THE SENATE OF DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Wednesday, September 29, 2010 (64 th Session) Volume VIII No. 08 (Nos. 01-10)

CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran …………………. 1 2. Questions and Answers.…….……………………. 2-58 3. Leave of Absence…………………………………. 59-60 4. Condonation of delay and Presentation of Reports.. 61 5. Further discussion on the prevailing Law and Order situation in the country ……………………. 62 6. Point of Order raised by Senator Haji Mohammad Adeel regarding distribution of forms concerning Poverty Alleviation Scheme…………………….... 63-75 7. Winding up speech by Senator A. Rehman Malik, Minister for Interior, on law and order situation in the country………………………………………... 76-88 8. Motion moved by Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar to discuss the prevailing state of the country’s economy in the wake of the devastating floods in Pakistan……………………………………… 89

Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad.

Volume VIII SP. VIII (08)/2010 No.08 130

SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 The met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad, at thirty eight minutes past four in the evening with Mr. Chairman (Mr. Farooq Hamid Naek ) in the Chair. ------Recitation from the Holy Quran              ◌


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 ۡ WA ?* ؕZ ۡ    < ۡ   ۡ  Y--  ۡ  ۡ M   ۡ  G E\ D ([ P P P h 9 a: d 9 gN ` N P E <4 CF ?@ E E E E

1 Questions and Answers av 8 ª7t P nmG 5U ?<‹ P H £ 5U ?<‡?E <ˆ?J™ <4<=GG D  E Meb 8 J<Âbt C <= `

2 ‘ P 9 P P P ¼ v P E E <‹ G ƒ E

Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary? Yes Mr. Talha Mahmood. P P P 9 ~ 9 ‘ P ›  › ~ ‘  E <4G D E <¯[E h P ~ ~ ~ P 9 P P Gt aWV:‘¤ 9 ` aG : a¢Gt E G D E <^M7_ <Åi

3 h P ¼ P P ‘ ¼ bv P 9º 9 › P 9 ~ ~ !< ‹G  p”VG <‰M7 V7v < \4G D 5 |} :( L?@?ŒGVb: <@<{¢q <=t ?5<{7: | Ò 6 <5L@G : )^Ï ?Li<‡?<ÑG: j?< p”B ?i P ‘ ‘¤ ` ~ P v P <=>E < profit E E <4<‹G D LJ<^bt E G D E E <4<‰MG D 7 D ! ‹G p”VG <‰M7 V7v : ^ ?Li<‡?<ÑG: j? E ‘ D

4 P u  9 ¼ <5b: E <ÂWC wB 7vE <^J<Ï wE quality maintain<ÅLM6wx <= <‹ G‘¤w @<‹ G ‘ ¤ w <= t j?< results P P 9 P 9 ~ P d x B E <ˆ?JE E <Å5 ` b E E E ~ P ¼ P n{7 v Mœ E E P P P P  9 ‘› œ

5 P ~ h P P P ¼ P  V‘} U ‘ B Ï P u ‘ D~ as u 9 : Will the Minister for Food and Agriculture be pleased to state. (a) the names and location of agricultural research councils presently functioning in the country indicating also the funds allocated to each council during 2008-09; and (b) the research work carried out by those councils during the last three years? Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal: (a) Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) is the apex body working at Federal Level in Agriculture Research. The detail of funds allocated during 2008-2009 are as under:— (Rs. in million) ————————————————————————————— Sr. No. Object Funds allocated during 2008-09 ————————————————————————————— 1. Current Expenditure 1079.254 2. PSDP Expenditure 950.883 3. ALP Expenditure 90.517 ————————————————————————————— Total Rs. 2120.654

6 —————————————————————————————

(b) Research work carried out by PARC during the last three years is placed at annexure-I.



9 10 11





Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary? Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi : Thank you very much Mr. Chairman! The reply given here is very comprehensive and it has eight pages but I would like to ask the honourable Minister as to what is the actual on the ground increase

16 in the per acre yield of our main cash crops; cotton, wheat, rice, main fruits mangoes, oranges, bananas which are grown all over the country. What is the actual per acre yield increase after spending so much money and carrying out so much research as claimed by the Honourable Minister? Thank you. Mr. Chairman : Yes Minister Sahib . Please. ~ 9 P P ¼ P PP› P P w E E <ˆ?J ™ E E <{qg <^ E <5| } E <‹GGG‘ƒ qE M<^M<‹b__Ï7 ‘  <=Š W`D M ÓO <= <4ÄGD [?<\=ž>› q E M<^M<‹ b__ Ï 7 ‘  <= WŠD MÓO <=` <‹PG‘_b <\=ž> q E M<^Jt E <5|GD ?E <{ Li <^JE <{ Li<‰M<4n=>7DG E <^JGGGDDD MŒ?<‹<= DG q Mb _D_ E LE L<5 ` o J` qE M E E E y E

