Selected Shorts: Vayakhel- Eliot Malomet March 13, 2021 HaHodesh 29 Adar 5781 מש ו ת ל״ו:י״ג )גי( … יִ֥הְי ַֽו ןָ֖כְּשִׁמַּה ׃דָֽחֶא מש ו ת ל״ה:א׳ Exodus 36:13 )א( יַּ ו הְקַ ֵ ל֣ ֶשֹׁמ ה֗ ֶ דֲﬠ־לָכּ־תֽ א ַ ת֛ נְ בּ ֵ ֥ י רְשִׂ י אָ ֵ ל֖ ֹיַּ ו רֶמא֣ הֵלֲא ֶ ם֑ הֶלּ֚ ֵא הֶלּ֚ ֵא ם֑ ֶ הֵלֲא רֶמא֣ ֹיַּ ו ל֖ ֵ אָ רְשִׂ י י ֥ ֵ נְ בּ ת֛ ַ דֲﬠ־לָכּ־תֽ ֶ א ה֗ ֶשֹׁמ ל֣ ֵ הְקַ יַּ ו )א( the became one. The Tabernacle (13) ִרָבְדַּה םי֔ וִּצ־רֶשֲׁא ָ ה֥ ה ' ֹשֲׂﬠַל ת֥ ָתֹא ׃םֽ Exodus 35:1 is an integration of hundreds of boards, clasps, (1) then convoked the whole Israelite latches, objects, poles, basins, garments, skins, community and said to them: These are the things tassels, and other items. The assembly into one that the LORD has commanded you to do. What coherent whole is a cause for joy and reflection. follows is a further iteration of the Shabbat One people serving one God, with one heart, in commandment, making the connection between one place with one purpose. מש ו ת ל״ז:א׳ the Tabernacle and Shabbat even stronger. But )א( יַּ ו ַ שַׂﬠ֧ אְלַצְ בּ ֵ ל֛ ֹרָאָה־תֶא ן֖ … notice the subtle difference between this convocation and the last time the people Exodus 37:1 assembled, in last ’s parasha. There, they (1) made the ark … This is the only .instance where a name is connected to an object . ַו ִיּ ָקּ ֵ֨ה ל ָﬠָה ם֜ ַ ֹרֲהַא־לֽ ﬠ ן֗ - ”ganged up against “ -is The ark was the most important item in the sanc לֵ֣הְקַיַּו .Here, Moses “convenes” the assembly .There, the people form a tuary requiring the highest level of craftsmanship . ַו ִיּ ָקּ ֵ֨הל different from mob; here they are an assembly. There, the people states the reason why the ark is attributed because he - יִפְל ןַתָנֶּשׁ וֹשְׁפַנ לַﬠ הָכאָלְמַּה :coerce Aaron into fashioning an idol. Here, to Betzalel – רֵתוֹי רָאְשִּׁמ כֲח מָ םיִ ,Moses reiterates Shabbat. It’s hard not to poured his soul into the work תאֵרְקִנ לַﬠ וֹמְשׁ ,conclude that Shabbat has a restorative function. more than any of the other artisans The single, most important institution in , - it was attributed to him by name. An exceptional serves as a bulwark against anarchy, licent- item, by an exceptional artist. מש ו ת ל״ט:מ״ג .iousness, idolatry, and social unraveling )גמ( יַּ ו ר֨ ַ אְ ֶשֹׁמ ה֜ מַּה־לָכּ־תֶ א ָכאָלְ ה֗ הְ ו נִּ הֵ ֙ ָﬠ וּ֣שׂ ָתֹא הּ֔ ֶשֲׁאַכּ ר֛ וִּצ ָ ה֥ מש ו ת ל״ו:ה׳ 'ה ֵ ן֣ כּ וּ֑שָׂﬠ יַ ו בְ ָ ר֥ ֶ תֹא ָ ם֖ ֶשֹׁמ ׃הֽ )פ( )ה( ַ ו מאֹיּ וּרְ ֙ ֶשֹׁמ־לֶ א ה֣ ֹמאֵלּ ר֔ רַמ בְּ ִ םי֥ ﬠָה ָ ם֖ בָהְ ל ִ ֑ אי דִּמ ֵ י֤ ָ ֙הָדֹבֲﬠֽ ה ֙הָדֹבֲﬠֽ ָ ה י֤ ֵ דִּמ אי Exodus 39:43 ָכאָלְמַּל ה֔ וִּצ־רֶשֲׁא ָ ה֥ 'ה ֹשֲׂﬠַל ת֥ ָתֹא ׃הּֽ Exodus 36:5 (43) And when Moses saw that they had (5) and said to Moses, “The people are bringing performed all the tasks—as the LORD had more than is needed for the tasks entailed in the commanded, so they had done—Moses blessed יִהְי ןוֹצָר ,work that the LORD has commanded to be done.” them. What was the blessing? Moses said – הֶרְשִׁתֶּשׁ ניִכְשׁ הָ הֵשֲׂﬠַמְב דְ י םֶכיֵ ,One of the most