LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Faculty Curriculum Vitae


Name Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D. Current Rank Professor & Chair Department/Program Department Education (Include Institution; date of graduation; concentrations) • Ph.D., Ohio State University, Psychology Department, Clinical Program, 1988 • M.A., Ohio State University, Psychology Department, Clinical Program, 1984 • B.S., Duke University, Psychology, 1980

Post-doctoral education (if applicable) • Post-doctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, 1989

Other Professional Development • Middle States Assessment Conference (2016) • ACE Workshop for Chairs (2016); annual meeting (2019) • APA Leadership Conference (2008) • State Leadership Conference (2004) • Continuing Education for maintenance of Psychologist Licenses in Maryland (40 CE units) and Pennsylvania (30 CE units) every two years.

Employment (list most-recent first)

2021-present Chair, Department of Psychology, La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2020-present Professor, Department of Psychology, La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2000-2020 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1998-2001 Clinical Director, Psy. D. Program, Department of Psychology, La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1998-1999 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 2

1995-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of and Quantitative Methods, University of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland. 1994-1995 Cognitive - Behavioral Therapist for Project Match, part time, Department of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut. 1993-1995 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, Connecticut. 1992-1993 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut. 1991- 1995 Clinical Psychologist, part time. Anxiety Disorders Research Clinic, Clinical Neuroscience Unit, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. 1989-1993 Assistant Professor & International Program Faculty, Departments of Clinical Psychology, Psychology, and Special Programs, University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut. 1989 Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Catonsville, Maryland. 1987-1988 Psychologist Associate, Doctoral, Springfield Hospital Center, Sykesville, Maryland. 1986-1987 APA-Accredited Clinical Internship, Taylor Manor Hospital, Ellicott City, Maryland.

Leadership Positions (most recent first)

2013-2015 President, Society for Women in Psychology (APA Division 35, one of the largest divisions in APA). • Organized International Psychology of Women Summit, “From International to Transnational: Transforming the Psychology of Women,” in Toronto, ON, CA. • Enhanced online presence by creating social media pages for organization, its continuing education program, and projects. • Processed and instituted bylaws changes. • Chaired successful book series editor search. • Co-chaired successful journal editor and newsletter editor searches. • Organized “Making Way for Minerva” mentoring sessions • Redesigned and relaunched, the APA Division 35 continuing education website.

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 3

2008-2010 President, International Psychology (APA Division 52). • Created new Division 52 journal, International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. • Initiated joint annual conference on international psychology with Western Psychological Association. • Increased geographic representation of International Division. • Chaired successful journal editor search.

2000-2003 President, Philadelphia Society for Clinical Psychologists, 2000-2003. • Transformed organization from a two entity to a single comprehensive non- profit organizational structure. • Updated Society’s use of technology to include a website, offering resources and workshop information online.

Courses taught at La Salle University

Undergraduate: • Psychology 155 Introduction to Psychology (face to face and online) • Psychology 220 Psychopathology (face to face and online) • Psychology 255 Psychology of Women (face to face and online) • Psychology 265 Stress & Health • Psychology 350 Counseling Theories and Principles (face to face and online)

Graduate Program: • Psychology 500 Counseling Theories • Psychology 503 Psychopathology (in Philadelphia; Athens, Greece; Prague, The Czech Republic; face to face and online) • Psychology 610 Cognitive – Behavioral Approaches in Counseling and Psychotherapy • Psychology 702 Process of Change • Psychology 704 Psychopathology I: A Developmental Perspective / Adult Psychopathology • Psychology 707 Psychopathology II: Child and Adolescent Psychopathology • Psychology 714 Human Behavior III: Personality and Individual Differences (in- person and online) • Psychology 730 Personality and Behavioral Assessment: Objective Methods • Psychology 740 Cognitive Therapy Applications • Psychology 772 Dissertation Seminar • Psychology 783 Advanced Case Seminar

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 4

Publications Books ______• Collins, L. H., Machizawa, S., & Rice, J. K. (2019). Transnational Psychology of Women: Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. This book is intended to facilitate and provide guidance for a paradigm shift from an international towards a transnational psychology of women. APA Publications is ranked #2 in the Library of Social ranking of the ’s top publishers and was ranked #7 in international prestige in the humanities and social sciences by Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI).

• Collins, L. H., Dunlap, M., & Chrisler, J. C. (Eds.) (2002). Charting a new course for feminist psychology. New York: Praeger. This book is composed of a selection of forward-thinking, innovative papers from a 2002 Association for Women in Psychology conference. Topics include gendered subjects in psychology, postmodernism, pedagogy, women of color, and the deconstruction of attachment theory. This is a refereed book published by Praeger, which is considered one of the world’s semi-top publishers. SENSE’s ranking of academic publishers describes it as a “good international publisher.” There are only ten publishers in the category above it.

• Collins, L. H., Chrisler, J. C., & Quina, K. (Eds.) (1998). Career strategies for women in academe: Arming Athena. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. This book provides a wealth of information about institutional pitfalls for women in . It includes advice on how to handle difficult situations, and encouragement to those pursuing an academic career. The book received positive reviews, including but not limited to those published in Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work, Contemporary Psychology-APA Review of Books, Educational Studies, Journal of Higher Education, Psychology of Women Quarterly, and Women’s Studies International Forum.

Book Chapters

• Collins, L. H., Machizawa, S., & Rice, J. K. (2019). Introduction. In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women: Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Editor, peer, and publisher reviewed.

• Collins, L. H., Machizawa, S., & Rice, J. K. (2019). Transnational psychology of women. In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women: Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Editor, peer, and publisher reviewed.

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 5

• Collins, L. H. (2019). Transnational Psychological Perspectives on Assessment and Intervention. In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women: Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Editor, peer, and publisher reviewed.

• Collins, L. H., Mootz, J., Marecek, J., et al. (2019). Transnational psychology in the classroom: A pluralistic approach. In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Editor, peer, and publisher reviewed.

• Collins, L. H. (2019). Teaching transnational psychology: Taking intersectionality across the globe. In J. Mena & K. Quina (Eds.) Integrating Multiculturalism and Intersectionality into the Psychology Curriculum: Strategies for Instructors. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Editor, peer, and publisher reviewed.

• Collins, L. H. (2002). Alcohol and drug addiction in women: Phenomenology and prevention. In M. Ballou & L. S. Brown (Eds.), Rethinking and disorder: Feminist perspectives (pp. 198-231). New York: Guilford Press. This is an invited chapter for the second edition of a ground-breaking book in clinical psychology that is used in graduate level psychopathology courses. The chapter looks at the forces influencing women’s substance use from point of first use through recovery with an emphasis on the roles of socialization and environment. Invited chapter; editor and publisher reviewed.

• Collins, L. H. (2002). Self-esteem inoculation: Protecting girls from the effects of sexism. In L. H. Collins, M. R. Dunlap, & J. C. Chrisler (Eds.), Charting a new course for feminist psychology (pp. 139-166). New York: Praeger. This chapter explains how African American women score higher on measures of self-esteem than do European American women, despite the more adverse conditions under which they live.

