
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ST. PAUL. 1981 ISSN 0076-9169 • ISBN 0-934938-01-6

The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or handicap. FOREWORD

This bibliography brings Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 34, "Bibliography of Minnesota Geology," by T.G. Melone and L. W. Weis, published in 1951, up to date. A supplement in 1962, by John F. Splettstoesser and Sally A. Sloan, included literature for the period 1951-1961. The present bibliography incorporates the latter into a compilation of literature from 1951 through 1980.

The literature covered includes essentially all geologic topics, but excludes surface hydrology, mining, and metallurgy. Masters theses and Ph.D. dissertations are included, but some omissions of these and other kinds of literature are inevitable. We hope that omissions and errors will be brought to our attention.

The bibliography is the result of efforts by numerous individuals over a period of several years. If anyone has been omitted from the alphabetic list that follows, we apologize: Douglas Bergstrom, Reta Bradley, Susan Brostrom, Amy Bumberg, Lucinda Hruska-Claeys, Dana Noonan, John Splettstoesser, and Lynn Swanson.

G. B. Morey directed the final selection of the citations and the preparation of the index by Nancy Balaban and Lynn Swanson. The index, designed by Morey, is based in large part on his knowledge of the pertinent literature. Howard Hobbs reviewed the indexing of the Quaternary citations, and Val Chandler, the indexing of the geophysics citations. Lynn Swanson and Nancy Balaban were responsible for copy editing and proofreading.

Leonora Bauer, Ruth Harter, Vera Jean Holmberg, and Linda McDonald typed successive generations of the manuscript on a word processor. Type was set from the word processor disks, under the direction of Hazel White at the University of Minnesota Printing Department.

Final processing and printing of the bibliography were made possible by funds from U.S. Department of Energy grant DOEIDE-FG97-81ET46636.

Matt Walton, Director Minnesota Geological Survey 1633 Eustis Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55108






i j NEW ULM ST PAUL !------Inde x maps show in g counties and Minnesota Geologica l Survey I :250,000 scale map sheets_



Aase, J.H. See also Royce, Josiah, 2. 1. (Leonhard, G.E.). 1968, Field investigation and testing of a Minnesota clay resource for iron ore pellet bonding: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 7206, 17 p. 2. (Leonhard, G.E.). 1968, A Minnesota clay resource and its utilization for iron ore pelletizing, in Mining Symposium, 29th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 41st Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1968, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, p. 1-7.

Abelson, P.H. See also Hoering, T.e., 2. 1. (Hare, P. E.). 1968, Recent origin of amino acids in the Gunflint chert: Geological Society of America, 81 st Annual Meeting, Mexico City, 1968, Programs with Abstracts, p. 2. 2. (Hare, P.E.). 1969, Recent origin of amino acids in the Gunflint chert: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 67, 1967-68, p. 208-210.

Abrahamson, Dean. (Zabinski, Edward). 1980, Uranium in Minnesota: An introduction to exploration, mining and milling: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 67 p.

Ackroyd, E.A. See Walton, W.e., 2. (Walton, W.C.; Hills, D.L.). 1967, Ground-water contribution to streamflow and its relation to basin characteristics in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 6, 36 p.

Adams, B.B. 1. 1956, Structural studies based on gravimetric and geologic data in east-central Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1663. 2. 1957, Regional gravity and geologic structure in east-central Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 3. 1957, Regional gravity and geologic structure in east-central Minnesota [abs., University of Wisconsin Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1957, v. 17, no. 9, p. 1980-1981.

Adams, J.A.S. 1972, Emanation characteristics of rocks, soils and Rn-222 loss effect on the U-Pb system discordance, in Development of remote methods for obtaining soil information and location of construction materials using gamma ray signatures for Project Themis: Rice University, Department of Geology, 1972 Annual Report of the U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, p. 1-157.

Adams, L.H. (and others). 1952, Studies of crustal structure by explosion seismic waves near the Mesabi range and near Puget Sound [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 33, no. 2, p. 315-316.

Agnew, A.F. 1. 1956, Facies of the Platteville, Decorah, and Galena rocks of the Upper Mississippi Valley, ill Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 41-54. 2. (Sloan, R.E.). 1956, The Ordovician rocks of southwestern Wisconsin and northeastern Iowa: La Crosse, Wisconsin, to Decorah, Iowa, in Schwartz, G .M., and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 85-95.

Ahlquist, G.R. 1. 1955, Tamaracks and their relation to glacial geology-a study of the Rockville-Cold Spring area: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 23, p. 68-74. 2. 1959, Glacier-blocked lakes of Minnesota: Minnesota Journal of Science, v. 2, no. 4, p. 46-50.

1 2 Ahlquist, G.R.

3. 1960. The bedrock map of Minnesota. in Geological plaques-1959: St. Cloud. Minn .. St. Cloud State College. p. 11-13. 4. 1960. Epeiric seas of Minnesota. in Geological plaques-I 959: SI. Cloud. Minn .• SI. Cloud State College. p. 9-10. 5. (editor). 1960. Geological plaques-I 959: St. Cloud. Minn .• SI. Cloud State College. 23 p.

Ahmad. S.N. (Perry. E.e.. Jr.). 1977. Review of oxygen isotope geochemistry of some Precambrian iron formations [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 23rd Annual Meeting. Thunder Bay. Ontario. 1977. [Proceed­ ings), p. 3.

Akin. P.D. See also Jones, J.R. (Jones, J.R.). 1951 [1952], Geology and ground-water resources of the Cloquet area. Carlton County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Waters Bulletin 6. 63 p.

Alcock, Richard. See Wager. R.E.

Aldrich, L.T. See also Hart, S.R., 2; Smith. T.J., 1,2. (Wetherill, G.W.). 1960, Rb-Sr and K-A ages of rocks in Ontario and northern Minnesota: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 65, no. I. p. 337-340.

Alexander. Corrine. See Rubin, Meyer. I. 2.

Alexander, E.e.. Jr. See also Lively. R.S., 1,2; Milske, J.A.; Mohring, Eric. 2; Spong, R.e.. 4, 5. I. 1980. Geology field trip [southeastern Minnesota], in Alexander. E.C .. Jr., ed., An introduction to caves in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin: National Speleological Society Convention Guidebook 21. p. 143-188. 2. 1980, Geology of the SI. Croix caves: Minnesota Speleology Monthly. v. 12, no. 6. p. 64-67. 3. (editor). 1980, An introduction to caves of Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin: National Speleological Society Convention Guidebook 21. 190 p. 4. (Coscio, M.R., Jr.; Dragon. J.e.; Saito. Kazuo). 1977, Rare gases in pegmatite minerals and in the acid insoluble residue from Gunflint chert [abs.): EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 58. no. 12. p. 1251. 5. (Shaw, G.H.; Yenkatakrishnan, Ramesh). 1980. The southeast Minnesota karst project [abs.): National Speleological Society Bulletin. v. 42. no. 2, p. 35. 6. (Shaw, G.H.; Yenkatakrishnan. Ramesh; Spong, R.C.). 1979. The southeast Minnesota karst project [abs.): National Speleological Society. Annual Meeting, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1979. Program, p. 57.

Alexandrov, E.A. I. 1955. Contribution to studies of origin of Precambrian banded iron ores: Economic Geology. v. 50. no. 5, p. 459-468. 2. 1957, Facies relations in the Gunflint iron formation: Economic Geology. v. 52. no. 4, p. 458-461.

Allegre. e.J. See Dupre, B.

Allison. 1. S. 1924. The Giants Range batholith of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Alminas. H.Y. 1975. Soil anomalies associated with a Cu-Ni mineralization in the South Kawishiwi area. northern Lake County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-158, 20 p.

Alt, David. 1958, A review of the geology of Rainy Lake: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Anderson, H.W., Jr. 3

Amaral, E.J. (Pryor, W.A. J. 1971, Texture and grain surface character of St. Peter Sandstone [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 55, no. 2, p. 329·330.

Ames, H.T. See Kremp, G.O.W.

Ames, L.L. See Mercer, B.W.

Amundson, D.C. (Wright, H.E., Jr. J. 1979, Forest changes in Minnesota at the end of the Pleistocene: Ecological Monographs, v. 49, no. 1, p. 1·16.

Anderson, C. A. 1976, Pleistocene geology of the Comstock ·Sebeka area, west·central Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Anderson, C. T. See Maier, W.J., 1.

Anderson, D.B. (Soroka, L.G.). 1980, Glacial drift stratigraphy, New London·Spicer area, Minnesota: Minnesota Academy of Science Journal, v. 46, no. 1, p. 6·8.

Anderson, D.H. See also Hanson, G.N., 14. 1. 1965, Uranium· thorium· lead ages of zircons and model lead ages of feldspars from the Saganaga, Snowbank and Giants Range granites of northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1965, Uranium· thorium· lead ages of zircons and model lead ages of feldspars from the Saganaga, Snowbank and Giants Range granites of northeastern Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. disserta· tion]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1965, v. 26, no. I, p. 308. 3. (Gast, P.W.). 1965, Uranium·lead zircon ages and lead isotope compositions in two Algoman granites of northern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 82, p. 3-4.

Anderson, E.E. See also Heising, L.F., 1. 1957, Petrography and petrology of some bed·rock types in Becker and Otter Tail counties, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Anderson, G.E. 1. 1955, The ore minerals of the copper·nickel deposits in the Duluth gabbro [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings], unpaged. 2. 1956, Copper·nickel in the Duluth gabbro near Ely, Minnesota, ill Schwartz, G.M .. and others, eds .. Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 91·95. 3. 1956, Copper·nickel mineralization at the base of the Duluth gabbro: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Anderson, H.W., Jr. See also Broussard, W.L .. I, 2; FarrelL D.E I. 1959, The conodont fauna of the lower part of the Decorah Shale in the upper Mississippi River Valley: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Broussard, W.L.; Farrell, D.F.; Felsheim, P.E.). 1976, Water resources of the Rock River watershed, southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-555, 3 sheets. 3. (Broussard, W.L.; Farrell, D.F.; Hult, M.F.J. 1976, Water resources of the Des Moines River watershed, southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-553, 3 sheets. 4. (Farrell, D.F.; Broussard, W.L.J. 1974 [1975], Water resources of the Blue Earth River watershed, south­ central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA·525, scale 1:500,000, 3 sheets. 5. (Farrell, D.F.; Broussard, W.L.J. 1974 [1975], Water resources of the lower watershed, south· central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA·526, scale 1:500,000, 3 sheets. 4 Anderson, H.W., Jr.

6. (Farrell, D.F.; Broussard, W.L; Felsheim, P.E.). 1974 [1975], Water resources of the Cannon River watershed. southeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-522. scale 1:250,000, 3 sheets. 7. (Farrell, D.F.; Broussard, W.L; Hult. M.F.). 1975, Water resources of the Zumbro River watershed, southeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-543, scale 1:250.000. 3 sheets.

Anderson, K.H. See Oros. M.O., L

Anderson, LA. I. (Hawkins. D.R .. and others). 1963, Aeromagnetic map of parts of Wilkin, Otter Tail. Grant, and Traverse Counties. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-328, scale 1:63.360. 2. (Petrafeso. F.A.). 1962, Aeromagnetic map of parts of Clay, Wilkin. and Otter Tail Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-327. scale 1:63.360. 3. (Tyson, N.S., and others). 1963, Aeromagnetic map of the northwestern part of Cook County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-361. scale 1:63,360. 4. (Zandle, G.L). 1962. Aeromagnetic map of Norman and part of Mahnomen Counties. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-325. scale 1:63.360. 5. (Zandle, G.L, and others). 1963. Aeromagnetic map of parts of Clay and Becker Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-326, scale 1:63,360.

Anderson, R.E. 1978. Northern Minnesota crustal refraction profile: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Andrews, G.W. 1958, Windrow formation of upper Mississippi Valley: A sedimentary and stratigraphic study: Journal of Geology. v. 66, no. 6, p. 597-624.

Ankenbauer. G.A., Jr. See also Goldich, S.S .. 36, 37; Wooden, J.L. L 1975, Early Precambrian tonalites. Morton area, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Anzoleaga, Rodolfo. (Ocola, LC.; Meyer, R.P.). 1969, Shallow seismic refraction profiles in western Lake Superior and their relation to geologic structures [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting. Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1969, [Proceedings]. p. 7.

Arndt, B.M. 1. 1977, Stratigraphy of offshore sediment, Lake Agassiz-North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 60, 58 p. 2. (Moran, S.R.J. 1974, Geologic input for planning in Cass and Clay counties. North Dakota and Minnesota: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 28, pI. I, p. L 3. (Moran, S.R.). 1974, Physical data for land-use planning, Cass County, North Dakota. and Clay County, Minnesota: An inventory of mineral, soil, and water resources: North Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 54, 16 p.

Arndt. NT. (Brooks, C.). 1978. Iron-rich basaltic komatiites in the early Precambrian Vermilion District: Discussion: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 15, no. 5. p. 856-857.

Arneman. H.F. See also Grimes, M.F. (Wright. HE, Jr.). 1959, Petrography of some Minnesota tills: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 29, no. 4, p .. 540-554.

Arnold, J.R. (Libby, W.F.). 1951, Radiocarbon dates: Science, v. 113, no. 2927, p. 111-120. Austin, .G.S. 5

Arth, J.G. See also Hanson, G.N., 12, 20. I. 1973, Geochemistry of early Precambrian igneous rocks, Minnesota-Ontario [abs., State University of New York, Stony Brook, Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1973, v. 34, no. 1, p. 274B. 2. 1976, A model for the origin of the early Precambrian greenstone-granite complex of northeastern Minnesota, in Windley, B.F., ed., The early history of the earth: New York, John Wiley, p. 299-302. 3. (Hanson, G.N.). 1971, Chondri tic heavy rare earth distributions of Archean granitic rocks in northeastern Minnesota-northwestern Ontario [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 7, p. 495. 4. (Hanson. G.N.). 1972, Quartz diorites derived by partial melting of eclogite or amphibolite at mantle depths: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 37. no. 2, p. 161-174. 5. (Hanson, G.N.). 1972. Trace elements and origin of Archean igneous rocks of northeastern Minnesota­ northwestern Ontario [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 306. 6. (Hanson, G . N. ). 1973, Early Precambrian quartz monzonites derived by partial melting of graywacke [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 54, no. 4. p. 502. 7. (Hanson. G.N.). 1975. Geochemistry and origin of the early Precambrian crust of northeastern Minnesota: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 39, no. 3, p. 325-362.

Ashwal, L.D. See also Phinney, W.C., 9. I. (Morrison, D.A.; Phinney. W.e.; Cochran. A.; Wooden, J.L.). 1979, Anorthosite inclusions in Ke­ weenawan diabase, Minnesota: Effects of chemical and isotopic contamination [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11. no. 7, p. 381. 2. (Morrison, D.A.; Phinney, W.C.; Wooden. J.L.; Chi-Yu, S.). 1980, Isotopic and chemical problems in genetic interpretations of Precambrian anorthosites: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 11th, Houston. Texas. 1980, Proceedings: New York, Pergamon Press. p. 40-42.

Ashworth, A.e. I. 1980, Environmental implications of beetle assemblage from the Gervais Formation (early Wisconsinan?), Minnesota: Quaternary Research, v. 13, no. 2, p. 200-212. 2. (Bickley, W.B., Jr.; Clayton, Lee; Groenewald, G.H.J. 1971. Geology and paleontology of the Mosbeck site, Pennington County. Minnesota [abs.]: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 25, pt. 1, p. 2. 3. (Clayton, Lee; Bickley, W.B., Jr.). 1972, The Mosbeck site: A paleoenvironmental interpretation of the late Quaternary history of Lake Agassiz based on fossil insect and mollusk remains: Quaternary Research, v. 2. no. 2, p. 176-188.

Atwood, W.W. 1949, A geologist looks at the Quetico-Superior area: Canadian Geographical Journal, v. 39. no. I, p. 36-43.

Austin, G.S. See also Parham. W.E., 5. 6; Sims, P.K .. 28, 29; Sloan. R.E., 9; Swain, F.M., Jr., 7; Webers, G.F., 8. 1. 1961, Photogeology of Cook County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1963, Geology of clay deposits, Red Wing area, Goodhue and Wabasha Counties. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 2. 23 p. 3. 1969, Bedrock geologic map. New Ulm sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 3. 4. 1969, Bedrock geologic map, Stillwater sheet labs.], in Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 3. 5. 1969. Paleozoic lithostratigraphic nomenclature for southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 6, lip. 6. 1969, Subsurface stratigraphy of Minnesota [abs.], ill Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 12. 7. 1970, Deep stratigraphic test well near Hollandale, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 12, 52 p. 8. 1970, Geology and petrology of Ordovician Shakopee Formation labs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 10-11. 6 Austin, G.S.

9. 1970. Weathering of the Quartzite near New Ulm, Minnesota, as related to Cretaceous climates: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 40. no. I,p. 184-193. 10. 1971, The stratigraphy and petrology of the Shakopee Formation, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Iowa. Iowa City. II. 1971, The stratigraphy and petrology of the Shakopee Formation. Minnesota [abs., University ofIowa Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971. v. 32. no. 5. p. 2792B-2793B. 12. 1971. Weathering of the Sioux Quartzite near New Ulm, Minnesota: A reply to comment by D.M. Triplehorn: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. v. 41. no. 2, p. 604-605. 13. 1972, Cretaceous rocks, in Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B., eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 509-512. 14. 1972. Paleozoic lithostratigraphy of southeastern Minnesota, in Field trip guidebook for Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 4. p. 1-24. 15. 1972. Paleozoic lithostratigraphy of southeastern Minnesota, in Sims, P.K., and Morey. G. B., eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 459-473. 16. 1972, Petrology of the Shakopee Formation (Early Ordovician) of Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5. p. 307. 17. 1972, Precambrian Sioux Quartzite and Cretaceous rocks of southern Minnesota, in Field trip guidebook for Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 4, p. 55-63. 18. 1972. The Sioux Quartzite. southwestern Minnesota, in Sims, P.K .. and Morey, G.B., eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 450-455. 19. 1974, Multiple overgrowths on detrital quartz sand grains in the Shakopee Formation (Lower Ordovician) of Minnesota: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. v. 44, no. 2. p. 358-362. 20. (Grant, J.A.; Ikola. R.I.; Sims, P.K.). 1970, Geologic map of Minnesota, New Ulm Sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey. scale 1:250,000.

Awramik. S.M. I. 1973, Environmental and biological controls on stromatolite morphology: Stromatolites of the Gunflint Iron Formation [abs.], in Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Abstracts: National Science Foundation, Logan. Utah State University, p. 3-4. 2. 1973, The origin and evolution of stromatolites with special reference to the Gunflint Iron Formation: Unpublished Ph.D. djssertation, Harvard University, Cambridge. Mass.

Baadsgaard, Halfdan. See also Goldich, S.S .. II, 12, 25: Hart, S.R .. 2. (Goldich. S.S.; Nier. A.O.C.: Hoffman. J.H.). 1957, The reproducibility of A,o/K'o age determinations: American Geophysical Union Transactions. v. 38, no. 4. p. 539-542.

Babcock. R.C., Jf. I. 1959, Petrogeny of the granophyre and intermediate rock in the Duluth Gabbro of northern Cook County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin. Madison. 2. 1960. Petrogeny of the granophyre and intermediate rock in the Duluth Gabbro of northern Cook County, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 6th Annual Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin, 1960, [Proceedings], p. 22.

Bacon, L.O. See Klasner, J .S., I, 2.

Bagdadi, K.A. 1977. Application of the gravity and the seismic refraction methods for mapping bedrock topography in east-central Minnesota: A feasibility study: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Bailey, S. W. See also Tyler, S.A., I. (Tyler, S.A.). 1960, Clay minerals associated with the Lake Superior iron ores: Economic Geology. v. 55. no. I, p. 150-175.

Baker, C.H .. Jr. 1967, New observations on Sheyenne delta of Glacial Lake Agassiz: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 575-B, p. B62-B68. Banerjee, S.K. 7

Baker, D.G. 1959, Sources of our water resources: Conservation Volunteer, v. 22, no. 131, p. 8-12.

Baker, R.G. I. 1964, Late-Wisconsin geology and vegetation history of the Alborn area, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1965, Late-glacial pollen and plant macrofossils from Spider Creek, southern St. Louis County, Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 76, no. 5, p. 601-609.

Balaban, N.H. 1. (editor). 1979, Earth science educational materials for Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 15, 17 p. 2. (editor). 1979, Field trip guidebook for stratigraphy, structure and mineral resources of east-central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 9, 41 p. 3. (editor). 1979, Field trip guidebook for the western Vermilion district. northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 10, 65 p.

Baldwin, W.B. J. 1951, Geology of the Sioux Formation: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, New York. 2. 1951, Geology of the Sioux formation [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 62, no 12, pt. 2. p. 1532.

Ballard, F.V. 1961, The Precambrian geology of Minnesota, in University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged.

Balsley, l.R., lr. I. (Hill, M.E.: Meuschke, J.L.). 1949, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of Todd County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map, scale I :63,360, magnetic profiles. scale 1126,720. 2. (Hill, M.E.: Meuschke, J.L.). 1949, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of Wadena County and part of Hubbard County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map, scale 1:63,360, magnetic profiles, scale I: 126,720. 3. (Hill, M. E.: Meuschke, J.L.). 1951, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of Douglas County and part of Grant County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-51 , scale 1 :63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. 4. (Hill, M.E.: Meuschke, l.L.). 1951, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of part of Becker County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GPA8, scale I :63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. 5. (Hill, M. E.: Meuschke, l. L. J. 195 I , Total intensity aeromagnetic map of parts of Clearwater and Mahnomen Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GPA7, scale 1:63.360, aeromagnetic profiles. 6. (Hill, M.E.: Meuschke, J.L.). 1951, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of parts of Clearwater, Polk, and Red Lake Counties. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GPA6, scale I :63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. 7. (Hill, M.E.: Meuschke, J.L. J. 1951, Total intensity aeromagnetic Illap of the northern part of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GPA9. scale 1:63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. 8. (Hill, M.E.: Meuschke, J.L.). 1951, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the southern part of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-50, scale 1:63,360, aeromagnetic profiles.

Banerjee, S.K. See also Levi, Saul. I, 2. I. (Bogdan, D.: Engstrom. 1.: Levi, Saul: Wright, H.E., lr. J. 1974, A continuous high-resolution profile of the geomagnetic field from approximately 855 BP back to 2255 BP: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 56, no. 12, p. 1108. 2. (Lund, S. P. J. 1979, High resolution paleosecular variat.ion data and their implications for core dynamics [abs.]: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly Abstracts 17, p. 322. 8 Banerjee, S.K.

3. (Lund, S.P.; King, J.W.). 1980, High resolution geomagnetic record during Holocene climate fluctuations [abs.): International Geological Congress, 26th, Paris, July 7-17, 1980, Abstracts, v. 2, p. 634. 4. (Lund, S.P.; Levi, Saul). 1979, Geomagnetic record in Minnesota lake sediments-absence of the Gothenburg and Erieau excursions: Geology, v. 7, no. 12, p. 588-591.

Barazangi, Muawia. 1967, Geophysical investigation of the Hudson-Afton Horst, Dakota County, Minnesota: Unpublished M. S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Barghoorn, E.S. See Oro, John; Schopf, J.W.; Tyler, S.A., 2.

Barker, R.M. See Cushing, E.M.

Barrett, L.P. 1979, Uranium occurrences, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota: Grand Junction, Colo., U.S. Department of Energy Report RME-3161, 13 p.

Barton, R.H. 1957, Periglacial features in the Lake City area, southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Bath, G.D. 1. 1951, Magnetic base stations in Lake Superior iron districts: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4804, 16 p. 2. 1962, Magnetic anomalies and magnetizations of the Biwabik iron-formation, Mesabi area, Minnesota: Geophysics, v. 27, no. 5, p. 627-650. 3. (Pakiser, L.C., Jr.). 1957, Geophysical studies in northern Minnesota [abs.): American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Mining, Geology and Geophysics Division, Annual Meeting, 1957, Mining Branch Abstracts, p. 13-14. 4. (Pakiser, L.C., Ir.). 1958, Geophysical studies in northern Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958, [Proceedings], unpaged. 5. (Schwartz, G .M.). 1956, Regional aeromagnetic study of the Mesabi district, Minnesota [abs.): Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1669. 6. (Schwartz, G.M.). 1960, Magnetic anomalies and magnetization of main Mesabi iron-formation [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 6th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1960, [Proceedings), p. 27. 7. (Schwartz, G.M.). 1961, Total magnetization: An exploration parameter in the Lake Superior area [abs.]: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Yearbook 1961, p. 232. 8. (Schwartz, G.M.; Gilbert, F.P.). 1964, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of east-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-474, scale 1:250,000. 9. (Schwartz, G.M.; Gilbert, F.P.). 1964, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of northwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-47 I , scale 1:250,000. 10. (Schwartz, G.M.; Gilbert, F.P.). 1965, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-472, scale 1:250,000. II. (Schwartz, G.M.; Gilbert, F.P.). 1965, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-473, scale 1:250,000.

Bauer, D.P. See Cordua, W.S.

Bauer, R.L. I. 1974, Gneisses at Granite Falls and Montivideo, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Missouri, Columbia. 2. 1974, Superimposed folding in the Granite Falls-Montevideo area, southwestern Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 20th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 1974, [Proceedings), p. 3. 3. 1976, Structural studies of Precambrian rocks in the Minnesota River Valley [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 7. 4. 1978, Polyphase deformation in Archean schists of the western Lake Vermilion area, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 24th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1978, [Proceed­ ings], p. 5. Beck, M.E., Jr. 9

5. 1978, Structural studies in the schists of the southwestern Vennilion Granitic Complex, northern Minnesota, in Smith, I.E.M., and Williams, J.G., eds., Archean Geochemistry Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 1978, Proceedings: University of Toronto Press, p. 277-283. 6. 1979, Structural studies in the Norwegian Bay block of the Vennilion Granitic Complex, northern Minnesota, in Balaban, N.H., ed., Field trip guidebook for the western Vennilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 10, p. 13-18. 7. 1980, Multiphase defonnation in the Granite Falls-Montevideo area, Minnesota River Valley, in Morey, G. B., and Hanson, G.N., eds., Selected studies of Archean gneisses and lower Proterozoic rocks in the southern Canadian Shield: Geological Society of America Special Paper 182, p. 1-17.

Bay, R.R. I. 1967, Factors influencing soil-moisture relationships in undrained forested bogs, in Forest hydrology­ National Science Foundation, Advanced Science Seminar, University Park, Pennsylvania, 1965, Proceedings: London and New York, Pergamon Press, p. 335-343. 2. 1967, Ground water and vegetation in two peat bogs in northern Minnesota: Ecology, v. 48, no. 2, p.308-310. 3. 1967, Interpretation of fundamental hydrologic relationships of forested bogs in northern Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1968, v. 28, no. 8, p. 3364B. 4. 1970, Water table relationships on experimental basins containing peat bogs, in Symposium on the results of research on representative and experimental basins: International Association of Scientific Hydrology Publication 96, p. 360-368.

Bayer, T.N. See also Hogberg, R.K., 9; Rigby, J.K., 3. I. 1959, The subsurface bedrock stratigraphy of northwestern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1965, The Maquoketa Fonnation in Minnesota and an analysis of its benthonic commt;nities: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1965, The Maquoketa Fonnation in Minnesota and an analysis of its benthonic communities [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1966, v. 27, no. 3, p. 855B-856B. 4. 1966, Asty/ospongia from the Maquoketa Fonnation in Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology , v. 40, no. 6, p. 1387-1388. 5. 1966, Desmograptus cancel/alus in the Maquoketa Fonnation (Ordovician) of Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 40, no. 2, p. 446-447. 6. 1967, Repetitive benthonic community in the Maquoketa Fonnation (Ordovician) of Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 41, no. 2, p. 417-422. 7. 1970, Fossil collecting in the driftless area of Minnesota: Earth Science, v. 23, no. 2, p. 56-64.

Bayley, W.S. 1886, The eruptive and sedimentary rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Baysinger, 1. See Swain, F.M., Jr., 8.

Beatty, W.B. 1953, Shallow exploration for iron ore with the reflection seismograph: Explosives Engineer, v. 31, no. 6, p. 172-174.

Beck, M.E., Jr. I. 1969, Paleomagnetism and magnetic intensities of Keweenawan intrusive rocks from northeastern Minne­ sota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Riverside. 2. 1969, Paleomagnetism and magnetic intensities of Keweenawan intrusive rocks from northeastern Minnesota [abs., University of California, Riverside, Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, v. 30, no. II, p. 5106B. 3. 1970, Paleomagnetism of Keweenawan intrusive rocks, Minnesota: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 75, no. 26, p. 4985-4996. 4. (Lindsley, N.C.). 1969, Paleomagnetism of the Beaver Bay complex, Minnesota: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 74, no. 8, p. 2002-2013. 10 Beckman, C.A.

Beckman, e.A, 1958, Petrography of the Western Mesabi range, Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958, [Proceedings), p. 18.

Behnke, Jerold. 1975, A summary of the biogeochemistry of nitrogen compounds in ground water: Journal of Hydrology, v. 27, no. 1-2, p. 155-167.

Beissel, D.R. See Fax, J.G., 2; Johnson, R.M.

Bell, W.e. See also Berg, R.R., 5; Rowell. A.J.; Weiss, M.P., 8. I. 1954, Upper Mississippi Valley Middle Ordovician bentonites [abs.): Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1230-1231. 2. (Berg, R.R.). 1950, Franconia formation of Minnesota and Wisconsin [abs.): Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 61, no. 12, p. 1443. 3. (Berg, R.R.; Nelson, e.A.). 1956, Croixan type area: Upper Mississippi Valley, in pt. 2 of El sistema Cambrico: Su paleogeografia y el problema de su base: International Geological Congress, 20th, Mexico City, 1956, p. 415-466. 4. (Feniak, O.W.; Kurtz, V.E.). 1952, Trilobites of the Franconia formation. southeast Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 26, no. 2, p. 175-198.

Belsky, Theodore. See also Burlingame, A.L. 1966, Chemical evolution and organic geochemistry [abs., University of California Ph.D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts, 1966, v. 27, no. 3, p. 856B.

Beltrame, R.J. I. 1977, Directory of information on Cuyuna range geology and mining: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 13, 52 p. 2. 1977, Selected bibliography of Cuyuna range geology, mining and metallurgy: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 12, 22 p. 3. 1978, Index to geophysical investigations in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 14,52 p. 4. (Holtzman, R.e.; Morey, G. B.). 1977, Preliminary manganese resource estimates for the Cuyuna distri.ct: A statistical approach [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings), p. 5.

Berg, R.R. See also Bell, W.e., 2, 3. I. 1952, Feldspathized sandstone: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 22, no. 4, p. 221-223. 2. 1952. The Franconia formation of Minnesota and Wisconsin: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1953, Franconian tribolites from Minnesota and Wisconsin: Journal of Paleontology, v. 27, no. 4, p. 553-568. 4. 1954, Franconia formation of Minnesota and Wisconsin: Geological Socie\y of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 9, p. 857-881. 5. (Nelson, e.A.; Bell. W.e.). 1956, Upper Cambrian rocks in southeast Minnesota, ill Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 1-23.

Bergquist, H.R. 1938, The Cretaceous of the Mesabi range: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Bergstrom, DJ. See Morey, G.B., 42.

Bcrkey, e.P. 1897, Geology of the St. Croix Dalles: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Blake, R.L. 11

Berkley, 1.L I. 1972. The geology of the Deer Lake Gabbro-Peridotite Complex. Itasca County. Minnesota: Unpublished M.A. thesis. University of Missouri. Columbia. 2. 1972. The geology of the Deer Lake Gabbro-Peridotite Complex. Itasca County. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 18th Annual Meeting. Houghton. Michigan. 1972. [Proceedings], paper I. 3. 1972, The geology of the Deer Lake gabbro-peridotite complex. Itasca County. Minnesota [abs.]: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions. v. 6. p. 186. 4. (Himmelberg. G .R. J. 1978. Cumulus mineralogy and petrology of the Deer Lake Complex. Itasca County. Minnesota. pI. A of Geology of the Deer Lake Complex. Itasca County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 20. p. AI-AI8.

Berkson. 1.M. See Klasner. I.S .• 1.2; Wold. R.I .. 3,4.

Berry. H.L 1926. The Ogishke conglomerate of northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. Northwestern University. Evanston. Ill.

Berry. M.I. (West. G.F.J. 1966. An interpretation of the first-arrival data of the Lake Superior Experiment by the time­ term method: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 56. no. I. p. 141-172.

Bickley. W.B .• IT. See also Ashworth. A.e.. 2. 3. (Clayton. Lee). 1971. Sedimentation in small ponds in the mid-continent area during late Quaternary time [abs.]: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 25. pI. I. p. 3.

Bidwell. LE. See also Cotter. R.D .•; Maclay. R.W .• 2, 5. 6. 7; Oakes. E.L. 3; Winter. T.e.. 10. II. (Winter. T.e.; Maclay. R.W.). 1971. Water resources of the Red Lake River watershed. northwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-346, scales I :500.000 and 1:250.000. 4 sheets.

Bingham.l.W. 1960. Basic geologic and ground water data for Clay County. Minnesota: Minnesota Division of Waters Bulletin 8. 138 p.

Birch. F. See Roy. R.F .• 2.

Birk. D. 1976. Lake Superior geology: Geoscience Canada. v. 3, no. 3, p. 231-232.

Birks. H.l.B. See Gordon. A.D.

Bisdorf, R.I. See Zohdy, A.A.R.

Black. W.A. 1955. Study of the marked positive gravity anomaly in the northern mid-continent region of the United States [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 66. no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1531.

Blackwell, D.D. See Roy. R.F .. 2.

Blair, e.L (Gutsell. B.Y.). 1974, The American landscape: Map and air photo interpretation: New York, McGraw-Hill. 62 p.

Blake, R.L. See also Wasson, P.A. I. 1958. A study of iron silicate minerals in iron-formations of the Lake Superior region, with emphasis on the Cuyuna district. Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. 1958. A study of the iron silicate minerals with special emphasis on the iron-formation in the Cuyuna district. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 4th Annual Meeting. Duluth. Minnesota. 1958. [Proceedings J. p. 17. 12 Blake, R.L.

3. 1964, Some iron phyllosilicates of the Cuyuna and Mesabi districts in Minnesota: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 6394, 33 p. 4. 1965, Iron phyllosilicates of the Cuyuna district in Minnesota: American Mineralogist, v. 50, no. 1-2, p. 148-169.

Blanchard, D.P. See Schulz, K.J., 8.

Bleifuss, R.L. See also Mooney, H.M., 3; Pfleider, E.P., 2. 1. 1952, Correlation of magnetite content with magnetic susceptibility measurements of Minnesota Precambrian rocks: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1963, Analysis of clay samples, I.R.R.R.C. Drilling Project, Cook area, SI. Louis County: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, School of Mines and Metallurgy, Mines Experiment Station. 3. 1964, Mineralogy of oxidized taconites of the western Mesabi and its influence on metallurgical processes: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Transactions (Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Transactions), v. 229, no. 3, p. 235-244. 4. 1965, Geology of the Fillmore County district iron ores, southeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings], p. 6-7. 5. 1966, The origin of the iron ores of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 6. 1966, The origin of the iron ores of southeastern Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1967, v. 28, no. 6, p. 2475B-2476B. 7. 1966, Origin of the brown iron ores of southeastern Minnesota and their relation to the Cretaceous Windrow Formation of the upper Mississippi Valley region [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 61, no. 7, p. 1306-1307. 8. 1968, Origin of the brown iron ores of southeastern Minnesota and their relation to the Cretaceous Windrow Formation of the upper Mississippi Valley region [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 101, p. 19. 9. 1972, The iron ores of southeastern Minnesota, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 498-505. 10. (Lawver, J.E.). 1963, Mineralogical composition of some western Mesabi low-grade iron ores and its relation to mineral dressing problems [abs.]: Mining Engineering, v. IS, no. II, p. 56. II. (Trethewey, W.D.; Dorenfeld, A.C.). 1963, Utilization of the Aitkin County sulfide deposit: University of Minnesota, School of Mines, Mines Experiment Station Progress Report 4, p. 38-51. 12. (Trethewey, W.D.; Dorenfeld, A.C.). 1963, Utilization of the Aitkin County sulfide deposit [abs.]. Exhibit F in Filling gaps in the existing technology and research underway on Cuyuna range ores: U. S. Economic Development Administration, Technical Assistance Project 893, 2 p.

Bloomgren, B.A. I. (Olsen, B.M.; Poppe, J.R.). 1979, Introduction and data base, plate I ofNorvitch, R.F., and Walton, Matt, eds., Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157. 2. (Olsen, B.M.; Walton, Matt). 1979, Bedrock geology, plate 3 of Norvitch, R.F., and Walton, Matt, eds., Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157. 3. (Poppe, J.R.). 1979, Thickness of drift, plate 4 of Norvitch, R.F., and Walton, Matt, eds., Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157.

Blumentals, Ausma. See also Swain, F.M., Jf., 9, 10. (Swain, F.M., Jr.). 1956, Comparison of amino acids obtained by acid hydrolysis oflake sediments, central Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1673.

Boardman, Leona. (Young, R.C., compilers). 1955, Geologic map index of Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Index to Geologic Mapping in the U.S., scale 1:750,000.

Bodkin, J.B. See Goldich, S.S., 22. Bonnichsen, Bill 13

Bodman. G.B. 1927. Some characteristics and criteria of the soils of the red drift of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Boelter. D.H. 1969. Physical properties of peats as related to degree of decomposition: Soil Science Society of America Proceedings, v. 33, no. 4, p. 606-609.

Boffey. P.M. 1975. Energy: Plan to use peat as fuel stirs concern in Minnesota: Science. v. 190. no. 4219. p. 1066-1070.

Bogdan. D. See Banerjee. S.K .. I.

Bolin. E.J. 1. 1954, Some Foraminifera. Radiolaria. and Ostracoda from the Cretaceous of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1954, Some Foraminifera. Radiolaria, and Ostracoda from the Cretaceous of Minnesota [abs.]: Journal of Paleontology, v. 28, no. 4, p. 512. 3. 1954, Some Foraminifera. Radiolaria, and Ostracoda from the Cretaceous of Minnesota [abs.]: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 24, no. 4, p. 140-141. 4. 1956, Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera, Ostracoda, and Radiolaria from Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 30, no. 2, p. 278-298.

Bollinger, G.A. See Harding, S.T.

Boman, P.L. See Chandler. V.W .. 2.

Bonneville. J.W. See Clayton, Lee, 2.

Bonnichsen, Bill See also Perry, E.C., Jr., 3; Tyson, R.M., 2. 1. 1965, Structure and lithology of the metamorphosed Biwabik Iron-formation. Dunka River area. eastern Mesabi district, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings], p. 8-9. 2. 1968, General geology and petrology of the metamorphosed Biwabik Iron Formation, Dunka River area, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1968, General geology and petrology of the metamorphosed Biwabik Iron Formation, Dunka River area, Minnesota [abs .. University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1969, v. 29, no. 7. p. 2492B. 4. 1968, Geology of metamorphosed Biwabik Iron Formation. Dunka River area. Minnesota. in Mining Symposium. 29th Annual. and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 41 st Annual Meeting. Duluth, 1968, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota. p. 53-58. 5. 1968. Metamorphism of the Biwabik Iron Formation, Dunka River area, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 14th Annual Meeting, Superior, Wisconsin. 1968. [Proceedings], p. 26-27. 6. 1969, Geologic investigations in the southern part of the Duluth Complex [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 19-20. 7. 1969, Geology of the southern part of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota. in Mining Symposium, 30th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 42nd Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1969. [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, p. 89-93. 8. 1969. Geology of the southern part of the Duluth Complex. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 1969, [Proceedings], p. 9. 9. 1969, Metamorphic pyroxenes and amphiboles in the Biwabik Iron Formation, Dunka River area. Minnesota, in Pyroxenes and amphiboles: Crystal chemistry and phase petrology: Mineralogical Society of America Special Paper 2, p. 217-239. 10. 1969, Relationships between inverted Fe-rich pigeonite, primary orthopyroxene and Ca pyroxene in thermally metamorphosed iron formation, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 121, p, 32-33. II. 1970, Geologic investigations in southern part of Duluth Complex [abs.]. in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 18-19. 14 Bonnichsen, Bill

12. 1970, Principal rock types in the southern part of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 7, p. 498-499. 13. 1970, The southern part of the Duluth Complex and associated Keweenawan rocks, Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings), p. 10-11. 14. 1971, Hornfelses in the southern part of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings), p. 11-12. 15. 1971, Outcrop map of southern part of the Duluth Complex, and associated Keweenawan rocks. SI. Louis and Lake Counties, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-Il, scale 1:125,000. 16. 1972, The Duluth Complex [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 453-454. 17. 1972. Southern part of Duluth Complex, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 361-387. 18. 1972, Sulfide minerals in the Duluth Complex, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B .. eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 388-393. 19. 1974, Copper and nickel resources in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.): Economic Geology, v. 69, no. 7, p. 1177. 20. 1974, Copper and nickel resources in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7, p. 661-662. 21. 1974, Copper and nickel resources in the Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 10, 24 p. 22. 1974, Copper, nickel, and associated metals: Minnesota's resources in an international perspective: Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University, Department of Geological Sciences. 23. 1975, Geology of the Biwabik Iron Formation, Dunka River area, Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 70, no. 2, p. 319-340. 24. (Botto, R.I.). 1976, The behavior of precious metals and other trace elements during the fractional crystallization of Duluth Complex sulfides [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 10. 25. (Chang, L.L.Y.). 1978, Geologic setting, mineralogy, and geochemistry of magmatic sulfide deposits, Duluth Complex, U.S.A. [abs.): International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, 5th Symposium. Snowbird and Alta, Utah, 1978, Program and Abstracts, p. 59. 26. (Delano, J.W.; Forbes, W.e.). 1972, Late-stage titaniferous peridotite from Duluth Complex similar to Apollo II basalts in bulk composition [abs.): EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 53, no. 4, p. 535.

Books, K.G. See also Green, J.e., 30; Meuschke, J.L., 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. I. 1968, Magnetization of the lowermost Keweenawan lava flows in the Lake Superior area, in Geological Survey Research, 1968: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 600-D, p. 248-254. 2. 1972, Paleomagnetism of some Lake Superior Keweenawan rocks: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 760, 42 p. 3. (Green, J .e.). 1972, Further paleomagnetic data for Keweenawan rocks in the western Lake Superior area [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 454. 4. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of central Marshall and western Pennington Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-I44, scale 1:63,360. 5. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of eastern Marshall and northwestern Beltrami Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-143, scale 1:63,360. 6. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of eastern Roseau County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-140, scale 1:63,360. 7. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of Kittson County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-142, scale 1:63,360. 8. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.J. 1958, Aeromagnetic map of parts of Pennington. Red Lake, Beltrami. Clearwater, and Polk Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-146, scale 1:63,360. 9. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of western Marshall and northwestern Polk Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-145, scale 1:63,360. Brannon, J.e. 15

10. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of western Polk County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Inve,stigations Map GP-148, scale 1:63,360. 11. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of western Red Lake and central Polk Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-147, scale 1:63,360. 12. (Schwartz, G.M.; Meuschke, J.L.; Dempsey, W.J.). 1958, Aeromagnetic map of western Roseau County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations GP-14L scale 1:63,360.

Booy, Emmy. 1977, Engineering problems in glacial soils near the Canadian-United States border (abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, (Proceedings], p. 8.

Botto, R.I. See Bonnichsen, Bill, 24.

Boucher, M.L. 1975, Copper-nickel mineralization in a drill core from the Duluth Complex of northern Minnesota: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 8084, 55 p.

Boylan, D.R. 1965, A preliminary feasibility study of the use of Aitkin County, Minnesota, pyrites as a source of sulfur for a fertilizer complex, Exhibit G in Filling gaps in the existing technology and research underway on Cuyuna range ores: U.S. Economic Development Administration, Technical Assistance Project 893, 3 p.

Boy ton, G.R. See Senftle, F.E., 1.

Bradbury, J.P. 1978, A paleolimnological comparison of Burntside and Shagawa Lakes, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report 600/3-78-004, 50 p.

Bradley, R.E. 1969, Our state parks: Keyholes to the past and to geologic history: Conservation Volunteer. v. 32, no. 185, p. 50-57.

Bradshaw, B.A. 1. 1953, Significance of some trace elements in the Animikie iron formation and associated argillites (abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 64, no. 12, pC 2, p. 1398-1399. 2. 1956, Petrological comparison of Lake Superior iron formations: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto. 3. 1956, Petrological comparison of Lake Superior iron formations (abs.]: Canadian Mining Journal, v. 77, no. 12, p. 92.

Braile, L.W. See Chandler, V.W., 3.

Brandt, M.L. 1977. Geophysical investigations of a portion of the Midcontinent Gravity High in Carver and McLeod Counties, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Brannock, W.W. See Shapiro, Leonard.

Brannon, J.e. See also Green, J.C., 31. I. (Haskin, L.A.: Green, J.C.). 1979, A geochemical study of successive Keweenawan olivine tholeiite !lows (abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 18, p. 409. 2. (Haskin, L.A.; Green, J.C.). 1979, A stratigraphic regularity in compositions of olivine tholeiites of the North Shore Volcanic Group (abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. I I, no. 5, p. 226. 3. (Haskin, L.A.: Green, J.e.). 1980, Geochemistry and petrology of 156 successive volcanic !lows of the Keweenawan NSVG (abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 48, p. 1192- 1193. 16 Bratt, J.M.

Bratt, 1.M. See Swain. F.M .• lr.. 8. II.

Bray. E.e. I. 1962. A million years in Minnesota: The glacial story of the state: St. Paul. Minn .• Science Museum. 49 p. 2. 1963, Our legacy from the ice age: Conservation Volunteer. v. 26, no. 153. p. 8-14. 3. 1977. Billions of years in Minnesota: The geological story of the state: St. Paul. The Science Museum of Minnesota, 102 p.

Breckenridge. W.J. See Ross. B.A.

Bretsky. P.W. (Bretsky. S.S.). 1975, Phenetic vanatlOn in some middle Ordovician strophomenid brachiopods, in Quantitative studies in the geological sciences: Geological Society of America Memoir 142, p. 3-36.

Bretsky, S.S. See Bretsky. P.W.

Brice. W.C. (Korzeniowski, Mary; Karasov, Deborah; Lang. P.A.). 1980. A new approach for evaluating mineral resource development in northeastern Minnesota, in Sanders, P.1 .. ed .. Mining in a decade of change: Energy. economics, environment-Mining Symposium. 41st Annual. and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Minnesota Section, 53rd Annual Meeting. Duluth. 1980. Proceedings: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Department of Conferences, Continuing Educa­ tion and Extension, paper 14, 33 p.

Brietkrietz, Alex. See Norvitch, R.F., 3.

Brightman, G.F. 1942. Cuyuna iron range: Economic Geography. v. 18, p. 275-286.

Broadhead, T.W. See Levorson. e.0.

Brock, M.R. See Heyl. A. V.

Broderick. T.M. 1917, The relation of the iron ores of northeastern Minnesota to the Duluth gabbro: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Brooks, e. See also Arndt, N.T. (Hart, S.R.; Krogh. T.E.; Davis, G.L.). 1969, Carbonate contents and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of calcites from Archaean meta-volcanics: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. v. 6, no. I. p. 35-38.

Broughton, P.L. 1973. The catlinite quarries of southwestern Minnesota: Earth Sciences. v. 26. no. 3. p. 126-131.

Broussard. W.L. See also Anderson, H.W .. lr.. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7; Farrell, D.F.; Helgesen. 1.0 .• 5; Lindholm. G.F .. 3.4,6, 7; Olcott. P.G., I. 2; Van Voast. W.A., 4. I. (Anderson, H.W., lr.; Farrell, D.F.). 1973 [1974], Water resources of the Cottonwood River watershed. southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-466, scales I :500,000 and 1:250,000. 3 sheets. 2. (Farrell, D.F.; Anderson, H.W .. lr.; Felsheim, P.E.). 1975 [1976]. Water resources of the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-548, scale 1:250.000. 3 sheets.

Brown, E.H. 1970, Phase relations of stilpnomelane in the greenschist facies [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 7, p. 503. Buzzell, D. 17

Brown, N.J. 1956, The geology of the Stillwater, Minnesota, quadrangle: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Brown, R.F. See also Ropes, L.H., 2. 1967, Research on water supply, in Water resources research and educational needs in Minnesota: University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center Bulletin 5, p. 6-10.

Brugam, R.B. 1980, Postglacial diatom stratigraphy of Kirchner Marsh, Minnesota: Quaternary Research, v. 13, no. I, p. 133-146.

Buchheit, R.L. 1959, The opaque minerals of the basic igneous rocks of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Buell. H.F. See Buell. M.F.

Buell, M.F. (Buell, H.F.: Reiners, W.A.). 1968, Radial mat growth on CedarCreek Bog. Minnesota: Ecology. v. 49, no. 6, p. 1198-1199.

Burch, Terrill. I. 1970, A hydrodynamic and morphologic study of pot holes [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 9. 2. 1970. The morphology and hydrodynamics of potholes: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1972, The morphology ofpo( holes [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 4. no. 7, p. 461.

Burgess. Jack. 1955, Cretaceous deposits of the Mesabi range: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Missouri, Columbia.

Burlingame. A.L. (Haug. Pat: Belsky, Theodore: Calvin, Melvin). 1965. Occurrence of biogenic steranes and pentacyclic triterpanes in an Eocene shale (52 million years) and in an early Precambrian shale (2.7 billion years): A preliminary report: National Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 54. no. 5, p. 1406-1412.

Burnell, J.R., Jr. See also Davidson, D.M., Jr., 22. I. 1976, Petrology and structural relations of the Brule Lake intrusions. Cook County. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. 1976, The petrology and structural relations of the later Precambrian Brule Lake intrusions. Cook County, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 22nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota. 1976, Proceedings, p. 14.

Burr, J.H., Jr. I. 1958, Ostracoda of the Dubuque and Maquoketa formations of Minnesota and northern Iowa: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Swain, F. M., Ir.). 1965, Ostracoda of the Dubuque and Maquoketa Formations of Minnesota and northern Iowa: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-3, 40 p.

Bury, CA. 1958, The geology of the Cedar Mountain Complex, Minnesota River Valley: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

3utz, T.R. See Meineke, D.G., 2.

3uzzell, D. See Ryu, Jisoo. 18 Byers, A.C.

Byers, A.e. (Wenzel, L.K.: Laird, W.M.; Dennis, P.E.; Morgan, A.M.). 1946, Ground water in the Fargo-Moorhead area, North Dakota and Minnesota: Washington, D.C., U.S. Geological Survey, 87 p.

Cabri, L.J. (Hall, S.R.). 1972, Mooihoekite and haycockite, two new copper-iron sulfides, and their relationship to chalcopyrite and talnakhite: American Mineralogist, v. 57, no. 5-6, p. 689-708.

Calvin, Melvin. See Burlingame, A.L.

Card, K.D. See Sims, P.K., 30.

Carlson, C.G. See Freers, T.F.

Carlson, D.R. See also McGinnis, L.D., I. 1971, Gravity and bedrock geology of east-central Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Case, G.R. 1965, An occurrence of the sawfish, Onchopristis dunklei in the Upper Cretaceous of Minnesota: Minnesota Academy of Science Journal, v. 32, no. 3, p. 183.

Cass, K.R. 1979, Inversion of a gravity profile near New Prague, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Catanzaro, E.J. See also Hanson, G.N., 13, 14, 27. I. 1963, Zircon ages in southwestern Minnesota: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 68, no. 7, p. 2045-2048. 2. (Hanson, G.N.). 1971, Reliability of U-Pb ages of sphene in northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 52, no. 4, p. 368. 3. (Hanson, G.N.). 1971, U-Pb ages for sphene from early Precambrian igneous rocks in northeastern Minnesota-northwestern Ontario: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 8, no. 10, p. 1319-1324.

Cazeneuve, Horacio. See Olsson, Ingrid, 2.

Center for Urban and Regional Affairs. I. 1977, Peat resources of the southern Arrowhead region: Minneapolis, Map Series 5. 2. 1977, Peat resources of the northern Headwaters region: Minneapolis, Map Series 6.

Chamberlin, T.e. 1975, Supplementary hypothesis respecting the origin of the loess of the Mississippi Valley, in Loess: Lithology and genesis: Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 26: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, p. 37-44. Reprint from Journal of Geology, v. 5, p. 795-802, 1897.

Chandler, V.W. See also Walton, Matt, 8. I. 1980, Correlation of gravity and magnetic anomalies in east-central Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980, [Proceedings 1, p. 22. 2. (Boman, P.L.; Hinze, W.J.; O'Hara, N.W.). 1980, Long wavelength gravity and magnetic anomalies of the Lake Superior region [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980, [Proceedings], p. 42-43. 3. (Hinze, W.J.; Braile, L.W.). 1977, Analytical correlation of gravity and magnetic data in the North American midcontinent [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 10. 4. (Walton, Matt). 1980, Detailed aeromagnetic mapping program in Minnesota [abs.]: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 50th International Meeting, Houston, Texas, [Abstracts], p. 8-9. Clayton, Lee 19

Chaney, R.W. 1954, A new pine from the Cretaceous of Minnesota and its paleoecological significance: Ecology, v. 35, no. 2, p. 145-151.

Chang, L.L. Y. See Bonnichsen, Bill, 25; MoIling, P.A., 2, 3; Tyson, R.M., 3, 4, 5.

Charpentier, R.R. 1976, Chitinozoans of the Middle Ordovician Decorah Subgroup in Iowa and Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Chase, e.G. See also Stevenson, R.J., 3. (Gilmer, T.H.). 1973, Precambrian plate tectonics: The Midcontinent Gravity High: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 21, no. I, p. 70-78.

Chaudhuri, S. See also Faure, G., 2, 3. (Cullers, R.L.). 1973, The rare-earth contents in Keweenawan basalts and rhyolites [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 54, no. 4, p. 500.

Chernicoff, S.E. 1980, The Superior-lobe and Grantsburg-sublobe tills: Their compositional variability in east-central Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Chi-Yu. S. See Ashwal, L.D., 2.

Christensen, O. D. I. (Miley, J.M.). 1978, Petrology of a metamorphic aureole, boundary waters area, Minnesota [abs.]: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 32, p. 24. 2. (Miley. J.M.). 1978, Petrology of a metamorphic aureole. boundary waters area, Minnesota: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 32, p. 45-54.

Christianson, M. See St. John, e.M.

Chukhrov, F.V. (Vinogradov, V.I.; Ermilova, L.P.). 1970, On the isotopic sulfur composition of wme Precambrian strata: Mineralium Deposita, v. 5. no. 3, p. 209-222.

Church, W.R. I. 1968, The Penokean and Hudsonian orogenies in the Great Lakes region, and the age of the Grenville Front [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 14th Annual Meeting, Superior, Wisconsin, 1968, [Proceedings], p. 16-18. 2. (Young, G.M.). 1970, Discussion of the progress report of the Federal-Provincial committee on Huronian stratigraphy: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 7, no. 3, p. 912-918.

Churchill, R.D. 1979, The stratigraphy and petrology of the Upper Cambrian Mount Simon, Eau Claire, and Galesville formations in S.E. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Churchill, R.K. See also Weiblen, P.W., 9, 10, 19. 1978, A geochemical and petrological investigation of the Cu-Ni sulfide genesis in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Clayton, Lee. See also Ashworth, A.e., 2, 3; Bickley, W.B., Jf.; Harris. K.L., 4, 5; Moran, S.R., 1,2. I. 1975, Bison trails and their geologic significance: Geology. v. 3, no. 9, p. 498-500. 2. (Bonneville, J.W.; Thompson, G.G.). 1961, Physiography and glacial geology of Minnesota and northeast­ ern Iowa, in University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2. variously paged. 3. (Laird, W.M.; Klassen, R.W.; Kupsch, W.O.). 1965, Intersecting minor lineations on Lake Agassiz Plain: Journal of Geology, v. 73, no. 4, p. 652-656. 20 Clayton, R.N.

Clayton, R.N. See James, H.L., 5.

Clement, G.M. 1933, Paleozoic stratigraphy and structure on the St. Croix River: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

Cloud, P.E., Jr. I. (Gruner, 1. W.; Hagen, H.). 1965, Carbonaceous rocks of the Soudan Iron-Formation (Early Precambrian): Science, v. 148, no. 3678, p. 1713-1716. 2. (Licari, G .R.). 1968, Microbiotas of the banded iron formations: National Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 61, no. 3, p. 779-786. 3. (Licari, G.R.). 1972, Ultrastructure and geologic relations of some two-aeon old nostocacean algae from northeastern Minnesota: American Journal of Science, v. 272, no. 2, p. 138-149. 4. (Semikhatov, M.A.), 1969, Proterozoic stromatolite zonation: American Journal of Science, v. 267, no. 9, p. 1017-1061.

Coale, B.V. 1960, The Pipestone National Monument: Conservation Volunteer, v. 23, no. \37, p. 31-35.

Cobban, W.A. See Shurr, G.W., 3.

Cochran, A. See Ashwal, L.D., I; Phinney, W.C" 9.

Cohen, T.J. I. 1966, Explosion seismic studies of the Midcontinent Gravity High: Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2. (Meyer, R.P.). 1966, The Midcontinent Gravity High: Gross crustal structure, in The earth beneath the continents: A volume of geophysical studies in honor of Merle A. Tuve: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 10, p. 141-165.

Collins, CT. I. 1976, The mineral industry of Minnesota, in v. 2, Area reports, domestic: U.S. Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1973, p. 367-381. 2. 1977, The mineral industry of Minnesota, in v. 2, Area reports, domestic: U.S. Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1974, p. 375-388.

Collins, M.A. See Johnson, R.M.

Condie, K.C. See Rogers, J.J.W., I.

Conlon, P.J. 1970, Glacial geology of central Minnesota labs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 8-9.

Conroy, L.E. See Maier, W.J" 2.

Convery, M.P. See also Pfannkuch, H.-O., 3. 1979, The behavior and movement of petroleum products in unconsolidated surficial deposits: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Cook, P.M. (Glass, G.E.; Tucker, J.H.). 1974, Asbestiform amphibole minerals: Detection and measurement of high concentrations in municipal water supplies: Science, v. 185, no. 4154, p. 853-855.

Cooke, S.R.B. See Grosh, W.A., 3: Heising, L.F., 2.

Coons, R.L. I. 1966, Precambrian basement geology and Paleozoic structure of the Midcontinent Gravity High: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Cotter, R.D. 21

2. (Woollard, G.P.; Hershey, G.). 1967, Structural significance and analysis of mid-continent gravity high: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 51, no. 12, p. 2381-2399.

Cooper, Margaret. 1955, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas, pt. 4 afBibliography and index of literature on uranium and thorium and radioactive occurrences in the United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 66, no. 3, p. 257-326.

Cooper, R.W. See also FOOOie, M.P., 1,2; Morey, G.B., 56; Weiblen, P.W., 8, 9,10,19. I. 1978, Lineament and structural analysis of the Duluth Complex, Hoyt Lakes-Kawishiwi area, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Morey, G.B.). 1977, The application of linear topographic features to structural interpretation of a glaciated Precambrian terrane in northeastern Minnesota labs .]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 12. 3. (Morey, G.B.; Weiblen, P.W.). 1978, Topographic and aeromagnetic lineaments and their relationship to bedrock geology in a glaciated Precambrian terrane, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: International Conference on Basement Tectonics, 3rd, Durango, Colorado, 1978, Proceedings, p. 13-14.

Cordua, W.S. (Bauer, D.P.: Gilbertson, J.P.: Koskelin, K.M.; Oberli, 1.W.). 1979, Geologic setting of copper mineralization in Precambrian (Keweenawan) basaltic and Upper Cambrian sediments in the St. Croix Falls area, Wisconsin and Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II, no. 5, p. 227.

Cornell, 1.R. See also Swain, F.M., Jr., 12. 1956, The Ostracode zones of the Decorah shale: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Cornwall, H.R. 1951, Differentiation in magmas of the Keweenawan series: Journal of Geology, v. 59, no. 2, p. 151-172.

Cort, 1.1., Jr. 1931, Some contact metamorphic effects of the Duluth Gabbro south of Kekequabic Lake, Minnesota: Unpublished M.A. thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Coscio, M.R., Jr. See Alexander, E.C., Jr., 4.

Costello, M.1. See Eng, M.T., 4.

Cotter, R.D. See also Winter, T.C., 12. 1. (Bidwell, L.E.). 1966, Water resources of the Pomme de Terre River watershed, west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-220, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets. 2. (Bidwell, L.E.). 1968, Water resources of the watershed, southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-269, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets. 3. (Bidwell, L.E.; Oakes, E.L.; Hollenstein, G.H.). 1966, Water resources of the Big Stone Lake watershed, west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-213, scale I: 250,000, 4 sheets. 4. (Bidwell, L.E.; Van Voast, W.A.; Novitzki, R.P.). 1968, Water resources of the Chippewa River watershed, west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-286, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets. 5. (Rogers, J.E.). 1958, Subsurface glacial stratigraphy in the Mountain Iron-Virginia area, St. Louis County, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 69, no. 12, pt. 2, p. IS49. 6. (Rogers, J.E.). 1961, Exploratory drilling for ground water in the Mountain Iron-Virginia area, St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1539-A, p. AI-AI3. 7. (Rogers, J.E.). 1969, Glacial geology of the Mountain Iron-Virginia-Eveleth area, Mesabi iron range, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper SOI-C, p. CI44-CI46. 8. (Young, H.L.: Petri, L.R.; Prior, C.H.). 1965, Ground and surface water in the Mesabi and Vermilion Iron Range area, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1759-A, p. A I-A36. 22 Cotter, R.D.

