4th International Seminar of Research Month Volume 2019

Conference Paper

Applied Promotion Technology in CV Bintang Abadi to Advance and Improve Tecnopreurship Batik Products Klampar

1Aryo Bayu Wibisono *, 1Aphief Tri Artanto, 1 Heru Subiyantoro

1 Department of Visual Communication Design, Architecture and Design Faculty, UPN Veteran East


Batik is one of the superior products in , Batik products stretching from Sabang to Merauke. The famous batik product in Indonesia is Madura Batik, which has special characteristics in Indonesia. CV Bintang Abadi which houses several batik makers in Batik Klampar Village, Kec. Proppo, Kab. Pamekasan has advantages in terms of color and batik design. As revealed in previous studies, if the advantage is believed to be hereditary from families who had previously pursued Batik. Besides Batik Klampar has the advantage of products that can be proud of in the District. Pamekasan because it is quite well known in Madura. The problem of CV Bintang Abadi which houses several Batik Klampar crafters is that they do not yet know the brand, and do not know how to reach markets outside the city of Pamekasan. As a result, in CV Bintang Abadi in particular, and Batik centers in Klampar Village in general are mostly marketed by other parties with different names, besides that Batik Klampar center products become less developed because they only become producers that sell in the Pamekasan region with competitors in the Klampar batik alone and are less well schemed with managerial product marketing. Through the service of the RISMI scheme, it is hoped that there will be a tactical scheme to support and improve the rule model of the communication strategy of the CV Bintang Abadi promotion which houses several Batik Klampar Villages through applied technology production in the form of Android Applications, and Online Marketing as a result of previous research. Applied service with the RISMI scheme will be carried out in Klampar Village, Proppo District, and . This service will not only implement technology, but there will be an approach related to the business assistance of Batik Klampar products involving DKV and Architecture Study Programs and Students in both study programs

Keywords: android applications, batik klampar, Pamekasan, branding, online marketing


Kabupaten Pamekasan is a district in Madura which is believed to be a district that is the beginning of the history of the creation of Madura batik (Musman & Ambar, 2011). Pamekasan Batik has a unique motif and color. The distinctive motifs of Pamekasan batik include kembhang testes, sesesse, tanahan, mo 'ramo'. Classic batik motifs that still survive today include the Sekar universe, olive oil, bead and small butterfly gourds. The distinctive color of Pamekasan batik is bright, a color that symbolizes expressive nature. The dominant colors are green, maroon, yellow, and brown (Akhyat, 2010).

Correspondence Author Email Address: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Wibisono, A. B., Artanto, A. T. and Subiyantoro, H. (2019). Applied promotion technology in CV Bintang Abadi to advance and improve technopreurship batik products klampar. 4th International Seminar of Research Month. NST Proceedings. pages 475-483.doi: 10.11594/nstp.2019.0465. 475


