Name Approx Year Abbott. 1933 Adams. . Tom Adams Aug-07 Lee Adamson Feb-1995 Nicholas Agiadis

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Name Approx Year Abbott. 1933 Adams. . Tom Adams Aug-07 Lee Adamson Feb-1995 Nicholas Agiadis Name Approx Year Abbott. 1933 Adams. Tom Adams Aug-07 Lee Adamson Feb-1995 Nicholas Agiadis . Fred Ainsworth Richard Alderson Aug-1998 Alexander. 1934 Alexander 2 1946 Algar. Terry Algar 1958 Allan. 1932 Allen. Micky Allen 1977 Roy Allen Nov-2001 Allen.T . William Allen 1958 Allinson. Joseph Parker Allinson Apr-1928 Ryan Allison . Anderson. Anderson.1 (WWII) . Alan Anderson Oct-2001 Dave Anderson Jan-2002 Peter Anderson 1969 Simon Anderson . Brian Andrews Oct-1982 Sonny Andrews Jul-07 Micheal Angus Sep-1985 Albert Ankers. 1955 Appleby Nov-1956 Andy Appleby Jan-2004 Matt Appleby Aug-2006 Arden 1965/66 Nelson Argyle 1926 Harry Armstrong 1952 Ken Armstrong 1958 M Armstrong 1985 Ash. (WWII) . Paul Ashton Sep-05 Jim Ashworth 1958 Atkins. 1978 Atkinson. Atkinson.1 Sep-37 Atkinson.2 Aug-55 Jim Atkinson 1973 Paul Atkinson Mar-2004 Wayne Aziz Dec-05 Ronald Bage . Peter Bainbridge Apr-1986 R. Bainbridge 1952 Stewart Bainbridge 1985 Wayne Baker Mar-1986 Steve Balcombe Oct-1985 Lee Baldwin Sep-1997 Ball. Aug-1957 Raymond Ball Jan-1993 Ballantyne. James Ballentyne 1936 Ray Bangay 1978 Andrew Banks Jun-1999 Mark Barber Sep-05 Barker. Eddie Barker 1957 Gavin Barker Sep-1986 Corey Barnes Sep-2010 Barrett. 1937 Steve Barron . Terry Bartlett 1968 Joe Barwick Oct-08 Paddy Basnett 1960 Chris Batchelor Sep-05 Bates. 1953 Jack Batty 1936 Raymond Batty 1938 Jimmy Beadle Aug-08 Beaumont. 1948 Beck. William Beck 1955 Bell. 1958 Billy Bell 1959 Gary Bell 2 Aug-1987 Gary Bell 1963 Harold Bell 1956 Leslie Bell 1983 Mark Bell 01/01/2008 Stephen Bell Sep-1995 Steven Bell (2) Jul-2002 William Bell Sep-1926 Bennett. Bentley. Sep-1926 D Bentley Jan-1990 Simon Betts Mar-2003 David Bice 1966 Colin Bickerstaff Jan-1989 Bilton . Albert Bint Apr-1932 Birbeck. Oct-1932 Bircham . Bishop. Mar-1951 Colin Bishop 1980 Craig Bishop Sep-08 Neil Bishop Jul-2004 Simon Bishop Jul-1991 Steve Bivvens Feb-1990 Bill Black 1954 John Black Feb-1986 Billy Blackford Jul-2011 Blades. 1937 Blake. 1979 Blewitt. A.G. Blight . Mickey Bloor 1974 Blott.I . Ryan Blott Feb-06 Blythe . John Blytheway . John Boagey 1969 Fred Boak 1934 Boardman. (WWII) . Bollands. 1934 Bollands.2 1959 Jackie Bolton 1954 Booth. 1938 Greg Booth Jan-2001 Richard Booth Jul-2001 John Borthwick Sep-1996 Fabien Bossy Feb-2004 Boston 1926 Paul Bottomley Jul-1998 Bottrill. 1932 Bowden 1936 Keith Bowler 1971 Bowman.1 1960 Bowman.A . David Bowman Dec-1987 Geoff Bowman Mar-1988 John Bowman Sep-1987 Peter Bowman Jan-1988 Boyes.2 1955 Scott Boyes Oct-1987 Boyes.W 1932 Boylan. Tony Boylan 1977 Boyland. Jim Bradford 1932 Bradley. 1931 Adam Bramley Jul-2001 Liam Bramley Mar-10 Breckon 1955 John Briggs Oct-1999 Peter Brine 1979 Britian.A . Britton Sep-1928 Vince Brockie Jun-1995 Kevin Bromley Mar-08 Adam Brooke . Brookes. Brookes 2 . Geoff Brooks 1982 Brooks 1937 Brookes. 1971 Michael Brough Aug-2011 Brown 1938 Brown 1954/55 Brown.2 1954 Andrew Brown Jul-2005 Benny Brown 1959 Chris Brown 1980/1 Raymond Brown 1957 Stephen Brown 1985 Wayne Brown Aug-1986 Brown.WW (WWII) . Alex Brownbridge 1960 W. Brownbridge Mar-1930 Gary Browne Oct-2003 Phil Brumwell Jul-2005 Danny Brunskill Oct-2005 Paul Buck Jan-1998 Lee Buggie Oct-2000 Bulman . Burdon. 