
August 1999 Number 7

Schedule of August ASST. RABBI BURSTEIN Shabbat Services MAKES IRS HIS HOME

Shabbat Reeh August 6/7 Shalom! Deut. 11:26-16:17

Shabbat Evening Service I am most happy to greet you from my new office 6:45 pm at TRS! During the last month, I have been arranging and rearranging all of my belongings - Shabbat Shoftim both at the Temple and in my new home. Thankfully, everything finally seems to be in its place.AiA After putting August 13/14 Deut. 16:18-21:9 up a mezzuzah in a Chanukat HaBayit (Dedication of the Home) Shabbat Evening Service ceremony, my apartment is ready for visitors. 6:45 pm • Despite the fact that summertime at TRS is more relaxed, in my first Shabbat Ki Tetze official week I have kept very busy. In addition to numerous August 20/21 meetings, I have already scheduled appointments for Bnai Mitzvah Deut. 21:10-25:19 students, adults interested in conversion, an upcoming wedding, Shabbat Evening Service and a guest lecture about my rabbinical thesis. Rabbi Schwartzman 6:45 pm and Cantor Shochet have been helpful, informative, and a pleasure to work with - as has been the entire office staff. Shabbat Ki Tavo August 27/28 Because the TRS family is so large, it will take a while to meet all of Deut. 26:1-29:8 you. I want you to feel comfortable introducing yourselves to me - Shabbat Evening Service again and again and again, it will take me a while to learn who you 6:45 pm are; please be patient.

Morning Service - 10:30 am Im very excited about all of the upcoming activities at TRS and hope Bnot Mitzvah of to see you here. Please stop by my office and introduce yourself it Jackie Geralnick you are at the Temple. I look forward to meeting you. and Sally Alexander L shalom Rabbi Marcus L. Burstein Study Saturdays, library - 9:30 am Join us as we usher in the High Holy Days Beginning August 28 Torah Study will be at 9:00 am SELICHOT Reception and Service... See page 10 for more information WHATS NEW IN THE WORLD OF WORSHIP?

Transitional Prayer Book To Be Used All Year

Many of you have been with us during our summer services when the new gray prayer book has been used. This small, thinner version of our blue book was designed as a transitional prayer book to be used for the next five or so years while a new version of the larger Gates of Prayer is being written. This transitional book takes all of its readings from the blue book but makes a few changes. For example, God is never referred to as "He" in this book. Instead, terms such as "The Eternal" or "Adonai" are used. Also, the names of our matriarchs have been included along with our patriarchs in such prayers as the Avot and the Mi Chamocha. At times there have been changes in the English translation to reflect more contemporary wording. Finally, the English transliteration of many Hebrew prayers is present alongside the Hebrew.

We hope you will find this new book easier to use. It is lighter and more accessible to those people who would like to read the Hebrew but need the transliteration. The blue prayer books will remain in use for holiday and special services.

Shabbat Morning Alternative Worship To Begin In October

During this past year a group of approximately 20 Temple members has been working together to create a Saturday morning service that will run parallel to the service held in the sanctuary. The "steering committee" has discussed the nature and style of this new worship opportunity. What type of music will it have? How much Hebrew will be read? Who will lead the services? Although the details havent been ironed out completely, the group is planning on holding the first service on the first Saturday in October. These services will be lay led using Gates of Prayer, and will include a Torah reading and sermonette. Our new Assistant Rabbi, Rabbi Marcus Burstein, will be working with those people who are leading the worship. The services will continue on the first Satur- day of each month. Everyone is welcome at this service. After attending you may even be inspired to be a worship leader or Torah reader or chanter. If you are interested in this new opportunity, please call Rabbi Burstein in the Temple office.

Praying Once Instead OF Three Times!

If you recall from the Yom Kippur morning sermon last year, Cantor Shochet spoke about how music and liturgy are intertwined. Rather than music supplementing a prayer, words sung become the prayer. We have in our minhag here at TRS the practice of singing certain prayers after weve read them in Hebrew and English! In this way weve prayed these prayers not once, but three times! Beginning in September, we will begin to pray these prayers, the Barchu and Shma, only once, through music. The melodies that the Cantor selects will be used consistently throughout the year so that youll be able to learn them and pray with full voice through melody to God. Change in Sisterhood Dues Billing TABLE OF CONTENTS

The Sisterhood proposed that their yearly dues Asst. Rabbis Message...... 1 of only $25 be included in the Temple bill as a Bnai Mitzvah...... 20 S line item. Each member will have the choice to Brotherhood ...... 6 "Opt-Out" from this charge. The Board has Calendar...... 27 accepted this arrangement, and the new policy Donations ...... 16 will be implemented with the second quarter Library...... 13 bill (October-December 1999). Living & Learning ...... 14 Membership...... 19 Presidents Message ...... 4 We apologize for the Religious School ...... 8 inconvenience... Scrapbook...... 22 Sisterhood ...... 10 With the increase in our staff and Social Action ...... 7 the upcoming construction, we have eliminated0 the handicapped parking space closest to the building. We hope to keep the four handicapped spaces in the main lot throughout the construction period, but the impact on the lot may be such that one or more of those may to be removed as well. Rest assured that this is temporary and you will see that adequate Temple Rodef Shalom Bulletin provision for handicapped parking has been http://www.uahc.org/congs/va/va005/ made in the new expanded lot. E-mail: [email protected]

In the meantime, we want to be sensitive to AMY M. SCHWARTZMAN, Senior Rabbi everyones needs. We want you to feel welcome MARCUS L. BURSTEIN, Assistant Rabbi at the Temple at all times. If you know you will LASZLO BERKOWITS, Rabbi Emeritus need a handicapped space on a particular day, MICHAEL A. SHOCHET, Cantor please call me (532-2240) or leave a message with Cheryl in the office (532-2217). We will Officers make sure that a space is made available for ELLEN BLALOCK President you. JONATHAN KOSARIN Vice President GREGG SKALL Vice President Judy Seiff RICKI KANTER Vice President PETER ELINSKY Vice President Temple Administrator CAL KLAUSNER Treasurer NANCY KANE Assistant Treasurer MARSHALL BERMAN Financial Secretary ANN GUTKIN Recording Secretary CARL KALISH USHERS STILL NEEDED FOR Corresponding Secretary HIGH HOLY DAYS... Trustees N. RICHARD FRIEDMAN Ushers are still needed for our High Holy Days ED BECKWITH Services at the Westfields Marriott. If you can BETTY NAN OBERMAYER help, please be sure to fill out the Ushers form in the High Holy Days Information packet that JUDY SEIFF, Administrator (532-2240) you should have already received and return it DINA BURT, RJE, Religious School Principal (532-2207) KAREN SIMPSON, Nursery School Principal (532-2227) with your other forms by August 13. An FRANK CONLON, Choir Director Ushers Dinner is planned for August 25. The TRS Bulletin is published 11 times a year on the 1st of each month except July/August when 1 issue is published. Presidents Message....

Our mid-summer schedule at Temple Rodef Shalom has not relaxed much this year - we seem to be busier than ever! - but this slight break from our usually jam-packed program schedule provides us with a perfect opportunity to review and recognize the MANY MANY MANY wonderful contributions of time, talent, and commitment that so enrich our community. Our "benefactors" are our members, clergy and professional staff, elected and appointed leaders, administrative/ support staff, and professional choir under the direction of our dear Frank Conlon. Our first annual "Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat" on June 25 signaled the beginning of a new "culture of appreciation" that is long overdue at TRS. Members of the Board of Directors, committee members, and generous individuals who have volunteered their time and effort here during the last year were highlighted. The shining moment of the evening was the presentation of a "Tree of Life" leaf to two beloved members - Judi and Bill Hooker - for their superb devotion to TRS in almost every facet of congregational activity through more than 20 years of service. An "Honor Roll" with the names of hundreds of others of you who have also demonstrated your generosity was posted in the foyer. WE APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE WHOSE SERVICES WERE NOT NOTED BY NAME, AND WHOSE NAMES WE DID NOT INCLUDE ON THE "HONOR ROLL." We do want to know who you are - and we are depending on you to identify yourself or others who are deserving of praise.