9. (Young, H.L.: Petri, L.R.: Prior, C.H.). 1965, Water resources in the vicinity of municipalities of the central Mesabi Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1759-D, p. DI-D20. 10. (Young, H.L.: Petri, L.R.: Prior, C.H.). 1965, Water resources in the vicinity of municipalities on the east­ central Mesabi Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1759-E, p. EI-E23. II. (Young, H.L.; Petri, L.R.: Prior, C.H.). 1965, Water resources in the vicinity of municipalities on the eastern Mesabi Iron Range and the Vermilion Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1759-F, p. FI-F27. 12. (Young, H.L.; Petri, L.R.: Prior, C.H.). 1965, Water resources in the vicinity of municipalities on the west­ central Mesabi Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1759-C, p. CI-C21. 13. (Young, H.L.; Petri, L.R.; Prior, c.H.). 1965, Water resources in the vicinity of municipalities on the western Mesabi Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1759-B, p. Bl-B24. 14. (Young, H.L.; Winter, T.C.). 1964, Preliminary surficial geologic map of the Mesabi-Vermilion Iron Range area, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geological Investigations Map 1-403, scale 1: 125,000.

Couser, C.W. 1934, Paleozoic stratigraphy and structure in the Minnesota River Valley: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

Coyner, A.R. 1974, Geology of copper and cobalt veins, Loon Lake, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 20th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 1974, [Proceedings], p. 10.

Craddock, Campbell. See also Mooney, H.M., 4, 5. 1. 1972, Keweenawan geology of east-central and southeastern Minnesota, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 416-424. 2. 1972, [Late Precambrian] Regional geologic setting, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 281-291. 3. (Montgomery, W.W.; Mudrey, M.G., Jr.). 1977, Guidebook for Lake Superior fieldtrip: International Symposium on Antarctic Geology and Geophysics, Madison, Wisconsin, 1977,78 p. 4. (Mooney, H.M.; Kulehmainen, Victoria). 1970, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-IO, scale l:l ,000,000. 5. (Thiel, E.C.; Gross, Barton). 1963, A gravity investigation of the Precambrian of southeastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 68, no. 21, p. 6015-6032.

Craig, AJ. 1972, Pollen influx to laminated sediments: A pollen diagram from northeastern Minnesota: Ecology, v. 53, no. 1, p. 46-57.

Crain, W.E. 1957, The areal geology of the Red Wing quadrangle: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Crittenden, M.D. See Hewett, D.F.

Crowell, W.R. 1917, The iron ores of Lake Superior: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, New York.

Cullers, R.L. See Chaudhuri, S.

Cushing, EJ. See also Wright, H.E., Jr., 32. I. 1962, Redeposited pollen in late-glacial sediments in east-central Minnesota [abs.]: Pollen et Spores, v. 4, no. 2, p. 340. 2. 1963, Late-Wisconsin pollen stratigraphy in east -central Minnesota: Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Davidson, D.M., Jr. 23

3. 1963, Origin of pseudostratification and interlayering in glacial tills fabs]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 76, p. 38. 4. 1964, Redeposited pollen in late-Wisconsin pollen spectra from east-central Minnesota: American Journal of Science, v. 262, no. 9, p. 1075-1088. 5. 1967, Evidence for differential pollen preservation in late Quaternary sediments in Minnesota, in Quaternary palynology and actuopalynology: Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, v. 4, no. 1-4, p. 87-101. 6. 1967, Late-Wisconsin pollen stratigraphy and the glacial sequence in Minnesota, in Quaternary paleoecology -International Association for Quaternary Research, 7th Congress, 1965, Proceedings, v. 7: New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, p. 59-88. 7. 1969, Surficial geologic map, Duluth and Stillwater sheets [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 8.

Cushing, E.M. (Barker, R.M.). 1974, Summary of geologic and hydrologic information pertinent to tunneling in selected urban areas: Springfield, Va., National Technical Information Service, variously paged.

Cutler, F.S. 1955, The lady of the lake: The story of America's oldest human skeleton: Minnesota Historical Society Educational Bulletin II, 10 p.

Cvancara, A.M. See Moran, S.R., I, 2.

Dablow, J.F. 1975, Late stage, semi-brittle deformation in the Lake Vermilion formation of northeast Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Daellenbach, e.B. See Heising, L.F., I.

Daggett, M.D., III. 1980, The structure and petrology of the Cedar Mountain Complex, Redwood County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Dahlberg, J.e. 1979, Is this a record?: Lapidary Journal, v. 33, no. 8, p. 1772.

Danes, Z.F. See Sloan, R.E., 10.

Daniels, P.A. See Ojakangas, R. W., 22.

Dapples, E.e. 1955, General lithofacies relationship of St. Peter sandstone and Simpson group: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 39, no. 4, p. 444-467.

Darby, D.G. 1972, Evidences of Precambrian life in Minnesota, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B" eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 264-271.

Darling, W.O. 1956, Foundation problems in the SI. Peter sandstone, SI. Anthony Falls Lower Lock and Dam, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1684-1685.

Davidson, D.M. See Schwartz, G.M., 20, 21.

Davidson, D.M., Jr. See also Hinze, W.J., 3; Lehman, G.A., 2; Ripley, E.M., 7; Weiblen, P.W., II, 12. 1. 1968, Geology of the Duluth Complex in the Perent Lake and Kawishiwi Lake quadrangles, Lake and Cook Counties, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 14th Annual Meeting, Superior, Wisconsin, 1968, [Proceedings], p. 23. 2. 1969, Felsic rock associations of the Duluth Complex [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1969, [Proceedings], p. II. 24 Davidson, D.M., Jr.

3. 1969, Geologic map of the Kawishiwi Lake quadrangle, Lake and Cook Counties, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-7, scale 1:24,000, separate text. 4. 1969, Geologic map of the Perent Lake quadrangle, Lake County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-8, scale 1:24,000, separate text. 5. 1969, Geology of the felsic rocks in the Duluth Complex [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 20. 6. 1970, Geology of eastern part of Duluth Complex [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 17-18. 7. 1971, A new view of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth, Minnesota. 1971, [Proceedings], p. 13-14. 8. 1972, Eastern part of Duluth Complex. in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B .. eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 354-360. 9. 1972. Petrology of the intermediate and felsic rocks. eastern Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 4. no. 7, p. 484. 10. 1977, Reconnaisance geologic map of the Alice Lake quadrangle, Lake County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-33, scale 1:24.000. II. 1977, Reconnaisance geologic map of the Beth Lake quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-26, scale 1:24.000. 12. 1977, Reconnaisance geologic map of the Brule Lake quadran~le, Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-29. scale 1:24.000. 13. 1977. Reconnaisance geologic map of the Cherokee Lake quadrangle. Cook County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-30. scale 1:24.000. 14. 1977. Reconnaisance geologic map of the Eagle Mountain quadrangle. Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-28, scale 1:24.000. 15. 1977, Reconnaisance geologic map of the Kelso Mountain quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-27, scale 1:24,000. 16. 1977, Reconnaisance geologic map of the Lake Polly quadrangle, Lake and Cook Counties, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-34. scale 1:24,000. 17. 1977, Reconnaisance geologic map of the Lima Mountain quadrangle. Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-32, scale 1:24,000. 18. 1977. Reconnaisance geologic map of the Pine Mountain quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-31, scale 1:24,000. 19. 1978. Paleostrain analysis of the Saganaga batholith (Archean), Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 7. p. 385-386. 20. 1979, Some structural attributes of Lower and Middle Precambrian rocks. Carlton and Pine Counties, Minnesota, in Balaban, N. H., ed., Field trip guidebook for stratigraphy. structure and mineral resources of east-central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 9. p. 29-41. 21. 1980. Emplacement and deformation of the Archean Saganaga Batholith. Vermilion District, northeastern Minnesota. in Analytical studies in structural geology: Tectonophysics, v. 66, no. 1-3. p. 179-195. 22. (Halls, H.C.; Burnell, J.R., Jr.). 1976, Paleomagnetism of the late Precambrian Brule Lake intrusions, Cook County, Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 22nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 18. 23. (Ojakangas, R. W.). 1977, Emplacement. unroofing and deformation of the synvolcanic Saganaga Batholith (Archean), Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: A progress report, in Geotraverse Conference. Toronto, Ontario, 1977, Proceedings: University of Toronto, p. 220-221.

Davidson, E.L. 1979, The relationships between the petrology, mineralogy, and sulfide mineralization in a portion of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Davis, E.W. 1. 1953, Taconite: The derivation of the name: Minnesota History, v. 33, no. 7, p. 282-283. 2. 1956. Value in troublesome rock, in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor's State-v,ide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota, Nov. 16-18. 1955, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p, 171-175. 3. 1957, The mineral wealth of Minnesota: Conservation Volunteer. v. 20, no. 119, p. 49-52.

Davis, G.L. See Brooks. c.; Hart. S.R., 2, 3. DeVaney, Fred 25

Davis, R.A., Jr. 1. 1966, Quiet water oolites from the Ordovician of Minnesota: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 36, no. 3, p. 813-818. 2. 1966, Revision of Lower Ordovician nomenclature in upper Mississippi Valley: Journal of Geology, v. 74, no. 3, p. 361-365. 3. 1966, Willow River Dolomite: Ordovician analogue of modem algal stromatolite environments: Journal of Geology, v. 74, no. 6, p. 908-923. 4. 1968, Algal stromatolites composed of quartz sandstone: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 38, no. 3, p. 953-955. 5. 1969, Stratigraphy of the Prairie du Chien Group [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, [v. 1], pt. 6, p. 9. 6. 1975, Intertidal and associated deposits of the Prairie du Chien Group in the upper Mississippi Valley, in Ginsburg, R. N. , ed. , Tidal deposits: A casebook of recent examples and fossil counterparts: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 299-306.

Davis, V.c. See Pennington, J.W., 1.2.

Dean. W.E. (Megard. R.O.). 1973, Control of phytoplankton photosynthesis on the precipitation of CaC03 [abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 5, no. 7. p. 594-595.

Decker. E.R. See Roy. R.F., 2.

Deevey, E.S .. Jr. See also Flint. R.F.; Preston. R.S. (Potzger, J. E.). 1951, Peat samples for radiocarbon analysis: Problems in pollen statistics: American Journal of Science, v. 249. no. 7. p. 473-511.

DeHuff, G.L.. Jr. See Hewett. D.F.

Delano. J.W. See Bonnichsen. Bill. 26.

Delevaux, M.H. See Doe. B.R .. I. 2; Goldich, S.S .• 13.

Dell, C.I. 1975, Relationships of till to bedrock in the Lake Superior region: Geology. v. 3. no. 10, p. 563-564.

Dempsey, W.J. See Books. K.G .• 4, 5, 6. 7, 8.9. 10. II. 12.

Denechaud. E.B. See also Haskin. L.A.; Paster. T.P. 1969. Rare-earth activation analysis: Development and application to Stretishorn dike and Duluth Complex [abs" University of Wisconsin Ph.D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, v. 30, no. 12. p. I. p. 5396B.

Dennis. P.E. See Byers. A.C.

DePaolo. DJ. (Wasserburg. G.J.). 1976. Inferences about magma: Sources and mantle structure from variations of ' 43Nd/' .... Nd: Geophysical Research Letters. v. 3. no. 12, p. 743-746.

DesAutels. D.A. I. 1978, The paleoecology of an Ordovician marine community in the Galena Limestone. Goodhue County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1979. The paleoecology of an Ordovician marine community from the Galena Limestone. Goodhue County, Minnesota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II. no. 5, p. 228.

DeVaney, Fred. 1956. Iron through beneficiation, in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor's State-wide Conference on Resources. Hibbing, Minnesota, Nov. 16-18, 1955, Report: SI. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 162-170. 26 Devine, J.F.

Devine, J.F. See Hadley. J.B.

Dickson, FH. See Normark, W.R.

Diedrick, R.T. CRust, R.H.). 1975, Evidence for a Glacial Lake Benson as interpreted from the soil survey: Minnesota Academy of Science Journal, v. 41, p. 9-13.

Dienhart, A.V. 1958, Industrial values of Minnesota's waters, in The future of Minnesota resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources, Virginia, Minnesota, April 23-25, 1958, Report: SI. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission. p. 301-309.

DiStefano, Mark. 1973, The mineralogy and petrology of the Eau Claire Formation, west-central Wisconsin: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Dixon, J.B. I. (McKee, T.R.). 1972, Internal structure ofhalloysite particles [abs.]: Clay Minerals Society Conference, 21st Annual Meeting, [Rapid City, South Dakota], 1972, Program Abstracts, p. 30. 2. (McKee, T.R.). 1974, Internal and external morphology of tubular and spheroidal halloysite particles: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 22, no. I, p. 127-137.

Doe, B.R. See also Goldich, S.S., 13. I. (Delevaux, M.H.). 1976, Lead isotope investigations in the Minnesota River Valley [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 21. 2. iDelevaux, M.H.). 1980, Lead-isotope investigations in the Minnesota River Valley-late-tectonic and posttectonic granites, in Morey, G.B., and Hanson, G.N., eds., Selected studies of Archean gneisses and lower Proterozoic rocks in the southern Canadian Shield: Geological Society of America Special Paper 182, p. 105-112. 3. (Smith, D.K., editors). 1972, Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian geology: A volume in honor of John W. Gruner: Geological Society of America Memoir 135, 335 p.

Dolence, J.D. See also Mancuso, J.D. 1961, The Pokegama quartzite in the Mesabi Range: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Dorenfeld, A.e. See Bleifuss, R.L., II, 12.

Dosso, Laure. (Murthy, V. Rama; Sabelin, Tatiana; Leeman, W.P.). 1980, Nd and Sr isotopic systematics of Keweenawan volcanic rocks from the north shore of Lake Superior [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. \7, p. 413.

Dow, G.M. See Ruotsala. A.P., 2.

Downing, F.E. 1943, Ore is where you find it: Conservation Volunteer, v. 6, no. 37, p. 13-14.

Dragon, J.e. See Alexander, E.C., Jr., 4.

Dreimanis, A. See Gwyn, Q.H.J.

Drier, R.W. (Du Temple, O.T.). 1961, Prehistoric copper mining in the Lake Superior region: Calumet, Mich., published by the authors.

Driscoll, FG. See Matsch, c.L., 9. Ehrlich, G.G. 27

Du Bois, P,M. 1. 1959, Correlation of Keweenawan rocks of Lake Superior district by paleomagnetic methods: Geological Association of Canada Proceedings, v. II, p. 115-128. 2. 1962, Paleomagnetism and correlation of Keweenawan rocks: Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 71,75 p.

Duke, J.M. See Naldrett, A.J.

Duluk, C,.E. 1963, The Mesabi has fossils, too: Earth Science, v. 16, no. 2, p. 72-74.

Dun~y, R.E. 1967, The use of pollen analysis in the interpretation of the late Pleistocene: Geological Review, v. 13, no. 1, p. 1-7.

Dunlavy, H.R. (Pavlik, C.E.: Morey, G.B.). 1979, Geologic map index of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey, 19 p.

Dupre, B. (Hamelin, B.; Allegre, c.J.: Manhes, G.). 1978, Heterogeneity of the mantle from Archean to present: A Pb isotope study, in Zartman, R.E., ed., Short papers of the Fourth International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology, and Isotope Geology, 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-701. p. 103-105.

Durfee, G.A. See also McGinnis, L.D., 2. I. 1956, A regional gravity survey of the Cuyuna iron range, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Michigan College of Mining, Houghton. 2. 1957, A regional gravity survey of the Cuyuna iron range, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 415, 26 p.

Durum, W.H. See Prior, C.H.

Dutch, S.J. 1979, Precambrian structural trends in the Midcontinent region as indicated by geophysical data [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II, no. 7, p. 418.

Du Temple, O.T. See Drier, R.W.

Dutton, C.E. See Schmidt, R.G., 7, 8.

East, P.W. See Hanson, G.N., IS.

Eberlein, G.D. See Klemic, Harry.

Edens, M.H. 1979, Hydrogeologic study of a landfill site consisting of highly compressed solid waste: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Edwards, G. See Goldich, S.S., 12.

Eggleton, R.A. 1970, Silicon tetrahedral sheet in stilpnomelane: Nature, v. 225, no. 5233, p. 625-626.

Eginton, C.W. 1975, Geology of the White Bear Lake West quadrangle, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.

Ehrlich, G.G. See Reeder, H.O., 3. 28 Ehrlich, Robert

Ehrlich, Robert. See Mazzullo, 1.M., 1. 2.

Eisenack, Alfred. (Fries, Magnus). 1965, Peridinium limbatum (Stokes) verglichen mit der tertiaren Oef/andrea phosphoritica (Eisenack) [with English summary]: Geologiska Fiireningens i Stockholm Fiirhandlingar, v. 87, pt. 2, no. 521, p. 239-248.

Eister, M.F. See McIntosh, W.L.

Ekren, E.B. See Frischknecht, F.e., 1,2,3.

Elder, S.G. 1936, Geology of the Glenwood formation: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, III.

Elftman, A.H. 1898, Some points on the structure and composition of igneous rocks of northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Elson, l.A. I. 1957, History of Glacial Lake Agassiz [abs.]: International Association for Quaternary Research (lNQUAl, 5th Congress, Madrid-Barcelona, Resumes des Communications, p. 53. 2. 1957, Lake Agassiz and the Mankato-Valders problem: Science, v. 126, no. 3281, p. 999-1002. 3. 1961, Soils of the Lake Agassiz region, in Soils in Canada: Royal Society of Canada Special Publication 3, p. 51-79. 4. 1967, Geology of Glacial Lake Agassiz, in Mayer-Oakes, W.1., ed., Life, land and water-Conference on environmental studies of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region, 1966, Proceedings: Manitoba University, Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper I, p. 37-96.

Emanuelson, 1.W. See Marsden, R.W., 12.

Emmons, W.H. 1. 1912, Outline of the geology of the iron ranges, in Van Barneveld, e.E., ed., Iron mining in Minnesota: University of Minnesota, School of Mines, Mines Experiment Station Bulletin I, p. 12-23. 2. 1940, Lake Superior iron ore deposits, in Principles of economic geology, 2nd ed.: New Yark, McGraw-Hill, p. 242-259.

Eng, M.T. I. 1976, An aerial evaluation of peat resources, fen patterns and other surficial deposits, Koochiching County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals, scale 1: 125 ,000. 2. 1976, The relationship of fen patterns to streams and rock outcrops in Koochiching County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals, scale 1:125,000. 3. 1979, An evaluation of surficial geology and peat resources, S. W. St. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals, scale 1 inch = 2 miles. 4. (Costello, M.l.). 1979, Industrial minerals in Minnesota: A status report on sand, gravel, and crushed rock: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals, 76 p.

Engstrom, 1. See Banerjee, S.K., I.

Ensign, e.O., lr. See Nordeng, S.e.

Erickson, B.R. I. 1962, A description of Castoroides ohioensis from Minnesota: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 30, no. I, p. 6-13. 2. 1962, Minnesota's giant beaver: St. Paul, Science Museum Observer, v. 2, no. 2, p. 5-7. 3. 1967, Paleontological evidence concerning some post glacial features of the Mississippi River valley: St. Paul, Science Museum Scientific Publications, New Series, v. I, no. 2, 4 p. 4. (Larson, Norine). 1966, A walk through time: St. Paul, Science Museum Guide Leaflet I, 14 p. Fahey, J.J. 29

Ericson, D. W. See also Helgesen, J.O., 4,5,6,7; Lindholm, G.F., 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12; Olcott, P.G., I, 2; Siegel, 0.1., 4. !. (Lindholm, G.F.; Helgesen, J.O.). 1976, Water resources of the Rainy Lake watershed, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-556, 2 sheets. 2. (Lindholm, G.F.; Helgesen, J.O.). 1974, Water resources of the Rum River watershed, east-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-509. scales 1:250,000 and 1:500.000. 3 sheets.

Ermilova, L.P. See Chukhrov, F.V.

Ernst. W.G. !. 1954, The SI. Peter sandstone-Glenwood shale contact: American Mineralogist. v. 39. no. 11-12. p. 1025- 103!. 2. 1955, The petrology of the Endion sill, Duluth, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1960. Diabase-granophyre relations in the Endion sill, Duluth. Minnesota: Journal of Petrology, v. I. no. 3, p. 286-303.

Ervin. c.P. See also Hammer, Sigmund, 2; Krenz. K.A.; McGinnis, L.D., 3. 4; Van De Voorde. B.W., 2. !. 1980, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, SI. Cloud sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-44, scale 1:250.000. 2. (Ikola. R.J.; McGinnis, L.D.). 1980, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota. New Ulm sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-43, scale 1:250.000. 3. (Mudrey, M.G .. Jr.). 1975, Extension of Vermilion District lamprophyres into western Minnesota from geophysical observations [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 21 st Annual Meeting, Marquette, Michigan. 1975, Proceedings. p. 35. 4. (Mudrey, M.G .. Jr.). 1976. Extension of a northern Minnesota lamprophyre province by geophysical studies: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 81. no. 26. p. 4917-4922.

Ethington, R.L. I. 1958, Conodonts of the Galena formation [abs .. University of Iowa Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts. 1958. v. 19. p. 513. 2. 1959. Conodonts of the Ordovician Galena formation: Journal of Paleontology, v. 33, no. 11-12. p. 257-292.

Evans, 1.E. 1980, cloPb geochronology in Lake Superior sediments: Sedimentation rates. organic carbon deposition. sedimentary environments. and postdepositional processes: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Eveleth Taconite Company. 1972, Thunderbird Mine of Eveleth Taconite Company. pI. 3 of Field trip no. I. General geology of the Mesabi range, in Precambrian Iron-Formation Symposium. Duluth. Minnesota. Nov. 10-12. 1972, Abstracts and Field Guides: Society of Economic Geologists. University of Minnesota. Duluth, variously paged.

Everett, 1. V. 1956, Judson mine. in Schwartz, G. M .. and others. eds .. Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 216-218.

Everson. C. I. I. 1977. Drift lithology in relation to bedrock geology. Long Island Lake quadrangle. Cook County. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Duluth. 2. 1977. Drift lithology in relation to bedrock geology, Long Island Lake quadrangle. Cook County. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 23rd Annual Meeting. Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977. [Proceedings], p. 15.

Fahey, J.J. See French. B.M .. 8. 30 Fahrig, W.F.

Fahrig, W.F. See Robertson, W.A.

Fairbairn, H.W. See Hurley. PM.

Fairhurst, Charles. 1965, Measurement of in-situ stresses in a Saint Cloud quarry: A progress report [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings], p. 12.

Farhat, J.S. 1. 1975, Geochemical and geochronological investigation of the early Archaean of the Minnesota River valley, and the effect of metamorphism on Rb-Sr whole rock isochrons [abs., University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International. 1975, v. 36. no. 4, p. 1615B-1616B. 2. (Wetherill, G.W.). 1974, Geochronology of the Minnesota River valley [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7, p. 729-730. 3. (Wetherill. G. W.; Goldich, S .S.: Hedge, C.E.). 1975, Interpretation of apparent ages in Minnesota: Nature, v. 257, no. 5528, p. 721-722.

Farnham, P.R. See also Johnson, S.H., 2: Mooney, H.M., 4, 5. I. 1967, Crustal structure in the Keweenawan Province of east-central Minnesota and western Wisconsin: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1967, Crustal structure in the Keweenawan province of east-central Minnesota and western Wisconsin [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1968, v. 28, no. 12, pt. 1, p. 5079B.

Farnham, R.S. See also Finney, H.R., I, 2, 3. 1. 1956, Geology of the Anoka sand plain, in Schwartz, G.M .. and others, eds., Glacial geology, eastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 3, p. 53-64. 2. 1964, Peat resources of Minnesota: Report of inventory no. I, west central lakes bog, St. Louis County, Minnesota: St. Paul, Office of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation, 20 p. 3. 1974, Classification criteria for a peatland in northern Minnesota, in Symposium on the classification of peat and peatlands: International Peat Society Bulletin 5, p. 18. 4. (Grubich, D.N.). 1965, Peat resources of Minnesota: Report of inventory no. 2, Cook bog. St. Louis County, Minnesota: St. Paul, Office of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation, 28 p. 5. (Grubich, D.N.). 1966, Peat resources of Minnesota: Report of inventory no. 3, Red Lake bog, Beltrami County, Minnesota: St. Paul, Office of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation, 24 p. 6. (McAndrews, J.R: Wright, H.E., Jr.). 1964, Late-Wisconsin buried soil near Aitkin, Minnesota, and its paleobotanical setting: American Journal of Science, v. 262, no. 3, p. 393-412.

Farrand, W.R. I. 1960, Former shorelines in western and northern Lake Superior basin: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 2. 1969, The Quaternary history of Lake Superior, in Conference on Great Lakes Research, 12th Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1969, Proceedings: Ann Arbor, International Association of Great Lakes Research, p. 181-197.

Farrell, D.P. See also Anderson, H.W., Jr., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Broussard, W.L., 1,2: Lindholm, G.F., 5, 7. (Broussard, W.L.: Anderson, H.W., Jr.; Hult, M.P'). 1975 [1976], Water resources of the Cedar River watershed, southeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-552, scale 1: 250,000, 3 sheets.

Faure, G. 1. 1964, The age of the Duluth Gabbro Complex and the Endion sill by the whole rock Rb-Sr method, in Variations in isotopic abundances of strontium, calcium, and argon and related topics: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission contract At(30-1 )-1381, 12th Annual Progress Report 1964: Cambridge, Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Geology and Geophysics, p. 256-257. 2. (Chaudhuri, S.: Fenton, M.D.). 1969, The age of the Gunflint Iron Formation of the Animikie Series in Ontario, Canada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 80, no. 9, p. 1725-1736. Floran, R.J. 31

3. (Chaudhuri, S.; Fenton, M.D.). 1969, Ages of the Duluth gabbro complex and of the Endion sill, Duluth, Minnesota: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 74, no. 2, p. 720-725. 4. (Hurley, P.M.). 1964, The age of the Duluth Gabbro and the Endion sill by the whole-rock Rb-Sr method: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 10th Annual Meeting, Ishpeming, Michigan, 1964, [Proceedings], p. 60-62.

Fax, J.G. See also Johnson, R.M. I. 1979, Aquifer test locations in Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters, Water Resources of Minnesota Map Series H-I, scale 1:500,000. 2. (Beissel, D. R.). 1980, Ground water hydrology of Swift County, Minnesota: A preliminary investigation and data summary: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters Bulletin 28, 106 p.

Feirn, W.e. I. 1977, The geology of the early Precambrian rocks of the Jasper Lake area, Cook County, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. 1977, The stratigraphy and petrology of the Archean volcanic rocks at Jasper Lake, eastern Vennilion district, Cook County, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 16.

Fellows, S.N. 1976, Description and interpretation of the petrology of a portion of a drill core from the Duluth Complex near Babbitt, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

Felsheim, P.E. See Anderson, H.W., Jr., 2,6; Broussard, W.L., 2; Olcott, P.G., 1,2.

Feniak, O.W. See Bell, W.C., 4.

Fenton, M.D. See Faure, G., 2, 3.

Finney, H.R. I. (Farnham, R.S.). 1968, Mineralogy of the inorganic fraction of peat from two raised bogs in northern Minnesota, in International Peat Congress, 3rd, Quebec, Proceedings, p. 102-108. 2. (Gross, E.R.; Farnham, R.S.). 1972, Limnic materials in peatlands of Minnesota [abs.], in American Society of Agronomy, 64th Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, 1972, Abstracts: Madison, Wisc., p. 118. 3. (Gross, E.R.; Farnham, R.S.). 1974, Limnic materials in peatlands of Minnesota, in Histosols: Their characteristics, use, and classification: Madison, Wisc., Soil Science Society of America, Inc., p.21-31.

Fish, J.T. See Oros, M.O., I. 2.

Fleener, F. L. 1914, The Ordovician section and faunal succession in southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished A.M. thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Fleming, Anthony. (Heinz, Dion; Lee, Robert; Woodward, Henry). 1980, Geology of the southeastern contact zone of the Vennilion batholith, Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980, [Proceedings], p. 15.

Flint, R.F. (Deevey, E.S., Jr.). 1951, Radiocarbon dating of late-Pleistocene events: American Journal of Science, v. 249, no. 4, p. 257-300.

Floran, R.J. I. 1975, Mineralogy and petrology of the sedimentary and contact metamorphosed Gunflint Iron Fonnation, Ontario-Minnesota [abs., State University of New York, Stony Brook, Ph. D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts International, 1975, v. 36, no. 6, p. 2685B. 2. (Papike,].J.). 1974, Contact metamorphism of iron-formation to grunerite grade [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 55, no. 4, p. d50. 32 Floran, R.J.

3. (Papike, J.1.). 1974, Crystal chemistry of amphiboles from moderately metamorphosed iron-fonnation labs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7, p. 739. 4. (Papike, J.1.). 1975, Petrology of the low-grade rocks of the Gunflint iron-fonnation, Ontario-Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 86, no. 9, p. 1169-1190. 5. (Papike, J.J.). 1978, Mineralogy and petrology of the Gunflint Iron Fonnation, Minnesota-Ontario: Correlation of compositional and assemblage variations at low to moderate grade: Journal of Petrology, v. 19, no. 2, p. 215-288.

Florin, Maj-Britt. I. 1970, Late-glacial diatoms of Kirchner Marsh, southeastern Minnesota, in Gerloff, J., and Cholnoky, B.J., eds., Diatomaceae II: Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 31, p. 667-729. 2. (Wright. H.E., Jr.). 1969, Diatom evidence for the persistence of stagnant glacial ice in Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 80, no. 4. p. 695-704.

Flurkey, A.J. 1976, The mineralogy and sedimentology of Cambrian strata of eastern Iowa: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Fogelson, D.E. 1956, A gravity survey of a portion of the Redwood Falls area, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Foose, M.P. I. (Cooper, R.W.). 1978, Faulting in part of the Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 24th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1978, [Proceedings], p. 12. 2. (Cooper, R.W.). 1978, Preliminary geologic map of the Harris Lake area, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-385, 27 p.

Forbes, W.e. See also Bonnichsen, Bill, 26. 1977, Stability relations of grunerite, Fe7Sis022(OHh: American Journal of Science, v. 277, no. 6, p. 735-749.

Ford, G.R. 1958, A study of the Platteville fonnation in Dakota, Goodhue and Rice counties, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Foster, R.L. See also Johnson, e.H. 1. 1962, The petrography and petrology of the Keweenawan rocks in the Cascade River area, Cook County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Missouri. 2. 1963, Mineralization in Cook County, Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 58, no. 5, p. 796-800. 3. 1966, Proposed source area for some Keweenawan rocks, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 87, p. 58.

Fox, R. (Malterer, T.1.; Zarth, Randeel. 1977, Inventory of peat resources in Minnesota: Progress Report: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 36 p.

Fraser, G.S. I. 1976, Sedimentology of the Middle Ordovician quartz arenite-carbonate transition in the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, no. 6, p. 833-845. 2. 1974, SI. Peter-Platteville transition, Middle Ordovician Blackriveran Stage, upper Mississippi valley [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7, p. 743-744.

Fraser, I.A. (Heywood, W.W.; Mazurski, M.A., compilers). 1978, Metamorphic map of the Canadian Shield: Geological Survey of Canada Map 1475A, scale 1:3,500,000. Frommer, D.W. 33

Freers, T.F. (Carlson, C.G.). 1963. Geology along the Portal pipeline, Lake Agassiz Plain: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 17, p. 86-95.

Frellsen, S.A. 1956, Summary [water resources], in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor's State-wide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota, Nov. 16-18, 1955, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 251-259.

French, B.M. I. 1964, Graphitization of organic material in a progressive metamorphosed Precambrian iron formation: Science, v. 146, no. 3646, p. 917-918. 2. 1965, Progressive contact metamorphism of the Biwabik Iron Formation on the Mesabi range, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 82, p. 66-67. 3. 1965, Progressive contact metamorphism of the Biwabik Iron-formation on the Mesabi range, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings], p. 13-14. 4. 1966, Short-range chemical variations in a manganoan axinite from the Mesabi range, Minnesota [abs.]: American Mineralogist, v. 51, no. 9-10, p. 1561. 5. 1966, Short-range chemical variations in a manganoan axinite from the Mesabi Range, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 12th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 1966, [Proceedings]. p. 7. 6. 1968, Progressive contact metamorphism of the Biwabik Iron-formation, Mesabi range. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 45. 103 p. 7. 1973, Mineral assemblages in diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic iron-formation, in Precambrian iron­ formations of the world: Economic Geology. v. 68. no. 7. p. 1063-1074. 8. (Fahey, J.J.). 1972. Manganaxinitefrom the Mesabi range. Minnesota: American Mineralogist. v. 57. no. 5- 6, p. 989-992.

Friedman, A.L. 1980, Surficial geology of the Isabella quadrangle, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Fries. Magnus. See also Eisenack, Alfred. I. 1962, Pollen profiles of late Pleistocene and Recent sediments from Weber Lake, northeastern Minnesota: Ecology, v. 43, no. 2. p. 295-308. 2. (Wright. H.E., Jr.; Rubin, Meyer). 1961, Late Wisconsin buried peat at North Branch, Minnesota: American Journal of Science. v. 259. no. 9, p. 679-693.

Frischknecht, F.e. See also Keller, G. V. I. (Ekren, E.B.). 1959, Electromagnetic studies of the Lake Superior iron ranges [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 5th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1959, [Proceedings], p. 5. 2. (Ekren, E.B.). 1961. Electromagnetic studies of iron formations in the Lake Superior region: Mining Engineering. v. 13, no. 10, p. 1156-1162. 3. (Ekren, E.B.). 1963, Evaluation of magnetic anomalies by electromagnetic measurement. in Geological Survey research, 1963: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 475-C, p. CI17-Cl20.

Frodesen, Eric. 1971, Some primary sedimentary structures in the Lower Cherty Member of the Biwabik Iron Formation, Virginia Hom area [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth, Minnesota, 1971. [Proceedings], p. 32-33.

Froelich, L.L. 1961, Non-metallic resources of Minnesota, in University of North Dakota. Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged.

Frommer. D.W. See also Marovelli, R.L.; Wasson, P.A. (Wasson, P.A.). 1962, Lake Superior iron resources: Further metallurgical evaluation of Mesabi Range nonmagnetic taconites (reduction roasting and magnetic separation): U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 6104, 47 p. 34 Frost, B.R.

Frost. B.R. 1980, On the formation of magnetite in the Biwabik Iron Formation [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 430.

Frye, C.1. 1. 1961. Cambrian stratigraphy of the upper Mississippi valley, in University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged. 2. 1961, Devonian and Cretaceous stratigraphy of the upper Mississippi River valley, in University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged. 3. 1961, Ordovician rocks of the upper Mississippi River Valley, in University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged.

Frye, J.K. 1959, The petrology of the ancient granites of the Minnesota-Ontario boundary region: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Fryer, BJ. 1977, Rare earth evidence in iron-formations for changing Precambrian oxidation states: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 41, no. 3, p. 361-367.

Fukui, L.M. 1. 1976, The mineralogy and petrology of drill core NM-5, South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota, in 1st Annual Student Conference in Earth Science, Abstracts with Program: Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin, unpaged. 2. 1976, The mineralogy and petrology of the South Kawishiwi intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle,

Fuller. J.G.C.M. 1961, Ordovician and contiguous formations in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and adjoining areas of Canada and the United States: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 45, no. 8, p. 1334-1363.

Fuller, M.L. (Lines, E.F.; Veatch, A.C.). 1905. Record of deep well drilling for 1904: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 264. 106 p.

Gallick. C.M. 1963, Clay mineralogy of the Decorah Shale. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. 3.

Gasser. M.M. See Hooke, R. LeB.

Gast, P.W. See also Anderson, D.H., 3; Goldich, S.S .. 14; Hanson. G.N .. 16.26,28; Zumberge. J.H., 6. (Hanson. G.N.). 1962, Thermal alteration of Rb-Sr ages at igneous contacts [abs.]: Journal of Geophysical Research, Y. 67, no. 4. p. 1637. .

Gast. R.G. See Maier. W.J., I.

Gastil, G. 1960, The distribution of mineral dates in time and space: American Journal of Science, v. 258, no. I, p. 1-35.

Gehman, H.M., Jf. 1. 1957. The petrology of the Beaver Bay complex, Lake County, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. 1957, The petrology of the Beaver Bay complex, Lake County, Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1958, v. 19, no. 4, p. 771-772. 3. 1958, The petrology of the Beaver Bay complex [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958, [Proceedings), p. I. Godfrey, R.G. 35

Geldon, A.L. See also Mudrey, M.G., Jr., 5. I. 1972, Petrology and origin of a lamprophyre pluton, near the Dead River, SI. Louis County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1972, Petrology of the lamprophyre pluton near Dead River, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 153-159.

Gelineau, WJ. 1959, Pleistocene geology of the Inver Grove and SI. Paul SW quadrangles, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Geotimes. 1972. Southeast Minnesota: v. 17. no. 10, p. 20-21.

Gerk, A.J. See Levorson, C.O.

Giammona, c.P. 1973, Fluorescent dye determination of groundwater movement and contamination in permeable rock strata: International Journal of Speleology, v. 5, no. 3-4, p. 201-208.

Gilbert, F.P. See Bath. G.D., 8. 9, 10. II; Philbin, P.W., 1.2.

Gilbertson. J.P. See Cordua, W.S.

Gilmer. T.H. See also Chase, C.G. 1976, Seismic reflections from shallow depths: Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, v. 14, p. 71-83.

Gilmore. Jack. See Oros, M.a., 2.

Gladen, L.W. See also McKenna. M.P. 1978, Geology of Lower Precambrian rocks and associated sulfide mineralization in an area south of Indus, Koochiching County. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Glaser. P.H. I. 1978, Recent plant-macrofossils from the Alaska interior and their relation to late-glacial landscapes in Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. (Wheeler, G.A.). 1980, The development of su~ce patterns in the Red Lake Peatland, northern Minnesota, in International Peat Congress, 6th. Duluth, Minnesota, Proceedings. p. 31-37.

Glass, G.E. See Cook, P.M.

Glazier. Willard. 1889, Down the great river: Embracing an account of the discovery of the true source of the Mississippi: Philadelphia, Pa., Hubbard Brothers.

Gleason, PJ. (Hofstetter, R.H.; Stone, Peter). 1974. Peat stratigraphy of elongate tree islands [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 6, no. 7. p. 756-757.

Gnirk. P.F. I. 1966, An investigation of some aspects of contained explosion phenomena in rock [abs .. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts. 1966. v. 27. no. 3, p. 816B. 2. (Pfleider, E.P.). 1968, On the correlation between explosive crater formation and rock properties, chap. 17 of Status of practical rock mechanics-Symposium on Rock Mechanics, 9th. Golden. Colorado. 1967. Proceedings: New York, American Institute of Mining. Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. p. 321-346.

Godfrey, R.G. See Norvitch, R.F., 4. 36 Goebel, J.E.

Goebel, J.E. See also Taranik, LV. I. 1976, Quaternary geologic map of Minnesota [abs.]: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 11th, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1976, Proceedings: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Institute of Science and Technology, p. 97. 2. 1976, Quaternary geologic map index of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 15. 22 p., folded map, scale 1: I ,000,000. 3. 1978, Glacial drift characteristics of Minnesota as revealed on Landsat imagery: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. 4. (Walton, Matt). 1979, Geologic map of Minnesota, Quaternary geology: Minnesota Geological Survey State Map Series S-4, scale 1:3,168,000.

Goldich. S.S. See also Baadsgaard, Halfdan: Farhat, J .S., 3: Grant. J.A., 6: Hanson, G.N .. 17. 18. 19. 20: Hart, S.R .. 4: Hedge. C.E.: Keighin. C. W .. 2. 3: Lepp, Henry, 9. 10: Peterman. Z.E .. 5, 6. 7: Stem, T.W .. 2, 3: Stuckless, J.S.: Whelan, J.A .. 2: Wooden, J.L., 1.2. I. \936, A study in rock-weathering: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1968, Geochronology in the Lake Superior region: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. v. 5. no. 3, pt. 2, p. 715-724. 3. 1969, Age of the Precambrian rocks of southwestern Minnesota [abs.], ill Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 31. 4. 1969, Ages of rocks assigned to the Penokean orogeny in Minnesota [abs.], ill Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Infornlation Circular 7, p. 31. 5. 1969, Geochronology of the Minnesota-Ontario border region [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 30. 6. 1971, Lunar and terrestrial ilmenite basalt: Science, v. 171, no. 3977, p. 1245-1246. 7. 1972, Geochronology and geochemistry, in Field trip guidebook for Precambrian migmatitic terrane of the Minnesota River Valley: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 5, p. 17-41. 8. 1972. Geochronology in Minnesota, in Sims, P.K .. and Morey. G.B., eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 27-37. 9. 1972, The Penokean orogeny [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan. 1972, [Proceedings], paper 25. 10. 1973, Ages of Precambrian banded iron-formations: Economic Geology, v. 68, no. 7, p. 1126-1134. II. (8aadsgaard, Halfdan: Nier. A.O.C.). 1957, Investigations in A"'''/K 40 dating: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 38. no. 4. p. 547-551. 12. (Baadsgaard. Halfdan: Edwards. G.: Weaver, C. E.). 1959. Investigations in radioactivity-dating of sediments: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 43, no. 3, pt. I. p. 654-662. 13. (Doe. B.R.: Delevaux. M.H.). 1975. Possible further evidence for 3.8 b.y.-old rocks in the Minnesota River Valley of southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-65. IIp. 14. (Gast, P.W.). 1966. Effects of weathering on the Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages of biotite from the Morton Gneiss. Minnesota: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. v. I, no. 6. p. 372-375. 15. (Hanson, G. N.). 1969. Geology of the Saganaga-Northem Light Lakes area. Minnesota-Ontario [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 15th Annual Meeting. Oshkosh. Wisconsin, 1969. [Proceedings]. p. 16. 16. (Hanson. G.N.: Hallford. C.R.: Mudrey. M.G .. Jr). 1969. Re-interpretation. of the structure of the Saganaga-Northern Light Lakes area, Minnesota-Ontario [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 121. p. 114. 17. (Hanson. G.N.: Hallford. C.R.: Mudrey. M.G .. Jr.). 1972. Petrology and structure. pt. I of Early Precambrian rocks in the Saganaga Lake-Northern Light Lake area, Minnesota-Ontario, in Doe. B.R .. and Smith. O.K., eds,. Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian geology: Geological Society of America Memoir 135. p. 151-177. 18. (Hedge. C.E.). 1962. Dating of the Precambrian of the Minnesota River valley. Minnesota [abs.]: Journal of Geophysical Research. v. 67. no. 9. p. 3561-3562. 19. (Hedge. C.E.). 1962. Investigations in Rb-Sr dating [abs.]: Journal of Geophysical Research. v. 67. no. 4. p. 1638. 20. (Hedge, C.E.). 1974. 3.800-Myr granitic gneiss in southwestern Minnesota: Nature. v. 252, no. 5483. p. 467-468. 21. (Hedge, C.E.: Stem, T.W.). 1970. Age of the Morton and Montevideo gneisses and related rocks, southwestern Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81. no. 12, p. 3671-3695. Goodwin, A.M. 37

22. (Hedge, C.E.; Stem, T.W.; Wooden, J.L.; Bodkin, J.B.; North, R.M.;. 1980. Archean rocks of the Granite Falls area, southwestern Minnesota, in Morey, G.B., and Hanson, G.N., eds., Selected studies of Archean gneisses and lower Proterozoic rocks in the southern Canadian Shield: Geological Society of America Special Paper 182. p. 19-43. 23. (Ingamells, C. 0.; Thaemlitz, Doris). 1959, The chemical composition of Minnesota lake marl: Comparison of rapid and conventional chemical methods: Economic Geology, v. 54. no. 2. p. 285-300. 24. (Lidiak, E.G.; Hedge, C.E.; Walthall, F.G.). 1966, Northern area, pI. 2 of Geochronology of the midcontinent region, United States: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71. no. 22. p. 5389-5408. 25. (Nier, A.O.C.; Baadsgaard, Halfdan; Hoffman, J.H.; Krueger, H. W.). 1961, The Precambrian geology and geochronology of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 41, 193 p. 26. (Peterman, Z.E.). 1978, Geology and geochemistry of the Rainy Lake area, ill Smith, I.E.M., and Williams, J.G., eds., Archean Geochemistry Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 1978, Proceedings: University of Toronto Press, p. 209-234. 27. (Peterman, Z.E.). 1980. Geology and geochemistry of the Rainy Lake area. ill Gorton, M.P., ed., Archean geochemistry: Precambrian Research. v. 11. no. 3-4, p. 307-327. 28. (Ruotsala, A.P.). 1955, Igneous rock series of Minnesota [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 36, no. 3, p. 511. 29. (Stephenson, T.E.). 1956, Vermilion range and eastern Mesabi range, summary and log. ill Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 96-108. 30. (Taylor, R.B.). 1956, The Duluth gabbro complex, summary and log. ill Schwartz, G.M., and others. eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 29-41. 31. (Taylor, R.B.; Lucia, F.J.). 1954, Geology of the Enger Tower area, Duluth. Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1256. 32. (Taylor. R.B.; Lucia, F.1.). 1955. Geology of the Enger Tower area. Duluth. Minnesota [abs.]: American Mineralogist, v. 40, no. 3-4, p. 318. 33. (Taylor, R.B.: Lucia F.J.). 1956, Geology of the Enger Tower area, Duluth. Minnesota. in Schwartz. G.M .. and others, eds .. Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 1. p. 67-90. 34. (Wooden, I.L.). 1978, Geochemistry of the Archean rocks in the Morton and Granite Falls areas. southwestern Minnesota, ill Smith. l.E.M .. and Williams. J.G., eds., Archean Geochemistry Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 1978, Proceedings: University of Toronto Press, p, 285-318, 35. (Wooden, J.L.). 1980, Origin of the Morton Gneiss, southwestern Minnesota: Part 3, geochronology. in Morey, G.B., and Hanson. G.N .. eds., Selected studies of Archean gneisses and lower Proterozoic rocks in the southern Canadian Shield: Geological Society of America Special Paper 182. p. 77-94. 36. (Wooden, J.L.; Ankenbauer, G.A., Jf.: Levy, T.M.: Suda, R.U.). 1976. Precambrian history of the Morton­ New Ulm reach of the Minnesota River Valley [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976. Proceedings, p. 22. 37. (Wooden, J.L.; Ankenbauer, G.A., Jr.: Levy, T.M.; Suda, R.U.) 1980, Origin of the Morton Gneiss, southwestern Minnesota: Part 1. lithology, in Morey, G.B .. and Hanson, G.N .. eds, Selected studies of Archean gneisses and lower Proterozoic rocks in the southern Canadian Shield: Geological Society of America Special Paper 182, p. 45-56.

Goltz, G.E. See Grigal, D.F.

Goodge, I.W. 1980, Migmatites from the Vermilion Granitic Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire. Wisconsin, 1980, [Proceedings]. p. 13-14.

Goodwin, A.M. 1. 1956, Facies relations in the Gunflint iron formation: Economic Geology, y. 51, no. 6. p. 565-595. 2. 1958, Facies relations in the Gunflint Iron Formation: A reply: Economic Geology, y, S3. no. 3. p. 349-351. 3. 1968, Archaean protocontinental growth and early crustal history of the Canadian Shield, ill Upper mantle (geological processes), sec. I afInternational Geological Congress, 23rd. Prague. 1968. Proceedings: Prague. Academia, p. 69-89. 4. 1968, Evolution of the Canadian Shield: Geological Association of Canada Proceedings, v. 19, p. 1-14. 38 Gordon, A.D.

Gordon. A.D. (Birks. H.J.B.). 1974. Comparison of pollen diagrams. pI. 2 of Numerical methods in Quaternary palaeoecology: New Phytologist, v. 73, no. I. p. 221-249.

Gordon, R.O. See Schopf, J.W.

Gorham. Eville. I. (Sanger, J.E.). 1975, Fossil pigments in Minnesota lake sediments and their bearing upon the balance between terrestrial and aquatic inputs to sedimentary organic matter: International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology Proceedings, v. 19. pI. 3. p. 2267-2273. 2. (Sanger. J .E.). 1976. Fossilized pigments as stratigraphic indicators of cultural eutrophication in Shagawa Lake. northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87. no. II. p. 1638-1642.

Gould. L.M. See Ruhe. R.V .. 2.

Govett. GJ.S. 1966, Origin of banded iron formations: Geological Society of America Bulletin. v. 77, no. 11, p. 1191-1211.

Graham. W.A.P. 1927. A textural and petrographic study of the Cambrian sandstones of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Grant. J.A. See also Austin, G.S., 20. 1. 1968. Partial melting of common rocks as a possible source of cordierite-anthophyllite-bearing assemblages: American Journal of Science. v. 266. no. 10. p. 908-931. 2. 1969, Geology and geochronology of Precambrian rocks. Minnesota River Valley [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7. p. 17. 3. 1970. Geology of northern part of Gunflint Lake quadrangle [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 20. 4. 1972. Geology and structure. in Field trip guidebook for Precambrian migmatitic terrane of the Minnesota River Valley: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 5, p. 1-16. 5. 1972. Minnesota River Valley, southwestern Minnesota. in Sims. P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 177-196. 6. (Himmelberg, G.R.; Goldich, S.S .. leaders). 1972, Field trip guidebook for Precambrian migmatitic terrane of the Minnesota River Valley: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 5, 52 p. 7. (Weiblen, P.W.). 1970, Retrograde zoning in garnet near the second sillimanite isograd [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 51. no. 4. p. 444-445.

Grant. N.K. See Moiling. P.A., 1,2.

Grant. R.E. I. 1953, Trilobite distribution, upper Franconian formation, Wabasha County, Minnesota: Unpublished M. S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. 1956, Trilobite distribution, upper Franconia formation, Wabasha County. Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12. pt. 2, p. 1700-1701. 3. 1962. Trilobite distribution, upper Franconia formation (Upper Cambrian). southeastern Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 36. no. 5, p. 965-998.

Grant, U.S. 1893, The geology of Kekequabic Lake in northeastern Minnesota with special reference to an augite soda­ granite: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Md.

Great Northern Iron Ore Properties. 1955, Mesabi range maps. 3rd ed.: SI. Paul, Minn., 30 sheets.

Green, J.e. See also Books. K.G., 3; Brannon, J.e., 1.2.3; Konda. Tadashi. 2; Morey, G.B .. 43; Ojakangas, R.W .. 28; Silver. L.T., 1,2; Sims. P.K .. 31, 38. 1. 1964, Current investigations of the Precambrian Ely greenstone in northern Minnesota: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 10th Annual Meeting, Ishpeming. Michigan, 1964, [Proceedings], p. 48-50. Green, J.e. 39

2. 1965, Structure and stratigraphy of the Knife Lake Group east of Ely, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings], p. 16. 3. 1966, New field studies of the Keweenawan lavas of Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 12th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, 1966, [Proceedings], p. 9. 4. 1968, Chemical and physical characteristics of the Late Precambrian lavas of northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 49, no. I, p. 363. 5. 1968, Varieties of flows in the North Shore Volcanic Group, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 14th Annual Meeting, Superior, Wisconsin, 1968, [Proceedings], p. 52-53. 6. 1969, Bedrock geologic map, Two Harbors sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 3. 7. 1969, Geology of Ely quadrangle [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 24. 8. 1969, Geology of North Shore Volcanic Group [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 21. 9. 1970, Bedrock geologic map, Two Harbors sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 2-3. 10. 1970, Geology of Ely quadrangle [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 21-22. 11. 1970, Geology of North Shore Volcanic Group [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: MinnesotaGeological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 19-20. 12. 1970, Lower Precambrian rocks of the Gabbro Lake quadrangle, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-13, 96 p. 13. 1970, Ultramafic bodies in the Vermilion district near Ely, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 17. 14. 1971, The North Shore Volcanic Group: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings], p. 73-96. 15. 1971, Stratigraphy of the North Shore Volcanic Group northeast of Silver Bay, Minn. [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings], p. 20-22. 16. 1972, Alternative stops in the North Shore Volcanic Group, in Field trip guidebook for Precambrian geology of northwestern Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 6, p. 62-68. 17. (leader). 1972, Field trip guidebook for Precambrian rocks of the North Shore Volcanic Group, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 3, 36 p. 18. 1972, General geology, northeastern Minnesota, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 292-::93. 19. 1972, North Shore Volcanic Group, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 294-332. 20. 1972, Ultramafic rocks in Vermilion district, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 76-78. 21. 1974, Basaltic komatiites in the Vermilion District, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 20th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 1974, [Proceedings], p. 13. 22. 1974, Geology of the copper-nickel deposits of Minnesota: Natural History Society of Minnesota Naturalist, Summer/Autumn, p. 6. 23. 1977, Environmental geology of the North Shore: A coastal zone management project [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 20. 24. 1977, Keweenawan plateau volcanism in the Lake Superior region, ill Baragar, W.R.A., ed., Volcanic regimes in Canada: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 16, p. 407-422. 25. 1978, Why is Lake Superio(7: Minnesota Volunteer, v. 41, no. 239, p. 10-19. 26. 1979, Bedrock geology of the Milepost 7 area, Silver Bay, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 25th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1979, [Proceedings], p. 17. 27. 1979, Field trip guidebook for the Keweenawan (Upper Precambrian) North Shore Volcanic Group, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 11, 22 p. 28. 1979, High-AI olivine tholeiite-a Keweenawan specialty-and the variability of plateau magmatism [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II, no. 5, p. 231. 29. 1979, Iron enrichment in experimentally crystallized olivine tholeiite and its application to the differentiation of Keweenawan magmas [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 7, p. 435. 40 Green, J.e.

30. (Books, K. G.). 1972, Paleomagnetic evidence forthe extent of lower Keweenawan lavas in Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan, 1972, [Proceedings], paper 8. 31. (Haskin, L. A.; Brannon, J.C). 1980, Geochemistry and stratigraphy of the northeast limb of the Keweenawan North Shore Volcanics, Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transac­ tions), v. 61, no. 48, p. 1192. 32. (Jirsa, M.A.; Moss, CM.). 1977, Environmental geology of the North Shore: Minnesota Geological Survey, 99 p. 33. (Phinney, W.C; Weiblen, P.W.). 1966, Geologic map of Gabbro Lake quadrangle, Lake County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-2, scale 1:31 ,680. 34. (Schulz, K.J.J. 1977, Iron-rich basaltic komatiites in the early Precambrian Vermilion District, Minnesota: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 14, no. 10, p. 2181-2192.

Greenhalgh, S.A. 1. 1979, Studies with a small seismic array in east-central Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Mooney, H.M.; Mosher, CC). 1980, The Minnesota seismic network: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 70, no. 4, p. 1347-1368.

Greer, R.T. 1973, Test specimens for high resolution scanning electron microscopy: Electron Microscopy Society of America, 31st Annual Meeting, Proceedings, p. 238-239.

Griffin, K.O. 1975, Vegetation studies and modern pollen spectra from the Red Lake peatland, northern Minnesota: Ecology, v. 56, no. 3, p. 531-546.

Griffin, W.L. See also Sims, P.K., 39,40. I. 1967, Geology ofthe Babbitt-Embarrass area, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1967, Geology of the Babbitt-Embarrass area. St. Louis County, Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1968, v. 28, no. 12, pt. I, p. 5080B. 3. 1969, Geologic map of the Embarrass quadrangle, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-6, scale 1:24,000. 4. 1969, Replacement antiperthites in gneisses of the Babbitt-Embarrass area, Minnesota, U.S .A.: Lithos, v. 2, no. 2, p. 171-186. 5. (Morey, G.B.). 1969, The geology of the Isaac Lake quadrangle, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-8, 57 p. 6. (Murthy, V. Rama; Phinney, W.C). 1967, KlRb ratios in some amphiboles and amphibolites from northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 48, no. I, p. 241-242. 7. (Murthy, V. Rama; Phinney, W.C). 1968, KlRb in amphiboles and amphibolites from northeastern Minnesota: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 3, no. 4, p. 367-370. 8. (Murthy, V. Rama; Phinney, W.C). 1968, Reply [to discussion by S.R. Hart of ".KlRb in amphiboles and amphibolites from northeastern Minnesota" (1968)]: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 4, no. I, p. 31-32. 9. (Sundvoll, B.: Kristmannsdottir, H.). 1974, Trace element composition of anorthosite plagioclase: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 24, no. 2, p. 213-223.

Grigal, D.F. See also McColl, J.G. (Severson, R.C: Goltz, G .E.). 1976, Evidence of eolian activity in north-central Minnesota 8,000 to 5 ,000 yr ago: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, no. 9, p. 1251-1254.

Grimes, M.F. (Arneman, H.F.). 1965, The characterization of some soils developed from mixed brown and gray tiBs in central Minnesota: Soil Science Society of America Proceedings, v. 29, no. 1, p. 84-88.

Groenewald, G.H. See Ashworth, A.C, 2. Gundersen, J.N. 41

Grogan. R.M. 1940. Geology of a part of the Minnesota shore of Lake Superior northeast of Two Harbors. Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Grosh. W.A. I. (Hamlin. H.P.). 1963. Lightweight aggregates: Expansion properties of clays. shales. and argillites of Minnesota: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 63\3. 30 p. 2. (Pennington. J.W.; Wasson. P.A.). 1953. Investigation of Scallon-Todd lease. Aitkin County. Minn.: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4979, 24 p. 3. (Pennington. J.W.; Wasson, P.A.; Cooke. S.R.B.). 1955, Investigation of copper-nickel mineralization in Kawishiwi River area. Lake County, Minn.: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report oflnvestigations 5177. 18 p.

Gross, Barton. See Craddock. Campbell, 5.

Gross, E.R. See Finney, H.R., 2. 3.

Grout. F.F. I. (Gruner, J.W.; Schwartz, G.M.: Thiel, G.A.). 1951, Precambrian stratigraphy of Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 62, no. 9, p. 1017-1078. 2. (Sharp, R.P.; Schwartz. G.M.). 1959. The geology of Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 39. 165 p. 3. (Wolff, J.F .. Sr.). 1955. The geology of the Cuyuna District. Minnesota: A progress report: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 36, 144 p. 4. (Wolff, J.F., Sr.). 1955, The geology of the Cuyuna District. Minnesota: A progress report [a review]: American Journal of Science. v. 254. no. 6. p. 387-388.

Grove, A.M. 1960. The stratigraphy of the city wells and the problems of water distribution at Mankato: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 25-26. p. 355-359.

Grubich, D.N. See Farnham, R.S .. 4. 5.

Grundeen. G.M. See Walton. W.C .. 3.

Gruner, J.W. See also Cloud. P.E., Jr .. I; Grout, F.F., I. I. 1922, Organic matter and the origin of the Biwabik iron-bearing formation of the Mesabi range: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. 1926, Our geologic past: Minnesota Techno-log. v. 6, no. 6. p. 186-187, 196.200.204. 3. 1944, The structure of stilpnomelane reexamined: American Mineralogist. v. 29. no. 7-8. p. 291-298. 4. 1954. A realistic look at taconite estimates: Mining Engineering. v. 6. p. 287-288. 5. 1955. The iron in our future. in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor's State-wide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota. Nov. 16-18, 1955. Report: St. Paul. Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission. p. 176-182. 6. 1956, The Mesabi range. ill Schwartz. G.M., and others. eds .. Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. 1956. Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 182-215. 7. 1962, Discussion [of 1961 paper by J.N. Gundersen and G.M. Schwartz]: Magnetic taconites of the Eastern Mesabi district. Minnesota: American Institute of Mining. Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Transactions (Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Transactions), v. 223, no. 3. p. 303-304.

Gundersen, J.N. I. 1958, The mineralogy of the metamorphosed Biwabik Iron Formation, eastern Mesabi range. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. Duluth. Minnesota. 4th Annual Meeting. 1958. [Proceed­ ings], p. 19. 2. 1958, The stratigraphy and mineralogy of the metamorphosed Biwabik iron formation. eastern Mesabi district. Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 3. 1960, Lithologic classification of taconite from the type locality: Economic Geology. v. 55. no. 3. p. 563-573. 4. 1960. Stratigraphy of the Eastern Mesabi district. Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 55. no. S. p. 1004-1029. 42 Gundersen, J.N.

5. 1964, Relation between geology, mineralogy, and concentration of taconite, in Mining Symposium, 25th Annual, and the joint meeting of Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Lakehead Branch, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 37th Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1964, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, p. 89-98. 6. 1969, Stratigraphy and mineralogy of the Biwabik Formation, Aurora-Mesabi area, east central Mesabi district, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 121, p. 120-121. 7. (Schwartz, G.M.). 1962, The geology of the metamorphosed Biwabik iron-formation, Eastern Mesabi district, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 43, 139 p.

