Inciividuals of Varying Characteristics. a List of Great Books Readings And
DOCUMBNT RBSUMII ED 028 371 AC 004 170 By-Davis, James A. A Study of Participants in the Great Books Program1957. Studies in Adult Croup Learning in the Loberal Ar ts. National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, 111. Spons Agency-Fund for Adult Education, White Plains, N.Y. Pub Date 60 Note-167p. Available from-Library of Continuing Education, 107 Roney Lane,Syracuse, N.Y. 13210 ($.35) EDRS Price MF -S0.75 HC-S8.45 Descriptors-Adult Dropouts, *Adult Reading Programs, Adults, CitizenParticipation, Educational Background Evaluation, Knowledge Level, Motivation. Participant Characteristics,Participant Satisfaction, F'olitical Attitudes, Questionnaires, Reading Materials, Religion, SocialStatus, Statistical Data, *Surveys, Young Adults The statistical report of 172 Great Books groups is based on oneof a series of studies of participants, leaders, and educationaleffectiveness of study discussion programs sponsored by theFund for Adult Education. During 1957, interviewers administered questionnaires to 1909 participants in"primary sampling units." It was found that participants tended to be well educated.of high status, socially active, and young. /1 combination of social and intellectual motivations wereattributed to participation. Great satisfaction was expressed. sincedissatisfied persons dropped out of the program. The strongesteffect of continued participation was an increased knowledge oftheliberalartsand humanities,while members also became broader-minded religiously and politically. There was noeffect in esthetic areas nor in serious reading outside the program.Greater interest was expressed in national and world affairs , than in the community; but thelatter tended to increase with participation in the Great Books program.Participants were active in community organizations and programs to change or improvethe community. A supplemental report, included in the appendix, reports on studiesof dropouts and retention among inciividuals of varying characteristics.
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