~OV. 12 .' .. , , , ' , ~ t 'I • . !J -.; ,; i I neW SIX passenger ~~ : I,J "i··_ .j ~ ; , , J" ' VAUXHALL ' ' "'i H01S , (, .. eI I : is an ideal car for, THE DAILY NEWS .~~ , ' Ii Newfound'anders a .. 00••• ---- , ! .. Vol. ..6.5. ------ No..... 263 ------ .. ------------~---------------------------------.---------------------------~-----ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1958 (Price 7 (enb) Charles Hutton &,Sons 'i i ' ' 'I I " May Quit • • , ' " , Trade Area e ec Ion DC ear ro osa s , " • !' ','i~. 'I',ii' r". f ! i ',t 1'1 )' , Result In A European Economic War " " • ·oi 00;\-:\1', -BritRin Sunday night W8I re­ "iell' \0 ql: t I; -nRtion talks on the Europun T;~ni /\:(1 FT,II Dvrr difference. with Franc•. ~i1:1"::",'[I:1fl\t i~ txp~cted before Wednet­ ause US enSlon FTA "c",'::;lt:ons Rre due to resume in Paril, , ~ ,'I :::r ,,11:,<, with Britain Bnd France at ,:' ,," '" 'I', the w~y for an economic war II'el': I' F:II "i' ( into two riVAl trade bioci. '\. I Ill' ------------- ' ...• Inl' Russia Opposes tlip Icrm~ proposffi hy Britain, . ~ . : l11l \ 11 " !lilt ,aid France ~till 1V0uld work \\ l'~1 for i1 solution. I' ': .I11i1 Brilaill'~ reaclion, as expressed " .. ". in' I he ~o\"crnmrnt source Sunday .. "' ,.. , i1i~ht. was: Control System ",' II "If S01:~lel1e's slatement rcprt­ '1 .. ;1 ,,' "rill, official French polley, Ill! 'we GENEVA-AP-A br~akdown of the East·West " '];(' IllII,t aSSUnle it docs, there would ',' ,,,111, -,cem 10 be little point In our con- negotiations of nuckar test suspension cleArly became 1IIIIling 10 tnke part In the Parl~ 8 possibility Sunday in view of rejection by each side 111"1\\ Iw~otiations on the I r present of proposals put forward by the other. The United 1:'''11-,1 basis," States rejected a Soviet plan on the ground the RU!­ .' ,11 SO C07\JME~T :,111,11 Tile foreign office would ma~e ~ians sought to extract a promise to end tests with­ ·~~:lj.. no formal commant on the report, out giving guarantees on a control system. I' i :','l1l'i1 Britain's chief [,eCotiator at Lhe The SOl'ie: Union turned down, -------- 1-, It, Paris lalks. Paymaster General counter·proposal adl'ancctl, by· The s t a I e deparlment an. , " ,1",1[1· [{eginald ~!audllng, IR in London a ,: ,," .. i,:ill~' conferring with Prime Minister the United Stat~s,Thc AIII"I'~Cdn, nounced in Washington the UniLed plan., brought In With BntlSh' States rejected theplan whic:l ~o­ , ,'" < III ~!ncmil1an and his colleagues. backing. urged Ihe three powers I I'let Dele~atc Semyon Tsarapkin The common market II a 10rt to accept a double commnme,nt submitled ill the form of a jraft - 10 of customs union. Its memben to endtests, and to, e,;tabltsh tne treaLy on Ihe first day of the hare agreed gradually to scale necessary Jnlernalional macilln- GencI'a Lalks. , 'r ,el ,'" " :r:,';c dOlln uno within 10 to 15 years to eryto pollcc such a han, Th \\' l' -', --- ,- ". ,- ;:I,n abolish all tariffs. customs and All three delcgates said thcy, ,e" as IlngtOl~ announcem'~nt o:her trade resLrictions between were slill cad\' 10 ontinue thcir ! said: Tile maIO I~tenl of Lhc 50- paeh olher, efforts to I:'ork- out ~n agrl)l!mcnl. : \'IeL draft Ireaty, IS to conclude ;\[ the same time Ihe fiix 11'111 , !lut pros peds for ,~uch an a~re!,- i an, a~rermrl1t brln~ :cadled ,.on :;;.'0·", ,11'11:1 ,1111 set up a common external :arm. ment appeared dim mer ,han' a control s,stem nece_salY 10 ~r ::T~':: 1I"'1',>cr n;t·, pll1~ cerlain imp 0 r t Quotas, ! whcn the talks .slarled Ocl. .It. i lfY the ~aper ,plcd~e. In effect,tnc 1)1 -"~I (,f F:llopr. against outside nations. The aim : CO:-lTRO! S"STE'r . SOViet l mon IS a"klng tile . , , ," , SI lb' " Umt~c'" \' [11'IIEIl • is 10 prolecl their own IndUltries Ob\,lously. agreement can olll~' i a es 10 uy a pig In a po.,c. :: \ ~ 10l'.:\J :0; ~r"In~ quick: against outside compeUtlOII. he reached now If the Russians' The nuclear talks resume .0- . , GreCI RED CH1NA-Red Chinese artillerymen prepare shells at an undisclosed Jlost In Red China. Accordini: to :::\"lteu to :c,- ,'T \ \lcre 1\11 this worries exporting coun· obligaLe themsel\'es to work \','ith day. I",:d~\" by, g:"" l~r;:(' la" Irics olltslde the common market, the official 'caption r,eceived from. Communist source, "The entire nation of the People's Chinese Republic is the two Western powers in setting A second east-west conferencc­ i,r: :lts , .. ,\I n i< I PI': like Britain, Sweden. Norway, prepared for the fight against the Chiang Kai-Shek clique, The liberation of Formosa, the Pescadores, up B world·girdling control sys- the l()-nation technical meeting on , Denmark and oLhers. They realize tem. Unde~ such a system all SUrprise attack problems- also m0'""d \'," I!d hp; they ~tRnd to be squoezed out 01 Quemoy Ind Matsu .nd the final unification of the homdand become the holy obligation of 650,000,000 three countries 1V0uld have to ac- wi1\ resume today. This confer- CTRA ~ ,.