APPENDIX D: Site Allocations Consultation List of Shortlisted Sites

Norfolk County Council's Response to Shortlisted Sites Consultation Location Proposal and approximate No Site Reference Parish Hectares Comments potential housing numbers SM LB HER South of Station Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) ACL2 Acle between Reedham Rd 2.25 Allocation for Light Industry, Offices and 1 and New Reedham rd Residential (Approx. 20 dwellings) Multi period finds N N Y Land opposite Station Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) ACL3 Acle Road; North if the 0.94 Allocation ffor Employment use 2 Railway line Multi period finds N N A Mill Farm; North of Residential (Approx 150 dwellings) and Acle 1 Acle 5.49 3 Road associated recreational open space Cropmarks N N Y Employment land to the west of existing Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) ALD1 6.06 operation (Bernard Allocation for Industrial use 4 Matthews) Multi period finds N N Y "Dunkirk" industrial Retain exisitng Local Plan (Replacement) AYL3 area (South of 0.98/3.02 allocation for employment 5 Road) Findspot N N Y North of B1145 Residential (Aprox. 200 dwellings) and Aylsham 1 Aylsham 17.33 6 'Cawston Road' sport pitches Multi period finds N A Y South of Burgh Road Residential (Approx 300 dwellings) and Aylsham 2 Aylsham 12.87 7 and West of A140 associated open space Findspot N N Y North of Burgh Road Residential (Approx 600 dwellings) and Aylsham 3 Aylsham 36.19 8 and West of A140 associated open space Multi period finds N N Y South of Buxton Road Residential (Approx. 300 dwellings) and Aylsham 4 Aylsham and East of Norwich 13 potential open space 9 Road Multi period finds N A Y South of A47 and north Mix use - Residential (Approx. 100-120 1 Blofield of Yarmouth Rd 9.88 dwellings) / Commercial / Recreational 10 Open Space /Potential Allotments Setting of LB? N A A South of Yarmouth Rd Residential (Approx. 100 dwellings) / Blofield 2 Blofield 4.26 11 and north of Lingwood Recreational Open Space Setting of LB? N A A North of Blofield Corner Blofield Heath 1 Blofield Heath Road; opposite 0.94 Residential (Approx. 20 dwellings) 12 'Heathway' Mousehold Heath N N A South of Mill Road; at Blofield Heath 2 Blofield Heath the end of Orchard 4.26 Residential (Approx. 20 dwellings) 13 Close Mousehold Heath N N Y End of Links Ave and Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) BRU1 4.94 14 west of Memorial Hall allocation for Open Space MD finds, adj. burnt mound N N Y South of Yarmouth Rd Brundall 1 Brundall and West of Cucumber 5.88 Residential (Approx. 150 dwellings) 15 Lane Cropmarks N N Y North of Postwick Lane Residential (Approx 50 dwellings) incl. Brundall 2 Brundall and West of 1.65 residential care 16 Homesdale Rd NNN East of B1354 "Aylsham Rd" and Buxton 1 Buxton 1.76 Residential (Approx 40 dwellings) West of the Bure Valley 17 Railway NNN 18 Buxton 2 Buxton East of Lion Rd 1.29 Residential (Approx. 35 dwellings) Multi period finds N N A

Broadland District Council 1 APPENDIX D: Site Allocations Consultation List of Shortlisted Sites