• Collins, L. H. (2000). Truly co-dependent no more. In J. C. Chrisler, C. Golden, and P. D. Rozee (Eds.) Lectures on the psychology of women, 2nd edition (pp. 360-379). New York: McGraw-Hill. This is a chapter for the second edition of an award-winning book of lectures on the psychology of women. The chapter reexamines the codependence literature and critiques the pathologizing of normal coping responses of women with addicted partners.

• Collins, L. H. (1999). When clients follow The Rules. A clinical and social psychological critique. In R. Roth (Ed.) Psychologists facing the challenge of a global culture with human rights and mental health. (pp. 178-188). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Publishers.

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 6

• Collins, L. H. (1998). Competition and contact: The dynamics behind resistance to affirmative action in academe. In L. H. Collins, J. C. Chrisler, & K. Quina (Eds.) Career strategies for academic women: Arming Athena. (pp. 45-74). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

• Collins, L. H. (2017, July). Transnational perspectives on the Psyche in Clinical Pedagogy and Clinical Psychology. In K. Borden, L. H. Collins, M. Gennari, M. B. Kenkel, L. Mangione, L., & G. Sola’s article, The concept of “Psyche.” Between Clinical Pedagogy and Clinical Psychology. I problemi della pedagogia, 21 – 48. (Italian pedagogy journal). Problemi della pedagogia was first published in Rome in 1955. It is described as a “Grade A journal” by our Italian collaborator. It is a semiannual journal directed by Ignazio Volpicelli and an editorial board.

• Collins, L. H. (2007, December). Practicing safer listserv use: Towards more ethical use of an invaluable resource. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(6), 690-698. This article addresses the technical and ethical issues associated with the use of listservs by psychologists, especially when seeking referrals and consultation.

• Collins, L. H., Powell, J. L., & Oliver, P. V. (2000). Those who hesitate lose: The relationship between assertiveness and response latency. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 90, 931-943.

• Collins, L. H. (2000). Creating behavior: Demonstrating the impact of power differentials. Teaching of Psychology, 27, 37-40.

• Collins, L. H. (1998). Illustrating feminist theory: Power and psychopathology. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 22, 97-112. Published rejection rate: 90% (American Psychologist, 1997). Psychology of Women Quarterly is consistently ranked in the top five of journals on Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (;

• Beck, S., Collins, L., Overholser, J., & Terry, K. (1985). A cross-sectional assessment of the relationship of social competence measures to peer friendship and likeability in elementary age children. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 111, 41-63.

• Beck, S., & Collins, L. (1985). Children's sociometric groups: Developmental and stability issues. Invited paper, Midwestern Psychological Association Convention. ERIC document #ED 260 810, PS 015 279. This was my research project for my general examination.

• Beck, S., Collins, L., Overholser, J., & Terry, K. (1984). A comparison of children who receive permission and children who do not receive permission to participate in

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 7

research. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 12, 573-580. I coordinated this study and provided feedback on drafts.

Other Publications

• Collins, L. H. (draft submitted) Dominant Culture. In S. B. Dermer (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

• Collins, L. H. (draft submitted) Cultural Homogenization. In S. B. Dermer (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

• Collins, L. H. (draft submitted) Deconstruction. In S. B. Dermer (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

• Collins, L. H. (new topic suggested; draft submitted) Transnational Psychology. In S. B. Dermer (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

• Collins, L. H. (2017). Workplace and Gender: Overview. In K. Nadal (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

• Collins, L. (2017). Workplace and Gender: Overview. In K. Nadal (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

• Black, M., Chitayat, D., Collins, L.H., Enns, C., Espin, O., Flattau, P., Geisinger, K., Heppner, P., Johnson, L.R., Kaslow, F., Kitayama, S., Marecek, J., Nicolas, G., Quintana, S., Stout, C., Bullock, M., Leverty, S., Townsend, D., Reiser, M. [APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology, 2008-2010] (2011). Going International: A Practical Guide for Psychologists. Academics Going Abroad. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association. This is a publication of the Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP) of the American Psychological Association.

• Collins, L. H. (2008, January 30). A comprehensive update on etiology and prevention of a selection of major psychiatric disorders. [Review of the book Recognition and prevention of major mental and substance use disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing] PsycCRITIQUES— Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 53(5), article 10. This American Psychological Association journal publishes book reviews.

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 8

• Collins, L. H. (2008, January (online), June (print)). Practicing what you teach: Applying the principles of social justice in the classroom. [Review of the book Teaching and Social Justice. Integrating Multicultural and Feminist Theories in the Classroom. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association]. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 58 (11-12), 886-888.

• Collins, L. H. (2007, September/October). Online therapy poses great risks. National Psychologist, 16(5). The purpose of the National Psychologist is to keep psychologists across the informed about practice issues. It is a professional newspaper with a circulation of approximately 30,000 and is published six times a year. Due to the breadth of its circulation it has an impact on the professional community.

• Collins, L. H. (2007, August 15). Netaholism…Another Pseudodiagnosis. [Review of the book The psychology of Netaholics. New York: Novika Books (An imprint of Nova Science Publishers, Inc.)] PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 52 (33).

• Collins, L. H. (2007, May 2). The Cross-national Sexual Harassment Politics: A need for a psychological perspective. [Review of the book, The politics of sexual harassment. A comparative study of the , the European Union, and Germany. New York: Cambridge University Press.] PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 52 (18).

• Collins, L. H. (2006, May 10). Online therapy: Let the buyer and seller beware. [Review of the book Online therapy: A therapist’s guide to expanding your practice.] PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.

• Collins, L. H. (2005, September 16). A comprehensive guide to the MMPI-A. [Review of the book MMPI-A: Assessing Adolescent Psychopathology, third edition.] PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.

• Collins, L. H. (2005, May 25). Safer sex: Reviewing, editing, and rewriting complex sexual scripts. [Review of the book Safer sex in personal relationships. The role of sexual scripts in HIV infection and prevention] PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.

• Collins, L. (2004). Site licenses. In A. Distefano, K. Rudestam, & R. Silverman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of distributed learning. (p. 402). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:

• Collins, L. H. (2002). Invited review of Privilege, power, and difference. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26, 92-93. Psychology of Women Quarterly is consistently ranked in the top five of journals on Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (;

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• Collins, L. H. (2002, Winter). Congratulations! You’ve been accepted into a clinical psychology program! Now what? Eye on Psi Chi, 6, 24-25. This article describes three routes to developing a career in clinical psychology that include clinical work, teaching, and scholarship. The importance and pitfalls of post-doctoral positions, publishing, adjunct teaching, and clinical supervision in achieving this goal are described. Eye on Psi Chi is Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology’s quarterly magazine featuring useful articles on psychology career advice and graduate school, expert interviews, and Psi Chi chapter activities (

• Sadowski, G., Flagler, D., Dowd, K., Ball, J., & Collins, L. H. (2002, Winter) Finding opportunities to get involved in research. Some advice from the students’ perspective. Eye on Psi Chi, 6, 28-29. Mentored these four undergraduate students in my Gender Research Group in the development of this article on finding research opportunities based on their experiences and interviews with faculty and students.