Gustavsson, John. See Olsson, Ingrid, 2.

Gutsell, B.Y. See Blair, c.L.

Gwyn, Q.HJ. (Dreimanis, A.). 1979, Heavy mineral assemblages in tills and their use in distinguishing glacial lobes in the Great Lakes region: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 16, no. 12, p. 2219-2235.

Gwynne, C.S. 1951, Minor moraines in South Dakota and Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 62, no. 3, p. 233-249.

Hadley, J.B. (Devine, J.F.). 1974, Seismotectonic map of the eastern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscella­ neous Field Studies Map MF-620; 3 sheets: sheet 1, tectonic map; sheet 2, earthquake epicenters, 1800- 1972; sheet 3, seismotectonic map.

Hagen, H. See Cloud, P.E., Jr., I.

Hall. Henry. See also Weiblen, P.W., 13. I. 1972, Environmental factors controlling the chemistry of Minnesota lakes [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 524. 2. (Weiblen, P.W.). 1967, Ore minerals of the Duluth Gabbro Complex [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 62, no. 6, p. 870. 3. (Weiblen, P.W.). 1968, Ore minerals of the Duluth Gabbro Complex [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper liS, p. 89-90.

HaIL J.W. I. 1970, Megaspores as indicators of habitat [abs.], in Perkins, B.F., ed., Geoscience and Man, v. I: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, 1st Annual Meeting, 1968, [Proceedings]: Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, School of Geoscience, p. 133. 2. 1971, A spore with cytoplasm-like contents from the Cretaceous of Minnesota, U.S.A.: Pollen et Spores, v. 13, no. l, p. 163-168. 3. (Peake, N.M.). 1968, Megaspore assemblages in the Cretaceous of Minnesota: Micropaleontology, v. 14, no. 4, 456-464.

Hall, R.B. 1978, World nonbauxite aluminum resources-alunite: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1076-A, 35 p.

Hall, S.R. See Cabri, LJ.

Hall, W.E. See Heyl, A.Y.

Hallford, C.R. See also Goldich, S.S., 16, 17. 1969, Petrography and structure of the Saganaga Granite, Saganaga-Northem Light Lakes area, Minnesota­ Ontario: Unpublished M.S. thesis, State University of New York, Stony Brook. Hanson, G.N. 43

Halls, H.C. See also Davidson, D.M., Jr., 22; Pesonen, L.J. \. 1978. The late Precambrian central North American rift system: A survey of recent geological and geophysical investigations. in Ramberg, LB., and Neumann, E.-R., eds., Tectonics and geophysics of continental rifts: Boston. Reidel Publishing Co .. p. 111-123. 2. (West, G.F.). 1967, Identification of seismic refractors in the Lake Superior syncline [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 13th Annual Meeting. East Lansing, Michigan, 1967, [proceedings], p. 14. 3. (West. G. F. ). 1971, Shallow structure and stratigraphy of the Lake Superior basin from seismic refraction measurements: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth. Minnesota, 1971. [Proceedings], p. 23-24.

Hamblin. W.K. 1. 1961, Paleogeographic evolution of the Lake Superior region from Late Keweenawan to Late Cambrian time: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, no. 1. p. 1-18. 2. 1964, Basement control of Keweenawan and Cambrian sedimentation in the Lake Superior region [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 48, no. 4, p. 529. 3. 1965, Basement control of Keweenawan and Cambrian sedimentation in the Lake Superior region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. vol. 49. no. 7, p. 950-958.

Hamelin, B. See Dupre, B.

Hamlin. H.P. See Grosh, W.A .. \.

Hammer. Sigmund. \. 1972, Is Roseau Lake, Minnesota, an impact crater? [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 4. no. 5, p. 324. 2. (Ervin. c.P.). 1975, Crater or kettle? A geophysical study: Geology, v. 3. no. 3. p. 145-146.

Han. Tsu-Ming. \. 1958. The mineralogy, paragenesis, and origin of the Cuyuna sulfide deposits [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958, [Proceedings]. p. 24. 2. 1967, Ore mineral relations in the Cuyuna sulfide deposit, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, International Meeting. 1967. Abstracts of Papers. p. 34-35. 3. 1968. Ore mineral relations in the Cuyuna sulfide deposit. Minnesota [abs.]: Canadian Mineralogist. v. 9, pI. 2, p. 291-292. 4. 1968. Ore mineral relations in the Cuyuna sulfide deposit. Minnesota: Mineralium Deposita. v. 3, no. 2, p. 109-134. 5. 1976, Geochemical processes for the formation of magnetite in low-grade metamorphic Precambrian iron formations [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 28-29. 6. 1978, Microstructures of magnetite as guides to its origin in some Precambrian iron-formations: Fortschritte der Mineralogie. v. 56, no. I. p. 105-142.

Hansen, D.L. See also Swain. F.M .. Jr., 12. 1951. Distribution of Ostracoda in the Decorah shale formation at SI. Paul, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Hanson, G.N. See also Arth, J.G .. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7; Catanzaro, EJ .. 2, 3; Gast. P.W.; Goldich. S.S .. 15, 16, 17; Himmelberg, G.R., 4; Prince. L.A .. 1,2; Simmons. Kathleen. 1. 1962, The contact metamorphic effect of the Duluth gabbro upon the Rb-Sr age of the biotites of the Snowbank stock: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. 2. 1964. The effect of contact metamorphism on mineral ages in the Snowbank Lake area, Minnesota, and in the Beartooth Mountains, Wyoming: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. [1964], The effect of contact metamorphism on mineral ages in the Snowbank Lake area, Minnesota. and in the Beartooth Mountains, Wyoming [abs .. University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1966. v. 26. no. 8, p. 4573. 4. 1967, K-Ar hornblende ages for granites and gneisses and K-Ar ages for dikes in Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 13th Annual Meeting. East Lansing. Michigan, 1967, [Proceedings], p. 15. 44 Hanson, G.N.

5. 1968, K-Ar ages for hornblende from granites and gneisses and for basaltic intrusives in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 8. 20 p. 6. 1969, Geochronology of the Giants Range batholith [abs.], ill Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 30. 7. 1972, Application of Ar40-Ar39 dating to Precambrian mafic dikes [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 4, no. 7, p. 527. 8. 1972, Saganaga batholith, ill Sims. P.K" and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 102-107. 9. 1975, .0 Ar/39 Ar spectrum ages on Logan intrusions, a lower Keweenawan flow, and mafic dikes in northeastern Minnesota-northwestern Ontario: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 12, no. 5, p. 821- 835. 10. 1975, REE analyses of the Morton and Montevideo gneisses from the Minnesota River valley [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 7, no. 7, p. 1099. II. 1979, Contrasting petrogenesis of granitic rocks in Archean greenstone and gneiss terranes, Minnesota [abs.], in Workshop on ancient crust of the terrestrial planets: Lunar and Planetary Science Institute Contribution 371, p. 86. 12. (Arth, J.G.). 1972, Some geochemical models for the origin of Archean rocks of northeastern Minnesota­ northwestern Ontario [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 324. 13. (Catanzaro. EJ.). 1971, Reliability of U-Pb ages of sphene in northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Ontario [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings], p. 28. 14. (Catanzaro. EJ.; Anderson, D.H.). 1971, U-Pb ages for sphene in a contact metamorphic zone: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 12, no. 2, p. 231-237. IS. (East. P. W.). 1967. Kinetic studies in contact metamorphic zones: Geochimica et CosmochimicaActa, v. 31. no. 7, p. 1119-1153. 16. (Gast. P.W.). 1962. Contact-metamorphic alteration of K-Ar and Rb-Sr biotite ages in the Snowbank intrusive [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 68, p. 191. 17. (Goldich, S.S.). 1970. Early Precambrian geology of the Saganaga-Northern Light Lakes area, Minnesota­ Ontario [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 16th Annual Meeting. Thunder Bay. Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 18. 18. (Goldich. S.S.). 1972, Petrogenesis. pI. 2 afEarly Precambrian rocks in the Saganaga Lake-Northern Light Lake area, Minnesota-Ontario, in Doe, B.R., and Smith, D.K" eds., Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian Geology: Geological Society of America Memoir 135, p. 179-192. 19. (Goldich, S.S.). 1976. Rare earth element studies of the Archean gneisses of the Minnesota River Valley [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedi ngs, p. 30. 20. (Goldich, S.S.; Arth, J.G.; Yardley, D.H.). 1971. Age of the Early Precambrian rocks of the Saganaga Lake­ Northern Light Lake area, Ontario-Minnesota: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 8, no. 9, p. 1110- 1124. 21. (Himmelberg, G.R.). 1967, Ages of mafic dikes near Granite Falls. Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 78. no. II, p. 1429-1432. 22. (Malhotra, Ramesh). 1969, Geochronology of mafic dike rocks, northeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 30. 23. (Malhotra, Ramesh). 1970, Geochronology of mafic dike rocks, northeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 24. 24. (Malhotra, Ramesh). 1970. K-Ar ages of mafic dikes in northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 19. 25. (Malhotra. Ramesh). 1971, K-Ar ages of mafic dikes and evidence for low-grade metamorphism in northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, no. 4, p. 1107-1113. 26. (Phinney, W.e.; Gas!' P.W.). 1963, The thermal metamorphic effect of the Duluth Gabbro upon the S~owbank Granite [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth. Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. 4. 27. (Prince, L.A.; Catanzaro, EJ.). 1970, Geochronology of the Giants Range batholith [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 23. 28. (Signer, P.: Gast, P. W.). 1964, The effect of thermal metamorphism on the K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages of various minerals in the Snowbank stock [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 45, no. 1, p. 115. Hart, S.R. 45

Harder, E.C. 1. (Johnston, A.W.J. 1918, Notes on the geology and iron ores of the Cuyuna district, Minnesota [abs.]: Washington, D.e., Washington Academy of Sciences Journal, v. 8, p. 18-19. 2. (Hewett, D.F.). 1920, Recent studies of domestic manganese deposits: American Institute of Mining Engineering Transactions, v. 63, p. 3-50.

Harding, S.T. (Langer, C.1.; Bollinger, G.A.; West, 1.e.; Olm, M.). 1975, The Morris, Minn., earthquake of July 9, 1975-aftershock monitoring: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-423, 3 p.

Hardy, M.P. See St. John, e.M.

Hardyman, R.F. I. 1969, The petrography of a section of the basal Duluth Complex, St. Louis County, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1970, Subsolidus reequilibration and secondary alteration of a primary sulfide assemblage in the basal Duluth Gabbro Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 2, p. 98-99.

Hare, PE. See Abelson, P.H., I, 2.

Harris, J.M. See also Schwartz, G.M., 22. 1. 1951, Beaver Creek Valley State Park: Conservation Volunteer, v. 14, no. 83, p. 48-52. 2. 1951, Geology of Buffalo River State Park: Conservation Volunteer. v. 14, no. 80, p. 49-52. 3. 1952, Geology of : Conservation Volunteer, Y. 15, no. 87, p. 40-42. 4. 1952, Geology of St. Croix State Park: Conservation Volunteer. v. 15, no. 88, p. 41-46. 5. 1954, Further notes on field work in the copper-nickel prospect area, Lake and St. Louis Counties. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Summary Report 7. 4 p. 6. 1955, Geology of and Watson Scenic Wayside: Conservation Volunteer, v. 18, no. 107, p. 20-23. 7. 1956, Lake Bronson, Old Mill, Old Crossing: Conservation Volunteer. v. 19, no. 113. p. 41-44. 8. 1957, Camden, Mound Springs and Split Rock Creek: Conservation Volunteer, v. 20, no. 115. p. 56-59. 9. 1957, The geology of : Conservation Volunteer, v. 20, no. 118, p. 54-57. 10. 1961, The geology of : Conservation Volunteer, v. 24. no. 139. p. 29-31.

Harris, K.L. 1. 1972, Glacial stratigraphy complicated by subglacial thrusting labs. J: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 325. 2. 1973, Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Red Lake Falls area, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. 3. 1975, Pleistocene geology of the Grand Forks-Bemidji area, northwestern Minnesota [abs., University of North Dakota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1976, Y. 36, no. 9, p. 4351 B. 4. (Moran, S.R.: Clayton, Lee). 1974, Late Quaternary stratigraphic nomenclature, Red River Valley, North Dakota and Minnesota: North Dakota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Series 52. 47 p. 5. (Salomon, N.L.: Moran, S.R.: Clayton, Lee). 1972, Glacial stratigraphy and Late Pleistocene history of the upper midwest [abs.J: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 528.

Hart, S.R. See also Brooks, C. I. 1968, Discussion of "K/Rb in amphiboles and amphibolites from northeastern Minnesota," by W.L. Griffin, V.R. Murthy, and W.e. Phinney [1968J: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 4, no. I, p. 30-3\. 2. (Aldrich, L.T.: Davis, G.L.; Tilton, G.R.; Baadsgaard, Halfdan: Kouvo, 0.; Steiger, R.H.). 1963, Geochronology and isotope geology: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 62, 1962-63, p. 264-280. 3. (Davis, G.L.). 1969, Zircon U-Pb and whole-rock Rb-Sr ages and early crustal development near Rainy Lake, Ontario: Geological Society of America Bulletin, Y. 80, p. 595-616. 4. (Goldich, S .S.). 1975, Most-ancient known rocks may be found in all Earth's Precambrian shields: Geotimes, v. 20, no. 3, p. 22-24. 46 Hartley, A.H.

Hartley, A.H. 1976, Duluth's geology, in Lydecker. Ryck, and Sommer, L.J., eds., Duluth: Sketches of the past. a bicentennial collection: Duluth, Minn .. American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. p. 27-40.

Haskin. L.A. See also Brannon, J.C., I. 2, 3; Green, I.e.. 31; Paster. T.P. (Denechaud. E.B.l. 1968. Rare-earth elements in the Duluth gabbro [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 14th Annual Meeting, Superior. Wisconsin, 1968, [Proceedings], p. 10.

Haug. Pat. See Burlingame, A.L.

Have, M.R. 1975. Some limnological aspects of 20 selected lakes in Eagan and Apple Valley. Minnesota: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-528, 46 p.

Hawkins, D.R. See Anderson, L.A .. I.

Heathcote. l.W. 1978, Differential pollen deposition and water circulation in small Minnesota lakes: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Yale University, New Haven. Conn.

Hedge, C.E. See also Farhat, 1.S., 3; Goldich. S.S., 18, 19,20,21,22,24; Peterman, Z.E., 7. (Goldich, S.S.). 1976, Rb-Sr geochronology of the Montevideo Gneiss. Minnesota River Valley [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 22nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 31.

Heinemann, H.G. (Holt, R.F.: Rausch, D.L.). 1973, Sediment and nutrient research on selected com belt reservoirs, in Man­ made lakes; their problems and environmental effects: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 17, p. 381-386.

Heinselman, M.L. I. 1963, Forest sites. bog processes and peatland types in the Glacial Lake Agassiz region, Minnesota: Ecological Monographs. v. 33, no. 4, p. 327-374. 2. 1970, Landscape evolution. peatland types, and the environment in the Lake Agassiz Peatlands National Area, Minnesota: Ecological Monographs. v. 40, no. 2. p. 235-261.

Heinz. Dion. See Fleming, Anthony.

Heinz. W.l. See Klasner, 1.S., I. 2.

Heising, L.F. See also Lewis, W.E .. 3; MaroveUi. R.L.; Wasson, P.A. I. (Daellenbach, e.B.: Anderson. E.E.). 1967, Lake Superior iron resources: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 6991, 21 p. 2. (Marovelli, R.L.; Wasson, P.A.; Cooke, S.R.B.; Pennington, 1.W.). 1959. Core-drill sampling ofCuyuna Range manganiferous iron formations, Crow Wing County, Minnesota: U. S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5450, 34 p.

Helgesen, 1.0. See also Ericson, D.W" 1,2; Lindholm, G.F" 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 12. I. 1967, Hydrogeology of outwash associated with the Antelope Moraine, southwestern Minnesota: Unpub­ lished Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 2. 1973, Appraisal of ground water for irrigation in the Little Falls area, Morrison County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2009-D, 40 p. 3. 1977, Ground-water appraisal of the Pineland Sands area. central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water­ Resources Investigations 77-102. 4. (Ericson, D.W.; Lindholm, G.F). 1975, Water resources of the Mississippi and Sauk Rivers watershed, central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-534, scale 1:250,000, 3 sheets. Herrman, R.B. 47

5, (Lindholm, G,F,; Broussard, W,L.; Ericson, D, W,), 1973, Water resources of the Kettle River watershed, east-central Minnesota: U ,S, Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-437, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets, 6, (Lindholm, G,P,; Ericson, D, W,), 1975, Water resources of the Lake of the Woods watershed, north-central Minnesota: U,S, Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-544, scale 1:500,000, 2 sheets, 7, (Lindholm, G,P,; Ericson, D, W,), 1976. Water resources of the Little Fork River watershed. northeastern Minnesota: U ,S, Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-5SI. scale 1:500,000. 2 sheets,

Heller. R,L. I, 1956, Status of the Prairie du Chien problem. in Schwartz. G ,M" and others, eds,. Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting, 1956. Guidebook for field trip no, 2. p, 29-40, 2, (Sloan. R,E,), 1956, The SI. Croix and Mississippi valleys. Minneapolis. Minnesota, in Schwartz, G,M., and others. eds" Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting. 1956. Guidebook for field trip no, 2, p, 7<1-84.

Helsley, C.E, 1965, Paleomagnetic results from Precambrian rocks of central Arizona and Duluth. Minnesota labs,]: American Geophysical Union Transactions. v. 46. no, I. p, 67.

Henderson. J.R .. Jr. See also Meuschke, J.L.. 1.2.3,4,5,6,7,8,9.10. II, 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19, I. (Hill. M.E,; Meuschke. J,L.), 1949, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of part of Hubbard County, Minnesota: U.S, Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map, scale 1:63.360, magnetic profiles. 1:126.720, 2, (Hill. M ,E,; Meuschke. J, L.). 1949. Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the central part of Cass County, Minnesota: U,S, Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale I :63.360. magnetic profiles. 1:126.720, 3. (Hill. M,E.; Meuschke, J.L.), 1949. Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the eastern part of Morrison County. Minnesota: U, S, Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale 1:63,360, magnetic profiles, I: 126.720, 4, (Hill. M. E,; Meuschke, 1. L.), 1949. Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the northern part of Cass County, Minnesota: U.S, Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale 1:63,360, magnetic profiles. 1:126,720, 5, (Hill. M.E,; Meuschke. J.L.). 1949. Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the northern part of Crow Wing County and part of Cass County. Minnesota: U, S, Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale 1:63.360. magnetic profiles, 1:126.720, 6, (Hill, M,E,; Meuschke. J,L.). 1949, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the southern part of Beltrami County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale 1:63.360. magnetic profiles, I: 126.720, 7, (Hill, M.E,; Meuschke. J,L.), 1949. Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the southern part of Cass County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map, scale 1:63,360. magnetic profiles, 1:126,720, 8, (Hill, M,E,; Meuschke, J,L.). 1949, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the southern part of Crow Wing County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale 1:63.360, magnetic profiles, 1:126,720, 9. (Hill. M,E.; Meuschke. J.L.). 1949. Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the western part of Itasca County. Minnesota: U, S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale 1:63,360. magnetic profiles, 1:126.720. 10. (Hill. M,E.; Meuschke. l,L.), 1949, Total intensity aeromagnetic map of the western part of Morrison County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map. scale 1:63,360. magnetic profiles, I: 126.720.

Herrman. R,B, 1979. Surface wave focal mechanisms for eastern North American earthquakes with tectonic implications: Journal of Geophysical Research. v, 84, no. B7, p, 3543-3552. 48 Hershey, G.

Hershey. G. See Coons. R.L.. 2.

Herz. N. 1976. Titanium deposits in anorthosite massifs: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper959-D. p. D I-D6.

Hewett. D.F. See also Harder. E.e.. 2. (Crittenden. M.D.; Pavlides. L.; DeHuff. G.L.. Jr.). 1956. Manganese deposits of the United States. ill Reyna. J.G .. ed .• Symposium sobre Nacimientos de Manganeso: International Geological Congress. 20th. Mexico City. 1956. v. 3. p. 169-230.

Heyl. A.V. (Hosterman. J.W.; Hall. W.E.; Brock. M.R.). 1964. Clay-mineral alterations and other coordinated geochemical studies in the Upper Mississippi Valley zinc-lead district. a progress report [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 10th Annual Meeting. Ishpeming. Michigan. 1964. [Proceedings], p. 46-47.

Heywood. W.W. See Fraser. J.A.

Hiatt. J.L. See Odom. I.E .. 3.

Hill. M.E. See Balsley. J.R .. Jr..; Henderson. J.R .. Jr.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.9. 10.

Hills. D.L. See Ackroyd. E.A.: Walton. W.e.. 3.

Himmelberg. G.R. See also Berkley. J.L.. 4; Grant. J.A .• 6; Hanson. G.N .. 21. 1. 1965. Precambrian geology of the Granite Falls-Montevideo area. Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. disserta­ tion. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. [1965], Precambrian geology of the Granite Falls-Montevideo area. Minnesota [abs .. University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts. 1966. v. 27. no. 4. p. 1187B. 3. 1968. Geology of Precambrian rocks. Granite Falls-Montevideo area. southwestern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-5. 33 p. 4. (Hanson. G.N.). 1965. Ages of mafic dikes near Granite Falls. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 11th Annual Meeting. St. Paul. Minnesota. 1965. [Proceedings]. p. 19. 5. (Phinney. W.e.). 1967. Granulite-facies metamorphism. Granite Falls-Montevideo area. Minnesota: Journal of Petrology. v. 8. no. 3. p. 325-348.

Hinze. W.J. See also Chandler. V.W .. 2, 3. 1. 1960. Application of the gravity method to iron ore exploration: Economic Geology. v. 55. no. 3, p. 465-484. 2. 1966. The gravity method in iron ore exploration, ill Case histories, v. 1 a/Mining geophysics: Tulsa. Society of Exploration Geophysicists. p. 448-464. 3. (Davidson, D.M .. Jr.; Roy, R.F.). 1971. Continental rifts [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth. Minnesota, 1971. [Proceedings], p. 29.

Hobbs. H.e. 1. 1973. Heavy minerals of glacial sediments in the area of Red Lake Falls, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of North Dakota. Grand Forks. 2. 1980, Case histories of three sphagnum bogs in northeastern Minnesota. ill International Peat Congress, 6th. Duluth. Minnesota. Proceedings. p. 38-46. 3. (Kamer, F.R.). 1971. Preliminary study of heavy minerals of three Red River valley tills [abs.]: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 25. pI. I. p. 12.

Hoeft. D.R. 1959, The lithostratigraphy of the Glenwood and Platteville formations of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Hoering. T.e. I. 1974. The isolation of organic compounds from Precambrian rocks. ill Geochemistry and the origin of life: Benchmark Papers in Geology. v. 14: Stroudsburg. Pa., Dowden. Hutchinson & Ross, p. 276-279. Reprint from Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 62. 1962-63. Hooper, P.R. 49

2. (Abelson, P.H.). 1963, Hydrocarbons from kerogen: Carnegie Institution Washington Year Book 62, 1962- 63, p. 229-234.

Hoffman, J.H. See Baadsgaard, Halfdan; Goldich, S.S., 25.

Hofstetter, R.H. See Gleason, P.J.

Hogberg, R.K. See also Parham, W.E., 7; Tufford, S.P. 1. (compiler). 1964, Directory of Minnesota mineral producers, 1962: Minnesota Geological Survey Informa­ tion Circular 1, 32 p. 2. (compiler). 1966, Directory of Minnesota mineral producers, 1964: Minnesota Geological Survey Informa­ tion Circular 4, 49 p. 3. 1968, Gravel deposits of the Minneapolis quadrangle, Minnesota, in Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals, 4th, Austin, Texas, 1968, Proceedings: Austin, University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 151-156. 4. (compiler). 1969, Directory of Minnesota industrial mineral producers, 1967: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 5, 61 p. 5. 1969, Geology and mineral resources of the Minneapolis quadrangle labs.], ill Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 15. 6. 1971, Environmental geology of the Twin Cities metropolitan area: Minnesota Geological Survey Educational Series 5, 63 p. 7. 1972. Ground-water resources in Minnesota, ill Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 595-602. 8. 1975, Post-Cambrian faulting in the Rochester metropolitan area, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 7, no. 6, p. 786. 9. (Bayer, T.N.). 1967, Guide to the caves of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Educational Series 4, 61 p. 10. (Sloan, R.E.; Tufford, S.P.). 1967, Guide to fossil collecting in Minnesota. rev. ed.: Minnesota Geological Survey Educational Series I, 38 p. 11. (Sloan, R.E.; Tufford, S.P.). 1979, Guide to fossil collecting in Minnesota, 3rd ed.: Minnesota Geological Survey Educational Series 1, 42 p.

HoHenstein, G.H. See Cotter, R.D., 3.

Hollister, V. F. !980, Origin of graphite in the Duluth Complex: Economic Geology, v. 75, no. 5, p. 764-766.

Holt, R.F. See Heinemann, H.G. lIoltzman, R.C. See also Beltrame, R.J., 4. (Wahl. T.E.). 1979, Minnesota Geological Survey subsurface geology data base: Water wells: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 16, 28 p.

Holway, W. 1956, Auburn mine, ill Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 1, p. \60- [67.

Honeyman, L.R. 1973, Description and origin of carbonate minerals in the upper and lower cherty members of the Biwabik Formation, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Hooke, R. LeB. (Matsch, C.L.; Gasser, M.M.). [976, Implications of computer reconstructions of the Pleistocene Des Moines lobe, Minnesota and Iowa [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 924-925.

Hooper, P.R. See also Ojakangas, R.W., 27 (Ojakangas, R.W.). 1971, Multiple deformation in Archean rocks of the Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 8, no. 4, p. 423-434. 50 Horberg, L.

Horberg, L. 1955, Radiocarbon dates and Pleistocene chronological problems in the Mississippi Valley region: Journal of Geology, v. 63, no. 3, p. 278-286.

Hosterman, J.W. See Heyl, A.V.

Hough, 1.L. 1962, Geologic framework, in Pincus, H.J., ed., Great Lakes Basin-a symposium, Chicago, 1959: American Association for the Advancement of Science Publication 71, p. 3-27.

Howard, G.P. See Prasky, Charles,!,

Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff. [1958], Duluth-Superior Interstate Bridge Project, IN 390-3 (l); subsurface exploration report: Boring logs and laboratory test data, December 16, 1957 [Kansas City, Mo.].

Howell, B.J. 1958, Skolithos woodi Whitfield in the Upper Cambrian of Minnesota and Wisconsin: Wagner Free Institute of Science Bulletin, v. 33, no. 2, p. 16-19.

Hower, J. See Hurley, P.M.

Hsu, M.L. (Kozar, K.; Orning, G.W.; Streed, P.G.). 1975, Computer applications in land-use mapping and the Minnesota Land Management Information System, in Display and analysis of spatial data: London, John Wiley, p. 298-310.

Huck, P.J. See Singh, M.M.

Hudleston, P.J. 1. 1976, Deformation of Precambrian rocks in northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, v. 1, p. 53. 2. 1976, Early deformational history of Archean rocks in the Vermilion District, northeastern Minnesota: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 13, no. 4, p. 579-592.

Hult, M.F. See also Anderson, H.W., Jr., 3, 7; Farrell, D.F.; Lindholm, G.F., 3,4. 1979, Design of a network for monitoring ground-water quality in Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ File Report 79-1164, 44 p.

Humphrey, W.R. 1958, A study of the lithologic relations of the early Paleozoic and Cretaceous rocks in the Mankato, Minnesota area: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Hurley, P.M. See also Faure, G., 4. (Fairbairn, H.W.: Pinson, W.H., Jr.: Hower, 1.). 1962, Un metamorphosed minerals in Gunflint Formation used to test age of Animikie: Journal of Geology, v. 70, no. 4, p. 489-492.

Hutchinson, D.R. See Wold, R.J., 5.

Ikola, R.J. See also Austin, G.S., 20; Ervin, c.P., 2; McGinnis, L.D., 2; Sims, P.K., 29. 1. 1967, A geophysical investigation of the geologic structure of Carlton County, Minnesota: Unpublished M. S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1968, A regional gravity survey of the Duluth Complex and adjacent areas, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Mining Engineering, v. 20, no. 8, p. 28-28A. 3. 1968, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, Hibbing sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscella­ neous Map Series M-3, scale 1:250,000. 4. 1968, Simple Bouguer gravity map of southern part of Duluth Complex and adjacent areas, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-4, scale 1:250,000. Jahren, c.E. 51

5, 1969, Gravity investigations in Minnesota [abs,], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p, 10-11. 6, 1969, A regional gravity survey of southwestern Minnesota labs,]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1969, [Proceedings], p, 18-19, 7, 1969, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, Two Harbors sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-9, scale 1:250,000,

Ingamells, CO, See Goldich, S,S" 23,

Irwin, H,T, 1975, United States of America, ill Americas, Asia, Australasia, pI. 3 of Catalogue of fossil hominids: London, British Museum of Natural History, p, 32-45,

Iverson, CL. 1958, The properties of silica gel and its possible relationship to the development of Lake Superior type iron ores labs,]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958, [Proceedings], p, 22,

Iwasaki, Iwao, See Vifian, A.R. I, 2.

Jackson, J.K. See McGinnis, L.D., 3.

Jacobson, G.L., Jr. 1975, A palynological study of the history and ecology of white pine in Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1976, v. 37, no. 1, p. S5B,

Jacobson, Robert, See Savina, M.E.

Jahanbagloo, I.C. (Zoltai, Tibor), 1968, The crystal structure of a hexagonal AI-serpentine: American Mineralogist. v. 53, no. 1-2, p. 14-24.

Jahn, Bor-Ming. I. 1970, Isotopic studies of Lower Precambrian rocks, northeastern Minnesota [abs.], ill Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 15-16. 2. 1972, Strontium isotope and trace element studies of the Lower Precambrian rocks from the Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1973, v. 33, no. 7, p. 314IB-3142B. 3. (Murthy, V. Rama). 1971, Rb-Sr isotopic studies of the Vermilion Greenstone belt. northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 7, p. 611. 4. (Murthy, V. Rama). 1972, Trace element abundances of the Archean volcanic rocks in the Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 553. 5. (Shih, Chi-Yu; Murthy, V. Rama). 1974, Trace element geochemistry of Archean volcanic rocks: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 38, no. 4, p. 611-627.

Jahren, CE. I. 1955, Some magnetic susceptibility measurements on diamond drill cores from the Cuyuna district [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1955, [Proceed­ ings], unpaged. 2. 1958, Magnetic susceptibility and its correlation with magnetite content in taconite [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958, [Proceedings], p. 4. 3. 1960, Magnetizations of iron-formations and igneons rocks of northern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 6th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1960, [Proceedings], p. 28, 4. 1963, Magnetic susceptibility of bedded iron-formation: Geophysics, v. 28, no. 5, p. 756-766. 5, 1965, Magnetization of Keweenawan rocks near Duluth, Minnesota: Geophysics, v. 30, no. 5, p. 858-874. 52 James, H.L.

James. H.L. See also Klemic, Harry. I. 1951, Sedimentary facies of the Lake Superior iron-bearing formations, and their relation to volcanism and ..:- geosynclinal development [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 62, no. 12, p. 1452. 2. 195$, Sedimentary facies of iron-formation: Economic Geology, v. 49, no. 3. p. 235-293. 3. 1955, Sedimentary facies of iron-formation [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, I st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings], unpaged. 4. 1960, Problems of stratigraphy and correlation of Precambrian rocks with particular reference to the Lake Superior region: American Journal of Science. v. 258-A, p. 104-114. 5. (Clayton. R. N.). 1962, Oxygen isotopefractionation in metamorphosed iron formations of the Lake Superior region and in other iron-rich rocks, in Engel, A.E.J., James, H.L., and Leonard. B.F., eds., Petrologic studies: A volume in honor of A.F. Buddington: Geological Society of America, p. 217-239. 6. (Sims, P.K., editors). 1973, Precambrian iron formations of the world: Economic Geology, v. 68. no. 7, p. 913-1173. 7. (Sims, P.K.: Marsden, R.W., organizers). 1972, Precambrian Iron-Formation Symposium. Duluth, Minnesota. Nov. 10-12. 1972, Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists, University of Minnesota, Duluth, variously paged.

Janssen. e.R. I. 1968, Myrtle Lake: A late and post-glacial pollen diagram from northern Minnesota: Canadian Journal of Botany, v. 46. no. 11. p. 1397-1408. 2. 1973, Local and regional pollen deposition. in Birks, H.J.B., and West. R.G., eds., Quaternary plant ecology: New York, John Wiley. p. 31-42.

Jefferson. Constance. 1961. Stratigraphy and physiography of the Minnetonka area: Minnesota Journal of Science. v. 5, no. I, p. 40-42.

Jelgersma, Saskia. 1962, Late-glacial pollen diagram from Madelia, south-central Minnesota: American Journal of Science. v. 260, no. 7. p. 522-529.

Jensen. M.L. 1959. Sulfur isotopes and hydrothermal mineral deposits: Economic Geology. v. 54, no. 3, p. 383.

Jenson. Peter. 1959. How the Red River Valley was formed: Gopher Historian. v. 14. no. I, p. 3-5.

Jerabek. L.A. See Novitzki, R.P.: Van Voast, W.A., 5.

Jirsa, M.A. See also Green, J.e.. 32; Morey, G.B., 44. I. 1978, The petrology and tectonic significance of the interflow sediments in the Keweenawan North Shore Volcanic Group of northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 24th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1978. [Proceedings]. p. 17. 2. 1980, The petrology and tectonic significance of interflow sediments in the Keweenawan North Shore Volcanic Group of northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Johnson. B.D. See Swain, F.M., Jr., 13.

Johnson. C.H. (Foster, R.L.). 1965, Contaminated Precambrian ash flow tuff. Cascade River. Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 82. p. 102.

Johnson. D.A. (Williams, D.L.). 1980. A geologic field trip across Minnesota: St. Cloud, Minnesota Field Trip. Box 1587. MN. 56301. 32 p., 75 color slides.

Johnson. Elden. 1967. Prehistory in our state parks: Conservation Volunteer, v. 30. no. 173. p. 13-17. Kain, Joan 53

Johnson, M.e. 1978, Mineral chemistry of four quartz-bearing monzonites in east-central Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

Johnson, R.G. I. 1968, Copper-nickel mineralization in the basal Duluth gabbro complex, northeastern Minnesota: A case study: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City. 2. 1970, Economic geology of a portion of the basal Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City. 3. 1970, Economic geology of a portion of the basal Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota [abs., University of Iowa Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, v. 31, no. 6, p. 3481B.

Johnson, R.M. (Beissel, D.R.: Fax, J.G.: Collins, M.A.: Olson, J.M.). 1980, Selected aquifer tests in Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resourc~s, DIvision of Waters Technical Paper 8, 129 p.

Johnson, S.H. See also Mooney, H.M., 4, 5. I. 1967, Seismic investigation of the midcontinent gravity high ill southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M. S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Farnham, P.R.). 1967, Refraction seismic surveys on the mid-continent gravity anomaly in Minnesota and Wisconsin [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 13th Annual Meeting. East Lansing, Michigan, 1967, [Proceedings], p. 24.

Johnston, A.W. See Harder, E.e., \.

Jolly, F.G. 1977. Geology. petrology, and sulfide mineralization of the Raddison Lake area, Itasca County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.

Jones, 1.R. See also Akin, P.D. (Akin. P.D.: Schneider, Robert). 1963. Geology and ground-water conditions in the southern part of the Camp Ripley Military Reservation, Morrison County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water­ Supply Paper 1669-A, p. AI-A32.

Jones, N.W. \. 1963, The relationships between the Duluth gabbro and the dikes and sills in the vicinity of Hovland, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1963. The relationships between the Duluth gabbro and the dikes and sills near Hovland, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth. Minnesota. 1963, [Proceedings], unpaged. 3. 1980. Petrology of some Logan diabase sills from Cook County. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980. [Proceedings], p. 29-30.

Joyce, F.E., Jr. See Prasky, Charles, 2.

Juneau. P.J. 1979, Origin and petrology of iron silicate-rich bodies in the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Duluth.

Just, Theodor. 1959, Postglacial vegetation of the north-central United States: A review: Journal of Geology, v. 67, no. 2, p. 228-238.

Kain. Joan. 1978, Rocky roots: Three geology walking tours of downtown SI. Paul: SI. Paul, Ramsey County Historical Society, 32 p. 54 Kalliokoski, J.

Kalliokoski, 1. See also Ojakangas, R.W., 22. 1. 1968, Structural features and some metallogenic patterns in the southern part of the Superior Province, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 5, no. 5, p. 1199-1208. 2. (Langford, F.F.; Ojakangas, R. W.). 1978, Criteria for uranium occurrences in Saskatchewan and Australia as guides to favorability for similar deposits in the United States: Grand Junction, Colo., U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX-114(78), 480 p.

Kanivetsky, Roman. I. 1977, Design of a groundwater sampling network for Minnesota: Grand Junction, Colo., U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX-I(78), 40 p. 2. 1978, Hydrogeologic map of Minnesota, bedrock hydrogeology: Minnesota Geological Survey State Map Series S-2, scale 1:500,000; sheet 1, map; sheet 2, generalizeJ cross sections. 3. 1978, Hydrogeologic maps of Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 431. 4. 1979, Hydrogeologic map of Minnesota, bedrock hydrogeology: Minnesota Geological Survey State Map Series S-5, scale 1:3,168,000. 5. 1979, Hydrogeologic map of Minnesota, Quaternary hydrogeology: Minnesota Geological Survey State Map Series S-3, scale 1:500,000. 6. 1979, Hydrogeologic map of Minnesota, Quaternary hydrogeology: Minnesota Geological Survey State Map Series S-6, scale 1:3,168,000. 7. 1979, Regional approach to estimating ground-water resources, in v. 5 of World Congress on Water Resources, 3rd, Mexico City, 1979, Papers: Washington, D.C., International Water Resources Association, p. 2206-2213. 8. 1979, Regional approach to estimating the ground-water resources of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 22, 13 p. 9. 1980, Hydrogeology and water resources of Quaternary deposits in Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 5, p. 230. 10. 1980, Series of state-wide hydrogeologic maps-a guide for management and development of ground-water resources [abs.]: International Geological Congress, 26th, Paris, July 7-17,1980, Abstracts, v. 3. p. 1121. 11. (Walton, Matt). 1979, Hydrogeologic map of Minnesota, bedrock hydrogeology-a discussion to accompany State Map Series S-2: Minnesota Geological Survey, 11 p.

Karasov, Deborah. See Brice, W.e.

Karklins, O.L. 1. 1960, Ordovician Bryozoa of Family Rhinidictyidae from the Decorah shale formation of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1966, Cryptostome Bryozoa from Middle Ordovician Decorah Shale of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1966, Cryptostome Byrozoa from Middle Ordovician Decorah Shale of Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1966, v. 27, no. 4, p. 1187B-1188B. 4. 1969, The cryptostome Bryozoa from the Middle Ordovician Decorah Shale, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-6, 121 p. 5. 1970, Restudy of type species of the Ordovician bryozoan genus Slicioporellina: Journal of Paleontology, v. 44, no. 1, p. 133-139.

Karlen, Ingvar. See Olsson, Ingrid, 2.

Kamer, F.R. See also Hobbs, H.e., 3; Kelley, L.I., 2. (Kelley, L.I.; O'Toole, F.S.). 1980, Current studies of Precambrian basement rocks of the Red River Valley of North Dakota and Minnesota: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 34, p. 25.

Keighin, e.W. 1. 1970, Age and petrology of the Granite, southwestern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 26. 2. (Morey, G.B.; Goldich, S.S.). 1972, Age and relationships of McGrath Gneiss and Thomson Formation, east-central Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 329-330. Kirkwood, Samuel 55

3. (Morey, G.B.; Goldich, S.S.). 1972, East-central Minnesota, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 240-255.

Ketler, G.V. (Zablocki, C.J.; Frischknecht, F.C.). 1958. Electrical methods of geophysical prospecting in the Lake Superior district [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota. 1958, [Proceedings], p. 3.

Kelley. L.1. See also Karner, F. R. I. 1980, Kaolinitic weathering zone on Precambrian basement rocks, Red Ri ver Valley. eastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. 2. (Karner, F. R. ). 1980, Kaolinitic weathering zone on Precambrian basement of southeastern North Dakota and western Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980, [Proceedings], p. 51-52.

Kemmis. T.J. 1980, Some aspects of the dynamics of the Des Moines glacial lobe as inferred from landform/sediment associations [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61. no. 5, p. 50.

Kemp, I.F. 1910, Iron ore reserves in the United States: Lake Superior Region, in v. 2 o/The iron ore resources of the world: Stockholm, Generalstabens Lithografiska Anstalt. p. 768-773.

Kennedy. L.E. 1920, The Cacaquabic granite and porphyry and their contact effects: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois. Urbana.

Ketner. K.B. I. 1979, Grain-size analyses of Ordovician sandstones from the midwestern states: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-230, 33 p. 2. 1979, Map showing high-purity silica sand of Middle Ordovician age in the midwestern states: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1097. scale 1:1.000.000.

Kiester, S.A. 1976, The mineralogy and sedimentology of the Cambrian strata of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. Northern Illinois University. De Kalb.

Kilburg, I.A. I. 1972, Petrology. structure, and correlation of the Upper Precambrian Ely's peak basalts (northeast Minnesota and Ontario. Canada): Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. 1972, Petrology. structure. and correlation of the Upper Precambrian Ely's Peak basalts [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton. Michigan. 1972. [Proceedings]. paper 10. 3. (Morey. G.B.). 1977, Reconnaisance geologic map of the Esko quadrangle. St. Louis and Carlton Counties, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-25. scale 1:24.000.

King, E.R. (Zietz. Isidore). 1971, Aeromagnetic study of the midcontinent gravity high of central United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin. v. 82, no. 8, 2187-2208.

King. J.W. See Banerjee, S.K., 3.

Kirby. I.R. See also Zietz. Isidore. 2. (Petty. A.J.). 1966, Regional aeromagnetic map of western Lake Superior and adjacent parts of Minnesota. Michigan. and Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-556, scale 1:250.000.

Kirkwood. Samuel. See Swain. F.M .. Jr.. II. 56 Kirstein, Mark

Kirstein, Mark. 1979, Contact metamorphism of the Virginia Formation MINNAMAX deposit, St. Louis Co., Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 25th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1979, [Proceedings], p. 25.

Kirwin, P.H. 1963. Subsurface stratigraphy of the Upper Keweenawan red beds in southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Klasner, J.S. 1. (Wold, R.J.: Hinze, W.J.: Bacon, L.a.: O'Hara, N.W.: Berkson, J.M.). 1978, Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the northern Michigan-Lake Superior region: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-211, scale 1:500,000. 2. (Wold, R.J.: Hinze, W.J.: Bacon, L.a.: O'Hara, N.W.; Berkson. J.M.). 1979. Bouguer gravity map of the northern Michigan-Lake Superior region: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-930, scale I: I ,000,000.

Klassen, R.W. See Clayton, Lee. 3.

Klaysmat, A.W. See Meineke, D.G., 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14.

Klemic, Harry. (James, H.L.; Eberlein, G.D.). 1973. Iron, in Brobst, D.A., and Pratt, W.P., eds., United States mineral resources: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 820, p. 291-306.

Klinger, F.L. 1. 1956, Geology of the Soudan mine and vicinity, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 120-134. 2. 1960. Geology and ore deposits of the Soudan mine, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 3. 1960, Geology of the Soudan mine, northeastern Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 6th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1960, [Proceedings). p. 26. 4. (Polta, H.J.). 1973, Iron ore, in v. I, Metals. minerals. and fuels: U.S. Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1971, p. 585-608.

Klingsberg, Cyrus. (Roy, R.F.). 1957, Ramsdellite newly observed in Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 52, no. 5, p. 574-577.

Kohls. D.W. 1. 1958, The geology of the Prescott quadrangle: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1961, Lithostratigraphy of the Cedar Valley formation in Minnesota and northern Iowa: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1961, Lithostratigraphy of the Cedar Valley formation in Minnesota and northern Iowa [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts, 1962, v. 22, no. II, p. 3983.

Kolata, D.R. 1973, Scalenocvstites strimplei, a new Middle Ordovician Belemnocystitid solute from Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 47, no. 5, p. 969-974.

Konda, Tadashi. See also Nakamura, Yasuo. I. 1970, Pyroxenes from the Beaver Bay gabbro complex of Minnesota: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 29, no. 4, p. 338-344. 2. (Green, J.c.). 1974, Clinopyroxenes from the Keweenawan lavas of Minnesota: American Mineralogist, v. 59, no. 11-12, p. 1190-1197. Kurtz, V.E. 57

Korompai, A.E. 1969, Structure under the Midcontinent Gravity High: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Korzeniowski, Mary. See Brice, W.e.

Koskelin, K.M. See Cordua, W.S.

Kouvo, O. See Hart, S.R., 2.

Kozar, K. See Hsu, M.L.

Kraft, I.e. I. 1952, A petrographic study of the Oneota-Iordan contact zone: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1956, A petrographic study of the Oneola-Iordan contact zone, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 24-28.

Kramer, OJ. See also Odum, I.E., 3. 1970. Authigenic and detrital K-feldspars in the Franconia Formation (Upper Cambrian), (southeastern Minnesota, northern Illinois, and southwestern Wisconsin): Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Kreisman, P.I. See also Stevenson, RJ., 4, 5. (Poppe, Robert). 1980, Introduction to Minnesota's copper-nickel study with a resource overview: Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Preprint 80-323, 9 p.

Kremp, G.O.W. (Ames, H.T., compilers). 1965, Spores and pollen of the Upper Cretaceous and Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, v. 23 a/Catalog of fossil spores and pollen: University Park, Pennsylvania State University, Palynology Laboratory, 173 p.

Krenz, K.A. (Ervin, C.P.). 1977, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, Duluth sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-37, scale 1:250,000.

Kristmannsdottir, H. See Griffin. W.L., 9.

Krizman, R.W. (Kruger, e.L.). 1968, Aeromagnetic map of the Kabetogama Lake-Grassy Lake area. St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-616, scale 1:250,000.

Krogh, T.E. See Brooks, e.

Krueger, H.W. See Goldich, S.S., 25.

Kruger, C.L. See Krizman, R.W.

Kuhm, H.W. 1954, Glacial potholes in Minnesota and Wisconsin: Earth Science Digest, v. 7, no. 7. p. 13-14.

Kulehmainen, Victoria. See Craddock, Campbell, 4.

Kupsch, W.O. See Clayton, Lee, 3.

Kurtz, V.E. See Bell, W.e., 4. 58 Kyllo, L.R.

Kyllo, L.R. See Tuftin, S.E.

LaBerge, G.L. I. 1964, Development of magnetite in iron formations of the Lake Superior region: Economic Geology, v. 59, no. 7, p. 1313-1342. 2. 1967, Microfossils and Precambrian iron-formations: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 78, no. 3, p. 331-342.

Labotka, T.c. (Vaniman, D.T.; Papike, J.1.). 1979, Petrology of the contact metamorphosed argillite in the Rove Formation, N.E. Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 18, p. 422.

Laird, W.M. See Byers, A.C.: Clayton, Lee, 3.

Lamey, C.A. 1927, Some metamorphic effects of the Duluth gabbro: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Lang, P.A. See Brice, W.C.

Langenheim, R.L., Jr. See Pierce, R.W.

Langer, c.1. See Harding, S.T.

Langford, F.F. See Kalliokoski, 1., 2.

Larson, C.E. 1961, Geology of the Pipestone National Monument: University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged.

Larson, Norine. See Erickson, B.R., 4.

Larson, S.P. See also Larson-Higdem, D.C., 2. I. 1976, An appraisal of ground water for irrigation in the Appleton area: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2039-B, p. BI-B34. 2. (McBride, M.S.; Wolf, R.n. 1975, Digital models of a glacial outwash aquifer in the Pearl-Sallie Lakes area, west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 75-40, 44 p.

Larson-Higdem, D.C. 1. 1976, Map showing altitude of the bedrock surface in Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-788, scale 1:1 ,000,000. 2. (Larson, S .P.; Norvitch, R.F.). 1975, Configuration of watertable and distribution of downward leakage to the Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-342, 36 p.

Larue, D.K. (Sloss, L.L.). 1980, Early Proterozoic sedimentary basins of the Lake Superior region: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 91, no. 8, pI. I (summary), p. 450-452: pI. 2 (complete), p. 1836-1874.

Lassin, R.J. 1975, Clay mineral/low-temperature K-feldspar stability relationships in the St. Peter Formation of Wisconsin, eastern Iowa and Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Lathrop, J.H. 1961, Prehistoric mines of Lake Superior: Midwest Engineer, v. 14, no. I, p. 34-38. Lepp, Henry 59

Lavery, N.G. 1972, Graded volcanic ash-chert beds: A useful indicator of stratigraphic orientation in Archean volcanic rocks: Economic Geology, v. 67, no. I, p. 111-112.

Lawver, J.E. See also Bleifuss, R.L., 10; Pastrana, J.M., 2. (Weigl, R.L.; Schulz, N.F). 1975, Mineral beneficiation studies and an economic evaluation of Minnesota copper-nickel deposit from the Duluth Gabbro: Final report: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Mineral Resources Research Center.

Lee, Robert. See Fleming, Anthony.

Leeman, W.P. See also Dosso, Laure. 1977, Pb and Sr isotopic study of Keweenawan lavas and inferred-4 b.y. old lithosphere beneath part of Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1068.

Lehman, G.A. 1. 1980, The bedrock geology of a portion of the Cramer 15-minute quadrangle, Lake County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. (Davidson, D. M., Jr.). 1979, Petrology of the troctolite-olivine gabbro series, Duluth Gabbro Complex (Late Precambrian), northeastern Cramer quadrangle, Lake and Cook counties, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 25th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1979, [Proceedings], p. 28.

Leighton, M.M. I. 1960, The classification of the Wisconsin glacial stage of north central United States: Journal of Geology, v. 68, no. 5, p. 529-552. 2. (Wright, H.E., Jr.). 1957, Radiocarbon dates of Mankato drift in Minnesota: Science, v. 125, no. 3256, p. 1037-1039.

Leisman, G.A. 1953, The rate of organic matter accumulation on the sedge mat zones of bogs in the region of Minnesota: Ecology, v. 34, no. I, p. 81-101.

Leith, C.K. See also Van Hise, C.R., I, 2, 3. 1906, A summary of Lake Superior geology with special reference to recent studies of the iron-bearing series: American Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions, v. 36, p. 101-153.

LeMay, W.J. 1956, Mechanical analysis of glacial till from part of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Leney, G.W. I. 1964, Geophysical exploration for iron ores: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Transactions (Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Transactions), v. 229, no. 4, p. 355- 372. 2. 1966, Field studies in iron ore geophysics, in Case histories, v. I a/Mining Geophysics: Tulsa, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, p. 391-417.

Leonhard, G.E. See Aase, J.H., 1,2.

Lepp, Henry. See also Whelan, J.A., 3. 1. 1959, The chemistry and origin of iron formation [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 5th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1959, [Proceedings], p. 14. 2. 1961, The distribution of manganese in sedimentary iron formations and associated rocks [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 7th Annual Meeting, Port Arthur, Ontario, 1961, [Proceedings], p. 9. 3. 1965, The distribution of manganese in the Biwabik Iron-fornlation, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings], p. 22. 4. 1966, Chemical composition of Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 61, no. 2, p. 243-250. 60 Lepp, Henry

5. 1966, Distribution of manganese in the Mesabi and Cuyuna iron ranges, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 87, p. 95. 6. 1968, Distribution of manganese in Animikian iron formations of Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 63, no. 1, p. 61-75. 7. 1968, Trace elements in Minnesota iron formations [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 14th Annual Meeting, Superior, Wisconsin, 1968, [Proceedings], p. 9. 8. 1972, Normative mineral composition of the Biwabik Formation: A first approach, ill Doe, B .R., and SI'lith, D.K., eds., Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian geology: Geological Society of America Memoir 135, p. 265-278. 9. (Goldich, S.S.). 1964, Origin of Precambrian iron formations: Economic Geology, v. 59, nQ. 6, p. 1025- 1060. 10. (Goldich, S.S.). 1974, Origin of Precambrian iron formations, ill Geochemistry and the origin of life: Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 14: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, p. 195-209. Reprint from Economic Geology, v. 59, 1964.

Leuelling, B. See Olson, DJ.

Levi, Saul. See also Banerjee, S.K., I, 4. I. (Banerjee, S.K.). 1975, On the possibility of obtaining relative paleointensities fram lake sediments: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 56, no. 9, p. 597. 2. (Banerjee, S.K.). 1976, On the possibility of obtaining relative paleointensities fram lake sediments: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 29, no. I, p. 219-226.

Levinson, S.A. 1951, Thin sections of Paleozoic ostracoda and their bearing on taxonomy and morphology: Journal of Paleontology, v. 25, no. 5, p. 553-560.

Levorson, e.0. (Gerk, AJ.; Broadhead, T.W.). 1979, Stratigraphy of the Dubuque Formation (Upper Ordovician) in Iowa: Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 86, no. 2, p. 57-65.

Levy, T.M. See also Goldich, S.S., 36, 37. 1975, An age sequence in ancient rocks near Delhi, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Lewis, W.E. I. 1950, Hydraulic tunneling in St. Peter Sandstone at Minneapolis, Minnesota: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 7571, 12 p. 2. 1951, Relationship of the Cuyuna manganiferous resources to others in the United States, ill Geology of the Cuyuna Range-Mining Geology Symposium, 3rd, Hibbing, Minnesota, 1951, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Continuation Study, p. 30-43. 3. (Heising, L.F.; Pennington, J.W.; Prasky, Charles). 1958, Investigation ofCuyuna iron-range manganese deposits, Crow Wing County, Minnesota: Progress Report I: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5400, 49 p.

Li, F.S. I. 1971, Interpretation of a gravity profile across the Midcontinent Gravity High at latitude 45°30': Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1976, Analysis and application of new array techniques for seismic signal extraction: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Libby, W.F. See Arnold, J.R.

Licari, G.R. See Cloud, P.E., Jr., 2, 3.

Lidiak, E.G. See also Goldich, S.S., 24. 1974, Magnetic characteristics of some Precambrian basement rocks: Zeitschrift fUr Geophysik, v. 40, no. 4, p. 549-564. Listerud, W.H. 61

Liesch, B.A. I. 1958, The scope of water resources investigations in Minnesota, in The future of Minnesota Resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources, Virginia, Minnesota, April 23-25, 1958, Report: SI. Paul, Minnesota Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 310-316. 2. 1961, Geohydrology of the lordan aquifer in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Waters Technical Paper 2, 24 p.

Lindholm, G.F. See also Ericson, D.W., 1,2; Helgesen, 1.0., 4, 5, 6. 7. I. 1968, Geology and water resources of the Hibbing area. northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-280, scale 1:24.000. 3 sheets. 2. 1971. An appraisal of ground water for irrigation in the Wadena area, central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1983. 56 p. 3. (Ericson, D.W.; Broussard, W.L.; HuH, M.F.J. 1977, Water resources of the St. Louis River watershed, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-608. 4. (Ericson, D.W.; Broussard, W.L.; HuH, M.F.). 1979, Water resources of the SI. Louis River watershed, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-586. 5. (Farrell, D.F.; Helgesen, 1.0.). 1974 [1975], Water resources of the Crow River watershed, south-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-528, scale 1:500,000, 3 sheets. 6. (Helge,en, 1.0.; Broussard, W.L.; Ericson, D.W.). 1974 [1975], Water resources of the Snake River watershed, east-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HAA88, scales 1:250,000 and 1:500,000, 3 sheets. 7. (Helgesen, 1.0.; Broussard, W.L.; Farrell, D.F. J. 1974 [1975], Water resources of the lower SI. Croix River watershed, east-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-490, scales I :250,000 and 1:500,000, 3 sheets. 8. (Helgesen, 1.0.; Ericson, D.W.). 1974, Water resources of the Big Fork River watershed, north-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 74-126, 2 p. 9. (Helgesen, 1.0.; Ericson, D.W.). 1976, Water resources of the Big Fork River watershed, north-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-549. scale 1:500,000. 2 sheets. 10. (Norvitch. R.F.). 1976. Ground water in Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-354. 129p. II. (Norvitch. R.F.). 1976. Remote sensing as an aid in water-resource studies in Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-213. 110 p. 12. (Oakes, E.L.; Ericson. D.W.; Helgesen. 1.0.). 1972, Water resources of the Crow Wing River watershed, central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-380. scale 1:250.000, 4 sheets.

Lindsay. D.R. See Page. T.W.

Lindsley. D.H. See Simmons. E.C., 2.

Lindsley, N.C. See Beck. M.E .. lr., 4.

Lines, E.F. See Fuller, M.L.

Lipp. R.J. (compiler). 1979. Minnesota industrial minerals directory. 1979: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Mineral Resources Research Center. 41 p.

Lister. G.F. 1966, The composition and origin of selected iron-titanium deposits: Economic Geology, v. 61. no. 2, p. 275-310.

Listerud, W.H. See also Meineke, D.G., 3, 4, 5, 6; Ojakangas, R.W., 19. I. 1974, Geology of a sulfide deposit in lower Precambrian metavolcanic-metasedimentary rocks near Birchdale, Koochiching County. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Duluth. 62 Listerud, W.H.

2. 1974, The geology of a sulfide deposit in Lower Precambrian metavolcanic-metasedimentary rocks near Birchdale, Koochiching County, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 20th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 1974, [Proceedings], p. 18. 3. 1976, Sulfides in the Birchdale-Indus area, Koochiching County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Open-File Report 26, 21 p. 4. 1977, Mineral evaluation of the Lake Superior region of northeastern Minnesota-a progress report on field surveys: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Report 132-1, 6 p. 5. (Meineke, D.G.). 1977, Mineral resources of a portion of the Duluth Complex and adjacent rocks in St. Louis and Lake Counties, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Report 93, 74 p.

Lively, R.S. See also Morey, G.B., 45; Southwick, D.L., 8. I. (Alexander, E.C., Jr.). 1979, 230-yh_ 234 U ages of speleothems from Mystery Cave, Minnesota [abs.]: National Speleological Society, Annual Meeting, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1979, Program, p. 57. 2. (Alexander, E.C., Jr.). 1980, 230-yh_ 234 U ages of speleothems from Mystery Cave, Minnesota [abs.]: NSS Bulletin, v. 42, no. 2, p. 34. 3. (Morey, G.B.). 1980, Hydrogeochemical distribution of uranium and radon in east-central Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 6i, no. 48, p. 1192.

Lohr, E.W. (Love, S.K.). 1954, States west of the Mississippi River, pI. 2 afThe industrial utility of public water supplies in the United States, 1952: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1300, p. 225-241 [Minnesota cities].

Look, A.D. See Pynnonen, R.O.

Lougheed, M.S. (Mancuso, J.J.). 1973, The biogenic origin of primary minerals in Lake Superior Precambrian iron-formation [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 19th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1973, [Proceedings], p. 21-22.

Love, S.K. See Lohr, E.W.

Loy, W.G. I. 1963, The evolution of bay-head bars in western Lake Superior, in Conference on Great Lakes Research, 6th, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 1963, Proceedings: University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Publication 10, p. 150-157. 2. 1963, The formation of the Duluth-Superior harbor: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 31, no. I, p. 28-35.

Lubker, R.E. See also Marovelli, R.L.; Wasson, P.A. 1964, Petrographic analysis of Mesabi nonmagnetic taconite using the point counter [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 10th Annual Meeting, Ishpeming, Michigan, 1964, [Proceedings], p. 40.

Lucas, 1.R. See Taranik, 1. V.

Lucente, M.E. 1978, Geology of the Middle Precambrian Virginia Formation in northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

Lucia, F.J. See also Goldich, S.S., 31, 32, 33. 1954, Igneous geology of the Enger Tower area, Duluth, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Ludvigson, G.A. 1976, LANDSAT-I identified linears in northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin and their relation to the Ordovician stratigraphy, structure, and sulfide mineralization of the area: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City. Maderak, M.L. 63

Ludwig, K.R. (Silver, L. T.). 1970, Lead isotope heterogeneity in igneous potassium feldspars [abs.J: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 7, p. 611.

Lund, E.H. 1. 1950, Igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Minnesota River Valley: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1953, Morton granite gneiss: Economic Geology, v. 48, no. 1, p. 46-52. 3. 1956, Igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Minnesota River Valley: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 11, p. 1475-1490.

Lund, S.P. See Banerjee, S.K., 2, 3, 4.

Lyons. P.L. 1. 1959, The Greenleaf anomaly: A significant gravity feature, in Hambleton, W.W .. ed., Symposium on geophysics in Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 137. p. 105-120. 2. 1969. Lateral faulting in midcontinent from geophysical data [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, [v. 1], pt. 2, p. 18.

