USD 320 - Wamego Public Schools Board of Education

510 E. Highway 24 Phone: (785) 456-7643 Wamego, KS 66547 Fax: (785) 456-8125

Michele Johnson Richie Chrest Mark Bettencourt District 1 District 2 District 3

Amy Schwein Joe Steele Rob Adams District 4 District 5 District 6, Vice-President

Richard Weixelman Denise O’Dea Kathryn Mayfield At-Large, President Superintendent Clerk of the Board

USD 320 BOARD OF EDUCATION - MEETING AGENDA January 12, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Wamego Middle School Library 1701 Kaw Valley Road, Wamego, KS



3. ITEMS FOR THE GOOD OF USD 320 A. See attached.

4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of December 15, 2014 Board of Education meeting; B. Approval of payment of December 2014 bills; C. Approval of December 2014 Treasurer’s and Fund Reports; D. Approval of building activity fund reports for December 2014; E. Approve journal entries and cash receipts for December, 2014; F. Approve the termination of Mark Boggs – MS custodian; G. Accept the resignations of Stacy Divine and Linda Bruna – Para-educators; Mark Ten Eyck – Network Administrator; David Vanover – Maintenance Worker; Amy Hallberg – 3rd grade teacher (at the end of the 14-15 school year); Dale Burkholder – HS Head Football Coach & Help Teacher (at the end of the 14-15 school year); Debbie Klein – Administrative Assistant; H. Approve the hiring of Kristen Jackson – Speech Language Pathologist; Shawn Lecheka – Asst. Softball Coach (paid for with softball gift funds).


6. EARLY GRADUATION REQUEST Emmy Landis, current WHS Junior, is seeking permission to graduate from WHS in December of 2015. (Enclosure) Action Item

7. SECURITY CAMERA PROPOSALS TO CONSIDER One of the priority items as listed by the BOE was security surveillance at our district buildings. WTC will be in attendance to present their proposal regarding this item. (Enclosure) Discussion and/or Action Item USD 320 BOE Meeting Agenda 2 January 12, 2015

8. OVERVIEW OF FACILITY NEEDS In light of the BOE’s work regarding enrollment expansion and facility usage, each of the areas listed below will be presenting on current demands and restrictions of their facilities. This will be for future reference for the BOE.

A. Wamego High School B. Wamego Middle School C. West Elementary D. Central Elementary E. Food Service

Information Item

9. SPECIAL EDUCATION POSITIONS TO CONSIDER Special Education director Rebekah Helget will be presenting a proposal to the BOE regarding the approval for a Behavior Consultant Position and Para Facilitator position in our Special Ed Co-Op. (Enclosure) Discussion and/or Action Item

10. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Negotiations B. Property


Central Elementary Items for the Good January 2015


Kindergarten learned about wants and needs. They learned how important it is to save for things they want. This is the Santa masks that they had to work around the room cleaning, earn the parts for the mask, and save to make it by Friday.

The Kindergarteners made posters showing things they needed and things they wanted.

This lesson the students rolled a car down the ramp and measured how far the car went on the number line. They manipulated the ramp to see if they could get the car to go further or shorter distances.

First Grade In December our first grade classrooms discussed Wants and Needs, emphasizing the difference between the two. For one of the activities, the students placed pictures of items that they need on one of Santa’s bags and on the other bag the students placed pictures of items they wanted.

We also enjoyed our Holiday parties!!

Second Grade December was an exciting month for the 2nd graders. We have started an engineering and design unit. The students are learning a lot about important inventers from our past. Some people we have discussed are Benjamin Franklin, Orville and Wilbur Wright, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and many more. The students are in the process of creating their own designs such at building bridges. The students are having a great time with this fun, hands on unit.

We were glad to be the half time show for the varsity women’s basketball game on Dec. 19th. We put on a great performance showing off our talent as parachute pros! We also spent many hours working on our Christmas program called “Abominable Snowman: Friend or Foe” written and directed by our music teacher Annah Clark. It was a wonderful performance.

Parachute Performance

West Elementary Items for the Good January 5, 2015

 Congratulations to Junior Raider Hall of Fame Inductees! Congratulations to the following students for being nominated and inducted into the West Junior Raider Hall of Fame!

Hunter Mayer: I would like to nominate Hunter Mayer for the CHAMPS Award. Hunter is a student that I trust to try his best even when things are tough. Hunter is a student who is always happy and is willing to do just about anything! His willingness allows him to work hard in all situations. Not only is Hunter a great student, but he is also a great friend. I have seen how kind and helpful Hunter is to his classmates and it makes me proud to see this kind of character in a student. Above all else, Hunter brings a joyfulness to my classroom that is special and uplifting to those around him. Congrats Hunter!

Sam Schermerhorn: I nominate Sam Schermerhorn for the Hall of Fame. Sam comes to school each and every day with a smile on his face. He is kind to those around him and is always willing to lend a helpful hand. Sam participates and puts forth great effort in everything he does; whether it's helping a friend, being a leader, or a persistent learner. Sam is a vital part of our classroom and I am so happy to have him in our class. He is an excellent example of the CHAMPS code.

Burk Springer: Burk Springer is a great nominee for the West Elementary Hall of Fame. Burk is committed to being successful. He takes the time to understand new material and asks questions to clarify his learning. Burk is motivated to learn. In the classroom, you will see Burk on‐task and working hard to complete an assignment, or if he has finished, he often uses his time to wisely and makes sure that he is prepared for whatever is coming his way. I have appreciated how Burk is able to focus and persevere to complete tasks. Burk is energetic and willing to help others. All of these qualities make Burk a West Elementary Champ.

Thatcher Scruggs: I would like to nominate Thatcher Scruggs for the CHAMPS Hall of Fame. Thatcher brings a sense of leadership to our classroom. He leads by example in all aspects of learning. I can always count on him to be doing the right thing. Thatcher exemplifies the word “trustworthiness”. It doesn’t matter if a teacher is watching or not, he always stays true to his character. I would also like to commend Thatcher for his dedication to his school work. He makes school a priority at home by practicing his math facts and reviewing his spelling words nightly. Thatcher’s sense of humor and imagination provide our classroom with lots of laughter! I can’t think of a more deserving and well‐rounded student that follows the CHAMPS code better than Thatcher!

Allie Blume: I nominate Allie Blume for the Hall of Fame. Allie is a hard worker who is always willing to put in the effort needed in the classroom. She goes beyond this and extends her learning at home as well. She demonstrates motivation and perseverance in her daily learning. I can always count on Allie to complete her work to the best of her ability and offer others helpful advice. Allie is always willing to accept and offer assistance with a smile. We are a better learning community because she is with us. She is an excellent example of the CHAMPS code.

Andrew Solomon: I would like to nominate Andrew Solomon to be our newest fifth grade member of the Hall of Fame. Andrew is such a hard worker! He is always on task, concentrating on doing his best. It is evident in his good attitude that school work is a priority in his life. He always does his best, and I never see him stop a task until it is completed. Andrew is also very accepting of others. He loves to laugh and his friendliness really cheers people up who are having a bad day. And I must say about Andrew that he loves to read and his love of reading makes him an excellent writer, too. Because of these traits, Andrew is a very successful fifth grader and worthy of being honored in this way.

 Third Grade Integrated Science and Reading Unit In the second quarter of school, third grade completed their first integrated science and reading unit. The unit was all about how plants and animals adapt to survive. Throughout the unit, students learned science content through reading high‐interest, non‐fiction texts and articles while practicing reading comprehension strategies. In addition, students learned how to think, investigate, and research like‐scientists while putting the scientific process into practice through a variety of hands‐on activities. The students really enjoyed this and gained a great amount of knowledge through the unit.

 Third Grade Bird Beak Lab As a part of our integrated science unit about plant and animal adaptations, third grade completed a bird beak lab. Students had the opportunity to use the scientific process, as we learned about different adaptations of bird beaks. We started by posing our questions/purpose for the experiment: Why do birds have differently shaped beaks? Then we did some research about the different shapes and sizes of several bird beaks. Before we began our experiment, we made a hypothesis of which “bird beak” (tool) would be best for picking up the different types of food.

Students experimented with different tools such as chopsticks, tweezers, eyedroppers, staple removers, a nut cracker, and a spoon. They used these tools to see which would be best for grabbing seeds, sunflower seeds (nuts), marshmallows (meat), water, and rubber bands (worms). As they engaged in the exploration of the different tools, students recorded their data.

Once all data was recorded, we discussed our data and compared our findings. By analyzing this data, students came to a conclusion about why different birds need different types of beaks. Our students are becoming real investigative scientists!

 Third Grade Tower Engineering As a part of our engineering science standards, students were faced with the task of building an index card tower. Students used and followed the scientific method as they began this challenge. First, students were introduced to the purpose of the task. The purpose was to build a two‐foot tower out of only index cards, scissors, and 12 inches of tape. Each tower then needed to be able to hold and support a small stuffed animal.

Students were provided some background knowledge and a little research on the basic components of building towers. Students worked in groups to create a hypothesis on how they thought they should design their tower. Once they had their hypothesis, they began experimenting and testing their plan. Next, students put their plan in action by completing the building process. Through this, they learned how to work through challenges as a group, as well as learning about trial and error.

Once the building process was complete, students analyzed their observations and answered guided questions to help them reflect on the data they collected through the process. Students used that information to draw conclusions about why certain towers were successful. They had a great time learning how to work together and apply the scientific process!

 Fourth Graders Create Topographical Maps in Social Studies Prior to winter break, fourth graders worked on creating topographical maps. Students used dough to form the coast and mountains in the northeast states. They had great discussion about the beaches being at sea level and which states the Appalachian Mountains go through. Check out our pictures below using Flipagram!

 “Made with Code” Holiday Lights Program Google's Made with Code Holiday Lights Project will let any child (or adult for that matter) animate the trees at the White House's President's Park location. They can even pick which state’s tree they would like to light up! After they design their code and submit, it gives them the time of day and date their program will run on that tree. The goal is to encourage kids to play with code, especially girls ‐‐ since only one percent of female students aspire to be programmers after high school.

Thank you to Elementary Technology Teacher, Natalie Wohlers, for providing this opportunity to our students! They loved it!

 Geography Bee Changes at West! We are making some changes to the way we conduct our School Geography Bee (sponsored by the National Geographic Society). In the past, each classroom held their own classroom bees and then sent two students to the all school bee (this is for fourth and fifth grades only). Based on the instructions for the National Geographic Society, we have the option to conduct the school bee in a couple of different formats and this year, we are opting for a change.

In reading over the instructions this year, the final bee is only to include 10 students (maximum). The final bee consists of a final round and a championship round. The big difference this year is that we are going to keep track of the highest scoring students in each class, which will help us determine our top 10 participants. We may not have 10 participants, either, but we must have at least 6 participants to conduct a final round. It will all be based on how individual students perform in the preliminary rounds in classrooms.

The big differences this year? We will only be taking the top 10 (up to 10) contestants for the final round/championship round and the rest of the student body will not be coming to “watch” the final bee. The reason for this change? Conducting the bee like we have in the past (and it is not recommended we do it this way, anyway) takes up far too much instructional time for those not participating. In fact, most years, we have gone until almost the very end of the day. That is a LONG time for fourth/fifth graders to sit and do nothing and a significant loss of instructional time. Also, this new format allows the top performing students in geography in fourth and fifth grades the opportunity to be in the final round.

 West Welcomes Two Student Teachers for Spring Semester! We are pleased to welcome two student teachers for the spring semester from Kansas State University! Lauren Laudan will be assigned to Lori Rice’s fourth grade classroom and Emily Hess will be assigned to Angela Dau’s fifth grade classroom. Both Ms. Rice and Mrs. Dau will be excellent cooperating teachers for these two interns. We look forward to assisting them in their educational journey and to helping them become the best educators possible for the future.

 Spelling Bee Our School Spelling Bee will be Monday, January 12 at 1:20pm. The County Bee is scheduled for Saturday, January 24 at St. Marys High School. Thank you to Librarian, Trisha Spears, for organizing this opportunity for our students!

 Fourth Grade to Perform Concert on Monday, January 26 The fourth grade class will present their annual music program on Monday, January 26. It is sure to be an evening of good music and entertainment!

 Congratulations to KMEA Elementary Honor Choir Participants Congratulations to the following students for being selected to participate in the KMEA North Central District Elementary Honor Choir: Makayla Holloway, Caitlyn Monroe, Creighton Sanner, Caroline Donahue, Katie Zachgo, Claire Wohler, Kelly Umscheid and Cadence Kueker. These students will travel to Junction City Middle School on February 7, 2015 to perform in concert with 120 other fifth and sixth grade students from the north central part of the state. The concert will begin at 12:00pm. Thank you to Mrs. Hermesch for working with these students and providing them with this opportunity.

 Fifth Grade Junior Raiders Choir Makes Annual Holiday Tour Congratulations to the West Junior Raiders Choir on a job well done with their annual “holiday tour”. They performed at the Westy Care Home, Manhattan Town Center, and the Wamego Senior Center. Thank you to Mrs. Hermesch for making this opportunity possible for our young singers.

 Fifth Grade Robotics Club Session II to Begin January 29 Fifth Grade students will have another opportunity to participate in Robotics Club this year beginning January 29 and ending February 26 with a "Share Fair". We have 15 students participating second semester; we had 14 first semester. Students will meet once a week after school under the direction of Fourth Grade Teacher, Lori Rice and Fifth Grade Teacher, Angela Dau. Students will learn computer programming skills to program their "robots" to complete various tasks. Students will work in teams to complete their projects. Thank you to Ms. Rice and Mrs. Dau for making this opportunity possible for our students.

 West and Central Elementary Schools Selected as “Second Step” Curriculum Schools West and Central Elementary Schools have been selected to participate in the KDHE Second Step K‐5 Social Emotional Learning and Bullying Prevention Grant. Thank you to Robin Butler and Jessica Bonewitz for writing the grant proposal to receive funding for this program! Several staff, along with the counselors and building administrators, will be trained this spring with implementation to take place next fall!

 West Students and Staff Enjoy “Holiday Extravaganza” Prior to Winter Break The West students and staff, as well as many parents and grandparents of West students, enjoyed our annual "Holiday Extravaganza" in the West Gym just prior to Winter Break on Friday, December 19. This event has been a tradition in our school for many, many years and always gets those involved in the holiday spirit. Teams performed various skits and acts in addition to a performance by the fifth grade band and Junior Raiders Choir. Fun was had by all! Following the extravaganza, students enjoyed holiday parties in their classrooms. Thank you to Mrs. Hermesch for organizing this event each year for all of us!

 West Participates in Coin Harvest for Ethiopian Orphans Prior to the Holidays For the fourth year in a row, West participated in a coin harvest and penny war to raise funds for Mrs. Doak's Holiday Project in Ethiopia. Mrs. Doak is a Building Aide at West Elementary School and also a philanthropist for Ethiopian orphans.

Mrs. Doak travels to Ethiopia every year in January and works with orphans and vulnerable children there. All funds raised this year at West will go towards school supplies and tuition for children in her educational sponsorship program.

For several years, Mrs. Doak has organized a project in Ethiopia to bring the holidays and a little joy to orphans and caregivers in Ethiopia. She does the fundraising, buys gifts/supplies, and carries everything with her to the capital city of Addis Ababa each year. Sometimes, she travels alone and sometimes, she takes a small team. This year, it will just be Mrs. Doak and a couple of friends. She will be visiting several orphanages, in and around the city, where she will plan some Christmas parties complete with gifts and traditional holiday meals. Most of the children in care have never received a gift for Christmas. Many do not receive enough food to eat and go to bed hungry.

Last year, she began a student sponsorship program to keep five orphaned girls in school who were aging out of the orphanage. The program is growing and they are now up to 15 vulnerable kids. This year, they will be working with a ministry there to set up classrooms for a daycare that allows mothers to receive training and work while their children are cared for. They will also be working with their boarding school girls on some jewelry and craft type items that they can make and can sell to raise funds for their schooling and every day needs.

Mrs. Doak's goal for the project this year is to raise $8,500 and to have many other items donated so that she won't have to pay for them out of the budget. A $35 donation will cover the sponsorship of one vulnerable child. It could be an orphan, hoping for a family in an orphanage, which will help to pay for their Christmas feast and gift just for them. It could be for a student in the sponsorship program, which will pay for books, supplies, and tuition for a month. This $35 really can change a life. It can offer hope. Mrs. Doak has witnessed this countless times on her trips. She will be leaving for Addis on December 30th, and will return to the States on January 14th.

West students collected $905.68 for the Coin Harvest! That is enough to sponsor 25 kids! We exceeded our one per class goal! Awesome job, West! The winners were Miss Dobie’s class for points and Mrs. Hawkins’ class for money raised.

For more information about the project, you may also find them on Facebook at‐Piece‐Of‐Africa‐Holiday‐Project/118557238236654.

 Specialized Teachers Ring Bell for Salvation Army As part of their yearly tradition, the specialized team rang the bell at Gene’s Heartland Foods on Thursday, December 4 from 4‐5pm. They spread the Christmas spirit by singing Christmas Carols to the patrons. The team challenged other teams in the district to step up and ring the bell. Next year, they plan to challenge early. This is a great opportunity to give back to our community.

 Mrs. Woodyard and Fourth Grade Students Ring Bell for Salvation Army Mrs. Woodyard had several students join her at Gene’s Heartland Foods to ring the bell for the Salvation Army. Thank you to Mrs. Woodyard for instilling community service in our students!

 Donations from West PTO and Carnival Funds The West PTO voted to donate $1,000 per grade level for additional Guided Reading books. We are also using $500 per grade level from Carnival funds for additional Guided Reading books. This is a total of $4,500 additional funds for Guided Reading books for students! Awesome! The PTO also voted to provide funds to replace some of our P.E. balls, recycle some of the P.E. balls for the playground, and buy new indoor recess games. We are so grateful for the generosity and dedication of the West PTO.

 Congratulations to New Baby Arrivals for West Staff! Four members of the West staff have welcomed new babies into their families since December 11. Congratulations to Speech Pathologist, Erin Moody, and her husband, Matt, on the birth of their daughter, Vienna Elizabeth on December 11. Congratulations to Office Assistant/Cashier, Trish Oviatt, and her husband, Heath, on the birth of their son, Eli Louis, born on December 28. Congratulations to Fourth Grade Teacher, Carolyn Hawkins, and her husband, Tony, on the birth of their daughter, Avery Rachelle, born on December 30. Finally, congratulations to Fourth Grade Teacher, Becky Cowan, on the birth of her granddaughter, Lennon Rae, born on December 31.

Wamego Middle School

Items for the Good December 2014

Early in December, we learned that one of our students, seventh grader Colby Figge, has been selected as one of the United Sates Achievement Academy Scholarship winners! For over 30 years, the USAA has been the instrument of national recognition for students who have shown exceptional academic accomplishment or leadership. Colby’s nomination was based on specific standards for selection: Academics, Cooperative classroom attitude, Dependability, Personal motivation, Enthusiasm for education, Leadership, and Responsibility. Colby was nominated for the award last year by Mrs. Jennifer Martin, his sixth grade English teacher. Colby will receive a cash grant of $100, as well as a copy of the USAA National Yearbook in which his name is included. Colby is the son of Rex and Sherry Figge. Congratulations to Colby!!

What a better way to really kick off the holiday season than to attend our annual Feast of Carols! We were not to be disappointed – all three bands and both choirs treated us to traditional and contemporary Christmas and winter music! Of special note, High Voltage performed with the sixth grade choir on What Child is This. Even more impressive is the number of middle school students who participate in our music program – 232! That is 71% of our student body, participating in band, choir or both! Thanks as always to our amazing directors Susan Gartner, Chris Richmond, and Joshua Wildin, and our accompanist Steven Brenn.

Student Council had a big month as well! First, they treated us to our mid-winter sports Pep Assembly, complete with rousing speeches from our coaches and Minute-To-Win-It races! Then, they got busy, setting up the annual collection for the Christmas Bureau. Under the direction of the StuCo representatives, home bases competed to collect the highest number of household cleaning supplies, like dish soap, laundry soap, and disinfectant products from December 1-11. Single points were awarded for each item, except for a large laundry soap, which netted two points. Mr. Powers’ home base was the ultimate winner! They enjoyed an all-you-can-eat pizza party, courtesy of the Student Council, on Friday, December 19. Thanks to Student Council, Mr. Hardenburger, and Mrs. Partridge for leading WMS in this important contribution.

Real Men Sing – a choral clinic just for men – was attended by 35 middle school students and Mr. Wildin at Bethany College on December 4. The clinic is intended to specifically address the voice needs and singing styles of men and boys. Those attending were 6th graders: Aaron Fritz, Lane Horton, Alex Stutzman, Nate Dickinson, Jace Reves, Kaleb Baxter, Aaron Matthews, Caleb Shea, Ethan Johnson, Blake Coleman, Kade Lenard, Logan Shults, and Aidan Burchfield. 7th graders: Payton Lakin, Adler Pierson, Calvin Baker, Josh Eichem, Andy Parnell, Jack Malin, Hunter Fitzgerald, Kaine Farr, Colton Vieux, Trevin Schmidt, Brad Sackrider, Sam Hermesch, Gavin Wilson, Caisen Chandler, Jacob Klein, and Seth Holle. 8th graders: Dylan Riniker, Logan Ebert, Ty Cooper, Nate Dodge, Jack Kruse, and Erik Lewis.

