MAY, 2017


I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work.





Sula, Arnen

M.Sc., Department of Architecture

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frida Pashako

Albania has undergone a series of wars, and been under the rule of different regimes, but communism is the one that influenced more the country’s social, economic and political state. During the communist regime a massive number of military facilities were built by help of the volunteer labor force. This thesis examines the past, present and potential future of Albanian military units (built during communism) that are now in list of properties for privatization and out of spreading plan of armed forces. In more than 20 million m² (Department of private property management, 2010) are occupied by cantonments most of which are either abandoned or being abandoned every day. As a consequence, this led to a series of economic, historic, and environmental problems. The information for this thesis is gathered from, Archive of Armed Forces, The National Agency of territorial planning in Albania, interviews with different colonels, books, websites and visual observations. This study analyses and evaluates all cantonments typologies, their location and impact on the social life now and then. Other variables taken into consideration while analyzing are; the orientation, geographical location, relation with infrastructure and proximity to urban and rural areas, relief, land-use and water features.


This thesis also examines, the impact of these buildings into the social life of the area in which they are located, needs of the community, brought up to light by filed data gathering like questionnaires and conversations with people living there. Two are the hypothesis that this study develops; firstly, there can be a positive impact of this structures and the social life of the zone where present and secondly this may generate a series of pilot projects for all the military units in Albania. The two hypotheses will be developed in the three case studies selected for further refinement. This thesis is created as basis for the development of cantonments and its surrounding area, as a result, might be used to improve the correlation among them.

Keywords: Regeneration, Military Facilities, Albania, Communism period, Economy.




Sula, Arnen

M.Sc., Department of Architecture

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frida Pashako

Shqipëria ka kaluar një sërë luftrash dhe ka qenë nën ndikimin e disa regjimeve të ndryshme, por komunizmi është ai që ka ndikuar më së shumti në jetën sociale, ekonominë, dhe situaten politike të saj. Kjo tezë shqyrton të shkuarën , të tashmen dhe potencialin e të ardhmes së godinave ushtarake (të ndertuara gjatë komunizmit) të cilat janë në listën e pronave për privatizim dhe jashtë planit të përhapjes së forcave të armatosura. Në Shqipëri janë më shumë se 20 milion metra katrorë (departamenti i menaxhimit të pronave private, 2010) të zëna nga ish pronat ushtarake ku shumica e tyre janë braktisur ose po braktisen cdo ditë. Si pasojë , kjo ka sjellë problematika të ndryshme sic janë ato ekonimoke, historike dhe mjedisore. Informacioni për realizimin e kësaj teze është marrë nga arkivi i forcave të armatosura, Agjensia Kombetare e Planifikimit të Territorit, intervista me kolonelë të ndryshëm , libra, faqe interneti dhe vëzhgimet në terren. Ky studim analizon dhe vlerëson të gjitha tipologjitë e godinave ushtarake, vendndodhjen dhe ndikimin qe ato kanë dhe kanë patur në jeten sociale. Orientimi, pozicioni gjeografik, marrëdhënia me infrastrukturën , zonat urbane dhe rurale, ujorët, përdorimi i tokës dhe relievi janë disa analiza të cilat janë marrë në konsideratë në këtë studim.


Gjithashtu kjo tezë shqyrton impaktin që këto godina kanë në lidhje me jeten sociale të vendeve ku ndodhen dhe nevojat e komunitetit të cilat janë identifikuar me anë të pyetsorëve dhe bisedave në terren me njerëzit që jetojnë aty. Kjo tezë zhvillon dy hipoteza së pari , mund të ketë nje ndikim pozitiv ndërmjet godinave ushtarake dhe jetës sociale të zonave ku ndodhen dhe së dyti kjo teze mund të rigjenerojë një sërë projektesh pilot për të gjitha godinat ushtarake në Shqipëri. Këto dy hipoteza do të zhvillohen në tre shembujt e zgjedhur si raste studimi për zhvillim të mëtejshem Ky studim është krijuar për nxitjen e zhvillimit të objekteve ushtarake dhe zonave përreth tij e si rezultat mund të përdoret për të përmirsuar marrëdhenien midis tyre.

Keywords: Rigjenerim, Godina Ushtarake, Shqiperi, Periudha e Komunizmit, Ekonomi.



To my family



For the development of this research, great gratitude is given to Prof. Dr. Frida Pashako for persistent guidance, to the colonel Assist. Prof. Dr. Sulejman Abazi for guidance related to the Armed Forces and army of Albania, MSC.Kadri Dauti for providing documents from the Armed Forces achieve, and to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sokol Dervishi ,Assist. Prof. Dr. Anna Yunitsyna for valuable advisory. This work could not be completed without their support.



ABSTRACT ...... iv

ABSTRAKT ...... vi


LIST OF FIGURES ...... xiv

CHAPTER 1 ...... 1


1.1. Objective of the Thesis ...... 1

1.2. Motivation ...... 2

1.3. Experience/Training ...... 3

1.4. Methodology ...... 3

CHAPTER 2 ...... 6


2.1. Overview ...... 6

2.2. Historical background of the Albanian military facilities ...... 7

2.3. Military facilities in Albania ...... 8

2.3.1. Categorization of armed forces ...... 8

2.3.2. Impact of building military facilities on state financials...... 11

2.4. Consulted references ...... 12

2.4.1. The ideologies of the dictator ...... 12

2.4.2. Evaluation of the terrain for building military facilities...... 13

2.4.3. History of Albanian army ...... 14

2.4.4. Life and further investments in the military base of Sazan island ...... 14

2.4.5. Tunnel type military facilities and their typology ...... 15


2.5. Related reference works in Albania, Chicago, Matsu, Massachusetts, Switzerland ...... 16

2.5.1. Bunk’Art Museum located in Tirana ...... 16

2.5.2. Indoor farming located in Chicago ...... 18

2.5.3. From military front to cold war heritage site located in Matsu ...... 19

2.5.4. Amherst college book bunker located in Massachusetts ...... 21

2.5.5. Bunker like homes located in Switzerland ...... 22

CHAPTER 3 ...... 23


3.1. Overview ...... 23

3.2. Classification of military facilities ...... 24

3.2.1. Battalion ...... 24

3.2.2. Brigades ...... 26

3.2.3. Division ...... 28

3.2.4. Company ...... 30

3.2.5. Regiment ...... 32

3.2.6. Battery ...... 34

3.2.7. Artillery and depot group ...... 36

3.2.8. Camp ...... 38

3.2.9. Military department ...... 40

3.2.10. Garrison ...... 42

3.3. Analysis of military facilities in relation to natural and cultural environment ...... 44

3.3.1. Overview ...... 44

3.3.2. Location of the military facilities in relation to sea ...... 45

3.3.3. Location of the military facilities in relation to lakes and reservoirs ... 47 xi

3.3.4. Location of the military facilities in relation to rivers ...... 50

3.3.5. Location of the military facilities in relation to Topography ...... 52

3.3.6. Military units in relation to Agricultural lands ...... 59

3.3.7. Military Units in relation to natural monuments ...... 61

3.3.8. Military facilities in relation to protected zones ...... 63

3.4. Analysis of military facilities in relation to man-made infrastructure...... 65

3.4.1. Overview ...... 65

3.4.2. Location of the military facilities in relation to Infrastructure ...... 65

3.4.3. Location of the military facilities in relation to Urban and rural zones68

3.4.4. Location of the military facilities in relation to Cultural monuments .. 70

CHAPTER 4 ...... 72

CASE STUDIES ...... 72

4.1. Overview ...... 72

4.2. Military Department located at Cape of Rodon ...... 73

4.2.1. Evaluation of the actual condition ...... 73

4.2.2. Analysis of strength, weakness, opportunities, threads of Cape of Rodon...... 75

4.2.3. Proposals for reuse of military facilities located in Cape of Rodon .... 76

4.3. Military department located at Logara national park ...... 80

4.3.1. Evaluation of the actual condition ...... 80

4.3.2. Analysis of strength, weakness, opportunities, threads of military site in Llogara...... 83

4.3.3. Proposals for reuse of military Department located in Llogara ...... 84

4.4. Artillery group at Corum (Rrogozhina) ...... 87

4.4.1. Evaluation of actual condition ...... 87


4.4.2. Analysis of strength, weakness, opportunities, threads of the military artillery group in Corum ...... 90

4.4.3. Proposals for reuse of military Artillery group in Corum ...... 91

CHAPTER 5 ...... 94

CONCLUSION ...... 94

5.1. Overview ...... 94

5.2. Future Works ...... 96

REFERENCES ...... 97



Figure 1: Aerial photo of military facilities in Rrogozhina city ...... 2 Figure 2: Schema of the logistic of the thesis analysis ...... 3 Figure 3: Spreading system of armed forces ...... 8 Figure 4: Military missions of Albanian army [Prof.Asoc. Pasha, 2006] ...... 9 Figure 5: Military facilities subdivisions [Statics revised by the author] ...... 10 Figure 6: Expenses made for military purpose in years ...... 11 Figure 7: Interior of Bunk’art ...... 17 Figure 8: Historical Exhibition areas inside Bunkart ...... 17 Figure 9: Museum Exhibition areas inside Bunkart...... 17 Figure 10: Art Installation areas inside Bunkart ...... 18 Figure 11: Assembly hall areas inside Bunkart ...... 18 Figure 12: Indoor farming in Chicago ...... 19 Figure 13: the strategic location of Matsu ...... 20 Figure 14: Tourists canoeing in Matsu tunnels ...... 20 Figure 15: The entrance of Amherst College Book Bunker ...... 21 Figure 16: Bunker like homes; Underground eco home in Switzerland ...... 22 Figure 17: Diagram showing the military subdivisions...... 23 Figure 18: Location of battalion in Albania ...... 25 Figure 19: Location of all military brigade in Albania ...... 27 Figure 20: Location of Military Divisions in Albania ...... 29 Figure 21: Location of Military Companies in Albania ...... 31 Figure 22: Location of Military Regiments in Albania ...... 33 Figure 23: Location of Military Batteries in Albania ...... 35 Figure 24: Location of Military Artillery and Depot Group in Albania ...... 37 Figure 25: Location of the Military Camp in Albania...... 39 Figure 26: Location Military Department in Albania ...... 41 Figure 27: Location of Military Garrison in Albania ...... 43 Figure 28: Illustrative photo of a military structure near the sea ...... 46 xiv

Figure 29: The location of military units in relation to Sea ...... 47 Figure 30: Military tunnel located in the lake of Kashar ...... 48 Figure 31: Location of Military Facilities In relation to lakes of Albania ...... 49 Figure 32: Military units located near the lake of Black Drin in Kukes ...... 50 Figure 33: Location of military facilities in relation to rivers of Albania...... 51 Figure 34: Location of military facilities in field terrain...... 54 Figure 35: Location of a military battery in Corum...... 55 Figure 36: Location of military facilities related to hills ...... 56 Figure 37: Location of military facilities in relation to mountains ...... 58 Figure 38: Location of the military facilities in relation to agriculture lands and forest ...... ….60 Figure 39: Location of the military facilities in relation to natural monuments...... 62 Figure 40: Location of a cold war tunnel in protected city of Gjirokaster ...... 63 Figure 41: Location of military facilities in relation to protected zones ...... 64 Figure 42: Location of military facilities near vehicular roads ...... 67 Figure 43: Location of military facilities related to Urban and Rural zone ...... 69 Figure 44: Location of military facilities in relation to cultural monuments ...... 71 Figure 45: Illustrative photos of actual condition, Cape of Rodon ...... 74 Figure 46: Proposed plan and program of the 4 batteries ...... 77 Figure 47: Collages of meditation center and cinema ...... 77 Figure 48: Proposal for hostel’s ground floor plan of reconstruction ...... 78 Figure 49: Proposal for hostel’s first floor plan of reconstruction ...... 78 Figure 50: Atmosphere created in the sea shore ...... 79 Figure 51: Location of the military department in Llogara ...... 81 Figure 52: Denomination of the military facilities and the direction of the photos taken ...... 81 Figure 53: Photos of the military facilities taken during the site trip ...... 82 Figure 54: Proposal for reconstruction of the territorial museum’s ground floor plan 84 Figure 55: Proposal for reconstruction of the territorial museum’s first floor ...... 85 Figure 56: Proposed Restoration of the territorial museum ...... 86 Figure 57: Proposed restoration for the parachute jump center ...... 86


