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Glossary 623

Glossary 623

Glossary 623


Access pricing A charges for access to a . Comparative advantage Exists when the Accrual Expenses and are recorded of production of a good (in terms of other when they occur, not when they are paid. forgone) is lower in one country than in another. The Ad valorem A tax on the of sales. concept applies generally to all economic agents. Additive utilitarian social function Social welfare Compensated demand The demand for goods as a function expressed as the sum of individuals’ . of , while holding constant. Adverse selection A problem in markets that Compensated labour supply The supply of labour as a occurs because those taking up insurance contracts are function of when the income effect of likely to be worse risks than those who do not take up changes is removed. insurance. Compensating variation The amount of that Allocative efficiency Allocating resources so as to produce ensures an individual is as well off with a change as he the optimal mix of goods. or she is without it. Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem No collective decision- Computable general equilibrium model A model with making rule compiles fully with six generally accepted equations for demand and supply for all sectors of the ethical criteria for voting. . Asymmetric information A situation in which economic Concentration ratio A measure of the proportion of a agents do not have the same information. taken up by the largest firms in it. Benchmarking Comparing an agency’s costs with the costs Consolidated revenue The government account into which of similar providers. all are paid unless they are ear-marked for a special purpose. Benefit-cost ratio The ratio of the present value of recurrent benefits to the present value of capital Constitution Defines the basic institutions and rules of the expenditure. and the methods of appointment and powers of the head of state and government. Black economy Unreported commercial transactions that do not enter into calculations. Constant A common set of prices used to value economic variables at different points in time. Budget constraint The limit to expenditure. Consumer surplus The difference between the maximum Budget sector Government services that are financed out of amount that a consumer is willing to pay for a good and the annual government budget. the amount that he or she actually pays. Capital gain An increase in the value of an asset. Contestable market A market in which entry and exit are Capitalisation The process whereby future income or free. payments are incorporated into the price of an asset. Contingent valuation A survey method used to elicit Categorical income transfer A payment that depends on individual values for a non-market good, contingent on the recipient belonging to a specified category of it being available. person. Corrective tax A tax that corrects for by Certainty equivalent The amount of income that an adjusting the marginal private cost of a good to individual would give up in exchange for an uncertain internalise a negative . prospect. Cost-benefit analysis An evaluation method that compares Private actions will correct for . the total social costs and benefits of a proposal as far as Common property resources Non-excludable resources possible in money terms. available freely to anyone who wants to use them. Cost-effective analysis A technique for comparing the costs of alternative proposals to find the minimum cost solution which achieves the given objective.

Copyright 2018 Peter Abelson, www.appliedeconomics.com.au 624 Glossary

Cost function A function relating total cost to the level of Equivalent variation The amount of money that ensures an . individual is at least as well off without a change as he Cross-sectional data Data for individuals, firms, regions or or she is with it. countries at a given point in time. Excess burden The loss of welfare that occurs due to the Current prices Using the prices prevailing or forecast for imposition of a tax, over and beyond the tax collected. each point in time to measure economic magnitudes at Excise tax A tax on of a selected . that time. Expenditure substitute A tax concession that substitutes A loss for which there is no offsetting for direct government expenditure. benefit. Experimental studies Studies based on a sample of Depreciation The loss of value of a capital asset in any individuals randomly assigned to a treatment and a given period. control group. Destination taxes Income or consumption is taxed where Externality Any effect that market exchanges have on firms received or consumed at point of destination. or individuals who do not participate in those Direct democracy A in which all adult exchanges. citizens are entitled to participate by voting. Factor tax A tax on a factor used in the production process, Direct tax A tax that is borne by the entity paying the tax. such as capital or labour. Discount rate The rate used to discount future sums Factor price equalisation theorem Given free and no to present sums. transport costs, prices of factors of production will be Earned income tax credit A tax credit per dollar of earned equalised across trading partners. income. Financial analysis An account of the cash flows of a project Economic incidence of taxation Indicates who actually for a specified agency. bears the tax. Fiscal illusion Occurs when an agent does not understand Economic (pure) The excess of a firm’s revenue the real impact of a fiscal change. over the opportunity cost of all inputs. cf: accounting Fixed cost Costs independent of the level of production. profit which is the return on invested. Flat-rate tax A tax where the marginal tax rate is constant The return to any factor of production in across all levels of income. excess of its opportunity cost. For a firm, economic Free riding Occurs when someone enjoys the benefits of a rent is the same as economic profit. good that is provided by others. Effective tax rate Actual taxes paid divided by the taxable General equilibrium A model of an economy that portray s base. the operation of many markets simultaneously. Effective marginal tax rate The percentage of an extra General purpose grant A grant with no conditions dollar that an individual loses due to tax and loss of attached. grants. Generational accounting Measuring the effects of a policy The percentage change in one variable brought on the members of each generation. about by a one per cent change in another variable. Measures the degree of inequality as the Elasticity of (technical) substitution A measure of the ratio of the area between the Lorenz curve for a given responsiveness of input combinations, such as labour income and the 45 degree line of equality and capital, to changes in their relative prices, holding and the total area under the line of equality. output constant. Globalisation The worldwide integration of markets. Equal marginal sacrifice rule Tax should be arranged so tax An Australian tax that is levied on that all persons paying tax have an equal marginal the value added at each stage of production (see also sacrifice. value-added tax). Equilibrium Occurs when no economic agent has an Head count ratio The number of below the incentive to change their behaviour. poverty line as a proportion of total households. Equity When used in , a term that is Horizontal equity Individuals in similar positions should be synonymous with fairness. treated equally. Equivalent taxes Two or more sets of taxes with the same incidence.

