Discovering Asia Discovering Asia Exhibition Catalogue 1st May to 31st July 2015 Royal Geographical Society of S.A. Mortlock Wing, State Library of S.A., North Terrace Adelaide S.A. Tuesday to Friday 10am to 1pm 1 Discovering Asia Royal Geographical Society of South Australia Inc. Email:
[email protected] Phone: 61 8 82077266 Web site: Many books catalogued at:,au/screens/opacmenu.html Society Postal address: Cover: Chinese Ming dynasty emperor Wan-li on a richly outfitted horse towers over his ministers. PO Box 3661, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Street address: Gold Coin Donation Mortlock Wing, Catalogue $5 State Library of South Australia 2 North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia Discovering Asia The Discovery of Asia - through 27B.C. - 395A.D. the Romans ruled a vast united empire. The west knew that there lay, many months journey eastwards by caravan route across the mountains and deserts of Central Asia, a land where the Silk People lived, but they did not know that the Silk People inhabited an empire as large and civilized as their own. ‘PEUTINGER TABLE'. Maps of routes for specific purposes — military or trade — were produced by the Romans, and this example is a 19th century print of a map dating back to the first century, revised, corrected and added to for the next 900 years. It has no overall orientation and no consistent scale, resembling in this the 'strip maps' issued for specific journeys by the Royal Automobile Association. The Roman map with the Society circa AD374, known as the Peutinger Table, depicts 'China' in the last plate, with a made up coastline.