July-September 2012

Allow us to share news about Religions for Peace and its religious leaders as they continue to provide leadership related to our mission in their own communities. The content and opinions expressed in IN THE NEWS section do not necessarily reflect the views of, nor are they endorsed by, Religions for Peace. These stories appear as printed in their original independent sources.

In Our Network

Religions for Peace (RfP) Myanmar Launched to Advance Inter-Communal Harmony and Peace Yangon, Myanmar; 13 September

Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim communities in Myanmar together launched RfP Myanmar as the country’s first full-fledged representative and action-oriented interreligious body for reconciliation, peace and development. Approximately 100 religious, diplomatic, political and civil society leaders in Myanmar and RfP international leaders joined in the inauguration.

H.E. Thura U Myint Maung, Minister of Religious Affairs of Myanmar, in his opening remarks affirmed the vital role of multi-religious cooperation in advancing communal harmony and peace.

H.E. Ufuk Gokcen, Ambassador of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations, who was on a mission to Rakhine state, stated: “No organization is better equipped than RfP Myanmar to advance inter-communal reconciliation. Partnerships between all other actors and the religious leaders are urgently needed.”

RfP Myanmar consists of Myanmar’s major religious organizations, including the Buddhist Sitagu Sayadaw community; the Ratana Metta Buddhist Organization; the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC); the Catholic Church; the Hindu Community in Myanmar and the Islamic Center of Myanmar. Celebrating this important occasion and expressing their global multi-religious solidarity, Myanmar religious leaders were supported by the RfP International delegation, consisting of Ven. Prof. Bellanwila Wimalaratana Anunayaka Thero, President of the Sri Lanka Council of RfP (Theravada Buddhist); Bishop Gunnar Stålsett, [an Honorary President of RfP], Bishop Emeritus of Oslo; Member, Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Co-founder of the European Council of Religious Leaders- RfP, Norway (Christian); Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin [a Co President of RfP], President of Muhammadiyah and Moderator, Asian Conference of RfP, Indonesia (Muslim); Honorable Ela Gandhi, [an Honorary President of RfP], Founder of the Gandhi Development Trust and granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi; South Africa (Hindu); Rev. Norio Sakai [an International Trustee of RfP], Chairman Emeritus of Rissho Kosei-kai, (Mahayana Buddhist); Dr. William F. Vendley, Secretary General of RfP International and Rev. Kyoichi Sugino, Deputy Secretary General RfP International.

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Syrian Religious Leaders Convene to Address Escalating Civil War Cairo, Egypt; 28-29 August

Syrian religious leaders, as members of the RfP Syria Working Group, met in Cairo on 28-29 August 2012 to address the escalating civil war in Syria and the role of religious collaboration in ending the conflict and building peace.

Under the sponsorship of the RfP Middle East and North Africa (RfP-MENA) Council, the RfP Syria Working Group has been building a Syria-wide, representative and action-oriented interreligious council to mobilize the peacemaking roles of the Syrian religious communities during the various stages of the conflict. The Working Group previously met in Marrakesh, Morocco (November 2011) and Larnaca, Cyprus (February 2012).

Religious leaders reiterated their people’s demands for freedom, democracy, justice and equality. They committed themselves to further strengthening the emerging interreligious mechanism in Syria to resist escalating sectarian tensions and to spread a message of peace for national reconciliation.

Dr. William Vendley, Secretary General of RfP International, and the Interim Secretary General of the RfP-MENA, praised the shared courage of the religious leaders, and stated: “cooperation among the religious groups in Syria is an irreplaceable key to a just peace for all Syrians.”

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RfP’s Secretary General Issues Statement on Combating Religious Extremism New York, New York, USA; 21 September

“With regard to the current events related to the offensive slandering of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed in the media, members of Religions for Peace around the world are united in the conviction that no one should dishonor or bring disrespect upon the sincere religious beliefs of the other. We deplore the egregious acts intended to defame what the entire Islamic community holds to be unspeakably dear. We are united in our sympathy for fellow Islamic religious believers who have felt so deeply offended.