Copyright 2018 Peter Abelson, Applied Economics www.appliedeconomics.com.au Glossary 625

Horizontal fiscal imbalance Occurs when sub-national population or income recipients from the poorest to governments have unequal to provide richest. public services. Low income tax offset An increase in the threshold at Horizontal tax Tax competition between two which low earners are taxed. jurisdictions to attract or retain resources. Lump sum tax A tax that is independent of an individual’s model An individual invests in education to behaviour. increase the present value of their lifetime income. Marginal Additional, extra, incremental. Imperfect competition Occurs when an individual buyer or The incremental cost of producing one more seller can influence the market price. unit of output. Imputed rent The monetary value of services that an owner Marginal physical product The addition to output in of an asset receives from use of the asset, for example physical units per unit increase in any factor input. from owner-occupation of a dwelling. Marginal rate of substitution The rate at which an Income (Haig-Simons definition) The value of goods that individual is willing to trade one good for another can be consumed in any period without any change in while remaining equally well off. net . Marginal rate of transformation The amount by which Income effect The change in consumption due to a change output of one good can be increased if the output of in real income. another good is reduced by a small amount. Income in-kind Income in the form of goods and services Marginal revenue The additional revenue obtained with the rather than cash payments. sale of one more unit of output. Indexation The use of an , such as the consumer price Marginal revenue product The addition to revenue from a index, to adjust nominal prices and maintain constant unit increase in factor input. real values. Marginal social benefit The benefit accruing to all parties The set of consumption bundles that from production of an extra unit of a good. yields the same total utility to an individual. Marginal The cost accruing to all parties from Indirect tax A tax levies on one party that may be borne by production of an extra unit of a good. . another party. Marginal tax rate The extra tax paid expressed as a tax The effect of inflation on the value of an percentage of an additional dollar value of the tax base. individual’s monetary assets. Marginal wage cost The cost of employing an extra worker. Internal rate of return The rate of return that equates Mark–up pricing Prices are marked up until revenues are discounted net benefits to discounted capital costs. sufficient to cover costs. Internalisation Where the marginal private benefit, or cost, Market disequilibrium A situation in which the plans of of goods is adjusted so that the users consider the actual buyers and sellers do not match and some economic marginal social benefit or cost of their decisions. agents have an incentive to alter their behaviour. Intransitivity Inconsistent rankings of preferences. Market failure Occurs when a market fails to generate an Isoquant A curve which shows the different combinations efficient outcome. of inputs that produce a given quantity of output. When a firm can raise price above long-run Labour intensive A firm or industry in which the ratio of and obtain a return in excess of labour to capital inputs is relatively high. competitive rates of return. Linear tax structure A tax structure that has a constant Matching grants Grants that that are conditional on the marginal tax rate at all levels of income. recipient providing a specified contribution. Local A public good that provides benefits to Median voter The voter whose preferences lie in the middle residents in a local geographical area. of the set of all voters’ preferences. Logrolling The trading of votes to obtain passage of a Median voter theorem In some specified conditions, the package of legislative proposals. of the median voter is decisive Long run marginal cost The cost of supplying an Merit goods Goods that government considers individuals additional unit of output in the long run. should consume even if they do not demand them. Lorenz curve A curve that plots the proportion of total Regulation that sets the income received against the proportion of the adult minimum wage at which firms can employ labor.

