scanpartner Trondheim 0366 Photo: Jørn Adde, Spot, CathrineScanpix Adde, Dillner Hagen, Getty images, Jørn 0366 Photo: Trondheim Enova SF is owned by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, and was established to take the initiative to and to promote an environmentally friendly restructuring of the use and genera- tion of energy in Norway. The goal is to make it easier for households, businesses, industry, public enterprises and organizations to choose simple, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. All publications prepared by Enova are available at under publications. For further information about publications, please contact Enova’s help line, tel.: 08049
[email protected] Enovareport 2007:4 ISBN 978-82-92502-25-9 ISSN 1503-4534 Enova SF Abels gate 5 NO-7030 Trondheim 21017 Enova’s Results and Activities Report for 2006 06 Enova’s Results and Activities Report for 2006 Contents Transforming Norway’s energy system 3 Summary 5 1 Results and activities 8 1.1 Goals, objectives and means 8 1.2 Energy results 8 1.3 Project lifetimes 10 1.4 Implementation time for projects 12 1.5 Reduction in CO2-emissions as a result of Enova’s projects 13 1.6 Funding and application of the Energy Fund 16 1.7 Funding and the allocation of funds – other activities 19 2 Results and activities related to the Energy Fund 23 2.1 Wind power 23 2.2 Renewable heat energy and biofuel processing 25 2.3 The use of energy in the built environment 29 2.4 Industry 31 2.5 Focus on the municipalities 33 2.6 New technology 35 2.7 Households 37 2.8 Communication 38 2.9 Training activities conducted by Enova 41 2.10 Co-operation and counselling 42 3 Other results and activities 45 3.1 Natural gas 45 3.2 The management of Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) 45 3.3 The subsidy scheme for households 47 3.4 The management of Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE) 47 4 Glossary 48 2 Enova’s Results and Activities Report for 2006 Transforming Norway’s energy system it is important to concentrate on renewable heating solu- tions.