17 P ¼ ¼ P ¼ P P ¼ ‘Tt P ‘ ‘ ‘Tt u Ùҍ ‘ D 9 7 E <129 E E <ÂC <= 

18 Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi : Thank you sir, I would like to ask the Honourable Minister that what steps are being taken to stop the day light robbery that is carried out by these pharmaceutical industries in Pakistan. What steps he is contemplating to ensure that the medicines, especially the life saving medicines, are in the reach of the poor segments of the society; the lower classes, the middle classes and the poor because presently the prices are sky rocketing and they are beyond the reach of the ill and the suffering people of Pakistan. Mr. Chairman : Yes Minister Sahib . Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din (Minister for Health): Sir, I don’t agree with this statement that the multinationals are robbers and they are robbing us and they are pitiless people. No sir, I don’t agree to that. When this country came into existence sir, these were multinational who brought this culture, they brought expertise, technical know how, so we gained a lot from the multinationals also. Now, sir, it will be of great interest to honourable Senator that there will be a drastic decrease in prices as far as the multinational companies are concerned. Why this decrease? Because they are no longer competitive. Why are they not competitive? Because we have not given them the prices that they want. That is the basic reason sir. Now, since 2001 we totally put a freeze on increase in prices and where there is increase, we are seeing that there has been no across the board increase sir. We do it on case to case basis. So, these multinationals, in these 2 years have gone down and in these 2 years 60 local companies have come up. The best way to keep these multinationals into a sort of discipline is to encourage the local industry and make them

19 competitive. So, I do not think they are robbing and doing something like that. h ›  8 ¼ v P n{7 v Mœ E <4ÓGt [ E <4<‰MG D 7 D : iJ£ <4 Ê rŒ6 <

G D E <‹GGG GGDE <^ ?@i<^ <=Ÿ t @LE L<5<`control <“[• E <‹G ƒ <4<4GG DB <=> E <4E P E 9 ~ ¼ 9 P ¼ P P <=t J<¯J<=wE U ` G DE E <‹G <‰MBG‘¤w E L<4 ƒ u E <¯[<‹– G‘

20 P ~ P P x 9 9 ¼ ~ d9£ GaF 9 P <=`tE w E E E < suggestion E <4G D <‹GG E E <4G D 7 E <‹GG <‰M E E E E <4<‰M<ÅpGGD D y @i E <4<4 D7 _ @<Å5<=7:  <{7  E E <‹G <‰M7D P P P P x ~ ‘ ~ › ~ ‘  95% of the <4B <=>E E <^Ï JwE < transfer pricing <‹G‘ E w D E ` E < raw material J7v <4B <=>E 9 9d~ 9 d ~ J<\‹tGG‘¤w <=t J

21 ~ ~ ¼ P n{7 v Mœ E E <4G D E <^ <‰M7D E E <1986-87 <4G D : Œ68 ?<ŒG V  LJv E

22 edible items of poor quality with less weight at the utility stores in the country and the action taken by the Government in this regard? Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani: (a) A total of nine complaints have been received with regard to quality and less weight of the edible items being sold at Utility Stores during the month of Ramzan. (b) Necessary inquiries into the complaints have been ordered and disciplinary action as laid down in the Rules will be taken against the officers / officials responsible for those shortcomings. Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary? P h v ~ ¼ ~ P ~  b E w E E L<@LE G D G D E E L<= U E P ~ ~ ~ uP u 8 ‘ P a WV: nJE B E <4<‰MG D 7 D ! ‹G p”VG <‰M7 V7v : ^ ?Li<‡?<ÑG: j?E tE

23 P 9 P 9 Ï P 6ٍ <=t 5E E <^ M7_ <Åi E 9 P n=>E E <ˆ?J™ < Mf < quality < AD <^J<‹w E G  <Œ Ó t E LE E h ¼ P P 9 ~ 9 P <‰J<‹WO G‘ E E L P 9 P 9 ¦˜t › ÙD 9 ~ ~ <‹E <ˆ?J™ <= <{7 v Mœ <5L@ E LE <^ 5` < pack E < industry <^J` <^ <‰j?

24 P ¿ P 8 ‘ ‘ ƒd d ag ‘ ¤ x‘¤ P x P <4E <ØG <4<\‹G D w <=> E L<5<` sale E LE E <ØG E B E <4<‰MG D 7 D : ^ ?Li<‡?<ÑG: j? <^ Ï JwE <‰@S  9 P ¼ Ï  a ` ‘ x 9 <=t ?Jq7: E <4<‰M<ÅpG D 7D y @iE E < store E <= t ?L

25 P P P P 9 ‘~ ‘  P P 9 › ~ ‘  t E <ˆM Ê LJ º 9 9 P d 9 P P d P ~ P ~ P 9 <{7 <=c <‰?ŒM <{q¢ <5? E ~ ~ P n‹Li<=GG: <‡?<\‹Li<= :  <ŒV7: <‹<=G‘  Med s U P 7v w E P h ¼ 9 9 u h N P P <’bg <‹GGGG‘‘‘_ <=À` S<=X E <‹ G D E <‹GG Ec`ÀE <<= X E E

26 9 P d x W qO ~ t <[cb < E` E b :t QE E h ¹ 8 ¼ v P n{7v Mœ <ŒG V  L<¸M„ _ bD t E <4ÒV E <ÅL@p<4<\ME E E î 9 P P ‘P ‘ ë ˜×£ 9 U ~ ~ 9 <=>E ™ t Eq` <ŒGV‚ @ PP9 9 P 9 P ‘ 9U 9 U P U a¢Gt <E E E h ¼ ¹ P 9 P Ï ªF ` ó ‚ ¼ P P 9 › <{¢Gt py G D E <^Meu E <5 M7 M <‹ ‘  9 P P 9 ‘¤| ‘ ƒ d ªF `PPª` 9 ` U n‹GGw <=q}

