Bison (BIS) Camelid (Camelid) Cattle (BOV)

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Bison (BIS) Camelid (Camelid) Cattle (BOV) Bison (BIS) Camelid (Camelid) American bison X AE Alpaca (Lama pacos) AL Bison bison BIS Llama (Lama glama) LL Plains Bison PB Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius) DC Wood Bison WB Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) BC Cattle (BOV) Aberdeen Angus AN Beefmaster cattle breed BM Abondance AB Belarus Red cattle breed VB Africander AF Belgian Blue cattle breed BB Alberes EE Belgian Red cattle breed BRC Alentejana AJ Belgian Red Pied cattle CP Allmogekor AO Belgian White and Red cattle breed DX American Bucking Bull MB Belmont Adaptaur cattle breed BT American White Park AWP Belmont Red cattle breed RQ Amerifax AM Belted Galloway cattle breed BG Amrit Mahal zebu AH Bengali cattle breed IG Anatolian Black AQ Berrendas cattle breed EB Andalusian Black AD Bhagnari cattle breed BHA Andalusian Blond AI Black Angus cattle breed BAN Andalusian Gray AV Black Maximizer BX Angeln AG Black Welsh cattle breed WB Angus Plus AP Blacksided Trondheim and Norland cattle breed TR Ankina AK Blanco Orejinegro cattle breed OJ Ankole AL Blonde d’Aquitaine BD Ankole-Watusi AW Bonsmara cattle breed NS Argentine Criollo AC Boran cattle breed ON Asturian Mountain AT Bordelais OR Aubrac AU Bos grunniens GX Aulie-Ata cattle breed AA Bos taurus indicus ZX Australian Braford X zebu ZA Bos taurus X Bison bison hybrid cattle breed BE Australian Friesian Sahiwal X zebu AS Braford X zebu cattle breed BO Australian Lowline cattle breed LO Brahma cattle breed BR Australian Milking Zebu X zebu AZ Brahmanstein ZH Ayrshire AY Brahmental BHM Bachaur BC Brahmousin X zebu cattle breed BI Baladicattle BAL Bralers X zebu cattle breed BL Baltana Romaneasca BH Brangus cattle breed BN Barka zebu BZ Braunvieh cattle breed BU Barzona BA Brindle BRI Bazadais BY British White cattle breed BW Bearnais BK Brockle Face BRF Beef breed - not specified ZB Brown Swiss (beef) SB Beef friesian BF Brown Swiss cattle breed BS Beef shorthorn BES Brown Welsh cattle breed WBR Beefmaker BV Bubalus bubalus XU 1 Buelingo cattle breed BQ Danish Red cattle breed RD Busa cattle breed BUS Danish Red Pied cattle breed DP Cachena cattle breed CE Deoni cattle breed DQ Canadian cattle breed LK Devon cattle breed DE Canadienne CN Dexter cattle breed DR Canary Island cattle breed CY Dhanni cattle breed DH Canchim X zebu cattle breed CK Dolafe cattle breed DO Carinthian Blond cattle breed CO Droughtmaster X zebu cattle breed DZ Cattalo cattle breed CT Dutch Belted cattle breed DL Cattle - breed not on list OT Dutch Friesian cattle breed DF Cattle - breed not specified/unknown US East Anatolian Red cattle breed EA Cattle - breed not specified/unknown XK Enderby Island cattle breed EI Caucasian cattle breed CD English Longhorn cattle breed EL Channi cattle breed CI Eringer ER Charbray X zebu cattle breed CB Estonian Red cattle breed ES Charford X zebu cattle breed CJ European Red Dairy RE Charolais cattle breed CH Evolene cattle breed EV Char-Swiss CS Fighting Bull cattle breed FB Chiangus cattle breed CG Finnish Ayrshire cattle breed FI Chianina cattle breed CA Fjall cattle breed FJ Chiford cattle breed CF Fleckvieh FL Chimaine CM Flemish cattle breed FA Chinampo cattle breed CHC Florida Cracker cattle