Machamer, 1.F. 1. 1964. Geology and origin of the iron ore deposits of the Zenith mine. Ely, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. 2. 1964, Geology and origin of the iron ore deposits of the Zenith mine, Ely, Minnesota [abs., Pennsylvania State University Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1964. v. 25, no. 4, p. 2447-2448. 3. 1968, Geology and origin of the iron ore deposits of the Zenith mine. Vermilion district, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-2, 56 p.

Maclay, R.W. See also Bidwell, L.E.; Winter, T.e., 10, 11, 13. I. 1966. Reconnaissance of the geology and ground-water resources in the Aurora area, St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1809-U. p. U1-U20. 2. (Bidwell. L.E.; Winter. T.e.). 1969, Water resources of the Buffalo River watershed, west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-307, scale 1:250,000, 3 sheets. 3. (Schiner. G.R.). 1962. Aquifers in buried shore and glaciofluvial deposits alo:lg the Gladstone beach of glacial Lake Agassiz near Stephen, Minnesota. in Geological Survey research, 1962: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 450-0. p. 0170-0172. 4. (Winter. T. C). 1967, Geochemistry and ground-water movement in northwestern Minnesota: Ground Water, v. 5, no. 1, p. 11-19. 5. (Winter, T.e.: Bidwell. L.E.). 1968. Water resources of the Mustinka and Bois de Sioux Rivers watershed, west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-272, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets. 6. (Winter, T.e.; Bidwell, L.E.). 1969, Ground-water flow in the glacial Lake Agassiz region, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 121, p. 664-665. 7. (Winter, T.C.; Bidwell, L.E.). 1972 [1973], Water resources of the Red River of the North drainage basin in Minnesota: U . S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 1-72: National Technical Informa­ tion Service Report PB-218 965, 129 p. 8. (Winter, T. e. : Pike. G. M.). 1965. Waterresources of the Middle River watershed. northwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-201, scale 1:250,000. 3 sheets. 9. (Winter, T.e.: Pike, G.M.). 1967, Water resources of the Two Rivers watershed, northwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-237. scale 1:250,000,4 sheets. text.

MacLean, W.F. 1962, Postglacial uplift in the Great Lakes region [abs., University of Michigan Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1962. v. 23. no. 2. p. 601-602.

Maderak, M.L. 1. 1963, Quality of waters, Minnesota: A compilation, 1955-62: Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Waters Bulletin 21. 104 p. 64 Maderak, M.L.

2. 1964, Relation of chemical quality of water to recharge to the Jordan Sandstone in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 501-C, p. CI76-C179. 3. 1965. Chemical quality of ground water in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Waters Bulletin 23, 44 p.

Madsen. E.L. I. (Norvitch, R.F.). 1979. Hydraulic properties and tunneling constraints, plate 7 of Norvitch, R.F .. and Walton, Matt. eds .. Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157. 2. (Norvitch, R.F.). 1979, Hydrogeologic setting, plate 6 ofNorvitch, R.F., and Walton, Matt, eds., Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157.

Mahan, S. See Rogers, J.J.W., I.

Maier, W.J. I. (Gast, R.G.; Anderson, C.T.: Nelson, W.W.). 1976, Carbon contents of surface and underground waters in south-central Minnesota: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 5, no. 2, p. 124-128. 2. (McConnell, H.L.; Conroy, L.E.). 1973, A survey of organic carbon constituents in natural fresh waters, in Chow, V.T., and others, eds., Water for the human environment, v. 4: Champaign, Ill., International Water Resources Association, p. 500-513.

Mainwaring, P.R. I. 1975, The petrology of a sulfide-bearing layered intrusion at the base of the Duluth Complex, SI. Louis County, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto. 2. (Naldrett, A.1.). 1974, Genesis ofCu-Ni sulfides in the Duluth Complex [abs.J: Economic Geology, v. 69, no. 7, p. 1183-1184. 3. (Naldrett, A.J.). 1974, Genesis of Cu-Ni sulfides in the Duluth Complex: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7, p. 854-855. 4. (Naldrett, A.1.). 1974, The Waterhen Intrusion: A discrete layered body in the Troctolitic Series of the Duluth Complex [abs.J: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 20th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario, 1974, [ProceedingsJ, p. 21. 5. (Naldrett, A.1.). 1977, Country-rock assimilation and the genesis of Cu-Ni sulfides in the Water Hen Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 72, no. 2, p. 1269-1284.

Majewske, O.P. I. 1953, The Platteville formation: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1956, Stratigraphy of the Middle Ordovician Platteville formation in the vicinity of Minneapolis and St. Paul [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1718.

Malhotra, Ramesh. See also Hanson, G.N., 22, 23, 24, 25. 1970, K -Ar ages and petrography of mafic dikes (Precambrian), Vermilion District, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Malinowsky, Mykola. See Swain, F.M., Jr., 14.

Malmquist, K.L. 1979, Paleoecology of late Quaternary molluscan-ostracod assemblages from the Norwood site, southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Malterer, T.J. See also Fox, R.; Olson, D.1. 1980, Distribution of raised bogs in Minnesota, in International Peat Congress, 6th, Duluth, Minnesota, Proceedings, p. 64-67.

Mancuso, J.D. (Dolence, l.D.). 1970, Structure of the Duluth gabbro complex in the Babbitt area, Minnesota [abs.J: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 27. Marsden, R. W. 65

Mancuso, J.J. See Lougheed, M.S.

Mangen, L.R. 1956, Age relationships of igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Minnesota River Valley: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Manhes. G. See Dupre, B.

Mann. W.B., IV. (McBride. M.S.). 1972, The hydrologic balance of Lake Sallie. Becker County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 800-0. p. 0189-191.

Manzer. G.K .. Jr. 1978, Petrology and geochemistry of Precambrian mafic dikes. Minnesota. and their bearing on secular chemical variations in Precambrian basaltic magmas: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Rice University. Houston. Tex.

Markun, CD. 1978. Petrology and paleoenvironment of the Gunflint Iron Formation: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Florida. Gainesville.

Marovelli, R.L. See also Heising, L.F .. 2: Prasky. Charles. 2. (Frommer, D.W.: Wessel, F.W.: Heising. L.F.: Wasson, P.A.: Lubker. R.E.). 1961. Lake Superior iron resources: Preliminary sampling and metallurgical evaluation of Mesabi range nonmagnetic taconites: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5670. 35 p.

Marsden, R.W. See also James. H.L., 7. I. 1955, Precambrian correlations in the Lake Superior region in Michigan. Wisconsin and Minnesota: Geological Association of Canada Proceedings, v. 7. pt. 2, p. 107-116. 2. 1956. Central Mesabi range. summary. in Schwartz. G.M .. and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. 1956. Guidebook for fleld trip no. I. p. 159. 3. 1956, Northeastern Minnesota and the Lake Superior Precambrian correlations. ill Schwartz. G.M .. and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting, 1956. Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 20-28. 4. 1968. Geology of the iron ores of the Lake Superior region in the United States. in v. I afOre deposits of the United States. 1933-1967 (Graton-Sales volume): New York. American Institute of Mining. Metallur­ gical, and Petroleum Engineers, p. 489-506. 5. 1971. Geology, exploration and development in the mineral industries of the Lake Superior region. in Mining Symposium, 32nd Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Minnesota Section, 44th Annual Meeting. Duluth. 1971. [Proceedings 1: Minneapolis. University of Minnesota. p. 7-11. 6. 1971. Mesabi range magnetite taconite: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth. Minnesota. 1971. [Proceedings], p. 128-138. 7. 1972, Cuyuna district, ill Sims, P.K .. and Morey, G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 227-239. 8. 1972, Field trip log. pt. I of Field trip no. I: General geology of the Mesabi range. ill Precambrian Iron­ Formation Symposium. Duluth, Minnesota. 1972. Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists, University of Minnesota. Duluth, variously paged. 9. 1972, General geology of the central Mesabi range. pt. 2 ofField trip no. 1: General geology of the Mesabi range, in Precambrian Iron-Formation Symposium. Duluth. Minnesota. 1972. Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists. University of Minnesota. Duluth. variously paged. 10. 1978. Iron ore reserves of the Mesabi range. Minnesota-a minerals availability system report. ill Productivity in Lake Superior district mining: Mining Symposium. 39th Annual. and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 51st Annual Meeting. Duluth, 1978. Proceedings: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota. Department of Conferences, Continuing Educa­ tion and Extension, paper 23. 57 p. 66 Marsden, R.W.

11. 1979, Iron ore reserves of the Mesabi range, Minnesota: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 58-79,58 p. 12. (Emanuelson, J.W.; Owens, 1.S.; Walker, N.E.; Werner, R.F.). 1968, The Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota, in v. 1 afOre deposits of the United States, 1933-1967 (Graton-Sales volume): New York, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, p. 5IS-537. 13. (Plummer. W.L.). 1972, Minntac taconite, pI. 2 ofField trip no. 2 (taconite development): Minntac taconite of United States Steel Corporation, in Precambrian Iron-Formation Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota, 1972, Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists, University of Minnesota, Duluth, variously paged. 14. (Walker, N .E.). 1972, Summary review of the progressive metamorphism of the Biwabik formation, Mesabi Range, Minnesota, pt. 2 of Field trip no. 3: Metamorphism of the Biwabik iron-formation, in Precambrian Iron-Formation Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota, 1972, Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists, University of Minnesota, Duluth. variously paged.

Marshall, L.G. 1963, Sand and gravel operations and costs, Minneapolis-SI. Paul area, Minn.: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8157,66 p.

Marshall, T.B. 1979, Compressed air storage in Paleozoic sandstones of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

Maser. M.D. See Schopf, J.W.

Mathez. E.A. See also Weiblen, P.W., 14. 1. 1971, Geology and petrology of the Logan Intrusives of the Hungry Jack Lake quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson. 2. (Nathan, H.D.; Morey, G.B.). 1977, Geologic map of the South Lake quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-38, scale 1:24,000.

Matlack. W.F. 1. 1979, Geology of the Duluth Complex-Virginia Formation contact Minnamax deposit, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 25th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1979, [Proceedings], p. 29. 2. 19S0, Geology and sulfide mineralization of the Duluth Complex-Virginia Formation contact Minnamax deposit, SI. Louis County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 3. (Watowich, S.N.). 1980. Geology and sulfide mineralization of the Duluth Complex-Virginia Formation contact Minnamax deposit, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12. no. 7, p. 477.

Matsch, c.L. See also Hooke, R. LeB.; Rutford, R.H.: Wright, H.E., Jr., 28. 32. 1. 1962, Pleistocene geology of the SI. Paul Park and Prescott quadrangles: Unpublished M. S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. 1969. Surficial geologic map, New Ulm sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 8-10. 3. 1970, Surficial geologic map, New Ulm sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 4-5. 4. 1971, Pleistocene stratigraphy of the New Ulm region, southwestern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 5. 1971, Pleistocene stratigraphy of the New Ulm region, southwestern Minnesota [abs., University of Wisconsin Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971, v. 32, n. 2, p. 1025B. 6. 1972. Field trip guidebook for geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphy of western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 7, 84 p. 7. 1972, Petrography of tills in southwestern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 335-336. 8. 1972, Quaternary geology of southwestern Minnesota, in Sims. P.K., and Morey, G.B .. eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 548-560. 9. (Driscoll, F.G.). 1973, Drift lithology and glaciology of the Des Moines lobe in southern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, no. 7, p. 730. McAndrews, J.H. 67

10. (Rutford, R.H.; Tipton. M.J.). 1972. Quaternary geology of northeastern South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota. in Field trip guidebook for geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphy of western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 7. p. 1-34. II. (Wright. H.E., Jr.). 1967, The southern outlet of Lake Agassiz. in Mayer-Oakes. W.J .. ed .. Life, land and water-Conference on environmental studies of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region. 1966, Proceedings: Manitoba University. Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper 1. p. 121-140.

Matthai. H.F. 1979. Hydrologic and human aspects of the 1967-77 drought: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1130, 84 p.

Mattis. A.F. I. 1970, Petrology and sedimentation of Lower Keweenawan Puckwunge Formation of Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork. 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 12. 2. 1971, Lower Keweenawan sediments of the Lake Superior Region [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth. Minnesota. 1971. [Proceedings], p. 45-46. 3. 1972. The petrology and sedimentation of the basal Keweenawan sandstones of the north and south shores of Lake Superior: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Duluth. 4. 1972, Puckwunge Formation of northeastern Minnesota. in Sims. P.K .. and Morey, G.B .. eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 412-415.

Mattson, L.A. See also Owens. J.S., 4; Wright. H.E .. Jr.. 29. I. 1959, Structural studies in the Thomson formation. Carlton County. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 5th Annual Meeting. SI. Paul. Minnesota. 1959. [Proceedings]. p. 27. 2. 1959. Structure and stratigraphy of the Thomson formation, Carlton-Thomson area. Carlton County. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Mayer-Oakes. W.J. I. (editor). 1967. Life, land and water-Conference on environmental studies of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region. 1966. Proceedings: Manitoba University. Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper I. 414 p. 2. 1967. Prehistoric human population history of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region. in Mayer-Oakes. W.J., ed., Life, land and water-Conference on environmental studies of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region. 1966. Proceedings: Manitoba University, Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper I, p. 339-377.

Mazurski, M.A. See Fraser. J.A.

Mazzullo. J.M. I. (Ehrlich. Robert). 1980, Origins of Nubian and Saint Peter sands: Provenance response to sea level [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 479. 2. (Ehrlich. Robert). 1980. A vertical pattern of variation in the SI. Peter Sandstone-Fourier grain shape analysis: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. v. 50, no. I. p. 63-70.

McAndrews, J.H. See also Farnham. R.S., 6. I. 1962. Modem pollen spectra applied to the interpretation of a postglacial diagram [abs.]: Pollen et Spores. v. 4, no. 2, p. 364. 2. 1964, Postglacial vegetation history of the prairie-forest transition of northwestern Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts. 1964. v. 25. no. 3. p. 1519-1520. 3. 1966, Postglacial history of prairie. savanna. and forest in northwestern Minnesota: Torrey Botany Club Memoirs, v. 22. no. 2, 72 p. 4. 1967, Pollen analysis and vegetational history of the Itasca region. Minnesota, in Quaternary paleoecology­ International Association of Quaternary Research. 7th Congress, 1965, Proceedings. v. 7: New Haven. Conn., Yale University Press. p. 219-236. 5. 1968, Pollen evidence for the protohistoric development of the" B ig Woods" in Minnesota (U . S. A. ): Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 7, no. 3, p. 201-211. 6. 1969. Paleobotany of a wild rice lake in Minnesota: Canandian Journal of Botany. v. 47, no. II. p. 1671- 1679. 68 McAnerney, J.M.

McAnerney, J.M. 1966, Terrain interpretation from radar imagery, in Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ONR and AFCRL), 4th, 1966, Proceedings: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Willow Run Laboratories, p.731-750.

McBride, M.S. See also Larson, S.P .. 2; Mann, W.B., IV. 1. 1972, Hydrology of Lake Sallie, northwestern Minnesota, with special attention to ground water-surface water interactions: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1972, Lake-ground water interface: Influence of flow geometry on seepage patterns in lakes [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 587. 3. (Pfannkuch, H.-O.). 1975, The distribution of seepage within lakebeds: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, no. 5, p. 505-512.

McColL J.G. (GrigaL D.F.l. 1975, Forest fire: Effects on phosphorus movement to lakes: Science, v. 188, no. 4193, p. 1109-1111.

McConnelL H.L. See Maier, WJ., 2.

McCormick, G.R. 1976, Mineral chemistry of the Crystal Grey granite, Rockville, Minnesota: Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, v. 53, no. 4, p. 125-134.

McCulloch, M.T. (Wasserburg, GJ.). 1978, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr chronology of continental crust formation: Science. v. 200, no. 4345. p. 1003-1011.

McGannon, D.E .. Jr. 1. 1957, A lithofacies study of the SI. Lawrence formation of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1960, A study of the SI. Lawrence formation in the Upper Mississippi Valley: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

McGill, G.E. 1955, The geology of the Elbern and Judson open pit mines, with special reference to the Cretaceous: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

McGinnis, L.D. See also Ervin, c.P., 2. 1. (Carlson, D.R.: Pederson, R.; Schafersman, 1.S.). 1977, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, Stillwater sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-35, scale 1:250,000. 2. (Durfee, G.A.: Ikola, RJ.). 1973, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, Roseau sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-12, scale 1:250,000. 3. (Jackson, 1. K.; Ervin, C. P.). 1978, Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, Brainerd sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series MAO, scale 1:250,000. 4. (Steffy. DA.; Ervin. c.P. l. 1978. Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota. Bemidji sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series MAl. scale 1:250.000.

McIntosh, W.L. (Eister. M. F.). 1972, Geologic map index of Minnesota: Part B. 1953-1970: U.S. Geological Survey. scale I: I ,000.000.

McKay. S.M. See also Rogers. 1.J.W., 2. 1969. A geochemical investigation of the Precambrian Knife Lake Series. northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. Rice University, Houston, Tex.

McKee, T.R. See Dixon, J.B., 1,2. Meineke, D.G. 69

McKenna, M.P. (Gladen, L.W.: Vadis, M.K.: Meineke, D.G.). 1979. Mineral survey and mineral potential of Cook County. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 25th Annual Meeting. Duluth. Minnesota. 1979. [Proceedings]. p. 30.

McLimans. R.K. I. 1970. Archean conglomerates of Vermilion district [abs.]. in Summary of fieldwork. 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 19. 2. 1972. Granite-bearing conglomerates in the Knife Lake Group. Vermilion district. in Sims. P.K., and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 91-97. 3. 1972. Granite-bearing conglomerates of the Lower Precambrian in the Vermilion district. northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

McManus, Jeffrey. 1970. Petrography and structure along the Vermilion fault. Lake Vermilion. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Missouri. Columbia.

Meader. R.W. 1956. Stratigraphy and limnology of a hard water lake in western Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis.

Megard. R.O. See Dean. W.E.

Meineke. D.G. See also Listerud. W.H .. 5: McKenna. M.P.: Ojakangas. R.W .. 19: Vadis. M.K .. I. 2. 3. I. 1975. Base metal exploration in northern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 21 st Annual Meeting. Marquette. Michigan. 1975. Proceedings. p. 21-22. 2. (Butz. T.R.: Vadis. M.K.I. 1977, Pilot survey of uranium in organic-rich lake sediment. Ely region. northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals Project 148. scale I: 125 .000. 3. (Listerud. W.H.J. 1976. Mineral compilation of southern Beltrami County. Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals Map 86: sheets 1 & 2. scale I: 125,000: sheet 3. scale 1:24.000. 4. (Listerud. W.H.). 1976, Mineral compilation of southwestern Koochiching County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Map 87. scale 1:250,000. 2 sheets. 5. (Listerud, W.H. J. 1978. Mineral compilation of eastern Marshall County: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals Map 153. 2 sheets. 6. (Listerud, W .H. J. 1978. Mineral compilation of eastern Roseau County: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Map 143, 2 sheets. 7. (Vadis. M.K.: Klaysmat, A. W.). 1976, Gyttja lake sediment exploration geochemical survey of Eastern Lake Vermilion-Ely area, St. Louis and Lake counties, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals Report 73-3-1. 53 p., 11 plates. 4 maps, scale 1:24,000. 8. (Vadis, M.K: Klaysmat. A.W.J. 1977, Organic-rich lake sediment exploration geochemical survey of eastern Lake Vermilion-Ely area, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 23rd Annual Meeting. Thunder Bay. Ontario, 1977. [Proceedings], p. 31. 9. (Vadis, M.K.: Klaysmat. A.W. I. 1977, Pilot study on A-horizon soil exploration geochemistry, Birch Lake area. Lake County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals Report 108-3. 9 p. 10. (Vadis. M.K.: Klaysmat, A.W. I. 1977. Pilot study on peat exploration geochemistry, Birch Lake area, Lake County. Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals Report 108-1, 10 p. II. (Vadis. M.K.: Klaysmat. A. W.l. 1977. Pilot study on soil exploration geochemistry. Birch Lake area, Lake County. Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals Report 108-2, 19 p. 12. (Vadis, M.K.: Klaysmat. A.W.I. 1977, Pilot study on stream sediment exploration geochemistry, Filson Creek, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Report 109,32 p. 13. (Vadis, M.K.: Klaysmat. A.W .J. 1978. Pilot exploration geochemical survey of uranium in organic-rich lake sediments. northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 24th Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1978, [Proceedings]. p. 25. 70 Meineke, D.G.

14. (Vadis. M.K.; Klaysmat. A.W.). 1979. Organic-rich sediment exploration geochemical pilot survey of southern Crow Wing and Morrison Counties. central Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Map 152, scale 1:250,000.

Meinschein, W.G. 1965, Soudan Formation: Organic extracts of early Precambrian rocks: Science. v. 150, no. 3696, p. 601- 605.

Melchior, R.C. 1976, Field trip guide to the glacial geology of the Bemidji region: 1st Minnesota State University Field Conference, Bemidji, Minnesota, Sept. 1976, 51 p.

Mellem, D.R. See Olson, D.I.

Melone, T.G. (Weis, L.W.). 1951, Bibliography of Minnesota geology: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 34.124 p.

Mengel, I. T., Ir. I. 1965, Precambrian taconite iron formation: A special type of sandstone [abs.]: Geological Society of America, 79th Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, 1965, Program, p. 106. 2. 1972, Subsurface geology of the Duluth-Superior area, Minnesota-Wisconsin [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan, 1972, [Proceedings], paper 14. 3. (coordinator). 1974, University of Wisconsin sixth annual geological field conference, Superior, 1974: Superior, University of Wisconsin, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 8 p.

Mercer, B.W. (Ames, L.L. J. 1976, Zeolite ion exchange in radioactive and municipal wastewater treatment, in Zeolite '76: Brockport, N.Y., State University College, p. 46.

Merk, G.P. 1972, Provenance and tectonic inferences concerning the Keweenawan interflow sediments of the Lake Superior region [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7. p. 594-595.

Merrell, I.L. 1961, Metal deposits and production in Minnesota, Iowa, and northwestern Illinois, in University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged.

Meuschke, J.L. See also Balsley, J.R., Ir., 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; Books, K.G., 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12; Henderson, J.R., Ir., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I. (Books, K.G.; Henderson, J.R., Ir.; Schwartz, G.M.). 1957, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of north­ central Beltrami and northeastern Clearwater Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysi­ cal Investigations Map GP-130, scale 1:63,360. 2. (Books, K.G.; Henderson, J.R., Ir.: Schwartz, G.M.J. 1957, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of northeastern Koochiching County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-133, scale 1:63,360. 3. (Books, K.G.: Henderson, J.R., Jr.; Schwartz, G.M. J. 1957, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of northern Beltrami and southern Lake of the Woods Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-129, scale 1:63,360. 4. (Books, K.G.: Henderson, I.R., Ir.; Schwartz, G.M.). 1957, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of northern Lake of the Woods and northeastern Roseau Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-128, scale 1:63,360. 5. (Books, K.G.: Henderson, I.R., Ir.; Schwartz, G.M.). 1957, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of northwestern Koochiching County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-!3I, scale 1:63,360. 6. (Books, K.G.; Henderson, J.R., Ir.; Schwartz, G.M.). 1957, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of southeastern Koochiching County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-134, scale 1:63,360. Miller, J.A., III 71

7. (Books, K.G.: Henderson. l.R., lr.: Schwartz, G.M.). 1957, Aeromagnetic and geologic map of southwestern Kooochiching County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-132. scale 1:63,360. 8. (Henderson, l.R., If.). 1952, Total intensity aeromagnetic and geologic map of east-central St. Louis County, Minnesota: U. S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-92, scale 1:63,360, aeromag­ netic profiles. 9. (Henderson, 1.R., Jr.). 1952, Total intensity aeromagnetic and geologic map of part of northeastern St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-93, scale 1:63.360, aeromagnetic profiles. 10. (Henderson, 1.R., Jr.). 1952, Total intensity aeromagnetic and geologic map of northwestern St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-96, scale 1:63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. II. (Henderson, J. R .. J r.). 1952, Total intensity aeromagnetic and geologic map of part of southeastern St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-91 , scale 1:63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. 12. (Henderson, J .R., Jr.). 1952, Total intensity aeromagnetic and geologic map of part of southwestern St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-94, scale 1:63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. 13. (Henderson, J .R., Jf. J. 1952. Total intensity aeromagnetic and geologic map of west-central St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-95, scale 1:63,360, aeromagnetic profiles. 14.

Meyer. A.F. 1955, Industrial use of water, ill Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor' s State-wide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota, Nov. 16-18, 1955. Report: St. Paul. Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission. p. 229-231.

Meyer, R.P. See Anzoleaga. Rodolfo: Cohen, T.1.. 2: Ocola. L.c., I. 2.

Michelson, R.W. (Potta, H.1.: Peterson, 0.). 1970, Evaluating the economic availability of Mesabi range iron ores with computerized models: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8480, 99 p.

Miley, 1.M. See Christensen, 0.0 .. 1,2.

Miller, 1.A .. III. 1978, Occurrences of vivianite in Minnesota lake sediments: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 72 Miller, T.P.

Miller, T.P. 1961. A study of the Sioux formation of the New Ulm area: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Miller, W.A. See Straka, G.c.

Millers, Ruta. See Swain, F.M., Jr., 9.

Milske, J.A. (Alexander, E.C., Jr.). 1980, Detrital sediments in Mystery Cave, southeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Program, p. 23-24.

Minch, J.H. See Stover, C.W.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals. 1980, Uranium: A report on the possible environmental impacts of exploration, mining, and milling in Minnesota: St. Paul, 32 p. and 17 p. bibliography.

Minnesota Division of Waters. I. 1961, Water resources of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area: Minnesota Department of Conserva­ tion, Division of Waters Bulletin II, 52 p. 2. 1962, Water resources of Minnesota: A study guide: Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Waters Bulletin 16, 28 p. 3. 1964, The St. Louis River watershed unit: Minnesota Department of Conservation. Division of Waters Bulletin 22, 53 p. 4. 1966, The Lake Superior watershed unit: Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Waters Bulletin 24 (Hydrologic Atlas of Minnesota Series Unit 2), 61 p. 5. 1979, Hydrologic year data, 1978: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters, 58 p.

Minnesota Geological Survey. I. 1951, White clay prospects in Minnesota, 4 p. 2. 1965, Our land and mineral resources: A long-range plan for geologic research in Minnesota, 37 p. 3. 1969, The proposed : Its geology and mineral potential, 16 p. 4. 1980, Aeromagnetic map of Minnesota--Carlton and Pine Counties, scale I :250,000 [generalized from 7.5' quadrangle maps]. 5. 1980, Aeromagnetic map of Minnesota-Lake and Cook Counties, scale 1:250,000 [generalized from 7.5' quadrangle maps]. 6. 1980, Aeromagnetic map of Minnesota-St. Louis County, scale 1:250,000 [generalized from 7.5' quadrangle maps].

Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. I. [1966], An accelerated mapping program for Minnesota: Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission Report 7, 39 p. 2. 1966, A paleontology program for Minnesota: Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission Report 6, 18 p.

Mogessie. Aberra. 1976, Petrologic study of copper-nickel mineralization in the Tuscarora intrusion, Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Mohr, R.E. 1975, Measured periodicities of the Biwabik (Precambrian) stromatolites and their geophysical significance, in Rosenberg, G.D., and Runcorn, S.K., eds., Growth rhythms and the history of the earth's rotation: New York, John Wiley, p. 43-56.

Mohring, Eric. \. 1980, Underground stream tracing in Fillmore County: Minnesota Speleology Monthly, v. 12, no. 1, p. 3-15. Morey, G.B. 73

2. (Alexander, E.C., Jr.). 1980, Quantitative flourometric dye tracing in Fillmore County, Minnesota [abs.], ill Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Program, p. 21.

Molling, P.A. See also Tyson, R.M" 5. 1. (Grant, N.K.). 1980, A strontium isotope and trace element profile through the Partridge River Troctolite, Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 17, p. 409. 2. (Grant, N.K.; Tyson, R.M.; Chang, L.L. Y). 1979, A strontium isotope study of a drill core in the Partridge River Troctolite, Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II, no. 4, p. 236. 3. (Tyson, R.M.; Chang, L.L.Y.). 1978, A petrographic guide for unit identification of the Partridge River Troctolite, Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 24th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1978, [Proceedings], p. 26.

Montgomery, W.W. See Craddock, Campbell, 3.

Mooney, H.M. See also Craddock, Campbell, 4; Greenhalgh, S.A" 2; Morey, G.B" 46. I. 1952, Techniques of measurements, pt. I a/Magnetic susceptibility measurements in Minnesota: Geophys­ ics, v. 17, no. 3, p. 531-543. 2. 1979, Earthquake history of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 23, 20 p. 3. (Bleifuss, R.L.). 1953, Analysis of field results, pt. 2 a/Magnetic susceptibility measurements in Minnesota: Geophysics, v. 18, no. 2, p. 383-393. 4. (Craddock, Campbell; Farnham, P.R.; Johnson, S.H.; Volz, G.A.). 1970, Refraction seismic investigations of the northern midcontinent gravity high: Journal of Geophysical Research. v. 75, no. 26, p. 5056- 5086. 5. (Farnham, P.R.; Johnson, S.H.; Volz, G.A.; Craddock, Campbell). 1970, Seismic studies over the Midcontinent Gravity High in Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations I 1, 191 p. 6. (Walton, Matt). 1980, Seismicity and tectonic relationships for Upper Great Lakes Precambrian Shield Province: U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREGICR-1569, 85 p.

Moore, W.L. 1979, A preliminary report on the Red River Valley drilling project, eastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota: Grand Junction, Colo., U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX-3(79). 292 p.

Moran, S.R. See also Arndt, B.M" 2, 3; Harris, K.L" 4, 5. I. (Clayton, Lee; Cvancara, A.M.). 1970, New sedimentological and paleontological evidence for history of Lake Agassiz: Snake Curve section, Red Lake County, Minnesota [abs.]: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 24, pt. I, p. 22. 2. (Clayton, Lee; Cvancara, A.M.l. 1971, New sedimentological and paleontological evidence for history of Lake Agassiz: Snake Curve section, Red Lake County, Minnesota: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 24. pt. 2, p. 61-73.

Morehouse, D.F. 1969, Precise stratigraphic control of solutional activity in the Galena Formation, Upper Mississippi valley [abs.]: National Speleological Society Bulletin, v. 31, no. 2, p. 40.

Morey, G.B. See also Beltrame, RJ" 4; Cooper, R. W" 2, 3; Dunlavy, H.R.; Griffin, W.L" 5; Keighin, C.W., 2, 3; Kilburg, I.A., 3; Lively, R.S., 3; Mathez, E.A" 2; Mudrey, M.G., Jr., 6; Ojakangas, R. WoO 20, 21, 22,23,28; Perry, E.C., Jr., 6, 7; Pfleider, E.P" 2; Sims, P.K., 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,35,36,37,38,39, 40,41; Smith, R.W.; Weiblen, P.W., 12, 14, IS, 16, 17, 18, 19,20,21, 22. I. 1960, Geology of the Keweenawan sediments near Duluth, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1963, The stratigraphy and structure of the Rove Fonnation, Gunflint Lake area, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. 9. 3. 1965, The sedimentology of the Precambrian Rove Formation in northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 74 Morey, G.B.

4. 1965, The sedimentology of the Precambrian Rove Formation in northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings], p. 25-26. 5. 1967, Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Middle Precambrian Rove Formation in northeastern Minnesota: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 37, no. 4, p. 1154-1162. 6. 1967, Stratigraphy and petrology of the type Fond du Lac Formation, Duluth, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 7, 35 p. 7. 1969, Bedrock geologic map, Duluth sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 4-6. 8. 1969, Geology and metamorphism of the Gunflint Iron-formation [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 23-24. 9. 1969, Geology of the Logan sills and associated Rove Formation, Hungry Jack Lake quadrangle [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 22. 10. 1969, The geology of the Middle Precambrian Rove Formation in northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-7, 62 p. II. 1969, Stratigraphy of the Precambrian Red Clastic Series, southeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 15-16. 12. 1970, Bedrock geologic map, Duluth sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. I. 13. 1970, Bedrock geologic map, Stillwater sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 2. 14. 1971, Revised Keweenawan subsurface stratigraphy, southeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings], p. 50. 15. 1971, Stratigraphy of Middle Precambrian rocks in Minnesota, in Geological Association of Canada­ Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, May 13-15, 1971, Abstracts of Papers: Sudbury, Ontario, Laurentian University, p. 45-47. 16. 1972, Aitkin County sulfide deposits, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 262-263. 17. 1972, General geologic setting, ill Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 199-203. 18. 1972, Gunflint range, ill Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 218-226. 19. 1972, Keweenawan redbeds and their relation to the northern part of the Midcontinent Gravity High [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 339. 20. 1972, Mesabi range, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 204-217. 21. 1972, Minnesota River Valley, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 260-261. 22. 1972, Petrology of Keweenawan sandstones in the subsurface of southeastern Minnesota, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 436-449. 23. 1972, Pre-MI. Simon regolith, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 506-508. 24. 1972, Stratigraphic and tectonic framework of Middle Precambrian rocks in Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan, 1972, [Proceedings], paper 28. 25. 1973, Mesabi, Gunflint, and Cuyuna ranges, Minnesota, in Genesis of Precambrian iron and manganese deposits: Unesco Earth Science Series 9, p. 193-208. 26. 1973, Stratigraphic framework of Middle Precambrian rocks in Minnesota, il1 Huronian stratigraphy and sedimentation: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 12, p. 211-249. 27. 1974, Cyclic sedimentation of the Solor Church Formation (Upper Precambrian, Keweenawan), southeastern Minnesota: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 44, no. 3, p. 872-884. 28. 1976, The basis for a continental drilling program in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular II, 25 p. 29. 1976, Field trip guidebook for the Precambrian geology of the SI. Cloud granite district, east-central Minnesota: National Association of Geology Teachers, Central Section, SI. Cloud State University, 25 p. 30. 1976, Geologic map of Minnesota, bedrock geology: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-24, scale 1:3,168,000. Morey, G.B. 75

31. 1977. Stratigraphic and tectonic history of Lower and Middle Precambrian rocks in east-central Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 23rd Annual Meeting. Thunder Bay. Ontario. 1977, [Proceedings], p. 33. 32. 1977. Revised Keweenawan subsurface stratigraphy, southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 16. 67 p. 33. 1978. Lower and Middle Precambrian stratigraphic nomenclature for east-central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 21. 52 p. 34. 1978. Metamorphism in the Lake Superior region. U.S.A .. and its relation to crustal evolution. in Fraser. J.A .• and Heywood. W.W .. eds., Metamorphism in the Canadian Shield: Geological Survey of Canada Paper 78-10. p. 283-314. 35. 1978, The western Vermilion district-a review. in Smith. I.E.M .. and Williams, J.G .. eds .. Archean Geochemistry Conference. Toronto. Ontario. 10,78. Proceedings: University of Toronto Press. p. 245-264. 36. 1979. A century of research-Lake Superior iron ore deposits [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. II, no. 7. p. 483. 37. (editor). 1979. Field trip guidebook for the Archean and Proterozoic stratigraphy of the Great Lakes area. United States and Canada: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 13. 97 p. 38. 1979. Field trip guidebook for the Precambrian geology of east-central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 12. 38 p. 39. 1979. Stratigraphic and tectonic history of east-central Minnesota. in Balaban. N.H .. ed., Field trip guidebook for stratigraphy, structure and mineral resources of east-central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 9. p. 13-28. 40. 1979. The western Vermilion district-a review. in Balaban. N.H .. ed .. Field trip guidebook for the western Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 10, p. 19-33. 41. 1980, A brief review of the geology of the western Vermilion district. northeastern Minnesota: Precambrian Research. v. II, no. 3-4, p. 247-265. 42. (Bergstrom. OJ.). 1980, The COS UNA project-a new correlation chart for the northern midcontinent region [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 26th Annual Meeting. Eau Claire. Wisconsin. 1980, [Proceedings], p. 68-69. 43. (Green. J.C.: Ojakangas. R.W.: Sims. P.K.). 1970. Stratigraphy of the Lower Precambrian rocks in the Vermilion district. northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 14. 33 p. 44. (Jirsa. M.A.). 1980. Keweenawan sedimentary rocks and the Midcontinent rift system in Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 61. no. 48. p. 1195. 45. (Lively. R. S.). 1980. Detailed geochemical survey for east-central Minnesota: Geology and geochemistry of selected uranium targets: Grand Junction. Colo .. U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX- 60(80). 178 p. 46. (Mooney. H.M.). 1980. Seismic history of Minnesota and its geologic significance [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61. no. 48. p. 1196. 47. (Mudrey. M.G .. Jr.). 1972. Keweenawan volcanic rocks in east-central Minnesota. ill Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 425-430. 48. (Nathan. H.D.). 1977. Geologic map of the Hungry Jack Lake quadrangle. Cook County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-39. scale 1:24.000. 49. (Nathan. H.D.). 1978. Geologic map of the Gunflint Lake quadrangle. Cook County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-42. scale 1:24.000. 50. (Ojakangas. R.W.). 1970. Sedimentology of the Middle Precambrian Thomson Formation. east-central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 13. 32 p. 51. (Papike. JJ.: Smith. R.W.: Weiblen. P.W.). 1972. Observations on the contact metamorphism of the Biwabik Iron-formation. east Mesabi district. Minnesota. ill Doe. B.R .. and Smith. O.K .. eds .. Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian geology: Geological Society of America Memoir 135. p. 225-264. 52. (Rensink. D.G.). 1969. Rejuvenated Precambrian faults as a cause of Paleozoic structures in southeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting. Oshkosh. Wisconsin. 1969. [Proceedings], p. 24-25. 53. (Schulz. K.J.), 1977. Petrographic and chemical attributes of some Lower and Middle Precambrian graywacke-shale sequences in northern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 23rd Annual Meeting. Thunder Bay. Ontario. 1977. [Proceedings], p. 34. 76 Morey, G.B.

54. (Sims, P.K.). 1976, Boundary between two Precambrian W terranes in Minnesota and its geologic signficance: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, no. I, p. 141-152. 55. (Weiblen, P.W.). 1978, Ore genesis in the Midcontinent rift: Part 2, stratiform copper deposits [abs.]: International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, 5th Symposium, Snowbird and Alta, Utah, 1978, Program and Abstracts, p. 17. ' 56. (Weiblen, P.W.; Stevenson, R.L; Cooper, R.W.). 1975, Structure, pt. I of A geological model for the evolution of the Midcontinent Gravity High: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 56, no. 9, p. 603.

Morgan, A.M. See Byers, A.e.

Morrison, D.A. See Ashwal, L.D., 1, 2; Phinney, W.e., 9.

Morse, J.W. See Perry, E.e., Jr., 4.

Mosher, e.e. See also Greenhalgh, S.A., 2. 1. 1979, Magnitude calibration for the central Minnesota seismic array: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1980, Signal processing techniques applied to a small circular seismic array: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Moss, C.M. See also Green, J.C., 32. I. 1977, The surficial and environmental geology of the French River quadrangle, SI. Louis Conty, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. 1979, Surficial and environmental geology of the western North Shore of Lake Superior [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II, no. 5, p. 236.

Mossier, LH. See also Ojakangas, R.W., 23; Oros, M.O., 2; Woodward, D.G., 2. 1. 1970, Stratigraphy and petrology of Platteville Formation, southeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 10. 2. 1970, Subsurface geology of Minneapolis, SI. Paul Metropolitan area [abs.], in Summary offieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 5-7. 3. 1972, Paleozoic structure and stratigraphy of the Twin City region, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 485-497. 4. 1978, Cedar Valley Formation (Devonian) of Minnesota and northern Iowa: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 18, 44 p. 5. 1978, Results of subsurface investigations in northwestern Minnesota, 1972: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 19, 18 p. 6. (Olsen. B.M.J. 1979, Geologic sections and engineering characteristics, plate 5 of Norvitch, R.F., and Walton, Matt, eds., Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157. 7. (Walton, Matt). 1979, Surficial geology, plate 2 of Norvitch, R.F., and Walton, Matt, eds., Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157. 8. (Winter, T.e.; Tufford, S .P.). 1971, Instructions for using the Minnesota system for storage and retrieval of geologic log data: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 9, 32 p.

Moxham, R.M. See Senftle, F.E., I, 2.

Mudrey, M.G., Jr. See also Craddock, Campbell, 3; Ervin, e.P., 3, 4; Goldich, S.S., 16, 17; Morey, G.B., 47; Sims, P.K., 42, 43, 44, 45, 46; Weiblen, P.W .. 12,20; Wooden, J.L., 3. I. 1972, Magmatic sulfides and associated fissure vein deposit at the Green prospect, Cook County, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 411. 2. 1973, Structure and petrology of the sill on Pigeon Point, Cook County, Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1974, v. 34, no. 7, p. 807-809. 3. 1976, Late Precambrian structural evolution of Pigeon Point, Minnesota, and relations to the Lake Superior Syncline: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 13, no. 7, p. 877-888. Nebel, M.L. 77

4, 1977, Geologic map of Pigeon Point quadrangle, Cook County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-36, scale 1:24,000, 5, (Geldon, A,L.), 1973, A Lower Precambrian lamprophyre pluton near Ely, Minnesota labs,]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 19th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1973. [Proceedings]. p, 25, 6, (Morey. G,B,), 1972, Cook County fissure vein deposits. in Sims. P,K" and Morey. G,B,. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p, 407-410, 7, (Weiblen. p, W,). 1970. Geology of Pigeon Point quadrangle. Cook County [abs.]. in Summary offieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p, 22-23, 8, (Weiblen. P. W.), 1971. Reinvestigation of "red rocks" in the Pigeon Point area, Minnesota labs,]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth. Minnesota. 1971. [Proceedings], p, 53, 9, (Weiblen. P,W.). 1972. Diabase intrusions of northeastern Minnesota: Part I [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v, 4. no, 7. p, 606, 10, (Weiblen, p, W,). 1972, Petrologic and structural aspects of the gabbro sill on Pigeon Point. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 18th Annual Meeting. Houghton. Michigan. 1972, [Proceedings], paper 15.

Muir, I.D. 1954. Crystallization of pyroxenes in an iron-rich diabase from Minnesota: Mineralogical Magazine. v. 30. no, 225. p, 376-388,

Mullen. F.E 1964, The SI. Anthony Falls challenge: Military Engineer. v. 56, no. 370. p. 116-118,

Murthy. V. Rama. See D05S0, Laure; Griffin. W.L., 6, 7. 8; Jahn. Bor-Ming. 3, 4, 5; Wilson. W.E .. "j

Myers, W,D., II. I. 1971. The sedimentology and tectonic significance of the Bayfield Group (Upper Keweenawan?), Wisconsin and Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D, dissertation. University of Wisconsin. Madison, 2, 1971, The sedimentology and tectonic significance of the Bayfield Group (Upper Keweenawan'I), Wisconsin and Minnesota [abs,. University of Wisconsin Ph,D, dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971. v, 32. no. 6, p. 3440B, 3, 197 I. The sedimentology and tectonic significance of the Bayfield Group. Wisconsin and Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth. Minnesota. 1971. [Proceedings]. p, 54-55,

Nakamura. Yasuo. (Konda, Tadashi). 1974. Compositional relations of pyroxenes in a ferrogabbro from Beaver Bay intrusion. Minnesota: Lithos. v, 7. no, I. p, 7-14,

Naldrett, A.J, See also Mainwaring, P,R .. 2, 3, 4. 5, (Duke. J.M.), 1980. Platinum metals in magmatic sulfide ores: Science. v, 208. no, 4451. p. 1417-1424.

Nanz. R.H., Jr. 1953. Chemical composition of Precambrian slates with notes on the geochemical evolution of lutites: Journal of Geology. v, 61, no. I. p. 51-64.

Nash, W,P, See Ryu. Jisoo,

Nathan, H,D, See also Mathez. E.A .. 2: Morey. G.B., 48. 49, I, 1969. The geology of a portion of the Duluth Complex, Cook County: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2. 1969, The geology of a portion of the Du luth Complex. Cook County [abs .. University of Minnesota Ph. D, dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International. 1970. v, 30. no. 8. p. 37IOB-371IB.

Nebel, M.L. 1917, The basal phases of the Duluth Gabbro near Gabimichigami Lake. Minnesota. and its contact etlects: Unpublished Ph,D, dissertation. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 78 Needham, A.B.

Needham, A.B. 1. 1951, Minnesota iron sulphide, in Geology of the Cuyuna Range-Mining Geology Symposium, 3rd, Hibbing, Minnesota, 1951, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Continua­ tion Study, p, 46-47. 2. 1956, Summary [mineral resources], in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor's State-wide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota, Nov. 16-18, 1955, Report: SI. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 194-211.

Nelson, A.L. 1959, The iron in Minnesota's mines: Conservation Volunteer, v. 22, no. 130, p. 1-2.

Nelson, CA. See also Bell, W.C, 3; Berg, R.R., 5. 1. 1951, Cambrian trilobites from the SI. Croix Valley: 10urnal of Paleontology, v. 25, no. 6, p. 765-784. 2: 1953, Revision of Croix an Dikelocephalids: A comment: Journal of Paleontology , v. 27, no. 5, p. 734-736. 3. 1956, Upper Croix an stratigraphy, Upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 2, p. 165-183.

Nelson, CR. I. 1977, The Minnesota-Rann underground test room, in v. 2 a/Bergman, Magnus, ed., Storage in excavated rock caverns (Rocks tore 77)-Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, Sepl. 5-8, 1977: New York, Pergamon Press, p. 337-342. 2. (Yardley, D.H.). 1976, Modification of engineering properties of SI. Peter Sandstone [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 43.

Nelson, David. See Swain, F.M .. Jr., 14.

Nelson, W.W. See Maier, WJ., 1.

Neuschel. S.K. I. 1969, Natural gamma aeroradioactivity map of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area, Minnesota-Wisconsin: U. S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-658, scale 1:250,000. 2. 1970, Aeroradioactivity survey and areal geology of the Minneapolis-SI. Paul area, Minnesota-Wisconsin (ARMS-I): U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, CEX-61.7.1, 24 p.

Newell, M.F. See Stem, TW .. 2, 3.

Nicol. D.L. See also Ripley, E.M., 8. 1980, The origin and evolution of sulfur in an Archean volcano-sedimentary basin [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 5, p. 252.

Niehaus, 1.R. I. 1969, Investigation of amino acids in Precambrian rocks: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Swain, F.M., Jr.). 1972, Amino acids in some Middle Precambrian rocks of northern Minnesota and southern Ontario, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 272-277.

Nielsen, B.V. See also Weiblen, P.W., 24. I. 1976, The mafic enclaves of the Morton Gneiss, Morton, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Weiblen, P. W.). 1980, Mineral and rock compositions of mafic enclaves in the Morton Gneiss, in Morey, G. B., and Hanson, G. N., eds., Selected studies of Archean gneisses and lower Proterozoic rocks in the southern Canadian Shield: Geological Society of America Special Paper 182, p. 95-103.

Nier, A.O.C See Baadsgaard, Halfdan; Goldich, S.S., I I, 25. Oakes, E.L. 79

Nolan, R.D. 1960, New look on Minnesota's mineral resources, in Focus on northeast Minnesota resource developments: 3rd Governor's Conference on State Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota, 1960, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 15-25.

Nooner, D.W. See Oro, John.

Nordeng, S.e. (Ensign, e.0., Jr.: Volin, M.E.). 1963, The application of trend surface analysis to the White Pine copper district [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth. Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. 10.

Norman, D.1. 1978, Ore deposits related to Keweenawan rift, in Neumann, E.-R., and Ramberg. I.B., eds., Petrology and geochemistry of continental rifts: Boston, Reidel Publishing Co., p. 243-253.

Normark, W.R. (Dickson, F. H.). 1976, Sublacustrine fan morphology in Lake Superior: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 60. no. 7. p. 1021-1036.

North, R.M. See Goldich. S.S .. 22.

Norvitch, R.F. See also Larson-Higdem, D.e., 2: Lindholm. G.F., 10. II: Madsen, E.L.. 1.2: Winter. T.e., 14. I a. 1960, Ground water in alluvial channel deposits. Nobles County, Minnesota: Minnesota Division of Waters Bulletin 14, 23 p. lb. 1962, Geology of the Vermilion end moraine, Nett Lake Indian Reservation, Minnesota in Geological Survey research, 1962: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 450-D. p. DI30-D132 2. 1964, Geology and ground-water resources of Nobles County and parts of Jacbon County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1749, 70 p. 3. (Ross, T .G.: Brietkrietz, Alex). 1973, Water resources outlook for the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey. Twin Cities Area Metropolitan Council, 219 p. 4. (Schneider. Robert: Godfrey, R.G.). 1963. Geology and hydrology of the Elk River. Minnesota, nuclear­ reactor site: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1133-e. p. CI-C25. 5. (Walton. Matt. editors). 1979. Geologic and hydrologic aspects of tunneling in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-1157. 7 plates.

Novitzki, R.P. See also Cotter, R.D .. 4: Van Voast, W.A., 5, 6. (Van Voast, W.A.: Jerabek, L.A.). 1969. Water resources of the Yellow Medicine River watershed, southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-320. scale 1:250,000. 3 sheets.

Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant. I. 1978, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for Eau Claire NTMS Quadrangle, Wisconsin-Minnesota: U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX-94(78). 161 p .. 3 basic data microfiche sheets, 9 plates. 2. 1979, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for Ashland NTMS Quadrangle, Wisconsin. Michigan, Minnesota: U. S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX -61 (79), 47 p .. appendices. 3. 1979, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for New Ulm NTMS Quadrangle, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX-120(79). 43 p., appendices. 4. 1979, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for St. Cloud NTMS Quadrangle, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX-SS(79). 43 p .. appendices.

Oakes, E.L. See also Cotter. R.D .• 3: Lindholm, G.F .. 12. I. 1964. Bedrock topography of the eastern and central Mesabi Range. northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map 1-389. scale 1:24.000, 4 sheets. 2. 1970, Geology and ground-water resources of the Grand Rapids area, north-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-322, scale 1:48.000. 2 sheets. 80 Oakes, E.L.

3. (Bidwell, L.E.). 1968, Water resources of the Mississippi headwaters watershed, north-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-278, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets, text.

Oberli, J.W. See Cordua, W.S.

Ocola, L.C. See also Anzoleaga, Rodolfo. 1. (Meyer, R.P.). 1970, Evidence relevant to the origin of the midcontinent region and its mineral deposits labs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 51, no. 4, p. 357. 2. (Meyer, R.P.). 1973, Central North American rift system: 1, Structure of the axial zone from seismic and gravimetric data: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 78, no. 23, p. 5173-5194.

Odum, I.E. 1. 1970, Mineralogy of the Franconia and adjacent formations in western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota: A progress report labs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 6, p. 400. 2 .. 1976, Microstructure, mineralogy and chemistry of Cambrian glauconite pellets and glauconite, central U. S.: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 24, no. 5, p. 232-238. 3. (Hiatt, J.L.; Kramer, D.J.). 1970, Potash feldspar in the Franconia Formation, Wisconsin and Minnesota, in Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals, 6th, University of Michigan, 1970, Proceedings: Michigan Geological Survey Division Miscellany 1, p. 37-47.

O'Hara, N. W. See Chandler, V. W., 2; Klasner, J.S., 1, 2.

Ojakangas, R.W. See also Davidson, D.M., Jr., 23; Hooper, P.R.; Kalliokoski, J., 2; Morey, G.B., 43, 50; Sims, P.K., 31, 39, 40, 41; Southwick, D.L., 9; Tryhorn, A.D.; Viswanathan, Subramanian, 22, 23. 1. 1966, Precambrian stratigraphy and structure of the Tower, Minnesota, quadrangle labs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 12th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, 1966, [Proceedings], p. 17. 2. 1969, Bedrock geologic map, Roseau sheet [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 6. 3. 1969, The Rainy Lake "greenstone" belt [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1969, [Proceedings], p. 28. 4. 1969, Sedimentology of Knife Lake Group [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 29. 5. 1970, Bedrock geologic map, western half ofInternational Falls sheet [abs.], in Summary offield work, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 3-4. 6. 1970, Geology of a greenstone belt in Minnesota: Rainy Lake to Lake of the Woods [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 32-33. 7. 1972, Archean volcanogenic graywackes of the Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, no. 2, p. 429-441. 8. 1972, Graywackes and related rocks of Knife Lake Group and Lake Vermilion formation, Vermilion district, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 82-90. 9. 1972, Lower Precambrian metavolcanic-metasedimentary sequence, Rainy River, northernmost Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan, 1972, [Proceedings], paper 18. 10. 1972, Lower Precambrian volcanic-sedimentary sequence, Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 617. 11. 1972, Rainy Lake area, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 163-171. 12. 1972, Road log and stop descriptions, in Field trip guidebook for Lower Precambrian volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 2, p. 23-37. }3. 1974, Puerto Rican island arc geology: A comparison with an Archean volcanic-sedimentary belt [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 20th Annual Meeting, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 1974, [Proceedings], p. 26. 14. 1976, Anatomy of a well-covered greenstone belt, northwestern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 45. 15. 1976, Uranium potential in Precambrian rocks of Minnesota: Grand Junction, Colo., U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, Open-File Report GJBX-62(76), 267 p. Olson, J.M. 81

16. 1977. Proterozoic pitchblende vein potential in Minnesota: Theory and speculation [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 38. 17. 1979, Archean sedimentation in the Vermilion district, in Balaban, N.H., ed., Field trip guidebook for the western Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 10, p. 35-44. 18. 1980, The geologic basis for uranium exploration in Minnesota, in Sanders, P.J., ed., Mining in a decade of change: Energy, economics, environment-Mining Symposium, 41st Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 53rd Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1980, Proceedings: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Department of Conferences, Continuing Educa­ tion and Extension, paper 19, 31 p. 19. (Meineke, D. G.; Listerud, W. H.). 1977, Geology, sulfide mineralization and geochemistry of the Birchdale­ Indus area, Koochiching County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 17,78 p. 20. (Morey, G.B.). 1968, Volcanism, sedimentation, and stratigraphy of the western Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 14th Annual Meeting, Superior, Wisconsin, 1968, [Proceedings], p. 21-22. 21. (Morey, G. B., leaders). 1972, Field trip guidebook for Lower Precambrian volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 2, 37 p. 22. (Morey, G.B.: Daniels, P.A.; Kalliokoski, 1.), 1980, Upper Precambrian sedimentary rocks of the Lake Superior region [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980, [Proceedings], p. 37-38. 23. (Mossier, 1.H.; Morey, G.B.). 1979, Geologic map of Minnesota, Roseau sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey, scale 1:250,000. 24. (Severson, M.l.: Vinje, S.P.). 1978, Archean sedimentation of volcanic and synvolcanic plutonic detritus in a submarine fan environment, Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 465-466. 25. (Sims. P.K.). 1969. Geology of Tower quadrangle [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 25. 26. (Sims, P.K.). 1970. Geology of Tower quadrangle [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 22. 27. (Sims, P.K.; Hooper, P.R.). 1978, Geologic map of the Tower quadrangle, Sf. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1457. scale 1:24,000. 28. (Sims, P.K.; Morey. G.B.; Green, 1.c.). 1971, Geology of the Vermilion metavolcanic-metasedimentary belt, northeastern Minnesota: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth, Minnesota. 1971, [Proceedings], p. 141-162.

Olcott, P.G. I. (Ericson, D. W.; Felsheim, P.E.; Broussard, W.L.). 1978, Water resources of the Lake Superior watershed, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-582. 2. (Felsheim, P.E.; Ericson. D.W.; Broussard, W.L.). 1976. Water resources of the Lake Superior watershed, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-276. 3. (Siegel, 0.1). 1978, Physiography and surficial geology of the copper-nickel study region, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 78-51.

Olm, M. See Harding, S.T.

Olsen. B.M. See also Bloomgren. B.A., 1,2: MossIer 1.H., 6. 1976, Stratigraphic occurrence of argillaceous beds in the Sf. Peter Sandstone. Twin City Basin, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Olson, D.1. (Malterer, T.J.: Mellem, D. R.: Leuelling, B.; Tome, E.J.). 1979, Inventory of peat resources in SW Sf. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Division of Minerals, Peat Inventory Project, 76 p.

Olson, 1.M. See Johnson, R.M. 82 Olsson, Ingrid

Olsson, Ingrid. 1. 1960, Uppsala natural radiocarbon measurements II: American 10urnal of Science Radiocarbon Supplement. v. 2, p. 112-128. 2. (Cazeneuve, Horacio; Gustavsson, John; Karlen, IngvarJ. 1961, Uppsala natural radiocarbon measurements III: Radiocarbon, v. 3, p. 81-85.

Orning, G.W. See Hsu, M.L.

Oro, 10hn. (Nooner, D.W.: Ziatkis, A.; Wilkstrom, S.A.; Barghoorn, E.S.J. 1974. Hydrocarbons of biological origin in sediments about two billion years old. in Geochemistry and the origin of life: Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 14: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, p. 294-296. Reprint from Science, v. 148, no. 3666, p. 77-79, 1965.

Oros, M.O. 1. (Paul, S.E.: Anderson, K.H.: Fish, I.T.: Parker, M.C.). 1971, Oil and gas developments in north Mid­ Continent in 1970: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 55. no. 7, p. 1025-1028. 2. (Paul, S.E.; Fish, J.T.: Gilmore, Jack; Mossier, I.H.: Peters. Roger: Wells, J.S.). 1977, Oil and gas developments in north Mid-Continent in 1976: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 61, no. 8, p. 1305-1312.

Orsborn, J.T. See Royce, Josiah, 2.

Ostenso, N.A. See Wold, R.I., 6.

Osterholm. M.T. See also Singer, R.D. I. 1980. Ground water in southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. diss~rtation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Singer, R.D.: Straub, c.P.). 1980, Ground water quality in the karst region of southeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Program, p. 20.

O'Toole. F.S. See Kamer, F.R.

Owen, H.Q. 1960, Glaciers are still making trouble for highway engineers: Better Roads. v. 30, no. 1, p. 27-28.

Owens, I.S. See also Marsden, R.W., 12. 1. 1956, Enterprise and Alpena mines, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting. 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 1, p. 168-174. 2. 1965, Development of magnetite in iron formations of the Lake Superior region [discussion of paper by G.L. LaBerge, 1964): Economic Geology, v. 60, no. 8, p. 1731-1734. 3. 1965, Origin of the Precambrian iron formations [discussion of paper by Henry Lepp and S.S Goldich. 1964): Economic Geology, v. 60, no. 8, p. 1731-1734. 4. (Trost, L.c.; Mattson, L.A.). 1968, Application of geology at the Butler and National taconite operations on the Mesabi Range [abs.): Mining Engineering, v. 20, no. 8, p. 27.

Page, T.W. (Lindsay, D.R.J. 1962, Preliminary investigations of late Wisconsin drift north of Lake Superior [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 8th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan, 1962, [Proceedings], p. 12-13.

Pakiser, L.c., Jr. See Bath, G.D, 3, 4.

Palmer, A.R. 1951. Pemphigaspis, a unique Upper Cambrian trilobite: 10urnal of Paleontology. v. 25, no. 6, p. 762-764. Paul, S.E. 83

Palmer, H.e. 1970, Paleomagnetism and correlation of some Middle Keweenawan rocks, Lake Superior: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 7, no. 6, p. 1410-1436.

Papike, J.J. See Floran, R.J., 2, 3,4,5; Labotka, T.e.; Morey, G.B., 51; Simmons, E.e., 2; Smith, R.W.

Parham, W.E. 1. 1969, Clay mineralogy and geology of Minnesota's kaolin clays: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-IO, 142 p. 2. 1969, Geology and mineralogy of Minnesota kaolin clays [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 12. 3. 1970, Petrography of St. Peter Sandstone [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 10. 4. 1972, A possible peneplain of Early Late Cretaceous age in Minnesota, in Field trip guidebook for geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphy of western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 7, p. 58-68. 5. (Austin, G.S.l. 1967, Clay mineralogy of the Glenwood Formation, southeastern Minnesota and adjacent areas: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 37, no. 3, p. 863-868. 6. (Austin, G.S.). 1969, Clay mineralogy, fabric, and industrial uses of the shale of the Decorah Formation, southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 10, 32 p. 7. (Hogberg, R.K.). 1964, Kaolin clay resources of the Minnesota River valley, Brown, Redwood and Renville Counties, a preliminary report: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 3, 43 p.

Parker, Jack. 1961, Sublacustrine topography of eastern Lake Superior [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 7th Annual Meeting, Port Arthur, Ontario, 1961, [Proceedings], p. 14.

Parker, M.e. See also Oros, M.O., 1. 1971, Iowa and Minnesota, in v. 2 of Future petroleum provinces of the United States: Their geology and potential: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 15, p. 1109-1114.

Passer, Moses. I. 1956, Peat-resource of the future?: Conservation Volunteer, v. 19, no. 112, p. 36-41. 2. 1956, Peat in Minnesota's future: Conservation Volunteer, v. 19, no. 113, p. 45-51. 3. 1958, Peat research at the University of Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958, [Proceedings], p. 26. 4. 1958, The potential of peat, in The future of Minnesota resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources, Virginia, Minnesota, April 23-25, 1958, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 98-106.

Paster, T.P. (Denechaud, E.B.; Haskin, L.A.). 1969, Rare earths in rocks and minerals of the Duluth complex [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1969, [Proceedings], p. 30.

