Metallurgical Evaluation of Dissimilar Metal Joints for Accelerator Vacuum Chamber Construction at the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project * G
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9th Edit. of the Mech. Eng. Des. of Synchrotron Radiat. Equip. and Instrum. Conf. MEDSI2016, Barcelona, Spain JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-188-5 doi:10.18429/JACoW-MEDSI2016-TUPE25 METALLURGICAL EVALUATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL JOINTS FOR ACCELERATOR VACUUM CHAMBER CONSTRUCTION AT THE ADVANCED PHOTON SOURCE UPGRADE PROJECT * G. Navrotski† and B. Brajuskovic, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, 60439 USA Abstract the ‘gold standard’ by which other techniques are meas- ured. Tubular vacuum chamber assemblies made of alumi- A magnified cross-section of a OFE copper to 316L num, copper and stainless steel alloys will be used in the stainless steel vacuum joint is shown in Fig. 2. Both metals new Multi Bend Achromat (MBA) storage ring that is be- are well wet and fused by the gold braze alloy. Excess ing developed at Advanced Photon Source (APS). Details braze both inside and outside of the joint has a clean well- of the new lattice magnet system design and ring imped- ance considerations continue to drive these vacuum cham- bers to smaller dimensions and thinner walls with tighter geometric tolerances under higher thermal loads. It is im- OFE Cu portant to carefully evaluate the methods used to join these dissimilar metal components looking for compromise in Stainless Steel primary strength, permeability, electrical and thermal properties while still creating structures that are ultra-high vacuum compatible and leak-tight. This paper visually de- tails the underlying metallurgical changes that occur when 5.3 mm joining various combinations of aluminum, OFE copper, Figure 2: Vacuum braze of stainless to OFE copper. GlidCop® and stainless steel using brazing, bonding and welding techniques. Each of the techniques has its ad- formed meniscus without voids. The joint design, specifi- vantages and disadvantages with engineering and eco- cally the chamfer on the OFE copper, creates an unintended nomic consequences. trapped volume and potential virtual leak in the compo- nent. There has been tremendous grain growth in the cop- VACUUM BRAZING per during processing. Microhardness tests (small diamond indents) show that, as expected, the copper has become To support the accelerator systems development pro- 2016). Any distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s), title of the work, publisher, and DOI. fully annealed from its original work-hardened condition. gram, a series of vacuum test coupons of a style shown in ® © A similar braze of GlidCop-Al15 to 316L stainless steel Fig. 1 were prepared and evaluated. The exact sample is shown in Fig. 3. The reader should carefully consult the shown below includes a 316L stainless steel (UNS literature for the exacting conditions required for GlidCop® S31603) CF flange to GlidCop-Al15® (UNS C15715) vac- ® brazing [1, 2]. Both metals are nicely wetted and well uum braze (left end), a GlidCop to OFE copper (UNS bonded. There are a few insignificant voids present in the C10100) TIG weld (left center) and a stainless to OFE cop- braze metal layer. Microhardness tests confirm that both per braze (right). the stainless and GlidCop® retain their full base metal strength properties, unaltered by the brazing process. Figure 1: Typical dissimilar metal test coupon. GlidCop® Joining two different materials using a third intermediate substance that bonds well to both is a highly developed and Stainless Steel mature technology. For ultra-high vacuum (UHV) compo- nent fabrication using dissimilar metals, vacuum brazing is 5.3 mm ____________________________________________ ® * Funding provided by the Advanced Photon Source, U.S. Department of Figure 3: Stainless steel to GlidCop vacuum braze. Energy, Office of Science, Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 † email address: [email protected] Content fromTUPE25 this work may be used under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 licence ( Core Technology Developments 220 New Manufacturing and Production Techniques 9th Edit. of the Mech. Eng. Des. of Synchrotron Radiat. Equip. and Instrum. Conf. MEDSI2016, Barcelona, Spain JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-188-5 doi:10.18429/JACoW-MEDSI2016-TUPE25 E-BEAM WELDING Figure 6 shows a typical microstructure for an electron beam weld joining OFE copper (left) to GlidCop® (right). Electron beam welding in vacuum is an alternative dis- Microstructural regions in this sample are more complex. similar metal joining technique. Figure 4 shows a cross- Reviewing the image from left to right, note the cold- section of a full penetration e-beam weld joining OFE cop- worked base metal OFE grain structure (A), a recrystal- per to 316L stainless steel. The two metals are linked by a lized copper zone (B), a