RP-QP – 03 -4- *RPQP03*

PART – A Directions : Fill in the blank with suitable option from those provided below to make the given sentence grammatically correct. 1. Neither the salesmen nor the marketing manager ———— of the system. A) is favouring B) is in favour C) are in favour D) are for favour Directions :The given sentence contains an error in the part in bold letters. Replace the marked phrase with the option that best renders the meaning. 2. The new biography contains some startling insights about the man who was primarily an author. A) into the man B) of the man C) into the character D) into the character of the man Directions : Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/sentence in the following question: 3. A person with refined taste in food and wine. A) puritan B) ascetic C) epicure D) novice Directions : Select, from the alternatives given under the keyword (word in capital letters), a suitable word that conveys more or less the same meaning as the word in capital letters. 4. EMANCIPATE A) liberate B) anticipate C) pamper D) envisage Directions : Select, from the alternatives given under the keyword (word in capital letters), a suitable word that is more or less opposite in meaning to the keyword. 5. PROFANE A) volatile B) non-volatile C) useless D) sacred Directions : Choose the correct option from the four given below to complete the following sentence. 6. I ______received any message from my friend by now. A) isn’t B) wasn’t C) haven’t D) hadn’t Directions : Fill in the blanks with the option that best fits the meaning of the given sentence as a whole. 7. Unfortunately, one of the side-effects of this newly found ______is wasteful spending, a trend which has spread through society like a ______disease. A) resources, mental B) security, physical C) philosophy, physiological D) prosperity, communicable *RPQP03* -5- RP-QP – 03

Directions : From the given parts P,Q,R,S which correct option, forms a meaningful sentence? 8. P) a healthy ecosystem Q) and is less likely R) has lots of diversity S) to be seriously damaged A) PRQS B) PSRQ C) RQPS D) SRQP Directions : Choose the correct substitute from the options, that best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase marked in bold letters in the given sentence. 9. Sunita has bitten off more than she can chew. A) over and above B) eating too much C) beyond her capacity D) fallen badly Directions : For the given word, match the dictionary definition on the left (PQRS) with their corresponding usage on the right (1234). Out of the four possibilities given below the table, select the correct combination that has all the definitions and usages most closely matched. 10. DANGER Dictionary Definition Usage P. A cause of pain, injury or loss 1. There was widespread danger of disease. Q. The condition of being susceptible 2. He moved out of danger. to harm R. A dangerous place or situation 3. There was a danger that Ashish would do wrong. S. A venture undertaken without regard 4. He feared the dangers of travelling to injury by air. A) P1, Q2, R3, S4 B) P4, Q3, R2, S1 C) P2, Q4, R3, S1 D) P1, Q4, R3, S2 11. Choose the appropriate answer for the following : Palaeography : Writings : : Ichthyology : ? A) Fishes B) Whales C) Oysters D) Mammals 12. Which number will come in the blank space ? 1, 9, 17, 33, 49, 73, __ A) 97 B) 98 C) 99 D) 100 13. Arun said, “This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” Who is Arun to the girl ? A) Father B) Grandfather C) Husband D) Father-in-law RP-QP – 03 -6- *RPQP03*

14. A father is now three times as old as his son. Five years back, he was four times as old as his son. The age of the son is A) 12 B) 15 C) 18 D) 20 15. How many squares are there in the following figure ?

A) 16 B) 17 C) 25 D) 27 16. Select the most suitable synonym for REDEEM A) heal B) regain C) improve D) obtain 17. Select the most suitable antonym for CATALYST A) promoter B) assassin C) destroyer D) deterrent 18. Identify the meaning of idiom “Read between the lines” A) have a reason to suspect B) consulted one another C) have insight into a situation D) under consideration 19. Select the pair which shows the same relationship as the capitalized pair of words MINUTE : HOUR A) Drop : ocean B) People : crowd C) Child : children D) Paise : rupee 20. Choose the correct option 7500 + ( 1250/50) = ? A) 175 B) 300 C) 6575 D) 7525 21. The average of all odd numbers upto 100 is A) 49 B) 49.5 C) 50 D) 51 22. What percent of 7.2 kg is 18 gms ? A) 0.025% B) 0.25% C) 2.5% D) 25% 23. A man buys a cycle for Rs. 1,400 and sells it at a loss of 15%. What is the selling price of the cycle ? A) Rs. 1,090 B) Rs. 1,160 C) Rs. 1,190 D) Rs. 1,202 24. If 2A = 3B and 4B = 5C, then A : C is A) 4 : 3 B) 8 : 15 C) 15 : 8 D) 3 : 4 25. A and B can do a work in 8 days; B and C can do the same work in 12 days. A, B and C together can finish it in 6 days. A and C together will do it in A) 4 days B) 6 days C) 8 days D) 12 days *RPQP03* -7- RP-QP – 03

