3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the No C 327/1





WRITTEN QUESTION No 1649/91 4 . Is any action due to be taken on Parliament's resolution by the following members : Paul Lannoye, Solange Fernex, of 16 March 1989, paragraphs 43 and 44 of which are Claudia Roth, Herman Verbeek, Virginio Bettini, aimed at imposing strict controls on the possible Eva-Maria Quistorp, Didier Anger and military applications of genetic engineering ? Gianfranco Amendola ( V ) 5 . What action does the Commission intend to take to to the Commission of the, European Communities monitor and, where necessary, restrict or ban the use (25 July 1991 ) within the territory of the Community of products and ( 93/C 327/01 technology which could be used for military purposes ?

(!) OJ No L 50, 22 . 2 . 1989 , p. 1 . Subject: Initiatives by the Commission to restrict arms proliferation

The events in the Middle East have once again highlighted Answer given by Mr Van den Broek the problem of the proliferation of nuclear , chemical and on behalf of the Commission bacteriological weapons . Iraq is not an isolated case , and (22 September 1993) international treaties and conventions have so far failed to curb generalized proliferation which constitutes a major threat to international security. With reference to the November 1991 answer to question No 1650/91 in the context of European Political Cooperation, the Commission can now provide Several European States bear considerable responsibility in Honourable Members with further information on this area, which is a reason why the Community should take developments relating to nuclear and chemical weapons effective action without delay, pending revision of such non-proliferation measures . treaties and conventions .

As to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons , the Member 1 . Has not the time come for the Community as a body to States, in the context of a meeting of the States adhering to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty ? the Nuclear Supplier Guidelines ( Warsaw, April 3 , 1992 ), adopted a policy on full scope safeguards as a condition of 2 . Does the revision of the Euratom Treaty include any future nuclear supplies . This implies that transfer of nuclear plans to strengthen controls on the sale of nuclear facilities, equipment components, material and technology, technology ? as referred to in the export trigger list of the guidelines ( INFCIRC/254 ), shall only be authorized to a non-nuclear weapon State if that State has brought into force an 3 . Is Council Regulation ( EEC ) No 428/89 ( 1 ) on the agreement with the IAEA requiring the application of export of certain chemical products to be amended so safeguards on all source and special fissile material in its that, in particular, the list of products subject to prior current and future peaceful nuclear activities . Exceptions authorization is extended and the regulation itself made are only possible if a transfer is deemed essential for the safe applicable to the technology and 'know-how' which operation of existing facilities to which safeguards are would enable chemical weapons to be manufactured ? applied . No C 327/2 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

At the 1993 plenary meeting in Lucerne ( from 30 March to strict verification procedures . Chemical-weapons 1 April ), the Group endorsed a proposal for an amendment disarmament will take as long as ten years and will be to the Guidelines to incorporate the requirement of extremely costly — perhaps more so than Start . The full-scope safeguards as a condition of supply in the official Member States all signed the convention, subject to document INFCIRC 1254 . It again called on nuclear declarations safeguarding their obligations as members of supplier countries which have not yet adopted such a policy the Community, and hope , as does the Community itself, to do so as soon as possible . that many more countries will follow suit ( there are already 138 signatories ).

During the Warsaw meeting, the adherents to the Guidelines decided to adopt the so-called Nuclear Related Dual Use At Community level, the Commission's comprehensive July Export Control Regime ( INFCIRC/254/Revision I, Part 2 ). 1992 proposal on export controls on dual-use goods and This regime comprises a set of guidelines for the export of technologies goes further than the proposal ( dated nuclear related dual-use equipment . 19 March 1990 ) for an amendment to the Council Regulation of 20 February 1989 on exports of certain chemicals , in that it contains a single provision for all the At the subsequent Lucerne meeting, the Members noted that products identified by the 'Australian group' and provides a the regime became effective on 1 January 1993 . They more satisfactory Community framework for controls . pledged their full cooperation to ensure its successful implementation . These measures correspond to the guidelines laid down at The 1991 proposals made by the Community and its the meeting in Lisbon in June 1992 for Member States to the IAEA to improve the effectiveness , the development of the common foreign and security policy efficiency and credibility of the international safeguards in 'areas open to joint action', further specified by the regime have received due consideration . Council on 7 December of that year, which include 'control of the transfer of military technology'. At the moment the framework for such measures remains the Luxembourg In several meetings this year, the Board of Governors European Council meeting's goal of 'harmonization of expressed its resolve to take all appropriate measures that national policies' on exports and export controls . could lead to a more effective safeguards system .

Two such measures taken up were :

— universal reporting of exports, imports and inventories of nuclear material; and

— universal reporting of exports and imports of certain equipment and non-nuclear material . WRITTEN QUESTION No 2919/91 by Mrs Cristiana Muscardini ( NI ) Pending further consideration by the Board , it was concluded that States willing to do so might provide the to the Commission of the European Communities Agency, on a voluntary basis, with the relevant (19 December 1991 ) information . 93/C 327/02

Also , action has been started by the IAEA to secure the early provision of design information . Subject: Protection of the Italian cultural heritage

The Community and its Member States are now taking the necessary steps to be able to provide the Agency with the In view of the Italian Government's scandalous lack of information required . concern for Italy's artistic heritage ( in the last ten years over 100 000 works of art, including paintings, sculptures , coins and archaelogical finds have disappeared; in 1990 almost In the meantime, the Geneva Conference of Disarmament 400 works of art disappeared from state museums and a succeeded in September 1992 in concluding a similar number from other public museums; 2 200 rare chemical-weapons ban convention subsequently submitted objects were stolen from churches and convents and almost for approval by the 47th UN General Assembly and signed 6 000 from private collections ), does the Commission not in Paris on 13 January 1993 . The convention is due to come consider a directive should be issued without delay requiring into force in 1995 ; it is non-discriminatory and contains museums to install systems for the prevention of theft and 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/3 fire ? Does the Commission not also consider that this currently holding consultations with the relevant national directive should require artistic objects to be catalogued and authorities so that once the Treaty on information to be made available to museum visitors ( including Article 128 on culture ) comes into force, a ( neither of which is done in Italy, where cataloguing was communication can be drawn up on the cultural started in the 1930s but was interrupted during the war and heritage . has never been carried out systematically ? Does it not consider that it should issue a 'moral ' condemnation of the In the context of the completion of the single market and the Italian Government for its culpable neglect of an artistic and abolition of internal border checks, moreover the Council cultural heritage which reflects the history and traditions of has adopted a regulation on the export of cultural goods not only Italy, but of as a whole ? ( Regulation ( EEC ) No 3911/92 of 9 December 1992 ) and a directive on the return of cultural goods unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State ( Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 ).

Answer given by Mr Pinheiro These measures , which set out to reconcile the fundamental on behalf of the Commission principle of the free movement of goods with that of the protection of 'national treasures', supplement national (2 August 1993) safeguards and thus afford new and additional protection for cultural goods within the Community .

The role of the Commission in protecting and safeguarding In this specific context, cooperation between the competent the cultural heritage is clearly defined , notably in the authorities of the Member States may also be expected to conclusions of the Council and the Ministers for Culture of play an increasingly important role . 12 November 1992 on the 'guidelines for Community cultural action'. (!) COM(92 ) 149 final .

Once ratified , Article 128 of the will serve to consolidate this role , which is to promote cooperation between Member States and , where appropriate , to support and supplement the action they take , whilst acknowledging the preponderant role played by WRITTEN QUESTION No 179/92 the Member States and the subsidiary nature of Community by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( S ) action in this sphere . to the Commission of the European Communities (10 February 1992) It should be stressed , however, that Article 128 gives the ( 93/C 327/03 ) Community no powers to initiate the harmonization of Member States' laws and regulations in this area . Subject: Monument on Zakynthos The Honourable Member will therefore appreciate that at Some important monuments on the island of Zakynthos , this stage the Commission cannot propose a directive on the mainly post-Byzantine churches, were damaged by the 1988 various points raised in his question, such as the cataloguing of works of art. earthquake and need repairs to prevent their further structural weakening and collapse . Typical examples are : Kiria ton Angelon in the town of Zakynthos, Agia Paraskevi Nonetheless, in its endeavours to safeguard the European in Bokhali, Pandokratoras in the locality of the same name, cultural heritage , the Commission will continue to Panagia Faneromeni in Mouzaki , Panagia i Dermatousa in encourage cooperation between Member States as well as Tragaki , Agios Spiridonas in Volima , Agios Nikolaos in Exo with and between experts in this sphere especially with a Khora and Agia Paraskevi in Krioneri and the Anafonitria view to promoting the exchange of information and monastery . How and under what conditions can the know-how . Community provide funding for the repairs to the above monuments ?

For example, subject to the unanimous agreement of the Member States and the principle of , incentives could be provided for joint initiatives to afford the European Answer given by Mr Pinheiro public easier access to museums and better information on behalf of the Commission concerning their contents . (2 August 1993)

As stated in its communication entitled 'New prospects for Every year, the Commission provides support for pilot Community cultural action' ('), the Commission is projects relating to the conservation of the European No C 327/4 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 , 12 , 93 architectural heritage . The choice of pilot projects is guided — connected with objectives or activities which are not by an annual theme , in the light of available budgetary compatible with the aims of the Community or the resources and with the assistance of an international panel . of experts . In 1992 , a total of 959 pilot projects were submitted , 47 of which were selected . In the Commission's opinion the reproduction of the European flag together with the Danish flag in the Consequently, in so far as the Zakynthos monuments are advertisement referred to by the Honourable Member is not covered by one of the themes proposed for the future ( for likely to lead to confusion between these schools, which do 1993 , the theme was 'Formally or naturally landscaped not receive any Community support, and Community parks and gardens of historic interest'; for 1994 , 'Theatres , activities . cinemas and concert halls'; for 1995 , ' Religious buildings'), they may be considered for assistance under future operations . If not, there are unfortunately no other funding opportunities available under the heading of ' Cultural Action'.

At all events , responsibility for the restoration of the WRITTEN QUESTION No 1087/92 monuments still lies with the relevant regional/national by Mr Giinter Liittge ( S ) authorities . to the Commission of the European Communities (30 April 1992) ( 93/C 327/05

Subject: Commission press release IP/92/52 of 30 January 1992 on road transit through Hungary and WRITTEN QUESTION No 403/92 Czechoslovakia by Mrs Raymonde Dury ( S ) to the Commission of the European Communities 1 . Is the Commission aware that this press release (2 March 1992 ) contains a number of factual errors ? 93/C 327/04 — These are not transit tolls but fines for lorries above the permitted transit quota

Subject: Dubious use of the European logo — The decision to increase these fines was announced by Czechoslovakia during the Prague Transport The Belgian newspaper Le Soir of 30 January 1992 refers to Conference in late October 1991 the advertising campaign of the Tvind schools, from Denmark, aimed at recruiting pupils in Belgium . It appears — The date they were to come into force was postponed by that these schools are purely commercial concerns . the Czechoslovak Government for practical reasons, in However, the advertising posters use the European logo view of the higher quota under the association together with a reference to a ' European boarding agreement, from 1 December 1991 to 1 January school'. 1992

— The Community was therefore perfectly aware of' this Has the Commission given its authorization for the logo to decision during the negotiations on the association be used ? Is this not a misuse of the logo and one likely to lead agreement . to confusion ? If so , what has the Commission done or what docs it plan to do ? 2 . Is the Commission aware that, with the unfreezing of the Czechoslovakian currency the plan to double the fines from CKR 15 000 to 30 000 would have meant that in real terms they fell from ECU 1 220 to 860 ? ( basis for Answer given by Mr Delors calculation : CKR value 1989—1991 ) on behalf of the Commission (20 July 1993) 3 . What is the Commission's response to the fact that as a result of its intervention, as announced in this press release, the fine fell by comparison with 1989 to less than ECU 500 Authorization may be given for the use of the European logo in real terms ? ( CKR 18 500 ) by third parties, in accordance with criteria agreed by the Council of Europe and the Commission, provided that it is 4 . How does the Commission reconcile this policy with not : its own transport and environmental objectives ?

likely to lead to confusion between the user and the 5 . Is the Commission aware that as a result of its Community on the Council of Europe; action : 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/5

more lorries are driving through Czechoslovakia free of 2 and 3 . In fact, most of the taxable permits are used by charge ( negotiated under the association agreement); Greek carriers . Following the floating of the Czech crown and the devaluation of the drachma against the ECU, the fewer lorries than before have to pay fines ; cost to Greek carriers of a taxable permit increased by 23 % as against the 1989 price . the reduced fines are no longer any deterrent to transport companies' sending lorries through Czechoslovakia ? The Commission was guided in its actions by its obligation to defend the legitimate interests of the Member States and to ensure that the conditions of competition between Community carriers were not distorted by additional economic disadvantages affecting transport between Greece Answer given Dy Mr Matutes and the rest of the Community . on behalf of the Commission (9 September 1993) 4 . The Commission's objectives regarding transport and the environment will be easier to achieve if railways and 1 . Whatever term one uses to designate the payment waterways offer efficient alternatives to road transport . referred to in the press release quoted by the Honourable Given the situation in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Member, it must be made clear that it is not a fine for the Commission measures are based in particular on a infringement of regulations, but a fee payable on certain Community commitment to specific infrastructure forms of transit for heavy goods vehicles . financing measures , with the emphasis on combined transport, motorway transit and related environmental issues . In this connection the Commission has initiated The number and nature of international transport permits appropriate steps for the financing of such projects under granted are the result of bilateral agreements concluded by the PHARE programme . the countries concerned for their mutual benefit . Greece is the only Member State whose annual quota, set by agreement with the Federal Republic of Czechoslovakia ( J ) 5 . The increase in the number of lorries in transit, paying includes, in addition to untaxed permits, exchanged on a and non-paying, is the result, among other things , of the reciprocal basis, taxable permits, which can be used by opening up of markets between the Community and the Greece alone , in consideration of its special transit needs . countries of Central and Eastern Europe and, to an even greater extent, of the limited capacity of railways and In addition, in the exchange of letters regarding transit waterways . In this connection it should be noted that it was annexed to the Final act on the conclusion of an interim Czechoslovakia that asked for the opening up of markets agreement with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and priority measures for road transport. Moroever, ( CSFR), approved by Council Decision 92/299/EEC of restricting road transport would do nothing to solve the 25 February 1992 ( 2 ) the CSFR granted, within the problem of transport needs . For this reason the Commission framework of a general solution to the problems of transit has concentrated on the immediate alleviation of existing for those Member States of the Community most directly traffic problems . concerned, 2 000 additional taxable permits in addition to the existing quota granted for 1991 under the bilateral ( J ) Which was still in existence at the time . agreements . In the same exchange of letters the CSFR ( 2 ) OJ No L 115 , 30 . 4 . 1992 . undertook to grant 1 000 , 1 000 and 1 332 additional taxable permits for the years 1992 , 1993 and 1994 respectively .

