The Senate of Pakistan Senate of Pakistan Debates
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THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Wednesday, September 29, 2010 (64 th Session) Volume VIII No. 08 (Nos. 01-10) CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran …………………. 1 2. Questions and Answers.…….……………………. 2-58 3. Leave of Absence…………………………………. 59-60 4. Condonation of delay and Presentation of Reports.. 61 5. Further discussion on the prevailing Law and Order situation in the country ……………………. 62 6. Point of Order raised by Senator Haji Mohammad Adeel regarding distribution of forms concerning Poverty Alleviation Scheme…………………….... 63-75 7. Winding up speech by Senator A. Rehman Malik, Minister for Interior, on law and order situation in the country………………………………………... 76-88 8. Motion moved by Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar to discuss the prevailing state of the country’s economy in the wake of the devastating floods in Pakistan……………………………………… 89 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Volume VIII SP. VIII (08)/2010 No.08 130 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad, at thirty eight minutes past four in the evening with Mr. Chairman (Mr. Farooq Hamid Naek ) in the Chair. ---------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran ◌ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ) ' +*) ( ) '& %! $#"! ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ 7 ٗ ۡٓ *1,/ 3,4 ) 2 01/ -.-, ۡ ۡ ۡ >;#: *! ۡ E >21 ? /' /ۡ ۡ ٗ ۡ ٗ = ' ۡ 89 ۡ G EF D 2 @0A ? D ( ۡ * H. ۡ $ ۡ E 7 * ۡ E ۡ7 ۡ ۡ MJ K#;M N,1 ?* ۡ ۡ ۡ 8I? +J D KK1 ) K D ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ*? 2- H#1 +? !$ O @0A ? 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Afia Zia. Any one on her behalf? Yes, Dr. Abdul Malik. Question No. 9. 9. *Senator Afia Zia : Will the Minister for Special Initiatives be pelased to state: (a) the number of water filtration plants installed in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the financial year 2008-09; and (b) number of plants to be installed in that province during the financial year 2010-11? Mr. Lal Muhammad Khan : (a) Forty three (43) water filtration plants were installed in the province of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa during the financial year 2008-09. (b) Installation of (749) water filtration plants were expected in the province of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa during the financial year 2010-11, subject to availability of funds. Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary? Yes, Hafiz Rashid Ahmed. h P ~ P P ¼ bv P h ¹ ~ <MM<4D B <=>E <?J <4<=GG D <YJ º J<5L@<?p O G:G » <nG p VG <M7 V 7v <45 D | } : 68 ?<G V L<¸ M_ <p VG GV ¼ ¼ P 9 ¥<=G¤w qs <= t M<½Ufiltration plant <=qB < G ~ P ¼ P n{7 v M <pT <I 78 : P G pVG bv <M7 V7v P P ¼ P 9 P ¼ P P P <=t <KJ d ? ! P G pVG bv <M7 V7v :( M??<IQ ¿ J¦v <<=t ?55L@<IM@7:G : À )KMP _ <6 <¾<M7 V 7v P 9 9 d W qO ~ nMGVs <M e b 8 J<btGG <= <7g <J< t <?J <l? n=>E Meb 8 J<Âbt C <= ` <MM<= D < 7g P P 9 h ~ P ` a£¿ ¹ V nKJwE <ML<5w¤ <?J <I <= <j?<J<b t G : 68 ?<G V L<¸ M_ <p VG G 2 P 9 P P P ¼ v P <Ypà <G <l?