The "Honor Roll" will be an ongoing project, growing continuously and displayed periodically, while we launch a new initiative to formalize the "recognition and appreciation" process. We will spend the next several months considering a wide variety of options regarding the "who," "how," "when," "what," and "where" of thanking all of you who work so hard and with such dedication in our shared task of building Rabbi Schwartzmans oft-described "sacred community." Some of our committees have established their own thank-you procedures: Sisterhoods annual Donor Luncheon, the Religious Schools "Teacher Appreciation Shabbat," and the Brotherhoods recent dedication of a "Tree of Life" leaf in honor of Mike and Selma Penns many years of service are a few examples. But we need your creativity and good ideas about how we can effectively and very meaningfully implement all of these aspects of appreciation to ensure this initiatives success. Your help will be - yes, you guessed it! - much appreciated! Please be expansive in your thinking about the many groups of people who contribute to the richness of life at TRS, and how we can best express how grateful we are for each of their contributions.

We are a VERY large, strong, dynamic congregation - the Temple Rodef Shalom family is growing larger every day! - but we should always remember that the key to our strength is not in the big numbers, but in the "big feeling" that we hope each of our members gets from being part of this wonderfully accomplished community. Whether in a spiritually uplifting worship experience, or a social action project, or an opportunity to educate and engage our young people through religious school and/or youth activities, or developing friendships, or Jewish cultural opportunities, or compassionate, understanding support groups - the heart and soul of Temple Rodef Shalom is the connection that EVERY individual member makes with us. Letting each one of you know how important you are to our congregational family - recognizing and appreciating how you enhance us - and encouraging more of you to join us in the ways that YOU find fulfilling -- should be at the top of our priority list. Please let us know how to proceed - be part of the group working on recognition and appreciation plans and help us to express the thanks that each one of you has so truly earned.

Ellen Blalock President rClip and Save

HIGH HOLY DAYS SCHEDULE 1999/5760 At-A-Glance I Service Time

Erev Rosh Hashanah, Friday, September 10, 1999 - Westfields Marriott Early Service 6:00 PM Alternative Family Service 6:00 PM I

I Late Service 8:30 PM I

I Babysitting early service only I Rosh Hashanah Morning, Saturday, September 11, 1999 - Westfields Marriott Early Service 8:45 AM I I Early Youth Program 8:45 AM

Late Service 11:30 AM

Late Youth Program 11:30 AM Babysitting early & late Rosh Hashanah Afternoon, Saturday, September 11, 1999 - Temple Rodef Shalom Tot Service 4:00 PM Taschlich Service 4:30 PM Erev Yom Kippur, Sunday, September 19, 1999 - Westfields Marriott

Early Service 6:00 PM

Alternative Family Service 6:00 PM

Late Service 8:30 PM Babysitting early service only

Yom Kippur, Morning and Afternoon, Monday, September 20, 1999 - Westfields Marriott Early Service 8:45 AM

Early Youth Program 8:45 AM

Late Service 11:30 AM

Late Youth Program 11:30 AM I Babysitting early & late Discussion 2:15 PM I Afternoon Service 3:30 PM Memorial Service 5:30 PM Neilah Service 6:00 PM I I Yom Kippur Afternoon, Monday, September 20, 1999 - Temple Rodef Shalom Tot Service 3:30 PM I Afternoon Alternative Family Service 4:30 PM I

I Adult Memorial Service 5:30 PM I

I Adult Neilah Service 6:00 PM I

I I REMEMBER: To receive tickets you must be current in dues, building, and maintenance assess- ments. Please call Judy Seiff (532-2240) if you have any questions or concerns. Please return your High Holy Days request form by August 13 as we do not mail tickets automatically. L------I

Brotherhood TRS Represented at "Rolling Thunder" on Memorial Day Weekend

The Brotherhood capped off an exciting 1998- 99 with a celebration of a lifetime of personal do commitment and generous service by Mike and Selma Perlin (pictured below with family). Over 30 congregants gathered to dine on a catered meal (described by some as a Jewish BBQ), and pay tribute to this couple best known for creat- ing and donating Purim Carnival games and the jigsaw bagel slicer. The evening was fun and inspirational. Do you know this well-respected long-time congregant? Answer on page 20

We Welcome our First Receptionist, Laura Jacobs, to our TRS Family!

We would like to take this opportunity to officially welcome Laura Jacobs as the In April, the Brotherhood was fortunate to host newest member of the office a group of kids from the Carpenter Shelter in staff. Laura joined us in late Alexandria on a bowling outing that was fun June and already feels very S for all. Thanks to the Naidamast, Poggioli, much at home in her new position as reception- Greene, and Lesher families and our guests. ist. Thanks especially to Peter Poggioli for making the arrangements and Lynne Greene for smiling Prior to joining our staff, she held a similar valiantly, even after having a bowling ball position at another congregation in Northern dropped on her foot - OUCH! Virginia. Originally from Philadelphia, Laura has lived in Northern Virginia for the past nine years. She has two teenaged children and will be sending the elder off to college at JMU in the fall.

Youll most likely be greeted by Lauras friendly voice when you call the Temple. She looks forward to meeting and assisting our members, and says she has already been made to feel very welcome by those she has already met. Calendar Note: There will be a Brotherhood Board Meeting on Thursday, August 19, at 7:00 PM at the Temple to discuss the election of New Time For Shabbat Morning Services officers. All members are encouraged to attend. A reminder that beginning August 28, 1999, Please contact Jeff Lesher at 4424993 or at Shabbat morning services begin at 10:30 AM. [email protected] with comments or Torah study will also begin earlier, at 9:00 AM. questions. 50chl /I CAM

Thanks to All Who Made Our 1998-99 NATO action to end "ethnic cleansing" and S Social Action Program a Success calling for the prosecution of Yugoslav Presi- dent Milosevic by the International War Crimes The Committee would like to thank the many Tribunal. There were also presentations on volunteers who prepared and delivered meals, religious rights and economic justice in Israel, repaired homes, cleaned up parks, collected health care in the United States, equal justice toys, and gave generously of their time and under law, environmental issues, and reproduc- funds to help make our community and the tive rights. Speakers included members of world a better place during the past year. Our Congress, Environmental Protection Agency Committee depends on the volunteer efforts of Administrator Carol Browner, and NAACP the congregation to carry out its program, and President Kweisi Mfume. Former Labor Secre- we are very grateful for the overwhelming tary Robert Reich spoke on "The Human Face response. of Economic Justice."

A Big Thank You to Sharon Levy, and A dinner on April 26 honored Rabbi David Welcome to Nancy Reder Sapersteins 25 years as RAC Director. Presi- dent Clinton was the featured speaker. The Committee also wants to express a special For more information, contact the RAC at 202/ word of thanks to Sharon Levy, Social Action 387-2880 Co-chair, during 1997-99 (Sharon was previ- ously Co-chair in 1975). Under her leadership, Marc Cohen Nancy Reder we initiated some new activities and strength- Co-chair Co-chair ened several ongoing efforts. We appreciate her . wisdom and unflagging energy, and are very pleased that she will remain active on the Committee. : 3 :

Nancy Reder, a longtime Committee member Learn To Read And Chant Torah (TROPE) who has coordinated our Ohel Yaacov housing fund, is the new Co-chair and can be reached Are you interested in becoming a Baal Koreh - at 821-5527. a reader of Torah? Rabbi Schwartzman and Cantor Shochet will be holding a special series Reports on Consultation on Conscience of classes to help Hebrew readers learn to read and chant from the Sefer Torah. Classes will be Sidney and Clarine Schmukler represented our held on Tuesday nights in August. Rabbi congregation at the April 1999 Biennial Consul- Schwartzman begins with an introduction to tation on Conscience sponsored by the Religious Torah reading on Tuesday, August 3, at 7:30 Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC). The PM. Cantor Shochet continues with an intro- Reform movement holds a three day meeting on duction to Torah Cantillation on Tuesday, Capitol Hill every other year to consider social August 10, at 7:45 PM; Tuesday, August 24, at justice issues and advance the social action 7:30 PM, and Tuesday, August 31, at 7:30 PM. agenda. Participants come from congregations All are welcome, but please call the Temple around the country as well as the Reform office to let us know if youre coming. movements national Social Action Commis- sion. You need to be comfortable reading Hebrew to be successful in this course. Current Bnai Kosovo was a major topic of discussion. The Mitzvah students are also welcome! S Commission passed a resolution supporting