Wamego Middle School and Rock Creek students volunteered to assemble 2,448 toothbrush kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss into bags) for Community Health Ministry's Dental Outreach Program. CHM received a Delta Dental of Foundation Toothbrush Grant to be used for dental clients in Cloud, Jackson, Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Wabaunsee, Riley, Washington, Marshall, and Nemaha Counties. Community Health Ministry is proud to partner with USD 320 and USD 323 in order to give students an opportunity to work on their organization skills and volunteering for their community. The students were also treated to a pizza lunch as a thank you for their work! Pictured at right is Shelby Adams delivering the assembled toothbrush kits. (Photo used with permission/Article courtesy of CHM Monthly Newsletter)

Over seventy students signed up to participate in the WMS Spelling Bee on December 10, but once again, Logan Ebert emerged victorious as our Spelling Bee Champion. This makes the third consecutive win for Logan as the WMS Champion! Eli Wolfe finished in second, and Evan Kolterman in third. It was a hard fought battle, with over 16 rounds and highly challenging words. Logan and Eli will represent WMS in the Pottawatomie County Spelling Bee on January 24 at St. Marys High School. Congratulations to all the participants, and especially for the enthusiasm from the sixth grade!! 8th grade participants: Logan Ebert, Colton Gardner, Blaine Hupe, Caylin Kramm, Erik Lewis, Tanna Smith, and Eli Wolfe 7th grade participants: Caisen Chandler, Dacotah Lee, and Sarah Shaffer 6th grade participants: Maddy Anderson, Hunter Andrews, Halley Asbury, Michael Baker, Kaleb Baxter, JJ Bermeier, Layton Bettencourt, Jacob Burton, Carley Logan, Blake Coleman, Kenzie Cooper, Victoria Cooper, Alex Cotogutierrez, Jeremy Curley, Ben DeGreef, Nathan Dickinson, Brayden Ebert, Megan Ebert, Cambrey Eichem, Ryan Erickson, Abby Faulkner, Jacob Ficke, Madison Flerlage, Aaron Fritz, Ireland Garibaldi, John Geraci, Madeline Hagedorn, Natalie Harris, Jace Hodges, Jackie Hopkins, Toree Hoobler, Lane Horton, Ethan Johnson, Zach Koch, Kade Lenard, Levi Long, Rita Marshall, Madee McKee, Emma Meyer, Isaak Meyer, Kaia Miller, Maliki Mosher, Page Nelson, Haley Nixon, Harlie Oviatt, Emily Pachta, Makaylee Patrick, Emily Perkins, Raven Petty, Brooke Prockish, Jace Reves, Evelyn Robertson, Logan Shults, Michael Snyder, Kinley Soeken, Jarden Sramek, Zach Tidwell, Carter Topliff, Halie Vanderlinde, Jackson White, and Jacob White, Alexis Winter, Caelei Yakel, Jordyn Yell, Trinity Zahn, Byron Zeigler, and Tiffany Zhang.

Mid-winter sports season drew to a close in December. The wrestlers competed in the NCKL Tournament in Concordia on December 13. Thanks to our coaches: Luke Meyer and Madison King – both new to WMS this year - and for all the help of WHS coach Jeremy Gilkerson. Here are the league individuals placers: Adler Pierson: 1st (also went undefeated on the season!) Marquice Cade: 1st place in JV tournament Patrick Gilmore: 2nd Dacotah Lee: 2nd Ty Cooper: 3rd Jack Kruse: 3rd David Rook: 3rd Jeremiah Atkeson: 4th Michael Finley: 4th Jaran Johnson: 4th

Girls basketball season finished out at NCKL Tournament in Marysville on December 15. First Round 7th grade - Wamego 22, Concordia 20 8th grade - Wamego 24, Marysville 23 Semi-final games: 7th grade - Abilene 33, Wamego - 31 OT 8th grade - Abilene 44, Wamego – 34 Unfortunately, the girls were not able to travel on the December 18 snow day, and the consolation games were forfeited. However, these young ladies and their coaches did an outstanding job throughout the season representing WMS and growing as athletes. Thanks to our coaches: Michael Petermann, Monica Kabriel, Meghan Minihan, and Adam Topliff.

Our partnership with the 3-1 AHB keeps going strong! Twelve soldiers joined us for Mix-It-Up at Lunch on December 15. A few arrived early and joined in the dance unit in sixth grade P.E.! After lunch, the soldiers hung around just a little longer, and rumor has it, they were trading stories about their best moments at lunch! We love having our soldiers’ support!

At our final assembly on December 19, we were treated to an encore performance of Winterlight by the seventh and eighth grade choir. It was AMAZING, and to make it even more amazing, the students did the number acapella without direction!! The students were so proud of themselves, as they should be at such an outstanding performance. Our Explore jazz band welcomed us to the assembly and played us out! They cruised the halls mid-morning Monday and Tuesday of our last week, as band carolers. We thoroughly enjoyed all our talented WMS musicians and vocalists! Magazine Sales top seller this year was Alex Lamia-Beck, an 8th grader. He collected 15 orders to put him at the top of the leader board! Congratulations Alex!!

Seventh grade English Language Arts and Science completed the first step in their integrated unit concerning art, writing, and life science. Katherine Schlageck of the Beach Art Museum in Manhattan uses art to teach the 21st century skills of hypothesizing, collaboration, analysis, and evaluation...and kids were able to draw and doodle too! Later this year, Schlageck will return to approach the same lesson from the science perspective.

Faculty News

Congratulations to Erin (speech language pathologist) and Matt Moody as they welcomed their baby girl, Vienna Elizabeth Moody, on December 11 at 4:40 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs., 5 oz., and was 22 inches long. Vienna was welcomed home by big brother Macoy!

Congratulations to Sarah Buckner, WMS/WHS librarian, and Joshua Ward who were married over the Christmas vacation! Many, many happy years we wish for these two!

We welcome two student teachers to our staff this coming semester. Scott Kitch will be with Mr. Hardenburger in seventh grade social studies, and Laura Sommers will be with Mr. Petermann in seventh grade English Language Arts.

Professional Activities:  Katrina Goscha and Marc Stratton attended a Co-Teaching workshop conducted by Richard Villa on December 1. They will join the other teachers at WMS who have been trained in the co- teaching model: Jill Tanner, Shane Neel, John Powers, Melissa Anderson, and Meghan Minihan.  Kelli Grieves attended the first ever NCKL Counselors meeting. Mrs. Grieves shared that this was very valuable, as the group represents schools with similar issues and needs. The group intends to meet 2-4 times a year.  Mr. Wilson attended the Regional Drivers Education meeting in Concordia.

Wamego High School- Items for the Good

January 12, 2015

Congratulations to Carrie Goodson and Ethan Malin Carrie Goodson and Ethan Malin have been accepted into the All‐State Choir. Ethan Malin is entering into this choir with one of the most fabulous resumes of any student. He was a member of the KCDA Treble Choir his 6th grade year, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade he was a member of the KMEA Middle Level State Choir, and is now a 3 year participant in the KMEA State HS Choir. Along with his State medals at KSHSAA solo and small ensemble he is definitely the most decorated singer I (Josh Wildin) have ever worked with. He will be honored at the KMEA Choir concert on Saturday February 28th for his accomplishment. He will also be awarded a very large medal from the organization. This is the 2nd student that I have ever taught to earn this honor.

Counseling News, Concurrent Class Enrollment is Growing We have 13 enrolled in the C.N.A. course this spring. Student cost is only $105. There are 22 students eligible to take the welding concurrent credit and 20 have registered so far. They will earn 6 credits for FREE! The school will earn a $1000 incentive for any of those students who take and pass a welding certification test at MATC in May.

We will be enrolling for college algebra, physical science, chemistry and public speaking in January. Chemistry is a new addition for this year. We had 4 students take sociology and 26 take public speaking for concurrent credit this fall. We had 1 student take college accounting for concurrent credit in the fall.

In addition we have had several students take advantage of the free online CTE courses through Highland in both anatomy and early childhood. This will continue in the spring and students will also be taking BUS 130, nutrition, and juvenile delinquency all for just the cost of getting their textbooks.

Perfect Attendance Congratulations to the following students for having “Perfect” attendance first semester‐ zero absences and zero tardies. These students were awarded gift cards and other items donated by WTC, Kati Wolf with ERA Realtors, and Manhattan Broadcasting. Brett Bergstrom 9 Brysun Briggs 10 Colton Brown 11 Clarissa Clemons 10 Marissa Colson 12 Kaylin Daniels 12 Maxwell Dillinger 11 Josephine Fails 9 Nicholas Fox 11 Alexis Gano 9 Ashley Gano 9 Austin Gano 9 Levi Hannan 12 Benjamin Huddleston 10 Jenny Hupe 10 Anne Kenworthy 11 Christian Langel 12 Shannon McCarty 10 Connor McVay 10 Abbey Myers 10 Dustin Plankinton 10 Matthew Simmons 10 Taylor Simonsson 9 Luke Sweet 11 Caleb Ubel 10 Cory Vance 11 Tristan Walsh 12 Zachery Williams 9

USD 320 - Wamego Public Schools Board of Education

510 E. Highway 24 Phone: (785) 456-7643 Wamego, KS 66547 Fax: (785) 456-8125

Michele Johnson Richie Chrest Mark Bettencourt District 1 District 2 District 3

Amy Schwein Joe Steele Rob Adams District 4 District 5 District 6, Vice-President

Richard Weixelman Denise O’Dea Kathryn Mayfield At-Large, President Superintendent Clerk of the Board


1. ROLL CALL / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (7:00 pm) President Richard Weixelman called the regular monthly meeting of the USD 320 Board of Education to order at 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 15, 2014 at the Wamego Middle School. Members of the board present were Mark Bettencourt, Richie Chrest, Amy Schwein, Joe Steele, and Richard Weixelman. Rob Adams and Michele Johnson were absent.

Also in attendance were Superintendent Denise O'Dea, Clerk Kathryn Mayfield, Special Services Director Rebekah Helget, Special Services Assistant Director Sean Cochran, Director of Curriculum Dr. Mary Kaye Siebert, Central Elementary Principal Teri Dow, West Elementary Principal Amy Flinn, Wamego Middle School Principal Vici Jennings, Wamego High School Principal Tim Winter, Wamego High School Assistant Principal Dennis Charbonneau, and Operations Director Larry Hannan. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by board member Mark Bettencourt.

2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (7:00 pm) Mark Bettencourt made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Amy Schwein seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

3. ITEMS FOR THE GOOD OF USD 320 (7:01 pm) Superintendent O’Dea reviewed items submitted by the schools for BOE information. The BOE recognized the following:

A. Recognize the KMEA All State Middle Level Choir members – Caisen Chandler, Logan Ebert, Sam Hermesch, Jack Malin, Trevin Schmidt, Kaitlyn Sullivan, and their instructor – Josh Wildin. B. Recognize the KCDA Honor Choir – Madelyn Anderson, Coralynn Ballenger, Gracie Blackford, Blake Coleman, Megan Ebert, Maddy Hazlett, Elizabeth Land, Kade Lenard, Caleb Shea, Tara Phillimore, Kati Baxter, Anna VanStory, Katlynne Davidson, Samantha Hight, Jacob Klein, and their instructor – Josh Wildin. C. Recognize Cheryl Callahan - Kansas Association for the Gifted and Talented (KGTC) General Education Advocacy Award Winner for 2014; AND Kansas State University College of Education Student Affairs 2014 Distinguished Cooperating Teacher. D. Recognize Michael Peterman, WMS teacher, who recently completed his National Board Certification requirements.

USD 320 BOE Meeting Minutes 2 December 15, 2014

4. CONSENT AGENDA (7:07 pm) Superintendent O’Dea informed the board that a check listed as paid for $2,508 for mileage reimbursement has been voided and reissued for the correct amount of $25.08. Mark Bettencourt made a motion to approve the consent agenda as amended. Amy Schwein seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Items approved on the consent agenda were as follows:

A. Approval of minutes of November 10, and December 1, 2014 Board of Education meetings; B. Approval of payment of November 2014 bills; C. Approval of November 2014 Treasurer’s and Fund Reports; D. Approval of building activity fund reports for November 2014; E. Approve journal entries and cash receipts for November, 2014; F. Accept the resignation of Keena Yambo, Megan Smith – para educators; Abby Heitsman, SLP for special education coop, effective immediately. G. Approve the hiring of Kendra Michaelis and Ruthann Spare – para educators; Carl Behrens, WHS Asst. track coach; H. Approve the word change in the head coach evaluation instrument from “effective” to “superior”. I. Accept a $1,000 donation from Dr. Nolan Carlson to be used for scholarships for students majoring in education.

5. DISCUSSION OF ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA There were no items pulled from the consent agenda.

6. GIFT PRESENTATION TO THE BOE FROM THE FCCLA (7:08 pm) FCCLA students presented the board members with gifts of appreciation for allowing them to travel to Little Rock, Arkansas to compete in the National Cluster Competitions.

7. AUDIT REPORT FROM AGLER & GAEDDERT FOR 2013-2014 (7:14 pm) Harold Mayes from Agler and Gaeddert presented the report of the 13-14 financial audits. Richie Chrest made a motion to accept the audit report as presented. Mark Bettencourt seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

8. BOND COUNSEL PRESENTATION – GREG VAHRENBERG, PIPER JAFFRAY (7:23 pm) Mr. Vahrenberg presented information on bond possibilities.

9. REVISED ENROLLMENT NUMBERS – TED CARTER, KASB RESEARCH SPECIALIST (7:49 pm) Ted Carter with KASB presented REVISED projected enrollment numbers.

10. CONDITION OF SPORTS COMPLEX LOCKER ROOMS/RESTROOMS (7:58 pm) Coach Burkholder provided the BOE with information regarding the current conditions of the locker room and restroom facilities at the sports complex.

11. SELECTION OF DESIGN/BUILD ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR TEAM FOR FORMER CATHOLIC CHURCH PROPERTY RENOVATIONS (8:21 pm) Rob Adams joined the meeting via teleconference. General discussion occurred regarding the architect/contractor teams that presented proposals for the Design/Build project on the former Catholic Church property.

Board members ranked the three firms in order of preference:

Adams Steele Schwein Bettencourt Chrest Weixelman Total BBN/Coonrod 1 2 1 1 1 3 9 McMillan/Baril 2 1 3 2 3 1 12 Treanor/KBS 3 3 2 3 2 2 15

USD 320 BOE Meeting Minutes 3 December 15, 2014

The consensus eliminated the Treanor/KBS team. Richie Chrest made a motion to proceed with the team of Bowman, Bowman, Novick/Coonrod & Associates. Mark Bettencourt seconded. Motion carried 5-1; Joe Steele opposed. Rob Adams left the meeting at 8:36 p.m.

12. NURSE INFORMATION (8:36 pm) Superintendent O’Dea reviewed the duties and staffing needs of our district nurse. No action was taken at this time.

President Richard Weixelman called a recess at 8:43 p.m.

Meeting reconvened at 8:48 p.m.

13. EXECUTIVE SESSION (8:48 pm) Mark Bettencourt made a motion to add Personnel to the Executive Session agenda. Richard Weixelman seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Mark Bettencourt made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed and to have preliminary discussions about the acquisition of real property in order to protect the public interest in obtaining the property at a fair price and to return to open session at 8:59 p.m. Richard Weixelman seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting recessed at 8:48 p.m. The Board invited the Superintendent and WHS Principal Tim Winter into executive session. Meeting reconvened at 8:59 p.m.

Richard Weixelman made a motion to extend the meeting up to 30 minutes. Joe Steele seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Mark Bettencourt made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed and to have preliminary discussions about the acquisition of real property in order to protect the public interest in obtaining the property at a fair price and to return to open session at 9:15 p.m. Richard Weixelman seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting recessed at 9:00 p.m. The Board invited the Superintendent and WHS Principal Tim Winter into executive session. Meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m.

Richard Weixelman made a motion to go into executive session to have preliminary discussions about the acquisition of real property in order to protect the public interest in obtaining the property at a fair price and to return to open session at 9:25 p.m. Richie Chrest seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting was recessed at 9:15 p.m. The Board invited the Superintendent into executive session. Meeting reconvened at 9:29 p.m.

14. ADJOURN MEETING (9;29 pm) Richard Weixelman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Joe Steele seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting was adjourned at 9:29 p.m.

Clerk of the Board Date

3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 1

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 578808 V 12/17/2014 SYLVESTER, ALLEN -60.00 Tri-fold display boards for 21500002 008 E 1000 54 0002 790 00 610 student's Science Fair projects Totals for 578808 -60.00 578930 V 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI -6.27 AUGUST LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 Totals for 578930 -6.27 579113 V 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI -18.03 SEPTEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 Totals for 579113 -18.03 579287 V 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI -19.60 OCTOBER LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 Totals for 579287 -19.60 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -19.99 AMERICAN GREETINGS 11500169 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -30.00 HY-VEE SYMPATHY FLOWERS: 11500156 008 E 2310 13 0000 450 00 890 SPRINGER 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -223.83 Practice Jerseys High School 21500089 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 Basketball Epic SKU: E4523 SIZE: 20 AL and 20 AM COLOR: Outside: SCARLET, Inside: WHITE 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -172.76 COMFORT INN, PITTSBURG, TWO 31500019 026 E 2200 22 0003 740 00 590 NIGHTS FOR KAHPERD CONVENTION FOR JOHN SCHMIDT OCT. 29TH & 30TH 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -34.99 86 Cushman Truckster Oil 171500556 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 Dipstick 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -106.07 LAQUINTA INN, LITTLE ROCK, 111500070 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 ARKANSAS: FCCLA advisor hotel room at national cluster meeting little rock Arkansas November 14 and 15, 2014-biswell 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -13.99 86 Cushman Truckster Oil 171500556 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 Dipstick 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -652.68 BARNES & NOBLE.COM class sets 41500026 055 E 1000 27 0000 350 00 610 of books: Erosion by Virginia Castleman. We need 15 per class, so 90 copies.$15.54 EACH Here is the link: 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 2

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER /redir.aspx?C=50d04c01683d447d 9734444a8330fec2&URL=http%3a%2 eading-Essentials-Virginia-Cas tleman%2fdp%2f0756944414 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -32.29 DAYS INN, JOPLIN, MISSOURI: 111500071 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 FCCLA Advisor hotel room in Joplin Missouri 11/13/14 during travel to National Cluster Meeting in Little Rock Arkansas. For FCCLA advisor -Biswell 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -29.95 ELA 81500024 055 E 1000 27 0000 250 00 610 curriculum 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -187.82 WICHITA MARRIOTT MARY LONKER 11500145 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 T.O.Y. BANQUET LODGING 2 NIGHTS 11/21 & 11/22/14 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -68.37 Tarrget ELA Curriculum 51500026 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Materials for Kindergarten 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -30.00 DILLONS Amazon Gift Card 21500107 012 E 2230 30 0000 410 00 650 purchase for Tech Center WHS volunteer Tristan Curtis who has gone above and beyond to assist WHS staff as well as set-up for Tech Center classes in the past month. 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -259.86 Hasting's ELA Curriculum 81500022 055 E 1000 27 0000 200 00 610 Materials for Kindergarten 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA 22.81 Practice Jerseys High School 21500089 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 Basketball Epic SKU: E4523 SIZE: 20 AL and 20 AM COLOR: Outside: SCARLET, Inside: WHITE 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -35.00 HyVee - Flowers for New 11500137 008 E 2310 13 0000 450 00 890 Babies 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -111.40 ELA Common Core 51500047 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Materials for Kindergarten 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -111.40 ELA Common Core 51500047 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 3

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER Materials for Kindergarten 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -89.49 Oriental Trading Colored 51500056 008 E 1000 53 0005 601 00 610 Masking tape for Positive Behavior Supports. 579501 V 12/16/2014 VISA -168.54 HOTEL @ OLDTOWN IN WICHITA 11500121 026 E 2200 22 0000 540 00 590 FOR KS PS USER MEETING 11/3/14 Totals for 579501 -2,355.62 579508 V 12/16/2014 WILDIN, JOSHUA -1,254.00 NOVEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 579508 V 12/16/2014 WILDIN, JOSHUA -1,254.00 NOVEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0002 501 00 590 Totals for 579508 -2,508.00 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 13.99 86 Cushman Truckster Oil 171500556 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 Dipstick Service fee 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 89.49 Oriental Trading Colored 51500056 008 E 1000 53 0005 601 00 610 Masking tape for Positive Behavior Supports. 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 168.54 HOTEL @ OLDTOWN IN WICHITA 11500121 026 E 2200 22 0000 540 00 590 FOR KS PS USER MEETING 11/3/14 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 652.68 BARNES & NOBLE.COM class sets 41500026 055 E 1000 27 0000 350 00 610 of books: Erosion by Virginia Castleman. We need 15 per class, so 90 copies.$15.54 EACH Here is the link: /redir.aspx?C=50d04c01683d447d 9734444a8330fec2&URL=http%3a%2 eading-Essentials-Virginia-Cas tleman%2fdp%2f0756944414 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 35.00 HyVee - Flowers for New 11500137 008 E 2310 13 0000 450 00 890 Babies 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA -22.81 Practice Jerseys High School 21500089 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 Basketball Epic SKU: E4523 SIZE: 20 AL and 20 AM COLOR: Outside: SCARLET, Inside: WHITE 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 68.37 Tarrget ELA Curriculum 51500026 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 4

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER Materials for Kindergarten 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 172.76 COMFORT INN, PITTSBURG, TWO 31500019 026 E 2200 22 0003 740 00 590 NIGHTS FOR KAHPERD CONVENTION FOR JOHN SCHMIDT OCT. 29TH & 30TH 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 19.99 AMERICAN GREETINGS 11500169 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 223.83 Practice Jerseys High School 21500089 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 Basketball Epic SKU: E4523 SIZE: 20 AL and 20 AM COLOR: Outside: SCARLET, Inside: WHITE 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 34.99 86 Cushman Truckster Oil 171500556 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 Dipstick 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 187.82 WICHITA MARRIOTT MARY LONKER 11500145 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 T.O.Y. BANQUET LODGING 2 NIGHTS 11/21 & 11/22/14 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 29.95 ELA 81500024 055 E 1000 27 0000 250 00 610 curriculum 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 32.29 DAYS INN, JOPLIN, MISSOURI: 111500071 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 FCCLA Advisor hotel room in Joplin Missouri 11/13/14 during travel to National Cluster Meeting in Little Rock Arkansas. For FCCLA advisor -Biswell 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 259.86 Hasting's ELA Curriculum 81500022 055 E 1000 27 0000 200 00 610 Materials for Kindergarten 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 30.00 DILLONS Amazon Gift Card 21500107 012 E 2230 30 0000 410 00 650 purchase for Tech Center WHS volunteer Tristan Curtis who has gone above and beyond to assist WHS staff as well as set-up for Tech Center classes in the past month. 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 106.22 LAQUINTA INN, LITTLE ROCK, 111500070 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 ARKANSAS: FCCLA advisor hotel room at national cluster meeting little rock Arkansas 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 5