At the time of the Prague Conference in October 1991 , while the Europe Agreement was being negotiated , the subject of a plan for overall modification of the taxation system, including user charges, to finance infrastructures , was raised by the Czech authorities, but only in very general terms . The WRITTEN QUESTION No 1341/92 Commission was thus not officially informed of the exact by Mr Carlos Robles Piquer ( PPE ) terms of the decision in question until after the signature of to the Commission of the European Communities the Europe Agreement and the exchange of letters on transit and infrastructures on 16 December 1991 . (5 June 1992) ( 93/C 327/06 ) After the Community had been informed of the planned increase in the charge, negotiations were held at the beginning of 1992 , during which Czechoslovakia freely and Subject: Cultivating an awareness of the sea in the voluntarily undertook, as part of the overall interim Community agreement, to limit the amount payable for each permit to CKR 18 500 in consideration of the special situation arising for the Member States most closely concerned as a result of Despite the vital importance of the sea and the oceans in the developments on the territory of the former Yugoslavia . history of some Member States , there would seem to be a No C 327/6 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93 general lack of awareness among increasing numbers of Answer given by Mr Pinheiro people in the Community . The laudable work of on behalf of the Commission organizations such as the Spanish Naval League , which (28 July 1993) focus their activities on the sea , help to cultivate an awareness of this situation . The role of the Commission with regard to the conservation and safeguarding of the cultural heritage is defined in the Can the Commission say what the level of awareness is in conclusions of the Council and the Ministers for Culture of the Community and whether this can be assessed by 12 November 1992 on guidelines for Community cultural Eurobarometer ? What can be done to enhance the action . effectiveness of the maritime and naval associations and leagues ? This role, which will be consolidated by the entry into force of Article 128 of the Treaty on European Union after ratification , involves encouraging cooperation between Member States and , if necessary, measures to support and supplement their activities . It should be borne in mind in this connection that it is the Member States which have the Answer given by Mr Pinheiro preponderant role to play in this field and that Community on behalf of the Commission action will be of a subsidiary nature . (29 July 1993) Protection of cultural assets, including those regarded as 'national treasures' within the meaning of Article 36 of the EEC Treaty is thus a matter for the relevant authorities of The Commission is interested in how the public perceives the Member States . the sea , its resources and those whose livelihood depends on it, but its information departments have had neither the In the case in point, it is the Greek authorities and not the occasion nor the financial resources needed to carry out a Community which must decide whether or not the works Eurobarometer survey in this connection . referred to must remain on national territory and be afforded specific protection . Eurobarometer would certainly be a suitable instrument both for gauging public attitudes towards the sea and for The Community, for its part, has adopted two items of surveying the opinions of those who are engaged in maritime legislation intended to accompany the removal of controls at occupations , were the resources required for such a special internal borders and provide an additional system of Eurobarometer survey in this area ever to be made protection to the existing national protection measures . available . They are Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State C ) and Regulation ( EEC ) No 3911/92 of 9 December 1992 on the export of cultural goods ( 2 ).

Were the works in question to fall within the scope of the above directive and/or regulation , the Community mechanisms established by these instruments could be applied . WRITTEN QUESTION No 1455/92 (!) OJ No L 74 , 27 . 3 . 1993 . by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( S ) ( 2 ) OJ No L 395 , 31 . 12 . 1992 . to the Commission of the European Communities (16 June 1992) ( 93/C 327/07

WRITTEN QUESTION No 1640/92 Subject: The cultural treasures of Aget-Hiraklis by Mr Llewellyn Smith ( S ) to the Commission of the European Communities 1247 pictures by famous artists belonging to the firm of (24 June 1992) Aget-Hiraklis recently became the property of an Italian 93/C 327/08 company, Caltestrousi . Since the new owners can dispose of these works of art as they wish and, indeed , they may at any moment decide to ship them out of the country, does the Subject: Codex/GATT : general harmonization principles Commission intend to make it clear that these pictures must remain in Greece as part of its national and cultural In the Commission's opinion to what extent are the heritage ? following general principles essential ? 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/7

1 . International standards should be a global floor but not WRITTEN QUESTION No 1642/92 a ceiling on individual countries where standards must by Mr Llewellyn Smith ( S ) reflect an acceptable level of risk to health and the environment; to the Commission of the European Communities (24 June 1992) 2/ The role of science is to inform the public on the nature ( 93/C 327/10 ) and extent of risk, but the decision on the level of risk is a public decision, i.e. , science informs , society disposes ; Subject: Codex/GATT : Uruguay Round the role of science 3 . The process for developing international standards, and resolving disputes over standards , must be open and To what extent does the Commission agree that the accessible ; following definition of harmonization raises an unnecessary challenge to national sovereignty, because it fails to 4 . The test to determine if a standard is a trade barrier is correctly identify how science contributes to health and whether a country standard discriminates against a environmental standards ? product or a process to protect domestic producers or against the product or processes of one country in 'GATT contracting parties who align their sanitary and favour of another country. phytosanitary measures with international standards, guidelines and recommendations would be exempt from challenge by other contracting parties ; measures more stringent than international norms would require justification in terms of sound science, risk assessment and consistency in risk management.' WRITTEN QUESTION No 1641/92 by Mr Llewellyn Smith ( S ) to the Commission of the European Communities WRITTEN QUESTION No 1643/92 (24 June 1992) by Mr Llewellyn Smith ( S ) ( 93/C 327/09 to the Commission of the European Communities (24 June 1992) ( 93/C 327/11 ) Subject: Codex/GATT : test for discrimination

Subject: Codex/GATT : democracy — risk assessment and Whilst everyone can agree that discrimination needs to be risk management eliminated , controversy is inevitable because fairness for one can be considered discrimination by another. To what To what extent does the Commission agree that the extent does the Commission agree that discrimination development of standards in a democracy involves two very should be judged according to the following convention ? distinct steps ? The first is to assess the nature and character of the risk likely to occur by introducing hazardous 1 . Where a country standard is more protective of health substances into the environment or authorizing processes and the environment than international standards , the that pose hazards , and that the question remains as to the standard is presumed to meet the following tests , per level of risk to be allowed , and can be answered by risk se : management, the second step in setting standards .

( a ) its effects on international trade are only The second, risk management, is a policy issue, not a incidental ; scientific decision, because the level of risk that will be adopted is a level acceptable to the society which assumes ( b ) the burden imposed upon international commerce the risk based on unique conditions that make each society is not excessive in relation to the putative country different . benefits;

( c ) the standard has the lesser impact on international commerce than any other that could have been Joint answer to Written Questions chosen . Nos 1640/92 to 1643/92 given by Sir Leon Brittan 2 . In order to show discrimination, a country that on behalf of the Commission complains must be able to substantively demonstrate (29 July 1993) that the standard at issue involves a specific case, i.e. , a complaint cannot anticipate a potential injury to trade, and that the assessment of burden involves a balancing 1 . The Commission is of the view that GATT of interest involved in the specific case . agreements, while encouraging the use of international No C 327/8 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93 standards, do not affect the right of countries to apply agreement fully recognizes this distinction . In this respect, a higher domestic standards for legitimate health or number of elements contained in the draft SPS text are environmental reasons . In such cases , or when international worth noting : standards do not exist, the TBT ( Technical Barriers to Trade ) and the SPS ( Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures ) ( a ) A basic obligation under the draft SPS is that sanitary draft agreements aim at ensuring that domestic measures do and phytosanitary measures are to be based on not constitute unnecessary obstacles to trade . As rightly scientific principles and are not to be maintained noted by the Honourable Member, questions of against available scientific evidence ( Article 6 ). In the discrimination and the proper role for science , can be of absence of sufficient scientific evidence , provisional particular relevance in this respect . As regards transparency, measures may be adopted on the basis of pertinent the Commission is certainly ready, when participating in the available information ( Article 22 ). development of international standards , to give a reasonable opportunity for consultation to all groups which have a legitimate interest on the matter . ( b ) The draft agreement establishes a distinction between risk assessment and 'the level of protection deemed appropriate by the contracting party establishing a 2 . Standards for health or environmental protection sanitary or phytosanitary measure . . ( Annex A:4 and should not give rise to arbitrary or unjustifiable 5 ). Scientific evidence is identified as a factor to be discrimination between countries where the same considered in relation to the risk assessment process conditions prevail . In the first instance , no such ( Article 17 SPS and Article 2.2 . TBT).. discrimination should apply as between producers from different third countries or as between domestic and foreign ( c ) The SPS explicitly recognizes that higher standards than producers . Furthermore , both the TBT and the SPS draft those established internationally may be applied either agreements indicate that technical regulations or on the basis of a scientific justification, or as a phytosanitary measures shall not be more trade restrictive consequence of the level of protection determined to be than necessary for achieving their legitimate public policy appropriate by a contracting party ( Article 11 ). goals . ( Article 2.2 TBT; Article 21 SPS ). In the view of the Commission the GATT concept of 'necessity' essentially implies a consideration of whether, in order to achieve the ( d ) As regards the appropriate level of protection, the SPS draft refers to the concept of 'consistency', which aims same level of health or environmental protection, a measure could have been reasonably chosen which implied a lesser to avoid arbitrary distinctions between the levels of degree of trade restrictiveness . This interpretation is indeed protection considered to be appropriate in different supported by the recent GATT Tuna Panel Report . The situations . More precise guidelines on the application purpose of the 'necessity' test is not therefore to require of this concept are to be developed ( Article 20 ). countries to lower their level of environmental or health protection because of trade considerations, but rather to avoid the adoption of measures which restrict international trade more than necessary to achieve health or environmental goals .

It should be noted that, while the draft SPS and TBT agreements establish a positive presumption that measures WRITTEN QUESTION No 1899/92 based on international standards conform with GATT obligations, this does not imply any form of 'negative' by Mr Giinter Topmann ( S ) presumption as regards measures which are based on a to the Commission of the European Communities higher level of protection than international standards . The (23 July 1992) Commission considers that any GATT assessment of such ( 93/C 327/12 measures should be carried out on a case-by-case basis and in a manner which does not question the level of health or environmental protection chosen by an individual contracting party . Subject: 'Eiserner Rhein' railway

3 . The Commission agrees with the Honourable In 1991 the Commission ordered a ( preliminary ) survey on Member that a distinction needs to be made between - the 'Eiserner Rhein' railway link between the Ruhr and risk-assessment techniques and the determination of the Antwerp through the Netherlands . The survey concludes level of risk acceptable for a particular society-risk that the decision by the railway undertakings concerned not management . Scientific evidence should play a central role to make further use of this international link failed to take in the risk-assessment process to ensure that decisions necessary account of the European dimension . relating to the adoption of health or environmental measures are based on sufficient information and an objective assessment of the facts . Risk-management 1 . Does the Commission agree with the conclusions of the inevitably implies a value judgement, which is proper to survey and in particular that, in view of the increased each society, as to the acceptable level of risk . The draft SPS volume of traffic ( arising from the increase in East-West 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/9

trade, the completion of the Channel Tunnel, etc.) this the Member States and railway companies concerned have link will be necessary for international freight not proposed the inclusion of the 'Eiserne Rhein' in the transport ? draft .

2 . Can the Commission say whether the Dutch section between Neerpelt and Weert has been decommissioned ?

3 . Is it compatible with the objectives of the internal market to decommission a section necessary for direct WRITTEN QUESTION No 2027/92 international railway transport services , possibly carried out by international groupings within the meaning of by Mr Dieter Rogalla ( S ) Article 10 ( 3 ) of Directive 91/440/EEC O ? to the Commission of the European Communities (1 September 1992) 4 . What steps could the Commission take to bring the ( 93/C 327/13 ) 'Eiserner Rhein' back into service ?

(!) OJ No L 237, 24 . 8 . 1991 , p. 25 . Subject: Customs union

1 . What influence does the Commission have on measures taken by the customs authorities of the Member States which run counter to the customs union ? Answer given by Mr Matutes on behalf of the Commission 2 . Has the Commission brought its influence to bear in (20 September 1993) specific cases and if so when ?

3 . Is the Commission aware that, at Ventimilia railway 1 . The Hasselt-Montzen-Aachen line , recently improved , station on the border between Italy and France the customs is actually the main line for goods transport between authorities check travellers in an arbitrary manner, thereby Antwerp and Germany . causing unpredictable delays affecting European ( Eurocity, Intercity ) express trains ? If the development of rail transport demand made additional capacity necessary, the 'Eiserne Rhein' railway 4 . What steps does the Commission intend to take to link would become an interesting option but qualitative remedy this situation ? improvements on the track and completion of the electrification should then be considered .

2 . According to available information, the Dutch section Answer given by Mr Matutes between Weert and the Dutch-Belgian border, which is a on behalf of the Commission single line section only, is used for local goods traffic and not (17 September 1993) for cross-border traffic .

3 and 4 . The planning of infrastructure is the competence 1 . When the Commission is informed , or finds out, for of Member States . example in the course of one of its frequent control missions to verify that own resources are being collected correctly, that national customs authorities have failed to comply with However, a Conventional Rail Working Group, composed Community customs regulations , it has the same means of of representatives of the Community and EFTA Member redress at its disposal as in any other case of an infringement States , of national railway companies and of other or irregularity committed by a Member State against railway-related international bodies, is preparing, under Community Treaties or secondary legislation . That is to say, Commission chairmanship, a proposal for a basic the Commission can try to resolve the problem through transeuropean railway network ( horizon 2010 ). This informal contacts , but if this fails it invokes Article 169 of network will be based on the Community transport policy, the EEC Treaty which lays down that the Commission must including the requirements of the internal market and deliver a reasoned opinion and may if necessary bring the cohesion, and the need for consistency with the matter before the Court of Justice . implementation of Council Directive 91/440/EEC of 29 July 1991 on the development of the Community's railways . In addition, the Commission is constantly reinforcing its contacts with the national authorities . In the case of The Commission can encourage Member States to include customs , it organizes regular meetings with the authorities projects of Community interest in the Network . However, at the highest level, and this enables it to raise and resolve No C 327/10 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93 many questions regarding the operation of the customs WRITTEN QUESTION No 2241/92 union quickly and efficiently . by Mr Jean-Pierre Raffarin ( LDR ) to the Commission of the European Communities 2 . Since the Honourable Member gives no indication of (1 September 1992) the type of measure he has in mind , the Commission can ( 93/C 327/15 only draw his attention to the annual reports on monitoring the application of Community law, the most recent of which covers the year 1992 ('). Subject: Development of the European Association of Sailing Federations 3 and 4 . The Commission is not aware of any arbitrary measures taken by the customs authorities at the Vintimille What steps will be taken by the Commission to encourage railway station . It is, however, ready to look into the matter the development of the European Association of Sailing if specific usable information is submitted . Federations, in view of the decision by the national sailing federations to cooperate in the organization of competitive events, thereby promoting Europe's exceptional í 1 ) COMÍ91 ) 320 final — OJ No C 233 , 30 . 8 . 1993 . coastline ?

This is a major step in the context of European Union and has received the backing of the Commission and Parliament .

Since funding is available under the Community budget, what further action will the Commission take to support WRITTEN QUESTION No 2147/92 this major initiative ? by Mr Jose Valverde Lopez ( PPE ) to the Commission of the European Communities (1 September 1993) Answer given by Mr Pinheiro on behalf of the Commission ( 93/C 327/14 (29 July 1993)

Subject: Conditions of recruitment on ships — The Commission has given its backing for the establishment infringements by Spain in the application of the of the European Association of Sailing Federations in the regulation on freedom of movement for workers belief that, through constructive dialogue, initiatives of this within the Community type help to bring the world of sport more closely into touch with the process of . What are the legal implications arid the practical consequences of Spain's infringement or improper The Commission has granted ECU 25 000 from budget implementation of Regulation ( EEC ) No 1612/68 (') with Article B3-303 ( General Communication Work ) towards regard to conditions of recruitment on ships ? the cost of the ' Eurolymp 92 programme' organized by the Association.

(!) OJ No L 257, 19 . 10 . 1968 , p. 2 . Further grants can only be considered in the light of a tangible programme of activities .

Answer given by Mr Delors on behalf of the Commission (3 August 1993) WRITTEN QUESTION No 2310/92 by Mrs Pauline Green ( S )

The Commission would inform the Honourable Member to the Commission of the European Communities that, in response to its reasoned opinion concerning the (8 September 1992) improper application of Regulation ( EEC ) No 1612/88 in ( 93/C 327/16 ) the area of access to employment on ships , Spain is now taking steps to put the situation to rights and thus comply with Community law . Subject: Product liability directive

Will the Commission say when it will reach a conclusion on whether the 1985 EC product liability Directive was 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/11 properly implemented in the United Kingdom by the 1987 2 . If it transpires that B's declaration to Member State 2 Consumer Protection Act; does not mention any purchase in Member State 1 , and enquiries by Member State 2 in Member State 1 reveal when it expects to begin its review of the Directive with a only that A has an invoice made out to B in its records view to making a recommendation to the Council by 1995 and that cash was paid , does the Commission believe on whether the development risk defence should that it is then possible to ascertain the actual course of continue ; events and to collect evidence if an offence has been committed ? how many cases there have been since 1987 in the Member 3 . Has the Commission considered that A might have States in which the development risk defence has been cited ? deliberately made out a false invoice to B and sold the goods under the counter in Member State 1 ?