27 Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din : All the machines in laboratories of Federal government Polyclinic and Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad are presently in order and are carrying out laboratory tests. .Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary? P ¼ P n{7v Mœ <Œw ¤ ?LE L E <‹G <‰?57 v E <‰?57v <Åp”VG E E L<5< ` routine tests <=q: Ÿ ? E <‹G ƒ <‰?57 v 9 ¹ 9 P 9 E B E E <‹G <‰?57 v

28 ¼ P n‹G: 5` <ˆ?J™ <‰j?b : ‹P G‘ p”VG bv <‰M7 V7v 9 ~ P ‘¤w u : ` P ‘V ¥‹G <=q E

29 Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din : (a) The duty hours of senior & junior doctors nearly in all Federal Government hospitals are as under:— Senior doctors 8.00 am to 2.00 pm (Remain on call round the clock) Junior doctors 8.00 am to 2.00 pm (Remain on 24 hours duty on rotation basis) (b) Approximately, a doctor examines 50 to 55 patients daily in respective OPD, in all Federal Government Hospitals except Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi. Where this ratio exceeds 100 patients in its all OPDs. Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary? h P P 9 P 8 ‘ P ‘Ž ~ ‘  E E PP9 ¼ 9 P ~ ~ P ~P‘D ‘ D9› 9 9 ~ P ‘ D t E

30 9 9 9 ‘ ÙGD ~ P ~ P ‘ <=>E t E b : b E E E E MV|} E <‹6 <4 E P ‘ ‘ P ¼ v P <‹G < gynaecology and children ward <‹G <ˆMGVv E E

31 P h P P P 9 P ‘TO ‘ ¤ ~~ íu9 P d ~ ‘V d <\=>E <‰?5<‹7 v G <‹ Gw <=> E L<4ƒu E E t E <^` < information provide <¸WX E <ˆ?J™ E <‹G <5i E L<5` E P ~ P 9 ~ Ï t d ‘ ‘ d ~ P E L

32 P d ~ P 9 9¼ 9 P <5` <‹G‘ƒ E E L Mr. Chairman : Thank you Zahid Sahib, yes Minister Sahib. U 9 ¹ 9 P h P Cabinet E <ÐM<=7 t D ` <¯M@<<=> Ž E E

33 (a) the acreage of barren land in the country with province-wise break up; and (b) the steps taken / being taken by the Government to bring the said land under cultivation? Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal: (a) The total acreage of the barren/culturable waste land in country is reported as 8.20 million hectares. The province wise breakup is as under:— Punjab 1.56 million hectare Sindh 1.42 million hectare KPK 1.24 million hectare Balochistan 3.98 million hectare Total 8.20 million hectare (a) Ministry of Food and Agriculture launched a project for procurement of 300 bulldozers (200 for Balochistan and 100 for KPK) to bring 219,375 hectares of culturable waste land under cultivation. But due to financial constraints, the project could not be materialized. Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary, Talha Sahib? P P 9 P ‘P d P ‘ D ›  › ~ ‘  E E <4<ˆ?JG D ™ <=  E <‹G ƒ <{ M<5f G:L<\=>E <Å5<5b:7 g7 <‹G  L<5 |GD ?<8.2 million <4B <=>E E <4<<4G D — v E E E E

34 P ¼ P n{7 v Mœ <5G: L@B E <ÂWC E E E <^ E <ˆMG V v E <4G D E E E <<^JE

35 ¼ P n{7 v Mœ E <^J<‰?5w E 7 v P 9 u n‹G‘ƒd <4<=>B E E <^ j?<’7g <‰M7 D <^ E wE E L<<’bv JE E P x P P P M b_ Mr. Chairman : Thank you, Hasil Bizinjo Sahib. P P P ‘¤ 9 ` v dP P P ~ ‘  <E L<5` <‰M7D < ^ < project À EW E <4E

36 P PPP ‘¤ ‘ VG‘`ªF ` ‘ ¤ 9 ` <4B <‹Gw <‹ G L<^E L<5<‰M<^ E <ˆ?JE E <ÂWC E <‹G ƒ E E <‹G‘ <ˆMVv E <‹G‘ƒ

37 The appointment of Officers/Officials is placed at Annexure-I and II. The information in respect of attached Departments, Corporations and Subordinates Offices is being collected from concerned quarter and will be supplied shortly. (b) All the appointments in main Ministry were made after fulfillment of codal formalities with the approval of Competent Authority as per policy of Establishment Division.

(c) Provincial quota is being observed strictly in all appointments in this Ministry.




41 Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary? P P › d › ~  <\KJ£ÙÊ < 4Óg < n=>E < S<  ‹G‘ƒ < ‰?J7 7 v < ?LJb t < I78 < \I 78 : zŒ<ŒGD X 6  y G D E <‰?J 7 7v E <4 E E <4G D <‰?J7 7v <Å5v j? ¼ aU ¼ P n{7 v Mœ E <4<‹ D G U E <E` E <4 — v M<‰M fÊ 7 7 b < E E E E G D E E L<4 ƒu <=ž  B <4<G D E <^<= Wƒ Ÿ<= << Amendment

42 P ~ P ¼ a: ~ ‘ƒd as E <‰M77 Êb E E E <4—v E <4—v E E <4G D < submission <Åp G ”» ! ‰M7 V7v : ÅLMÊ7d <‹G T Db:` sE <‹ b : G D E <4<‰M<ÅiMG D 7DG V ‘7D < it is forgery. t E E E M<=>b _Vf E q E M E E M