Figure 58: Location of the Artillery group located in Corum ...... 88 Figure 59: Denomination of the military artillery group ...... 88 Figure 60: Photos of the artillery group taken by the author during the site trip ...... 89 Figure 61: Proposed plan for revitalization of the Military Artillery Group in Corum92 Figure 62: Revitalization of the one floor military structure located in Corum ...... 93




1.1. Objective of the Thesis

Analyzing the military facilities, that are in list of the properties for privatization and out of spreading plan of the armed forces and proposing a strategic economic and social development for the nearby areas. Military sites offer quite a potential that with a bit of funding can be a catalyst of the social and economic life of the zone where it is positioned. Objective of this thesis:

• Balance of the needs and interests of people living nearby. • Planning of provision and programs to guarantee : . Urban regeneration . Environmental protection . Sustainable development of : o Natural resources o Landscape protection and use o Cultivable land • Practical application of methods that adjust to the market. • Providing a better management of the territory, granting a contemporary product taking in consideration the socio-economic situation based on the equilibrium of the public and private interest. • Digitalization of military facilities heritage by finding location of 673 military facilities and georeferencing them. • Besides the georeference each object will have attached specific information about their surface and name of the city, or village where it is positioned. • Development in architecture scale of three case studies will be the finalization of the thesis.


1.2. Motivation

Military sites are scattered all over Albania and are frequently seen when traveling around, they are no more part of social consciousness remaining silent and hidden in the cultural landscape of recent past. There are more than 20 million m² (Department of private property management, 2010) property dedicated to military facilities that are degrading day by day and have a really bad impact in the zones nearby and in environmental pollution. They were never used for their original purposes but regenerating them may change the impact of them with zones nearby and turn these massive structures into something attractive. Massive underground tunnels were built with different functioning like; Stalls, bakery, parking, hospitals, deposits, and battery. All of them were built by volunteer workers, this means that a lot of physical energy was consumed, being this specific and difficult to construct it also required intellectual energy consumed by architects and engineers of those times in order to enclosure this work.

Figure 1: Aerial photo of military facilities in Rrogozhina city

Figure 1 makes a comparison of military units in Rrogozhina. The first photo (left side) is taken from Google earth in 2007 and the other one from is the Arial photo of 2015.As it is seen six military objects are totally demolished, because people took everything they could; brick, steel, electrical wires and aspiration materials .The actual condition depreciates the torment of our firsts also neglects the uncountable millions of dollars that the state borrowed from other countries and we are still paying up nowadays. Rather than

2 condemning the failure of resources in hindsight, we can appreciate these spaces for their historical background and potential uses.

1.3. Experience/Training

Working on a large scale required the usage of ArchGIS considering the fact that the architecture education system (especially the bachelor study cycle) does not include training in this program this is an added effort to this study. It is decided to learn ArchGIS because it is easier to make analysis when you have the geographical location and specific database for each of the military facilities. It is semi-automatic software that has ready-made scripts analyses in urban context widely used from planners and very valuable for showing spatial trends and data.

1.4. Methodology

The focal emphasis of this thesis is the reuse of ex military units that are classified in privatization list, and no longer belong to the military structures. The main method used in conducting this study is the analysis of these structures which are still not demolished; whether by natural forces or human, and developing new ways to re-bring these valuable assets into life. Figure 2 consists in analyzing in a large scale the off duty military units present all over the official borders of Albania. The study initializes with an introduction of ex military facilities as well as the extended historical background of Albanian military birth and development, from our ancestors up to our days. It gives feedback on how different regimes, leader ideologies, social and economic factors affected the organization and construction of the military units all over the country. In addition, it follows with a categorization of the armed forces and its subdivisions, and information on the effect that the built of new military facilities had in the state economy.

Building the Elaboration of Proposals for Data database the database further collection (with in country refinement georeference) scale

Figure 2: Schema of the logistic of the thesis analysis


The study is followed by continuous field trips in order to find the exact location, and analyze several other factors that play a role in their establishment. Furthermore, it will carry on with the research on the terminology and definitions of the military facilities and its subdivisions, providing the necessary terms for the factors that will be explained far along by the consulted bibliography. The related works chapter studies similar works that have reused military facilities by turning them into museum, book archive, and touristic sites. In order to properly understand the way these buildings functioned, their categorization, the role and duty that each subdivision had, their location in relation to topography, water sources, cultural and historical monuments as well as infrastructure and land use, a map and specific analysis will be provided along the study for each of them. In addition, by analyzing the data we can derive the categorization of the military structures functioning based on its typology. Asig geoportal maps that will be derived will help also in the determination of the re-giving function to the abandoned military units according to several criteria which will be inserted. These structures should be seen as an asset of the country and not as left over spaces, waiting to be demolished. The criteria and data obtained by Asig geoportal and revised by the author will be as following:

Location map: This map will show the location of each military structure, either in function or left abandoned, wherever located within the official borders of the country. The military structures are categorized in ten different typologies differentiated by their symbol and color.

Infrastructure map: In order to understand the juxtaposition of these specified structures to infrastructure such as: vehicular urban and rural roads and railroads, a map will be provided.

Water proximity map: Our country is so exposed to water sources such as: seas, rivers, lakes and reservoirs, which are visited by tourists, the military facilities can be a potential to these assets. This map will provide the position of cantonments in accordance to the water sources.

Topographic map: Relief was a criterion in positioning the subdivisions of the military in the past. This map will give us a panorama of the topography, where these structures are

4 placed, field, hilly or mountainous terrain. In this map the categorization of the facilities and their topographic position will be provided.

Urban- Rural map:A factor to be taken in consideration is the location weather the structure is within an urban context or is located outside the city borders, in periphery. This can help in categorizing the functions to be given to them.

These analyses serve to clarify the ideas on military facilities and to have a better knowledge about 673 objects all over Albania.(Input revised by the author are taken from Ministry of Defense, Department of private property management ,2010 ) .In addition, three selected case studies will be provided, followed by proper analysis based on the criteria and characteristics explained above. Each of them will be analyzed in detail how they functioned, positioned, sized and as a result the proposed function will be delivered followed by schemas, collages and drawings of the re adaptation and re use of the selected sites, as well as the effect they have on the local community found.The study provides for the first time a digital Gis database for the location of these military facilities in the Republic of Albania that can serve and be used for studies in the future, if present, and may be an impulse to understand and make profit of these forgotten assets.




2.1. Overview

Several books, scientific papers, documents from the Main archive of the armed forces, interviews with a colonel who served in Sasan Island, and several web sources, were used as source information for this chapter. All the information gathered helped in creating a clear chronology of the events that happened, from origins of the creation of these military units to nowadays, followed by the adaption of them between several war periods, the reorganization during the communist regime, and their post-communist state. In addition, this chapter also gives a broader perspective of the effect the wars had, and how the fortification of the country was made during the rule of Enver Hoxha. The impact that building this military facilities had regarding the demography, economy also social life of those times is analyzed. Furthermore this chapter helps us understand the spreading of these structures in terrain according to their typology and function, taking in consideration factors like; relation with water sources and area in which they are located (urban or rural zone). Tunnels are a very important factor and always present in all the typologies and subdivisions of these structures thus in this chapter types of them are analyzed. Moreover three related works are studied in order to clarify and improve ideas on how these structures are treated and revitalized around world.


2.2. Historical background of the Albanian military facilities

are among the oldest people in the Ballkan.” [Arkivi qendror I forcave te armatosura, Tirane 2009]. Their history is fulfilled with hundreds of wars, and with a constant struggle in search of freedom and peace. Albanians have survived the violent assimilation over the centuries, filled with bloody battles. For this reason, the marks they have left in history are more than evident, and no written proof is needed. The evolvement of Albanian army takes place in ancient times, with their ancestors, the . 2500 years have passed since the times that the first Albanian state, [Arkivi qendror I forcave te armatosura, 2009], Illyria organized the army as a force gathered to protect the population. At that time, it was divided into several departments. Albanian history is ancient, but the Armed forces have the same age as the formation of the Albanian state, a century ago. The Armed Forces were born in 1912, [Arkivi qendror I forcave te armatosura, 2009], together with the formation of the first Albanian state. Throughout the years it was led and under the supervision of the Prime Minister, the King, later on by the Ministry of defense according to the different regimes the country underwent. In 1946, the country entered into a different period, this year marked the start of the communist period, which would rule the country for about 45 years. During this era, despite radical changes in the system, political, social and economic life, it had its effect in every field of life. The country faced one of the harshest communist regimes that the world ever saw. It led the creation of an isolated country, towards other ones especially the west, and the fear of being “infected” by the American democracy. The fear of constantly being attacked by enemies, led to the construction of hundreds and thousands of reinforced concrete structures, military structures and nuclear proof underground tunnels that were never used.

“360000 concrete centers of fire, 3264 fortified artillery fire positions, 1000 observation points, hundreds of underground tunnels and thousands collective shelters for civilians were constructed.” [Borici, 2006].

The first traces of military sites date in the beginning of the ’50. [Vjetari Statistikor I Shqiperise, 1991]. What needs to be mentioned, is the fact that during this epoch, a special attention was given to the military, and the construction of several military 7 facilities, that as a matter of fact most of which that are still in function today were built during that period. Fortified tunnels were designed for Albanian army in case of war. Communist leadership and their families would flee in structures such tunnels designed only for them, that can be found in Tirana, Corovoda, Gjirokastra, Tepelena, and Durres. The sites for these tunnels were chosen carefully and still nowadays are very difficult to reach. Almost all of the military structures were built by volunteer labor force, of the population. The death of Enver Hoxha put an end to the construction of these needless structures. Even though these buildings had cost too much money, physical and intellectual energy, they were never used to according to their original function.

2.3. Military facilities in Albania

2.3.1. Categorization of armed forces

Military units and sites are scattered all over the country of Albania. Having different types of terrain, each category of military service, was positioned in such a way to facilitate their action in case of emergency, being near water areas, or deep in the mountains. According to the strategic plan of defense and the War Plan, figure 3 shows the types of forces categorization:







Figure 3: Spreading system of armed forces


Each of the categorized group has a specific function that takes action during a specific state of emergency or war. Having different ways of functioning, they require different types of terrain to be located in order to be efficient. Albanian military heritage offers a variety of building typologies, like military units and castles. They offer an excessive amount of military architecture. The process of choosing and after then constructing the military bases was not as easy. Different kind of subdivision had a specific duty and being such, needed specific characteristics, like; landscape and terrain conditions, proximity to water sources, demographic factors, and infrastructure. In addition to the type of function that the military division had, the appropriate terrain condition was found. Figure 4 shows the military missions of Albanian Army.

