DOCUMENT RESUME ED 036 722 AC 006 502 AUTHOR Royce, Marion TITLE Continuing Education for Women in Canada; Trends and Opportunities. Monographs in Adult Education, 4. INSTITUTION Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education, Toronto. Dept. of Adult Education. PUB DATF Sep 69 NCTE 174p. FDPS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$8.80 DESCRIPTORS Correspondence Study, Discussion Groups, Educational Television, English (Second Language), Immigrants, Manpower Development, Nursing, *Professional Continuing Education, Public Affairs Education, *Public School Adult Education, Teacher Education, *University Extension, Volunteers, *Womens Education IDENTIFIERS *Canada ABSTRACT This report describes a number of innovative continuing education programs for Canadianwomen under the auspices of universities, local educational authorities, and other organizations. It covers daytime (largely part time)classes at Mount St. Vincent University, the Thomas More Institute, and the Universities of British Columbia, Calgary, Guelph,and Manitoba; offerings by extension departments and continuingeducation centers at McGill, the University of Toronto, and the Universitiesof Alberta, British Columbia, Calgary, Guelphand Manitoba; and activities of the Adult Education Division of theCalgary School Board, including those in cooperation with the Universityof Calgary. It also deals with a public affairs educationprogram in Toronto, training of volunteers by and for the National Councilof Jewish women, discussion groups sponsored by the Young Women's Christian Association, career
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