MEETING SUMMARY March 26, 2021 Accepted 4-9-23
SEN. NATHAN LIBBY, SENATE CHAIR REP. GENEVIEVE MCDONALD, HOUSE CHAIR MEMBERS: MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE SEN. LISA KEIM GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE SEN. DONNA BAILEY SEN. RICHARD BENNETT SEN. SUSAN DESCHAMBAULT SEN. JEFFREY TIMBERLAKE REP. KATHLEEN R. J . DILLINGHAM REP. AMY ARATA REP. H . SAWIN MILLETT, JR. REP. MARGARET O’NEIL REP. HOLLY STOVER MEETING SUMMARY March 26, 2021 Accepted 4-9-23 Call to Order The Chair, Sen. Libby, called the electronically conducted Government Oversight Committee to order at 9:04 a.m. Sen. Libby summarized the process for the electronic meeting. The Committee welcomed Sen. Deschambault to the GOC. She is replacing Sen. Vitelli. ATTENDANCE Senators: Sen. Libby, Sen. Keim, Sen. Bailey, Sen. Bennett, Sen. Deschambault and Sen. Timberlake Representatives: Rep. McDonald, Rep. Arata, Rep. Millett and Rep. Stover Joining the meeting in progress: Rep. O’Neil Absent: Rep. Dillingham Legislative Officers and Staff: Lucia Nixon, Director, OPEGA Matthew Kruk, Principal Analyst, OPEGA Amy Gagne, Senior Analyst, OPEGA Etta Connors, Adm. Secretary, OPEGA/Clerk, GOC Executive Branch Officers Christine Alberi, Child Welfare Ombudsman and Staff Providing Matthew Dunlap, State Auditor Information to the Committee Introduction of Committee Members The members of the Government Oversight Committee introduced themselves. 82 State House Station, Room 104 Cross Building Augusta, Maine 04333-0082 TELEPHONE 207-287-1901 FAX: 207-287-1906 GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING SUMMARY March 26, 2021 2 Summary of March 12, 2021 GOC Meeting The Meeting Summary of March 12, 2021 was accepted as written. New Business • OPEGA FY 2022-23 Budget: presentation for consideration and approval by GOC Director Nixon summarized OPEGA’s FY 2022-23 Budget.
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