While acknowledging the deep hurt felt by Muslims around the world—we are united in rejecting the killing of persons and the destruction of property as a reaction to these offensive acts. We are thankful for the many Islamic leaders around the world who have strongly counseled against violent reactions, while at the same time exercising their due rights to call attention to and firmly reject the repugnant defaming of Islam.

We all know that extremism of one kind “feeds” upon extremism of another kind. In today’s world, we recognize that there are people who are trying to drive a wedge between diverse religious communities. We cannot allow ourselves to be polarized by acts intended to offend, sow distrust and fuel animosity among believers of different faiths. Rather, we must re-double our commitments to multi- religious dialogue and cooperation.

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Co-Partners Advance Track 1.5 Diplomacy for Peace and Prosperity New York, New York, USA; 28 September

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the United States government, the Institute for Global Engagement and RfP International co-convened 150 senior governmental representatives, religious and other civil society leaders at a high-level side event during the United Nations General Assembly. The event focused on advancing strategic partnerships between governments and faith- based civil society organizations for peace and prosperity. By consensus, the group expressed its desire to collaborate in building a working platform to facilitate cooperation among states, intergovernmental bodies and faith-based civil society organizations for peace.

H.E. Maria Otero, Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, stated: “Last year, Secretary Clinton launched the Religions and Foreign Policy Working Group as part of her Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society.” “The Working Group marks the first time that the U.S. Department of State has purposefully sought to institutionalize its engagement with religious actors to advance our shared foreign policy goals.”

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary General H.E. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu also reaffirmed the OIC’s commitment to Resolution 16/18 and emphasized that implementation “has become more important than ever.” He stressed that “governments and faith-based civil society organizations should strengthen their collaboration to overcome ignorance, radicalism and the misuse of religion.” He added that he was “concerned with and condemned Islamophobia, but at the same time, on every occasion I have realized my concern and condemnation of acts of Christianophobia and Anti-Semitism.”

Ambassador Josephine Ojiambo, the Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN for , sketched a path forward, noting how important religion is in local life, how it shapes values and how it can be mobilized for the common good as a “force for progress.” She highlighted the positive roles of faith-based civil society initiatives in addressing post-election violence in Kenya, and stated: “Governments need to develop strategies for strengthening partnerships with faith-based civil society actors.”

Dr. Aref Ali Nayed, Libyan Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and a prominent Islamic scholar, reflected on religious values essential to peace. “Religions understand existence as a ‘gift,’ and encourage a high regard for the Transcendent, shared service, patient persistence and an acute appreciation for the value of diversity. These, in turn, can help support and buttress collaboration for democracy. He also eulogized his friend, Ambassador Chris Stevens, whose life was recently taken in Libya. He warned of forces misusing the name of religion that are attempting to “steal the peoples’ revolution in Libya.”

Ambassador Ilari Rantakari of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland affirmed the importance of track 1.5 partnerships, stating that his government has found civil society partnerships to be essential. He noted the work of the recent Helsinki Process that is founded on a commitment to multi-stakeholder partnerships. He also shared that the Finnish government had been supporting Religions for Peace projects going back to the time of the war in Bosnia on to its more recent efforts to establish a Religions for Peace Middle East/North Africa Regional Council.

H.E. Jorge Sampaio, UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) and former President of Portugal, welcomed the event stating that “the AoC strongly supports enhanced partnership between the governments and faith-based civil society organizations.” He welcomed partnerships—formal and informal—with the AoC and stated: “All sectors, including governments and religious communities, should combine forces to develop a more inclusive and tolerant society.”

The event concluded with a unanimous affirmation of the desire to continue to build a platform to advance partnerships between faith- based civil society, governments and intergovernmental bodies.