PART – B 26. According to which of the following accounting concepts, the proprietor of a business is treated as a creditor to the extent of his capital A) Money measurement concept B) Cost concept C) Dual aspect concept D) Entity concept 27. The term current assets does not include A) Cash B) Stock-in-trade C) Advance payments D) Furniture 28. Which of the following is not a capital reserve ? A) Premium on the issue of shares B) Profits prior to incorporation C) Dividend equalization reserve D) Profit on the sale of fixed assets 29. Outstanding wages is classified as A) Capital expenditure B) Revenue expenditure C) Deferred revenue expenditure D) None of the above 30. What is the amount of Closing stock when : Opening stock = Rs. 4,500 Cost of goods sold = Rs. 54,500 Purchases = Rs. 60,000 A) Nil B) Rs. 19,000 C) Rs. 9,000 D) Rs. 10,000 31. Stock turnover ratio is a A) Liquidity ratio B) Activity ratio C) Profitability ratio D) Solvency ratio 32. The term ‘funds’ as used in ‘funds flow statement’ means A) Cash B) Current assets C) Current liabilities D) Current assets minus current liabilities 33. Which one of the following is an example of source of funds ? A) Increase in long-term liabilities B) Decrease in long-term liabilities C) Increase in fixed assets D) Decrease in preference capital RP-QP – 03 -8- *RPQP03*

34. Macro-economics deals with A) Growth of an economy B) Total consumption C) National income D) All of the above 35. Indifference curve is associated with A) Fisher B) Hicks C) Pareto D) Both B) and C) 36. ‘Break-even point’ is that point where A) AR is equal to AC B) AC is equal to TR C) MR is equal to TC D) AR is equal to MC 37. Pure monopoly exists A) When there is a single producer B) When there is a single producer without any close substitutes C) When there is a single producer with close substitutes D) When a few producers control the industry 38. Skimming price for a new product is A) Low initial price B) Average price C) High initial price D) Moderate price 39. Which of the following commodities has the lowest elasticity of demand ? A) Car B) Books C) House D) Salt 40. Marginal revenue will be negative if the demand is A) Relatively elastic B) Unitary elastic C) Relatively inelastic D) Perfectly elastic 41. Marginal utility theory was conceptualized by A) John Maynard Keynes B) J. R. Hicks C) Alfred Marshall D) None of the above 42. Consumer surplus under price discrimination is A) Maximum B) Minimum C) Zero D) Non-predictable 43. What is the measure of elasticity ? A)0 B)1 C)2 D)3 *RPQP03* -9- RP-QP – 03

44. Management is A) An art B) A Science C) Both an art and a science D) Neither art nor science 45. Which of the following management functions are closely related ? A) Planning and organizing B) Staffing and control C) Planning and control D) Planning and Staffing 46. F. W. Taylor is known as the father of A) Human relationship approach management B) Quantitative approach to management C) Scientific management approach D) General and industrial management 47. ‘Control’ function of management cannot be performed without A) Planning B) Organizing C) Staffing D) Motivation 48. Which of the following is the oldest type of organization ? A) Functional organization B) Line organization C) Line and staff organization D) Committee organization 49. Co-ordination function of management aims at A) Providing sufficient personnel B) Bringing harmony in various activities C) Taking up corrective course of action D) None of these 50. Decentralization A) Increases the importance of superiors B) Decreases the importance of superiors C) Increases the importance of subordinates D) Decreases the importance of subordinates 51. ‘Grapevine’ is a term used in relation to A) Formal communication B) Informal communication C) Both formal and informal communications D) This term is not used in relation to communication RP-QP – 03 -10- *RPQP03*

52. Scalar principle on management is also known as A) Unity of command B) Chain of command C) Management by exception D) Esprit de corps 53. The most structured marketing problems are likely to be those dealing with A) Price B) Place C) Promotion D) Product 54. Segmentation of consumers based on factors like climatic conditions and regions are known as A) Demographic segmentation B) Cultural segmentation C) Geographic segmentation D) Administrative segmentation 55. Who is associated with the concept of marketing myopia ? A) Levitt B) Drucker C) McCarthy D) Kotler 56. Marketing concept emphasizes on A) Customer-oriented products B) Value creation C) Sales orientation D) Production orientation 57. Product mix consists of A) 2P B) 6P C) 4P D) 5P 58. Marketing is a human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange process, is the statement of A) William Stanton B) Kenneth Andrews C) Cundiff and Still D) Philip Kotler 59. Selling lays emphasis on the _____whereas marketing on ______A) Production, product B) Product, production C) Product, customer wants D) Production, customer wants 60. How do you distinguish marketing and selling ? A) They are one and the same B) Marketing is a part of selling C) Selling is a part of marketing D) No relationship between selling and marketing *RPQP03* -11- RP-QP – 03