interesting moments in the – May it be God’s will . It begs the question: why? Why are they that God’s divine presence reside in the work of bringing too much? People give for many your hands (Rashi). Moses didn’t bless the reasons: generosity, obligation, peer pressure, the objects; he blessed the people who made them. desire for recognition, and joy. But in light of the His blessing validated the purpose of the objects incident would they perhaps be and honored the artisans. מש ו ת מ :׳ י״ז ”giving out of guilt too? Moses issues a “stop )זי( ַ ו הְ י יִ֞ חַבּ ד֧ ֹ שֶׁ רָה ןוֹ֛שׁאִ נָשַּׁבּ ָ ה֥ נֵשַּׁה ִ ֖ תי אְ בּ חֶ ָ ד֣ חַל ד֑ ֹ שֶׁ קוּה ַ ם֖ order to their giving, which may seem odd to us ָכְּשִׁמַּה ׃ןֽ wouldn’t it have been a good thing to have a – surplus? Actually, probably not. It would have Exodus 40:17 necessitated an administrative apparatus; it would (17) In the first month of the second year, on the have created resentment; it would have shifted first of the month, the Tabernacle was set up. A the focus away from serving God. Keeping the list of the major events of the first year: excess would have planted a seed of cynicism in Month Day Event the heart of the people: you ca be exonerated of 1 1 Designation of the first month and the your sin if you pay up. issuance of the Passover rite. 1 10 Indexing the animal for the Paschal feast.

1 14 Dusk: Slaughter of the Paschal sheep. the Presence of the LORD filled the Tabernacle. 1 15 Midnight: the exodus, arrival at Sukkot. The appearance of the cloud in the Tabernacle 1 21 Traditionally associated with the equates the Tabernacle with Mount Sinai. Just as splitting of the Sea of Reeds. 1 24 First complaint re. water, at Mara. God spoke to Moses from the midst of the cloud 2 15 Second complaint re. food, at Elim. at Mount Sinai, God will speak to Moses and the 2 15- Third complaint re. water at Masa U- people from the midst of the cloud in the 29 Mriva; skirmish with Amalek; encounter Tabernacle during their desert trek. The cloud with ; organization of judiciary. will appear yet again when dedicates 3 1 Arrival at Sinai desert. Various ascents and descents of Mount Sinai. the Temple centuries later. 3 6 Moses receives the Torah. 4 17 Golden Calf incident Intended as an earthly representation of the 4 18 Moses re-ascends the mountain. heavenly abode, the Tabernacle enabled God to 7 10 Moses descends with the second set of dwell among the people and allowed Israel and tablets. God to actualize their covenantal relationship. 7 11 Construction and assembly of the Tabernacle begins and extends through Israel offered sacrifices from the and God month 12. revealed himself from the Holy of Holies. Year 2, Completion of the Tabernacle. Worship ensured God’s protection and blessings, Month 1, (~7.5 months after the Golden Calf and channeled God’s sustenance and healing Day 1: episode). power. Yet coming seven and a half months after

