Q,radrat A pcriodical bulletin of research in progress on the history of the British book trade Issue 21 Summer 2008 CONTENTS Ilditor's Notc (. rt I I mim ..1rn.r lro n p Pinl Nt:hvrtrk:.r confcrcrrcc: rcports ftom Chester J Mallhnt Yro xr l\ocland [:{armt Ptogrcss rLrp()rl (),:r rhc Print Nctwor,&r series (,tt / hc ritur,l rnt.r lron g Rcport on.John Ilinl<s's J-eicestcr workshop Cu/ltuinc l;u BIJ'I'I ncws 12 Matrutn l',c/l Tcaching lloolt I Iistory: thoughts following a workshop 1.4 C,)u t hti ru .,1 rlfi ! / ru t! 'Just thc local papcr': llcading the locai newspaper in the late- 16 Victorian cla ..,1ndntv I lohbl Notcs a,1d (]r-rcrics: - Iiiqlttu:nllt (.intury Intelligennr - Nlunt'lr'l/cr l\q4ion l:liilor1t Ikuiews,olttme 11 i - Scoltisl: llooli'li'acle Archive - lturrlirrg l'lxpcricnce Database ,a Iixrli llt:vicrv lboli I Iistory llcsclrch Nctwotk news 30 Biblir.rgrrrplrir:tl Socicty (lrants available 32 Print:ing I Iistolictl Socicty (irants available Tltc h Book Trade fndex on the Veb www.bbti.bham.ac.uk Eclitor: Catlre rirt Arrnstrong, Depattment of History and Economic History, Mirlchcstcr Mctropolitan Univetsity, Geofftey Manton Buildiog, Rosamond Stteet West, Manchestet M15 6LL Email:
[email protected] l)rrlrlislrcrl in thc l)epattment of English, Universiq, of Birmingham ISSN:1357-6666 EDITOR'S NOTE elcome to anothet issue of Quadrat containing articles, notes and queries, book reviews and reports from confetences and workshops, all designed to give you an indication of the vibtancy of our topic of book and printing history.