43 P P ¼ P x 9 9 P 9 9 ~ ~ E <4 ÒV fҍ b tGG DÒ E <4 V  E 9 ~ P P 9 ~ 9 a‘7D d 9 <= E Mb_ E E <4 Et btE s E E L<5<5i E <4<‰M<ÅG 7 D py @i ! ‰M7 V7v 9 ¼ ¹ P ‘D ~ P E BE <47  <‹GG <= E <=  E À w ¤ E

44 ~ P ¼ P n{7 v Mœ B E <4<‰MG D 7D ! ‰M7 V7v : ^ ?Li<‡?<ÑG: j?p”B ?i ~ P P ¼ 9 ``”T ‘9 d E ‘ƒd h Ï ‘‘  ¤w tt <= <“[9 <‹G t E E <ˆ?J ™W qE ME LE L<5<` question <=t J<=wE qc i ` w E <‰?J<7 7 v printed E L E <‹ ƒ d E <ˆ?J™ q E M E <ˆ?J ™ s E GGDG D E E 7 v E MGG Vs E

45 ¼ P d ~ P ‘B F ( ( =t M7Ê7 has taken /being taken several steps to stabilize the prices of essential food items in the country, detail is given as under:— • To stabilize the prices for relief of a common man, Ramazan package was arranged to supply the various food items to the consumers on cheaper rates through Utility Stores Corporation (USC). • A considerable provision of wheat quantity arranged for flour mills on subsidized rates. • Currently ban is imposed on export of wheat to ensure supply to the common man on affordable price. • Allowed import of raw and refined sugar in private sector as well as TCP to check escalation of sugar price. • Free movement of agriculture commodities including wheat has been allowed across Provincial Frontiers. A credit line was set up for private sector for building of storage and commodity procurement. • Support price of wheat for 2008-09 crop was raised from Rs.625 to Rs.950 per 40 Kg which has resulted in record crop, easing the supply position of wheat in the country.

46 • As far as control over prices is concerned, it is the responsibility of the Provinces to have a check / watch over the prices situation through District Coordination Officers / City District Governments and Price Control Committees. • All Provincial Governments were asked to make necessary arrangements to control the hoarding of food grains by the private agencies /traders. The Provinces in response took action against hoarding of wheat/ food grains through their respective law enforcing agencies. Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary question? P ‘ P › › ~  <4GGVU M<4<=>_ BE <4< D supplementary < ?pG ”» < ‹G  < l? ! ‰M7 V7v : iJ£ <4ʝr Œ6

E G D E <‹G‘ƒ E <5| } tq ME <5|}  E t E E <‹ G‘ ƒ ¼ 7 ¼ P d P 9 P P <‹<ߌG‘ V E <^JE E L<= U E <^ Ï j?<‰LJL<^bt ` <25000 metric tons h ¼ P 9 ~ s ‘d ‘ d a ` <4B <=>E <5|} E E <9.5 plus <ÌM7VG: [ Ít

47 h P ¼ h x d E L<5E L<5 E L<5 ` ¼ 9 9 ~ ¼ P P ~ £GaF t 9 B E < W C qE MG D EE <¸WX L P P ~ P Ew ~ d9 £ GaF 9 n‹GGG‘GV Mt E E < situation <4G D <{ 7 7v : iJ£ <4ʝr Œ6

t E E L<5<`panic create G D UG DE E LE L<ß57: <ÑG: L<=  ¼ P E G D GD › E D E <E <‹G‘ƒ <5JG: 7g <<^J

48 P 99 9 x ÙGD ‘ ~ P PP› P P <=t E < price Rs.950/- per mound ¼ P P ~ 9 n=W <4 D ` E < D E <^J<^ÏwE ` ¼ aU ¹ ¼ P n=q‘ ž ŠÊG <5` <ˆ?J™ <=  <Ō Ò7_ ! {7 v Mœ <¸M„ _ B E <4<‰Mw¤t E <^ME E <4@ E P ¼ P EU <= <= ?J<=v ` <<<{M7 v œ E <‹G‘ƒ < W Ct <=  <’7g E E E E B E

49 P 9 P h P ~ u 9 › ~  E <‰M7 7Êb B E E <4G D E <‹GG‘ƒ <¯[<^J<‹– Ï ` ‘  E E

50 (b) the procedure adopted for the said appointments; and (c) whether the provincial quota was observed in the said appointments, if not, its reasons? Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swat i: (a) Details enclosed in respect of: 1. Main Ministry (MoST) 2. Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR) 3. Pakistan Council of Research & Water Resources (PCRWR) 4. Pakistan Council of Renewable Energies Technology (PCRET) 5. Pakistan Council of Science & Technology (PCST)/Pakistan Technology Board (PTB) 6. National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) 7. Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) 8. National Institute of Electronics (NIE) 9. Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) 10. STEDEC Technology Commercialization Corporation of Pakistan 11. Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) 12. Council for Works & Housing Research (CWHR) 13. Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB) 14. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) 15. National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) (b) Yes (c) Yes

51 (Annexures have been placed on the Table of the House as well as

Library). Mr. Chairman : Any supplementary question? Yes, Haji Adeel sahib. ¼ ~ P a‘D P 9 ¼ P › ~  <‹G‘¤w <=t J<=wE c ž7 <{M7 v œ <5L@<’MG: d } E L<5G D s E E <4E <5|} E E

Mr. Chairman : The statement of the Minister stands expunged. P 9 9 ¹ P P ` P ‘ P P P ó‚ › ~ ‘  <ˆ@Œ7VO <Ñ7 : M 7_7 E

∗ (XXXX words expunged by the orders of Mr. Chairman.)