• Collins, L. H. (2002, Spring). Real research on illusory budgets. Eye on Psi Chi, 6, 26- 27. This article describes ways to get access to free data, funding, and research opportunities as an undergraduate or graduate student.

• Collins, L. H. (2001, Winter). Does research have a significant impact on graduate admissions? Eye on Psi Chi, 5, 26-28. This article reviews the literature on influences on the graduate school admissions process for various areas of the field of psychology. The role of grades, test scores, letters of recommendation, and other factors is examined.

• Collins, L. H. (2000). La Salle University Practicum and Internship Handbook. Philadelphia: La Salle University. This handbook was developed for the Psychology Department’s Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program in Clinical Psychology. To develop it I consulted Clinical Directors from APA accredited programs in clinical psychology, as well as licensing laws, APA’s ethics code, Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) guidelines, the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology guidelines, and Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) guidelines for information about current practicum and internship standards. I incorporated the information obtained, including “boiler plate” guidelines present across most programs. The practices described in this handbook are consistent with those of other accredited programs. Reviews by ASPPB and APA consultants found no problems with the procedures described by this handbook. Some of the forms and procedures that I developed have been adopted by other programs.

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Newsletter Articles & Reports

• Collins, L. H. (2014, Fall) Feminist leadership moving forward. Feminist Leadership Edition of The Feminist Psychologist, 41 (4), p. 13, p. 15. The Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Division 35) Newsletter.

• Collins, L. H. (2014, Summer) President’s Message: A big thank you, and new opportunities! The Feminist Psychologist, 41 (3), 1-2.

• Collins, L. H. (2014, Summer) Consensus-based, egalitarian decision making: Should it be the spirit or the letter of the SPW Bylaws? The Feminist Psychologist, 41 (3), 1-2.

• Collins, L. H. (2014, Spring) President’s Message. The Feminist Psychologist, 41 (2), 1-2.

• Collins, L. H. (2014, Winter) President’s Message. The Feminist Psychologist, 41 (1), 1-2. • Collins, L. H. (2013, Fall) President’s Message: Coming full circle…SPW and AWP meet together in March to celebrate SPW’s birthday. The Feminist Psychologist, 40 (4), 1-2.

• Collins, L. H. (Winter, 2010). A new journal…Cancun…Brooklyn…a new task force… What’s next? A new President! International Psychology Bulletin, 14 (1), 4-5.

• Collins, L. H. (Summer/fall, 2009). The new journal and an invitation to join us at our Executive Committee Meeting and in our Hospitality Suite at the APA Convention. International Psychology Bulletin, 13 (3), 4.

• Collins, L. H. (Winter, 2009). Division 52 Holds its Mid-Winter Meeting in April in Portland, Oregon. International Psychology Bulletin, 13 (1).

• Collins, L. H. (Spring, 2005). President’s report: An important heads up! The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Times, 1.

• Collins, L. H. (Winter, 2005). Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists: What’s in a name? The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Times, 1-2.

• Collins, L. H. (Summer, 2004). President’s column: Strategic Planning Update: Serving the Membership. The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Times, 1- 3.

• Collins, L. H. (Spring, 2004). President’s column: An update on the PSCP Strategic Planning Initiative. The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Times, 1-3.

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• Collins, L. H. (Winter, 2004). President’s column: Who is your audience? (privacy and other issues related to psychology listserv use). The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Times, 1-2.

• Collins, L. H. (Fall, 2003). President’s column: Introductions. The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Times,1.

• Collins, L. H. (Summer, 2003). President’s column: Message from Lynn Collins, Ph.D., President, PSCP. The Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists Times, 1.

• Collins, L. H. (2002, Spring). Report from the International Committee for Women, Division 52. International Psychologist, 6 (1), 4-5.

• Collins, L. H. (2002, Spring). International Committee for Women Book Project: A work in progress. International Psychologist, 6 (1), 5-6.

• Collins, L. H. (1992, Spring). Review of The Experience and Meaning of Work in Women's Lives. Association for Women in Psychology Newsletter, pp. 11-12.

• Collins, L. H. (1995). Annual report of the New England Psychological Association. American Psychologist, 50, 1091-1093.

• Collins, L. H. (1994). Annual report of the New England Psychological Association. American Psychologist, 49, 1077-1079.

• Collins, L. H. (1993). Annual report of the New England Psychological Association. American Psychologist, 48, 1280-1282.

Peer-Reviewed Papers

• Collins, L. H. (2019, August). Transnational psychology perspectives on the physical and mental health consequences of sexual harassment. In Eun-Jeong Lee (Chair), Gender-based violence awareness for psychologists. Symposium presented at the 2019 APA Convention in Chicago, IL.

• Collins, L. H. (2018, August). Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Psychological Assessment, Healing, and Empowerment. In S. S. Canetto (Chair) Transnational feminist perspectives on racism, activism, assessment, and healing. Symposium presented at the 2018 APA Convention in San Francisco, CA. This session was selected for CE credit.

• Collins, L. H. (2018, March). Introduction to transnational feminist psychology. Paper presented as part of symposium entitled, Transnational feminist psychology at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA.

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• Collins, L. H. (2018, March). Transnational feminist psychology research. Paper presented as part of symposium entitled, An introduction to transnational feminist perspectives: The case of 'domestic violence' at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA.

• Collins, L. H. (2017, August). Transnational research: New approaches and paradigms in Beyond intersectionality--- Approaches to transnational psychology pedagogy, scholarship, and research. Symposium presented at the 2017 APA Convention in Washington, DC. This session was selected for CE credit, an additional honor.

• Collins, L. H., Kurtis, T., & Bloom, J. (2017, August). Transnational perspectives on psychological healing and empowerment in Transnational psychological perspective on healing, empowerment, and activism. Symposium presented at the 2017 APA Convention in Washington, DC. This session was selected for CE credit, an additional honor.

• Collins, L. H., & Sarlo, G. (2014, August). Estrogen power. Paper presented as part of the symposium, E. Burke and K. Gopal (2014) Leadership panel---Focus on women in therapy at the American Psychological Association Convention in Washington, DC.

• Collins, L. H. (2010, March). Publishing in cross-cultural and international journals. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Symposium: Publishing cross-cultural and international work: Why and how? Symposium held at the 81st the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in New York.

• Collins, L. H. (2009, April). Reciprocity across ? Things to know about International variations in licensing. In J. E. Fox, Developments in international psychology education & credentialing. Symposium held at the 89th annual convention of Western Psychological Association in Portland, OR.

• Collins, L. H. (2008, August). Doing the legwork: Questions to ask your future country. In L. H. Collins, Preparing for clinical practice in a global environment. Symposium presented at the 116th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Boston, MA.

• Collins, L. H. (2008, March). Ethical use of the internet in clinical psychology: Professional listservs & online therapy. Workshop presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in San Diego, CA.

• Tramel, M., Field, E., & Collins, L. H. (2006, August). What they need to know in a nutshell: Educating colleagues, research assistants, and students about online data collection issues. Paper presented as part of L. H. Collins (Chair), Online clinical research: Advantages, challenges, and ethical issues, symposium presented at the 114th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

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• Collins, L. H. (2006, March). Sex roles. In O. Ramco’s Cross-: Methods and findings. Symposium presented at the 77th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (2005, August). Mobbing and discrimination: An international systemic perspective. In M. B. Kenkel (Chair), Woman at work: Thriving and surviving, a symposium presented at the 113th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D. C.