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Religious Responses to Multiculturalism in Europe Oslo, Norway; 19-21 August

Revd. Dr. Thomas Wipf [Moderator of the European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL) – RfP] President, Council of the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches and Chair of the Swiss Council of Religions, visited Oslo for meetings with the Norwegian government and religious leaders and to participate in a seminar on “Religious responses to the current debate on multiculturalism in Europe.”

Representatives of religious communities, research institutions and NGOs based in Norway illustrated the different aspects of “multiculturalism” as a fact in European countries, and explored how society at large, politicians and religious communities could respond to this issue. The ECRL-RfP was strongly encouraged by participants to engage in challenges related to a future society in which we will be “living together” as expressed in the ECRL-RfP Sarajevo Declaration: “A diverse society which perceives itself as an interdependent whole composed of a variety of persons, cultures and faiths of essential value”.

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His Grace John Baptist Odama Awarded Peacemaker Prize Gulu Town, Uganda; 19 September

His Grace John Baptist Odama [Member of Interreligious Council of Uganda (IRCU) – RfP and Chairperson of the IRCU Peace, Justice and Governance Committee], Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Gulu and Chairperson of the Uganda Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Church, received the World Vision International and United Nations Peace Award in a colourful ceremony in Gulu Town in the northern region of Uganda.

This was in recognition of his courage and steadfastness in advocating a negotiated settlement of the Lord’s Resistance Army conflict against the Government of Uganda. Many other dignitaries who worked tirelessly with him during the trying times were also recognized.

The Archbishop is a strong advocate of peaceful means to resolve conflict, including amnesty. He also promotes the welfare of children and at the height of the war in northern Uganda he took a frontline role in supporting displaced 'night commuter' children.

Religious Leaders in Kyrgyzstan Respond to Humanitarian Needs Kyrgyzstan; 29-August - 1 September

Supported by the ECRL-RfP, a working group of religious leaders in Kyrgyzstan took steps to formalize themselves as a national inter- religious council.

Since 2011, the ECRL-RfP has supported a process that now is leading to the formal establishment of an inter-religious council in Kyrgyzstan. State Commission on Religious Affairs and Department of Ethnic Development and Religious Policies, both in the office of the President of Kyrgyzstan, welcomed this development and expressed interest in cooperating with the emerging council.

The council will be an important instrument for the Kyrgyz religious leaders and communities to promote reconciliation and nation building in the aftermath of the upheavals in 2010 that left several hundred people in the southern part of the country dead, many thousands displaced and with major damages to numerous properties.

The Spiritual Department of the Muftiat of Kyrgyzstan invited, together with the working group of religious leaders, representatives of the government, academic institutions and NGOs to a roundtable on: "The culture of dialogue". The successful roundtable gave full support to the formation of a national inter-religious council, and identified important concerns and challenges that this council should consider when it is established. "ECRL-RfP was called to support this process as expression of partnership between Europe and Central Asia, and I am quite encouraged by the progress!" said General Secretary Stein Villumstad.

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Argentinean Teens Take Action against Gender-Based Violence Córdoba, Argentina; 1 September

As part of the RfP Restoring Dignity Campaign, the Latin America Interfaith Youth Network (LAYIN) in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina, held a workshop with teens to raise awareness of gender-based violence, especially in the family and during courtship.

The workshop was held in the Parish "Divine Child Jesus," our Home III, with the participation of Ms. Adriana Dominguez, Director of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism in the Province of Córdoba and Dr. Marta Lopez Guerreño, Union of Communities of the Province of Córdoba.

Several young people attended the workshop, including Ms. Soher el Sukaria, Co- Coordinator of LAYIN. Participants exchanged ideas and took useful tools for prevention and awareness of gender-based violence.

Click here to visit Say No to Violence against Women website Click here for the English version of the RfP Restoring Dignity toolkit

Association of South Asian Nations (ASEAN) Religious Leaders Visit Conflict Zone in South Thailand and Form an ASEAN Region Multi-religious Network Bangkok and Pattani, Thailand; 19 September

More than 200 religious leaders, representatives of interreligious councils and peace scholars from the Association of South Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states convened in Bangkok and Pattani, Thailand to address the role of religion and interreligious cooperation in resolving conflicts and building peace in the ASEAN region.