52 P ¼ ~ P 9 ¼ u d P uP u d u ~ O 9 <\‹GG‘¤Dw E E E E <‹G ƒ D E E E ÜqE ME <Åi< ruling =Wƒ Ÿ E E <E < b t G D q Mb_D_V E <{Gq£w ?<^ <E <Å5<5E E

53 142. *Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmed : Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the names, nationality and occupation of the foreigners who were issued Pakistani visas illegally / in violation of the prescribed procedure or policy by the Pakistan Consulate in UAE during the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 indicating also the purpose for which visa was issued in each case; (b) the action taken against the officials found involved in the said illegal act; and (c) whether the security agencies in the country conducted any inquiry or investigation to look into the activities of the said foreigners? Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi : (a) Pakistan Mission in Dubai has issued a total of 17928 visas during the period 2008 - 2010. As per instructions, the Mission always follows the prescribed procedure for the issuance of visas to foreigners. However, the Mission has been instructed to check the complete record for the last three years. (b) No incident has been reported, therefore, no action has been taken against anyone. (c) Ministry of Interior will be in knowledge of any inquiry or investigation conducted against any foreigner. Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary? P h h P P 9 ~ ‘P ‘  ¼ bv P ‘Ž ~ ‘  E

54 P h P ~ P 9 ‘ ‘Ž ‘V 4 4 BE E <4G D <ˆ?J™ E E <4<ˆ?JG D ™ E foreigners who were issued Pakistani visas illegally, in violation of 9 P ¹ 9 in <4B GD › E E 7 GGt <<5?<4?Js Ö v D E

55 P 9 9 ¼ ¼ P ‘ : › ‘Ž PPÏP Ï ‘ d <<5t q E M<{Mb_7v œ `s E Ï ` E < American <^Ï J` <\=>E < Indian <^Ï J ` ¼ P 9 ‘D9 ‘ 6 wx P n‹GG MVœ7: <{7 v M <5L@<‹GG: 7DG D E <^ Jw E E <^<5` <‰ME <<4<ˆ?JG D ™ <<4 B B E ` 7v E E <^ JwE E <‰M7 D

56 issued. They are within the legal ambit. If anybody applies for visa from anywhere, Ministry of Interior is authority. We examine whether the person is blacklisted or he is involved in any anti- terrorist activity or his/her arrival could be detrimental to the country and why visa is not issued. As far as the issue which is being referred from UAE, any visa which is issued, proper form is filled, duly recommendation is seen, where the person is going to stay and is he or she involved in anything? There is nothing of this sort. I would like to categorically declare with full responsibility that no illegal visa has been issued. But if any body has got the proof that any illegal visa is issued, please do let me know what the illegality is? If the person has entered without visa then let me know from where we take action. But if you have your Counsel General, if you have your Ambassador and if you have given the power, you have got to believe them. You have got to trust them because they are the bureaucrats of the country. Thank you. Mr Chairman : Next question Prof. Khurshid Ahmed. 12. Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmed: Will the Minister for Food and Agriculture be pleased to state: (a) the amount allocated for relief and rehabilitation of flood affectees in the country out of the current fiscal budget of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and its percentage of the total budget of the Ministry;

(b) the amount received by the Ministry from the Government and other national and international sources for the said purpose;

57 (c) the schemes / projects launched or proposed to be launched by the Ministry for the said purpose indicating also the amount allocated for each scheme / project; and (d) the details of the advertisements issued by the Ministry to print and electronic media in connection with flood situation in the country indicating also the amount spent on each advertisement? Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal : (a) No. (b) No. (c) No. (d) No. 13. Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmed : Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state: (a) the amount allocated for relief and rehabilitation of flood affectees in the country out of the current fiscal budget of the Ministry of Health and its percentage of the total budget of the Ministry; (b) the amount received by the Ministry from the Government and other national and international sources for the said purpose; (c) the schemes /projects launched or proposed to be launched by the Ministry for the said purpose indicating also the amount allocated for each scheme / project; and (d) the details of the advertisements issued by the Ministry to print and electronic media in connection with flood situation in the country indicating also the amount spent on each advertisement?

58 Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din : (a) No amount has been earmarked for relief and rehabilitation of flood affectees out of current year budet allocation of the Ministry of Health as the allocated budget of the Ministry is for specific purpose and only to meet the normal business of MoH. (b) No amount has been received by the Ministry of Health from the Government and other national and international sources for the said purpose. (c) No scheme/project has been launched/approved nor any proposed by the Ministry of Health for relief and rehabilitation of flood affactees. (d) No advertisements were released to electronic media. However, combined messages regarding preventive and control of Malaria, Diarrhea, Cholera, Hygienic environment, Measles and Polio diseases etc. were conveyed through print media. The expenditure of advertisement was incurred against current year budget allocation for the National Programmes as it is an approved activity of their PC-Is. Leave of Absence Mr. Chairman : Thank you. Now, we come to Item No.3. Leave applications. 9 9 P P h 9 9 P 9 a P P `9 O ÏP Ï P P › P <4G VU M_ < E <^ <{  ?J v Li<<^ <{ ¦ v L<=  E <^ <{  ?J v Li<^ <{ ¦ L<= 

