SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows

SDL Contenta 5.7

December 2018 Legal notice

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ii SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Contents

1 Before you upgrade ...... 1

Pre-upgrade procedure ...... 2

Upgrading Oracle ...... 3

2 Upgrading Contenta Client ...... 5

Performing a Silent Upgrade ...... 9

LogFile...... 10

Hiding the Default User Name in Contenta Login Screens ...... 11

Post-installation note regarding Verilk ...... 12

Post-Installation Steps for XMetaL Enterprise ...... 13

Alternate Reprise License Socket Number ...... 13

3 Upgrading the Contenta Database ...... 15

upgrade_56 ...... 16 Path to the upgrade script ...... 16 Upgrade script ...... 16 Results ...... 19

Troubleshooting ...... 20

4 Configuring Contenta Client ...... 21

Testing the SDL Contenta Software ...... 23

A Troubleshooting ...... 25

Editor Checkout, Timestamp, and Editing ...... 26

B Acknowledgments ...... 27

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows iii iv SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 1

Before you upgrade 1 Before you upgrade

These topics describes steps to be taken before you begin your Contenta Client upgrade.

Pre-upgrade procedure

Follow these steps before upgrading the Contenta Client.

Before you begin

You must upgrade the Contenta Server first. See the SDL Contenta Server Upgrade Guide for Windows topic.

Procedure 1. If upgrading a client with an Oracale database, upgrade and configure the Oracle software if needed—see the Upgrading Oracle topic. 2. See the Platform Requirements to determine the version of for the Contenta version to which you are upgrading. If a newer version of Perl is required, you must remove earlier versions of ActiveState Perl before upgrading Contenta, then follow the steps to install Perl during the upgrade.

Note: Contenta 5.7 installs Strawberry Perl in its own install location and does not support Ac- tiveState Perl. Before removing ActiveState Perl, make sure no other Software is dependent on it, for example, SDL XPP.

3. Save custom files, such as Contenta tools and scripts that may be overwritten by the upgrade. On the Contenta Client, save files such as those: • FilesinContenta_home/encaps/di/custom • Custom tools in Contenta_home/ encaps After the upgrade is complete, compare the differences between any custom files or files you modified for your environment and any new files delivered into the distr directory. If necessary, modify your custom files to include updates delivered in the newer versions of the files. 4. If unknown, find the name of the ODBC DNS (for use during the upgrade)—click Start > Admin- istrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN. 5. Run verilk on your current database using the system and verilk utility of the version of Contenta from which you are upgrading. Run verilk before upgrading your database to check and repair the parent_list, which contains information about the relationships between parent and child objects. See the SDL Contenta Administration User topics for complete information about the verilk command. 6. Run the Contenta upgrade script. For more information about the full syntax for the upgrade command, see the upgrade_56 script topic. If the upgrade command fails, contact SDL Technical Support for help. Your database may not be at the proper version to use the upgrade script. 7. Reboot your system and make sure there are no applications running, as the installation can return an error if other applications have some files locked.

2 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Before you upgrade 1

Related information

Ӎ “Upgrading Contenta Client”on page 5

Ӎ “Configuring Contenta Client”on page 21

Ӎ “Upgrading the Contenta Database”on page 15 Upgrading Oracle

If you are upgrading a client using Oracle and do not have the required Oracle Client software release and patch set installed on it, install or upgrade it before you upgrade the Contenta software.

About this task

Note: Be sure that the client is installed with the same version of Oracle software that is installed on the Oracle Server.

Procedure 1. Follow the instructions provided by Oracle to upgrade the Oracle Client software and install the appropriate Oracle patches on the Contenta Clients that are required for this SDL Contenta release. See the Platform Requirements document for information about the system requirements. Perform the upgrade as the administrator user. 2. After the Oracle Client is installed, use the Net8 Assistant to verify that a service entry exists for Oracle.

If one does not exist, use the Net Configuration Assistant to update the tnsnames.ora file. Provide the information described in the following table. See the Oracle documentation if you need additional information for this step.

Note: Use the same Service Name that was used when you installed the Oracle Server. The upgrade program does not prompt for a Service Name.

Net Configuration Assistant Add New Service Service name is user-defined. Protocol TCP/IP Host Name Name of database server on which the Contenta Oracle instance (SID) resides. Port Number Use the Oracle default port number unless otherwise instructed by your DBA. Service Name Name of the Contenta Oracle instance (SID).