Figure 1. Location of Kampung Batik Village, Klampar Village, Pamekasan Madura

On the basis of excellence and the cultural heritage of the Pamekasan Batik, in 2015-2016 a research was carried out to create a grand design of the branding center of the Batik Village of Klampar District. Pamekasan. The purpose of this research is to form an initial design that is able to support sustainable technopreneurship among the batik makers of Klampar Village. This research in 2015-2016 was presented in the city of Osaka, Japan at the seminar "International Osaka 6th International Conference on" Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities - BESSH-2016 "29-30 July, 2016, Osaka Japan", with the theme " Developing the "Classic" Image Branding of Madura Batik Center as an Effort to Face AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) 2016 "In addition, this research has been uploaded and published in international journals in the 2016 International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies (IJBAS), Vol 2 (6), 173-177. July-August 2018 a team of researchers from the Faculty of FAD conducted a service in the batik center of Klampar Village, the field activities included five aspects, namely observing the superiority of the Klampar Batik center, analyzing the weaknesses of the Klampar Batik center, analyzing the threats that might occur in the Batik center Klampar, and analyze MSMEs that have a chance to compete at a further level. In the process of research and service conducted in 2018, researchers not only made in- depth observations but also conducted interviews with the Pamekasan Regency Government, the Klampar Village apparatus and the batik craftsmen in Klampar Village. The results of 30 batik involved in the 2018 service and research, there are some batik who have a vision of "Go National". In addition, findings in the field also reveal other facts, some Batik entrepreneurs managed by the second generation (by their children) have a dynamic market share in Pamekasan, namely selling through Facebook or word of mouth via via Whats App. Whereas the previous generation (their parents) chose the conventional route of selling Batik at Pamekasan Market and waiting for buyers to come to Klampar Village. According to the Head of the Klampar Village, Mr. Badrus, Batik products at the Klampar Batik Center by agreement of the village have legal protection / protection in a number of Business Entities, namely the Commercial Business (U.D), the purpose of this is to cut down the flow and monopoly of the middlemen in the Klampar Batik center. With the existence of a business entity, the Batik Klampar center can open a Batik market stand in Pamekasan and its surroundings. Among the potential legal entities (Trade Enterprises) in the scope of Batik at the Klampar Batik Center, there are UD. Bintang Bintang Abadi engaged in the field of Batik. CV Bintang Abadi is the original son of the village of Klampar, Kec. Proppo Kab. Pamekasan. CV Bintang Abadi was appointed by the Head of the Klampar Village as a pioneer to market Klampar Batik outside the city and within the city. CV Bintang Abadi is one of the many Batik entrepreneurs with legal status appointed and trusted by Klampar Village. CV Bintang Abadi was established in the name of Abdurahman in the area of Klampar Village, Batubaja Hamlet, Kec. Proppo Kab. Pamekasan. In addition to CV Bintang Abadi, which already has a location to sell Klampar Batik and is ready to produce original Klampar Batik, CV Bintang Abadi also manages an AMDAL management permit. This means that CV Bintang Abadi as a legal entity that houses many Batik Klampar entrepreneurs, has attributes that meet the requirements to be developed to a higher level that is to realize the noble values and cultural ideals of Batik Klampar to be better known by the public.


ISRM Problems that arise in CV Bintang Abadi which houses the Batik Klampar center according to interviews with CV Bintang Abadi Owners, Klampar Village Head H. Badrus and Secretary of the Andik Regency Fadjar Tjahyono (2018) are, at CV Bintang Abadi the Batik Klampar center does not yet have a marketing product that structured and implementative. In addition to the deepening of observations made at the center of Batik Klampar on UD. Bintang Abadi does not have sales or marketing supporting attributes that are supported by sustainable technology and can be used at any time. This is of course a matter of urgency because conventional (printed) promotional attributes must be costly, so Batik Klampar entrepreneurs promote in an ineffective way, even though this is important in this era of global and technological marketing. Therefore in 2018 when the Batik Klampar brand was created through research and entered into IPR through the Directorate General of Indonesian Wealth DJKI, the Batik Klampar community was very enthusiastic and supportive. The following is a breakdown of the problems of the CV Bintang Abadi partners which overshadow the majority of the problems also with batik crafters in Klampar, 1. CV Bintang Abadi Does not have a comprehensive marketing tool that can support products at the national level, because the assumption of marketing is still relatively expensive. 2. CV Bintang Abadi which sells Klampar Products cannot sell outside the City of Sampang because it does not have supporting and relevant technology. 3. Batik Klampar through CV Bintang Abadi is still not completely separated from the middlemen because it cannot market products outside the city, meaning that it still depends on the middlemen. 4. CV Bintang Abadi which houses several Batik Klampar crafters needs marketing and business partners so that they can be tactical in selling their products.

Research Method

Approach in the technical implementation of research in the service of the RISMI scheme to produce designs and technologies using qualitative, qualitative techniques include (Kriyantono, 2012):

Table 1. Activity Stages A Information Collection At this stage data will be collected starting from the beginning of the data which includes village data. This stage was also re- observed to review the extent of the development of Batik centers in Klampar Village, Pamekasan Regency, the stages are : 1. Conduct correspondence for permission with the Head of Klampar Village as the Chairperson of Klampar Village, and initiate with the Dedicated Partner, CV Bintang Abadi, to implement the dedication. 2. Conducting a regional study in Klampar Village to find out the extent of the scope of the UMKM Batik in CV Bintang Abadi B Coordination between This stage is so that the results of previous research that is Production Partners and making the production of Android applications and packaging the RISMI Scheme design for CV Bintang Abadi which houses most of Klampar Batik. The requirements of the production partners are those who are able to work well, and have the resources in the form of batik and vendors related to Batik production. C Determine Technical This stage will be determined using technical trial and error to Production try the application software on the computer so that the implementation can run optimally. D Produce Implement In the production phase, time management will be carried out