1948 Matt Burdus 1960 Kevin Burgess Mar-08 Burke. 1930 Paul Burke 01-Mar-00 Terry Burke Jul-2001 Tom Burke Jul-05 Don Burluraux Jul-1976 Colin Burnett . Ralph Burnett 1948 Burnhope. 1935 Burns,L 1956 Burns. 1935 L. Burns 1955 Neil Burns Jul-2001 W. Burns 1955 Burridge. 1960 Jamie Burt Oct-2001 Andrew Burton Aug-2007 B. Burton . Paul Burton Jul-1988 C Butler . George Butler 1938 H. Butler 1934 John Butler 1926 John Butler Jnr 1946 R.W. Butler . Buxton (WWII) . John Bytheway 1960 Jimmy/Paddy Cain Nov-52 Matt Calvert Jul-2011 Campbell.2 1960 Andy Campbell Nov-09 David Campbell Feb-1996 Jack Campbell 1926 Paul Campbell Sep-2002 Michael Canavan 15/04/2001 Cane. 1935 Carr 1955 Colin Carr-Lawton Mar-2000 Carroll. 1956 Paddy Carroll 1950 Carter. 1932 Keith Carter 1967 Michael Carter Nov-2001 E Casey 1929 Nicky Cass Sep-1993 Cassidy 1938 Gordon Cattrell 1978 Ivor Caygill 1950 John Chamberlain 1954 Dickie Chambers Mar-1946 Charles Chaplin 1938 Chapman. 1947 Dave Chapman . Karl Charlton 23/05/2007 Ken Charlton Apr-1996 Charman . Charman 2 . Chesman . Carl Chillingsworth Aug-1998 Thomas Claisse Apr-2006 Ronnie Clare 1959 Shaun Clark Apr-10 Clarke. 1932 Clarke 1946/47 Alan Clarke 1957 Frank Clarke . Jamie Clarke Nov-2011 Wayne Clarke Mar-2007 Adam Clementson Mar-2003 Cliff. Darren Cliff . Brian Close Aug-09 Des Clough 1956 Craig Coates Jul-2002 Neil Coates Jan-1988 S Cochrane 1982 Cockerill . Trevor Cockerill 1960 Matthew Coddington Aug-1992 Codling. 1932 David Coleby 1974 Stuart Coleby 1980 Coleman. 1956 Ted Coleman Feb-1981 Colin . Alan Colledge Jul-1999 Derek Collins . Peter Collins . John Collingson Sep-2001 Bob Collis 1955 Congerton 1976 Lee Connell Oct-2000 Connelly. 1948 Billy Conroy 1934 Conway. Tommy Conway 1948 Cook. 1926 Ian Cook 1970 Mitch Cook Aug-1996 Cookson 1953 Cookson.K . Cooper. Derrick Cooper Jan-1988 Graham Cooper Sep-1986 Granville Cooper 1961 Paul Cooper Apr-1997 Copeland. 1974 Corbett. 1937 Stephen Corden Aug-1987 Joe Cornforth Feb-2011 Corr. John Coser . Cottell. 1950 Tom Courtney Feb-2011 Michael Couzens Sep-1985 Brian Cowell Jan-1988 Darren Coyne Apr-1991 Darren Craddock Jan-2004 Kenny Cramman Feb-2001 Les Crank 1968 Brian Crawley Jan-1994 Peter Anthony Creamer Aug-1981 Ian Crockett Feb-1986 Alan Crossman 1973 Maurice Crosthwaite 1969 Cummings. Alan Cunningham . Jack Curnow 1935 Percy Curnow Sep-1926 David Currie Oct-1997 Curtis. 1947 Paul Cutter 1978 Yomi Dada Mar-2004 Paul Dale Oct-1985 Ged Dalton Jun-09 Dalton. 1935 Daly 1950 WH Darby 1934 Kieran Darlow Dec-2002 Davies 1955 Davies.C 1935 Harry Davies 1975 Davis. Ashley Davis Sep-2010 Ray Davison 1954 Malcom Dawes Aug-79 A. 'Tommy' Dawson 1934 Andrew Dawson Jul-2001 Clive Dawson . Derek Dawson 1958 Stuart Dawson Jul-1999 Dayson. 1935 James Debbage Jul-07 Ken Deighton. 1954 Kenneth Dennis Jul-1988 Denny. 1927 Martin Desmond 1976 Devaney. 1935 Bob Dewhirst 1954 Gus Di Della Aug-2001 Barry Dickens 1957 Mark Dickinson Jan-1992 Robert Dickinson. 