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FROM THE EDUCATOR... Religious School Opens In September

As I write, the heat and humidity is building outside Mark your calendar for and summer is definitely in full swing. Here in the the opening days for Religious School: Religious School office, we are betwixt and between. We are still reveling in the success of our Tuesday, September 14 last school year. Attendance was fabulous and Haskalah Family Night learning was productive. The results will be Wednesday, September 14 powerful as we continue to track the development K-7 Back to School Night of the Jewish identity of our children. Sunday, September 26 Sunday Classes Begin Using last years success as our energy, we are Wednesday, September 29 actively planning for another fabulous year. A Wednesday Classes Begin Friday night junior congregation program will be offered 4 times during the year, a weekly Tfilah CALLING ALL 6th GRADERS! program led by the clergy will begin for our ITS AN EVENT NOT TO BE MISSED! students in grades 3-5, and each grade has undergone revisions designed to enhance learning Join us for the annual 6th Grade Retreat on and strengthen Jewish identity. Once again, field September 16-17. ALL reservations must be trips, family days, and special programs will made through the Religious School office by supplement our weekly learning. August 15. Its fun for all - sign up now!

This year will be full of challenges as the CALLING ALL 4th and 5th GRADERS construction gets under way and space becomes a ITS NEW... ITS FOR YOU ... premium. I am more than confident that working ITS A HEBREW REVIEW together, we will make it through. When we, as the adults, practice the derech eretz (good manners) Watch your mail this week for information on the that we teach our children, I know we will be fine! upcoming Hebrew camp review sessions designed This year more than ever, we will need to work to get you back into the swing of Hebrew before together as a team to give our children the best the start of the school year! education in the safest environment. For more information, call the Religious School Though there will be more information coming, office at 532-2207 please consider this an invitation to attend our Parents Back to School Night on Wednesday MARK YOUR CALENDARS... evening, September 15. On this very special evening, parents will have an opportunity to hear Parent Back To School Night about curriculum, meet our faculty, and learn Wednesday, September 15, 1999 - 7 PM about opportunities to get involved. Please mark your calendar now and we look forward to seeing Join us for this very important evening to meet our you as we get ready for a new year! teachers, hear about our curriculum, and get in- volved in the Jewish education of your children! Bshalom

Dina Burt, RJE Principal 0 Hdij/ous School

. Perfect Attendance Late Session

Max Bress Gabriel Litvin

Ian Cohen David Phillips

Jonathan Ende Gordon Phillips

David Gorsky Alexander Ray

Rachel Gorsky Adam Rich

Caroline Kleger Robert Rosenberg

Ali Klein Elizabeth Shapiro

Joseph Liner Stephen Silverstein 1998-1999 SOARS!

Mazel toy to all of the Religious School students who earned Perfect Attendance Awards this year. Nearly 50 students never missed a day of Learn Your Favorite Shabbat and Jew- Sundays and 71% of all of our K-7 students ish Holiday Songs! earned Honor Roll Attendance Certificates. Congratulations for a job well done! Now you have the opportunity to learn many of the Shabbat/Holiday songs sung at TRS Tot Shabbat and Family Services! " The TRS Nursery School has recorded a cassette filled with lively melodies that are . fun to sing along with! Call Anita in the Temple office (532-2217) to order. Proceeds benefit the Isabel Malakie Music and Arts Center.

Cassettes are an $8.00 donation, plus $3.20 shipping & handling Perfect Attendance

Early Session

Jodi Abrams Sam Moser Marcel Edward Breitner Sarah Moser (Mordechai) Infeld Michael Brill Samuel Nelson BrokeriRealtor® Amy Cohen Walter Osteen Caroline Crawford Rosenberg Personalized • Professional Quality Service Stephen Dial Jared Rubin Serving Our Community Since 1988 Ethan Gaba Meredith Rubin AJ Goodman Ben Schwartz Aaron Katzman Brian Schwenk 6154 Beachway Drive Falls Church, VA 22041 F U- I Tara Kavaler Daniel Segal —1 I - I £ [email protected] Aaron Kiaber Andrew Selinger 703/824-0505 ALTY Aaron Kur Sarah Selinger Adrienne Leach Joshua Shapiro Aaron Lesher Justin Strahan Eric Turner Rachel Wolman SLtcrhood A

Sisterhood Book Club Judaica Shop 3rd Wednesdays at 10 AM . The Judaica Shop completed another successful August 18: The Poisonwod Bible by Barbara year serving our Temple community. We would Kingsolver at Cyril Lelands - like to thank our hard working team who show 8340 Greensboro Dr., #1008 up faithfully to keep the shop open on Sundays McLean 22102 (827-0485) and Wednesdays for your convenience: Bea Finkel, Anne Gorenstein, Harriet Beckman, September 15: Turbulent Souls by Stephen Bettye Anna Louick, Lillian Pilzer, Rachelle Dubner at Tybe Haass - Bennett, Lynnie Weinstein, Tanya Weiss, and 1808 Old Meadow Rd, #908 Sue Zimmet. Thanks also to our hardy substi- McLean 22102 (905-8091) tutes and Chanukah helpers: Cheryl Ames, Blanche Cohen, Tybe Haas, Judy Lankford, For further information, call Lynnie Weinstein Amy Beckman, Lisa Katzman, Sharon Higgins, (821-3215) and Rochelle Zohn. The Judaica Shop could not function without all these wonderful volun- "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the teers. body." R. Steele If you have a few hours and are interested in becoming a substitute or helping on a regular

Blood Drive Results basis, please give us a call.

On Monday, June 7, INOVA held our blood Eleanor Linde, Toni Sandler, & Janet Roseman drive in the Temple Social Hall. Though we were Co-chairs S disappointed that we were only able to obtain 43 units of blood when our goal was for 55, we (•IAh were gratified that 54 people did come to make the effort to donate blood. However, 11 were Cherie Artz, Past President, on becoming a deferred for a variety of medical reasons. We were pleased that we had some new donors at member of the Board of the Union of Ameri- our drive and hope that these people and many can Hebrew Congregations Mid-Atlantic others of you will continue to join us at future Council. She will be involved in informing drives. Every unit of blood collected is important congregations in our region of information and helps to save lives; our 43 units do make a and programs offered by the UAHC, and to difference. As of now, we are scheduled to help promote the Reform Movement. have the Red Cross run our next drive on Monday, December 13. This could change due to our planned construction. If it is feasible with the Red Cross and with the Temple, Joint Selichot Service someone suggested trying to have this drive on September 4, 11 pm a Sunday. I would like to have your opinion on this option so please call Gert at 273-8631 or Temple Rodef Shalom and the Arlington- E-mail at gscarr@aol . corn. These drives Fairfax Jewish Congregation will be hosting a could not be successful if it were not for the joint Selichot Service on Saturday evening, assistance of Sisterhood members who work at the drives and who donate food for the donors September 4, at the Arlington-Fairfax Jewish and the staff. A sincere thanks to all those who Congregation, 2920 Arlington Boulevard, contribute—blood, time, and food. Arlington, VA 22204. The evening will consist of a Selichot Service preceded by a special program. More information will be coming soon. iD:

S BULBS TO ORDER "V Sisterhood is offering spring flowering bulbs for fall planting from the famous White Flower Form Nursery. Bulbs are easy to grow and lovely to look at when in bloom. They will grow in practically any kind of garden soil, provided they have enough moisture. All are especially suited to our climate and are hardy perennializers for many years of beautiful spring displays. See a picture exhibit near the Temple Office and beautify your yard with these top quality bulbs. Your purchase benefits the many projects of Sisterhood.