4 . Similarly, has the Commission considered that a foreign customer may have misused B's name and VAT number Answer given by Mr Bangemann in order to sell the goods illicitly within the EC , with or on behalf of the Commission without A's knowledge ? (27 May 1993) 5 . In view of the above , does the Commission consider it desirable, in the interests of combating fraud, to prohibit The Commission believes that the above mentioned cash payments in ICT transactions and to make it directive was not properly implemented in the UK and has compulsory for ICT transactions between company A therefore opened infringement proceedings under and company B to take place via a bank or giro Article 169 of the EEC Treaty . account ?

The Commission expects France and Spain to implement the directive in the near future . Once this has been done and the examination of the implementing legislation has been Answer given by Mrs Scrivener carried out, the Commission will turn to gathering the on behalf of the Commission relevant information for the report . (19 July 1993)

The Commission does not have any information at present on the number of cases since 1987 in which the development 1 . Under the Sixth VAT Directive , the key conditions for risk defence has been cited . This information should come to exempting intra-Community supplies of goods are that the light during the preparation of the report . goods must by physically sent to another Member State and that the purchaser must be a taxable person. Such exemption will , therefore , be inapplicable only if one or other of these conditions is not met or if the seller is operating fraudulently. It should be pointed out that traders can check in advance whether these conditions are met : the transport or consignment of the goods to the other Member WRITTEN QUESTION No 2441/92 State can be verified on the basis of the commercial by Mrs Annemarie Goedmakers ( S ) documents , and the authenticity of the purchaser's VAT number can be checked with the tax authorities in their own to the Commission of the European Communities Member State by accessing the VAT information exchange (8 October 1992) system ( VIES ). ( 93/C 327/17 ) 2 , 3 and 4 . If the apparent purchaser does not declare the transaction in his own Member State, the latter may, in the Subject: VAT fraud in intra-Community transactions first instance, charge him the tax on it on the basis of the ( ICT ) information periodically received from the seller's Member State . The purchaser is then liable to pay this tax unless it can Suppose that company A from Member State 1 sells a be established, following a dispute procedure , that his name consignment of goods to a customer who says that the goods and/or VAT number was misused . Disputes of this type are are intended for company B in Member State 2 ; the governed solely by the rules applicable in the Member States customer gives B's VAT number to A; and the customer pays concerned, e.g. as regards the proof required and penalties . cash and provides the transport himself. Mutual assistance between Member States could also play an important role in this . In its quarterly statement to the tax authorities , A declares this delivery as an ICT export, and Member State 1 forwards 5 . The Commission holds the view that a this information to Member State 2 . Community-wide ban on cash payments for intra­ Community transactions as a means of combating tax fraud 1 . What happens if it transpires that B's VAT number is would be at variance with the principle of freedom to fictitious ? transact business . It would , however, point out that some No C 327/12 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 , 93

Member States prohibit cash payment for business WRITTEN QUESTION No 2497/92 transactions over a certain sum and stipulate that such by Mr Christos Papoutsis ( S ) transactions must be settled by crossed cheque . to the Commission of the European Communities (12 October 1992) ( 93/C 327/19

Subject: Use of Community funds by the Greek Government for party political purposes WRITTEN QUESTION No 2465/92 by Mrs Winifred Ewing ( ARC ) In view of the fact that the Greek Government has admitted to the Commission of the European Communities using Community funds to finance its media campaign in (8 October 1992) favour of the ratification of the , will the Commission say whether Community funds may be used for ( 93/C 327/18 ) purely party political purposes , as has occurred in Greece, according to the slogans, and also whether it intends to investigate under which headings of the Community budget Subject: EC assistance for victims of Chernobyl disaster these funds were allocated to the Greek Government ?

Will the Commission state what medical , financial and technological assistance it is making available to the victims of the Chernobyl disaster ? Will it also give details of the Answer given by Mr Pinheiro action arising from the debate in March 1992 on on behalf of the Commission Community aid to deal with the consequences of (3 August 1993) Chernobyl ?

The Commission has not used the Structural Funds to finance any advertising campaigns concerning the Answer given by Sir Leon Brittan Maastricht Treaty . on behalf of the Commission (13 July 1993) However, under the technical assistance action programme, the Greek authorities propose to launch information and advertising campaigns concerning the operational programmes and projects included in the Community In May 1991 the Commission provided direct technical Support Framework for Greece . assistance of 650 environmental gamma doserate meters for the population affected by the Chernobyl accident . These dosemeters were distributed to local authorities within the This programme is now under way and the measures to be three republics , Russia, Bielorussia and Ukraine in order to financed are chosen in accordance with procedures and by be used to detect radioactivity in the living areas of the reference to criteria jointly defined by the Greek authorities population . and the Commission .

In the context of cooperation with the countries of the former Soviet Union the Radiation Protection Research Action is implementing collaborative projects ( seven started in 1991 and three started in 1992 ) dealing with radio ecological consequences, strategies for implementing countermeasures , nuclear emergency management WRITTEN QUESTION No 2602/92 approaches and cytological characterisation of health by Mr Paul Staes ( V ) effects . In 1992 , an expert panel evaluated the increasing to the Commission of the European Communities appearance of childhood thyroid cancers . The panel report is to be published soon and this year two projects on thyroid (27 October 1992) cancer will be launched , if sufficient resources become ( 93/C 327/20 available .

Subject: Proposal for a regulation on the security measures As far as the nuclear safety component of the TACIS applicable to classified information produced or programme is concerned , the Commission is considering transmitted in connection with EEC or Euratom finance for some projects dealing with the rehabilitation of activities contaminated soils in Ukraine , Russia and Belarus . The Commission has submitted a proposal for a regulation concerning mandatory secrecy and security rules ( COM(92 ) 3 . 12: 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/13

56 final ) ( ). This regulation will apply not only to security Will there be a chairman ? If so, who ? Where will it be data and Euratom . Each Member State is to set up a body to based ? supervise the application of this EC directive . 3 . What are its exact tasks and powers to be ? 1 . On what legal basis has this proposal for an EC regulation been drawn up ? When is the Council of Ministers due to consider the regulation ? 4 . How, by whom and through what procedures will this body be supervised ? Who will bear political responsibility ? 2 . Can this regulation be applied to all political data concerning the EC ? Can it, for instance, be applied to the harmonization of policy on asylum for political refugees 5 . To what extent and in which manner will this body be so that a public debate in the European and national in contact with the NATO Security Committee and the parliaments may be circumvented ? Security Bureau ?

3 . What are the actual criteria for confidential, secret and 6 . What measures must be taken when a journalist top secret ? Are these exactly the same in all Member quotes from such classified information ? Could measures be States ? Is there any discrepancy in criteria already taken against the journalist ? If so, is this not a threat to applied under Euratom ? If so, what ? freedom of the press ?

4 . What guarantees are there to prevent a country, on the pretext of the national interest but in fact due to internal political problems, from classifying certain vital data as WRITTEN QUESTION No 2613/92 secret in order to avoid public debate in Parliament with the result that other countries would also have to treat by Mr Bryan Cassidy ( PPE ) the data as secret ? to the Commission of the European Communities (27 October 1992) 5 . Could this not result in the 'muzzling' of policy-makers , 93/C 327/22 ) unable to speak out about the actual effects on public health of a major environmental or nuclear disaster affecting another country ? Subject: Proposal for a Council regulation on security measures applicable to classified information produced or transmitted in connection with EEC (!) OJ No L 72, 21 . 3 . 1992 , p. 15 . or Euratom activities

Article 5 on security grading of proposal COM(92 ) 56 final seems to contradict the Declaration of the Maastricht Treaty agreed on 7 February 1992 concerning the right of WRITTEN QUESTION No 2603/92 access to information ( 1 ). Can the Commission clarify this issue and provide further information about proposed by Mr Paul Staes ( V) security grading ? to the Commission of the European Communities

(27 October 1992) f 1 ) OJ No C 191 , 29 . 7. 1992, p. 101 . ( 93/C 327/21 )

Subject: Application of a proposal for a regulation on the WRITTEN QUESTION No 2870/92 security measures applicable to classified by Mrs Mary Banotti ( PPE ) information produced or transmitted in connection with EEC or Euratom activities to the Commission of the European Communities (16 November 1992) ( 93/C 327/23 1 . Which EC body is to be responsible for the implementation of this proposal for an EC regulation concerning secrecy and security procedures in the Member Subject: Official Secrets Law — EC proposal States ( COM(92 ) 56 final)?

Could the Commission comment on the criticisms of the 2 . What departments are to form part of this body ? Who International Federation of Journalists to the proposed EC would sit on it ? Regulation to establish 'security gradings' for sensitive No C 327/14 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93 information connected with EC activities — as the proposal What steps is the Commission taking or does it intend to is drawn so widely could it not be used to ensure that matters take to prepare itself for its new duties ? Is any data available politically embarrassing to the Commission and Member on the effects on health of the introduction of the Internal State governments are kept out of the public domain and Market ? If not, will the Commission undertake to draw up a therefore bypass democratic discussion and accountability ? White Paper on the subject ? Could the Commission elaborate on the type of infringement procedures they envisage taking against those journalists who might breach the Regulation ? What is the significance of the restructuring of DG V now under way and the setting up of the High Committee of Public Health Experts ? Is it the Commission's intention to report on this to Parliament ? Joint answer to Written Questions Nos 2602/92, 2603/92, 2613/92 and 2870/92 given by Mr Delors on behalf of the Commission (3 August 1993) Answer given by Mr Flynn on behalf of the Commission (5 August 1993) Most of the matters raised in the Written Questions listed above were discussed by the parliamentary committees to which the proposal was referred ( Committee on Legal Affairs, Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs , Until such time as the Treaty on European Union ( TEU ) is Committee on Budgetary Control, Committee on the ratified the Commission will continue its current action Environment). programmes on Cancer and AIDS, and other activities in the health area . Following ratification the Commission will In December 1992 the Edinburgh European Council placed bring forward a communication covering future action in the proposal in question on the list of measures which the the field of public health based on Article 129 of the TEU Commission would consider withdrawing ( after consulting which will be transmitted in due course to the other Parliament). institutions, including the . The Commission will take into account the views expressed at the Hearing on Public Health of the European Parliament on On 26 May Parliament adopted a resolution ( B3 — 3 June 1993 and the resolution of the Council and the 6666/93 ) whereby it was agreed : Ministers for Health adopted at the meeting on 27 May 1993 . ( a ) that a regulation on the security measures applicable to classified information was necessary; In accordance with Article 129, health protection ( b ) but that the proposal submitted was inadequate . requirements form a constituent part of the Community's other policies . This is the case in the Internal Market policy Parliament asked the Commission to withdraw its proposal in which a high level of protection is required, in and to submit another taking account of Parliament's Environment policy, in Health and Safety at Work etc . The recommendations . Commission will examine how best to tackle these requirements when it brings forward the abovementioned The Commission has agreed to withdraw the proposal in document . question . It is premature to give any indication of the organization changes that might be required in the Commission services following ratification of the Treaty. However, the Commission keeps its organizational structure and arrangements under constant review and publishes regularly the results of changes in the relevant organization chart WRITTEN QUESTION No 2710/92 issued by the Office for Official Publications of the by Mrs Adriana Ceci ( GUE ) European Communities . to the Commission of the European Communities (29 October 1992) The setting-up in 1991 of the high-level Committee of health ( 93/C 327/24 ) officials appointed by the Member States has already resulted in valuable advice being given to the Commission and this will certainly continue in the future, particularly as Subject: Maastricht and public health the Commission implements its policy on public health.

The Maastricht Treaty includes a new chapter entitled 'Public Health'. 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/15

WRITTEN QUESTION No 3103/92 WRITTEN QUESTION No 3203/92 by Mr Gianfranco Amendola ( V ) by Mrs Pasqualina Napoletano ( GUE ) to the Commission of the European Communities to the Commission of the European Communities (14 December 1992) (6 January 1993) ( 93/C 327/25 ) ( 93/C 327/26 )

Subject: Elections for a new Staff Committee at the Subject: Construction of the new port of Civitavecchia Commission ( Rome ). The elections to choose a new Staff Committee at the The Autonomous Consortium for the Port of Civitavecchia , Commission are not being fought solely on the basis of the a public body, is about to sign an agreement with the CAT platforms of the various lists of candicjates, as is normally ( Central Area Terminal ) company, under which the latter the case . will be granted coastal areas for development of the port to build new facilities and infrastructure amounting to Lit A minority of the members of the outgoing Staff Committee 1 200 billion . ( one part of the Union Syndicate against the remaining part of the same union and all the other unions and professional The company, which was set up on an ad hoc basis by the bodies ) has , on the eve of the vote, removed candidates on a leading Italian construction firms, was selected outside the list which is not to the liking of that minority from a number procedure provided for in Directive 89/440/EEC i 1 ) on the of bodies provided for under the Staff Regulations grounds that only the Italian Navigation Code was ( promotions committees, social affairs committee, health applicable in this specific case . and safety committee, etc.). Notwithstanding the dimension revealed both in the The project for the building of the new port is covered by the meetings of the committees in question and in list ( given ki Annex I ( point 8 ) to Directive 85/337/EEC ( 2 )) correspondence to the administration, the administration of projects liable to have a significant environmental sought the opinion of its legal service after a considerable impact. delay, and even though that opinion was not available, during the election campaign it allowed the publication of 1 . Can the Commission guarantee that the procedure lists of the members of the promotions committees, which followed by the Italian authorities is compatible with are regarded as irregular and unlawful by the majority of Directive 89/440/EEC ? staff representatives .

2 . What measures does the Commission intend to take to Why did the Commission permit a number of candidates ensure that the project as a whole is made subject to the from a single list to campaign by publishing, using Environmental Impact Assessment procedure, as Commission resources, notices which were contentious and provided for in Directive 85/337/EEC ? had not been checked from a legal point of view ?

í 1 ) OJ No L 210, 21 . 7 . 1989 , p . 1 . Will the Commission establish who is responsible for what ( 2 ) OJ No L 175, 5 . 7 . 1985 , p . 40 . has happened and say what steps it intends to take ?

Answer given by Mr Van Miert Supplementary answer given by Mr Vanni d'Archirafi on behalf of the Commission on behalf of the Commission (6 August 1993) (3 September 1993) It is the responsibility of the Staff Committee to appoint its representatives to the various agencies and bodies referred Further to its anwer given on 2 April 1993 i 1 ), the to in the Staff Regulations . Commission would inform the Honourable Member that, according to the information in its possession, the initial The Commission rules governing the Staff Committee's steps in the award procedure referred to by him were taken working procedures stipulates that the appointments should prior to the entry into force of Directive 89/440/EEC and be made in a spirit of collective responsibility by means of an that, as a result, the rules laid down in the Directive do not overall distribution of the appointments that is proportional apply to the award document. to the results of the elections .

(!) OJ No C 145 , 25 . 5 . 1993 . That being the case, the administration simply took note of the replacement of certain members of the Staff Committee, since in making the replacements the Committee had acted within its own sphere of competence . No C 327/16 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 , 12 . 93

The administration maintains a neutral stance during protection products placed on the market and the use of electoral campaigns vis-a-vis any publicity notices put out these products . Given that the Directive enters into force in by candidates ; all candidates are treated on an equal July 1993 , the first reports on the national inspection footing . measures are expected to be available to the Commission by the end of 1994 . They will permit the Commission to obtain a more precise view of the enforcement measures taken in the Member States and the level of enforcement achieved in the areas regulated by Directive 91/414/EEC .

