25 February 2019

Dear Councillor

A meeting of the Planning Committee will be held in Committee Room 1 - Marmion House on Tuesday, 5th March, 2019 at 6.00 pm. Members of the Committee are requested to attend.

Yours faithfully

Chief Executive



1 Apologies for Absence 2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Pages 3 - 6) 3 Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non- pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.

When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest. Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation.

4 Schedule of Applications (Pages 7 - 30) (Report of the Assistant Director – Growth and Regeneration)


Access arrangements

If you have any particular access requirements when attending the meeting, please contact Democratic Services on 01827 709267 or e-mail [email protected]. We can then endeavour to ensure that any particular requirements you may have are catered for.

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If a member of the public is particularly concerned about accidental filming, please consider the location of any cameras when selecting a seat.


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To Councillors: M Oates, M Bailey, J Chesworth, C Cooke, R Ford, T Jay, K Norchi, J Oates, S Peaple, P Standen, M Summers and P Thurgood Agenda Item 2


PRESENT: Councillor M Oates (Chair), Councillors C Cooke, T Jay, K Norchi, J Oates, S Peaple, P Standen, M Summers and P Thurgood

The following officers were present: Matthew Bowers (Assistant Director Growth & Regeneration), Andrew Collinson (Senior Planning Officer) and Ryan Keyte (Head of Legal & Democratic Services)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Bailey, Councillor J Chesworth and Councillor R Ford.

A minutes silence was observed for Councillor S Claymore.


The minutes of the meeting held on 4th December 2018 were approved and signed as a correct record.

(Moved by Councillor M Summers and seconded by Councillor C Cook)


There were no Declarations of Interest.


The Report of the Assistant Director – Growth and Regeneration.

Application Number 0331/2018

Development Erection of 40 dwellings [re-plan of previously approved development 0435/2015]

Location Anker Valley, Ashby Road, Tamworth

1 Page 3 Planning Committee 5 February 2019

Resolved Approved subject to the conditions and Section 106 Agreement requirements agreed at the Planning Committee on 4th December 2018, as amended by the revised terms for the S106 agreement as outlined in this report. Powers to be delegated to officers to continue to negotiate the detailed wording of the Section 106 Agreement. If the Section 106 Agreement has not been signed before 31st March 2019, or the expiration of any agreed extension of time, then powers are delegated to Officers to refuse permission based on the unacceptability of the development without the required contributions and undertakings as outlined in this report

(Moved by Councillor M Oates and seconded by Councillor M Summers)

Application Number 0464/2018

Development Full application for the development of a Distribution and Manufacturing Unit with ancillary offices (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8) with associated access, car parking, landscaping and ground works

Location Land Adjacent Relay Park Industrial Estate, Kinsall Green, Wilnecote, Tamworth, B77 5PB

Resolved Approved subject to the conditions and the entering into a suitable Section 106 Agreement in accordance with the requirements outlined in this report. If the section 106 Agreement had not been signed before the expiration of any agreed extension of time then powers were delegated to Officers to refuse permission based on the unacceptability of the development without the required contributions and undertakings as outlined in this report.

(Moved by Councillor M Summers and seconded by Councillor J Oates)

Application Number 0522/2018

Development Amendment, comprising introduction of hipped roofs to several house types, to reserved matters consent 0249/2018 for erection of 405 dwellings forming the first phase, including roads/driveways, landscaping and play areas.

Location Land at Dunstall Farm, Dunstall Lane / Ventura Park Road / Meadow Road, Tamworth

2 Page 4 Planning Committee 5 February 2019

Resolved Approved subject to the conditions

(Moved by Councillor S Peaple and seconded by Councillor M Summers)

The Chair thanked Mr Ryan Keyte for all his help over the last few years and wished him all the best.


3 Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4


th 5 March 2019



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5th March 2019

A Reports for Consideration 1

B Variations to approved applications 0

C Appeals received 0

D Appeal decisions 0

E Issues Papers 2

F Footpath diversion applications 0


All other documents referred to in individual reports

Page 8


Part A Applications Received

Application Number: 0545/2018

Development: Erection of 52 dwellings [re-plan of previously approved development 0435/2015]

Location: Anker Valley, Ashby Road, Tamworth

Recommendation: 1. Approval subject to the conditions outlined below and the entering into a suitable Section 106 Agreement in accordance with the requirements outlined in this report.

2. If the Section 106 Agreement has not been signed before the expiration of any agreed extension of time then powers are delegated to Officers to refuse permission based on the unacceptability of the development without the required contributions and undertakings as outlined in this report. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

Part E Issues papers

Application Ref: 0561/2018

Development: Outline Planning Permission for the demolition of all existing buildings and construction of up to 1540 dwellings (including a 100 bed extra care home); a community hub (up to 2250m2 of gross floorspace for Use Class A1-A5, B1B1b, D1 and D2); a two form entry primary school; the provision of green infrastructure comprising playing fields and sports pavilion; formal and informal open space; children's play areas; woodland planting and habitat creation; allotments; walking and cycling routes and sustainable drainage infrastructure (Cross-boundary application with Borough Council).