Military missions

Forward fighting

Defender fighting

Peacekeeping activities

Disclosure activities

Logistic support

Search and rescue activities

Civil emergencies

Figure 4: Military missions of Albanian army [Prof.Asoc.Dr Pasha, 2006]

When in war state, the speed of movement and mobility of the soldiers is crucial, and there are several factors that influence it such as: walk ability of the terrain, ability to camouflage and defensive qualities. Mobility is mainly related to the infrastructure, the presence of roads, bridges, soil types, vegetation, or landscape. The ability to camouflage

9 is correlated to the landscape quality, vegetation preferably forests and residential units. Moreover, protective qualities are related to tunnels, landscape, other underground structures, and what is different about them is the ability to create e safe environment, in case of weapon attack.

Military units are structures that are scattered all over the official state borders of the country of Albania, each of them had a specific type of function and by that the type of landscape needed, was found and determined the location of these units.

Type Quantity

Garrison 1

Battalion 88

Battery 77

Brigade 33

Division 4

Artillery and depot 85 group 1 Camp Company 45

Regiment 7

Department 332

Figure 5: Military facilities subdivisions [Statics revised by the author]

The data in Figure 5 is revised by the author and is taken from Ministry of Defense, Department of private property management (2003), shows the military facilities subdivision.


2.3.2. Impact of building military facilities on state financials.

Building these countless structures also had an effect on the state economy for the periods which they were built. They flourished during the communist regime and with the fall of it also came the “fall of the structures”. Most of them were left non active, and abandoned so they were robbed. Albania made big expenses having a small budget spending millions of dollars for military purposes; this led to a massive poverty.


USED (%)

21.9 % 1950 1960 8.3 %

1970 9.6 %

1980 11.8 %

1985 11.4 %

1990 8.1 %

Figure 6: Expenses made for military purpose in years

Figure 6 is taken from the Statistical Yearbook of Albania in 1991, published by the Department of Statistics at the Ministry of Economy, showing the expenses made by the state over the years for military purposes.

From observations done during the work, not all the military facilities were declared to be built; many of them were kept secret and presented as stalls, schools, and public facilities (Asig geoportal, military geographical map ) so this is a lack in transparency which may lead to not accurate statistical data.


For better understanding the economic situation, this thesis returns to political developments of those times because they had a direct influence on state finances.

By the early 60 Albania was befallen in a critical position in the communist bloc due to reduction of the help given by Soviet Union. In 1961 Albania and Soviet Union formalized the end of their relation. [Zotaj, 2014] With the termination of all the credit given by communist states of east Europe an economical, political and military blockade was realized. This political situation created a financial deficit in state economy therefore Albania needed a strong alliance to contribute with economic aid. In 1960 Albania was oriented to China, to regenerate the finances. This relation had a great influence in the state economy because Chinese credit was ~40 % of the states GDP. [Zotaj, 2014] In 1978 when relation between Albania and China was broken economic recession began.

According to the interview with colonel Sulejman Abazi in 1961-1974 in Albania was made an intensive fortification in coastal protection. These years coincide with the deterioration of relation with Soviet Union and the fear of getting attacked by them. From 1978 to 1985 economy started to downfall, but the protection system (fortification) was never violated.

2.4. Consulted references

Reuse of military facilities is used as a challenge from quite a few professionals in the field of architects and army, for this reason this study returns to the books of those times to seek the needed information. Some of the most considerable books in aspect of regeneration and analytical views are going to be presented.

2.4.1. The ideologies of the dictator

“Honor of the people’s army I”, by Enver Hoxha [1975], is the first book dedicated to army written by the dictator. The country that suffered the severe communist regime should be willing at any time to give their life for the country, according to the communist ideology. In addition, it was precisely the communist party the catalyst for the

12 movement of the masses against the occupants, and the priority it had in the addition of the number of soldiers as well as different structures in serve of the military. The structure of the army consisted from several small groups as a start, and was fed with people willingly joining the army, as well as a appropriate structure that the army had to educate people and specialize them more in shooting, how to act in a state of war, or educating them to be future commanders of the army. “For the army of the people II”, written by the dictator Enver Hoxha [1974-1983], explains in detail the communist ideology and approach that the leader had back then to organize the army. In the book there also given directives and instructions of how the military and its subcategories would work and continue to function properly among them.

2.4.2. Evaluation of the terrain for building military facilities.

“Military geographic institution of Albania, Military Geography” written by Prof. Asoc. Dr Myslim Pasha, in 2006 analyzes another perspective and factors that affected the formation of military units in a narrow correlation with another factor, the landscape. Military geography, studies the relationship of man and its environment and the influence on the strategic and calculated decision-making. It is not geography referred in its common form but is mentioned as applied geography that shows the relation between men and its environment. Geographic factors are closely linked to different actions of the army and military forces such as different forms of the relief are more suitable for different actions, being defense, combat, withdrawal, and delays that happen during the conflicts. Geography has an important influence in military plans, and their action. It is important to analyze different spatial relationships of natural components such as topography, oceanography, weather (climate), demography, urban- rural relations, and infrastructure. Other features that determine the type of topography they need is the, type of military unit and what it deals with. From the passing rate, protective qualities or camouflaging properties that a certain relief can offer determines the type of actions to be taken place in that specific area.


2.4.3. History of Albanian army

[Armed forces on the focus, Main archive of the armed forces, 2009] This publication marks the first methodological and chronological edition of the armed forces. It displays events and information about the origin of the Albanian archival documentation, which for decades was guarded from different singular families. A part of the history of the Albanian army is documented, the life itself together with the central military archive already 45 years old. The material sheds light on the military past, providing detailed information on the operative structure, its origin of formation, evolution through the years until nowadays.

2.4.4. Life and further investments in the military base of Sazan island

Sazan is the only island of the republic of Albania, and it has been used for years as a military base. In order to deeply understand the military life, service, way of thinking and functioning, and the typology of structures constructed, it was thought to analyze even the way these structures were and how the military units functioned on an island. Hence, the book “Sazani, the island of the Gods” by Suljeman Abazi will be used to analyze how a whole island and only a specific site or structure had been functioning at the military base. The question is simple and clear: to turn it into profit, or leave it in its historical silence? The island offers a total surface area of 12,428 ha, [Abazi 2015], offering an extraordinary opportunity to enhance and develop an elite tourism, since it is the only marine park in Albania. In addition, the Karaburun peninsula, covering a surface area of 62 kilometers square, [Sulejman Abazi, 2015] is well known for the richness in stone such as marble, hunting reserves, also of the wealth of the underground soil, as well as agriculture and farming. The island has 2 different climates, including: cold and polar on the north, on the east; tropical weather, where several fruits are grown, including palm trees, on the west; Mediterranean climate, and in the south the topography forms a steep and dangerous terrain. If a construction of a possible water line would take place, it would bring to the island thousands of visitors, and tourists. Related to the biodiversity of the island, it is surrounded by a “crown of pines”, and also there is a presence of several

14 herbs that are still cultivated, as well as the presence of seagulls on the shore, that with founding, can transform the island for touristic purposes. The spaces inside the island that are protected by the winds, can be converted into touristic, and camping spots for the tourists, the island offers all the facilities needed for a modern infrastructure, furthermore other developing strategies can be; relocating drinkable water fountains, providing electricity for the island by connecting it to the city of Vlora, several of which can turn the Island of Sazan in a tourist destination and a place of peace and serenity.

2.4.5. Tunnel type military facilities and their typology

Tunnel-type facilities are abundantly built all over the country especially where military units are positioned. The construction of tunnels is particularly performed quite different from those of building surface facilities. If you see the history of development of tunnel- type buildings will fall immediately look to us that they are used since the ancient times. The first man built tunnels to live in them but life showed that these buildings have very good protective qualities; we start defending from the attacks of wild animals and later attack the opposing groups and tribes. Later tunnels built to multipurpose; for underground communications, housing, to be protected, for warehouse, for graves and other monumental works. [Popular ministry of defense, 1965] With the emergence of gunpowder and its use for military purposes and in mining, construction of tunnel type took an even greater development. Tunnel type facilities are used not only for underground attacks, but also for the detection of the attacks, for their direct interception. During the World War I, the use of underground attacks with objects of type tunnel took a much greater development. Permanent facilities fenced tunnel type have found use in the nineteenth century, but began to be built largely in the twentieth century, especially after World War I, when the sustainability of their convenience and appeared very clear. Device characteristic fortification complex objects tip tunnel this time were the centers of fire and fire groups with their underground part. Fire groups were divided: in small, composed of 2-3 center fire, medium composed of fire and 4-8 centers that join big fire several groups of small and medium. The small group of Fire, in most cases, consisted of three centers fire: two center fire located one after another in distance up to 500 meters and a center fire issued before, with towering armored with machine gun, all fire centers join the underground gallery. In the center of the tunnels built subway system for Place 15

Command group facilities, to accommodate the garrison and preserving food. The munitions were stored in underground facilities built up in the vicinity of the centers of fire and block the entrance. The surface occupied for establishment of a middle group reaches 1-1.2 square km. Large Group of fire on a group, in most cases consisted of two groups of secondary fire with the underground and covered front during 1.2-2 km deep. [Popular ministry of defense, 1965]

2.5. Related reference works in Albania, Chicago, Matsu,

Massachusetts, Switzerland

2.5.1. Bunk’Art Museum located in Tirana

Bunk’art is a huge, secretly kept bunker that the communist government of Albania has built years ago. It was launched for the public for the first time on 22 November 2014 and is located close to the capital city of Tirana. The bunker was built by Enver Hoxha , in the 1970’s for the government to be ready and prepared for any nuclear attack by “American or Soviet social-imperialism.” The bunker’s depth is 100 m (330 feet), and it owns a museum with different pictures and articles from World War II of the communist government. The work done on the bunker was completely accomplished in 1978, when Tirana disconnected their relationship with China. The bunker is made up of a sequence of tunnels related with each other and connected throw narrow hallways. [Popular Ministry of Defense, 1965]. Each one of them has a series of rooms, bathrooms and provides everything needed to survive for months and up to years. Supplies like electrical installations, water equipment, the air conditioning systems, and also heating systems are all available in the atomic proof bunker. Many of the old supplies and equipment which were found in the bunker are casted off as a part of exposition.


Figure 7: Interior of Bunk’art []

Figure 7shows the interior of the Bunk’art, as it is seen from the photo the spaces are well furnished with contemporary products. This is the biggest and the most luxurious room of all which would serve for Enver Hoxha and his wife. The walls surrounding the room are inlayed with fibers (a very rare and valuable material for those times).Related to the reuse of the bunker it is separated into areas and sections, which each of them owns different characters and occupations. Figure 8, 9, 10, 11 show: historical and museum demonstrations, art assembly hall and art installation.

Figure 8: Historical Exhibition areas inside Figure 9: Museum Exhibition areas Bunkart. inside Bunkart. [] []


Figure 10: Art Installation areas inside Figure 11: Assembly hall areas inside Bunkart. Bunkart.

[] []

Bunk’Art is the most successful work according to adaptive reuse of military facilities in Albania. From the beginning of its opening it is been visited from many international and Albanian tourists. Every year there is a jazz festival inside the assembly hall which collects visitors from all over the world.

2.5.2. Indoor farming located in Chicago

This project consists in reusing the abandoned buildings and warehouses. The first example is located in Chicago and is a 90000 square foot warehouse. In this place are grown hundreds of green salad and fresh herbs by the help of fluorescent lights and long shelves. The irrigation is made by water tanks which are filled with tilapia fish in order to produce nutrient rich water for plants. The association for vertical farming says that this type of vertical farms needs 98 % less water and 70 % less fertilizer, being indoors also prevents the plants from affection.

“We can grow 200 percent more food per square foot than traditional agriculture, and without the use of chemical fertilizers,” said Mark Thomann, chief executive officer of this farm.