DAFFODILS All daffodil selections have been made with garden performance, longevity, price and beauty in mind. All will be good for cutting. All like sun but tolerate partial shade. Rijnvelds Early Sensation 12-14" yellow petals and trumpet, earliest hardy daffodil to bloom. Very Early Carlton 18-20", two-tone yellow flowers produce a vanilla fragrance. This is the worlds best selling daffodil and the easiest to grow. Early Ceylon 14-16", bright yellow petals, golden orange cup. The growers exclusive and in their words, "the absolute best" and longest lasting flower. Early Dutch Master 18-20", classic yellow trumpet with scalloped edges. A showy favorite, this is a value priced alternative to the famous "King Alfred". Early Mount Hood 15-17", creamy yellow trumpet matures to pure white, with white petals. Heirloom 1937. Mid-season Sir Winston Churchill 15-16", a double ruffle" with a central cluster of orange petals with creamy white outer petals. Produces 3-5 flowers per stem. Late

TULIPS are the grandest stars of April and May, valuable ornamental plants with rich and varied colors, silky petals and elegant form. Tulips require good drainage and at least half a day of direct sun. Stresa-Kaufmanniana 10-12" outside petals are red edged with yellow, while the interior is golden yellow with burgundy blotches down in the center. Great for borders, rock gardens, pots. Early Pink Impression 20-22" large, lustrous bowls of pink and rose tints. Long lasting, very sturdy stems. Darwin hybrid. Mid-season Negrita 14-16" radiant plum-colored flowers. They look great with white daffs and pink tulips. Triumph family, an excellent performer in the south. Mid-season Candy Club 16-18" pure white with a very fine, narrow line of pinkish purple running along the edge. This is a multi-flowering plant carrying 3-5 blooms per stem. Great for bedding and cutting. Mid-season to late Mrs. JT Scheepers 2 2-24" perfectly formed yellow blooms. One of the best garden tulips of all time. Heirloom, 1930 Late Renown 25-27" deep reddish pink with paler edges. Robust, long lasting, great for . cutting. Late



baffodils per 10 per 50 Quantiy Price

Rijnvelds Early Sensation $10 $45 Carlton $7 $30 Ceylon $12 $50 butch Master $10 $45 Mount Hood $10 $45 Sir Winston Churchill $8 $35

Tulips Stresa- Kaufmanniana $10 $45 Pink Impression $9 $40 Negrita $7 $30 Candy Club $15 $65 Mrs. JT Scheepers $10 $45 Renown $8 $35


Please Make Checks Payable to Temple Rodef Shalom Sisterhood. Round up your order and we will use the extra funds for landscaping our grounds after the construction is over! Please return your order by September 28. Bulbs will ready for pickup in October in time for fall planting.



Return form to Nancy Weinberg 2500 North Quantico Street Arlington, Virginia 22207-1054

12 KOLEINU SINGS FOR HIGH HOLY DAYS [iJZrarv REMINDER: For those of you particularly inter- Koleinu, our volunteer congregational choir, . ested in Israeli affairs, the Library subscribes to will help lead music as the choir for the Yom The Jerusalem Post, has a new video detailing the Kippur Memorial and Nilah Services that will first 50 years of Israel, and owns a number of old take place at Temple Rodef Shalom (as an and new books on Israel in its permanent collec- alternative to the Services that will be held at tion. the Westfields Marriott). Congregant and composer Larry Zimmerman will accompany New Adult Books the group on piano as they sing with Cantor Shochet. The Jewish Moral Virtues by Eugene B. Borowitz and Frances Weinman Schwartz applies practi- In addition, some of the Koleinu members will cal, ethical wisdom to contemporary life. Both join the professional octet in the evening ser- authors spoke at the Temple on June 13. vices of the High Holy Days under the direction If you ever wanted an "accessible" Levinas, you of Frank Conlon at the Westfields Marriott. might like to try Ira F. Stones Reading Levinas/ Reading : An Introduction, covering If you would like to join Koleinu, this is a great personal ethics; responsiblity for "the other." time to begin. Rehearsals for the High Holy A Time to be Born by Michele Klein explores Days begin on Tuesday, August 3 at 7:30 PM in childbirth within a rich Jewish context of the TRS Sanctuary. Call Cantor Shochet for folktales, folk remedies, literature, and prayers. details. The meaning and function of ritual and the sacred in womens lives is outlined in Women as Ritual Experts: The Religious Lives of Elderly Jewish Koleinu Rehearsals for the End of Women in Jerusalem by Susan Starr Sered. Yom Kippur In a complicated journey of self discovery, a Jew is raised as a Fascist in pre-World War II Italy Tues., August 3: 7:30 PM and becomes a teenage immigrant to Palestine. Tues., August 17: 7:30 PM Read Dan Vittorio Segres Memoirs of a Fortunate Thurs., Sept. 2: 7:30 PM Jew: An Italian Story. Tues., Sept. 14: 7:30 PM Two newly donated novels are Therapy by Steven Schwartz and Rachel, The Rabbis Wife by Silvia Rehearsals for Sight-Readers Who Wish to Tannenbaum. Jciit the Professional Octet for High Holy Day If you have paperbacks that you think would be You must let Cantor Shochet know if you are good Jewish reading for the summer and which interested in singing with this group. They will you would be willing to donate, wed love to sing for the evening services of Rosh Hashanah have them!!! and Yom Kippur at the Westfields Marriott: Young Adult Books Tues., Aug. 10: 7:30 PM Tues., Aug. 24: 7:30 PM Fifteen classic Jewish folk tales from many coun- Tues., Aug. 31: 7:30 PM tries are presented in A Coat for the Moon and Tues., Sept. 7: 7:30 PM Other Jewish Tales, edited by Howard Schwartz and Barbara Rush; and The Broken Mirror by Kirk Douglas tells a story of the recovery of (All rehearsals will take place at Temple Rodef loss of faith. Shalom.) I am in the Library Monday and Thursday morn- ings. If you have special projects, questions or requests, please call 202/363-6172. . Martha Hill, Librarian


On-going classes, workshops, support and discussion groups. . CLASSES/LEARNING DISCUSSIONS Torah Study: Line by line discussion/ study of Torah. This group reviews and discusses biblical pas- 4 sages each week in an informal setting. Drop-ins are always welcome. 9:30 am every Satur- day in the library. Beginning August 28 it will be held at 9:00 am every Saturday.

Tuesday Morning Discussion Group: Daytime discussion of current topics affecting the Jewish com- munity. This group meets at 10 am every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month. Drop-ins are welcome.

Downtown Lunch Bunch: Well-established tradition amongst our members who work in the District, this group "brown bags" lunch for an open discussion of contemporary Jewish issues. New I members are always welcome! Please call Cheryl in the Temple office to be put on the mailing list and confirm dates for future meetings. No meeting in August.

No. VA Lunch Bunch: This newly formed group meets the 4th Wednesday of each month in Ballston, and is modeled after the Downtown Lunch Bunch, but is more convenient for our No. VA members to attend. Please call Cheryl in the Temple office for details and to be put on the mailing list. This month: August 25 ,, WORKSHOPS/SUPPORT/DISCUSSION GROUPS

CareGivers: Whether you are caring for aging parents in your home, locally or long-distance, you may • feel squeezed between the responsibilities to your family and those of your aging parents. If this is your situation now, or you see it in your future, you may be interested in joining this JT group. Meetings are held in a private confidential setting where you have frank, useful discus- sions with other group members and acquire practical information. For further info, call Sharon Levy at 208-1876 (evenings). No meeting August.

TRS "Next Step" Group: A support/education/discussion group for Jewish widows and widowers who are beyond the initial stages of bereavement (i.e., post 6-12 months). Discussions focus on the practical, emotional, and social issues related to moving ahead with life as a single wid- 4 owed person. For more info call Marion Jacknow at 698-8702.Next meeting August 4 Intermarried Couples Discussion Group: The Intermarried Couples Discussion Group meets monthly September through June at 7:45 pm. Please call Hannah Moore at 533-9640 if you are inter- ested in joining the group. No meeting in August.

Israeli Affairs Discussion Group: Just as the name implies this group deals with Israeli affairs. No discussion group in August. Contact David Zohn for more information at 893-0819.


Drama: Join the Rodef Shalom play reading group for an evening of fun!. Scripts are provided and no g experience is necessary. The group will not be meeting in August and September, but will resume in October. For more information contact Danielle Heymen-Feist at 841-9124.