59 ¼ ¹ P 9 P ( ( Ias <^` E <^ <{  ?J v Li<^ <{ ¦ v L<=  ¼ ¹ P 9 P ( ( Ias <^` E <^ <{  ?J v Li ¼ ¹ P 9 P ( ( Ias <^` E <^ <{  ?J v Li <^ ¼ ¹ P 9 P ( ( Ias <^` E <^ <{ ?Jv Li<^ <{ ¦ v L ¼ ¹ P 9 P ( ( Ias <^` E <^ ¼ ¹ P 9 P ( ( Ias <^` E <^ <{  ?J v Li<^ <{ ¦ v L<= q`

60 9   P P ` 9 O Ï P P P ¼ v P < E <^ <{ ?Jv Li<^ <{ ¦ v L ¼ ¹ P 9 P ( ( Ias <^`

61 Mr. Chairman : The motion is adopted. Senator Mashhadi, please move item No.4. Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi : Sir, I beg to present report of the Committee on the Privilege Motions moved by Senator Muhammad Enver Baig (now retired) on his behalf and on behalf of Senators Zafar Iqbal Chaudhary, Mrs. Rehana Yahya Baloch, Mst. Fauzia Fakhar-uz-Zaman, Senator Haroon Khan and Tariq Azim Khan respectively regarding casting reflections on the Members and using derogatory remarks against them by the Chairman Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB). Mr. Chairman : Report stands presented. Mashhadi Sahib, please move Item No.5 , on behalf of Senator Saleem Saifullah Khan. Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi : On behalf of the Chairman, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, I present report of the Committee about the meeting with H.E. Muhammad Karim Khalili, Second Vice-President of Afghanistan and his delegation held on 6th August, 2010 to discuss bilateral relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Further Discussion on the Motion under Rule 194 Pertaining to Law and Order Situation in the Country. Mr. Chairman : The report stands presented. We may now take up Item No. 6, regarding further discussion on the following motion moved by Senator Tariq Azim Khan on 27 th September, 2010. “This House may discuss the prevailing law and order situation in the country.”

62 P 9 P 9 P : 9 P P › ~ ‘  E <‹G‘ E L E E B E <^< ` Gq§ <“[<ÅLJ<= • b t t <‹E `GD E <^J<<‹w E G E E E L<5<{`g 7 <‹ ‘

63 ¼ PPP9 P h P P P ~ a£ªF P 9O 9 a O <4Ê M}T G D E t Eñ` E E L<ˆŒ<‰¾M7D _X_ qE M<^5E <ûV7v <^<{GGq‚ J B E E E <^J E <^J E <^J<Ð?@<^MwE V G‘6 ? 9 9 ¼ h P P P P d 9  9 ‘D ‘ 9 O : ~ aU v G D E ҍ G D <‹J<^<{G ¤w t q £G LMb D h P ‘U P 9 PP ‘  9  d 9 <4 V  ?LÜDwEG `b E <4ÒV dP ¼ d ¼ d E <ØG <ÞSr ?<ÅLM7Vv ?<5? E G: Eq <^?@<= J c <‹ G j?<^ <{7  <4G D t E <ØG <‰LJL<^b t <‰?LM7Vv?<5s ? Et E E L<5b E E E L

64 9 d d Ö 7a`‘ 7 a `P 7 aaa ``` 7 7 Ï <‰j?<[b cb E <^JE <^Ï M7_ <¯L< target killing <ÑÀ @E <^Ï JwE < meeting ` w D E E <^MÏ E E <^Jw < violence <\M VG‘Ö P ~ ¹ P h P 9 E LE <‰?57g <\=> E <‰J|Ö MV <\=> E <‹ G‘ƒ ¼ G P P P P ( ( Åi<^Ï MV E b E E <^5<5[ `:G Í t E E <‹GG E <4ÒV <ÅiM V ‘ 7D w ¤ E E F E

65 ~ P h ` 9 ó P a‘D ~ ‘6wx P ~ U <^ <‰ME <¯M[D×v E <4 ÒV <ÅiMG V ‘ 7DE Ls E E L<4E <^M<^JE E <4G D t E E <‰L@p<^ à <‰M F <^J<‹Ïw E ‘  E <‹ P | 6 <“S œ ? q E M<^M<^b __ Ï`7 E EE <4G D <^J<^MwE TG t 5<=b:  <‰MD E DE

66 ¼ 9 9 UÏñO ¼ O 9 ¼ P `` P d <^J£` <^J <4\=>G DE <4 ÒV E <4V G DD E <‹ G ƒ E E <4ÒV t E <‹G E E <‰L@p<^à ` <= t 5 `take up E E <‰M7D<^ <E s EU E <4CF ?@E 7 7v B E E LGGE <^JE E <¯[– <4G D <‹G  <‰M C F ?@<<@i

67 PPPPPP P dP ~P ~ O 9 9 d 9 PPPt`QDE <‹GGG‘ƒ E E ¼ 9 P ‘¤9 ‘  9 u 9 ‘6w x 9 <\‹Gw <‰¾M_ E E E ` t E E <^ M7 _ <ÅiG D b s E _ <4M Ò  Cf O E <ÅL@p7 E M VV6 s` `P E B E <^JE < Mw¤ L P ¼ 9 P U P P <=t 7 b E E LE LE t E s E E <ÅL@p<{à 7d E