• Collins, L. H. (2005, May). Participant in Workshop I: Presidential Roundtable. Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists: Planning for the future. Workshop accepted for presentation at the 3rd Annual Regional Leadership Conference in Harrisburg, PA.

• Kalayjian, A. (chair), Rice, J. K., Culbertson, F. M., Chrisler, J. C., Russo, N. F., & Collins, L. H. (2005, March) Psychology organizations and the global agenda. Discussion session held at the 73rd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Washington, DC.

• Collins, L. H. (2003, March). Discussant for D. P. Carmody, Updates from the front lines of cross-cultural research. Symposium conducted at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (2003, March). The value of undergraduate research and research presentations. In S. K. Whitbourne, Applying to graduate school in Psychology; A mini-workshop. Workshop conducted at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H., Mangione, L., Borden, K., Sidun, N., Hutchings, P. (2003, January). The 15-Minute Feminist: Raising the roof for future women psychologists. Paper presented at National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology (NCSPP) Mid-Winter Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona.

• Collins, L. H., & Mangione, L. (2003, January). Socialization, Attitudes, and Values. Two sessions of this continuing education workshop were conducted at the Mid-Winter Meeting of the National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology in Scottsdale, AZ.

• Basow, S., Quina, K., Chrisler, J. C., & Collins, L. H. (2002, August). Women in academe: Strategies for success as teachers and scholars. Symposium conducted in AWP/Division 35 suite at the 110th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Chicago, IL.

• Collins, L. H., Chrisler, J. C., Basow, S., Carli, L. L., & Lott, B. (2001, August). Women in academe: Strategies for success as teachers and scholars. Symposium

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conducted in AWP/Division 35 suite at the 109th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (2001, March). Career paths: Dealing with the catch 22s of academe. In D. M. Hall, M. Frasier (Co-chairs), P. Caplan, L. H. Collins, & J. C. Chrisler, Navigating the minefields: Advice and strategies for new professionals entering academe. Symposium presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Los Angeles, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (2000, August). Internationalizing the study and treatment of women addicts. In M. Ballou (chair), F. Denmark, J. Chrisler, J. Rice, D. Goetz, & J. Sigal, Internationalizing the psychology of women: Avoiding neocolonialism. Symposium presented at the 108th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.

• Collins, L. H. (2000, March). Gender roles, depression and violence against women. In L. H. Collins (Chair), M. Williams, M. Zahm, D. Mahlstedt, & R. Unger. Preventing violence against women. Symposium conducted at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (1999, October). Discussant for J. C. Chrisler (Chair), Sociocultural images of women and their possible effects on life goals, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Symposium conducted at the 39th annual meeting of the New England Psychological Association in Hartford, CT.

• Collins, L. H. (1999, August). Mental health of women immigrants and refugees: Kosovo. In F. L. Denmark (chair), C. Okorodudu, J. C. Chrisler, L. H. Collins, & S. Neil, Psychosocial issues of women immigrants and refugees. Symposium presented at the 107th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Boston, MA.

• Collins, L. H. (1999, August). Codependence & oppression. In J. C. Chrisler, L. H. Collins, A. Hemstreet, R. Roth, C. Rayburn, D. Goetz, S. Osman, & F. Denmark, Contemporary women's concerns. Symposium presented at the International Council of Psychologists meeting at Ferncroft in Danvers, MA.

• Collins, L. H. (1999, April). The social psychological dynamics of resistance to women in academe: Solutions. In L. H. Collins, L. Whitten, J. C. Chrisler, K. Quina, and P. Caplan, Strategies for women in academe. Symposium presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Providence, RI.

• Collins, L. H. (1998, August). Call for diversity awareness on international level. In E. Margaona, M. D'Amorim, C. Okorodudu,, J. DiGiovanni, J. Chrisler, L. H. Collins, & F. Denmark, Psychosocial issues of women immigrants and refugees: A challenge for applied psychology. Symposium presented at the 24th International Congress of Applied Psychology in San Francisco.

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• Collins, L. H. (1998, March). Resistance to women in academe. In J. C. Chrisler, N. V. Benokraitis, L. H. Collins, & K. Quina, Arming Athena: Who’s at the helm of your career? Symposium at the 1998 National Association of Women in Higher Education conference in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (1998, February). The status of women in academe. In I. Johnston- Robledo (chair), Arming Athena: The status and strategies of women in academe. Invited symposium presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Boston, Massachusetts.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, October). Power and psychopathology. Workshop presented at the Eastern Regional National Women’s Studies Association conference at Anne Arundel Community College.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, August). Arming Athena: Assessing our ranks: Losses and survivors. In L. Benishek (chair), A. M. Gloria, K. Quina, L. H. Collins, J. C. Chrisler, & E. A. Wohlgemuth, Women’s tenure and promotion: No longer in the darkness. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, August). Teaching traumatized Kuwaiti counselors about PTSD: Gender, cultural, and religious differences. In L. H. Collins (chair), M. Davis, K. Olio, & C. Courtois entitled Treating traumatized counselors: Gender, cultural, and religious differences. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, in Chicago, IL.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, July). When clients follow The Rules. In E. Margaona, C. Rayburn, J. DiGiovanni, J. C. Chrisler, L. H. Collins, A. H. Hemstreet, & F. L. Denmark, Queen of hearts: Women and romance. Symposium presented at the International Council of Psychologists meeting, in Graz, Austria.

• Macari, S., Davis, M., and Collins, L. H. (1997, April). Alexithymia, psychosocial variables, and somatic health. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, March). Power and psychopathology. Workshop presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Pittsburgh, PA.

• Collins, L. H. (1996, July) Gender omissions in PTSD research. In J. C. Chrisler, F. L Denmark, L. H. Collins, S. Franzblau, & D. Howard, Issues in diagnosis: Cultural stereotypes and mental health. Symposium presented at the International Council of Psychologists meeting at the Banff Center in Alberta, Canada.

• Collins, L. H. & Schroeder, S. (1996, June). The myth of reverse discrimination in academe: The East Coast. Paper presented at the National Women’s Studies Association’s 17th Annual Meeting in Saratoga Springs, New York.

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• Collins, L. H. & Schroeder, S. (1996, April). Reality and reverse discrimination in academe: The East Coast. In S. A. Wurst, Gender discrimination and harassment. Symposium presented at the Eastern Psychological Association’s 68th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

• Collins, L. H. (1996, April). Teaching Kuwaiti counselors about PTSD. In Collins, L. H. (chair), Davis, M., Olio, K. A., & Gillem, A., Counseling counselors: The impact of cultural and religious differences, vicarious and first hand traumatization, and political climate on counselor’s experience, coping, training, and efficacy. Panel presented at the Eastern Psychological Association’s 68th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

• Collins, L. H. & Schroeder, S. (1996, March). The myth of reverse discrimination in academe: The West Coast. In K. McCune, Drawing on our strengths. Symposium presented at the Association for Women in Psychology’s 21st Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon.