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER November 14 and 15, 2014-biswell 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 111.40 ELA Common Core 51500047 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Materials for Kindergarten 579511 R 12/16/2014 VISA 30.00 HY-VEE SYMPATHY FLOWERS: 11500156 008 E 2310 13 0000 450 00 890 SPRINGER 579511 C 12/16/2014 VISA 0.00 579511 C 12/16/2014 VISA 0.00 579511 C 12/16/2014 VISA 0.00 579511 C 12/16/2014 VISA 0.00 Totals for 579511 2,244.37 579512 R 12/16/2014 WILDIN, JOSHUA 12.54 NOVEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 579512 R 12/16/2014 WILDIN, JOSHUA 12.54 NOVEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0002 501 00 590 Totals for 579512 25.08 579513 R 12/16/2014 YODER MEATS 169.92 FOOD SERVICE FIT STICKS 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 050 00 630 Totals for 579513 169.92 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 3,560.51 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 194.44 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 546.17 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 86.04 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 154.30 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 11.39 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 26.63 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 3.92 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 2,875.36 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8536 00 0000 000 00 000 579514 R 12/17/2014 DELTA DENTAL 397.38 RETIREES DENTAL INSURANCE 0 006 E 1000 11 0000 001 00 210 PREMIUMS Totals for 579514 7,856.14 579515 R 12/19/2014 4N6 FANATICS 150.00 Renewal of 4N6 Fanatics 21500119 008 E 1000 54 0002 802 00 610 database for use in Forensics and speech classrooms. Totals for 579515 150.00 579516 R 12/19/2014 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 70.95 Cintas Shred Service 41500043 008 E 1000 54 0004 070 00 610 Totals for 579516 70.95 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -40.66 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -7.74 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 6

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -243.73 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -46.42 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 253.31 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 48.24 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 107.90 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 20.55 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 88.24 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579517 R 12/19/2014 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 16.81 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses Totals for 579517 196.50 579518 R 12/19/2014 KMEA 60.00 Audition fees for State KMEA 21500124 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 auditions Totals for 579518 60.00 579519 R 12/19/2014 MORRIS PUBLISHING GR 303.13 TOPEKA CAPITAL JOURNAL D.O. 11500180 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL Totals for 579519 303.13 579520 R 12/19/2014 PHILLIPS 66 - CONOCO 72.79 EMPLOYEE TRIP GAS (BISWELL) 0 008 E 2650 55 0000 600 00 626 Totals for 579520 72.79 579521 R 12/19/2014 WAMEGO TIMES 24.79 Mr. Dennis Charbonneau's 21500120 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 Signature Stamp Totals for 579521 24.79 579522 R 12/19/2014 DELTA MANAGEMENT ASS 157.35 435572160 0 006 L 8532 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579522 157.35 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 7

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579523 R 12/19/2014 DIVERSIFIED COLLECTI 138.14 CASE #90011451136 0 006 L 8524 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579523 138.14 579524 R 12/19/2014 KANSAS PAYMENT CENTE 721.00 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8538 00 0000 000 00 000 579524 R 12/19/2014 KANSAS PAYMENT CENTE 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8538 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579524 721.00 579525 R 12/19/2014 UNITED SCHOOL ADMINI 97.44 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8548 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579525 97.44 579526 R 12/19/2014 WAMEGO TEACHERS ASSO 2,617.33 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8522 00 0000 000 00 000 579526 R 12/19/2014 WAMEGO TEACHERS ASSO 29.70 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8522 00 0000 000 00 000 579526 R 12/19/2014 WAMEGO TEACHERS ASSO 360.09 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8522 00 0000 000 00 000 579526 R 12/19/2014 WAMEGO TEACHERS ASSO 185.63 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8522 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579526 3,192.75 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 2,488.07 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8520 00 0000 000 00 000 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 555.55 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8521 00 0000 000 00 000 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 5,277.14 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8520 00 0000 000 00 000 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 570.92 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8520 00 0000 000 00 000 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 66.67 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8520 00 0000 000 00 000 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 25.00 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8520 00 0000 000 00 000 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 1,943.76 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8521 00 0000 000 00 000 579527 R 12/19/2014 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 659.55 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8521 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579527 11,586.66 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 275.00 RETIREE 0 006 E 1000 11 0000 000 00 219 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 925.00 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 65.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 40.00 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 881.96 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 5,674.39 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 70.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 170.61 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 65.57 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 28.10 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 250.00 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 579528 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 50.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579528 8,495.63 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 110.78 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8567 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 14.34 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8567 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 2,739.38 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 355.11 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 61.60 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 8

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 65.88 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 39.75 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 20.80 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 43.20 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS -25.20 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 517.28 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8562 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 81.42 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 7.79 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 1,177.39 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 38.80 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8557 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 63.44 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8567 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 1,909.82 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8516 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 265.92 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8519 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 1,095.03 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 204.04 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 60.47 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 30.84 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 13.20 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8557 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 15.50 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8556 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 15.50 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8556 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 619.57 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8562 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 149.93 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8562 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 34.80 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8562 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 517.70 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8519 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 96.80 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8519 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 33.25 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8519 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 53.52 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 3.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 579529 R 01/07/2015 AMERICAN FIDELITY AS 7.56 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8528 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579529 10,438.21 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI -350.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 1,375.00 RETIREES HEALTH INSURANCE 0 006 E 1000 11 0000 001 00 213 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 4,824.76 RETIREES HEALTH INSURANCE 0 006 E 1000 11 0000 001 00 210 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI -84.79 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 40.24 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 15,545.96 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 7,320.15 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 11,526.31 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 699.43 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 9

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 774.88 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 235.27 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 84.79 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 84.79 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 50.60 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8546 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 40,328.80 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 347.88 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 4,590.20 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 1,182.73 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 1,028.13 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 347.88 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 579530 R 01/07/2015 COVENTRY HEALTH & LI 76.53 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579530 90,029.54 579531 R 01/07/2015 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIF 130.53 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8566 00 0000 000 00 000 579531 R 01/07/2015 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIF 20.05 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8566 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579531 150.58 579532 R 01/07/2015 TEXAS LIFE 949.23 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8513 00 0000 000 00 000 579532 R 01/07/2015 TEXAS LIFE 97.11 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8513 00 0000 000 00 000 579532 R 01/07/2015 TEXAS LIFE 42.13 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8513 00 0000 000 00 000 579532 R 01/07/2015 TEXAS LIFE 26.40 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8513 00 0000 000 00 000 579532 R 01/07/2015 TEXAS LIFE 20.00 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8513 00 0000 000 00 000 579532 R 01/07/2015 TEXAS LIFE 3.44 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8513 00 0000 000 00 000 579532 R 01/07/2015 TEXAS LIFE 801.02 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8513 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579532 1,939.33 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 757.33 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 129.99 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 130.01 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 28.84 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 17.46 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 8.31 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT -13.08 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 1.06 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 579533 R 01/07/2015 VISION CARE DIRECT 891.22 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8529 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 579533 1,951.14 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 430.67 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 006 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 Withholdings 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 2.46 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 007 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 Withholdings 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 77.58 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 013 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 10

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER Withholdings 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 29.37 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 024 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 Withholdings 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 4.49 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 034 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 Withholdings 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 65.27 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 078 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 Withholdings 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 0.14 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 026 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 Withholdings 579534 R 01/07/2015 WAMEGO COMMUNITY FOU 0.02 WE ARE WAMEGO Payroll 0 008 L 8569 00 0000 000 00 000 Withholdings Totals for 579534 610.00 579535 R 01/08/2015 CITY OF WAMEGO 25.00 Permit fees to drive ATVs on 171500685 008 E 2630 55 0000 201 00 439 City Streets 579535 R 01/08/2015 CITY OF WAMEGO 25.00 Permit fees to drive ATVs on 171500685 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 City Streets Totals for 579535 50.00 579537 R 01/08/2015 JOHN PHILIP SOUSA KS 105.00 Payment of student 21500132 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 participation fees for John Philip Sousa Honor Band- Middle School students Should be taken from student activity fund for MS. Due by January 9th. 579537 R 01/08/2015 JOHN PHILIP SOUSA KS 70.00 Participation fees for John 21500133 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 Philip Sousa Honor Band- High School students Fees should be taken from HS student activity account. Due January 9th. Totals for 579537 175.00 579538 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO CHAMBER OF CO 45.00 AG APPRECIATION NIGHT - O'DEA 11500184 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 & GUEST Totals for 579538 45.00 579539 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 788.54 ADMIN INTERNET $124.62/ADMIN 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 290 00 530 PHONES $663.92 579539 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 190.94 WHS PHONE 0 008 E 2510 14 0002 200 00 530 579539 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 581.19 DID/DSI SPECIAL ACCESS 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 290 00 530 579539 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 116.50 WMS PHONE 0 008 E 2510 14 0000 200 00 530 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 11

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579539 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 97.42 WEST ELEM PHONE 0 008 E 2510 14 0000 200 00 530 579539 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 174.38 MAINT. PHONES $127.56; MAINT. 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 290 00 530 INTERNET $46.82 Totals for 579539 1,948.97 579540 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 94.83 CENTRAL ELEM PHONE 0 008 E 2510 14 0000 200 00 530 Totals for 579540 94.83 579541 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 5.20 Books for Math Lab 31500024 008 E 1000 54 0003 241 00 610 579541 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 77.31 Various Amazon Books for Math 51500033 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 and Reading integration. 579541 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 318.42 Books for 2nd grade. 81500034 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 579541 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 157.25 workbook for C.N.A. class 21500129 055 E 1000 27 0000 200 00 610 579541 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 33.00 ELA books 51500039 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 579541 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 83.08 ELA books 51500040 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 579541 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 111.54 Welding textbook and workbook 21500125 055 E 1000 27 0000 250 00 610 for concurrent credit with MATC-- Totals for 579541 785.80 579542 R 01/12/2015 4IMPRINT 229.02 8 ft. table throw 21500136 008 E 1000 54 0002 810 00 891 Totals for 579542 229.02 579543 R 01/12/2015 ACE HARDWARE 41.85 HS FACS room repair oven 171500680 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 Totals for 579543 41.85 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 21.82 Fuel additive for New 171500678 008 E 2630 55 0000 200 00 610 Holland, remote tank and Kubota tractor 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 4.16 Fuel additive for New 171500678 008 E 2630 55 0002 200 00 610 Holland, remote tank and Kubota tractor 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST -2.18 Purchases by Bill - Trsax 171500671 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 Seal for Car #24 & wiper blades for Bus #6 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST -0.42 Purchases by Bill - Trsax 171500671 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 Seal for Car #24 & wiper blades for Bus #6 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 14.27 Purchases by Bill - Trsax 171500671 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 Seal for Car #24 & wiper blades for Bus #6 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 2.71 Purchases by Bill - Trsax 171500671 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 Seal for Car #24 & wiper 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 12

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER blades for Bus #6 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 14.99 Head Lamp for Bus #11 and 171500674 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 stock 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 2.85 Head Lamp for Bus #11 and 171500674 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 stock 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 87.63 Battery for Grasshopper 722D 171500695 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 3.45 Purchases by Bill - Trsax 171500671 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 Seal for Car #24 & wiper blades for Bus #6 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 3.44 Purchases by Bill - Trsax 171500671 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 Seal for Car #24 & wiper blades for Bus #6 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 9.42 Kubota UTV switch 171500706 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 7.22 Fuel Filter for remote diesel 171500670 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 tank 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 1.15 Repair of tire on Bus #21 171500643 030 E 2720 23 0000 810 00 690 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 1.14 Repair of tire on Bus #21 171500643 030 E 2720 23 0002 810 00 690 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 25.98 diesel fuel additive for 171500642 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 Kubota tractor & diesel tank on trailer 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 5.68 repair part for Trailer - 171500649 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 Bill by phone 579544 R 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 1.08 repair part for Trailer - 171500649 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 Bill by phone 579544 C 01/12/2015 AUTO CLINIC PARTS ST 0.00 Totals for 579544 204.39 579545 R 01/12/2015 BELL CREAMERIES 116.70 DECEMBER FOOD SERVICE FOOD 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 050 00 630 579545 R 01/12/2015 BLUE BELL CREAMERIES 269.28 DECEMBER FOOD SERVICE FOOD 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 050 00 630 Totals for 579545 385.98 579546 R 01/12/2015 BRIGGS MOTOR CO., IN 32.81 Valve for Car #24 171500687 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 579546 R 01/12/2015 BRIGGS MOTOR CO., IN 6.25 Valve for Car #24 171500687 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 Totals for 579546 39.06 579547 R 01/12/2015 CDW-G 21,930.71 WHS LAB 212 COMPUTER UPGRADE 11500148 016 E 1000 19 0000 500 00 730 579547 R 01/12/2015 CDW-G 21,656.39 WEST ELEMENTARY LAB COMPUTER 11500149 016 E 1000 19 0000 500 00 730 UPGRADE 579547 R 01/12/2015 CDW-G 274.32 WEST ELEMENTARY LAB COMPUTER 11500149 016 E 1000 19 0000 500 00 730 UPGRADE 579547 R 01/12/2015 CDW-G 21,930.71 WMS LAB C7 COMPUTER UPGRADE 11500147 016 E 1000 19 0000 500 00 730 Totals for 579547 65,792.13 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 13

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 113.49 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 21.62 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 39.61 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 7.54 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 48.74 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 9.29 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 53.75 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 10.24 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 61.23 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579548 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION 11.66 All Schools 171500690 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 Totals for 579548 377.17 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 15.15 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 45.44 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 9.43 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 28.31 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 31.51 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 94.55 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 11.34 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 34.02 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 10.81 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579549 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 32.45 Safety supplies for buildings 171500646 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 Totals for 579549 313.01 579550 R 01/12/2015 CITY OF WAMEGO 638.16 AG SHOP UTILITIES $638.16; 0 034 E 2600 26 0000 600 00 410 SCHOOLS $28,436.94; ADMIN. $232.22; FB FLD $25.06 579550 R 01/12/2015 CITY OF WAMEGO 15,249.98 AG SHOP UTILITIES $638.16; 0 008 E 2620 55 0000 040 00 622 SCHOOLS $28,436.94; ADMIN. $232.22; FB FLD $25.06 579550 R 01/12/2015 CITY OF WAMEGO 257.28 AG SHOP UTILITIES $638.16; 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 310 00 620 SCHOOLS $28,436.94; ADMIN. $232.22; FB FLD $25.06 579550 R 01/12/2015 CITY OF WAMEGO 13,186.96 AG SHOP UTILITIES $638.16; 0 008 E 2620 55 0002 040 00 622 SCHOOLS $28,436.94; ADMIN. $232.22; FB FLD $25.06 Totals for 579550 29,332.38 579551 R 01/12/2015 CONCORDIA TRACTOR IN 2.22 New Holland broom repair 171500696 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 Totals for 579551 2.22 579552 R 01/12/2015 CR'S TIRE AND MUFFLE 41.07 Mounting of tire for Bus #11 171500652 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 Totals for 579552 41.07 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 14

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 44.50 Parts for Car #24 171500672 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 8.48 Parts for Car #24 171500672 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 18.35 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 3.50 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 13.68 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 2.60 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 16.81 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 3.20 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 12.54 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 2.38 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 32.02 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 6.10 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 23.88 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 4.55 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 18.07 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 3.44 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 13.48 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 2.56 Dekats invoices last week of 171500684 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 December 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -189.74 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -36.13 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 15

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -9.84 Stock ATF, return of Oil Seal 171500673 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 & Fuel Filter 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -1.87 Stock ATF, return of Oil Seal 171500673 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 & Fuel Filter 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 23.79 Stock ATF, return of Oil Seal 171500673 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 & Fuel Filter 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 4.53 Stock ATF, return of Oil Seal 171500673 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 & Fuel Filter 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 199.18 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 37.93 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 53.74 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 10.23 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -9.29 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW -1.77 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 44.51 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 R 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 8.48 November & December's 171500660 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 receipts for fuel filters for various buses 579553 C 01/12/2015 DEKAT'S AUTO & HARDW 0.00 Totals for 579553 363.89 579554 R 01/12/2015 DEMCO 97.89 Book covering supplies 31500039 008 E 2220 53 0003 530 00 641 579554 R 01/12/2015 DEMCO 96.53 Supplies needed for Library 41500044 008 E 2220 53 0004 520 00 641 Totals for 579554 194.42 579555 R 01/12/2015 DICK EDWARDS FORD L/ 11.31 Radiator for Car #73 171500675 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 16

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579555 R 01/12/2015 DICK EDWARDS FORD L/ 2.15 Radiator for Car #73 171500675 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 Totals for 579555 13.46 579556 R 01/12/2015 DILLONS CUSTOMER CHA 142.97 butter, meat, produce, pasta, 111500123 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 tortilla strips, candy flavorings, beans, produce, plats, spices, baking powder, sour cream, milk Totals for 579556 142.97 579557 R 01/12/2015 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPP 257.80 ELA Supplies 81500031 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Totals for 579557 257.80 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 14.60 cream cheese, sour cream, 111500106 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 pumpkin, produce, nuts 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 41.00 eggs, buttermilk, molasses, 111500104 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 cereal, germ, corn meal, honey, extract, marmalade, milk, bags, produce 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 1.95 napkins 111500103 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 60.03 butter, cond milk, frosting, 111500119 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 evap milk, chocolate chips, choc bars 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 4.16 mixed vegetables, canned 111500126 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 goods 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 1.58 Produce 111500114 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 81.72 cheese, sour cream, meat, 111500115 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 corn, oil, tortillas, spices, beans, tomato sauce, oj, salsa, rice, cooking wine, lime juice, produce 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 26.15 produce 111500117 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 95.22 ricotta, whipping cream, 111500116 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 butter, milk, powdered sugar, evap mlk, coconut, nuts, chocolate, pb, graham crackers cond milk, paper plates, storage bags 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 65.56 half & half, eggs, butter, 111500118 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 frozen fruit, dish soap, produce 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 77.48 goat cheese, crescents, eggs, 111500120 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 17

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER cheese, macaroni, walnuts, choc, brown sugar, cherries, cookies, gel, plates, baggies, produce 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 52.12 eggs, butter, roast, canned 111500121 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 tomatoes, prunes, beef stock, salt, produce 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 1.99 spice 111500124 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 5.10 tomatoes 111500122 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 83.92 cheese, eggs, meat, beans, 111500125 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 oats, spice, pb, canned goods, oven cleaner, produce 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 176.72 Classroom supplies: eggs, 111500111 034 E 1000 26 0002 415 00 610 napkins, milk, sugar, flour, etc. 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 14.41 Classroom supplies : flour, 111500112 034 E 1000 26 0002 415 00 610 chocolate chips, eggs 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 8.28 Refreshment during December 171500694 008 E 2620 14 0000 850 00 590 safety meeting 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 15.89 DECEMBER FOOD SERVICE FOOD 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 050 00 630 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 8.39 Coffee for Operations 171500644 008 E 2720 56 0000 110 00 890 Building 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 1.60 Coffee for Operations 171500644 008 E 2720 56 0002 110 00 890 Building 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 3.89 ICE FOR D.O. 11500175 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 44.51 milk, cheese, eggs, butter, 111500105 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 gluten flour, oil, pumpkin, pans, produce 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 5.49 Water refill for Operations 171500641 008 E 2720 56 0000 110 00 890 building 579558 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 1.05 Water refill for Operations 171500641 008 E 2720 56 0002 110 00 890 building 579558 C 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 0.00 579558 C 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 0.00 579558 C 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 0.00 Totals for 579558 892.81 579559 R 01/12/2015 GENERAL PARTS LLC 336.28 middle school kitchen heat 171500573 024 E 2640 18 0000 125 00 739 booster repair Totals for 579559 336.28 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 18

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579560 R 01/12/2015 GOODYEAR 339.65 Purchase of tire for Bus #11 171500659 016 E 4700 20 0000 000 00 700 Totals for 579560 339.65 579561 R 01/12/2015 HILAND DAIRY COMPANY 5,996.88 JUICE/ DAIRY PRODUCTS 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 050 00 630 Totals for 579561 5,996.88 579562 R 01/12/2015 HVACUSA.COM 60.42 Central geo loop pump control 171500434 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 Mod#CSD-SA1E1-1 Totals for 579562 60.42 579563 R 01/12/2015 INFORMATION NETWORK 15.45 DECEMBER USD320 APPROVED 0 008 E 2310 13 1000 050 00 345 DRIVER DLR RECORD CHECKS Totals for 579563 15.45 579564 R 01/12/2015 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS 8,894.08 CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL FOR 11500182 008 E 2585 54 0000 380 00 323 WIRELESS HARDWARE 579564 R 01/12/2015 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS 2,476.88 CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL FOR 11500182 008 E 2585 54 0002 380 00 323 WIRELESS HARDWARE 579564 R 01/12/2015 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS 375.00 RENEWAL FOR SYMANTEC GHOST 11500181 008 E 2585 14 0000 100 00 350 SOFTWARE 579564 R 01/12/2015 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS 125.00 RENEWAL FOR SYMANTEC GHOST 11500181 008 E 2586 14 0002 100 00 350 SOFTWARE 579564 R 01/12/2015 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS 69.38 NETWORK SUPPORT FOR STAFF 11500176 008 E 2585 54 0000 380 00 323 WIFI 579564 R 01/12/2015 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS 23.12 NETWORK SUPPORT FOR STAFF 11500176 008 E 2585 54 0002 380 00 323 WIFI Totals for 579564 11,963.46 579565 R 01/12/2015 JA SEXAUER 373.82 Plbg supplies stool repair 171500655 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 Totals for 579565 373.82 579566 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS ASSOC OF SCHO 150.00 KASB CONVENTION FEES FOR BOE 11500109 008 E 2310 13 1000 600 00 580 MEMBER AMY SCHWEIN Totals for 579566 150.00 579567 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS TRUCK EQUIPME 14.63 Credit for returned items 171500658 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 579567 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS TRUCK EQUIPME 2.79 Credit for returned items 171500658 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 579567 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS TRUCK EQUIPME -29.55 Credit for returned items 171500658 008 E 2730 66 0000 950 00 615 579567 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS TRUCK EQUIPME -5.63 Credit for returned items 171500658 008 E 2730 66 0002 950 00 615 579567 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS TRUCK EQUIPME 246.30 Fuel Filters for various 171500688 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 buses 579567 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS TRUCK EQUIPME 46.92 Fuel Filters for various 171500688 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 buses Totals for 579567 275.46 579568 R 01/12/2015 KARSMIZKI LOCKSMITH 46.50 Middle School locker keys 171500704 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579568 R 01/12/2015 KARSMIZKI LOCKSMITH 147.25 New Keys & lock for Middle 171500665 008 E 2690 55 0000 400 00 610 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 19