61. ‘The environment of business consists of all those external things to which it is exposed and by which it may be influenced, directly or indirectly.’ This statement said by A) Reinecke and Schoell B) Welder and Torch C) Copen D) F.W. Taylor 62. ‘A good environment is good business’ who said ? A) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan B) Dr. S. S. Rao C) Dr. M. Singh D) Dr. R. Rajan 63. The New Economic Policy of is a precious gift of A) Dr. K. S. Rao B) Mr. C) Dr. D) Mr. Venkateshwar Ray 64. Indian Planning Commission was constituted in A) 1948 B) 1949 C) 1950 D) 1951 65. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of mixed economy ? A) Public Interest B) Joint Sector C) Public Control D) Economy Independency 66. Which of the following is component of Social-cultural environment ? A) Education B) Agriculture C) Population D) R and D 67. Which one of the following is not the economic role of government ? A) Planning Role B) Social Welfare C) Transportation System D) All the work related to opposed to public policy 68. The Environment Protection Act came into force from A) 1986 B) 1987 C) 1988 D) 1991 69. The Environment Audit started in India from A) 1982 B) 1992 C) 1995 D) 1996 RP-QP – 03 -12- *RPQP03*

70. Which of the following is not the characteristic of Data ? A) Comparative study B) Human being C) Statistics are collected by enumeration or estimation D) Statistics are placed in relation to each other 71. Tabulation of data is a A) Need of statistics B) Function of statistics C) Objects of statistics D) A) and B) both 72. Which of the following is not the part of the subject matter of Business statistic ? A) Presentation of data B) Analysis of data C) Interpretation of data D) Appointment 73. The primary object of sampling is to obtain maximum information about ______with minimum effort. A) Population B) Universe C) Data D) Statistics 74. Which of the following is type of hypothesis ? A) Null hypothesis B) Alternative hypothesis C) Large hypothesis D) (A) and (B) both 75. Which of the following is not Mathematical Average ? A) Geometric mean B) Harmonic mean C) Median D) Quadratic mean

76.  called as A) Capital sigma B) Rule C) Harmer D) Voucher 77. Which of the following is not the function of statistics ? A) Determination of Hypothesis B) Testing work C) Forecasting D) Auditing 78. The book HR Champions is authored by A) Mintzberg B) J. Pfeffer C) M. Porter D) Dave Ulrich 79. The horizontal expansion of jobs is termed A) Job enrichment B) Job enlargement C) Job sharing D) Job involvement *RPQP03* -13- RP-QP – 03

80. Dramatic reduction of manpower is called A) Termination B) Retrenchment C) Downsizing D) Rightsizing 81. Focus on Social Environment is related to A) Delegation B) Unity of Command C) Human Relations D) Unity of Direction 82. Monitoring employees through a preplanned series of position is called A) Promotion B) Succession planning C) Job reporting D) Job rotation 83. A willful disobedience of authority is called A) Insubordination B) Indiscipline C) Willful disobedience D) Misconduct 84. What is the operative function of HRM ? A) Organizing B) Directing C) Controlling D) Integrating 85. Giving general information regarding organization to the newly appointed personnel is called A) Training B) Development C) Induction D) Promotion 86. When was Banking Companies Act introduced ? A) 1950 B) 1960 C) 1949 D) 1970 87. The origin of banking in the modern sense, is traced to A) Italy B) French C) Sanskrit D) Hindi 88. Which one of the following Bank was the first public banking institution in world ? A) Bank of Hindustan B) Bank of Venice C) Bank of England D) Bank of Japan 89. The RBI is A) Arvind Mayaram B) Raghuram Rajan C) Montek Singh Ahluwaliah D) 90. ‘Smart Money’ is a term used for A) Internet Banking B) Credit Card C) Cash with Bank D) Cash with Public RP-QP – 03 -14- *RPQP03*

91. NABARD was established in A) Fourth Plan B) Fifth Plan C) Sixth Plan D) Eighth Plan 92. SBI (Subsidiary Banks Laws) Amendment Bill passed by the Parliament allows SBI to reduce its holding in its seven subsidiary banks from A) 100 to 75% B) 75 to 50% C) 75% or more to 51% D) 75% or more to 49% 93. The main security guard of International Trade is A) IMF B) C) WTO D) IFC 94. The headquarters of World Bank is situated at A) Manila B) Washington D.C. C) New York D) Geneva 95. Which pair is not correct ? A) EXIM Bank – Financing for export – import B) RBI – Banker’s bank C) IDBI – Industrial finance D) FCI – Financial assistance to commercial institutions 96. SDR is the currency of IMF which is in the form of A) Paper currency B) Gold C) Silver and gold both D) Book-keeping entry only 97. ‘Base Rate’ is a banking term. The Base Rate is determined by A) RBI B) Commercial Bank C) Finance Ministry D) World Bank 98. Which of the following organization releases ‘Doing Business Report’ every year ? A) IMF B) WTO C) UNCTAD D) World Bank 99. D. Swaroop Committee is associated with A) Financial Products Marketing B) Sugar Marketing C) Capital Marketing D) Banking 100. Which of the rate is not determined by ? A) Bank Rate B) CRR C) SLR D) PLR

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