breed FC Chinese Black-and-white CW Fribourg FR Cholistani cattle breed CL Galician Blond cattle breed GB Corriente cattle breed MC Galloway cattle breed GA Costeno con Cuernos cattle breed CC Gaolao cattle breed GL Criollo cattle breed CR Gascon cattle breed GS Crossbred - black BLA Gayal cattle breed GC Crossbred - black and white BLW Gelbray X zebu cattle breed GE Crossbred - black-white face BWF Gelbveih cattle breed GV Crossbred - red RED German Angus cattle breed GG Crossbred - red-white face RW German Fleck-Vieh cattle breed GF Crossbred - roan (blue or red) ROA German Red Pied cattle breed GP Crossbred - white WI Gir cattle breed GY Crossbred Beef XB Glan cattle breed GN Crossbred cattle - type not specified XX Gloucester cattle breed GO Crossbred Dairy XD Grauvieh cattle breed GI Crossbred Twinner XT Greek Shorthorn cattle breed GH Cumberland CU Greek Steppe cattle breed GT Dairy breed - not specified DY Groningen Whiteheaded cattle breed GR Dairy Synthetic cattle breed DD Guernsey cattle breed GU Dajal cattle breed DC Gujarati cattle breed GJ Damascus cattle breed DK Guzerat cattle breed GZ Damietta cattle breed DM Hallikar cattle breed HK Dangi cattle breed DG Hariana cattle breed HI Danish Black and White DB Harton cattle breed HR Danish Jersey cattle breed DJ Hays converter cattle breed HC 2 Hereford cattle superbreed HB Mandalong Special ML Herens cattle breed HE Marchigiana cattle breed MR Hinterwald cattle breed HT Maremmana cattle breed ME Holando-argentino HA Masai cattle breed MAS Holstein - red and white WW Mashona cattle breed MH Holstein-Friesian cattle breed HO Maure cattle breed MAU Horned Hereford HH Mazandarani cattle breed MZ Horro cattle breed HQ Meusse-Rhine-Ijssel cattle breed MI Hungarian Gray cattle breed HG Mewati cattle breed MW Hybrid (Alberta) HY Milking Devon cattle breed MK Ibage X zebu cattle breed IZ Milking Shorthorn cattle breed MS Illawarra cattle breed IS Mirandesa cattle breed MN Indo-Brazilian cattle breed IB Modicana cattle breed MJ Irish Moiled cattle breed IM Mongolian cattle breed MY Israeli Holstein cattle breed IH Montbeliard cattle breed MO Israeli Red cattle breed IR Morucha cattle breed MQ Istoben cattle breed IT Murboden cattle breed MUR Jamaica Black X zebu cattle breed JZ Murrah MU Jamaica Hope X zebu cattle breed JH Murray Gray cattle breed MG Jamaica Red X zebu cattle breed JR Nagori cattle breed NA Jaulan cattle breed JU Nanyang cattle breed NY Jersey cattle breed JE Ndama cattle breed ND Kangayam cattle breed KG Nellore cattle breed NE Kankrej cattle breed KK Nguni cattle breed NG Karan Fries X zebu cattle breed KF Nimari cattle breed NI Karan Swiss X zebu cattle breed KS Normandie cattle breed NM Kazakh cattle breed KZ Norwegian Red cattle breed NR Kerry cattle breed KY Ongole cattle breed OG Kherigarh cattle breed KH Orma Boran cattle breed OB Khillari cattle breed KL Oropa cattle breed OO Kholmogory cattle breed KM Ovambo cattle breed OV Kilis cattle breed KI Ox OX Krishna Valley cattle breed KR Parthenais cattle breed (organism PA Kurdi cattle breed KD Philippine Native cattle breed PN Kuri cattle breed KU Pie Rouge de lEst cattle breed PR Latvian Brown cattle breed LB Piedmontese cattle breed PI Limousin cattle breed LM Pinzgauer cattle breed PZ Limpurger cattle breed LP Polish Red cattle breed PL Lincoln red cattle breed LR Polled