Copyrighted Material
23_020059_bindex.qxd 10/8/04 1:23 PM Page 559 Index importing types, 31 A inheriting constructors, 32 AbstractDecoratedTextEditor class, 359 Javadoc comments, 31 AbstractTextEditor class, 357–359 overriding methods, 32 accessibility options (SWT), 202–203 AWT components with SWT, 191 actions (JFace), 226–227, 367 embedded contents, 192 defining events, 192–196 attributes, 368–370 Azzurri Clay, 547 delegates, 371–372 enabling and disabling, 370–371 in the manifest, 368 B selection events, 370 Back function, 37, 53 global, 367 backing up workspaces, 2 implementing manually, 372 beans, 48 local, 367 generic, 48 active help systems, 382, 474–475 properties, 48–49 adapters, SWT events, 142 Beck, Kent, 540 Add Java Exception Breakpoint function, 117 bookmarks agile programming. See extreme programming bookmark manager, 366 annotations (JFace), 223–224 creating, 22 Ant, 388 breakpoints configuring, 388–389 managing, 117–118 editing scripts, 389–390 setting, 116 ANTLR, 547 Breakpoints View, 117–118 applications, exporting (Duke Speaks project), browser widget (SWT), 177 109–110 files (spell checker project), 493–495 architecture, Eclipse platform BundleActivators (OSGi), 314 core runtime, 315 BusyIndicator class (SWT), 175 extension points, 314 buttons help system, 316 Duke Speaks project GUI, 94–95 OSGi, 314 SWT, 156 overview, 314, 316–317 RCP vs. IDE, 315 C resource management, 315 Call Hierarchy View, 27–28 team support, 316–317 CDT, 547 user interfaces, 316 COPYRIGHTEDcell MATERIAL editors AspectJ, 547 Jukebox project, 285–286,
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