0 ) OJ No L 340, 9 . 12 . 1976 . WRITTEN QUESTION No 3441/92 ( 2 ) OJ No I 350, 14 . 12 . 1990 . by Mr Peter Crampton ( S ) P ) OJ No L 221 , 7. 8 . 1986 . ( 4 ) OJ No L 230, 19 . 8 . 1991 . to the Commission of the European Communities (25 January 1993) ( 93/C 327/27 )

Subject: Enforcement of pesticide legislation WRITTEN QUESTION No 3459/92 Does the Commission monitor the enforcement of this by Mr Giuseppe Rauti ( NI ) legislation in all Member States ? Are there grounds for to the Commission of the European Communities believing that some Member States enforce these regulations more rigorously than others ? (25 January 1993) ( 93/C 327/28 )

Answer given by Mr Steichen Subject: Use by British power stations of Colombian coal on behalf of the Commission obtained by means of child labour (17 May 1993) Is it true that British power stations are no longer using coal from British mines, having switched to Colombian coal Directive 76/895/EEC (*) on the fixing of maximum which is cheaper, since it is mined using child labour ? pesticide residue levels in and on fruit and vegetables is largely optional and accordingly the level of enforcement is If so , is the closure of a large number of British mines — and determinated by each Member State . Its replacement, thousands of job losses — because of unscrupulous and Directive 90/642/EEC ( 2 ), provides for the Commission to cynical exploitation of international markets in this sector establish annually a coordinated programme for compatible with the Community treaties ? monitoring . As this directive only came into force on 31 December 1992 the first such programme is due to be established by 1 November 1993 . Does the Commission not consider that trading practices based on the exploitation of children, women and the most vulnerable sectors of the population in the Third World Directives 86/362/EEC and 86/363/EEC ( 3 ) on the fixing of should be penalized ? maximum pesticide residue levels in cereals and foodstuffs of animal origin respectively provide for Member States to report annually on monitoring and enforcement carried out , during the previous year . These directives do not however establish the minimum level of national enforcement. Answer given by Mr Matutes on behalf of the Commission In order to establish more precisely the minimum level of (15 July 1993) monitoring and enforcement to be carried out by Member States for pesticide residues, the Commission has had a study undertaken which will be shortly available . It is the The Commission is not aWare of the use of child labour in intention that this study should provide guidance for the the large opencast Cerrejon mine , origin of the majority of establishment of a more harmonized approach to the future the Community's imports from Colombia . application of Community pesticide residue legislation by Member States . The principal reason for the low cost of Colombian coal imported into the Community is the concentration of Directive 91/414/EEC ( 4 ) on the placing of plant protection production in such a highly mechanized, modern, opencast products on the market provides that Member States shall operation , located in close proximity to the new coal port at report annually to the other Member States and the Puerto Bolivar. This contrasts with the situation in the Commission on the results of the inspection measures they Community, where coal-mining consists mainly of cost have taken in the previous year with regard to the plant intensive underground production. 3 . 12 . 93 Official journal of the European Communities No C 327/17

The Commission would like to put the Honourable necessary, ( their ) protection . . . from torture and from Member's question into perspective . Coal from Colombia inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'. accounted, in 1992, for less than 8 % of total Community imports and just over 3 % of the total coal available in the Community . Even for the United Kingdom, Colombian coal imports of 3,4 million tonnes represents just over 3 % of the 102,8 million tonnes consumed in 1992 .

WRITTEN QUESTION No 63/93 by Mr Arie Oostlander ( PPE ) to the Commission of the European Communities (9 February 1993) WRITTEN QUESTION No 3519/92 ( 93/C 327/30 ) by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( NI ) to the Commission of the European Communities (28 January 1993) Subject: Information policy ( 93/C 327/29 ) The number of people voting against Maastricht and the unenthusiastic trend in public opinion have come as a Subject: Investigation of cases of ill-treatment of citizens in suprise to many . A striking inconsistency has emerged police custody and prisons in Greece between opinion surveys carried out by Eurobarometer and the Maastricht referendum results . Amnesty International is asking for an impartial commission of independent experts to be set up and for a Does the Commission believe that the referenda do not mediator to be sent with the necessary power to carry out a faithfully reflect the views of the public on the Maastricht thorough investigation of cases of ill-treatment in police Treaty, or is there a need to study ways of improving custody and prisons in Greece . Amnesty International is substantially the Eurobarometer surveys ? proposing these measures — which are also envisaged by the United Nations' Special Commissioner on Torture — because it is not satisfied with the vague replies given on Is the Commission prepared to carry out such a study ? these matters by the Greek Ministry for Public Order. Will the Commission help to ensure that Amnesty International's What additional measures did the Commission take prior to request is complied with ? the referenda to encourage, through a proper information campaign, a realistic response to the question facing voters and a greater commitment to European integration ? What special action was taken centrally by the Community and Answer given by Mr Delors what information policy was pursued at local level by the on behalf of the Commission Community offices in the Member States ? (13 August 1993) Is the Commission prepared to conduct a thorough evaluation of such action with a view to making substantial The Commission would point out that the Treaties do not improvements to its central and local information policy ? confer on the Community any general jurisdiction to ensure that Member States respect human rights . The Commission has no jurisdiction in the matter except where application of Community law is involved , since Community law is founded on respect for fundamental rights . Answer given by Mr Pinheiro on behalf of the Commission Greece is a contracting party to the European Convention (3 August 1993) on Human Rights, Article 3 of which states 'No one shall Be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment', and to the European Convention for the Throughout the process of ratification of the Treaty on Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading European Union, the Commission has found the findings of Treatment or Punishment of 26 November 1987, which it its regular Eurobarometer surveys most useful . They have ratified on 30 May 1991 . contributed towards the reinforcement of the Commission's decentralized information effort during this period . Article 1 of the 1987 Convention established a committee to examine 'by means of visits , . . . the treatment of persons Opinion polls as such are not predictions, but snapshots of deprived of their liberty with a view to strengthening, if the situation when they are carried out . No C 327/18 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

The March/April 1992 Eurobarometer took place before effort and it is already clear that a further reinforcement of the Danish referendum campaign and did not contain any the mechanisms essential to an effective decentralized 'Maastricht referendum question'. Its results on a whole information policy will be among its objectives . series of questions addressing Maastricht issues did however clearly indicate significant negative attitudes likely to be expressed as opposition to Treaty ratification . Answers to questions regarding current Community arrangements and the Single Market, on the other hand, indicated favourable majorities . WRITTEN QUESTION No 79/93 Taking everything into account, Irish support for by Mr Bouke Beumer ( PPE ) ratification — even longer before the campaign — looked to the Commission of the European Communities solidly promising . (9 February 1993) ( 93/C 327/31 ) Eurobarometer findings in relation to France indicated significant 'anti-Brussels' attitudes, including a serious drop in the perception of the benefits of Community Subject: 'Hiittenvertrag' membership . 1 . Can the Commission confirm that under the German 'Hiittenvertrag' ( founndry agreement ) Klockner ( and other Although therefore the Commission has been broadly German steel producers ) are obliged to purchase coke for satisfied with the performance of Eurobarometer, it is steel production in Germany itself? nevertheless preparing to reinforce and reorganize its public opinion research and analysis . 2 . Is the Commission aware that, according to Klockner's board of directors , this requirement costs the As Treaty ratification is primarily a matter for the Member company approximately DM 90 million extra per year ? States, the Commission has always been careful that its institutional responsibilities in relation to information and 3 . Are there similar arrangements for coal and steel communication should not be misconstrued or elsewhere in the European Community ? misrepresented as unwarranted political interference in national debate . The Commission has nevertheless always 4 . Can the Commission say whether the 'Hiittenvertrag' recognized that during a ratification period there will be a is subject to a time limit and whether it will be reviewed in greatly increased demand for Community information, the near future ? particularly in those Member States where ratification requires a referendum . The Commission offices in all Member States monitor the debate and advise as to what information contribution may be appropriate . Answer given by Mr Van Miert on behalf of the Commission In the course of this year most Commission offices have (6 July 1993) reinforced their publication and distribution programmes and their contacts with the media so that factual information in relation to Community legislation and 1 . On 4 November 1988 Ruhrkohle AG and six steel programmes would be widely available to citizens . In producers, including Klockner Werke AG, applied to the addition, the offices sought to create information Commission for authorization of an agreement whereby partnerships with organizations wishing to play a positive Ruhrkohle AG were to supply, on an exclusive basis , coal part in the ratification information process . and/or coke to the steel producers . This agreement was authorized by the Commission ( Decision 89/248/ECSC (*)). The Commission is therefore fully aware of the contents of The Commission's Directorate-General for Information the Huttenvertrag. and Communication has reinforced the services it provides to support the Offices within the framework described 2 . The additional cost to Klockner Werke AG has been above . A particularly successful effort has been the establishment of a rapid reply service designed to deal with brought to the attention of the Comftiission by the false or misleading publications which should not be left company . However, it should be noted that Klockner Werke unanswered . The Commission's information visits AG entered into the agreement willingly and should have foreseen the consequences of what is in fact a normal programme has also been reinforced in recent months to commercial contract . enable it to focus on groups from Member States involved in ratification by referendum . 3 . There are a small number of agreements covering all or a large part of electricity generating companies' The Commission is currently involved in a major evaluation requirements for steam coal but not between coal producers and reorganization of its information and communication and steel producers . 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/19

4 . The Honourable Member is referred to Decision Number of 89/248/ECSC which authorizes the agreement until Total number slaughterhouses Member State of approved 31 December 1997. inspected in 1992 slaughterhouses (!) OJ No L 101 , 13 . 4 . 1989 . Ireland 0 50 Italy 27 119 Luxembourg 0 5 Netherlands 25 86 Portugal 8 15 - WRITTEN QUESTION No 172/93 United Kingdom 12 105 by Mr Pol Marck ( PPE ) Total 249 1 128 to the Commission of the European Communities (17 February 1993) ( 93/C 327/32 2 . Since 1989, the average frequency of inspection of approved slaughterhouses has been 20% , as Mr Mac Sharry explained in his reply to Mr Vernier . Subject: Community inspections in registered abattoirs Unfortunately, it was impossible at this rate to inspect all approved slaughterhouses by 31 December 1992 . On 5 July 1991 , in answer to Written Question No 63/91 (*), the Commission gave a list of inspections carried However, the number of approved slaughterhouses out to date . which had not been visited by 31 December 1992 was comparatively small , as is apparent from the table Can the Commission indicate the state of affairs as at below, and it was possible to visit these establishments 1 January 1993 in connection with the above question by during the first three months of 1993 in order to make Mr Vernier ? good this omission .

(!) OJ No C 311 , 2 . 12 . 1991 , p. 5 . Total number of slaughterhouses Member State which had not been inspected by Answer given by Mr Steichen 31 December 1992 on behalf of the Commission (9 August 1993) Belgium 1 Denmark 10 Germany 85 Community inspections of approved slaughterhouses in the Greece 6 Member States are carried out in order to monitor 14 compliance with the health conditions laid down by Council Spain Directive 64/433/EEC, as amended and updated by Council France 9 Directive 91/497/EEC (*). Ireland 9 Italy 23 Details of the situation as regards inspections on 1 January Luxembourg 2 1993 are set out below . Netherlands 8 Portugal 7 1 . The table shows that in 1992 visits were made to 249 approved slaughterhouses out of a total of 1 128 : United Kingdom 9

Total 183

Number of Total number slaughterhouses Member State of approved inspected 3 . Information about the average length of time between in 1992 slaughterhouses the Commission applying to undertake an inspection and the inspection actually being carried out was Belgium 6 77 provided by Mr Mac Sharry in his reply to Mr Denmark 0 43 Vernier. Germany 78 276 Greece 0 12 4 . According to the information received by the Spain 32 69 Commission, 8 establishments had their approval France 61 271 withdrawn in 1992 . No C 327/20 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

In the other cases the Member States have informed the Answer given by Mr Matutes Commission of the measures taken to improve health on behalf of the Commission conditions in the establishments concerned . This (7 September 1993) improvement is assumed to have taken place, unless or until reinspections by the Community establish that it has not been achieved in practice . The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to the reply to the oral question H-426/93 by Mr Cornelissen, 5 . The Commission is very satisfied with the level of which it gave during question time at Parliament's May cooperation with the Member States which has, on the 1993 part-session ( x ). whole, helped to prevent any difficulties arising in the organization of inspections . ( x ) Debates of the European Parliament No 431 ( May 1993 ).

(!) OJ No L 268 , 24 . 9 . 1991 .

WRITTEN QUESTION No 289/93 by Mrs Annemarie Goedmakers ( S ) WRITTEN QUESTION No 184/93 to the Commission of the European Communities by Mr Ben Visser ( S ) (24 February 1993) to the Commission of the European Communities ( 93/C 327/34 ) (17 February 1993) ( 93/C 327/33 ) Subject: Fraud involving meat imported with forged health certificates from the former GDR

Subject: Treatment of lorry drivers in Eastern European In the Agrarisch Dagblad of 17 October 1992 Mr J .J.Th.M. countries Pieters, public prosecutor at the court in Den Bosch ( Netherlands ), stated that forged health certificates (for trade between the Member States ) had been issued for Many complaints have been made about the working Fl 500 by veterinary officials in the former GDR and used to conditions of lorry drivers in Eastern European countries import livestock from Eastern Europe . His statement was and their treatment by customs and other officials . prompted by the case involving G, pig dealers of Reek ( Netherlands ), suspected of illegally importing livestock from Poland into the Community — ultimate destination In a letter to the Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Barcelona — by making fraudulent use of T1 and T2 Works and Water Management the manager of the Rijnart certificates and health certificates . company specializing in transport operations in Eastern Europe refers in particular to Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia as 'disaster areas' for road 1 . Does the Commission have the names of the persons and transport . In the above countries drivers are frequently kept bodies involved in illegally issuing or selling health out in the cold, quite literally, for days at border crossings . certificates, as mentioned at the trial of G, pig dealers of Waiting times may exceed 50 hours without any facilities Reek, who were sentenced in December 1992 by the being provided for drivers . court in Den Bosch ? 2 . Has the Commission informed the competent 1 . Is the Commission aware of the conditions in which authorities in the Member States of the persons and drivers are having to bivouac while waiting at the bodies referred to above who/which issued forged health borders of Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and certificates in the case of the pig dealers ? ex-Yugoslavia in particular ? 3 . If so, does the Commission know what action those 2 . Is the Commission prepared to urge the countries authorities have taken ? If not, does the Commission feel concerned to improve the conditions under which there are grounds for making the facts known to them drivers are required to wait ? again ?

3 . Is the Commission prepared to hold talks with Eastern 4 . Are any inquiries being carried out in the Member States European countries ( in so far as it is not yet doing so ) on to establish whether any other livestock have been ways of reducing waiting times at borders to acceptable imported into the Community using health certificates levels ? issued by the persons or bodies mentioned above ? 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/21

5 . Have such inquiries given rise to further investigations that the information which should be supplied is in fact or court proceedings in other Member States ? If so, transmitted . which Member States ?

Answer given by Mr Schmidhuber WRITTEN QUESTION No 485/93 on behalf of the Commission by Mr José Torres Couto ( S ) (10 June 1993) to the Commission of the European Communities (12 March 1993) There is nothing in the information supplied by the ( 93/C 327/36 ) Netherlands authorities regarding the inquiry conducted in the case referred to by the Honourable Member to suggest Subject: Commission position on social rights that false or forged health certificates issued by veterinary officials in the former GDR were involved . In view of the antisocial stance of the British Government in allying itself with the cynical policy adopted by the employers to promote 'social dumping' in order to provide employment for workers in one Member State at the expense of workers in another Member State , as recently occurred in the Hoover case, what representations has the Commission made to the British Government to make it WRITTEN QUESTION No 389/93 review its decision to 'opt out' with regard to social by Mr Paul Staes ( V ) rights ? to the Commission of the European Communities (5 March 1993) Answer given by Mr Flynn ( 93/C 327/35 ) on behalf of the Commission (16 September 1993) Subject: Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology ( Belgium ) The Commission has no evidence of any unfair practices between Member States in the social area . In any event, the The Belgian Minister of the Environment, Mr Onkelinx, pursuit of the Community's social objectives after the entry unilaterally abolished the appropriations for the sulphur into force of the Maastricht Treaty will not be continued smoke measurement network of the Belgian Institute of only on the basis of legislation under the Social Protocol as Hygiene and Epidemiology some time ago . This network such . Existing Treaty provisions will remain valid and full has been idle since 1 January 1993 , although there is a use will also be made of the possibility for collective statutory requirement for these measurements to be taken agreements between representatives of the social partners of and reported to the European Community . all Member States .