Location: Land to the East of the Former Tamworth Golf Course Site, North of Tamworth Road (B5000) and West of the M42

Recommendation: The Planning Committee are recommended to note the item for information and raise any relevant planning issues on which they wish officers to expand upon or further consider prior to formal determination ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

Application Ref: 0020/2019

Development: Application for the development of land to the north of Coton Lane, Tamworth to provide 163 dwellings (including the provision of affordable housing and public open space)

Location: Coton House Farm, Coton Lane, Tamworth

Recommendation: The Planning Committee are recommended to note the item for information and raise any relevant planning issues on which they wish officers to expand upon or further consider prior to formal determination ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

Page 9

Application Number: 0545/2018

Development: Erection of 52 dwellings [re-plan of previously approved development 0435/2015]

Location: Anker Valley, Ashby Road, Tamworth

1. Introduction

1.1 On the 1st April 2015 outline permission was granted for the principle of developing the site for up to 535 dwellings. A Section 106 Agreement secured the provision of 20% affordable dwellings on the site, the housing mix, sports facilities contribution, education contribution (including the provision of land for or delivery of a primary school on the site), and highway contributions (reference 0105/2014).

1.2 On the 27th April 2016 an approval of reserved matters application for 535 dwellings along with associated infrastructure was granted permission (0435/2015). A subsequent amendment for 87 units by Ashberry Homes was approved in April 2017. This application proposes to replace 52 of these dwellings for 52 dwellings. There are slight changes to the positions of the dwellings but the overall infrastructure, including main access, open space, school position, pathways and retained trees remains as shown on the original approved layout. The 52 dwellings fall within the Avenue (CA1) and Core Housing Area (CA2) character areas and incorporate existing approved links, which are overlooked by housing frontages and dual aspect dwellings on the corner to ensure active frontages.

1.3 The Anker Valley site comprises 32.82 ha of mainly agricultural land to the north east of Tamworth town centre. The site is bound to the north by Ashby Road, with the agricultural land at Arkall Farm beyond, and to the west by the Birmingham to Derby railway line, beyond which lies the 1960s/1970s Perrycrofts estate. Beyond the eastern boundary of the site lie agricultural fields towards Amington Hall and its conservation area, the south eastern boundary follows the River Anker with the Warwickshire Moor Local Nature Reserve beyond. The southern boundary of the site falls short of the railway station, with a single agricultural field separating the site from the railway station, with the Station Fields Mobile Home Park located on the opposite side of the West Coast Mainline railway.

Location Plan

Page 10

2. Policies

2.1 Local Plan Policies

SS1 - The Spatial Strategy for Tamworth SS2 – Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development HG1 – Housing HG2 – Sustainable Urban Extensions HG4 – Affordable Housing HG5 – Housing Mix HG6 – Housing Density EN4 – Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity EN5 – Design and New Development SU1 - Sustainable Transport Network SU2 – Delivering Sustainable Transport SU4 - Flood Risk and Water Management SU5 – Pollution, Ground Conditions and Minerals and Soils IM1 – Infrastructure and Developer Contributions Appendix A – Housing Trajectory Appendix C – Car Parking Standard

3. Relevant Site History

0105/2014: Development of up to 535 dwellings, primary school, open space, landscaping, balancing ponds, access, footpaths, cycleways and associated infrastructure (all existing structures demolished) - Approved subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement 1st April 2015

0435/2015: Development of 535 dwellings, open space, landscaping, balancing ponds, access, footpath, cycleways and associated infrastructure - Approved subject to conditions 27th April 2016

0042/2017 Substitution of 87 dwellings from Bellway Homes to Ashberry – Approved 25th April 2017

0331/2018: Erection of 40 dwellings (re-plan of previously approved development 0435/2015) – Resolved to approve subject to legal agreement

3. Consultation Responses

3.1 Whilst every effort has been made to accurately summarise the responses received, full copies of the representations received are available to view at www.tamworth.gov.uk.

3.2 County Council - Lead Local Flood Authority

No objection

3.3 Staffordshire County Council Highways

No objections subject to conditions.

3.4 Tamworth Borough Council – Tree Officer

No objections

3.5 Tamworth Borough Council – Environmental Health

No objections

3.6 Tamworth Borough Council – Refuse collection

No objection

3.7 Tamworth Borough Council – Development Plan

Page 11 No objection to the development

4. Additional Representations

4.1 As part of the consultation process adjacent residents were notified and a press notice and site notices were erected. Whilst every effort has been made to accurately summarise the responses received, full copies of the representations received are available to view at www.tamworth.gov.uk.

5. Equality and Human Rights Implications

5.1 Due regard, where relevant, has been taken to the Tamworth Borough Council’s equality duty as contained within the Equalities Act 2010. The authority has had due regard to the public sector equality duty (PSED). Under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, a public authority must in the exercised of its functions, have due regard to the interests and needs of those sharing the protected characteristics under the Act, such as age, gender, disability and race. This proposal has no impact on such protected characteristics.