Hereford HP Lineback cattle breed LD Polled Jersey cattle breed PJ Lithuanian Red cattle breed LT Polled Lincoln Red cattle breed PX Lohani cattle breed LI Polled Shorthorn (US) cattle breed SP Longhorn cattle breed LH Polled Simmental cattle breed PS Lourdais cattle breed LA Ponwar cattle breed PW Luing cattle breed LU Qinchuan cattle breed QC Madagascar Zebu cattle breed MD Ranger X zebu cattle breed RA Maine Anjou cattle breed MA Rath cattle breed RC Malvi cattle breed MV Rathi cattle breed RH 3 Ratien Gray cattle breed RT Simmental cattle breed SM Red Angus cattle breed AR Siri zebu cattle breed ZS Red Brahman RR Slovenian Cika cattle breed (organims) SK Red Brangus X zebu cattle breed RB South Devon cattle breed DS Red Flemish cattle breed WF South Poll OP Red Friesian cattle breed RF Sussex cattle breed SX Red Galloway cattle breed RG Swedish Friesian cattle breed SF Red Poll cattle breed RP Swedish Red Polled cattle breed SQ Red Polled Ostland cattle breed RL Swedish Red-and-white cattle breed SR Red Sindhi cattle breed RSI Tabapua cattle breed TB Red Steppe cattle breed RST Tarentaise cattle breed TA Reggiana cattle breed RJ Taurindicus TN Retinta cattle breed RI Telemark cattle breed TE Rojhan cattle breed RK Texas Longhorn cattle breed TL Romagnola cattle breed RN Texon cattle breed TX Romosinuano cattle breed RS Tharparkar cattle breed TH Rotbunte RO Tswana cattle breed TW Russian Black Pied cattle breed RU Tuli cattle breed TI RX3 cattle breed RX Turkish Gray Steppe cattle breed TS Sahiwal cattle breed SW Ukrainian Gray cattle breed UG Salers cattle breed SA Ukrainian Whiteheaded cattle breed UW Salorn cattle breed SL Umblachery cattle breed UM San Martinero cattle breed ST Ural Black Pied cattle breed UP Sanhe cattle breed SN Vestland Fjord cattle breed VF Santa Cruz X zebu cattle breed SC Vestland Red Polled cattle breed VP Santa Gertudis cattle breed SG Vosges cattle breed VG Sarabi cattle breed SAR Wagyu cattle breed KB Scottish Highland cattle breed SH White Caceres cattle breed (organism) WC Senepol cattle breed SE White Galloway cattle breed WG Sharabi cattle breed SY White Park cattle breed WP Shaver Beef Blend SV Xinjiang Brown cattle breed XJ Shetland cattle breed SZ Yanbian cattle breed YB Shorthorn cattle breed SS Zebu (unspecified) ZE Siboney X zebu cattle breed SO Simbrah cattle breed SI 4 Cervidae (DEER) Axis deer - Axis axis AX Muntjac - Muntiacus spp. MJ Barasingha - Rucervus duvaucelii BA Pampas deer - Ozotoceros bezoarticus PA Black tailed deer - Odocoileus hemionus spp BT Pere david's deer - Elaphurus davidianus PE Brocket deer - Mazama spp. BR Pudu - Pudu spp. PU Caribou -Rangifer tarandus CA Red deer - Cervus elaphus RD Cervid hybrid MC Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus RND Deer - species not on list OT Roe deer (European) - Capreolus capreolus RO Deer - species not specified/unknown NS Sambar deer - Rusa spp. SA Dybowski SIKA deer - Cervus nippon subspecies DY Sika deer - Cervus nippon SD Elk ELK Thorold's deer - Cervus albirostris TH Fallow deer - Dama dama FD Tufted deer -Elaphodus cephalophus TF Hog deer - Hyelaphus porcinus HG Water deer (Chinese) - Hydropotes inermis WD Maral deer - Cervus maral ML White-tailed deer - Odocoileus virginianus WT Marsh deer -Blastocerus dichotomus MS N.A.
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