Priory Press

Brought to you by The Priory Press Team Cultural x Social x Moral x Spiritual Editor’s Letter Catherine Jane Booth

Hello, This week, there are many group activities to be getting involved in such as the House Assemblies, Rowing Competition (see your latest emails from Mrs French) as well as the Classy Christmas Photo which can be taken in form time with your mates! Year 8 are participating in a great cause to support those in this country and others across the world who have been put in prison for campaigning for their rights or for things that seem unnecessary in the UK. They will be sending letters and postcards to those who have been effected as well as campaigning to get them freed from prison – we hope that their work can help and support those who need it most. Have a great week, Catherine  Cultural x Social x Moral x Spiritual Year 8 News Sophie Harrison

What's Going on in Year 8? Christmas is drawing closer each week and the festive spirit is being shared in house competitions and various events around school. Students in all years are determined to win the house cup and with house events being introduced each week, there are plenty of opportunities for them to do so. The Christmas Wreath design contest is still taking place and we are glad to see that lots of people are keen to earn participation points for their houses (whether individually or in their forms). Moreover, coming up on the 14th of December is the main school Christmas dinner. With lots to choose from plus a vegetarian option, make sure you don’t miss out! For more information, please view your emails from Mrs G Avis. Rehearsals for West Side Story are currently taking place and the budding actors and actresses involved are working hard to perfect their roles. Though it will be difficult to beat last year’s production of Les Miserables, they are certainly up to the challenge. We are all looking forward to their performance in the coming weeks and are sure that their hard work will be rewarded! Remember, this week is your last chance to enter the Library Christmas Competition. To be in with a chance of winning a prize, simply write a letter to Santa asking for things that will make other people happy. If you haven’t done this yet and are interested in participating, the deadline is Wednesday 14th December, so make sure to have your entries in by this date. Cultural x Social x Moral x Spiritual Technology News Alastair Niclair

Amazon Go: The Supermarket With No Checkouts Amazon – the online superstore have revealed plans for a grocery shop with no checkouts: they have been developing this for four years. The shops will contain essential items such as milk, bread and biscuits but will also offer ready-to-go meals sourced locally from kitchens, bakeries and from on site. The Just Walk Out shopping experience uses the same type of technologies found in electric cars; items are tracked in a virtual shopping trolley and a receipt is sent to your Amazon account. Shoppers will swipe into the store using the Go app and then the shop will use computer vision to track what you are picking up off the shelves. "Retailers have made a lot of progress on mobile payments as a standalone option; however, very few have been successful in moving towards a comprehensive mobile wallet and thereby addressing the problem of long queues. This is where Amazon comes in.“ said Natalie Berg, an analyst at Planet Retail. The first store will open in Seattle in early 2017. Amazon already have a physical book shop in the U.S. Cultural Social x Moral x Spiritual Science News Dr Craig

Teens’ risky listening behaviours could lead to long-term hearing problems. They expose their ears to loud music at concerts, clubs and through gaming and listening devices. As a result, a new study shows, more than one in four of them may now hear a nonstop ringing or other noise. The study also suggests that persistent tinnitus in teens may warn of serious hearing damage that could worsen as the victim gets older. Tinnitus in teens and preteens, and the hidden damage it may point to, are “a major public health challenge,” notes a neuroscientist, one of the study’s authors. Those sounds that never go away can interfere with studying and sleeping. They can make it hard to hear someone talking in a crowded room. Some teens with tinnitus say it makes them feel irritated, depressed or isolated from their friends. The sounds may sometimes disappear for a time. But often they return — permanently! Film of The Week James Ghest

Rogue One: A story ‘: A Star Wars Story’ or just Rogue One, is the first of many planned spinoff titles in the Star Wars series. It is planned to release on 16th December as the eighth live action film in the main Star Wars universe, premiering on 14th December. The story follows the new character , played by Felicity Jones, who gets together with a squad of rebel fighters to obtain the evil empire’s secret plans for their ultimate weapon: The . Set weeks before the events of the first Star Wars film: ‘A new hope’, the film brings in new characters like Diego Luna’s , Ben Mendelsohn’s and Forest Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera while also bringing back old classics like the infamous . Other cast include Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk and Jiang Wen. Cultural x Social x Moral x Spiritual x Food Bank Appeal

Lincoln Foodbank Collection

We are again this year, collecting food for Lincoln Foodbank to be distributed to those in need before Christmas.

Non-perishable items should be taken to the Old Gym during registration from 12th-16th December.

Notices for items are detailed on Form Notice Boards.

Thank you for your support to this great appeal!