3. Restart the Oracle Server system. After you upgrade Oracle Server and Client, test Oracle connectivity before continuing.

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 3 1 Before you upgrade

4 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 2

Upgrading Contenta Client 2 Upgrading Contenta Client

The upgrade program may prompt you to replace files on your system.

About this task

Answer For: Yes SDL software product files—that is, XPP software files or, if applicable, previously installed Contenta files. No Third-party software files.

On Windows clients only, you can opt to do the installation on a single client and create a response file that can be used to do a silent upgrade installation of the remaining systems. See the Performing a Silent Upgrade topic.

Note: Depending on the version of SDL Contenta that you are upgrading, and the type of database, the steps may vary. All steps that are specific to a Contenta version or type of database are prefaced with the appropriate reference. For instance, if the step is only for upgrades on a SDL Contenta 3.2 system, the step is prefaced with "Contenta 3.2 only". If your database is Oracle, the step is prefaced with "Oracle only".

Procedure 1. Log in to the client workstation as a user with administrator privileges. 2. Perform the tasks as indicated in the Before You Upgrade topic. 3. Windows only: to prevent the installer from complaining that another install is in progress, before beginning the installation, stop the Windows Installer service, reboot, and restart this service as follows: a. Display services from the Control Panel. b. Right-click on the Windows Installer service, and then click Properties. c. Click Manual in the Startup type field, and then click Stop. d. Click OK in the services window, and then reboot the system. e. After rebooting, log in as a user with administrator privileges and display the services from the Control Panel again. f. Right-click on the Windows Installer service, and then click Properties. g. Select Automatic in the Startup type field, and then click Start. 4. Mount the installation ISO file on the Web Server system using one of the methods described in the following table.

6 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Upgrading Contenta Client 2

OS Method for mounting the installation ISO file Windows Use Windows to extract the ISO to the file system or use a third party tool to mount the ISO as a disk. a. From a command prompt, type: mkdir /mount-point (where mount-point is the name of the directory where you will mount the ISO). b. Type mount -t iso9660 -o loop cdrom.iso /mount-point (Where cdrom.iso is the name of the ISO file and mount-point is the directory you just created.

Note: You cannot install the Contenta Client from a shared drive.

5. Launch the installer executable file (setup.exe on Windows, or install.bin on Linux). The installation program begins, displaying a page with general information about the installation. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Contenta, the system displays a message indicating the currently installed version and prompting you to confirm you want to continue. 6. In the Welcome window, click Next. 7. Contenta 3.2 upgrade or if Perl is not installed: in the Perl Destination window, click Next to install Perl in the default location or click Browse to choose an alternative location.

Note: The Perl path must not contain spaces (for example, do not install Perl under Program Files (x86)).

8. Select the database you are using with Contenta, and then click Next. 9. In the Contenta Server Settings window, click Next if the server or socket number has not changed. If changed, enter the new data. The default values are from the registry entries and should match the current configuration.

Field Enter: Server Node The Contenta Server name or IP address. Socket PcmPortal number running on the Server Node.

10. Click Next. 11. Oracle only: in the Oracle Home Directory window, verify or correct the path name to the version of Oracle to use with SDL Contenta, and then click OK. 12. In the Contenta Database Information window, confirm the following database information:

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 7 2 Upgrading Contenta Client

Field Enter: Database Name Default Contenta database name. ODBC DSN Contenta Administration clients only The ODBC DSN name.

See the Before You Upgrade topic. Oracle SID Contenta Administration clients only Oracle only: The SID as specified in the tnsnames.ora file.

Contenta Administration clients refers to client workstations that were installed with the Custom option for Contenta administrator users. The values entered in the Database Information window are written to the registry and assumed to be the default if not required or specified when executing some Contenta programs. See the SDL Contenta Explorer User Guide publication to specify an alternate database name or service name as an option in the Contenta Explorer application. 13. In the Contenta Web Services Base URL window, specify the URL for your Contenta Web server. The value entered here is written to the Windows registry and read by WS applications and Perl wrappers. 14. Click Next. 15. If upgrading a user workstation (non-administration client), skip to Step 17. If upgrading a Contenta Administration client, in the Setup License Server window, enter:

Field Enter: Server Name Server name or IP address This is the server where the license file resides. Server Socket Port number The default port number is 5053.