5.2 There may be implications under Article 8 and Article 1 of the First Protocol of the Human Rights Act, regarding the right of respect for a person’s private and family life and home, and to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions. However, these issues have been taken into account in the determination of this application.

6. Planning Considerations

6.1 The key issues to be considered at this stage are

 Principle  Layout  Access and Highway Capacity  Appearance and Scale  Section 106 requirements

6.1 Principle

6.1.1 The Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031 (LP) was adopted in February 2016 and under policy HG2 Sustainable Urban Extensions it states that the development will provide at least 535 new dwellings. This application is a full planning application and as such the first issue to consider is whether the principle of residential development is acceptable. The site is within an allocated housing site and therefore the principle of the use is acceptable for residential development subject to the other considerations detailed below.

6.2 Layout

6.2.1 The overall layout of the development has evolved following the approval of the two points of vehicular access and the main site access feeds in to a main spine road which meanders through the development with dwellings on either side to the southern end of the site and then returns to form a loop road around the site. The provision of a ‘loop road’ through the site will allow for a good degree of legibility through the site and provide alternative routes for vehicles, which helps to provide permeability and options for movement through the site. The proposed alterations to the scheme have not altered this layout and the proposal remains the same in turns of road loops and pedestrian routes.

6.2.2 Originally, the residential areas of the site were designed and laid out through the creation of 4 different character areas, which centred round different parts of the site. The ‘Avenue’ character area generally follows the main spine road though the site from Ashby Road down to the southern extent of the site. The ‘Core Housing’ area represents the central and more densely developed part of the site. The ‘Riverside Frontage’ sees the transition of the site to the river, and the ‘Rural Villas’ character area is defined by its relationship with the agricultural open space beyond the site to the north and east. This proposal includes dwellings in both ‘the Avenue’ and the ‘Core Housing’ area. The layout still accords to the principles in respect of these two areas.

Page 12 6.2.3 The Avenue provides for the following elements:

 Visual connections with the east and western areas of the site;  A varied but generally higher residential densities along the full length of the spine road;  Use of predominantly 2 storey dwellings;  Linear building lines with minimal setbacks;  Use of symmetry and balanced street elevations which emphasise building lines;  A formal character with a distinctive and legible landscape theme;  Structured street tree planting along the spine road;  Provision of ‘key spaces’ or junctures which address internal views, provide focal points and sub-divide the route; and

6.2.4 The Core Housing area is influenced by the sloped landform of the site and contains the following layout elements:

 Higher density development in an area which benefits from a less direct visual relationship with the wider countryside;  Green pedestrian connections between the proposed residential areas to the north, east, south and west, the community hub / park and riverside park;  Up to 2.5 storey dwellings;  Tiered building massing to address the site topography, which includes a retaining gabion wall within the rear gardens of the dwellings fronting the main access road throughout the development, which is a positive approach to dealing with the change in levels throughout the site.  Street patterns with panoramic views of the wider landscape context as a backdrop;  A mixture of housing types featuring a bias towards terraces with the presence of semi- detached or detached dwellings.

6.2.5 In terms of the individual dwellings, the spaces provided between them varies around the site but are generally considered to be appropriate and will ensure that private amenity spaces are provided and overlooking and indivisibility is minimised as far as possible. The garden sizes are considered to be proportionate to the range of house types they will serve and the detached garages where proposed are set back from the street-scene which will afford the dwellings more prominence and also provide for well defined spaces in-between the dwellings and aid in creating the feeling of space within the more densely developed areas.

6.2.6 The proposals are considered to be a consistent with the original approved scheme and layout. The quality of the layout overall is considered to be acceptable and accord with the overarching principles of providing good design and accord with the aims of LP Policies HG2, HG6 and EN5.

6.2.7 Local Plan policy HG5 (Housing Mix) sets out the required mix of sizes for all residential development as 4% 1 bedroom units, 42% 2 bedroom units, 39% 3 bedroom units, and 15% 4 bedroom units. As the proposed development forms part of a larger existing permitted development.

Size of Overall approved Overall proposed mix properties mix (52 dwellings) (52 dwellings) 1 bedrooms 0 0 2 bedrooms 14 (27%) 15 (29%) 3 bedrooms 22 (42%) 25 (48%) 4 bedrooms 16 (31%) 12 (23%) 52 dwellings 52 dwellings

6.2.8 The housing mix for the 52 units as approved would be 0 1-bed units (0%), 14 2-bed units (27%), 22 3-bed units (42%) and 16 4-bed units (31%). The proposed mix would be substantially similar but would see a reduction in the number of 4-bed units which would be redistributed across the 2 and 3- bed units.