1 . Can the Commission confirm that this information is correct ?

2 . If so, what steps does the Commission propose to take to WRITTEN QUESTION No 661/93 end this unlawful state of affairs ? by Mrs Christine Oddy ( S ) to the Commission of the European Communities (6 April 1993) Answer given by Mr Paleokrassas ( 93/C 327/37 on behalf of the Commission

(15 July 1993) Subject: Phare programme What are the arrangements for the beneficiary countries The information supplied by the Honourable Member is participating in the Phare programme for publishing their incorrect . In fact the sulphur smoke measurement network of the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology will continue priorities ? to be operated on a nationwide basis until 1 May 1993 , after which date it is proposed to transfer responsibility to the regional level and set up an inter-regional body for the Answer given by Sir Leon Brittan on behalf of the Commission coordination and transmission of data, e.g. to the European Community . (9 September 1993)

As part of its task monitoring of the application of the air The government of each Phare beneficiary country quality Directives , the Commission will take steps to ensur^ nominates a high-level official to act as the national No C 327/22 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93 coordinator . The role of the national coordinator is to the cumulative statistics available up to the end of February prepare the indicative programme . This itemizes the show exports of 54 652 tonnes compared with 55 239 priorities of the beneficiary country and, once ratified by the tonnes in 1992 and 53 700 tonnes in 1991 . government concerned and by the Commission, serves as the basis for preparing individual work programmes . In view of this, discussions were held with the Moroccan authorities , and Moroccan exporters indicated their The Commission publishes summaries of both the indicative intention of limiting exports to the Community in March programmes and the individual work programmes . 1993 to 15 300 tonnes .

Total exports for the period January—March 1993 would thus amount to 69 950 tonnes , or roughly the same as in 1991 and 1992 .

WRITTEN QUESTION No 679/93 2 . The reference price system for tomatoes currently operates from 1 April to 20 December in the calendar by Mr Pol Marck ( PPE) year. to the Commission of the European Communities (6 April 1993) Extension of the period during which the reference price ( 93/C 327/38 ) applies ( for example to the whole year ) would mean that the Community would have to alter the offer it has made to the GATT, since this includes tomatoes in the tariff system Subject: Imported Moroccan tomatoes which would apply during the same period as the reference price and would have to be negotiated with Morocco , with whom the Community has preferential relations . It would The EC tariff quota for Moroccan tomatoes is set at 90 000 also be necessary to review the level of the reference for tonnes per year . April, which is now too high, given the trend in the production costs of the protected products . In 1992 approximately 150 000 tonnes were imported . In 1993 a 6% increase over 1992 has already been registered .

1 . What steps has the Commission taken in response to these large excess amounts , and what steps will it take in 1993 ?

2 . Given the major discrepancies in wages, will the WRITTEN QUESTION No 722/93 Commission consider introducing a system of reference by Mr Gerard Deprez ( PPE ) prices in order to avoid future price disruption ? to the Commission of the European Communities (14 April 1993) ( 93/C 327/39 ) Answer given by Mr Steichen on behalf of the Commission Subject: EIB construction project : possible influence of (26 July 1993) 'wages dumping' on the award of contracts

1 . It is true that Community imports of Moroccan According to information which I have received, three tomatoes have increased in recent years, from 99 000 in the European building companies ( two British and one Belgian ) 1988/89 marketing year to 141 000 tonnes in 1991/92 . The have submitted tenders for the 's tomatoes are imported from October to May . construction project in Luxembourg.

Since the accession of Spain and as a result of the extension According to the same sources, the wages bill is calculated at of the growing period for tomatoes in the Community, the approximately Bfrs 400 per hour in the British companies' most sensitive period is between January and April . tenders and Bfrs 800 in the Belgian company's tender .

However, statistics on supplies on the Community market 1 . Is this information correct ? for the period 1 January—3 1 March show that Morocco has not increased its exports to the Community during this 2 . If so, what will the Commission do to counteract the period . In 1992, for example, it exported 66 893 tonnes in influence of 'wages dumping' on the awarding of this period , compared to 69 400 tonnes in 1991 . For 1993 , contracts in the Community ? 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/23

Answer given by Mr Christophersen anomalies which currently exist for certain EC imports from on behalf of the Commission ACP countries ? (17 September 1993)

As indicated by the Honourable Member, the European Answer given by Mr Marin Investment Bank ( EIB ) is currently building an extension to on behalf of the Commission its headquarters in Luxembourg . According to information (22 September 1993) communicated to the Commission, the EIB published an international call for tenders (*) following which a fixed-price contract was concluded with a main contractor The Act of Accession of Portugal to the Community lays on 11 March 1993 . In accordance with normal practice, the down that customs duties and fixed components applicable choice of the different suppliers and subcontractors is a in Portugal have to be progressively harmonized with those matter solely for the main contractor, provided that he applicable in the other Member States over a period meets the specifications set out in the tender documents . The expiring, depending on the products, on 31 December 1995 point at issue in the Honourable Member's question is the or earlier . procedure for selecting the suppliers of prefabricated concrete . However, any divergence in customs charges cannot in practice be enforced without maintaining customs controls The EIB had previously organized a prequalification at the Portuguese border on goods in free circulation in the procedure ( 2 ) to ensure that potential suppliers offered all Community, which is incompatible with the objectives of the requisite technical guarantees . Applications from the Single Market. specialist suppliers of prefabricated concrete were vetted by the EIB on purely technical criteria , disregarding any price On 4 June 1993 , the Commission adopted Regulation considerations . Three firms were preselected on completion ( EEC ) No 1380/93 ( l ) abolishing customs duties and fixed of this procedure : Decomo, Empire Stone and Marble components between Portugal and the rest of the Mosaic ( in alphabetical order). The final choice of supplier Community and aligning the Portuguese customs duties is not a matter for the EIB, which is not involved in price with the Common Customs Tariff. A similar alignment negotiations between the firms concerned and the main concerning the Community preferential trade contractor. arrangements, including the Lome Convention, will require ad hoc provisions which are at present being considered by í 1 ) OJ No S 87, 5 . 5 . 1992 . the Commission . ( 2 ) OJ No S 71 , 9 . 4 . 1992 . (!) OJ No L 136 , 5 . 6 . 1993 .

WRITTEN QUESTION No 938/93 WRITTEN QUESTION No 948/93 by Mr George Patterson ( PPE ) by Mrs Cristiana Muscardini ( NI ) to the Commission of the European Communities to the Commission of the European Communities (29 April 1993) (29 April 1993) ( 93/C 327/40 ( 93/C 327/41 )

Subject: Imports into the EC from Lome countries Subject: Coordination of aid to the third world

Can the Commission confirm that all EC Member States The Italian Government has spent Lit 150 billion financing a should now have fully implemented the trade agreements modern business centre with the most sophisticated contained in the Lome Convention with ACP countries . computer technology, designer furniture, meeting rooms, etc., in the middle of the forest of Ixcan in Guatemala . The nearest town is Coban, 150 km away, the only road being a In view of the recent completion of the Single Market and mule-track which is often impassable even by jeep. abolition of border controls between Member States, can the Commission explain why certain EC countries, such as Portugal, are still charging duty of for example 23 % on fruit This technological citadel entirely financed by the Italian imports from ACP countries, when the same food enjoys Government is part of a programme conceived by the United duty-free access into other EC Member States and can be Nations High Commission for Refugees . transported across land into Portugal without border checks ? Will the Commission please state what action it Does the Commission not consider that aid to the third intends to take to rectify the situation and stop the trade world should be coordinated by the Member States in order No C 327/24 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

to avoid waste and, worse , projects which only serve to WRITTEN QUESTION No 1030/93 distribute payoffs and reinforce the power of local by Mr Alex Smith ( S ) dictatorships ? to the Commission of the European Communities (4 May 1993) Answer given by Mr Marin 93/C 327/42 ) on behalf of the Commission (24 September 1993) Subject: Transportation of plutonium nitrate

Has the Commission been informed, or is it aware of any The Commission already coordinates Community aid with safety, risk and hazard study being undertaken in the United the Member States at various levels through the following bodies : Kingdom relating to the sea transportation of plutonium nitrate solution since the HM Nuclear Installations 1 . Council of the European Communities Inspectorate safety assessment of 1978 , and which would have necessarily taken into account revisions in the concepts — Council meetings of the ministers for development of acceptability of risk and tolerability of consequences, cooperation along with recommendations for practical limitation of — Council working parties : public radiation dose intake as published from time to time by the International Commission on Radiological ( 1 ) Working Party on Development Protection ? ( 2 ) Working Party on Latin America ( 3 ) Working Party on Asia Answer given by Mr Matutes ( 4 ) Mediterranean Working Party on behalf of the Commission 2 . Member States' Directors of Development (6 September 1993) 3 . The Commission's committees dealing with the management committee of development aid, on which There is no official requirement for the Commission to be the Member States are represented . systematically informed of any safety or hazard study being undertaken by the Member States on the transport of 4 . European Political Cooperation at local level between radioactive materials . the Commission Delegations and Member States' Embassies . As explained in reply to Written Question No 1026/93 , by the Honourable Member (*) the regular contacts between These bodies coordinate and approve the Community's the Member States and the IAEA in the Commission development cooperation policy . Standing Working Group on the transport of nuclear materials cover the need for mutual information between However, they have no part in individual Member States' the parties . decisions on development cooperation . Since the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate safety Notwithstanding this fact, the Commission has already assessment of 1978 further assessments have endorsed the coordinated aid from the Member States within the conclusions of this assessment . framework of specific projects cofinanced by the Community and the Member States , on the basis of special (!) OJ No C 301 , 8 . 11 . 1993 , p. 22 . project administration agreements between the Commission and the Member States concerned .

Article 130 U of the Treaty on European Union stipulates that the Community's policy in the sphere of development cooperation should be complementary to the policies WRITTEN QUESTION No 1031/93 pursued by the Member States, thus necessitating closer by Mr Alex Smith ( S ) cooperation . to the Commission of the European Communities Following the presentation by the Commission of the (4 May 1993) communication on development cooperation in the run up 93/C 327/43 to the year 2000 and the resolutions of the Council ( development), discussions are currently taking place in the Council's working party on development with a view to Subject: Information policy determining the priority areas for application of this coordination, as well as the procedures for its In regard to paragraph 32 of the Commission's programme implementation . 1993—94 ( J ) will the Commission set out in detail its plans to enhance transparency in its information policy and relations with the general public; and will the Commission 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/25 ensure that part of this policy includes the ending of the Answer given by Mr Flynn present policy of refusing to divulge the name and nature of on behalf of the Commission petitioners and petitions made to the Commission ? (14 September 1993)

(M SEC(93 ) 58 final . The Commission considers local travel facilities should be dealt with at national or regional level , as appropriate, and consequently does not intend to take steps to encourage Answer given by Mr Pinheiro Member States to introduce or retain such concessions . on behalf of the Commission (9 September 7 993) The Commission will , however, continue to pursue the matter of the European Over-Sixties' Cards ( recommendation 89/350/EEC ) (*) in order to increase A Declaration annexed to the Treaty on European Union awareness in the field of concessions to older people stresses the importance of transparency of the travelling to other Member States . The planned travel guide decision-making process and 'recommends that the showing special advantages available to older people Commission submit to the Council no later than 1993 a travelling in Europe has been prepared ; a first edition of the report on measures designed to improve public access to the guide was issued in the beginning of May. At the same time, information available to the institutions'. The Birmingham a report on 'travel and culture : Access to concessions by and Edinburgh European Councils reaffirmed what was older people in Europe' was also issued . contained in The Declaration. ( ] ) OJ No L 144, 27 . 5 . 1989 . On 5 May 1993 the Commission accordingly adopted and sent to the Council a communication on public access to the institutions' documents ( 1 ). The Commission expanded on this in a second communication of 2 June 1993 on transparency in the Community ( 2 ) for Copenhagen European Council .

The Commission would draw the Honourable Member's WRITTEN QUESTION No 1050/93 attention to the fact that petitions are addressed direct to by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( NI ) Parliament, which the Commission provides with to the Commission of the European Communities information on the matters raised , (6 May 1993) i 1 ) COM(93 ) 191 final . ( 93/C 327/45 ) ( 2 ) COM(93 ) 258 final .

Subject: Greek farmers' professional organizations on the need to amend some of the CAP reforms

With regard to the Community's so-called accompanying measures, Greek farmers' professional organizations stress WRITTEN QUESTION No 1044/93 that conservation and the scheme to support by Mrs Christine Oddy ( S ) environmentally friendly farming should be geared to the level of development of Mediterranean agriculture in the to the Commission of the European Communities immediate future . Is the Commission considering the (4 May 1993) possibility of amending that part of the overall reform ( 93/C 327/44 ) package, bearing in mind that the accompanying measures ( with the exception of early retirement ) will have a negligible effect if they remain in their present form ? Subject: Seniors' travel pass

Is the Commission aware that the free bus and train facilities available to senior citizens in the West Midlands is under Answer given by Mr Steichen threat ? on behalf of the Commission (26 July 1993) Will the Commission encourage Member States to retain or introduce free local travel facilities for all senior citizens in the Community ? The Honourable Member refers, to two measures accompanying the reform of the CAP : agri-environmental What progress is the Commission making in introducing the measures and the afforestation of arable land ( Regulations proposed Seniors' travel pass ? ( EEC ) Nos 2078/92 and 2080/92 ) ( ] ). No C 327/26 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

With regard to the former, Member States are obliged to quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs . This policy implement this aid scheme throughout their territories and is to be implemented in particular through Council in accordance with their specific heeds by means of Regulation ( EEC ) No 2081/92 on the protection of multiannual zonal programmes . The last date for geographical indications and designations of origin for communicating programmes to the Commission was agricultural products and foodstuffs and Council 30 July 1993 . Greece has not yet communicated any Regulation ( EEC ) No 2082/92 on certificates of specific programmes . The Commission will not be able to come to a character for agricultural products and foodstuffs (*). These conclusion on the application of the programmes until it has two Regulations were adopted on 14 July 1992 and enter examined Member States' communications . into force on 26 July 1993 . It was considered that the promotion of products with certain characteristics could be of considerable benefit to rural society, particularly in The afforestation of arable land is also an obligatory less-favoured and remote areas . The abovementioned measure for Member States, which have to submit their Regulations should , therefore , help rural society by national and/or regional programmes by 30 July 1993 . promoting the development of traditional, rural products Greece has submitted a draft programme which and so increasing the value of the products concerned . demonstrates its willingness to implement the Regulation effectively. The dossier is being examined and some additional information and details have been requested In addition, under the Leader initiative for rural from the Greek authorities with a view to finalizing it. development, the Community, through the Structural Fund, finances several measures carried out by local groups to (!) OJ No L 215 , 30 . 7 . 1992 . promote traditional, quality products and the production and promotion of organic products .