Note: this is not the PcmPortal number. If not using the default socket number, after installing see the Alternate Reprise License Socket Number topic.

Click Next. 16. When the installation is complete, if you are prompted to reboot your system click Yes, I want to restart my computer now. SDL recommends that you reboot your system after upgrading the software.

Note: If the Perl install fails, check the log file for errors. The log file location is located at Windows_home/Temp/Sperl.log.

17. Post-installation notes:

8 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Upgrading Contenta Client 2

• Using OCI or ODBC versions of verilk: See the Hiding the default user name in Contenta login screens topic. • If Contenta Server and Contenta Client are installed on the same machine, update the registry before you continue. See the Configuring Contenta Client topic. • GlobalEd and Arbortext Editor: If you are using Globaled, and PTC Arbortext Editor was installed before you installed/upgraded Contenta, open the _main.acl file with a text editor and remove the lines appended by the Contenta install/ upgrade as noted. These lines source ACL files that are used exclusively by the Contenta Arbortext tool. The code in these sourced ACL files conflict with ACL used by Globaled. To configure Arbortext properly for use with GlobalEd in Contenta, open the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arbortext\packages\_main.acl. Remove all lines (that source the EpicEdit*.cmd files) between and including the comments shown below.

#XyEnterprise EpicEdit Client Entries. #XyEnterprise EpicEdit Client Entries.

If you are using the Arbortext tool you cannot have allowTouchup set to no in the .dcf file of any document type that you plan to edit with the Contenta Arbortext tool.

Note: If the user checks out a Contenta document that uses a doctype where allowTouchup is set to no, the user sees the error below. Global users should never see this message. If they do, they need to follow the step above that explains how to edit the _main.acl file.

Because allowTouchup is set to no in the .dcf file for this doctype, this document is "read only". In order to edit documents of this doctype you must edit the .dcf file setting allowTou- chup and change it to yes. • After upgrading a Contenta Administration Client workstation, upgrade your Contenta data- base to the current software revision. See the Upgrading the Contenta Database topic. • Complete the Contenta Client configuration tasks, then verify the installation using procedures in the Configuring Contenta Client topic.

Related information

Ӎ “Pre-upgrade procedure”on page 2 Performing a Silent Upgrade

The typical use of silent installers involves preparing and testing a first install on a single machine that is representative of machines to be updated on the network. The installer is run in interactive mode and the output is captured to a response file.

Note: Silent installs are available on Windows clients only.

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 9 2 Upgrading Contenta Client

For silent install to execute successfully, all of the machines must be identical to the machine where the response file was generated. The response file contains the required responses to the installation prompts. InstallShield can create a Setup.iss response file for you. Refer to the procedure for Upgrading Contenta Client but run the installation from the command line using the Setup.exe /r command-line parameter (for example, Setup.exe /r /f1C:\Temp\Setup.iss).

InstallShield records your installation choices in Setup.iss and places the file in the Windows folder. After the response file has been created and tested, your IT administrator can use a network utility to execute the installation in silent mode over the network to like machines. Provide the IT administrator with the Setup.exe /s command line and response file. By default: • the installation is run based on the responses contained in the response file named Setup.iss located in the same directory. • the log file Setup.log is created in the same directory and with the same file name (without the extension) as the response file.

Parameter Description /f1 Use to specify the response file name and path.

For example: Setup.exe /s /f1C:\Temp \Setup.iss.

The /f1 option is available both when creating a response file (Setup.exe /r) and/or when using a response file (Setup.exe /s). /f2 Use to specify an alternative log file name and path.

For example: Setup.exe /s /f2C: \Setup.log See the Log File topic for more information about the contents of the log file.

Note: • Try to avoid using the spaces in the file name paths. • Specify the file name using an absolute and full path (using a relative path gives unpredictable results). • Do not use a space between the parameter and the path/filename.

Log File

Setup.log is the default name for the silent setup log file that contains the results of the last run of a silent setup. This file is saved in the same location as the recorded .iss file. The result code shown in the file is one of the following:

10 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Upgrading Contenta Client 2

0 Success. -1 General error.

-2 Invalid mode.

-3 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file.

-4 Not enough memory available.

-5 File does not exist.

-6 Cannot write to the response file.

-7 Unable to write to the log file.

-8 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response file.

-9 Not a valid list type (string or number).

-10 Data type is invalid.

-11 Unknown error during setup.

-12 Dialog boxes are out of order.