ISRM including: 1. Application management applied to Google Playstore 2. Data management 3. Upload management to finish on time 4. Production Management so that time efficiency is used 5. Finishing Management E Implementation Implementation will be carried out in the field, by carrying out the following stages: 1. Conduct marketing counseling 2. Handover technology in the form of Android application and packaging. 3. Application operational assistance 4. Assisting business plans by registering CV Bintang Abadi to TDA F Analysis of Results of At this stage a review will be carried out on the applied Product Packaging technology that was successfully implemented at CV Bintang Abadi partners, namely through events planned by the local government, or including the Batik Klampar center to Batik events in Surabaya.

Result and Discussion

According to Kotler and Armstrong, a way to form added value in products requires integrated marketing (2014: 249). Such marketing according to Kotler and Armstrong diera modern must be detected in the online sphere (2014: 516). This means that the solution to reach the market or target audience must think about how tactical and targeted promotion using online media. This is in line with Shneiderman & Plaisant in the book "Designing the User Interface" which says in the current online era the power of the user interface in marketing has high intensity and wide reach, so that marketing patterns must pay attention to the concepts that will be offered to the audience (2010: 189). Based on the theory above to solve the problem at CV Bintang Abadi partners who are trusted as the legal entity of the majority of Batik Klampar entrepreneurs, the tactical solution of the problems discussed in the previous chapter through this Rismi scheme is, firstly it will make an Android-Based Application from previous research outputs. The second will apply an integrated design, starting with the logo, packaging and then implementing it to the aspects of promotion in the realm of the internet through online banner ads (E-Commerce Ads). Third, conducting market testing through online sales and business assistance activities by including CV Bintang Abadi in business groups in Surabaya, for example, the Tangan Diatas (TDA) business community. The TDA community was chosen because within a span of 10 years the TDA was able to develop very rapidly, to the remote corners of the country which focused on building local MSMEs. This is certainly in line with the vision and mission of the UPN Veteran campus which is related to locality to build the noble ideals of the country (Kartajaya, 2004).



Figure 2. Solution Flow of problems

The purpose in building an android application that is integrated with Social Media Banner Ads (E- Commerce Ads) is to market Batik CV Bintang Abadi products to the audience area outside Pamekasan Regency. By bringing up Klampar Batik products in the minds of the audience, through Android and E- Commerce Applications, Klampar batik products can open wide market opportunities (Morisan, 2010: 43). One of them is by opening business opportunities between cities and districts using the B2B (business to business) model, which is opening up opportunities for resellers in other cities or B2C (business to Consumer) to penetrate direct sales of Klampar batik from CV Bintang Abadi to consumers (Lee. Et. all, 2015). But as a first step in the application of this technology in 2019 will use the B2C (business to Consumer) strategy, as an implication of applied online and trial technology (Kartajaya & Mussry, 2015: 65-80). Technically, the Android application that will be implemented will always be installed in every ad that airs on social media with a predetermined segment reach. Whereas business assistance through including CV Bintang Abadi to the Community of Hands Above (TDA) aims to develop marketing insights and business plans. The impact of CV Bintang Abadi's partner development strategy through technology was felt to be very appropriate when implemented. This is based on an interview with the Secretary of Pamekasan, Mr. Moh. Alwi (2018) will downstream the development of tourism access which has been planned since 2017, with the aim of souvenirs of the original product of Batik Klampar. Besides Pamekasan Regency Government will launch the use of Klampar Batik as Pamekasan's official dress in 2019, it is a tactical effort from the government to support the progress of Klampar Batik. Therefore, this of course results in the Rismi scheme related to the implementation of technology to CV Bintang Abadi will have a strong synergy with the plans of the Pamekasan Regency Government in the coming years (Wheller, 2009). Besides this application which gives mutual support, will provide a stimulus to batik crafters or other entrepreneurs to imitate CV Bintang Abadi's marketing patterns (Tjiptono, 2014). Another impact if the applied technology in the Rismi scheme is formed is the applied technology strategy to CV Bintang Abadi to attract the awareness of Batik audience through strategic media. In addition, the technology implementation strategy in the form of Android Applications and E-Commerce Ads Ads can support assistance so that more leverage and make SMEs in Batik Klampar become passionate (Klimchuk & Krasovech, 2007: 80). In addition, this strategic plan and concept will also be in preparation to welcome the batik week held by the East Java Disbudpar which is always held in December since 2015. With the application of technology in the form of an android application and integrated packaging production, it is expected that CV Bintang Abadi products will overshadow Batik craftsmen in Klampar can meet