6.2.9 The proposal would seek to meet this mix on its own, however the proposed re-plan actually moves the overall development significantly towards a policy compliant mix, reducing the larger 4 bedroom properties and increasing the 2 and 3 bedroomed properties. Having reviewed the existing approved Page 13 mix, at appears that a significant number of 4 bedroom units were included leading to a mix that was skewed towards bigger properties. The proposed substitution of house types would result in a mix that is broadly similar to that already approved; however there would be a small reduction in the number of 4-bed units and a corresponding increase in the number of 2 and 3-bed units. Whilst the overall mix would still be some way from the mix set out in policy HG5, the proposed changes would result in a move towards a more appropriate mix. The table below shows the mix that was approved for the development on the original approval of reserved matters. The proposed change would therefore lead to the overall mix moving towards the mix set out in policy HG5.

Size of Overall approved Overall mix with Overall approved properties scheme recent application scheme 1 bedrooms 8 (1.5%) 8 (1.5%) 8 (1.5%) 2 bedrooms 144 (27%) 167 (30%) 168 (30%) 3 bedrooms 179 (33%) 195 (35%) 198 (36%) 4 bedrooms 204 (38%) 185 (33%) 181 (32.5%) 535 dwellings 555 dwellings 555 dwellings

6.2.10 The proposal does not provide any affordable housing, however there is affordable housing approved as part of the original scheme directly adjacent to the application site. A legal agreement will be required to ensure that this is provided in accordance with the terms of the original outline planning permission to accord to policy HG4 of the adopted Local Plan.

6.3 Access and Highway Capacity

6.3.1 The general disposition of the road network is considered to provide vehicular, pedestrian and cycle routes within the development are generally logical, safe and link to key internal areas such as the community hub and park, footbridge, riverside park and the wider public footpath network.

6.3.2 Within the site the proposed parking areas for the dwellings both individually and for the proposed parking courts provide a variety of surfacing materials to reduce the impact of large parking areas and where possible trees and shrub planting has been provided.

6.3.3 Generally the development is proposed with parking standards to meet those contained within the LP; and provides 2 for two bed properties and a minimum of 2 for dwellings over three bedrooms. Indeed the majority of dwellings containing 4 or more bedrooms are provided with minimum of two spaces and a garage.

6.3.4 The capacity of this corridor is key to the delivery of new housing to the north of Tamworth, and as the proposal would not lead to additional net increase in dwellings it would not lead to an increase in highway movements above that already considered. Therefore, subject to conditions and tying the original obligations in respect of highway improvements the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the highway network. As such the proposed development is considered to comply with Policy HG2 of the Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF in so far as the impact of the development on the highway network would not be severe.

6.4 Appearance and Scale

6.4.1 The dwellings proposed are of a suburban design, with small variations throughout the defined character areas (as outlined above). The adjacent residential developments of the Borough have little architectural expression with which to guide the design of the development and consequently, the proposed dwellings will have to create its own character and identity.

6.4.2 The individual dwellings proposed are pleasant, with a variety of detailing and individual elements of design. This includes the use of simple projections of structure such as bay windows and small gables and variations to the frontage design s to achieve relief to the dwellings elevations which is aided by the provision of door and window reveals. The building materials and details will vary in different areas of the site however an overall pallet of primarily red brick will tie the development together and provide visual variation.

6.4.4 The proposed amendments accord to agreed design code, and the urban style within the Avenue and Core Housing areas has been echoed in the amended design. In terms of scale the dwellings

Page 14 are considered to be appropriate. The proposal provides “on plot” landscaping, which is consistent with the original layout and provides a well-designed high quality layout.

6.5 Section 106 Contributions

6.5.1 In summary the required Section 106 Contributions relate to the following:

 The provision of 20% affordable homes within on the site.  Highways – Travel Plan  Education contributions  Community Infrastructure Levy contributions.

6.5.2 It is considered that the above Section 106 Agreement heads of terms appropriately address the issues identified in the report. As per the requirement of Regulation 122 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (CIL) it is considered that the requirements are necessary in order to make the development acceptable in planning terms; are directly related to the development; and are fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development as determined though the consultations undertaken.

6.5.3 Affordable Housing - To ensure that the dwellings have been mitigated in terms of affordable housing the original obligations in respect of affordable housing would have to be linked to this application. This will have to be secured through the legal agreement.

6.5.4 Education - To ensure that the dwellings have been mitigated in terms of education the original obligations in respect of education contributions would have to be linked to this application, this will have to be secured through the legal agreement.

6.5.5 Sports Provision - The main needs identified within Tamworth are for the provision of a new leisure centre and the provision of artificial grass pitches (AGP). This provision will be provided by previous obligations, however since the adoption of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) this provision could be funded through the CIL contributions.

6.5.6 Highways - To ensure that the dwellings have been mitigated in terms of highways the original obligations in respect of highway improvements would have to be linked to this application to ensure the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the highway network. This will have to be secured through the legal agreement.

6.5.7 CIL - The proposed development would be liable for CIL at the residential rate for 11 or more dwellings which is £35 per square metre. As there is no provision within the CIL regulations for this, the proposal would be liable on the floorspace for all 52 dwellings. CIL information has not been submitted but the total floorspace for the development is estimated at 4730sqm. Based on this figure, the total CIL liability for the development is likely to be in the region of £165,620.