Location Proposal and approximate No Site Reference Parish Hectares Comments potential housing numbers SM LB HER West of existing Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) CAW1 Cawston cemetery 0.85 19 Allocation for extension to the burial ground NNN North of 'Fairfields' and Cawston 1 Cawston 3.02 Residential (Approx. 80 dwellings) 20 Gayford Road NNN East of B1150 "Station and Horstead 1 Coltishall and Horstead 4.15 Residential (Approx. 100 dwellings) 21 Rd" Setting of LB? N A A East of Rectory Road Coltishall and Horstead 2 Coltishall and Horstead and South-east of the 1.77 Residential (45 dwellings) 22 school Multi period finds N N Y South of rd Employment and Housing - inc. workshops. Coltishall and Horstead 3 Coltishall and Horstead 2.9 23 (Approx. 35 dwellings) Horstead Roman Camp A N A East of School Rd Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) DRA2 Drayton 0.81 24 allocation for mix-use NNN East of Cator Rd Residential (Approx. 150 dwellings) with Drayton 1 Drayton 6.57 25 associated open space Flint and mines N N Y 26 Drayton 2 Drayton North of Hall Lane 1.36 Residential (Approx. 35 dwellings) Setting of LB? N A A Old railway yard, Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) FOU1 1.4 27 Station Road. allocation small scale industry Findspot N N Y South of Guist Lane; Foulsham 1 Foulsham between Walkers lane 0.47 Residential (Approx. 15 dwellings) 28 and the High street Village centre N Y Y 29 Foulsham 2 Foulsham West of Stringers lane 0.45 Residential (Approx 15 dwellings) NNN 30 1 Freethorpe North of Palmer's Lane 0.35 Residential (Approx 10 dwellings) ROC Post and Great War airfield N A A Former Plumstead Specific Policy proposed for Planning Great little Plumstead 1 Great Lt Plumbstead Hostpital 4.0/ 2.5 Permission Granted for Residential and 31 Primary School Advice already given on this site - prehistoric and MedNAY East of Eversley Road Existing Local Plan (Replacement) HEL1 2.73 32 allocation for residential use (70 dwellings) Victorian brickworks at one side of site N N Y North East of Reepham Existing Local Plan (Replacement) HEL2 Hellesdon 11.86 33 Road allocation for recreational open space Possible burials N N Y Hospital Grounds Residential and Employment (Approx. 200 Hellesdon 1 Hellesdon South - west of Drayton 14.66 dwellings) 34 High Rd Windmill N N Y Royal Norwich Golf Residential (Approx. 1000 dwellings) and Hellesdon 2 Hellesdon Club - either side of 48.81 open space 35 Drayton Road ROC Post and Multi period finds N N Y Adjacent to existing burial ground - North Hellesdon 3 Hellesdon 1.26 Extension to Burial Ground East of St. Mary's 36 Church Upper palaeolithic flints. May affect setting of church aAAY South of Horsebeck Retain Local Plan (Replacement) allocation HOR3 Way 1.24 for employment use,with access from 37 Horseback Way NNN Pinelands Industrial Specific Policy proposed for Planning Horsford 1 Horsford Estate 2.83 Permission Granted for - Employment and 38 Residential (63 dwellings) Site has been evaluated - No impact on this site N N Y North of Mill Roaod and Residential (Approx. 125 dwellings) and Horsford 2 Horsford 5.47 39 the school Recreational Facilities Cropmarks N N A East of Manor Road Horsham & Newton St Horsham & Newton St Residential (Approx. 100 dwellings) / play (inc. site of 'Crown 4.32 Faith 1 Faith space 40 Garage') Findspot N N Y

Broadland District Council 2 APPENDIX D: Site Allocations Consultation List of Shortlisted Sites