-51 Cannot create the specified folder.

-52 Cannot access the specified file or folder.

-53 Invalid option selected.

Errors usually occur because a specified command line switch is invalid or the .iss file was manually edited incorrectly. Hiding the Default User Name in Contenta Login Screens

By default, Contenta login screens display a default user name. For added security, you may choose to not display this default user name. However, this would force end users to enter the user name them- selves each time they log in.

About this task To suppress the default user name, do the following:

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 11 2 Upgrading Contenta Client

Procedure 1. In Content Explorer, open AppData by clicking Tools > Options > Tool Preferences. 2. Click Global > Settings.

Note: this setting may be set globally only - it cannot be set on a per-user basis.

3. Click Display. 4. Click Insert. 5. In the Value Name field, enter EnableDefaultUserName. 6. In the Value Data field, enter no. 7. For Contenta Explorer users, in the Windows registry, remove the following keys: • \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\XyEnterprise\Content@\Settings\Startup\ Username • \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\XyEnterprise\Content@\Settings\Startup\User- name 8. For Contenta Web users, delete browser cookies. For example, in Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options > Delete > Cookies.

Post-installation note regarding Verilk

Administration clients only: The Contenta Client installer installs both OCI and ODBC versions of Verilk. The OCI version works only with Oracle 12.

If you selected this database type: This was installed: Oracle 12 The OCI version of Verilk was installed as verilk.exe.

The ODBC version of Verilk was installed as verilk _ODBC.exe.

Oracle 11g Release 2 The OCI version of Verilk was installed as verilk_ 12c_OCI.exe. The ODBC version of Verilk was installed as verilk.exe.

SQL Server The OCI version of Verilk was installed as verilk_ 12c_OCI.exe. The ODBC version of Verilk was installed as verilk.exe.

12 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Upgrading Contenta Client 2

Post-Installation Steps for XMetaL Enterprise

If you use XMetaL Enterprise, do the following after you have upgraded the Contenta client.

Procedure 1. At a command prompt, navigate to the encaps\ XmetalEdit\ Macros\ subdirectory of your Contenta_home directory. 2. Run the setupXmetalENTmcr. pl script from this location. This ensures that the correct SDL delivered macro files are in the StartUp\ subdirectory of your XMetaL_home directory.

Alternate Reprise License Socket Number

If you do not use the default port number for the Reprise license server, you must edit the license file and change the line beginning with HOST.

On the license server, in the C:\Program Files (x86)\XyEnterprise\SDL_License directory, edit the license file and replace 5053 with the server socket number. For example, if the port is 5055 and the server is rosie:

Change HOST rosie 0150668a3476 5053 to HOST rosie 0150668a3476 5055.

Note: Do not change the number after the server name. In the example above it is 0150668a3476. This is an encrypted number associated with your Server ID and if changed, the license file will be invalid.

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 13 2 Upgrading Contenta Client

14 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 3

Upgrading the Contenta Database 3 Upgrading the Contenta Database

After you upgrade the Contenta Server and one Contenta administration client workstation, you must upgrade each Contenta database.

Perform the following procedure on a Contenta Administration client workstation to convert the database to the current SDL Contenta software version. Contenta Core customers who use LinkManager must also run the ResetLinkendSequence. pl script, or the INSERT SQL query to linkends table may fail. Refer to the Database Maintenance Commands topic under SDL Contenta Administration in the Using SDL Contenta section of this documentation.

Note: A Contenta administration client workstation is one that was installed with the custom option and has the program files in the Contenta/bin directory, allowing you to manage the system and database (such as creating, dropping, or copying a database, and checking and/or clearing user sessions, and so on.)

Note the following for upgrading your database based on the version from which you upgraded your SDL Contenta software then continue with the steps that follow.

If upgrading the Contenta product from versions 5.0 through 5.5 to version 5.7, you must run upgrade_ 56 script to upgrade your database.

Note: There is no database upgrade for Contenta 5.7.

Related information

Ӎ “Pre-upgrade procedure”on page 2 upgrade_56

The following describes the syntax and switches for the upgrade script.

Path to the upgrade script

The following is the path to the upgrade script.


Upgrade script

The following describes the upgrade command and its parameters.

The full syntax of the command can be obtained from the command line by entering the command without parameters.