The participants made a united mission to the conflict zone in southern Thailand to advance multi-religious cooperation to build peace. The RfP Interreligious Council of Thailand has been working to build closer relationships among various religious groups in the South of Thailand to help resolve the conflict. “Thai Buddhists and Muslims share deep moral principles, and these can provide a basis for working out a peaceful solution,” noted Rev. Kyoichi Sugino, Deputy Secretary-General of Religions for Peace International.

The conference was organized by the RfP Interreligious Council of Thailand in cooperation with the Muslim World League; Thai government’s Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center; Office of Shaikhul Islam; Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies at Mahidol University; Assalam Institute; Yala Islamic University and RfP International.

Participants committed themselves to establishing and/or strengthening national interreligious mechanisms in respective countries and to developing a network of Inter-religious Councils in ASEAN to further strengthen interreligious actions to prevent conflicts, promote development, and advance peace in ASEAN countries and the region as a whole.

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RfP International Trustee, Mrs. Christy Brown, Leads 2012 Festival of Faiths Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Mrs. Christy Brown [an International Trustee of RfP], Co-Founder and Current Board Member of the Center for Interfaith Relations, formerly Cathedral Heritage Foundation, plays an instrumental role in advancing the annual Festival of Faiths, in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

The Festival of Faiths, a weeklong celebration of interfaith initiatives, programs, lectures, and galas celebrates religious diversity, promotes unity, and strengthens the role of religion in society.

Under Mrs. Brown’s leadership the Festival has become an international model that attracts dignitaries and scholars from around the globe. Past speakers have included Deepak Chopra, Robert Kennedy, religious leaders and many more.

The 2012 Festival will take place 14-18 November at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage, under the theme “Sacred Fire: Light of Compassion.” Programs, including keynote addresses, panel discussions, interfaith prayer services, films, music, exhibits, youth events and more will emphasize the role of compassion in our spiritual and daily lives. Each of the programs will direct attention to the sacred fire of compassion that enriches lives and motivates service as good stewards in congregations, the workplace, the environment and schools.

Keynote will speakers include Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, co-author of the national Charter for Compassion and Director of Religion at the Chautauqua Institution; Dr. James Doty, Founder and Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University; Larry Rasmussen, the Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary; Former Senior U.S. diplomat and Lightbridge Corporation Executive Chairman Thomas Graham, Jr., Rev. Canon Sally Bingham, Director of the Regeneration Project and Founder of Interfaith Power and Light; among others.

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RfP’s Secretary General’s Statement on Sikh Temple Shooting Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA; 5 August

“RfP condemns the morally reprehensible attack by a lone gunman on the Sikh Temple of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA, in which a number of innocent people were killed and wounded on 5 August.

RfP mourns the innocent lives lost and extends to the victims’ families, those wounded, the members of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin and Sikhs around the world our solidarity in their sorrow.

RfP, as the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious coalition advancing common action among the world’s religious communities for peace, strongly condemns such despicable acts of violence. The Sikh Temple of Wisconsin is affiliated with the World Sikh Council - America Region, an active and leading member body of RfP USA.

We call upon the relevant authorities to advance initiatives to protect citizens, of all faiths, from similar acts in the future. Such initiatives should include legislative, judicial and law enforcement efforts to effectively control the possession of small arms, especially those capable of inflicting multiple causalities, as in the most recent incident.”

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RfP Thailand Receives Japanese Government’s Foreign Development Assistance for "Religion and Conflict Transformation Project" Bangkok, Thailand; 6 September

Religions for Peace Interreligious Council of Thailand was awarded the Japanese government’s official development assistance grant for its conflict transformation work in Southern Thailand. This is the first such award by the government of Japan to an inter-religious organization for its conflict transformation work.

