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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MINNESOTA GEOLOGY 1951-1980 MINNESOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MATT WALTON, DIRECTOR BULLETIN 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MINNESOTA GEOLOGY 1951-1980 COMPILED BY G.B. MOREY, NANCY BALABAN, AND LYNN SWANSON l5i1 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ST. PAUL. 1981 ISSN 0076-9169 • ISBN 0-934938-01-6 The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or handicap. FOREWORD This bibliography brings Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 34, "Bibliography of Minnesota Geology," by T.G. Melone and L. W. Weis, published in 1951, up to date. A supplement in 1962, by John F. Splettstoesser and Sally A. Sloan, included literature for the period 1951-1961. The present bibliography incorporates the latter into a compilation of literature from 1951 through 1980. The literature covered includes essentially all geologic topics, but excludes surface hydrology, mining, and metallurgy. Masters theses and Ph.D. dissertations are included, but some omissions of these and other kinds of literature are inevitable. We hope that omissions and errors will be brought to our attention. The bibliography is the result of efforts by numerous individuals over a period of several years. If anyone has been omitted from the alphabetic list that follows, we apologize: Douglas Bergstrom, Reta Bradley, Susan Brostrom, Amy Bumberg, Lucinda Hruska-Claeys, Dana Noonan, John Splettstoesser, and Lynn Swanson. G. B. Morey directed the final selection of the citations and the preparation of the index by Nancy Balaban and Lynn Swanson. The index, designed by Morey, is based in large part on his knowledge of the pertinent literature. Howard Hobbs reviewed the indexing of the Quaternary citations, and Val Chandler, the indexing of the geophysics citations. Lynn Swanson and Nancy Balaban were responsible for copy editing and proofreading. Leonora Bauer, Ruth Harter, Vera Jean Holmberg, and Linda McDonald typed successive generations of the manuscript on a word processor. Type was set from the word processor disks, under the direction of Hazel White at the University of Minnesota Printing Department. Final processing and printing of the bibliography were made possible by funds from U.S. Department of Energy grant DOEIDE-FG97-81ET46636. Matt Walton, Director Minnesota Geological Survey 1633 Eustis Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 v ---"l--" ROSEAU .- \.. -- -~- TWO HARBORS BEMIDJI HIBBING BRAINERD ST CLOUD i j NEW ULM ST PAUL !---------- Inde x maps show in g counties and Minnesota Geologica l Survey I :250,000 scale map sheets_ vii BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MINNESOTA GEOLOGY 1951-1980 Aase, J.H. See also Royce, Josiah, 2. 1. (Leonhard, G.E.). 1968, Field investigation and testing of a Minnesota clay resource for iron ore pellet bonding: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 7206, 17 p. 2. (Leonhard, G.E.). 1968, A Minnesota clay resource and its utilization for iron ore pelletizing, in Mining Symposium, 29th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 41st Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1968, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, p. 1-7. Abelson, P.H. See also Hoering, T.e., 2. 1. (Hare, P. E.). 1968, Recent origin of amino acids in the Gunflint chert: Geological Society of America, 81 st Annual Meeting, Mexico City, 1968, Programs with Abstracts, p. 2. 2. (Hare, P.E.). 1969, Recent origin of amino acids in the Gunflint chert: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 67, 1967-68, p. 208-210. Abrahamson, Dean. (Zabinski, Edward). 1980, Uranium in Minnesota: An introduction to exploration, mining and milling: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 67 p. Ackroyd, E.A. See Walton, W.e., 2. (Walton, W.C.; Hills, D.L.). 1967, Ground-water contribution to streamflow and its relation to basin characteristics in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 6, 36 p. Adams, B.B. 1. 1956, Structural studies based on gravimetric and geologic data in east-central Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1663. 2. 1957, Regional gravity and geologic structure in east-central Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 3. 1957, Regional gravity and geologic structure in east-central Minnesota [abs., University of Wisconsin Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1957, v. 17, no. 9, p. 1980-1981. Adams, J.A.S. 1972, Emanation characteristics of rocks, soils and Rn-222 loss effect on the U-Pb system discordance, in Development of remote methods for obtaining soil information and location of construction materials using gamma ray signatures for Project Themis: Rice University, Department of Geology, 1972 Annual Report of the U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, p. 1-157. Adams, L.H. (and others). 