*** Usage: upgrade_56.exe –dbase dbasename [-logfile ]

16 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Upgrading the Contenta Database 3

*** [-sid ] *** [-dba -dbapwd ] *** [-S ] *** [-markforindex <0|1> -solrserver ] *** solropts: [-solrprotocol (default http)] *** [-solrport (default 8983)] *** [-solrcollection default "collectionSDL_Contenta_Sample"]

Some upgrade parameters are always required, and some are required only if certain others are specified. Others are always optional. The following table describes the upgrade parameters and their syntax.

Parameter Description Basic upgrade parameters: –dbase databasename Required. The name of the database to be upgraded, in one of the following formats: • On Windows: databasename@ODBC_DSN • On : databasename@SID where ODBC_DSN is the database DSN name and SID is the Oracle Server Identifier. –sid serverid Required only for an Oracle database on Windows Specify the Oracle Server Identifier of the database server. –logfile path Optional. Specify an alternate path and filename for the logfile that is created when you upgrade.

If this parameter is omitted, the log file is created in same directory with utilityname.log. –dba dbauser and –dbapwd dbapassword Required if any Solr parameters are specified and the Crawler tables are not yet created. Specify the Oracle database administrator username and password.

If these parameters are omitted when required, the upgrade will fail with an error.

Note: You do not need to include the –dba and –dbapwd parameters or any of the Solr parameters that follow if Solr indexing is working properly for your pre-upgrade database. No changes to the Solr/Crawler AppData settings are made by the install program when these parameters are omitted.

–S SQLServerNamedInstance Required only for an MSSQL Server database. Specify the MSSQL Server named instance. Solr parameters:

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 17 3 Upgrading the Contenta Database

Parameter Description –markforindex x Optional. Specify 1 (true) to mark the database to be indexed, or 0 (false) to mark the database to not be indexed. This value can be changed later using the Contenta AppData editor. If this parameter or its argument is omitted and the –solrserver switch is used, then: • If the MARK_DB_FOR_INDEX AppData value exists, its value remains unchanged. • If the MARK_DB_FOR_INDEX AppData value does not exist and one or more Solr parameter is supplied, it is created and its value set to false. –solrserver servername Required if any of the following parameters are specified: • –solrprotocol • –solrport • –solrcollection Specify the servername, which is the hostname of the server on which Solr is running. You can specify an IP address, server name, or URL. For example: • –solrserver • –solrserver localhost • –solrserver If this parameter or its argument is omitted, then: • If the URL AppData value exists, its value remains unchanged. • If the URL AppData value does not exist, it is created without a value. SDL recommends that you specify a value for this parameter even when not required to ensure that the Solr URL is properly configured. –solrprotocol protocol Optional. Specify the protocol (http or https) for the Solr URL. The default value is http. –solrport port number Optional. Specify the port number on which Solr is running. The default value is 8983. –solrcollection collection name Optional. Specify the name of the Solr collection. The default value is collectionSDL_Contenta_ Sample.

18 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Upgrading the Contenta Database 3

Note: The Solr parameters are used primarily to configure the URL used to access Solr collection data. This URL is stored in the URL AppData value, which you can manually edit after the upgrade. SDL recommends that you review the Solr-related AppData settings after the upgrade to ensure they are properly configured. Refer to Configuring Search under SDL Contenta Administration in the Using SDL Contenta section of this documentation for more information.


The following is an example of the usage of the upgrade command and its parameters for a database named trucks.

upgrade_55.exe -dbase trucks -logfile trucks.log -dba system -dbapwd D0ntW@atchM3 –markforindex 1 -solrserver localhost -solrprotocol http -solrport 8983 -solrcollection collectionTrucks

Each Contenta database contains a set of AppData configurations that are read by the Contenta Server and programs like Crawler. Some of the upgrade parameters affect these configurations.


Based on the parameters specified in the previous example, the following AppData name/value pairs are set for the for the database named trucks.

AppData Key Path Name Value {Global} Collections MARK_DB_FOR_INDEX true RETRY false {Global} Collections/ URL http://localhost:8983/ collectionTrucks solr/#/collectionTrucks {Global} Collections/col- STATUS_REPORTING true lectionTrucks/All_Configs


The following Solr URL will be set for indexing and searching the data.

Solr url=http://localhost:8983/solr/ collectionSDL_Contenta_Sample" continue upgrade? [Yes/No] Yes

The full syntax can be obtained from the command line by entering the command with no switches—for example: upgrade_56.