68 P P P P ‘ƒd h ÙD ` P 9 P q„ t <\=>E EW` E L<’|GGD i<47 Ê M<fw E E E E E LE <^ j?< report E E L t E <^J<‹Ï w E ‘  E < MG V ` < Y?p”ç ?< M fD < ‰M7 < l?< I 7 ¼ 9 9 P P ¹ P 9 x <4B E LE E <‰L@p<^à <‹ ‘ ƒ P P h ‘eu 9 P ¼ v P n‹G L<ˆMGVv

69 h h P P P ‘ 9 P ‘ ¼ bv P 8 h ‘ ~ ‘  E E G D» E tEt <‹GGGG‘O‘ƒ¤ <‹?<\‹Pw <= J<Œ ™|V‘ D<^E <‹GGG‘ƒd t E <‹ ‘O‘ ƒ d <‹?<\=>P E <‹ ƒ d t E <‹G‘ƒd <‹?<\=>P O E <‹ G‘ƒdE <‰M<^7 D E E E EE <4 E b ~ P 8 h 9 9 a‘7D d 9 9 E E q L<= q 5E E E

70 P P PP 9 ~‘|P U ~ P ‘~ 9 ‘ O <4Ò_ ?i<5G: L@<‰M7V7v <’d M } <=` <‰i? 7 E <4—v EcE <5 g E EcE 9 9 P d x ¼ P E E ` tE E E Eq <¾?@<=> LG D E <‹Œ?<\=>D E P ¼ h 9 9 9 ‘ƒd 9 ªGt Ï 9 P ‘ V˜t q § gd P <‰?<47 B <‹G <‰M`G D E E < permit P h P P 9 •~P •› 9 ‘  ~ <\=>E EE G D E <Åi Et E E E <‹ G E E

71 ¼ PP a: a : ‘¤ tPP ‘9 ‘ ¤ 9 – ¿ fE <’M E E E E 9 P 9 ‘ P ag¿ Ï ¼ 9 P ~ <‹G  E <^J<ŒME <4ÒV <“S<7 XIw w¤ E <‹ G ƒ `tEq` G D f7 E D qE Mb _D€ E E E E tt`E <^j?<4 E Eq E <‹G ƒ <4ÓGt [ E <^M7 _ E <4@E E

72 P P ¼ U 9P |VU 9 ‘ d ~ P ¼ : d Ï <=žq <= ` `ҍ E E <ÅL@p<Ãstocktaking 9 n=>E E E <^M<^M<=ž7 _½U q`t <= <= Mb Ê7 ` E <‹G ƒ E <‰L@pà <^ <= q ž: i<47_ JE w E <^ iJ 7 vO J<^ <‰LM e 7 d <= UE <= ?J v <^ iJ 7 vO J <^ ¼ 9 ¼ h P P h 9 ‘Ä_ ‘ } P O 9 E P › B q E M<^J<ÑM q M<^J<4b _ wE G D h P 9 ‘ ‘ d n45G D |} <{ 7d

73 h P ¼ P P 9 `P P 9 ` 9 9 vÏ`a‘D 9 „ <^ E <ŒV7: M E E E <ÅL@p<{ à v MœD @<^ <‰ME P ¼ 9 9 P <5L<4G: ÒVO E <{ g7 <5L<‹G: G  E E <^<{g 7 <5<=b : W V `EE E E <4ÒV G D E <^ <Œj?L  i <4ÒV q Mq M<4b G tw E E <= <4 Ò _ ?i<‰L?L@< C <ÅLM7 _ <{g <5 b : ¼ 9 P P P h ‘:t ‘|d PU 9 P ‘ h d 9 g N Eq` bDE <‹GG <‰L@p<^J<^à ` <{ q £ LME <‹G <^ t E <<Ñ@ E E E <‰L@pà <^ <Œj?LiE <ûV7v E EcEc qE Mb_ <4E <“Jb ™ <4 D MÓ£ ?<4 D <\o?Jv <^ <‹ ?<‹GG <‰LJ º <^ <ûV7v <‹ <ˆMGVv 7 D EE <“b J™ <4D ?57 : Œ 

74 P P 9 P 8 d ‘Ý 9 F ‘ Ý s aO <=W6 q E ME <‰MbsEE <‰M<ÅiM7 D}V E E <ûV7v E <ûV7v <^` E <‰M E <4<“JG D b ™ P P P d ‘¤` 9 9 ‘ ¤ P  8 P u q` M E E <‹ G <‹ G E <‹6 E <‹ 6 MD <=žqU E <‰M7 D P h 9 9 a`98 U 9 a ` ‘¤9 P P 9 ‘ ¤ <4G D <=>E E G D B E Et L E <‰J  ( )E 9 ¼ ¼ h h P 9 `P d ` t œx `™ ` 8 P ‘ ¤ 9 E E <^M<^7_

75 ~ P aU 9 9 ‘ P P <‹<{G‘q£G LME L<ˆ?i<‰@M f L<‹ G ¤ BDVE E E E E <ˆMG V v

76 ¼ 9 h : P P d d u 9 O P P v 9 9 h <\MÜ <=žq M V O <4D E L<4 ƒ u <Ñ@EcE <5g <=Š <\=> <5 |} w ` E b D E <5g <=Š c E <5g <=Š c <\5<“JE <4G D <‰M7D ! ‰M7 V7v E <^<‰M E L5` E 9 ‘ x d P ‘ ‘ n‹G ¤w <=t j?

