Regeneration of the Military Facilities Heritage Built During Communism Period Case Study: Cape of Rodon, Llogara, Corum

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Regeneration of the Military Facilities Heritage Built During Communism Period Case Study: Cape of Rodon, Llogara, Corum REGENERATION OF THE MILITARY FACILITIES HERITAGE BUILT DURING COMMUNISM PERIOD CASE STUDY: CAPE OF RODON, LLOGARA, CORUM. A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF ACHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING OF EPOKA UNIVERSITY BY ARNEN SULA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE MAY, 2017 ii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. ARNEN SULA iii ABSTRACT REGENERATION OF THE MILITARY FACILITIES HERITAGE BUILT DURING COMMUNISM PERIOD CASE STUDY: CAPE OF RODON, LLOGARA, CORUM. Sula, Arnen M.Sc., Department of Architecture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frida Pashako Albania has undergone a series of wars, and been under the rule of different regimes, but communism is the one that influenced more the country’s social, economic and political state. During the communist regime a massive number of military facilities were built by help of the volunteer labor force. This thesis examines the past, present and potential future of Albanian military units (built during communism) that are now in list of properties for privatization and out of spreading plan of armed forces. In Albania more than 20 million m² (Department of private property management, 2010) are occupied by cantonments most of which are either abandoned or being abandoned every day. As a consequence, this led to a series of economic, historic, and environmental problems. The information for this thesis is gathered from, Archive of Armed Forces, The National Agency of territorial planning in Albania, interviews with different colonels, books, websites and visual observations. This study analyses and evaluates all cantonments typologies, their location and impact on the social life now and then. Other variables taken into consideration while analyzing are; the orientation, geographical location, relation with infrastructure and proximity to urban and rural areas, relief, land-use and water features. iv This thesis also examines, the impact of these buildings into the social life of the area in which they are located, needs of the community, brought up to light by filed data gathering like questionnaires and conversations with people living there. Two are the hypothesis that this study develops; firstly, there can be a positive impact of this structures and the social life of the zone where present and secondly this may generate a series of pilot projects for all the military units in Albania. The two hypotheses will be developed in the three case studies selected for further refinement. This thesis is created as basis for the development of cantonments and its surrounding area, as a result, might be used to improve the correlation among them. Keywords: Regeneration, Military Facilities, Albania, Communism period, Economy. v ABSTRAKT RIGJENERIMI I OBJEKTEVE USHTARAKE TE NDERTUARA GJATE KOMUNIZMIT. RASTI I STUDIMUT:KEPI I RODONIT,LLOGARA,CORUM. Sula, Arnen M.Sc., Department of Architecture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frida Pashako Shqipëria ka kaluar një sërë luftrash dhe ka qenë nën ndikimin e disa regjimeve të ndryshme, por komunizmi është ai që ka ndikuar më së shumti në jetën sociale, ekonominë, dhe situaten politike të saj. Kjo tezë shqyrton të shkuarën , të tashmen dhe potencialin e të ardhmes së godinave ushtarake (të ndertuara gjatë komunizmit) të cilat janë në listën e pronave për privatizim dhe jashtë planit të përhapjes së forcave të armatosura. Në Shqipëri janë më shumë se 20 milion metra katrorë (departamenti i menaxhimit të pronave private, 2010) të zëna nga ish pronat ushtarake ku shumica e tyre janë braktisur ose po braktisen cdo ditë. Si pasojë , kjo ka sjellë problematika të ndryshme sic janë ato ekonimoke, historike dhe mjedisore. Informacioni për realizimin e kësaj teze është marrë nga arkivi i forcave të armatosura, Agjensia Kombetare e Planifikimit të Territorit, intervista me kolonelë të ndryshëm , libra, faqe interneti dhe vëzhgimet në terren. Ky studim analizon dhe vlerëson të gjitha tipologjitë e godinave ushtarake, vendndodhjen dhe ndikimin qe ato kanë dhe kanë patur në jeten sociale. Orientimi, pozicioni gjeografik, marrëdhënia me infrastrukturën , zonat urbane dhe rurale, ujorët, përdorimi i tokës dhe relievi janë disa analiza të cilat janë marrë në konsideratë në këtë studim. vi Gjithashtu kjo tezë shqyrton impaktin që këto godina kanë në lidhje me jeten sociale të vendeve ku ndodhen dhe nevojat e komunitetit të cilat janë identifikuar me anë të pyetsorëve dhe bisedave në terren me njerëzit që jetojnë aty. Kjo tezë zhvillon dy hipoteza së pari , mund të ketë nje ndikim pozitiv ndërmjet godinave ushtarake dhe jetës sociale të zonave ku ndodhen dhe së dyti kjo teze mund të rigjenerojë një sërë projektesh pilot për të gjitha godinat ushtarake në Shqipëri. Këto dy hipoteza do të zhvillohen në tre shembujt e zgjedhur si raste studimi për zhvillim të mëtejshem Ky studim është krijuar për nxitjen e zhvillimit të objekteve ushtarake dhe zonave përreth tij e si rezultat mund të përdoret për të përmirsuar marrëdhenien midis tyre. Keywords: Rigjenerim, Godina Ushtarake, Shqiperi, Periudha e Komunizmit, Ekonomi. vii Dedication: To my family viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For the development of this research, great gratitude is given to Prof. Dr. Frida Pashako for persistent guidance, to the colonel Assist. Prof. Dr. Sulejman Abazi for guidance related to the Armed Forces and army of Albania, MSC.Kadri Dauti for providing documents from the Armed Forces achieve, and to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sokol Dervishi ,Assist. Prof. Dr. Anna Yunitsyna for valuable advisory. This work could not be completed without their support. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... iv ABSTRAKT ....................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... ix LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... xiv CHAPTER 1 ........................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Objective of the Thesis .................................................................................. 1 1.2. Motivation ..................................................................................................... 2 1.3. Experience/Training ...................................................................................... 3 1.4. Methodology ................................................................................................. 3 CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................ 6 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................... 6 2.1. Overview ....................................................................................................... 6 2.2. Historical background of the Albanian military facilities ............................. 7 2.3. Military facilities in Albania ......................................................................... 8 2.3.1. Categorization of armed forces .............................................................. 8 2.3.2. Impact of building military facilities on state financials. ..................... 11 2.4. Consulted references ................................................................................... 12 2.4.1. The ideologies of the dictator ............................................................... 12 2.4.2. Evaluation of the terrain for building military facilities. ..................... 13 2.4.3. History of Albanian army .................................................................... 14 2.4.4. Life and further investments in the military base of Sazan island ....... 14 2.4.5. Tunnel type military facilities and their typology ................................ 15 x 2.5. Related reference works in Albania, Chicago, Matsu, Massachusetts, Switzerland ................................................................................................. 16 2.5.1. Bunk’Art Museum located in Tirana ................................................... 16 2.5.2. Indoor farming located in Chicago ...................................................... 18 2.5.3. From military front to cold war heritage site located in Matsu ........... 19 2.5.4. Amherst college book bunker located in Massachusetts ..................... 21 2.5.5. Bunker like homes located in Switzerland ........................................... 22 CHAPTER 3 ...................................................................................................................... 23 ANALYSIS OF MILITARY FACILITIES LOCATED IN ALBANIA .......................... 23 3.1. Overview ..................................................................................................... 23 3.2. Classification of military facilities .............................................................. 24 3.2.1. Battalion ..............................................................................................
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