7 Conclusion

7.1 The application seeks full planning permission for the erection of 52 dwellings, this is no increase from the original permission. The principle is considered to be acceptable as the site is allocated under Policy HG2 of the Local Plan for residential development which indicates that the site will provide at least 535 dwellings. The delivery of new housing developments to meet local need and demand and the maintenance of a 5 year housing land supply are key components in achieving sustainable development, and as such the principle of developing the site is supported by the NPPF.

7.2 The impact of the development on the local highway network is the same as the original permission. County Highways have considered the application and subject to conditions and tying the original obligations in respect of highway improvements the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the highway network. Consequently it is considered that the proposal would comply with Policy HG2 and SU2 of the Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.

7.3 It is considered that the additional dwellings details of layout, landscaping, scale and appearance of this part of the development still meet with design of the original outline and subsequent reserved matters application in terms of the position of the dwellings, their massing and overall design. The

Page 15 dwellings proposed are of a standardised suburban design, with small variations thought the defined character areas. The scale of the dwellings is between 2 storeys high with roof pitches designed to reflect the traditional local vernacular. In terms of scale the dwellings are considered to be appropriate.

7.4 It is considered that the scale and appearance of the development is in keeping with the character of the area and is of a high quality in accordance with the requirements of the policy EN5 of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

7.5 Overall, the development of this site is considered to be acceptable and in general terms accords with the overall provisions of the NPPF and Policies HG2, HG4, HG5, HG6, EN1, EN3, EN4, EN5, SU1, SU2 and, SU4 of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

8 Recommendation

1. Approval subject to the conditions outlined below and the entering into a suitable Section 106 Agreement in accordance with the requirements outlined in this report.

2. If the Section 106 Agreement has not been signed before the expiration of any agreed extension of time then powers are delegated to Officers to refuse permission based on the unacceptability of the development without the required contributions and undertakings as outlined in this report.

Conditions / Reasons

1. The development shall be started within three years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. The development hereby approved shall only be carried out in accordance with the following drawings and documents.

Drawing(s) Reference(s) Planning Layout Planning Layout ANK/PS/100-02A Block Plan ANK/PS/100-76 Location Plan ANK/PS/100-75 Enclosures ANK/PS/100-03A Landscaping GL 0728-03 GL 0728-04 Housetype Pack Buckminster Haddon Rev2 E Laurieston Rev G02 Rosewood 02 Roslinton Rev J 02 Stokewood Rev G 02 Tissington Rev H 02 Winterfold Rev K Single garage Long and wide version

Materials PC/ANK-MAT-002 Surface water - engineering AV-ENG-100 Rev V AV-ENG-101 Rev V AV-ENG-102 Rev K Flood Risk Assessment Transport Assessment Planning Statement Design and Access Statement

Reason: To define this permission.

Page 16 3. Prior to the occupation of any permitted dwelling the parking and turning areas for that dwelling shall be provided. The parking and turning areas shall thereafter be retained at all times for their designated purposes.

Reason: In the interests of Highway Safety as recommended by the Highway Authority in accordance with Policies EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

4. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping and boundary treatment approved shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

Reason: In the interests of the setting and visual appearance of the development, and in accordance with Policy EN5 Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Class A of Schedule 2 Part 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order), no walls, fences or other means of enclosure shall be erected forward of the principal elevations of dwellings, or boundary walls or fences to those dwellings, except as authorised under the submitted application, without the prior grant of planning permission on an application made in that regard to the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to maintain the character of streets and public spaces as secured under the plans hereby approved in accordance with Policy EN5 Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Class A of Schedule 2 Part 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order), the garages indicated on the approved plans shall be retained for the parking of motor vehicles and cycles. They shall at no time be converted to living accommodation without the prior express permission of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of Highway Safety as recommended by the Highway Authority in accordance with Policies EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

7. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the surface water drainage scheme approved under application 0105/2014 condition 13, the flood risk addendum and submitted drainage strategy. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed. The scheme shall be fully implemented and subsequently maintained, in accordance with the timing arrangements embodied within the scheme, or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority.

Reason: As recommended by the Environment Agency to reduce the risk flooding elsewhere, to limit the rate of surface water discharge from the developed site and reduce flood risk elsewhere, and to prevent flooding by ensuring satisfactory disposal of surface water from the site in accordance with the provisions of the NPPF

8. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Management Plan (CMP) 0105/2014 condition 18. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and as recommended by the Highway Agency and the Highway Authority to ensure the A5 Trunk Road / M42 Motorway and local highway network continues to serve their purpose as part of the transport system in accordance with Section 10 (2) of the Highways Act 1980 and Policies SU2 and HG2 adopted Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

9. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) 0105/2014 condition 19. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Page 17 Reason: In the interests of nature conservation in accordance with the provisions of the NPPF.