Koleinu: Koleinu is our Temples volunteer choir and meets twice a month. You dont have to be an experienced singer, just experiencing the joy of learning new songs and being a part of a fun group is enough. Just follow the music and let it take you away. Rehearsals are Tues., August 3, 7:30 PM; Tues., August 17, 7:30 PM; Thurs., Sept. 2, 7:30 PM; Tues., Sept. 14, 7:30 PM.


Playgroup: TRS Playgroup meets every other Thursday at the Temple. It is a very informal, relaxed way to spend time with other Temple members and meet playmates for your child. Children I\ range in age from newborn to four years old. Playgroup starts at ii am, and we sometimes stay for lunch -- bring lunch for your children if you would like to stay. For more information, contact Carrie Irvin at 538-4736.

Babysitting: Babysitting for Friday night service is provided to o r qnIenbers free of charge for children 2-6 years of age on the first, second, ancU ayof each month from September to ., May. We request that there be no tipping tyTht s. Contributions to the Religious Practices Committee Babysitting Fund wJ40#ratffully accepted. For information or to make reservations by 1:00 pm the We j %a)( r to each service, please call Anne in the Temple office at 532- 2217.

SARATOGA CONSTRUCTION Weddings Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Corporate Events Renovation & Addition Specialists Design Build Offered/All Trades T[ HHTT DGIRS Alan Korobkin (703) 532-4455 703-352-0827 Temple Member Temple References Available