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER School Totals for 579568 193.75 579569 R 01/12/2015 LAKESHORE LEARNING M 275.93 Magnetic Letters 51500041 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Totals for 579569 275.93 579570 R 01/12/2015 LIBRARIANS' BOOK EXP 119.80 Non-fiction research and 21500087 008 E 2220 53 0002 540 00 641 resource book order. This order qualifies for 4 free titles which are also listed. Totals for 579570 119.80 579571 R 01/12/2015 MASSCO CORPORATE OFF 709.30 Ice Melt for all schools 171500691 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579571 R 01/12/2015 MASSCO CORPORATE OFF 135.10 Ice Melt for all schools 171500691 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 Totals for 579571 844.40 579572 R 01/12/2015 MATHESON TRI-GAS, IN 82.54 GROUNDS CYLINDER RENTAL 0 008 E 2630 55 0000 200 00 610 579572 R 01/12/2015 MATHESON TRI-GAS, IN 2.79 VO AG DEPT CYLINDER RENTAL 0 034 E 1000 26 0002 420 00 610 Totals for 579572 85.33 579573 R 01/12/2015 MEYER LABORATORY INC 121.00 MIDDLE SCHOOL LAUNDRY 0 008 E 1000 54 0003 820 00 891 DETERGENT/BLEACH/FABRIC SOFTENER Totals for 579573 121.00 579574 R 01/12/2015 MONTGOMERY COMMUNICA 50.40 DECEMBER GEM AWARD $37.80; 0 008 E 2310 13 1000 050 00 345 ELECTION NOTICE (CAPITAL OUTLAY) $50.40; HOLIDAY GREETING $27.00 579574 R 01/12/2015 MONTGOMERY COMMUNICA 27.00 DECEMBER GEM AWARD $37.80; 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 ELECTION NOTICE (CAPITAL OUTLAY) $50.40; HOLIDAY GREETING $27.00 579574 R 01/12/2015 MONTGOMERY COMMUNICA 37.80 DECEMBER GEM AWARD $37.80; 0 008 E 2572 17 0000 360 00 540 ELECTION NOTICE (CAPITAL OUTLAY) $50.40; HOLIDAY GREETING $27.00 Totals for 579574 115.20 579575 R 01/12/2015 NELCO INC 268.47 W2/1099 FORMS & ENVELOPES 11500183 008 E 2510 17 0000 320 00 610 Totals for 579575 268.47 579576 R 01/12/2015 NEMAHA COUNTY CO-OP 91.62 Leaf Trailer Container 171500677 008 E 2630 55 0000 201 00 439 579576 R 01/12/2015 NEMAHA COUNTY CO-OP 325.10 Carefree grass seed & 171500651 008 E 2630 55 0000 201 00 439 pramitol for entire district Totals for 579576 416.72 579577 R 01/12/2015 NILL BROTHERS SPORTI 2,420.00 Blazer Hurdles 21500135 016 E 1000 19 0000 500 00 730 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 20

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER Totals for 579577 2,420.00 579578 R 01/12/2015 PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING 926.75 DECEMBER WATER & JUICE 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 050 00 630 Totals for 579578 926.75 579579 R 01/12/2015 POTT COUNTY SANITARY 33.25 Disposal of Tires 171500669 008 E 2630 55 0000 200 00 610 Totals for 579579 33.25 579580 R 01/12/2015 PRODUCTIVITY PLUS AC 19.31 Repair of Floor Burniser - 171500693 008 E 2620 55 0000 110 00 430 West Totals for 579580 19.31 579581 R 01/12/2015 PUR-O-ZONE CHEMICAL 223.68 Monthly supplies for Middle 171500589 008 E 2620 55 0000 100 00 610 School 579581 R 01/12/2015 PUR-O-ZONE CHEMICAL 241.76 December supply order for 171500664 008 E 2620 55 0000 100 00 610 Middle School 579581 R 01/12/2015 PUR-O-ZONE CHEMICAL 1,955.06 December supply order for 171500662 008 E 2620 55 0002 100 00 610 High School Totals for 579581 2,420.50 579582 R 01/12/2015 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB 203.00 Listening Center Book Sets 81500039 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Totals for 579582 203.00 579583 R 01/12/2015 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 48.38 Esselte Portable File Box 51500055 008 E 1000 53 0005 590 00 610 with Lid & Canon Printing Calculator Totals for 579583 48.38 579584 R 01/12/2015 SCHOOLWIDE INC 157.50 SchoolWide Resources for 11500158 055 E 1000 27 0000 350 00 610 Grade 3 and Grade 5 Totals for 579584 157.50 579585 R 01/12/2015 SCITT KITS 474.00 Good Vibrations Sound Science 81500033 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Kits Totals for 579585 474.00 579586 R 01/12/2015 SMOKY HILL EDUC SERV 160.00 TRAVIS GRABER registration 111500094 026 E 2200 22 0002 650 00 321 for CTE February conference in Manhattan KS Feb. 10 & 11, 2015 Totals for 579586 160.00 579587 R 01/12/2015 SOUTHEAST KANSAS EDU 305.00 Statewide Anti-Bullying 21500062 013 E 2100 75 0000 141 00 320 Conference 579587 R 01/12/2015 SOUTHEAST KANSAS EDU 100.00 Registration for CAKE 41500016 026 E 2200 22 0004 800 00 321 Conference for Lori Rice and Amy Flinn. Sponsored by Greenbush Service Center in Eudora, KS. 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 21

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579587 R 01/12/2015 SOUTHEAST KANSAS EDU 10.00 REGISTRATION FOR E-RATE 11500128 026 E 2200 22 0000 500 00 321 TRAINING Totals for 579587 415.00 579588 R 01/12/2015 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 97.95 Labels & 10 Key replacement 91500036 024 E 3130 18 0000 100 00 680 ribbons Totals for 579588 97.95 579589 R 01/12/2015 TBS ELECTRONICS 121.00 Repair of handheld radio for 171500679 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 Middle School & radio microphone for stock 579589 R 01/12/2015 TBS ELECTRONICS 44.10 Repair of handheld radio for 171500679 008 E 2730 66 0000 960 00 615 Middle School & radio microphone for stock 579589 R 01/12/2015 TBS ELECTRONICS 8.40 Repair of handheld radio for 171500679 008 E 2730 66 0002 960 00 615 Middle School & radio microphone for stock Totals for 579589 173.50 579590 R 01/12/2015 TRI-COUNTY WASTE 1,320.00 MONTHLY TRASH SERVICE 0 008 E 2620 14 0000 700 00 421 Totals for 579590 1,320.00 579591 R 01/12/2015 US FOODSERVICE-TOPEK 22,887.64 DECEMBER FOOD SERVICE FOOD & 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 050 00 630 SUPPLIES 579591 R 01/12/2015 US FOODSERVICE-TOPEK 1,086.75 DECEMBER FOOD SERVICE FOOD & 0 024 E 3130 18 0000 100 00 680 SUPPLIES Totals for 579591 23,974.39 579592 R 01/12/2015 US-GAMES 492.32 Equipment for Central 51500030 008 E 1000 53 0005 780 00 610 Elementary Physical Education Classes K-2nd. 579592 R 01/12/2015 US-GAMES 86.05 Equipment for Central 51500030 008 E 1000 53 0005 601 00 610 Elementary Physical Education Classes K-2nd. Totals for 579592 578.37 579593 R 01/12/2015 USD 320 FOOD SERVICE 54.70 eggs, flour, towels, gloves, 111500128 034 E 1000 26 0002 410 00 610 bucket 579593 R 01/12/2015 USD 320 FOOD SERVICE 255.94 Classroom supplies: apple 111500113 034 E 1000 26 0002 415 00 610 juice, ritz crackers, cheese it crackers, granola bars, etc. Totals for 579593 310.64 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 363.06 ELA Common Core 51500044 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Materials for Kindergarten 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 22

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 168.96 We need 6 copies of EACH of 81500041 055 E 1000 27 0000 350 00 610 these two titles from Barnes & Noble: w/amazing-greek-myths-of-wonde r-and-blunders-mike-townsend/1 100315186?ean=9780803733084 $12.20 each w/z-is-for-zeus-helen-l-wilbur /1112788466?ean=9781585363414 $13.66 each 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 16.31 VISTAPRINT Business Cards for 31500037 008 E 1000 54 0003 230 00 610 Kelli Grieves 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 56.16 order for ELA 81500032 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Books 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 686.55 WALMART.COM Various 81500030 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 ELA/Science Items from Wal-Mart 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 19.95 Third Grade Team Superteacher 41500040 008 E 1000 53 0004 880 00 610 renewal subscription. SuperTeachers http://www.superteacherworkshe 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 141.30 WORKPLACE PRO Food Svc Staff 91500033 024 E 3130 18 0002 100 00 680 work shirts 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 147.99 Usborne Phonics Books Missing 81500038 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 from Original Sets 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA -11.86 WICHITA MARRIOTT MARY LONKER 11500145 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 T.O.Y. BANQUET LODGING 2 NIGHTS 11/21 & 11/22/14 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 259.42 KASB CONVENTION HOTEL FOR AMY 11500110 008 E 2310 13 1000 600 00 580 SCHWEIN AT SHERATON OVERLAND PARK 579594 R 01/12/2015 VISA 48.62 order for ELA 81500032 055 E 1000 27 0000 400 00 610 Books 579594 C 01/12/2015 VISA 0.00 Totals for 579594 1,896.46 579595 R 01/12/2015 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/G 11.52 24 packages of 3x5 index 41500041 008 E 1000 54 0004 140 00 610 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 23

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER cards to be purchased at Wal-mart in Manhattan for $0.48 each. The third grade team will be using these for our engineering lab. Students will design and create a 2 foot tower out of 100 index cards and 12 inches of tape. I will go to Wal-mart pick these up. I will come to the DO and pick up the credit card. Would like to be able to purchase over the weekend. 579595 R 01/12/2015 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/G 54.95 Science/ELA Supplies 41500046 008 E 1000 54 0004 150 00 610 579595 R 01/12/2015 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/G 89.76 Pasta & coffee 91500034 024 E 3130 18 0000 100 00 680 579595 R 01/12/2015 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/G 40.00 Pasta & coffee 91500034 024 E 3130 18 0002 050 00 630 579595 R 01/12/2015 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/G 14.96 Pans for holiday baking 91500035 024 E 3130 18 0000 100 00 680 Totals for 579595 211.19 579596 R 01/12/2015 WAMEGO CHAMBER OF CO 10.00 TERI DOW - DEC. 15TH 0 008 E 2410 17 0000 300 00 590 MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Totals for 579596 10.00 579597 R 01/12/2015 WAMEGO TIMES 40.65 ELECTION NOTICE (CAPITAL 0 008 E 2310 13 1000 050 00 345 OUTLAY) IN DECEMBER Totals for 579597 40.65 579598 R 01/12/2015 WATERS RENTAL/TRUE V 19.99 Wood Glue 21500121 034 E 1000 26 0002 750 00 890 579598 R 01/12/2015 WATERS RENTAL/TRUE V 32.96 Belt Sanding Paper and brad 111500109 034 E 1000 26 0002 370 00 610 nails. 579598 R 01/12/2015 WATERS RENTAL/TRUE V 52.46 Wood Stain and lacquer 111500108 034 E 1000 26 0002 370 00 610 thinner Totals for 579598 105.41 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 63.44 Shop tools 171500699 008 E 2630 55 0000 202 00 430 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 9.98 Basketball Net for West & 171500668 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 Halo Bulb for Sport Complex red shed 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 7.57 Repair for High School 171500676 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 13.98 West Basket Ball Goal 171500689 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 3.99 Glue for pad repairs 21500123 008 E 1000 54 0002 620 00 610 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 3.77 Repair of carpet machine - 171500692 008 E 2620 55 0000 110 00 430 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 24

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER West 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 26.55 items for shop projects. 111500110 034 E 1000 26 0002 700 00 890 rope, clips, rings 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 8.98 Shower curtains for Middle 171500640 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 School 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 17.96 Shower curtains for Middle 171500657 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 School 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 15.99 Magnetic pickup/light - 171500667 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 Middle School 579599 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 3.99 Basketball net for West 171500666 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 Totals for 579599 176.20 579600 R 01/12/2015 WESTAR ENERGY 20.00 ADMIN. UTILITIES 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 310 00 620 579600 R 01/12/2015 WESTAR ENERGY 1,236.36 510 E HWY 24 & 4290 COLUMBIAN 0 008 E 2620 55 0000 040 00 622 RD ADMIN UTILITIES $754.96; BUS BARN $222.43; FB FLD & SHOWERS $235.50; SPORTS COMPLEX SIGN $23.47 579600 R 01/12/2015 WESTAR ENERGY 0.00 510 E HWY 24 & 4290 COLUMBIAN 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 310 00 620 RD ADMIN UTILITIES $754.96; BUS BARN $222.43; FB FLD & SHOWERS $235.50; SPORTS COMPLEX SIGN $23.47 Totals for 579600 1,256.36 579601 R 01/12/2015 WESTERN EXTRALITE 75.00 Electrical seminar in 171500606 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 Manhattan 579601 R 01/12/2015 WESTERN EXTRALITE 498.11 Lighting/elec. supplies all 171500619 008 E 2690 55 0000 500 00 610 schools 579601 R 01/12/2015 WESTERN EXTRALITE 166.03 Lighting/elec. supplies all 171500619 008 E 2690 55 0002 500 00 610 schools Totals for 579601 739.14 579602 R 01/12/2015 WINTER, TIMOTHY 31.69 Reimbursement for Pastries 21500128 008 E 1000 54 0002 580 00 610 for End of the Semester Leadership Team Meeting. Totals for 579602 31.69 801321 V 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER -118.87 MILEAGE 1/28-2/25/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0000 150 00 581 801321 V 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER -92.67 MILEAGE 1/28-2/25/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0002 150 00 581 Totals for 801321 -211.54 801829 V 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER -108.14 MILEAGE 9/24-10/22/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0000 150 00 581 801829 V 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER -44.15 MILEAGE 9/24-10/22/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0002 150 00 581 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 25

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER Totals for 801829 -152.29 801930 R 12/19/2014 DIVISION FOR EARLY C 1,579.50 IT Staff Registration Fee 71400084 078 L 8999 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 801930 1,579.50 801931 R 12/19/2014 CALIFORNIA STATE DIS 101.50 #BY0789677/CASE ID 0 078 L 8538 00 0000 000 00 000 #0370023976344 Totals for 801931 101.50 801932 R 12/19/2014 DELTA MGMT ASSOCIATE 461.44 513607001 0 078 L 8532 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 801932 461.44 801933 R 12/19/2014 DISCOVER BANK 50.24 CASE #2010-CV-000013 0 078 L 8532 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 801933 50.24 801934 R 12/19/2014 STORMONT VAIL HEALTH 218.77 CASE #08L007080 0 078 L 8532 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 801934 218.77 801935 R 12/19/2014 WAMEGO TEACHERS ASSO 965.25 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8522 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 801935 965.25 801936 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 1,150.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 801936 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 1,095.96 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 801936 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 395.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 801936 R 12/19/2014 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 430.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8507 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 801936 3,070.96 801937 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 11.57 SP ED PHONES 0 078 E 2500 46 0000 100 00 532 801937 R 01/08/2015 WAMEGO TELECOMMUNICA 82.39 INFANT TODDLER PHONES 0 078 E 2500 79 0000 330 00 532 Totals for 801937 93.96 801938 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 164.05 Books and Games for social 131500011 008 E 1000 53 0005 805 00 610 skills instruction group 801938 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 32.54 Practical Considerations for 61500148 078 E 2100 44 0000 150 00 640 School-Based Occupational Therapists (Book & CD-ROM) and case and wipes for hearing screenings and equipment 801938 R 01/09/2015 AMAZON/SYNCHRONY BAN 75.40 Practical Considerations for 61500148 078 E 2200 45 0000 250 00 730 School-Based Occupational Therapists (Book & CD-ROM) and case and wipes for hearing screenings and equipment Totals for 801938 271.99 801939 R 01/12/2015 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANA 45.00 DOCUMENT SHREDDING SERVICE 61500156 078 E 2500 46 0000 200 00 600 FOR DECEMBER 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 26

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER Totals for 801939 45.00 801940 R 01/12/2015 CLASSROOM DIRECT/SCH 59.30 Classroom supplies - peer 131500010 078 E 1000 43 0006 650 00 600 model funds Totals for 801940 59.30 801941 R 01/12/2015 FRIENDSHIP HOUSE 17.00 12/17/14 Breakfast for 61500151 078 E 2500 46 0000 300 00 683 Superintendent's Meeting Totals for 801941 17.00 801942 R 01/12/2015 GENE'S HEARTLAND FOO 16.40 Office Coffee & Creamer 61500141 078 E 2500 46 0000 300 00 683 Totals for 801942 16.40 801943 R 01/12/2015 I SIGN CONSULTING 67.20 SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER 61500153 078 E 1000 43 0000 150 00 581 SERVICES FOR DECEMBER 2014 801943 R 01/12/2015 I SIGN CONSULTING 900.00 SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER 61500153 078 E 2120 44 0000 250 00 350 SERVICES FOR DECEMBER 2014 Totals for 801943 967.20 801944 R 01/12/2015 KANSAS SCHOOL FOR TH 636.00 EQUIPMENT FOR STUDENT AT WEST 61500155 078 E 2200 45 0000 250 00 730 Totals for 801944 636.00 801945 R 01/12/2015 LASER TECH SERVICES 140.00 TONER REFILL 71500009 078 E 1000 79 0000 310 00 610 Totals for 801945 140.00 801946 R 01/12/2015 LINDYSPRING WATER 42.80 USD/SPED DRINKING WATER 0 078 E 2500 46 0000 200 00 600 Totals for 801946 42.80 801947 R 01/12/2015 MONTGOMERY COMMUNICA 277.20 ADMINISTRATIVE NEWSPAPER 61500160 078 E 2500 46 0000 200 00 600 ARTICLE Totals for 801947 277.20 801948 R 01/12/2015 NCS PEARSON INCORPOR 99.11 TESTING PROTOCOLS 61500143 078 E 2100 44 0000 200 00 670 801948 R 01/12/2015 NCS PEARSON INCORPOR 99.11 TESTING PROTOCOLS 61500143 078 E 2100 44 0002 200 00 670 Totals for 801948 198.22 801949 R 01/12/2015 PATTERSON MEDICAL 63.40 Splint for student 61500150 078 E 2200 45 0000 250 00 730 Totals for 801949 63.40 801950 R 01/12/2015 PAWNEE MENTAL HEALTH 550.00 IN-SERVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH 61500158 078 E 2210 45 0000 200 00 320 AWARENESS 801950 R 01/12/2015 PAWNEE MENTAL HEALTH 550.00 IN-SERVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH 61500158 078 E 2210 45 0002 200 00 320 AWARENESS Totals for 801950 1,100.00 801951 R 01/12/2015 SOUTHEAST KANSAS EDU 584.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER 61500157 078 E 1000 43 0000 100 00 560 REIMBURSEMENT FLOW THROUGH FOR DECEMBER 2014 Totals for 801951 584.00 801952 R 01/12/2015 SUPER DUPER PUBLICAT 77.25 SPEECH MATERIALS 61500149 078 E 1000 43 0006 420 00 600 Totals for 801952 77.25 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 27

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 801953 R 01/12/2015 VISA 69.98 RADIO SHACK Battery for 61500145 078 E 2200 45 0000 250 00 730 student's stander 801953 R 01/12/2015 VISA 126.14 PUFFY'S Region II Meeting 61500147 078 E 2500 46 0000 300 00 683 Totals for 801953 196.12 801954 R 01/12/2015 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/G 233.38 Snacks. Peer model funds. 131500009 078 E 1000 43 0006 650 00 600 Totals for 801954 233.38 801955 R 01/12/2015 WAMEGO SELF STORAGE 47.50 Wamego Self Storage Fee 14-15 71400105 078 L 8999 00 0000 000 00 000 801955 R 01/12/2015 WAMEGO SELF STORAGE 47.50 STORAGE UNIT FEE FOR 14-15 61500006 078 E 2500 46 0000 300 00 683 SCHOOL YEAR. Totals for 801955 95.00 801956 R 01/12/2015 WAMEGO TIMES 134.40 ADMINISTRATIVE NEWSPAPER 61500161 078 E 2500 46 0000 200 00 600 ARTICLE Totals for 801956 134.40 801957 R 01/12/2015 WATERS TRUE VALUE HA 5.99 BATTERIES FOR GOTALK BUTTON 61500146 078 E 2200 45 0000 250 00 730 Totals for 801957 5.99 141500002 A 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI 19.60 OCTOBER LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 141500002 A 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI 18.03 SEPTEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 141500002 A 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI 6.27 AUGUST LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 141500002 V 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI -6.27 AUGUST LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 141500002 V 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI -18.03 SEPTEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 141500002 V 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI -19.60 OCTOBER LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 Totals for 141500002 0.00 141500003 A 12/17/2014 SYLVESTER, ALLEN 60.00 Tri-fold display boards for 21500002 008 E 1000 54 0002 790 00 610 student's Science Fair projects 141500003 V 12/17/2014 SYLVESTER, ALLEN -60.00 Tri-fold display boards for 21500002 008 E 1000 54 0002 790 00 610 student's Science Fair projects Totals for 141500003 0.00 141500004 A 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI 6.27 AUGUST LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 141500004 A 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI 18.03 SEPTEMBER MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 141500004 A 12/17/2014 KEMNITZ, JENI 19.60 OCTOBER LOCAL MILEAGE 0 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 Totals for 141500004 43.90

141500005 A 12/17/2014 SYLVESTER, ALLEN 60.00 Tri-fold display boards for 21500002 008 E 1000 54 0002 790 00 610 student's Science Fair projects Totals for 141500005 60.00 141500006 A 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER 108.14 MILEAGE 9/24-10/22/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0000 150 00 581 141500006 A 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER 44.15 MILEAGE 9/24-10/22/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0002 150 00 581 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 28

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 141500006 A 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER 118.87 MILEAGE 1/28-2/25/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0000 150 00 581 141500006 A 12/17/2014 NIDER, JENNIFER 92.67 MILEAGE 1/28-2/25/14 0 078 E 1000 43 0002 150 00 581 Totals for 141500006 363.83 201400127 W 12/15/2014 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 602.30 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0000 100 00 620 201400127 W 12/15/2014 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 114.72 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0002 100 00 620 Totals for 201400127 717.02 201400128 W 12/22/2014 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 1,087.09 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0000 100 00 620 201400128 W 12/22/2014 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 207.07 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0002 100 00 620 Totals for 201400128 1,294.16 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 30,685.14 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 3,238.68 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 144.86 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 11.39 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,458.12 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 2.33 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 4.58 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 257.82 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,206.02 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 704.36 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 43.05 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 41.58 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 22,596.66 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 6.51 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 4,827.61 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 27.78 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 20,642.24 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.93 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1.27 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 3.99 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 5.45 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.93 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1.27 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 3.99 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 5.45 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 3.68 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.86 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 29