Proposed layout

Page 18


Application Ref: 0561/2018

Development: Outline Planning Permission for the demolition of all existing buildings and construction of up to 1540 dwellings (including a 100 bed extra care home); a community hub (up to 2250m2 of gross floorspace for Use Class A1-A5, B1B1b, D1 and D2); a two form entry primary school; the provision of green infrastructure comprising playing fields and sports pavilion; formal and informal open space; children's play areas; woodland planting and habitat creation; allotments; walking and cycling routes and sustainable drainage infrastructure (Cross-boundary application with North Warwickshire Borough Council ).

Location: Land to the East of the Former Tamworth Golf Course Site, North of Tamworth Road (B5000) and West of the M42

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 The purpose of this ‘Issues Paper’ is to highlight to members that a major application has been submitted to the Council and to explain the process that is to be followed in terms of consultation and publicity. In addition, the paper will highlight what officers consider to be the key planning issues which will need to be considered when the full report comes before the Committee for their determination. It also allows an opportunity for the Committee to raise key planning issues that either they wish to be expanded upon or added to in the full report at the decision making stage. This report is therefore a precursor to the main report, which will be presented at the end of the planning application process - it is not a report for debate or decision making, but rather an opportunity to raise queries or issues to guide officers.

1.2 A large part of the site is within the administrative area of North Warwickshire Borough Council, the only element in Tamworth Borough’s jurisdiction is the proposed roundabout vehicular access into the site – the land south of the B5000 at Chiltern Road. The residential, school and community provision is all included in the NWBC jurisdiction. An appropriate planning application has been submitted to that Authority. Additionally that Council has been formally consulted on the substantive application submitted to this Council. There will therefore have to be coordination between the two Authorities in respect of procedures and timetabling. Members will be kept informed as matters progress.

Page 19

1.3 The scale of the proposal and its location means that both the Staffordshire County Council and Warwickshire County Council will have significant interests in the proposal. This will extend from them acting as Highway Authorities, as well as to their role as Education and Public Health Authorities. It is anticipated that there will be co-ordinated and agreed positions in respect of their assessments of the proposal and their potential requests for the delivery of appropriate infrastructure.

2. Site and Location

2.1 This is 96 hectares of mainly arable land sited north of the B5000 Tamworth Road, east of the former Tamworth Golf Course and west of the M42 Motorway. It extends north to the Alvecote Marina. Robey’s Lane divides the site into two main parcels. Roughly one third is to the east and this comprises agricultural land within three fields, the largest of which abuts the B5000. The remaining two-thirds is to the west where the site is predominantly agricultural land, but it also includes the Daytona Go-Kart track as well as the house and range of buildings at Woodhouse Farm. The house known as Priory Farm to the immediate east of the go kart track is excluded from the site. The site does include land south of the B5000 around the junction of Chiltern Road with the B5000. The site is gently undulating with the highest points being at its southern end – e.g. the go kart track with a level of 110m AOD. It then has a slight drop in the centre of the site before rising again to 100m AOD in its north western corner.

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2.2 The site as a whole is open in character with the large fields, little hedgerow cover and a small number of trees. There are however stronger hedgerows bounding Robey’s Lane along its southern section and along the B5000 northern frontage. There are tree belts along the B5000, around Priory Farm, along a water course bounding the western edge of the site and towards the northern edge of the site approaching the Alvecote Marina.

2.3 To the west of the site was the site of the former Tamworth golf course but this is now being residentially developed in a series of phases amounting up to 1100 houses. A primary school and a district centre are also to be provided. The more established residential areas of Tamworth are then to the immediate west. To the south of the B5000 is the residential area of Stonydelph in Tamworth which extends up to Chiltern Road. Beyond are the North Warwickshire Recreation Ground and a small collection of houses between the B5000 and the line of the former Tamworth Road, before the B5000 passes over the M42.

2.4 To the east of the site is open agricultural land up to the M42 and beyond, this extends up to the western edge of . To the immediate east of Robey’s Lane towards the northern half of the site is Alvecote Wood which a designated Ancient Woodland. To the north are the Alvecote Marina; the west coast main railway line, the Coventry Canal, the Alvecote Pools SSSI, Alvecote Priory and the village of Alvecote.

Page 21 2.5 The nearest local centre to the site is Stonydelph – 1.1km – which contains a range of facilities including a retail convenience store, a doctor’s surgery, a fish and chip as well as a community hall. There are two existing primary schools here – Stonydelph and Three Peaks (1.4 and 1.6km distant). The closest Secondary Schools are at the Landau Forte Academy in Amington and at Polesworth School – both around 2.2 kilometres distance. There is also a surgery a and both Polesworth and Dordon have a range of local services and facilities. In respect of public transport provision, Arriva’s 65 bus service operates hourly along the B5000 linking Tamworth and Nuneaton. There is a bus stop at the Recreation Ground referred to above. Tamworth has a train station with national and regional connections.