• Quina, K., Lott, B., Collins, L., & Olio, K. (1995, October). Psychology and Backlash: What do women want? Symposium presented at the New England Psychological Association’s 35th Annual Meeting in Wenham, Massachusetts.

• Chrisler, J. (chair), Collins, L. (discussant), Kimes, L., Mathog, T., Heard, K., Keating, A., Engler, P., & Ragsdale, B. (1995, October). Content analysis of popular media: A useful technique for understanding attitude development. Symposium presented at the New England Psychological Association’s 35th Annual Meeting in Wenham, Massachusetts.

• Collins, L. H. (1995, October). The myth of affirmative action. In E. Beatty, J. Chrisler, L. Collins, N. Murstein, & L. Herr. Issues of women in academe. Symposium presented at the 5th Annual Women’s Studies Conference in New Haven, Connecticut. Rejection rate estimate: 10%.

• Chrisler, J. C. & Collins, L. H. (1995, July). Psychology of women and psychology of gender: A session on the teaching of psychology. Roundtable session held at the 1995 APS Institute on the Teaching of Psychology at the American Psychological Society Convention in New York City.

• Collins, L. H. (1995, April). The power of the situation: A classroom demonstration of the development of Dominant and Subordinate "personality characteristics." Paper presented at the 1995 Association for Women in Psychology Conference and Eastern Psychological Association Meeting.

• Collins, L. H. (1994, October). Innovative uses of Micro-Experimental Lab. In D. Bloomquist, L. Mangione, N. Rankin, & A. Vadum, Innovative applications of

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computers in the classroom. Symposium presented at the New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting in Hamden, Connecticut.

• Collins, L. H., Chrisler, J. C., Syracuse, G., Nash, H., Kornbrust, A., & Millman, A. (1994, October). Perspectives on feminist therapy. Discussant for a symposium presented at the New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting in Hamden, Connecticut.

Presidential addresses:

• Collins, L. H. (2014, August). Do you know what hydraulic fracturing is? The impact of fracking on women’s lives. Presidential Address presented at the American Psychological Association Convention in Washington, DC

• Collins, L. H. (2009, August). Online therapy: International issues & implications. Division 52 Presidential address given at the 117th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Ontario, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (2006, August). Ethical use of email and listservs in Clinical Psychology. Division 12, Section IV Presidential Address given at the 114th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

Other Invited Addresses:

• Collins, L. H. (2004, July). Teaching the psychology of gender: International, power, and personal issues. Invited Address given at the 112th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Honolulu, HI.

• Collins, L. H. (2000, July). Cultural aspects of trauma and treatment needs of women refugees. In E. Margaona (chair), S. Neil, F. L. Denmark, C. Okorodudu, J. Digiovanni, J. C. Chrisler, & L. H. Collins. Psychosocial issues of women immigrants and refugees. Invited symposium conducted at the International Congress of Psychology in Stockholm, Sweden.

• Collins, L. H., (2000, March). Clinical Psychology Careers. In L. H. Collins (Chair), S. Armstrong, M. Watson, T. Reduzzi, K. Connolly, & R. Evans, Career paths in the millennium: finding and following them! Invited symposium conducted at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (1999, April). The role of research experience in graduate admissions and how to get started. Talk given at the Kingston and Providence (via distance learning technology) campuses of the University of Rhode Island.

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• Collins, L. H. (1999, April). Competition and cooperation: How to get more women into academe. Talk given at the University of Rhode Island, main campus at Kingston.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Rollins, J., Chrisler, J. C., Watson, M., & Powell, J. (1999, April). Encouraging student research. Psi Chi panel at Eastern Psychological Association Meeting in Providence, RI.

• Collins, L. H. (1998, October). The importance of undergraduate research for applications to graduate school. In S. Boatright-Horowitz et al., Undergraduate research experience. Regional Psi Chi panel at New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting in Providence, RI.

• Collins, L. H. (1998, August) Discussant for workshop on Advancing your career. Conducted at the Fourth Annual Psi Chi Mini Convention in San Francisco, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, October). Classroom techniques. In D. P. Carmody et al., Encouraging excellence in student research. Regional Psi Chi panel at New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting at Stonehill College in Massachusetts.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, October). Does research make a significant difference in graduate admissions? Presented as part of workshop on Entering psychology graduate school. Regional Psi Chi panel at New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting at Stonehill College in Massachusetts.

• Walsh, M. R., Collins, L. H., Chrisler, J. C., Basow, S., Rollins, J., & Ferris, J. (1997, August). Afternoon faculty for Division 35 workshop on Teaching the psychology of women at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

• Collins, L. H. & Carmody, D. (1997, August) Faculty facilitator for Workshop on student research. Conducted at the Third Annual Psi Chi Mini Convention at DePaul University in Chicago, IL.

• Collins, L. H. (1997, April). Non-experimental research - real issues, data, and experience on illusory budgets. In J. Bombace et al., Encouraging student research: Why and how? Special National Psi Chi panel at Eastern Psychological Association’s 69th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

• Collins, L. H. (1996, July). Power differentials and psychopathology. Teaching demonstration given for the Anne Arundel Community College Mentoring Program.

• Collins, L. H. (1996, April). Interoceptive deconditioning: A new treatment for Panic Disorder. Talk given to the University of Baltimore’s Psi Chi Chapter and Psychology Club.

• Collins, L. H. (1996, April). Encouraging student research: Non-experimental research: Real issues, data, and experience on illusory budgets. Special National Psi

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Chi panel at Eastern Psychological Association’s 68th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

• Collins, L. H. (1994, March). Obsession: The effects of advertising on self-esteem. Presentation given at Psi Chi induction ceremony at Westfield State College.

• Collins, L. (chair), Peet, M., & Gillette, M. (1993, October). Facilitated Mental Health and Politics of Women's Health Workshop in West Haven, CT.

Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations:

• Collins, L. H., & Tramel, M. (2006, August). Socialization and psychopathology: Does gender socialization create prevalence sex ratios? Peer-reviewed poster presented at the 114th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

• Davin, C. & Collins, L. H. (2004, July). Sex versus gender roles: Gender, jealousy, and sexual intimacy. Peer-reviewed poster presented at the 112th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Honolulu, HI.

• Osterman, R., & Collins, L. H. (Co-chairs) (2005, August) Acculturation and cross- cultural issues. Poster session held at the 113th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D. C.

• Collins, L. H. (co-chair) (2004, July). Women, children, and families – international perspectives. Poster session held at the 112th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Honolulu, HI.

• Sidun, N. M., Collins, L. H., & Carll, E. K. (2003, August). International psychology of Women and Gender. Poster session held at the 111th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Canada.

• Collins, L. H. (1996, August). Helping students understand Feminist Theory: Power differentials and behavior. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Canada.

• Arazan, M., Stoddart, R., & Collins, L. H. (1996, April). The perception and reality of college drinking. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association’s 68th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

• Blais, C., Basnayake, H., Ward, S., Cinami, M., Tarbox, C., & Collins, L. (1995, October). Is Affirmative Action really causing reverse discrimination? Poster presented at the New England Psychological Association’s 35th Annual Meeting in Wenham, Massachusetts.