During the 6 September signing ceremony at the Japanese Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, Ambassador Seiji Kojima of Japan presented the award to Dr. Ismail Lutfi Japakiya, Co-Chair of Religions for Peace Interreligious Council, Dr. Parichart Suwanabubba, Secretary to the Council, and Dr. Gothom Arya, Senior Adviser to the Council.

The “Advancing Human Security through Inter-religious Cooperation in Thailand” project will engage civil society, government, religious leaders and actors, including women and youth, in addressing the misuse of religious identities to fuel conflict in the south of Thailand. The project will provide intensive training for religious leaders and actors on practical approaches to advancing human security, facilitating inter-religious dialogue and engaging in inter-religious cooperation. Approximately 100 youth leaders from the southern-most provinces will be given action-oriented training on conflict prevention; how to build trust between communities; and how to work together to combat poverty and drug addiction. Those youth leaders will implement interreligious actions in their respective communities and regions.

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Overcoming Barriers to Democratic Governance and Reconciliation in Burundi Bujumbura & Muyinga; 30 August, 25 & 27 September

The Inter-religious Council of Burundi – RfP, the largest and most representative multi-religious coalition in the country, organized a consultation on Democracy and Governance in Bujumbura on 30 August which brought together senior religious leaders and key stakeholders from administration, civil society, politics, women and youth organizations to discuss and exchange ideas, best practices, experiences and key strategies to promote effective democratic reconstruction and reconciliation processes.

The consultation produced recommendations for inclusive democratic dialogue and discussion in Burundi, the particular role that each stakeholder especially religious leaders can play to create the conditions for change and the fostering of deeper understanding to achieving sustainable change on democratic governance and reconciliation issues. The recommendations will be also disseminated during advocacy campaigns.

The Council also held two training workshops to raise awareness among religious leaders on issues of elections, governance, and conflict transformation and reconciliation mechanisms and the link among election-governance-conflict-reconciliation. The workshop encouraged the active participation of religious leaders and other stakeholders at all stages of the electoral process.

Commemoration of 25th Anniversary of Religious Summit on Mount Hiei Mt Hiei, Japan; 3-4 August

A two day summit, “The Role of Religious Leaders in Addressing the Effects of Natural Disasters and Nuclear Accidents, was held at Mt. Hiei, Japan, 3-4 August. Approximately 30 senior international religious representatives joined approximately 1000 Japanese religious leaders in the summit.

Following the spirit of the 1986 historic interreligious gathering in Assisi led by His Holiness John Paul II, the summit was organized by the major Buddhist sect, Tendai-shu, and supported by Shinto, Buddhist, Christian, New Religion and Islamic communities in Japan. The Most Venerable Kojun Handa [an Honorary President of RfP] presided over the gathering.

Among the participating religious leaders were H.E. Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata, Secretary-Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue at the Vatican; Rev. Nichiko Niwano [a Co-President of RfP], President of Rissho Kosei-kai; Dr. Din Syamsuddin [a Co-President of RfP], President of Muhammadiyah and Moderator of the Asian Conference of RfP; Anglican Bishop Michael Igreship of England, representing Dr. Rowan William [a Co-President of RfP], the Archbishop of Canterbury; Rev. B. Penrose Hoover, a Lutheran Minister from ; H.E. Mar Gregorios Ibrahim [an Honorary President of RfP], Metropolitan of Aleppo, Syria; as well as representatives from Focolare and St. Egidio communities in .

Dr. William Vendley, Secretary General of RfP International, joined the panel in which various examples of religious responses to natural disasters and guiding principles behind those actions were shared and different religious perspectives on nuclear and alternative energy were presented. There was a general consensus on religious responsibilities to support efforts to transition from nuclear to renewable energy. Some leaders, however, called for more discussion among individual religious communities on the theme and others highlighted the need for the middle path, which encompasses the wise use of science and technology to ensure the safety of nuclear power and support efforts to develop renewable energy.