Figure 12: Indoor farming in Chicago

Figure 12 shows the typology of a vertical farm in Chicago, which is similar to the military tunnels in Albania, especially the racket and tanks parking, oil depot, and fire battery. Vertical farming is new trends in agriculture which may be easily applied in the Albanian military structures and turn these sites into an economical potential for the zones nearby.

2.5.3. From military front to cold war heritage site located in Matsu

This military site is found in Matsu archipelago, located in northwest of Taiwan Figure 13 and it served against China communist country since 1949.This study exploits the military facilities that are in administration of the county nearby. It is composed of a tunnel that is 18 m height, 10 m width and 700 m for total walk trail. The revitalization of this site has turned the focus in cultural tourism and serves to promote the identity of the local inhabitants. After the establishment of Matsu tunnels Figure 14 and the success it had, people started to renovate other interior facilities and the neighbor environment. Activities like canoeing and listening or organizing different concerts makes the tourism, in this military structure, unforgettable. Furthermore houses in various settlements are turned into hostels. With the idea of preservation Matsu has now advanced through 19 sustainable future. This study is a proof that regenerating the military facilities has much potential like; economical growth, sustainable development, cultural tourism, promotion of local identity, and preserving the history as a consequence it must be taken as an example for similar occurrence in Albania.

Figure 13: The strategic location of Matsu

Figure 14: Tourists canoeing in Matsu tunnels


2.5.4. Amherst college book bunker located in Massachusetts

This bunker in Figure 15 is located on the mount Holyoke Range in the Pioneer valley of Western Massachusetts. The structure nowadays is an archival book storage that serves for five different colleges like: Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts [Schneider, 2010]

Figure 15: The entrance of Amherst College Book Bunker

Today this book depositary contains 500.000 volumes of books. When people lose interest the librarians notice the books that are not riffled and send them to the deposit. This process helps the library be more updated with the last publications and nothing is lost from the previous ones.


2.5.5. Bunker like homes located in Switzerland

Climate change and global warming has become a serious thread for the ongoing of our existence. Reducing gas emission, energy use, and resource extraction has become a very important goal for the environment concerns in order to preserve what is left to the ecosystem. Environmental design and green architecture should be the nexus way of construction by providing a sustainable efficient use of materials and a better environmental impact both during construction and in a lifecycle of a building.

The bunker form already lends itself to dominant trends of green architecture; this form of building offers us natural insulation and green roofing that keeps the energy consumption minimal. As well as providing superior insulation, living roofs also absorb rainwater, increase the lifespan of the roof, and reduce overall impact of the built environment.

Figure 16: Bunker like homes; Underground eco home in the UK and Underground home in Switzerland []

The homes in Figure 16 are similar to the fire batteries found all over Albania, and may be taken as an example for revitalizing military facilities by turning them eco friendly homes.




3.1. Overview

Albanian military forces are formed in 1912 and during the years have changed (several times) its structure, command control and its number of subdivisions. Until nowadays there are 673 ex-military facilities that are now part of a privatization list by the Ministry of Defense. It has a composite structure of several subdivisions that work in a chain and take orders or back up each other in cases of emergencies or wars. In this chapter will be analyzed in a macro scale, firstly the subdivisions of the military Figure 17, secondly a broader focus on the theoretical foundation of the terms and subcategories, followed up by a map indicating the position and surface of these ex-military properties in relation to the country of Albania. In addition, this chapter will analyze the position of the facilities, and the factors that led in that position like: topography, proximity to water sources, and infrastructure.

Military Departments Regiments Military Companies Camp Artillery and depot group Garrison Military Division Brigade Battery Battalion

Figure 17: Diagram showing the military subdivisions in compared to each other


The following maps come as result of revised (by the author) input that is taken from Ministry of Defense, Department of private property management. As it is seen from the diagram, Military departments make up 67 % of the overall area of military units, followed by battalion, artillery and depot group, and battery. Garrison is the military facility that has the lowest percentage of 0.02 % of the overall area.

3.2. Classification of military facilities

3.2.1. Battalion

The battalion is a military subdivision group, which is made up usually by 300 to 800 soldiers, and it’s fragmented into smaller groups that make up companies. It is leaded by a head commander. The battalion of the Special Forces is a group of very qualified, trained to conduct several operations inside and outside the country. It is composed of 308 people, and it has the ability and duties for patrolling the coastline, different marine maneuvers, the rescue of hostages and Search and Rescue operations. The battalion’s minor units that are companies are dependent on the battalion’s order and headquarters referring to the command of control. Itself the battalion is a composing part of a bridge, a group or a regiment. [Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqipetar, V.I].In the following map Figure 18 there is shown the location of all the battalion units all over the country. According to the map, battalions are a group, and their function is to have immediate and search and rescue operation they are located mainly on a field and hilly terrain. Battalions cover 1,685,402 square meters of the country, which results as 8.4 % of the total area covered by military facilities..Most of them are located on the field terrain that starts on the north western part of the country, continuing on the west and ending up to the south western part of the country. In addition, there are some of them also located on the mountainous side. Referring to the overall position of all 88 battalions, there seems to be a concentration of them in cities, and specifically Tirana has the most densified presence of them followed by Durres and Kucova. This brings us to the fact that battalions were more related to the city scale and their direct action, whenever an emergency was present.


Figure 18: Location of battalion in Albania. [Graphics by the author]


3.2.2. Brigades

A brigade is a tactical unit consisting of several departments. Referring to the military categorization the brigade is smaller than the division and bigger than the battalion or a group. In Albania brigade is created for the first time in the “Lidhja Shipetare e Prizerenit” (1878-1881). In this period of time it consisted of two regiments and a total of 4,000 ground troops. In the land troops it usually consists of several other types of battalions, being weapons battalions, Special Forces subunits, and those who operate in the background.

Brigades can be of several types, for instance they can be a pedestrian brigade, tank brigade, artillery brigade, and interconnection brigade. In the marine categorization it is divided into submarine brigade and brigades that operate on water levels. [Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqipetar, V.I]

Within all the territory of Albania there are 33 military brigades as seen from the map in Figure 19 and they are mainly located in urbanized zones, within the city. They have 2% surface of the overall area of military facilities. Starting from the city of Tirana brigades are located near infrastructure lines. As we go up to the city of Kruje, Kurbin, Mirdite, and Shkoder, brigades are also located near roads, making them easily accessible. In other cities where they are present such as Diber, Kavaje, Librazhd, Lushnje, Pogradec, they are located within the city, for this reason they can be structures used in function of city activities. They can serve as social buildings, cultural centers, multifunctional centers, cinemas, as well as ateliers, making them into catalysts for the neighborhood, and converting them from trash to precious gems for the city.


Figure 19: Location of all military brigade units in the Republic of Albania [Graphics by the author]


3.2.3. Division

A division refers to a tactical unit in the ground task forces, air forces and naval fighting forces of different countries. There are divisions of pedestrians, tanks, artillery, and aviation. It consists of several brigades. As a combat unit it was used for the first time in the 19th century meanwhile in Albania it appears for the first time in the army of “Lidhja Shqiptare e Prizerenit” and consisted of two brigades. This structure was created in the army of the Albanian state after 1927. During the National Liberation War, were created national liberation army divisions. From the end of 1944, was created the Division of protection for the people. [Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqipetar, V.I]

In the Republic of Albania there are four divisions present (figure 20) and they make out 0.26 % of the overall area of military facilities, which in total consist of 52673 m² of property occupied by them. Since the division operates mainly on foot and heavy machines as tanks including aviation, mainly a field terrain was preferred for their location. They are less in number but bigger in size than brigades. The four divisions present are located in the following cities: Tirana, which has the second biggest one and its located in a rural area, near Erzeni River, and not directly accessed from the road. The biggest one lies in Vau I Dejes, located near and urbanized area and nearby the lake of Shkodra, with a direct access from the street. The third one from its size, located in the city of Durres, with a direct access and proximity to the coastline and the , near an urbanized area, also easily accessed, and the smallest one located in Diber, nearby the Drini River, on a hilly terrain. Three out of four divisions have a proximity to the water, which can serve as an input for the new reuse functions. They may serve as centers for recycling plastic or inert that is taken out of the river or for tourist attraction, on the other hand if located on a rural area they can be used in function of the agriculture.

The following map comes as a result of refinement of the data gained by the Ministry of Defense, Department of private property management.


Figure 20: Location of Divisions in the country of Albania [Graphics by the author]


3.2.4. Company

A company is a military unit which is commanded by a captain or major, and is composed of about 80-250 soldiers. A military company is composed of units which are under Squads that depend on the countries joining in a group of 3-6 squads form the company. A several number of companies combined together form a battalion or regiment. The artillery was divided into companies which were composed of about 150 soldiers. The regiments comprised of 8 companies. [Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqipetar, V.I]

A concentration of military company units is present mostly on the western part of the country. City of Tirana has 6 companies followed by Libohova with 4 and Kruje, Vlore, Kolonja with 3 of them. There are also present cities with 2 companies like; Fier, Rroskovec, Korca, Dibra and Dropull. Other cities with just one company are; Durres, Mat, Kamez, Vore, Elbasan, Kavaje, Prrenjas, Lushnje, Patos, and Polican (Figure 21).

The surface of company is 2.73 % of overall military sites and they occupy a surface of 847184 m². The biggest company is found in Korca and it consists of 86059 m² property, followed by Patos and Tirana. . In some cities they are positioned nearby water sources but as well as within the urbanized areas of the city. A few of them are located on the rural sites, which can be a factor in determining the potential function of reuse for them, since located mainly in urban areas they can be in function of the city, such as museum, voice recording studios, offices and archive areas.


Figure 21: Location of companies in the country of Albania [Graphics by the author]


3.2.5. Regiment

A regiment is a military unit. Their role in the military varies, depending on several factors, like the country, and the type of service. As a group it started in the medieval era, when it was firstly introduced as a term, and it referred to large bodies located on the front line as soldiers, recruited or gathered in a specific geographical location, by a commander who guides and gives order to them. Looking back at the history of the regiment, during the 17 century, a fully equipped regiment incorporated about, a thousand soldiers, and was commanded by a colonel. Moreover, the regiment can be in quite a range of sizes, for instance; as big as a battalion, or smaller than a usual battalion, as big as a brigade, or as big as several battalions together. [Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqipetar, V.I] There are 7 regiment units located in the Republic of Albania see Figure 22. The cities where they are located are Vlora, Korca, Fier, Ura vajgurore, Kucove, Tirane and Kurbin. All of the regiments are located near the road, with a direct and easy access until reaching the facility. Most of them are located in rural areas, on the borders of the city. The biggest one of the regiments is located in the city of Fier., covering a surface area of 50000 square meters. As also other military subunits, the tendency of their location in relation to the country borders, 80% of them are located on the western part, except one of them located on the south eastern part of the country. Most of them are laid on the field and hilly terrain, which is easily accessed in terms of terrain, only one of them is located in a mountainous terrain. While considering their location and the idea of reusing these structures, the ones located in a rural area can be used as facilities in use of agriculture, and countryside activities, or used as warehouses for the storage of the goods. The Regiment that is located in the mountainous terrain can serve as a shelter for people that hitchhike. The total area of the regiments in the country is 265075 m² which means that it has 1.32 % of the overall area of military facilities.


Figure 22: Location of Regiments in the country of Albania. [Graphics by the author]


3.2.6. Battery

An artillery battery, in a military organization chart, is a unit of rocket, missiles, and guns that are grouped together, to facilitate the communication in the battle field. The same term is used also in the context of describing several groups of war and guns. Referring to modern days the military unit, usually is composed of eight howitzers, or 6 up to 9 rockets launchers, it includes 100 to 200 soldiers and personnel, that is equal to a company, but in another level. During history the term “battery” is related to a group, which can be at field position during the evolvement of the battle, or observing at a fortress of the city. The term also refers to a fixed group of soldiers that serve at a fixed location, a fortress or a coastal frontier. Meanwhile during the 18 century “battery” started to be used as a group of people that would locate at a permanent location, and conduct peace missions. Their organization varied between 6 until 12 ordnance pieces, what would sometimes include howitzers. During the 19 century, the battery was a clear substitute of a company or a troop.