~~h ',,, H,\ on a traditional merket. people."-(UP.I Photo). cept ,foreign·manned observation ence Is deadlocked on the scope :iE E d ------------------------~~~~;~~~===:~~~~==~~;~~~~onthcir~i~,s=~ofthea~a.L.DmaWilgres!I n ~a~OU!~ .... , •. -Fui.!th~~-Blockade I Suggests Changes ~~~g,'~.:;,"::~:":.;:. '""'~ ~:':~:~,;:r~~;:'·g·li"" ., Breakdown B"'e"·r·'ll·n 'Un''l'l·k' el'y'i Tax Laws I Experts Seek study l\I01.0 1\1:\(; 1 Luxembourg, Income p ~!m - IlIten~he When their agrt&ment becomel Spr.-ngh-.II's roblems 'trf IInorr WRy i operatil'e It will mark Ille oelln. BERLIN (API-WllIy Brandt, I'esling any more of their money ----------------------------------- !AlP Ihe YC:1r,ohl' nlng of trade dl5crimlnation in th mayor of West Berlin, laid Sun- In it. By TOM WILLIAMS Iccountin, meiliod,5 ",'ert rea~on-I TORO~TO (CP' -.4. Toronto i arpn't the only way Ie make a ~),1e np~oli~linn! eyes of the othfr 11 nations. Iday he does not believe the Com· The current threat sRain.t the Can~~lan PrclN staff Wrlt~r ablt In case~ of dispute. He laid i llusines clinic of rrtired ~nior Iil'ing," h o~::lol\n '01- i ' • , munlstl Ire ,oln, to blockade his these rxpert~ would be Ol'tler', ,s ,t k ' , city \\'a~ unleashed last ~!onda)' i WIrI:-IIPEG (CP~ - A radical 1'1' d t J d t' t e;,eClltl"cS wan s to La e a teRm The c!tnlC wa~ formed ()I1ly R :ri""~on la,t Inqulrle~ among officials of Mel'· city now. in Moscow by SOl'iet Premicr change m Canada J j~come tax qt lIa I tlhe 0 II Igde Bccounllng ma t· III experts to disaster - Itricken short time a~o to offer advice to bn r:An for the ~ral n8t1on~ concernrd with the In a radio addre.,! to fellow Khrushchel'. He said the Rl15sian, law that woul~ permit business ers an WOli • regu ar cour - ' I' I d h f ' i talk, on a frei! trade lone IhO\'pd Weat Berliners, Brandt laid: "J . d SJll"lll~ III to stll y w at type 0 small hUslnesses that need help, are going to give up their occupa. men to determine deductible eX­ lllHge,.~ .' , d in:lltslr)" 1I"01lld help put the town All Ihe rptired senior eXe<:uLil'cs ON' in uniniPr.: there hR~ been conllderable mil- do not bellere we stand on thc tion rights in East Berlin And IIII'll "en,CI by any accountlnR method e sal" COllrt "e<:ISlons Dase 't f t in ' , tl ~m ~~hlr~~)',' IInder.ltanding~ on both .Ides. thre.hold 01 a dramatic develop· on law and prcccdcnt are nnl a,- I on I s PC aga '_ , ' Ion the dlmc are ~u~ce~~/1 :n .. n Lhem ol'er to Ille Ea!t Gp.rman the)' tho.ught reasonable was 8Ug­ I), hi T t ' ,I. Thomas. K. "N. M, MOrr!- 11'110 wanl to do ~omet1l1ng WIlli Th~ F'rent'h thought they had men!. I do not beller! that Ihc way,~ reasona e, axpa.\'el's go i : ' Communiat regime. He laid lile' ~c,tctl ~~illl'day by an economic [th I tl ",nn alld A R. Tl1rner. ".110 ooer, Ihelr retirement. manr Ihrir ohJection~ to Ille Iree American tranlport plane~ Nhicil II Ie ae Iua I wor d 0 e all' ra IeI': I B d r D' t ~ " , are Il"nding by will he I'e to be IYwe51ern Allies ~hould rlo the Iexpert, , than juslice. : air lie ~al' ~ Iree OLI ,enlce. ,\Ir. Thoma~ said: "s",calk~ Irade 70ne clrar And II'fre no~ini lI.!ed." same in West .Berl'n. Prof; \~', G, ,Leonard of the His stand was atta('kcnby Pr,'r. Plan. ~'" Ihe, want to lInderta~r ~hosl tOll'ns are all too p~el'alell: Queen s l.'nll'ersl\y school of COill· , fnr Rriti~h rounler·J1ropo~81!. The F. E, LaBrie of the tnil'crsitv of the ~tud~' :lS foon as posllblp anr! ! in many rRrts of Canada lnd If "" .. , ;:n'.Nn, Ihrilish they hed 1m. Brandt laid he luspects the The « . year - old mayor re- merce. Kingston, ant., said the 'Ol'TIlr:R:\ 1i101I~ht Toronto law school on grounds it : 11111 try to ral~e $6,000 to pay a We can sllccl'€d in a whole 01,­ ~n.,· , pressed the Frcneh sufficiently to Russian.
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