Great Square and 2020 On June 30 we posted an article about the Venus/Sun in the stars of Bull** and its call for a world Damascus; a realization of the new working of the Christ in humanity. This conjunction was one corner of a great square in early June which presents a powerful call from the world beings to human beings. This great square, which involves and must be seen in the context of the approaching Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at Christmas, 2020. (See posts from February and March) The interrelationships of the planets participating in this square are all sounding a preparation for this event. The square relationship (90 degree angle) is always a kind of working out of obstacles. We often say in every day speech that we are at right angles with someone. It is a Mars relationship of confrontation and challenges in need of working through.

Looking at this great square (see full image at end) we see one polarity in the Sun/Venus conjunction opposite Saturn near the heart of the Scorpion, Antares. In this picture, the call for the realization of the power of the healing transformative Word through the awakening to the new Christ experience on one side looks across and below to Saturn, the sphere which bears world karma and the great memory and purpose of all evolution. This Saturn is standing in the stars most associated with the descent of humanity into matter and separation and the consequences of the materialistic world view which rules the modern world. Saturn has journeyed through Scorpion since October, 2015 and will leave Scorpion not until November 2017. However Saturn also remembers the deed of Christ and in Scorpion the overcoming of matter in the resurrection. Scorpion bears as seed potential the power of spiritual resurrection. It is not only the image of the dragon, but the image of the Phoenix who arises from the flames of destruction. Willi Sucher presents the new image for Scorpion as no longer the eagle of the old clairvoyance which is finished, but the Dove of the Holy Spirit, the transformed soul.

This polarity is a vertical axis of a great cross. The horizontal axis is Jupiter in the Lion in the ascending node (a position which has lasted for months since Christmas, 2015, due to retrograde movements). Jupiter in the moon node was written about in the post on February 28. Opposite Jupiter stands in the stars of Waterman (Aquarius). We have already written about Jupiter carrying the impulse for expansion into the future with the development of new thinking which strives to true wisdom of the spirit. Jupiter bears within its sphere the vision of the future and the divine creative wisdom of the Kyriotetes. Standing in the Lion, Jupiter particularly expresses the challenge of the evolution of thought that has contracted into a center point, space/brain based thinking, referencing the world looking out from the center. But it also represents the need for thinking to begin to expand towards a peripheral perspective and a sense of self not as a center point, but as a greater self that includes seeing our self in the other, an expansion of our "I". There is much to be said about this Jupiter in Lion, and what kind of change in humanity is required, but we cannot take this up now. Opposite Jupiter stands Neptune in the stars of that constellation which represents the future, the 6th Cultural Age, the Aquarian Age. A study of the mission of the 6th Cultural age will reveal the nature of Aquarius, the only human figure in the zodiac circle of twelve, who will bear the living water of the gods. Neptune is one of the three outer newcomer planets. Willi Sucher describes these three outer spheres as carrying the seeds of the higher members of the human being, awaiting development. They are apart and outside the human being as developed from Saturn on. Neptune carries the potential for development of Life Spirit, the transformation of the etheric body. However, each of these three outer planets hangs in the balance. If humanity does not consciously take up its further spiritual tasks, they become tools of the adversary forces. Neptune can fall to Ahriman's service -- the chaining of life to matter, the mechanization of the spirit, and the rule of a cold and dead intellect -- the opposite of the call of Jupiter. With this in the moon nodes, we have a streaming in so to speak of this polarity in the world and the call to transformation.

So this great square or cross of two oppositions includes the two great planetary spheres: Saturn, the great bearer of cosmic memory who reminds us of our origins and our true calling from the beginning, sometimes through the apparent harshness of karmic consequences, and Jupiter, the great sphere of living thought, of true wisdom which seeks to expand and realize the will of the divine plan creatively into the future. The square between them now, particularly in the context of the oppositions discussed here, offers us a challenge which needs to be addressed in order to prepare for the meeting, the conference, of these two planets in 2020. We live in times of an immense awakening. Current events are asking humanity to come to terms with failures, obstacles and challenges of the past that could hinder the true realization of the Great Conjunction in 2020. More will be said about this Great Conjunction in the future.

** Astrosophy, as developed by Willi Sucher working with by Dr. Elizabeth Vreede, uses the astronomical unequal constellations of the zodiac, not the tropical zodiac (which does have a place) nor the Babylonian sidereal zodiac.

Jonathan Hilton