Thaiszia - J. Bot., Košice, 19: 145-211, 2009 THAISZIA JOURNAL OF BOTANY Contribution to the segetal communities of Slovakia 1 2 ZDEN ĚK KROPÁ Č & SERGEJ MOCHNACKÝ Dedicated to the memory of Terézia Krippelová 1Slavíkova 16, CZ-130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic 2Botanical Garden, P.J. Šafárik University, Mánesova 23, SK-04352 Košice, Slovakia;
[email protected] Kropá č Z. & Mochnacký S. (2009): Contribution to the segetal communities of Slovakia. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 19: 145-211. – ISSN 1210-0420. Abstract: An addition to the published synthesis of Slovak segetal vegetation is presented on the basis of unpublished relevés. Mostly are concerned the variability and distribution of known syntaxa. Nevertheless, several new findings are given: one local association is published as a new for science ( Misopato-Galietum parisiensis ), two associations are new for Slovakia ( Aethuso cynapium- Galeopsietum tetrahit assigned to Sherardion and Holco- Galeopsietum tetrahit assigned to Scleranthion annui ). Moreover, three new subassociations are published ( Euphorbio exiguae- Melandrietumnoctiflori misopatetosum , Misopato-Galeopsietum ladanum consolidetosum , Aethuso-Galeopsietum tetrahit lathyretosum tuberosi ). Concept of two associations of the earlier synthesis is rather amended ( Euphorbio exiguae-Melandrietum noctiflori , Misopato- Galeopsietum ladanum ) and one association is cancelled (Consolido regalis-Misopatetum ). Special attention is paid to the concept of Caucalidion and Sherardion (altogether 45 syntaxa published all over the Central Europe are compared in an overview). Keywords: association, distribution, new syntaxa, segetal vegetation, Slovakia, synecology, syntaxonomy, variability. 145 Introduction A synthesis of the Slovak segetal vegetation has lately been published by MOCHNACKÝ (2000); see also MOCHNACKÝ in JAROLÍMEK et al.