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER -40.11 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER -171.50 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER -123.03 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER -40.11 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER -171.50 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.86 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 3.68 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 27.78 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 20,642.24 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 565.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 6.51 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 4,827.61 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 7,176.33 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 757.42 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 33.88 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 2.65 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 341.01 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.54 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1.07 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 60.31 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 282.07 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 164.74 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 10.07 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 7,176.33 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 757.42 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 33.88 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 2.65 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 341.01 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 0.54 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1.07 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 60.31 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 282.07 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 164.74 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 10.07 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 30,685.14 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 3,238.68 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 144.86 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 11.39 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,458.12 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 30

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 2.33 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 4.58 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 257.82 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,206.02 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 704.36 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 43.05 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,270.91 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 19.60 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 307.49 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 44,282.64 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 4,677.49 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 262.49 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 15.82 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,328.24 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 3.34 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 2.29 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 198.05 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,835.80 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 1,182.22 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400129 W 12/18/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 66.57 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 201400129 222,323.46 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 350.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 10.97 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 8,337.30 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF -51.06 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 14,156.94 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 1,582.41 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 73.90 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 5.01 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 458.05 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 0.88 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 1.63 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 68.34 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 654.88 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 402.89 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 26.82 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 31

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 777.25 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 2.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 168.75 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 201400130 W 12/18/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 24.00 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 201400130 27,050.96 201400131 W 12/19/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 54.28 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400131 W 12/19/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 63.55 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8501 00 0000 000 00 000 201400131 W 12/19/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 12.69 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8503 00 0000 000 00 000 201400131 W 12/19/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 54.28 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 201400131 W 12/19/2014 INTERNAL REVENUE SER 12.69 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8504 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 201400131 197.49 201400132 W 12/19/2014 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF 16.89 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8502 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 201400132 16.89 201400133 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 2,517.97 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8515 00 0000 000 00 000 201400133 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 468.84 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8515 00 0000 000 00 000 201400133 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 241.37 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8515 00 0000 000 00 000 201400133 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 3.18 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8515 00 0000 000 00 000 201400133 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8515 00 0000 000 00 000 201400133 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 193.20 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8515 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 201400133 3,424.56 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 52.53 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS -173.44 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 0.00 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 3.00 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 3.56 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 4.64 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 7,307.37 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 0.99 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8517 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 211.26 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8517 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 19.59 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 10,723.13 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 719.12 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8539 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 1,401.77 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 8,946.68 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 146.87 Payroll accrual 0 028 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 2.26 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 567.97 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 5.08 Payroll accrual 0 078 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 92.14 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 32

CHECK CHE CHECK INVOICE PO ACCOUNT NUMBER TYP DATE VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 313.56 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 103.06 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 44.92 Payroll accrual 0 012 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 25.80 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 334.36 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8517 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 10.38 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8517 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 15.46 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8517 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 1,531.33 Payroll accrual 0 013 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 16,872.96 Payroll accrual 0 006 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 7.71 Payroll accrual 0 026 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 571.43 Payroll accrual 0 024 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 1.10 Payroll accrual 0 008 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 83.76 Payroll accrual 0 030 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 754.04 Payroll accrual 0 034 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 201400134 W 12/19/2014 KPERS 505.90 Payroll accrual 0 007 L 8505 00 0000 000 00 000 Totals for 201400134 51,210.29 201400135 W 12/29/2014 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 1,070.12 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0000 100 00 620 201400135 W 12/29/2014 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 203.83 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0002 100 00 620 Totals for 201400135 1,273.95 201400136 W 01/06/2015 BANK OF THE FLINT HI 10.25 MERCHANT FEES 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 Totals for 201400136 10.25 201400137 W 01/06/2015 BANK OF THE FLINT HI 28.00 MERCHANT FEES 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 Totals for 201400137 28.00 201400138 W 01/06/2015 BANK OF THE FLINT HI 5.65 MERCHANT FEES 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 Totals for 201400138 5.65 201400139 W 01/06/2015 BANK OF THE FLINT HI 7.08 MERCHANT FEES 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 Totals for 201400139 7.08 201400140 W 01/06/2015 BANK OF THE FLINT HI 0.68 MERCHANT FEES 0 008 E 2510 17 0000 270 00 890 Totals for 201400140 0.68 201400141 W 01/03/2015 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 336.62 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0000 100 00 620 201400141 W 01/03/2015 CAPITAL CITY OIL INC 64.12 FUEL 0 008 E 2720 56 0002 100 00 620 Totals for 201400141 400.74

Totals for checks 617,356.16 3frdtl01.p Wamego USD320, KS 1:00 PM 01/09/15 BOARD CHECK LIST 1 (Dates: 12/12/14 - 01/09/15) PAGE: 33



006 GENERAL FUND 246,106.18 0.00 6,872.14 252,978.32 007 FEDERAL FUNDS (TITLE PROGRAMS) 5,680.27 0.00 0.00 5,680.27 008 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 14.26 0.00 57,327.74 57,342.00 012 ADULT SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION 391.38 0.00 0.00 391.38 013 AT-RISK K-12 27,141.89 0.00 305.00 27,446.89 016 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 68,551.78 68,551.78 024 FOOD SERVICE 8,600.71 0.00 32,190.06 40,790.77 026 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 59.02 0.00 270.00 329.02 028 PARENT EDUCATION PROG 1,402.89 0.00 0.00 1,402.89 030 MANDATED SPECIAL EDUCATION 1,134.15 0.00 2.29 1,136.44 034 VO EDUCATION FUND 8,836.09 0.00 2,074.74 10,910.83 055 TEXT BOOK & STUDENT MATERIALS 0.00 0.00 3,508.77 3,508.77 078 SPED COOP 141,843.74 0.00 5,043.06 146,886.80 *** Fund Summary Totals *** 441,210.58 0.00 176,145.58 617,356.16

************************ End of report ************************

U.S.D. 320 Treasurer's Report Month End December 31, 2014

Beginning Outstanding Outstanding Ending Bank Account Balance Activity Checks Deposits (+/‐) Balance First National Bank ‐ USD Checking ****900$ 4,459,457.82 $ 126,236.13 $ 2,663.65 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,583,030.30 First National Bank ‐ SpEd Checking ****507 $ 127,424.10 $ 258,101.25 $ 6,254.10 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 379,271.25 First National Bank ‐ Health Care Reserve ****656 $ 60,592.27 $ 0.05 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 60,592.32 Kaw Valley State Bank ‐ USD Checking ****067 $ 1,464.26 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,464.26 Kaw Valley State Bank ‐ SpEd Checking ***64 $ 1,056.18 $ 0.13 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,056.31 Kaw Valley State Bank ‐ USD Money Market ****702 $ 1,057.59 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,057.59 First National Bank ‐ Bond Investment ****801 $ 15,001.41 $ 0.01 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,001.42 First National Bank ‐ USD Petty Cash ****760 $ 951.60 $ 255.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,206.60 First National Bank ‐ SpEd Petty Cash ****309 $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 First National Bank ‐ HS Activity Fund ****884 $ 180,524.73 $ (4,475.83) $ 4,738.42 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 171,310.48 First National Bank ‐ HS Petty Cash ****807 $ 464.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 464.00 First National Bank ‐ MS Activity Fund ****505 $ 40,363.00 $ (1,926.65) $ 2,298.50 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 36,137.85 First National Bank ‐ MS Petty Cash ****707 $ 450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 450.00 First National Bank ‐ West Activity Fund ****655 $ 14,948.40 $ 3,559.72 $ 1,239.65 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 17,268.47 First National Bank ‐ West Petty Cash ****006 $ 500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 500.00 First National Bank ‐ Central Activity Fund ****857 $ 5,056.04 $ 2,007.35 $ 1,092.86 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,970.53 First National Bank ‐ Central Petty Cash ****807 $ 133.65 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 133.65 Bank/Investment Account Totals $ 5,275,915.03

Accounts Payable in Progress $ ‐

Grand Total $ 5,275,915.03

Kathryn Mayfield Cindy Bryson Kathryn Mayfield, Board Clerk, U.S.D. 320 Cindy Bryson, Treasurer, U.S.D. 320 3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 2:17 PM 01/08/15 BALANCE SHEET - FUND MONTHLY (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

December 2014-15 December 2014-1 December 2014-1 Ending Encumbered Unencumbered FND FND Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance Amount Balance 006 GENERAL FUND 1,522,897.08 2,214,495.22 1,952,853.20 1,784,539.10 1,784,539.10 007 FEDERAL FUNDS (TITLE PROGRAMS) -2,011.64 40,464.56 36,405.70 2,047.22 2,047.22 008 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 524,140.03 87,145.00 215,371.27 395,913.76 12,620.62 408,534.38 012 ADULT SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION 22,633.90 1,705.36 2,642.44 21,696.82 21,696.82 013 AT-RISK K-12 25,497.97 156,391.29 170,451.81 11,437.45 11,437.45 016 CAPITAL OUTLAY 252,764.88 2,783.98 4,574.64 250,974.22 250,974.22 018 DRIVER TRAINING FUND 19,942.26 19,942.26 19,942.26 024 FOOD SERVICE 220,858.70 118,720.77 156,883.85 182,695.62 182,695.62 026 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 33,399.10 5,994.92 9,487.50 29,906.52 3,741.00 33,647.52 028 PARENT EDUCATION PROG 5,187.06 4,803.44 7,840.16 2,150.34 2,168.27 4,318.61 030 MANDATED SPECIAL EDUCATION 39,739.83 513,254.29 499,402.01 53,592.11 53,592.11 034 VO EDUCATION FUND 53,245.88 42,578.79 70,677.72 25,146.95 29.97 25,176.92 035 GIFT FUND 38,223.83 38,223.83 38,223.83 047 HEALTH CARE RESERVE 60,592.27 0.05 60,592.32 60,592.32 053 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 415,364.32 415,364.32 415,364.32 055 TEXT BOOK & STUDENT MATERIALS 105,589.58 15,306.68 26,760.98 94,135.28 6,369.35 100,504.63 062 BOND & INTEREST #1 1,154,281.47 2,132.59 1,156,414.06 1,156,414.06 064 CE CONSTRUCTION 15,001.41 0.01 15,001.42 15,001.42 078 SPED COOP 117,825.42 1,531,269.17 1,304,914.36 344,180.23 628.30 344,808.53 ______Grand Asset Totals 4,670,553.63 2,895,465.37 2,520,045.55 5,045,973.45 5,045,973.45 Grand Liability Totals -45,380.28 1,841,580.75 1,938,220.09 -142,019.62 25,557.51 -116,462.11 Grand Totals 4,625,173.35 4,737,046.12 4,458,265.64 4,903,953.83 25,557.51 4,929,511.34

Number of Accounts: 261

************************ End of report ************************

3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 2:19 PM 01/08/15 FYTD FUND BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending Encumbered Unencumbered FND FND Balance FY Debits FY Credits Balance Amount Balance 006 GENERAL FUND 13,707,653.01 11,929,297.99 1,784,554.78 1,784,554.78 007 FEDERAL FUNDS (TITLE PROGRAMS) 224,539.58 222,381.05 2,158.53 2,158.53 008 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 210,250.85 2,268,905.82 2,131,657.48 395,913.76 12,620.62 408,534.38 012 ADULT SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION 26,714.35 22,346.76 27,364.29 21,696.82 21,696.82 013 AT-RISK K-12 76,372.01 953,288.50 1,018,549.11 11,416.40 11,416.40 016 CAPITAL OUTLAY 358,819.15 276,092.69 384,277.27 250,974.22 250,974.22 018 DRIVER TRAINING FUND 27,244.69 18,073.50 25,349.62 19,968.57 19,968.57 024 FOOD SERVICE 181,583.04 903,646.95 902,528.57 182,695.62 182,695.62 026 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 57,677.18 45,832.39 73,862.69 29,906.88 3,741.00 33,647.88 028 PARENT EDUCATION PROG 63,051.77 61,155.22 2,150.34 2,168.27 4,318.61 029 SUMMER SCHOOL 70,100.17 70,100.17 030 MANDATED SPECIAL EDUCATION 118,307.26 1,110,648.26 1,175,365.70 53,592.11 53,592.11 034 VO EDUCATION FUND 48,772.72 456,429.61 482,130.12 25,146.95 29.97 25,176.92 035 GIFT FUND 31,844.21 11,000.38 4,620.76 38,223.83 38,223.83 047 HEALTH CARE RESERVE 60,592.00 0.32 60,592.32 60,592.32 051 KPERS CONTRIBUTION FUND 612,280.11 612,280.11 053 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 415,364.32 415,364.32 415,364.32 055 TEXT BOOK & STUDENT MATERIALS 105,640.38 313,575.28 326,448.61 94,135.28 6,369.35 100,504.63 062 BOND & INTEREST #1 2,016,205.11 997,877.71 1,857,668.76 1,156,414.06 1,156,414.06 064 CE CONSTRUCTION 15,001.34 0.08 15,001.42 15,001.42 078 SPED COOP 490,778.87 7,370,069.29 7,519,249.74 344,192.39 628.30 344,820.69 092 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ACTIVITY 70,923.05 586,731.98 542,108.81 115,568.08 115,568.08 093 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT ACTIVITY 34,443.75 40,081.83 45,637.02 36,137.85 36,137.85 094 WEST ELEM STUDENT ACTIVITY 4,737.95 36,246.15 24,515.05 17,248.41 17,248.41 095 CENTRAL ELEM STUDENT ACTIVITY 6,012.52 15,544.85 15,783.41 5,705.11 5,705.11 ______Grand Asset Totals 5,885,239.08 15,322,853.74 16,050,809.25 5,276,660.78 5,276,660.78 Grand Liability Totals -1,457,854.16 14,711,063.08 13,401,522.30 -197,902.73 25,557.51 -172,345.22 Grand Totals 4,427,384.92 30,033,916.82 29,452,331.55 5,078,758.05 25,557.51 5,104,315.56

Number of Accounts: 306

************************ End of report ************************

3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 2:05 PM 01/08/15 CE MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level December 2014-15 December 2014-15 December 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance 095 A 7500 00 0000 000 00 000 CENTRAL STUDENT ACTIVITY 5,056.04 2,322.85 1,408.36 5,970.53 095 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL CE -110.00 145.00 35.00 095 L 2000 00 0000 000 00 000 MILK CE -42.25 823.70 781.45 095 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - CE -35.00 213.40 178.40 095 L 2500 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY STUDENT FEES CE -84.25 84.25 095 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 PENCIL CE -4.00 6.00 2.00 095 L 3100 00 0000 000 00 000 KIWI BAGS -15.00 30.00 15.00 095 L 3200 00 0000 000 00 000 PRESCHOOL ROLE MODELS CE 095 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT BENEFITS CE -2,527.53 66.01 1,190.09 -3,651.61 095 L 4100 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY CE -25.00 40.00 15.00 095 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY BOOK FAIR CE -1,710.10 -1,710.10 095 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX CE -112.60 105.91 -218.51 095 L 7000 00 0000 000 00 000 LANDSCAPING CE -124.89 -124.89 095 L 8000 00 0000 000 00 000 GIFT FUND CE -265.42 -265.42 ______Grand Asset Totals 5,056.04 2,322.85 1,408.36 5,970.53 Grand Liability Totals -5,056.04 1,408.36 2,322.85 -5,970.53 Grand Totals 3,731.21 3,731.21

Number of Accounts: 14

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3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 2:12 PM 01/08/15 CENTRAL YTD BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Balance FYTD Debits FYTD Credits Balance 095 A 7500 00 0000 000 00 000 CENTRAL STUDENT ACTIVITY 6,277.94 15,476.00 15,783.41 5,970.53 095 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL CE 2,120.00 2,120.00 095 L 2000 00 0000 000 00 000 MILK CE 4,804.05 4,804.05 095 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - CE 2,394.00 2,394.00 095 L 2500 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY STUDENT FEES CE 199.20 199.20 095 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 PENCIL CE 68.00 68.00 095 L 3100 00 0000 000 00 000 KIWI BAGS 257.00 257.00 095 L 3200 00 0000 000 00 000 PRESCHOOL ROLE MODELS CE 300.00 300.00 095 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT BENEFITS CE -3,519.64 4,360.22 4,492.19 -3,651.61 095 L 4100 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY CE 445.00 445.00 095 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY BOOK FAIR CE -2,367.99 657.89 -1,710.10 095 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX CE 381.46 599.97 -218.51 095 L 7000 00 0000 000 00 000 LANDSCAPING CE -124.89 -124.89 095 L 8000 00 0000 000 00 000 GIFT FUND CE -265.42 -265.42 ______Grand Asset Totals 6,277.94 15,476.00 15,783.41 5,970.53 Grand Liability Totals -6,277.94 15,986.82 15,679.41 -5,970.53 Grand Totals 31,462.82 31,462.82

Number of Accounts: 14

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3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 2:35 PM 01/07/15 WE MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level December 2014-15 December 2014-15 December 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance 094 A 7400 00 0000 000 00 000 WEST STUDENT ACTIVITY 14,948.40 6,405.77 4,085.70 17,268.47 --- A ------14,948.40 6,405.77 4,085.70 17,268.47 094 L 0000 00 0000 000 00 000 094 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL WE 82.50 82.50 094 L 1100 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY FEE WE 25.00 25.00 094 L 1500 00 0000 000 00 000 MILK WE 13.70 503.90 517.60 094 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - WE 094 L 2500 00 0000 000 00 000 ACTIVITY WE -1,898.51 1,918.25 23.88 -4.14 094 L 2600 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT COUNCIL WE -243.43 -243.43 094 L 2700 00 0000 000 00 000 CARNIVAL WE -7,407.68 30.00 3,690.00 -11,067.68 094 L 2800 00 0000 000 00 000 BULLYING PREVENTION WE -71.71 -71.71 094 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 PENCILS WE -522.88 400.00 128.10 -250.98 094 L 3500 00 0000 000 00 000 AGENDA WE 27.55 27.55 094 L 3600 00 0000 000 00 000 ROBOTICS WE -179.48 -179.48 094 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY WE -1,158.15 -1,158.15 094 L 4500 00 0000 000 00 000 VOCAL MUSIC WE -1,230.93 570.00 11.02 -671.95 094 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 BAND WE -227.75 -227.75 094 L 5500 00 0000 000 00 000 YEARBOOK WE -1,120.96 1,253.44 -2,374.40 094 L 5600 00 0000 000 00 000 GIFT FUND WE -46.61 40.80 -5.81 094 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 TURN AROUND WE -167.80 -167.80 094 L 6500 00 0000 000 00 000 RETURNED LIB BOOK/MAGAZINE WE -603.86 30.47 -634.33 094 L 7000 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX WE -62.29 128.51 -190.80 094 L 7500 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOKS FOR FUN WE -20.06 -20.06 094 L 8000 00 0000 000 00 000 LUNCH MONEY - WE 487.70 487.70 --- L ------14,948.40 4,085.70 6,405.77 -17,268.47 ______Grand Asset Totals 14,948.40 6,405.77 4,085.70 17,268.47 Grand Liability Totals -14,948.40 4,085.70 6,405.77 -17,268.47 Grand Totals 10,491.47 10,491.47

Number of Accounts: 23

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3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 2:38 PM 01/07/15 WEST BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Balance FYTD Debits FYTD Credits Balance 094 A 7400 00 0000 000 00 000 WEST STUDENT ACTIVITY 4,758.01 33,135.55 20,625.09 17,268.47 --- A ------4,758.01 33,135.55 20,625.09 17,268.47 094 L 0000 00 0000 000 00 000 094 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL WE 2,202.42 2,202.42 094 L 1100 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY FEE WE 345.00 345.00 094 L 1500 00 0000 000 00 000 MILK WE 3,710.35 3,710.35 094 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - WE 094 L 2500 00 0000 000 00 000 ACTIVITY WE -518.86 3,305.01 2,790.29 -4.14 094 L 2600 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT COUNCIL WE -211.56 93.62 125.49 -243.43 094 L 2700 00 0000 000 00 000 CARNIVAL WE -779.61 3,519.62 13,807.69 -11,067.68 094 L 2800 00 0000 000 00 000 BULLYING PREVENTION WE -371.71 300.00 -71.71 094 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 PENCILS WE -552.96 1,073.81 771.83 -250.98 094 L 3500 00 0000 000 00 000 AGENDA WE 388.70 388.70 094 L 3600 00 0000 000 00 000 ROBOTICS WE -179.48 -179.48 094 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY WE -390.62 477.48 1,245.01 -1,158.15 094 L 4500 00 0000 000 00 000 VOCAL MUSIC WE -700.90 628.38 599.43 -671.95 094 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 BAND WE -201.41 263.22 289.56 -227.75 094 L 5500 00 0000 000 00 000 YEARBOOK WE -36.87 2,337.53 -2,374.40 094 L 5600 00 0000 000 00 000 GIFT FUND WE -49.31 185.30 141.80 -5.81 094 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 TURN AROUND WE -167.80 -167.80 094 L 6500 00 0000 000 00 000 RETURNED LIB BOOK/MAGAZINE WE -576.86 20.00 77.47 -634.33 094 L 7000 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX WE 1,497.83 1,688.63 -190.80 094 L 7500 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOKS FOR FUN WE -20.06 -20.06 094 L 8000 00 0000 000 00 000 LUNCH MONEY - WE 3,110.60 3,110.60 --- L ------4,758.01 21,121.34 33,631.80 -17,268.47 ______Grand Asset Totals 4,758.01 33,135.55 20,625.09 17,268.47 Grand Liability Totals -4,758.01 21,121.34 33,631.80 -17,268.47 Grand Totals 54,256.89 54,256.89

