The Clinton Independent
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The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXI—NO. 6. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1896. WHOLE NO.—1570 Brevities. HIGHLY CO M1* LI M ENT ARY. Brevities. —Don ’t miss the Carnival of Nations —As we go so press wheat is teeter SGRiVEN’S OPERA HOUSE! to be given by St. John ’s Guild in De Muster Seymour Price, Oar Sweet Singer, A HORRIBLE SUB! ing between 80 and ceuts. Wednesday, Nor. 25, 18M, cember. Receive# High Encomiums at Flint. —Relentless death has claimed the —The Colon knitting mill has shut Master Seymour Price, our sweet bay horse in Henry Harris’ dray team. ONE NIGHT”ONLY. Ladies' literary Society Cele down until spring. There are 600 singer, assisted in the opening organ A Bath Woman's Painful Method —The union silver nominees for prose brated “Poets ’ Day. ” hands on the pay roll. and song recital at St. Paul’s church of Departing This Life. cuting attorney in Clinton aud Shia —The steamers on the Goodrich East last Friday evening. He also sang in wassee counties, were elected by about A Success Excelling All Prece Shore Line will be discontinued today that church Sunday, to the delight of the same pluralities. dent. TWENTY-THREK GUESTS WERE PKES- SET FIRE TO HER CLOTHES AND for the present season. the congregrtion. —The Epworth League will jjive a ENT FROM IONIA. BURNED TO DEATH. —ThO usual Thanksgiving service The Flint papers in referring to the Thanksgiving Dinner in the dining 99999 will be held in St. John's church at 10:30, musical event, refers to Mr. Price in parlors of the M. E. church from 12 to 3 Henderson’s" ! Presenting John J. McNally's A Bounteous Luncheon and Interesting the regular morning hour. the following highly complementary Had Been Subject to Flu of Insanity for o ’clock Thanksgiving Day. Farclal Satire. Program at Mrs. Marvin’s. —Half a table spoonful of sugar will terms. The Journal says this about Donut Time Past. —Union Thanksgiving service will be nearly always revive a dying fire, aud him : held in the Congregational church next it is always a safe thing to use for this “The unusual large aud cultured week Thursday morning; sermon by One of the most enjoyable social events purpose. audience was present and was not disap BATn. Nov. 12—On Tuesday, Novem Rev. Blanchard of the first Baptist —As may be seen by reference to the pointed in the musical treat they had church. of tbe season took place at the home of anticipated. The conceit was under ber 10, Mrs. Harriet Stebbins commit Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Marvin, last even Company ’s time card in another col the direction of choirmaster John Corn ted suicide at her home in this village, —On another page we publish the of ing, when the Ladies’ Literary Club of umn, there has been a slight change in wall and was in every way worthy of in a most horrible manner. 8 ince ficial canvass of the votes cast in this Rewritten and Better Than Ever. the running of trains on this road. the well known reputation of that gen- county at the recent general election, St. Johns celebrated “l’oetB ’ Day. ” Tbe the death of her mother, about five A Matchless Cast of Principals! Ionia Literary Club were invited to at —There will be work in St. Johns tlem as a musical director. Mr. Corn showing the plurality of each successful wall's efforts were ably seconded by St. years ago, Mrs. Stebbins has suffered Superb Stage Settings! tend and accepted the invitation so cor Council on Tuesday evening, November candidate. Paul's vested choir, by Miss Mabel from insanity at times. Shortly after Brilliant Costumes! dially given, about 23 being in attend 24, in the Royal Select and Superexcel- Sturt, organist; by Miss Clara Cornwall, —The principal portion of the present midnight, on the day of the tragedy, she Sparkling Music! ance. They were entertained at the leut Masters. A. W. Durkee, T. 1. M. Miss Brown, and by Master Seymour arose, entered the parlor, locked the November weather, up to last night, —The North Lansing Record says Price, the boy soprano. The marked New Specialties! homes of the members of the club for feature of the evening ’s entertainment door and then set fire to her clothes. was the warmest of any since 1879. The dinner, and then assembled at Mrs. that Geo. W. Whitcomb, of that city, was the sweet singing of Master Sey The smoke passed through the chimney mercury hung around the 70 mark a Marvin’s, where the program, which formerly of St. Johns, expects to go to mour Price, who completely captivated thimble and awoke her brothers, who good share of the time. The Laugh-Maker of the Age! the big audience.” had been previously arranged, was