The Commission is also prepared, during the forthcoming discussions on the Structural Fund plans and in accordance with the principle of partnership, to examine any proposals for measures submitted by the Member States and regions concerned to promote quality or organic products . WRITTEN QUESTION No 1060/93 by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( NI ) (!) OJ No L 208, 24. 7. 1992 . to the Commission of the European Communities (6 May 1993) ( 93/C 327/46 )

Subject: Promoting products with local characteristics

Will the Commission take additional steps to help ( a ) WRITTEN QUESTION No 1090/93 implement without delay more Community programmes to promote quality products with local characteristics which, by Mr Jean-Pierre Raffin ( V ) together with rural tourism, will suitably develop many to the Commission of the European Communities rural areas and ( b ) implement programmes for organic (10 May 1993) farming in many mountainous and less-favoured regions and on the islands, on the basis of Regulation (EEC ) ( 93/C 327/47) No 2092/91 (*)? Finally, will it propose financial incentives for producers, such as premiums for the first years of production ? Subject: Damage to the special protection area of Les Ramieres in the Val de Drome ( France ) H OJ No L 198 , 22 . 7. 1991 , p. 1 .

A special protection area since 1981 ( Directive 79/409/EEC ( J )), and a nature reserve under French law since 1987, Les Ramieres in the Val de Drome has been Answer given by Mr Steichen severely damaged by works funded by the European on behalf of the Commission Community. (26 July 1993) A natural drought since 1989 has exacerbated the effects of an artificial draining of the Drome and the water table In its 1988 communication on the future of rural society, the following the construction of a vast irrigation network, Commission announced its intention of promoting the subsidized by the Community . 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/27

What action does thef" Commission intend to take to ensure obliged to obtain treatment abroad who pay for a service consistency between the various Community policies, they do not receive . particularly in the use of the structural funds ? Numerous laws earmarking the necessary funding for (!) OJ No L 103 , 25 . 4 . 1979, p. 1 . establishing spinal units have remained a dead letter .

Will not the Commission provide for measures to be taken Answer given by Steichen to ensure that simple respect for the individual is on behalf of the Commission safeguarded through checks on the application of the (12 July 1993) relevant Community Directives ?

Improvements to the existing irrigation networks were studied under the Drome IMP to see if they could be fed from a source other than the Drome river so that a Answer given by Mr Flynn low-water level in accordance with national legislation on behalf of the Commission might be maintained . This also helps to ensure that the Les (16 September 1993) Ramieres special protection area in the Drome valley remains undisturbed . The Community is not empowered to impose standards on With this aim in mind, Community aid was applied to Member States in the field of social welfare or access to strengthen the Bourne canal which is fed not by the Drome health care . There are therefore no Community directives but by the Isere , a river with a much greater flow-rate than obliging Italy to improve its health services . that of the Drome .

It should also be stressed that the pivotal measure planned However, in adopting the Council recommendation for the second phase of the Drome IMP was entitled 'The 92/442/EEC (*) of 27 July 1992 on the convergence of social River Drome Contract'. This measure was made up of three protection objectives and policies, the Community has shown its commitment to quality standards for social parts : protection in the Member States . It is the Member States, village and town renewal within the drainage basin; however, which remain responsible for the practical implementation of the principles contained in the treatment of industrial waste; recommendation which is , of course, not a legally binding instrument . creation of simple environment-related tourist trails along the river. Within the specific area of sickness the recommendation establishes the aims of equality of access to necessary health These measures attracted a significant share of Community care and preventive facilities and of the maintenance and aid between 1989 to 1992 . development of a high quality health care system geared to the evolving needs of the population .

(M OJ No L 245 , 26 . 8 . 1992 .

WRITTEN QUESTION No 1105/93 by Mrs Cristiana Muscardini (NI) to the Commission of the European Communities (10 May 1993) 93/C 327/48 ) WRITTEN QUESTION No 1121/93 by Mr Alexandros Alavanos ( CG ) Subject: Shortage of spinal units in Italian hospitals to the Commission of the European Communities (29 April 1993) Italy has extremely few spinal units compared with the large ( 93/C 327/49 number of paraplegics, who therefore fail to receive the necessary regular treatment to which they are entitled because they pay the notorious health tax . That constitutes what might be defined as breach of contract. Subject: Respect for press freedom in the 12 Member States It is well known that poor health has, via the USSL in particular, sustained corruption and patronage to the The Commission has recently published a Green Paper on detriment of the health of the less well-off — anyone else is 'pluralism and media concentration in the internal market No C 327/28 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

— an assessment of the need for Community action'. Will — without work, the Commission be conducting a similar study with proposals for action on the respect for the freedom of the — currently available for work, press in the 12 Member States with a view to submitting full proposals for action in relation to the media ? — seeking work, i.e. had taken specific steps , during the preceding four weeks, to seek employment ( e.g. registration at an employment office, applying to an employer, inserting or answering an advertisement, Answer given by Mr Vanni d'Archirafi taking measures to set up a business, etc.). on behalf of the Commission (23 September 1993) The number of unemployed is available only once a year, at the time of the Community Labour Force Survey . It is The Commission is currently engaged in wide-ranging updated each month on the basis of the change in the consultations on the Green Paper 'Pluralism and media 'number of persons registered at employment offices'. This concentration in the internal market. An assessment of the update , presented in the form of the unemployment rate , is need for Community action' ( 1 ). The outcome of these the subject of the monthly publication 'Unemployment'. consultations will enable the Commission to decide whether action is needed at Community level . In view of the The Commission also breaks down the number of deliberations in progress , the Commission is not, at this unemployed at regional level . This estimated number of stage, planning to conduct similar studies on freedom of the unemployed, expressed in the form of the unemployment press with a view to making proposals . rate, is used as a criterion for the award of structural fund assistance . (!) COM(92 ) 480 final .

WRITTEN QUESTION No 1138/93 by Mr Thomas Megahy ( S ) WRITTEN QUESTION No 1158/93 to the Commission of the European Communities by Mr Carlos Robles Piquer ( PPE ) (12 May 1993) to the Commission of the European Communities ( 93/C 327/50 ) (12 May 1993) ( 93/C 327/51 ) Subject: Structural funds — unemployment figures Subject: Community aid to improve nuclear reactor safety Given the fact that reliable unemployment figures are in Eastern European countries needed for determining eligibility for structural fund assistance and given the fact that some countries, e.g. the UK, constantly change the definition of unemployed The German Government's repeated request to persons, has the Commission any plans for introducing a governments using RBMK nuclear reactors to close these standardized European Community set of statistics ? Chernobyl-type installations draws attention to the risk in maintaining in operation reactors with high-risk design problems .

Answer given by Mr Christophersen on behalf of the Commission Having concluded the data collection phase , which has been carried out by the IEA and the WANO , the next step should (12 July 1993) be to obtain the necessary aid to increase safety levels in such reactors situated in Eastern European countries, amounting to some Ptas 250 000 million over the next five years . For over ten years , the Commission has been carrying out a calculation of the unemployment rate which enables comparisons to be made between Member States . It uses the Western electricity companies have begun providing help, definition adopted by the 13th International Conference of mainly in the form of technical advice , and are expecting the Labour Statisticians held in 1982 at the International Community to start making funds available systematically . Labour Organization in Geneva . According to this In the interests of greater efficiency it would be helpful to definition the 'unemployed' comprise all persons above a know what plans the Commission has in this regard . Can specified age ( 14 years ) who, during the reference period the Commission give details of the budgetary scheduling for ( one week), were : aid of this kind ? 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/29

Answer given by Mr Van den Broek Answer given by Mr Pinheiro on behalf of the Commission on behalf of the Commission (20 September 1993) (2 July 1993)

The Commission shares the view expressed at the G7 The Commission fully shares the concerns expressed by the summit in Munich that the design of RBMK nuclear Honourable Member. Indeed, for that reason new reactors does not offer the same safety guarantees as do instructions have recently been circulated to ensure that nuclear reactors of a more modern design . The programme adequate priority is given to correspondence from Members of assistance for these reactors should therefore concentrate of Parliament and a tighter system of monitoring and on short-term operational assistance and technical measures tracking letters from MEPs has been introduced . to improve the safety of these reactors while they are in operation . The Commission is financing safety assessment of the reactors, to be carried out by a consortium of In this connection, the Commission would refer the specialized bodies . The assessment will not only provide a Honourable Member to its answer to Written Question more accurate picture of the state of the power stations, but No 65/93 by Lord Bethell (*). will also make it possible to decide upon specific priority measures to achieve the abovementioned objective . (!) OJ No C 202, 26 . 7 . 1993 .

The Commission is not aware of any significant assistance programmes provided by electricity companies .

However, it has negotiated with the Russian authorities and Community electrical engineers to set up , under the 1992 Tacis programme, specific on-site assistance projects at two Russian stations with RBMK reactors . The Smolensk WRITTEN QUESTION No 1237/93 project started in June, and the Sosnovyy Bor project in by Mr Gerard Deprez ( PPE ) August . The Commission intends to continue such specific to the Commission of the European Communities measures under the 1993 programme . (18 May 1993) ( 93/C 327/53 ) In addition, Parliament is currently debating, and the Council considering, a proposal for a decision authorizing Euratom loans to finance the safety upgrading of reactors which are expected to have a long operational life . The Subject: Directive 86/613/EEC : review by the Council viability criterion must be taken into account in judging the before 1 July 1993 — protection of women during eligibility of the RBMK projects for these loans . pregnancy and motherhood

Given that the Directive 86/613/EEC ( ) is to be reviewed by the Council before 1 July 1993 , would the Commission state :

1 . Whether the report on the application of this Directive by the Member States is available ? WRITTEN QUESTION No 1228/93 by Mr Hugh McMahon ( S ) 2 . Whether is intends to submit to the Council a text which to the Commission of the European Communities provides a qualitative revision of this Directive ? (18 May 1993) 3 . In particular, whether it intends to propose amendments ( 93/C 327/52 ) to the provisions for women during pregnancy and motherhood ? If this is the case, does it intend to guarantee that self-employed women or the wives of Subject: Procedures for the Commission to reply to self-employed men will benefit from a procedure similar correspondence submitted by Members of the to that laid down in the Directive on pregnant workers European Parliament and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding ( 92/85/EEC ) (2 ), notably the clause which Can the President of the Commission inform Parliament prohibits reducing the level of protection as compared why it takes so long to reply to letters submitted to the with the situation which exists in each Member State, Commission by democratically elected representatives of the length of maternity leave, and the level of payments the citizens of Europe and would the Commission consider made during maternity leave ? adopting a system as is present in other Member States where replies to correspondence from elected members are (!) OJ No L 359 , 19 . 12 . 1986, p . 56 . given some priority ? ( 2 ) OJ No L 348 , 28 . 11 . 1992, p . 1 . No C 327/30 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

Answer given by Mr Flynn the number of full-time and part-time staff employed by on behalf of the Commission the organization; (IS September 1993) the financial need of the organization to cover its annual administrative costs . The report on the application of this Directive is to be adopted by the Commission in the near future . After The quality of applications is assessed as follows : detailed examination of the report the Commission will decide whether or not to propose a review of the — an evaluation of activity reports and financial accounts Directive . from the previous year;

— an evaluation of the provisional programme for the current year, in particular taking account of its Community dimension .

The Commission believes that the existing system of evaluation takes WRITTEN QUESTION No 1263/93 account of the potential knock-on effect . by Mrs Barbara Diihrkop Duhrkop ( S ) to the Commission of the European Communities As regards the NGOs which the Commission has decided (19 May 1993) should receive aid this year, the usual list will be sent to the ( 93/C 327/54 Honourable Member and to the Secretariat General of the Parliament in due course .

Subject: Support for non-governmental youth organizations

Article A-322 of the Community budget provides for support for international non-governmental youth organizations . Can the Commission explain the criteria used WRITTEN QUESTION No 1385/93 for selecting the various youth NGOs ? Is the Commission by Mrs Viviane Reding ( PPE ) taking into account the remarks introduced by the European to European Political Cooperation Parliament in relation to this article in the 1993 budget to the effect that aid to these organizations must be focused on (8 June 1993) their potential knock-on effect ? Which NGOs are to receive ( 93/C 327/55 ) such aid this year ?

Subject: The Guatemalan street children

Answer given by Mr Delors To question H-1018/92 i 1 ) by Mr David reading : on behalf of the Commission (3 September 1993) 'Because of lawsuits which have been presented to sue national policemen and military for the torture and murder of street children in Guatemala , staff of " Casa Alianza ", a refuge for more than 500 abandoned street In evaluating grant applications from international children, have been the target of reprisals which have non-governmental youth organizations, the Commission included armed attacks, kidnappings and death threats . applies both quantitative and qualitative criteria . Since Casa Alianza is financed by the EC , will the Commission request the Guatemalan Government to The quantitative criteria may be summarized as follows : provide adequate security for the Casa Alianza staff so that they may continue their struggle to protect the street the number of Member States in which the organization children from those who are supposed to protect is represented; them ?'

the number of third countries in which the organization the Commission answered : is represented; 'The Commission has received reports of violent attacks the overall number of members ( Community and against a number of NGOs including Casa Alianza, but it other); has not been asked to intervene . If it were to receive such a request, it would consult the representatives of the the number of publications ( numbers issued and number Member States on the spot to establish the best of languages in which they are produced ); approach.' 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities , No C 327/31

Could EPC accept a formal request to intervene concretely WRITTEN QUESTION No 1412/93 in this matter ? by Sir James Scott-Hopkins (PPE ) to the Commission of the European Communities y ) Debates of the European Parliament No 3-423 ( October 1992 . (9 June 1993) ( 93/C 327/57 )

Answer (3 November 1993) Subject: Subsidy for French electricity The subject and specific case referred to by the Honourable Member is followed closely within the framework of the EPC, i.e. by capitals as well as by Heads of Mission in Will the Commission investigate the level of subsidy paid by Guatemala City. A continued concern is expressed with the the French Government to its nuclear industry, which Guatemalan authorities . The Community and its Member provides 70 % of France's electricity ? Is the Commission States express the hope that with the election of a new satisfied that there is a 'level playing field' in the production President whose positive action towards the respect for of electricity in the Community ? human rights is well known, the plight of street children and NGOs active to protect them will improve as soon as possible .