1952, Studies of crustal structure by explosion seismic waves near the Mesabi range and near Puget Sound [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 33, no. 2, p. 315-316. Agnew, A.F. 1. 1956, Facies of the Platteville, Decorah, and Galena rocks of the Upper Mississippi Valley, ill Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 41-54. 2. (Sloan, R.E.). 1956, The Ordovician rocks of southwestern Wisconsin and northeastern Iowa: La Crosse, Wisconsin, to Decorah, Iowa, in Schwartz, G .M., and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 85-95. Ahlquist, G.R. 1. 1955, Tamaracks and their relation to glacial geology-a study of the Rockville-Cold Spring area: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 23, p. 68-74. 2. 1959, Glacier-blocked lakes of Minnesota: Minnesota Journal of Science, v. 2, no. 4, p. 46-50. 1 2 Ahlquist, G.R. 3. 1960. The bedrock map of Minnesota. in Geological plaques-1959: St. Cloud. Minn .. St. Cloud State College. p. 11-13. 4. 1960. Epeiric seas of Minnesota. in Geological plaques-I 959: SI. Cloud. Minn .• SI. Cloud State College. p. 9-10. 5. (editor). 1960. Geological plaques-I 959: St. Cloud. Minn .• SI. Cloud State College. 23 p. Ahmad. S.N. (Perry. E.e.. Jr.). 1977. Review of oxygen isotope geochemistry of some Precambrian iron formations [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 23rd Annual Meeting. Thunder Bay. Ontario. 1977. [Proceed ings), p. 3. Akin. P.D. See also Jones, J.R. (Jones, J.R.). 1951 [1952], Geology and ground-water resources of the Cloquet area. Carlton County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Waters Bulletin 6. 63 p. Alcock, Richard. See Wager. R.E. Aldrich, L.T. See also Hart, S.R., 2; Smith. T.J., 1,2. (Wetherill, G.W.). 1960, Rb-Sr and K-A ages of rocks in Ontario and northern Minnesota: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 65, no. I. p. 337-340. Alexander. Corrine. See Rubin, Meyer. I. 2. Alexander, E.e.. Jr. See also Lively. R.S., 1,2; Milske, J.A.; Mohring, Eric. 2; Spong, R.e.. 4, 5. I. 1980. Geology field trip [southeastern Minnesota], in Alexander. E.C .. Jr., ed., An introduction to caves in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin: National Speleological Society Convention Guidebook 21. p. 143-188. 2. 1980, Geology of the SI. Croix caves: Minnesota Speleology Monthly. v. 12, no. 6. p. 64-67. 3. (editor). 1980, An introduction to caves of Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin: National Speleological Society Convention Guidebook 21. 190 p. 4. (Coscio, M.R., Jr.; Dragon. J.e.; Saito. Kazuo). 1977, Rare gases in pegmatite minerals and in the acid insoluble residue from Gunflint chert [abs.): EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 58. no. 12. p. 1251. 5. (Shaw, G.H.; Yenkatakrishnan, Ramesh). 1980. The southeast Minnesota karst project [abs.): National Speleological Society Bulletin. v. 42. no. 2, p. 35. 6. (Shaw, G.H.; Yenkatakrishnan. Ramesh; Spong, R.C.). 1979. The southeast Minnesota karst project [abs.): National Speleological Society. Annual Meeting, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1979. Program, p. 57. Alexandrov, E.A. I. 1955. Contribution to studies of origin of Precambrian banded iron ores: Economic Geology. v. 50. no. 5, p. 459-468. 2. 1957, Facies relations in the Gunflint iron formation: Economic Geology. v. 52. no. 4, p. 458-461. Allegre. e.J. See Dupre, B. Allison. 1. S. 1924. The Giants Range batholith of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Alminas. H.Y. 1975. Soil anomalies associated with a Cu-Ni mineralization in the South Kawishiwi area. northern Lake County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-158, 20 p. Alt, David. 1958, A review of the geology of Rainy Lake: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Anderson, H.W., Jr. 3 Amaral, E.J. (Pryor, W.A. J. 1971, Texture and grain surface character of St. Peter Sandstone [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 55, no. 2, p. 329·330. Ames, H.T. See Kremp, G.O.W. Ames, L.L. See Mercer, B.W. Amundson, D.C. (Wright, H.E., Jr. J. 1979, Forest changes in Minnesota at the end of the Pleistocene: Ecological Monographs, v. 49, no. 1, p. 1·16. Anderson, C. A. 1976, Pleistocene geology of the Comstock ·Sebeka area, west·central Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. Anderson, C. T. See Maier, W.J., 1. Anderson, D.B. (Soroka, L.G.). 1980, Glacial drift stratigraphy, New London·Spicer area, Minnesota: Minnesota Academy of Science Journal, v. 46, no. 1, p. 6·8. Anderson, D.H. See also Hanson, G.N., 14. 1. 1965, Uranium· thorium· lead ages of zircons and model lead ages of feldspars from the Saganaga, Snowbank and Giants Range granites of northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D.