City of Phoenix Oregon
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City Council Regular Meeting 220 N. Main St Phoenix Plaza Civic Center Tuesday, February 4, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Luz called the regular meeting of the City Council to order on Monday, February 4, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. at the Phoenix Plaza Civic Center. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Sarah Westover, Angie Vermillion, Robert Crawford, Terry Baker, Jim Snyder, Stuart Warren, and Chris Luz STAFF PRESENT: Aaron Prunty, City Manager Kimberlyn Collins, City Recorder Douglas McGeary, City Attorney Ray DiPasquale, Public Works Director Derek Bowker, Chief of Police J.C. Boothe, Finance Director 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS a. FY 2017-18 Financial Audit Report by KDP Mark Damon and Jeny Grupe, KDP, Certified Public Accountants presented the FY 2017-18 auditor report. (Exhibit A) Mr. Damon stated in their opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, and talked about the different activities of the government. This represents an unmodified opinion, which is the highest form of assurance KDP can give on financial statements. Mr. Damon reviewed their independent Auditors report required by the Oregon State. Mr. Damon clarified when Council became mirrored of the Urban Renewal Agency those documents were blended within the City’s records. The Urban Renewal Agency still has its stand-alone audit but folds into the City documents. (Exhibit B) Mr. Damon presented the Council with two letters discussing Professional Standards. (Exhibit C) and stated it was a pleasure to work with the City and being a part of the organization. Mayor Luz asked how the City is positioned with our PERS liability. Mr. Damon clarified the City’s net position in total is $11.3 million to the positive, which covers the City’s $1.4 million liability. Luz asked KDP to clarify any mishandlings of funds in the past. Mr. Damon stated if there had been any misuse of funds, they would report back to management right away. 1 City Council Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2019 Luz questioned how the City of Phoenix compares financially to other cities. Mr. Damon stated Phoenix is in a good financial position. b. Semi-Annual Financial Report J.C. Boothe, Finance Director presented the Semi-Annual Report to Council. (Exhibit D) Luz asked if marijuana revenue is less due to the lower cost of marijuana. Boothe stated that would be her guess. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Tony Chavez, Phoenix inquired about the on-duty police officer participating in the swearing in of the Mayor and the lack of leadership from Council President, at the last City Council meeting. Mr. Chavez commented he understands the meeting was cut short but asked for the Mayor to address the issues as promised at the previous meeting. Mayor Luz stated he would add those points to Mayor’s comments at the end of the meeting. Dr. Michael Shunk, Phoenix spoke to the last City Council meeting surrounding the Mayor’s disregard to the Phoenix Municipal Code 2.28.090. (Exhibit E) Rhianna Simes, Phoenix spoke to her treatment as a Parks and Greenway Commissioner. (Exhibit F) Clarkie Clark, Phoenix spoke to the status of the skate park. (Exhibit G) Sarah Collins, Phoenix spoke in support of the community newsletter. Ms. Collins comes from a town where the community newsletter played an essential role for the citizens to receive local information. Andrea Adams, Phoenix welcomed Councilor Crawford and Vermillion to the council. Ms. Adams spoke to the hard job they have for the next few years. Ms. Adams stated she has attended over 60 City Council meetings in the last five years. Ms. Adams spoke to the mistreatment by leadership in the City and encouraged Council to have their eyes wide open as they move forward and to make sure they are a good community partner and citizen with the women in the City. 5. CONSENT AGENDA a. Reports for Information & Possible Action: 1. Approval of Temporay Liquor License for the Phoenix Clubhouse 2. Appoint Budget Officer for FY 2019-20 and Approve Budget Calendar for FY 2019- 20 Motion: So moved. MOVED BY SNYDER, SECONDED BY WARREN. No further discussion. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY 6. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS PULLED FOR DISCUSSION 2 City Council Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2019 a. Minutes from City Council Meeting, Janaury 22, 2019 Mayor Luz asked Kimberlyn Collins, City Recorder if the caveat for the IGA was mentioned in the minutes. Recorder Collins stated the caveat are in the minutes. Motion: So moved. MOVED BY SNYDER, SECONDED BY WARREN. No further discussion. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Mayor’s Newsletter Tony Chavez, Phoenix presented a petition from Phoenix citizens who support having the Mayor’s newsletter be changed to a community newsletter. (Exhibit H) Mr. Chavez explained we are the only City in the valley that does not have a community newsletter, and this would be a great tool to bring people together from all parts of the community. The community newsletter would provide information to citizens and staff by providing a better way to connect. Dr. Michael Shunk, Phoenix spoke to the support of a community newsletter. (Exhibit I) Clarkie Clark, Phoenix spoke to the support of the community newsletter but is concerned with the Phoenix residents that do not have a Phoenix zip code. Ms. Clark stated the government does need more communication with all constituents, and efforts should be taken to reach all households. Charlette Poulos, Phoenix spoke in favor of the community newsletter and presented a sample of the Talent community newsletter that is published monthly in the Flash. (Exhibit K) Christine Totten, Phoenix spoke in favor of turning the Mayor’s newsletter into a community newsletter. Andrea Adams, Phoenix spoke in support of changing the Mayor’s newsletter to a community newsletter and adding a section into the newsletter where a citizen could volunteer, submit articles, or have citizens highlighting City Council members. Leigh Naumann, Phoenix spoke in favor of abolishing the Mayor’s newsletter and creating a community-based newsletter. This will promote inclusivity in our community and give a voice to all members and disseminate information accurately and unbiased. Aaron Prunty, City Manager stated the cost to do a monthly newsletter would be approximately $1,300 - $1,400 per issue. The cost would fluctuate depending on the number of pages in each issue. Councilor Warren thanked everyone for their comments and sharing their thoughts, and thanked Mr. Chavez for bringing the petitions. Westover spoke in favor of the community forming a group that meets once a month to process the newsletter, and staff can proofread the articles. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2019 Councilor Baker stated there is overwhelming support for the community newsletter, and since we represent the community, we need to serve their interests. Baker commented he believes monthly is too much, but every other month keeps it fresh and alive. Baker is in favor of the community creating the newsletter with a Mayor’s page. Baker suggested we work out all the details, make it an email blast, and doesn’t believe the money for the hard copies should be an issue. Councilor Warren stated a monthly newsletter could keep it down to one page, which makes the cost more manageable, easier to fill the newsletters and print. Warren stated we need to do it right from the beginning and make an investment into this project and the community. Councilor Snyder spoke to Councilor Westover’s idea of having citizens put the newsletter together, and former Councilor Shunk’s idea of the newsletter coming from the staff. Snyder stated we couldn’t do both, and we need a centralized editor to bring together the City’s portion and the citizens portion of the newsletter. Snyder commented we need to be sure to reach those in the City but are not in our system. Mayor Luz explained the challenges and process of his newsletter. Luz commented he wanted to be sure the newsletter doesn’t die down if it’s not done appropriately. Councilor Vermillion agreed with Councilor Snyder’s idea to have a community segment, staff report, and a Mayor’s page, with staff editing before being sent out. Westover agreed it needs to go through the budget cycle for approval and suggested setting up an informal committee to discuss how to move forward with a liaison from the Council. The committee needs to develop the criteria, timelines, who would contribute, and format. These are the logistics to discuss, and once established, we can come up with a proposed budget that can be submitted to the budget committee. Westover asked if there was a Councilor who would be willing to sit on this committee. Councilor Warren offered to help. Motion: I move that we move forward with getting a community group together and have Councilor Warren support that group and establishing some criteria, logistics, and a proposed budget for a community newsletter. MOVED BY WESTOVER, SECONDED BY BAKER. Councilor Vermillion questioned if it would be once a month. Baker stated that would be up to the committee to determine, but highly suggested every other month. Luz agreed to every other month but stressed the newsletter should contain current events and suggested our homepage have current events so that the community can be kept up to date on the events. ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: Ayes: Vermillion, Warren, Snyder, Baker, Crawford, Westover MOTION APPROVED WITH SIX AYES b. City Manager’s Evaluation Councilor Baker commented he thought this process was figured out last summer and would like to go back to that process. Council and staff discussed the different options and the best method for Department Heads.