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 19 3 Upgrading the Contenta Database

upgrade_56 -dbase dbasename@[ODBC_DSN] [-dba dbauser -dbapwd dbapassword][- xyadminpwd xyadminpassword] [-S SQLServerNamedInstance] -logfile file_name -markforindex true -solrserver solr_server_name -solrprotocol -solrport 0 -solrcollection my_collection

See the Upgrade script topic for details about command line arguments for the upgrade script. Troubleshooting

The following are typical errors that may occur when you run the Contenta database upgrade program. If the program errors with any of the following messages, refer to the information below about how to resolve the problem.

Problem: The database upgrade program errors with the message that the XYV_PDM_DBTYPE is not set.

Resolution: Set the variable on the command line then enter the upgrade command (from the same command line).

If your database is: To set the variable, enter: Oracle set XYV_PDM_DBTYPE=oracle MSSQL set XYV_PDM_DBTYPE=MSSQL

Problem: The database upgrade program errors with the message You need to specify @ or set XYV_PDM_ODBC_DSN. Resolution: Set the variable on the command line then enter the upgrade command (from the same command line). set XYV_PDM_ODBC_DSN=ODBC_DNS_name.

If unknown, confirm the ODBC_DNS_name by clicking

Start > Administrative ToolData Sources (ODBC) > System DSN.

20 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 4

Configuring Contenta Client 4 Configuring Contenta Client

Complete the configuration tasks before you execute the newly installed Contenta Explorer software.

About this task After you install SDL Contenta, you must complete the installation by either modifying your site’s existing files, or moving or renaming the upgrade-delivered files to the appropriate folders.

Procedure 1. Compare Contenta_home\ encaps\ di\ custom\ totheupgrade-deliveredfile Contenta_home\encaps\di\ 2. Edit the Contenta_home\ encaps\ di\ custom\ file, if necessary, to include changes delivered by the upgrade. 3. DeleteorrenameContenta_home\encaps\di\ 4. Comparethe Contenta_home\ encaps\ di\ custom\ CustomCallbacks. pm filetotheupgrade- deliveredfileContenta_home\encaps\di\ 5. Editthe Contenta_home\ encaps\ di\ custom\ CustomCallbacks. pm fileifnecessarytoinclude changes delivered by the upgrade. 6. DeleteorrenameContenta_home\encaps\di\ 7. If upgrading from pre-Contenta 5.3 and you will be using the EnableDefaultUserName AppData setting to prevent the default username from being displayed in the Contenta Explorer (and Contenta Web) login screen. Remove two keys from the Windows registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/XyEnterprise/Content@/Settings/Startup/Username HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/XyEnterprise/Content@/Settings/Startup/Username For information on how to implement this optional security feature, see the Application preferences in AppData topic in the Installing or Upgrading SDL Contenta Web for Windows and UNIX Systems section of this documentation. 8. If your site uses Microsoft SQL Server, set the MSSQL_HOME system environment variable on the client machine to the full path to the MS SQL Server installation, such as C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC4.

Important: This environment variable is used to resolve SQLCMD.EXE pathing and must be set before running the database maintenance scripts on the client machine.

9. Core SDL Contenta only (sites not using SDL Contenta S1000D). a. Rename the Contenta_home\ encaps\ di\ digui.cfg file to save any customization or changes made before generating the file in the next step. b. In the Contenta Explorer application, execute Dynamic Import to generate a new digui.cfg file.

Note: When you execute Dynamic Import the first time, and before completing this step, the tool displays the message A distribution config has been found.... Click OK to continue.

c. Compare the newly generated Contenta_home\ encaps\ di\ digui.cfg file to your site’s previous (custom) digui.cfg file—this is the one that you renamed (above).

22 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Configuring Contenta Client 4

If necessary, edit your site’s custom file to include any updates included in the delivered Contenta_home\ encaps\ di\ digui.cfg file and rename it to digui.cfg. d. Verify that paths and applications for viewxml and viewsgml tools are correct for your site and configuration. 10. After you install and configure Contenta Client, see the SDL Contenta Editor tools user section of the Contenta documentation for additional information about configuring and using the editor software.

Note: If you install or upgrade Arbortext Editor, FrameMaker, or XMetaL software on a Contenta client after upgrading Contenta software, you will need to (re)configure the editor to work with Contenta. See the SDL Installing Contenta Client on Windows topic in this documentation for instructions. The Installing Third-Party Editor Software topic includes a section Configuring Editor Software that is Installed after Contenta is Installed.