Prayer Vigil in Peru Lima, Peru; 24 July

The Interreligious Council of Peru – RfP held a Prayer Vigil for Dialogue and Peace with the participation of the Prime Minister, H.E. Juan Jimenez.

The prayer vigil was held to combat the rising social conflicts and disharmony sweeping the country.

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Interreligious Council of Liberia (IRCL) - RfP Delegation briefs RfP International Secretariat New York, New York, USA; 24 August

A delegation of senior religious leaders from the IRCL- RfP briefed the International Secretariat staff on the Council’s work to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts in Liberia.

The delegation consisted of Dr. Benjamin D. Lartey, Regional Coordinator of RfP West Africa Interreligious Coordinating Council and Executive member of IRCL-RfP, Rev. Christopher W. Toe, Executive Member of IRCL-RfP, and Rev. Emmanuel Johnson, Executive member of IRCL-RfP.

Formed in the midst of civil war in Liberia, the IRCL- RfP has been recognized as one of the pioneering interreligious bodies for conflict mediation and peace building in the country. Its RfP Women of Faith Network was awarded the first Dana Greeley Peace Award in 2006 for work in.

The delegation shared of the IRCL- RfP work in organizing and facilitating peace building workshops for community and religious leaders in four counties of Liberia, along with seminars on religious tolerance in 15 political divisions of the country. They also offer training for women in leadership roles.

International Religious Freedom Report Released, Citing Dr. William Vendley’s Role Washington, DC, USA; 30 July

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed the status of religious freedom around the world in remarks at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to mark the release of the State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report for 2011.

“Chris Seiple and Bill Vendley, two of my top advisors from civil society on this issue, I’m grateful for their efforts; and all the representatives from Congress, from embassies, members of the Religion and Foreign Policy Working Group, and others who recognize and are committed to the importance of this issue and what it represents.”

In the News

Japanese PM Invites Muhammadiyah Chairman to Iftar

Tokyo, Japan; 2 August

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda held an Iftar together with the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board, Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin [a Co President of RfP], at the Prime Minister’s Official Residence on August 1, 2012. The Iftar is also attended by Ambassadors and officials from 41 Arab countries, Asia, Europe, and Africa in Tokyo.

In his speech, PM Noda congratulated the guests, and wished that the atmosphere of Ramadan fasting month can give peace to the hearts of the Muslim community as well as to enhance mutual understanding and tolerance between countries in the region to create a peaceful world community.

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A number of religious and civil society leaders attended a consultation arranged by Caritas Sri Lanka on 26th July 2012 at SEDEC to identify their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) recommendations, as well as to share their experiences in working for reconciliation under the LLRC framework.

Representatives of SEDEC, National Peace Council, Centre for Policy Alternatives and Rights shared their experiences in creating public awareness on LLRC while the Bishop of Anuradhapura, Rt. Rev Dr Norbert Andradi and the General Secretary of Sri Lanka Council of RfP, Ven. Medawachchiye Dhammajothi Thero, enunciated the response to LLRC from the religious perspective.

All participants expressed their views in terms of the various approaches to LLRC implementation, especially the need to be aware of the bigger picture where there are difficulties within the Government when it comes to implementation of the recommendations. An Open Forum was also conducted where participants were able to clarify issues, raise concerns and exchange ideas. A consensus emerged among all participants that a forum must be created for future interaction and discussion.

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In Memoriam

His Holiness Abune Paulos [an Honorary President of RfP], Fifth Patriarch and Catholicos of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, passed at the age of 77 in Addis Ababa.

His Holiness worked tirelessly to advance peace through religion. During his tenure as Patriarch, he led multi-religious efforts to build peace and reconciliation between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Norwegian Church Aid, with the cooperation of RfP, supported the Patriarch and the other religious leaders in Ethiopia and Eritrea in these efforts.

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Dr. Camillo Reynaud-Bersanino, Former Secretary General and National Coordinator of RfP Italy, passed on 16 August due to complications of a cancer. His funeral was held in Turin, Italy on 18 August.