3. Background to proposals

3.1 The planning application seeks outline planning permission for residential development for up to 1540 dwellings, with associated green infrastructure, drainage infrastructure and vehicular access off Tamworth Road (B5000). The vehicular access is proposed off Tamworth Road (B5000) to the south of the site and the application includes detailed drawings and supporting information to approve the means of access into the site.

3.2 In overall terms the application seeks outline planning permission for up to 1540 dwellings plus a range of associated facilities and green/open space infrastructure. All matters except for access arrangements are to be reserved for further consideration. The applicant refers to two phases – phase one being that part of the site to the east of Robey’s Lane and the second being the larger part of the site to the west. An illustrative Masterplan provides the framework for the two phases. The majority of the development – some 1300 of the units – would be to the west of Robey’s Lane in Phase Two. This would include the extra care home and the community hub. That possible uses within the hub could include a mix of uses – retail, financial services, café/restaurants, takeaways, a nursery and places of worship. To the east of Robey’s Lane and in the first phase would be the balance of the houses, 150, the primary school and its playing field and a number of other open space uses – playing fields, allotments, children’s play areas and structural landscaping.

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3.3 In terms of the housing provision then a mix of housing is proposed: 2% being one bedroomed, 20% with two bedrooms, 42% with three, 24% with four and 6% being five bedroom properties. The balance is taken up with the extra care facility. An overall 20% affordable provision is being proposed – excluding the care home number. The applicant has submitted a Viability report to justify this level of provision.

3.4 There are two vehicular accesses proposed into the site – both off the B5000. The principal access takes the form of a new four-arm roundabout junction providing access to and from the B5000 and linking with Chiltern Road. The second access onto the B5000 is through a signalised “T” junction where Robey’s Lane meets the B5000. It would continue a short distance north and then divert to the north of Priory Farm such that it serves the southern half of the Phase Two development. It would connect with the access from the new roundabout running through Phase One to meet about half way along Robey’s Lane. The existing section of Robey’s Lane between the two link points would become a

Page 23 pedestrian/cycle way. North of this the existing Robey’s Lane would remain in order to provide access to Alvecote and the north.

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3.5 In preparing the application, the applicant has undertaken a range of community consultations. There have been three joint presentations to Members of both Councils. The two central issues raised were traffic impacts and infrastructure provision. Additionally the applicants have undertaken two public consultations- one in Polesworth and the second in Tamworth. The main issues raised were the matter of principle; traffic impacts, infrastructure provision, the impact on the Meaningful Gap between Tamworth, Polesworth and Dordon, the mix of housing, schools and recreational facilities.

3.6 There is an outstanding outline planning application 0254/2017 for up to 500 dwellings with associated infrastructure lodged with the both North Warwickshire Borough Council and the Tamworth Borough Council, on the Phase One land. Access is proposed from the B5000 incorporating the same roundabout access as described above.

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3.7 The application is supported by the following documents:

 Planning Statement  Environmental Assessment which includes Policy Context, Transport and Access, Noise and Vibration, Ecology, Air Quality, Cultural Heritage, Landscape and Visual, Water Environment, Geology and Contamination, Geology and Contamination and Socio-Economic and Cumulative Impacts.  Indicative Masterplan  Parameters drawings  Design and Access Statement  Affordable Housing Statement  Open Space Statement  Site Waste Management Plan  Sustainability Statement; and  Draft S106 Head of Terms.

3.8 The plans and all associated documents are available on the Council’s website by visiting the planning application search page at www.tamworth.gov.uk (viewed by entering the application number).

3.9 Members are also invited to discuss the application further with either Andrew Collinson (the Planning Case Officer) outside of the Committee meeting, if there are specific issues of detail on which you require further clarification.

4. Consultation

4.1 Following receipt of the planning application, the Council, as Local Planning Authority has undertaken extensive consultation, including with statutory and non-statutory consultees. A notice has been published in the Tamworth Herald and a number of site notices have also been erected adjacent to the site. In addition individual notification letters have been sent to residential properties near to the site.

5. Summary of Key Issues to be considered in the Determination of the Application:

5.1 Planning Policy and Principle of the site;

5.2 Highways Issues;

5.3 Housing, Education and Open space and sports provision.


The Planning Committee are recommended to note the item for information and raise any relevant planning issues on which they require further clarification and which are requested to be addressed in the subsequent report to Planning Committee when this application is formally considered.

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Application Ref: 0020/2019

Development: Application for the development of land to the north of Coton Lane, Tamworth to provide 163 dwellings (including the provision of affordable housing and public open space)

Location: Coton House Farm, Coton Lane, Tamworth

1. Purpose of Report

1.1. To advise members that a major planning application has been submitted relating to the development of a site to provide 163 dwellings, which will be a cross-boundary application involving Lichfield District Council.