Note: Before you import data with Dynamic Import for use with Arbortext Editor, you must check the AppData value that is set in Contenta_home/Encaps/ di/ digui.cfg. See the Using Contenta Editor Tools section of this documentation for a description of this change.

Related information

Ӎ “Pre-upgrade procedure”on page 2 Testing the SDL Contenta Software

After completing both the Contenta Server and Contenta Client upgrades, follow these steps to ensure your installation is working properly.

About this task If you encounter errors with any of the following tests, see the Troubleshooting topic to resolve the issue. See the SDL Contenta Administration topics for a description of the commands used in this procedure. Follow these procedures on a Contenta Client system on which you installed Contenta administration tool. This is a system on which you performed a Custom installation.

Procedure 1. Log in as sysadmin.

The upgrade program resets the sysadmin password, so you must use the password manager the first time you log in. You can change the password back to the site-specific sysadmin password after you log in. See the SDL Contenta Administration topics in the Contenta documentation for detailed information about the programs noted in the next steps. The programs are located and should be run from the Contenta_home/bin directory. 2. List the databases using 3. Create a new database using

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 23 4 Configuring Contenta Client

The program writes a series of messages to the screen while creating the database. If the creation fails, an error message is written to the screen. 4. Execute the Contenta Administration tool pcmadmin for the database you created. 5. Execute the program to export the database you created. 6. Execute the program to import the database you exported. 7. Execute Contenta Explorer with the database you created and the database you imported. 8. Core Contenta only (sites not using SDL Contenta DITA or SDL Contenta S1000D): In Contenta Explorer, click Tools > Dynamic Import to verify the tool executes, then exit the Dynamic Import tool. 9. Exit Contenta Explorer. If you complete these activities successfully, your SDL Contenta upgrade is configured properly.

24 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows A

Troubleshooting A Troubleshooting

The following describes a typical problem that may be encountered when checking in content.

Editor Checkout, Timestamp, and Editing

The following issue may occur when checking in content.

Issue: Edit changes are not saved when the files are checked in, history is not modified to reflect the edit. Messages indicate that the save was successful.

Reported for: FrameBook and XMetaL tools. True for all editor checkin/checkout tools.

Technical Explanation: In the EntIdMap file written in the checkout directory with each document checked out, the GetDoc adapter stores the system time where the Adapter is running, typically the client. GetDoc creates one file (chunk) for each object exported. The checked out files are saved with the timestamp of the system where the files are written. The PutDoc adaptersˉ compare the time stored in the EntIdMap to the file stamp time of the file chunks. Some editors use a GetDoc adapter that “concatenates”the file chunks into a single document and a corresponding PutDoc adapter that splits the document into file chunks during the check in process. Only the chunks that were modified (or newly created) are written back to the file system. When the system time on the client computer where the adapters are running does not match the system time of the host computer where the mapped drives are installed, edit changes may never be saved or may always be saved.

Resolution: Time sync the host computer drive and the Contenta client system(s) that use those drives. There is systemˉ software available to keep computers on a network synchronized so that they all have the exact same system time.

If you use mapped drives, be certain to ensure the time on your clients is synchronized with the time on the host system(s) that contains your checkout directories. If the time is not the same, edits may not be saved (or may always be saved).

Contenta does not detect this problem and does not display an error message; message is that files were checked in successfully. ˉ

26 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows B

Acknowledgments B Acknowledgments

SDL Contenta includes open source or similar third-party software.

ActiveState ActivePerl ActivePerl is the industry-standard, commercial-grade Perl distribution used by millions of developers around the world for easy Perl installation and quality-assured code. Adobe FrameMaker Adobe FrameMaker is an XML editor for structured authoring. Apache Commons Codec Apache Commons Codec (TM) software provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs. Apache Commons FileUpload The Commons FileUpload package makes it easy to add robust, high-performance, file upload capability to your servlets and web applications. Apache Commons Logging The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging implementations. A library that uses the commons-logging API can be used with any logging implementation at runtime. Commons-logging comes with support for a number of popular logging implementations, and writing adapters for others is a reasonably simple task. Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards. Apache Log4j Apache Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback's architecture. Apache Lucene, SOLR The Apache Lucene™ project develops open-source search software. Arbortext PTC Arbortext is an XML editor for structured authoring. DWR (Direct Web Remoting) DWR is a Java library that enables Java on the server and JavaScript in a browser to interact and call each other as simply as possible. ICU (International Components for Unicode) ICU is a mature, widely used set of C/C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support for software applications. ICU is widely portable and gives applications the same results on all platforms and between C/C++ and Java software. InstallAnywhere InstallAnywhere is the leading multi-platform development solution for application producers who need to deliver a professional and consistent cross installation experience for physical, virtual and cloud environments. From a single project file and build environment, InstallAnywhere creates reliable installations for on-premises platforms - Windows, Linux, Apple OS X, Solaris, AIX , HP-UX, and IBM