Number of Accounts: 23

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3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:21 PM 01/05/15 MS MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level December 2014-15 December 2014-15 December 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance 093 A 7300 00 0000 000 00 000 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT ACTIVITY 40,363.00 3,132.54 7,357.69 36,137.85 --- A ------40,363.00 3,132.54 7,357.69 36,137.85 093 L 0000 00 0000 000 00 000 093 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 FOOTBALL MS -918.26 -918.26 093 L 1200 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL MS -138.00 213.00 75.00 093 L 1400 00 0000 000 00 000 POP FUND MS -86.78 40.60 -46.18 093 L 1600 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY MS -802.63 -802.63 093 L 1700 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS FEES-ART/COMP GRAPHICS -15.00 10.00 -25.00 093 L 1800 00 0000 000 00 000 WOODS MS -1,064.01 1,084.01 20.00 093 L 2000 00 0000 000 00 000 HANDBOOK MS -163.71 16.00 -179.71 093 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - MS 35.00 35.00 093 L 2200 00 0000 000 00 000 TEEN LEADERS MS -446.15 -446.15 093 L 2400 00 0000 000 00 000 MAGAZINE FUNDRAISER MS -3,374.66 760.49 100.80 -2,714.97 093 L 2600 00 0000 000 00 000 ATHLETICS MS -9,901.03 1,689.25 1,972.23 -10,184.01 093 L 2800 00 0000 000 00 000 SPORTS UNIFORM COSTS MS -3,017.71 -3,017.71 093 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 CONCESSIONS MS -3,126.51 184.56 662.17 -3,604.12 093 L 3100 00 0000 000 00 000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION MS -47.79 -47.79 093 L 3200 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE MS -463.49 -463.49 093 L 3400 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY MS -10.00 20.00 10.00 093 L 3600 00 0000 000 00 000 GRADUATION MS -772.71 -772.71 093 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 NUTRITION ADVISORY COUNCIL MS -245.57 -245.57 093 L 4200 00 0000 000 00 000 BAND MS -375.86 61.50 105.25 -419.61 093 L 4400 00 0000 000 00 000 CHORUS MS -5,562.83 33.50 -5,596.33 093 L 4600 00 0000 000 00 000 HISTORY DAY MS 093 L 4800 00 0000 000 00 000 RSVP MS -865.08 -865.08 093 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 BOYS BASKETBALL MS -997.71 -997.71 093 L 5200 00 0000 000 00 000 STUCO MS -653.52 -653.52 093 L 5400 00 0000 000 00 000 YEARBOOK MS -2,604.26 2,111.75 -492.51 093 L 5600 00 0000 000 00 000 FCCLA MS 093 L 5800 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK FAIR MS -344.50 -344.50 093 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX MS -1,064.94 1,157.53 92.59 093 L 6200 00 0000 000 00 000 GIRLS BASKETBALL MS -1,419.57 -1,419.57 093 L 6300 00 0000 000 00 000 WRESTLING - MS -1,102.00 -1,102.00 093 L 6400 00 0000 000 00 000 CHESS CLUB MS 093 L 6600 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE FAIR MS 093 L 6700 00 0000 000 00 000 TRACK MS 093 L 6800 00 0000 000 00 000 VOLLEYBALL MS -434.84 -434.84 093 L 6900 00 0000 000 00 000 MS GIFT ACCOUNT -339.88 -339.88 --- L ------40,359.00 7,357.69 3,132.54 -36,133.85 ______3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:21 PM 01/05/15 MS MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 2

Account Level December 2014-15 December 2014-15 December 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance Grand Asset Totals 40,363.00 3,132.54 7,357.69 36,137.85 Grand Liability Totals -40,359.00 7,357.69 3,132.54 -36,133.85 Grand Totals 4.00 10,490.23 10,490.23 4.00

Number of Accounts: 37

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3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:19 PM 01/05/15 MIDDLE SCHOOL BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Balance FYTD Debits FYTD Credits Balance 093 A 7300 00 0000 000 00 000 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT ACTIVITY 34,443.75 40,081.83 38,387.73 36,137.85 --- A ------34,443.75 40,081.83 38,387.73 36,137.85 093 L 0000 00 0000 000 00 000 093 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 FOOTBALL MS -918.26 -918.26 093 L 1200 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL MS 1,438.00 1,438.00 093 L 1400 00 0000 000 00 000 POP FUND MS -287.93 371.75 130.00 -46.18 093 L 1600 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY MS -802.63 -802.63 093 L 1700 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS FEES-ART/COMP GRAPHICS 225.00 250.00 -25.00 093 L 1800 00 0000 000 00 000 WOODS MS 3,340.54 3,340.54 093 L 2000 00 0000 000 00 000 HANDBOOK MS -224.02 1,271.00 1,226.69 -179.71 093 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - MS 1,263.40 1,263.40 093 L 2200 00 0000 000 00 000 TEEN LEADERS MS -596.15 150.00 -446.15 093 L 2400 00 0000 000 00 000 MAGAZINE FUNDRAISER MS -2,170.32 1,331.43 1,876.08 -2,714.97 093 L 2600 00 0000 000 00 000 ATHLETICS MS -9,530.51 15,394.43 16,047.93 -10,184.01 093 L 2800 00 0000 000 00 000 SPORTS UNIFORM COSTS MS -3,017.71 -3,017.71 093 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 CONCESSIONS MS -3,379.52 4,221.82 4,446.42 -3,604.12 093 L 3100 00 0000 000 00 000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION MS -47.79 -47.79 093 L 3200 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE MS -563.49 100.00 -463.49 093 L 3400 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY MS 350.00 350.00 093 L 3600 00 0000 000 00 000 GRADUATION MS -522.71 250.00 -772.71 093 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 NUTRITION ADVISORY COUNCIL MS -245.57 -245.57 093 L 4200 00 0000 000 00 000 BAND MS -2,650.48 2,384.12 153.25 -419.61 093 L 4400 00 0000 000 00 000 CHORUS MS -5,689.57 1,174.14 1,080.90 -5,596.33 093 L 4600 00 0000 000 00 000 HISTORY DAY MS 093 L 4800 00 0000 000 00 000 RSVP MS -878.87 423.79 410.00 -865.08 093 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 BOYS BASKETBALL MS -1,288.46 290.75 -997.71 093 L 5200 00 0000 000 00 000 STUCO MS -363.37 600.00 890.15 -653.52 093 L 5400 00 0000 000 00 000 YEARBOOK MS -42.28 2,111.75 2,561.98 -492.51 093 L 5600 00 0000 000 00 000 FCCLA MS 093 L 5800 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK FAIR MS -344.50 -344.50 093 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX MS -36.32 1,377.31 1,340.99 093 L 6200 00 0000 000 00 000 GIRLS BASKETBALL MS -52.57 1,367.00 -1,419.57 093 L 6300 00 0000 000 00 000 WRESTLING - MS 1,102.00 -1,102.00 093 L 6400 00 0000 000 00 000 CHESS CLUB MS 093 L 6600 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE FAIR MS 093 L 6700 00 0000 000 00 000 TRACK MS 093 L 6800 00 0000 000 00 000 VOLLEYBALL MS -450.84 568.50 552.50 -434.84 093 L 6900 00 0000 000 00 000 MS GIFT ACCOUNT -339.88 -339.88 --- L ------34,443.75 38,387.73 40,077.83 -36,133.85 ______3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:19 PM 01/05/15 MIDDLE SCHOOL BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 2

Account Level Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Balance FYTD Debits FYTD Credits Balance Grand Asset Totals 34,443.75 40,081.83 38,387.73 36,137.85 Grand Liability Totals -34,443.75 38,387.73 40,077.83 -36,133.85 Grand Totals 78,469.56 78,465.56 4.00

Number of Accounts: 37

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3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:49 PM 01/05/15 HS MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level December 2014-15 December 2014-15 December 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance 092 A 7200 00 0000 000 00 000 HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITY 180,524.73 31,805.46 41,019.71 171,310.48 092 A ------180,524.73 31,805.46 41,019.71 171,310.48 092 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 ART PHOTOGRAPHY HS 092 L 1100 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL HS 092 L 1200 00 0000 000 00 000 FOODS HS 092 L 1300 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY HS 16.00 -16.00 092 L 1400 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY HS 6.30 -6.30 092 L 1500 00 0000 000 00 000 WELDING HS 092 L 1600 00 0000 000 00 000 CALCULATOR RENTAL HS 092 L 1700 00 0000 000 00 000 VOAG/HORT HS 092 L 1800 00 0000 000 00 000 WOOD/TECH HS 1,180.09 -1,180.09 092 L 1900 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT HANDBOOK HS 092 L 2000 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND HS 092 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - HS 170.00 -170.00 092 L 2500 00 0000 000 00 000 INTEREST HS -167.45 5.03 -172.48 092 L 2800 00 0000 000 00 000 SPORTS UNIFORM COSTS HS -5,889.25 275.68 490.00 -6,103.57 092 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 ATHLETICS HS -10,942.13 5,303.40 7,422.95 -13,061.68 092 L 3012 00 0000 000 00 000 SPORTS FEE HS 092 L 3200 00 0000 000 00 000 SCHOLAR BOWL HS -1,465.58 198.06 -1,267.52 092 L 3400 00 0000 000 00 000 SPANISH CLUB HS -758.07 71.46 -686.61 092 L 3401 00 0000 000 00 000 SPANISH CLUB ANNUAL TRIP HS 092 L 3500 00 0000 000 00 000 FORENSICS HS -369.46 -369.46 092 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 CONCESSIONS HS -5,532.22 1,416.53 4,027.49 -8,143.18 092 L 4300 00 0000 000 00 000 FEA HS -4.03 -4.03 092 L 4400 00 0000 000 00 000 ANNUAL HS -7,194.09 1,213.44 -8,407.53 092 L 4500 00 0000 000 00 000 RENAISSANCE HS -511.47 -511.47 092 L 4800 00 0000 000 00 000 LINK CREW - HS 092 L 4900 00 0000 000 00 000 MENTORING - HS -969.05 -969.05 092 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 PEER COUNSELORS HS -30.94 -30.94 092 L 5100 00 0000 000 00 000 ART CLUB HS -989.69 -989.69 092 L 5200 00 0000 000 00 000 BAND HS -5,036.51 5,070.65 2,080.58 -2,046.44 092 L 5300 00 0000 000 00 000 CULINARY ARTS HS -2,830.62 58.95 -2,889.57 092 L 5800 00 0000 000 00 000 PROM - HS -5,500.00 -5,500.00 092 L 5813 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2013 HS 092 L 5814 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2014 HS -2,148.05 -2,148.05 092 L 5815 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2015 HS -5,640.21 -5,640.21 092 L 5816 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2016 HS -1,581.69 -1,581.69 092 L 5817 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2017 HS -2,378.82 10.00 75.26 -2,444.08 092 L 5818 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2018 HS -702.04 431.27 -1,133.31 092 L 5900 00 0000 000 00 000 DAZZLERS HS -336.60 -336.60 3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:49 PM 01/05/15 HS MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 2

Account Level December 2014-15 December 2014-15 December 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance 092 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 FBLA HS -5,280.64 224.62 -5,505.26 092 L 6100 00 0000 000 00 000 FCA HS -495.20 -495.20 092 L 6200 00 0000 000 00 000 FFA HS -33,639.65 22,328.24 7,079.23 -18,390.64 092 L 6300 00 0000 000 00 000 FCCLA HS -1,210.67 285.03 553.78 -1,479.42 092 L 6400 00 0000 000 00 000 KAYS HS -1,722.22 -1,722.22 092 L 6500 00 0000 000 00 000 CFL HS -3,030.59 -3,030.59 092 L 6600 00 0000 000 00 000 NHS HS -1,166.52 265.87 172.00 -1,072.65 092 L 6700 00 0000 000 00 000 SADD HS -1,893.37 -1,893.37 092 L 6800 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE CLUB HS -870.30 -870.30 092 L 6850 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE FAIR HS -3,154.55 -3,154.55 092 L 6900 00 0000 000 00 000 CHEERLEADERS HS -2,150.88 861.11 210.00 -1,499.77 092 L 7000 00 0000 000 00 000 STUCO HS -3,089.58 23.97 926.24 -3,991.85 092 L 7100 00 0000 000 00 000 THEATRE HS -7,787.81 1,007.51 468.00 -7,248.30 092 L 7150 00 0000 000 00 000 THEATRE GIFTS HS -1.00 1,014.00 1,013.00 092 L 7200 00 0000 000 00 000 VOCAL HS -21,577.75 -21,577.75 092 L 7300 00 0000 000 00 000 W-CLUB HS 092 L 7400 00 0000 000 00 000 WEIGHTS HS -888.00 -888.00 092 L 7600 00 0000 000 00 000 NEWSPAPER HS -1,454.93 -1,454.93 092 L 7700 00 0000 000 00 000 LIFE SKILLS HS -2,113.76 472.82 286.24 -1,927.18 092 L 7800 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX HS 976.98 -976.98 092 L 7900 00 0000 000 00 000 FINE ARTS HS -2.02 -2.02 092 L 8000 00 0000 000 00 000 BROADCASTING HS -662.80 -662.80 092 L 8010 00 0000 000 00 000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 41,199.70 41,199.70 092 L 8100 00 0000 000 00 000 ATHLETIC TRAVEL HS -1,251.79 -1,251.79 092 L 8200 00 0000 000 00 000 FOOTBALL GIFT HS -6,376.90 1,328.92 -5,047.98 092 L 8300 00 0000 000 00 000 VOLLEYBALL GIFT ACCT -3,474.28 -3,474.28 092 L 8400 00 0000 000 00 000 CC/TRACK GIFT HS -3,552.37 139.30 -3,413.07 092 L 8450 00 0000 000 00 000 GOLF GIFT ACCT HS -3,149.98 -3,149.98 092 L 8500 00 0000 000 00 000 GIRLS TENNIS GIFT HS -403.59 -403.59 092 L 8600 00 0000 000 00 000 BOYS TENNIS GIFT HS -66.40 -66.40 092 L 8700 00 0000 000 00 000 BOYS BASKETBALL GIFT HS -127.10 112.50 -14.60 092 L 8800 00 0000 000 00 000 GIRLS BASKETBALL GIFT HS -134.09 -134.09 092 L 8900 00 0000 000 00 000 WRESTLING GIFT HS -2,165.31 1,442.65 3,326.00 -4,048.66 092 L 9100 00 0000 000 00 000 BASEBALL GIFT HS -1,050.67 -1,050.67 092 L 9200 00 0000 000 00 000 SOFTBALL GIFT HS -5,602.04 -5,602.04 092 L ------180,524.73 82,827.40 73,613.15 -171,310.48 ______Grand Asset Totals 180,524.73 31,805.46 41,019.71 171,310.48 Grand Liability Totals -180,524.73 82,827.40 73,613.15 -171,310.48 Grand Totals 114,632.86 114,632.86

3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:49 PM 01/05/15 HS MONTHLY BALANCE SHEET (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 3

Account Level December 2014-15 December 2014-15 December 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits Balance Number of Accounts: 74

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3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:47 PM 01/05/15 HIGH SCHOOL BOARD REPORT (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 1

Account Level Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Balance FY Credits FY Debits Balance 092 A 7200 00 0000 000 00 000 HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITY 108,609.91 243,103.45 304,342.13 171,310.48 --- A ------108,609.91 243,103.45 304,342.13 171,310.48 092 L 1000 00 0000 000 00 000 ART PHOTOGRAPHY HS 2,585.00 2,585.00 092 L 1100 00 0000 000 00 000 BOOK RENTAL HS 4,012.50 4,012.50 092 L 1200 00 0000 000 00 000 FOODS HS 885.00 885.00 092 L 1300 00 0000 000 00 000 TECHNOLOGY HS 912.00 896.00 -16.00 092 L 1400 00 0000 000 00 000 LIBRARY HS 35.70 29.40 -6.30 092 L 1500 00 0000 000 00 000 WELDING HS 1,003.00 1,003.00 092 L 1600 00 0000 000 00 000 CALCULATOR RENTAL HS 10.00 10.00 092 L 1700 00 0000 000 00 000 VOAG/HORT HS 260.00 260.00 092 L 1800 00 0000 000 00 000 WOOD/TECH HS 4,011.77 2,831.68 -1,180.09 092 L 1900 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT HANDBOOK HS 092 L 2000 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND HS 386.55 386.55 092 L 2100 00 0000 000 00 000 STUDENT MEAL PAYMENTS - HS 3,696.45 3,526.45 -170.00 092 L 2500 00 0000 000 00 000 INTEREST HS -147.52 24.96 -172.48 092 L 2800 00 0000 000 00 000 SPORTS UNIFORM COSTS HS -858.25 8,736.00 3,490.68 -6,103.57 092 L 3000 00 0000 000 00 000 ATHLETICS HS -955.19 81,619.30 69,785.80 -13,061.68 092 L 3012 00 0000 000 00 000 SPORTS FEE HS 092 L 3200 00 0000 000 00 000 SCHOLAR BOWL HS -939.56 1,240.00 912.04 -1,267.52 092 L 3400 00 0000 000 00 000 SPANISH CLUB HS -608.07 1,005.00 926.46 -686.61 092 L 3401 00 0000 000 00 000 SPANISH CLUB ANNUAL TRIP HS 092 L 3500 00 0000 000 00 000 FORENSICS HS -573.26 203.80 -369.46 092 L 4000 00 0000 000 00 000 CONCESSIONS HS -3,658.15 21,446.10 17,172.99 -8,143.18 092 L 4300 00 0000 000 00 000 FEA HS -4.03 -4.03 092 L 4400 00 0000 000 00 000 ANNUAL HS -993.82 8,900.08 1,486.37 -8,407.53 092 L 4500 00 0000 000 00 000 RENAISSANCE HS -511.47 -511.47 092 L 4800 00 0000 000 00 000 LINK CREW - HS 092 L 4900 00 0000 000 00 000 MENTORING - HS -969.05 -969.05 092 L 5000 00 0000 000 00 000 PEER COUNSELORS HS -30.94 -30.94 092 L 5100 00 0000 000 00 000 ART CLUB HS -989.69 -989.69 092 L 5200 00 0000 000 00 000 BAND HS -5,081.61 30,814.35 33,849.52 -2,046.44 092 L 5300 00 0000 000 00 000 CULINARY ARTS HS -3,012.88 893.00 1,016.31 -2,889.57 092 L 5800 00 0000 000 00 000 PROM - HS 5,500.00 -5,500.00 092 L 5813 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2013 HS 092 L 5814 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2014 HS -2,148.05 -2,148.05 092 L 5815 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2015 HS -5,030.21 660.00 50.00 -5,640.21 092 L 5816 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2016 HS -4,983.37 2,178.32 5,580.00 -1,581.69 092 L 5817 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2017 HS -902.40 1,591.68 50.00 -2,444.08 092 L 5818 00 0000 000 00 000 CLASS OF 2018 HS 1,233.31 100.00 -1,133.31 092 L 5900 00 0000 000 00 000 DAZZLERS HS -936.10 200.00 799.50 -336.60 3frbud12.p Wamego USD320, KS 3:47 PM 01/05/15 HIGH SCHOOL BOARD REPORT (Date: 12/2014) PAGE: 2

Account Level Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Balance FY Credits FY Debits Balance 092 L 6000 00 0000 000 00 000 FBLA HS -4,547.13 10,716.77 9,758.64 -5,505.26 092 L 6100 00 0000 000 00 000 FCA HS -495.20 -495.20 092 L 6200 00 0000 000 00 000 FFA HS -12,006.67 43,305.23 36,921.26 -18,390.64 092 L 6300 00 0000 000 00 000 FCCLA HS -1,726.79 8,092.57 8,339.94 -1,479.42 092 L 6400 00 0000 000 00 000 KAYS HS -1,306.03 1,145.71 729.52 -1,722.22 092 L 6500 00 0000 000 00 000 CFL HS -2,478.58 651.01 99.00 -3,030.59 092 L 6600 00 0000 000 00 000 NHS HS -658.33 1,197.34 783.02 -1,072.65 092 L 6700 00 0000 000 00 000 SADD HS -1,809.37 1,500.00 1,416.00 -1,893.37 092 L 6800 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE CLUB HS -1,000.23 139.29 269.22 -870.30 092 L 6850 00 0000 000 00 000 SCIENCE FAIR HS -3,154.55 -3,154.55 092 L 6900 00 0000 000 00 000 CHEERLEADERS HS -749.99 3,854.39 3,104.61 -1,499.77 092 L 7000 00 0000 000 00 000 STUCO HS -3,189.56 5,779.69 4,977.40 -3,991.85 092 L 7100 00 0000 000 00 000 THEATRE HS -6,448.59 6,904.67 6,104.96 -7,248.30 092 L 7150 00 0000 000 00 000 THEATRE GIFTS HS -1.00 1,013.00 1,014.00 092 L 7200 00 0000 000 00 000 VOCAL HS -12,225.83 11,387.77 2,035.85 -21,577.75 092 L 7300 00 0000 000 00 000 W-CLUB HS 092 L 7400 00 0000 000 00 000 WEIGHTS HS -888.00 -888.00 092 L 7600 00 0000 000 00 000 NEWSPAPER HS -1,454.93 -1,454.93 092 L 7700 00 0000 000 00 000 LIFE SKILLS HS -2,175.93 453.89 702.64 -1,927.18 092 L 7800 00 0000 000 00 000 SALES TAX HS 9,221.28 9,221.28 -976.98 092 L 7900 00 0000 000 00 000 FINE ARTS HS -502.02 500.00 -2.02 092 L 8000 00 0000 000 00 000 BROADCASTING HS -693.80 31.00 -662.80 092 L 8010 00 0000 000 00 000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 237,427.42 237,427.42 092 L 8100 00 0000 000 00 000 ATHLETIC TRAVEL HS -1,251.79 -1,251.79 092 L 8200 00 0000 000 00 000 FOOTBALL GIFT HS -6,333.20 5,105.60 6,390.82 -5,047.98 092 L 8300 00 0000 000 00 000 VOLLEYBALL GIFT ACCT -800.71 3,465.04 791.47 -3,474.28 092 L 8400 00 0000 000 00 000 CC/TRACK GIFT HS -2,170.68 5,749.69 4,507.30 -3,413.07 092 L 8450 00 0000 000 00 000 GOLF GIFT ACCT HS -540.88 2,807.00 197.90 -3,149.98 092 L 8500 00 0000 000 00 000 GIRLS TENNIS GIFT HS -403.59 -403.59 092 L 8600 00 0000 000 00 000 BOYS TENNIS GIFT HS -66.40 -66.40 092 L 8700 00 0000 000 00 000 BOYS BASKETBALL GIFT HS -127.10 112.50 -14.60 092 L 8800 00 0000 000 00 000 GIRLS BASKETBALL GIFT HS -134.09 -134.09 092 L 8900 00 0000 000 00 000 WRESTLING GIFT HS -1,468.32 8,765.37 6,185.03 -4,048.66 092 L 9100 00 0000 000 00 000 BASEBALL GIFT HS -1,194.67 144.00 -1,050.67 092 L 9200 00 0000 000 00 000 SOFTBALL GIFT HS -3,272.33 4,950.00 2,620.29 -5,602.04 --- L ------108,609.91 557,472.80 496,234.12 -171,310.48 ______Grand Asset Totals 108,609.91 243,103.45 304,342.13 171,310.48 Grand Liability Totals -108,609.91 557,472.80 496,234.12 -171,310.48 Grand Totals 800,576.25 800,576.25