Answer given by Mr Van Miert on behalf of the Commission WRITTEN QUESTION No 1406/93 (3 September 1993) by Mr Carlos Robles Piquer ( PPE ) to the Commission of the European Communities (8 June 1993) ( 93/C 327/56 ) The Commission has investigated the existence of subsidies to EDF on several occasions . In 1992 it made a thorough analysis of allegations made by the Green Group of the Subject: New phase in the Star Wars project under the European Parliament. The findings of these studies were Clinton Administration that EDF was a net contributor to the French budget; it had not benefited significantly more than other utilities from As the press in various countries has pointed out, the cuts in publicly funded research; its high level of debt was due to its the defence budget proposed by the Clinton Administration dependence on commercial borrowing to finance will lead to reductions in personnel and units (with investment because of price controls and the lack of public considerable repercussions on the presence of US armed dividend capital for such expenditure . The Commission did forces in Europe ) but will have less impact on advanced not find that EDF was subject to lower safety standards , was weapons systems and scientific and technological research unduly protected against the financial risk of nuclear connected with programmes such as the Star Wars project, accident or was granted special tax concessions . Similar which has been the subject of much debate in the past. allegations from the Confederation of British Industry have been answered . Can the Commission say whether there have been any significant developments in Europe's readiness to participate in some aspects of this technologically important A 'level playing field' in the production of electricity in the programme ? Community is becoming increasingly important as the market is integrated . That is why the Commission stressed the importance of subsidy control in its proposal for a Council directive concerning common rules for the internal Answer given by Mr Van den Broek market for electricity ( a ). on behalf of the Commission (29 September 1993) (M COM(91 ) 548 final . The Honourable Member's question does not come within the Commission's jurisdiction . No C 327/32 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

WRITTEN QUESTION No .1483/93 Answer by Mrs Marie Isler Beguin ( V ) (28 October 1993) to the Commission of the European Communities (14 June 1993) At its meeting on 28 and 29 June the Council reaffirmed that ( 93/C 327/58 ) Community strategy to control climate change was based on four elements, including the proposal for a Directive Subject: Legal status of sports clubs introducing a tax on carbon dioxide emissions and energy . The Council noted that agreement had been reached on three of the issues making up the strategy : Sports clubs are of considerable economic and social importance owing, notably, to the tremendous appeal and widespread media coverage of the most popular sports . — a Directive on energy efficiency ( SAVE), formally adopted on 13 September 1993 ; However their legal status is not yet governed by clear and harmonized rules at European level . Furthermore, they — a Decision on renewable energy sources ( Altener), frequently encroach on the privileges of professional formally adopted on 13 September 1993 ; organizations or serve as vehicles for financial operations — notably advertising — or dubious speculative enterprises — a Decision formally adopted on 24 June 1993 totally alien to the sporting ethos of healthy competition . introducing a monitoring mechanism for emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases . How does the Commission intend to tackle this delicate matter with a view to elimining abuses and scandals and to It also concluded that negotiations on the proposal for a establishing how far the amateur sector can go without CO2 energy tax would be actively pursued. encroaching on the professional sector ? Discussions on the subject are still going on. In this connection, the Council took note of the Presidency Answer given by Mr Pinheiro conclusions published at the Ecofin meeting on 7 June on behalf of the Commission 1993 . (29 July 1993)

The Commission, in recognition of the important role played by sports clubs in the Community, has undertaken a study on the impact of Community legislation on the world of sport . WRITTEN QUESTION No 1674/93 The findings of this study, which includes an analysis of the by Mr Dieter Rogalla ( S ) legal status of sports clubs, will be incorporated in a report to the Commission of the European Communities for presentation to Community sports authorities at the third European Sport Forum on 23 November 1993 . (28 June 1993) 93/C 327/60

Subject: 'Bolla di accompagnamento dei beni viaggianti' in Italy WRITTEN QUESTION No 1545/93 by Mr Alex Smith ( S ) 1 . Does the 'Bolla di accompagnamento dei beni to the Council of the European Communities viaggianti' create, de facto, an obstacle to the free movement of goods ? What measures is the Commission considering (15 June 1993) taking ? ( 93/C 327/59 ) 2 . Does the BDA requirement create a competitive Subject: Tax on carbon dioxide emissions disadvantage for Italian carriers operating exclusively in the domestic sector which are subject to strict controls ? What What progress has been made in implementing the measures is the Commission considering taking ? Commission proposal COM(92 ) 226 final of 30 June 1992 i 1 ) for a Council Directive introducing a tax on carbon 3 . Is there any contradiction in keeping the BDA dioxide emissions and energy ? requirement within Italy, while the EC aim is to eliminate all obstacles to the internal market ? What measures is the (!) OJ No C 196 , 3 . 8 . 1992, p. 1 . Commission considering taking ? 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/33

4 . Would the Commission confirm my general the light of both Article 30 of the EEC Treaty and the new impression that it tacitly tolerates Member States' obstacles VAT rules introduced by Directive 91/680/EEC . and commercial disadvantages with regard to sales by correspondence across the newly established internal Under the transitional arrangements established for by that market ? Directive, Member States may, until 31 December 1996, impose other obligations which they deem necessary for the 5 . Could the Commission explain why the correct collection of VAT and for the prevention of evasion, abovementioned general impression has been created by subject to the requirement of equal treatment for domestic various bureaucratic actions on the part of its civil transactions and transactions carried out between Member servants ? States by taxable persons and provided that such obligations do not, in trade between Member States , give rise to 6 . Does the Commission intend now to draw up a master formalities connected with the crossing of frontiers plan aimed at freeing totally this kind ofcommercial activity ( Article 28h of Directive 91/680/EEC amending Article 22 ( sales by mail etc .) and by what deadline ? If not, why not ? ( 8 ) of Directive 77/388/EEC). As long as these conditions Which steps should precede the abovementioned master were fulfilled, a rule requiring goods coming from other plan ? Member States to be covered by a 'Bolla ' would be consistent with the sixth Directive . In the case in point, however, the question should no longer arise , the circular issued on 5 January 1993 by the Italian Ministry of Finance Answer given by Mr Vanni d'Archirafi having completely eliminated the 'Bolla' requirement in the on behalf of the Commission case of goods coming from other Member States . As regards (27 September 1993) mail-order sales between Member States , such transactions involve the carriage of goods to Italy from another Member State and are therefore not covered by the 'Bolla' rules, 1 . The 'Bolla di accompagnamento' was introduced for according to the circular of 5 January 1993 . the carriage of goods in circulation in Italy by Presidential Decree ( DPR ) No 627 of 6 October 1978 , for VAT 6 . The Commission has sent the Council a proposal for a collection purposes and to ensure transparency of trade . Directive aimed at harmonizing the rules on distance selling . The 'Bolla' had to accompany all goods transported in Italy, whether domestically produced or originating in other (!) OJ No L 376, 31 . 12 . 1991 , p. 1 . Member States . Under Article 2 of DPR No 627, the carrier of goods imported into Italy was issued with the 'Bolla ' at the border post when he paid the VAT due on the goods to the customs authorities . The 'Bolla ' then accompanied the goods to their final destination . Arrangement has been modified following the abolition of checks on goods at Italy's borders , from 1 January 1993 , under Law No 489 of WRITTEN QUESTION No 1687/93 19 December 1992 and following the entry into force of by Mrs Anita Pollack ( PSE ) Council Directive 91/680/EEC of 16 December 1991 to the Commission of the European Communities supplementing the common system of value added tax and (28 June 1993) amending Directive 77/388/EEC with a view to the abolition of fiscal frontiers (*). ( 93/C 327/61

The Commission took the view that, since the carrier still Subject: Hypothermia in elderly persons had to stop at the border in order to obtain the 'Bolla' or had to have a representative in Italy to obtain it for him, these Does the Commission have any comparable figures of the arrangements for issuing the document were liable to hinder rate/number of deaths of elderly persons from hypothermia the free movement of goods. The Commission therefore in the Member States and, if so , will it please supply contacted the Italian authorities, which stated that their them ? Ministry of Finance had on 5 January 1 993 sent a circular to all the administrations concerned , specifying that the Does it have any similar figures for applicant Member obligation to carry the 'Bolla ' was confined to domestic States, and will it also supply those it has ? traffic, i.e. goods moving within Italian territory, and to goods coming from non-member countries .

2 and 3 . The fact that the current rules require goods Answer given by Mr Christophersen moved from one point to another within Italian territory to on behalf of the Commission be accompanied by the 'Bolla' does not constitute a barrier (24 September 1993) to intra-Community trade : 'inverted' discrimination by a Member State against its own nationals does not fall within the scope of Article 30 of the EEC Treaty. collects no figures on the numbers ( or rates ) of death due to hypothermia . 4 and 5 . The Commission does not share the Honourable Member's view, having examined the 'Bolla' requirement in No C 327/34 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

WRITTEN QUESTION E-1753/93 Netherlands inspection service was able to intercept some by Mr Ian White ( PSE ) 1 000 of the lamps in question before they were sold to consumers . to the Commission of the European Communities (2 July 1993) Is the Commission familiar with this matter ? ( 93/C 327/62 )

What guarantees can it give that an effective alarm system Subject: Drug prices for dangerous products will operate in future ?

Can the Commission provide a list of the differences in the Does the Commission share my doubts as to whether all prices charged by pharmaceuticals companies to the public Member States are fully complying with the obligation to health systems and to the consumer in the different Member undertake a rapid exchange of information under existing States of the Community for the most commonly prescribed rules and, after 29 June 1994 , pursuant to Article 8 of drugs ? Directive 92/59/EEC ( 2 )? If so, what action does it intend to take ?

(!) OJ No L 17, 21 . 1 . 1989 , p . 51 . ( 2 ) OJ No L 228 , 11 . 8 . 1992 , p . 24 . Answer given by Mr Christophersen on behalf of the Commission (19 October 1993) Answer given by Mrs Scrivener on behalf of the Commission The Commission does not have the information requested (27 September 1993) by the Honourable Member.

On 12 March 1993 the Netherlands organization 'Konsumenten Kontact' informed the Commission of the presence on the Netherlands market of a halogen lamp deemed to be dangerous . In this connection the Commission referred Konsumenten Kontact to the Netherlands contact point in the network of the Community system for the rapid WRITTEN QUESTION E-1815/93 exchange of information, so that the latter could directly by Mr Jan Bertens ( LDR ) scrutinize the technical information at Konsumenten to the Commission of the European Communities Kontakt's disposal . After analysing the risks associated with the appliance , the Netherlands authorities expressly decided (13 July 1993) not to notify the product in the context of the Community ( 93/C 327/63 ) system for the rapid exchange of information, since they considered that there was no serious and immediate risk . Moreover, none of the other Member States notified the Subject: Failure of the EC warning system for unsafe product in the context of this network . products The Honourable Member should note that under the terms The June 1993 issue of Koopkracht, the monthly of Council Decision 89/45/EEC, the Community procedure publication of Konsumenten Kontact, a Netherlands for the rapid exchange of information on dangers arising consumer organization, refers to highly dangerous halogen from the use of consumer products may be triggered only by standard lamps available on the European market. the Member States , at their responsibility .

These Olympic lamps, which come from China , were In its second report on the system ( 1 ), which was transmitted banned in mid-February 1993 by the German inspection to the Council , the Parliament and the Economic and Social authorities and barred from the German market. The article Committee, the Commission analysed in depth the working in Koopkracht described this as a complete failure of the of this system and concluded that in general its performance EC's system for the rapid exchange of information on unsafe was satisfactory. However, with a view to integrating the products ( Decision 89/45/EEC ) ( a ). system within Council Directive 90/59/EEC on general product safety, which will take effect on 29 June 1994, certain recommendations were made notably as regards the Even after the Commission's consumer policy service had measures to be taken by the Member States on the basis of been informed by Konsumenten Kontakt it failed to send a the notifications they receive . Moreover, the Commission, rapid warning to all the Member States . It was only thanks in close cooperation with the Member States , is currently to appropriate action by Konsumenten Kontact that the examining the possibility of drawing up common guidelines 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/35

as to the interpretation of what constitutes a 'serious and Answer immediate' risk . (28 October 1993)

(M SEC(92 ) 618 final . The Community and its Member States have been following closely the development in Sierra Leone . They have repeatedly stated their attachment to the respect of human rights and the rule of law. The Community and its Member States have made it clear to the Government of Sierra Leone that they considered that extra-judicial killings of prisoners and executions without a public trial to constitute a severe WRITTEN QUESTION E-1821/93 breach of fundamental human rights . by Mr Victor Arbeloa Muru ( PSE ) to European Political Cooperation (13 July 1993) ( 93/C 327/64 )

Subject: Prisoners in Yemen WRITTEN QUESTION E-l922/93 by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( NI ) Have the Ministers meeting in EPC looked at the results of to European Political Cooperation the parliamentary committee appointed to investigate the (15 July 1993) massacre of December 1992 ? Have they taken any interest ( 93/C 327/66 ) in the plight of those still in prison ?

Subject: Human rights in South Africa

Answer Twenty-two political prisoners in the Leeuw Kop prison in (28 October 1993) the Transvaal in South Africa began a hunger strike to the death on 1 May to force the Government of Mr de Klerk to free them and to hold elections in which all citizens would be This subject has not been discussed in the EPC entitled to vote . framework. All the 22 had heavy sentences imposed on them because, as The Community and its Member States have repeatedly union activists, officials and members of the African called on the Yemen authorities to respect human rights . National Congress ( ANC ) they organized strikes to stop They welcomed the first free and fair multi-party elections racist killings by the police , fascist executions and held in April 1993 as a first step in establishing fully Buthelezi's henchmen . representative institutions, a precondition for bringing the process of democratization to fruition . The campaign of murderous attacks on blacks and coloureds has cost 10 000 lives in South Africa over the last five years alone .

In view of the above, will EPC inform the government of Mr de Klerk that the Community and its Member States support the immediate release of all political prisoners and the WRITTEN QUESTION E-l 824/93 holding of free and democratic elections, without conditions by Mr Victor Arbeloa Muru ( PSE ) and restrictions, in which blacks and coloureds would be entitled to vote ? to European Political Cooperation (13 July 1993) ( 93/C 327/65 ) Answer (3 November 1993) Subject: Shootings in Sierra Leone

Are the Ministers meeting in EPC following carefully the As the Honourable Member will be aware, the Community events in Sierra Leone ? Have they protested and expressed and its Member States have made a number of their revulsion at the extra-judicial shootings , after secret representations to the South African Government, trials with no safeguards, of dozens of people ? Have they demanding the immediate release of all political called for impartial trials to be held in public ? prisoners . No C 327/36 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

The Community and its Member States note that the new Treaty on European Union . It requested the Group to ensure situation obtaining in South Africa, however , allows the that detailed plans are taken forward for the development of Government and the ANC to settle their differences on such communication systems and other preparations . matters through the direct dialogue established between them . The Community and its Member States hope that this dialogue might prove constructive and contribute to the As regards free movement of persons within the objectives advocated by the Honourable Member . Community, the European Council at Copenhagen ( 21—22 June 1993 ) invited the responsible Ministers to bring their work on these measures forward as a matter of Moreover, the Community and its Member States have constantly voiced , both to the South African Government great urgency . and to all political forces in the country, their serious concern regarding the violence of all kinds prevalent in South Africa , which is particularly damaging to the democratic process under way .

Lastly, the Community and its Member States have constantly expressed their willingness to help with the holding of free and fair elections , which should take place in WRITTEN QUESTION E-21 72/93 April 1994 . This has been reiterated on a variety of occasions to Mr De Klerk's Government and to the different by Mrs Christine Oddy ( PSE ) parties involved in the democratic process . to European Political Cooperation (28 July 1993) ( 93/C 327/68 )

Subject: Saharawi self-determination WRITTEN QUESTION E-2031/93 by Mr Yves Verwaerde ( LDR) What steps is EPC taking to ensure compliance with UN to the Council of the European Communities Resolutions 658 ( 1990 ) and 690 ( 1991 )? (23 July 1993) ( 93/C 327/67 ) What steps is EPC taking to express concern to the Moroccan Government at the continuing human rights abuses in the Moroccan occupied Western Sahara ? Subject: Cooperation on police affairs : activities of the Coordinators' Group

With reference to police cooperation, could the Council make a succinct, but nonetheless complete report on the Answer activities of the Coordinators' Group during 1992 ? (28 October 1993)

Answer The Community and its Member States fully support the (28 October 1993) UN Settlement Plan, as endorsed by UNSCRs 690 and 725 and the work of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara . They have repeatedly called on all the Cooperation on police affairs takes place within the Trevi parties to cooperate with the UN Secretary-General and his Group , an intergovernmental organization whose activities Special Representative and to avoid doing anything which are outside the Council's sphere of competence . could hinder the rapid implementation of the Plan .

For its part, the Coordinators' Group, which was set up by As noted in the Lisbon European Council Declaration on the European Council at Rhodes ( 2 , 3 December 1988 ), is Euro-Maghreb relations , the Community and its Member responsible for implementing the free movement of persons . States consider that their relations with the Maghreb As it, too, is an intergovernmental body, the Council cannot countries must be based on such principles as respect for report on its activities either . However, once the Maastricht international law, human rights and fundamental freedoms . Treaty is ratified these actions will be integrated into the Morocco is aware of the importance which the Community structures provided for by the Treaty . and its Member States attach to such principles in their bilateral relations with third countries . The European Council at Edinburgh ( 12 December 1992 ) has noted the work of the Coordinators ' Group on the implementation of the justice and home affairs pillar of the 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/37

WRITTEN QUESTION E-2221/93 confidential Iranian Government document outlining an by Mr Reimer Boge ( PPE ) official policy of discrimination against, and the suppression of the Baha'i community there . It also refers to a plan to to the Commission of the European Communities destroy the Baha'is cultural roots outside Iran . (29 July 1993) ( 93/C 327/69 ) In light of this last objective, what action has European Political Cooperation taken to allay the fears of the Baha'i Subject: Illegal transfers of foreign currency from community in EC Member States ? Nigeria

The military dictatorship in Nigeria is almost finished, and the imminent collapse of the regime is clearly prompting civil servants employed by the Nigerian state oil company to Answer (*) attempt to transfer $ 22,5 million abroad for their own (3 November 1993) use .