A lovable and generous man, he was dedicated to the promotion of dialogue, justice and peace. He leaves behind a wonderful family (his wife, Andreina, their son, daughter and four fantastic grandchildren).

Members of RfP Italy met in Rome on 24 September to bless Dr. Reynaud-Bersanino’s memory through prayers offered by various religious traditions and testimonies of his beloved friends and family.

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RfP Welcomes New Staff

Mr. Baker al‐Hiyari joins RfP as a Consultant on Middle East-North Africa (MENA) Affairs. A Muslim from Amman, , Mr. al-Hiyari is a multi‐disciplinary professional with twenty years of experience at the intersection of politics, religion, development, civil society and public affairs in the Middle East, West Asia and North Africa region.

Mr. al-Hiyari assumed several leadership positions in non- governmental institutions, civil society organizations and regional multi –stakeholder initiatives. In addition to being a member of the RfP International Youth Committee, Mr. al-Hiyari has extensive international outreach and engagement. [email protected]

Ms. Ruket Negasi joins the RfP team working on Youth and World Assembly. Ms. Negasi is a Catholic from Eritrea, who was raised in the Swedish country side. She is currently a junior majoring in International Relations and Political Science at City College of New York. Her previous experience includes: camp leader for Catholic children camps, treasurer for the organization Youth Catholics of Norrkoping, Sweden, and assistant event planner. She has a huge passion for international development and an even bigger passion for helping and creating a more sustainable and equitable world. [email protected]

Mr. Jason Starr joins the RfP team working primarily on disarmament and program issues. A native of Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Mr. Starr will complete a Master’s degree in South Asian Studies from Columbia University this December. His Master’s thesis will address the Ramayana, Hindu nationalism, and the significance of religious symbols in Indian electoral politics. As an undergraduate, Mr. Starr studied English and Asian history at Connecticut College. He specializes in communal violence and the politicalization of religious identities in South Asia. [email protected]

Fr. Jude C. Nnorom is RfP’s new Conflict Transformation Officer. A Catholic Priest from Ehime-Mbano Imo State, Nigeria, he holds an MA in Theology and MA in Peace Studies. Fr. Jude is experienced in advocacy, peace negotiation initiatives, post war reconciliation, and actions for justice and peace. He has campaigned for the rights of indigenous peoples in Nigeria; against xenophobia in South Africa and served as a consultant to the Refugee pastoral care in Durban, South Africa. With leaders of other faith traditions in South Africa, Fr. Jude advocated for the strategic use of religion as a valuable and sustainable resource in reconciliation and peace building. Recently, his research highlighted the peace building efforts of the Catholic Archdiocese of Jos, Nigeria, while recommending practical application of Catholic Social teaching and strategic peace building. [email protected]

Ms. Grace M. Varghese joins the RfP team working in the areas of Conflict & Child Protection. Ms. Varghese was born in India, and grew up in Seychelles. She is a Syrian Catholic. Ms. Varghese is currently completing her Masters in Human Rights at Columbia University with a concentration on children’s rights. Her undergraduate studies included Anthropology, Sociology, International Studies and Philosophy with a thesis on the relation between caste and race in India. Ms. Varghese’s professional and volunteer experiences include teaching vulnerable children in India and Poland. [email protected]


Send us your news and work for possible inclusion in future Newsletters. Questions, comments, or news? Kindly contact:

Ms. Beza Yilma-Kassaye Digital Communications Manager Religions for Peace–International 777 United Nations Plaza, 9th Floor New York NY 10017 Tel: +1. 212.687.2163 [email protected]

RELIGIONS FOR PEACE—the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious coalition—advances common action among the world’s religious communities for peace. Religions for Peace works to transform violent conflict, advance human development, promote just and harmonious societies, and protect the earth. The global Religions for Peace network comprises a World Council of senior religious leaders from all regions of the world; six regional inter-religious bodies and more than eighty national ones; and the Global Women of Faith Network and Global Interfaith Youth Network.