ISRM expectations as a Batik center that is ready to compete in the aspect of Small Micro Medium Enterprises in Indonesia (Tjiptono, 2014). To carry out activities at CV Bintang Abadi, we have made the elements below,

SMEs Logo The design of the CV Bintang Abadi product logo aims to provide a strong image in the eyes of the audience. According to our observations in the field, Batik CV Bintang Abadi products do not have a definite logo before, so Batik products sold are very difficult for the audience to remember. Therefore, this logo will function to provide a comprehensive image on the media and promotions.

Figure 3. New Brand Design for CV Bintang Abadi

Android Application Technical in Android application production needs to be implemented correctly, the stages in the Android Application are divided into six parts, first analyzing visual data, second re-editing visual development and typography, third doing application checks through simulations to the Google Play Store, fourth doing socialization to CV Bintang Abadi and the presentation of Batik Klampar related to the use of the Android Application, the fifth is registering to Copyright, the Sixth is evaluating the performance of the Software applied. Production applications on this cellphone can be downloaded to Google Play Store, this application is dynamic, which is able to make the audience buy products by estimating the technical price according to the range of shipping expeditions via JNE, TIKI, PT POS or JNT. In addition, due to problems from partners who are not familiar with technology, we are working on technical applications that are made to directly direct sales to WA / Whats Apps, the owner or admin of CV Bintang Abadi, which is already known by buyers.

Figure 4. Application Android

Online Ads In applied online advertising applications will be used to reach the audience by advertising on social media that is most often used by the target audience. Visual media will be applied to Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. The goal is to reach markets outside pamekasan, CV Bintang Abadi is able to maximize sales. This online advertisement aims to direct the android application that will be connected to social


ISRM media. This online advertisement has the right market share, and is able to be controlled by the online admin that has been appointed in this service. Admin online advertising will be monitored in what weeks or months should the advert be released massively.

Figure 5. Online Ads in FB and Instagram Documentary Video This documentary video aims to show the activities, products and vision and mission of CV Bintang Abadi to the audience, this media is important because it can build audience confidence when exhibiting in the field. The technical in this video will convey testimonials, activities and advantages of Batik in CV Bintang Abadi for 14 minutes, so that the audience can watch and see this video as a whole.

Figure 5. Documentary Video

Sosial Media The social media in this service aims to build comprehensive communication between CV Bintang Abadi and buyers. In addition, social media between Instagram and Facebook are now connected to each other, making it easier for partners to update their status quickly. These two social media were chosen (Ig and FB) because in previous studies, CV Bintang Abadi was still at the level of communication awareness that was to introduce. Therefore, social media is needed in the context of communication between sellers and buyers.

Figure 6. Social Media


ISRM Shoping Bag In the division of packaging in the field there was a discussion on the function and chronology of packaging grants. The function of the packaging grant is to provide progress at the Batik Klampar center which is represented through activities at the end of the year, so that the distribution of packaging grants made by the lecturer team and the Klampar village party is right on target.

Figure 7. Implementation shoping bag

Batik Exhibition On 11-15 months Agutus yesterday, Bintang Abadi held an Batik exhibition at Grand City Surabaya. This collaboration was motivated by a team of lecturers seeking information on Batik exhibitions that could be reached by RISMI funds. Batik Exhibition in Grand City yesterday, UPN Veteran East Java campus has donated technology in the form of shoping bag packaging and business cards as supporting attributes for the promotion of CV Bintang Abadi Batik.

Figure 8. Grand City Exhibition, 11 – 15 August 2019


The conclusion of this research in a case study at a local MSME sees the manifestation of an integrated online media that is very much needed in the future. This is caused by the lack of understanding and knowledge related to integrated design. Therefore, when the campus has thoughts and discourse to arouse local promotion, what must be considered in the media is, Android Application, Online Ads, Sosial Media, Shoping Bag and Banner, Name Card, Brochure


We would like to exspress our appreciation to Dyan Agustin, for giving us advice to fix this paper. We would particularly like to thank our family for giving us motivation, and also the following people in our Departement for their assistence in our data collection: Aris Sutejo, Masnuna, Ailena and Widyasari.


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