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Account Level Beginning 2014-15 2014-15 Ending FND T FUNC PR BLDG CC RP OBJ Description Balance FY Credits FY Debits Balance Number of Accounts: 74

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3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 9:13 AM 01/08/15 JOURNAL ENTRIES - BOE REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 1

Acct Nbr Account Description Reference Description Debit Credit Post Date Batch

008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 1415-071 INV #42 - NOV GRATIS MEALS 680.00 0.00 12/01/2014 JE1201KM 008 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 1415-071 INV #42 - NOV GRATIS MEALS 0.00 680.00 12/01/2014 JE1201KM 024 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 FOOD SERVICE/NO BUIL 1415-071 INV #42 - NOV GRATIS MEALS 680.00 0.00 12/01/2014 JE1201KM 024 R 1611 17 0000 510 00 000 FOOD SERVICE/GENERAL 1415-071 INV #42 - NOV GRATIS MEALS 0.00 680.00 12/01/2014 JE1201KM 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 FOOD SERVICE/GENERAL 1415-072 FS NOVEMBER NON-REIMB SALES 8000.25 0.00 12/05/2014 JE1205KM 024 R 1611 17 0000 510 00 000 FOOD SERVICE/GENERAL 1415-072 FS NOVEMBER NON-REIMB SALES 0.00 8000.25 12/05/2014 JE1205KM 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 FOOD SERVICE/GENERAL 1415-073 FS NOVEMBER BREAKFASTS 1896.90 0.00 12/05/2014 JE1205KM 024 R 1611 17 0000 530 00 000 FOOD SERVICE/GENERAL 1415-073 FS NOVEMBER BREAKFASTS 0.00 1896.90 12/05/2014 JE1205KM 006 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND/NO BUIL 1415-074 REIMB SPED FOR PR EXP 4.31 0.00 12/05/2014 JE1205KM 006 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND/NO BUIL 1415-074 REIMB SPED FOR PR EXP 0.00 4.31 12/05/2014 JE1205KM 078 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN 1415-075 VOID 2012 PR CHECK TO HEATHER BERGSTROM 636.95 0.00 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 078 E 1000 42 0000 700 00 121 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-075 VOID 2012 PR CHECK TO HEATHER BERGSTROM 0.00 636.95 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 016 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY/NO BU 1415-076 VOID CHECK 578160 DATED 4/14/14 TO CHONI 9.15 0.00 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 016 R 1990 19 0000 150 00 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY/CAPIT 1415-076 VOID CHECK 578160 DATED 4/14/14 TO CHONI 0.00 9.15 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 078 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN 1415-076 VOID CHECK 574378 DATED 11/29/11 TO AMY 12.00 0.00 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 078 R 1980 42 0000 220 00 000 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-076 VOID CHECK 574378 DATED 11/29/11 TO AMY 0.00 12.00 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 078 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN 1415-076 VOID CK 575176 TO ALICE WILLIAMS DATED 8 10.64 0.00 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 078 R 1980 42 0000 220 00 000 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-076 VOID CK 575176 TO ALICE WILLIAMS DATED 8 0.00 10.64 12/10/2014 JE1210KM 006 E 1000 11 0000 000 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 67.64 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 E 2120 11 0000 900 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 5.70 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 E 2220 12 0000 450 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 3.76 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 E 2410 13 0000 850 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 7.12 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 E 2640 15 0000 450 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 4.68 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 E 2510 17 0000 210 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 3.56 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 E 1000 11 0002 000 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 21.36 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 E 2640 15 0002 450 00 213 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 3.12 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND/NO BUIL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 11.56 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 006 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND/NO BUIL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 105.38 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 007 E 1000 29 0000 100 00 213 FEDERAL FUNDS (TITLE 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 1.78 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 007 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 FEDERAL FUNDS (TITLE 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 1.78 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 012 E 1000 30 0000 350 00 213 ADULT SUPPLEMENTAL E 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.78 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 012 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 ADULT SUPPLEMENTAL E 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 0.78 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 013 E 1000 75 0002 100 00 213 AT-RISK K-12/AT RISK 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 2.78 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 013 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 AT-RISK K-12/NO BUIL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 2.78 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 013 E 1000 75 0000 100 00 213 AT-RISK K-12/AT RISK 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 3.20 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 013 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 AT-RISK K-12/NO BUIL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 3.20 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 9:13 AM 01/08/15 JOURNAL ENTRIES - BOE REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 2

Acct Nbr Account Description Reference Description Debit Credit Post Date Batch

024 E 2600 17 0000 700 00 213 FOOD SERVICE/GENERAL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 3.56 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 024 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 FOOD SERVICE/NO BUIL 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 3.56 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 028 E 2100 28 0000 650 00 213 PARENT EDUCATION PRO 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 3.56 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 028 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 PARENT EDUCATION PRO 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 3.56 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 034 E 1000 26 0000 000 00 213 VO EDUCATION FUND/VO 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 7.12 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 034 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 VO EDUCATION FUND/NO 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 7.12 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 1000 42 0000 500 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 21.00 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2160 44 0000 160 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 40.25 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2140 44 0000 300 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 8.90 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2150 44 0000 700 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 10.15 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2190 45 0000 100 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 6.76 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2190 45 0000 150 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 3.38 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2320 45 0000 500 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 3.56 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 1000 42 0002 500 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.36 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 1000 42 0002 510 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 10.68 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2160 44 0002 160 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 1.96 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2140 44 0002 300 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 1.78 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2150 44 0002 700 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.54 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2190 45 0002 100 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.36 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 E 2190 45 0002 150 00 213 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.18 0.00 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 078 L 8547 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN 1415-077 CORRECT BOARD PD HEALTH LIAB/EXP BALANCE 0.00 109.86 12/12/2014 JE1212KM 008 E 5213 55 0000 020 00 900 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 1415-081 AT RISK TRANS FROM SUPPL 50000.00 0.00 12/17/2014 CR1217XF 008 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 1415-081 AT RISK TRANS FROM SUPPL 0.00 50000.00 12/17/2014 CR1217XF 013 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 AT-RISK K-12/NO BUIL 1415-081 AT RISK TRANS FROM SUPPL 50000.00 0.00 12/17/2014 CR1217XF 013 R 5208 74 0000 050 00 000 AT-RISK K-12/AT RISK 1415-081 AT RISK TRANS FROM SUPPL 0.00 50000.00 12/17/2014 CR1217XF 078 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN 1415-078 $ 22,017.00 SPED EARLY CHILDHOOD PYMT $ 143636.00 0.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 078 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN 1415-078 $ 22,017.00 SPED EARLY CHILDHOOD PYMT $ 0.00 143636.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 006 E 5230 16 0000 900 00 930 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 1415-080 SPED STATE AID TO FUND 30 362606.00 0.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 006 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND/NO BUIL 1415-080 SPED STATE AID TO FUND 30 0.00 362606.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 030 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 MANDATED SPECIAL EDU 1415-080 SPED STATE AID TO FUND 30 362606.00 0.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 030 R 5206 23 0000 050 00 000 MANDATED SPECIAL EDU 1415-080 SPED STATE AID TO FUND 30 0.00 362606.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 030 E 5200 23 0000 850 00 970 MANDATED SPECIAL EDU 1415-079 TRANSFER SPED AID FROM F30 TO COOP 200000.00 0.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 030 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 MANDATED SPECIAL EDU 1415-079 TRANSFER SPED AID FROM F30 TO COOP 0.00 200000.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 078 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN 1415-079 TRANSFER SPED AID FROM F30 TO COOP 200000.00 0.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 078 R 5230 42 0000 250 00 000 SPED COOP/SP ED COOP 1415-079 TRANSFER SPED AID FROM F30 TO COOP 0.00 200000.00 12/17/2014 JE1217XF 078 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN JE1415-082 SPED PAYROLL TAXES AND DEDUCTIONS PAID O 107213.64 0.00 12/19/2014 JE1219KM 3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 9:13 AM 01/08/15 JOURNAL ENTRIES - BOE REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 3

Acct Nbr Account Description Reference Description Debit Credit Post Date Batch

078 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 SPED COOP/NO BUILDIN JE1415-082 SPED PAYROLL TAXES AND DEDUCTIONS PAID O 0.00 107213.64 12/19/2014 JE1219KM 006 A 7011 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND/NO BUIL JE1415-082 SUB CUSTODIAL REBURSEMENT TO SPED FOR HA 341.65 0.00 12/19/2014 JE1219KM 006 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 GENERAL FUND/NO BUIL JE1415-082 SUB CUSTODIAL REBURSEMENT TO SPED FOR HA 0.00 341.65 12/19/2014 JE1219KM 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL STMT123114 REVERSE VOID ON CK 579113 - CHECK GOT CA 18.03 0.00 12/31/2014 JE1231AJ 008 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL STMT123114 REVERSE VOID ON CK 579113 - CHECK GOT CA 0.00 18.03 12/31/2014 JE1231AJ 008 E 1000 53 0000 501 00 590 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL STMT1231 REVERSE VOID OF CHECK 579287 - KEMNITZ C 19.60 0.00 12/31/2014 JE1231AJ 008 A 7010 00 0000 000 00 000 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL STMT1231 REVERSE VOID OF CHECK 579287 - KEMNITZ C 0.00 19.60 12/31/2014 JE1231AJ

0.00 Total for Journal Entries 3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 9:13 AM 01/08/15 JOURNAL ENTRIES - BOE REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 4


FUND DESCRIPTION BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 006 GENERAL FUND -362,699.82 0.00 362,699.82 0.00 007 FEDERAL FUNDS (TITLE PROGRAMS) -1.78 0.00 1.78 0.00 008 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL -50,717.63 0.00 50,717.63 0.00 012 ADULT SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION -0.78 0.00 0.78 0.00 013 AT-RISK K-12 49,994.02 -50,000.00 5.98 0.00 016 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9.15 -9.15 0.00 0.00 024 FOOD SERVICE 676.44 -680.00 3.56 0.00 028 PARENT EDUCATION PROG -3.56 0.00 3.56 0.00 030 MANDATED SPECIAL EDUCATION 162,606.00 -362,606.00 200,000.00 0.00 034 VO EDUCATION FUND -7.12 0.00 7.12 0.00 078 SPED COOP 200,549.73 -200,022.64 -527.09 0.00 *** Fund Summary Totals *** 404.65 -613,317.79 612,913.14 0.00

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3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 8:58 AM 01/08/15 CASH RECEIPTS REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 1


A/P 1 GENERAL STATE AID 006 R 3110 10 0000 350 00 000 11204 12/01/2014 860634.00 SP AP 1 REFUND FOR NOVEMBER TRI-STATE LAW CONFER 078 R 1980 42 0000 220 00 000 10060 12/04/2014 200.00 SP AP 2 'LEGIS' CONF. EXP. REIMB. FOR EMBASSY SU 078 R 1980 42 0000 220 00 000 10061 12/04/2014 372.22 SP AP 3 MATHIS REHAB CENTER CHECK FOR ABBY HEITS 078 R 1980 42 0000 220 00 000 10062 12/04/2014 1288.08 A/P 1 WAMEGO TECH CENTER CLASS REGISTRATION FE 012 R 1310 30 0000 000 00 000 10744 12/04/2014 60.00 A/P 2 CROSSPOINT CHURCH OCTOBER FACILITY RENT 016 R 1990 19 0000 150 00 000 10745 12/04/2014 320.00 A/P 3 PERKINS REIMBURSEMENT FOR CTE EXP "PIRAH 034 R 4530 25 0000 540 00 000 10746 12/04/2014 150.66 A/P 4 FOOD SERVICE INV. #34 024 R 1990 17 0000 550 00 000 10747 12/04/2014 154.31 A/P 5 FOOD SERVICE INV. #35, #36. #38, #41 024 R 1990 17 0000 550 00 000 10748 12/04/2014 1187.07 A/P 6 CREDIT CARD MEAL PAYMENTS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 10749 12/04/2014 70.00 A/P 9 MS STUDENT FEES - TECH 055 R 1942 27 0000 000 00 000 10750 12/04/2014 30.00 A/P 11 HS STUDENT FEES - TECH 055 R 1942 27 0000 000 00 000 11201 12/04/2014 8.00 A/P 12 HS STUDENT FEES - LIBRARY 008 R 1980 53 0000 170 00 000 11201 12/04/2014 15.00 A/P 14 HS STUDENT FEES - MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11201 12/04/2014 250.00 A/P 15 WE STUDENT FEES - BOOK RENT 055 R 1942 27 0000 000 00 000 11202 12/04/2014 37.50 A/P 16 WE STUDENT FEES - TECH 055 R 1942 27 0000 000 00 000 11202 12/04/2014 5.00 A/P 17 WE STUDENT FEES - AGENDA 008 R 1980 53 0000 170 00 000 11202 12/04/2014 5.51 A/P 18 WE STUDENT FEES - MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11202 12/04/2014 275.40 A/P 19 CE STUDENT FEES - MILK 024 R 1611 17 0000 510 00 000 11203 12/04/2014 42.25 A/P 20 CE STUDENT FEES - MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11203 12/04/2014 35.00 A/P 21 CE STUDENT FEES - KIWI BAGS 008 R 1980 53 0000 170 00 000 11203 12/04/2014 15.00 A/P 22 CE STUDENT FEES - PENCILS 008 R 1980 53 0000 170 00 000 11203 12/04/2014 4.00 A/P 23 CE STUDENT FEES - BOOK RENT 055 R 1942 27 0000 000 00 000 11203 12/04/2014 110.00 A/P 24 CE STUDENT FEES - TECH FEE 055 R 1942 27 0000 000 00 000 11203 12/04/2014 25.00 A/P 25 CE STUDENT FEES - LIBRARY FEES 008 R 1980 53 0000 170 00 000 11203 12/04/2014 84.25 A/P 1 CE MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11205 12/05/2014 1305.65 A/P 1 MS MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11206 12/05/2014 2373.00 A/P 1 HS MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11207 12/05/2014 3567.90 A/P 1 WE MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11208 12/05/2014 1750.20 A/P 1 TITLE I FEDERAL AID 007 R 4591 29 0000 050 00 000 11221 12/11/2014 15000.00 A/P 2 SPED EARLY CHILDHOOD PASS THRU 078 R 4590 42 0000 470 00 000 11221 12/11/2014 22017.00 A/P 3 SPED 3-5 PRIVATE SCHOOL PASS THRU 078 R 4560 42 0000 365 00 000 11221 12/11/2014 262.00 A/P 4 SPED VI-B PASS THRU 078 R 4560 42 0000 360 00 000 11221 12/11/2014 100000.00 A/P 5 SPED 3-21 PRIVATE SCHOOLS PASS THRU 078 R 4560 42 0000 365 00 000 11221 12/11/2014 6357.00 A/P 6 SPED VI-B DISCRETIONARY 078 R 4599 50 0000 700 00 000 11221 12/11/2014 15000.00 A/P 7 TITLE II-A FEDERAL AID 007 R 4593 29 0000 800 00 000 11221 12/11/2014 3000.00 3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 8:58 AM 01/08/15 CASH RECEIPTS REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 2


SP AP 1 INFANT/TODDLER MEDICAID 078 R 4900 42 0000 300 00 000 10063 12/12/2014 6.00 SP AP 2 CO-TEACHING DISTRICT STIPEND 078 R 1980 42 0000 220 00 000 10064 12/12/2014 3000.00 SP AP 3 2ND QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT 078 R 1913 42 0000 150 00 000 10065 12/12/2014 46332.75 A/P 2 INV #22 - FRUIT ROLL-UPS 024 R 1990 17 0000 550 00 000 11210 12/12/2014 24.50 A/P 3 INV #43 - COOKIES FOR TRINITY BAPTIST CH 024 R 1990 17 0000 550 00 000 11211 12/12/2014 68.00 A/P 4 INV #33 - CRAISINS FOR POTT CO. EXT. COU 024 R 1990 17 0000 550 00 000 11212 12/12/2014 72.69 A/P 5 INV #40 - CONCESSION HOT DOGS 024 R 1990 17 0000 550 00 000 11213 12/12/2014 14.53 A/P 6 SCRAP IRON 016 R 1990 19 0000 150 00 000 11214 12/12/2014 163.20 A/P 8 WABAUNSEE COUNTY TAX DISTRIBUTION 062 R 2400 39 0000 150 00 000 11216 12/12/2014 2113.33 A/P 9 WABAUNSEE COUNTY TAX DISTRIBUTION 062 R 2450 39 0000 170 00 000 11216 12/12/2014 19.26 A/P 10 WABAUNSEE COUNTY TAX DISTRIBUTION 008 R 2400 53 0000 100 00 000 11216 12/12/2014 2816.41 A/P 11 WABAUNSEE COUNTY TAX DISTRIBUTION 008 R 2450 53 0000 150 00 000 11216 12/12/2014 25.67 A/P 1 CE MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11217 12/12/2014 699.15 A/P 1 HS MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11218 12/12/2014 2989.15 A/P 1 MS MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11219 12/12/2014 1969.85 A/P 1 WE MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11220 12/12/2014 1142.80 A/P 1 SPED STATE AID 006 R 3205 10 0000 450 00 000 11222 12/15/2014 342191.00 A/P 1 SPED STATE AID PAYMENT #2 (STATE HWY FUN 006 R 3205 10 0000 450 00 000 11223 12/15/2014 20415.00 SP AP 1 TRANSCOAL SELF STUDY FROM UNIV OF KS CTR 078 R 1980 42 0000 220 00 000 10066 12/16/2014 500.00 SP AP 2 INFANT/TODDLER MEDICAID 078 R 4900 42 0000 300 00 000 10067 12/16/2014 732.26 SP AP 3 INFANT/TODDLER MEDICAID 078 R 4900 42 0000 300 00 000 10068 12/16/2014 2821.95 SP AP 4 2ND QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT 078 R 1912 42 0000 100 00 000 10069 12/16/2014 83974.50 SP AP 5 2ND QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT 078 R 1911 42 0000 050 00 000 10070 12/16/2014 143803.00 A/P 1 INVOICES #19, #29, #37, #39 024 R 1990 17 0000 550 00 000 11224 12/16/2014 299.86 A/P 2 TECH CENTER CLASS REGISTRATIONS 012 R 1310 30 0000 000 00 000 11225 12/16/2014 30.00 A/P 1 MS MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11228 12/19/2014 1648.55 A/P 1 WE MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11229 12/19/2014 1173.25 A/P 1 HS MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11230 12/19/2014 2899.70 A/P 1 CE MEALS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11231 12/19/2014 567.35 A/P 1 BANK ACCOUNT INTEREST - DEC 2014 016 R 1510 19 0000 100 00 000 11232 12/31/2014 4.31 BOND 2 BANK ACCOUNT INTEREST - DEC 2014 064 R 5130 49 0000 600 00 000 11232 12/31/2014 0.01 HLTH 3 BANK ACCOUNT INTEREST - DEC 2014 047 R 1510 80 0000 100 00 000 11232 12/31/2014 0.05 SP AP 5 BANK ACCOUNT INTEREST - DEC 2014 078 R 1500 42 0000 000 00 000 11232 12/31/2014 0.25 A/P 1 DEC 14 MEAL DEPOSITS FROM HEARTLAND SOLU 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11233 12/31/2014 7812.73 A/P 1 HEARTLAND SOLUTIONS DEC 14 MEAL DEPOSITS 024 R 1611 17 0000 500 00 000 11233 12/31/2014 67.47 KVSP 1 BANK ACCOUNT INTEREST DEC 2014 078 R 1500 42 0000 000 00 000 11232 12/31/2014 0.13 3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 8:58 AM 01/08/15 CASH RECEIPTS REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 3


1,706,409.66 Total for Cash Receipts 3frdtl02.p Wamego USD320, KS 8:58 AM 01/08/15 CASH RECEIPTS REPORT (Dates: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014) PAGE: 4


FUND DESCRIPTION BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 006 GENERAL FUND 0.00 1,223,240.00 0.00 1,223,240.00 007 FEDERAL FUNDS (TITLE PROGRAMS) 0.00 18,000.00 0.00 18,000.00 008 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 0.00 2,965.84 0.00 2,965.84 012 ADULT SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION 0.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 016 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 487.51 0.00 487.51 024 FOOD SERVICE 0.00 32,460.36 0.00 32,460.36 034 VO EDUCATION FUND 0.00 150.66 0.00 150.66 047 HEALTH CARE RESERVE 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 055 TEXT BOOK & STUDENT MATERIALS 0.00 215.50 0.00 215.50 062 BOND & INTEREST #1 0.00 2,132.59 0.00 2,132.59 064 CE CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 078 SPED COOP 0.00 426,667.14 0.00 426,667.14 *** Fund Summary Totals *** 0.00 1,706,409.66 0.00 1,706,409.66

************************ End of report ************************

USD 320  Increased Student and Faculty Safety

 Incident Review and Resolution

 Vandalism Deterrent

 Visitor Monitoring

 Building Awareness

 Walkthroughs were completed on each complex with School Administrators and staff.

 Areas of interest were located.

 Administrative meetings were held to determine priorities for each school (Inside/Outside), including the Sports Complex and Maintenance Building.

Central Elementary

Priority Level 1 – Red 23 Cameras Total Priority Level 2 – Blue 19 Cameras Total West Elementary Priority Level 1 – Red 22 Cameras Total Priority Level 2 – Blue 17 Cameras Total

Wamego Middle School Priority Level 1 – Red 36 Cameras Total Priority Level 2 – Blue 6 Cameras Total

Wamego High School Indoor Priority Level 1 – Red 18 Cameras Total Priority Level 2 – Blue 7 Cameras Total

Wamego High School Outdoor Priority Level 1 – Red 12 Cameras Total Priority Level 2 – Blue 0 Cameras Total

Wamego Sports Complex and Maintenance Building

Priority Level 1 – Red 6 Cameras Total Priority Level 2 – Blue 0 Cameras Total

 Central Elementary ◦ Priority Level 1 – Camera’s 23 ◦ Priority Level 2 - Camera’s 19  West Elementary ◦ Priority Level 1 – Camera’s 22 ◦ Priority Level 2 – Camera’s 17  Wamego Middle School ◦ Priority Level 1 – Camera’s 34 ◦ Priority Level 2 – Camera’s 6

 Wamego High School ◦ Priority Level 1 – Camera’s 30 ◦ Priority Level 2 - Camera’s 7  Wamego Sports Complex and Maintenance Building ◦ Priority Level 1 – Camera’s 6 ◦ Priority Level 2 – Camera’s 0

 Total USD 320 by Priority ◦ Priority Level 1 – Camera’s 115 ◦ Priority Level 2 – Camera’s 49

 36 Month Agreement

 Managed Monthly Cost - $4,672 ◦ 115 Camera’s and All Supporting Equipment ◦ Turnkey Solution with no upfront equipment cost ◦ Service and Maintenance included

 Annual Cost - $56,064  Option 1 ◦ $41,000 Upfront for All Wiring and Cabling

 Option 2 ◦ $1,480 a month financed for All Wiring and Cabling  36 Month Agreement

◦ Note: All Cabling and wiring will be done at one time for Priority Level 1 and Priority Level 2 as this is the most cost effective.