15 Don ot/ons

Jennifer Blalock Fund Michael & Sandy Berger and Mrs. Bill & Judi Hooker in honor of Mike and . Howard & Lois Kramer in honor of Graenom Berger in support of such Selma Perlin and their lifelong dedication Mort Roneys special birthday excellent programs as the outstand- to the Temple Nancy Carpelow in memory of her ing concert on June 6 grandaughter, Jennifer Joel & Susan Moss in appreciation of Life Cycle Fund Joanne, Dan and Jesse Free in honor of Cantor Shochets guidance in Leon & Barbara Holleb in memory of the birth of Hannah Moss preparing Ryan for his Bar Mitzvah Ida Auerbachs sister, Goldie and for his participation in the Geltman memorable service Leo & Alma Rosenbaum to welcome Building Campaign Fund Sylvia Kassalow in memory of Charles baby Hannah and with mazel to y to Lillian Pilzer in memory of Suzie Kassalow Rabbi Amy Schwartzman and Kevin Lerners mother, Rose Haines; in Frank & Sheryl Stein in thanks for Moss honor of the marriage of Sara helping Beth prepare for her Bat Armand & Judy Weiss with Mazel Toy Jackson, grandaughter of Sal & Mitzvah ceremony to Rabbi Amy Schwartzman and Edith Goldstein; with prayers for a Judith Sue in appreciation Kevin Moss in honor of the birth of speedy recovery to Leo Zittrain and their daughter, Hannah Miriam; to Paul Berlin; and in appreciation to Marty Kestenbaum Comfort Fund Dean and Martha Gerstein in honor Tybe Haas and Sheila Peltzer for Joseph & Ida Auerbach in memory of of the college graduation of their two yea:s of leadership and Froma Lippman twin daughters, Marigold and inspiration as Co-Presidents of Judi Hooker in appreciation to the Marissa; Jerry Greenwald in honor of Sisterhood Membership Committee for their his special birthday with apprecia- Selma Perlin in memory of her beloved commitment and successful efforts tion for Win & Jerrys friendship; brother David Schulmann this past year Cantor Michael Shochet recently Allie & Ellen Ash to welcome Hannah Mort & Myra Roney in memory of elected Secretary of the American Moss Evelyn Wendel Conference of Cantors and for a Flora Mermeistein in honor of the most successful first year as the Parker-Bridgeman family Endowment Fund Temples cantor and leader; and Hank & Judy Seiff in honor of the Marge Kestenbaum in honor of Jerry with great joy upon the birth of our marriage of Mitch Mellen and Greenwalds special birthday first granddaughter, Alison Weiss, Cynthia Bennett Alan & Anne Gorenstein in appreciation who joins her brothers Aaron, Alex, to Cantor Shochet and all the other and Andrew and her parents, Cantors Discretionary Fund participants of the June 6 1 concert Kristen and Rhett Weiss Ilene Van 1-loozer in honor of Anna Stan & Anita Herman wishing Harry . Evanter Israel Affairs Cohen a full and speedy recovery Jonathan & Gayle Kosarin in honor of Dottie Bennett in honor of Rochelle and Gene & Sally Margolis to celebrate the Cantor Shochets first year at TRS David Zohn for more than 30 years birth of Hannah Miriam Moss, and the beautiful and inspirational of friendship daughter of Rabbi Amy Schwartz- music he brings to our services and man and Kevin Moss our community Israeli Quest Alan Pettingill & Mona Milberg in Fred & Marilyn Brand in honor of the Mazon appreciation for Cantor Shochets birth of Hannah Miriam Moss Temple Rodef Shalom Haskalah guidance and encouragement to Janice Stupel in honor of the arrival of students and teachers Sara as she prepared for her Bat Hannah Miriam Moss Mitzvah and for the beautiful Blanche Cohen to welcome Hannah Mitzvah Day Fund cantorial selections during her Bat Miriam Moss Dottie Bennett in honor of the birth of Mitzvah service. Also, in recognition Alan & Estelle Brauer in honor of the Jared Isaac Green, son of Ann of Cantor Shochets dedication and birth of Hannah Miriam Moss Bennett and Bob Green hard work in the development of Stephen & Anne Himelfarb in honor of Koleinu, our congregational choir our daughter Karas Bat Mitzvah Ohel Yaacov Fund The Pettit family in honor of Cantor Bill & Judi Hooker to welcome Hannah Robert & Ronnie Schulman in memory Shochet for teaching Beth trope, Miriam Moss of Susan Lerners mother, Rose preparing her to become a Bat Lea Glaser/Taran for a speedy recovery Haines Mitzvah, and for the beautiful service for her brother, Dr. Moshe Glaser The Weckstein Family in memory of Fred & Lisa Abbey in honor of Cantor Harris & Maxine Dicker in honor of the Susan Lerners mother, Rose Haines Shochet bringing more music to the Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan Kassalow Soop & Jan Saferstein to congratulate Temple Armand & Judy Weiss on the birth David Nichols & Benetta Mansfield in Barbara M. Levin Memorial Fund of their granddaughter Alison appreciation for the wonderful Harvey Levin with sympathy to Ida Marge Kestenbaum in memory of Rose Confirmation of Bnana Nichols and Auerbach on the death of her sister, Haines, mother of Susan Lerner the Bar Mitzvah of Adam Nichols Goldie Soop & Jan Saferstein with best wishes Harry & Marion Slatin in appreciation Harvey Levin in loving memory of to Rabbi Schwartzman and Kevin for his wonderful music Joseph J. Levin Moss on the birth of Hannah Miriam Howard & June Wallach in memory of Tibor & Barbara Schonfeld in honor of Junes parents, Gertrude & Irving Library Fund the birth of Andrew Grant Wallach, Hertzberg, and in appreciation for The Sunday Night Bridge Group to grandson of Howard & June the beautiful cantorial concert honor Judy and Armand Weiss on Wallach Robert Thompson & Petra Kahn in the birth of their granddaughter Amy Reif in memory of Susan Lerners thanks for the guidance and support Alison mother, Rose Haines that made Dereks Bar Mitzvah so Bill & Judi Hooker in honor of Jerry Allie & Ellen Ash in memory of Susan memorable Greenwalds 701h birthday Lerners mother, Rose Haines 16 Marge Kestenbaum in honor of the Art & Lois Levin in memory of Milton David Nichols & Benetta Mansfield in marriage of Aaron Peck to Melissa Ornstein, beloved father of Renee gratitude for the wonderful Reiner Goldman Confirmation of Briana Nichols and Tibor & Barbara Schonfeld in apprecia- Freyda Greenberg in memory of her the Bar Mitzvah of Adam Nichols tion of our clergy father, Abraham Benjamin Bill & Judi Hooker in fond memory of S Stanley & Anita Herman for the full Tibor & Barbara Schonfeld in honor of beloved father and grandfather, Yale and speedy recovery of Dennis the birth of Hannah Moss Lurie Feldman Bernard & Sondra Shochet in honor of Ed, Fran, Katie & Alison Klein in honor the birth of Hannah Moss Social Action Fund of the birth of Hannah Miriam Moss Frank & Sylvia Csongos in honor of Doug, Audrey, Scott, and Phoebe Tibor & Barbara Schonfeld in honor of Hannah Miriam Moss Sanderson in honor of Nina Wexells Jonathan Agins being sworn in to The Hirschman family in honor of the Confirmation the Maryland Bar birth of Hannah Miriam Soop & Jan Saferstein with congratula- Marge Kestenbaum in memory of Howard & June Wallach in honor of the tions to Marcus Simon and Evelyn Milton Ornstein, father of Renee birth of Hannah Miriam Moss Fox on their graduation and a Goldman special Happy Birthday to Mort Robert & Iris Shamaskin in memory of Rabbi Emeritus Discretionary Fund Roney Lawrence Kraeger, brother-in-law of Alan Pettingill & Mona Milberg in David Rapoport & Nancy Reder in Carol Davidson appreciation for the beautiful service memory of Leslie Simons mother Rabbi Berkowits conducted at Saras The Pettit family in honor of Paul Senior Rabbis Discretionary Fund Bat Mitzvah Shapiro for his beautiful singing The Weckstein family in honor of the Walt & Sheila Margeson with deep during the Friday night service on birth of Hannah Moss appreciation for Rabbi Berkowits the eve of Beths becoming a Bat The Dezube family in honor of the birth guidance during Walts conversion, Mitzvah of Hannah Miriam patiently preparing us for our Charles & Lois Price with sympathy to Ric & Jackie Cooper in celebration of the wedding and conducting a beautiful Susan Lerner on the death of her birth of Hannah Miriam Moss and spiritual wedding ceremony mother, Rose Haines Lillian Pilzer in honor of the birth of The Pettit family in appreciation for the Eric & Ilse Bernstein in honor of and Hannah Moss beautiful service at Beths Bat with best wishes to Sidney Joseph & Ida Auerbach in recognition Mitzvah Schmukler on his special birthday of Rabbi Schwartzmans return to on June 30 good health along with that of her Religious School Fund Sid & Clarine Schmukler in celebration baby, Hannah Miriam Ric & Jackie Cooper in celebration of the of the birth of Hannah Miriam Moss Paul & Charlotte Chandler in thanks for birth of Hannah Michelle Beth Bailey Skip & Bonnie Wilder in memory of the wonderful service at Jimmy & Elliot Gruber Susie Lerners mother, Rose Haines Nicoles wedding Alan Pettingill & Mona Milberg in Sunday Night Bridge Group with Deana Shulman to welcome Hannah, appreciation of the expertise and congratulations to new grandpar- . "LTorah, Lchupa, ulmaasim encouragement that Naava Feder ents Curt & Toni Sandler on the Tovim" provided to Sara with her Bat birth of Hannah and to Howard & Alan Pettingill & Mona Milberg in Mitzvah preparation June Wallach on the birth of Andrew appreciation of Rabbi Schwartzmans Francine Milberg (Gaga) in honor of the Bob & Sheila Peltzer to congratulate role in preparing Sara for her Bat Bat Mitzvah of Sara Pettingill Howard & June Wallach on the birth Mitzvah and in celebration of the Doug Sanderson & Audrey Goldstein in of their second grandson, Andrew birth of Hannah Miriam Moss appreciation to Ms. Malka & Ms. Grant Wallach Daniel & Sayaka Rochman in honor of Jacknow for a good school year for the birth of Hannah Miriam Moss Scott Sanderson and to Mrs. Klein Tzedakah Fund Peter & Katherine Greenspun in honor of from Phoebe Sanderson in apprecia- Herman Levy in memory of Philip Levy our daughter, Samantha Greenspun, tion for a good year Judy Cincinnati with thanks and and the confirmation class of 1999 Bob, Amy, Eric & Missy Reif in honor of gratitude for volunteering as a David Nichols & Benetta Mansfield in the birth of Hannah Miriam Moss teacher for the Haskalah Program appreciation for the wonderful Sam, Jane, Josh and Rachel Kazman in to: Roz Levine, Barbara Elbeze, Confirmation of Briana Nichols and appreciation to Dina Burt for Howard Marks, Nancy Reder, Jessie the Bar Mitzvah of Adam Nichols leading a wonderful religious school Marshall, Fred Winter, Gary Brill, Charles & Lois Price with congratula- The Milberg/Pettingill Family in honor David Gorin, Ed Naidamast and tions and best wishes to Rabbi of the birth of Hannah Michelle Beth Marc Cohen Schwartzman and Kevin Moss on Bailey, daughter of Barbara Brot Lucille Weener in memory of Helen their new addition Bailey and Scott Bailey and in Goldfeder Larry & Patricia Singer in honor of the appreciation to Dina Burt, Barbara Mildred Salsbury in memory of Goldie naming of Alexa Lynn Singer on May Brot Bailey, Judy Cincinnati and all Geltman, sister of Ida Auerbach 30, 1999 the Religious School/Haskalah Herman Levy in memory of Herman Sam & Jane Hochberger to wish Rabbi teachers for another enriching year of Friedman Schwartzman and Kevin Moss religious education Edith Gavora in memory of Dr. Hugo happiness with their new daughter Peter & Katherine Greenspun in honor Roth Hannah of our daughter, Samantha Vincent & Ursula Hennessy in honor of Andrew & Peggy Sheren in honor of the Greenspun, and the Confirmation Erna Frankels 941h birthday birth of Hannah Moss Class of 1999 Stan & Anita Herman in memory of Howard & Judy Heit in honor of the Robert & Patricia Silverman in appre- Dennis Feldman and in memory of birth of Hannah Moss ciation to Dina Burt, Barbara Brot Larry Kreeger, brother-in-law of Lloyd & Juanita Reedy in honor of Bailey, and Fran Klein (1" grade) for Gene and Carol Davidson U Hannah Miriam Moss all they do Joel & Susan Moss in appreciation of The Pettit family in honor of Dina Burt Youth Fund Rabbi Schwartzman for the beautiful for providing a wonderful Religious Robert & Iris Shamaskin in honor of the service at Ryans Bar Mitzvah School experience for Beth birth of Alison Judith Weiss, granddaughter of Armand and Judy Weiss 17 Laura Zoll on the death of her father, Stanley Kroll Vera Mellen on the death of her sister-in-law, Bruce Wyman in honor of the birth of Hannah Moss Debbie Lastfogel The Pettit family in honor of Beth Renne for her warmth and Freyda Greenberg on the death of her father, . encouragement while preparing Beth to become a Bat Mitzvah Abraham Benjamin Roger Firestone on the death of his father, Linn Firestone y J. Maze! To To... Renee Goldman on the death of her father, Armand & Judy Weiss on the May 6 birth of Milton Ornstein granddaughter, Alison Judith Weiss, daugh- ter of Rhett and Kristen Weiss Curtis & Marie Skolnick on the birth of Jason New Members Patrick Jeffrey & Beth Skolnick on the birth of Taylor Jonathan & Maria Beldon 289-0002 Elizabeth 3427 Executive Avenue Sidney & Joan Ossakow on the marriage of Falls Church, VA 22042 their son Robert to Shari Lee Adams on May 29 Rabbi Marcus Burstein 812-7945 Myron & Susan Peck on the marriage of their 900 N. Stafford Street, #2320 son, Aaron, to Melissa Reiner Arlington, VA 22203 Noah Kramer-Dover for being selected as a member of the US Mens Basketball Team David Bussard 533-7465 which will be competing in the 91h Pan Kate Probst American Maccabi Games which will be held 1716 Oak Lane in Mexico City July 8 - 20, 1999 McLean, VA 22101 All the 1999 graduates - May your realities Maggie 08/25/94 (Chesterbrook) exceed your expectations! . Howard & June Wallach on the birth of grand- Bob & Sharon Hartnett 893-0125 son, Andrew Grant Wallach 957 Beliview Rd. Mark & Michelle Sandler (and grandparents McLean, VA 22102 Curt & Toni) on the June 5 arrival of Hannah Allison 02/18/90 (Spring Hill) Sandier Katelyn 12/30/91 (Spring Hill) Gene & Sally Margolis on the birth of their Sarah 01/27/98 granddaughter, Elizabeth Lee Herbst, daugh- ter of Robert & Judy Herbst Peter & Molly Jekel 749-1872 Dottie Bennett on the June 30 birth of grandson, 7909 Ariel Way Jared Isaac Green McLean, VA 22102 Marcus & Elizabeth Ring on the birth of their Rebecca 06/13/91 (Spring Hill) fourth great-grandchild, Amy Nicole Mark 09/04/92 (Spring Hill) Jacobson Brian Kaufman 920-7770 Jill Rosenthal Condolences To... 2312 S. Quincy Street Ida Auerbach on the death of her sister, Goldie Arlington, VA 22204 Geltman Hillel Weinberg on the death of his father, Stuart A. Kruger 527-2565 Rabbi Milton Weinberg Christine M. Carstens David Nichols on the death of his father, Leonard Nichols 3719 Nellie Custis Drive Justin Dingfelder on the death of his uncle, Arlington, VA 22207 Jordan 03/09/94 (Taylor Elementary) Alfred Barton . Ellen Rosenbaum on the death of her grand- Jeffrey 10/26/96 mother, Edith Buxbaum (Cont. on pg. 19)