There are 77 batteries located in our country as shown in figure 23. They do have quite a range of variation related in space capacity, and area that they cover. Their occupancy area starts from 400 m² up to approximately 200,000 m². Batteries are located in groups, and mostly they are grouped and concentrated on these cities; a continuous path of batteries formed from the distance covered from Tirana to Durres, as seen from the map is one of the denser zones, followed by the ones grouped in the city of Elbasan, continuing with Ura Vajgurore, Vlora and Sarande. What is also different in batteries, compared to the military facilities is their tendency of locating in groups, within the city’s urban areas, thus theirs functions of revitalizing them can also be related to urban activities. Batteries make out 7.95 % of the overall area of military facilities which means that 1595786 m² in total.


Figure 23: Location of Batteries in the country of Albania. [Graphics by the author]


3.2.7. Artillery and depot group

This entirety is an unusual architecture that was projected and sprouted parallel like a “fortifying civilization”. Artillery and depot group are composed of different typologies and have very diverse locations.

Depot group has 7 different functions; the one for volunteer forces, division, fuel, ammunition, victuals, sea mines, and engineer shelters.

Artillery in itself has 4 typologies; ground, antiaircraft, tanks and mortar ones.

There are 85 military artillery and depot groups located in our country as shown in figure 24. Their special capacity varies from the smallest one that covers 80 square meters, until the largest one covering approximately 230 000 square meters of terrain which are found in Mat and in Kruje. A denser situation in locating these groups is seen in the triangle formed between the city of Vlora, Berat and Lushnje. The location of the other units is in groups of 3 or 6 of them gathered near each other as in the case of the city of Mat, Perrenjas or Librazhd. Meanwhile the others are scattered, located singularly as in the case of the city of Permet, Tropoje or Puke. As a different characteristic from the previously analyzed military units is the way they are scattered all over the country and not concentrated in the western part of it. They are located on a field, as well as in deep mountainous terrain, in addition they have a close proximity to water features, such as lakes on the north-western part, also on the south-eastern side. Also there is not a defined tendency of location, either urban or rural, where in both cases they are located, thus their future function of re-use can be, in urbanized areas used for galleries, and expo centers, while on the rural area can be in function of the agriculture ,cultivation and a place to promote local products. Artillery and depot group have an area of 1811175 square meters which make of 9% of overall area of military forces.


Figure 24: Location of artillery and depot group in Albania. [Graphics by the author]


3.2.8. Camp

A military camp refers to a semi-permanent structure that hosts a certain army. They can be either permanent or temporary structures. Camps are constructed when a specific military force, moves and travels away from a major facility camp, for reasons like training or different operations, temporary camps are constructed in order to supply the army or these forces with all their requests.

In ancient times, a military camp had high standards and used to serve as an entire legion. As a military subdivision it dates since the ancient times. Military camps were initially used for training new soldiers as well as providing suitable training equipment and spaces for the military workout.

There is only one military camp (Figure 25) in the privatization list and is located in the city of Kavaja. Its surface covers an area of approximately 126,000 square meters, and it has a very close proximity to a water feature, as the Adriatic Sea, as well as is easily accessed from the street. Since it has been functioning as a military camp, there is a presence of a training ground that used to serve as an area for training soldiers. In addition, elements as polygons, sports fields, and training equipment are present, which can serve as an input in establishing the reuse function for this facility. Since it covers such a vast amount of space, it is easily accessed, and has a direct access to the sea; it can be a huge catalyst in revitalizing the whole neighborhood where it is located. A possible function can be to convert it into a sports center for children, teenagers and adults, with football and basketball fields, as well as a marine club that could give swim classes and roller camp.


Figure 25: Location of the Camp in the republic of Albania


3.2.9. Military department

A military department consists of a large military structure, and is composed of two or more military divisions and is typically under the command of a general. It is the largest subdivision in the military organization. Usually there isn’t an established rule for the capacity and size of a department, but generally it has from 20,000 up to 40,000 soldiers in its structure. Being a large structure it comprises several categories in its structure, for instance; the marine department, and medical department. It is not a public facility but several departments are directly related to the public such as the police department or civil defense department. 332 are the military departments (Figure 26) that are in the list for privatization in the Republic of Albania. Their occupying surface area covers a huge range starting from the smallest ones that cover an area of 2000 square meters leading up to 7,000,000 square meters. They have the largest occupying space among all other divisions, as well as they are bigger in number. In terms of location they are spread throughout the country, from north to south and east to west. As seen in the map three are the denser zones where located; the north-eastern part, the western part and the southern part. Military departments in order to operate and serve efficiently, need to have an easy access with an urban road, or interurban roads, thus for this reason their location somehow follows the path that the road has, providing a clean and direct access with it. Water sources can provide these facilities with constant water, not interfering thus with their normal routine. Departments are located, near the sea, on a field, a hill or in deep mountains. Considering the fact that departments units within their surface area can include several buildings, and also considering the vast amount of area they cover, they can be used as mini villages for the promotion of agro-tourism, and serve as warehouses, or they can be a bio farm, hosting animals and agricultural goods. 13560430 square meters is the total area of the military departments in republic of Albania which makes out 67.6 % of overall military facilities.


Figure 26: Location Military department in the Republic of Albania [Graphics by the author]


3.2.10. Garrison

A military garrison a structure that is permanently established at a fixed location. It is used mainly as a protection area where the troops are stationed, to maintain peace and stability of the area. As a term it is also used to refer to the troops that are positioned there. Related to the location there are only two places if a soldier is serving in the military, it is either the garrison or in the field. Referred to the field location it means that a soldier is being deployed, meaning the place of stay is temporary. A military garrison is used to refer to a permanent home of a certain unit, being a battalion, a battery or a brigade.

There is only one singular garrison located in the country of Albania as shown in figure 27. It covers a surface area of approximately 4500 square meters. It is located in the northern part of the country, near the city of Shkodra. The garrison has proximity to water features, including the lake of Shkoder as well as other water source being the river. Since it covers a vast and precious surface area, it can be a subject of several functions either in function of water sources or agricultural lands and agro tourism. It is located in a rural region and in a field terrain and as well as near regional roads, thus it can be easily reached. As a reuse function can be serving as a warehouse for the storage of the goods collected from the agriculture, or serve as a farm for animals of the zone, and collecting their products. As well as they can be a location spot for recycling plastic, as well as waste materials gathered by the river nearby as well as the lake of Shkoder. Other functions as collecting spots and facilities for fisherman and hikers can be potential functions to turn these structures into future gems. The percentage of the garrison compared with other military facilities is the smallest one 0.022 %.


Figure 27: Location of garrison in the Republic of Albania


3.3. Analysis of military facilities in relation to natural and cultural


3.3.1. Overview

Numerous analysis and peculiar observations have been conducted, when determining the exact location of these structures. Some factors that were taken in consideration also considering the suitable condition, like topographical conditions, proximity to water sources like rivers, seas, lakes and reservoirs, will be analyzed and how they determined the location of 673 ex- military facilities located in Albania. This chapter will be focused in analyzing the above factors as well as going a step further in proposing in general several functions for the facilities, based on the position and the physical, social, and economic conditions of the area where located. The military facilities were built while analyzing the above characteristics, as well as suiting them with the functions they conduct as a military unit. Several of them need lowland to be settled, some a steep mountainous relief while others lay near the sea or on the highlands. Thus there is a concentration of the facilities on these regions, neglecting the highest mountain tops for a location, since they lack in ease of reaching and harsh winters, present in those areas. In this chapter will be analyzed the location of these facilities with respect to natural phenomena, as lakes, rivers reservoirs and seas, and their juxtaposition in relation to this sources. In addition, also factors as topography, relation to natural monuments, relation to protected areas, and relation to urban and rural zones will be analyzed in different maps extracted for each of them, and comparing them to one another. In the end a hypothetical reuse function will be stated, based on the location and all the factors combined. Military operational activity is displayed not only in land but also in sea and all pounds overall. Pounds are a very important asset in Albania also in the soil cover. River water leaks move from North-east to south-west and flow in Adriatic and Jon Sea and they have a big density. Meanwhile Albania extends in the western part comprehensive archive stripes of marine waters. The control and recognition of the sea deals with, links, exchange, invasion and protection from endless irruptions made. Rivers also natural and artificial

44 lakes exert a strong influence in combat troop actions because they serve as a suitable line to organize a strong and stable protection thus presence of military features near pounds is a common occurrence. In this chapter will be analyzed the correlation of military units with water futures as seas, lakes, reservoirs and rivers.

3.3.2. Location of the military facilities in relation to sea

The Adriatic and the Ionian Sea are of a great geographical and economic importance. These seas serve as connecting roads of Albania with other neighboring states. On the Albanian coast the sea is shallow and our coasts expands 325 km in length. Most of them are lowland coastlines with beautiful beaches that consist of very fine sand. While on the other hand the Ionian Sea is quite warm and it tosses along the mountains. There are some sectors of coastline in which the mountains form small bays. There are several military facilities located near the sea see figure 28 because the possibility of invasion from the coast is very big referring to terrain. Different distances from the coast create evaluation possibilities and diversity in the upcoming functions to be given to military facilities. In the following map is shown the zoning of military facilities with a buffer of 0-1 km distance from the coast figure 29, this structures can be used in function of tourism , Kite loop lesions, roller parking, recreational spaces, and camping. Depot of mines also shore artillery are located very close to the sea thus those may be used in function of camping facilities and depositary. 596113 square meters is the total area of military units with 1 km distance from the sea and it makes 2.97 % of the overall area of military facilities. Western lowland of Albania especially the city of Rrogozhina and Divjaka in the distance 1 to 5 km from the seashore has very developed agriculture lands, thus the military facilities can be used to cultivate the goods or even treatment of them, the area is 1,715,967 square meters, and the percentage is approximately 8.5%. On the other hand, the ones located from 5 to 15 km away from the shore the surface area is 8,415,790 square meters, wish makes 41.9 % of the total area.


Figure 28: the location of military units in relation to Sea. [Graphics by the author]


Figure 29: Illustrative photo of a military structure near the sea and a castle in Butrint Photo by the author

3.3.3. Location of the military facilities in relation to lakes and


Albania has four trans- boundary lakes, the one of Shkodra in north, Oher, the Big and Small Prespa in south-east. In all the country there are approximately 700 other lakes, natural and artificial ones see figure 31. Reservoirs are water sources and have potential for development of activities around it. Some of reservoirs have irrigation channels which are used by local people for watering purposes. In offensive missions of the army reservoirs have very good protective quality to organize in them a secure strong and stable offence thus many of the military facilities were build near a lake or reservoir. Special attention should be paid at the “Durana” zone because of existence of a large number of artificial lakes (around 100) spread over the border area around the capital. The presence of military facilities also is so large in this zone because they were built to protect the capital city from invasion and political elite lived in Tirana. The total area of military units that are maximum 500 meters far from lakes and reservoirs is 10916463 square meters and they make out 54 % of the overall area of military facilities.


Figure 30 is taken during a site trip in the reservoir of Kashar and shows the beautiful view of the tunnel.

