Irish SemiIrish Semi--naturalnatural Grasslands Survey Annual Report No. 2: Counties Cavan, Leitrim, Longford & Monaghan F.H. O’Neill, J.R. Martin, P.M. Perrin, A. Delaney, K.E. McNutt & F.M. Devaney December 2009 BOTANICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL & CONSERVATION CONSULTANTS LTD. 26 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6619713 Email:
[email protected] _______________________________________________________ Acknowledgements We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the planning and completion of this project. The work has been funded by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government). We would like to thank Marie Dromey for her guidance throughout the project. Thanks also to Naomi Kingston and Deirdre Lynn for helpful comments on a draft of this report. We acknowledge the help of NPWS field staff and local authority personnel who suggested sites for survey. We also thank staff at the National Biodiversity Data Centre. The assistance of Nick Hodgetts and David Holyoak for identification of some problematic bryophyte samples is also gratefully acknowledged. We are grateful to Simon Barron, Edwina Cole, Niamh Cullen, Orla Daly, Thérèse Higgins, Nigel Mills, Pat Moran, Mieke Muyllaert, Clíodhna Ní Bhroin, Michelle O’Neill, Emma Reeves and Sam Thomas for their hard work in the field. Finally, we thank the farmers and landowners of Cavan, Leitrim, Longford and Monaghan for giving us permission to survey their land and for the background information they provided. Cover: Wet grassland at Moneensauran, Co. Cavan. (Photo © Fiona Devaney & BEC Consultants) Irish Semi-natural Grasslands Survey: Counties Cavan, Leitrim, Longford & Monaghan - BEC Consultants 2009 Executive Summary In 2009, 239 sites and 1053 relevés in Cavan, Leitrim, Longford and Monaghan were surveyed as part of the Irish Semi-natural Grasslands Survey (ISGS).