Pastrana, LM. 1. 1971, A study of magnetic properties of iron-containing minerals [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971, v. 32, no. 5, p. 2749B-2750B. 2. (Lawver, I.E.), 1975, Some magnetic properties of minnesotaite: American Institue of Mining, Metallurgi­ cal, and Petroleum Engineers Transactions (Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Transactions), v. 256, p. 235-237.

Patten, H.L. See also Wright. H.E., Jr., 30, 34. 1959, A postglacial pollen diagram from Lake Carlson, Dakota County, southern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Paul, S.E. See Oros, M.O., 1,2. 84 Paull, R.A.

Paull, R.A. See Paull, R.K.

Paull, R.K. (Paull, R.A.). 1980, Field guide, Wisconsin and Upper Michigan: Dubuque, Iowa, KendalIJHunt Publishing Co., 260 p.

Paulsen. G.W. See also Swain, F.M .. Jr., 15. 1962, Preservation and stratigraphical distribution of pigments in Minnesota lake sediments: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Paulson. Q.F. 1953, Ground water in the Fairmount area, Richland County, North Dakota, and adjacent areas in Minnesota: North Dakota Geological Survey Ground-Water Studies 22, 67 p.

Pavlides, L. See Hewett, D.F.

Pavlik, e.E. See Dunlavy, H.R.

Payne, e.M. 1. 1965, Bedrock geologic map, Minneapolis, St. Paul and vicinity: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscella­ neous Map Series M-I, scale 1:24,000. 2. 1967, Engineering aspects of the St. Peter sandstone in the Minneapolis, St. Paul area of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson.

Peake, N.M. See Hall, J.W .. 3.

Pederson, e.A. 1958, Southern Minnesota's iron mines: Conservation Volunteer. v. 21, no. 122, p. 48-50.

Pederson, R. See McGinnis, L.D., I.

Pendergast, R.E. 1969, Engineering geology aspects, Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area [abs.]: Association of Engineer­ ing Geologists, National Meeting, San Francisco, California, 1969, Program, p. 42.

Pennington, 1. W. See also Grosh, W.A., 2, 3; Heising, L.F .. 2; Lewis, W.E., 3. I. (Davis, V.e.). 1953, Investigations of iron sulfide deposits in south-central Aitkin County and Carlton County, Minn.: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4937,33 p. 2. (Davis, V.e.). 1953, Investigations of iron sulfide deposits in south-central Aitkin County and Carlton County, Minn. (excerpts), Exhibit C in Filling gaps in the existing technology and research underway on Cuyuna Range ores: Economic Development Administration Technical Assistance Project 893, J p.

Perkins, R.L. 1977, The Late Cenozoic geology of west-central Minnesota from Moorhead to Park Rapids: Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Rapids.

Perry, E.e., lr. See also Ahmad, S.N.; Tan, F.e.; Viswanathan, Subramanian, 24, 25. I. 1970, Trace and minor-element determinations in rocks of Vermilion district, Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 16-17. 2. 1974, The oxygen isotope chemistry of ancient cherts, ill Geochemistry and the origin of life: Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 14: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, p. 176-180. Reprint from Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 3, no. I, p. 62-66, 1967. 3. (Bonnichsen, Bill). 1966, Quartz and magnetite: Oxygen-18-oxygen-16 fractionation in metamorphosed Biwabik Iron Formation: Science, v. 153, no. 3735, p. 528-529. 4. (Morse, 1. W.). 1967, Oxygen isotopic evidence of metamorphism in the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 13th Annual Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan, 1967, [Proceedings], p. 31. Pfannkuch, H.-O. 85

5. (Tan, F. e.). 1973, Significance of carbon isotope variations in carbonates from the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota, in Genesis of Precambrian iron and manganese deposits: Unesco Earth Science Series 9, p. 299-305. 6. (Tan, F.e.; Morey, G.B.). 1972, Stable isotope geochemistry of the Biwabik Iron Formation [abs.], in Precambrian Iron-Formation Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota, 1972, Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists, University of Minnesota, Duluth, variously paged. 7. (Tan, F.e.; Morey, G.B.). 1973, Geology and stable isotope geochemistry of the Biwabik Iron Formation, northern Minnesota, in Precambrian iron-formations of the world: Economic Geology, v. 68, no. 7, p. 1110-1125.

Person, Elaine. See Preston, R.S.

Person, W.J. See Stover, e.w.

Pesonen, L.J. (Halls, H.e.). 1977, Paleomagnetic and paleointensity studies of normal and reversed Keweenawan rocks: Implications for the polar wander path of North America [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 39.

Peterman, Z.E. See also Goldich, S.S., 26, 27: Sims, P.K., 30. I. 1959, Petrology of the metasediments of the Rainy Lake region: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1966, Rb-Sr dating of metasedimentary rocks of the Animikie Group of Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 87, p. 126-127. 3. 1966, Rb-Sr dating of middle Precambrian metasedimentary rocks of Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 77, no. 10, p. 1031-1043. 4. 1979, Geochronology and the Archean of the United States: Economic Geology, v. 74, no. 6, p. 1544-1562. 5. (Goldich, S .S. J. 1970, Early Precambrian geology of the Rainy Lake district [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 34. 6. (Goldich, S.S.). 1972, Geochemistry of the Archean rocks of the Rainy Lake region, Ontario-Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 626. 7. (Goldich, S.S.; Hedge, e.E.; Yardley, D.H.). 1972, Geochronology of the Rainy Lake region, Minnesota­ Ontario, in Doe, B.R., and Smith, D.K., eds., Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian geology: Geological Society of America Memoir 135, p. 193-215.

Peters, Roger. See Oros, M. 0., 2.

Petersen, D.L. See SI. John, C.M.

Peterson, E. e. 1966, Titanium resources of the United States: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8290, 65 p.

Peterson, Eunice. 1927, The Dresbach formation of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Peterson, O. See Michelson, R.W.

Petrafeso, F.A. See Anderson, L.A., 2.

Petri, L.R. See Cotter. R.D., 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13.

Petty, A.1. See Kirby, J.R.

Pfannkuch, H.-O. See also McBride, M.S., 3; Saint, P.K.; Winter, T.e., 15. I. 1969, Hydrogeologic studies of groundwater in selected areas of the Twin Cities metropolitan area [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 13-14. 86 Pfannkuch, H.-O.

2. 1970, Hydrogeologic studies of groundwater in selected areas of Twin Cities metropolitan area [abs.], ill Summary of fieldwork. 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 7-8. 3. (Convery. M.P.). 1978, On oil spill propagation mechanisms and retention coefficients in glaciated terranes-with special attention to pipeline routing criteria [abs.): SI. Paul, University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, Advisory Committee Research Review Session. p. 26.

Pfleider, E.P. See also Gnirk, P.F., 2. I. 1957, The Cuyuna iron range: Skillings' Mining Review. v. 45, no. 49, p. 4-5. 28-29. 2. (Morey, G.B.; Bleifuss, R.L.). 1968, Mesabi deep drilling project: Progress report no. 1, ill Mining Symposium. 29th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section. 41st Annual Meeting, Duluth. 1968, [Proceedings): Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, p. 52-92. 3. (Yardley, D.H.). 1963, Underground mining of Minnesota taconite: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical. and Petroleum Engineers Transactions (Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Transactions), v. 226. no. 3, p. 276-287.

Pfluger, e.E. See Ruotsala, A.P., 2.

Philbin. P. W. See also Senftle, F.E., I. I. (Gilbert. F.P.). 1966, Aeromagnetic map of southeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-559, scale 1:250,000. 2. (Gilbert, F.P.). 1966, Aeromagnetic map of southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-560, scale 1:250,000.

Phinney. W.e. See also Ashwal, L.D., 1,2; Green, J.e., 33; Griffin, W.L., 6, 7, 8; Hanson, G.N., 26; Himmelberg. G.R., 5; Viswanathan, Subramanian, 26; Wager, R.E. I. 1963, Structure within the Duluth Gabbro complex, Gabbro Lake and Greenwood Lake quadrangles. Lake County. Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. II. 2. 1969, Anorthosite occurrences in Keweenawan rocks of northeastern Minnesota, ill Origin of anorthosite and related rocks: New York State Museum and Science Service Memoir 18, p. 135-147. 3. 1969, The Duluth Complex in the Gabbro Lake quadrangle, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 9, 20 p. 4. 1969, Geology of central part of Duluth Complex [abs.). ill Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 18. 5. 1970, Chemical relations between Keweenawan lavas and the Duluth Complex. Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, no. 8, p. 2487-2495. 6. 1972, Duluth Complex, history and nomenclature, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 333-334. 7. 1972, Northern prong, Duluth Complex, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 346-353. 8. 1972, Northwestern part of Duluth Complex, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B .. eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 335-345. 9. (Morrison, D.A.; Ashwal, L.D.; Cochran, A.). 1979, Anorthosite inclusions in northeastern Minnesota, in Meteorites and lunar rocks, v. I a/Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. 10th, Houston, Texas, 1979, Proceedings, p. 978-980. 10. (Weiblen, P.W.). 1964, Correlation between field relations and microprobe analyses in the Duluth Gabbro Complex [abs.): Geological Society of America Special Paper 76, p. 129-130.

Pierce, R. L. I. 1957, Early upper Cretaceous plant micro-fossils of Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts, 1957, v. 18, no. I, p. 36. 2. 1957, Minnesota Cretaceous pine pollen: Science, v. 125, no. 3236, p. 26. 3. 1961, Lower Upper Cretaceous plant micro-fossils from Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 42, 86 p.

Pierce, R.W. (Langenheim, R.L., Jr.). 1970, Surface patterns on selected Mississippian conodonts: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, no. II, p. 3225-3236. Prasky, Charles 87

Pike. G.M. See Maclay, R.W., 8, 9; Winter. T.C., 13.

Pinson, W.H .. Jr. See Hurley, P.M.

Piret. Edgar. 1956, Peat, the mystery material, in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: I st Governor's State-wide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota, Nov. 16-18, 1955. Report: SI. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 155-161.

Pittman, 1.1. See Swain. F.M., Jr.. 13.

Plummer, W.L. See also Marsden. R.W., 13. 1. 1956, Hull-Rust-Mahoning mine. in Schwartz, G.M .. and others. eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 179-181. 2. 1956. Monroe-Tener mine, in Schwartz, G.M .. and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 175-178. 3. 1972, Trip log, pI. I ofField trip no. 2 (taconite development): Minntac taconite of United States Steel Corporation, in Precambrian Iron-Formation Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota, 1972, Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists, University of Minnesota, Duluth, variously paged.

Podolsky, T. See Wager, R.E.

Polta, H.J. See Klinger, F.L., 4.

Pope, N.M. 1. 1976, Petrology and structure of the Late Precambrian mafic sills east of Silver Creek, Lake County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. 1976, Petrology and structure of the Late Precambrian Silver Creek Cliff and Lafayette Bluff mafic intrusions, Lake County, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 49.

Poppe, J.R. See also Bloomgren, B.A., 1,3. 1979, Coccolith biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous of southwestern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Poppe, Robert. See Kreisman, P.J.

Post, P.T. 1924, A phase of the metamorphism of the Kekequabic granite, Lake County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Potta. H.J. See Michelson, R.W.

Potzger, J.E. See also Deevey, E.S., Jr. 1953, History of forests in the Quetico-Superior country from fossil pollen studies: Journal of Forestry , v. 51, no. 8, p. 560-565.

Powers, E.H. 1935, The Prairie du Chien problem: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

Powers, W.E. 1928, Metamorphism induced by the Kekequabic granite at Kekequabic Lake, Lake County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Prasky, Charles. See also Lewis, W.E., 3. 1. (Howard, G.P.). 1963, Sulfatization of manganiferous carbonate slates in a fluidized bed reactor: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 6258, 16 p. 88 Prasky, Charles

2. (Marovelli, R.L.; Joyce, F.E., Jr.). 1961, Evaluating Cuyuna manganese resources by sulfatizing: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5887, 27 p.

Preston, R.S. (Person, Elaine; Deevey, E.S., Jr.). 1955, Yale natural radiocarbon measurements II: Science, v. 122, no. 3177, p. 954-960.

Prince, L.A. See also Hanson, G.N., 27. I. (Hanson, G.N.). 1971, Geochronology of the Giants Range Granite [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings], p. 57. 2. (Hanson, G.N.J. 1972, Rb-Sr isochron ages for the Giants Range granite, northeastern Minnesota, in Doe. B.R., and Smith, D.K., eds., Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian geology: Geological Society of America Memoir 135, p. 217-224.

Prior, C.H. See also Cotter, R.D., 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. (Schneider, Robert; Durum, W.H.J. 1953, Water resources of the Minneapolis-SI. Paul area, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 274, 49 p.

Prokopovich, Nikola. See also Schwartz, G.M., 23, 24; Swain, F.M., Jr., 10, 16, 17, 18; Thiel, G.A., 7. 1. 1955. The nature of corrosion zones in the Middle Ordovician of Minnesota: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 25, no. 3, p. 207-215. 2. 1957, Geochemistry of germanium as related to Minnesota peat deposits: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Department of Chemical Engineering, 96 p. 3. (Schwartz, G.M.J. 1956, Minnesota limestone suitable for Portland cement: Minnesota Geological Survey Summary Report 8, 39 p. 4. (Schwartz, G.M.J. 1957, Preliminary. survey of bloating clays and shales of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Summary Report 10, 69 p.

Pryor, W.A. See Amaral, E.J.

Putnam, Rector. 1958, Water pollution, today and tomorrow, in The future of Minnesota resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources, Virginia, Minnesota, April 23-25, 1958, Report: SI. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 296-300.

Pye, W.D. 1957, Geological and geophysical studies, Red River Valley, Minnesota and North Dakota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 68, no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1871.

Pynnonen, R.O. (Look, A. D.). 1958, Chemical solidification of soil in tunneling at a Minnesota iron-ore mine: U. S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 7846, 8 p.

Quaschnick, R.K. 1959. The geology of the Marine quadrangle and the Falls Creek area: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Raasch, G.O. 1. 1950, Current evaluation of the Cambrian-Keweenawan boundary: Illinois Academy of Science Transac­ tions, v. 43, p. 137-150. 2. 1951, Revision of Croixan dikelocephalids: Illinois Academy of Science Transactions, v. 44, p. 137-151.

Rao, B.V. See also Ripley, E.M., 9. (Ripley, E.M.). 1979, The relevance of H20 in the generation ofCu-Ni sulfides in the Dunka Road deposit, Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II. no. 5, p. 254. Ripley, E.M. 89

Rapp, G.R .. Jr. (Wallace. D. T.). 1966. Guide to mineral collecting in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Educational Series 2, 42 p.

Rassam, G.N. 1. 1967. Studies on the Platteville Fonnation of Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1967. Studies on the Platteville Fonnation of Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1968, v. 28, no. 12. pI. I, p. 5084B.

Rausch, D.L. See Heinemann, H.G.

Reeder, H.O. I. 1972, Availability of ground water for irrigation from glacial outwash in the Perham area, Otter Tail County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2003, 45 p. 2. 1978, Summary appraisals of the nation's ground-water resources-Souris-Red-Rainy region: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 8J3-K, 25 p. 3. (Wood, W. W.; Ehrlich, G.G.; Sun. R.J.). 1976, Artificial recharge through a well in fissured carbonate rock. West St. Paul, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2004, 80 p.

Reid, D.F. 1974, The Quaternary geology of the Lake Johanna region. west-central Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota. Duluth.

Reid, I.L. See also Schwartz. G.M .. 25, 26, 27. I. 1956, Geology of the Ely trough, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956. Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 135-148 2. 1956, The Vennilion Range, in Schwartz, G.M., and others. eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 1, p. 109-119.

Reiners. W.A. See Buell, M.F.

Renner, 1. L. 1969, The petrology of the contact rocks of the Duluth Complex. Dunka River Area. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Rensink, D.G. See Morey. G.B .. 52.

Rigby. J.K. 1. 1964. Structure and affinity of the problematical genus Rauffella Ulrich [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 76, p. 290-291. 2. 1968. Sponge fauna of the Maquoketa Fonnation of Minnesota and Iowa [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 115, p. 441-442. 3. (Bayer. T.N.). 1971, Sponges of the Ordovician Maquoketa Fonnation in Minnesota and Iowa: Journal of Paleontology. v. 45, no. 4, p. 608-627.

Riley, C.M. 1950, The possibilities of bloating clays in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Summary Report 5 . 19 p.

Ripley. E.M. See also Rao, B.V.; Schulz, K.J., 7. I. 1973. The ore petrology and structural geology of the Deer Lake mafic-ultramafic complex. Effie, Itasca County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Duluth. 2. 1978. The sulfide mineralogy of basal chilled margins of layered sills in the Deer Lake Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 6, p. 282-283. 3. 1978, Sulfide minerals in the layered sills of the Deer Lake Complex, Itasca County. Minnesota, pI. B of Geology of the Deer Lake Complex, Itasca County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 20, p. B I-B32. 90 Ripley, E.M.

4. 1978, Sulfur isotope studies of the Dunka Road Cu-Ni deposit, Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 479. 5. 1978, Sulfur isotopic studies of the Dunka Road Cu-Ni deposit. Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 73, no. 7, p. 1396-1397. 6. 1979, Sulfide petrology of basal chilled margins in layered sills of the Archean Deer Lake Complex, Minnesota: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 64, no. 4, p. 345-354. 7. (Davidson. D.M., Jr.). 1973, Structural evolution of the Deer Lake Ultramafic Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 19th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1973, [Proceedings], p. 29. 8. (Nicol, D.L.). 1979, Sulfur isotopic studies of Archean slates and graywackes from northcentral Minnesota: Evidence for the existence of sulfate reducing bacteria [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II, no. 7, p. 503. 9. (Rao, B. V.). 1980, Oxygen isotopic studies of the Dunka Road Cu-Ni deposit, Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7. p. 510.

Robert, W.A. 1954, Our mineral wealth: Conservation Volunteer, v. 17. no. 99, p. 18-21.

Robertson, W.A. (Fahrig, W.F.). 1971, The great Logan paleomagnetic loop: The polar wandering path from Canadian Shield rocks during the Neohelikian Era: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 8, no. II. p. 1355-1372.

Rodgers, David. See Savina, M.E.

Rodis, H.G. See also Schneider, Robert, 6, 7. I. 1958, Use of water-well data in interpreting the occurrence of Upper Cretaceous aquifers in northeastern Lyon County, Minnesota [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 53, no. 7, p. 926. 2. 1958, Use of water-well data in interpreting the occurrence of Upper Cretaceous aquifers in northeastern Lyon County, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 69, no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1634-1635. 3. 1961, Availability of ground water in Lyon County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 444,7 p. 4. 1961, Use of water-well data in interpreting occurrence of aquifers in northeastern Lyon County, Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, no. 8, p. 1275-1278. 5. 1963, Geology and occurrence of ground water in Lyon County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water­ Supply Paper 1619-N, p. NI-N41. 6. (Schneider, Robert). 1960, Occurrence of ground waters of low hardness and of high chloride content in Lyon County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 423, 2 p.

Roepke, H.H. 1958. The Nisswa Lake marl deposit, Crow Wing County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Rogers, I.E. See Cotter, R.D., 5, 6, 7.

Rogers, J.J.W. I. (Condie, K.C.; Mahan, S.). 1970, Significance of thorium, uranium, and potassium in some early Precambrian graywackes from Wyoming and Minnesota: Chemical Geology, v. 5, no. 3, p. 207-213. 2. (McKay, S.M.). 1972, Chemical evolution of geosynclinal material, in Doe, B.R., and Smith, D.K .. eds., Studies in mineralogy and Precambrian geology: Geological Society of America Memoir 135, p. 3-28.

Rogers, M.A. I. 1962, Carbohydrates in plants and sediments from two Minnesota lakes: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1963, Biogeochemistry of Minnesota lakes: Carbohydrates [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. 14. 3, 1965, Carbohydrates in aquatic plants and associated sediments from two Minnesota lakes: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 29, no. 3, p. 183-200.

Rohn, K,H. 1980, A Mesabi Range field trip: Collecting in Minnesota: Gems and Minerals 513, p. 36-39. Rube, R. V. 91

Rominger, J,F, (Rutledge, PC), 1952, Use of soil mechanics data in correlation and interpretation of Lake Agassiz sediments: Journal of Geology, v, 60, no, 2, p, 160-180,

Ropes. L.H, I. 1969. Ground-water resources of the St. James area. south-central Minnesota: U,S, Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-334. scale 1:62,500, 2, (Brown, R,F,; Wheat. D,E,), 1969. Reconnaisance of the Red Lake River. Minnesota: U,S, Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-299, scale 1 :250.000, 2 sheets,

Ross. B,A, (Tester, J.R,; Breckenridge, W.1,j, 1968, Ecology of Mirna-type mounds in northwestern Minnesota: Ecology. v, 49, no, 1, p, 172-177,

Ross. E,H, 1979. State ground-water protection programs-adequate: Ground Water, v, 17, no. 1, p. 94-101.

Ross. T,G, See Norvitch, R.F .. 3,

Rowe. R.G, 1971. Geology and sulfide mineralization of the Clear Lake area, Vermilion district. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green. Ohio.

Rowell, A.1. (Bell. W.C), 1961. The inarticulate brachiopod Curticia Walcott: Journal of Paleontology, v. 35. no. 5, p. 927-931.

Rowley. Joanne. 1960, A preliminary pollen study from a fossil bison site in St. Paul. Minnesota: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 25-26. p. 40-50.

Roy. R,F. See also Hinze. W.J., 3; Klingsberg, Cyrus; Rye, D,M. 1, 1970. Studies of radioactivity in Vermilion and Giants Range granites [abs.]. in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 9, 2. (Decker. E.R.; Blackwell. D.D.; Birch. F.). 1968. Heat flow in the United States: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 73, no. 16. p, 5207-5221.

Royce. Josiah. 1, 1956, Mineral zones in the Zenith mine. in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds .. Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting. 1956. Guidebook for field trip no, 1, p, 149-150, 2, (Orsborn. 1. T.: Aase, 1.H,). 1957, The sedimentary stratigraphy of Mesabi taconite [abs.]: American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Mining, Geology and Geophysics Division. Annual Meeting, 1957, Mining Branch Abstracts, p, 1-2.

Rubin. Meyer. See also Fries, Magnus. 2. 1. (Alexander, Corrine). 1960, U.S. Geological Survey radiocarbon dates [pt.] IV: Science. v. 127. no. 3313. p. 1476-1487. 2. (Alexander. Corrine). 1960. U, S, Geological Survey radiocarbon dates [pt.] V: American Journal of Science Radiocarbon Supplement. v. 2, p, 129-185.

Ruhe, R.V. See also Wright, H.E .• Jr., 31. 1. 1952, Topographic discontinuities of the Des Moines lobe: American Journal of Science, v. 250, no. 1. p. 46- 56. 2, (Gould, L.M.). 1954, Glacial geology of the Dakota County area, Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 8, p. 769-792. 92 Runcorn, S.K.

Runcorn, S.K. 1964, Paleomagnetic results from Precambrian sedimentary rocks in the western United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 75, no. 8, p. 687-704.

Ruotsala, A.P. See also Goldich, S.S., 28. 1. 1955, A study of available chemical analyses of igneous rocks of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Pfluger, C.E.: Dow, G.M.). 1964, Iron-rich serpentine and chamosite from Ely, Minnesota: American Mineralogist, v. 49, no. 7-8, p. 993-1001. 3. (Tufford, S.P., compilers). 1965, Chemical analyses of igneous rocks: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 2, 87 p.

Rust, R.H. See Diedrick, R.T.

Rutford, R.H. See also Matsch, C.L., 10. (Matsch, C.L.). 1972, A new till unit in northeastern South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 349.

Rutledge, P.e. See Rominger, J.F.

Rye,D.M. (Roy, R.F.). 1978, The distribution of thorium, uranium, and potassium in Archean granites from northeastern Minnesota: American Journal of Science, v. 278, no. 3, p. 354-378.

Ryu, Jisoo. (Ward, S.H.: Nash, W.P.: Buzzell, D.). 1973, Dielectric constant and dialectric loss tangent spectra of dry lunar analog measured by various techniques: Geophysics, v. 38, no. I, p. 125-134.

Saamisto, Matti. 1974, The deglaciation history of the Lake Superior region and its climatic implications: Quaternary Research, v. 4, no. 3, p. 316-339.

Sabelin, Tatiana. See also Dosso, Laure. 1979, Trace element and Sr isotopic geochemistry of the Keweenawan volcanics of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Sackreiter, O.K. 1975, Quaternary geology of the southern part of the Grand Forks and Bemidji quadrangles [abs., University of North Dakota Ph.D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts International, 1976, v. 37, no. 2, p. 663B.

Saint, P.K. (Straub, C.P.: Pfannkuch, H.-O.). 1972, Effect of landfill disposal of chemical wastes on groundwater quality labs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 651-652.

SI. John, e.M. (Christianson, M.: Petersen, D.L.: Hardy, M.P.). 1979, Geotechnical analysis of underground mining methods for the copper-nickel ore bodies of N. E. Minnesota: Symposium on Rock Mechanics 20, p. 87- 89.

Saito, Kazuo. See Alexander, E.e., Jr., 4.

Salomon, N.L. See Harris, K.L., 5.

Salomonson, V. V. 1974, Water resources, in v. 2, Summary of results. of Third Earth Resources Technology Satellite Symposium: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Publication 356, p. [26-137. Schneider, A.F. 93

Sandberg, A.E. I. 1937, A cross-section across the Keweenawan lavas at Duluth, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cincinnati, Ohio. 2. 1956, Engineering geology of Taconite Harbor, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1731-1732.

Sander, J .E. 1971, An application of electric analog modeling concepts to the hydrology of a northern forest peat bog and its watershed [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 4, p. 277-278.

Sanger, J.E. See also Gorham, Eville, I, 2. 1972, Stratigraphy of fossil pigments as a guide to the postglacial history of Kirchner Marsh, Minnesota: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 17, no. 6, p. 840-884.

Sather, N.P. See Stevenson, R.J., 4, 5.

Savina, M.E. (Rodgers. David; Jacobson. Robert). 1980. Outwash deposits of central Dakota County, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 12, no. 5, p. 255.

Schafersman. J. S. See McGinnis, L. D., I.

Schiner. G.R. See also Maclay, R.W., 3. I. 1963. Ground-water exploration and test pumping in the Halma-Lake Bronson area. Kittson County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1619-BB. p. BBI-BB38. 2. (Schneider, Robert). 1964. Geology and ground-water conditions of the Redwood Falls area, Redwood County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1669-R, p. Rl-R46.

Schmidt, R.G. I. 1955, Stratigraphy in the central part of the Cuyuna district, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis. Minnesota. 1955. [Proceedings], unpaged. 2. 1956, Titaniferous sedimentary rocks in the Cuyuna district. Minnesota [abs.): Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12. pI. 2. p. 1732. 3. 1958, Bedrock geology of the southwestern part of the North Range Cuyuna district, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-181. 4. 1958. Titaniferous sedimentary rocks in the Cuyuna district, central Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 53, no. 6. p. 708-721. 5. 1959, Bedrock geology of the northern and eastern parts of the North Range Cuyuna district, Minnesota: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-182. 6. 1963, Geology and ore deposits ofCuyuna North range. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 407, 96 p. 7. (Dutton, C. E.). 1952, Progress report on geologic study of the Crosby and Ironton area of the Cuyuna range, Crow Wing County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 6. 8. (Dutton. C.E.). 1957, Bedrock geology of the south-central part of the North range, Cuyuna district, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-99.

Schneider, A.F. I. 1956. Pleistocene geology of central Minnesota, in Schwartz. G.M., and others, eds., Glacial geology, eastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 3. p. 25-52. 2. 1957, Pleistocene geology of part of central Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1957, Pleistocene geology of part of central Minnesota [abs .. University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts. 1958, v. 18, no. I, p. 199-200. 4. 1961, Pleistocene geology of the Randall region, central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 40, 151 p. 94 Schneider, Robert

Schneider, Robert. See also Jones, J.R.; Norvitch, R.F., 4; Prior, C.H.; Rodis, H.G., 6; Schiner, G.R., 2. 1. 1956, Minnesota's water supplies, in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor's State-wide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota, Nov. 16-18, 1955, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 213-221. 2. 1958, Water resources summary, in The future of Minnesota resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources, Virginia, Minnesota, April 23-25, 1958, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 317-321. 3. 1961, Correlation of ground-water levels and air temperatures in the winter and spring in Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1539-0, 14 p. [Also available as International Association of Scientific Hydrology Publication 44, 1958.] 4. 1962, Use of thermometry in hydrogeologic studies of glacial deposits at Worthington, Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 73, no. 10, p. 1305-1308. 5. 1962, Use of thermometry in hydrologic studies of glacial deposits at Worthington, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 68, p. 263-264. 6. (Rodis, H. G .). 1961, Aquifers in melt -water channels along the southwest flank of the Des Moines lobe, Lyon County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1539-F, p. F1-FII. 7. (Rodis, H. G .). 1961. Aquifers in melt -water channels along the southwest flank of the Des Moines lobe, Lyon County, southwestern Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 54, no. 7. p. 1346-1347.

Schopf, J. W. (Barghoorn. E.S.; Maser, M.D.; Gordon, R.O.). 1965. Electron microscopy of fossil bacteria two billion years old: Science, v. 149, no. 3690, p. 1365-1367.

Schultz. C.B. (Smith, H.T.U., editors.). 1965. Upper Mississippi Valley-International Association for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 7th Congress, Boulder and Denver, Colorado, 1965, Guidebook for field conference C: Lincoln, Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 126 p.

Schulz, K.J. See also Green, J.C., 34; Morey, G.B., 53; Weiblen, P.W., 23, 24. 1. 1974, Differentiated mafic-ultramafic sills in the Archean Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. 1976, Komatiites and their chemical variations [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul. Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 54. 3. 1977, The petrology and geochemistry of Archean volcanics, western Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2 v. 4. 1978, Geochemical evidence for mUltiple sources for Archean basalt volcanism [abs.]: Geological Soc iety of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 10, no. 7, p. 487. 5. 1978, Magmatic evolution of the Vermilion greenstone belt, northeastern Minnesota, in Smith, I.E.M., and Williams, J.G., eds., Archean Geochemistry Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 1978, Proceedings: University of Toronto Press, p. 366-369. 6. 1980, The magmatic evolution of the Vermilion greenstone belt, NE Minnesota: Precambrian Research, v. 11, no. 3-4, p. 215-245. 7. (Ripley, E.M.). 1973, Petrology of some Early Precambrian differentiated ultramafic bodies in northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 19th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1973, [Proceedings], p. 32-33. 8. (Smith, I.E.M.; Blanchard, D.P.). 1979, The nature of Archean alkalic rocks from the southern portion of the Superior Province [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 18, p. 410. 9. (Weiblen, P. W.). 1976, Compositional variation ofkomatiites in space and time [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 1090-1091.

Schulz, N.F. See Lawver, J.E.

Schwartz, G.M. See also Bath, G.D., 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II; Books, K.G., 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12; Grout, F.F., 1, 2; Gundersen, J.N., 7; Meuschke, J.L., I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Prokopovich, Nikola, 3, 4. I. 1951, Aeromagnetic work in Minnesota for mineral resource studies: State Geologists Journal, v. 2, no. 2, p. 3-4. 2. 1951, Minnesota iron sulphide, in Geology of the Cuyuna Range-Mining Geology Symposium, 3rd, Hibbing, Minnesota, 1951, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Continua­ tion Study, p. 44-45. Schwartz, G.M. 9S

3. 1951, Regional setting of the Cuyuna range, in Geology of the Cuyuna Range-Mining Geology Symposium, 3rd, Hibbing, Minnesota, 1951, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Continuation Study, p. 1-3. 4. 1951, Water conservation: Today and tomorrow: Conservation Volunteer, v. 14, no. 84, p. 5-11. 5. 1953, Correlation of aeromagnetics and rock formations in Minnesota [abs.]: American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Mining, Geology and Geophysics Division, Annual Meeting. 1953, Abstracts of Technical Papers, p. 18-19. 6. 1954, Mining geology of the Lake Superior district: The regional setting, in Mining Symposium. 4th Annual, 1954, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Continuation Study, p. 1-2. 7. 1956, Other mineral possibilities in Minnesota, in Outlook on Minnesota's resources: 1st Governor's State­ wide Conference on Resources, Hibbing, Minnesota. Nov. 16-18, 1955, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 183-190. 8. 1956, Some problems of the mineral resources of Minnesota: Conference on Minnesota's Research Needs, Stillwater, Minnesota, 1956, p. 3-7. 9. 1956. Summary of the Precambrian geology of northeastern Minnesota, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956. Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 1-9. 10. 1956, The taconite industry. in Schwartz. G.M .. and others. eds .. Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. 1956. Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 151-158. II. 1957. The land of Quetico-Superior: Conservation Volunteer. v. 20, no. 117. p. 53-59. 12. 1958. Geological implications of magnetic and gravity data of the Lake Superior basin [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 4th Annual Meeting. Duluth, Minnesota, 1958. [Proceedings], p. 6. 13. 1958, Mineral resources summary. in The future of Minnesota resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources, Virginia, Minnesota, April 23-25. 1958, Report: SI. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 123-126. 14. 1960, Origin and characteristics of the SI. Peter Sandstone: Minnesota Engineer, v. II, no. 5, p. 12-13. 15. 1960-1961. Geology, north-central counties, northeastern tip counties: Gopher Historian. v. 15, no. II, p. 3-6. 16. 1964, State park geologic values: Conservation Volunteer. no. 156. special summer ed., p. 35-41. 17. 1965, A study on the hydrology of potholes in Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting. SI. Paul, Minnesota. 1965. [Proceedings]. p. 29. 18. (and others, editors). 1956, Guidebook for field trips: Field trip no. I-Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota. Goldich. S.S., and Marsden, R.W., assoc. eds., 235 p.; Field trip no.2-Lower Paleozoic of the upper Mississippi Valley, Sloan, R.E .. assoc. ed., 110 p.; Field trip no. 3--Glacial geology. eastern Minnesota. Wright, H.E., 1r.. assoc. ed., 107 p.: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1956. 19. (and others). 1959, Investigation of the commercial possibilities of marl in Minnesota: SI. Paul, Office of the Commissioner of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation. in cooperation with the Minnesota Geological Survey. University of Minnesota. 190 p. 20. (Davidson, D.M.). 1952, Geologic setting of a copper-nickel prospect in the Duluth gabbro near Ely. Lake County. Minnesota [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 47, no. I. p. 125. 21. (Davidson. D.M.). 1952. Geologic setting of the copper-nickel prospect in the Duluth gabbro near Ely, Minnesota: Mining Engineering, v. 4, no. 7, p. 699-702. 22. (Harris. 1.M.). 1952, Notes on field work in the copper-nickel prospect area. Lake County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Summary Report 6. 8 p. 23. (Prokopovich. Nikola). 1956. Map of mineral resources of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey. scale I: I ,000,000. 24. (Prokopovich. Nikola). 1966. Map of mineral resources of Minnesota. rev. ed.: Minnesota Geological Survey. scale 1: 1.000.000. 25. (Reid. I.L.). 1954, Preliminary report on replacement and rock alteration in the Soudan iron ore deposit, Minnesota [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 49. no. I, p. 124. 26. (Reid, I.L.). 1954, Preliminary report on replacement and rock alteration in the Soudan iron ore deposit, Minnesota [abs.]: American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Mining. Geology and Geophysics Division, Annual Meeting. 1954. Abstracts of Technical Papers. p. 18-19. 27. (Reid, I.L.). 1955. Replacement and rock alteration in the Soudan iron ore deposit. Minnesota: Mining Engineering. v. 7, no. 3, p. 298-300. 28. (Sims, P.K.). 1964, History of the Minnesota Geological Survey: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-1, 39 p. 96 Schwartz, G.M.

29. (Thiel, G.A.). 1952, Dimension stone in Minnesota: Mining Engineering, v. 4, no. 1, sec. I, p. 77-80. 30. (Thiel, G.A.). 1963, Minnesota's rocks and waters: A geological story, rev. ed.: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 37: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 366 p.

Scott, Gene. 1979, Location of ground-water observation wells: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters, Water Resources of Minnesota Map Series H-2, scale 1:500,000.

Seeling, R.R. 1977, Rb-Sr whole-rock isotopic geochemistry and petrology of the tonalitic-trondhjemitic phase of the Archean quartzofeldpathic gneiss, Sacred Heart-North Redwood area, Minnesota River valley: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Seguin, M.K. 1972, Discovery of important reserves of copper and nickel sulfides in the Duluth Gabbro, northeastern Minnesota: Naturaliste Canadien, v. 99, no. 1, p. 49-58.

Seltzer, George. 1959, The future of iron ore: Conservation Volunteer, v. 22, no. 130, p. 6-8.

Semikhatov, M.A. See Cloud, P.E., Jr., 4.

Senftle, F.E. l. (Moxham, R.M.; Tanner, A.B.; Philbin, P.W.; Boy ton, G.R.; Wager, R.E.). 1977, Importance of neutron energy distribution in borehole activation analysis in relatively dry, low-porosity rocks: Geoexplora­ tion, v. 15, no. 2, p. 121-135. 2. (Moxham, R.M.; Tanner, A.B.; Wager, R.E.). 1975, Test of neutron-activation methods in boreholes using a high-resolution detector near Ely, Minnesota [abs.]: Geophysics, v. 40, no. I, p. 155.

Severson, MJ. See also Ojakangas, R.W., 24. 1978, Petrology and sedimentation of early Precambrian graywackes in the eastern Vermilion District, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Severson, R.C. See Grigal, D.F.

Shapiro, Leonard. (Brannock, W.W.). 1953, A field method for the determination of titanium in rocks: Economic Geology, v. 48, no. 4, p. 282-287.

Sharp, R.P. See also Grout, F.F., 2. l. 1953, Glacialfeatures of Cook County, Minnesota: American Journal of Science, v. 251, no. 12, p. 855-883. 2. 1953, Shorelines of the Glacial Great Lakes in Cook County, Minnesota: American Journal of Science, v. 251, no. 2, p. 109-139.

Shaw, G.H. See Alexander, E.C., Jr., 5, 6; Spong, R.C., 4, 5.

Shay, C.T. 1. 1963, A preliminary report on the Itasca bison site: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 31, no. 1, p. 24-27. 2. 1967, Vegetation history of the southern Lake Agassiz basin during the past 12,000 years, in Mayer-Oakes, W J., ed., Life, land and water-Conference on environmental studies of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region, 1966, Proceedings: Manitoba University, Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper 1, p. 231-252. 3. 1970, Paleobotanical studies in the Lake Agassiz basin [abs.], in Geological Association of Canada­ Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts of Papers: Winnipeg, University of Manitoba, p. 47-48.

Sheehan, C.A. See Taranik, J.V. Sims, P.K. 97

Sheldon, R.E. 1974. Shaping the face of Minnesota: Rocks and Minerals. v. 49, no. 4, p. 250-252.

Shih, Chi-Yu. See lahn, Bor-Ming. 5.

Shurr, G.W. I. 1979, Upper Cretaceous rocks at Lake Traverse in western Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-379, 9 p. 2. 1980, Exposures of Greenhorn Formation and Carlile Shale (Upper Cretaceous) at Lake Traverse. western Minnesota: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. v. 64, no. 6. p. 942-950. 3. (Cobban, W.A.). 1979, Upper Cretaceous rocks on the north flank of the Sioux Ridge, western Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 11, no. 5, p. 256.

Shutter, S.R. 1. 1978, The petrology and depositional environment of the Glenwood Shale in southeastern Minnesota and northeastern Iowa: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City. 2. 1978. Petrology and paleontology of the Middle Ordovician Glenwood Shale, Iowa and Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10. no. 7. p. 492.

Siegel, D.l. See also Olcott, P.G., 3. I. 1976, Sources of dissolved solids in groundwater from Superior and Rainy Lake till [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting. St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976. Proceedings. p. 56. 2. 1979, Potential hydrologic effects of peat mining in the Red Lake peatland, north-central Minnesota-a project plan: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-1591. lip. 3. 1979, Sulfate contribution from snowmelt to Filson Creek watershed, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 18, p. 259; v. 60. no. 42. p. 741 [revised]. 4. (Ericson, D.W.). 1980, Hydrology and water quality of the copper-nickel study region. northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 80-739, 87 p.

Signer, P. See Hanson, G.N., 28.

Silver, L.T. See also Ludwig, K.R. I. (Green, 1.C. J. 1963, Zircon ages for Middle Keweenawan rocks of the Lake Superior region [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions. v. 44. p. 107. 2. (Green, 1.C. J. 1972, Time constants for Keweenawan igneous activity [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 665.

Simmons. E.C. 1. 1972, Intensive parameters in the contact metamorphosed Guntlint Iron Formation. Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4. no. 7. p. 666. 2. (Lindsley. D.H.: Papike, 1.1.). 1974, Phase relations and crystallization sequence in a contact metamor­ phosed rock from the Gunflint Iron Formation. Minnesota: 10urnal of Petrology. v. 15, no. 3. p. 539- 565.

Simmons, Kathleen. (Hanson. G.N.J. 1974, 4°Ar/'"Ar spectrum ages for biotite, muscovite. and hornblende in a contact metamorphic zone [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 55. no. 4. p. 466.

Simon. R.B. See Stover, C.W.

Sims, P.K. See also Austin. G.S., 20; lames, H.L.. 6. 7; Morey. G.B., 43, 54; Ojakangas. R.W., 25. 26. 27,28; Schwartz, G.M., 28; Southwick. D.L.. 10; Viswanathan, Subramanian, 24, 25, 27; Zietz. Isidore. 3. 1. 1963, Rock hunting in Minnesota: Earth Science, v. 16, no. 3. p. 107-110. 2. 1966, Exploration for copper-nickel resumes in Minnesota: Skillings' Mining Review, v. 55. no. 40, p. 6-8. 3. 1967, Exploration for copper-nickel in northeastern Minnesota: Skillings' Mining Review, v. 56, no. 8. p. I, 6-7, 20. 98 Sims, P.K.

4. 1967, Exploration for copper-nickel in northeastern Minnesota, in Mining Symposium, 28th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 40th Annual Meeting, Duluth. 1967. [Proceedings]: Minneapolis. University of Minnesota, General Extension Division, p. 59-64. 5. 1968, Copper and nickel developments in Minnesota: Mining Congress Journal, v. 54, no. 3. p. 29-32,34. 6. 1969. Bedrock geologic map. Hibbing sheet [abs.]. in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7. p. 6-7. 7. 1969, Geology of Shagawa Lake quadrangle [abs.]. in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 25-26. 8. 1969, Geology of Vermilion district [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 27. 9. 1970. Geologic map of Minnesota, bedrock geology: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-14, scale 1:1.000,000. 10. 1970, Geology of Shagawa Lake quadrangle [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 21. II. 1970. Gravity investigations in Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork. 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 5. 12. 1972, Banded iron-formations in Vermilion district, in Sims. P.K., and Morey. G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 79-81. 13. 1972. History of geologic investigations, in Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 21-26. 14. 1972, Magnetic data and regional magnetic patterns, in Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 585-592. 15. 1972, Metavolcanic and associated synvolcanic rocks in Vermilion district, in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 63-75. 16. 1972. Mineral deposits in Lower Precambrian rocks, northern Minnesota. in Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 172-176. 17. 1972, Northern Minnesota. general geologic features, in Sims. P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 41-48. 18, 1972, Regional gravity field. in Sims. P.K .. and Morey, G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 581-584. 19. 1972. Vermilion district and adjacent areas, ill Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 49-62. 20. 1973. Early Precambrian tectonism in northern Minnesota: An example of an Archean greenstone-granite terrane [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, no. 7, p. 811-812. 2!. 1973, Geologic map of western part of Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-13. scale 1:48,000. 22. 1973, Tectonic history of Early Precambrian rocks in the Vermilion district. northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 19th Annual Meeting. Madison. Wisconsin. 1973. [Proceedings], p. 34-35. 23. 1974, Reconnaissance geologic map of Biwabik northwest quadrangle, SI. Louis County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-15, scale 1:24,000. 24. 1976. Early Precambrian rocks in north-central United States-a brief summary, in Geotraverse Conference, 1976. Proceedings: Toronto, Ontario. University of Toronto, p. 42-44. 25. 1976, Early Precambrian tectonic-igneous evolution in the Vermilion district. northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87. no. 3, p. 379-389. 26. 1976, The Penokean fold belt in Lake Superior region: An intracratonic Precambrian mobile belt [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8. no. 6. p. 1109. 27. 1976, Precambrian tectonics and mineral deposits, Lake Superior region: Economic Geology, v. 71, no. 6, p. 1092-1118. 28. (Austin, G.S.). 1963. Geologic interpretation of magnetic map of McLeod County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations I, 7 p. 29. (Austin. G.S.; Ikola, R.n. 1965, Interpretation of Lake Washington magnetic anomaly. Meeker County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 4. 13 p. 30. (Card. K.D.; Morey, G.B.: Peterman, Z.E. J. 1980, The Great Lakes tectonic zone-a major crustal structure in central North America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 91, no. 12, pI. I, p. 690-698. Sims, P.K. 99

31. (Green, J.C.; Morey, G.B.; Ojakangas, R.W.). 1972, Geology of the western part of the Vermilion metavolcanic-metasedimentary belt, northeastern Minnesota. in Field trip guidebook for the Lower Precambrian volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Vermilion district. northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 2, p. 1-22. 32. (Morey. G.B.). 1966, Geologic sketch of the Tower-Soudan State Park: Minnesota Geological Survey Educational Series 3, 28 p. 33. (Morey. G. B .. editors). 1972, Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, 632 p. 34. (Morey. G.B.). 1972. Resume of geology of Minnesota. in Sims, P.K .. and Morey. G.B .• eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 3-17. 35. (Murey, G.B.). 1973, A geologic model for the development of Early Precambrian crust in Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 5, no. 7. p. 812. 36. (Morey. G.B.). 1974, Minnesota's mineral resources: A brief overview. in Issues confronting the mining industry-Mining Symposium. 35th Annual. and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Minnesota Section. 47th Annual Meeting. Duluth. 1974, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis. University of Minnesota, Continuing Education and Extension. p. 81-90. 37. (Morey, G.B.). 1974, Minnesota mineral resources: A brief overview: Skillings' Mining Review. v. 63. no. 14, p. 1.6-9. 38. (Morey, G.B.; Green. J.C.). 1969. The potential for new minerai discoveries in Minnesota. in Mming Symposium. 30th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Minnesota Section. 42nd Annual Meeting. Duluth. 1969. [Proceedings]: Minneapolis. University of Minnesota, Nolte Center for Continuing Education and Extension. p. 75-87. 39. (Morey. G.B.; Ojakangas. R.W.: Griffin. W.L.). 1968. Preliminary geologic map of the Vermilion district and adjacent areas. northern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-S, scale 1:250.000. 40. (Morey. G.B.; Ojakangas. R.W.; Griffin, W.L.). 1968. Stratigraphic and structural framework of the Vermilion district and adjacent areas. in northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 14th Annual Meeting, Superior. Wisconsin. 1968. [Proceedings]. p. 19-20. 41. (Morey. G.B.; Ojakangas, R.W.: Viswanathan. Subramanian). 1970. Geologic map of Minnesota. Hibbing sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey. scale 1:250,000. 42. (Mudrey, M.G., Jr.). 1972. Burntside granite gneiss. Vermilion district. in Sims. P.K .. and Morey, G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 98-101. 43. (Mudrey, M.G .. Jr.). 1972. Diabase dikes in northern Minnesota. in Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Suvey. p. 256-269. 44. (Mudrey. M.G .. Jr.). 1972. Syenitic plutons and associated lamprophyres. in Sims. P.K .• and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 140-152. 45. (Mudrey. M.G .. Jr.). 1978. Geologic map of the Shagawa Lake quadrangle. St. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1423. scale 1:24.000. 46. (Sinclair, David; Mudrey. M.G .. Jr.). 1972. Linden pluton. in Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B .. cds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 160-162. 47. (Southwick. D.L.). 1979. New evidence on the stratigraphy and structure of the Soudan area, western Vermilion district, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 25th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota. 1979. [Proceedings], p. 37. 48. (Southwick, D.L.). 1980. Geologic map of the Soudan quadrangle, St. Louis County. Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1540, scale 1:24.000. 49. (Viswanathan. Subramanian). 1972. Giants Range batholith. in Sims. P.K .. and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 120-139. 50. (Viswanathan. Subramanian). 1974, Reconnaissance geologic map of Britt quadrangle, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-16. scale 1:24.000. 51. (Westfall. I.. editors). 1969, Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7. 31 p. 52. (Westfall, I., editors). 1970. Summary of fieldwork. 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Infonnation Circular 8, 24 p. 53. (Yardley, D.H.). 1967. Exploration for copper-nickel in northeastern Minnesota, in Mining Symposium, 28th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Minnesota Section, 40th Annual Meeting. Duluth, 1967, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota. General Extension Division, p. 59-64. 100 Sims, P.K.

54. (Zietz, Isidore). 1963, Geologic interpretation of aeromagnetic anomalies over pre-Keweenawan rocks in central Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1963 , [Proceedings], p. 15. 55. (Zietz, Isidore). 1976, Aeromagnetic and inferred Precambrian paleogeologic map of east-central Minnesota and part of Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-563, scale 1:250,000, section, text.

Sinclair, David. See Sims, P.K., 46.

Singer, R.D. See also Osterholm, M.T., 2. (Osterholm, M.T.; Straub, C.P.). 1980, Ground water quality in southeastern Minnesota: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 143 p.

Singh, M.M. (Huck, P.J.). 1973, Large scale triaxial tests on rock, in New horizons in rock mechanics: Mechanical properties of rocks and environmental effects: Symposium on Rock Mechanics Proceedings 14, p. 35- 60.

Skillman, M.W. See Woyski, M.S.

Sloan, R.E. See also Agnew, A.F., 2; Heller, R.L., 2; Hogberg, R.K .• 10. II. I. 1954, A Cretaceous vertebrate fauna of Minnesota and South Dakota [abs.]: Journal of Paleontology. v. 28. no. 4, p. 512. 2. 1954, A Cretaceous vertebrate fauna of Minnesota and South Dakota [abs.]: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 24. no. 2, p. 140. 3. 1956, Hidden Falls member of Platteville formation, Minnesota: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 40, no. 12, p. 2955-2956. 4. 1959, The Cretaceous system of Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 5th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1959, [Proceedings), p. 26. 5. 1959, An occurrence of Desmograptus cancellatus in the Stewartville dolomite of Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 33, no. 4, p. 680-68J. 6. 1960, Lithofacies and biofacies variation in the Platteville Formation of southeastern Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 6th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1960, [Proceedings), p. 18. 7. 1964, The Cretaceous System in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report ofInvestigations 5, 64 p. 8. 1972, Notes on the Platteville Formation, southeastern Minnesota, in Field trip guidebook for Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 4, p. 43- 53. 9. (Austin, G.S.). 1966, Geologic map of Minnesota, St. Paul sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey, scale 1:250,000. 10. (Danes, Z.F.). 1962, A geologic and gravity survey ofthe Belle Plaine area, Minnesota: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 30, no. 1, p. 49-52. II. (Weiss, M.P.). 1956, The Ordovician rocks of southeastern Minnesota: Decorah, Iowa, to Minneapolis, Minnesota, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 96- 110.

Sloan, S.A. See Splettstoesser, J.F.

Sloss, L.L. See Larue, D.K.

Smith, D.K. See Doe, B.R., 3.

Smith, H.T.U. See Schultz, C.B.

Smith, LE.M. See Schulz, K.J., 8. Southwick, D.L. 101

Smith, L.W. 1968, An examination of the petrographic types of the Ely Greenstone (Precambrian) occurring in the area of Twin Lakes, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing.

Smith, R.W. See also Morey, G.B., 51. (Papike, 1.1.; Weiblen, P.W.; Morey, G.B.). 1971, Mineralogy and petrology of a drill core of contact metamorphosed Biwabik Iron formation, Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 52, no. 4, p. 373.

Smith, T.1. I. (Steinhart, 1.S.; Aldrich, L. T.). 1966, Lake Superior crustal structure: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71, no. 4, p. 1141-1172. 2. (Steinhart, J.S.: Aldrich, L.T.). 1966, Crustal structure under Lake Superior, in The Earth beneath the continents: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 10. p. 181-197.

Snider. H.I. 1962, Subsurface geology and the Mt. Simon-Precambrian contact in southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Snyder. 1.L. I. 1957, Geochemical study of the Duluth lopolith: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Northwestern University. Evanston. III. 2. 1957, A geochemical study of the Duluth lopolith [abs .. Northwestern University Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts. 1957. v. 17. no. 12. p. 2981-2982. 3. 1957. A geochemical study of the Duluth lopolith [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 68, no. 12, p. 1798. 4. 1959, Distribution of certain elements in the Duluth complex: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 16, no. 4, p. 243-277.

Soper, E.K. 1917, The origin, occurrence, and uses of Minnesota peat: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Soroka, L.G. See Anderson, D.B.

Soukup, W.G. 1980, Ground-water appraisal in northwestern Big Stone County, west-central Minnesota: U.S Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 80-568, 41 p.

Southwick, D.L. See also Sims. P.K., 47. 48; Weiblen, P.W. 21. 22. I. 1969. Bedrock geologic map. International Falls sheet [abs.], ill Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 7-8. 2. 1970, Bedrock geologic map, eastern part of International Falls sheet [abs.]. ill Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 3. 3. 1972, Vermilion granite-migmatite massif. in Sims. P.K. and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 108-119. 4. 1976, High-grade metamorphism associated with the Vernlilion batholith. Minnesota-Ontario [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting. St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 61. 5. 1978, The Vermilion Granitic Complex. northern Minnesota, in Smith. I.E.M., and Williams, 1.G., eds .. Archean Geochemistry Conference. Toronto, Ontario, 1978, Proceedings: University of Toronto Press, p. 265-276. 6. 1979, The Vermilion Granitic Complex, northern Minnesota, in Balaban, N.H., cd., Field trip guidebook for the western Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 10, p. I-II. 7. 1980, Subsurface research and scientific drilling in western Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 18, 18 p. 8. (Lively, R.S.). 1980, Ground-water geochemistry as an aid to geologic mapping of drift-covered areas: Test cases in western Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980, [proceedings], p. 72. 102 Southwick, D.L.

9. (Ojakangas, R.W.). 1979, Geologic map of Minnesota, International Falls sheet: Minnesota Geological Survey, scale 1:250,000. 10. (Sims, P.K.l. 1980, The Vermilion Granitic Complex-a new name for old rocks in northern Minnesota, in Shorter contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1124, p. AI-All.

Spencer, G.H., Jr. 1. 1958, The role of interstitial and combined waters in the development of Lake Superior iron ores [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1958. [Proceedings], p. 23. 2. 1969, Solution and deposition of iron in sediments [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 15th Annual Meeting, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1969, [Proceedings], p. 35.

Splettstoesser, J.F. (Sloan. S.A.l. 1962. Bibliography of Minnesota geology [1951-1961]: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 34, Suppl., 72 p.

Spong, R.C. See also Alexander, E.C., Jr., 6. I. 1980, Caves and karsts of the Late and Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks of southeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Program, p. 19. 2. 1980. Caves and karsts of the Prairie du Chien Group, Minnesota [abs.], in Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Program, p. 18-19. 3. 1980, Channel Rock: The cave under the manhole: National Speleological Society News, v. 38, no. 5, p. JD8- 109. 119. 4. (Alexander, E.C., Jr.: Shaw, G.H.; Venkatakrishnan, Rameshl. 1979, Karst water tracing in Fillmore County, Minnesota [abs.]: National Speleological Society, Annual Meeting, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1979, Program, p. 58. 5. (Alexander, E.C., Jr.; Shaw, G.H.; Venkatakrishnan, Rameshl. 1979, Karst water tracing in Fillmore County, Minnesota [abs.]: National Speleological Society Bulletin, v. 42, no 2, p. 35.

Squillace, P.J. 1979, The geology of the New Richmond Member of the Shakopee Formation (Lower Ordovicianl, upper Mississippi Valley: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Stark, J.R. 1977, Surficial geology and ground-water geology of the Babbitt-Kawishiwi area, northeastern Minnesota with planning implications: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Stark, J.T. 1927, The geology of the Kekequabic Lake area, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago.

Steffy, D.A. See McGinnis, L.D., 4.

Steiger, R.H. See Hart, S.R., 2.

Steinhart, J.S. See Smith, T.J., 1,2.

Stephenson, T.E. See also Goldich, S.S., 29. 1956, Direct leaching of quartz to form Mesabi ore from lean iron formation, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 219-223.

Stern, T.W. See also Goldich, S.S., 21, 22. I. 1964, Isotopic ages of zircon and allanite from the Minnesota River Valley and La Sal Mountains, Utah [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 45, no. I, p. 116. 2. (Goldich, S.S.; Newell, M.F.). 1965, Effects of weathering on the U-Pb and Th-Pb systems in zircons [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 46, no. I, p. 164-165. Stubblefield, W.L. 103

3. (Goldich, S.S.; Newell, M.F.). 1966, Effects of weathering on the U-Pb ages of zircon from the Morton Gneiss, Minnesota: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. I, no. 6, p. 369-371.

Stevens, N.E. 1974, The petrology of a hornblende andesite-grandiorite composite dike, Granite Falls. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Missouri. Columbia.

Stevenson. R.J. See also Morey, G.B., 56. I. 1973, A Keweenawan layered mafic intrusion near Finland, Lake County. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 19th Annual Meeting, Madison. Wisconsin, 1973, [Proceedings]. p. 36. 2. 1974, A mafic layered intrusion of Keweenawan age near Finland. Lake County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Duluth. 3. (Chase. C.G.: Weiblen. P.W.). 1975, Geologic interpretation of a gravity study in the Grand Portage area, northeastern Minnesota: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 56. no. 9. p. 603. 4. (Kreisman. P.J.: Sather, N.P.). 1979. Geology and mineralogy. v. 3. chap. I a/The Minnesota regional copper-nickel study: St. Paul, Minnesota Environmental Quality Board, approx. 70 p. 5. (Kreisman. P.J.: Sather, N.P.). 1979, Mineral resource potential, v. 3, chap. 2 a/The Minnesota regional copper-nickel study: St. Paul, Minnesota Environmental Quality Board, approx. 67 p.

Stockwell, C.H. 1965, Structural trends in Canadian shield: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. v. 49, no. 7. p. 887-893.

Stone. OJ. 1980, The geology of the upper Dunleith Formation (Prosser Member, Galena Formation) of Middle Ordovician age in southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota. Duluth.

Stone, J.E. See also Wright. H.E., Jr., 32. I. 1966, Surficial geology of the New Brighton quadrangle. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Map Series GM-2. scale I :24.000, text. 2. 1969. Glacial and engineering geology of the Minneapolis-SI. Paul area [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7. p. 14.

Stone. Peter. See Gleason. P J.

Stover, C.W. (Simon, R.B.: Person. W.J.: Minch. J .H.). 1977. Earthquakes of the United States. July-September. 1975: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 749-C, 29 p.

Straka, G.c. (Miller, W.A.). 1963, Graphs of ground water levels in Minnesota, 1957-1961: Minnesota Department of Conservation. Division of Waters Bulletin 18. 58 p.

Strakele. A.E .. Jr. 1978, The geology and petrology of the Wine Lake intrusion. Cook County. Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 24th Annual Meeting. Milwaukee. Wisconsin, 1978. [Proceedings]. p. 37.

Straub, c.P. See Osterholm. M.T .. 2: Saint, P.K.: Singer. R.D.

Streed, P.G. See Hsu, M.L.

Strimple, H.L. 1975. Introduction to a new series of studies of Ordovician echinoderms: Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 82, no. 2. p. 124-125.

Stubblefield, W.L. I. 1970, Geology and petrology of selected units within Ordovician Oneota Dolomite [abs.]. in Summary of fieldwork. 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8. p. 12-13. 104 Stubblefield, W.L.

2. 1971, Petrographic and geochemical examination of the Ordovician Oneota Dolomite in the building stone districts of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

Stuckless, J. S. (Goldich, S.S.). 1972, Ages of some Precambrian rocks in east-central Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan, 1972, [Proceedings], paper 31.

Stuiver, Minze. 1975, Climate versus changes in DC content of the organic component of lake sediments during the late Quaternary: Quaternary Research, v. 5, no. 2, p. 251-262.

Suda, R.U. See also Goldich, S.S., 36, 37. 1975, The Morton gneiss, Morton, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Suess, H.E. 1954, U.S. Geological Survey radiocarbon dates [pt.] I: Science, v. 120, no. 3117, p. 467-473.

Suhr, N.H. See Wooden, 1.L, 2.

Sulima, J.H. 1975, Ecology of an epeiric sea deposit, Decorah Fornlation, upper Mississippi Valley [abs., Northwestern University Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1976, v. 36, no. 7, p. 3278B.

Sun. RJ. See Reeder, H.O., 3.

Sundvoll, B. See Griffin, W.L, 9.