18 [7icmbcrs/iØ

As the new co-chairs of the Membership We can say with conviction that some of the Committee, we are representative of the IRS nicest people weve met in Virginia can be found community. Julie is a native Virginian who grew here at 2100 Westmoreland Street. And, in the up at TRS, and has felt at home here since she same way that we discovered each other and was 15 years old, when she was active in the became dear friends, we hope you too will take youth group, Lil Rody. Her mother, Marge the time to meet new people this year. Well do Kestenbaum, has been active in the Temple for everything we can to help. over 30 years, as was her late father, Marty Kestenbaum. Her two children - Evan and Tamar Abrams Julie White Rachel - participate in many Temple events and 703/237-1924 703/790-5476 Julie teaches kindergarten in TRSs Religious School. Tamar spent a nomadic childhood in an Air Force family, rarely meeting other Jewish New Members - Cont. from page 18 kids and only belonging to a congregation once for a few years. She found TRS five years ago, Todd & Susan Mayman and immediately felt at home. Tamars 8118 Bimam Wood Drive daughter, Hannah, loves attending events at McLean, VA 22102 the synagogue. Liza 04/25/92 (Spring Hill) Sam 11/23/94 Despite our diverse backgrounds, we have much Rachel 01/26/96 in common - especially a belief that enduring

friendships are forged within the walls of TRS, Ellen Meltzer 917-1679 that there are many ways to find a home here 1245 Stoneham Ct. and that the congregation is both large enough McLean, VA 22101 . and small enough to make everyone feel Jamie 05/23/94 (Brookfield School) welcome. Asghar & Holly Mostafa 917-9197 We look forward to the coming year and are 956 Bellview Rd. planning many activities to bring members McLean, VA 22102 together in fellowship: zip code coffees (Sunday David 10/06/91 (Spring Hill) evening get-togethers for TRS members living Rachael 03/29/97 within a zip code); Shabbat dinners for new members; events for single members; events for Edward & Michelle Powell 534-8273 young adult members under 35; and the creation 968 N. Rochester Street of more Havurot. Arlington, VA 22205 William 10/18/93 (Mt. Daniel) We welcome your input and if you have ideas for us or would like to join the Membership Gary Rather 893-3562 Committee, please call one of us at the numbers Ellen V. Krieger listed below. We will work hard in the coming 7448 Old Maple Square year to increase the opportunities for you to McLean, VA 22102 meet your fellow TRSers. But you must also do Heather 07/13/94 your part. Membership does not guarantee a (Langley School) sense of belonging. Only you can make that Moriah 12/30/95 happen - through participating in committees Liana 11/03/97 and in special events, through reaching out to others, and through an openess to meeting and embracing new people.

19 Michael & Hope Slonim 536-0212 y 212 Pennsylvania Avenue Mazel To to Our August Falls Church, VA 22046 Bnai Mitzvah! Lily 11/08/93 (Mt. Daniel) Harry 05/21/96 I Elisabeth 04/14/81 (College) Sally Alexander August 28, 1999

Morris & Mary Slonim 538-2272 Sally is the daughter of Edward 1 and Edith Alexander of Falls 200 N. Maple Avenue, Apt. 317 81h Falls Church, VA 22046 Church. She is a rising grade student at Longfellow Middle Richard Stanke 532-7670 School and plays flute in the Anita Eisenstadt Longfellow Concert Bnd. Sally 1531 N. Kentucky Street i has taken gymnastics for 10 years Arlington, VA 22205 and is a member of the TRS Madeline 09/29/94 Youth Group. She also volunteers Natalya 08/06/96 I her time in the Mitzvah Day projects in December 25, and has attended Camp Paul M. Wolff 202/338-6423 Harlam for the past 3 years. In her free time she Rhea S. Schwartz enjoys music, movies, parties, talking on the phone, 4770 Reservoir Rd., NW and shopping at the mall. Washington, DC 20007

Denis & Marjorie Yaro 757-7566 177 River Park Drive Jackie Geralnick August 28, 1999 Great Falls, VA 22066 Zachary 06/19/94 (Great Falls Elementary) Jackie is the daughter of Alan Ethan 04/02/97 Geralnick and Adrienne Eng of Arlington. She is a rising 8t grade student at Williamsburg Middle School where she sings in Rolling Thunder Participant..... the school chorus, is a member of the Williamsburg Diplomats, and Its our very own Linda Marshall shown here is secretary of the Williamsburg getting ready to roll on the back of a Harley. Web Crew. Jackie plays Linda says, "It was quite an experience." She basketball, and is on the Potomac was escorted by the Arlington Police and rode Kiwanis Soccer Team. She volunteers her time to with the Fraternal Order of Police group. Way S.O.M.E. (So Others May Eat), and serves Christmas to go Linda! lunch at the Senior Center. Jackie enjoys taking pictures, music, hanging out with friends, and taking jazz classes at the Arlington Center for Dance, but her favorite thing to do is cooking. Jackie would like to become a teacher.





All adult Temple members are invited to share in a year long experience culminating in a Bar! Bat Mitzvah service. As in past years, the class will meet every other Sunday from October through May. During that time, Rabbis Schwartzman and Burstein, and Cantor Shochet will teach classes on liturgy, ritual, history, and theology. Hebrew reading skills will be taught in a separate class during the year. During the summer the class will prepare for their special service which will take place in the early autumn.



Over 40 adults have expressed interest in our first congregational adult trip to Israel. The 12 day adventure will take place in the beginning of April. Final reservations for the trip will not be required until early winter. For information about the trip or to be put on the mailing list, please call Anne in the Temple office at 532-2217.

21 June Scrapbook

The final Rodef Arts concert was a spectacular evening as area Cantors joined together for Beyond the Synagogue- A Festival of Lynnie Weinstein was one of many Temple members who donated Jewish Music" on June 6. Top I - r: Cantor Michael Shochet, Choir blood at our blood drive on June 7. Director Frank Conlon, Cantor Gershon Silins, Bottom I - 1: Cantors Susan Berkson, Sunny Schnitzer, and Laura Croen

Co-authors Dr. Eugene Borowitz and Francie Schwartz autograph l-r: Dr. & Rabbi Marvin Bash of Arlington-Fairfax Jewish Congrega- copies of The Jewish Moral Virtues following their program on June tion, Rabbi Schwartzman, Dr. Borowitz, Francie Schwartz, Rabbi Is 13, which was co-sponsored with Arlington-Fairfax Jewish Congrega- Laszlo and Judy Berkowits tion

Nursery School students from Mrs. Pomeroys 2-year olds class got a RABBI BURSTEIN HAS ARRIVED!!! Shown here (center) with movers special treat the last week of school when they got to see from the Ben Hur Relocation Services, Inc. (How appropriate!) construction equipment up close in our parking lot!