the Golden Calf incident, the completion of the מש ו ת מ :׳ כ׳ Tabernacle took on additional layers of meaning. ִ ִ It would become the place where Israel’s (כ) ַויּ ַ֞קּח ַויּ ֵ֤תּן ֶאת־ ָה ֵﬠ ֻד ֙ת ֶאל־ ָ ֣ה ָא ֹ֔רן ַו ָיּ֥ ֶשׂם ִדַּבַּה־תֶא םי֖ ֹרָאָה־לַﬠ ן֑ ן֑ ֹרָאָה־לַﬠ םי֖ ִדַּבַּה־תֶא ִ relationship with God could be perpetually ַויּ ֵ֧תּן ֶאת־ ַה ַכּ ֹ֛פּ ֶרת ַﬠל־ ָה ָא֖ ֹרן ִמ ְל ָֽמ ְﬠ ָלה׃ Exodus 40:20 restored. It would become a place of compassion (20) He took the Pact and placed it in the ark; he and forgiveness, reconciliation and atonement. מש ו ת מ :׳ ל״ח fixed the poles to the ark, placed the cover on top of the ark. Although it receives surprisingly little )חל( יִכּ ֩ נֲﬠ ן֨ ַ 'ה ַ מַּה־לֽ ﬠ ןָכְּשִׁ ֙ ָמוֹי ם֔ ֵאְ ו שׁ֕ הִ תּ יְ ֶ ה֥ ַ י֖ ל הָלְ וֹ֑ בּ ניֵﬠְל ֵ י֥ ־לָכ י֥ ֵ ניֵﬠְל וֹ֑ בּ הָלְ י֖ ַ ל ה֥ ֶ יְ הִ תּ שׁ֕ ֵאְ ו ם֔ ָמוֹי ֙ ןָכְּשִׁ מַּה־לֽ ַ ﬠ 'ה ן֨ ַ נֲﬠ ֩ יִכּ )חל( attention from the traditional commentators, this ֵ֖אָרְשִׂי־תיֽ ֵבּ ל כְ בּ ָ מ־ל סַ ﬠְ ֵ הי ֶ ׃םֽ had to be the most significant moment of the Exodus 40:38 entire construction of the Tabernacle. The (38) For over the Tabernacle a cloud of the assembly of the ark is comprised of seven LORD rested by day, and fire would appear in it separate acts which emphasizes the ark’s centra- by night, in the view of all the house of Israel lity within the Tabernacle, the people and God’s throughout their journeys. The universe and the people. Note also that the closure begins with oppression and ends with liberation. of the ark coincides with the anniversary of the It begins with acts of moral defiance and ends issuance of the first set of commandments to with artistic creativity - both profound reflections Israel, namely, the establishment of the calendar of God’s image. At the beginning of the book, and the preparations for the Exodus. Thus, Rosh God speaks to a single individual from a fiery Hodesh Nisan (the real Jewish new year) is a bush; at the end, God appears to an entire people coalescence of the anniversaries of the first laws, from a fiery cloud. We detect great joy in the the calendar, the preparations for liberation, and completion of the Tabernacle, with its literary the completion of the Tabernacle. echoes of creation, yet we also note that this first year of freedom has been complicated by ַכּ ֶשֲׁא ר֛ וִּצ ָ ה֥ 'ה ֶשֹׁמ־תֶא ֽ ה As the Lord commanded Moses. In the final deprivation, war, disillusionment, and defection. verses of the Book of Exodus this phrase appears The Book of Exodus begins with a small family seven times as an echo of creation and an and ends with a large people. Perceived as an exi- emphasis on the wholeness of the Tabernacle. stential threat, they were oppressed and enslaved. מש ו ת מ :׳ ל״ד Now a liberated nation, they are eager to embark )דל( יַ ו כְ ַ ס֥ נָﬠֶה ָ ֖ ן ֹא־תֶא לֶה֣ ﬠוֹמ ֵ ד֑ כוּ בְ דוֹ֣ 'ה לָמ ֵ א֖ מַּה־תֶא כְּשִׁ ָ ׃ןֽ on their journeys together with God’s presence. Exodus 40:34 Hazak Hazak Venithazek! Shabbat Shalom! (34) the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and