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• Dusto, R., Dole, K., Basley, L., & Collins, L. (1995, July). Attitudes towards AIDS; changes from high school to college. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Convention in New York City.

• Deshefy, D., Kneeland, L., Collins, L., Jones, A., Brunelle, D., DeStephano, T., Shearer, J., & Smith, K. L. (1995, July). Where is the impact of AIDS education? Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Convention in New York City.

• Gonzales, S., Titus, C., Boehm, H., Grasso, R., Collins, L., Major, M., & Trahan, L. (1995, July). Quantity or quality: Alcohol use increases sexual AIDS risk behaviors. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Convention in New York City.

• Collins, L. H., Powell, J. L., & Oliver, P. V. (1993, April). Those who hesitate lose: The relationship between assertiveness and response latency. Poster presented at the 64th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Arlington, Virginia.

• Oliver, P. V., Powell, J. L., & Collins, L. H. (1993, April). Adult children of alcoholics' need for social approval: No trust. Poster presented at the 64th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Arlington, Virginia.

• Collins, L. H. (1992, April). Do unassertive people want more? Interaction of expectations and assertiveness training. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Boston, Massachusetts.

• Collins, L. H. (1992, April). Differences among sociometric groups academic achievement, perceived competence, and quality of peer relationships. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Boston, Massachusetts.

• Collins, L. H. (1992, April). Social perception of assertive behavior. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Boston, Massachusetts.

• Collins, L. H. (1991, July). Escalation & De-escalation: The effect of permission on desired assertions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society in Washington, D. C.

I also have co-presented numerous posters with students at non-peer reviewed La Salle poster session events such as the Honors Program Independent Research Program poster sessions, and the Psychology Department Annual Showcase for the Science of Psychology and Its Application.

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Peer-reviewed Sessions Chaired:

• Collins, L. H. (2017, August). Transnational research: New approaches and paradigms in violence against women. Symposium presented at the 2017 APA Convention in Washington, DC. This session was selected for CE credit, an additional honor.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair), Case, K., Nutt, R., McHugh, M., & Remer, P. (2015, January). Validating subjugated knowledge, unveiling power and privilege, examining intersections in identity, pedagogy, and therapy. Symposium presented at the National Multicultural Summit and Conference, Atlanta, GA.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair) (2010, August). International women’s issues: Psychological implications of cultural, economic, and political issues. Division 12 Section IV Presidential Address given by Elaine Burke. Symposium held at the 118th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Diego, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair) (2009, August). International perspectives on the practice of clinical psychology. Symposium held at the 117th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Canada.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair) (2008, August). Preparing for clinical practice in a global environment. Symposium presented at the 116th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Boston, MA.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair) (2008, August). Girls, Women, human trafficking, and its aftermath. Symposium presented at the 116th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Boston, MA.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair) (2008, August). Feminist practice in the new global context. Symposium presented at the 116th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Boston, MA.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair) (2006, August). Online clinical research: Advantages, challenges, and ethical issues. Symposium presented at the 114th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

• Collins, L. H. (Chair) (2006, August) Ethical online psychotherapy? Progress, problems, and possible solutions. Symposium presented at the 114th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

• Collins, L. H., & Rice, J. K. (Co-chairs) (2006, January). Focus on women, children, and families. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association’s

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Expert Summit on Immigration “Global Realities: Intersections and Transitions.” San Antonio, TX.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Denmark, F., Shapiro, E., Kalajian, A., & Culbertson, F. (2004, April). Roundtable about psychology at the United Nations. Roundtable presented at the 75th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Washington, DC.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Denmark, F., Marquez, M., Velayo, R. S., Hallak, M., & Rice, J. (2004, April). Infusing international psychology into the curriculum. Symposium presented at the 75th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Washington, DC.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), O’Quinn, M., Rouse, D., Forgays, D. K., Ali, A., & Dean, K. (2004, February). Understanding aggression, violence, and abuse. Paper session presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Kravtsova, O. A., Wang, Y., Wisdom, J., & Nangia, V. (2004, February). International research and practice. Paper session presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Sdorow, L., Knowles, C. H., Smith, M., Crowley, S. (2004, February). Critical examinations of controversial issues. Paper session presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Rice, J., Sigal, J., Brodsky, A., Lucksted, A., Mednick, M., Denmark, F. (discussant), & Chrisler, J. (discussant) (2003, March). International issues for women. Symposium held at the 74th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Merryfield, B., Mattei, S., Powers, M., & Alexander, P. (discussant) (2003, March). Attachment, assessment, and forgiveness in childhood sexual abuse. Symposium held at the 74th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H., & Dutch, S. (co-chairs) (2002, August). Issues in International Psychology. Paper session held at the 110th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Chicago.

• Collins, L. H., Dutch, S. E. (co-chairs), Kumaraswamy, N., Nair, E., & Jesmaridian, S. (2002, August). Religion and mental health. Symposium held at the 110th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Chicago.

• Collins, L. H., Rice, J. (co-chairs), Hinkelman, J. M., Alarifi Pharaon, N., Norsworthy, K., & Kaschak, E. (discussant) (2001, August). Therapy with women in Mexico, Saudi

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Arabia, , and Cambodia. Symposium presented at the 109th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), McHugh, M., Delabar, C. for West, C. M., Booker, M., & Chrisler (discussant) (2001, August). Partner violence: Debunking assumptions and creating new solutions. Symposium presented at the 109th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Kaschak, E., Espin, O. M., Winter, A. S., & Rice, J. (discussant) (2001, August). Clinical issues for women: Working across cultures. Symposium presented at the 109th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Tomlinson, M. J., Fassinger, M. J., Gibson, P. R., Ruding, L. A., Booker, M., Cogan, J. C., Preston, C., & Chrisler, J. C. (discussant) (2001, April). Charting a new course for women: Promoting activism inside and outside of the classroom. Symposium presented at the 73rd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Washington, DC.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Halpern, E., Ball, J., Dowd, K., Flagler, D., Sadowski, G. M., Powell, J., Owens, M., & Chrisler, J. C. (discussant) (2001, April). Getting a "real job" with your research experience. Symposium presented at the 73rd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Washington, DC.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Armstrong, S., Zahm, M., Owens, M., Chrisler, J. C., & Nodine, B. (2000, March). Encouraging student research. Psi Chi panel at Eastern Psychological Association Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Porreca, R., Roberds, J., Campling, S., Hannigan, D., Powers, M., & Moriconi, C. (2000, March). Know the code: laws and debates regarding confidentiality reporting of abuse, client/therapist boundaries, duty to warn, and commitment. Symposium chaired at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Armstrong, S., Watson, M., Reduzzi, T., Connolly, K., & Evans, R. (2000, March). Career paths in the millennium: finding and following them! Invited symposium conducted at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Rollins, J., Hoffnung, M., Trotman, F., Johnston-Robledo, I., & Franzblau, S. (2000, March). Mothers in the millennium. Invited symposium chaired at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Baltimore, MD.