Figure 30: Military tunnel located in the lake of Kashar (Photo by the author)


Figure 31: Location of Military Facilities In relation to lakes of Albania


3.3.4. Location of the military facilities in relation to rivers

The nature in Albania is very rich in water resources, rivers and abundant in streams. The hydrographic network of the territory of Albania consists of 11 main rivers, along with their subsidiaries and major water streams of constant reach number 152. The rivers despite beauty and the recreational opportunities they offer, they also do create space, gorgeous valleys and canyons. For determining the location of military facilities near a lake is taken in consideration the situation of the river shore, its soil type, vegetation cover, the slope and its high. The presence of the bridges in the river is another key element for determining the location of the military facilities. Usually favorable as sites to build military structures are the areas where you can build a bridge or sprout curves.

Located at a maximum distance 200 meters from the river figure 32, the map (figure 33) indicates the military facilities that satisfy these conditions. Mainly battalions and military departments are located but also some of the other subdivisions. As an overall area covered is 341,215 square meters that forms 1.7 % of the total surface area. With such an immense hydrology system these structures can be reused in such a way to convert them into gems for the zones and neighborhood where located. Different rivers have different characters and natural features, thus different kind of sports are conducted, such as canoeing, sailing and rafting. In addition, they can also be used as facilities for the collection and the recycling of waste material collected by the river or as storage warehouse.

Figure 32: Military units located near the lake of Black Drin in Kukes. 50

Figure 33: Location of military facilities in relation to rivers of Albania


3.3.5. Location of the military facilities in relation to Topography Overview

Relief is a primary and permanent condition when deciding to build military facilities. Albania has a variety of forms and highs in relief context. In Albania conditions relief raises directly from the sea level to height that redeemable to mountains in Llogara, but in other cases it grows in harmony. Slope, fractures, and height of relief affect in typology and site selection for building a military structure. 70 % of Albanian terrain is hilly- mountainous. Relief also affects the road network in the field area which generally has North-South direction, and in mountainous terrain the roads are build following river valleys and mountain necks.

Albanian relief has a bit field in west and has form of an edifice natural crest in north- south with valley interactions where height pulls down in direction of west-east and north-south. This form of relief has helped Albania survive during the years of invasion where invaders from four different horizons faced mountainous nature difficult to occupy.

Operational capacity of terrain (country) has to do with recognition, assessment, mobility, protection, safety and studying of regional defense belt. In the plains and hilly regions, it will be carried out in circular fashion to confront the fighting that would be incurred to Air Crossing, lay in the back of our forces.

52 Location of the military facilities in relation to Field terrain

Western lowland starts from Hoti bay until Vlore; it has a length of 200 kilometers and is the most populated and economically good zone. Space reports are not uniform because they are interrupted by parallel crossing hills.

Greenfield terrain is characterized by flat and little corrugated with soft slopes that not exceed 2-3 °, in such areas the change of the height usually don’t pass the height of 20-30 meters. [Pasha, 2006] This type of relief is usually is seen before hills, before mountain belts, and lowlands along the river. Lands are usually interrupted and permeated from rivers like; Buna, Drin, Gjadri, Mati, Ishmi ,Erzen, Shkumbin, Seman and Viosa as a result land are not uniform but are accumulated by the presence of this much berth.

In the western lowland of Albania is been dedicated importance in building permanent fortifying objects. Presence of the sea, riverbed, cultivable soils and high density of population pushes us to orient the further development of military units towards tourism and agriculture. Also being this much populated the possibility that military facilities are located in an urban area is also high thus they can be used as depots and archives when located near a school or a library.

Military facilities that are built in field terrain are 18.307.434 square meters which make out 91.3 % of the overall area of these structures.

Figure 34 shows the location of military facilities in the field terrain, the densest zone is the Durres and Tirana area. Mainly the military structures are built in the beginning of hills. All the types of military facilities subdivisions are present in area.


Figure 34: Location of military facilities in field terrain [Graphics by the author]

54 Location of the military facilities in relation to Hill terrain

Hill terrain is characterized from rounded and soft forms whose slope doesn’t pass 5° and the height varieties from several up to 100 meters.

Albanian hill areas are favorable for performing all types of fighting. Rippling of relief and contrary slopes of the hills create favorably conditions for defense of the army. Those serve as a barrier from enemy surveying and firing also as secret trails that meets the enemies from behind. The top of the high and steep hills are used to create foothold with circular defense meanwhile their slope makes the enemies difficult to use mechanized technique. Hill and field terrains are very suitable positions for throwing air raids. [Pasha, 2006)]

Some of the hills located near the western lowlands are terraced in the communist period in order to plant citrus and olives. Thus military facilities located near hills figure 36 may be a potential future for these zones. The overlay of this maps; lake, urban zone, infrastructure and hills could produce a possible future to be given to military structures.

1,512,411 square meters is the total area of the military facilities in Albania.

Figure 35: Location of a military battery in Corum Photo by the author Figure 35 illustrates one military site that has near it vehicular road, lake, hill traces planted with olives.


Figure 36: Location of military facilities related to hills

56 Location of the military facilities in relation to Mountain terrain

Mountainous terrain in Albania is characterized form complex and diverse relief forms which apart from special natural condition influence in versatile manner the military actions with all the types of weapons. [Pasha, 2006)] Mountains usually appear with crests and their branches that are segregated from each-other by longitudinal and transversal valleys. Usually crests are parallel with each other but sometimes they are spread like rays from one center. Lands that are formed between mountains usually appear in form of high fields which are called highlands.

Mountainous terrain is characterized from these features: Relief fractures in between the inhabited zones, change of climatic condition and vegetation, essence of obstacles that are difficult to pass. Automobile roads in the mountainous terrain are usually narrow and twisting.

In Albania there are about 30 mountaintops that pass the height of 2500 meter. The most visited valleys are Thethi and the Valey of Valbone that is located in the north of Albania, central highlands provinces are as follows; “Vargu I Korabit”, “Lura Mountain”, and “Skenderbeg mountains”, these mountains are interrupted by different valleys. Meanwhile the south highlands are from the Vlora Bay to Butrint.

There are nine military departments and one battalion located in mountainous terrain of Albania see figure 37. The total area of the military units is 234.435 square meters which consists of 1.16 % of the overall area in compared with other military facilities and relief relation. These military facilities may serve as a tool to develop and serve for hiking purposes.


Figure 37: Location of military facilities in relation to mountains


3.3.6. Military units in relation to Agricultural lands

Albania possesses a vast area and quite a wide range of diverse topography. In addition, the climate is very appropriate for the development of agriculture, also the presence of natural lakes as well as reservoirs that feed these lands with water supply. According to the statistics done by Instat in 2014, among 2875 ha of land available, 696 ha are agriculture lands and are used for this purpose. [Instat 2014]. Among the districts ranked that have the higher surface area of agricultural land is Fier with 121.6 ha, followed by Korca with 90 ha and Kukes with the lowest levels of 25.2 ha of agricultural land. [Instat 2014] Related to the ratio of the area covered by the agricultural land, it has kept a steady increment, making a value of 696 ha, and related to the area covered by woods it reached a value of 1053 ha, in 2014. (Instat 2014).The military units located in Albanian agricultural lands (Figure 38) occupy 3,990,731 square meters, marking 19.8 % of the overall space that military units occupy; on the other hand the military units that is located in forest occupies 332,962 square meters or 1.6 % of overall the area. Strictly related to the topography the agricultural lands are located on the western side of the country, in a strip-like form, from north to south, and in smaller amounts in the south eastern part in the south, center and on the north eastern side. Regarding the forest is located from north to south covering the center and eastern side of the country. While agricultural lands are located on lowlands and on hills, the forests are widely located on a higher and mountainous terrain. In relation to the facilities located near them they might be used in their service, such as collective warehouses for storage, farming facilities, stables for animals and poultry. This and other functions needed for conducting agricultural activities might some of the reuse function.


Figure 38: Location of the military facilities in relation to agriculture lands and forests.


3.3.7. Military Units in relation to natural monuments

In the list of world heritage are part 760 natural and cultural objects. In this list from Albania is the lake of Oher for its scientific and ecological unique values. In the international convention Ramsar are listed also the valleys of Diviake – Karavasta for their biodiversity and landscape.

There are two types of natural monuments; alive and inanimate ones that have one or more characteristics with uncial scientific, ecological, and cultural values. These values associated with the specificity of action of factors and natural laws. Objects of the living natural monuments include wood or forests with uncial esthetical and decorative values on the other hand the inanimate objects are grouped in function of their origin and characteristics; geological (tectonic fractures, uncial denudation, and fossil), geomorphological (stones with special forms, canyons, funnels, and caves), hydrographic (waterfalls, glacial and karst lakes also termominerare sources).

Millitary units that are located not more than 5 km near natural monuments (Figure 39) mark 15,983,687 square meters, or 79.9 % of their total surface area. These structures can turn themselves into the center of attention since they do possess a favorable location, and some of them might be used to supply the monuments present near them. For instance, some can be used as hostels, for tourists and visitors that go touring and exploring the beauty of the nature in Albania, and since these structures are located nearby they might be adapted for that function. Military units may be turned into centers that serve to study these zones, info points, museums for the fossils and stones with special forms.

Visits of natural objects and zones may turn into a potential financial source raising a substantial infrastructure for hostage and information.


Figure 39: Location of the military facilities in relation to natural monuments.


3.3.8. Military facilities in relation to protected zones

In Albania the law number 8906 that dates in 06.06.2002 about the protected areas, with the decision of ministry council number 676, was announced these protected zones: 4 reservations (Karavasta valley, the valley of Gashi river,Rrajca and Kardhiqi); 7 national parks (Tomorri mountain,Valbona valley, bredhi I hatoves, qafe Shtama, Zall Gjocaj, Butrint and Prespa); 516 other natural monuments, 26 natural reservations and 4 protected zones. All these categories occupy 168.411 ha or 5.9% of the territory. There are studies and proposals done for the growth of these zones by making them 435.420 ha or 15.1 % of the territory. Military facilities located in a buffer zone of 5 km from protected areas cover up a surface area of 12,044,511 square meters that make up 60 % of the overall surface area. Several of the ex-former military facilities are located near these zones as indicated in the map in figure 41. This is indeed related to the function that may be given to these facilities, that is to serve to these zones, as tourist info points or galleries to inform tourists by digital media the history of the corresponding zone. Further construction is not allowed in this zones for this reason military units located there should be utilized.

Figure 40: Location of a cold war tunnel in protected city of Gjirokaster


Figure 41: Location of military facilities in relation to protected zones


3.4. Analysis of military facilities in relation to man-made


3.4.1. Overview

In the following analysis is taken the consideration the man made infrastructure because it has an important role in the function to be given to the military facilities. The man- made infrastructure is related to roads and their categorization, cultural monuments (they are visited by tourists and the flow of them may be a positive start for the upcoming function of military facilities). Another analysis is made weather this military facilities are located in a rural or an urban zone.

3.4.2. Location of the military facilities in relation to Infrastructure

Vehicle roads are an important element to be taken in consideration for the upcoming function of military structures because they make the connection of these buildings with each other also with the urbanized areas. 93% of the military facilities are located near vehicular road.

The total road network in Albania, considering here all categories of road where vehicles can pass is about 18,000 km in length, including 3636 km of which are major national roads. In addition to 10,500 km are streets and, around 1100 km are categorized as municipal and the rest of which turns out to be 4,000 km are under the jurisdiction of different units. The primary road network is about 1138 km with 9 main links that form the backbone of the network and the secondary network with a total length of 1998 km.