Is the Commission aware of this ? The Community and its Member States share the concerns expressed by the Honourable Parliamentarian about the What steps will it take to bring pressure to bear on the Baha'i community both in and outside Iran . They have military government to prevent these funds from being repeatedly raised these concerns with the Iranian authorities transferred and to ensure that they are earmarked for and stressed the need to respect the religious and political legitimate uses under the democratically elected freedoms of the Baha'is and their distinctive culture . government ? The Iranians are well aware that any attempt to interfere in the religious, political and cultural freedoms, which the Answer given by Mr Marin on behalf of the Commission Baha'i communities enjoy as a matter of course in EC Member States , would constitute a gross interference in the (9 September 1993) internal affairs of the Member States .

The Commission is unaware of the specific circumstances to The Baha'i communities in EC Member States are for the which the Honourable Member refers . It is , however , aware most part fully aware of the actions which have been of fraudulent letters , purportedly from Nigeria's state oil taken . company or ministries , proposing to share the unspent balance of contracts and asking potential victims to send in return a signed blank letterhead . This kind of fraud has been The Community and its Member States will continue to going on in Nigeria for years; the national press calls it follow the situation closely and to draw to the attention of 'fraud 419'. Nigerian embassies all over the world sent their the Iranian authorities violations of human rights . host governments notes verbales on this type of fraud in 1991 , a year which saw a considerable increase in the ( J ) This reply has been provided by the Foreign Ministers meeting volume of such letters . In November of that year, the in political cooperation , within whose province the question German weekly Der Spiegel warned its readers and German came . businessmen of the practice .

Since 1991 the Commission has, at regular intervals , been sending the Nigerian authorities, for appropriate action, copies of all such letters brought to its notice by Community officials or other European citizens .

WRITTEN QUESTION E-2268/93 by Mr Filippos Pierros ( PPE ) to European Political Cooperation WRITTEN QUESTION E-2232/93 (1 September 1993) by Mr James Nicholson ( PPE ) ( 93/C 327/71 to European Political Cooperation (30 July 1993) ( 93/C 327/70 ) Subject: EPC reaction to the US missile attack on Baghdad Subject: Baha'is in the European Community President Bill Clinton has said the US missile attack against A recent report ( UN Doc . E/CN.4/1993/41 ) to the UN Iraq in late June was justified by an Iraqi plot to assassinate Commission on Human Rights contains an allegedly former President George Bush in April . . No C 327/38 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

In view, however, of the legal and moral questions raised by and the Council of Europe , including those related to the action , is EPC concerned that the attack might provoke minorities . In the light of the Council of Europe Summit anti-Western terrorist actions in the Mediterranean , meeting due to be held in Vienna (8—9 October 1993 ), a further complicate Europe's efforts to end the war in possible framework convention on minority rights is under ex-Yugoslavia , and set back peace efforts in the Middle examination . These preparatory activities within the East ? And if so, what has EPC done to limit the likelihood of Council of Europe are indeed followed closely by European such developments ? Political Cooperation, in particular in the context of the pact on stability in Europe .

Answer (3 November 1993)

WRITTEN QUESTION E-2453/93 I would refer the Honourable Member to the answer given by Mr Eolo Parodi ( PPE ) to questions No 779/93 by M. Cushnahan and No 78 7/93 by M. Geraghty on the same subject . to the Council of the European Communities (1 September 1993) ( 93/C 327/73 )

Subject: Compulsory Italian government levy

Does the Council believe that the Italian government ruling WRITTEN QUESTION E-23 19/93 whereby a sum equal to 25 % of the contribution paid by by Mr Juan Ramirez Heredia ( PSE ) persons insured with independent social security to European Political Cooperation institutions is to be charged by way of a compulsory levy payable to the state Treasury is in keeping with the spirit of (1 September 1993) the new Article 104a ( 1 ) introduced by the Maastricht ( 93/C 327/72 ) Treaty, especially bearing in mind that the institutions in question perform a public service to the extent that they independently administer social security benefits for various Subject: Pact on stability of Europe categories of self-employed and employed workers, without receiving state aid ? Paragraph 8 of the conclusion of the Copenhagen Council of 21 and 22 June 1993 refers to the French proposal for an initiative to be taken by the European Union in favour of a Answer pact on stability in Europe . (28 October 1993) Bearing in mind that one of the principal areas covered by such a pact would be minorities, will EPC take into account It is not for the Council to comment on the situation referred recommendation 1201 ( 1993 ) by the Parliamentary to by the Honourable Member . Assembly of the Council of Europe on an additional protocol on minority rights to the European Convention on Human Rights ?

Answer WRITTEN QUESTION E-25 77/93 (28 October 1993) by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( PSE ) to European Political Cooperation (1 September 1993) The Honourable Member will be aware that the , at its 19 July meeting, decided to create an ( 93/C 327/74 ) ad hoc high level working groups with the mandate to lay the ground for the report which Ministers of Foreign Affairs have to present to the Brussels European Council in Subject: The press in Turkey December . In its activities the ad hoc high level working groups is duly taking into account relevant principles The Ankara Government has pledged that it will lift elaborated in the context of the United Nations , the CSCE restrictions on the press . However, it continues to harass 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/39 journalists and obstruct the free circulation of Answer newspapers . (28 October 1993)

The International Press Institute , for example, claims that on 31 May 1993 the Turkish authorities arrested Mahmut The peace process in Mozambique is closely monitored by Dogan, the Diyarbakir correspondent of the Istanbul European Political Cooperation . At the European Council newspaper , Ozgur Gunden, and held him in custody for meeting in Copenhagen , the Heads of State and eight days . The newspaper itself has been seized on Government regretted the delays in the peace process , but numerous occasion and the editor-in-chief, Ahmet Akaya , were heartened that the ceasefire was holding . It may be was arrested on 26 May . noted that, since then, conditions have improved, particularly with the resumption of the work of the various commissions . The Community and its Member States note In view of the International Press Institute's allegation, how with satisfaction that the recent meeting between President will European Political Cooperation express the Chissano and Mr Dhlakama was a constructive one . They Community's concern in this matter ? hope that a decisive impetus will emerge, helping to overcome the delays which have occurred since the signing of the peace agreements . They remain ready to contribute to the rehabilitation and social and economic development of Answer the country . (28 October 1993)

According to the information available to European Political Cooperation, Mr Mahmut Dogan was taken into custody and released after being held for 8 days, whereupon he resumed work on the daily Ozgur Gundem. WRITTEN QUESTION E-2626/93 by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( PSE ) That newspaper has indeed been banned from being to European Political Cooperation published on a number of occasions and also appears to be (1 September 1993) threatened with closure . Its editor-in-chief would appear to ( 93/C 327/76 ) have been imprisoned since 15 July.

The issue of human rights is an element of the dialogue Subject: Statements by the President of the Commission on which European Political Cooperation pursues with the failure of Cyprus's bid for EC membership and Turkey . This subject, along with the fate of journalists, was the recognition of northern and southern raised during recent talks . The Turkish side confirmed that Cyprus the law on the press was part of legislation due to be amended . Statements made by Jacques Delors, the President of the Commission, at the recent summit conference on the failure of Cyprus's bid for EC membership and the recognition of northern and southern Cyprus have raised a number of questions about the EC's position on this matter . It is emphasized that on the same day that Mr Delors made this statement Mr Denktash called for northern Cyprus to become an independent state : this creates the impression WRITTEN QUESTION E-2614/93 that Mr Delors agrees with Mr Denktash, which militates in by Mr Jose Torres Couto ( PSE ) favour of international recognition of this pseudo-stat.e . Mr to European Political Cooperation Delors' statements seem to support Turkey's obstructionist policies which seek to block a peaceful solution to the (1 September 1993) Cyprus problem at a time when Mr Denktash and the ( 93/C 327/75 ) Turkish authorities are abandoning the UN negotiating process .

Subject: The peace process in Mozambique Can EPC confirm the validity of the summit meeting resolutions recognizing the Turkish military occupation of a UN member country and does it recognize the Republic of What action has the Community taken to monitor the peace process in Mozambique, which, according to information Cyprus as an independent state ? - obtained both in Mozambique itself and via various news agencies, is not operating smoothly and is not consistently Does the Community intend to continue showing solidarity respecting the text and timetable of the relevant towards a Member State — Greece — or does it intend to agreement ? make it a hostage of Turkish intransigence ? No C 327/40 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93

Answer television standard used and irrespective of the broadcasting (28 October 1993) mode ( terrestrial , satellite or cable ).

Without abandoning the strategic objectives set by the The Honourable Member may rest assured that the Community, the Council adjusted the Action Plan to take well-known position of the Community and its Member maximum account of current market realities and States concerning Cyprus has kept all its validity ( see answer foreseeable future developments in technology . to the Honourable Member's Oral Question 805/93 ). Furthermore, it has to be recalled that the Council is At the same time as the Action Plan the Council adopted a examining the opinion delivered by the Commission on resolution which provides for additional measures to be Cyprus ' application for EC membership, which duly takes taken for the formulation of a global approach to ensure the into account the position of the Community and its Member coherence of Community policy in this field , in particular States on the Cyprus problem . with regard to the development of digital technology .

The funds earmarked for the Action Plan, which have been re-evaluated to take account of the adjustments made, total ECU 405 million, including ECU 228 million from the Community . The Council believes that such a figure should make it possible to achieve the critical mass of television WRITTEN QUESTION E-2627/93 services in the 16/9 format, which should contribute to the by Mr Bouke Beumer ( PPE ) penetration of HDTV in Europe . to the Council of the European Communities (1 September 1993) ( 93/C 327/77 )

Subject: HDTV WRITTEN QUESTION E-2651/93 by Mr Luigi Vertemati ( PSE ) 1 . Does the Council consider that the Community's to European Political Cooperation strategic objectives , which justified the establishment of a plan of action for the introduction of advanced television (1 September 1993) services in Europe, still remain valid and require the ( 93/C 327/78 ) financial and other resources initially foreseen ? Subject: European military forces in the world 2 . Does the Council consider that the introduction of the 16/9 format could mean the existence side by side of different and incompatible standards for the terrestrial and Given that peace is in danger in many parts of the world ; satellite transmission of analogue or digital television signals given that the UN does not have the necessary structures to ( 625 or 1 250 lines ) and is it prepared to accept this situation intervene directly; in view of the European military presence which conflicts with the operating rules and principles of the in various countries; in view of the need to prevent violent clashes and conflicts ; single market ? will European Political Cooperation state : 3 . Does the Council consider itself implicated in the economic , social and cultural consequences which would result from the Community abandoning its objectives in the whether there are European proposals to reform the UN in audiovisual sector and HDTV in particular ? order to bring it into line with its role as guarantor of peace and security; the exact number of European soldiers involved in peace missions or the protection of world security, and in which countries ; what has been the outcome so far of these decisions to send military forces to the Answer different areas ? (28 October 1993)

The very complex nature of the issue necessitated very Answer protacted discussions before the Council could reach a (28 October 1993) solution that took satisfactory account of every aspect of the problem . The European Community and its Member States have The Action Plan for the introduction of advanced television actively contributed to the implementation of the report of services in Europe which the Council adopted on 22 July the Secretary General 'An agenda for peace ' which has 1993 focuses on promoting advanced television services for contributed over the last year to enhance the United the wide-screen 16/9 format irrespective of the European Nations' concrete contribution to peace and security, 3 . 12 . 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 327/41

particularly in the field of peace-making, peace-keeping and USA and that only 39 out of 1 000 Community workers peace-building. This report contains , notably, a number of work in the advanced technologies sector, as opposed to 75 proposals aiming at a more systematic use of preventive in Japan and the USA; diplomacy, a concept whose importance had been consistently stressed by the Member States of the European given that GATT has only worked to the disadvantage of Community . Community production;

As the UN does not have its own armed forces, the Secretary given that European industrial companies are increasingly General has to request Member States to contribute troops opening plants and promoting production in Eastern whenever the Security Council decides to launch a peace European countries and the Third and Fourth Worlds , thus keeping operation . By monitoring cease-fires and preventing leaving thousands of people jobless in Europe, without new outbursts of violence, the peace keepers are paving the reducing the price to be paid by European consumers for way to negotiated settlements among parties in conflict . In a products which are considerably cheaper in their countries number of recent situations, the role of the UN peace of origin, keeping operations has included also humanitarian assistance, economic rehabilitation and the organization of calls on the Council to carry out a survey and analysis in general elections . While the UN authority has been order to assess the impact on unemployment and the present challenged by local factions in a number of situations , other recession in Europe of this type of industrial policy, which is operations have succeeded in restoring normality after long still being pursued , and to introduce measures to revitalize years of civil war : Namibia, Salvador and Cambodia are the European economy and review existing agreements with examples of such achievements . non-Community states and the GATT negotiations as a whole . The Community and its Member States have cooperated­ actively and closely with the United Nations , at political level as well as in the field , by providing humanitarian assistance or monitoring the observance of human rights . Answer Examples of such a fruitful cooperation are many : (28 October 1993) cooperation within the International Conference on Yugoslavia and between UNPROFOR and the EC monitoring missions in the former Yugoslavia ; cooperation The Council would point out that it is for the Commission, in South Africa between observers deployed by the in accordance with the powers conferred upon it by the European Community and its Member States ( ECOMSA ) , to carry out where it sees fit, the surveys and the United Nations Observer Mission ( UNOMSA); and analyses to which the Honourable Member refers , and cooperation with ONUSAL in El Salvador; cooperation in where appropriate to submit proposals to the Council . The Somalia ( ONUSOM ). Commission has drawn up a White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment. As the Honourable Member will be aware , the European Community does not dispose of military forces of it own; the With particular reference to the GATT multilateral trade decision to commit soldiers to specific missions in third negotiations currently in progress, the Council has on countries , both individually or in the context of an numerous occasions voiced its conviction that a positive , international effort remains within the national competence global and balanced conclusion of the Uruguay Round of Member States . would benefit the international community as a whole and make an important contribution to the efforts to check the current economic slow-down .

WRITTEN QUESTION E-2654/93 WRITTEN QUESTION E-2693/93 by Mrs Cristiana Muscardini ( NI ) by Mr James Ford ( PSE ) to the Council of the European Communities to European Political Cooperation (1 September 1993) (3 September 1993) ( 93/C 327/79 ) ( 93/C 327/80 )

Subject: Conditions of imprisonment of South Korean Subject: Industrial policy and recession human rights activist Noh Tae-Hun

In view of Mr Delors' statement that, over the last decade , What discussions has EPC had in the case of human rights the Community has surrendered 4 % of its export to the activist Noh Tae-Hun, currently imprisoned in South Korea, No C 327/42 Official Journal of the European Communities 3 . 12 . 93 in respect of the nature of the charges against him and the WRITTEN QUESTION E-2733/93 conditions of his imprisonment ? by Mr Alex Smith ( PSE ) to the Council of the European Communities (16 September 1993) ( 93/C 327/81 ) Answer (28 October 1993) Subject: Creation of a hard ECU

In the view of the Council, would the creation of a hard ecu The specific matter raised by the Honourable Member has as currently speculated be a breach of Article 109g of not been discussed in the framework of European Political Chapter 4 of the Treaty on European Union ? Cooperation . The Community and its Member States are , however, closely monitoring the development of the political reform process in South Korea , paying particular attention to the question of abuses in the field of human Answer rights and are ready to take appropriate actions for the (28 October 1993) protection of these basic principles of democratic societies . The concept of 'hard ecu' as referred to by the Honourable Member does not correspond to the concept in the Maastricht Treaty.