1.2. The purpose of this ‘Issues Paper’ is to highlight to members that a major application has been submitted to the Council (not yet registered due to missing information required for validation) and to explain the process that is to be followed in terms of consultation and publicity. In addition, the paper will highlight what officers consider to be the key planning issues which will need to be considered when the full report comes before the Committee for their determination. It also allows an opportunity for the Committee to raise key planning issues that either they wish to be expanded upon, or added to in the full report at the decision making stage. This report is therefore a precursor to the main report, which will be presented at the end of the planning application process - it is not a report for debate or decision making, but rather an opportunity to raise queries or issues to guide officers.

2. Site and Location

2.1. This application seeks planning permission for residential development, 163 dwellings, with associated public open space and access on land to the north of Coton Lane. The majority of the site is situated in Tamworth Borough Council jurisdiction, however a small part of the site is in Lichfield District Council, hence it is a cross-boundary application.

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2.2. In total, the site comprises 4.7ha of mainly arable agricultural land, sited to the north of Coton Lane. The site incorporates agricultural fields, and is located on greenfield and brownfield land. There are several buildings in residential and commercial use on a former farm. The site is roughly rectangular in shape.

2.3. The site has high heritage value; despite the removal of a small number of field boundaries, the wider landscape retains its overall historic planned character. The site is located nearby to a Grade II listed bridge and Conservation Area.

2.4. There is a public right of way at the eastern edge of the site, which would need to be retained.

2.5. The site is located within Flood Zones 2 and 3, partially defended. The nearby sewage works means an Odour Assessment would be necessary.

3. Background to proposals

3.1. The planning application is a result of pre-application advice, 0406/17. During the pre-application advice process, changes were made continuously to the scheme. These changes progressed the scheme towards one which would be considered more acceptable to the Local Planning Authority. However, this scheme has not yet been assessed by the Planning Department and therefore will be subject to change.

3.2. The planning application seeks planning permission for residential development of 163 dwellings, with associated public open space and vehicular access. The vehicular access is proposed off Coton Lane to the south of the site. A single point of access is proposed.

3.3. The site is an allocated site in the adopted Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031 under policy HG1 site 387. The principle of a residential development in this location has therefore already been established as acceptable. The policy consideration states the following about the site:

Page 28 The site is located on greenfield and brownfield land and contains agricultural land and several buildings in residential and commercial use on a former farm. The site is located in the medium quality Riparian Alluvial Lowlands in the Trent Valley Washlands landscape character type. The site has high heritage value. Despite the removal of a small number of field boundaries, the wider landscape retains its overall historic planned character. Small scale conservation development is encouraged and Biodiversity Action Plan priority landscape features should be maintained or created. The site is located nearby to a Grade II listed bridge and Hopwas Conservation Area. Previous evaluation of the area by the Environment Agency has recovered evidence close to the site for late prehistoric activity and also for a series of large undated ditches, one prehistoric ditch, a large burnt mound thought to date to the Bronze Age and Iron Age/Roman cropmarks north of the site. Highway access could be made from Coton Lane (with consideration for improved pedestrian, cycle and bus links). Any development proposal should include: - Flood Risk Assessment and contribution to flood defences (site in Flood Zones 2 and 3, partially defended) - Odour Assessment (near sewage works) - Protected Species Survey (potential Water Voles and Otters) - Retention of public right of way at edge of site.

3.4. The application is accompanied by a layout plan which shows how the dwellings are laid out across the development. The plan shows the housing mix, which sets out that the scheme will be split into no.6 one bed (4%), no.69 two bed (42%), no.65 three bed (40%), no.23 four and five bed (14%). The scheme will be broadly two storey. Again, this scheme has not yet been assessed by the Planning Department and therefore these numbers may be subject to change.

3.5. The application is supported by the following documents:

 Transport Assessment and Travel Plan  Planning, Design and Access Statement  Flood Risk Assessment  Drainage Strategy Page 29  Heritage Impact Assessment  Ecology and Bat Survey  Landscape Strategy  Phase 1 Site Appraisal

3.6. The plans and all associated documents will be available on the Council’s website by visiting the planning application search page, at www.tamworth.gov.uk (viewed by entering the application number 0020/2019).

3.7. Members are also invited to discuss the application further with either Katie Johnson (the Planning Case Officer) or Andrew Collinson (Senior Planning Officer) outside of the Committee meeting, if there are specific issues of detail on which you require further clarification.

4. Consultation

4.1. Following receipt of the planning application, the Council, as Local Planning Authority will undertake extensive consultation, including with statutory and non-statutory consultees. A notice will be published in the Tamworth Herald and a number of site notices will also be erected adjacent to the site. In addition, individual notification letters will be sent to residential properties near to the site. As part of the application site is within Lichfield District Council’s jurisdiction, they will also be consulted with regards to this application. There are no neighbouring properties in Lichfield District Council who will be consulted, due to the distance of the proposal from the nearest properties.

5. Summary of Key Issues to be considered in the Determination of the Application:

5.1. Planning Policy and Principle of the site;

5.2. Highways Issues;

5.3. Design and density.


The Planning Committee are recommended to note the item for information and raise any relevant planning issues on which they require further clarification and which are requested to be addressed in the subsequent report to Planning Committee when this application is formally considered.

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