77 9 they use their own system and they work <‹G‘¤w <^J<Ï wE intelligence agencies P ‘ 9 v ªGt‘ ª ` P N P <‹G E ` `7 E ` E E <^M<ÅiJ7_c E <^M<^?5<=ž 7_ ` <ûV7v <4 B <‹G iDE E w EE ` <4CG‘} q Mb_D EEt E q Mw™ E E <^Mj?<5<Ï 7 _ b:enforcement agencies P O 3Ds policy announced by the <=q M<=} ` <‰j?<\Mb GGG VVVs

78 P ¼ ¼ ¼ 9 ‘ d Ï ‘ ` <‰j? q E M q E Mq M M<=b _ 9PPP 9 P <\‹G‘¤w vE <ˆS<4_ ÒB 6 E do not believe in Islam themselves. So, what is the option? The d d ‘ ›P Ù_ v <4G D b E E E E qE M. Sir, basically there are number of factors. I will touch every province for a few minutes. P P P ¼ O P ‘ƒd 9 ‘  P E <‹ ƒ E E E h P U P <^`

E E E <^J<=žÏ wE ñt Li<= ` <E <20 million <ÅiMD j? ¼ P 7 Ï ‘ƒd 8 h <^ JwE < political polarization <ŒC7t <=` E G D E MVEw ME bÏP : E

79 P 9 íd O ‘ƒd d d u ‘ ¤ Let us be very frank, let E L P ~ P P u x Yes, E L<5E 78 Et Et E ME <‰M7D <¸ WX P P 9 P ¼ h ~ ‘ƒd d d ‘  ‘¤ d Ï P G‘D P <‹GG q E ME E s t E <‹G‘ƒ qE Mb_ E <‹G <‰L@pà <ÑÀ @

80 P E E E monetary E E DD_eE E I give full declaration here that since three months we have started, we are not sparing anybody from PPP, MQM, ANP whoever has been found involved and as I speak to you, I have 29 cases against them. I have not made it public. We are interrogating and based on their interrogation, we are continuing our struggle. Now target killing, this has also come as a fashion, anywhere anything happens, it’s a target killing 9 ¹ 9 P 7d 9› d ~ ~ ‘P ¼ 9 9¦˜t ` 9 ‘  G‘ E E <‹ G‘ w G 9 9 9 9 VVb:h x ‘ b: ~ 9 Wt 9 W t P G E ¼ P d E <^Ï JwE E E L<= E E

81 P <ÅpG ”» q ME <4<‰MG D 7D ! ¾?@<‰M7 V7v P dh d P <5<=` U qE M q E M q E M< b_DfM 5 ` E E E E <‹ ‘ ƒ <‰M<^J E E` E <^ Ï M 7_ 7 9 b 9 Ï x ‘P v 9 d P d b: w¤ E <^JE <^M E <= W e Ÿ <4E E <ÅiM7D j?<^ <DE Eq` <=O M} <= <‰j? E : O E <ÅLM Ü controlling the situation. Let’s give a tribute to them, they are

82 working hard. Let’s encourage them; they deserve a good pat from P ‘ <’bv <‹G 7D w E <^J<^Ji<= wE t q e 9 9 yes the situation was worst, from \‹G‘¤w < =t j?< Y[• < ^` < KMP V bv JW7D < ‰?7 P ¼ P 9 ‘ Ï E <^J wE improvement E I denied that in the House, I denied every where. It’s not true, we ¼ ‘ ~ <=` <‰Mp<4SÏ ` E < no go area <‹ E <= E M _ E 160 i?ŒCt <^ <E E <‹G‘ E E E GGGD `E

83 P ~ Sahib <5` < under E <4E E <{ g M  ¼ P 9 ª` › ‘ ‘ d ` ‘Ö =>E E E < role <{ 7d s E <^M e u P P P d P î U 9 d d E L<5<` suffer E <^ JwE b E 9 P d P PPac7d 7d ¼ 9 9 9 life <‹G‘ < main land <^<‰j?<“j?<\=` b 7 ct <=ž i<5<Œ` V7: <=Š qgG <ˆJ|} <=Ÿ qt <=Ÿ : ?<= E L<5<Ø[` G ðt <‹ <Œ V ` ¾M<\‰?J  ™

84 9 P P P ‘D P ‘ : P  <‹G E <^j?< official report E E t E <‰Jc7 <4t E <^5E <^M<^b f < FIR E <4CF ?@Mf <qE M

85 P h <^Ï ?pG ”} < an enquiry within the House I will be very happy to do it. 9 P 9 ¼¼ P P P 9a v s ‘~ 9 9 ‘ ¤ ‘ ƒ d b E ~ 9 d ‘b_ 9 9 P ‘ ‘ ~ d 9 <=>E Ü EEE L<‹?<4B <= <‡?<=> <ŒGVO ?< <‹?<‹G  <4 V : J<“j?b E <‹G <‰M< E 9 9 P d 9 9 9 E <‹G

E LE L 9 P P Ïu~ ~ P ‘¤ Ï` : : <^Jc <5E L E <^5< ` deserve E 9P 9 ¼ P ‘h 9 t9 ‘ P 9 E PP9 9 P P x‘P N x ‘ P |VU t 9 P < E ¼ ~ P ¼ P ‘ ` d P 9 ‘d 9 PP a` P | U h › <‹G  GGD E E E <^` < request <4C„ i<{ 7d <=t <‹GGG‘ <\‹ ‘ w¤ M<5?<

86 P P P P P › P ‘_ E a: ‘ Yes Et q ME E L<5b E E