Copyright 2018 Peter Abelson, Applied Economics www.appliedeconomics.com.au 626 Glossary

Mixed public goods Goods with some and Opportunity cost The value of output or leisure foregone some public good characteristics. by using a resource, or by behaving, in one way rather Moral hazard Occurs when insurance against the than another. consequences of risk changes an individual’s Opportunity set The set of outcomes that can be achieved. behaviour. Ordinal preferences Rankings or orderings of alternatives. Multi-criteria analysis An evaluation method in which Ordinary (or observed) A demand curve weights are attached to various objectives, and to how that shows how demand varies with price. well these objectives are met, in order to assess the Pareto efficient An allocation of resources such that a relative merits of alternative projects. reallocation cannot make anyone better off without Natural A single firm that can supply a market’s making someone else worse off. total output at lower unit cost than two or more firms Pareto improvement A reallocation of resources that makes can. at least one person better off and no one worse off. Negative gearing Occurs when the interest payment on a A model of a single market that ignores property loan creates a negative net income from the possible effects into other markets. property. Partial factor tax A tax that is levied on a factor in only Negative income tax system A tax system that includes some of its uses. income grants as well as taxes. Participation ratio The ratio of the number of persons in Net present value The estimated value of a stream of the workforce to the number of persons aged 15-64. benefits net of costs discounted to present value terms. Payroll tax A tax levied on the value of wages and salaries Net public debt Financial liabilities of government less paid by employers to employees. financial assets. Pecuniary externalities Actions that impact on third parties Net operating budget Current operating revenue minus which are transmitted through the price mechanism. current expenses. Where there are a large number of Net public worth The value of all publicly-owned assets buyers and sellers in the market for any good and each less liabilities at any point in time. agent is a price taker. Nominal interest rates Market interest rates inclusive of Pigouvian tax A tax levied on each unit of a polluter’s allowance for inflation. output in an amount equal to the marginal damage that Non–categorical income transfer A payment that dep ends it inflicts at the efficient level of . only on the income of the recipient and not on whether Point utility possibilities frontier The utilities obtained the recipient belongs to a particular category. from alternative distributions of one basket of goods. Non-excludable good Individuals cannot be excluded from Economic analysis of how an economy consuming the good. actually functions Non-linear pricing Where consumers are charged different Poverty line The level of income required for a minimally prices per unit of consumption depending on their level adequate standard of living. of consumption. Predatory pricing Occurs when a firm underprices a Non-linear tax structure A tax structure which has vary ing product with the object of limiting competition. marginal tax rates. Present value The capital value now of outcomes occurring Non-rival good A good is non-rival in consumption when in the future. consumption by one individual does not reduce the Price discrimination Occurs when a seller can separate availability of the good to others. markets and charge different prices for the same Economic analysis that requires a product in the separate markets. value judgement. Price taker An agent unable to affect the price of a good. Numeraire A standard unit of measure used to make Principle-agent problem Occurs when an agent pursues his comparisons. own at the expense of the principal. Observational studies Studies based on data from observed Private good A good that is excludable and rival in economic behaviour consumption. Private time preference rate The rate at which an individual is willing to trade present for future consumption.

Copyright 2018 Peter Abelson, Applied Economics www.appliedeconomics.com.au Glossary 627

Privatisation Occurs when ownership of assets changes Replacement rates Income from social assistance as a from the public to the private sector. percentage of income from . Producer surplus The difference between the price that a Representative democracy A system in which voters elect producer receives and production cost. representatives to make collective decisions on their Product (output) mix efficiency Occurs when an economy behalf. produces the mix of goods that individuals most want. Revealed preference valuations Inferring preferences or A necessary condition is that the marginal rate of willingness to pay values from behaviour. transformation equals the marginal rates of substitution Revenue sharing Occurs when various levels of government of consumers. share tax revenue on a predetermined basis, with no Production function An equation that shows the restrictions on the use of the funds. relationship between a firm’s output and its inputs. A preference for safe, low returns over Production possibilities frontier The maximum quantity of prospects with higher mean returns but more variance. goods that can be produced with given resources and Risk pooling Occurs when are pooled over a technology. large number of projects and total risk is minimised. Productive (technical) efficiency Producing a given output Second-best theorem When there is more than one market of goods with minimum use of resource (or producing failure, the correction of one market failure may not maximum output from given resources). increase . system A tax system where the average tax Selective tax A tax that is levied on only part of the tax rate rises as the tax base increases. base, or that allows exemptions and deductions from Property right An entitlement defining the owner’s rights the general tax base. and limitations for use of a resource, including the Sensitivity analysis A method of assessing risk by indicat ing power to exclude others from using the resource. how the estimated net present value of a project changes Proportional tax system A tax system in which the average with variations in the values of particular inputs. tax rate is the same for all values of the tax base. Shadow prices The underlying real of an Public choice theory Uses methods of economic analysis to economic variable. analyse public choices. Short run marginal cost The cost of supplying an Public good A good that is non-excludable and non-rival in additional unit of output in the short run. consumption. Social indifference curve The combination of outcomes Includes the budget sector and public trading between which society is indifferent. enterprises. Social opportunity cost of capital The full rate of return on Purchaser–provider split Occurs when delivery of a capital, including the return to government. program is separated from its funding. Social time preference rate The discount rate that Quasi experimental studies Studies that draw on maximises inter-temporal social welfare. observational data where external or natural events Social welfare The collective welfare of society. randomly assign individuals to different groups. The level of social welfare Rate of return regulation Regulation of prices based on a expressed as a function of the utility of each member of rate of return that a regulator allows firms to make. society or of other factors that contribute to welfare. Real income Income measured in constant prices. Source taxes Income or production is taxed at source. Real interest rates Nominal corrected for Specific purpose grants Grants with conditions attached to changes in the level of prices. the use of the grant. Regressive tax system A tax system where the average tax Stated preference Eliciting individuals’ willingness to pay rate falls as the tax base rises. for goods from their stated values or choices. Occurs when government regulates an Statutory incidence Indicates who is legally responsible for industry for the benefit of the producers. paying a tax. Rent Payment for use of land or buildings. Subsidiarity principle Public services should be supplied at Rent seeking Attempting to gain economic rents. the level of government closest to the users of the Rent-seeking costs Resources expended by firms in order to service unless this is not cost-effective. gain economic rents.

