A NAGAR BRAHMAN COMES TO VISIT GbeJnbia ZLLiance Field Chairman: E. F. EICHER,Akola. - Editor: PAULC. -HAA~EN,~bandhuk'. THBIN~XA &LIA~CB is ?&bli7hqdi $ thglnilia Miyion of the C. & M.A. far the purpose qs~licltingprayer and inspiring interest in missionary work jy Indih , --5 The ppe; iq partiall; &ppon~dby #re-H 'dim+ohs. A11 correspondefice should be addressed 't&il Th;? d)ti$ird;Mission ~ouse,hkola, ~arar,&adk@ k+udeih8~$l&i;or to &eEditQ;Mission HOU&, Dhandhuka>~hia&l~~~~&i&t;~dniba$ Prksiderky, Tndia. '! ' " . %..k ' J '3 ' . ': . "' 1" ' , I- JUILY, 1850 ' ' ' .i , . ,.$*, ': :$." 8 ,! .I i I x. 6' ' , ,h i' & *)', 'I HAST THOU SEEN THE CRUCIFIED? By NARAYANWAMAN TILAK Indian Poet (Marathi) Hast thou ever seen the Lord, Christ the Crucified? Hast thou seen thosf younded.han&? ,Hast+thouseen His side? ,' ../,.. ? 'el, ' Hast thou see$ th$.~@d+d$j ywep fql. Fri, cr~wh?. Hast thou, &stfhoq stkeit ~Q~@oo$$,. , drop?iog,"ddo$pibg down? Hast thou ren;,wk@thirton. L. whkhiar hudHbn so? , Hast thou seem the simnqr+qwse of.alI*Biswoe? ' ' Ha&-tho~sedn li&*~e;td,s&b, s~ffep,,thubAd'dies? Hast thou sen o? w~oxh'fi!,Idoh *%h Hid lhbgeyes? i'i 3'8 I' Hast thou ev&,,~w~9e&q$+e/$%at fl&s like t@? . Hast thou .givw ?IS,tby: lik who&, $pbe His 2 ; .: ;. , , , i ". ;:;< :,.f ;,>.jY!p. " aw~oRi~,... x, , ! ;I r , , ' \\ 7 I , . , . Myth Time k~&s?' ', ' Wherever missionaries gather in our consciousness. The feeling conference or in private conversa- seems universal that India cannot tion, this question is invariably long remain without war.
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