING SHINGLES Nylon Stretche. FIBERGLAS .1 '. '. PAINTS, Etc • \ .f : .. J . . Gloves ,~ ',~ .,'.~ . RItg. ,98c. , ,', CI"~ We--have the largest stock of ARBORITE for table topS l' '. Now 29c. ',' >. ~ETAL MOULDING (the kind that won't rub off). ....,,' .

. ,

~" -,.,,": A. H~ MURRAY '& Co~, Ltd, .MeAD. \ • . WAm ITREn BUILDING SUPPLIES D~PARTMENT, ST; JOHN'S . l,r . ' ,DlURCHIU ,All