Sutton, T.C. 1963, Geology of the Virginia Hom area: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Swain, A.M. 1. 1973, A history offire and vegetation in northeastern Minnesota as recorded in lake sediments: Quaternary Research, v. 3, no. 3, p. 383-396. 2. 1975, A history of fire and vegetation in northeastern Minnesota as recorded in lake sediments [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1975, v. 36, no. 4, p. 1573B.

Swain, EM., Jr. See also Blumentals, Ausma: Burr, 1.H., Jr., 2; Niehaus, J.R., 2. I. 1956, Stratigraphy of lake deposits in central and northcrn Minnesota: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 40, no. 4, p. 600-653. 2. 1961, Limnology and amino-acid content of some lake deposits in Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, and Louisiana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, no. 4, p. 519-545, 3. 1967, Stratigraphy and biochemical paleontology of Rossburg Peat (Recent), north-central Minnesota, in Essays in paleontology and stratigraphy: R.C. Moore commemorative volume: Lawrence, University of Kansas, Department of Geology Special Publication 2, p. 445-475. 4. 1969, Holocene Ostracoda of the genus Candona from western Minnesota and North Dakota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 121, p. 670-671. 5. 1973, Marsh gas from the Atlantic Coastal Plain, United States, in Advances in organic geochemistry, 1973: International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry Programme Abstract 6, p. 673-687. 6. 1978, Clay mineral-microfaunal relationships in Middle Ordovician Glenwood and Decorah shales of Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 501-502. 7. (Austin, G.S.). 1969, Shallow-water Precambrian and Paleozoic communities, Minnesota and western Wisconsin: North American Paleontological Convention, 1969, Duluth, Minnesota, Guidebook for field trip no. I, 46 p. 8. (Baysinger, 1.; Bratt, J.M.). 1976, Hydrocarbons obtained by pyrolysis of some Precambrian rocks of Minnesota: Origins of Life, v. 7, no. 3, p, 239-257, Taranik, J.V. 105

9. (Blumentals, Ausma; Millers, Ruta). 1959, Stratigraphic distribution of amino acids in peats from Cedar Creek Bog, Minnesota, and Dismal Swamp, Virginia: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 4, no. 2. p. 119-127. 10. (Blumentals, Ausma: Prokopovich, Nikola). 1958, Bituminous and other organic substances in Precambrian of Minnesota: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 42. no. I, p. 173-189. 11. (Bratt. 1 .M.: Kirkwood, Samuel). 1970. Carbohydrates from Precambrian and Cambrian rocks and fossils: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, no. 2, p. 499-504. 12. (Cornell, 1.R.: Hansen, D.L.). 1961, Ostracoda of the families Aparchitidae, Aechminidae. Leperditelidae. Drepanellidae, Eurychilinidae and Punctaparchitidae from the Decorah shale of Minnesota: 10urnal of Paleontology, v. 35, no. 2, p. 345-372. 13. (Johnson. B.D.: Pittman. 1.1.). 1974, Environmental aspects of marsh gases: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7. p. 978-979. 14. (Malinowsky, Mykola: Nelson, David). 1965. Organic geochemistry of Rossburg peat bog, Aitkin County, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. l!th Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, [Proceedings], p. 32-33. 15. (Paulsen, G. W.; Ting, Francis). 1964, Chlorinoid and flavinoid pigments from aquatic plants and associated lake and bay sediments: 10urnal of Sedimentary Petrology. v. 34, no. 3, p. 561-598. 16. (Prokopovich, Nikola). 1954. Stratigraphic distribution of lipoid substances in Cedar Creek Bog, Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 12, pt. I. p. 1183-1198. 17. (Prokopovich, Nikola). 1955. Stratigraphy of Minnesota lake deposits [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis. Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings]. unpaged. 18. (Prokopovich, Nikola). 1957, Stratigraphy of upper part of sediments of Silver Bay area. Lake Superior: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 68, no. 5, p. 527-542. 19. (Venteris, Gunta: Ting, Francis). 1964, Relative abundance and order of stability of amino acids in some aquatic plants and associated freshwater sediments: 10urnal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 34, no. I. p. 25-45.

Swain, P.e. 1978. The development of some bogs in eastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Swanson, D.K. 1979, Glacial geology of eastern Rice County. Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. II, no. 5. p. 258.

Symons, D.T.A. I. 1965, Paleomagnetic studies of Lake Superior iron ore deposits [abs., University of Toronto Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts. 1966, v. 27, no. 4. p. 1195B. 2. 1966, A paleomagnetic study on the Gunflint. Mesabi, and Cuyuna iron ranges in the Lake Superior region: Economic Geology, v. 61. no. 8, p. 1336-1361. 3. 1967, Paleomagnetic evidence on the genesis of the hard hematite ore deposits of the Vermilion range, Minnesota: Canadian 10urnal of Earth Sciences, v. 4, no. 3, p. 449-460.

Tamplin, M.1. 1967, A brief summary of Glacial Lake Agassiz studies, in Mayer-Oakes. W.1.. ed .. Life, land and water­ Conference on environmental studies of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region, 1966, Proceedings: Manitoba University, Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper I, p. 27-36.

Tan, F.e. See also Perry. E.C .. lr .. 5. 6, 7. (Perry, E.e., lr. J. 1971, Implications of carbon isotope ratio variations in carbonates from the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth. Minnesota. 1971, [Proceedings], p. 64-65.

Tanner. A.B. See Senftle, F.E., I. 2.

Taranik,l.V. (Lucas, J.R.; Goebel. J.E.: Sheehan. e.A.). 1978, Interpretation of late Wisconsinan glacial features of the northern Midwest from satellite imagery [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 10, no. 7, p. 503. 106 Taylor, H.P., Jr.

Taylor. H.P .. Jf. 1974. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence for large-scale circulation and interaction between ground waters and igneous intrusions, with particular reference to the San Juan volcanic field, Colorado, in Geochemical transport and kinetics: Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 634, p. 299-324.

Taylor, P.S. 1960, A report on fossil bison from a peat bog in SI. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 25-26, p. 200-203.

Taylor. R.B. See also Goldich, S.S., 30, 31, 32, 33. 1. 1953, Investigations on the Duluth gabbro: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1955, Petrology and petrography of the Duluth gabbro complex near Duluth, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1955, Petrology and petrography of the Duluth gabbro complex near Duluth, Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts, 1957, v. 17, no. 5, p. 1061-1062. 4. 1956, The Duluth Gabbro Complex, Duluth, Minnesota, in Schwartz, G .M., and others, eds .. Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 42-66. 5. 1964, Bedrock geology of Duluth and vicinity, SI. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Geologic Map Series GM-I, 12 p. 6. 1964, Geology of the Duluth Gabbro Complex near Duluth, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 44, 62 p.

Tester, J.R. See Ross, B,A.

Thaemlitz, Doris. See Goldich. S.S., 23.

Thein, Maung. I. 1966, A petrological study of the Upper Cambrian rocks in parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, III. 2. 1966, A petrological study of the Upper Cambrian rocks in parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota [abs., Northwestern University Ph.D. dissertation): Dissertation Abstracts, 1967, v. 27, no. 7, p. 2420B.

Thiel. E.e. See also Craddock, Campbell, 5. 1. 1955. A gravity study of the Lake Superior syncline [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 5th Annual Meeting. SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings), unpaged. 2. 1955, The structural geology of the Lake Superior syncline as revealed by gravity measurements: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 3. 1956, Correlation of gravity anomalies with the Keweenawan geology of Wisconsin and Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 8, p. 1079-1100.

Thiel. G.A. See also Grout, F.F., I; Schwartz, G.M., 29, 30. 1. 1952, Geologic features of the Minneapolis-SI. Paul metropolitan area: Earth Science Digest, v. 6, no. I, p. 7- II. 2. 1953, Geology of John Latsch State Park: Conservation Volunteer, v. 16, no. 95, p. 47-48. 3. 1953, The iron ores of southern Minnesota: Earth Science Digest', v. 7, no. 2. p. 13-15,27. 4. 1957, High-silica sands of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Summary Report 9, 33 p. 5. 1958, Geology of : Conservation Volunteer, v. 21, no. 121. p. 23-25. 6. 1958. Mineral development other than iron in Minnesota's future. in The future of Minnesota resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources. Virginia. Minnesota. April 23-25. 1958. Report: SI. Paul. Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission. p. 74-97. 7. (Prokopovich. Nikolal. 1954. Groundwater map of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey. scale 1:2.000.000.

Thomas. H.H. 1963. Isotopic ages on coexisting hornblende. mica, and feldspar [abs.): American Geophysical Union Transactions. v. 44. no. I. p. 110. Turtin, S.E. 107

Thomas, J.A. See also Wright, H.E., Jr., 29. 1959, Geology of the Cloquet area, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Thompson, G.G. See Clayton. Lee, 2.

Thompson, G.L. 1965, Hydrology of melt-water channels in southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1809-K, p. KI-KII.

Thompson, K.D. 1977, Use ofSchreinemakers' diagrams to elucidate contact metamorphic reactions, Biwabik Iron Formation, northeastern Minnesota labs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 58. no. 6, p. 517.

Thompson. W.H., Jr. 1959, The conodonts of the Platteville formation of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Thorpe, W.G. 1964, Mineral resources study, Indian reservations, Minnesota and Wisconsin: Bureau of Indian Affairs Contract 14-20-0650-1081 Final Report: New York, Bums and Roe, 89 p.

Tilton. G.R. See Hart, S.R .. 2.

Ting, Francis. See Swain, F.M., Jr., 15, 19.

Tipton, M.J. See Matsch, c.L., 10.

Tome, E.J. See Olson, D.J.

Trendall, A.F. 1968, Three great basins of Precambrian banded iron formation deposition: A systematic comparison: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 79, no. 11, p. 1527-1544.

Trethewey, W.D. See Bleifuss, R.L., 11, 12.

Triplehorn, D.M. 1971, "Weathering of the Sioux Quartzite near New Ulm, Minnesota as related to Cretaceous climates" by G.S. Austin: A discussion: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 41, no. 2. p. 603-604.

Trost, L.C. See Owens, 1.S., 4.

Tryhorn, A.D. (Ojakangas, R.W.). 1972, Sedimentation and petrology of the Upper Precambrian Hinckley Sandstone of east-central Minnesota, ill Sims, P.K., and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 431-435.

Tucker, J.H. See Cook, P.M.

Tufford, S.P. See also Hogberg, R.K., 10, 11; Mossier, J.H .. 8; Ruotsala, A.P .. 3. (Hogberg, R.K.). 1965, Guide to fossil collecting in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Educational Series 1, 30 p.

Tuftin, S.E. (Kyllo, L.R.). 1978, Problematical fossils in the Ordovician of Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology. v. 52, no. 4, p. 846-849. 108 Tuthill, S.J.

Tuthill, SJ. I. 1961, General description of the physiography and geology of a portion of southern Minnesota and northeastern Iowa: University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged. 2. 1963, Molluscan fossils from upper Glacial Lake Agassiz sediments in Red Lake County, Minnesota: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 17, p. 96-101. 3. (and others). 1961, Road log (routes between Grand Forks, North Dakota, and Dubuque, Iowa): University of North Dakota, Geology Department Guidebook 2, variously paged.

Tyler, S.A. See also Bailey, S.W. I. (Bailey, S. W.). 1961, Secondary glauconite in the Biwabic iron-formation of Minnesota: Economic Geology, v. 56. no. 6. p. 1033-1044. 2. (Barghoorn, E.S.). 1963, Ambient pyrite grains in Precambrian cherts: American Journal of Science, v. 261, no. 5, p. 424-432.

Tyler, S.R. 1956, Geology of the Hudson quadrangle: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Tyson, N.S. See Anderson, L.A .. 3; Menschke, J.L., 20.

Tyson, R.M. See also Moiling, P.A., 2, 3. I. 1976, Hornfelsed basalts in the Duluth Complex: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 2. (Bonnichsen, Bill). 1976, Homfelsed basalts in the Duluth Complex [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, SI. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 64. 3. (Chang, L.L.Y.). 1978, The petrology of the Partridge River Troctolite and its importance to sulfide mineralization [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 73, no. 7, p. 1399. 4. (Chang, L.L.Y.). 1978, The petrology of the Partridge River Troctolite and its importance to sulfide mineralization [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 507. 5. (Moiling, P.A.; Chang, L.L.Y.). 1979, Deuteric alteration in the Partridge River Troctolite, Duluth Complex, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. I I, no. 5, p. 258.

Underhill, J.e. 1957, The distribution of Minnesota minnows and darters in relation to Pleistocene glaciation: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota. Museum of Natural History Occasional Paper 7, 45 p.

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. (U.S. Geological Survey). 1968, Preliminary reconnaissance for uranium in Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan. Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio. and Wisconsin, 1952-1956: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME-150, 89 p.

U.S. Bureau of Mines. 1952, Materials survey: Manganese: Compiled for the matcrials office, National Security Resources Board, Cuyuna range. Minnesota, p. VII-14 - VII-21.

U.S. Department of Energy. I. 1978, Aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey, Rice Lake quadrangle, Wisconsin; Iron Mountain quadrangle, Wisconsin-Michigan; Eau Claire quadrangle, Wisconsin-Minnesota; and Green Bay quadrangle, Wisconsin: Grand Junction, Colo., Open-File Report GJBX-26(78)' 2 v. [v. 2 comprises four separate volumes, one for each quadrangle]. 2. 1980, Aerial gamma ray and magnetic survey: Minnesota project--;-Thief River Falls, Grand Forks, Fargo, Milbank, Watertown, New Ulm, and St. Cloud quadrangles of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota: Grand Junction, Colo., Open-File Report GJBX-13(80), 2 v. [v. 2 comprises seven separate volumes, one for each quadrangle].

U.S. Geological Survey. See also U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. I. 1968, Aeromagnetic map of the Kabetogama Lake-Grassy Lake area, SI. Louis County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-616, scale 1:250,000. 2. 1968, Aeromagnetic map of central Pine County, Minnesota, and adjacent parts of Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-636, scale 1:62,500. Van Voast, W.A. 109

3. 1969, Aeromagnetic map of the McNair-Grand Portage area, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-639, scale 1:125,000. 4. 1970, Aeromagnetic map of a part of western Minnesota: U. S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-692, scale 1:250,000. 5. 1973, Water resources investigations in Minnesota, 1972: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division. 6. 1979. Land use and land cover and associated maps for Stillwater, Minnesota-Wisconsin quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-268, scale 1:250,000, 3 sheets. 7. 1980, Land use and land cover and associated maps for Kenora, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ File Report 80-632, scale 1:250,000. 8. 1980, Land use and land cover, 1976, Ashland, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota: Land Use and Land Cover Map L-I72, scale 1:250,000.

Vadis, M.K. See also McKenna, M.P.; Meineke, D.G., 2, 7, 8. 9, 10, II. 12, 13, 14. I. (Meineke, D.G.). 1977, Geophysical and geochemical surveys, Skeleton Lake area, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Report 107, 6 p., incl udes maps. 2. (Meineke, D.G.). 1978. Geophysical survey of an area southwest of Indus. Koochiching County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Project 146, 7 sheets. 3. (Meineke. D.G.). 1979, Chemical analysis of samples from McComber Mines. St. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals Map 151, scale 1:24,000.

Van Buskirk, Doris. 1980, An agate tour of Minnesota: Rockhound. v. 8, no. 6, p. 28-31.

Van der Voo, R. See Watts, D.R., 2.

Van De Voorde, B.W. I. 1980, A geophysical study of a Precambrian crustal boundary in Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb. 2. (Ervin, c.P.). 1980, Geophysical study of a Precambrian boundary in Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. 1980, [Proceedings], p. 9.

Van Hise, C.R. I. (Leith, C.K.). 1911. Cuyuna Iron District (1903). in The geology of the Lake Superior region: U.S. Geological Survey Monograph 52, p. 44-45. 2. (Leith, C.K.). 1911, The Cuyuna Iron District of Minnesota and its extensions to Carlton and Cloquet, and the Minnesota River Valley of southwestern Minnesota, in The geology of the Lake Superior region: U.S Geological Survey Monograph 52. p. 211-216, 224. 3. (Leith, C.K.; Zapffe. C.). 1911, The iron ores of the Cuyuna district, ill The geology of the Lake Superior region: U.S. Geological Survey Monograph 52, p. 216-224.

Vaniman, D.T. See Labotka, T.C.

Van Voast, W.A. See also Cotter, R.D., 4; Novitzki, R.P. I. 1969. Profiles of regional ground-water flow in glacial deposits in Minnesota, based upon existing well data, in Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 7th Annual. Moscow. Idaho. 1969. Proceedings: Boise, Idaho Department of Highways, p. 84-100. 2. 1971, Ground water for irrigation in the Brooten-Belgrade area. west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1899-E. 24 p. 3. 1971. Ground water for irrigation near Lake Emily, Pope County, west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1899-J, 28 p. 4. (Broussard. W.L.; Wheat, D.E.). 1972, Water resources of the Minnesota River-Hawk Creek watershed, southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-391, scale 1:250,000, 3 sheets. 5. (Jerabek, L.A.; Novitzki, R.P.). 1970, Water resources of the Redwood River watershed. southwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-345, 3 sheets. 6. (Novitzki, R.P.). 1968, Ground-water flow related to streamflow and water quality: Water Resources Research, v. 4, no. 4. p. 769-775. 110 Veatch, A.C.

Veatch, A.C. See Fuller, M.L.

Veith, K.F. 1966, A geophysical study of a portion of the Midcontinent Gravity High: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Venkatakrishnan, Ramesh. See also Alexander, E.C., Jr., 5, 6; Spong, R.C., 4, 5. 1980, Photogeologic characteristics of surface-karst in southeastern Minnesota: A possible technique for monitoring and predicting sinkhole collapse [abs.], in Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Program, p. 21-22.

Venteris, Gunta. See Swain, F.M., Jr., 19.

Vick. T.D. \980, Seismic survey of a buried river channel [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 26th Annual Meeting, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1980, [Proceedings), p. 54.

Vifian, A.R. I. (Iwasaki, Iwao). 1968, Mineralogical and beneficiation studies of the copper-nickel bearing Duluth Gabbro: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Transactions (Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Transactions), v. 241, no. 4, p. 421-431. 2. (Iwasaki, I wao). 1968, Mineralogical and beneficiation studies of the copper-nickel bearing Duluth Gabbro, in Mining Symposium, 29th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 41st Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1968, [Proceedings): Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, p. 183-194.

Vinje, S.P. See also Ojakangas, R.W., 24. 1978, Archean geology of an area between Knife Lake and Kekekabic Lake, eastern Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Vinogradov, V.I. See Chukhrov, F.V.

Visher, G.S. 1956, Differentiation in two diabase sills in northeast Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Viswanathan, Subramanian. See also Sims, P.K., 41, 49, 50. I. 1969, Petrology and origin of granitic and metamorphic rocks in and adjacent to western part of Giants Range batholith [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 28. 2. 1970, A classification of granitic rocks with reference to Giants Range batholith, northern Minnesota [abs.): Institute on Lake Superior Geology ,16th Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1970, [Proceedings], p. 40-41. 3. 1970, Petrology and origin of granitic and metamorphic rocks in and adjacent to western part of Giants Range batholith [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1970: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 8, p. 13-14. 4. 1971, A petrological and geochemical study of granitic and metamorphic rocks in and adjacent to western part of the Giants Range batholith, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2 v. 5. 1972, Geochemistry of rubidium in polygenetic granitic rocks and minerals from an Archaean batholith: Indian Geologists' Association Bulletin, v. 5, p. 77-86. 6. 1972,1) (OIB) whole rock from 1) (018) quartz and its petrogenetic significances: Current Science, v. 41, no. 22, p. 800-802. 7. 1972, Strontium and some related elements in granitic rocks and minerals from an Early Precambrian batholith: Geological, Mineralogical, and Metallurgical Society ofIndia Quarterly Journal, v. 44, no. 4, p. 185-203. 8. 1973, Apatite with pleochroic cores in an Early Precambrian rock and its geological significance: Current Science, v. 42, no. 8, p. 293. Waddington, J.e.B. 111

9. 1973. An electron microprobe study of amphiboles from an orthoamphibolite-granodiorite interface: Indian Geologists' Association Bulletin. v. 6. no. 2. p. 127-133. 10. 1973. Geochemistry of barium in granitic rocks from an Early Precambrian greenstone-granite belt: Indian Mineralogist. v. 13. p. 1-13. I I. 1973. Petrogenetic significance ofZn distribution. and ofZnlFe. Zn/Pb ratios in granitic biotites: Geological Society of India Journal, v. 14, no. I. p. 23-30. 12. 1974, Contemporary trends in geochemical studies of Early Precambrian greenstone-granite complexes: Geological Society of India Journal, v. IS. no. 4. p. 347-379. 13. 1974, Formation of monzodiorite from orthoamphibolite by sheacatascmatism: Journal of Mines. Metals and Fuels [Calcutta], v. 22. no. 2. p. 40-44. 14. 1974. Occurrence of a remnant primordial sialic crust in northeastern Minnesota. U.S.A.: Current Science, v. 43, no. 16. p. 511-512.' IS. 1974, Oxygen isotope ratios of quartz in granitic rocks of magmatic and metasomatic origins: Indian Journal of Earth Science. v. I. no. 1, p. 12-21. 16. 1974, Oxygen isotope studies of Early Precambrian granitic rocks from the Giants Range batholith, northeastern Minnesota, U.S.A.: Lithos. v. 7. no. 1. p. 29-34. 17. 1974. A rapid method for classifying granitic rocks from x-ray fluorescent intensities of rock powders: Current Science. v. 43. no. II, p. 345-346. 18. 1974. Reconnaissance geologic map of Dark Lake quadrangle. SI. Louis County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-23, scale 1:24,000. 19. 1974. Reconnaissance geologic map of Dewey Lake northwest quadrangle. SI. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-18. scale 1:24,000. 20. 1974, Reconnaissance geologic map of O'Leary Lake quadrangle, Itasca County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-2 I, scale 1:24.000. 21. 1974. Reconnaissance geologic map of Side Lake quadrangle. Itasca and SI. Louis Counties, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-19. scale 1:24.000. 22. (Ojakangas, R.W.). 1974. Reconnaissance geologic map of Dewey Lake quadrangle. SI. Louis County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-22. scale 1:24.000. 23. (Ojakangas, R.W.). 1974, Reconnaissance geologic map of Stingy Lake quadrangle, Itasca and SI. Louis Counties. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-20. scale 1:24.000. 24. (Perry, E.C.. Jr.: Sims. P.K.). 1971. Oxygen isotope studies of Early Precambrian granitic and metamorphic rocks from the western part of the Giants Range batholith. northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 3. no. 7. p. 740. 25. (Perry. E.C.. Jr.; Sims. P.K.). 197 I. Oxygen isotopic studies of Early Precambrian granitic and metamorphic rocks from the western part of the Giants Range batholith, northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth. Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings], p. 66-69. 26. (Phinney, W.c.). 1969. Precambrian granitic rocks and pre-Keewatin('l) para-gneisses of the Nashwauk­ Buhl sector, northern Minnesota-metamorphic or igneous complex~ [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 15th Annual Meeting, Oshkosh. Wisconsin. 1969. [Proceedings], p. 39-40. 27. (Sims, P.K.). 1968, An investigation of rocks of possible Coutchiching age. Walberg Creek area. SI. Louis County, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 14th Annual Meeting, Superior, Wisconsin. 1968, [Proceedings]. p. 24-25.

Volin. M.E. See Nordeng. S.c.

Volz. G.A. See also Mooney. H.M., 4, S. 1968. Seismic investigation of the River Falls basin in western Wisconsin and part of the SI. Croix horst in southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Von Hake, C.A. 1974. Earthquake history of Minnesota: Earthquake Information Bulletin. v. 6, no. 1. p. 28-29.

Waddington. J.C.B. 1969. A stratigraphic record of the pollen influx to a lake in the Big Woods of Minnesota. in United States contributions to Quaternary research: Geological Society of America Special Paper 123. p. 263-282. 112 Wade, H.H.

Wade. H.H. I. 1956. History and statistics pertaining to the iron mining industry of Minnesota. in Schwartz, G. M., and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. I. p. 224-235. 2. 1958, Future of taconite in Minnesota. in The future of Minnesota resources: 2nd Governor's Conference on State Resources. Virginia, Minnesota, April 23-25, 1958, Report: St. Paul, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission, p. 67-73.

Wager, R.E. See also Senftle, F.E., I, 2. (Podolsky. T.: Alcock. Richard: Weiblen, P.W.: Phinney. W.e.). 1969. A comparison of the copper-nickel deposits of Sudbury and Duluth basins [abs.]. in Mining Symposium. 30th Annual. and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 42nd Annual Meeting, Duluth. 1969. [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Nolte Center for Continuing Education and Extension. p. 95-96,

Wahl, T.E. See Holtzman, R.e.

Waite. G.G. 1961. Gemstones along Lake Superior shores: Ontario-Michigan-Minnesota: Lapidary Journal. v. 15. no. 4, p. 434-440. 442-443. 446. 448. 450-451.

Walker. Alta. I. 1969, Multi-spectral analysis of the Mesabi range [abs.]. ill Summary of fieldwork. 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7. p. 28-29. 2, 1971. Geological evaluation of remote sensing imagery of the Mesabi Range. Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Walker, N.E, See also Marsden, R.W .. 12, 14. (leader). 1972. Field trip log. pt. 1 ofField trip no. 3: Metamorphism of the Biwabik iron-formation, in Precambrian Iron-Fornlation Symposium. Duluth. Minnesota, Nov. 10-12, 1972. Abstracts and field guides: Society of Economic Geologists. University of Minnesota, Duluth. variously paged.

Wallace, D.T. See Rapp, G.R., Jr.

Walthall, F.G. See Goldich, S.S., 24.

Walton. Matt. See also Bloomgren. B.A .. 2: Chandler, V.W., 4: Goebel, J.E .. 4: Kanivetsky, Roman. 1 I: Mooney. H.M .. 6: Mossier. J.H., 7: Norvitch. R.F" 5. I. 1974. The program of the Minnesota Geological Survey. ill Issues confronting the mining industry-Mining Symposium. 35th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Minnesota Section. 47th Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1974. [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Continuing Education and Extension, p. 97-103. 2. 1975, The role of geology in assessing environmental values and monitoring environmental impacts. in Mining Symposium. 36th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section. 48th Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1975, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis. University of Minnesota. p. 65-66. 3. 1976. Geological factors affecting the occurrence of groundwater in Minnesota. ill Water Resources Seminar, Groundwater Resources and Development, 8th Annual Meeting, 1975, Proceedings: University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center Bulletin 87. p. 9-14. 4. 1976. Prospects for the future discovery of mineral resources in Minnesota, in Mining Symposium, 37th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 49th Annual Meeting. Duluth. 1976. [Proceedings]: Minneapolis. University of Minnesota, paper 18.35 p. 5. 1977, Crustal structure and seismicity in Minnesota [abs.]: American Nuclear Society Transactions. v. 26. p. 131. 6. 1977, Subsurface engineering geology in urban areas-methodology and data base, ill v. 2 of Bergman. Magnus, ed .. Storage in excavated rock caverns (Rockstore 77)-Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Stockholm. Sweden. Sept. 5-8, 1977: New York. Pergamon Press, p. 355-358. 7. 1978. Engineering geology of the Twin Cities central urban area, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 7. p. 512. Weaver, C.E. 113

8. (Chandler, V. W.). 1980, Geophysical mapping in Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 5, p. 47.

Walton, W.C. See also Ackroyd, E.A. 1. 1966. Lists of references and selected books bearing on water resources in Minnesota: University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center Bulletin 4, 36 p. 2. (Ackroyd, E.A.). 1966, Effects of induced streambed infiltration on water levels in wells during aquifer tests: University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center Bulletin 2, 43 p. 3. (Hills, D.L.; Grundeen, G .M.). 1967, Recharge from induced streambed infiltration under varying groundwater-level and stream-stage conditions: University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center Bulletin 6, 42 p.

Ward, S.H. See Ryu, Jisoo.

Wasserberg, GJ. See DePaolo. D.1.; McCulloch. M.T.

Wasson, P.A. See also Frommer, D.W.; Grosh, W.A., 2, 3; Heising, L.F., 2; Marovelli, R.L. (Frommer, D.W.; Heising, L.F.; Lubker, R.E.; Blake, R.L.). 1962, Lake Superior iron resources: Metallurgical evaluation and classification of nonmagnetic taconite drill cores from the west central Mesabi Range: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 6081, 62 p.

Wasylikowa, Krystyna. (Wright, H.E., Jr.). 1970, Late-glacial plant succession on an abandoned drainageway, northeastern Minnesota, U.S.A.: Acta Pa1aeobotanica, v. II, no. I, p. 23-43.

Watowich. S.N. See also Matlack. W.F., 3. 1978, A preliminary geological view of the MINNAMAX copper-nickel deposit in the Duluth Complex, in Productivity in Lake Superior district mining-Mining Symposium, 39th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 51st Annual Meeting. Duluth, 1978, Proceedings: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota. Department of Conferences, Continuing Education and Extension, paper 19, II p.

Watts, D.R. 1. 1979. The paleomagnetism of the Keweenawan sediments: The Eileen and Middle River sections and the Fond du Lac Formation [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 18, p. 241. 2. (Van der Voo, R.). 1977, Ages of magnetization of the Fond du Lac Formation [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 58. no. 6, p. 375.

Watts, W.A. See also Wright. H.E., Jr., 33. I. 1967, Late-glacial plant macrofossils from Minnesota, in Quaternary paleoecology-International Associa­ tion for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 7th Congress, Boulder and Denver, Colorado, 1965, Proceedings, v. 7: New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, p. 89-97. 2. 1973, Rates of change and stability in vegetation in the perspective of long periods of time. ill Quaternary plant ecology: New York, John Wiley, p. 195-206. 3. (Winter, T.C.). 1966, Plant macrofossils from Kirchner Marsh. Minnesota: Paleoecological study: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 77, no. 12, p. 1339-1359. 4. (Wright, H .E .. Jr.). 1968, Postglacial vegetational and climatic changes in Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 101, p. 238-239.

Weaton, G.F., Jr. I. 1963, Factors involved in estimating Minnesota's iron ore reserves, in Mining Symposium, 24th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 36th Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1963, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Continuation Study, p. 85-90. 2. 1965, Estimating Minnesota's natural iron ore reserves: Mining Engineering, v. 17, no. I, p. 38-41.

Weaver, C.E. See Goldich, S.S., 12. 114 Webb, Thompson, III

Webb, Thompson, III. I. 1970, A comparison of climatic change during the postglacial between Wisconsin and east-central Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 7, p. 717. 2. 1970, The postglacial climatic sequence in Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota: Estimates derived from multivariate statistical analysis of fossil pollen data [abs.], in American Quaternary Association (AMQUA), 1st Meeting, Yellowstone Park and Montana State University, Bozeman, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 1970, Abstracts: Seattle, Wash., American Quaternary Association, p. 146.

Weber, R.E. 1977, The petrology and sedimentation of the Upper Precambrian Sioux Quartzite of Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 43.

Webers, G.F. I. 1961, A study of the conodonts of the Dubuque formation of Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1964, A study of the Middle and Upper Ordovician conodont faunas of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1964, A study of the Middle and Upper Ordovician conodont faunas of Minnesota [abs., University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1965, v. 26, no. 2, p. 987. 4. 1966, The Middle and Upper Ordovician conodont faunas of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-4, 123 p. 5. 1969, Paleontological investigations of Paleozoic strata of Minnesota [abs.], in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 16. 6. 1972, Paleoecology of the Cambrian and Ordovician strata of Minnesota, in Sims, P.K .. and Morey, G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 474-484. 7. 1972, Paleoecology of the Ordovician strata of southeastern Minnesota, in Field trip guidebook for Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 4, p. 25-41. 8. (Austin, G.S., leaders). 1972, Field trip guidebook for Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of southeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 4, 91 p.

Wegrzyn, R.S. 1973, Petrology of the Jordan Sandstone, western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb.

Weiblen, P.W. See also Cooper, R.W., 3; Grant, J.A., 7; Green, J.e., 33; Hall, Henry, 2, 3; Morey, G.B., 51, 55,56; Mudrey, M.G., Jr., 7, 8, 9,10; Nielsen, B.Y., 2; Phinney, W.C .. 10; Schulz, K.J., 9; Smith, R.W.; Stevenson, R.J., 3; Wager, R.E. 1. 1963, Structures of concretions in the Thomson Formation, Carlton and Pine Counties, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. 16. 2. 1964, A preliminary study of the metamorphism of the Thomson Formation: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 3. 1965, A funnel-shaped gabbro-troctolite intrusion in the Duluth Complex, Lake County, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 4. 1965, A funnel-shaped, gabbro-troctolite intrusion in the Duluth Complex, Lake County, Minnesota [abs., Unversity of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation]: Dissertation Abstracts, 1966, v. 27, no. 4, p. 1196B. 5. 1969, Geology of Long Island Lake quadrangle [abs.]", in Summary of fieldwork, 1969: Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular 7, p. 21. 6. 1972, Crystallization sequences in the Duluth Complex and their significance in petrogenetic problems in the Upper Precambrian [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 355. 7. 1977, New petrologic data on the Duluth Complex: Characteristics of a magmatic system in the rift environment [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 58, no. 6, p. 527. 8. (Cooper, R.W.). 1977, Shape, size, and cooling history oftroctolitic-gabbroic rocks in the Duluth Complex [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1977, [Proceedings], p. 44. 9. (Cooper, R.W.: Churchill, R.K.l. 1977, Relationship between mineralization and structure in the Duluth Complex [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1220. Weiss, M.P. 115

10. (Cooper R.W.: Churchill. R.K.). 1978. Relationship between mineralization and structure in the Duluth Complex [abs.]: Economic Geology. v. 73. no. 2. p. 316. II. (Davidson. D.M .. Ir.. leaders). 1972. Field trip guidebook for Precambrian geology of northwestern Cook County. Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 6. 75 p. 12. (Davidson. D.M., Jr.; Morey, G.B.; Mudrey, M.G., Jr.). 1972. Geology of Cook County. in Field trip guidebook for Precambrian geology of northwestern Cook County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 6, p. 1-61. 13. (Hall, Henry). 1967, Textures and compositions of the silicate and sulfide ore minerals from mineralized zone, Duluth Gabbro Complex [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 13th Annual Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan. 1967, [Proceedings], p. 41. 14. (Mathez, E.A.; Morey, G.B.). 1972, Logan intrusions, in Sims, P.K., and Morey. G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 394-406. 15. (Morey. G.B. J. 1972, The diabase intrusions of northeastern Minnesota: Part 2 [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 701-702. 16. (Morey, G.B.). 1975. The Duluth Complex-a petrologic and tectonic summary. in Mining Symposium, 36th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Minnesota Section. 48th Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1975, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, p. 72-95. 17. (Morey, G.B.). 1976, Textural and compositional characteristics of sulfide ores from the basal contact zone of the South Kawishiwi intrusion, Duluth Complex. northeastem Minnesota. in Mining Symposium, 37th Annual, and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Minnesota Section, 49th Annual Meeting, Duluth, 1976, Proceedings: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Continuing Education and Extension, paper 22, 24 p. 18. (Morey, G.B.). 1980. A summary of the stratigraphy, petrology and structure of the Duluth Complex: American Journal of Science. v. 280-A, pt. I, p. 88-133. 19. (Morey, G.B.; Cooper, R. W.: Churchill, R.K.J. 1978. Ore genesis in the Midcontinent rift: Part I. magmatic sulfides [abs.]: International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, 5th Symposium, Snowbird and Alta, Utah, 1978, Program and Abstracts, p.''3!l . ,,-' '. 20. (Morey. G.B.: Mudrey, M.G., Jr. J. 1971, Guide to the Precambrian rocks of northwestern Cook County as exposed along the Gunflint Trail: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 17th Annual Meeting. Duluth, Minnesota, 1971, [Proceedings], p. 97-123. 21. (Morey, G.B.; Southwick. D.L.). 1975. An integrated petrogenetic-tectonic view of the Duluth Complex: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 56, no. 6. p. 469. 22. (Morey, G.B.: Southwick, D.L.). 1975. Petrology. pI. 2 of A geological model for the evolution of the Midcontinent gravity high: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 56, no. 9, p. 603. 23. (Schulz. K.J.J. 1978, Is there any record of meteorite impact in the Archean rocks of North America?, in Lunar and planetary surfaces, v. 2 of Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 9th, Houston. Texas. 1978, Proceedings, p. 2769-2711. 24. (Schulz, K.J.; Nielsen, B. V.). 1976. Compositional variations of Minnesota River Valley amphibolites [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 68.

Weigl, R.L. See Lawver, J.E.

Weis, L.W. See Melone, T.G.

Weiss, M.P. See also Sloan, R.E .. II. I. 1953. The stratigraphy and stratigraphic paleontology of the Upper Middle Ordovician rocks of Fillmore County. Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 2. 1953, Stratigraphy and stratigraphic paleontology of Upper Middle Ordovician rocks, Fillmore County, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 64, no. 12, pI. 2. p. 1490-1491. 3. 1954, Corrosion zones in carbonate rocks: Ohio Journal of Science, v. 54, no. 5, p. 289-293. 4. 1954, Feldspathized shales from Minnesota: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 24, no. 4, p. 270-274. 5. 1954, Notes on some Middle Ordovician fossils from Minnesota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 28, no. 4, p. 427-429. 6. 1955, Some Ordovician brachiopods from Minnesota and their stratigraphic relations: Journal of Paleontol­ ogy, v. 29, no. 5, p. 759-774; correction, 1956, v. 30, no. I, p. 219. 7. 1957, Upper Middle Ordovician stratigraphy of Fillmore County, Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 68, no. 8, p. 1027-1062. 116 Weiss, M.P.

8. (Bell, W. C.). 1956, Middle Ordovician rocks of Minnesota and their lateral relations, in Schwartz, d. M. , and others, eds., Lower Paleozoic geology of the upper Mississippi Valley: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 2, p. 55-73.

Weist, W.G., Jr. 1978, Summary appraisals of the nation's ground-water resources-Great Lakes region: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 813-J, 30 p.

Wells, J.S. See Oros, M.O., 2.

Welsh, J.L. 1. 1976, Petrology of the Archaean gneisses of the northwest corner of the Sacred Heart pluton, Minnesota River Valley, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 70. 2. 1976, Petrology of the northwest margin of the Sacred Heart pluton and adjacent Archean gneisses from the Minnesota River valley, Redwood and Yellow Medicine counties, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Wenzel, L.K. See Byers, A.e.

Werner, R.F. See Marsden, R.W., 12.

Wessel, F.W. See Marovelli, R.L.

West, G.F. See Berry, M.J.; Halls, H.e., 2, 3.

West, J.e. See Harding, S.T.

Westfall, I. See Sims, P.K., 51, 52.

Wetherill, G.W. See Aldrich, L.T.; Farhat, J.S., 2, 3.

Wheat, D.E. See Ropes, L.H., 2; Van Voast, W.A., 4.

Wheeler, G.A. See Glaser, P.H., 2.

Whelan, J.A. I. 1959, A study of hi singe rite and related silicates: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Goldich, S.S.). 1961, New data for hisingerite and neotocite: American Mineralogist, v. 46, no. 11-12, p. 1412-1423. 3. (Lepp, Henry). 1961, An occurrence ofsaponite near Silver Bay, Minnesota: American Mineralogist, v. 46, no. 3-4, p. 430-433.

White, D.A. I. 1954, Stratigraphy and structure of the Mesabi Range, Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1954, The stratigraphy and structure of the Mesabi range, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 38, 92 p. 3. 1955, Origin of the Biwabik iron formation, Mesabi range, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings], unpaged.

White, W.S. 1. 1960, The Keweenawan lavas of Lake Superior: An example of flood basalts: American Journal of Science, v. 258-A, p. 367-374. 2. 1966, Tectonics of the Keweenawan basin, western Lake Superior region: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 524-E, 23 p. Wold, R.J. 117

Wilkstrom, S.A. See Oro, John.

Williams, D.L. See Johnson, D.A.

Wilson, W.E. I. 1976, Trace element geochemistry and geochronology of Early Precambrian granulite facies metamorphic rocks near Granite Falls in the Minnesota River Valley: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. (Murthy, V. Rama). 1976, Rb-Sr geochronology and trace element geochemistry of granulite facies rocks near Granite Falls, in the Minnesota River Valley [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 22nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976, Proceedings, p. 69.

Winter, T.C. See also Bidwell, L.E.; Cotter, R.D., 14; Maclay, R.W., 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Mossier, J.H., 8; Watts, W.A., 3; Wright, H.E., Jr., 34. 1. 1961, A pollen analysis of Kirchner Marsh. Dakota County, Minnesota: Unpublished M. S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1967, Linear sand and gravel deposits in the subsurface of Glacial Lake Agassiz, in Mayer-Oakes, W.J., ed., Life, land and water---Conference on environmental studies of the Glacial Lake Agassiz region, 1966, Proceedings: Manitoba University, Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper 1. p. 141-154. 3. 1971, Sequence of glaciation in the Mesabi-Vermilion iron range area, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 750, p. C82-C88. 4. 1972, Glacial drift on the Mesabi iron range, Minnesota: Its characteristics, origin. and hydrologic signficance [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 18th Annual Meeting, Houghton, Michigan, 1972, [Proceedings], paper 22. 5. 1973, Hydrogeology of glacial drift, Mesabi iron range, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2029A, 23 p. 6. 1974, A statistical approach to mapping glacial drift aquifers [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 6, p. 554. 7. 1975, Delineation of buried glacial-drift aquifers: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research. v. 3, no. 2, p. 137-148. 8. 1976, The hydrologic setting of lakes in Minnesota and adjacent states with emphasis on the interaction of lakes and groundwater: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 9. 1976, The hydrologic setting of lakes in Minnesota and adjacent states with emphasis on the interaction of lakes and ground water: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-81. 225 p. 10. (Bidwell, L.E.; Maclay, R.W.). 1969. Water resources of the Otter Tail River watershed. west-central Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-296. scale 1:250,000. II. (Bidwell, L.E.; Maclay. R.W.). 1970. Water resources of the Wild Rice River watershed, northwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-339, scale 1:250.000, 4 sheets. 12. (Cotter, R.D.; Young, H.L.). 1973, Petrography and stratigraphy of glacial drift. Mesabi-Vermilion iron range area, northeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1331-C, 41 p. 13. (Maclay, R.W.; Pike, G.M.l. 1967, Water resources of the Roseau River watershed, northwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-241, scale 1:250.000, 3 sheets. 14. (Norvitch, R.F .. leaders). 1972, Field trip guidebook for hydrogeology of the Twin Cities artesian basin: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 8, 35 p. IS. (Pfannkuch, H.-O.). 1976, Hydrogeology of a drift-filled bedrock valley near Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research. v. 4, no. 3. p. 267-276.

Wold, R.J. See also Klasner, J.S., 1,2. I. 1965, An aeromagnetic survey of western Lake Superior [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 11th Annual Meeting, St. Paul. Minnesota, 1965, [Proceedings]. p. 36. 2. 1979, Maps showing bedrock topography of Lake Superior: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1174, scale 1:600,000. 3. (Berkson, J.M.l. 1977. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Lake Superior: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-884, scale 1:500.000. 4. (Berkson, J. M.). 1979, Gravity study of Lake Superior [abs .]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. II. no. 5, p. 260. 118 Wold, R.J.

5. (Hutchinson, D.R.). 1979, Lake Superior geological and geophysical data sources: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1085, 3 sheets. 6. (Ostenso, N.A.). 1966, Aeromagnetic, gravity, and sub-bottom profiling studies in western Lake Superior, il1 Steinhart, J .S., and Smith, T.J., eds., The earth beneath the continents: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 10, p. 66-94.

Wolf, R.J. See also Larson, S.P., 2. 1976, Buried aquifers in the Brooten-Belgrade and Lake Emily areas, west-central Minnesota: Factors related to developing water for irrigation: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 76-100.

Wolff, JF, Sr. See also Grout, F.F., 3, 4. 1. 1951, The geologic stratigraphy and correlation of the Cuyuna iron district of Minnesota, in Geology of the Cuyuna Range-Mining Geology Symposium, 3rd, Hibbing, Minnesota, 1951, [Proceedings]: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Center for Continuation Study, p. 4-29. 2. 1955, Summary of the subdivisional correlation of the middle Huronian iron formations of the Lake Superior district [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis. Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings], unpaged.

Wood, W.W. See Reeder, H.O., 3.

Wooden, J.L. See also Ashwal, L.D" 1,2; Goldich, S.S., 22, 34, 35, 36, 37. I. (Goldich, S.S.; Ankenbauer, G.A., Jr.). 1975, 3600-m.y.-old tonalitic gneiss near Delhi, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 7, no. 7, p. 1322. 2. (Goldich, S.S.; Suhr, N.H.). 1980, Origin of the Morton Gneiss, southwestern Minnesota: Part 2, geochemistry, in Morey, G.B., and Hanson, G.N., eds., Selected studies of Archean gneisses and lower Proterozoic rocks in the southern Canadian Shield: Geological Society of American Speci(ll Paper 182, p. 57-75. 3. (Mudrey, M.G., Jr.). 1980, A chemical and Sr isotopic study of the Pigeon Point sill, Cook County, Minnesota [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 48, p. 1193.

Woodward, D.G. I. 1979, Role of Minnesota's ground-water systems in the drought of mid-1970's [abs.]: EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 18, p. 252. 2. (Mossier, J.H.). 1980, The Northern Midwest Regional Aquifer-System Analysis project in Minnesota [abs.], il1 Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Program, p. 17-18.

Woodward, Henry. See Fleming. Anthony.

Woolard, G.P. See Coons, R.L., 2.

Wopat, M.A. 1. 1974, The karst of southeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2. 1980, The karst of southeastern Minnesota [abs.], in Caving in the city-National Speleological Society, 1980 Convention, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Program, p. 18.

Woyski, M.S. [nee Skillman, M.W.] 1. 1946, Intrusives of central Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1949, Intrusives of central Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 60, no. 6, p. 999-1016.

Wright, H.E., Jr. See also Amundson, D.C; Arneman, H.F.; Banerjee, S.K., 1; Farnham, R.S" 6; Florin, Maj­ Britt, 2; Fries, Magnus, 2; Leighton, M.M., 2; Matsch, CL" 11; Wasylikowa, Krystyna; Watts, W.A" 4; Zumberge, J.H., 7. 1. 1952, Cary and Mankato glaciation in central and northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 63, no. 12, pI. 2, p. 1316. 2. 1953, Interbedded Cary drifts near Minneapolis, Minnesota: Journal of Geology, v. 61, no. 5, p. 465-471. 3. 1954, Friends of the Pleistocene (Midwest): Science, v. 120, no. 3113, p. 331-332 4. 1955, Valders drift in Minnesota: Journal of Geology, v. 63, no. 5, p. 403-411. Wright, H.E., Jr. 119

5. 1956, Glacial geology of eastern Minnesota, area west of Duluth: Road log, in Schwartz, G .M., and others, eds., Glacial geology, eastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 3, p. 97-107. 6. 1956, Glacial geology of eastern Minnesota, traverse from Minneapolis to Duluth: Road log, in Schwartz, G.M., and others, eds., Glacial geology, eastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting. 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 3. p. 82-96. 7. 1956, Landforms and glacial history of northeastern Minnesota, in Schwartz, G .M .. and others, eds., Precambrian of northeastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting. 1956. Guidebook for field trip no. I, p. 10-19. 8. 1956, Sequence of glaciation in eastern Minnesota. ill Schwartz. G.M .. and others. eds .. Glacial geology. eastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting. 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 3, p. 1-24. 9. 1957, Stone orientation in Wadena drumlin field. Minnesota: Geografiska Annaler. v. 39. no. 1. p. 19-31. 10. 1957, Wadena glacial lobe, Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin. v. 68, no. 12, pI. 2. p. 1814. II. 1958, Problems-solved(?) and unsolved-in the glacial history of northeastern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 4th Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota. 1958, [Proceedings], p. 15-16. 12. 1960, The rocks & the land: SI. Paul's geological story: Gopher Historian. v. 14, p. 5-7. 13. 1961. Minneapolis: The geological story: Gopher Historian, v. IS. p. 6-8. 14. 1962, Role of the Wadena lobe in the Wisconsin glaciation of Minnesota: Geological Society of America Bulietin. v. 73. no. I, p. 73-99. IS. 1963. Late Wisconsin glacial and vegetational sequence in Minnesota [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 73, p. 264-265. 16. 1964. Aspects of the early postglacial forest succession in the Great Lakes region: Ecology, v. 45. no. 3. p. 439- 444. 17. 1964, The classification of the Wisconsin glacial stage: Journal of Geology, v. 72, no. 5. p. 628-637. 18. [19667], Stratigraphy of lake sediments and the precision of the paleoclimatic record. in World climate from 8000 to 0 B .e.-International Symposium. London. 1966. Proceedings: London. Royal Meteorological Society. p. 157-173. 19. 1968, The roles of pine and spruce in theforest history of Minnesota and adjacent areas: Ecology. v. 49, no. 5. p. 937-955. 20. 1969, Glacial fluctuations and the forest succession in the Lake Superior area, ill Conference on Great Lakes Research, 12th, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1969. Proceedings: Ann Arbor, International Association for Great Lakes Research, p. 397-405. 21. 1972. Physiography of Minnesota. in Sims, P.K .. and Morey. G.B .. eds .. Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, p. 561-578. 22. 1972. Postglacial environmental history of the Coteau des Prairies, in Field trip guidebook for geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphy of western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota: Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 7, p. 48-57. 23. 1972, Quaternary history of Minnesota, ill Sims, P.K .. and Morey. G.B., eds., Geology of Minnesota: A centennial volume: Minnesota Geological Survey. p. 515-547. 24. 1973, Tunnel valleys, glacial surges, and subglacial hydrology of the Superior Lobe. Minnesota, ill The Wisconsinan Stage: Geological Society of America Memoir 136, p. 251-276. 25. 1976, Ice retreat and revegetation in the western Great Lakes area. ill Mahaney, W.e., ed., Quaternary stratigraphy of North America: Stroudsburg, Pa .. Dowden. Hutchinson & Ross. p. 119-132. 26. 1977, Quaternary vegetation history-some comparisons between Europe and America: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. v. 5, p. 123-158. 27. 1980. Surge moraines of the Klutlan Glacier. Yukon Territory, Canada: Origin. wastage, vegetation succession, lake development, and application to the late-glacial of Minnesota. in Wright. H.E., Jr., ed., Klutlan Glacier issue: Quaternary Research, v. 14, no. I, p. 2-18: University of Minnesota, Limnologica1 Research Center Contribution 198. 28. (Matsch. C.L.). 1970, Wisconsin history of the Superior and Des Moines lobes [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 7, p. 726-727. 29. (Mattson, L.A.: Thomas, J.A.). 1970, Geology of the Cloquet quadrangle, Carlton County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Geologic Map Series GM-3. 30 p. 30. (Patten, H.L.). 1963. The pollen sum: Pollen et Spores. v. 5, no. 2. p. 445-450. 31. (Ruhe. R.Y.). 1965, Glaciation of Minnesota and Iowa. ill Wright, H.E., Jr., and Frey, D.G., eds., The Quaternary of the United States: Princeton, N.J .. Princeton University Press. p. 29-41. 120 Wright, H.E., Jr.

32. (Stone, J.E.; Cushing, EJ.; Matsch, CL.). 1965, Introduction to glacial history of Minnesota and general geology of the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. in Upper Mississippi Valley-International Association for Quaternary Research (lNQUA). 7th Congress, Boulder and Denver, Colorado, 1965, Guidebook for field conference C: Lincoln, Nebraska Academy of Sciences, p. 30-56. 33. (Watts, W.A.). 1969, Glacial and vegetational history of northeastern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Special Publication Series SP-ll, 59 p. 34. (Winter, T. C .; Patten, H. L.). 1963. Two pollen diagrams from southeastern Minnesota: Problems in regional late-glacial and postglacial vegetational history: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 74. no. 11, p. 1371-1395.

Yardley, D.H. See also Hanson, G.N, 20; Nelson, CR., 2; Peterman, Z.E., 7; Pfleider, E.P .. 3; Sims. P.K., 53. I. 1955, Geochemical exploration for nickel and copper in northern Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings], unpaged. 2. 1957, Distribution of trace elements in soil fractions, in Snelgrove, A.K., ed., Geological exploration: Houghton, Michigan College of Mining and Technology, p. 76-85. 3. 1975, Hydrology of some deep mines in Precambrian rocks: Oak Ridge, Tenn., Union Carbide Corp .. U.S. Office of Waste Isolation Report Y/OWIiSUB-436711, unpaged.

Yochelson, E.L. 1968, On the nature of Polylopia: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 593-F, p. FI-F7.

Young, G.M. See Church, W.R., 2.

Young, H.L. See Cotter, R.D., 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Winter, T.C., 12.

Young, M.A. 1979, A high resolution paleomagnetic study of recent sediments from Long Lake, Hennepin County, Minnesota: Correlation of paleomagnetism with paleoclimatic data: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Young, R.C. See Boardman, Leona.

Zabinski, Edward. See Abrahamson, Dean.

Zablocki, CJ. See also Keller, G.V. I. 1961, Electrical properties of sulfide-mineralized gabbro, St. Louis County, Minnesota, art. 241 in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 424-C, p. C256-C258. 2. 1966, Electrical properties of some iron formations and adjacent rocks in the Lake Superior region, in Case histories, v. I of Mining geophysics: Tulsa. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, p. 465-492. 3. 1974, Magnetite assays from magnetic susceptibility measurements in taconite production blast holes, northern Minnesota: Geophysics, v. 39, no. 2, p. 174-189.

Zamzow, CE. 1979, Early Precambrian bedrock geology of the Northwest Angle, Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Zandle, G.L. See Anderson, L.A., 4, 5.

Zapffe, C See also Van Hise, CR., 3. I. 1910, Geology of the Cuyuna iron ore district of Minnesota: American Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings, December, 1910, p. 340. 2. 1911, The Cuyuna iron range: Engineering Mining Journal, v. 91, p. 993. 3. 1913, Lake Superior iron ore leases: Engineering Mining Journal, v. 95. p. 338. 4. 1915, Development of the Cuyuna range: Iron Trade Review, v. 57, p. 1131-1133, I 154b. 5. 1915, A survey of the developments and operations in the Cuyuna iron ore district of Minnesota: Lake Superior Mining Institute Proceedings, v. 20, p. 125-135. Zumberge, J.H. 121

Zarth. Randee. See also Fox, R. I. 1977, The Quaternary geology of the Wrenshall and Frogner quadrangles, northeastern Minnesota: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2. 1977, Sedimentary facies associated with the Late Wisconsin Glacial Lake Duluth, Wrenshall area, Minnesota [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario. 1977, [Proceedings] p. 47.

Zejdlik, R.e. 1956, A landslide near Olso. Minnesota: North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings. v. 10, p. 22-25.

Zietz. Isidore. See also King, E.R.; Sims. P.K .. 54, 55. I. 1964, A magnetic anomaly of possible economic significance in southeastern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 489, 5 p. 2. (Kirby, J. R.). 1970, Aeromagnetic map of Minnesota: U. S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-725, scale 1:1,000,000. 3. (Sims, P.K.). 1963. Buried extension of the Keweenawan basin in Minnesota: A geophysical study [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 9th Annual Meeting, Duluth. Minnesota, 1963, [Proceedings], p. 17.

Ziatkis, A. See Oro, John.

Zohdy, A.A.R. (Bisdorf, R.J.). 1979, Geoelectrical investigation with Schlumberger soundings of the Buffalo River aquifer, near Moorhead, Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-299, 243 p.

Zoltai. Tibor. See Jahanbagloo, I.e.

Zumberge, J.H. 1. 1951, The origin and classification of lakes of Minnesota: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 2. 1952. Geology of Itasca State Park: Conservation Volunteer, v. 15. no. 90, p. 42-44. 3. 1952. The lakes of Minnesota: Their origin and classification: Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin 35,99 p. 4. 1955, Glacial erosion in tilted rock layers: Journal of Geology, v. 63, no. 2, p. 149-158. 5. 1955, Bottom coring in Lake Superior [abs.]: Institute on Lake Superior Geology. 1st Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1955, [Proceedings]. unpaged. 6. (Gast, P.W.). 1961, Geological investigations in Lake Superior: Geotimes. v. 6, no. 4. p. 10-13. 7. (Wright, H.E .. Jr.). 1956. The Cary-Mankato-Valders problem, in Schwartz, G.M .. and others, eds., Glacial geology, eastern Minnesota: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1956, Guidebook for field trip no. 3. p 65-81.


Aerial photography. See also Remote sensing. Beaver Bay Complex (Middle Proterozoic). See also Bison trails: Clayton. I. Keweenawan rocks. Cook Count)': Austin. I Paleomagnetism. Beck, 4. Interpretation: Blair. Petrology: Gehman, 1.2, 3: Konda, I: Nakamura; Whe­ Peat resources: Eng, I. 2. 3. lan, I, 2. Surface karst: Venkatakrishnan. Becker County. Agates. See Mineral collecting. Aeromagnetic maps: Anderson. L.A., 5: Balsley, 4. Aitkin County. See also Cuyuna range. Bedrock geology. Anderson, E.E. Aeromagnetic and geologic maps: Meuschke, 16, 19. Lake Sallie: Mann; McBride. I. Late-Wisconsinan buried soil: Farnham, R.S., 6. Beltrami County. Sulfide deposit: Bleifuss. II, 12: Boylan: Morey, 16: Aeromagnetic maps: Books,S, 8: Henderson, 6; Pennington. I, 2. Meuschke, I, 3. Algoman intrusive rocks. See Geochronology. Glacial geology: Melchior. AI-serpentine crystal structure: Jahanbagloo. Mineral resources map: Meineke, 3. Animikie Group (Lower Proterozoic). See also Biwabik Red Lake peatlands: Farnham, R.S., 5: Gleason; Griffin, Iron Formation: Gunflint Iron Formation: Mahnomen For­ K.O.: Siegel, 2. mation: Pokegama Quartzite: Rabbit Lake Formation: Rove Bentonite: Bell, I. Formation: Thomson Formation: Virginia Formation. Bibliographies. Areal geology: Weiblen, II. 12. Cuyuna range: Beltrame. 2. Geochronology: Faure, 2: Hurley: Peterman, 2. Geophysical investigations: Beltrame. 3. Ironlorma:ion trace elements: Bradshaw, I Minnesota geology: Melone: Splettstoesser. Metamorphic petrology: Broderick. Water resources: Walton, W.C_, I. Anoka County. Big Stone County. Anoka sand plain: Farnham, R.S., I. Ground water: Soukup. Cedar Creek Bog, peat: Buell. Biogeochemistry. Lino Lakes, buried val/eye Winter, 15. Carbohydrates in lake plants and sediments: Rogers, Aquifers. See Hydrogeology: Prairie du Chien-Jordan aqui­ M.A., 1,2,3. fer. Birchdale-Indus area. Archean. See also specific rock units by name: Birchdale­ Geology and petrology. Gladen; Listerud, 1,2, 3; Ojakan­ Indus area: Minnesota River Valley: Precambrian: Rainy gas, 19. Lake area: Saganaga-Northern Light Lakes area: Vermilion Geophysical survey: Vadis, 2. district. Biwabik Iron Formation (Lower Proterozoic). See also Crustal origin: Arth, 7: Goodwin. 3. 4: McCulloch: Sims, Mesabi range. 25, 35. East-central Minnesota: Keighin, 2, 3; Morey, 31. 33. Carbonate minerals: French, 6: Honeyman: Perry. 5: Tan. Diagenesis: French, 7. Geochemistry, igneous rocks: Arth. I. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7: Jahn, I, 2, 3, 4. 5; Nicol: Rye. Dunka River area: Bonnichsen, 1,2.3.4,5,9, 23: Geochemistry. organic: Burlingame; Meinschein: Oro; Renner. Ripley, 8. Formation of magnetite: Frost: Han, 5, 6. Graniles. analwical data: Rye. Guidebooks: Marsden. 2, 8, 9, 14: Walker, N.E. Isotopes, metavolcanic rocks: Brooks. Iron silicate minerals: Juneau. Meteorite impact: Weiblen, 23. Isotopes: Perry, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7: Tan. North-central U.S.: Sims, 24. Lower cherty member: Frodesen: Honeyman. Norlhern Minnesota: Sims, 16, 20. Magnetite assays: Zablocki. 3. Northwest Angle: Zamzow. Manganaxinite: French, 4, 5, 8. Origin of gneiss terrane: Goldich, 35, 37; Hanson. II. Metamorphism: Bonnichsen. 3, 4, 5. 9: French, 1,2,3,6. Origin of greenstone-granite terrane: Arth, 2: Hanson, 7: Gundersen, 1,2,7; Marsden, 14; Morey. 51; Perry, II: Sims, 20. 2. 3. 4; Thompson, K.D. Origin of igneous rocks: Arth, 5. Natural ores: Bleifuss. 3, 10; Tyler. S.A .. 2. Petrogenesis: Hanson, II, 12, 18. Organic material: French. I: Gruner. I. Rare earlh distributions: Arth, 3. Origin: Gruner. l; Stephenson: White, D.A .. 3. Sedimentary rocks, analytical data: Rogers, J.J .W., I, 2. Petrology: Bonnichsen. 2, 3, 9. 10: Forbes: French. 6; Structure: Davidson, D.M., Jr., 20, 21. 23; Hooper; Gundersen. 1.2.6: Juneau: Lepp, 3,4,8: Morey, 51; Hudleston, I, 2. Smith, R.W.: Whelan, I. 2. Sulfur origin: Nicol. Pyrite grains: Tyler. S.A., 2. Tectonics: Sims, 20. 25; Weiblen, 23. Secolldary glauconite: Tyler, S.A., I. Asbestiform minerals. Stratigraphy: Gundersen, 2, 6. 7; Royce, 2. Duluth water supplies: Cook. StromatoLite periodicities: Mohr. Bayfield Group (Middle Proterozoic). Structure: Bonnichsen. I. Sedimentation and tectollics: Myers. I, 2, 3. Upper cherry member: Honeyman.

