9-27-2017 Volume 113 Issue 5 Southwestern Oklahoma State University Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.swosu.edu/the_southwestern Recommended Citation Southwestern Oklahoma State University, "Volume 113 Issue 5" (2017). The Southwestern. 876. https://dc.swosu.edu/the_southwestern/876 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at SWOSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Southwestern by an authorized administrator of SWOSU Digital Commons. An ADA compliant document is available upon request. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. The Southwestern 707501 Nonprofit Organization 100 Campus Drive U.S. POSTAGE PAID Weatherford, OK 73096 Weatherford, OK 73096 Volume 113 Issue 5 Permit No. 57 Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s Student Publication Est. 1904 outhwestern The S September 27, 2017 Grafitti removed Parent’s Day this Saturday Parent’s Day will take place on the Weatherford campus Saturday, Sept. 30, and there are several events for people to participate in throughout the day. --page 2 Among the scheduled activities during the day are a pancake breakfast, Dawgmart craft show, tailgating featur- Pergola, grill ing live music and free food, academic departmental open houses and tours, and SWOSU football. In addition, students will have the opportunity to win three $1,000 scholarships that will be given away. The scholarships are made possible by 45 participating businesses. Stu- dents or family members can register for the scholarship drawing from 9 --page 2 a.m. until 5 p.m. at participating busi- Wings Over Weatherford - Bombers, Biplanes & More - 9 a.m.