CO 52.03 Hallas.Cs
Still from Decodings (dir. Michael Wallin, US, 1988) AIDS and Gay Cinephilia Roger Hallas In Positiv, the opening short film in Mike Hoolboom’s six-part compilation film Panic Bodies (Canada, 1998), the viewer is faced with a veritable excess of the visual. The screen is divided into four equal parts, suggesting both a wall of video monitors and also Warhol’s famed simultaneous projections. Hoolboom, a Toronto-based experimental filmmaker who has been HIV posi- tive since 1988, appears in the top right-hand frame as a talking head, tightly framed and speaking directly to the camera. At once poignant and wry, his monologue explores the corporeal experi- ence of living with AIDS: “The yeast in my mouth is so bad it turns all my favorite foods, even chocolate-chocolate-chip ice cream, into a dull metallic taste like licking a crowbar. I know then that my body, my real body, is somewhere else: bungee jumping into mine shafts stuffed with chocolate wafers and whipped cream and blueberry pie and just having a good time. You know?” Each of the other three frames is filled with a montage of images from contemporary Hollywood films, B-movies, vintage porn, home movies, ephemeral films, as well as Hoolboom’s own experimen- tal films. These multiple frames feed the viewer a plethora of diverse visual sensations. They include disintegrating and morphing Copyright © 2003 by Camera Obscura Camera Obscura 52, Volume 18, Number 1 Published by Duke University Press 85 86 • Camera Obscura bodies (from The Hunger [dir. Tony Scott, UK, 1983], Terminator 2 [dir.
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