123 124 Blue Earth County • Cook County

Blue Earth County. Petrology and structure: Daggett. MankalO. . Cedar Valley Formation (Devonian). -Cretaceous and Paleozoic rocks: Humphrey. Lithostratigraphic nomenc/ature: Austin,S, 15. -Hydrogeology: Grove. Paleoenvironment: Mossier. 4. -Stratigraphy of city wells: Grove. Stratigraphy: Kohls. 2, 3; Mossier. 4. Brenna Formation (late Quaternary). Chisago County. Stratigraphic nomenc/ature: Harris. K.L., 4. Glacial geology: Fries, 2. Brule Lake intrusions. St. Croix Falls area. copper mineralization: Cordua. Igneous petrology: Burnell, 1,2. Clay. Paleomagnetism: Davidson, D.M., Jr.. 22. Bloating: Prokopovich, 4; Riley. Burntside Lake. Cook area. St. Louis County: Bleifuss, 2. Paleolimnology: Bradbury. Lake Superior iron ores: Bailey. Granite gneiss: Sims. 42; Southwick, 10. Mineralogy: Dixon, I, 2; Gallick; Heyl; Lassin; Parham. Cacaquabic granite. See Kekekabic Lake. I. 2, S. 6; Swain, F.M .. Jr., 6. Cambrian rocks. See also Eau Claire Formation; Franconia Minnesota River Valley: McCulloch; Parham. 7. Formation; Galesville Sandstone; Ironton Sandstone; Jordan Red Wing area: Austin, 2. Sandstone; Mt. Simon Sandstone; St. Lawrence Formation. St. LOllis COllnty: Aase, I, 2. Areal geology: Berg. 5; Frye, C.I., I; Kiester; Nelson, White clay prospects: Minnesota Geological Survey, I. CA., 3; Sloan, 9. Clay County. Croixan type area: Bell, 3. Aeromagnetic maps: Anderson, L.A .. 2, S. Dresbach formation: Peterson. Eunice. Ground water: Bingham; Byers. Keweenawan boundary: Raasch, I. Moorhead area. Buffalo River aqllifer: Zohdy. Organic geochemistry: Swain, F.M., Jr.. II. Physical data for planning: Arndt. B.M .. I, 2, 3. Paleontology: Howell; Nelson, CA., 1.2; Palmer, A.R.; Clearwater County. Raasch, 2; Webers, 6, 8. Aeromagnetic maps: Balsley,S, 6; Books. 8; Meuschke, Petrology: Churchill, R.D.; Flurkey; Kiester; Odum. 1,2, I. 3; Thein, I, 2. Computer methods. St. Croix River area: Cordua; Nelson, CA., 1. Digital models. outwash aquifer: Larson, S.P .. 2. Sandstones. texture and petrology: Graham. Electric analog modeling. peat hydrogeology: Sander. Stratigraphy: Churchill, R.D.; Flurkey; Nelson, CA., 3. Land-lise mapping: Hsu. Canadian Shield. Models for ore availabilit)': Michelson. Metamorphic map: Fraser, J.A. Reconstruction of Des M;ines lobe: Hooke. Origin: Goodwin 3. 4. Water well data base: Holtzman; Mossier. 8. Paleomagnetism: Robertson. Cook County. See also Gunflint range; Pigeon Point. Structure: Stockwell. Aeromagnetic maps: Anderson, L.A., 3; Minnesota Geo- Structure and ore deposits: Kall iokoski, 1. logical Survey,S; U.S. Geological Survey, 3. Carlton County. Areal Geology: Grout, 2; Weiblen. 12. Aeromagnetic map: Minnesota Geological Survey, 4. Bedrock geologic maps. Agates: Dahlberg. -Beth Lake quadrangle: Davidson. D.M., Jr., II. Carlton·Thomson area: Mattson. 1,2; Morey. 50. Cloquet area: Akin; Thomas, J.A. . -Brule Lake quadrangle: Davidson, D.M .. Jr .. 12. Frogner and Wrenshall quadrangles: Zarth, I, 2. -Cherokee Lake quadrangle: Davidson, D.M., Jr., 13. Geologic maps. ~Duluth and vicinity: Taylor, R.B., S. -Cloquet quadrangle: Wright. 29. -Eagle Mountain quadrangle: Davidson, D.M .. Jr .. 14. -Esko quadrangle: Kilburg, 3. --Gunflint Lake quadrangle: Morey. 49. Gravity and structure: Ikola. I. -Hungry Jack Lake quadrangle: Morey. 48. Guidebooks: Balaban, 2: Morey, 39. -Kawishiwi Lake quadrangle: Davidson. D.M .. Jr., I, Hydrogeochemistry: Morey. 45. 3. KeTtle River area, Thomson Formation: Oros, 2. -Kelso Mountain quadrangle: Davidson, D.M .. Jr.. 15. Stratigraphy: Morey, 33. -Lake Polly quadrangle: Davidson. D.M., Jr .. 16. Structure. Lower and Middle Precambrian rocks: -Lima Mountain quadrangle: Davidson, D.M., Jr., 17. Davidson, D.M., Jr., 20. -Pigeon Point quadrangle: Mudrey, 4. Sulfide deposits: Pennington, I, 2. -Pine Mountain quadrangle: Davidson. D.M .. Jr .. 18. Carver County. -South Lake quadrangle: Mathez. 2. Late Quaternary paleontology: Malmquist. Cascade River area, Keweenawan rocks: Foster. I, 2: Midcontinent Gravity High: Brandt. Johnson, C H. Cass County. Fissure vein sulfide deposits: Mudrey, I, 6. Aeromagnetic maps: Henderson, 2, 4, 5, 7. Glacial geology: Sharp, I. 2. Catlinite. See Sioux Quartzite. Grand Portage area. gravity: Stevenson, 3. Caves. See also Karst. Guidebook: Weiblen, II, 20. Sandstone caves: Alexander. 3; Hogberg, 9; Spong, 3. Gunflint Lake quadrangle. areal geolog)': Grant. J .A .. 3. Cedar Mountain Complex (Archean). See also Minnesota Hovland area. dikes and sills: Jones. ·N.W., 1,2. River VaJley. Hungry Jack Lake quadrangle. See Logan intrusions. Areal geology: Bury. Jasper Lake area, Archean rocks: Feirn. I, 2. Cook County • Duluth Complex 125

Long Island Lake quadrangle. Glacial geology: Ruhe, 2. -Areal geology: Weiblen, 5. Inver Grove Heights and SI. Paul SW. quadrangles. -Drift Iitho!ogy related to bedrock geology: Everson, I, Pleistocene geology: Gelineau. 2. Inver Grove Heights landfill. hydrogeology: Edens. Loon Lake, copper and cobalt veins: Coyner. Outwash deposits: Savina. Mineral resources: McKenna. Red Wing quadrangle, areal geology: Crain. Photogeology: Austin, I. Decorah Shale (Ordovician). Shagawa Lake quadrangle: Sims, 7, 10. Bryozoa: Karklins, 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. Taconite Harbor: Sandberg, 2. Chitinozoans: Charpentier. Tuscarora intrusion: Mogessie; Weiblen, II, 12. Clay mineralogy: Gallick; Parham, 6; Swain, F.M., Jr., 6. Twin Lakes area, Ely Greenstone: Smith, L. W. Lithostratigraphic nomenclalure: Austin, 5, 15. Wine Lake intrusion: Strakele. Microfauna: Swain, F.M., Jr., 6. Copper.nickel. See Economic geology. Ostracodes: Cornell; Hansen. Coutchiching (Archean): Hart, 2, 3; Viswanathan, 14, 26, Paleoecology: Sulima. 27. Deer Lake Complex (Archean). Cretaceous, Geology: Berkley. 1.2,3; Ripley, I. Aquifers in Lyon County: Rodis, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Igneous petrology: Berkley, 4; Ripley, 1,3. Areal geology: Austin, 13; Parham, 4; Sloan, 4, 7. Structural evolution: Ripley, 1. 7. Climates: Austin, 9, 12. Sulfide mineralogy: Ripley. 2. 3, 6. Correlation, regional: Morey, 42. Devonian. See also Cedar Valley Formation. Mankato area: Humphrey. Upper Mississippi Valley stratigraphy: Frye, c.i., 2. Mesabi range: Bergquist; Burgess; McGilL Diagenesis. PaleoenvilOnment: Hall, J.W., I. Animikie Group: Lepp. 6. Paleontology: Bolin, 1,2,3.4; Case; Poppe; Shurr. 1.2. Biwabik Iron Formation: Juneau; Lepp, 3, 4, 5, 8. 3; Sloan. 1. 2. Eau Claire Formation: DiStefano. Palynology: Hall, J.W., I. 2. 3; Kremp. Feldspathized shales: Weiss. 4. Possible peneplain: Parham. 4. Franconia Formation: Kramer. Upper Mississippi Valley: Frye. c.i.. 2. Precambrian cherts: Tyler. S.A., 2. Vegetation: Chaney; Pierce. R.L.. I, 2. 3. Precambrian iron1ormations: French. 7; LaBerge, I; Weathering of older rocks: Austin, 9. 12; Kelley. I. 2; Lepp, 1,2,7,9, 10. Morey, 23; Triplehorn. Trommald Formation: Lepp, 5. Western Minnesota. Lake Traverse: Shurr. 1. 2. 3. Douglas County. Windrow Formation. Aeromagnetic map: Balsley. 3. -Relation to iron ore: Bleifuss. 7. 8. Driftless area, southeastern Minnesota. -Stratigraphy: Andrews; Shurr. 1. 2, 3; Sloan. 7. Fossil collecting: Bayer, 7. Croixan type area, See Cambrian rocks. Periglacial features. Lake City area: Barton. Crow Wing County. See also Cuyuna range. Drilling and boreholes. See also Wells and well-logging. Aeromagnetic maps: Henderson. 5, 8. Exploration geochemistry: Meineke. 14. Continental drilling: Morey. 28. 42. Marl deposits: Roepke. Cuyuna range: Jahren. 1. Cuyuna range. See also Animikie Group; Gunflint range; Deep well, Hal/andale: Austin. 6, 7. Mesabi range; Mille Lacs Group. Drill core. Biwabik Iron Formation: Pfleider. 2; Smith, Areal geology: Grout. 3. 4; Harder. 1; Leith; Marsden. 7; R.W. Morey. 33; Schmidt, 1,3.5.6. 7. 8; Schwartz. 3;Van Duluth-Superior interstate bridge project: Howard. Hise. 1.2; Zapffe. 1,2. Manganiferous iron1ormations: Heising. 2. Bibliography: Beltrame, 2. Mesabi deep drilling project: Plleider. 2. Directory of information: Beltrame. I. Nonmagnetic laconite drill core.' Wasson, Geophysics: Bleifuss. 1; Jahren. 1; Zablocki. 2. Red River Valley: Moore. Gravity: Durfee. 1. 2. Tests for oil. gas: Oros. I. 2. Hisingerite and related silicates: Whelan. 1. 2. Dubuque Formation (Ordovician). Iron are: Kemp; Van Hise, 3. Conodonts: Webers, 1. Iron silicate minerals: Blake. 1. 2. 3. 4. Feldspathized shale: Weiss. 4. Manganese: Beltrame. 4; Grosh. 2; Harder. 2; Heising. 2; Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin. 5. 15. Hewett; Lepp. 5; Lewis. 2. 3; U.S. Bureau of Mines. Ostracodes: Burr. 1.2. Mineral resources: Brightman; Pfleider, 1; Schmidt. 6; Stratigraphy: Levorson. Zapffe, 4, 5. Duluth. See SI. Louis County. Paleomagnetism: Symons. 2. Duluth Complex (Middle Proterozoic). See also Economic Stratigraphy and correlation: Marsden, 7; Morey. 33; geology; Keweenawan rocks. Wolff, 1. 2. Age: Faure. I. 3, 4. Sulfide deposits: Bleifuss, II, 12; Boylan; Han, 1,2, 3.4; Areal geology: Bonnichsen. 6. 7. 8.11.12. 13, 16. 1.7; Morey, 16; Needham. 1; Pennington. 1,2; Schwartz. 2. Davidson. D.M .• Jr..; Nathan. 1.2; Taylor. Titaniferous sedimentary rocks: Schmidt, 2, 4. R.B .. 1.4.5,6; Weiblen, 11. 12. Dakota County. See also Hudson-Afton horst; Kirchner Babbitt area: Mancuso. Marsh. Central part: Phinney. 4. 126 Duluth Complex • Economic Geology

Chemical relation to Keweenawan lavas: Phinney. 5; Dunka Road deposits. See Duluth Complex. Weiblen. 18. Dunleith Formation (Ordovician). See Galena Formation. Copper-nickel. East-central Minnesota. See also counties and specific rock -Resources: Anderson. G.E .• 1.2.3; Bonnichsen. 19. units by name; Cuyuna range; St. Croix River valley. 20.21,22; Grosh. 3; Johnson. R.G .. I; Mogessie; Aeromagnetic anomalies: Sims, 54. Schwartz, 20, 21, 22; Seguin; Wager; Watowich. Bedrock geology: Austin, 4; Morey, 7. -Sulfides: Boucher; Churchill, R.K.; Mainwaring. 2. 3. Gamma ray survey: U.S. Department of Energy, 2. 5; Mogessie; Rao; Weiblen, 9, 10. 13. 17. 19. Glacial till: Chernicoff. Dunka River area: Bonnichsen. I, 2. 3.4.5. 9; Renner. Gravity and structure: Adams, B.B., I, 2, 3; Bagdadi; Dunka Road deposits: Rao; Ripley. 4, 5, 9. Carlson; Durfee, 1. 2. Faults: Foose. I. Ground water. See Water resources. Felsic and intermediate rocks: Davidson. D.M .. Jr.. 2. 5. Guidebooks: Balaban, 2; Morey. 29, 38, 39. 9. Hydrogeochemical sun'eys: Morey, 45; Oak Ridge Gas- Gabbro Lake quadrangle: Phinney. I. 3. eous Diffusion Plant (ORGDP)' 4. Geochemistry: Ripley. 4. 5. 9; Snyder, 1.2, 3; Taylor. Igneous petrology: Woyski. I, 2. H.P .. Jr. Keweenawan geology: Craddock, 1; Farnham. P.R., 1,2. Geophysics: Ryu; Zablocki, I. Lower and Middle Precambrian: Keighin, 2, 3; Morey, Ground water and igneous intrusions: Taylor. H.P .. Jr. 31, 33. Guidebooks: Goldich, 30; Taylor. R.B., 4; Weiblen, II. 20. Maps. Hornfels: Bonnichsen, 14. -Aeromagnetic and geologic: Bath, 8. Intrusions. -Gravity: Krenz; McGinnis, 1. -South Kawishiwi: Fukui, 1,2; Phinney, 1,3. -Land use: U.S. Geological Survey. 6, 8. -Tuscarora: Mogessie; Weiblen. II. 20. Monzonites: Johnson. M.C. . -Water Hen: Mainwaring, 1,2,3.4,5. Postglacial climate: Webb. 1. 2. -Wine Lake: Strakele. Precambrian geochronology: Goldich. 2. 25; Keighin. 2; Lead isotopes: Dupre. Stuckless. Lineaments and structure: Cooper, R.W., 1,2,3; Foose, Seismic studies: Greenhalgh. I. 1,2. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey. 33. Lunar basalt, relation to: Goldich, 6; Ryu. Stratigraphy, structure, resources: Balaban. 2. Metamorphism: Cort; Lamey .. Uranium and radon: Lively. 3. Microprobe analyses: Phinney, 10. Eau Claire Formation (Cambrian). Nomenclature: Phinney, 6. Diagenesis, petrology: DiStefano. Northern prong: Nathan, 1,2; Phinney, 7. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin. 5. 15. Northwestern: Phinney, 8. Economic Geology. See mso Duluth Complex; Exploration; Ore minerals: Hall, Henry, 2, 3; Johnson, R.G .• 2, 3. Mineral resources; Taconite; Uranium. Origin: DePaolo; Taylor, H.P., Jr. Aluminum: Hall. R.B. Origin of graphite: Hollister. Bloating clay and shale: Prokopovich. 4. Outcrop map: Bonnichsen, 15. Clay: Parham. 1. 6. 7. Paleomagnetism: Helsley. Computer modeling, ore availability: Michelson. Partridge River Troctolite. Copper-nickel mineralization. -Deuteric alteration: Tyson, 5. -Copper and cobalt veins: Coyner. -Geochemistry: Moiling, 1,2,3. -Duluth Complex: Anderson, G.E .. 1,2.3; Bonnichsen. -PetrOlogy: Tyson. 3, 4, 5. 19.20.21,22; Boucher; Grosh, 3; Johnson, R.G .. I. -Sulfide mineralization: Tyson, 3, 4. 2. 3; Kreisman; Lawver; Listerud. 5; Mogessie; Petrogeny of granophyre: Babcock, I, 2. Seguin; Vifian. 1. 2; Wager; Watowich, Petrology, igneous: Bonnichsen, 24, 25, 26; Davidson, -Geology: Cordua; Green, 22; Harris, J.M., 5; Nordeng; D.M., Jr., 9; Davidson, E.L.; Fellows; Fukui, I, 2; Schwartz, 20. 21; Stevenson. 4; Wager. Goldich, 6; Hardyman, 1,2; Lehman, 2; Mainwaring, -Mining methods: St. John. 1,2,3,4,5; Mogessie; Phinney, 3, 5,7,8,10; Renner; Strakele; Tyson, 1,2; Weiblen, 3, 4, 6, 7,8,13.17.21. -Origin: Morey. 55. Petrology, metamorphic: Mainwaring, I, 2. 3, 4, 5; -Prehistoric mining: Drier; Lathrop. Mogessie; Nebel; Taylor, R.B., 2, 3. -Resource potential: Stevenson. 5. Rare earths: Denechaud; Haskin; Paster. -Soil anomalies: Alminas. Relation to dikes and sills: Jones, N.W., 1,2; see also Dimension stone: Schwartz, 29. Logan intrusions. Duluth Complex: Listerud, 4. 5. Structure: Mancuso; Phinney, I; Weiblen, 9, 10. Iron ore: Bleifuss. 10; Crowell; DeVaney; Gruner, 5; Sulfide minerals: Bonnichsen. 18,25; Cabri; Davidson, Hall, Henry. 2, 3; Harder, 1; Heising. 1; Hinze, 1; E.L.; Hardyman, 2; Matlack, I, 2, 3; Tyson, 3, 4. Klemic; Klinger, I, 2. 3, 4; Machamer, 1. 2. 3; Sulfur isotopes: Jensen. Marsden, 10, 11. 12; Michelson; Morey, 25, 36; Summary: Weiblen, 16. 18. Needham, I; Nelson, A.L.; Seltzer; Van Hise. 3; Tectonics: Weiblen. 16, 21, 22. Wade. 1; Weaton. I, 2; Zapffe, 1,2, 3, 4. 5; see also Titanium: Herz. Iron-formations. Dunka River area, See Biwabik Iron Formation; Duluth Limestone for Portland cement: Prokopovich, 3. Complex. Lower Precambrian mineral deposits: Sims. 16,36,37. Economic Geology • Galena Formation 127

Manganese: Beltrame, 4; Grosh, 2; Harder, 2; Heising, 2; Stress measurement in quarry, St. Cloud area: Fairhurst. Hewett; Lepp, 2, 3, 5, 6; Lewis, 2, 3; Morey, 25; Taconite Harbor: Sandberg, 2. Prasky, 1,2; U.S. Bureau of Mines. Triaxial tests on rock, Cold Spring area: Singh. Marl: Schwartz, 19. Tunneling: Cushing, E.M.; Madsen, I, 2; Norvitch, 5; Metal deposits and production, guidebook: Merrell. Pynnonen. Mineral industries, Lake Superior region: Marsden, 5. Twin Cities: Madsen, I, 2; Norvitch, 5; Pendergast; Mineral industry, Minnesota: Hogberg, I, 2, 4; Lipp. Walton, Matt, 6, 7. Millerals other than iron: Thiel, G.A., 6. Underground mining: Ptleider, 3; St. John. Nonmecallic resources: Froehlich. Underground space in sandstone: Nelson, C.R., 1. Northeastern Minnesota resources: Brice; Listerud, 4, 5; Environmental geology. See also Karst; Pollution; Waste Nolan. disposal. Ores related to Precambrian tectonics: Norman; Sims, Clay County: Arndt, B.M., 1,2,3. 27. General: Walton, Matt, 2. Platinum: Naldrett. Ground-water protection: Ross, E.H. Sand, gravel, crushed rock: Eng, 4; Grosh, I; Hogberg, 3, Landfills: Edens; Saint. 5; Marshall, L.G. Landslide: Zejdlik. Silica sand: Ketner, \, 2; Thiel, G.A., 4. Marsh gases: Swain, F.M., Jr., 13. Southeastern Minnesota, magnetic anomaly: Zietz, I. North Shore of Lake Superior: Green, 23, 32; Moss, \,2. Structure and metallogenic pauerns: Kalliokoski, I. Oil spills: Pfannkuch, 3. Sulfides. Peat mining, potential effects of: Siegel, 2. -Aitkin County: Bleifuss, II, 12; Boylan; Han, 1,2,3, Twin CIties: Hogberg, 6. 4; Morey, 16; Needham, I; Pennington, 1,2; Exploration. See also Geophysical investigations; Ura­ Schwartz, 2. nium. ---Carlton County: Pennington, I, 2. Aerial gamma ray and magnetic: U.S. ~partment of ---Cook County: Mudrey, I, 6. Energy, 1,2. -Duluth Complex: Bonnichsen, 18,25; Matlack, 1,2,3; Base mecals. northern Minnesota: Meineke. I; Yardley, Naldrett. 1. -Itasca County: Jolly; Ripley, 1,2,3,6. Copper-nickel: Sims, 2, 3, 4, 5, 53; Yardley, I. -Koochiching County: Gladen; Listerud, I, 2, 3; Ojak- Geochemical. angas, 19. -Ground water: Lively, 3: Southwick. 8. -Southeastern Minnesota: Ludvigson. -Organic-rich sediments: Meineke, 2. 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, -Vermilion district: Rowe. 14. Titanium: Herz; Lister; Peterson, E.C.; Shapiro. -St. Louis County: Vadis. \, 3. Electrical, Electromagnetic studies, See Geophysical in­ -Soils: Meineke. 9, II; Ojakangas, 18; Yardley, 2. vestigations. -Stream sediments: Meineke, 12; Oak Ridge Gaseous Ely area. Diffusion Plant (ORGDP). 1,2,3,4. Areal geology: Green, 7, 10. Geophysical prospecting: Beatty; Keller; Leney, I, 2; Copper-nickel prospect: Schwartz, 20, 21. Vadis, 2. Ely trough: Reid, I.L., I. Falconer Formation (late Quaternary). Exploration geochemistry: Meineke, 2, 7. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L., 4. Lamprophyre pluton: Mudrey, 5. Fillmore County. Neutron activation in boreholes: Senftle, I, 2. Iron ores: Bleifuss. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Serpentine and chamosite: Ruotsala, 2. Ordovician rocks: Weiss, I. 2, 7. Zenith mine: Machamer, I, 2, 3; Royce, I. Fond du Lac Formation (Middle Proterozoic). See also Ely Greenstone (Archean). Keweenawan rocks. Age: Jahn, 2, 3, 5. Paleomagnetism: Watts, D.R., I, 2. Areal geology: Green, I. Stratigraphy and petrology: Morey, 6, 14, 22, 32. Petrology: Schulz, 3, 4, 5, 6; Smith, L.W. Fort Ridgely Granite (Archean). See also Minnesota River Stratigraphy: Morey, 43; Sims, 24. Valley. Ely's Peak basalts, See also Keweenawan rocks. Age and petrology: Keighin, 1. Petrology, structure, and correlation: Kilburg, 1, 2. Franconia Formation (Cambrian). Endion sill. See also Keweenawan rocks. Areal geology: Bell, 2: Berg, 2, 4. Petrology: Ernst, 2, 3. Glauconite: Odum, 2. Rb-Sr age: Faure, \, 3, 4. r.; jeldspar: Kramer; Odum, 3. Engineering geology. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin,S, 15. Compressed air storage: Marshall, T.B. Petrology: Odum, I, 2, 3. Duluth-Superior Interstate Bridge Project: Howard. Trilobites: Bell, 4; Berg, 3; Grant, R.E., 1,2,3. Explosion phenomena in rock: Gnirk, I, 2. Friends of the Pleistocene (description): Wright, 3. Glacial drift: Booy; Owen; Pynnonen. Galena Formation (Ordovician). Glacial Lake Agassiz basin sediments: Arndt, B.M., I. Conodonts: Ethington, I, 2. Man-made lakes: Heinemann. Feldspathized shale: Weiss, 4. St. Anthony Falls: Darling; Mullen. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin,S, 15. St. Peter Sandstone: Darling; Lewis, I; Madsen, I, 2; Karst: Morehouse. Nelson, C.R., I, 2; Olsen; Payne, 2; Schwartz, 14. Paleoecology: DesAutels, I, 2. 128 Galena Formation • Geophysical investigations

Paleontology: Kolata; Sloan, 5. Effects of weathering on ages: Goldich, 14; Stern, 2, 3. Prosser Member: Stone, D.J. Giants Range batholith: Anderson. D.H., I. 2; Catanzaro. Stewartville Member: Sloan, 5. 2, 3; Gast; Hanson, 6, 27; Prince. I, 2. Galesville Sandstone (Cambrian). Gunflint Iron Formation: Faure, 2; Hurley. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin, 5, 15. K-Ar ages: Baadsgaard; Goldich, II, 12, 14; Hanson, 4, Geochemical investigations. See also Exploration; Hydro­ 5, 16, 24, 25, 28; Malhotra; Mangen. geochemistry; Iron-formations; Vermilion district. Lake Superior region: Goldich, 2. Amino acids: Abelson, I. 2; Blumentals; Niehaus, I, 2. Mafic dikes: Hanson, 5, 7, 9, 21, 22. 23. 24, 25; Analytical data: Goldich, 23, 2S; Rogers, J.J.W .• 1,2; Malhotra. Ruotsala, I, 3; Rye; Snyder, I. 2. 3; Wooden, 2. Midcontinent: Goldich, 24. Archean: Peterman. 6; Rye. Mineral dates: Gasti!. Basaltic magmas: Manzer. Minnesota: Goldich, 8. 25; Peterman, 4. Biogeochemistry: Behnke; Dean; Lougheed. Minnesota-Ontario border: Goldich, 5: Peterman, 7. Birchdale-Indus area: Ojakangas, 19. Minnesota River ValleI': Catanzaro. I; Farhat, I, 2. 3; Germanium and peat: Prokopovich, 2. Goldich,3, 7,13,18·,19,20,2I.22.35,36,37;Grant, Isotopes. J.A., 2: Hanson, 5, 21; Hart. 4; Hedge; Himmelberg, 4; -Carbon: Perry, 5, 7; Tan. Keighin, I; Levy; Mangen; McCulloch; Stern, I, 3; -Hydrogen: Taylor, H.P .• Jr. Wilson, I, 2; Wooden, I. -K-A: Aldrich; Baadsgaard; Tyler, S.A., I. Northeastern Minnesota, Keweenawan rocks: Hanson. 9; -K-Rb: Griffin, W.L., 6, 7, S; Hart, I. Silver. I, 2. -Lead: Doe, I, 2; Dupre; Leeman; Ludwig. Northern Minnesota: Aldrich. -Neodymium: DePaolo; Dosso. Paleozoic glauconites: Goldich, 12. -Dxygen: Ahmad; James, 5; Perry, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7; Ripley, Penokean orogeny: Goldich, 4, 9. 9; Taylor, H.P., Jr.; Viswanathan, 6,15,16,24,25. Precambrian anorthosites: Ashwal, 2. -Radon: Adams, J.A.S.; Lively, 3. Precambrian ironJormations: Goldich, 10. -Rb-Sr: Aldrich; AshwaI, 1,2; Farhat, 1,2,3; Faure, I, Radiocarbon dates: Arnold. I; Deevey; Flint; Fries, 2; 2, 3, 4; Gast; Jahn, 2, 3; Leeman; McCulloch; Horberg; Leighton, 2; Olsson, 1,2; Preston; Rubin, I, Seeling; Wilson, I, 2. 2; Suess. -Sm-Nd: AshwaI, I, 2; McCulloch. Rainv Lake area: Hart, 2, 3; Peterman, 7. -Strontium: Brooks; Dosso; Moiling, I. 2, 3; Sabelin; Rb-Sr ages: Farhat, I, 2, 3: Faure, I, 2, 3, 4; Gast; Wooden, 3. Goldich, 10. 14, 19; Hanson, 1,2,3,16. 2S; Hedge; -Sulfur: Chukhrov; Jensen; Ripley. 4, 5, 8. Peterman, 2, 3; Prince, I, 2; Wilson, I, 2. -Uranium: Lively, 3. Saganaga-Northern Light Lakes area: Anderson, D.H., Knife Lake Group: McKay; Rogers, J.J.W., I, 2. I, 2; Hanson, 20. Mafic dikes: Malhotra; Manzer. Snowbank stock (Archean): Anderson, D.H., I, 2; Han- Magnetite paragenesis: Han, 5, 6; LaBerge, I. son, 1,2,3. Marl: Goldich, 23. Speleothems: Lively, 1,2. Mineral chemistry, Biwabik Iron Formation: French, 3. Th-U ages: Lively, 1.2. Minnesota River Vallel': Farhat, I;Goldich, 7, 21, 22, 34. Unmetamorphosed minerals, Gunflint Iron Formation: 35, 37; Hanson, 19; Nielsen, 2; Wilson, I, 2; io, Hurley. Wooden, 2. U-Pb ages: Catanzaro, 2, 3; Hanson, 13, 14; Hart, 3; North Shore Volcanic Group: Green, 19, 31. Stern, 2, 3. Organic: Belsky; Burlingame; Hoering, I, 2; Lougheed; Zircon ages: Catanzaro. I; Farhat, 1,2,3; Hart. 3; Stern, Meinschein; Niehaus, I. 2; Oro; Rogers, M.A., 1,2,3. 1,2,3. Pegmatite, rare gasses: Alexander. 4. Geomorphology. See also Glacial geology. Petrogenesis, Archean rocks: Hanson, II. 12, IS. Bay-head bars, Lake Superior: Loy, I. RainvLake area: Goldich, 26, 27; Hart, 2, 3; Peterman, 6. Bison trails: Clayton, I. Rari earths: Arth, I, 2, 3,4,5,6,7; Ashwal, 1,2; Loy, 2. Chaudhuri; Denechaud; Hanson, 10. 19; Haskin; Duluth-Superior harbor: Eolian, north-central Minnesota: Griga!. Paster. Wright, 21. Slates, lutites: Nanz. GeomorphiC regions of Minnesota: Sulfides, Duluth Complex: Bonnichsen, 24; Cabri; Glacial erosion in tilted rock layers: Zumberge, 4. Churchill, R.K.; Fryer. Mima-type mounds: Ross, B.A. Trace elements: Arth, 5; Bradshaw, I; Griffin, W.L., 9; Origin of lakes: Zumberge. I, 3. Jahn, 4, 5; LepP. 7; Moiling, 1,2,3; Perry, I; Sabelin; Physiography and glacial geology: Clayton, 2; Kemmis; Viswanathan, 5, 7, 10, II; Wilson. I. 2; Yardley, 2. Tuthill, I; Wright, 21. Zinc-lead district of Upper Mississippi: Hey!. Pot holes: Burch, I, 2; Kuhm. Geochronology. See also Duluth Complex. Roseau Lake, crater or kettle?: Hammer, I, 2. Ages of coexisting hornblende, mica, feldspar: Thomas, Geophysical investigations. For maps see Minnesota and H.H. counties by name. Algoman intrusive rocks: Anderson, D.H., 3. Correlation of gravity, magnetic anomalies: Chandler, I, Argon ages: Hanson, 7, 9; Simmons, Kathleen. 2, 3; Ervin, 3, 4; Schwartz, 12; Wold, 6. East-central Minnesota: Keighin, 2, 3; Stuckless. Electrical studies. Effect of thermal metamorphism on ages: Hanson, 1,2,3, -Aquifer near Moorhead: Zohdy. 16, 26, 28; Hart, 2. -Cuyuna and Mesabi ranges: Zablocki, 2. Geophysical investigations • Glacial geology 129

-Duluth Complex: Ryu; Zablocki, I. --Granites, Vermilion and Giants ranges: Roy, I. -Lake Superior region, prospecting: Keller. -Neutron-activation in boreholes: Senftle, I, 2. Electromagnetic studies. -Twin Cities area: Neuschel, I, 2. -Lake Superior iron-formations: Frischknecht, I, 2. Seismic studies. -To evaluate magnetic anomalies: Frischknecht, 3. -Basalt and granite: Li, 2. Geophysical studies. --(:entral North American rift system: Ocola, I, 2. -Hudson-Afton horst: Barazangi. -Earthquake at Morris: Harding; Herrman; Stover. -Investigations index: Beltrame, 3. -Earthquakes: Mooney, 2; Morey, 46; Von Hake; Wal- -Iron ore prospecting: Leney, I, 2. ton, Man, 5. -Koochiching County: Vadis, 2. -East-central Minnesota: Bagdadi; Greenhalgh, 1. -Northern Minnesota: Bath, 3, 4. -Iron-ore exploration: Beatty. -Roseau Lake: Hammer, I, 2. -Lake Superior region: Anzoleaga; Berry, M.J.; Halls, -St. Louis County: Vadis, I. 2,3; Mooney, 6; Smith, T.1., 1,2. Gravit),. See also Midcontinent Gravity High. -Mesabi range: Adams, L.H. -East-central Minnesota: Adams, B.B., 1,2,3; Bagdadi; -Midcontinent Gravity High: Cohen, 1; Johnson, S.H., Carlson; Durfee, 1. 2; Krenz; McGinnis, I. I, 2; Mooney, 4, 5; Ocola, I, 2. -Field work: Sims, I I. -Northern Minnesota: Anderson, R.E. --Great Lakes tectonic zone: Van De Voorde, I, 2. -Reflections from shallow depths: Gilmer. -Iron ore: Hinze, 1, 2. -St. Croix horst: Volz. -Lake Superior: Wold, 3, 4, 5, 6. -Seismic alTay: Greenhalgh, 1,2; Mooney, 6; Mosher, -Minnesota: Sims, 18. 1,2; Walton, Matt, 5. -Northeastern Minnesota: Ikola, 1,2,3,4,7; Klasner, 1. -Seismotectonic map: Hadley. 2; Stevenson, 3; Thiel, E.C., I, 2, 3. -Southeastern Minnesota buried river valley: Vick. -Northwestern Minnesota: McGinnis. 2, 4. Gervais Formation (late Quaternary). -Southeastern Minnesota: Cass; Craddock, 5; Sloan, 10. Paleoenvironment: Ashworth, I. -Southwestern Minnesota: Fogelson; Ikola, 5, 6. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L .. 4. -West-central Minnesota: McGinnis, 3; Walton, Man, Giants Range batholith/Granite (Archean). 8. Areal geology: Allison; Green, 12: Sims. 49. Heat flow: Roy, 2. Geochemistry: Jahn, I; Rye; Viswanathan, 4, 5, 7.10. II. Magnetic studies: Anomalies. 12, 17. -Aeromagnetic surveys: Bath, 5; Chandler, 4; Cooper, -Oxygen isotopes: Viswanathan, 6, 15, 16, 24, 25. R.W., 3; King; Philbin, 1. 2; Schwartz, 1,5; Sims. Geochronology: Anderson, D.H., I, 2; Catanzaro, 2, 3; 54, 55; U.S. Department of Energy, I, 2; Walton, Gast; Hanson, 6, 27; Prince, 1. 2. Matt, 8; Wold, 1. 5, 6. Igneous petrology: Green, 12; Viswanathan, 1,2,3,4,8, -Lake Washington area: Sims, 29. 9, 13, 26. -Magnetic base stations: Bath, I. Metamorphic petrology: Griffin, W.L., 1,2,4,5,6,7,8; -McLeod County: Sims. 28. Viswanathan, I, 3, 26. -Mesabi range: Bath, 2, 5, 6. -Minnesota: Sims, 14. Radioactivity of granite: Roy, I. -Southeastern Minnesota: Zietz, I. Glacial geology, See also Geomorphology; Palynology. Magnetic studies: Rock properties. Alborn area, St. Louis County: Baker, R.G .. I, 2. --(:anadian Shield: Robertson. Anoka sand plain: Farnham, R.S .. l. --Geomagnetic record (Quaternary): Banerjee, 1,2,3,4. Antelope moraine: Helgesen, I. -East-central Minnesota: Symons, 2. Cary glaciation: Wright, 1. 2; Zumberge, 7. -Igneous rocks and iron-formations: Jahren, 3. Central Minnesota: Conlon; Schneider, A.F .. 1. 2. 3, 4. -Iron-containing minerals: Pastrana, I, 2. Deglaciation: Saarnisto; Wright, 25. -Keweenawan rocks: Beck, 1,2.3.4; Green, 30; Jahren, Des Moines lobe: Hooke; Kemmis; Matsch, 9; Ruhe, 1; 5; Zietz, 3. Schneider, Robert, 6, 7; Wright, 23, 28. -Lake sediments: Levi. I, 2; Young. East-central Minnesota: Cushing. E.J., 7; Wright, 5, 6. -Lake Superior area: Bath, 7. 29. -MagnetiC susceptibility measurements: Bleifuss, 1; Glacial erosion: Zumberge, 4. Jahren, I, 2, 4; Mooney, I, 3; Zablocki. 3. Glacial lakes: Ahlquist, 2; Diedrick; Hammer, I, 2; -Northeastern Minnesota: Bath, 6, 7; Beck, 1,2,3,4; Sharp, 2; Zarth. 1,2; Zumberge, 1. 3; see also Glacial Books, 1,2,3; Davidson, D.M., Jr .. 22; Du Bois, I. Lake Agassiz. 2; Green, 30; Helsley; Jahren, 5; Palmer, H.C.; Glacial sequence: Cushing, E.J., 6; Wright. 8, 15, 20. Pesonen; Symons, I, 2, 3. Glacial surges: Wright, 24. 27. -Precambrian metamorphic rocks, Minnesota River Val­ Glaciation and distribution of minnows: Underhill. ley: Lidiak. Grantsburg sublobe: Chernicoff. -Precambrian sedimentary rocks: Runcorn; Watts, D.R., Guidebooks: Clayton, 2; Matsch. 6, 10; Melchior; 1,2. Schultz; Schwartz, 18: Tuthill, 3; Wright, 5. 6, 7. 32. Radioactivity studies. See also Uranium. Hydrogeology: Kanivetsky, 5, 6; Reeder, I; Schwartz, -Aerial gamma ray survey: U.S. Department of Energy, 17. 1,2. Lake marl, chemistry: Goldich, 23. -Bibliography on radioactive occurrences: Cooper, Mar­ Lake Superior region: Dell; Farrand, I, 2; Gwyn; Page; garet. Saarnisto; Sharp, I, 2. 130 Glacial geology • Ground water

Late-Wisconsinan buried peat: Fries, 2. Glacial Lake Agassiz plain. See also Red River Valley. Loess: Chamberlin. Areal geology: Elson. 2, 3,4; Tamplin. Mankato glaciation: Leighton, 2; Wright, I; Zumberge, Geology along Portal pipeline: Freers. 7. Glacial and environmental geology: Mayer-Oakes, I, 2. Minnesota Quaternary geology: Goebel, 4; Harris. K.L., Ground water: Maclay, 3, 4, 6; Winter, 2. 5; Wright, 23, 26, 31, 32. Lineations: Clayton, 3. Minor moraines: Gwynne. Molluscan fossils: Tuthill, 2. Mississippi Valley region, geochronology: Horberg. Origin of Red River Valley: Jenson. New London-Spicer area: Anderson, D.B. Peat: Heinselman, I, 2. North Shore of Lake Superior: Moss, I, 2. Sediments: Arndt, B.M., 1; Rominger; Tuthill, 2. Northeastern Minnesota: Eng, 3; Friedman; Mengel, 2; Subsurface sand and gravel: Winter, 2. Winter, 3, 4, 5, 12; Wright, 7, 11,25,33; Zarth, 1,2. Vegetation history: Shay, 2. 3. -Babbitt-Kawishiwi area: Olcott, 3; Sharp, I; Stark, J .R. Glen Township Formation (Lower Proterozoic). Northwestern Minnesota: Harris, K.L., 1. 2, 3, 4; Mel- Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey. 33. chior; Sackreiter. Sulfide deposits: Han, I, 2, 3, 4. Paleoenvironment: Ashworth, 1,2,3; Farnham, R.S .. 6. Glenwood Formation (Ordovician). Pot holes: Burch. 1. 2, 3; Kuhin; Schwartz, 17. Areal geology: Elder. Radiocarbon dates. See Geochronology. Clay mineral-microfaunal relationships: Swain, F.M., Remote sensing: Goebel. I, 3; Taranik. Jr., 6. Soil mechanics: Arndt, B.M., 1; Booy; Rominger. Clay mineralogy: Parham,S. Southeastern Minnesota: Wright, 34. Depositional environment: Shutter,!' -Driftless area: Barton. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin,S, IS. -Rice County: Swanson. Lithostratigraphy: Hoeft. Southwestern Minnesota: Helgesen, 1; Matsch, 2, 3,4,5, Paleontology: Shutter, 2. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Rutford; Schneider, Robert, 4, 5; Petrology: Shutter, 1. 2. Thompson, G.L.; Tuthill, 1. St. Peter contact: Ernst,!' Subglacial thrusting: Harris, K.L., 1. St. Peter-Platteville transition: Fraser, G.S., I, 2. Superior lobe: Chernicoff; Saarnisto; Siegel, I; Wright, Goodhue County. 24.28. Cannon Falls. fossils: Kolata. Till. Red Wing area, clay: Austin, 2. -Heavy minerals: Gwyn; Hobbs. 1. 3. Red Wing quadrangle, areal geology: Crain. -Lithology related to bedrock geology: Everson, I, 2. Grant County. -Mechanical analysis: LeMay. Aeromagnetic maps: Anderson, L.A., I; Balsley, 3. -Mixed brown and gray, central Minnesota: Grimes. Gravity. See Geophysical investigations; Midcontinent -Origin of interlayering: Cushing, E.J., 3. Gravity High. -Petrography: Arneman; Matsch. 7. Great Lakes tectonic zone. -Rainy Lake: Siegel, 1. Geophysical studies: Van De Voorde, I, 2. -Red Drift soils: Bodman. Major crustal suture: Morey, 54; Sims, 30. -Relationship to bedrock, Lake Superior region: Dell. Greenleaf anomaly. See Midcontinent Gravity High. -Southeastern Minnesota: LeMay. Ground water. See also Hydrogeochemistry; Hydrogeo­ -Southern Minnesota: Matsch, 7, 9. logy; Karst; Water resources. Tunnel valleys: Wright, 24. Carbon contents: Maier, 1. 2. Twin Cities area: Florin, 1,2; Gelineau; Ruhe, 2; Savina; Drought of mid-1970's: Woodward, I. Stone, J.E., 1,2; Wright, 2, 12, 13,32. Exploration. Kittson County: Schiner, 1. Upper Mississippi Valley: Schultz. Exploratory drilling, Mesabi range: Cotter, 6. Valders glaciation: Wright, 4; Zumberge, 7. Fargo-Moorhead area: Byers. Vegetation: Ahlquist, I; Amundson; Baker, R.G., I, 2; Geologicfactors affecting occurrence: Walton, Matt. 3. Farnham, R.S., 6; Glaser, 1; Wasylikowa; Wright, IS, Levels and air temperatures: Schneider, Robert, 3, 4. 5. 20, 25 26, 27. Map of Minnesota: ThieL G.A., 7. Vermilion end moraine: Friedman; Norvitch. lb. Movement. Wadena drumlins: Wright, 9, 10, 14. -Dye determination of: Giammona; Mohring, I, 2. West-central Minnesota: Anderson, C.A.; Perkins; Reid, -In glacial deposits: Kanivetsky, 9; Van Voast, 1. D.F. -Northwestern Minnesota: Maclay, 4, 6. Wisconsinan Glaciation, classification of: Leighton, 1; Network to monitor: Hult; Kanivetsky, 1. Wright, 17. Observation wells: Scott. Glacial Lake Agassiz. Protection programs: Ross, E.H. Gladstone beach: Maclay, 3. Quality: Maderak, I, 2, 3; Osterholm, 1,2; Singer; Van Mankato-Valders drift: Elson, 2. Voast, 6. Paleoenvironment: Ashworth, 3; Elson, I. Regional estimates: Kanivetsky, 7, 8. Paleontology: Moran, I, 2. Resources of Minnesota: Hogberg, 7; Lindholm, 10. Sheyenne delta: Baker, C.H., Jr. Streamflow, relation to: Ackroyd; Van Voast, 6. Snake Curve section: Moran, I, 2. Water levels, 1957-1961: Straka. Southern outlet: Matsch, 11. West-central Minnesota: Paulson. Guidebooks. Hydrogeology 131

Guidebooks. Lineaments. Duluth Complex: Cooper, R.W., 1,2, 3. Biwabik Iron Formation: Walker. N.E. Resource potential: Kreisman; Stevenson, 5. Caves: Alexander. I; Hogberg. 9. Sulfate from snowmelt. Filson Creek: Siegel, 3. East-central Minnesota: Balaban, 2; Morey, 29, 38, 39; Hubbard County. Tuthill, 3. Aeromagnetic maps: Balsley, 2; Henderson, I. Eastern Minnesota, glacial geology: Schwartz, 18. Hudson-Afton horst. Lake Superior: Craddock, 3; Morey, 37. Geologic investigation: Morey, 52. Metal deposits and production: Merrell. Geophysical investigations: Barazangi; volz. Minnesota: Ballard; Johnson, D.A.; Schwartz, 30. Hudsonian orogeny: Church. I, 2. See also Penokean Minnesota River Valley: Grant, J.A., 6. orogeny. North Shore Volcanic Group: Green, 14, 16, 17.27. Human fossils. Northeastern Minnesota: Balaban, 2; Holway; Morey. 37, America's oldest: Cutler. 40; Ojakangas, 12,21; Paull; Schwartz, 18; Sims, 31; Glacial Lake Agassiz region: Mayer-Oakes. 2. Walker, N .E.; Weiblen, II. 20. Pelican Rapids, Oller Tail County: Irwin. St. Cloud granite district: Morey, 29. Huot Formation (late Quaternary). St. Croix River valley: Heller, 2; Webers, 8. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L., 4. St. Paul building stones: Kain. Huronian stratigraphy: Church, 2. See also Animikie Southeastern Minnesota: Alexander, I; Austin, 14; Paull; Group. Schwartz, 18; Sloan, II; Swain, F.M., Jr., 7; Tuthill. 3; Correlation, ironjormations: Wolff, 2. Webers. 8. Hydrogeochemistry. Southern Minnesota, Sioux Quartzite and Cretaceous Carbon, ground }}'ater, south-central Minnesota: Maier. rocks: Austin, 17. 1,2. Southwestern Minnesota, glacial geology: Clayton. 2; Ground water and stream sediments: Lively, 3; Meineke. Matsch, 6, 10; Tuthill, 3. 12; Morey, 45; Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Twin Cities: Winter, 14; Wright, 32. (ORGDP), I, 2, 3, 4; Southwick, 8. IJpper Mississippi River Valley: Frye, C.I., 1. 2, 3; Ground water. Twin Cities area: Maderak, 2. 3. Schultz; Schwartz, 18. Lakes: Hall, Henry. I: Meader. West-central Minnesota: Tuthill, 3. Northwestern Minnesota: Maclay. 4. Gunflint chert, Water quality: Maderak. I; Rodis, 6, Geochemistry. rare gasses: Alexander, 4. Hydrogeology. See also Ground water: Hydrogeochemistry; Origin of amino acids: Abelson, I, 2. Karst: Water resources. Gunflint Iron Formation (Lower Proterozoic). Aquifer tests: Johnson, R.M.; Walton, W.C., 2, 3. Age: Faure, 2; Hurley. Artificial recharge: Reeder, 3. Facies relations: Alexandrov, 2; Goodwin, I, 2. Clay County: Arndt, B.M., 3: Bingham. Metamorphism: Floran, 2, 3; Morey, 8; Simmons, E.C., Cretaceous aquifers: Rodis. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I, 2. Drought of 1967-77: Matthai. Organic geochemistry: Hoering, I; Oro. Elk Ri"er reactor site: Norvitch, 4. Paleoenvironment: Markun. Geoelectrical investigation: Zohdy. Petrology: F1oran, I, 4, 5; Markun. Lakes: Mann: McBride, 1, 2. 3; Winter, 8, 9. Stromatolites: Awramik, I, 2. Landfill sites: Edens; Saint. Gunflint range, See also Animikie Group; Cuyuna range; Mankato city wells, stratigraphy: Grove. Mesabi range; Mille Lacs Group. Maps of Minnesota. Areal geology: Morey, 18. -Aquifer test locations: Fax. I. Paleomagnetism: Symons, 2. --Ground-water observation wells: Scot!. Hennepin County, See also Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. -Hydrogeologic: Kanivetsky, I, 2. 4, 5. 6, II. Long Lake, paleomagnetism of sediments: Young. Morrison County: Jones, J.R. St. Paul SW quadrangle. Pleistocene geology: Gelineau. Nobles County: Norvitch, la, 2; Schneider, Robert. 4, 5. Hillman Migmatite (Archean). Northeastern Minnesota: Siegel, I, 3, 4; Stark. J.R. Age: Goldich, 10. Northwestern Minnesota: Maclay, 3, 4. 6; Schiner, I. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Outwash. Hinckley Sandstone (Middle Proterozoic). See also Ke­ -Southwestern Minnesota: Helgesen, I; Thompson, weenawan rocks. G.L. Sedimentation: Tryhorn. -West-central Minnesota: Larson, S.P., 2; Reeder, I. Stratigraphy: Morey, 14, 32. Ponds: Schwartz, 17. Petrology: Morey, 22; Tryhorn. Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer: Larson-Higdem, 2; Holocene, Liesch, 2; Maderak, 2. Climate: Banerjee, 3; Webb, 1, 2. Precambrian crystalline rocks: Yardley, 3. Eolian activity 8,000-5,000 yrs. ago: Grigal. Redwood Falls area: Schiner, 2. Postglacial history: Sanger; Wright, 22. Regional aquifers: Kanivetsky, 2. 5, 10, II; Walton, Vegetation and forest fire: Swain, A.M., I, 2. Matt, 3: Woodward, 1,2. Hoyt Lakes-Kawishiwi area, South-central Minnesota: Maier, I, 2. Geology, mineralogy: Stevenson, 4. Superior and Rainy Lake tills: Siegel, I. Glacial geology: Olcott, 3; Sharp, I; Stark, J.R. Surficial aquifers: Kanivetsky, 3, 6: Maclay, 3; Schnei­ Hydrogeology: Siegel, 4; Stark, J .R. der, Robert, 4, 5, 6, 7; Winter, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15; Wolf. 132 Hydrogeology. Keweenawan rocks

Swift County: Fax, 2. Deer Lake Complex sulfides: Berkley, 1,2,3,4; Ripley, Thermometry: Schneider, Robert, 3, 4, 5. 1.2,3.6,7. Twin Cities: Larson-Higdem, 2; Liesch, 2; Maderak, 2, 3; Grand Rapids area: Oakes, 2. Madsen, 2; Norvitch, 5; Pfannkuch, 1. 2; Reeder, 3; Raddison Lake area: Jolly. Winter, 14, 15. Jackson County. West-central Minnesota: Wolf. Geology and ground water: Norvitch, 2. Igneous petrology. See Petrology, igneous. Jordan Sandstone (Cambrian). See also Prairie du Chien­ Iron-formations. See also Animikie Group; Biwabik Iron Jordan aquifer. Formation; Cuyuna range; Gunflint Iron Formation; Gunflint Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin, 5, 15. range; Mesabi range; Soudan Iron Formation; Trommald Petrology: Wegrzyn. Formation. --Oneota contact zone: Kraft. I. 2. Age: Goldich, 10. Kanabec County. Archean. Itasca County: Jolly. Aeromagnetic and geologic map: Meuschke. 17. Areal geology: Emmons, I, 2; Machamer, I. 2, 3. Kandiyohi County. Biogenic minerals: Lougheed. Big Kandiyohi Lake: Meader. Carbon isotopes: Perry, 5; Tan. New London-Spicer area: Anderson, D.B. Carbonaceous rocks: Cloud, 1. Karst. Carbonate minerals: French, 6; Honeyman. Caves: Alexand~r, 1.2,3; Hogberg. 9; Milske; Spong. I, Chemist"': F1oran. 3; Lepp, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10. 2. Clay associated with: Bailey. Galena Formation: Morehouse. Correlation. Lake Superior district: Marsden, I, 3, 7; Geochronology: Lively. I, 2. Morey, 17; Wolff, 1. 2. Ground-water quality: Osterholm, 1. 2; Singer. Iron silicate minerals: Blake, I, 2, 3, 4; Floran, 4, 5; Photogeology: Venkatakrishnan. French, 6; Juneau. Research: Alexander. 5, 6. Magnetic properties of iron-containing minerals: Pas­ Southeastern Minnesota: Wopat, I, 2. trana, I, 2. Stream tracing: Giammona; Mohring. 1,2; Spong. 4. 5. Magnetic studies: Bath, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 10; Kekekabic Lake. Frischknecht, 1. 2; Jahren, I, 2, 3, 4. Areal geology: Cart; Grant, U.S.; Kennedy; Stark. J.T. Magnetite development: Han. 5, 6; LaBerge, I; Owens, 2. Between Knife and Kek_kabic Lakes: Vinje. Manganese: Lepp, 2, 3, 5. 6; Morey, 25. Microbiotas: Cloud, 2; LaBerge, 2. Cacaquabic granite: Kennedy. Ore deposits: Morey, 25. Kekequabic granite. metamorphism: Cart; Post; Powers. W.E. Ores. Lake Superior: Crowell; Heising, I; Marsden, 4; Keweenawan rocks. See also Beaver Bay Complex; Duluth Morey, 31. Complex; Endion sill; Fond du Lac Formation; Hinckley Origin: Alexandrov. I; Bleifuss, 5, 6. 7.8; Govett; Han. Sandstone; Lake Superior region; Logan intrusions; North 5, 6; Iverson; Lepp, I, 9, 10; Lister; Lougheed; Shore Volcanic Group; Northeastern Minnesota; Solar Machamer. I, 2, 3; Morey, 25; Owens, 3; Schwartz, Church Formation. 25, 26, 27; Spencer, I, 2; Stephenson; Symons, 3; Trendall; White, D.A., 3. Anorthosite: Ashwal. 1.2; Griffin. W.L .. 9; Phinney, 2. Owgen isotope geochemistry: Ahmad; James. 5; Perry, 3, 9. 4.6,7. Basal sandstones: Mattis. I, 2. 3. 4. Paleomagnetism: Symons, I, 2, 3. Cambrian boundary: Raasch, I. Petrologic comparison: Bradshaw. 1. 2. 3. Chemical relations of lavas and Duluth Complex: Phin- Precambrian: Goldich, 10; James. 6, 7. ney. 5. Copper mineralization. St. CrOlf area: Cordua. Rare earths: Fryer. Sedimentary facies: James. I. 2, 3. Cross section at Duluth: Sandberg, I. Southeastern Minnesota: Bleifuss. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9; Crustal structure: Farnham, P.R .. 1. 2; Halls, I; White. Pederson; Thiel. G.A .. 3. W.S .. 2. Taconite mineralogy: Bleifuss, 3; Mengel. I. East-central and southeastern Minnesota. Vermilion district: Machamer, I, 2, 3; Sims. 12, 32. -Buried extension: Zietz, 3. Iron ore. See Economic geology; Iron-formations. -Paleomagnetism: Watts. D.R .. I, 2. Ironton Sandstone (Cambrian). -St. Croix horst: Volz. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin. 5, 15. -Stratigraphy: Craddock, I: Kirwin; Morey, 6, II, 14. Isle Granite

Magma differentiation: Cornwall; Green, 29. Northwest Angle, Precambrian bedrock geology: Zam­ Magnetic intensities: Beck, I, 2. zow. Nd and Sr isotope systematics: Dosso. Lake Superior. Nopeming Formation: Mattis, 3, 4; Morey, I. Areal geology: Zumberge, 6. Paleomagnetism: Beck, I, 2, 3, 4; Books, I, 2, 3; Du Bedrock topography map: Wold, 2. Bois, I, 2; Green, 30; Jahren, 5; Palmer, H.C.; Peso­ BOl/om coring: Zumberge. 5. nen; Watts, D.R., 1,2. Crustal structure: Smith, T.J., 1, 2. Physical characteristics: Green, 4. Duluth-Superior harbor: Loy, 2. Plateau volcanism: Green, 24. Evolution of bay-head bars: Loy, I. Puckwunge Formation: Mattis, I, 2, 3, 4. Geochronology of sediments: Evans. Rare earth contents: Chaudhuri. Geophysical investigations: Wold, 1. 3, 4, 5, 6. Rift-related ores: Norman. Origin: Green, 25. Source area: Foster, 3; Merk. Seismic investigations: Halls, 2, 3. Kirchner Marsh, Dakota County_ Silver Bay sediments: Swain, F.M., Jr" 18. Diatoms: Brugam; Florin, I, 2. Sublacustrine fan morphology: Norrnark. Fossil pigments, postglacial history: Sanger. Sublacustrine topography: Parker, Jack. Paleoecology: Watts, W.A., 3. Lake Superior region. See also Nonheastern Minnesota. Pollen analysis: Winter, I. Archean and Proterozoic stratigraphy: Morey, 37. Kittson County. Areal geology: Birk; Dell: Green, 32: Grogan; Hough; Aeromagnetic map: Books. 7. Mengel, 2. Halma-Lake Bronson area, ground-water exploration and Crustal evolution: Morey, 34. pumping: Schiner, I. Early Proterozoic sedimentary basins: Larue. Knife Lake Group (Archean). Geophysical prospecting: Keller. Geochemistry: McKay; Rogers, J.J. W., I, 2. Gravity map: Klasner, 1. 2. Granite-bearing conglomerates: McLimans, 2. Gravity study ofLake Superior syncline: Thiel, E.C., 1,2. Graywackes: Ojakangas, 7, 8. Guidebooks: Mengel, 3; Morey, 37. Ogishke conglomerate: Berry, H.L.; McLimans, 2. Ironjormationscorrelation: Marsden, 1,3.7; Morey, 17; Sedimentology: Ojakangas, 4. Wolff, 1,2. Stratigraphy and structure: Green, 2. Keweenawan-Late Cambrian evolution: Hamblin, 1,2.3. Koochiching County. See also Birchdale-Indus area. Keweenawan sedimentation: Mattis, 1, 2, 3, 4. Aeromagnetic and geologic maps: Meuschke, 2, 5, 6, 7, Magnetic and gravity data: Schwanz, 12. 15. Metamorphism: Morey, 34. Mineral resources map: Meineke, 4. Mineral deposits and Precambrian tectonics: Sims, 27. Peat map: Eng. I, 2. Mining geology: Schwanz, 6. Lake Agassiz. See Glacial Lake Agassiz. Nonh Shore, environmental geology: Green. 32; Moss, 1, Lake County. See also Kekekabic Lake. 2. Aeromagnetic maps: Meuschke, 20; Minnesota Geologi- Paleomagnetism: Symons, 1. cal Survey, 5; U.S. Geological Survey. 3. Postglacial uplift: Maclean: Sharp. 2. Bedrock maps. Precambrian correlation: James. 4. -Alice Lake quadrangle: Davidson, D.M" Jr., 10. Quaternary geology: Farrand, I, 2; Moss, I, 2; Page; -Duluth Complex outcrops: Bonnichsen. 15. Saarnisto: Sharp, 2; Zanh, I, 2. -Gabbro Lake quadrangle: Green. 33. Tectonics of Keweenawan basin: White, W.S., 2. -Kawishiwi Lake quadrangle: Davidson. D.M" Jr" 3. Upper Precambrian rocks: Ojakangas, 22. -Lake Polly quadrangle: Davidson. D.M" Jr., 16. Lake Vermilion Formation (Archean). -Perent Lake quadrangle: Davidson, D.M., Jr., 4. Graywackes: Ojakangas. 7, 8. Copper-nickel: Alminas; Schwanz, 22. Nomenclature: Morey, 43. Cramer quadrangle: Lehman, I, 2. Structural geology: Dablow: Hooper: Hudleston. 2; Sims, Ely quadrangle, bedrock geology: Green. 7. 10. 25. Finland area, Late Precambrian mafic intrusion: Steven- Lakes. son, I, 2. Forest fire and phosphorus: McColl. Gabbro Lake quadrangle, bedrock geology: Green, 12; Hard water: Meader. Phinney, I, 3. Hydrogeolog.": Mann: McBride, I, 2. 3; Winter, 8. 9. Greenwood Lake quadrangle. Duluth Complex structure: Organic geochemistry: Stuiver. Phinney, I. Origin and classification: Zumberge, I. 3. Harris Lake area: Foose, 2. Sedimentation. See Sedimentation. Isabella quadrangle, glacial geology: Friedman. Land use. Kawishiwi River area, Cu·Ni minerali:ation: Grosh. 3. Maps and mapping: Hsu; U.S. Geological Survey, 6, 7,8. Mineral resources: Listerud, 4; Meineke, 8, 9, 10. 11. Lamprophyres. Silver Bay area: Green, 26; Whelan, 2, 3. Near Ely: Mudrey, 5. Silver Creek Cliff and Lafayette Bluff, Late Precambrian Northern Minnesota: Geldon, 1. 2; Sims, 44. mafic intrusions: Pope, 1, 2. Late Precambrian. See Precambrian, Late. Tuscarora intrusion.' Mogessie. Linden pluton. Lake of the Woods County. Age: Prince. 2. Aeromagnetic and geologic maps: Meuschke. 3, 4. Igneous petrology: Sims. 46. 134 Lineaments. Minnesota