Copyright 2018 Peter Abelson, Applied Economics www.appliedeconomics.com.au 628 Glossary

Substitution effect The change in consumption of a good Transfer payment A payment that is independent of the due to a change in relative prices. performance of any service. Substitute goods Two goods are substitutes if a change in Transfers in-kind Governments payments to individuals in the price of one good leads to a change in demand for the form of goods or services rather than as cash another good. payments. Taxable income The amount of income that is subject to tax. Transfer pricing The price that one part of an organisation Tax avoidance The legal rearrangement of charges to another part. activities so as to minimise tax liabilities. Transitional equity Fairness in changing policies or taxes. Tax base The economic activity or item on which a tax is Transitivity Consistent ranking of alternatives. levied. Turnover taxes Taxes levied at a fixed rate on the gross Tax bracket Range of income subject to a given marginal value of sales. tax rate. Two–part tariff A pricing system where users are charged Tax capitalisation The process by which a stream of both for access to a system and for its use. present and expected future taxes is incorporated into Unit tax A given amount of tax per unit of commodity the present capital value of an asset. purchased. Tax deduction Expense or allowance that may be deducted Unitary state A state where the central government has from income and so reduces taxable income. supreme authority to make laws for the whole country. Tax effort The ratio of tax collections to tax capacity. User charges Prices paid for goods or services. Noncompliance with the tax laws. Utility A term for a persons’ welfare or satisfaction.. Tax expenditure A tax concession. Utility function An equation that relates an individual’s Tax exporting Shifting some of the burden of taxation onto utility to the amounts of goods that he or she consumes firms or households in other jurisdictions. (or to their income and leisure). Tax hypothecation Links the revenue from a tax to a Utility possibilities frontier Shows the maximum utility specified kind of expenditure. that one person can achieve given the utility of the Tax imputation Recipients of dividends receive tax credits other person. for profit tax paid by the company. Value-added tax A percentage tax on value added at each Tax indexation Automatic adjustment of the tax schedule to stage of production. compensate for inflation. Variable costs Costs that change in response to changes in Tax rate The rate at which a tax is levied on the tax base. the level of output. Tax rate structure The relationship between the taxes Vertical equity Individuals with greater economic capacity collected over a given period and the tax base, typically should pay more tax than individuals with lower categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive. capacity. Tax rebate Deductions from income tax payments. Vertical fiscal imbalance The imbalance between the Tax schedule Tax liability associated with each level of expenditure responsibilities and taxing powers of taxable income. different levels of government. Tax unit The unit on which the tax is levied. Wage tax credit Payment to a firm to subsidise wage payments usually for low wage rate workers. Tax wedge The difference between what consumers pay for a good and what producers receive for it (after tax). Welfare economics Economic theory concerned with the social desirability of alternative economic states. Theorem of comparative advantage Two parties gain from trade whenever the parties have a comparative Willingness to accept The minimum amount that an advantage in the production of some good. individual is willing to accept as compensation for the loss of a good and be no worse off than before. Time series data Data for a variable or set of variables at different times. Willingness to pay The maximum amount an individual is willing to pay for a good and be as well off as he is Transaction costs The costs associated with negotiating, without it. monitoring and enforcing contracts.

Copyright 2018 Peter Abelson, Applied Economics www.appliedeconomics.com.au