FRS 347320 FINAL REPORT FOR GRANT NAG5-3938 SUBMITTED TO: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Planetary Astronomy Program TITLE: Beginning Research with the 1.8-meter Spacewatch Telescope ORGANIZATION: The University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory PERIOD OF GRANT: 1996 Dec. 1 - 2000 Nov. 30 PERIOD REPORTED ON: 1996 Dec. I - 2001 Feb. 9 2._o[ PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Tom Gehrels Date Professor Lunar and Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona Kuiper Space Sciences Building 1629 East University Boulevard Tucson, AZ 85721-0092 Phone: 520/621-6970 FAX: 520/621-1940 Email:
[email protected] BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE: Ms. Lynn A. Lane Senior Business Manager Lunar and Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona Kuiper Space Sciences Building 1629 East University Boulevard Tucson, AZ 85721-0092 Phone: 520/621-6966 FAX: 520/621-4933 Email:
[email protected] c:_w_nnsaknag53938.fnl Participating Professionals (all at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory): Terrence H. Bressi (B. S., Astron. & Physics) Engineer Anne S. Descour (M. S., Computer Science) Senior Systems Programmer Tom Gehrels (Ph. D., Astronomy) Professor, observer, and PI Robert Jedicke (Ph.D., Physics) Principal Research Specialist Jeffrey A. Larsen (Ph. D., Astronomy) Principal Research Specialist and observer Robert S. McMiUan (Ph.D., Astronomy) Associate Research Scientist & observer Joseph L. Montani (M. S., Astronomy) Senior Research Specialist and observer Marcus L. Perry (B. A., Astronomy) (Chief) Staff Engineer James V. Scotti (B. S., Astronomy) Senior Research Specialist and observer PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of this grant was to bring the Spacewatch 1.8-m telescope to operational status for research on asteroids and comets.