Lineaments. Iron phyllosilicates: Blake, 3. Duluth Complex: Cooper. R,W" I. 2, 3; Foose. I. 2, Low-grade iron ores: Bleifuss, 10; Heising, 1. Glacial Lake Agassiz plain: Clayton. 3, Magnetic studies: Bath. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. LANDSAT: Ludvigson. Manganese: Lepp, 5. Little Falls Formation (Middle Proterozoic). Maps: Great Northern Iron Ore Properties; Oakes, I. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33, Paleomagnetism: Symons. 2. Logan intrusions (Middle Proterozoic). See also Ke­ Paleontology: Duluk. weenawan rocks. Petrography: Beckman. Age: Hanson, 9. Remote sensing: Walker, Alta, I, 2. Areal geology: Mathez, I; Morey, 9; Weiblen, 11, 12, 14. Seismic studies: Adams, L.H. Igneous petrology: Jones, N.W" 3; Mathez, 1; Weiblen, Stratigraphy: Gundersen, 4; White. D.A" I, 2. 14, 15. Taconite mineralogy: Bleifuss. 3; Gruner, 7; Gundersen. Lyon County. 7; Lubker; Marsden, 6; Royce. 2; Wasson. Ground water: Rodis, 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6; Schneider. Robert, Virginia Horn area: Sutton. 6,7. Metamorphic petrology. See Petrology, metamorphic, Magnetic studies. See Geophysical investigations. Midcontinent Gravity High. Mahnomen County. Aeromagnetic investigations: King. Aeromagnetic maps: Anderson. L.A" 4; Balsley, 5. Carver and McLeod Counties: Brandt. Mahnomen Formation (Lower Proterozoic), Evolution: Morey, 56; Ocola. I; Weiblen. 22. D~finition and description: Marsden, 7; Schmidt, 6. Gravity: Black; Li, I; Veith. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Keweenawan red beds: Morey, 19, Manganese. See Economic geology, Precambrian plate tectonics: Chase. Maps. See Minnesota; regions. e,g .. East-central Minne­ Seismic investigations: Cohen, I; Johnson, S.H .. I, 2; sota; and counties by name. Mooney. 4, 5; Ocala, 2. Maquoketa Formation (Ordovician). Structure: Cohen, 2; Coons, 1,2; Korompai; Lyons, 1.2; Astylospongia: Bayer, 4. Ocola. 2. Desmograptus cancellatus: Bayer, 5. Middle Precambrian. See Precambrian, Middle. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin, 5. 15. Mille Lacs County. Ostracodes: Burr, 1, 2. Aeromagnetic and geologic maps: Meuschke, 17, 19, Paleoem'ironmem: Bayer. 2. 3. 6. Mille Lacs Group (Lower Proterozoic). Paleontology: Bayer. 4, 5; Rigby. 2, 3. Description: Marsden. 7. Marcoux Formation (late Quaternary). Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L., 4. Mineral collecting. Marl. Agates: Dahlberg; Van Buskirk. Chemistry: Goldich, 23. Guide: Rapp; Sims. 1. Distribution on peatlands: Finney, 2. 3. Mesabi range: Rohn. Economic geology: Schwartz, 19. North Shore of Lake Superior: Waite. Nisswa Lake. Crow Wing County: Roepke, Mineral resources. See also Economic geology. Marsh gas. See Peat. Beltrami County: Meineke, 3. Marshall County. Cook Count)': McKenna. Aeromagnetic maps: Books, 4, 5, 9, Indian reservations: Thorpe. Mineral resources map: Meineke, 5. Iron ore and taconite: Heising. I; Marsden, 10, II, 12; Oslo area. landslide: Zejdlik. Weaton, I, 2. McGrath Gneiss (Archean). Koochiching County: Meineke. 4. Age: Keighin. 2; Stuckless, Marshall County: Meineke, 5. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey. 33. Mineral industry reports: Collins, I, 2, McLeod County. Minnesota: Davis, E.W., 3; Downing; Minnesota Geo­ Areal geology: Sims, 28, logical Survey. 2; Needham, 2; Robert; Schwartz, 7,8, Midcontinent Gravity High: Brandt. \3, 23. 24; Sims, 36, 37. 38; Walton. Matt, 4. Meeker County. Nonbauxite aluminum: Hall, R.B. Lake Washington magnetic anomaly: Sims, 29, Northeastern Minnesota: Nolan, Mesabi range. See also Animikie Group; Biwabik Iron Petroleum: Parker, M.C. Formation; Cuyuna range; Gunflint range; Mille Lacs Group; Roseau County: Meineke, 6. Pokegama Quartzite; Virginia Formation. Sulfur: Morey, 16. Areal geology: Marsden, 2.9; Morey, 20; White. D.A" I. Minneapolis. See Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, 2. Minnesota. Bedrock topography: Oakes, I, Geology. resume: Sims, 34. Cretaceous rocks: Bergquist; Burgess; McGill. Historical geology: Bray, I. 2. 3; Gruner, 2; Schwartz, Deep drilling: Pfleider, 2. 30; Sheldon; Sims, 33. 34. Geophysics: Zablocki. 2. Igneous rocks. chemistry: Ruotsala, I, 3. Glacial geology: Cotter, 5, 6, 7, 14; Winter, 3,4,5, 12, Mapping program: Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Re­ Guidebooks: Goldich, 29; Gruner, 6; Marsden. 2, 8, 9; sources Commission. 1. Owens, I; Plummer, 1,2,3. Maps. See also regions, e.g., Southwestern Minnesota, Hydrogeology. glacial drift: Winter, 4, 5. and counties by name. Minnesota • Northeastern Minnesota 135

-Aeromagnetic: Zietz, 2. Rare earths: Hanson, 10, 19. -Aquifer test locations: Fax, 1. Structure: Bauer, I. 2, 3, 7: Himmelberg, 3. -Bedrock geology: Morey, 30; Sims, 9. Morrison County. -Bedrock topography: Larson-Higdem, I. Aeromagnetic maps: Henderson, 3, 10. --Gravity: Craddock, 4. Camp Ripley, hydrogeology: Jones, J.R. --Ground water: Thiel, G. A .. 7. Explorarion geochemistry: Meineke, 14. --Ground-water observation wells: Scott. Little Falls area, ground water for irrigation: Helgesen, -Hydrogeology: Kanivetsky, 2, 4, 5, 6. 2. -Index maps: Boardman; Dunlavy: Goebel, 2; Mcintosh. Randall region, glacial geology: Schneider, A.F., 4. -Mineral resources: Schwartz, 23, 24. Morton Gneiss (Archean). See also Minnesota River Val­ -Peat resources: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, ley. 1,2. Amphibolites: Weiblen, 24. -Quaternary geology: Goebel, 4. Areal geology: Grant, J.A., 5; Lund. 3: Suda. -Seismotectonic, eastern U.S.: Hadley. Geochemistry: Wooden, 2, -Silica sand locations: Ketner, 2. Geochronology: Catanzaro, 1; Goldich, 14, 21. 35, 37; Minnesota Geological Survey. Stem, 3. History: Schwartz. 28; Sims, 13,51.52. Lithology: Goldich. 22, 37. Program: Walton, Matt, I Mafic enclaves: Nielsen, 1, 2. Metamorphic petrology: Grant, J.A., 7: Himmelberg. I. Minnesota River Valley. See also Montevideo Gneiss: 3. 5; Weiblen, 24. Morton Gneiss: Southwestern Minnesota. Rare earths: Hanson, 10, 19. Areal geology: Grant, J.A., 2. 4, 5, 6: Himmelberg, 1,2, Structure: Bauer, I, 2. 3. 7: Himmelberg, 3. 3; Lund, I, 2, 3; Morey, 21. Mosbeck site: Ashworth, 2, 3. Belle Plaine area: Sloan. JO. Mt. Simon Sandstone (Cambrian). Cedar Mountain Complex: Bury; Daggett. Contact with Precambrian, southeastern Alinnesota: Sni­ Composite dike at Granite Falls: Stevens. der. Fort Ridgely Granite: Keighin, I. Lithostraligraphic nomenclature: Austin, 5. IS. Geochemistry: Farhat, I; Goldich, 7,21, 22,34; Hanson, Newton Lake Formation (Archean). 10, 19: Seeling: Wilson, I, 2. Age: Jahn, 2, 3, 5. Geochronology: Catanzaro, I: Farhat, 1,2,3: Goldich, 3, Definition: Green, 12. 34; Morey, 43. 7,13,18,19,20,21. 22, 35, 36, 37: Grant, J.A., 2: Petrology: Green, 34: Schulz, 7. Hanson, 5, 21: Hart, 4; Hedge: Himmelberg, 4: Nobles County. Keighin, 1; Levy; Mangen; McCulloch; Stem, 1, 3; Hydrogeology: Norvitch, la, 2: Schneider, Robert, 4, S. Wilson, 1, 2; Wooden, 1. Norman County. Glacial geology: Matsch. 4. Aeromagnetic map: Anderson. L.A .. 4. Guidebook: Grant. J.A., 6. North Shore Volcanic Group (Middle Proterozoic). See Igneous petrology: Daggett; Stevens: Welsh, I, 2. also Keweenawan rocks. Kaolin clay resources: Parham, 7. AI-serpentine: Jahanbagloo. Lead isotope studies: Doe. I, 2. Ash-flow tuff: Johnson, C.H. Mafic dikes: Hanson. 5. 21: Himmelberg, 4. Field studies: Green, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23, 32. Metamorphic petrology: Grant, J.A., 7: Himmelberg, I, Geochemistry: Dosso: Green, 4, 19, 28, 29, 31. 3, 5: Seeling; Welsh, 1. 2. Guidebooks: Green, 14, 16, 17,27. Metamorphic rocks, magnetic characteristics: Lidiak. lmerf!ow sedimentary rocks: Jirsa. 1. ~. Paleozoic stratigraphy. structure: Couser. Petrology: Brannon, I, 2. 3: Green, 19: Jirsa, I, 2. Precambrian structure: Bauer, 1,2, 3, 7. Stratigraph\,: Green. 15. 18, 19.24, 31. Sacred Heart Granite: Welsh, 1. 2. Structure: Green, 18. 19. Tonalitic gneiss near Delhi: Wooden, I. Varieties of flows: Green. 5, 19. Mississippi River Valley. See also Paleozoic: Southeastern Northeastern Minnesota. See also counties and specific Minnesota. rock units by name: Guntlint range: Hoyt Lakes-Kawishiwi Elk River reactor site: Neuschel, 1,2: Norvitch. 4. area: Lake Superior region: Mesabi range: Pigeon Point: Glacial geology, guidebook: Schultz. Saganaga-Nonhem Light Lakes area, Vermilion district: Holocene: Erickson, 3. Vermilion iron range. Lower Paleozoic. guidebook: Schwartz, 18. Areal geology: Schwartz. 15: Sims, 19,40: Weiblen. 11. Pleistocene geochronology: Horberg. 12,20. River source: Glazier. Copper-nickel minerali:ation. See Economic geology. St. Anthony Falls: Darling: Mullen. Diabase intrusions: Mudrey, 9: Visher. Montevideo Gneiss (Archean). See also Minnesota River Gabimichigami Lake: Nebel. Valley. Glacial geology: Cotter. 14: Norvitch, Ib; Winter, 3, 4. Areal Geology: Grant, J .A., 5; Himmelberg, 1, 2, 3: Granites, Onrorio-Nfinnesota boundary region: Frye, Lund, 3. J.K. Geochronology: Catanzaro, I; Farhat, I, 2, 3: Goldich, Gravity investigations: Thiel, E.C., I. 2, 3. 21: Hedge. Ground water. See Hydrogeology: Water resources. Lithology: Goldich, 22. Guidebooks: Craddock, 3: Green, 16, 17.27; Morey, 37, Metamorphic petrology: Grant. J .A., 7: Himmelberg, I, 40; Ojakangas, 12,21: Paull; Plummer, 1,2. 3; 3, 5; Weiblen, 24. Schwartz, 18. 136 Northeastern Minnesota • Paleontology

Hibbing sheet. geology: Sims, 6. Olmsted County. Hydrogeochemical sllr"ey: Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Rochester area. Paleozoic faulting: Hogberg, 8. Plant (ORGDPl. 2. Oneota Dolomite (Ordovician). See also Prairie du Chien International Falls sheet, areal geology: Ojakangas, 5; Group. Southwick, I, 2, 9. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin,S, IS. Judson mine, guidebook: Everett. Petrology: Stubblefield, I, 2. Kekekabic Lake area: Grant, U.S.; Kennedy; Post; Pow- -Jordan contact: Kraft, I, 2. ers, W.E; Stark, J.T.; Vinje. Ordovician rocks. Mafic dikes, ages of: Hanson, 9, 22, 23, 24, 25. Northwestern Minnesota. Magnetic base stations: Bath, I. -Areal geology: Fuller, J.G.CM. Maps. --Correlations: Moore; Webers, 6. -Aeromagnetic and geologic: Bath, 10. -Stratigraphy: Bayer, I; Moore; Mossier,S. -Bedrock, Hibbing sheet: Sims, 41. Southeastern Minnesota. See also Decorah, Dubuque, -Bedrock, International Falls sheet: Southwick, 9. Galena, Glenwood, Maquoketa, Oneota, Platteville, -Gravity: Ikola, 3, 4, 7. Prairie du Chien, St. Peter, and Shakopee formations. -Surficial geology, Mesabi-Vermilion iron ranges: Cot- -Areal geology: Agnew, 1. 2; Frye, CI .. 3; Sloan, II. ter. 14. -Bentonites: Bell, 1. Mineral resources. See Economic geology: Mineral re­ --Caves and ground water. See Karst. sources. -Lineaments, LANDSAT: Ludvigson. Organic-rich sedimems: Meineke, 2, 7, 8, 9,10, I I. 12, -Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin,S, IS: Davis, 13. R.A., Jr., 2. Postglacial "egetation: Swain, A.M., I. 2. -Oolites: Davis, R.A., Jr., I. Precambrian areal geology: Schwartz, 9. -Paleontology: Fleener; Kalata; Strimple: Tuftin; We- Quetico-Superior area: Atwood; Schwartz, II. bers, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; Weiss, 1,2,5,6. Seismic studies: Anzoleaga; Berry, M.J. -Platteville, Decorah, and Galena: Agnew, 1,2. Total magnetization: Bath, 7. -Sedimentation: Austin,S, 14, IS; Davis, R.A., Jr., I, Two Harbors sheet, bedrock geology: Green, 6, 9. 3,4,5,6; Fraser, G.S., 1,2. Northern Minnesota. See also counties and specific rock -Stratigraphy: Agnew, I; Mossler, 3, 6; Weiss, 1. 2, 7, units by name; Rainy Lake area. 8 Archean slates and graywackes: Ripley, 8. -Stromatolites: Davis, RA., Jr., 4. Areal geology: Sims, 17. -Twin CitIes area: Mossier, 3, 6. Base-metal exploration: Meineke, I. Otter Tail County, Crustal refraction profile: Anderson, R.E. Aeromagnetic maps: Anderson, L.A., 1,2; Balsley, 7, 8. Diabase dikes: Sims, 43. Bedrock: Anderson, E.E. Eolian fearures: Grigal. Pelican Rapids, human fossil: Irwin. Geophysical studies: Bath, 3, 4; Ervin, 3, 4. Perham area, ground waler: Reeder, 1. Glacial soils near U.S.-Canada border: Booy. Paleobotany, Greenstone belt: Ojakangas, 6. Forest history of Minnesota: Wright, 19, 20. Ground water. See Water resources. Late Wisconsinan: Farnham, R.S., 6; Wasylikowa; Lamproph\'Tes and syenite: Ervin, 3, 4; Geldon, I, 2; Watts, W.A., 1. Sims,44. Postglacial ,'egetation: Just; McAndrews, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Linden pluton: Prince, 2; Sims, 46. Shay, 2, 3; Watts, W.A., 4; Wright, 16,22,34. Northwestern Minnesota, See also counties and specific Quaternary vegetation history: Wright, 26, 33, 34. rock units by name; Birchdale-Indus area; Glacial Lake Rates of change: Watts, W.A .. 2, 3. Agassiz plain; Red River Valley. Upper Cretaceous: Pierce, R.L., 1,2,3. Bedrock stratigraphy: Bayer, I; Fuller, J.G.CM White pine: Jacobson. Moore; Mossier,S; Ojakangas, 2; Webers, 6. Paleoclimatology . Gamma ray survey: U.S. Department of Energy, 2. Deglaciation: Saamisto. Glacial geology: Harris, K.L .. 2, 3, 4, 5; Melchior; Postglacial sequence: Webb, I, 2 .. Sackreiter. Quaternary lake sediments: Banerjee, 3; Stuiver; Wright, Greenstone belt: Ojakangas, 14. 18; Young. Ground water. See Water resources. Paleolimnology , Guidebook: Melchior. Burntside and Shagawa Lakes: Bradbury. Hydrogeology: Maclay, 3, 4, 6; Schiner, 1. Paleomagnetism of lake sediments: Banerjee, 4; Levi, I, Maps. 2. -Aeromagnetic and geologic: Bath, 9. Paleon tology . -Geologic: Ojakangas, 23. Astylospongia: Bayer, 4. -Gravity: McGinnis, 2, 4. Biofacies variation, Platteville Formation: Sloan, 6. Mima-type mounds: Ross, B.A. Bisonfossils: Shay, I; Taylor, P.S. Northwest Angle: Zamzow. Brachiopods: Bretsky; Rowell; Weiss, 6. Norwegian Bay block, See Vermilion Granitic Complex. Bryozoa, Decorah Shale: Karklins, I, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ogishke conglomerate (Archean). Cambrian: Swain, F.M., Jr., 7, II; Webers, 6,8. Areal geology: Berry, H. L. Castoroides ohioensis: Erickson, I, 2. Description: McLimans, 2. Chitinozoans: Charpentier. Paleontology • Peat 137

Coccoliths: Poppe. Palynology, Conodonts: Ethington, 1,2; Pierce, R.W.: Thompson, "Big Woods" development: McAndrews, 5; Waddington. W.H., Jr.; Webers, 1,2,3,4. Cretaceous pine pollen: Pierce, R.L., 2. Cretaceous: Bolin, I, 2, 3, 4: Case; Chaney: Poppe; Cretaceous spores: Hall, J.W .. I, 2. 3. ShUff, I, 2. 3: Sloan, I, 2. Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary: Kremp, Desmograptus cancellatus: Bayer, 6: Sloan, 5. Differential pollen deposition. small lakes: Heathcote. Foraminifera: Bolin, I, 2, 3, 4. Differential pollen preservation, late Quaternary sedi- Fossil collecting: Bayer, 7; Hogberg, 10, II. ments: Cushing, E.J., S. Guidebooks: Swain, F.M., Jr., 7; Webers, 8. Fossil bison site: Rowley. Human. See Human fossils. Itasca region: McAndrews, 4. Late Quaternary paleoecology: Malmquist. Kirchner Marsh, Dakota Counr.': Brugam: Florin, I, 2; Maquoketa Formation: Bayer, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Winter, I. Mesabi range: Duluk. Lare Pleistocene: Dunay; Fries, I; Jelgersma; Wasyli- Molluscs: Malmquist. kowa; Wright, 34. Museum guide: Erickson, 4. Late Wisconsinan: Cushing, E.J .. I, 2, 4, 6. Onchopristis dunklei: Case. Myrtle Lake peatland, northern Minnesota: Janssen, 1,2. Ordovician echinoderms: Strimple. Northeastern Minnesota: Craig; Fries, I; Potzger; Swain. Ordovician, southeastern Minnesota: Fleener; Rigby, 2, A.M., 1,2; Watts, W.A., 2. 3; Shutter, 2; Sloan, 6; Swain, F.M., Jr., 6, 7; Tuftin; Pollen sum: Wright, 30. Webers, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; Weiss, I, 2, 5, 6. Postglacial: McAndrews, I; Patten; Wright, 34. Ostracodes: Bolin, 1,2,3,4; Burr, 1,2; Cornell; Hansen; -Climate: Webb. I. 2. Levinson; Malmquist; Swain, F.M., Jr., 4. Quaternary paleoecology: Gordon. Paleoecolog.\', Cambrian: Webers, 6, 7. Radiocarbon analysis, peat samples: Deevey. Paleoecology, Ordovician: DesAutels, I, 2; Fleener; Southeastern Minnesota: Wright, 34. Sulima; Webers, 6, 7. White pine, history and ecology: Jacobson. Paleoenl'ironment, Devonian: MossIer, 4. Parks and monuments, Paleoenvironment, Pleistocene: Ashworth, I, 2, 3; Geologic plaques: Ahlquist. 3. 4, 5. Rowley. Itasca: Leisman; Zumberge, 2. Paleozoic: Webers, 5. Pipestone National Monument: Coale; Larson. C.E. Plant macrofossils: Watts, W.A., I, 3. State parks, geolog.": Bradley; Harris. J.M .. 1,2.3,4.6, Pleistocene: Moran, I, 2; Tuthill, 2. 7.8.9. 10; Johnson, Elden; Thiel, G.A .. 2. 5. Polylopia: Yochelson. Lake Agassiz Peatlands National Area: Heinselman. 2. Postglacial Mississippi River Valley: Erickson, 3. Tower-Soudan: Sims. 32. Prairie du Chien: Heller, I. Voyageurs National Park: Minnesota Geological Survey, Precambrian: Awramik, I, 2; Cloud, 2, 3, 4; Darby; 3. LaBerge, 2; Mohr; Schopf; Swain, F.M., Jr., 7. II. Partridge River Troctolite (Middle Proterozoic). See Du­ Program for Minnesota: Minnesota Outdoor Recreation luth Complex. Resources Commission, 2. Peat, See also Kirchner Marsh. Radiolaria: Bolin, I, 2, 3, 4. Bog del'e/opment: Hobbs, 2; Swain. P.C. Rauifella Ulrich: Rigby, I. Cedar Creek Bog: Buell; Swain. F.M .. Jr .. 9, 16. Scalenocyslites strimplei: Kalata. Classification criteria: Boelter: Farnham. R.S .. 3. Skolithos ,modi Whitfield: Howell. Electric analog modeling: Sander. Sponges: Rigby, 2, 3. Elongate tree islands: Gleason. Stromatolites: Awramik. 1.2; Davis. R.A .. Jr .. 4: Mohr. Environmental geology: BatTey; Heinselman. 2. Tertiary Deflandrea phosphoritica compared with Peri- Germanium geochemistry: Prokopovich. 2. dinium limbatum: Eisenack. Glacial Lake Agassiz plain: Heinselman, 1,2: Janssen. I, Trilobites: Bell, 4: Berg. 3; Grant. R.E .• 1.2.3; Nelson. 2. C.A., I, 2; Palmer. A.R.; Raasch, 2. Hydrologic efJeCts of mining: Siegel. 2. Paleozoic, See also Cambrian. Devonian, Ordovician. Inorganic frac/ion: Finney, 1. Correlations, regional: Heller. I: Morey, 41. Limnic materials in peat: Finney, 2. 3. K-Ar ages of glauconites. southeastern Minnesota: Gol­ Marsh gas: Swain. F.M .. Jr.. 5. 13. dich. 12. Organic geochemistn': Swain, F.M .. Jr., 9. 14. 16, 19. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature, southeastern /!rffrlne- Organic matter accumulation: Leisman. sota: Austin, 5, 15. Origin: Soper. Mankato area: Humphrey. Radial mat growth: Buell. Minnesota River Valley: Couser. Raised bogs, distribution: Malterer. Mississippi River Val/ey, guide to: Heller, 2. Red Lake, north-central Minnesota: Farnham, R.S .. 5; Paleontology: Bayer. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7; Bretsky: Burr. 1,2; Gleason; Griffin. K.O.; Siegel. 2. Levinson: Swain, F.M., Jr.. 7: Webers. 5. Research: Passer, 3. Post-Cambrian faulting: Hogberg, 8. Resources: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs. I, 2; RejuI'enated Precambrian faults: Morey, 52. Eng, 1.3: Farnham. R.S., 2. 4. S; Fox; Olson. 0.1.; St. Croix River, guide to: Clement; Heller, 2. Passer. I, 2, 4: Piret; Soper. Sedimentation, southeastern Minnesota: Austin. 5. 6. 7, Rossburg Peat, north-central M'"l1nesota: Swain. F.M" 14. 15. Jr.. 3, 14. 138 Peat. Platteville Formation

Stratigraphy: Gleason: Swain. F.M., Jr.. 3, 9. Ely Greenstone: Smith. L.W. Surface patterns: Eng. 2; Glaser, 2; Griffin. K.O. Giants Range batholith: Viswanathan, I. 3, 26. Water-table relationships: Bay, I, 2, 3, 4. Gunflint Iron Formation: Broderick; Floran, 1,2,3.4.5; Pennington County, Simmons, E.C .. 1,2. Aeromagnetic maps: Books, 4. 8. Hexagonal AI-serpentine. North Shore Volcanic Group: Mosbeck site. Pleistocene geology and paleontology: J ahanbagloo. Ashworth, 2, 3. Kekekabic Lake area: Cort. Penokean orogeny. Metasediments, Rain), Lake region: Peterman, I, 6. Age of Grenville front: Church, I, 2. Pigeon Point: Bayley: Mudrey, 2, 3. 8, 10. Definition: Goldich, 25. Retrograde zoning in garnet: Grant. J.A .. 7. East-central Minnesota: Morey. 26, 34. Rove Formation: Labotka: Morey, 10. Foldbelt: Sims, 26. Serpentine from Elv: Ruotsala, 2. Geochronology: Goldich, 2, 4, 9, 25: Keighin, I, 2, 3. Snowbank stock: Hanson, 1. 2. 3. 16, 26, 28. Structure: Davidson, D.M., Jr., 20: Morey, 39. Stilpnomelane. Petrology, igneous. See also Duluth Complex: other rock -Phase relations: Brown. E.H. units by name: Keweenawan rocks; Minnesota River Valley. -Structure, revised: Gruner. 3. Bafic igneous rocks, opaque minerals: Buchheit. Thomson Formation: Weiblen. 2. Beaver Bay Complex: Gehman, 1,2,3; Kanda, I; Vermilion district, gneiss: Griffin, W.L., 4. 5. Nakamura: Whelan, 2. Vermilion Granitic Complex: Goodge; Southwick, 3. 5, 6, Birchdale-Indus area: Ojakangas, 19. 10. Brule Lake intrusions: Burnell. I. 2. Virginia Formation: Kirstein: Lucente: Matlack, 1, 2. 3. Cedar Mountain Complex: Daggett. Petrology, sedimentary. See also other rock units by name. Chengwatana Volcanic Group: Morey, 47. Bayfield Group: Myers, I. 2, 3. Deer Lake Complex: Berkley, 4; Ripley, 1, 2, 3, 6. Birchdale-Indus area: Ojakangas, 19. Diabase dikes. Cambrian: DiStefano; Flurkey; Graham: Kiester: Kramer; -East-central Minnesota: Manzer. Thein, I, 2: Wegrzyn. -Minnesota River Valley: Hanson. 21; Himmelberg, 3, Cuyuna range: Schmidt, 2, 4. 4. Feldspathized sandstone: Berg, I. -Northern Minnesota: Malhotra: Manzer: Sims, 43. Fond du Lac Formation: Morey, 6. 22, 32. Diabase sills. northeastern Minnesota: Visher. Glenwood Formation: Shutter, 1,2. East-central Minnesota: McCormick; Woyski, 1, 2. Gunflint Iron Formation: Markun. Ely's Peak basalts: Kilburg, I, 2. Heavy minerals in till: Hobbs, 1, 3. Endion sill: Ernst, 2, 3. Hinckley Sandstone: Morey, 14,22.32: Tryhorn. Giants Range batholith: Viswanathan. 1.2,3,4,8,9,13, Knife Lake Group, graywacke: Rogers, J.J.W., 1,2. 26. Nopeming Formation: Mattis. 4. Granites near Ontario border: Arth, 3: Frye, J.K. North Shore Volcanic Group: Jirsa. 1. 2. Komatiites: Green, 20. 21, 34; Schulz, 2, 3, 9. Oneota Dolomite: Stubblefield, I, 2. Lamprophyres and syenite, northern MinneSOTa: Geldon. Precambrian graywacke, shale: Morey, 53. I, 2; Sims, 44. Puckwunge Formation: Mattis. I, 2. 3, 4. Linden plulOn: Sims, 46. Rove Formation: Morey. 3, 4. 5, 6, 53. Logan intrusions: Jones, N.W., 3; Mathez. I: Weiblen. Shakopee Formation: Austin, 10, 11, 16, 19. 14, 20. Sioux Quartzite: Weber. Mafic enclaves. Morton Gneiss: Nielsen. I, 2. Solar Church Formation: Morey, 14,22.27, 32. A4onzoniles, east-central Minnesota: Johnson, M.e. Thomson Formation: Morey, 50. 53. Northeastern Minnesota: Arth, 1, 2, 3,4, 5. 7: Elftman: Vermilion district, graywacke: Severson. Feirn, I. 2; Jones, N.W., 3. Virginia Formation: Lucente. Partridge River TroctoliTe: Tyson, 3, 4, 5. Pierz Granite (Lower Proterozoic). Pigeon Point: Bayley: Mudrey, 2. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Precambrian anorthosites: Ashwal, I. 2; Griffin, W.L., Pigeon Point. 9: Phinney. 9. Geochemistry of sill: Wooden, 3. Pyroxene crystallizarion in iron-rich diabase.' Muir. Petrology: Mudrey. 1, 2, 6, 9, 10; Weiblen. 15. Saganaga-Northern Light Lakes area: Goldich, 17. Precambrian areal geology: Bayley; Mudrey. 1.2.3,4, Saganaga Tonalite: Hallford. 7,9, 10. Vermilion district: Green, 21. 34; McManus: Schulz. 1.2. Structure: Mudrey. I, 2. 3, 6, 10. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9. Pine County. Vermilion Granilic Complex: Southwick. 3, 5, 6, 10. Aeromagnetic maps: Meuschke. 17; Minnesota Geologi- West Mesabi range: Beckman. cal Survey, 4; U.S. Geological Survey, 2. Petrology, metamorphic. See also Duluth Complex: other Hydrogeochemistry: Morey. 45. rock units by name; Minnesota River Valley. Keweenawan rocks: Morey. 47. Birchdale-Indus area: Ojakangas, 19. Structure, Lower and Middle Precambrian rocks: Biwabik Iron Formation: Bonnichsen. 1,2,3.4,5,9,10; Davidson. D.M., Jr., 20. Forbes: French, 3: Frost; Gundersen. 7: Han,S, 6; Pipestone. See Sioux Quartzite. Marsden, 14; Morey. 51; Smith, R.W.; Whelan, 2. Platteville Formation (Ordovician). Boundar.' waters area: Christensen, I, 2. Areal geology: Ford; Majewske. 1, 2; Rassam, 1, 2; Cordieriie-anthophyllite: Grant, J .A .. 1. Sloan, 8. Platteville Formation • Rove Formation 139

Hidden Falls member: Sloan, 3. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Lithofacies, biofacies variation: Sloan, 6. Titanium content: Schmidt, 4. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin, 5, 15. Radioactivity studies. See Geophysical investigations. Paleontology: Thompson, W.H .. Jr. Radiocarbon dates. See Geochronology. SI. Peter transition: Fraser, G.S., I, 2. Rainy Lake area. Stratigraphy and petrology: Hoeft; Mossier, I. Geochronology: Hart. 2. 3; Peterman. 7. Pleistocene. See Glacial geology; Palynology. Greenstone belt: Goldich, 26, 27; Ojakangas. 3, 6; Pokegama Quartzite (Lower Proterozoic). See also Animi­ Peterman, 5, 6. kie Group. Metavolcanic-metasedimentary sequence: Ojakangas, 9, Algae: Cloud, 3. 11. Stratigraphy: Dolence. Petrology of metasediments: Peterman, 1. Polk County. Review of geology: Alt; Goldich, 27. Aeromagnetic maps: Balsley, 6; Books. 8. 9. 10, 11. Ramsdellite: Klingsberg. Pollution. See also Environmental geology; Karst; Waste Ramsey County. See also Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. disposal. Inver Grove Heights and SI. Paul SW. quadrangles, Asbestiform minerals in water: Cook. Pleistocene geology: Gelineau. Downward leakage to aquifers: Larson-Higdem, 2. Stillwater quadrangle, areal geology: Brown, N.J. Ground water: Saint. White Bear Lake West quadrangle. areal geology: Man-made lakes: Heinemann. Eginton. Oil spills: Convery; Pfannkuch, 3. Randall Formation (Lower Proterozoic). Water: Putnam. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Pope County. Red Lake County. Lake Emily area, ground water: Van Voast, 3; Wolf. Aeromagnetic maps: Balsley, 6; Books. 8. 11. Lake Johanna area. Quaternary geology: Reid, D.F. Red Lake Falls area. glacial geology: Harris. K.L., 2; Poplar River Formation (late Quarternary). Hobbs, 1; Moran, I, 2; Tuthill. 2. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L., 4. Red Lake Falls Formation (late Quaternary). Postglacial uplift, Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris. K.L., 4. Lake Superior region: MacLean; Sharp. I, 2. Red River Valley. See also Glacial Lake Agassiz plain; Pot holes. Northwestern Minnesota. Hydrogeology: Schwartz, 17. Drilling project: Moore. Morphology: Burch, I, 2; Kuhm. Formation of: Jenson Prairie du Chien Group (Ordovician). See also Oneota Geologic and geophysical STudies: Pye. Dolomite; Shakopee Formation. Precambrian basement rocks: Karner: Kelley, I, 2; Karst: Spong, 2. Moore. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin, 5, 15; Heller, I. Quaternary stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L., 4. SedimellIation: Davis, R.A., Jr .. 3, 6. Redwood County. ·Stratigraphy: Davis, R.A., Jr .. 5; Powers. E.H. Cedar Mountain Complex: Daggett. Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer. Hydrogeology: Schiner. 2. Downward leakage to: Larson-Higdem, 2. Redwood Falls area. graviTy sun'ey: Twin Cities area: Liesch, 2; Maderak. 2, 3. Fogelson. Precambrian. See also Archean; Iron-formations; Ke­ Reformatory Granite (Lower Proterozoic). weenawan rocks; Precambrian, Late; Precambrian, Middle; Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Proterozoic; Tectonics. Stress measurements: Fairhurst. Changing oxidation states: Fryer. Remote sensing, See also Aerial photography. Geology, general: Doe, 3. Glacial drift: Goebel. I, 3; Taranik. Hydrogeology, crystalline bedrock: Yardley, 3. LANDSAT. Ordol'ician rocks: Ludvigson. OrganiC geochemistry: Swain, F.M., Jr .. 8, 10. Mesabi range: Walker, Alta, I. 2. Paleontology: Awramik, I, 2; Cloud. 2, 3, 4; Darby; Radar imagery: McAnerney. LaBerge. 2; Mohr; Schopf; Swain. F.M .. Jr., 7, I!. Water resources: Lindholm, II; Salomonson. Regional correlations: Grout, I; Marsden, I, 3. Rice County, Precambrian, Late. See also Keweenawan rocks. Glacial geology: Swanson. Regional geologic serring: Craddock, 2. Richmond Gneiss (Archean). Tectonics: Halls, I. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Precambrian, Middle. See also specific rock units by Rock mechanics. See Engineering geology. name. Rockville Granite (Lower Proterozoic). Regionalgeologic selling: Morey, 17; Sims. 27; Trendall. StraTigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Proterozoic. Roseau County. Early Proterozoic sedimentary basins. Lake Superior Aeromagnetic maps: Books. 6, 12; Meuschke, 4. region: Larue. Mineral resources map: Meineke, 6. Puckwunge Formation (Middle Proterozoic). Roseall Lake, origin: Hammer, I, 2. Petrology and sedimentation: Mattis, 1.2,3,4. Rove Formation (Lower Proterozoic). Quaternary. See Glacial geology; Holocene. Contact metamorphism: Labotka; Morey, 10. Rabbit Lake Formation (Lower Proterozoic l. Sedimelllology: Morey. 2, 3, 4, 5. 10. Definition and description: Marsden, 7; Schmidt. 6. Stratigraphy: Morey, 2, 5, 10. Nonbauxite aluminum: Hall. R.B. Structure: Morey, 2, 10. 140 Sacred Heart Granite • Shagawa Lake

Sacred Heart Granite (Archean). Ely quadrangle, areal geology: Green, 7, JO. Geochronology: Doe, I, 2. Ely trough, areal geology: Reid, I.L.. 1. Igneous and metamorphic petrology: Welsh, I, 2. Isaac Lake quadrangle, areal geology: Griffin, W.L., 5. Saganaga batholith/GranitelTonalite (Archean). McComber mines: Vadis, 3. Age: Anderson, D.H., 1,2,3. Mineral resources: Listerud, 4. Areal geology: Hanson, 8; Weiblen, II, 12. Peat: Eng. 3; Farnham, R.S., 2, 4; Olson. Emplacement and deformation: Davidson, D.M., Jr., 21, Skelton Lake area: Vadis, I. 23. Surficial geology and pear map: Eng, 3. Paleostrain analysis: Davidson, D.M., Jr., 19. Tower quadrangle: Ojakangas, I, 25, 26, 27. Petrology and structure: Hallford. Walberg Creek area: Viswanathan, 27. Saganaga-Northern Light Lakes area, St. Paul. See Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Age: Hanson, 20. St. P~ter Sandstone (Ordovician). Areal geology: Goldich, IS, 16; Hanson, 17. Argillaceous beds: Olsen. Petrogenesis: Hanson, 18. Clay mineral and Kjeldspar: Lassin. Petrology: Goldich, 17. Engineering geology: Darling; Lewis, I; Madsen, I; S!. Anthony Falls Lower Lock and Dam, Mullen; Nelson, C.R., I, 2; Norvitch. 5; Payne, 2; Poundarion problems: Darling; Mullen. Schwartz, 14. S!. Cloud Granite (Lower Proterozoic). Glenwood contact: Ernst, I. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. St, Croix horst, Grain shape: Mazzullo, I, 2. Grain size, purity: Ketner, 1,2. Geophysical investigations: Craddock,S; Volz. S!. Croix River valley. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin,S, IS. Areal geology: Berkey; Heller, 2. Origin: Mazzullo, I, 2; Schwartz, 14. Copper mineralization: Cordu3. Petrography: Parham, 3. Guidebooks: Heller, 2; Webers, 8. Platteville transition: Fraser, G.S., 1. 2. Lake St. Croix, paleomagnetism: Levi, I, 2. Relationship to Simpson Group: Dapples. Paleozoic stratigraphy, structure: Clement. Texture, grain sUrface: Amaral. St. Croix Dalles: Berkey. St. Wendel Metagabbro (Archean). S!. Hilaire Formation (late Quaternary). Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Stratigraphic nomenclarure: Harris, K.L., 4. Sand, gravel, crushed rock. See Economic geology. St. Lawrence Formation (Cambrian). Sartell Gneiss (Archean). Lithofacies: McGannon, I, 2. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin,S, IS. Sauk RapidS Metamorphic Complex (Archean). S!. Louis County. See also Ely area; Shagawa Lake; Water Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Hen intrusion. Scanning electron microscopy. Aeromagnetic maps: Krizman; Meuschke, 8, 9, 10, II, Fossil bacteria: Schopf. 12, 13; Minnesota Geological Survey, 6; U.S. Geologi­ Silicates, test specimens: Greer. cal Survey, 1. Sedimentary petrology. See Petrology, sedimentary. Alborn area, glacial geology: Baker, R.G., 1,2. Sedimentation See also specific rock units by name. Asbestiform minerals: Cook. Archean: Ojakangas, 17, 20, 24, 28: Severson. Babbilt-Embarrassarea, areal geology. Griffin, W.L., I, Carbonate precipitation, Holocene lakes: Dean. 2,3. Cye/ic: Morey, 27. Bedrock maps. Glacial Lake Agassiz: Moran. I, 2; Rominger. -Biwabik NW. quadrangle: Sims, 23. Hard-water lake stratigraphy: Meader. -Britt quadrangle: Sims, 50. Keweenawan-Late Cambrian transition: Hamblin. 2, 3. -Dark Lake quadrangle: Viswanathan, 18. Lake sediments. -Dewey Lake quadrangle: Viswanathan, 22. -Amino acids: Blumentals; Swain, F.M., Jr., 2, 3.19. -Dewey Lake NW. quadrangle: Viswanathan, 19. -Carbohydrates: Rogers, M.A., I, 2, 3. -Duluth Complex outcrops: Bonnichsen, IS. -Fossil pigments: Gorham, 1,2; Paulsen; Sanger; Swain, -Embarrass quadrangle: Griffin, W.L., 3. F.M., Jr., IS. -Esko quadrangle: Kilburg, 3. -Geochemistry: Stuiver. -Shagawa Lake quadrangle: Sims, 45. -Geochronology: Evans. -Side Lake quadrangle: Viswanathan, 21. -History pi fire and vegetation: Swain, A.M., I, 2. -Soudan quadrangle: Sims, 48. -Paleomagnetism: Banerjee, 3, 4; Levi, 1. 2; Young. -Stingy Lake quadrangle: Viswanathan, 23. -Stratigraphy: Swain, F.M., Jr., I, 17, 18; Zarth, I, 2. -Tower quadrangle: Ojakangas, 27. -Vivianite occurrences: Miller, J.A., Ill. Clav: Aase. I, 2; Bleifuss, 2. Dead River area, lamprophyre pluton: Geldon. I, 2. Late Quaternary: Bickley; Stuiver. Duluth. Man-made lakes: Heinemann. -Areal geology: Hartley; Mengel, 2; Taylor, R. B., 2, 3, Marl: Roepke, 4, 5, 6. Mystery Cave: Milske. -Cross section. Keweenawan lavas: Sandberg, 1. Seismic studies. See Geophysical investigations. -Duluth-Superior Interstate Bridge Project: Howard. Shagawa Lake. -Endion sill: Ernst, 2, 3; Faure, I, 3, 4. Fossil pigments: Gorham, 2. -Enger Tower area: Goldich, 31, 32, 33; Lucia. Paleolimnology: Bradbury. Shakopee Formation - Taconite 141

Shakopee Formation (Ordovician). See also Prairie du -Nomenclature: Austin, 5, 14, 15. Chien Group. -Structures, faults: Hogberg, 8; Morey, 52. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature: Austin, 5, 15. Red Wing quadrangle, areal geology: Crain. New Richmond Sandstone Member: Squillace. Seismic survey of buried channel. Cannon River valley: Petrology: Austin, 10, II, 16, 19. Vick. Sedimentation: Austin, 10, II. Sulfide mineralization: Ludvigson. Willow River Dolomite Member: Davis, R.A., Jr., 3. Southwestern Minnesota. See also counties and specific Sherack Formation (late Quaternary). rock units by name; Minnesota River Valley. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L., 4. Gamma ray survey: U.S. Department of Energy, 2. Sherburne County, Glacial geology: Helgesen, 1: Matsch, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, Elk River nuclear-reactor site: Neuschel, 1,2; Norvitch, 9, 10, II; Thompson, G.L. 4. Granite near Fort Ridgely: Keighin, I. Sioux Quartzite (Lower Proterozoic). Gravity investigations: Ikola, 5, 6. Areal geology: Austin, 18; Baldwin, I, 2; Miller, T.P. Ground water. See Water resources. Catlinite (pipestone) quarries: Broughton. Guidebooks: Clayton, 2; Grant, J.A., 6; Matsch, 6, 10; Guidebook: Austin, 17. Tuthill,3. Petrology and sedimentation: Weber. Hydrogeochemical survey: Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Weathering of' Austin, 9, 12; Triplehorn. Plant (ORGDP), 3. Snowbank stock, Hydrogeology: Helgesen, I; Thompson, G.L. Geochronology: Anderson, D.H., I, 2; Hanson, 1,2, 3. Maps. Metamorphism: Hanson, I. 2, 3, 16, 26, 28. -Aeromagnetic: Philbin, 2: U.S. Geological Survey, 4. Soils, -Bedrock, New Ulm sheet: Austin, 20. Late Wisconsinan buried soil: Farnham, R.S., 6. --Gravity, New Ulm sheet: Ervin. Petroleum behavior in: Convery; Pfannkuch, 3. Red Drift soils: Bodman. Stearns County. Seismic rejlections: Gilmer. Brooten-Be/grade area, ground water: Van Voast, 2: Trace elements: Yardley, 2. Wolf. Solor Church Formation (Middle Proterozoic). See also Cold Spring area, triaxial test on rock: Singh. Keweenawan rocks. Rockville-Cold Spring area, glacial geology: Ahlquist. I. Cyclic sedimentation: Morey, 27. St. Cloud. granite quarry: Fairhurst. Definition: Morey, 32. Stearns Granitic Complex (Lower Proterozoic). Sedimentary petrology: Morey, 22, 32. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Subsurface stratigraphy: Kirwin; Morey, 14, 32. Stevens County. Soudan Iron Formation (Archean). See also Vermilion Morris, earthquake: Harding: Herrman: Stover. district. Stilpnomelane, Carbonaceous rocks: Cloud, I. Crystal structure: Eggleton: Gruner, 3. Definition: Morey, 43. Phase relations: Brown, E.H. Description: Sims, 47, 48. Sulfides. See Economic geology. Organic materials: Meinschein. Swift County. Soudan mine. Ground water: Larson, S.P" I. Areal geology: Klinger, I, 2, 3; Sims, 31. Hydrogeology: Fax, 2. Petrogenesis of ore deposits: Schwartz, 25, 26, 27. Taconite. South Kawishiwi intrusion (Middle Proterozoic). See also Derivation of name: Davis, E.W" I. Duluth Complex. Economic value: Davis, E.W., 2: Gruner. 4: Schwartz, Petrology: Fukui, I, 2. 10: Wade, 2. Southeastern Minnesota, See also counties and specific Lithologic classification: Gundersen, 3; Morey, 25. rock units by name; Driftless area; Karst. Magnetic. Mesabi range: Gruner, 7; Marsden, 6. Areal geology: Austin, 3; Geotimes. Magnetic susceptibility: Bleifuss, I; Jahren, 2: Zablocki, Bedrock geology. See Keweenawan rocks; Paleozoic 3. formations by name. Metallurgy: Frommer: Marovelli: Wasson. Gamma ray survey: U.S. Department of Energy, I. Glacial geology: LeMay. Mineralogy: Bleifuss, 3, 10: Gundersen, 5. Gravit}': Cass; Craddock, 5. Mining geology: Owens, I. 4. Ground water. See Water resources. Minntac. guidebook: Marsden. 13: Plummer. 3. Guidebooks: Alexander, I; Austin, 14; Paull: Schwartz, Nonmagnetic. 18; Swain, F.M" Jr., 7; Tuthill, 3; Webers, 8. -Analysis by point counter: Lubker. Hydrogeochemical survey: Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion -Evaluation and classification: Wasson. Plant (ORGDP), I. -Sampling: Marovelli. Iron ores: Bleifuss, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Pederson. Oxidized: Bleifuss, 3, 10. Magnetic anomaly: Zietz, I. Resource estimates: Marsden, 10, II. Maps. Sandstone, special type: Mengel, I. -Aeromagnetic: Philbin, I. Sedimentary stratigraphy: Royce, 2. -Bedrock, St. Paul sheet: Sloan, 9. Thunderbird mine: Eveleth Taconite Company. New Prague area: Casso Type locality: Gundersen, 3. Paleozoic. Underground mining: Plleider. 3. 142 Tectonics. Vermilion district

Tectonics. 3; Madsen. 2; Pfannkuch. I, 2; Reeder, 3; Winter. 14, Archean: Sims. 20. 25: Weiblen. 23. IS. Canadian Shield strLlctural trends: Stockwell. Lakes, Eagen and Apple Valley: Have. Continemal rifts: Chase: Halls, I: Hinze. 3: King; Morey, Maps. 22; Nonnan; Weiblen, 7, 9, 16, 18, 21, 22; White, -Aeroradioactivity: Neuschel. I. W.S,2. -Bedrock: Bloomgren, 2; Payne. I. Great Lakes tectonic zone: Morey, 54; Sims, 30. -Drift thickness: Bloomgren, 3. History. . -Geologic and hydrologic: Norvitch. 5. -East-central Minnesota: Morey, 39. -Surficial geology: MossIer, 7; Stone, I.E., I. -Minnesota River Valley: Goldich, 22, 35; Grant, I.A., Platteville Formation: Majewske, 1, 2. 5. Radioactivity and geology: Neuschel. 2. -Vermilion district: Sims. 25. Sand and gravel: Hogberg, 3, 5; Marshall, L.G. Ir!ferred 4-b.v.-old lithosphere: Leeman. Seismic reflections: Gilmer. Ke1VeenaH'an~Lale Cambrian, Lake Superior region: Structure and stratigraphv: MossIer, 2. 3, 6. Hamblin, I, 2, 3. Tunneling: Lewis, I; Madsen. I; Norvitch. 5; Payne. 2. Lake Superior region: Morey. 34; Sims, 27; Smith, T.I., Water resources: Prior. 1,2. Uranium. Paleozoic structures, southeastern Minnesota: Morey, Archean granites: Rogers, I.J.W .. I, 2; Rye. 52. Bibliography on occurrences: Cooper, Margaret. Post-Cambrian: Hogberg, 8. Environmental impact: Minnesota Department of Natural Postglacial uplift: MacLean; Sharp, 2. Resources. Relation of seismicity 10: Mooney, 6; Ocola, 2; Walton, Exploration: Abrahamson; U.S. Atomic Energy Commis­ Matt,S. sion; U.S. Department of Energy. I, 2. Tertiary. Exploration geochemistrv: Meineke. 2, 7. 8, 9, JO. II, Boundary with Cretaceous, palynology: Kremp. 12,13. 14; Morey, 45; Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Thomson Formation (Lower Proterozoic). Plant (ORGDP). 1,2,3,4. Age: Keighin. 2, 3; Stuckless. Favorable environments: Kalliokoski, 2; Morey, 45; Concretions: Weiblen, 1. Ojakangas. 18. Metamorphic petrology: Weiblen, 2. Occurrences: Barrett. Sedimentology: Morey. 50. Potential in Precambrian rocks: Ojakangas, 15. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Proterozoic pitchblende potential: Ojakangas. 16. Structure: Mattson, I. 2. Radon occurrences: Lively. 3. Test drilling: Oros, 2. Vermilion batholith. See Vermilion district; Vennilion Till. See Glacial geology; Soils. Granitic Complex. Todd County. Vermilion district. See also Ely area; Ely Greenstone; Aeromagnetic map: Balsley, 1. Kekekabic Lake; Knife Lake Group; Lake Vermilion Forma~ Trace elements. See Geochemical investigations. tion; Newton Lake Formation; Saganaga batholith; Sagan­ Traverse County. aga-Northern Light Lakes area; Soudan Iron Formation; Aeromagnetic map: Anderson. L.A., I. Soudan mine; Vermilion Granitic Complex; Vermilion iron Lake Traverse, Cretaceous rocks: Shurr. I, 2. 3. range. Trommald Formation (Lower Proterozoic). Archean. Deformation and description: Marsden, 7; Schmidt. 6. -Granite-bearing conglomerates: McLimans, 1. 2, 3. Stratigraphic nomenclatLlre: Morey, 33. -Sedimentation: Ojakangas, 17, 24; Severson. Trout Lake Formation (Lower Proterozoic). -Stratigraphy: Morey. 43; Ojakangas. JO; Sims, 40, 47. Definition: Marsden. 7. -Tectonics: Sims. 22. 25. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. -Volcanic rocks, Jasper Lake: Feirn. 1, 2. Tunneling. See Engineering geology. -Volcanism, sedimentation, stratigraphy: Ojakangas, Tuscarora intrusion (Middle Proterozoic). See also Duluth 20. Complex. -Volcanogenic graywackes: Ojakangas, 7, 8. Areal geology, Cu-Ni, petrology: Mogessie; Weiblen, II, Areal geology: McManus; Morey, 35, 41; Sims. 8, 19,40; 20. Vinje. Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Babbitt-Embarrass area: Griffin, W.L., 1. 2, 3. 4,5.6,7, Areal geologv: Thiel. G.A .. L Wright, 32. 8,9. Bedrock geology: Bloomgren. 1. 2; MossIer. 2, 3. 6. Banded ironjormations: Sims, 12. Building stones, St. Paul: Kain. Burntside granite gneiss: Sims. 42. Engineering geology: Bloomgren, 1; Darling; Lewis, 1; Clear Lake area: Rowe. Madsen, 1, 2; Mullen; Payne, 2; Pendergast; Walton, Comparison with modern island arc: Ojakangas, 13. Matt, 6, 7. Dead River pluton: Geldon, I, 2. Em'ironmental geology: Hogberg, 6. GeochemistTV: Jahn, 1,2,3.4.5; Malhotra; Perry, I' Fossils: Taylor, P.S. Rogers, U.W., 1.2; Schulz, 3. 4. Glacial geology: Bloomgren, 1.3: Gelineau; Hogberg, 3, Geochronology: Malhotra. 4; Matsch. I; Stone, J.E., I, 2; Wright. 32. Guidebooks: Balaban, 3; Morey, 40; Ojakangas, 12,21, Guidebooks: Paull, Winter, 14; Wright, 32. 28; Sims, 31. Hydrogeology: Larson-Higdem, 2; Liesch. 2; Maderak, 2, Iron-rich serpentine and chamosite: Ruotsala, 2. Vermilion district. Wylie Formation 143

Komatiites: Arndt, N.T.; Green, 21, 34; Schulz, 2, 9. Industrial value: Dienhart; Lohr; Meyer. Lamprophyres: Ervin, 3, 4; Geldon, I, 2. Minnesota: Frellsen; Lindholm, 10; Maderak, I; Minne­ Mafic dikes: Malhotra. sota Division of Waters, 2, 5; Schneider, Robert, I, 2; Mafic-ultramafic sills: Schulz, I. U.S. Geological Survey, 5; Walton, W.e., I; Weist. Magmatic evolution, greenstone belt: Schulz, 5, 6. Nerwork 10 monitor: Hult. Maps: Sims, 21, 39. North-central Minnesota: Helgesen, 6; Lindholm, 8, 9; Metamlcanic, synvolcanic rocks: Sims, 15. Oakes, 2, 3. Radioactivity of granite: Roy, I. Northeastern Minnesota: Cotter, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13; Soudan area: Sims, 47. Ericson, I; Helgesen, 7; Lindholm, 1,3,4; Maclay, I; Structure: Hooper; Hudleston, I, 2; Sims, 40, 47. Minnesota Division of Waters, 3, 4; Olcott, I, 2. 3. Ultramafic rocks: Green, 13,20; Schulz, 1,7. Northwestern Minnesota: Bidwell; Maclay, 7, 8, 9; Vermilion fault. petrology and structure: McManus. Reeder, 2; Ropes, 2; Winter, II, 13. Vermilion Granitic Complex (Archean). Remote sensing of: Lindholm. 11; Salomonson. Igneous petrology: Southwick, 3, 5, 6. 10. Research: Brown. R.F.; Liesch, I. Metamorphic petrology: Goodge; Southwick, 3,4, 5, 6. Sources of' Baker. D.G. 10. South-central Minnesota: Anderson, H. W., Jr., 4, 5; Migmatites: Goodge; Southwick, 3. Lindholm, 5: Ropes. I. Norwegian Bay block: Bauer, 4. 5. 6. Southeastern Minnesota: Anderson. H.W., Jr., 6, 7: Southeastern comact zone: Fleming. Broussard, 2; Farrell; Osterholm, I, 2. Structure: Bauer, 4, 5, 6; Southwick, 3. 5, 6, 10. Southwestern Minnesota: Anderson, H.W., Jr., 2, 3; Vermilion iron range_ Broussard. I; Cotter, 2; Norvitch. 2; Novitzki; Van Areal geology: Reid, I.L., 2. Voast, 4, 5. Gravity exploration for ore: Hinze, 2. Twin Cities: Minnesota Division of Waters, I; Norvitch, Guidebook: Goldich, 29. 3; Prior. Surficial geology: Cotter, 14; Winter, 3, 4, 12. West-central Minnesota: Cotter. I. 3. 4; Maclay, 2, 5; Zenith mine. See Ely area. Paulson: Reeder, I: Soukup: Van Voast, 2, 3; Winter, Virginia Formation (Lower Proterozoic). 10; Wolf. Minnamax deposit. contact metamorphism: Kirstein; Watonwan County. Matlack, I, 2, 3. Madelia. late-glacial pollen diagram: Jelgersma. Stratigraphy: Lucente. Weathering. Virginia Horn area, Mesabi range. Precambrian basement rocks. Red River Valley: Kelley, Areal geology: Sutton. I. 2. Wabasha County. Pre-Mt. Simon regolith: Morey, 23. Red Wing area. clay: Austin, 2. Rock weathering: Goldich, I. Trilobites: Grant, R.E., I, 2, 3. Saponite near Sill'er Bay: Whelan. 3. Wadena County. Sioux Quartzite: Austin. 9, 12; Triplehorn. Aeromagnetic map: Balsley, 2. Wells and well-logging. See also Drilling and boreholes. Warman Granite (Lower Proterozoic). Deep wells: Austin, 6, 7; FulIer. M.L. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. Mankato riry wells: Grove. Washington County. Subsurface geolog,v data base: Holtzman: MossIer. 8. Hudson quadrangle. areal geology: Tyler, S.R. West-central Minnesota, See also counties and specific Lake St. Croix. paleomagnetism: Levi, I, 2. rock units by name. Marine quadrangle. areal geology: Quaschnick. Bedrock geology: Anderson, E.E. Stillwater quadrangle. areal geologv: Brown. N.J. Gamma ray surve,v: U.S. Department of Energy, 2. Waste disposal. See also Environmental geology; Pollution. Glacial geology: Anderson, e.A.; Perkins. Chemical wastes in landfills: Saint. Ground water: Helgesen, 2: Larson, S.P .. 2; see also Compressed solid waste. hydrogeology: Edens. Water resources. Radioactive and municipal waste water: Mercer. Hydrogeochemical sun'e!': Oak Ridge Gaseous Difrusion Taconite tailings: Green. 26. Plant (ORGDP). 4. Watab Amphibolite (Archean). Maps. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Morey, 33. -Aeromagnetic: Bath. II: U.S. Geological Survey, 4. Water Hen intrusion, See also Duluth Complex. -Geologic: Bath. II. Areal geology: Mainwaring. 4. -Gravity: Ervin, I; McGinnis. 3. Genesis of Cu-Ni sulfides: Mainwaring, 2, 3, 5. Wilkin County. Igneousandmelamorphicpetrology: Mainwaring. 1,2,3. Aeromagnetic maps: Anderson, L.A .. I. 2. 4,5. Willow River Dolomite Member (Ordovician). See Shako­ Water resources. See also Ground water; Hydrogeology. pee Formation. Bibliography: Walton, W.C .. I. Windrow Formation. See Cretaceous. Carlton County: Akin. Wine Lake intrusion. See also Duluth Complex. Central Minnesota: Helgesen, 2, 3, 4; Lindholm, 2, 12. Areal geology and petrology: Strakele. Conservation: Schwartz, 4. Wylie Formation (late Quaternary). Drought. 1967-77: Matthai. Stratigraphic nomenclature: Harris, K.L., 4. East-central Minnesota: Ericson, 2; Helgesen, 5; Lind­ holm, 6, 7.