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• Collins, L. H. (chair), King, M. A., & Sweitzer, H. F. (1999, August). Transformation and empowerment: Ensuring success in the internship. Workshop given at the International Council of Psychologists meeting at Ferncroft in Danvers, MA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), F. Denmark (discussant), S. Rose, S. Basow, J. C. Chrisler, L. Carli, B. Lott, & L. Rocchio. (1999, March). Arming Athena for a career in academe. Panel held at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Providence, RI.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Tomlinson, M., Fassinger, R. E., Addelston, J., Ruiz, M., Nix, K., Hill, M., Felton, T., Hoffman, A., Pierce, G., Enns, C. Z., Donaldson, F., Madsen, M. (1998, March). Academic issues. Symposium presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Baltimore, MD.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Pilkington, C. J., Woods, S. P., Fox, J., Waterman, C. K., O’Neill, S., Dreznick, M. T., Hsiu-Ju, L., Montoya, M., Kilianski, S. E., Bohlander, R. W. (1998, February). Interpersonal relations. Symposium at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Boston, Massachusetts.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Thomas, S. L., Carroll, M. L., Macari, S., Rassa, G. & Ginsburg (discussant), G. (1997, April). Controversial diagnoses in clinical psychology. Symposium presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association convention in Washington, D.C.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Olio, K., Thomas, S., Carroll, M., Simpson, P., Macari, S., and Rassa, G. (1997, March). Controversies in clinical psychology. Symposium presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Pittsburgh, PA.

• Collins, L. H. (chair), Chrisler, J. C. (discussant), Syracuse, G., Nash, H., Kornbrust, A., Susler, G., Millman, A., & Dutton, S. (1993, October). Gender bias in the college classroom. A symposium presented at the New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Facilitated Sessions:

• Collins, L. H. (2004, October). Arming Athena: An update. Invited talk given for Roundtable series on Women, Leadership, and Academe, sponsored by Clarion University’s Presidential Commission for the Status of Women, Clarion University.

• Biaggio, M., & Collins, L. H. (2003, March). Facilitated structured discussion, Fighting sexual harassment and gender discrimination: Coping strategies, held at the 28th annual Association for Women in Psychology Feminist Research Conference in Jersey City, NJ.

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• Collins, L. H. (2001, January). Discussion facilitator for “Mentoring,” a session held at the Winter meeting of the National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology in Freeport, Bahamas.

• Goodyear, R., Cummings, J., Collins, L. H., & Iocono, W. (Discussion facilitators) (2000, January). Training for future and society: Technology. Discussion group facilitated at the 1st combined meeting of CCPTP, CDSPP, CUDCP, and NCSPP in Miami, Florida.

Awards / Honors Bestowed National Awards

• Recognition for Commitment to Global Feminist Issues (2015). American Psychological Association, Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women) Awarded for history of involvement in global issues cumulating in the 2015 Summit on the International Psychology of Women in Toronto, ON. • Christine Ladd-Franklin Award, Association for Women in Psychology (2005). The Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) presents The Christine Ladd- Franklin Award to an individual who has made significant and extensive contributions to the Association and to feminist psychology. The award’s purpose is to recognize the service and scholarship of the recipient and to acknowledge the contributions of women in psychology. The award is named in honor of Christine Ladd-Franklin (1847- 1930), who was an early logician, mathematician, physicist, and psychologist. • Fellow Status, American Psychological Association. Fellows constitute less than 6% of APA’s total membership ( APA’s criteria for Fellow status are as follows, “Fellow status in APA is an honor bestowed upon APA members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state or regional level. A high level of competence or steady and continuing contributions are not sufficient to warrant fellow status. National impact must be demonstrated.” Fellow nominations and applications are first reviewed at the division level in an applicant’s area(s) of expertise, then by higher level governance committees of APA, including the APA Board of Directors. It is an organization-wide honor achieved by fewer than 6% of APA’s full members. • Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 12, Clinical Psychology (2010). To qualify for Fellow status in APA Division 12, the candidate must have also met APA Division 12’s requirements: “there must be visible "evidence of unusual and outstanding contribution or performance to the field of clinical psychology. This requires evidence or documentation that the person nominated has enriched or advanced the field of clinical psychology on a scale well beyond that of being a good practitioner, teacher, researcher, administrator or supervisor. The nominee's contributions have to be unusual, innovative or of seminal nature.

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• Fellowship status is simply not conferred on the basis of seniority or competence.” • Fellow, American Psychological Association, International Psychology (APA Divisions 52) (2006). To qualify for Fellow Status in APA Division 52, there must be, “Public recognition of the candidate as an “authority” on one or more aspects of international or cross-cultural psychology; regular and frequent participation (not mere attendance) in international professional meetings; evidence of outstanding impact in teaching of international psychology (either by presenting psychology in other countries or teaching of international or cross-cultural psychology in the U.S.) and evidence of activities such as “leadership in Division 52 of a kind that led to its creation and/or contributed to its impact as a major force in psychology and creation of a major (refereed) journal in cross-cultural or international psychology.” For more information, please see: • Fellow, American Psychological Association, Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Division 35) (2004). In division 35, Fellow status is an honor bestowed upon members who have made an “unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology.” According to the criteria, “Fellow Status requires that a person’s work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state, or regional level. A high level of competence or steady and continuing contributions are not sufficient to warrant Fellow status. National impact must be demonstrated.” • 2004 National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology Women's Issues Committee Individual Award. This award is given in recognition of significant individual contributions to the enhancement of women’s issues in professional psychology training. Most of the annual awards for this organization are made by its committees. This was the first time that this award had been given.

Professional Activities / Memberships during period under review


$30,000.00 SPW grant to support SPW continuing education website (including hiring a webmaven, subscriptions, and hosting services) for three years at $10,000/year. (2016)

$5750.00 Co-author with Sayaka Machizawa and Joy Rice of SPW grant to support the “International Summit on the Psychology of Women: From International to Transnational: Transforming the Psychology of Women.” (2015)

$1000.00 Co-author with Sayaka Machizawa and Joy Rice of 2015 APA Division International Activities Grant to support the “International Summit on the

C.V. – Lynn H. Collins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 27

Psychology of Women: From International to Transnational: Transforming the Psychology of Women.” (2015)

$3322.14 SPW grant entitled, “Redevelopment and Management of the Feminist Psychology Institute Web Site” to support the redevelopment and hosting of, the Society for the Psychology of Women continuing education web site. (2013)

Editorial Roles

I have held Consulting Editor and Contributing Editor roles associated with the publications below. I am listed on their mastheads during the years of service and receive articles to review on a regular basis, as well as complementary subscriptions to the journals. Rejection rates for all journals are documented in my dossier when such numbers are available. Rejection rates for APA journals are based on APA journal office reports. Others are from the book Journal in psychology: A resource listing for authors or from online sources.

Editorial Boards

• Editorial board. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. (2019 – present; reviewer, 2004 – 2019). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice is published by APA. It accepts articles on the application of psychology, including the scientific underpinnings of the profession of psychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice has the third highest circulation of all journals published by APA.

• Editorial board. Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books (2006, 2007, 2010). This is an APA journal of book and film reviews.

• Consulting Editor, Sex Roles (2002-2003). Sex Roles consistently ranks in the top five journals on its topic.