As it is also seen in the map at figure 42, that shows the location of all the ex-military facilities, including all its subdivisions, and their location in relation to the infrastructure, 65 and the vehicular roads, present all over the country. The analysis is done based on the facilities that are located along, roads with a 9-meter width, those whose width is up to 18 meters, roads whose width is more than 18 meters, and the local roads that connects the villages together . The biggest concentration as also derived from the analysis is in the capital city and on the sides of the road that link Tirana with Durres, passing through Vora. The surface area of military facilities located near roads extending to 9 meters is 4,219,791 square meters, covering around 21 % of the total surface, in addition the surface area of the ones located near roads that extend up to 18 meters in width is, and 299,650 square meters that makes 1.5 % of the overall surface. Military units located near roads that have a width more than 18 meters, the cover surface is 874,266 square meters that makes 4.3 % of the overall surface area. The buffer zones that were marked as a location criterion for the location and the proximity of the military facilities, is 300 meters from each of the 4 categories of the roads.


Figure 42: Location of military facilities near vehicular roads


3.4.3. Location of the military facilities in relation to Urban and rural


For the development of this analysis is taken in consideration the territorial division of the 2003 year where Albania was divided in 65 civic centers and 308 municipalities. Civic centers are usually located in city territories meanwhile communes are usually found in village territories which are grouped together to form it. The statistical data for Urban and Rural zones have an important role in managing, projecting and determining the upcoming function of military facilities out of the spreading plan of Armed Forces.

Based on statistical data of state made in 2012, the urban population of Albania is estimated as 1,498,508 that makes 53.5%, and the rural 1,301,630 marking 46.5%. [INSTAT 2012] The 5 cities that are classified as “High dense” are: Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Shkodra and Vlora.

The objective of this analysis is to create a clear panorama of the locations of military units in relation to urban and rural zones. According to the input revised by the author is concluded that 16415049 square meters which makes 81.85% of the overall area of military facilities are located in rural zones. Meanwhile 3639231 square meters which makes out 18.14% of the overall area of military units are located in urban zones shown in figure 43.

Related to the revitalization function of these facilities they can adopt functions related to the zones where located, for instance, those near or inside urban zones can serve for city activities, galleries or expo centers and light showroom, meanwhile on the rural sites they can serve as warehouses, factories, and agricultural facilities.


Figure 43: Location of military facilities related to Urban and Rural zone


3.4.4. Location of the military facilities in relation to Cultural


Cultural monuments of a city and nation are important symbols that show the value of material, spiritual and development in centuries and years. Cultural monuments, reflecting thousands of years of history of the Albanian people, are an attraction for foreign tourists. There are monuments dating from prehistory to the last century. There are over 2,400 objects of a wide range of about 200 cult monuments, 600 ancient and medieval monuments (castles, ruins, site, bridge, water) and the rest of the popular constructions. Most monuments are located in the cities of Gjirokastra, Berat, Korca,and Shkodra. Monumental sites of Butrint, Apollonia, Durres, Voskopoja, Gjirokastra, and Berat are internationally known. [Orhani, 2015]

In figure 44 are presented the military units that are located in a ray of 2000 meters away from cultural monuments. 15,733,571 square meters is the total area of the military units located near cultural monuments that makes approximately 78.4 % of the overall area, which for a country as small as Albania it is a considerable ratio. With the value that these monuments offer and the opportunity of having empty structures near them, can be an opportunity to enhance and enrich them with more activities and function, to increase the number of the visitors. The flow of the tourist that comes to visit these cultural monuments may be a good start for the upcoming function of military facilities which may serve as binding element for historical timeline and become museums.


Figure 44: Location of military facilities in relation to cultural monuments




4.1. Overview

The analysis above will help determining the military facilities that will be reused. In order to minimize the cost of construction are taken in consideration just the military facilities that are located near a vehicular road. The overlap of the maps creates very interesting combinations for instance: military units that are near a vehicular road, sea, and lake in the zone of Durres, Kurbin, Rrogozhina and Vlora.In this chapter special attention was given to the west Albania especially the zones that do not exceed 15 km from the sea in order to utilize the beautiful landscape also the flow of the tourists that visit these areas. In addition this zone is very rich regarding to the cultivable lands, and all the rivers of Albania pass through it.

Three are the main potential functions to be given to the ex-military facilities:

1. Creation of a recreational space in the coastal zone. 2. Exploitation of the cultivable land that will balance the needs and interests of the people living near these military facilities. 3. Promotion of tourism

The overlay of the maps, in order to exploit as much of them from the same site, will generate a conclusion in determining the function of the case studies. In addition for selection of case studies is very important the possibility to be easily accessed.


4.2. Military Department located at Cape of Rodon

4.2.1. Evaluation of the actual condition

Cape of Rodon lies in the city of Durres, 100 km roundtrip from Tirana; it is a zone in the seafront of Adriatic Sea which is without prejudice of informal buildings. The in sequence top hills that fall in the sea create magnificent views. Cape of Rodon became known and frequented in the year 2009 with the help of the asphalted road build in this year. In the beginning of the Cape is found the Shetaj village, in this zone are found two cultural monuments, the church of Shen Ndou which dates in medieval era also the ruins of an old castle that was built by . Remaining ignored and partly covered by dust in the Cape of Rodon lays the Military Department number 2240 (Archive of armed forces). From the site trips was found and surveyed (measured) these types of military facilities (figure 45):

Four military batteries, each of them with an area of 128 square meters, composed of thick concrete and steel walls isolated with thermal insulation. All of the batteries have the presence of electrical wires and aspiration system and are connected with each other (from the backside) and with an observation point located above them. Two tunnels for depositing mines, each of them has an area of 126 square meters. These depots are well preserved and are located in the shore of the cape. In this shore are located a series of camping tents frequented mostly from young generation. Two floor building that used to serve as a kitchen, mealtime, and resting rooms for the soldiers during the peacetime. Each floor in the building has an area of 198 square meters and the structure of the building is well preserved. The building lies in a field terrain which makes the spaces around it be useful for sport activities. In the photo 45 is shown the actual condition of the Cape of Rodon , the map indicates the existing vehicular road, the relation of the military facilities with each other , cultural monuments, and with water sources. In addition the map below also shows the direction of the photos taken by the author which are as following: (1) Illustrative photo of the 4 batteries located in Cape of Rodon, (2) two floor building that used to serve as kitchen and restroom, (3) location of the mine tunnel in the seashore, (4) the view of the castle from the batteries.


Figure 45: Illustrative photos of actual condition, Cape of Rodon (Photos by the author)


4.2.2. Analysis of strength, weakness, opportunities, threads of Cape of


“Strength” are assets and potentials inherited to the city of Durres like: advantageous geographical position with beautiful shores and landscape, closeness with cultural monuments which brings tourists in the zone, touristic potential, potential in investment with a low budget, favorable Mediterranean climate, military facilities in good physical condition.

“Weakness” are the factors that prevent the development of the zone like: there is a lack in infrastructure that connects the military buildings with each other and cultural monuments, poor management (there is no service offered to tourists), landslide is covering the military units making them disappear every day, the two floor military building is not used.

“Opportunities” may be projects that create recreational spaces in function of the surrounding zone and tourism, return to a profitable business, diversity of flora and fauna, premise to turn into an ecological tourism.

“Threads” are the degradation of the military facilities, lack in promotion and preservation of natural and cultural heritage.

The goals of this analysis are:

• To highlight and evaluate competitive advantages and potentials of the zone • To analyze the prospect of future development in harmony with the nature • To identify the needed arrangement in order to minimize the threads effect


4.2.3. Proposals for reuse of military facilities located in Cape of


Ancient legend, the medieval history, wild greenery, the amazing landscape and the silence that characterizes this zone spontaneously makes us thing that the upcoming function of military units, located in Cape of Rodon, should be oriented towards tourism and creation of recreational spaces around it. The upcoming function is in harmony with the nature and with minimal interventions this military structures may be turned from some buildings that remain there awaiting the demolition into a socio-economical potential for the zone nearby.

Architectural intervention in this site will be as following:

• Construction of pedestrian road (2 km) that will connect the military facilities, cultural monuments, with each other and the beach. • Restoration of the military batteries by turning them into multifunctional spaces like; meditational centers, new artist exhibitions, stage for artists, and workshop area. The materials used in interior design of these spaces may be ceramics and reed knitting. • Reconstruction of two floor building by turning it into a hostel • Giving function to the mines tunnels located in the shore. Every year in the summer season there are tents located in the shore and they have lack in infrastructure. . First tunnel may be used to serve to the tents by providing toilets, bathrooms, and depots. . Second tunnel may be turned in function of sea sports.

Figure 46 shows the relation of the military batteries with water sources. In the plans are shown the programs to be given to these military facilities and the intervention made into inner walls for dividing the spaces and creating depot and toilets.

Figure 47 shows the atmosphere created in the two of the batteries and the low cost materials that are used for revitalizing them.


Figure 46: Proposed plan and program of the 4 batteries (graphics by the author)

Figure 47: collages of meditation center and cinema (graphics by the author)


Figure 48: Proposal for hostel’s ground floor plan of reconstruction (Drawing by the author)

Figure 49: Proposal for hostel’s first floor plan of reconstruction (Drawing by the author)


The plans in the figure 48 and 49 which show the reconstruction of the military Department are a result of the measurements taken in terrain by the author. The interior walls are modified in order to create a suitable environment for functioning as a hostel. The hostel has different typologies of rooms, suitable for maximum 48 people. In the ground floor is located the kitchen connected to the bar, projection room, reception hall, and 3 sleeping rooms each of them with a toilet. Meanwhile the first floor plan is composed of five sleeping rooms; two of them are suitable for 8 to16 people and have shared bathrooms. The figure 50 shows the revitalization of the sea jetty and the location of the mine depot which may serve for depositing the sea sport facilities. This is the atmosphere created after revitalizing the zone.

Figure 50: Atmosphere created in the sea shore (Collage by the author)

Revitalization of the military facilities in the Cape of Rodon will indicate the socio- economical situation of the zones located nearby also will promote tourism and the values of the castle and medieval church found in the Cape. The project protects the environment and prevents it from building new structures also identifies the needed arrangement and minimizes the thread effect.


4.3. Military department located at Logara national park

4.3.1. Evaluation of the actual condition

Llogara national park is approximately 40 km away from city of Vlora and is located in the south-west of Albania. In Llogara are found trees with diversity of crowns caused by wind flows, a rare example is the “Flag Tree” a natural monument with scientific and touristic values. This park has an important role as a touristic destination and serves as a transit bridge for the Jonian sea side. The park is a protected zone of the second category since 1966.

From the site trips was found and surveyed (measured) these types of military facilities:

1) Two tunnels figure 51 connected with each other with a hall; they have several rooms between each other that served as depot for munitions. The entrance of these tunnels is 4.2 meters high, 10 m long and with a width of 5 meters. The actual condition of them is degrading day by day especially the floor filled with rocks and concrete remnants. 2) Two floors building that used to serve as a kitchen and sleeping room during the peacetime. There are some changes made to it by closing the windows with bricks. Vandalism has caused damage in the aesthetical values of the building. Each floor of the building has an area of 126 square meters 3) There are other one floor buildings that have serious problems in their structure; one of them is 29 square meters and the other 4.

In the figure 51 is shown the location of military department in relation to the Jonian sea, existing infrastructure, natural monument and villages located nearby. Figure 52 shows the types of military building in relation with each other and the direction of the photos taken during the site trip.


Figure 51: Location of the military department in Llogara (Graphics by the author)

Figure 52: Denomination of the military facilities and the direction of the photos taken


Figure 53: Photos of the military facilities taken during the site trip

Figure 53 shows the photos taken in terrain. Photo number 1 shows the entrance of the tunnel located in Llogara, meanwhile photo number 2 shows the two floors building and the relation with topography and the views of the high mountains located to its back.

Photo number 3 shows the view of the tunnel in relation to the Jonian Sea meanwhile the fourth photo shows the relation of 2 floor high building with the ruined one floor military facilities.