1935 Stuart Dickinson Jul-1987 Dilworth. Jim Dilworth 1975 Dominic Dimambro Oct-1986 James Dix 1926 Ben Dixon Nov-1994 Les Dixon 1950 Phil Dixon 1953 Jim Dobbin Sep-1999 Tony Dobson 1970 Dodds. Andrew Doddy Aug-1990 Doe 1965/66 Donnelly 1963 A 'Pat' Donnelly 1927 Jim Donnelly . John Donnelly 1955 Mark Donnelly Nov-1999 Donnelly.P 1927 Dooley. Jim Dooley 1931 Douglas. 1949 Phil Douglas 1954 Dove. Adam Dowell Jul-2002 Dowson Sep-1927 David Dowson 1979 Drabble . Draper . Jason Draper Sep-1994 James Drinkall Sep-2006 Ken Druery 1956 Dryden. 1957 Duckling 1955 Dukes. 1960 Harry Duncan Oct-47 Dunford. 1950 Matthew Dunford Sep-2011 Edward Dunn 1953 Matthew Dunne Mar-1927 Richard Dunning Aug-2001 Michael Dunwell Sep-1999 Neil Durkin Sep-1994 Jack Durnall. 1963 Easton. Peter Easton Aug-1985 Mark Eccles Jan-2001 Edwards. 1934 Benny Edwards 1958 Roy Edwards 1964 Richard Edwards Nov-1988 Marc Ellison Jul-2011 Rajjab Elmgaryef Jan-2002 Elstrop 1953 Embleton. 1932 Scott Emerson Jul-2002 Emmerson. 1948 Barry Emmerson 1961 Emmerson (Inside Forward) 1960 Paul Emson Nov-1991 Ben Escritt Aug-2004 Tony Escritt Jul-1979 Esson. 1938 Evans.1948 1948 Evans 1957/58 Evans.CE Nov-1926 John Ewart Aug-2000 Derek Exley Jul-1988 Michael Fagan Oct-1988 Jake Faichney Apr-2011 Craig Farnaby Nov-1990 Mike Farrell 1974 Danny Farthing Apr-2004 James Featherstone Sep-1999 T.W. Feeney 1930 Felgate 1958 Felgate. 1930 Fellows. 1949 Edgar Fellows 1957 Stuart Fellows 1978 Fenby. 1938 Fenny Nov-1937 Ferguson. 1960 Eric Ferguson . James Ferguson Jan-2001 Jimmy Fewster . Dave Finn 1962 Fisher. 1960 Fitzgibbon 1958 Flaherty 1978 Peter Flear Jan-1988 Fletcher. 1948 Fletcher.1 1937 Andrew Fletcher Aug-1997 Albert Fletcher . Graham Flockett . Neville Flounders . Darren Foreman Feb-1997 John Foreman Feb-2002 Geoff Forster Geoff Forster 2 Nov-1991 Jimmy Forster Aug-1989 Paul Forster Aug-1989 Richard Forster 07/02/2008 Forsyth. 1938 Foster 1957 Paul Foster Oct-1989 Fothergill . Ashley Fothergill Oct-1989 Charlie Fountain. 1980 Fox. 1949 Foxley. Peter Foxley 1959 John Francis Jan-1998 Frankland . George Frater 1948 Brad Freeman Mar-2010 Thomas F Freemantle 1929 Freguson.J . French. 1930 Steve French Sep-1987 Fuller 1930 Gaffney. 1953 Gage. (WWII) . J Gamble . Garbutt. 1949 Ray Garbutt 1947 Elliott Gardiner Mar-10 Ross Gardner Sep-2011 Bob Garrett 1959 Garritt. 1927 Paul Garthwaite Mar-1989 Garton. Foster Garton 1953 Sam Garvie 01/01/2008 Mark Gatenby Sep-1981 Gaughan. Peter Gaughan Oct-1988 Barry Geldart 1952 George. 1931 Gibson. Nov-52 Cyril Gibson Nov-52 H Gibson 1947/48 Ian Gibson Sep-1974 John Gibson . Steve Gibson 1979 Gilbraith 1929 Alex Gildea Jul-2001 Danny Gildea Mar-2003 Liam Gildea Feb-2004 Gary Gilding . Gill. 2 . Gill.1 1935 Gill 1964/65 Ian Gill Sep-1995 R Gill 1929 Robert Gill Jan/2005 Gittens. Colin Gittens 1978 Christopher Gofton Mar-1989 Dave Golden Jan-1996 John Gollogly Aug-1983 Jimmy Gollogy 1932 David Goodchild Mar-1995 Kenny Goodrick Jul-1992 Gordon. Oct-47 Dean Gordon Nov-07 Leslie Gordon May-89 Gorman. Sep-1930 Maurice Gormley Oct-1986 Stephen Gosling Nov-1987 Craig Gott Oct-09 Ron Gourlay 1974 Ritchie Gowen . John Grady Dec-1990 Grady.P . Graham. (WWII) . Christian Graham Sep-1999 Eddie Graham 1961 Ian Graham Dec-1986 Kevin Graham 25-Apr-2000 Peter Graham Sep-1986 Grainger.
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