• Consulting Editor, Psychology of Women Quarterly (2000-2004). The Psychology of Women Quarterly is the journal of APA Division 35. Empirical studies, critical reviews, theoretical articles, and invited book reviews related to the psychology of women are published in the Quarterly. Median rejection rate for years of service: 88%. Psychology of Women Quarterly is consistently ranked in the top five of journals on Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies.

• Consulting Editor, Psychological Assessment. (1994-2003). Psychological Assessment is one of APA’s main journals. It publishes mainly empirical articles concerning clinical assessment and evaluation, including papers about the development, validation, and evaluation of assessment techniques. Psychological Assessment is ranked #10 out of 255 journals in Clinical Psychology.

• Distinguished Publication Committee, Association for Women in Psychology (1993- 2004).

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• Contributing Editor, Journal of Genetic Psychology (1992-2007). The Journal of Genetic Psychology (Heldref Publications) is devoted to biological, behavioral, and social aspects of research and theory in developmental and clinical psychology. The emphasis of the journal is on empirical research and the exposition and criticism of theory however, occasionally applied and descriptive articles may be accepted. Published rejection rate: 43%.

• Contributing Editor, Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs. (1992- 2007). Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs (Heldref Publications) accepts articles of monograph length, shorter versions of which would be appropriate for the Journal of Genetic Psychology, the Journal of Social Pathology, The Journal of General Psychology, or the Journal of Psychology. Published rejection rate: 50%.

Editorial Projects:

• Allyn & Bacon Editorial project. Reviewed text manuscript for Allyn & Bacon: Crisis Intervention and Counseling (2004). Contents of review are confidential.

• Wiley Editorial project. Reviewed text manuscript for Wiley: The Clinician's Guide: An Integrated Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychopathology Across the Lifespan. (2003). Contents of review are confidential.


• Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (2004-2020, when joined the Editorial Board). • Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (2020 – present) • Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books (2004-2006; 2011). • Sex Roles (2002-present). • Psychology of Women Quarterly (2000-present).

Professional Memberships & Roles

American Psychological Association

• Fellow, Division 12 (2010 - present), Division 35 (2004 - present), Division 52 (2006 - present)

• Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP) (2006 - 2008). Elected by APA governance to this committee which oversees the development of APA policy regarding international issues and serves as a resource on such issues for the rest of APA.

• APA Accreditation Site Visitor. APA Accreditation Site Visitor. I assist the APA Committee on Accreditation by participating in the review of Psy.D. and Ph.D.

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programs in Clinical Psychology. Selection as a visitor is a reflection of my credibility and visibility within the professional community. I am eligible to chair site visit teams.

• Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12) o Section IV, Clinical Psychology of Women o Section Representative (2007 – 2009) o President-elect (September 2004); President (September 2005 & 2006)

• Society for Psychology of Women (APA Division 35) o President-elect (2012-2013); President (2013-2014); Past-President (2014- 2015) o Webmaven, APA Division 35, Society for Psychology of Women (2001 - 2004),

• International Psychology (APA Division 52) o 2018-present, Parliamentarian o 2008 President-elect; 2009 President o 2006 Program Chair, Division 52 Program at APA Immigration Conference o 2003 APA Convention Program Chair o 2002 APA Convention Program Co-Chair o Chair, International Committee for Women (2002 - 2004)

Association for Psychological Science • Fellow (1989 - present)

Association for Women in Psychology • Conference Committees (2004, 2005, 2019, 2021). • POWR-L (APA Psychology of Women Listserv) Co-Moderator, Society for Psychology of Women and Association for Women in Psychology. (2000 – present) • Liaison, APA Division 35, Society for Psychology of Women and Association for Women in Psychology (2000 - 2004). Created the AWP/SPW Suite Schedule, arranged mentoring sessions (research/academe, practice, and leadership), and organized the “Meet the Authors” event for the APA convention. • Distinguished Publication Committee (1993-2004) Eastern Psychological Association • Board of Directors (1999 - 2001; 2004 - 2006).

National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology • Conference Committee (2003) • Webmaven (2002 - 2014) • Delegate (1999 - 2003)

Pennsylvania Psychological Association • Fellow (1998 - present) • Media Coordination Committee (2002 - 2006)

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Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists • President (2003-2005) • President-Elect (2001-2003)

Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society • National Consultant (1999 - 2005)

University/School/Program/Department Service

2021- 2024 Faculty Senate Member of Senate Financial Affairs Planning (FAP) committee 2020 – present Academic Technology Committee 2016 – present Psychology Department Goals & Assessment Committee 2016 – present Psychology Department Promotion Benchmark Committee 2016 – 2017 Online Education Task Force 2015 – 2019 Promotion and Tenure Committee 2014 – 2015; 2016 - 2017 Academic Affairs Committee 2014 - 2016 Curriculum Committee for Implementation of New Core 2015 – present Creator and lead teacher, Psi Chi and Psychology Club Canvas Course for career resources and psychology news 2010 – 2013 CPACS Curriculum and Standards Committee 2008 - 2015 La Salle University Online Committee 2006 – 2016 Women’s Studies Committee 2007 - 2009 Scholarship Committee 2005 - present Department Undergraduate Listserv Moderator 2003 – 2004 Member, Graduate Council 2003 – 2005 Member, Search Committee for Dean of College of Continuing and Professional Studies 2002 – 2005 Member, Arts & Sciences Strategic Planning Committee 2002 – 2004 Member, Adult Learning Task Force 2000 – present Department Graduate Listserv Moderator 1999 – 2008 Psychology Department Webmaven 1998 – present Gender Research Group 1998 – 2019 Psi Chi Advisor 1998 – 2019 Psychology Club Advisor

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, the psychology department had a huge number of committees. I participated in each during certain periods but am not sure of the exact years. The committees included: Student Progress Evaluation Committee (SPEC), Greater Psychology Administrative Committee (GPAC), various search committees, the Undergraduate Program Committee, Clinical Committee, and the Masters/Doctoral Student progress evaluation committee, Accreditation Committee, the Admissions Committee, the Comprehensive Exam Committee, the Dissertation Committee, the Standards Committee, the Clinical Case Comprehensive Exam Coordinator, and the Grimes Committee.

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Community Service • Editor, Wikipedia pages on psychology, music, the environment, and other topics. • Photographer, Wikimedia. • Past member of Board, Belmar Arts Council. • Past Judge, Asbury Park Music Awards

Other Pertinent Information


2000 State of Pennsylvania, #PS-009004-L (2000 - present) 1994 State of Maryland, #03075 (1994 - present)

Special Skills and other awards:

• Computer skills. Argos, CourseLeaf, PeopleAdmin, Blackboard, Canvas, Dreamweaver MX, Excel, HTML, HomeSite (web authoring software), JavaScript, iSpring, Social Media, Photoshop, Powerpoint, Sensei, SPSS, Woocommerce, WordPress, others in additional to numerous graphics and wordprocessing programs, listserv moderator.

• 2007, 1st Place, La Salle University-wide Art Contest, for “Blues Man,” mixed media.

• 2005, 2nd Place, La Salle University-wide Art Contest, for “Between Sets,” digital art.

Date Printed: 07/28/2021