Photo number 5 is taken from the road that passes by.


4.3.2. Analysis of strength, weakness, opportunities, threads of

military site in Llogara.

“Strength”: the military site of Llogara is located 925 meters above the sea level, [Pasha, 2006] and it offers amazing views of the south Albanian Riviera. It is close to the vehicular road that connects upper part of Albania with the villages of the south-west of it. The site is highly visited by curious tourists and photographers. There are found military buildings that with a bit of investment may become functional and indicate the growth in number of visitors in the zone. It is close to the national park of Llogara. The climate in the zone is mixed between mountain and fresh sea one. These military units have potential in development of air sports, excursions and eco-tourism.

“Weakness”: The military site is abandoned and there is a poor management of it. There is a lack in infrastructure that connects the two floor building with the tunnels.

“Opportunities” Diversity of natural resources found in the national park has permits in development of ecological tourism by utilizing the second floor terrace ,of the 2 floor building ,and using it as an exhibition of the herbs found in the zone.

“Threads”: The degradation of the military facilities in this zone, lack in promotion of the villages located to the south Riviera.

The goals of this analysis are:

• To highlight and evaluate competitive advantages and potentials of the zone • To analyze the prospect of future development in harmony with the nature • To identify the needed arrangement in order to minimize the cost


4.3.3. Proposals for reuse of military Department located in Llogara

Fresh air, closeness with the sea, the existence of a transit road with a high flow of local and international tourists, amazing horizon panorama, presence of old villages after pulling down Llogara, high diversity of flora and fauna, are factors that indicate in the function to be given to this site.From the visits done in terrain was found that there was lack of territory museum which would serve for the international tourists to see photos taken throughout the villages located in the Jonian shore. This would customize the services of the tourists interested to rest in these villages. Also during the site trip was found that there are people practicing the air sports in the site but there is a lack of infrastructure therefore it is difficult to ply in this circumstances. Architectural intervention in this site will be as following:

• Construction of pedestrian road (100 m) that will connect the military 2 floors high building with the tunnels. • Reconstruction of two floor building by turning by it into a territory museum and info point area composed of photos taken into the villages of the Jonian Sea. • Giving function to the tunnels located in the site by turning them into parachute jump centers and exploiting the rooms of them as a depot.

Figure 54: Proposal for reconstruction of the territorial museum’s ground floor plan (Graphics by the author)


Figure 55: Proposal for reconstruction of the territorial museum’s first floor plan (Graphics by the author)

The plans in the figure 54 and 55 show the reconstruction of ex-military department and are a result of the measurements done in terrain by the author. There are changes made in the interior walls of the building in order to create a suitable environment for functioning as a territorial museum. The museum is composed of 5 rooms which enable the exhibition of photos taken in the villages of the south-west of Albania, two toilets one for each floor and the reception wall.

Figure 56 is a collage that shows the atmosphere created to the site of Llogara, at the territorial museum. The architectural intervention made to the building is the stone material which covers the existing walls in order for the object to be in harmony with the surrounding area. The terrace of the building is exploited for an exhibition of the herbs grown in the south-west of Albania.

Figure 57 shows the atmosphere created in the parachute jump center that used to be a tunnel. The architectural intervention consists in using wood material to create a warm environment, plastering the interior walls and treating the floor of the tunnel by using parquet.


Figure 56: Proposed Restoration of the territorial museum (Graphics by the author)

Figure 57: Proposed restoration for the parachute jump center (Graphics by the author)


4.4. Artillery group at Corum (Rrogozhina)

4.4.1. Evaluation of actual condition

Corum is a village located in the civic center of Rrogozhina city, and it is bordered by Sharrdushk, Sterbeg, , Shkozet, Beden, and Luz I Vogel villages. The military artillery group is approximately 5 km away from the highway of “Durres-Rrogozhine” and is located 8 km away from the Beach. Near this military zone passes the main road that connects the highway with the beach of Spille so this site is a transit place for the vacationers. The total area of the military zone located in Corum is 56, 352 square meters.

From the site trips was found and surveyed these types of military facilities (Figure 60):

1) Three military tunnels with a height of 5 meters, 7 meters width and 30 meters long. The actual condition of these tunnels is very good because the lands surrounding them are private ones so the local people are not allowed to go inside the zone. 2) Seven military buildings each of them one floor high with different typologies. The actual condition of these building is degrading day by day, the buildings do not have windows and doors and there are problems with the plaster of these buildings. 3) Eight military batteries all connected to each other with tunnels to the back of them. Each of these military buildings has an area of 128 square meters. The actual situation of these buildings is in critical condition because of the earth erosion caused by natural agents.

In figure 58 is shown the artillery group located in the village of Corum, in the map is indicated the relation of the military one with the surrounding area like: Sea, lakes, river, agriculture lands, Vineyards and the forest of Beden. In addition the map also shows the relation of the site with the highway and the local road. In the figure 59 is shown the typologies of the military buildings in relation to each other, watercourse, lakes, infrastructure and land use.


Figure 58: Location of the Artillery group located in Corum (Graphics by the author)

Figure 59: Denomination of the military artillery group and the direction of the photos taken (graphics by the author)


Figure 60: Photos of the artillery group taken by the author during the site trip (photos by the author)


4.4.2. Analysis of strength, weakness, opportunities, threads of the

military artillery group in Corum

“Strength”: The geographical location of the military artillery group is very favorable because it is located in the west lands of Albania. Existing road infrastructure is another strong point of this site because it is located near one of the most frequented highway which connects the north and south of Albania. Very close to the site there is a local road which connects the highway with the Spille Beach thus the site is frequently seen and easily accessed by tourists. The site is surrounded by loam where is mostly produced, olive, viticulture, vegetables, citrus. The reservoirs and the sea located near the military site bring out many fish product hunted by local people. Spacious aquatic reserves are found in the site because of the reservoirs located nearby.

“Weakness”: Poor management indicates directly the structure of the military buildings. Landslide is another factor that has a bad influence in the military batteries located in the site because it is covering their entrances. There is a Lack of landfill that collects and promotes the local products.

“Opportunities”: Usage of the military artillery group in function of agriculture by creating a suitable environment for collecting and distributing of local products.

“Threads”: The continuous degradation of the military structures causes environmental pollution.

The goals of this analysis are:

• To highlight and evaluate competitive advantages and potentials of the zone • To analyze the prospect of future development for economical regeneration • To identify the needed arrangement in order to minimize the cost


4.4.3. Proposals for reuse of military Artillery group in Corum

Wealthy agriculture lands, favorable climate, existence of a local road (most frequented one) that connects the highway “Durres-Rrogozhine” with Spille Beach, spacious aquatic reserves that pass through the site, terraced hills nearby that are affluent for rising citrus and olives , are factors that indicate directly to the functions to be given to the military artillery group.

From the site visit was observed the lack of a place where the goods of the villages nearby were gathered and distributed. Thus people sell their own products in an unhealthy way by tables raised in front of their properties.

Revitalization of the zone and transformation of it into a depot for the goods gathered from the villages nearby would bring an economical regeneration for them, because the local products will be better managed and promoted due to the strategic location of the site.

Architectural intervention in this site will be as following:

• The structures of the military batteries are well thermo-isolated under this circumstances the transformation of them into refrigeration rooms is very suitable. • Construction of inner roads (500 m) that connect the military facilities with each other • Revitalization of the 1 floor military buildings by giving them new programs like , restaurant, olive factory, and bazaar in coordination with their location. • Revitalization of the military tunnels by turning them into inner vertical farms, places to grow mushrooms and wine canteen.


Figure 61: Proposed plan for revitalization of the Military Artillery Group in Corum (graphic by the author)

In the figure 61 is shown the denomination of the actual military facilities and different colors show the differentiation of their proposed programs. The restaurant is located in the center of the military site, into a productive field and where it can be supplied by wine, mushrooms, and the bazaar located close to it. The olive factory is located in the top of the terraced hills in order to influence more the production of olives and to return in function the terraces. The bazaar is used to promote the local products where each of the buildings may be used to sell different product.


Figure 62: revitalization of the one floor military structure located in Corum (graphic by the author)

Figure 62 is a collage that shows the relation of the restaurant with the vertical farming and mushroom growing tunnels. In addition there is also seen the relation of the restaurant with arable lands.

The investment in this zone would balance the needs of the local people and would turn into an economic generator for the villages located nearby. In addition this investment would change the aesthetical values of the zone where located. All of the ex-military structures are in good condition and very suitable for the given function.




5.1. Overview

In response to cultural and sustainable issues of the 21 century, heritage and architecture in Albania should be developed along new directions and new strategies. Paranoia and fear during the Cold War created the mass production of bunkers, tunnels and underground settlements built as collective shelters in case of military and atomic attack also natural disaster. In the cities were built tunnels for vehicles parking, command posts, hospitals, refrigerator, stalls, bread factories, tailoring department, and they have undeniably changed the Albanian landscape. Most of these underground buildings have absence only in aspiration system and can be used for different purposes. The mass alteration of the natural and cultural landscapes by these military structures changed how citizens occupied everyday spaces. While the omnipresence of defense architecture was comforting, it also signified that nowhere was safe. Today, Albania is dotted with the hidden remnants of the Cold War that continue to resonate with the cultural paranoia that produced them: ghosts of the Atomic age. By addressing and redesigning these spaces, their significations are brought out into the open—into the everyday Albanian landscape—no longer silent, hidden pockets of past cultural anxiety. The adaptive reuse of these bunkers will help to work through these past fears even though repurposing cannot completely the anxieties that prompted their creation. This study has made the evaluation of 673 military facilities and is valuable to all people that appreciate; history, efforts of our firsts, money that are spend to build these structures, and potentials that they offer. The data produced from these analyses serves to other studies which may generate more other functions to be given to these structures.


This research proves that the revitalization of the military facilities can become a mechanism of solving problems of different types, such as:

• Environmental pollution • Economical regeneration • Unaesthetic visual vocabulary • Functional problems of military facilities • Structural problems of military facilities • Improvement of tourism • Improvement of infrastructure

The effort to enrich culturally, military heritage must reflect the entire range of community values and interests. It cannot happen as long as historic preservation of military areas is treated as a special privilege of government activity. Provision for long- term use of the military culture of the private investors, NGOs and the community who can participate and develop these properties in a sustainable and profitable way could be essential for their sustainable management. Application of the project ideas analyzed as case studies would increase the number of employment, tourism promotion, and generate the economy of the zones nearby these structures. Also these case studies may become the focus of cultural tourism and consequently promote the identity of the local inhabitants of the zones nearby.


5.2. Future Works

It is recommended as a future work to analyze each of the above mentioned 673 military facilities and propose a function for all of them based on their geographical location. In all of the case studies presented there is a lack of infrastructure that connects the military facilities with each other. In this thesis it is mentioned to have a better management in the infrastructure which influences directly the tourism and the economical regeneration of these sites.

Also as another future work recommended are the site visits in all of the military sites all over Albania in order to preserve the ones that are in good condition and measure them. For each of the sites should be attached information at the database such as: relation with vehicular roads and roads that connects the military facilities with each other, actual structural condition and problems, plans for each of military buildings present to the site, and pictures.

The solution that is presented in the case studies can be applied all over the country to the military structures with similar characteristics. Another topic which is highly recommended is finding suitable sites that may be converted into social houses. An adaptive typology for this purpose is the military batteries with an area of 128 square meters; priority should be given to the ones located near agricultural lands (for self employment purpose), infrastructure and urban zones. All the data and maps produced in this study may generate many other functions to be given to the ex-military facilities by overlapping them. This kind of study requires a detailed organization in order to improve the condition of military facilities and return back their values.



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