 36 Month Agreement

 Managed Monthly Cost - $1,055 ◦ Remaining 49 Cameras ◦ Already wired and just added to network

 Annual Cost - $12,660  Priority Level 1  Priority Level 2 ◦ 115 Cameras ◦ Additional 49 Cameras ◦ All Supporting Equipment

 Managed Monthly Cost  Managed Monthly Cost ◦ $4,672 ◦ $1,055

 Cabling and Wiring  Cabling and Wiring ◦ $ 1,480 Monthly Agreement ◦ $ 1,480 Monthly Agreement ◦ or ◦ or ◦ $ 41,000 upfront ◦ $ 41,000 upfront Priority Level 1 Priority Level 1 & 2 $6,152 Monthly - $73,824 Annually $7,207 Monthly (All Levels)-$86,484 Annually

$4,672 Monthly - $56,064 Annually $5,727 Monthly - $68,724 Annually (Cabling paid upfront) (Cabling paid upfront)  Access ◦ Who will have it? ◦ Who will control the access?

 Warranty ◦ What is the warranty on the camera’s? ◦ What is covered and what isn’t?

 What happens after the 36 Month Agreement? ◦ Ongoing Maintenance Agreement ◦ Time and Material

Wamego High Facilities Report Building Details

• Original Structure Opened in 1938 • Complete Remodel and Additions 2005 • Grounds‐ 11.5 Acres • 43 Classrooms for instruction, includes gyms • Industrial Arts Shop and Classroom • Metals and Ag Shop and Classroom

Faculty and Staff

• 47 Staff Members who directly instruct or lead student programs, Includes 2 Counselors, Tech. Center Director, Librarian • 10 are part‐time staff or shared with other buildings within the district or cooperative • 2 Administrators • 2.5 Administrative Assistants Enrollment Information

• Largest Class‐ Band 78 Students • Smallest Class‐ Music Appreciation, 6 students • Typical Teacher Instructs Approx. 100 Students • Core Classes, Math, English, Social Science, Science‐ Average Class Size is 19.6 currently at WHS Enrollment Information Core Classes • Science‐ Range 9‐26, Average 16 • Mathematics‐ Range 5‐28, Average 19 • Language Arts‐ Range 8‐27, Average 18 • Social Science‐ Range 10‐27, Average 20 Enrollment History USD 320 Enrollment Projection Wamego High

WHS Projected Enrollment 600



300 WHS Projected Enrollment 200


0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 WHS Projected Enrollment

WHS Projected Enrollment 600



300 WHS Projected Enrollment 200


0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Initial Solutions to Growth

• Relocate Technology Center • Relocate Technology Staff Work Area • Relocate Coop Transition Coordinator and ESL Coordinator • Part Time Staff‐ Share Classrooms Immediate/Future needs – Wamego High School

• Uni Vents—80's Section 14 classroom and 4 in locker rooms • 2 Pipe heating/cooling—Piping was not replaced in 07 remodel – Piping is found to be deteriorating and starting to leak. • JCI addition—Add control to 80's section HVAC • Lower Gym—Bleacher replacement • Guttering—Design and install • Gym's—Upper and lower light upgrade • Auditorium—Wiring and Lighting • Student parking lot—Resurfacing asphalt and painting of parking stall

Security Cameras Needed

• 5 Unlocked Entrances During School Day • 46 Total Exterior Doors at WHS • 27 Actual Entrance Areas • 6 Stairwells in Building • 3 Elevators, 2 with front and rear entrance • 7 Student/Public Restroom Areas • 5 Parking Areas on Site Wamego High 2020 and Beyond • Additional Classrooms • Cafeteria Area will need to be expanded • Gymnasium‐ Current Gymnasium Space will/does not meet our needs • Locker Rooms are already at or exceeding capacity. WMS Facilities Report Building Description  Built in 1991‐92  92,500 square feet on a 38 acre site  Asbestos free  Does not have a fire sprinkler system  32 classroom spaces, including woods/tech lab (3 rooms), gym, library and two computer labs  Commons capacity is 365.  Gym capacity is 1,082. Say Road Kaw



Faculty and Staff  Principal  Counselor  Athletic Director (17 hours per week)  2 Administrative Assistants  26 full‐time faculty  WMS‐WHS Librarian  Full time aide at WMS  2 Band directors serving grades 6‐12  Vocal director serving grades 6‐12  Accompanist  .5 Reading interventionist shared with WHS  .5 Spanish teacher shared with WHS  10 Special Education para‐educators  Kitchen manager and lunch clerk (+3 servers)  3 custodians Class Size Information  Core Class Information  English Language Arts 13‐26 range 21.5 avg.  Math 7‐22 range 17.4 avg.  Science 14‐25 range 21.6 avg.  Social Studies 13‐25 range 21.5 avg.

 Largest Class ‐ 7/8 Choir 69 students  PE classes range from 21‐46 students  Electives offered – Art, Band 6‐8, Business Skills, Choir 6‐8, Computer Applications, Computer Graphics, Guitar, Multimedia, Technology Lab, and Wood Shop  Interventions provided – Special Education, At‐Risk, Corrective Reading, and Math Lab Enrollment Projections Based on current class sizes/enrollment study

450 400 350 300 250 KASB 200 Grade 8 Grade 7 150 Grade 6 100 50 0 13‐14 14‐15 15‐16 16‐17 17‐18 18‐19 19‐20 320 330 318 350 377 422 425 Growth Realities  4‐6 more classrooms are needed.  Classrooms need to accommodate project based learning, technology, and appropriate storage.  Classrooms where we serve students’ special learning needs require space to arrange students in separate, quiet areas for individual work.  Science labs would benefit from updating.  Sixth grade science needs a lab.  Band and choir rooms need to be enlarged.  More lockers will need to be added.  Lab classes, like Technology Lab, Computer Graphics, and Wood Shop, are as full as safety and equipment will allow.  We have many more support personnel who need an office or room to meet with students.  Private conference areas are restricted to 8‐10 people at most.  Currently, we are at capacity in our commons during an assembly. Identified Repairs  Security cameras  Change all exit doors to Best Key System (in process)  HVAC upgrade (new chiller August 2013)  JCI system upgrade  Wiring and lighting upgrade  Simplex system upgrade (clocks/classroom PA/bells)  Replacement of gym bleachers  Parking and curbing redesigned for ADA compliance  Replace metal roof on wings  Replace rotting windows Classroom storage is limited to 1‐2 wardrobes, 1‐2 bookcases, and a cabinet.

To the left is a typical WMS classroom. Core classes are 7‐26 depending on grade, subject area, and hour. To the left is the sixth grade science room, with tables and one sink. The teacher has exhausted the storage in the room and uses closets in another area.

The seventh and eighth grade science labs are identical with a storage room between them. Currently, science rooms are being designed to host lab in one part of the room and lecture in another. The current business lab –crowded work areas and needed technology upgrades for presentation and lecture. Two labs are located off the library. One has every day classes for several hours. The second lab is shared by all wanting to bring in classes. Art, shop, band and vocal rooms are stretched to capacity.

The shop was built for 10‐12 students. This past semester classes were 10‐14, and well over 50 projects were completed. West Elementary School Presentation to USD 320 Board of Education January 12, 2015 • Original building built in 1980 • Fifth Grade addition put on in 1988 • “Remodel” and addition completed in 2005. Doubled size of school, with new addition housing “specialized” classes (art, music, technology, library, gym), as well as new office suite and additional storage. • 1980 Building 26,485 square feet • 1988 Addition 6,000 square feet • 2005 Addition 26,363 square feet • Total: 58,848 square feet on 8.68 acres

Building Description Aerial view of West Elementary West Interior Map • Principal • Counselor • District Nurse (1/4 time) • 1 Administrative Assistant • 1 Secretary/Lunch Clerk • 1 Secretary/Nurse’s Aide • 3 Building Aides • 22 full-time faculty • Central/West Librarian (1/2 per building) • Central/West Technology Teacher (1/2 per building) • Central/West Art Teacher (1/2 per building) • 2 Band directors serving Grade 5 with 1 class per day • Part-time Music Teacher • 2 Reading Interventionists • 2 Reading Assistants • 8 Special Education para-educators • Kitchen Manager + 2 servers • 2.5 custodians (share ½ with Central) Current total in the building at lunch time on any day = 414 Description of Staff 450 400 350 300 250 200 Grade 5 150 Grade 4 100 Grade 3 50 0 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 356 363 383 382

Enrollment Projections • Grade 3: 6 sections (124 students) • Grade 4: 6 sections (142 students) • Grade 5: 5 sections (102 students) • Special Education: 3 classrooms serving 33 students; some with very high needs; specialized instruction is needed, so we cannot combine any of these classrooms. • Parents as Teachers (currently using 1 full sized classroom) • Infant/Toddler (using old office suites that could be renovated as 1 full sized classroom) • Lunchroom—Maximum capacity is 147 Current Classrooms (Original Building) Classroom Example Classroom Example • Title I: 2 office suites, accommodates groups of 6-8 students at one time; serving 60 students this year • Reading Assistants: 2 office suites, accommodates groups of 6-8 students at one time • Speech Pathologist: 1 office suite • Counselor: 1 office suite • Social Worker: Uses Art Room as office space 1x per week, or as needed • School Psychologist: Uses Art Room as office space in afternoons 1x per week or as needed Current Office Spaces (Original Building) • Art—All students attend Art 1x per week • Technology/Computer Lab—All students attend Technology class 1x per week • Music—3rd/4th graders have music 2-3x per week; reduced amount of time due to class size • Library (includes Library classroom)—Used by Enhanced Learning Facilitator (Gifted), as well as Librarian; All students have library class 1x per week • Gym—3rd/4th graders have P.E. 2-3x per week; 5th grade has P.E. 3x per week; reduced amount of time due to class size • Stage—Used as classroom for fifth grade band—currently have 74 member band; Have had up to 90 students in band at one time; Band meets 5x per week for 30-minute classes Current Classrooms (2005 Addition) Fifth Grade Band “Classroom”-Bands typically range in size from 80-90 students • Special Education (Number of high needs students has increased over the last 10 years) • Title I Reading • MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)—Provide reading interventions to identified students • Walk to Read—Utilize human resources efficiently to differentiate instruction for all levels of learners in reading • Conceptual Mathematics—Focus on content, process, and conceptual understanding • Inquiry-Based Science—Experiments/hands-on investigations; not “reading a textbook” • Classroom spaces at West are VERY small. Limited storage, limited space for larger classes.

Programs Storage—Limited • More cooperative learning, less “sitting in rows”. Need space for tables or groups of students to work together. • Project-based, hands-on learning—Including Inquiry- based science, conceptual mathematics, technology integration. Need more storage and work space in classrooms. • Use of more “learning tools” (i.e. math manipulatives, technology tools) requires more storage in classrooms. • More support personnel means a need for more office space to meet with students. Instructional Differences in Past 10-15 years • Removal/replacement of asbestos doors on original side of the building • Repair of sewer line in fifth grade bathrooms • Drainage for playground area—fills with water and does not drain properly • Drainage from rooftop onto playground—causes ice build up on playground area and presents a safety issue • Symplex system upgrade (clock/classroom PA/bells)

Repairs/Facility Needs • Separate drop off/pick up area for bus students and students being dropped off/picked up by parents— Current situation is unsafe.

• Promethean Boards in all classrooms—Currently have 4 IWBs in classrooms and 50” TVs in remaining classrooms. Existing technology has largely been provided by fundraising from our PTO.—This was a need as outlined in the February 2014 report to the facilities committee. I’m pleased to share that with fundraising efforts on the part of our school and PTO, we were able to accomplish this goal over the 2014 summer, which cost $50,522. We used $11,700 of our remaining building budget for this work, also. Needs • Room for 6 sections per grade level. Currently do not have enough room for 6 sections of each grade. We would have to displace Parents As Teachers to accommodate a 6th section for all three grade levels.

• One of the biggest concerns is being able to provide specialized classes to students with larger enrollment numbers. There is only so much time in a day to schedule classes. When we have six sections of fifth grade, they must be divided into the other five classes for specials on Wednesdays/Fridays and it does NOT work well. We have reduced the number of minutes students receive “specials” in order to get all classes scheduled.

• Additional lockers—Don’t have enough to accommodate all students. Some students are currently sharing lockers. Needs Bus/Car Loading/Unloading Zones and Problems • Bus students are dropped off and picked up in “red zone” in front of school. • Parents “drop off/pick up” on 6th Street. • Buses must maneuver around parked cars long 6th Street. • Parents/guardians don’t always follow the “rules” for pick-up, which causes an unsafe situation for students. • During inclement weather, buses and parents enter the parking lot. Becomes very congested and unsafe.

Traffic Problems • Additional lighting on stage area • Whiteboards in every classroom (we currently have chalkboards and only a few whiteboards in some classrooms). Chalk dust is an allergen and also creates a lot of dust in the classrooms. • Change key system to key fob system (like at Central) • Natural lighting in all classrooms. Eleven classrooms have no windows.

Wants Central Elementary Facilities Report Building Details

• Central Elementary was originally built in 1963. • In 2010, it received a total renovation and an extensive addition including 3 pre‐school rooms, 6 Kindergarten classrooms, FEMA shelter/Lunchroom, office space and work areas. • Total Capacity is 420. Current student population is 426.

Current Classrooms

• 18 Regular Classrooms for instruction – Kindergarten: 6 sections: 115 students – First Grade: 6 sections: 130 students – Second Grade: 6 sections: 136 students • 3 Preschool Classrooms: 45 students • 3 Special Education Classrooms: serves 46, K‐2nd students • 3 Title 1 Classrooms: serves 121, K‐2nd students • Music Room –Each student 2‐3 x per week • PE/Gym –Each student 2‐3 x per week • Art Room –Each student 1 x per week • Library –Each student 1 x per week for class. Checkout all week. Other Areas

• Reading Assistants: 2 teachers, sharing one classroom as well as storage for all guided reading books. • Speech Pathologists: 2 office suites • Counselor: 1 office suite • Occupational Therapist: 1 office suite • Social Worker: Finds any available space • School Psychologist: Finds any available space • Physical Therapist: Shares space with SPED sensory room • ESL Instructor: Finds any available space • Itinerant Preschool: Shares a room with Storage/Reading Assistant/Boys and Girls Club • Lunchroom: Capacity is 144 students Current Reality • Special Education (Number of high needs students has increased over the last 10 years) ‐ Building was built with only 2 rooms. One is currently using a Preschool classroom. Our PK numbers are growing however, and this may not be a solution. • Original Classrooms are small. Building was designed to have storage rooms for each grade level because of the lack of storage, but these had to be removed in order to make space for classrooms. • More cooperative learning, less “sitting in rows”. Need space for tables or groups of students to work together. • Project‐based, hands‐on learning, individualized instruction—Including Inquiry‐ based science, conceptual mathematics, technology integration, MTSS. Need more storage and work space in classrooms. • Multiple service providers (ESL, Social Worker, School Psych., EL, Physical therapists) do not have any space to work with students. They must work in the hallways, library, or the conference room. • We need space to have 7 classrooms at each grade level, plus storage rooms. Our current First and Second Grade classrooms house 22 and 23 students which is too large. Faculty and Staff • Principal • Counselor • District Nurse (1/4 time) • 1 Administrative Assistant • 1 Clerk/Secretary • 1 Secretary/Nurse’s Aide • 3 Building Aides + 2 Recess/Lunch Aides • 26 Certified Faculty • Central/West Librarian (1/2 per building) • Central/West Technology Teacher (1/2 per building) • Central/West Art Teacher (1/2 per building) • 2 Speech Teachers • 3 Title 1 Teachers • 2 Reading Assistants • 15 Special Education para‐educators • Kitchen Manager + 2 servers • 2.5 custodians (share ½ with West) Enrollment Information K‐2 450 400 350 300 250 200 Second 150 First 100 K 50 0

KFirstSecondTotal 2009‐2010 97 99 91 287 2010‐2011 115 94 110 319 2011‐2012 112 122 93 327 2012‐2013 131 126 131 388 2013‐2014 133 123 126 382 2014‐2015 116 130 136 382 Other Things to Think About

• Adding Space is not a total fix. Scheduling is an issue because of space, time in the day, and staff available. Specialized Area time change: – 2011‐2012 – PE –20 minutes daily Music –20 minutes daily Art/Library/Counselor/Technology –40 min. 1x per wk Total time per week: 360 minutes – 2014‐2015 – PE/Music 35 minutes EOD Art/Library/Counselor/Technology –35 min. 1x per wk Total time per week: 315 – In years when we have had 7 in a grade level, the PE/Music time was cut to 30 minutes and one of the classes was split for the other specialized area classes. Other Things Continued

• Playground ‐ space is too small and is not safe for the number of students on it at one time. We have split Kindergarten into two separate recess times to help with this, but this impacts the schedule. • Lunch trucks and trash trucks must drive onto the playground each day. Having the trash dumpsters on the playground is also an issue because of the smell and leakage. Both of these are a safety issue. • Traffic Flow –At arrival and dismissal, there is too much traffic around the building. We have tried to help this by allowing only buses on the Poplar side and cars on the Elm and 7th Street sides. This is still a safety concern. • Parking –There is inadequate parking available around the building for both parents and staff. Most staff park on the streets surrounding the building.


USD320 Facilities Committee 2014 USD320 Board of Education January 2015 Meal Participation Lunch

2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015* Central 36177 35675 39580 44698 44329 20428 West 40722 40280 40037 41869 45297 22338 WMS 42958 42974 44657 45362 43836 20301 WHS 39292 40886 45071 42559 45655 22569

Total 159149 159815 169345 174488 179117

Breakfast Central 10271 9720 11535 13168 12459 6123 West 11073 10837 10629 12915 15066 7053 WMS 6478 7279 8442 10128 9448 4062 WHS 3437 3592 4440 4017 4249 2248

Total 31259 31428 35046 40228 41222

*August-December data Kitchens

• Central Elementary – Service Kitchen only • Breakfast – 1 staff member • Lunch – 3 staff members • West Elementary – Service Kitchen only • Breakfast – 1 staff member • Lunch – 3 staff members • WMS – Production Kitchen • Kitchen Manager & Cashier • 2 additional Lunch servers • WHS – Production Kitchen (serves Central, West, WHS) • 11 Production Staff, 1 Admin Asst. & truck driver • Lunch – 6 servers + 2 cashiers Changes in Program

• Healthy Hungry Free Kids Act mandated many of the procedures that we already had in place, but changes to our program were still required. • We typically have more items on each menu which translates to needing more storage and equipment. • Much more paperwork required, which stretches our limited office and storage space. • Number of staff & staff hours have not changed to a significant degree. Office Storage

Special Services Cooperative Behavior Consultant

In December, the Cooperative Board of Superintendents, approved to add a full-time behavior consultant to the Cooperative team. The ED classroom teacher will continue to be a full-time position, with additional responsibilities within the building location, given their high number of caseloads.

This additional position will be funded at minimal costs, due to gained Categorical Aid with a previous non-funded position.

Prior to 2012, the Cooperative spent approximately $67,500 on behavioral supports. These supports included contracted consultants, Project Plus, ED Teacher, and added paraprofessionals. Over the past several years, the behavioral needs of the Cooperative have been evaluated and it has been determined that the use of our resources for the behavioral needs were not adequately meeting our needs, especially given the current costs of the resources.

Some of the changes were to utilize Sherry White, ED Classroom teacher, to fill the role as a Behavior Consultant and ED classroom teacher. We also cut Project Plus expenses, which were approximately $50,000 a year. However, added Project Stay, a behavioral consortium that consults with our teams regarding our most challenging students monthly, yearly costs of $6,375. We have also managed paras more efficiently with a consultant, due to the supports that are being provided. The focus being on interventions and skills NOT a body as the answer to a challenging behavior. As a Cooperative, we have worked with our buildings to build Positive Behavior Supports and address concerns and issues proactively vs. reactively. We definitely are seeing teams work together more effectively; however in regards to the behavioral needs in our buildings, additional support regarding the more challenging students is needed on a regular basis. They definitely are utilizing the behavior consultant; however this has been very difficult for the ED teacher as she is torn between 2 roles. When she is needed in her classroom, the buildings feel the pain of her not being there to support their staff and when she is not in her classroom the behaviors of the student seem to escalate and she is needed in that setting as well. The Behavior consultant position is definitely a full-time role.

------Proposal for 2015-16: This proposal includes a full-time Behavior Consultant, ED teacher staffed in the classroom, Project Stay supports, and Para/IEP Coordinator.

Current Costs Proposed Costs Add Behavior Consultant + benefits $16,600 ED Teacher + Benefits $18,933 $18,933 Project Stay $6,375 $ 6,375 ______Total Expenses $25,308 $41,908 Costs of Para/IEP Coordinator $33,000 $16,733 ------

TOTAL Cooperative Costs $58,308 $58,641

The additional costs of this position is $333.00

Para Facilitator Position

Mario plans to retire within the next year. At the current time her position is 35 hours and we are not able to claim Cat Aid on her current position. I have been thinking of ways to fund the position, giving more responsibilities to the position, and provide the Cooperative with more support in the area of compliance.

Mario’s Current Position Para Facilitator/IEP Compliance Coordinator *Para facilitator *Para Facilitator *Assist Gifted IEPS *Review IEP’s & monitors process *Review all new staff IEP’s prior to IEP *Assist teachers with compliance issues *IEP compliance training coordinator

We are currently paying Aimee Ralph $3500 to assist with IEP review. We still struggle keeping up but it has helped tremendously.

Current Expenses: Future Expenses of Position Mario’s current salary $29,500 Teacher Salary $40,000 Extra Contact days 20 $ 4,233 Aimee stipend $3500 Categorical Aid $-27,500 ______Total Costs $33,000 Total Costs $ 16,733

My recommendation would be to change the title of the position and add some extra responsibilities. By changing this role, we are making a saving of $16,267.