Assessment of Webinar Organizer Sexual and Cyber Sex Addiction Mis Storie, MS, NCC Director of Training & Presented by: Professional Development Don P. Osborn, PhD, LCAC, LMHC, LMFT, LCSW NAADAC, the Associaon for Addicon Professionals September 16, 2014

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§ The educaon delivered in this webinar is FREE to all professionals. 1) differenate diagnosc consideraons for sexual § 1 CE is FREE to NAADAC members or subscribers of AccuCare who aend this webinar. Non-members of NAADAC and non-subscribers of AccuCare receive 1 addicon; CE for $15. 2) idenfy behaviors of the sexually addicted; § If you wish to receive CE credit, you MUST complete and pass the “CE Quiz” that is located at: (look for TITLE of webinar) 3) comprehend the consequences and treatment ì consideraons of sexual addicon; and ì § A CE cerficate will be emailed to you within 21 days of subming the quiz and 4) assess counselor preparaon for working with the payment (if applicable) – usually sooner. sexually addicted. § Successfully passing the “CE Quiz” is the ONLY way to receive a CE cerficate.

1 Understanding and Diagnosing Sex Presenter Addictions

ì Sexual Addicon or any addicon is not in the DSM- Don P. Osborn, PhD, IV TR. LCAC, LMHC, LMFT, LCSW ì However, you can extrapolate a framework from Director & Professor of Graduate DSM Dx category for substance abuse Addicons Counseling Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion Indiana [email protected]

When Diagnosing Rule Out the Audience Polling Following ì Direct physical effect of some medical condion Question #1 ì Effect of substance abuse, medicaon, or toxin ì Presence of psychosis, bipolar illness, or other Axis I disorder Regarding my knowledge and ì Presence of Axis II personality disorder (e.g. An- clinical skill level with sexual social) addiction, I consider myself to have…

Behavior can be viewed as an addiction Healthy Sex vs. Addictive Sexual if characterized by: Behaviors

ì Loss of control ì Does behavior agree with the persons values? ì Is it safe? ì Connuaon despite significant adverse consequence ì Is it respecul of self and others? ì Obsession or preoccupaon ì Is it honest? ì Does it increase inmacy? ì Are both partners free to choose?

(Hunter, 1992)

2 Characteristics of Sex Addiction Addictive Sexual Behavior Patterns

ì Level One – Normal, acceptable, tolerable ì Fantasy Sex: an obsessive life • Masturbaon, , prostuon, mulple affairs ì Seducve Role Sex: seducve behavior for ì Level Two – Alleged behavior that is vicmizing of nuisance crimes conquest • Exhibionism, voyeurism, obscene phone call ì Voyeurisc Sex: visual arousal ì Level Three – Illegal behavior that is grave for vicm, legal consequences for offender ì Exhibionisc Sex: aracng aenon to • , , abuse body or sexual parts of the body (Carnes, 1983)

Addictive Sexual Behavior Patterns Addictive Sexual Behavior Patterns continued… continued…

ì Anonymous Sex: high risk sex with ì Intrusive Sex: boundary violaons unknown people ì Pain Exchange Sex: causing or receiving ì Paying for Sex: purchase of sexual services pain or humiliaon to enhance sexual pleasure ì Trading Sex: selling or bartering sex for ì Exploitave Sex: exploitaon of the power vulnerable

Cybersex Audience Polling ì Any form of sexual expression accessed through the computer Question #2 • Widely accessible • Inexpensive • Legal (except for child pornography) • Privacy of home In the past year I have • Anonymous • No STD’s worked with… • Recreaonal

3 Consequences of Addiction Loss of Interest with/in Sexual Partner

ì Defined: at least 11 hours per week on computer sex ì Sex becomes boring

ì When: evening, night, weekends ì Males unable to have sex aer computer session ì Loss of me ì 68% of cybersex addicts, regarding couples one or ì Become isolated both lost interest in sex ì Loss of sleep

ì Job performance

(Cooper, Putnam, Planehm, & Boies, 1999) (J.P. Schneider, 2000)

Normalization of Illegal or Deviant Core Beliefs of the Sexual Co-Addict Sexual Activities

ì 6% of populaon have pre-exisng sexual ì I am not a worthwhile person. compulsions • Child sex, pornography ì No one would love me for myself. • Bondage/sadomasochism ì I can control other people’s behavior. • Urinaon • Defecaon ì Sex is the most important sign of love. • Besality

• Choking (J.P. Schneider, 2001)

Counselor Preparation for Working with Personal Qualities of the Counselor Sexually Addicted Clients

ì Concepts of power, boundaries, ethics, ì The ability to tolerate your own discomfort and even counselor-paent relaonships disbelief (at mes) to the content and informaon being presented ì Factors that increase a counselor’s risk for ì The willingness to avoid openly judging and shaming a client for their sexual choices ì Maintain appropriate non-sexual boundaries in the office ì The courage to confront and challenge clients’ exisng ì Maintaining appropriate sexual boundaries in belief system, even in the face of client disapproval or anger the office

