Fine scale monitoring of Paraparaumu and Waikanae Beaches, Kāpiti Coast, Wellington Prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council Salt Ecology May 2019 Report 013 RECOMMENDED CITATION Forrest BM, Stevens LM 2019. Fine scale monitoring of Paraparaumu and Waikanae Beaches, Kāpiti Coast, Wellington. Salt Ecology Report 013, prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, May 2019. 29p. For the Environment Mō te taiao Fine scale monitoring of Paraparaumu and Waikanae Beaches, Kāpiti Coast, Wellington Prepared by Barrie Forrest and Leigh Stevens for Greater Wellington Regional Council May 2019
[email protected], +64 (0)27 627 4631 For the People Mō ngā tāngata ACKNOWLedGements Many thanks to Megan Oliver, Bryn Hickson Rowden and Evan Harrison (GWRC) for their assistance in the field, and to Megan for review of this report. We are also grateful to Salt Ecology staff Sabine O’Neill-Stevens and Sally O’Neill for field assistance and macrofauna sample processing, Gary Stephenson (Coastal Marine Ecology Consultants) for taxonomic identifications, Hayden Rabel (Salt Ecology) for assistance with R code development, and Charmayne King for editorial support. The calculations of indices of beach health (AMBI, richness, abundance) were undertaken using an adjusted ver- sion of computer code and eco-groups prepared by the Cawthron Institute as part of the research programme Oranga Taiao Oranga Tangata, led by Massey University and funded by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment. For the Environment Mō te taiao Contents Executive Summary . 1 1. Introduction. 3 2. Methods . 3 2.1 General approach . 3 2.2 Transects and sampling stations. 4 2.3 Beach profiling .