Suzanne Hecker, Sr. Youth Group Advisor, (far left) with members of our SYG recently got together for a relaxing afternoon on the Our first Volunteer Shabbat honored Bill and Judi Hooker, who will be Potomac, thanks to the generosity of one of our members. moving to Florida. They have been responsible for the creation/ implementation of numerous projects, programs, and events at TRS.


If you are single and a member of Temple Rodef Shalom, you are in good company. While the Mem- bership Committee hasnt been able to count exactly how many members are single, we know that the number is high. An ad hoc group of us got together in late spring to begin designing programs aimed at single members. We are eager to ensure that you feel like an integral part of the Temple community. Your input would be invaluable to us. We hope youll take a few minutes to fill out the form below and return it to the TRS office. The more we know about your needs, the better we can design programs.

In the meantime, our crack research team has been roaming the Web ferreting out interesting resources and organizations catering to Jewish singles in our area. While none of them is endorsed by us, we hope youll check them out. And if you know of other terrific organizations or websites that would appeal to TRSs single members, please send a note to the Membership Committee at TRS or send an e- mail to [email protected] .

Resources and Organizations

Bike and Brunch: A group of hardy Jewish singles in the D.C. metropolitan area who participate in weekly bike rides and sometimes weekend-long bike trips, primarily in Maryland. $20/year member- ship fee. Hotline: 301/881-BIKE. E-mail [email protected].

Young Professionals Kesher. A group for singles and couples in their 20s and 30s who want to meet other Jews their age and build a sense of Jewish community. Dues: $18 for singles, $30 for couples. Upcoming events include serving lunch at S.O.M.E. (So Others May Eat), attending an Orioles game, a bike ride, and a beer-tasting. Hotline: 703/913-2016. E-mail [email protected].

Aleph Outdoors: A local group of Jewish people - mostly singles - who enjoy challenging outdoor activities including hiking, biking, canoeing, caving and skiing, $10/yr for individuals and $15 for families. Contact Howard: 703/522-5436, or check out the website: www.erols.com/robertsbor

Jewish Singles Weekly Dinner Club: Individuals take turns being the coordinator and contact person for once a week dinner socials. They meet on Wednesdays or Thursdays, generally in the Herndon, Reston and Tysons Corner areas. Call Merrily: 703/749-0131, ext. 122. E-mail [email protected] .

Please mail back to Membership Committee, TRS, 2100 Westmoreland St., Falls Church, VA 22043 or fax to 703/237-3566.

Yes, Im single and want to know more about singles events at TRS.

Yes, Im single and would be happy to help with the planning of singles events at TRS.


Work phone: Home phone:

Things I would most like to be involved in at TRS:

Singles Havurah (social group) Cultural events Holiday celebrations

Sports/outdoor activities Other (please specify:

23 Sacramento Synagogue Bombings Calling All Teachers and Potential Teachers Many of you have already seen in the papers, on TV, or on our listserv coverage of the Sacra- This year we are experiencing a shortage of mento synagogue bombings. One of these was teachers in our Religious School program and Congregation Bnai Israel which was celebrat- we need your help! ing its 150th anniversaiy and is the oldest congregation west of the Mississippi. Today, the If you teach, have taught or ever thought about library is nothing but ruins. Their entire 5,000 teaching, now is the time. Please consider being volume collection of books was totally de- part of the team that takes our kids into the stroyed by this act of "terrorism" as the ATF Jewish future. For more information contact and FBI are calling this destruction. This act of Dina Burt at 532-2207. "terrorism" is not just against a synagogue but hurtful to all Jews. When the call came for help to rebuild their library, our Religious School went right into action and passed on a $300 gift Dr. Bered Manny Aframian To Speak at certificate to forWords Books in response to the JCCNV request for help. If you would like to make a monetary contribution, please make check Dr. Aframian, PhD of Pharmacology, Hebrew payable to Congregation Bnai Israel and mail University of Jerusalem, will speak on a very to Adams-Blake Publishing, 8041 Sierra Street, hot topic - "Cosmetics: Science or Fiction?" at Fair Oaks, CA 95628. the Jewish Community Center, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA on Sunday, Au- gust 8, at 7:30 PM. DESPERATELY SEEKING.... The "over 50" population is rapidly increasing and the cosmetics industry has responded with Sorters, photographers, catalogers and anyone hundreds of products that are supposed to interested in the future library. "hold back the clock". Join Dr. Aframian to learn if you are spending your money wisely - Work at your own pace, on your own time, or wasting it!! minimal meetings and get a feeling of accom- plishment and a sense of TRS history. Please RSVP to Bill at 256-9448 by Wednesday, August 4. Cost is $1 members/$3 non-mem- This is in anticipation of our new library which bers. For more info call Willie Kissinger at should be a focal point of the new building. JCCNV at 323-0880 Ext. 23. For more info contact Linda Marshall, Archives Chair, at 538-5745, fax 538-5745 or E-mail Jewish Council for the Aging Provides Free [email protected] Service for Home Care

The Steven M. Reich HomeCare Resource Center is a telephone referral service that helps find home care services for seniors. Debbie Friedman will be in concert at the Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation Seniors and family members are encouraged to on August 21, at 8:30 PM. For more infor- call this unique free service. The HomeCare mation please call NVHC at 437-7733. Resource Center is a public service of the JCA, and is open Monday through Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM.

Please call 978-7897 for more information.

24 For all your bar/bat mitzvah & S wedding gift needs, LA try our JUDAICA SHOP Sisterhood Temple Rodef Shalom Wednesdays 7-8 pm Sundays 10- noon (or by appointment) Call Eleanor Linde at 821-3767

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t the next event you host, 20% Discount Susan Hale C Shop at Home Service 876-9784 be it a Bar/Bat iWiizah or ueddinq, offer your questi A Choice. Host an UnBanquet at The McLean Hilton Where your guests will have a choice WINDOW COVERINGS DISCOUNTED! and "choice" doesnt cost you a penny more. BLINDS FOR LE$$ • Mini Blinds • Wood Blinds c zppy Guests. . . ippy Hosts. • Micro Mini Blinds • Vertical Blinds Its what the UnBanquet Menu • Duette Shades • Pleated Shades is all about. 50% to 60% OFF McLean ] [ Persona! Shop at Home Service - - ELLEN GOODMAN (703 at Tysons Corner "It:, right uhere you ua,zf to be. 703-847-5000


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26 S . O August 1999 Sun4y - Monday Tuesday Wednesd Thursday Fridaj Satuday 2 3 4 5 6 7 7:30 pm Trope Class 7:30 pm Next Step Gm 6:45 pm Shabbat Evening 9:30 am Torah Study 7:30 pm Koleinu Service

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 am Discussion Group 6:45 pm Shabbat Evening 9:30 am Torah Study 7:30 pm Prof. Choir Service 7:45 pm Trope Class

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7:30 pm Koleinu Committee Night 6:45 pm Shabbat Evening 9:30 am Torah Study 7 pm Brotherhood Mtg Service

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 am Discussion Group 12:15 NoVA Lund, Bunch 6:45 pm Shabbat Evening 9 a Torah Study 7:30 pm Trope Class 7 pm Usher Dinner Service 10:30 am Bnot Mitzvah of 7:30 pm Prof. Choir Sally Alexander & Jackie Geralnick

29 30 31 Looking Ahead..... 7:30 pm Trope Class 730 pm Prof Choir September 6 - Labor Day - Office Closed September 10— Erev Rosh Hashanah - Office Closed at Noon September 11 - Rosh Hashanah September 14— Haskala Family Program September 15— Religious School Back to School Night September 19— Erev Yom Kippur September 20 - Yom Kippur - Office Closed September 24 - Erev Sukkot September 25 - Sukkot August Activities at a Glance...

August 3 7:30 pm Trope Class 7:30 pm Koleinu Rehearsal August 4 7:30 pm Next Step Group August 10 10:00 am Discussion Group 7:30 pm Professional Choir 7:45 pm Trope Class August 17 7:30 pm Koleinu Rehearsal August 19 7:00 pm Brotherhood Meeting Committee Night August 24 10:00 am Discussion Group 7:30 pm Trope Class 7:30 pm Professional Choir August 25 12:15 pm No. VA Lunch Bunch 7:00 pm Usher Dinner August 31 7:30 pm Trope Class 7:30 pm Professional Choir


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