28 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Acknowledgments B

iSeries - and enables you to take existing and new software products to a virtual and cloud infrastructure. InstallShield Flexera InstallShield delivers a seamless user install, allowing you to develop MSI and EXE installers, and create Windows Server App and MSIX packages with minimal scripting, coding and rework. jacORB The free Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA standard. JDOM JDOM's mission: to provide a complete, Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data from Java code. jQuery jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. jQuery Splitter A splitter plugin for jQuery. jQuery UI jQuery UI is a set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. jQuery.jstree jsTree is a jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. jsTree is easily extendable, themable and configurable, it supports HTML & JSON data sources, AJAX & async callback loading. “JustSystems XMetaL” on page 2 JustSystems XMetaL is an XML editor for structured authoring. LDAP C SDK The C LDAP Application Program Interface Internet Draft defines a set of API functions that you can use to build LDAP-enabled clients. The functionality implemented in this SDK closely follows the interfaces outlined in the Internet Draft, which should become an RFC someday. Using the function- ality provided with this SDK, you can enable your clients to connect to LDAPv3-compliant servers and perform standard LDAP functions. Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer is a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included in the line of operating systems, starting in 1995. Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server is a SQL-based relational database management system designed for use in corporate applications, both on premises and in the cloud. Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable These are packages which install run-time components required to run C++ applications built in Visual Studio.

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 29 B Acknowledgments

Microsoft Visual Studio (C++) Microsoft Visual Studio is a fully featured IDE for Android, iOS, Windows, web, and cloud MKS Toolkit PTC MKS Toolkit for Developers, the award winning and industry-leading Windows / UNIX interoper- ability solution, dramatically improves the compatibility between Windows and UNIX environments. Omnimark OmniMark allows developers to build efficient content conversion pipelines that support the rapid insertion of multiple content filter elements without loss of processing speed. OpenSSL OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library. Oracle DB Oracle Database is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Oracle Java Java offers developers a contemporary language and platform to create the next generation of rich, scalable, and secure enterprise applications. Purify PurifyPlus™ software is a set of dynamic software analysis tools that help you improve application reliability and performance. PurifyPlus software offers memory debugging, memory leak detection, performance profiling, and code coverage analysis. PurifyPlus helps you locate errors in your code, identify performance bottlenecks as well as untested code, and analyze each component even those without source code. Red Hat Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform delivers an integrated foundation to create, deploy, and scale a secure and reliable public or private OpenStack cloud. Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform combines the world's leading enterprise Linux and the fastest-growing cloud infrastructure platform to give you the agility to scale and quickly meet customer demands without compromising on availability, security, or performance. Reprise License Manager The Reprise License Manager (RLM) is a flexible and easy-to-use license manager with the power to serve enterprise users, and it comes to you from the creators of FLEXlm. Stingray Studio Stingray Studio provides tools for developing complex GUI applications that are easy to build, maintain, and evolve as new technologies improve the look and feel of user interfaces. Strawberry Perl Strawberry Perl is a perl environment for MS Windows containing all you need to run and develop perl applications. It is designed to be as close as possible to perl environment on UNIX systems. Windows Microsoft Windows is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.

30 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows Acknowledgments B

Xalan-Java Xalan-Java is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. It implements XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 and can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module in other program. Xerces-C++ Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. Xerces Java Parser The Xerces Java Parser 1.4.4 supports the XML 1.0 recommendation and contains advanced parser functionality, such as support for the W3C's XML Schema recommendation version 1.0, DOM Level 2 version 1.0, and SAX Version 2, in addition to supporting the industry-standard DOM Level 1 and SAX version 1 APIs.

SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows 31 B Acknowledgments

32 SDL Upgrading Contenta Client on Windows