<4ÄD JGq` <=>E <MV7D < fresh question <4<4G D B =>E <MV u <M<K? f : P G pVG b <M7 V7v P P P P 9 d 9 bd v nMeVVd <MGGs <M ` <?J <G <kLM<=7 D ` <?J g J q g p7 VG 9 9 h ~ P :`9 ¤w Æ P ¼ bv P ¹ V <n5GG <Mj?<=GGD <ÅLM V : <J<t <= t j?<5 i?<4G D<{ 7 7v ! G pVG <M7 V7v : 68 ?<G V L<¸ M_ <p VG G P 9 P ~ Ew 9 t P d d nGGV M<=b_t J<SwEG V ¦ <= ` <KJJ 7 t º <kLM } <lM<=b D `E <K?<\=> < G <AG Vc <4@L<4GGD D 9 9 9 P P P n=>E <S<?J7 7vt` <J <J <j?nKJb wE <MGGD j?<d M } <= ` <ÅLM V : < G : KM_ <6 <¾<M7 V 7v Mr. Chairman : O.k. Thank you. Next Question No. 128. Mr. Talha Mahmood. 128. *Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood : Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the profit earned or loss sustained by Pakistan Utility Stores Corporation during the last two years with year-wise break up? Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani : The profit earned by the Utility Stores Corporation (USC) during the year 2007-08 and 2008-09 is as under:— 2007-08 2087.540 million 2008-09 452.050 million Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary? Yes Mr. Talha Mahmood. P P P 9 ~ 9 P ~ <MMGD V 7: <=t <KJ d ?<4B <=> E <4<Z@<\=>G D E <¯[<?5<{ 7: 7d <G <l? ! M7 V7v <:iJ£ <4Ê r <6 <p VG GV U <?JwE <profit <Mf <452.050 <G <2008-9<P |GV <?JwE <profit <Mf <2087.540 million <G <2007-8<4B <=>E h P ~ ~ ~ P 9 P P Gt aWV:¤ 9 ` G a : a¢Gt <J` < LJbt LMf <LLJ} <IG J<L@?<G tGw <MJw¤ 7 v @<MGG V` <^ <l?<n=>E <M V s <S<=b_ 1600 million <ÌM7VG: [Ít <4B <I 9 9 h À ` ¤ ¹ P P Ï u <zM} <G <l?<m L<^ <subsidy <M<GDG w <=t 5<pM<ÐM`w ¤ rVO <5<M ` tsubsidy <4<=>G D E <^M7_ <Åi<subsidy < bg 9 ¥G¤w <=t 5 ` P h ~ 8 ¼ v P n{7 v M <pT <I<n457 G D |} : P G pVG b <M7 V7v 3 h P ¼ P P ¼ bv P 9º 9 P 9 ~ ~ !< G pVG <M7 V7v < \4G D 5 |} :( L?@?GVb: <@<{¢q <=t ?5<{7: | Ò 6 <5L@G : )^Ï ?Li<?<ÑG: j?< pB ?i P ¤ ` ~ P v P <=>E < profit <J7v < G < 2007-08nG w <5<iMb: GV7D <^ < 452 <L@?< 2087 <Z @<=>E <MGVs <M Ô 5<J<b: ` figures <7 <ÌM VGÓGt 9 P h d x 9 9 x PGtP ` <\I <Iw LM7_ <Åi<5<b:subsidy 7 items <ÑÀ @<l?<Med <MG V ` <profit <=t <m<{w7 7v <4B <=> E <4<G D LJ<^bt <l? P P 9 9P 9 9 d d u ` 9 <G <=t ML<l?<4 B J 7v <I < G <urban areas <i?Ct <ZiMGD L<L@?<I <m<i? C t <^ <utility stores <ÑÀ @<l? 9 9 P 9 ~ d 5700 <=` <KMVD` Mb <kLJbt <L@?<MGG VDÔ s <M M 57: <G <2008-9<J` <i?Ct <l?< C 7 t <= `<l?<nI <Ñ7 G: [À <= ` 1500 ¼ ¼ 9 9 ¼ ¼ 9 9 s ` d s ` d d <ÑÀ @<l?<n<=q <= q <m MQ <G <KJt M Gd i< 3800 <ÌM7VG: [Ít <4<L@<?=G D q <= q <mM<I Q7 <G <KJMt Gd i< centers P P P P d ~ P d U 9 <IaG_b <Yp<\Åi<à G <5<b:subsidy 7 items <=t <{q£ LJ<sP |GV <IL<ÂMxw 7t ÕO <= ` <I?<J< N t sale <ÅLM 6wx 9 <5b: < loss <J<47vB < G¤w <= t ?< G <KJM t Gd i<kLM 6 x w < 1800 centers = <<G 3800 centers <nÅi<5 b: PPP d PP du d P P PPx <=`E <I7Ê7 <L@?=> <MVG: i<I7 <4?5<MG D ` V b : ?<= tc <KJ d ?<\= L<I 7 <GG LS<= q`tU <= <{7 <K?<= <m w <K?L@i<l?<n ¤w P P 9 P d u 9 9 P ¹ 9 d 9 <G <m<J<Z@<\Itxw L<L?[À 5<J<7: t sale <= <4@<^<I7_`aW <4< D subsidy <4B <=>E <pM<J<\w ¤ rtG¤w <= t J<Iw E 7 <M?5?7 _ v P P P ¼ d d ~ P d ¼ P 9 P ¼ u 9 <G <I 7 <subsidy <=t <{q£ LJ<\=s q s <j?<GG <IN ?<P LS<RM6d <4ÄD JG q` <I a s <J<m< wE profit ratio <4V 7Ö ?<^ ÏJwE ~ ¹ P u <sectors <kpy @i<5` <Mf <= < main profit <4<n=>G D E <ML<j?<[w¤ ×t <m< profit <4G D <J` <j?<=b <47 _ @<l?<\Åi P nMGGVs <M V ` <5b v < G h ¼ P n{7v M <Å ªO <I 78 : P G pVG bv <M7 V7v Senator Col.