region copper grain growth (C), complex intermetallic mixture and are well fused. Micro- the e-beam weld bead (D) with conspicuous grain flow pat- hardness and grain size measurements confirm that the heat tern, a thin region of GlidCop® recrystallization (E) and affected zone does not extend through the full 4 mm of cop- GlidCop®-Al15 base metal (F). The reader is advised to per. The vacuum (top) surface of the copper tube maintains ignore the surface cracks on the under-bead side (top sur- 85% of its as-received, work hardened strength transition- face this view) of the weld as a preparation artifact. Mi- ing to a fully annealed condition at the mid-line position. crohardness measurements across the weld confirm a highly asymmetric heat affected zone. The region between OFE Cu Stainless Steel 7.7 mm Figure 4: E-beam weld of stainless to OFE copper. Figure 6: E-beam weld of OFE to GlidCop®. the two base metals (A) and (F) has been highly annealed. There are two negative consequences to imparting the To the left of the approximately 1 mm wide weld bead cen- high energy densities needed for this 8 mm deep weld. terline, the OFE copper has been annealed to a distance of First, the process creates a three-millimetre-deep weld-root 4 mm. To the right of the centerline, the GlidCop® has only void in the copper. This should not be a factor for vacuum annealed within a thin < 500 µm recrystallized region. integrity nor for impedance but, as an internal stress con- A word of caution is necessary. On numerous other oc- centration source, the void could be a factor in structural casions, e-beam welds of GlidCop® have shown a chronic considerations. Secondly, the stainless steel has a very high tendency to form both gas voids at the weld-bead center level of induced and retained residual stress. Symptoms of and interface voids at the weld-bead to recrystallized Glid- this residual stress state can be seen in the series of small, Cop® interface as shown in Fig.7. If this were another type almost equidistant 500 µm deep stress cracks in the stain- of welding, gas entrainment from the atmosphere (N2 or less steel flange metal. O2) or gas generation by wet surfaces (H2) would normally 2016). Any distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s), title of the work, publisher, and DOI. Very similar observations are made on the full penetra- be blamed. In the vacuum electron-beam process there are © tion e-beam weld of GlidCop® to 316L stainless steel no such sources. It is conjectured, without proof, that the shown in Fig. 5. That is to say; the metals are well fused e-beam welding process itself could be disassociating the ® by a complex intermixture, there is a large weld-root void Al2O3 dispersoids present in the GlidCop creating Al, and there are high levels of residual stress in the stainless which readily dissolves into the copper matrix, and O2, steel. which coalesces into the observed gas pockets. OFE Cu GlidCop®-Al15 GlidCop®-Al15 Stainless Steel ® 7.7 mm Figure 7: Problems in OFE to GlidCop e-beam welds. Overall, electron beam welding shows great promise for Figure 5: E-beam weld of stainless to GlidCop®. dissimilar metal joining needed in accelerator vacuum Unlike the previous case with OFE copper, the GlidCop® chamber construction. As with all welding methods, care- strength is unaffected by the welding process except for a ful quality control over surface preparation, beam power, narrow band of recrystallized material (light copper band), penetration depth and post-weld inspection are needed for especially near the weld face and weld toe. In this region each different configuration. the GlidCop® has lost half of its strength. Core Technology Developments TUPE25 Content from this work may be used under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 licence ( New Manufacturing and Production Techniques 221 9th Edit. of the Mech. Eng. Des. of Synchrotron Radiat. Equip. and Instrum. Conf. MEDSI2016, Barcelona, Spain JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-188-5 doi:10.18429/JACoW-MEDSI2016-TUPE25 TIG WELDING the OFE / stainless interface. With an improved weld de- sign and further power controls, laser welding is a viable Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding of OFE copper to option, both technically and economically, for fusing dis- GlidCop® and its extremely wide heat affected zone is similar metal components for synchrotron applications. shown in contrast to the e-beam case above. Figure 8 shows the central 5 mm of a typical TIG weld. To the left FRICTION WELDING of the TIG centreline is the OFE side of the weld bead with large fully annealed grain structure. To the right is the weld Spin friction welding of an aluminum alloy tube to a bead and 1.33 mm of recrystallized GlidCop®. A single 316L stainless steel tube is shown in Fig. 10. The interface large and numerous small interface voids are seen at the is sharp and vacuum tight. On the aluminum (left) side, a weld bead to recrystallized GlidCop® interface.