4 Personal Qualities continued… Starting the Counseling Process

ì Inial Contact: phone call to intake ì The clarity to organize a clear set of treatment guidelines with the client and hold them ì Screening accountable to those commitments ì The First Session • Most are in an emoonal crisis • Plan for two hours ì The consistency to maintain guidelines of treatment despite client manipulaon and despite your own ì Assessment • Biopsychosocialspiritual history, Tesng feeling (posive or negave) about the client • Mulple addicons ì Treatment Planning (Weiss, 2000) • Immediate presenng concerns

Definition Poor Candidates for Treatment

ì Violent offenders ì Sexual Offender: any sexual behavior carried out ì Sexual offenders who are: without the full consent of the sexual object or partner • Highly impulsive & random • Resistant or unmovated ì Child sexual offenders ì Violent Sexual Offender: obtaining a non-consensual sexual experience by means of violence ì Narcissisc

ì Deep Depression

Sexual Disclosure To Partner To Be Considered

ì Partner is suspect and asking quesons ì The researchers & clinicians vary ì Partner at risk for STD’s

ì Total, paral, not at all, how much? ì Informaon will be revealed by another person or enty

ì Ethical concerns ì Relaonship has adversely been affected

ì Addicts recovery is affected by dishonesty

5 Defer Disclosure If… Treatment Tasks

ì 12 step aendance ì Addict is disclosing out of anger to hurt partner ì Wrien sobriety plan ì Addict is disclosing out of exhibionism ì Read books and arcles ì Compleon of sexual inventory ì The addict wants to “dump” or “bomb” to ì Psychoeducaonal assuage guilt • Understanding the sexual addicon process • Issues underlying sexual addicon ì The partner is vulnerable • Relapse prevenon

Issues of Treatment Focus Audience Polling ì Pain-consequences, prophesy, Question #3 challenge cognive distorons and defenses

ì Core Beliefs I consider sexual addiction to be…

Support Contact References

Sexual Addicts Anonymous Sexaholics Anonymous ì Carnes, P.J. (1983). Out of the shadows, understanding sexual addicons. Minneapolis, MN: CompCare. P.O. Box 70949 P.O. Box 111910 Nashville, TN 37222 Houston, TX 77270 ì Carnes, P.J., & Adams, K.M. (2002). Clinical management of sex 615-331-6230 addicon. New York, New York: Brunner Routledge. 713-869-4902 Fax: 615-331-6901 ì Combs, R. H. (2004). Handbook of addicve disorders: A praccal guide to diagnosis and treatment. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. The Augusne Fellowship Codependents of Sex Addicts P.O. Box 650010 P.O. Box 14537 ì Cooper, D.C., Delmonico, D.L., & Bury, R. (2000). Cybersex users, Minneapolis, MN 55414 abusers and compulsives: New findings and implicaons. Sexual West Newton, MA 02165-0010 612-537-6904 Addicon & Compulsivity: Journal of Treatment & Prevenon, 7, 781-255-8825 5-30.

6 References continued… NAADAC


1001 N. Fairfax Street., Ste. 201 ì Alexandria, VA 22314 Cooper, A.L. (2002). Sex and the internet: A guidebook for clinicians. New Naadac York, New York: Routledge. phone: 703.741.7686/800.548.0497 fax: 703.741.7698/800.377.1136 Don P. Osborn ì Earle, R.H. & Earle, M.R. (1995). Sex addicons case studies and [email protected] management. New York, New York: Brunner Mazel. [email protected]

ì Schneider, J.P. (2000x). Effect of cybersex addicon on the family: Results of a survey. Sexual Addicon and Compulsivity: Journal of Treatment and Prevenon, 7, 31-58.

ì Schneider, J.P. (2001). Back from betrayal: Recovering from his affairs (2nd ed.) Tucson, AZ: Recovery Resource Press. Thank you for

ì Weiss, R. (2000). Cyber addicon checklist available from hp:// participating!

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7 Obtaining CE Credit NAADAC


1001 N. Fairfax Street., Ste. 201 § The educaon delivered in this webinar is FREE to all professionals. Alexandria, VA 22314 Naadac phone: 703.741.7686/800.548.0497 § 1 CE is FREE to NAADAC members or subscribers of AccuCare who aend this fax: 703.741.7698/800.377.1136 webinar. Non-members of NAADAC and non-subscribers of AccuCare receive 1 Don P. Osborn [email protected] CE for $15. [email protected]

§ If you wish to receive CE credit, you MUST complete and pass the “CE Quiz” that is located at: (look for TITLE of webinar) ì ì § A CE cerficate will be emailed to you within 21 days of subming the quiz and Thank you for payment (if applicable) – usually sooner. § Successfully passing the “CE Quiz” is the ONLY way to receive a CE cerficate. participating!