car England next month with a shipment came to the rescue immediately. They —J ust as we are going to press this af Prices 35 and 60 Cents. of horses. The News says this: ried out. found their sister burned beyond recog ternoon wa learned that Rev. II. A. “Master Seymour Price, of St. Johns, BU8INE88 LOCALS The roll-call was answered by quota —Miles Boardman, who had been con nition. She died on Tuesday at 2 p. m. Rose, of this village, met with a severe ducting a meat market at Shepardsville, a sweet-faced and sweet-voiced lad of tions by each member of the club from thirteen years, was the special attract Mrs. Stebbins was born in W^iteOak, accident, tbe particulars of which our Special Sale of various American poets together with a has disposed of his business there aud ion of the evening, and he proved him Mich., in June, 1855. She was married informant w’as unable to relate. Trimmed Bats, Children’s Bonnets, short sketch of the author. returned to his home in the east part of self worthy of the good things that had to Mr. Stebbins, at the age of 23. Two —According to the Detroit Journal of Wool Hoods and Tamoshanters, Friday been said of him in advance of his ap and Saturday at Mrs. L. Canfeld ’s. The President, Mrs. Babcock, gave an this village. sons were born to them. Shortly after the 13th instant, the name of Will II. —The newest thing under the sun is pearance. He is possessed of a soprano address of welcome to the guests, and voice of rare sweetness and sings with the birth of their last son, they separ Brunson, of this village, is being urged For Sale. the regular program wras taken up, the raising of doves for supplying wed fine expression and a refreshing freedom ated, she returning to their home in by his friends for appointment to the The 160 acres of laud known as the which consisted of the following : ding parties. They are to coo softly from tne slightest suspicion of affecta Bath. She leaves an aged father, two office of United States district attorney Fisher Farm, situated on Sections 26 amid floral decorations as a symbol of tion or mannerism, lie was heard in and 27, Lebanon, will be sold in 80 acre PROGRAM. sons and three brothers and a sister. for the eastern district of Michigan. the happiness of the bridal pair. four numbers aud in each scored a most lots, if desired. Inquire of Oliver Toan, Instrumental Solo ...................................................... favorable impression. Funeral services at the <M. E. church, —Richard Gay, tbe hustler, has pur Portland ; F. H. Geller, Fowler, or J. .. .Tbe Misses Dooling and Mrs H. W. Morris —Come to “Pinafore' ’ Thanksgiving Wednesday, November 11, and interr- chased the remnants of the dray line H. Fedewa, St. Johns. * 6tf Address of Welcome .................Mrs. M. Babcock night and see his Lordship of the seas, CHILDREN LOST IN A BA«EMENT ment at the Bath cemetery. formerly owned and operated by II. II. Roll Call. Quotations, Various American Poets Mr. Ed. Moinet/who always captivates Cold weather, high price of fuel and ......................................................Members of Club While Searching Out the Headquarter* Harris. Mr. Harris is now giving his close times for money can be satisfac his audiences by his acting as well as He Has Served the Public Well. whole attention to the delivery of oil torily met by the use of the Rochester Song —"Old Folks at Home, ” Foster .................... ot Old Sunta Clause. ..................... ................................Miss Mary Hunt singing. King's Daughters invite you Geo. H. Marshall, who has held the and gasoline for tiie Standard Oil Com Radiator. John W. Snyder, agent. See to this treat. While passing up Clinton avenue yes one in use at This Independent office, Paper —"Holmes and Lowell ”................................. office of county clerk two successive pany. or at Spaulding & Co. ’s hardware. ...................................... Mrs. Thomas Bromley, Jr —Don ’t die until you have seen “Pina terday our attention was attracted by a terms, will on January 1. next, lay aside Recitations, "The Old Man Dreams," Holmes* —The law makes it the duty of the su Live Poutrjr Wanted. fore ” played by the best caste ever pre considerable excitement in the base the pen and work and surrender all to "Tbe Courtin ’.” Lowell .................... sented in St. Johns. “Little Buttercup ” ment of The Penny Store. We went in pervisors of each county to levy a one- I will load a car with Live Poultry at .......................................................Mrs. F. A. Travis his recently elected successor, Mr. Wm. is a rare treat as Mrs. Nina Dooling pre to learn the cause. We found mothers tenth of a mill tax for the support of St.