Location Proposal and approximate No Site Reference Parish Hectares Comments potential housing numbers SM LB HER Horsham & Newton St Horsham & Newton St Newton Street/Fairholm Residential (Approx. 85 dwellings) /play 3.08 41 Faith 2 Faith Road space Setting of LB? N A A Horsham & Newton St Horsham & Newton St Coltishall Lane 0.83 Residential (Approx. 25 dwellings) 42 Faith 3 Faith Setting of LB? N A A East of the A140 and Horsham & Newton St Horsham & Newton St Light industry, warehousing and office North of Norwich 40.25 Faith 4 Faith associated with airport 43 International Airport Multi Period Finds N N Y Lenwade 1 North of Hubbards Residential (Approx. 15 dwellings) and (Great Little Lenwade Loke and West of Hall 2.44 Community facilities 44 Witchingham) Walk Cropmarks N N Y A1067 / Norwich Rd Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) LIA 1 Lenwade 0.96 45 allocation for industrial / warehouse use Adj Weston Park N N A A1067 / Norwich Rd Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) LIA 2 Lenwade 1.57 46 allocation for industrial use Adj Weston Park N N A Chapel Rd; opposite Lingwood 1 Lingwood & Burlingham 0.9 Residential (Approx. 25 dwellings) 47 Post Office rd Findspot N N A North of Norwich Rd / Residential (Approx. 40 dwellings) and Lingwood 2 Lingwood & Burlingham 6.57 48 Station Rd Community Facilities/ Open Space Cropmarks N N Y 49 Reedham 1 Reedham Station Rd 0.85 Residential (Approx. 20 dwellings) Multi period finds N N Y Cawston Rd/ Wood Residential (200 dwellings) with associated Reepham 1 Reepham 8.77 50 Dalling Rd open space Multi period finds N N A 51 Reepham 2 Reepham B1145 " Rd" 11.97 Residential (250 dwellings) Findspot N A A Station Rd/Stoney Lane Retain Local Plan (Replacement) allocation REP1 Reepham 2.8 for Employment and Residential (Approx 52 10 dwellings) Brickworks N N A 53 1 Salhouse Wood Green 1.6 Residential (Approx. 35 dwellings) Setting of LB? N A A 54 Salhouse 2 Salhouse Norwich Road 0.75 Residential (Approx. 10 dwellings) Mousehold Heath N N Y 55 1 South Walsham Ranworth Rd 0.58 Residential (Approx. 15 dwellings) Adj church N N A Burlingham Rd 56 South Walsham 2 South Walsham 0.55 Residential (Approx. 15 dwellings) NNN Lane Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) allocation for Recreational Open Space, SPI 1 (Crostwick) 6.28 Community Facilities and Residential 57 (Approx. 35 dwellings) Multi period finds N N Y Off School Lane and Retain existing Local Plan SPR 4 Lusher's Loke 2.41 (Replacement)allocation for Residential 58 use (65 dwellings) Mousehold Heath N N Y Salhouse Road Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) SPR 11 Sprowston 3.81 59 allocation for employment use PM Brickworks N N A Broadland Business Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) TSA 2 76.66 60 Park allocation for Business Park Dussindale N A Y South of existing Retain existing Local Plan (Replacement) WES1 0.15 61 cememtery allocation for burial ground Adj. to church N A A Salhouse Rd/the Ave Residential incl. open space, community 1 Wroxham 24.8 62 facilities (Approx 300 dwellings) Cropmarks N A Y

Broadland District Council 3 Acronym key: HER Historic environment record SM Scheduled monument LB Listed building Y Allocation contains an HER record/SM/LB or is within a conservation area A Allocation is adjacent to an HER record/SM/LB or conservation area N Allocation does not contain, nor is adjacent to an HER record/SM/LB or conservation area List of Further Sites

Norfolk County Council's Response to Broadland ADDITIONAL Sites Consultation

Site No Parish Hectares Proposal Comments HER SM LB Reference

1 VLS13-01 Brundal 1.04 Residential NNN 2 VLS24-01 Frettenham 1 Residential NNN 3 VLS25-01 Gt & Lt Plumstead 0.07 Residential ANN 4 VLS36-01 Horsford 0.63 Residential ANN 5 VLS37-01 Horsham Employment Adjacent St Faith's priory (scheduled) YAA 6 VLS39-01 Lingwood 0.79 Residential NNN

Broadland District Council Norfolk County Council's Response to Broadland Development Management Consultation Policy No Comments on Policy Comments on 'Alternative Options' A general environmental protection policy would weaken environmental protection, and would be subject to challenge EN2 Should be expanded to include historic landscapes (linke for repetition of national policy A general environmental protection policy would weaken environmental protection, and would be subject to challenge EN4 This policy is strongly supported as inline with the spirit a for repetition of national policy A general environmental protection policy would weaken environmental protection, and would be subject to challenge EN5 The Evaluation stage of an archaeological project should for repetition of national policy A general environmental protection policy would weaken environmental protection, and would be subject to challenge EN6 We particularly support the inclusion of this policy. for repetition of national policy A general environmental protection policy would weaken environmental protection, and would be subject to challenge EN7 We particularly support the inclusion of this policy. for repetition of national policy